

Aisino 服务器产品

Aisino 服务器产品

应用环境 •企业商务应用 •政府电子政务 •教育科研远程教育
•Floppy •50X CD-ROM
Aisino 5250R
• 双路, 2U机架式
•2个PCI-E x4 (半高) •2个PCI-E x4(全高) •1个100MHz PCI-X(全高)
•专用1+0电源 •系统散执风扇
•两个PS/2接口 •两个串口(RJ45、DB-9 ) •一个显示接口 •电源接口
•2个Intel 10/100/1000网卡 •支持Teaming •RJ45
•Intel 3000 Chipset,1066MHz FSB •支持一个Intel® E6XXX、3XXX、 9XX、8XX等系列处理器 •2个RJ45网卡接品 •两个USB接口 •一个串口 •一个VGA接口(16M显存) •2个PS/2接口 •一个电源接口
• 双路, 1U机架式
•可提供一个PCI-X扩展槽 •2个Intel 10/100/1000以及网卡 •支持Teaming •RJ45 •Intel 5000V Chipset,1333MHz FSB •支持两个Intel® XEON 53XX、 54XX系列四核处理器 •8/12M二级高速缓存
•二个RJ45网卡接品 •二个USB接口 •一个串口 •一个VGA接口(16M显存) •二个PS/2接口 •一个电源接口 •标准1U服务器专用电源 •最大输出功率650W •六个DIMM插槽,双通道 •支持FBDIMM 内存 •最大支持8GB •系统散执风扇
•2个10/100/1000网卡 •RJ45,支持Teaming
•8个DIMM插槽,四通道 •支持FBDIMM 内存 •最大支持32GB
•Intel 5000P Chipset, 1333MHz FSB •两个Intel® XEON 53XX、 54XX系列四核处理器 •支持5块热拔插SAS硬盘 •支持RAID 0、1、10 •可选RAID 5等



SD7 40
CPU_D14 3
SD8 39
CPU_D15 4
SD9 36
SD10 35
SD11 34
SD12 33
SD13 32
SD14 31
SD15 30
5 6 7 8
R28 10uF
470pF 2.49K
Power 3.3V 0.1uF (red LED)
4.7K R27 4.7K R29
GBLC03C_0 D3
VR 5 3.3VA
INTRN 4.7K R30
VOUT = 1.24 X [ 1 + ( 2.49k/ 1.5K ) ]
KSZ8851-16MLL (48-pin) Demo Board Black Diagram
Headers 20x2
25 MHz



200A6 200D6 203D6 DAP02A DAP08A DAP02ALSZ 通用
BENQ 71G+ 1200AP40 直插 1200AP10 1200AP60
AOC 712SI EA1532A贴片
三星型号忘记 DM0565R
优派型号忘记 TOP245YN
LG型号忘记 FAN7601
飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz 贴片(2楼说的)
LG型号忘记 FAN7601 可以用LAF0001代
飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz=sg6841
HP17驱动高压电源全一体 SG5841SZ贴片,可用SG6841DZ 代用。

联想后来出的像IBM的17的,SG6841DZ 可用SG6841D代用(我亲自试过的)
三星型号忘记 DM0565R(有好几款都采用这一个PWM IC的)三星型号忘记 DM0465R(我记得还有这么一款的,
SG6841DZ 贴片很多机器上用到
SG5841SZ 贴片用SG6841DZ可以代用,
DAP8A 与203D6可代用(我没试过)

MT6071 8071 8101iE Series HMI安装与启动指南说明书

MT6071 8071 8101iE Series HMI安装与启动指南说明书

Installation and Startup GuideThis document covers the installation of MT6071/8071/8101iE Series HMI, for the detailed specifications and operation, please refer to Brochure and EasyBuilder Pro User Manual. Install Environment:NEMA Rating The HMI product is NEMA 4 rated (Indoor Only).Electrical EnvironmentThe HMI product has been tested to conform to European CE requirements. This means that the circuitry is designed to resist the effects of electrical noise. This does not guarantee noise immunity in severe cases. Proper wire routing and grounding will insure proper operation.Environmental Considerations(1) Make sure that the displays are installed correctly and that the operatinglimits are followed. Avoid installing units in environments where severe mechanical vibration or shocks are present.(2)Do not operate the unit in areas subject to explosion hazards due toflammable gases, vapors or dusts. MT8071iE is certified in accordance with ATEX zone 2/22 categories 3 G/D. The unit has to be installed in an additional enclosure ensuring a minimal protection level for 3G/Dequipment. The enclosure equipped with the unit has to be certified and shouldn’t be opened when an explosive atmosphere is present. (3) Do not install the unit where acid gas, such as SO2 exists.(4) This device should be mounted in the vertical position and for use on the flatsurface enclosure.(5) Conform to UL508 (ISBN 0-7629-0404-6) machine safety for use inPollution Degree 2 Environment.Unpacking the UnitUnpack and check the delivery. If damage is found, notify the supplier.Installation InstructionsSecure the operator panel in position, using all the fastening holes and the provided bracketsand screws. Screw Torque: 2.6 ~ 3.9 (For reaching waterproof effect and preventing the panel from being deformed.)Type A(mm) B(mm) MT6071/8071iE192 138 MT8101iE260202USB Stick Clamp UsageCombining the USB Stick with the clamp and the tying strap can prevent USB stick from disconnecting with HMI when strong vibration is present.1. Insert the USB connector to the clamp and tie them together with the tying strap.2. Press the spring and insert the USB stick into HMI.Power ConnectionsMT6071/8071/8101iE seriesInstallation InstructionNOTE:Place the operator panel on a stable surface during installation. Dropping it or letting it fall may cause damage.NOTE:1. Conne ct positive DC line to the ‘+’ terminal and the DC ground to the ‘-’ terminal.2. When using a USB cable to download project file, please do not connect HMI with PLC and PC simultaneously to prevent potential difference from destroying USB ports of HMI and PC.(A)(B)Cutout3 4 (1)(2)(3)(5) (4) (6)(1) Installation Instruction, 2-sided A4 *1(2) Human Machine Interface *1(3) Power Connector *1(4) Brackets & Screws *1 pack (5) USB Stick Clamp & Tying Strap *1(6) Fuse 1.25A/250V 5*20mm *11 2System SettingsWhen HMI is powered up and displays image,click the system setting button.(Default System Password: 111111)It is necessary to connect the HMI toyour network through a RJ-45 cable.(N/A for MT6071iE)EasyBuilder Pro Software SettingsLaunch EasyBuilder Pro software, select yourproject file, press F7 shortcut key to openthe download dialog box:Select Ethernet > IP tab > Enter your HMI IP> Click Download to download this projectfile to HMI.If use MT6071iE, please select USB cable.( Please refer to EasyBuilder Pro User Manualfor software operation details )Communication ConnectionsCOM1 [RS232] 9 Pin, Male, D-sub COM2 / COM3 [RS485] 9 Pin, Female, D-subDIP SW Settings Limited WarrantyThis product is limited warranted against defects in design and manufacture.The proven defective product will either be repaired or replaced, at Weintek’s discretion.This warranty shall not cover any product which is(a) Out of warranty period which is 12 months from the manufacturing month of the HMI products.(b) Damage caused by Force Majeure, accident, negligence, improper installation or misuse.(c) Product has been repaired or taken apart by unauthorized technicians.(d) Products whose identification markings have been removed or damaged.PIN# COM1 [RS232]12 RxD3 TxD45 GND67 RTS8 CTS9PIN#COM2[RS485]2wCOM2[RS485]4wCOM3[RS485]1 Data- Rx-2 Data+ Rx+3 Tx-4 Tx+5 GND6 Data-789 Data+SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 ModeON OFF OFF OFF Touch Screen Calibration ModeOFF ON OFF OFF Hide HMI System Setting BarOFF OFF ON OFF Boot Loader ModeOFF OFF OFF ON Not supportedOFF OFF OFF OFF Normalanywhere on the screen for more than 2 seconds when HMI starts.NOTE:COM2 and COM3 [RS485] 2W support MPI 187.5K, please use one at one time.Go to the Network tab, you may chooseto auto get DHCP IP, or designate yourown IP.678PowerThe unit can be powered by DC power only, voltage range: 24±20% Volts DC, compatible withmost controller DC systems. The power conditioning circuitry inside the unit is accomplished by aswitching power supply. The peak starting current can be as high as 2A.FusingRequire-mentsIf the display does not come on within 5 seconds of power up, remove power. An internal fuse willprevent damage if the polarity of the DC power is incorrect. Check wiring for proper connectionsand try to power up again.HighVoltageAn Internal fuse will prevent damage for overcurrent condition however it isn’t guaranteed. DCvoltage sources should provide proper isolation from main AC power and similar hazards.EmergencyStopA Hard-wired EMERGENCY STOP should be fitted in any system using HMI to comply with ICSSafety Recommendations.SupplyVoltageConditionDo not power the unit and inductive DC loads, or input circuitry to the controller, with the samepower supply. Note: The 24 VDC output from some controllers may not have enough current topower the unit.WireRoutinga. Power wire length should be minimized (Max: 500m shielded, 300m unshielded).b. Please use twisted pair cables for power wire and signal wire and conform to the impedancematching.c. If wiring is to be exposed to lightning or surges, use appropriate surge suppression devices.d. Keep AC, high energy, and rapidly switching DC power wiring separated from signal wires.e. Add a resistor and capacitor in the parallel connection between the ungrounded DC powersupply and the frame ground. This provides a path for static and high frequency dissipation.Typical values to use are 1M Ohm and 4700pF.CAUTIONNOTE: Make sure that all local and national electrical standards are met wheninstalling the unit. Contact your local authorities to determine which codes apply.HardwareConsiderationsThe system designer should be aware that devices in Controller systems could fail and therebycreate an unsafe condition. Furthermore, electrical interference in an operator interface can lead toequipment start-up, which could result in property damage and/or physical injury to the operator.If you use any programmable control systems that require an operator, be aware that this potentialsafety hazard exists and take appropriate precautions. Although the specific design steps depend onyour particular application, the following precautions generally apply to installation of solid-stateprogrammable control devices, and conform to the guidelines for installation of Controllersrecommended in NEMA ICS 3-304 Control Standards.ProgrammingConsiderationsTo conform with ICS Safety Recommendations, checks should be placed in the controller to ensurethat all writable registers that control critical parts of plant or machinery have limit checks built intothe program, with an out-of-limit safe shut down procedure to ensure safety of personnel.GME6871E0_MT6071_8071_8101iE1_Installation_160722DANGER5。



海信锁定菜单通用密码汇总1.A12机芯(LA76810)通用密码: 7681 代表机型:TC1423 TC2175G TC2181F TC2961L TC2588D/L TC2199/D/M/A TF2110D等2.LA76818机芯通用密码:7688代表机型:TC1418H TC2102H TC2188H TC2502H/06H TC2588H TF2502H TF2588H等3.TB1238机芯通用密码:1238(或2175,但限次数)代表机型:TC2100 TC2139A TC2175/A TC2500 TC2566D TC2900 TC2902G TC2910D TC2940A TF2988/G TF2989 TF25100等4.TB1251机芯通用密码:1251代表机型:TC2908U TC3401 TC3842D/3488D TF2908U TF3488D等5.H98C(TB1227)机芯通用密码:8888 代表机型:TF2900DP TF2988DP TF3488DP等6.TG-1B(TB1227)无通用密码,锁定后需换存储器代表机型TC2978N TF2998D TC3418D TF2999A等7.H97B (TA8880)机芯通用密码:8880代表机型:TC2939系列 TC2979系列 TC3418系列 TF2999G/N等8.21~25寸飞利浦UOC(TDA9373、9370)通用密码:1963代表机型:TC2102D/F TC2175GF TF2106D TF2107F TF2507F等9.29寸飞利浦UOC(UOC001、UOC002) 通用密码:9012 代表机型:TC2906H TC2908UF TC2911AL TC2911UF TC2977 TC2418UF TF2906H/07H TF2911UF 等10.21寸东芝单片TMPA8823(8803)通用密码:3088代表机型:TC2111A TC2118H TF2106A等11.25~34寸东芝单片TMPA8829(8809)通用密码:设定到186频道,按AV1,输入88090916 代表机型:TF2902D TF3406D TF2902DH TC2918DH TF2902DH等12.TDF2988(西门子胶片系列) 通用密码:8888/9400代表机型:TDF2918 TDF2988 ETV2988等13.NDSP胶片系列通用密码:8843(或2999)代表机型:DP2999 DP3499 ITV2911 ITV2988等14.泰鼎胶片系列通用密码:8052 童锁功能可按遥控任意键解开代表机型:DP2988H DP2906H等15.飞利浦胶片系列通用密码:7118 代表机型:TDF2901 DP2906G16.飞利浦高清系列初始密码:8888 通用密码:7118代表机型:HDP2908/HDP2906D/HDP3406D17.泰鼎高清系列通用密码:8052 使用遥控器开机即可解开童锁功能代表机型:HDP2902H/06H HDP2910L HDP2919 HDP3406H HDP3410L等18.GS高清系列通用密码:5147 代表机型:HDP2911G/H HDP2919H HDP3411G/H HDP3419H等19. HDTV系列通用密码:8052 代表机型:HDTV3201 HDTV3601HDTV3211 通用密码:514720. MST高清系列初始密码:8888通用密码:6126代表机型:HDP291021.液晶TLM3277 通用密码:1111 超级密码:同时按遥控器上“静音”和“9”键,菜单加9。

浪潮服务器商品编码 部件产品名称 Q1对应编码 Q1对应配件名称

浪潮服务器商品编码 部件产品名称 Q1对应编码 Q1对应配件名称

商品编码部件产品名称Q1对应编码Q1对应配件名称CPUSPT0CPU0002H Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4809v2(6C,105W,1.9GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX305XeonE7-4809v2(1.9GHz/6c)/6.4GT/12ML3 SPT0CPU0002I Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4820v2(8C,105W,2.0GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX306XeonE7-4820v2(2.00GHz/8c)/7.2GT/16ML3 SPT0CPU0002J Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4830v2(10C,105W,2.2GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX307XeonE7-4830v2(2.2GHz/10c)/7.2GT/20ML3 SPT0CPU0002K Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4850v2(12C,105W,2.4GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX308XeonE7-4850v2(2.3GHz/12c)/7.2GT/24ML3 SPT0CPU0002L Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4860v2(12C,130W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX309XeonE7-4860v2(2.6GHz/12c)/8.0GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU0002M Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4870v2(15C,130W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX310XeonE7-4870v2(2.3GHz/15c)/8.0GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU0002N Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4880v2(15C,130W,2.5GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX311XeonE7-4880v2(2.5GHz/15c)/8.0GT/37.5ML3 SPT0CPU0002O Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4890v2(15C,155W,2.8GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX312XeonE7-4890v2(2.8GHz/15c)/8.0GT/37.5ML3 SPT0CPU0002P Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8857v2(12C,130W,3.0GHz)Processor Option Kit XeonE7-8857v2-Xeon3_8.0G_30M_12CSPT0CPU0002Q Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8850v2(12C,105W,3.0GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX437XeonE7-8850v2-Xeon2.3_7.2G_24M_12C SPT0CPU0002R Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8870v2(15C,130w,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit XeonE7-8870v2-Xeon2.3_8.0G_30M_15CSPT0CPU0002S Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8891v2(10C,155W,3.2GHz)Processor Option Kit XeonE7-8891v2-Xeon3.2_8G_37.5M_10CSPT0CPU0002T Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8893v2(6C,155W,3.4GHz)Processor Option Kit XeonE7-8893v2-Xeon3.4_8G_37.5M_6CSPT0CPU0002U Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-4809v3(8C,115W,2.0GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX377XeonE7-4809v3(2.0GHz/8c)/6.4GT/20ML3 SPT0CPU0002V Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-4820v3(10C,115W,1.9GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX376XeonE7-4820v3(1.9GHz/10c)/6.4GT/25ML3 SPT0CPU0002W Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-4830v3(12C,115W,2.1GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX375XeonE7-4830v3(2.1GHz/12c)/8.0GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU0002X Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-4850v3(14C,115W,2.2GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX374XeonE7-4850v3(2.2GHz/14c)/8.0GT/35ML3 SPT0CPU0002Y Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8860v3(16C,140W,2.2GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX373XeonE7-8860v3(2.2GHz/16c)/9.6GT/40ML3 SPT0CPU00030Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8870v3(18C,140W,2.1GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX372XeonE7-8870v3(2.1GHz/18c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU00032Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8880v3(18C,150W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX371XeonE7-8880v3(2.3GHz/18c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU00033Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8890v3(18C,165W,2.5GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX370XeonE7-8890v3(2.5GHz/18c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU0002Z Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8867v3(16C,165W,2.5GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX369XeonE7-8867v3(2.5GHz/16c)/9.6GT45ML3 SPT0CPU00034Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8891v3(10C,165W,2.8GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX368XeonE7-8891v3(2.8GHZ/10c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU00035Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8893v3(4C,140W,3.2GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX367XeonE7-8893v3(3.2GHz/4c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU00003Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2609v3(6C,85W,1.9GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX323E5-2609v3(1.9GHz/6c)/6.4GT/15ML3SPT0CPU00004Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2620v3(6C,85W,2.4GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX324E5-2620v3(2.4GHz/6c)/8GT/15ML3SPT0CPU00005Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2630v3(8C,85W,2.4GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX325E5-2630v3(2.4GHz/8c)/8GT/20ML3SPT0CPU00006Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2637v3(4C,135W,3.5GHz)Processor Option Kit E5-2637v3(3.5GHz/4c)/9.6GT/15ML3SPT0CPU00007Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2640v3(8C,90W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX326E5-2640v3(2.6GHz/8c)/8GT/20ML3SPT0CPU00008Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2643v3(6C,135W,3.4GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX339E5-2643v3(3.4GHz/6c)/9.6GT/20ML3SPT0CPU00009Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2650v3(10C,105W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX327E5-2650v3(2.3GHz/10c)9.6GT/25ML3SPT0CPU00010Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2660v3(10C,105W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX328E5-2660v3(2.6GHz/10c)9.6GT/25ML3 SPT0CPU00011Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2667v3(8C,135W,3.2GHz)Processor Option Kit E5-2667v3(3.2GHz/8c)9.6GT/20ML3SPT0CPU00012Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2670v3(12C,120W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX329E5-2670v3(2.3GHz/12c)9.6GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU00013Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2680v3(12C,120W,2.5GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX330E5-2680v3(2.5GHz/12c)9.6GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU00015Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2690v3(12C,135W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX331E5-2690v3(2.6GHz/12c)9.6GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU00016Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2695v3(14C,120W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX333E5-2695v3(2.3GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 SPT0CPU00017Inspur NF5280M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2697v3(14C,145W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX334E5-2697v3(2.6GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3SPT0CPU00018Inspur NF5280M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2698v3(16C,135W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX335E5-2698v3(2.3GHz/16c)9.6GT/40MLSPT0CPU00019Inspur NF5280M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2699v3(18C,145W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit E5-2699v3(2.3GHz/18c)9.6GT/45ML3SPT0CPU00014Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2683v3(14C,120W,2.0GHz)Processor Option Kit E5-2683v3(2.0GHz/14C)/9.6GT/35ML3 BCX438XeonE3-1220V5(3.0GHZ)/8M/4CBCX439XeonE3-1230V5(3.40GHZ)/8M/4CBCX440XeonE3-1240V5(3.50GHZ)/8M/4CBCX441XeonE3-1240LV5(2.10GHZ)/8M/4CBCX442XeonE3-1260LV5(2.90GHZ)/8M/4CBCX443XeonE3-1270V5(3.60GHZ)/8M/4CBCX444XeonE3-1280V5(3.70GHZ)/8M/4CBCX445i3-6320(3.9GHz)/4M/2CBCX446i3-6300T(3.3GHz)/4M/2CBCX447i3-6300(3.8GHz)/4M/2CBCX448i3-6100T(3.2GHz)/3M/2CBCX449i3-6100(3.7GHz)/3M/2CBCX450G4520(3.0GHz)/3M/2CBCX451G4500T(3.0GHz)/3M/2CBCX452G4500(3.5GHz)/3M/2CBCX453G4400(3.3GHz)/3M/2CBCX322E5-2603v3(1.6GHz/6c)/6.4GT/15ML3BCX401E5-2603v4(1.7GHz/6c)/6.4GT/15ML3BCX402E5-2609v4(1.7GHz/8c)/6.4GT/20ML3BCX403E5-2620v4(2.1GHz/8c)/8GT/20ML3BCX406E5-2630v4(2.2GHz/10c)/8GT/25ML3BCX408E5-2640v4(2.4GHz/10c)/8GT/25ML3BCX412E5-2650v4(2.2GHz/12c)9.6GT/30ML3BCX414E5-2660v4(2.0GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX416E5-2680v4(2.4GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX419E5-2690v4(2.6GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX404E5-2623v4(2.6GHz/4c)8.0GT/10ML3 BCX407E5-2637v4(3.5GHz/4c)/9.6GT/15ML3 BCX409E5-2643v4(3.4GHz/6c)/9.6GT/20ML3 BCX415E5-2667v4(3.2GHz/8c)9.6GT/25ML3 BCX417E5-2683v4(2.1GHz/16c)/9.6GT/40ML3 BCX420E5-2695v4(2.1GHz/18c)9.6GT/45ML3 BCX422E5-2697v4(2.3GHz/18c)9.6GT/45ML3 BCX421E5-2697Av4(2.6GHz/16c)9.6GT/40ML3 BCX423E5-2698v4(2.2GHz/20c)9.6GT/50ML BCX424E5-2699v4(2.2GHz/22c)9.6GT/55ML3 BCX405E5-2630LV4(1.8GHz/10c)8.0GT/25ML3 BCX411E5-2650LV4(1.7GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX410E5-2648LV4(1.8GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX413E5-2658V4(2.3GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX418E5-2687WV4(3.0GHz/12c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX425XeonE7-4809v4(2.1GHz/8C)/6.4GT/20ML3 BCX426XeonE7-4820v4(2.0GHz/10C)/6.4GT/25ML3 BCX427XeonE7-4830v4(2.0GHz/14C)/8.0GT/35ML3 BCX428XeonE7-4850v4(2.1GHz/16C)/8.0GT/40ML3 BCX429XeonE7-8860v4(2.2GHz/18C)/9.6GT/45ML3 BCX430XeonE7-8855v4(2.1GHz/14C)/8.0GT/35ML3 BCX431XeonE7-8867v4(2.4GHz/18C)/9.6GT/45ML3 BCX432XeonE7-8870v4(2.1GHz/20C)/9.6GT/50ML3 BCX433XeonE7-8880v4(2.2GHz/22C)/9.6GT/55ML3 BCX434XeonE7-8890v4(2.2GHz/24C)/9.6GT/60ML3 BCX435XeonE7-8891v4(2.8GHz/10C)/9.6GT/60ML3 BCX436XeonE7-8893v4(3.2GHz/4C)/9.6GT/60ML3 DDR3内存SPT0MEM00006Inspur32GB DDR3L-1600LRDIMM SPT0MEM00007Inspur16GB DDR3-1866RDIMMSPT0MEM00008Inspur16GB DDR3-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM00009Inspur16GB DDR3L-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM0000A Inspur8GB DDR3-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM0000B Inspur8GB DDR3L-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM0000C Inspur4GB DDR3-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM0000D Inspur4GB DDR3L-1600RDIMMDDR4内存DDR4内存BMD1558G_DDR4_UDIMM-EUBMD15616G_DDR4_UDIMM-EUSPT0MEM00002Inspur8GB DDR4-2133MHz(1Rx4)RDIMM BMD1418G RDIMM DDR4内存SPT0MEM00001Inspur16GB DDR4-2133MHz(2Rx4)RDIMM BMD14216G RDIMM DDR4内存SPT0MEM00003Inspur16GB DDR4-2133MHz(1Rx4)RDIMMSPT0MEM00004Inspur32GB DDR4-2133MHz(2Rx4)RDIMM BMD14332G LRDIMM DDR4内存SPT0MEM00005Inspur32GB DDR4-2133MHz(4Rx4)LRDIMM3.5寸企业级SATA(含托架及包装)3.5寸企业级SATA(含托架及包装)SPT0STG35007Inspur3.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0231TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35001Inspur3.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0422TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35006Inspur3.5"3TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0703TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35005Inspur3.5"4TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0834TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35003Inspur3.5"6TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT1076TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35002Inspur3.5"8TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive8TB SATA(企业级)2.5寸企业级SATA(含托架及包装)2.5寸企业级SATA(含托架及包装)SPT0STG25006Inspur2.5"500GB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT062500GB SATA 2.5"(企业级)SPT0STG25005Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0611TB SATA 2.5"(企业级)SPT0STG25004Inspur2.5''2TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap HardDrive2TB SATA 2.5"(企业级)2.5寸SAS(含托架及包装)2.5寸SAS(含托架及包装)7,200RPM7,204RPMSPT0STG25S03Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0531TB SAS硬盘2.5"SPT0STG25S05Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0531TB SAS硬盘2.5"SPT0STG25S01Inspur2.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive2TB SAS硬盘2.5"10,000RPM10,004RPMSPT0STG25001Inspur2.5"1.2TB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0841.2T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5" SPT0STG25002Inspur2.5"1.2TB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0841.2T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S02Inspur2.5"1.8TB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA1091.8T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0E Inspur2.5"300GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA023300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0G Inspur2.5"300GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA023300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S08Inspur2.5"600GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA036600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S09Inspur2.5"600GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA036600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S04Inspur2.5"900GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA057900G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S06Inspur2.5"900GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA057900G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"15,000RPM15,004RPMSPT0STG25S0D Inspur2.5"300GB15K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA059300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"希捷SPT0STG25S0F Inspur2.5"300GB15K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA059300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"希捷SPT0STG25S07Inspur2.5"600GB15K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA108600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"日立SPT0STG25003Inspur2.5"600GB15K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"日立3.5寸SAS(含托架及包装)3.5寸SAS(含托架及包装)SPT0STG35S09Inspur3.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive TYP0231TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S08Inspur3.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0762TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S05Inspur3.5"2TB7.2K Enterprose SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0762TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S07Inspur3.5"3TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive TCP0493TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S04Inspur3.5"3TB7.2K Enterprose SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive TCP0493TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S06Inspur3.5"4TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA1064TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S03Inspur3.5"4TB7.2K Enterprose SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA1064TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S01Inspur3.5"6TB7.2K Enterprose SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive6TB SAS硬盘3.5寸硬盘托架,2.5寸SAS硬盘7,200RPM7,204RPMSPT0STG25S0N Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA0531TB SAS硬盘2.5"SPT0STG25S0P Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA0531TB SAS硬盘2.5"SPT0STG25S0H Inspur2.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray2TB SAS硬盘2.5"10,000RPM10,004RPMSPT0STG25S0K Inspur2.5"1.2TB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA0841.2T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0M Inspur2.5"1.2TB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA0841.2T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0J Inspur2.5"1.8TB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA1091.8T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S11Inspur2.5"300GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA023300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5" SPT0STG25S13Inspur2.5"300GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA023300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5" SPT0STG25S0T Inspur2.5"600GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA036600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0V Inspur2.5"600GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA036600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0Q Inspur2.5"900GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA057900G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0R Inspur2.5"900GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA057900G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"15,000RPM15,004RPMSPT0STG25S0Z Inspur2.5"300GB15K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA059300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"希捷SPT0STG25S12Inspur2.5"300GB15K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA059300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"希捷SPT0STG25S0S Inspur2.5"600GB15K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA108600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"日立SPT0STG25S0U Inspur2.5"600GB15K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"日立3.5寸云盘和归档盘(含托架及包装)3.5寸云盘和归档盘(含托架及包装)SPT0STG3500A Inspur3.5"4TB7.2K Cloud Storage SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive4T云盘(7200转)V03ZVSPT0STG3500E Inspur3.5"4TB5.9K Cloud Storage SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive4T云盘(5900转)_W0CCP0B0000060053.5寸硬盘托架,2.5寸企业级SATA3.5寸硬盘托架,2.5寸企业级SATASPT0STG25008Inspur2.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive in3.5"tray2TB SATA 2.5"(企业级)SPT0STG25009Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive in3.5"tray1TB SATA 2.5"(企业级)SPT0STG2500A Inspur2.5"500GB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive in3.5"tray500GB SATA 2.5"(企业级)PCIE SSD卡PCIE SSD卡BHD025400G MLC SSD PCIe接口BHD026600G MLC SSD PCIe接口BHD024800G MLC SSD PCIe接口BHD0231.2T MLC SSD PCIe接口BHD0272.4T MLC SSD PCIe接口其他硬盘及组件其他硬盘及组件BHE00264G SATA-DOM硬盘BHD02880G MLC SSD 2.5BHD029120G MLC SSD 2.5BHD004160G MLC SSD 2.5BHD030240G MLC SSD 2.5BHD010300G MLC SSD 2.5BHD016480G MLC SSD 2.5BHD009600G MLC SSD 2.5BHD019800G MLC SSD 2.5TYP004500GB SATA(桌面级)BPT0201T SATA(桌面级)BSA012300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)RAID卡RAID卡SPT0POC00R06Inspur SAS3008iMR12Gbps PCIe Adapter BSS012INSPUR八通道高性能SAS3008卡IMR(可选Raid key)SPT0THR00K02Inspur RAID5Upgrate key for SAS3008iMR12Gbps PCIe Adapter BSS013INSPUR八通道高性能3008Raid KeySPT0POC00R02Inspur RAID1GB9271-8i6Gbps PCIe Adapter by Avago BRE028八通道SAS高性能RAID-9271(1G缓存)SPT0THR00D02Inspur iBBU09Battery Backup Unit Upgrade for RAID2208MR,9271-8i PCIe Adapter BDC020八通道SAS高性能RAID-9271电池SPT0THR00D05Inspur Supercapacitor Upgrade for RAID2208MR,9271-8i PCIe Adapter BDC022八通道SAS高性能RAID-9271缓存断电保护模块SPT0THR00K03Inspur RAID CacheCade Pro2.0Key for2208MR,3108MR,9271-8i,9361-8i BRE032RAID卡功能模块-CacheCade模块SPT0POC00R0G Inspur RAID2GB PM806012Gbps PCIe Adapter BDC027INSPUR八通道高性能SAS RAID卡RS0820P(2G缓存)SPT0THR00D01Inspur Supercapacitor for RAID PM8060(1GB,2GB)PCIe Adapter by Adaptec BRE038INSPUR八通道高性能SAS RS0810P缓存断电保护模块SPT0POC00R09Inspur RAID1GB9361-8i12Gbps PCIe Adapter by Avago BRE034八通道SAS高性能RAID-9361(1G缓存)SPT0THR00D03Inspur Supercapacitor Upgrade for RAID1GB9361-8i PCIe Adapter by LSI BDC026八通道SAS高性能RAID-9361(1G缓存)缓存断电保护模块SPT0POC00R08Inspur RAID2GB9361-8i12Gbps PCIe Adapter by Avago BRD036八通道SAS高性能RAID-9361(2G缓存)SPT0THR00D04Inspur Supercapacitor Upgrade for RAID9361-8i(2GB),3108MR(2GB,4GB)by LSI BDC025八通道SAS高性能RAID-9361(2G缓存)缓存断电保护模块SPT0POC00R07Inspur RAID4GB9364-8i12Gbps PCIe Adapter by Avago BRD037八通道SAS高性能LSI RAID-9364(4G缓存+缓存断电保护模块)SPT0POC00R0A Inspur RAID4GB3108MR12Gbps PCIe Adapter BRE040INSPUR八通道高性能SAS RAID卡RS0840L3(4G缓存)电源电源SPT0PSU00001Inspur CRPS800W Platinum Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00002Inspur CRPS1200W Platinum Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00003Inspur CRPS550W Platinum Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00004Inspur CRPS800W Titanium Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00005Inspur CRPS800W-48VDC Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00006Inspur CRPS800W336VDC Hot Swap Power SupplyBDY096300W电源适用于NP3020M4BDY097550W白金电源适用于NP3020M4光纤通道连接配件光纤通道连接配件SPT0POC00B01Inspur LPe1250Single Port8Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex TAF019光纤通道HBA卡,FC8Gb,单端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B02Inspur LPe12002Dual Port8Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex TAF021光纤通道HBA卡,FC8Gb,双端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B05Inspur QLE2560Single Port8Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Qlogic TAF019光纤通道HBA卡,FC8Gb,单端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B06Inspur QLE2562Dual Port8Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Qlogic TAF021光纤通道HBA卡,FC8Gb,双端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B03Inspur LPe16000B Single Port16Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex TAF028光纤通道HBA卡,FC16Gb,单端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B07Inspur QLE2670Single Port16Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Qlogic TAF028光纤通道HBA卡,FC16Gb,单端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B04Inspur LPe16002B Dual Port16Gb Fibre Channel Adapter by Emulex TAF029光纤通道HBA卡,FC16Gb,双端口,LC接口转接卡转接卡BKZ013PCI-E转接卡套件(NF8460M3)PCI-E转接卡套件(NF8460M4)网卡及远程管理卡网卡及远程管理卡SPT0POC00W01Inspur I350PCIe1Gb2Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter BNT004双口千兆网卡(RJ45接口)SPT0POC00W02Inspur I350PCIe1Gb4Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter BNT010四口千兆网卡(RJ45接口)SPT0POC00W06Inspur I350PCIe1Gb4Port SPF Ethernet Adapter BNT042四口千兆网卡(光纤接口)SPT0POC00W07Inspur82599ES PCIe10Gb1Port with Multi-mode SFP+module Ethernet Adapter单口万兆网卡(光纤接口含多模模块)SPT0POC00W09Inspur MCX312B-XCCT PCIe10Gb2Port SFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT009双口万兆网卡(光纤接口)SPT0POC00W08Inspur82599ES PCIe10Gb2Port with Multi-mode SFP+module Ethernet Adapter双口万兆网卡(光纤接口含多模模块)SPT0POC00W0J Inspur X710PCIe x8+x110Gb2Port SFP+Ethernet Daughter Card出厂前升级INSPUR双口万兆FLOM网卡(光纤接口),不含光模块SPT0POC00W0H Inspur82599ES PCIe x8+x110Gb1Port SFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT034INSPUR单口万兆网卡(光纤接口),不含光模块SPT0POC00W0K Inspur CX3PCIe x8+110Gb1Port SFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT034INSPUR单口万兆网卡(光纤接口),不含光模块SPT0POC00W0G Inspur82599ES PCIe x8+x110Gb2Port SFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT035INSPUR双口万兆网卡(光纤接口),不含光模块SPT0POC00W0L Inspur CX3PCIe x8+110Gb2Port SFP+Ethernet AdapterSPT0THR00S01Inspur1Gb Single-Mode SPF+Optical Module INSPUR千兆网卡光模块(单模,搭配INSPUR万兆网卡使用)SPT0THR00S02Inspur1Gb Multi-Mode SFP+Optical Module INSPUR千兆网卡光模块(多模,搭配INSPUR万兆网卡使用)SPT0THR00S03Inspur10Gb Single-Mode SFP+Optical Module BNT036INSPUR万兆网卡光模块(单模,搭配INSPUR万兆网卡使用)SPT0THR00S04Inspur10Gb Multi-Mode SFP+Optical Module BNT037INSPUR万兆网卡光模块(多模,搭配INSPUR万兆网卡使用)SPT0POC00W0A Inspur T580-SO-CR PCIe40Gb2Port QSFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT039双口40GbE网卡光纤接口,不含光模块,需搭配40G网卡线缆使用SPT0POC00W03Inspur X540PCIe10Gb2Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter BNT030双口万兆网卡(RJ45接口)SPT0POC00W04Inspur I350PCIe x8+11Gb4Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter出厂前升级INSPUR四口千兆网卡(RJ45接口)SPT0POC00W05Inspur X540PCIe x8+110Gb2Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter INSPUR双口万兆网卡(RJ45接口)BNT002单口千兆网卡(光纤接口)BNT005双口千兆网卡(光纤接口)BNT008单口万兆网卡(光纤接口)BNT040双口40GbE CNA网卡光纤接口,不含光模块,需搭配40G网卡线缆使用BNT04140G网卡线缆,15米Infiniband card Infiniband cardSPT0POC00C01Inspur MCX353A-FCBT56Gb1Port with QSFP Module InfiniBand Adapter TAF027HCA卡(单口IB卡56GB)SPT0POC00C02Inspur MCX353A-FCBT56Gb2Port with QSFP Module InfiniBand Adapter HCA卡(双口IB卡56GB)软驱、光驱、刻录机软驱、光驱、刻录机BHU001U盘软驱MGQ002标准DVDBCD006DVD刻录机BCD017USB DVD刻录机BCD026SLIM DVD刻录机显卡显卡BXK039显卡K420(显存1G)BXK040显卡K620(显存2G)BXK041显卡K2200(显存4G)显示器显示器BOV01419.5寸液晶显示器BOV00921.5寸液晶显示器BOV01523.6寸液晶显示器RACK机柜及组件RACK机柜及组件BOG022浪潮42U标准服务器机柜(无PDU)/2000mm×1100mm×600mm(H×D×W)BPK0396口PDU国标万用插口/10ABPK03821口PDU国标万用插口/32ABTP00140公斤机柜托盘BTP002100公斤机柜托盘BOK001键盘B0M001鼠标BOQ008四合一切换器17寸液晶8口/USBBOQ009四合一切换器17寸液晶16口/USBBOQ0018口切换器BOQ00516口切换器其他其他BPT002配件,背板_INSPUR_SAS_2.5X8BPT017硬盘模组_2.5×8BPT003配件,背板_INSPUR_SAS12G_4X3.5BPT004配件,背板_INSPUR_SAS12G_8X2.5BPT008配件,SAS线BPT010配件,风扇BPT011配件,硬盘托架_2.5寸BPT012配件,硬盘托架_3.5寸BPT013配件,包装箱BPT014配件,电源线BPT015配件,服务器用户手册及睿捷服务器套件光盘BPL001NF5270M42U前面板V08WY0208000B014SPT0BKD00001Inspur Milestone42U3.5"x4Drive Backplane Kit SPT0BKD00002Inspur Milestone42U Rear2.5"x2Drive Backplane Kit SPT0BKD00003Inspur Milestone42U2.5"x8Drive Backplane Kit。



TCL彩电总线进入方法各种TCL彩电工厂菜单进入方法:2101C.2129A.2166B等采用1238AN或1231AN,按面板音量键到”0“,不松按遥控器”显示键“进入;2501C.2501A.2901A.29069C菜用1238或1240AN块,按面板音量键到“0”不松连续按遥控器“0”键三次即进入;三洋机心:2118E.2116E.2113E.C2113E.2175EB.2175E等采用LA76810A块,打开遥控器,在遥控器板左下角有一“PALL”英文对准电视机按以下即进入;三洋机心:2518E.2918E.3418E等采用LA76832A,按面板音量键减到“00”连续按遥控器“0”键进入一级菜单,将一级菜单的最后一项调到3“进入二机菜单;东芝单片机:如AT21S135..AT21288.AT21228.采用8803块,按音量键减到”00“不松连续按遥控器”0“键三次即进入(也使用于乐华21寸);飞利浦机心:2136D.211D.AT2115.2510G.2910G使用于所有采用OM8838.OM8839.OM8841机心,打开遥控器在遥控器板上两只二极管下边在并一只二极管,合上遥控器按数码滤波”键进入;飞利浦超级单芯片:AT2170.AT2165.AT2516U.AT2956U采用TDA9370或TDA9373.TDA9380.TDA9383芯,在遥控器的右下角空白处(揭开封面胶纸)加一个导电橡胶,同时按此橡胶和静音键进入;未完待续DTV机心:用遥控器“显示”键和-“—/—”键交换按即进入;HIDe系列:按遥控器“4D和显示”键三此进入;HID2990P:按遥控器上”菜单+9.3.1“键进入;AT25A192:按遥控器上“菜单+”键进入:HID296SB.E,HID.P系列:按遥控器”智能+显示“键进入;HID2992I:按面板”音量“键减到”00“不松+节目+(+/-)键进入,按“待机”键退出;LOCS4312;待机时按遥控器音量”-“键三次,按面板”菜单“键三次,再按”待机“键开机即进入;如画系列如AT2970I;在遥控器左下角空格处增加导电橡胶键,在“音效”键下部增加一个导电橡胶交替按压即可;背投电视HID438B.R:按”对调“+位移+静音+菜单进入,退出按”显示“键;TCL彩电,部分组件板维修流程及方法:采用机心AT2175EB/AT2126E/AT21E106/AT2135E此电路比较特别,高频头,中放电路和控制电路单装一个小盒子里,所有元件都是贴片元件只有电源电路,行场电路和伴音电路再主板上,由于采用贴片元件给维修带来根大麻烦,现将此中机心常见故障公布如下:1)不开机红灯亮:换存储块,换C012/15P电容,换32M晶振,换Q880/A10152)无彩色:换C237/474电容,换晶振4.43M,换LA76810;3)搜不倒台:换C246/0.47UF,有雪花换高频头,4)自动搜索,不存台:换C207电容,换LA76810,换T201中州;5)行场不同步:换LA76810;6)U波段收不到台:进入工厂菜单MENU03项的ENGNEER OPTION 由“0”转换到”1“ 。


各型号机器、解密卡之初始密码和万用密码 [川友家电维修网论坛 ]
阿瓦斯2001机器的密码:1577 九州DVC-2008IR的初始密码:9949 航科系列机器密码:6931 ap6-84卡密码:xx96均可 诺基亚8800初始密码9949 AP6-84卡的密码:凡带96就可!就连光输入96都可以! 国产富事通机器:上。下。左。右
阿瓦斯2001机器的密码:1577 皇视2080系列设置方法:打开主菜单直接输入5168既可恢复 九州DVC-2008IR的初始密码:9949 航科系列机器密码:6931 ap6-84卡密码:xx96均可 诺基亚8800初始密码9949 AP6-84卡的密码:凡带96就可!就连光输入96都可以! 国产富事通机器:上。下。左。右
VISTAR2000密码1234 新闻台(3、5、6、8)专用机DY2000S:上。下。左。右 帝霸901工程密码:1001 帝霸901**密码:0000 百胜p-3900机器密码:1111 Simon 920 初始密码:1234 统吃码:3453 创维DVB-SO1的工程密码是:密码:9996 PBI 8888 天域 1001 金泰克小神童盲扫及删除频道密码:54321 P-3880缺省密码:0000。万能密码:9876 3500的恢复原始:同时按前面版OK跟频道上两键,密码初次为0000。 PANDA-610:家长码:0000/系统码:9317。开机前用手指分别按住面板上第一个和第三个键,加电后约一分钟,松开,用 系统恢复菜单恢复系统即可。
VISTAR2000密码1234 新闻台(3、5、6、8)专用机DY2000S:上。下。左。右 帝霸901工程密码:1001 帝霸901**密码:0000 百胜p-3900机器密码:1111 Simon 920 初始密码:1234 统吃码:3453 创维DVB-SO1的工程密码是:13572468 RCA-993S:6931 v2.4blocker卡成人密码:9996 PBI 8888 天域 1001 海克威 6688 进入系统的密码为 0000 DX680是0000 海克威5688型密码:1270 长虹万能码138168 PANDA-610:家长码:0000/系统码:9317



海信锁定菜单通用密码汇总2008年10月07日星期二 17:08海信锁定菜单通用密码汇总1.A12机芯(LA76810)通用密码:?7681 代表机型:TC1423 TC2175G TC2181F TC2961L TC2588D/L TC2199/D/M/A TF2110D等2.LA76818机芯通用密码:7688 代表机型:TC1418H TC2102H TC2188H TC2502H/06H TC2588H TF2502H TF2588H等3.TB1238机芯?????通用密码:1238(或2175,但限次数)代表机型:TC2100 TC2139A TC2175/A TC2500 TC2566D TC2900 TC2902G TC2910D TC2940A TF2988/G TF2989 TF25100等4.TB1251机芯?????通用密码:1251 代表机型:TC2908U TC3401 TC3842D/3488D TF2908U TF3488D等5.H98C(TB1227)机芯???通用密码:8888???代表机型:TF2900DP TF2988DP TF3488DP等?6.TG-1B(TB1227)无通用密码,锁定后需换存储器代表机型TC2978N TF2998D TC3418DTF2999A等7.H97B (TA8880)机芯??通用密码:8880 代表机型:TC2939系列 TC2979系列 TC3418系列TF2999G/N等8.21~25寸飞利浦UOC(TDA9373、9370)???通用密码:1963 代表机型:TC2102D/F TC2175GF TF2106D TF2107F TF2507F等9.29寸飞利浦UOC(UOC001、UOC002)?????????通用密码:9012 代表机型:TC2906H TC2908UF TC2911AL TC2911UF TC2977 TC2418UF TF2906H/07H TF2911UF等10.21寸东芝单片TMPA8823(8803)?????????通用密码:3088 代表机型:TC2111A TC2118H TF2106A等11.25~34寸东芝单片TMPA8829(8809)?通用密码:设定到186频道,按AV1,输入88090916 代表机型:TF2902D TF3406D TF2902DH TC2918DH TF2902DH等12.TDF2988(西门子胶片系列)??通用密码:8888/9400 代表机型:TDF2918 TDF2988 ETV2988等13.DP2999(NDSP胶片系列)?通用密码:8843(或2999)代表机型:DP2999 ITV2911 ITV2988等14.泰鼎胶片系列?? 通用密码:8052 童锁功能可按遥控任意键解开代表机型:DP2988H DP2906H等15.飞利浦胶片系列通用密码:7118 代表机型:TDF2901 DP2906G16.(飞利浦数字高清系列)初始密码:8888???通用密码:7118 代表机型:HDP2908/HDP2906D/HDP3406D17.泰鼎高清系列通用密码:8052 使用遥控器开机即可解开童锁功能代表机型:HDP2902H/06H HDP2910L HDP2919 HDP3406H HDP3410L等18.GS高清系列通用密码:5147 代表机型:HDP2911G/H HDP2919H HDP3411G/H HDP3419H 等19. HDTV系列通用密码:8052 代表机型:HDTV320120. MST系列初始密码:8888 通用密码:6126代表机型:HDP291021.液晶TLM3277 通用密码:1111超级密码:同时按遥控器上“静音”和“9”键UID30444 帖子239 精华0 积分338 威望244 金币100 贡献0 专长............... 阅读权限30 性别男在线时间44 小时注册时间2005-6-2 最后登录2008-5-22 查看详细资料TOPijlwfn初级工程师UID30444 帖子239 精华0 积分338 金币100 贡献0 专长............... 性别男在线时间44 小时注册时间2005-6-2 最后登录2008-5-22 个人空间发短消息加为好友当前离线 2# 大中小发表于 2006-8-1 21:35 只看该作者2 海信电视机各机型总线的进入与退出海信电视机各机型总线的进入与退出《1》东芝1238机芯TC2910G`TC2902G`TC2906G`TC2911L`TF2910G`TF2902G`TF2988G`TF2906G`TF2988HTC25100`TC2588GH`TC2511L`TC2502G`TC2510G`TC2511L`TF2588G`TF25100`TC25109TC2110G`TC21105/L`TC2111G`TF1518`TF2188G`TF2111G1.(CPU。

Micrel SY88212L 光学评估板说明书

Micrel SY88212L 光学评估板说明书

SY88212LOptical Evaluation BoardMicrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 • General DescriptionThis evaluation board allows for checking the performance of the SY88212 burst mode driver while driving a laser.Datasheet and support documentation can be found on Micrel's web site at: .Features∑ Open loop or close-loop operation∑Manual modulation, biasmax and bias settingRelated Support Documentation∑SY88212L Datasheet_______________________________________________________________________________________________________Evaluation BoardTOSA InstallationCheck the pin-out of the laser and install according tothe diagrams shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Mounting of the LaserEvaluation Board Setting and OperationThe SY88216 evaluation is used to evaluate the SY88212 since the two parts are pin-compatible at the exception that pin 10 (APCFAULT) is active HIGH in SY88212 and active LOW in SY88216.1. Connect BEN- to GND or/and connect BEN+to V CC or remove R17 and R18.2. Install a jumper on SW3 to enable the driver.3. Adjust potentiometers VR2 (BIASMAX), VR3(MODSET), and VR4 (BIASSET) completely counterclockwise to set bias and modulation currents to zero “0” before powering the board.4. If the inputs DIN+/DIN- are DC-coupled, setthe output of the pattern generator high level within the range 0.5V-2V, first. Then connect the input (DIN+/DIN-) to the output of the pattern generator.5. Connect the laser output to the optical moduleof the scope with a SMF jumper.6. Open Loop Operation: Install a jumper onSW2 (MOD ON) and make sure that there is no jumper on SW4 (PD-MD).7. Connect 3.3V to TP9 (red) and GND to TP10(black) to power the board.8. Turn VR2 (BIASMAX) clockwise, BIASMAXsets the bias current in open loop, to increase the bias current until the laser starts output some light then turn VR3 clockwise to setmodulation current. Keep adjusting bias (VR2)and modulation (VR3) until an acceptable eye diagram is seen on the scope.9. Bias Current can be deduced from the voltageacross R7 between TP4 and TP6.I BIAS = (V TP6 – V TP4) / R710. The voltage between TP11 (BIASMON) andGND (across R4) is proportional to (Bias Current + Half modulation current):(I BIAS + I MOD / 2) / 50 = V R4 / R411. Close-loop operation: Install jumpers on SW1(BIAS ON) and SW4 (PD-MD) to close the loop and turn VR4 clockwise to increase the bias current. Keep adjusting BIASSET (VR4)and modulation (VR3) until an acceptable eye diagram is seen on the scope.PerformanceFigure 2. Optical Eye Diagram 1.25Gbps with 2.3G FilterLaser Response TuningOvershoot/UndershootThe damping resistors R21 and R22 installed in series with the laser are 10Ω. This value might be changed to a higher value to minimize or suppress any overshoot or undershoot on the optical signal out of the laser, but keep in mind that higher value damping resistors will lead to higher rise/fall time and lower maximum modulation current.The user can adjust the values of (R19, C8) and/or (R8, C9) to get better performance with his laser.Evaluation Board SchematicPCB Layout/AssemblyBill of MaterialsItem Part Number Manufacturer Description Qty. C1-5, C10Vishay(1)0.1m F, Size 0402, Ceramic Capacitor6 C6, C7ECSH0GY106R Panasonic(2)10m F, Y, Tantalium Solid Electrolytic Capacitor2 C8Vishay(1)5pF, Size 0402, Ceramic Capacitor1 D167-1636-1-ND Digikey(3)Red LED1 J1, J3-5142-0701-851JohnsonSMA End Launch Receptacle Connector4Components(4)J2Vishay(1)TOSA, Laser Subassembly1 L1Vishay(1) 1.2m H Ferrite Bead Inductor, Size 12061 L2Vishay(1)0W Resistor1 L3Vishay(1) 1.2m H Ferrite Bead Inductor, Size 08051 Q3, Q4MMTB3906WT1ON Semiconductor(5)N-MOSFET2 CRCW04020R00F Vishay(1)0W Resistor3 R6, R13,R14CRCW040210R0F Vishay(1)10W Resistor5 R3, R7, R9,R21, R22R19CRCW040275R0F Vishay(1)75W Resistor1 R16, R18CRCW040282R0F Vishay(1)82W Resistor2 R1, R2, R4CRCW04021000F Vishay(1)100W Resistor3 R15, R17CRCW04021300F Vishay(1)130W Resistor2 R12CRCW04022700F Vishay(1)270W Resistor1 R11CRCW04021002F Vishay(1)10k W Resistor1 TSW-1-2-07-G-S Samtec(6)Header, 2 positions4 SW1, SW2,SW3, SW4TP105011Keystone(7)Color Coded PCB test point, Black1 TP1-TP8,5014Keystone(7)Color Coded PCB test point, Yellow9 TP11TP95010Keystone(7)Color Coded PCB test point, Red1 U1SY88212L Micrel, Inc.(8) 2.5G Burst Mode Laser Driver1 3269 W-1-503 GLF Bourns(9)50K SMD Trimming Potentiometer3 VR2, VR3,VR4Notes:1.Vishay: .2.Panasonic: .3. Digikey: .4. Johnson components: .5. ON Semiconductor: .6.Samtec: .7. Keystone: .8. Micrel, Inc.: .9. Bourns: .HBW SupportHotline: 408-955-1690Email Support: ******************。

telit LE910-EU1 and LE910 EU V2 products datasheet

telit LE910-EU1 and LE910 EU V2 products datasheet

]Delta SW LE910-EU1 and LE910 EU V2 Products80519DSW10146A Rev. 3 – 2019-12-201 6SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICENOTICEWhile reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Telit assumes no liability resulting from any inaccuracies or omissions in this document, or from use of the information obtained herein. The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or omissions. Telit reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein and reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to time in content hereof with no obligation to notify any person of revisions or changes. Telit does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product, software, or circuit described herein; neither does it convey license under its patent rights or the rights of others.It is possible that this publication may contain references to, or information about Telit products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that Telit intends to announce such Telit products, programming, or services in your country. COPYRIGHTSThis instruction manual and the Telit products described in this instruction manual may be, include or describe copyrighted Telit material, such as computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the Italy and other countries preserve for Telit and its licensors certain exclusive rights for copyrighted material, including the exclusive right to copy, reproduce in any form, distribute and make derivative works of the copyrighted material. Accordingly, any copyrighted material of Telit and its licensors contained herein or in the Telit products described in this instruction manual may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, merged or modified in any manner without the express written permission of Telit. Furthermore, the purchase of Telit products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Telit, as arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.COMPUTER SOFTWARE COPYRIGHTSThe Telit and 3rd Party supplied Software (SW) products described in this instruction manual may include copyrighted Telit and other 3rd Party supplied computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the Italy and other countries preserve for Telit and other 3rd Party supplied SW certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Telit or other 3rd Party supplied SW computer programs contained in the Telit products described in this instruction manual may not be copied (reverse engineered) or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Telit or the 3rd Party SW supplier. Furthermore, the purchase of Telit products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Telit or other 3rd Party supplied SW, except for the normal non-exclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.USAGE AND DISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONSI. License AgreementsThe software described in this document is the property of Telit and its licensors. It is furnished by express license agreement only and may be used only in accordance with the terms of such an agreement.II. Copyrighted MaterialsSoftware and documentation are copyrighted materials. Making unauthorized copies is prohibited by law. No part of the software or documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of Telit III. High Risk MaterialsComponents, units, or third-party products used in the product described herein are NOT fault-tolerant and are NOT designed, manufactured, or intended for use as on-line control equipment in the following hazardous environments requiring fail-safe controls: the operation of Nuclear Facilities, Aircraft Navigation or Aircraft Communication Systems, Air Traffic Control, Life Support, or Weapons Systems (High Risk Activities"). Telit and its supplier(s) specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for such High Risk Activities.IV. TrademarksTELIT and the Stylized T Logo are registered in Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.V. Third Party RightsThe software may include Third Party Right software. In this case you agree to comply with all terms and conditions imposed on you in respect of such separate software. In addition to Third Party Terms, the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provisions in this License shall apply to the Third Party Right software.TELIT HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED FROM ANY THIRD PARTIES REGARDING ANY SEPARATE FILES, ANY THIRD PARTY MATERIALS INCLUDED IN THE SOFTWARE, ANY THIRD PARTY MATERIALS FROM WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS DERIVED (COLLECTIVELY “OTHER CODE”), AND THE USE OF ANY OR ALL THE OTHER CODE IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING (WITHOUT LIMITATION) ANY WARRANTIES OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.NO THIRD PARTY LICENSORS OF OTHER CODE SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER MADE UNDER CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE OTHER CODE OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED UNDER EITHER OR BOTH THIS LICENSE AND THE LEGAL TERMS APPLICABLE TO ANY SEPARATE FILES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.APPLICABILITY TABLE PRODUCTSLE910-EU1LE910-EU V2CONTENTSNOTICE 2COPYRIGHTS (2)COMPUTER SOFTWARE COPYRIGHTS (2)USAGE AND DISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONS (3)I.License Agreements (3)II.Copyrighted Materials (3)III.High Risk Materials (3)IV.Trademarks (3)V.Third Party Rights (3)APPLICABILITY TABLE (4)CONTENTS (5)1.INTRODUCTION (6)2.DELTA SW 20.00.XX5 – 20.00.XX6 (8)General Enhancements (8)3.DELTA SW 20.00.XX4 – 20.00.XX5 (9)General Enhancements (9)4.DELTA SW 20.00.XX3 – 20.00.XX4 (15)General Enhancements (15)5.DELTA SW 20.00.XX2 – 20.00.XX3 (16)New Features (16)General Enhancements (18)6.DOCUMENT HISTORY (21)1. INTRODUCTION1.1. ScopeScope of this document is to detail the corrections, changes or enhancements made to the software of Telit modules.1.2. AudienceThis document is intended for Telit customers.1.3. Contact Information, SupportFor general contact, technical support services, technical questions and report documentation errors contact Telit Technical Support at:•*****************•*********************•*****************Alternatively, use:/supportFor detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for recommendations on accessories and components visit:Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and suggestions for improvements.Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.1.4. Related Documents•Telit LE910-V2 Modules AT Commands Reference Guide, 80446ST10707A •Telit's Modules Software User Guide, 1vv03007842. DELTA SW 20.00.XX5 – 20.00.XX6General EnhancementsType Description SW 20.00.xx6 ID#46567 Enhancement to AT+CGCONTRDP to provide 2nd DNSID#37286 Enhancement to AT#QDNS with IPV4V6 PDP typeID#43540 Enhancement to DNS resolution with IPV4V6 dual stack3.DELTA SW 20.00.XX4 – 20.00.XX5General Enhancements Type Description SW 20.00.xx5 ID#44635 Fixed APDU command that was not working properly ID#45060 Fixed AT+CSIM wrong response if size is greater than 255 bytesID#40690 ERRC fix to handle UE receives RRCConnectionReconfiguration message from NWwith list of GSM arfcns, band indicatorBandIndicatorGERAN_pcs1900 and arfcn list1,3,5,7,8,11,13,15,17 scenarioID#42968 2G Thermal/Vbatt mitigation ID#43819 Fixed AT#RXTOGGLE default value ID#39795 Fixed USB cable disconnect handling ID#40663 Fix of missing CONNECT 9600 in the following scenario: - AT&D2 - close CS data call with DTR OFFID#43188 Changed the way to identify the callback which returns the response of AT+CRSM.ID#39743 Corrected test command response format; removed "hidden" attribute; mapped values from 1 to 67, thatwere causing malfunctioning in subsequentcommands, to value 0.ID#40545 Check bin integrity fix ID#41318 Added a missing check to avoid using GSM not meaningful data. In #WS46=22 AT#MONI=5 andMONI=6 return wronglyID#41867 Fixed incorrect behavior after "AT+CPBW=5" commandID#42323 Fix of AT#IREG? wrongly returning #IREG: 1 in case of Intel state UTA_IMS_STATE_DEREGISTERING.ID#42559 Fix of issue with NCM first activation fails afterCFUN=4/CFUN=1.ID#42862 Fixed AppZone: m2m_hw_get_ms_count() -unexpected <m_secs> parameter value after counterstop and resetID#43071 Fixed App binary incorrect behavior after app startID#40290 Correct scanning of available mobile networks fixID#41428 Fix of VSD1 voltage issueID#41907 Azl memory alignment after CRC ( axf aligned ) on LTEID#39361 Fix of module incorrect behavior in 2G after border crossingID#39797 Fix of watchdog behaviorID#36032 Fixed problem AT#TESTMODE="RL" in 2G network ID#36225 +CLAC : removed AT#SECKEY from listID#38422 Fix of bug: AT+CSIM wrong response if size is greater than 255 bytesID#40383 AT#SIMINCFG was wrongly hiddenID#41233 It is now possible to write an additional telephonenumber (ANR) even if the USIM does not support itID#40420 Fixed +CGDCONT sometimes saving wrongparametersID#37546 Fixed module remaining in search mode with CREG?after changing from 4G to 3GID#37829 Module was unable to receive the paging for MTdata/sms for a period of timeID#38304 Fixed CGATT 0-1 cycles activation wrong behaviorID#39609 Fixed SIM behavior in QSS:2,2 after SIM OTAID#37370 Added a missing check for MMS on incoming WAP Push SMS to verify if it is a concatenated one, or asingle message.ID#38875 Fixed CMUX DLCI 1 activation after timeoutID#39111 Corrected Erase File System HCC commandimplementationID#39430 Fixed AT+CPBW not updating the entry name.ID#34132 Supplementary Services are sent via PS domaininstead of CS domain after a IMS log offID#35574 UTA _MM_AUDIO enabledID#36515 Appzone: ms counter updating after deep sleepID#37551 Added a control to correctly handle the response to SST file properties request when received during SIMservices checkID#37649 Fixed AT+CGCLASS="CC" detach behavior fromGPRS serviceID#37879 Fixed IMS registering after REFRESH type 0ID#38206 Fixed a check on the DUALAPN CIDS duringdeactivationID#38216 Fixed AT#MONI sometimes showing wrong <RSRQ> valueID#38249 Fixed AppZone aux UART callbackID#38321 Fixed IP format when type is set as IPV4V6ID#38638 Fixed NCM not working with PORTCFG=3ID#38843 Band20 ACLR improvementID#25106 Fixed "+CGPADDR=" IPV6 AddressID#34643 Improved +CFUN: 7 cyclic sleep modeID#36032 Fixed problem AT#TESTMODE="RL" in 2G network ID#36417 Fixed RAT changing (3g -> 4G) module notregisteringID#36807 Fixed +CGATT=0 behaviorID#36906 Fixed AppZone SSL TLS 1.2,M2M_SSL_CONNECTION_CONTEXT that couldn’tbe used by more than a taskID#37399 Added store/restore of the APN in the file system for NVM recoveryID#37543 AppZone: m2m_fs_copy() was returningM2M_API_RESULT_FAIL if file to copy is 0 byte sized ID#37547 Added the ability to control DTMF tone volumeseparately from "master" volumeID#37621 RXToggle configuration saved in NVMID#37587 Interface was not working properly after CFUN 4 /CFUN 1 followed by CGATT 0 / CGATT 1ID#35243 Sometimes, changing RAT (3g -> 4G) first dialup was not working, while second one PASSID#33544 Fixed technology change from 3G to 4G that couldn’t register automatically to IMSID#33139 Fixed $QCAPNE wrong behavior after set command ID#26798 Fixed flow control behavior with UDP connectionID#28354 AT#STACFG: AT instanced fixed at power onID#29372 Appzone: fixed unreachableM2M_SOCKET_STATE_CONNECTED socket stateID#31406 Fixed #SWMCHKUPD interaction with outgoingconnectivity if executed multiple timesID#31731 AppZone: Fixed wrong Network APIs RAT indication ID#33039 Fixed failure on second connection with #SDID#33392 Crash with data connection FTPAPPEXT=x,1,FTPLIST, FTPGET...ID#35380 AT#EVMONI: fixed STARTUP event when SIM PIN request enabledID#36032 Fixed a problem with AT#TESTMODE="RL" in 2GnetworkID#36223 AT#SA : fixed a syntax error in socket connections rangeID#36274 Porting of AT#TEST=NVM_AUTOREPAIRID#36346 Fixed CellID missing in 2G in AT#MONIID#36455 Corrected AT#MBN incorrect responseID#36626 AppZone: fixed EasyAT release parser issueID#36723 Added a buffer size check in SYprintfID#36751 ATD range number was not aligned with HSPAID#36892 Fixed wrong value issue in +CIND caused by Call to UpdateMessageMax function in +CPMSID#36896 Fixed AT#RFSTS issueID#36911 Function and prototype m2m_uart_close_hwch added ID#37064 Skipping IPv6 connection retries if the first try failsID#37093 Fixed AppZone: m2m_os_destroy_taskID#37115 Slow net synchronization with PIN enabled & +WS46:28 - fix improvement4. DELTA SW 20.00.XX3 – 20.00.XX4General EnhancementsType Description SW 20.00.xx4ID#38505 Fix to improve ETWS information handling •ID#38450Improvement to refresh neighbors list with AT#MONI• readID#37932Fix for SIB decoding issue •5.DELTA SW 20.00.XX2 – 20.00.XX3New Features Description SW 20.00.xx3AppZone: implemented new m2m_ssl API that allow to set right TLS protocol (TLS1.0/TLS1.1 and TLS1.2)• AppZone: implemented new API m2m_ipraw_cfg for IPRAW IPV4 and IPV6• AppZone: implemented API to support AUXILIARY UART • AppZone: implemented new API for Watchdog management • AppZone: implemented new API to set context on specified CID • AppZone: implemented new API m2m_hw_sleep_mode_cfg to manage power saving mode• AppZone: support for easyAT • Support TLS1.2 • Support CFUN9 - Incoming GPRS packed wake-up the DUT • EasyIP: Increase number of sockets from 6 to 10 • AT#MTUSIZE=<mtu>: implemented new AT command in order to set the MTU size• MBIM: support multiple bearer connection in parallel • AT#APPSSLCFG implemented AT command to configure cipher suite, authentication level and TLS version for a maximum of 5applications.• Added storing of SMS in ME and SM memories • AT+CMAR/AT#CMAR: Implemented AT command to format NVM and File system•AT#IIDIPV6=<cid>,<IID>: Implemented AT command in order to• set the IID to a certain CID• AT#MBIMCFG: implemented AT command to configure CID to beused for MBIM connection• AT#PDPAUTH: implemented AT command to set theauthentication parameters for all CIDsAT#RXTOGGLE: Implemented AT command to set main or• diversity antenna, command used in test mode for certificationpurposeAT+IPR: Updated UART speed up to 3Mbps •General EnhancementsType Description SW 20.00.xx3ID#32982Improvement in the report of AT+CSQ and AT+CESQ,• adjust RSSI calculation.ID#34680 Manage properly NCM disconnection (AT#NCMD=0)•and dialup when they are used togetherID#35612 Updated the +CCLK: time zone range to “-96…+96” •ID#27164 Fix on received URL #DTMFEV with DTMF enabled •ID#32272 Support +CRSM=192,28423 with a SIM with PIN•enabledID#35240 Improvement on storing #HSMICG in the extended•profileID#30283 Restored LTE neighbor information’s in AT#MONI and•AT#MONIZIP, added <qrxlevmin> and <pci> forserving cellID#33206 restored timers T3402 and T3412 in AT#RFSTS •ID#34984 Developed standard usage of “[]:” for IPv6 address,•example AT#FTPOPEN=”[ipv6_addr]:port_numID#35119 Added timestamp on +CMT unsolicited in incoming•PDUID#35123 Added conversion table from ISO Latin 8-bit to•PCCP437ID#34464 Antenna detection: Fixed behavior of repGPIO on•AT#GSMADID#33872 STN: 254 not always received when performing a SAT•request with Vodafone: implemented a better handlingfor SIM APP END indicationID#34313 Removed SIM switch off when CFUN=4 is issued toavoid IMS registration issue once CFUN=1 is usedagain. SIM remains active•ID#34343 Fixed reply Time on AT#PING; it was not aligned totimeout configured.•ID#32164 Improvement on AT#CSURV scan of 4G channelwithout SIM•ID#34236 #PSNT Corrected handling of technology indication: itreported a wrong network type when EGPRS•ID#33195 AppZone: Improvement on #HTTPRCV to reports OKif called from virtual com•ID#30588 Improvement on AT+CRSM locking up the ATinterface if SIM doesn’t include specific folder•ID#33155 MBIMCFG has been extended to allow the selectionof both CID 1 and CID 3•ID#33721 Removed DCD glitch when module received anincoming data call•ID#30330 Improvement on command AT+CMGL="ALL", it hasbeen extended to cover also the 5th AT instance thatis available only in SMSATRUN and TCPATRUN•ID#32401 #CMUXMODE=1 - CFUN=5 correctly managed onvirtual channel by DTR toggle•ID#32227 Improvement on AT#CSURV to avoid missingMCC/MNC in LTE scan response if the same cell isshared by two PLMNs (MOCN support)•ID#23686 Reduce timing to configure GPIOs status duringstartup of the system•ID#33045 DW Cloud: improvements to support Methodexecution request parameters with var in a multiselectstring•ID# 31957 FIREWALL: improvement on storing thedisable/enable setting in NVM•ID#29202 Improvement on-off procedure to make sure that 5seconds on-off are always enough to power on themodule after a FW upgrade and in all other scenarios•ID#31001 MBIM command DEVICE_CAPS reports the sameversion string as AT+CGMR•ID#30878 I2C Clock Stretching support •6. DOCUMENT HISTORYRevision Date Changes0 2018-01-10 Delta SW 20.00.xx2 - 20.00.xx31 2018-10-19 Delta SW 20.00.xx3 - 20.00.xx42 2019-07-19 Delta SW 20.00.xx4 - 20.00.xx53 2019-12-20 Delta SW 20.00.xx5 – 20.00.xx680519DSW10146A Rev. 2 Page 21 of 22 2019-12-20[04.2016] Mod. 0809 2016-08 Rev.7。

Eaton 电路保护器 Series G 目录说明书

Eaton 电路保护器 Series G 目录说明书

2Catalog Number SelectionThis information is presented only as an aid to understanding catalog numbers. It is not to be used to build catalog numbers for circuit breakers or trip units.Series G—EG-Frame (15–125 Amperes)Notes1Cannot be UL rated.2Available only as 125 and 160A sizes.Terminations/Hardware Terminals Mounting Hardware M = Metric end caps E = Imperial end caps G = Line/load standard B = Bolt-on Metric Imperial Metric —FrameEPerformance 600Y/347480415240B —181825E 18252535S 22354085H 256570100C 35100100200KMolded case switch2Standard/Application G = IEC/CE/UL/CSAAmperes016 1015020025030032 1035040045050060063 1070080090100110125160 1Number of Poles1 = One2 = Two3 = Three4 = Four—neutral 0% protected 7 = Four—neutral 100% protectedTrip Unit FF = Fixed fixedAF = Adjustable thermal fixed magnetic KS = Molded case switchE G H 3 015 FF Ge s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2Product SelectionComplete Breaker (Includes Frame, Trip Unit, Standard Terminals and Mounting Hardware) IC Rating at 415/480 VoltsEG-Frame—18/18Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1 Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2 Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2 Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGB1015FFG EGB2015FFG EGB3015FFG —EGB4015FFG —16EGB1016FFG EGB2016FFG EGB3016FFG —EGB4016FFG —20EGB1020FFG EGB2020FFG EGB3020FFG —EGB4020FFG EGB4020AFG25EGB1025FFG EGB2025FFG EGB3025FFG EGB3025AFG EGB4025FFG EGB4025AFG 30EGB1030FFG EGB2030FFG EGB3030FFG —EGB4030FFG —32EGB1032FFG EGB2032FFG EGB3032FFG EGB3032AFG EGB4032FFG EGB4032AFG 35EGB1035FFG EGB2035FFG EGB3035FFG —EGB4035FFG —40EGB1040FFG EGB2040FFG EGB3040FFG EGB3040AFG EGB4040FFG EGB4040AFG 45EGB1045FFG EGB2045FFG EGB3045FFG —EGB4045FFG —50EGB1050FFG EGB2050FFG EGB3050FFG EGB3050AFG EGB4050FFG EGB4050AFG 60EGB1060FFG EGB2060FFG EGB3060FFG —EGB4060FFG —63EGB1063FFG EGB2063FFG EGB3063FFG EGB3063AFG EGB4063FFG EGB4063AFG 70EGB1070FFG EGB2070FFG EGB3070FFG —EGB4070FFG —80EGB1080FFG EGB2080FFG EGB3080FFG EGB3080AFG EGB4080FFG EGB4080AFG 90EGB1090FFG EGB2090FFG EGB3090FFG —EGB4090FFG —100EGB1100FFG EGB2100FFG EGB3100FFG EGB3100AFG EGB4100FFG EGB4100AFG 125EGB1125FFG EGB2125FFG EGB3125FFG EGB3125AFG EGB4125FFG EGB4125AFG 160——EGB3160FFGEGB3160AFGEGB4160FFGEGB4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2EG-Frame—25/25 Single-Pole UnavailableEG-Frame—25/25Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1 Two-Pole Three-PoleFour-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed MagneticFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGE2015FFG EGE3015FFG —EGE4015FFG —16EGE2016FFG EGE3016FFG —EGE4016FFG —20EGE2020FFG EGE3020FFG —EGE4020FFG EGE4020AFG 25EGE2025FFG EGE3025FFGEGE3025AFG EGE4025FFG EGE4025AFG 30EGE2030FFG EGE3030FFG —EGE4030FFG —32EGE2032FFG EGE3032FFG EGE3032AFG EGE4032FFG EGE4032AFG 35EGE2035FFG EGE3035FFG —EGE4035FFG —40EGE2040FFG EGE3040FFG EGE3040AFG EGE4040FFG EGE4040AFG 45EGE2045FFG EGE3045FFG EGE3050AFG EGE4045FFG —50EGE2050FFG EGE3050FFG —EGE4050FFG EGE4050AFG 60EGE2060FFG EGE3060FFG —EGE4060FFG —63EGE2063FFG EGE3063FFG EGE3063AFG EGE4063FFG EGE4063AFG 70EGE2070FFG EGE3070FFG —EGE4070FFG —80EGE2080FFG EGE3080FFG EGE3080AFG EGE4080FFG EGE4080AFG 90EGE2090FFG EGE3090FFG —EGE4090FFG —100EGE2100FFG EGE3100FFG EGE3100AFG EGE4100FFG EGE4100AFG 125EGE2125FFG EGE3125FFG EGE3125AFG EGE4125FFG EGE4125AFG 160—EGE3160FFGEGE3160AFGEGE4160FFG EGE4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w22.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—40/35Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGS1015FFG EGS2015FFG EGS3015FFG —EGS4015FFG —16EGS1016FFG EGS2016FFG EGS3016FFG —EGS4016FFG —20EGS1020FFG EGS2020FFG EGS3020FFG —EGS4020FFGEGS4020AFG 25EGS1025FFG EGS2025FFG EGS3025FFG EGS3025AFG EGS4025FFG EGS4025AFG 30EGS1030FFG EGS2030FFG EGS3030FFG —EGS4030FFG —32EGS1032FFG EGS2032FFG EGS3032FFG EGS3032AFG EGS4032FFG EGS4032AFG 35EGS1035FFG EGS2035FFG EGS3035FFG —EGS4035FFG —40EGS1040FFG EGS2040FFG EGS3040FFG EGS3040AFG EGS4040FFG EGS4040AFG 45EGS1045FFG EGS2045FFG EGS3045FFG —EGS4045FFG —50EGS1050FFG EGS2050FFG EGS3050FFG EGS3050AFG EGS4050FFG EGS4050AFG 60EGS1060FFG EGS2060FFG EGS3060FFG —EGS4060FFG —63EGS1063FFG EGS2063FFG EGS3063FFG EGS3063AFG EGS4063FFG EGS4063AFG 70EGS1070FFG EGS2070FFG EGS3070FFG —EGS4070FFG —80EGS1080FFG EGS2080FFG EGS3080FFG EGS3080AFG EGS4080FFG EGS4080AFG 90EGS1090FFG EGS2090FFG EGS3090FFG —EGS4090FFG —100EGS1100FFG EGS2100FFG EGS3100FFG EGS3100AFG EGS4100FFG EGS4100AFG 125EGS1125FFG EGS2125FFG EGS3125FFG EGS3125AFG EGS4125FFG EGS4125AFG 160——EGS3160FFGEGS3160AFGEGS4160FFGEGS4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2 2.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—70/65Notes1 16, 32, 63A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGH1015FFG EGH2015FFG EGH3015FFG —EGH4015FFG —16EGH1016FFG EGH2016FFG EGH3016FFG —EGH4016FFG —20EGH1020FFG EGH2020FFG EGH3020FFG EGH3020AFGEGH4020FFG EGH4020AFG 25EGH1025FFG EGH2025FFG EGH3025FFG EGH3025AFG EGH4025FFG EGH4025AFG 30EGH1030FFG EGH2030FFG EGH3030FFG —EGH4030FFG —32EGH1032FFG EGH2032FFG EGH3032FFG EGH3032AFG EGH4032FFG EGH4032AFG 35EGH1035FFG EGH2035FFG EGH3035FFG —EGH4035FFG —40EGH1040FFG EGH2040FFG EGH3040FFG EGH3040AFG EGH4040FFG EGH4040AFG 45EGH1045FFG EGH2045FFG EGH3045FFG —EGH4045FFG EGH4050AFG 50EGH1050FFG EGH2050FFG EGH3050FFG EGH3050AFG EGH4050FFG —60EGH1060FFG EGH2060FFG EGH3060FFG —EGH4060FFG —63EGH1063FFG EGH2063FFG EGH3063FFG EGH3063AFG EGH4063FFG EGH4063AFG 70EGH1070FFG EGH2070FFG EGH3070FFG —EGH4070FFG —80EGH1080FFG EGH2080FFG EGH3080FFG EGH3080AFG EGH4080FFG EGH4080AFG 90EGH1090FFG EGH2090FFG EGH3090FFG —EGH4090FFG —100EGH1100FFG EGH2100FFG EGH3100FFG EGH3100AFG EGH4100FFG EGH4100AFG 125EGH1125FFGEGH2125FFGEGH3125FFGEGH3125AFGEGH4125FFGEGH4125AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2EG-Frame—100/100 Current Limiting (Single-Pole and Two-Pole Unavailable)EG-Frame—100/100Molded Case Switches4Notes1 16, 32, 63A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal is not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on LH side.4 Molded case switches may open above 1250A.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Three-Pole Four-Pole 0% Protected Neutral 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed MagneticAdjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGC3015FFG —EGC7015FFG —16EGC3016FFG —EGC7016FFG —20EGC3020FFG EGC3020AFG EGC7020FFG EGC7020AFG 25EGC3025FFG EGC3025AFG EGC7025FFG EGC7025AFG 30EGC3030FFG —EGC7030FFG —32EGC3032FFG EGC3032AFG EGC7032FFG EGC7032AFG 35EGC3035FFG —EGC7035FFG —40EGC3040FFG EGC3040AFG EGC7040FFG EGC7040AFG 45EGC3045FFG —EGC7045FFG —50EGC3050FFG EGC3050AFG EGC7050FFG EGC7050AFG 60EGC3060FFG —EGC7060FFG —63EGC3063FFG EGC3063AFG EGC7063FFG EGC7063AFG 70EGC3070FFG —EGC7070FFG —80EGC3080FFG EGC3080AFG EGC7080FFG EGC7080AFG 90EGC3090FFG —EGC7090FFG —100EGC3100FFG EGC3100AFG EGC7100FFG EGC7100AFG 125EGC3125FFGEGC3125AFGEGC7125FFGEGC7125AFGCatalog Number EGK3125KSG EGK7125KSG EGK3160KSG EGK7160KSGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2EG Bolt-On Complete Breaker (Includes Frame, Trip Unit and Mounting Hardware)EG-Frame—18 kAIC at 480 VacEG-Frame—35 kAIC at 480 VacNotes1 For bulk pack 24, add suffix BP24 and order quantities of 24.2 For bulk pack 12, add suffix BP12 and order quantities of 12.3 For bulk pack 8, add suffix BP8 and order quantities of 8.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGB1015FFB EGB2015FFB EGB3015FFB 20EGB1020FFB EGB2020FFB EGB3020FFB 25EGB1025FFB EGB2025FFB EGB3025FFB 30EGB1030FFB EGB2030FFB EGB3030FFB 35EGB1035FFB EGB2035FFB EGB3035FFB 40EGB1040FFB EGB2040FFB EGB3040FFB 45EGB1045FFB EGB2045FFB EGB3045FFB 50EGB1050FFB EGB2050FFB EGB3050FFB 60EGB1060FFBEGB2060FFB EGB3060FFB 70EGB1070FFB EGB2070FFBEGB3070FFB 80EGB1080FFB EGB2080FFB EGB3080FFB 90EGB1090FFB EGB2090FFB EGB3090FFB 100EGB1100FFB EGB2100FFB EGB3100FFB 110EGB1110FFB EGB2110FFB EGB3110FFB 125EGB1125FFBEGB2125FFBEGB3125FFBMaximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGS1015FFB EGS2015FFB EGS3015FFB 20EGS1020FFB EGS2020FFB EGS3020FFB 25EGS1025FFB EGS2025FFB EGS3025FFB 30EGS1030FFB EGS2030FFB EGS3030FFB 35EGS1035FFB EGS2035FFB EGS3035FFB 40EGS1040FFB EGS2040FFB EGS3040FFB 45EGS1045FFB EGS2045FFB EGS3045FFB 50EGS1050FFB EGS2050FFB EGS3050FFB 60EGS1060FFB EGS2060FFB EGS3060FFB 70EGS1070FFB EGS2070FFB EGS3070FFB 80EGS1080FFB EGS2080FFB EGS3080FFB 90EGS1090FFB EGS2090FFB EGS3090FFB 100EGS1100FFB EGS2100FFB EGS3100FFB 110EGS1110FFB EGS2110FFB EGS3110FFB 125EGS1125FFBEGS2125FFBEGS3125FFBEG-FrameEG-Frame e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w22.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—65 kAIC at 480 VacLoad T erminalsNotes1 For bulk pack 24, add suffix BP24 and order quantities of 24.2 For bulk pack 12, add suffix BP12 and order quantities of 12.3 For bulk pack 8, add suffix BP8 and order quantities of 8.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGH1015FFB EGH2015FFB EGH3015FFB 20EGH1020FFB EGH2020FFB EGH3020FFB 25EGH1025FFB EGH2025FFB EGH3025FFB 30EGH1030FFB EGH2030FFB EGH3030FFB 35EGH1035FFB EGH2035FFB EGH3035FFB 40EGH1040FFBEGH2040FFB EGH3040FFB 45EGH1045FFB EGH2045FFB EGH3045FFB 50EGH1050FFB EGH2050FFB EGH3050FFB 60EGH1060FFB EGH2060FFB EGH3060FFB 70EGH1070FFB EGH2070FFB EGH3070FFB 80EGH1080FFB EGH2080FFB EGH3080FFB 90EGH1090FFB EGH2090FFB EGH3090FFB 100EGH1100FFB EGH2100FFB EGH3100FFB 110EGH1110FFB EGH2110FFB EGH3110FFB 125EGH1125FFBEGH2125FFBEGH3125FFBMaximum Breaker AmpsTerminal, Body MaterialWire TypeMetric Wire Range mm 2AWG Wire Range(Package of Three Terminals)Catalog NumberStandard Cu/Al Pressure T ype T erminals 15–50Aluminum Cu/Al 2.5–50#14–1/03TA125EF 60–125AluminumCu/Al16–70#6–3/03TA150EFEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2Accessories Selection Guide and Ordering InformationEG-FrameLine and Load T erminalsEG-Frame circuit breakers and molded case switches have line and load terminals as standard equipment.Insert collar enclosing conductor as shown. Locate nut on top of conductor and tighten securely with screw and washer.Caution : Collar must surround conductor.Insert collar enclosing conductor and center on extrusion. Tighten securely with screw and washer. Endcap kits are used on the E-Frame breaker line side to connect busbar or similar electrical connections. Includes hardware.Notes1Standard line and load terminals.2Four-pole kit with four terminals.3T125EF3TA125EF 3TA150EF 3TA160EFKEF2RTWK, Two-Pole–Metric EF3RTWK, Three-Pole–Metric EF4RTWK, Four-Pole–Metric EF2RTDK, Two-Pole–Imperial EF3RTDK, Three-Pole–Imperial EF4RTDK, Four-Pole–ImperialControl Wire Terminal Kit GCWTKMultiwire ConnectorsMaximum Breaker AmpsTerminal Body MaterialWire TypeMetric Wire Range mm 2AWG Wire Range(Package of Three Terminals)Catalog NumberStandard Cu/Al Pressure T ype T erminals 125Steel Al 4–6#12-103T125EF 1125Steel Cu 2.5–95#14-3/03T125EF 1125Aluminum Cu/Al 2.5–50#14-1/03TA125EF 160Aluminum Cu/Al 16–70#6-3/03TA150EF 160Aluminum Cu/Al 35–120#3-2503TA160EFK 160AluminumCu/Al35–120#3-2504TA160EFK2e s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2Control Wire T erminal KitFor use with steel or stainless steel standard line and load terminals only.Interphase BarriersThe interphase barrier is available for extended insulationbetween circuit breaker poles. Specify quantity when ordering.Base Mounting Hardware—DIN Rail MountingMetric base mounting hardware is included with a circuit breaker or molded case switch. (Included with breaker.) If required separately, order S/N 8703C80G08.Note: English mounting hardware kit can be supplied separate. Catalog number is BMHE #6–32 x 3 inches for two-, three- and four-pole. Single-pole mounting hardware metric order 8703C80G11. English hardware 8703C80G12. Both sold in quantities of 100.Terminal ShieldsThe terminal shield is available for line terminal areas in three- and four-pole circuit breakers. Special terminal shields are also available for use when an electrical (solenoid) operator ismounted on the circuit breaker. The standard style number by pole for each terminal shield is for a package of 10 and is priced per each package. Special terminal shields are packaged individually.T erminal Shields—IP30 ProtectionTerminal End Covers (Gas Barrier)The terminal end cover is available for three-pole circuit breakers only. Two conductor opening sizes are available. Specify quantity (one per circuit breaker) when ordering.T erminal End CoversMultiwire ConnectorsField-installed multiwire connectors for the load side (OFF) end terminals. They are used to distribute the load from the circuit breaker to multiple devices without the use of separate distribution terminal blocks.Multiwire lug kits include mounting hardware, terminal shield insulators and tin-plated aluminum connectors to replace three mechanical load lugs. UL listed as used on the load side (OFF) end.EG-Frame Multiwire Connectors Ordering Information (Package of 3) 1Note1For four-pole kit, change “3” at beginning of catalog number to “4.”Catalog NumberControl wire terminal kit 5652B38G01Package of 12—priced individuallyCatalog NumberInterphase barriersEIPBKPackage of 12—priced individuallyCatalog NumberDIN rail adapter—single-pole EF1DIN DIN rail adapter—two-pole EGDIN DIN rail adapter—three- or four-poleEF34DINNumber of Poles Catalog Number 3EFTS3K 4EFTS4KConductor Opening Diameter Inches (mm) Catalog Number 6.35 (0.25)EEC3K 10.41 (0.41)EEC4KMaximum Amperes Wires per Terminal Wire SizeRange AWG Cu Kit Catalog Number 125314–23TA125E3K 125614–63TA125E6Ke s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wV4-T2-26Volume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April 2AccessoriesAllowable Accessory CombinationsDifferent combinations of accessories can be supplied, depending on the types of accessories and the number of poles in the circuit breaker.EG-Frame AccessoriesLegend■ Applicable in indicated pole position❏ May be mounted on left or right pole—not both ● Accessory available/modification availableReference PageSingle-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole DescriptionCenterLeftRightLeftCenterRightLeftCenterRightNeutralInternal Accessories(Only one internal accessory per pole)Alarm lockout (Make/Break)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Alarm lockout (2Make/2Break)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch (1A, 1B)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch (2A, 2B)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch and alarm switch combination V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Shunt trip—standardV4-T2-104———■——■———Undervoltage release mechanism V4-T2-105———■——■———External Accessories End cap kitV4-T2-25—●●●●●●●●●Control wire terminal kit V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Multiwire connectors V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Base mounting hardware V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Terminal shields V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Terminal end covers V4-T2-25———●●●————Interphase barriersV4-T2-25—●●●●●●●●●Non-padlockable handle block V4-T2-102■■——■——■——Snap-on padlockable handle lock hasp V4-T2-102■■——■——■——Padlockable handle lock haspV4-T2-102——■❏—❏❏—❏—Walking beam interlock—requires two breakers V4-T2-102———●●●●●●●Plug-in adapters V4-T2-102—●●●●●●●●●Electrical operator V4-T2-102———●●●————Handle mechanismsV4-T2-407———●●●————Modifications (Refer to Eaton)Moisture fungus treatment V4-T2-100●●●●●●●●●●Freeze-tested circuit breakers—●●●●●●●●●●Marine/naval application, UL 489 Supplement SA and SB—●●●●●●●●●●C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wVolume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April V4-T2-272Technical Data and SpecificationsUL 489/IEC 60947-2 Interrupting Capacity (Symmetrical Amperes) (kA) RatingsDimensions and WeightsApproximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)EG-FrameEG-FrameApproximate Shipping Weight in Lbs (kg)EG-FrameNotes1DC ratings apply to substantially non-inductive circuits.2IEC only.3Two-pole circuit breaker, or two poles of three-pole circuit breaker.4Time constant is 3 milliseconds minimum at 10 kA and 8 milliseconds minimum at 42 kA.5Current limiting per UL 489.Circuit Breaker Type Number of Poles Volts AC (50/60 Hz)Volts DC 1120220–240277347380–415480600Y/ 347690 2125250 34I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs EGB125135252518———————1010——2, 3, 4—2525——181818—————1010EGE1252, 3, 4—3535——25252518————1010EGS125110085433522——————3535——2, 3, 4—8543——40303522————3535EGH1251200100506530——————4242——2, 3, 4—10050——70356525————4242EGC125 53, 4—200200——10010010035————4242EGB160 23, 4—2525——181818—————1010EGE160 23, 4—3535——25252518————1010EGS160 23, 4—8543——40303522————3535Number of Poles Width Height Depth 1 1.00 (25.4) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)2 2.00 (50.8) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)3 3.00 (76.2) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)44.00 (101.6)5.50 (139.7)2.99 (75.9)Breaker Type Number of Poles 1234Breaker Type Number of Poles 34EGB125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGB160 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGC125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGE160 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGE125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGS1603.0 (1.36)4.9 (1.82)EGH125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGS1251.5 (0.68)2.0 (0.91)3.0 (1.36)4.9 (1.82)Front View Three-PoleFront Cover CutoutSide View(33.0)C LC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wV4-T2-28Volume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April 2EG-Frame With Earth Leakage ModuleEG-Frame With Current Limiter ModuleC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w。



HenkelElectronics Assembly SolutionsIrvine,CaliforniaRancho Dominguez, CaliforniaSan Diego,CaliforniaOntario,CaliforniaHemel Hempstead, UKLinton, UKTainan, TaiwanSeoul, Korea Lianyungang,ChinaShanghai, ChinaIpoh, MalaysiaKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaEcatepec de Morelos,MexicoDublin, IrelandYantai,ChinaIsogo, JapanHokkaido,JapanKakogawa, JapanAtsugi, Japan Port Huron, MichiganOlean, New YorkBillerica,MassachusettsWesterlo,BelgiumScheemda,NetherlandsCanton, MassachusettsSalisbury, North CarolinaSao Paulo, BrazilCity of Industry, CaliforniaManaus, BrazilElEctronics Group of HEnkElPlease see LT-5013 for SemiconductorToday’s electronics assembly market can be complex.Your materials supplier partnership shouldn’t be. That’s why Henkel has researched, analyzed,designed and formulated the most comprehensive range of advanced assembly materials available. We deliver unprecedented choice, convenience and, above all, a low-risk proposition to your business so that complexity is eliminated and performance is elevated. Any application that requires joining, bonding, adhering or protecting an electronicassembly will benefit from the value-added solutions within Henkel’s unmatched technology toolbox.Our leading-edge materials are uniquely strengthened by the exceptional expertise of our people. Bringing together the industry’s best and brightest chemists, applications experts, sales professionals, technical support specialists, scientists and researchers all under the guidance of aknowledgeable and dedicated management team, Henkel provides the depth ofexperience and breadth of capability you need to get the job done. Our worldwide service, manufacturing, sales and product development network delivers the global footprint that enables your company’s competitiveness – regardless of your requirements or your locale.Henkel’s successful history is only superseded by our promising future. Even as we havecommercialized ground-breaking formulations for modern electronics manufacture, we are diligently researching and developing materials technology that will make tomorrow’s products possible.Potting CompoundsConformal CoatingsPhotonic Componentand Assembly Materialssurface Mount Adhesivessemiconductor Molding Compoundsthermal Management MaterialsFlip Chip-on-BoardUnderfillsLiquid encapsulantsDam and FilloptoelectronicsDie Attach Adhesivessolder MaterialsLow Pressure MoldingsLiquid encapsulantsGlob top silicone encapsulantsGasketing Compounds CsP/BGA UnderfillsFlip Chip in Package Underfillselectronic MoldingCompoundsCoating PowdersautoMotive electronicSAddressing the needs of today’s advancedautomotive industry, Henkel has developed a broad range of conductive paste and film adhesives, glob top and underfill encapsulants, conformal coatings, sealants, potting encapsulants and solder products, technical and analytical test support, and customized formulations to meet increasingly demanding requirements. Our solutions are used in a wide range of vehicle electronic and sensor components for common rail fuel systems, safety electronics, engine and powertrain management, infotainment, and lighting applications.conSuMer & induStrialelectronicSConsumer and industrial applications requirematerials solutions that can meet the ever-changing demands for high reliability andimproved performance. With decades of materialsdevelopment expertise, Henkel offers a widerange of assembly and protection materials forchallenging industrial and consumer electronicsenvironments. We also offer advanced conformalcoatings to be used in protecting electronics circuitsfrom moisture, chemicals and other contaminants.But, we haven’t stopped there, with an unyieldingcommitment to sustainability, Henkel has developedmaterials that not only deliver the high reliabilityrequired, but also address the needs of ourenvironment. Halogen-free, lead-free, solvent-freeand low-VOC materials are all part of our portfolioand our ongoing promise to be environmentallyresponsible. All these innovative solutions willenable manufacturers to introduce products fasterto market and improve production efficiency.defenSe & aeroSPaceelectronicSHenkel has more than 35 yearsof experience in supplying thedefense and aerospace industrywith Emerson & Cuming™,Ablestik™, Loctite®, Hysol® andMulticore® product solutions.We are qualified and specified byall major defense and aerospaceOEMs and contractors, andsupport our products througha worldwide sales, applicationengineering, research anddevelopment, and manufacturingnetwork.certification to major defenseand aerospace specifications,and technical expertise ensurethat products built with Henkelelectronic assembly materialswill be both the highest inperformance and in reliability.We are committed to meetingand exceeding your requirementswith:• M IL-STD 883, Method 5011approved products• N ASA outgassing ASTM E595-77/84/90 approved products• P roven film and pastetechnology in Defense andAerospace applications• C ustom film pre-formmanufacturing capability• Low-risk supply chainHandHeld coMMunicationS& coMPutingHenkel designs and sells materials that improve the quality, robustness, use life and cost of laptops, mobile phones, MP3 players, game consoles, digital cameras, memory cards, and a range of other handheld devices and associated products. Our broad portfolio of encapsulants, adhesives, solder pastes, inks and coatings are used by designers and manufacturers during circuit assembly.We offer innovative products optimized to provide theprocessibility needed for intricate handheld applications. The materials Snap Cure at low temperatures to keep pace with fast production cycle times and are highly stable, offering convenient storage, staging and use conditions. We custom formulate and optimize current technology platforms to integrate with customers’ unique processes and needs, and continue to develop future technology platforms that offer greater value to customers by combining new benefits with lower overall cost of use.Henkel offers a wide range of underfills that improve themechanical robustness of CSP, BGA, LGA and WLSP components in mobile phones and other handheld devices, as well as underfills that dramatically improve the thermal cycle reliability of FlipChip assemblies. We also offer a large selection of solder paste and conductive adhesives used to interconnect components and circuitry. Our line of thermal interface materials are used for a variety of thermal management challenges in laptops and handhelds. Henkel has developed halogen-free conductive inks used in membranes for keyboards to provide optimal ERperformance. Our coatings provide excellent moisture and environmental protection for delicatecircuitry in handheld devices.led ligHtingHenkel manufactures numerous assemblyand protection materials for the demanding requirements of photovoltaic electronics. Whether your solar cells and modules are based on silicon, thin film, concentrator, dye sensitized or organic technology, Henkel materials enable a robust assembly, providing the performance and reliabilityrequired. Our portfolio consists of thermallyconductive materials, electrically conductiveadhesives and inks, as well as fluxes, solders,encapsulation materials, dielectric adhesives andsealants for assembly of photovoltaic modules.Lighting advancements are one of the mostpromising areas of electronics market growth.In fact, by some estimates, the LED market isprojected to grow at CAGR rates in the doubledigits over the next few years. Driven by the needfor high brightness (HB) LEDs and the requirementto manufacture these even more efficiently,opportunities in the lighting market abound.Success, however, depends on partnering with theright material supplier who can deliver both LEDassembly and protection solutions.With unmatched expertise in this market andnow empowered by the integration of the well-respected Ablestik™, Emerson & Cuming™, Hysol®and Loctite® brands, Henkel offers a broad rangeof products to meet the increasingly demandingrequirements of LED-based lighting assembly andprotection. Our extended product line covers LEDencapsulant, die attach, PCB protection and thermalmanagement materials. High performance inksare also available for applications that dictate aprintable solution.Medical electronicSAccurate diagnosis, improved alternative treatments, patientmonitoring: electronic technology and related assembly materials are having an ever-increasing impact on healthcare. They improve access to healthcare, enabling more accurate collection of patient data for more precise treatment. They enable doctors to treat more patients with less, reducing the costs and improving the effectiveness of total healthcare and expanding the capability to treat chronic medical conditions. Implanting medical devices, as well as improving ease of use, requires a form factor that is achieved through advanced electronic components, materials and assembly methods. Henkel combines local technical support and applies materials developed for the most advanced electronic assembly processes to provide solutions for applications ranging from printing simple biological sensors to advanced implantable micro-electronic assemblies.Used for everything from toll booths to department store inventory control to pet identification, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags are devices capable of uniquely identifying an object via a pre-programmed response when queried by an external radio frequency wave.Today’s RFID tags consist of a graphic overlay and an inlay, with the inlay being the functional part of the tag and containing the die (used to carry the coded information) and the antenna (used to both transmit and receive RF signals). Critical to the assembly of the tags and their robust in-field performance is the selection of adhesives used to construct these devices.Adhesive materials are used to attach diesonto antenna to build the inlays, which can be constructed in one of two ways:1. A n interconnect adhesive is used to attach a small bare die directly to an antenna.2. An interconnect adhesive is first used to build a much larger packaged die (interposer or die strap), which is then adhered onto an antenna.Both methods of assembly have been successfully employed to make active and passive RFID tags.Henkel’s line of RFID adhesives are advancing this critical technology by addressing the dichotomy of high-performance and lower-cost assembly that defines the RFID market. By formulating materials that offer increased throughput, exceptionalprocessability, simplified manufacturing techniques and outstanding in-field reliability, Henkel isfacilitating higher yield, lower cost manufacturingfor modern RFID assembly.Die Strap AttachDirect Die AttachAdhesive Antenna Inkradio freQuencyidentification (rfid)WireleSS datacoMinfraStructureHenkel supplies high-performance assembly materials for electronics in wirelesstelecommunications infrastructure equipment. With our unique RF grounding adhesives, available in both film and paste formats, we have earned a leading position in the assembly of base station electronics, as well as point-to-point and point-to-multipoint radiolink devices, satellite electronics, wireless home/office equipment and fiber optics.Henkel products are used in the assembly of power amplifiers, transmitters, receivers, couplers, and filters, as well as RF modules such as system-in-packages, power transistors, oscillators, optical fiber and more.Our unique product line meets emerging market demands for improved RF performance in next-generation wireless telecommunicationsequipment, as well as increased thermal dissipation requirements for achieving longer distance communication capabilities. Henkel’s solutions for these market challenges include RF groundingadhesives in film and paste formats, thermal interface materials for heat dissipation of highpower components, electrically conductive adhesives as lead-free solder alternatives for active and passive component attach, lid seal adhesives, and underfills for component reinforcement.adHeSiveS to address today’s most demanding applications.From electrically conductive and non-conductivepaste adhesives through to thermally conductivedielectric materials, Henkel’s product line affordsmaximum performance and cost-efficiency.Our electrically conductive and non-conductive pasteadhesives are ideal for withstanding the thermal andphysical stresses of Defense, Automotive, Medicaland Consumer Electronic assembly applications,while our spot cure technologies enable high-speedassembly for RFID tags and other printed electronicdevices. Non-conductive paste systems in the Henkelportfolio include a series of one- and two-part roomtemperature, thermal and UV cure adhesives for theultimate in flexibility and performance.For manufacturers that require both adhesive andthermal dissipation functionality, Henkel’s lineProviding outstanding adhesion and thermalperformance, Henkel offers both shimmed and non-shimmed formulations. For assembly specialiststhat require the utmost in accuracy, our shimmedadhesives contain engineered spacers for moreprecise bondline control.adHeSiveSadHeSiveSadHeSiveSadHeSiveSdiSPlay MaterialSWith materials solutions for many facets of flat panel display (FPD) production, Henkel deliversa variety of Loctite®, Hysol®, P3®, Eccoseal™ and Electrodag™ branded products that enable highly efficient manufacturing and excellent reliability.For color filter production, the P3® line of cleaners, developers and strippers ensures that the essential FPD color filters are prepared properly and are very stable for the subsequent module assembly process. With both off-the-shelf and customer-developed materials, Henkel’s FPD line of materials enable highly efficient, advanced product manufacture.Module and panel assembly materials are also part of Henkel’s core competency. The Loctite® brandof UV curable temporary bonding and endseal materials are used to deliver a robust, complete panel assembly. In addition, Henkel has developed pin terminal bonding, overcoat and flexible printed circuit (FPC) materials to help reinforce and facilitate exceptional and reliable product-to-host connection. The Hysol® QMI brand of through-hole bonding materials delivers a reliable panel assembly withits flexibility and low temperature curability. The newly joined Eccoseal™ brand provides UV cureand low temperature, fast cure perimeter sealants for displays requiring extreme protection against moisture, such as organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays and electronic paper displays (EPD). The Electrodag™ brand provides thick polymer film ink for many applications including ITO-coated film. For display applications, a thermoplastic resin-based conductive ink is used to deliver a reliable printed busbar for touch screens with its low temperature process profile, wide range of flexibility and stable electric conductivity.diSPlay MaterialSinkS & coatingS For decades, Henkel’s product range of conductive,dielectric and other functional polymer thick filminks have been used to apply selective coatings ona variety of flexible and rigid substrates, via screen,flexographic and rotogravure printing methods.They can be effectively dried or cured through heator UV radiation. Henkel’s conductive (silver, silver/silverchloride, carbon-based), dielectric andother functional (e.g., electroluminescingpigments–based) inks are used for theproduction of:• F lexible circuits for membrane touch switchesand keyboards for desktop and notebook PCs• Heating elements• Automotive sensors• Biosensors and EKG/ECG electrodes• A ntennas for contactless smartcards andRFID labels• Touch screens• EL lamps• P rinted circuit boards andpotentiometersMicro-encaPSulantS (cSP underfillS)Henkel offers innovative capillary flow underfill encapsulants for Flip Chip, CSP and BGA devices. These are highly flowable, high purity, one-component encapsulants. They form a uniform and void-free underfill layer to improve the reliability performance by redistributing stress away fromthe solder interconnects as well as enhancing mechanical performance. We have formulations that quickly fill very small gap/pitch parts that offer fast cure capabilities, have a long pot and shelf life, and are reworkable. Reworkability allows for cost savings by allowing the removal of the underfill to enable re-use of a board.Flip Chip applications require assistance with redistributing stress away from the solder joints to extend thermal aging and cycle life. A CSP or BGA application requires an underfill to improve the mechanical integrity of the assembly during a bend, vibration or drop test. Henkel’s Flip Chip underfills are formulated with a high loading of specialty fillers to achieve low CTEs yet maintain the ability to flow fast in small gaps, possessing high glass transition temperatures and high modulus. Our CSP underfills are designed with little to no filler loading, a choice of glass transition temperatures, and modulus to match the intended application. For certain applications, Loctite® Cornerbond™ and Edgebond™ technologies allow for a cost-effective underfill solutions. The Cornerbond™ technology is applied at all four corners of the package and then can be cured during the normal solder reflow cycle, allowing for a more efficient process. The material’s self-centering characteristic ensures high assembly reliability and outstanding yield rates.Micro-encaPSulantS (cob encaPSulantS)Encapsulants are used to provide environmental protection and add mechanical strength towire bonded devices. Two different application technologies are employed for the protective encapsulation of wire bonded die:• G lob top technology requires an encapsulant with a fine-tuned rheology, as the flow capabilities must allow the wires to be covered without the encapsulant flowing beyond the chip.• D am and fill technology, where the dam is usedto limit the flow of the low viscosity fill material, allowing its use with fine pitch wire leads. Henkel’s Hysol® and Eccobond™ encapsulantsare available as either thermal or ultraviolet cure materials and are designed for the highest reliability in that they offer low coefficient of thermal expansion, high glass transition temperature, and low ionic content. These encapsulants have been engineered to provide protection to wire bonds, leads, aluminium and silicon dies from harsh environments, mechanical damage and corrosion. Formulated from epoxy, polyurethane, acrylate (UV curable) and silicone chemistries, these systems have proven reliability for electronic insulation. Henkel encapsulants offer excellent elevated temperature stability and thermal shock resistance, outstanding electrical insulation at both room and elevated temperatures, minimal shrinkage and low stress during cure, as well as excellent chemical resistance. Our encapsulants have been designed to offer high throughput and low-cost assembly processes.While Henkel is providing the leading materials used inside advanced packages and on sophisticated assemblies, we also deliver next-generation Loctite® and Eccocoat™ brand conformal coating materials to ensure superior product protection. Many applications expose printed circuit boards (PCBs)to harsh environments and Henkel is committedto delivering materials that provide extraordinary environmental and thermal cycling protection.Our advanced conformal coating materials protect PCBs from thermal shock, moisture corrosive materials, and a variety of other adverse conditions to ensure long product life cycles in harsh marine, automotive, aerospace and consumer electronics applications. We also keep the environment top of mind with every formulation, which is why Henkel has migrated to solvent-free, low-VOC materials and processes. Loctite® and Eccocoat™ conformal coatings areavailable in solvent-free and fast curematerials, enablingprocess efficiencyand environmentalresponsibility.Pcb ProtectionPcb ProtectionEnsuring that electronics products function as they are designed to is just one piece of the materials solution Henkel delivers. Protecting printed circuit boards and electronic assemblies from thermalcycling and adverse environmental conditions is the other critical component for product durability and reliability. Under the leading Hysol® and Stycast™ brands, Henkel offers several PCB protectionproducts to minimize external product stress and maximize performance. Our portfolio of conformal coatings keeps moisture, humidity and other adverse conditions from deteriorating printed circuit boardsused in harsh marine, automotive, aerospace and consumer electronics applications. Henkel also strives to keep environmental consciousness at the forefront of all our product development efforts, which is why we have moved toward solvent-free, low-VOC materials and processes.Henkel’s potting and encapsulation compounds protect PCBs and electrical devices by enhancing mechanical strength, offering electrical insulation, and protecting against vibration and shock.Pcb ProtectionPcb ProtectionLoctite® silicone gasketing materials offer precise, reliable sealing for electronic enclosures, ensuring that housing modules are tightly secured and componentry is protected. Loctite® siliconeencapsulants are specially formulated to isolate sensitive fine-pitch leads from potentially damaging thermal cycling conditions. Like all Henkelproducts, these materials have been designed for ease-of-use and are conveniently packaged for dispense operations.Pcb ProtectionHenkel’s renowned Macromelt® low-pressuremolding solution is delivering superior sealing adhesion and excellent temperature and solvent resistance. The simplicity of these materials is their advantage: because the entire Macromelt® operation takes place at low pressure, cycle time is short and fine or fragile circuitry is not damaged, delivering measurable improvements over that of traditional potting or encapsulating processes. PCB and circuitry protection is essential in modern, challenging applications; and Henkel delivers manufacturers proven, reliable solutions and peace-of-mind.Advantages:• Complete watertight encapsulation • Fast cycle time (15 to 45 seconds)• Low capital equipment costs• Safe, one component, UL 94V-0 approved • L ow pressure and high speed molding for electronics encapsulation Applications:• Automotive sensors • Strain relief • Hall effect sensors• Switches• Circuit board protection• Battery sealingSolder MaterialS performance liquid flux technology is compatiblewith dual-wave and lead-free processes, deliveringoutstanding results. From no-clean to low-residueto VOC-free, Multicore® brand fluxes deliver uniqueproperties for individualized manufacturing needs.Henkel’s flux formulation teams are unmatchedof modern, lead-free and environmentallyresponsible processes. Through careful processanalysis and a complete understanding of chemicalinteractions and manufacturing requirements,Henkel has developed a broad range of Multicore®brand liquid fluxes to suit a variety of applications.Solder MaterialSAs the world’s leading developer of advanced solder paste materials, Henkel delivers decadesof technology and expertise for optimizedprocess performance. With groundbreaking new formulations to provide an easy transition tolead-free as well as proven, traditional tin-lead formulations, Multicore® brand solder materials are enabling the production of some of today’s most advanced products. Our portfolio of solder paste materials addresses a variety of manufacturing requirements and offers performance characteristics unmatched by any other materials supplier. Low-voiding lead-free solder pastes, no-clean pastes, water-wash pastes and crossover pastes for mixed-metal manufacturing are all part of our vast offering. Supporting ultra-fine pitch printing athigh speed, delivering long open and abandon times and pin-testability across all types of assembliesand surface finishes, Multicore® pastes deliver the flexibility modern electronics firms require to stay competitive. Our materials also offer outstanding resistance to high temperature and high humidity, providing multinational firms with the confidence they need to deploy Multicore® materials on a global level with consistent performance. Plus, all of our products are supported locally with outstanding technical expertise and are backed by Henkel’s global infrastructure and inimitable resource base.Solder MaterialSThe Multicore® portfolio of cored solder wirefeatures the award-winning multiple flux core technology that ensures the even and consistent distribution of flux throughout the solder wire. This mainstay in Henkel’s line of solder products delivers ease of use and outstanding performance for today’s delicate hand soldering assembly and rework operations.Formulated with a variety of different alloy selections, Multicore® cored wires supporttraditional tin-lead manufacturing operations as well as modern lead-free processes. Our fast-wetting materials deliver excellent solder joint integrity and outstanding long-term performance.As the first commercially available adhesive toaddress the emerging surface-mount market inthe 1980s, Loctite® Chipbonder™ and Eccobond™products today are the industry standard for mixed-technology and double-sided SMT applications.Henkel offers a wide range of Chipbonder™ andEccobond™ products to meet the diversity andchallenges of today’s manufacturing requirements.Developed using in-process analysis ensures thatHenkel’s surface mount adhesives can address high-speed assembly processes while delivering lead-freecompatibility with no loss in productivity. Theportfolio includes formulations for low-temperaturescreen printing and dispensing.Surface Mount adHeSiveS(cHiPbonder™)Henkel’s thermal materials scientists have developed some unique and user-friendly products to address the requirements of today’s thermal transfer priorities. The Loctite® line of Phase Change Thermal Interface Materials (PCTIM) offers exceptionallylow thermal impedance between heat dissipating devices and the surface to which the componentis mounted. The premiere product in this line-up, Loctite® Powerstrate™ Xtreme™ adheres to heat sinks or components without heating, delivering amazing ease-of-use without compromising thermal performance. Henkel offers a wide range of thermally conductivefilm adhesives that are ideal for bonding largeareas or complex shapes. With customizedpreforms, adhesive can be placed precisely whereneeded, whether around through-holes or on anyarea requiring a specialized pattern, deliveringexceptional accuracy and enhanced performance.Offering the perfect blend of high thermalconductivity with varying degrees of flexibilityand adhesion, Henkel’s thermally enhanced filmproducts have been specially formulated for heatsink or thermal dissipation applications.tHerMal ManageMentMaterialS。

MS614SE,MS518SE,MS621FE,MS920SE-FL27E,MS412FE, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

MS614SE,MS518SE,MS621FE,MS920SE-FL27E,MS412FE, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
Overdischarge: 18kΩ discharge/respective period [Capacity measurement conditions] Charge: max. 0.1mA/3.1V, 96 hours (CC/CV) Discharge: 15μA/c.o.v. = 2.0V (CC)
<Cross Section>
Positive case
Charge Voltage Nominal (Standard Voltage Charge Voltage)*6 (V) (V) 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.8 to 3.3 (3.1) 2.8 to 3.3 (3.1) 2.8 to 3.3 (3.3) 2.8 to 3.3 (3.1) 2.8 to 3.3 (3.1) 2.8 to 3.3 (3.1) Nominal Capacity (mAh)*1 1.0 3.4 2.3 3.4 5.5 11.0 Internal Impedance (Ω)*2 100 60 50 80 80 35 Cycle Life (Time)*4 Size (mm) Standard Maximum Charge/ Discharge 100%*5 20%*5 Discharge Current D.O.D. D.O.D. Current (Continuous) (Depth of (Depth of Diameter Height *3 (mA) (mA) Discharge) Discharge) 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.050 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.80 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 4.8 5.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 9.5 1.2 1.8 1.4 1.4 2.1 2.1 Weight (g) 0.07 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.47



Engineer ITControl Builder MVersion 3.2Getting Started工业工程IT控制应用开发版本 3.2入门山东恒拓科技开展本资料是由山东恒拓科技开展〔ABB系统集成商〕内部员工参考CBM原版说明书翻译整理而成,本书主要用于内部参考学习及客户培训使用,未经山东恒拓科技开展许可的前提下,其他任何人员不可擅自复制,传播。






版权拥有© 1999 ABB保存所有版权发行:2002年12月文献编号:3BSE 028 807 R201 Rev B商标本文中使用到的注册和商标:Windows 微软公司注册ActiveX 微软公司注册PostScript Adobe Systems Inc. 注册Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems Inc. 注册Industrial IT ABB 注册第一部Control Builder M目录关于本书简介 (6)第一章–介绍Control Builder M产品总览........................................................................ ... ... . (7)编程语言....................................................... ... ... ... ... ... . (7)工程开发器.................................................... ... . (7)库................................ ... ... (8)安装要求....................................................................... ....................... . (8)可以支持的控制器组态.......... .. ....................................... ....................... . (9)Control Builder和控制器组态................................................. (10)分散控制................ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........................... ..................... .. (11)Control Builder现有版本及其差异........................................ (12)第二章–安装Control Builder M................ ..... ..... ..... ..... .. .. ... .. (13)逐步安装指南........................................................ .. .. ... (14)TCP/IP 网络协议................................................. ..... ..... ..... .. (14)设置...................................................................................... ...... ...... ...... .. (15)启动................... ..... ..... ..... ..... . (15)AC800M/C的MMS效劳器............................................................. . (15)添加删除程序...................... ..... ..... ..... .. (15)第三章–培训导言.............................. ..... ..... ..... .. (17)开始新工程.......................................... ......... ......... (17)工程开发器...................................................................... . (18)标题菜单工具 (36)库...................................................................................................................... .. (37)控制器.................................................................................................................... . 38 任务. (40)应用 (40)变量间接 (43)变量声明〔定义〕 (43)局部变量 (44)模拟 (47)关闭Control Builder M (49)第四章–举例– Shop Doors简介 (51)选择模板 (52)声明变量和数据类型 (53)变量声明 (54)使用ST语言编写代码 (56)改变编程语言 (56)声明功能块 (57)划分程序功能段 (58)代码输入 (59)模拟 (62)硬件组态 (64)连接I/O通道和应用 (65)第五章–下装和测试简介 (71)通过串行电缆进行操作系统下装 (71)给冗余控制器下装操作系统 (73)设定IP地址 (74)通过以太网下装工程 (77)在线测试 (91)附录AC800 M/C的OPC效劳器简介 (91)自动启动OPC效劳器OPC的组态面板第二部AC800M Controller Hardware目录关于本书第一章–简介产品总览 (27)AC 800M 控制器的突出特性 (38)第二章–安装安装环境要求 (41)电缆 (43)电源 (44)防护等级 (46)将AC 800M单元安装于标准DIN-Rail导轨 (47)安装PM856/860/861/TP830 控制器单元〔单独〕 (54)安装PM861/TP830 控制器单元〔冗余〕 (62)安装PROFIBUS DP 通讯单元,CI851/TP851 (65)安装RS232-C通讯单元, CI853/TP853 (69)安装PROFIBUS DP-V1通讯单元, CI854/TP854 (70)安装CEX-bus电缆 (74)安装ModuleBus 电缆 (75)安装SD82x 供电电源 (76)安装主断路器 (77)安装SS822冗余电源选择模块 (79)安装SB821外部电池 (83)安装I/O 单元 (83)柜体安装 (84)第三章–组态简介 (89)连接到Control Builder M (89)连接到控制网 (90)通讯方式 (91)控制器IP地址 (93)在Control Builder M设置冗余控制器 (93)I/O系统 (94)驱动系统 (98)供电系统 (100)柜体中的电源模块 (101)柜外电源设备Powering Field Equipment outside the Cabinet (101)外部+24 V DC 电源 (103)第四章–操作AC 800M 控制器(PM856/860/861) (107)启动 (110)启动模式 (110)自动切换到冗余后备控制器 (112)AC 800M系统运行检查 (113)观察单控制器的运行 (113)观察冗余控制器的运行 (115)第五章–维修维修频率 (117)更换电池 (118)内部电池 (118)SB821外部电池单元 (120)在线插拔 (124)更换PM861冗余控制器 (124)维修步骤 (125)查找问题 (126)PM856/860/861控制器单元 (126)PM861 CPU冗余单元 (127)内部电池/ SB821外部电池 (127)PROFIBUS DP – CI851 (128)RS232-C Channels – CI853 (132)PROFIBUS DP-V1 – CI854 (133)Table of Contents附录–硬件单元PM856/PM860和TP830 –控制器单元 (137)技术数据 (138)性能数据 (142)PM861 and TP830 –控制器单元 (143)技术数据 (144)性能数据 (146)CI851 和TP851 – PROFIBUS DP单元 (147)CI853 和TP853 – RS232-C单元 (155)CI854 和TP854 – PROFIBUS DP-V1 Interface (159)电源单元–SD821, SD822 和SD823 (175)SS822 – (冗余电源选择单元) (183)SB821外部电池 (187)其他 (189)TB850 -- CEX-bus终端电阻 (189)TB851 -- CEX-bus终端电阻 (190)TB807 ModuleBus终端电阻 (191)TB852 RCU 连接终端电阻 (191)TK850 CEX-bus 外部电缆 (191)TK851 RCU连接电缆 (191)TK853电缆 (192)TK212工具电缆 (193)第一部Control Builder M关于本书简介欢迎使用本软件〔Control IT for AC 800M/C〕----一个真正全开放的工业控制开发系统。



E18系列产品规格书CC25302.4GHz ZigBee3.0无线模块目录第一章产品概述 (3)1.1产品简介 (3)1.2特点功能 (4)1.3应用场景 (5)第二章规格参数 (6)2.1射频参数 (6)2.2电气参数 (6)2.3硬件参数 (6)2.4网络系统参数 (7)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (8)第四章硬件设计 (11)第五章软件设计 (11)第六章常见问题 (13)6.1传输距离不理想 (13)6.2模块易损坏 (13)6.3误码率太高 (13)第七章焊接作业指导 (7)7.1回流焊温度 (7)7.2回流焊曲线图 (7)第八章相关型号 (8)第九章天线指南 (8)第十章产品包装图 (8)修订历史 (9)关于我们 (9)第一章产品概述1.1产品简介E18系列是亿佰特设计生产的2.4GHz频段的ZigBee通信协议转串口无线模块,贴片型,PCB板载天线或IPEX-1接口,引脚间距1.27mm,出厂自带自组网固件,到手即用,适用于多种应用场景(尤其智能家居)。




1.2ZigBee 3.0优势E18系列模块固件基于Z-Stack3.0.2协议栈(ZigBee 3.0),该版本为CC2530/CC2538系列芯片最优协议栈,因此我司也此基础上做了许多优化,确保系统长期稳定运行。

ZigBee3.0与早前版本的应用方式区别:1.组网方式发生变化:ZigBee 3.0取缔了一上电就组网的方式,而是根据实际需要进行组网。


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Table S1. Model equations for the batch experiment1, 2 The overall mass balance equation:
Vc dC ms d Q + =0 dt ρ p dt (S1)
(Sa + 1) Rp ∫ QR Sa dR = ε p C p + ρ p q ( Sa +1) 0 Rp (Sa + 1) Rp p Sa ∫ C R dR ( Sa +1) 0 Rp
Table S4. Experimental Data of Nitrogen Adsorption Equilibrium on Carbon Molecular Sieves
at 303 K, 323 K, and 343 K T=303K P [kpa] 1.04 4.69 10.76 19.41 38.90 60.52 80.07 100.00 194.19 295.91 398.76 499.08 603.90 701.65 q [mol/kg] 0.0052 0.0187 0.0388 0.0678 0.1264 0.1844 0.2384 0.2847 0.4687 0.6225 0.7447 0.8475 0.9469 1.0145 T=323K P [kpa] 1.07 4.81 10.43 19.56 39.52 59.30 80.18 98.94 194.96 295.80 401.74 498.89 598.60 699.10 q [mol/kg] 0.0046 0.0143 0.0269 0.0465 0.0903 0.1295 0.1682 0.2029 0.3471 0.4756 0.5844 0.6728 0.7501 0.8257 T=343K P [kpa] 1.98 5.86 10.96 20.63 45.22 60.69 80.60 100.47 194.70 301.81 399.77 510.64 598.14 702.69 q [mol/kg] 0.0050 0.0105 0.0210 0.0370 0.0728 0.0958 0.1203 0.1461 0.2612 0.3713 0.4418 0.5225 0.5652 0.6569
where C p is the gas phase concentration in macropores, D p is the macropore diffusivity, ε p is the porosity of the particle, Si is the shape factor of the micropore, rµ is the micropore radius, q is the average adsorbed phase concentration in the micropores, and Q concentration of adsorbate in particle.
Cp =
q =
(Sa + 1) Rp Sa ∫ qR dR ( Sa +1) 0 Rp
where C is the gas phase concentration in the microbalance cell, Vc is the entire closed volume of the microbalance cell , ms is the adsorbent mass used (kg), ρ p is the density of the particle ,
p = CRg T
where p is the pressure, T is the temperature (K), and Rg is the ideal gas constant.
Knudsen diffusivity
Kauzmann correlation3
Dk = 9.7 × 10−8 rp
Macropore mass balance equation:
p ∂Q ∂C p ∂q 1 ∂ S a ∂C =εp + ρp = Sa ε D R p p ∂t ∂t ∂t R ∂R ∂R
Q = ε pC p + ρ p q
(S6) (S7)
(Si + 1) rµ Si ∫ 0 qr dr rµ( Si +1)
∂C p ∂R Cp
R =0
(S15) (S16)
R = Rp
Initial conditions Micropore:
q = qeq 0
Cp = peq Rg T
Microbalance cell:
C = C0 = p feed Rg T
Table S3. Experimental Data of Methane Adsorption Equilibrium on Carbon Molecular Sieve at
303 K, 323 K, and 343K T=303K P [kpa] 0.89 4.15 8.77 16.23 39.31 57.84 79.32 103.26 195.40 306.10 403.40 509.68 610.40 706.67 q [mol/kg] 0.0319 0.0511 0.0866 0.2242 0.3960 0.6076 0.7489 0.8667 1.1721 1.3996 1.5746 1.7066 1.8212 1.9082 T=323K P [kpa] 10.18 20.17 38.72 64.27 79.60 106.98 197.40 302.85 386.16 501.96 578.70 707.29 q [mol/kg] 0.0966 0.1815 0.3208 0.5170 0.5380 0.6583 0.9437 1.1369 1.2879 1.4217 1.5101 1.6153 T=343K P [kpa] 10.84 21.58 40.00 62.76 81.27 102.20 150.66 218.15 318.51 437.40 518.70 594.17 716.44 q [mol/kg] 0.0694 0.1328 0.2219 0.3243 0.4026 0.4810 0.6438 0.7933 0.9567 1.1178 1.2097 1.2903 1.3903
where pc and Tc are critical pressure (atm) and temperature (K), respectively. Daa is the selfdiffusivity (m2/s), and C is the gas phase concentration in microbalance cell (mol/m3)
C = gas phase concentration, mol/ m3
C 0 = initial gas phase concentration, mol/ m3 C p = gas phase concentration in macropores, mol/ m3
C p = average gas phase concentration in the macropores of the particle, mol/ m3
Supporting Information: Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of methane and nitrogen on carbon molecular sieve
Ying Yang†‡, Ana M. Ribeiro‡, Ping Li†, Jian-Guo Yu†, Alirio E. Rodrigues*,‡
Micropore mass balance equation:
∂q 1 ∂ ∂q = Si Dµ r Si ∂t r ∂r ∂r (S8)
where q is the adsorbed phase concentration, t is the time and Dµ is the micropores diffusivity. The ideal gas behavior:
R p is the particle radius, C p
is the average gas phase concentration in the macropores of the
particle, q is the average adsorbed phase concentration of the particle, Q is the total average concentration of is the shape factor of the particle

Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering (LSRE), Associated Laboratory
LSRE/LCM, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal Corresponding Author: Alirio E. Rodrigues, E-mail: