English Intonation__ I
高级英语1课文 翻译
Unit One English and American Concepts of SpaceEdward T. Hall英国人和美国人的空间概念人们说英国人和美国人是被同一种语言别离开的两个伟大的民族。
English Pronunciation & Intonation Practice
Is there any differences between the tape reading any your reading? Where are those stresses in the tape reading?
A private conversation 私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. 'It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'
A private conversation 私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. 'It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'
第一章测试1.We should learn how to use the movable articulators such as _______________ allof which are very active in the active in the articulation of speech sounds.A:the lipsB:the vocal cordsC:the tongueD:the soft palate答案:ABCD2. A language consists of three important elements, namely _________________ .A:grammarB:vocabularyC:pronunciationD:listening答案:ABC3.The field of phonetics is traditionally divided into three subdisciplines:____________________ phonetics.A:auditoryB:acousticC:articulatoryD:phonology答案:ABC4.The vocal tract is formed by ________________ .A:mouthB:pharynxC:larynxD:nose答案:ABD5.Because British people tend to pronounce post-vocalic r sound, RP is rhotic.A:对B:错答案:B6.If phonetics deals with the physical reality of speech sounds, then phonology,on the other hand, is primarily concerned with how we interpret andsystematize sounds.A:错B:对答案:B7.The back rounded /ɔ/ is heard in British English in word such as not. In GA,this vowel sound is replaced with /a:/ .A:错B:对答案:B8.GA speakers use a great deal of weak forms to pronounce the unstressedsyllables, while RP speakers tend to pronounce both stressed and unstressed syllables very clearly.A:对B:错答案:B9.When we pronounce vowels and voiced consonants the vocal cords are keptapart and do not vibrate.A:对B:错答案:B10.Suprasegment features are features of speech which generally apply togroups of segments, or phonemes.A:错B:对答案:B第二章测试1.All consonants are voiced, while vowels can be voiced or voiceless.A:对B:错答案:B2.Schwa is a reduced vowel in stressed syllables, especially if syllabicconsonants are not used.A:对B:错答案:B3.In terms of syllable structure, vowels form the nucleus of the syllable. Theconsonants, on the other hand, occupy the onset or coda position.A:错B:对答案:B4.When a diphthong is pronounced, the first vowel sound is shorter, lower andweaker than the second one.A:对B:错答案:B5.There are five vowels in the alphabets, which represent all vowel sounds inEnglish language.A:对B:错答案:A6.All the speech sounds in the language can be classified into 4 groups: vowels,monophthongs, diphthongs and consonants.A:错B:对答案:A7.According to the distinctive feature theory, /ɔ/ and /a:/ differ from eachother by __________ .A:tongue positionB:tongue heightC:lengthD:lip posture答案:D8.The distinction between primary and secondary cardinal vowels is based onthe _______ position.A:vocal cordsB:soft palateC:lipsD:tongue答案:C9.Closing diphthongs end with a glide toward _______ or _______ .A:/ə/B:/ɔ/C:/i/D:/u/答案:CD10.The description of vowels relates to ________________ .A:tongue positionB:lengthC:lip postureD:tongue height答案:ABCD第三章测试1.In which word the letter b is not silent?A:doubleB:debtC:lambD:doubt答案:A2.English consonants can be classified in three ways, they are ( ).A:by the place of articulationB:by the manner of articulationC:by voicingD:by the loudness of sound答案:ABC3.[k] and [g] are pronounced by blocking the breath-stream with the back ofthe tongue and soft palate, building up the pressure, and suddenly releasing it.A:对B:错答案:A4.The consonants [f],[v],[t] ,[d] are fricatives.A:错B:对答案:A5.According to the features of consonants, [s] can be described as ( ).A:fricativeB:dentalC:aspiratedD:voiceless答案:ACD6.An affricate is a combination of a plosive and a ( ).A:lateralB:approximantC:fricativeD:nasal答案:C7. When pronouncing [ts], the tongue first sticks to the gums, blocks theairflow, and then raises.A:对B:错答案:B8.Which word does not contain the sound /m/?A:kindB:lambC:summerD:some答案:A9.There is no difference between English consonant /l/ and Chinese consonant/l/.A:对B:错答案:B10.Which of the following phonemes are approximant?A:/j/B:/l/C:/w/D:/r/答案:ACD第四章测试1. A syllable contains one and only one consonant.A:错B:对答案:A2.Secondary stress is more prominent than primary stress.A:对B:错答案:B3.Primary stress is often conveyed by changes in length, loudness, and pitch.A:对B:错答案:A4. A rhythm group contains more than one stressed syllable, together withunstressed syllables clustering about it or none.A:错B:对答案:A5.The notion of rhythm comes from the unstressed syllables. Word andsentence stress combine to create the rhythm of an English utterance.A:错B:对答案:A6.Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: I am reading avery interesting novel?A:I, am, reading, novelB:readingC:very, interestingD:reading, very, interesting, novel答案:D7.Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: Twenty isenough?A:is, enoughB:Twenty, is, enoughC:TwentyD:Twenty, enough答案:D8.Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: The book that Ihave just read is hers?A:book, readB:book, justC:book, have, read, hersD:book, just, read, hers答案:D9.Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: Who was that onthe phone?A:who, that, phoneB:who, wasC:who, was, that, phoneD:phone答案:A10.Which of the following words have their stress on the second syllable?A:AmericaB:introductionC:historicalD:sentence答案:AC第五章测试1.Progressive assimilation refers to the sounds assimilated are affected by thepronunciation of the preceding sounds.A:对B:错答案:A2.When /n/ is followed by /p/, /b/ or /m/, it becomes /ŋ/.A:对B:错答案:A3.It is a cluster of consonants. It could be two or three consonants.( )A:错B:对答案:B4. Gifts is initial consonant cluster. ( )A:对B:错答案:B5.Pronunciation is really about().A:throatB:tongueC:all of the aboveD:lips答案:C6.She sells seashells by the seashore. is ( ) in English.A:tongue twisterB:folk songC:sayingD:none of the above答案:A7.In the phrase “give me” which sound can be elided?( )A:/i/B:/v/C:/m/D:/g/答案:B8.Squeezing letters is the phenomenon of ( )A:consonant clusterB:incomplete explosionC:liasionD:elision答案:A9.Squeezing words is the phenomenon of ( )A:incomplete explosionB:elisionC:consonant clustersD:liasion答案:B10.Consonant clusters has_________.A:final clusterB:initial clusterC:medial clusterD:first cluster答案:ABC第六章测试1.What is the purpose of the speaker by saying “could you give me the ”?A:It is attracting attention.B:It is a polite request.C:It sounds like a command; the answer “yes” is expected.D:This is a question asking for information.答案:B2.Choose the standard intonation for the following sentences: 1. Can you try itout?2. When will you be ready?3. Come to the blackboard.4. Did he see hisfriend?A:rising, falling, rising, risingB:falling, falling, rising, fallingC:rising, falling, falling, risingD:falling, rising, falling, rising答案:C3.Which part carries maximal prominence in an intonation unit?A:nucleusB:pre-headC:tailD:head答案:A4.Which type of intonation is not the typical types of English intonation?A:falling intonationB:rising-falling intonationC:falling-rising intonationD:rising intonation答案:B5.The nucleus of the following sentence “I am WRIting a LETter to him.”is .A:ter to himB:LETC:WRIting aD:I am答案:B6. A nucleus is the first fully stressed syllable in an intonation unit.A:对B:错答案:B7.The focusing function of intonation is to show what information in anutterance is new and what is already know.A:错B:对答案:B8. A special question with falling intonation asks for information, while aspecial question with rising intonation usually signals more interest on the part of the speaker.A:对B:错答案:A9.In the sentence “The man works very hard, /doesn’t he?”, the speaker is surethat the man works very hard, and expects you to agree.A:对B:错答案:B10.The sentence “I have to buy bananas, apples, lemons and pears” should bespoken in rising intonation.A:错B:对答案:A。
Unit15-Functions & Uses of English Intonation-English Pronunciation英语语音
Unit 15Lesson PlanFunctions & Uses of English IntonationDate: Dec., 23-27Class: Classes 1, 2, Grade 2009Subject: English Pronunciation and Intonation for CommunicationPurpose:The students will learn the use of intonation in English.Objectives: Students will be able to :1.Define - in their own words the use of intonation in English.pare –based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare differentfunctions and use of intonation in speech;3.Practice – imitate the stress patterns and intonation and do practice.Resources/Materials:1.Textbook: Wang, Guizhen, English Pronunciation and Intonation forCommunication, Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2005;2.Handouts: illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern;3.Recordings of native speakersActivities and Procedures:1.Stimulating: Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students knowabout what they are required to learn. Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves.2.Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing thetypical pronunciation in English.3.Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of rhythmicpatterns in connected speech.4.Have the students imitate the speech rhythm in utterances.5.Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practicematerials in pairs.6.Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers ofEnglish and try to get the rhythm correct in their pronunciation.7.Have the students practice the guided conversation. Ask them to pay specialattention to the stress in speech.8.Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice.9.Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class.ment on the students’performance by highlighting the achievement of thestudents and the efforts they need for the improvement.11.Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentationduring the next session.Use of English IntonationIn this unit, we will learn more about English intonation: its functions and uses.Intonation and stress work together to express meaning. Intonation makes it easier for a listener to understand what a speaker is trying to convey. Following are often cited as important functions of English intonation:The attitudinal functionIntonation is used to convey our feelings and attitudes. For instance, the same sentence can be said in different ways, which might be labeled "happy", "grateful", "angry", "bored", and so on. Usually, intonation units with high heads sound more lively, interesting than those with low heads. A few generalisations are often made here: the falling intonation is said to be more often associated with completeness and definiteness; the rising intonation is more often associated with incompleteness and uncertainty or questioning; The falling-rising is said to have feelings of hesitation, contrast, reservation or doubt.The accentual functionThe location of the tonic syllable is of considerable linguistic importance. The most common position for this is on the last information word of the intonation unit. For contrastive purpose, however, any word may bear the tonic syllable.The grammatical functionSome sentence may be ambiguous when written, but this can be removed by the use of intonation. An often cited example is the sentence "Those who sold quickly made a profit". This sentence can be said in at least two different ways:a./ Those who sold ☎quickly / made a ☎profit.b./ Those who ☎sold / quickly made a ☎profit.English speakers hear two different paraphrases of the sentences because of the different placement of the tone-unit boundary, as in:a.A profit was made by those who sold quickly.b.A profit was quickly made by those who sold.Another example is the use of rising tone in statements. The sentence "They're going to have a picnic" is usually said as a statement like this:a. They 're going to have a ☎picnic.In informal speech, however, we may hear:b. They're going to have a picnic? (But, it's raining outside.)The sentence serves as a question here.The intonation used in question-tags can have a rising tone or a falling tone:a.They're coming to☎morrow, aren't they?b.They're coming to☎morrow, ☎aren't they?When it has a falling tone, as in (a), the speaker is comparatively certain that the information is correct, and simply asking for conformation, while the rising tone in (b) is said to indicate a lesser degree of certainty, so the speaker is asking for information.The discourse function of intonationIn speech, people often use intonation to focus the listener's attention on aspects of the message that are most important. So the placement of nucleus or tonic stress depends on the "information content": the more predictable a word's occurrence is in a given context, the lower its information content is. For example, people would say: The ☎telephone's ringing.The ☎kettle's boiling.In speech, people often use the falling tone to indicate new information and risingtone (including falling-rising) to indicate "shared" of "given" information.People also use intonation to indicate to others that they have finished speaking and that another person is expected to speak.。
English Pronunciation & Intonation
B. Now practice the sounds in sentences
1. Please speak English. Dick gives Lilly a big kiss. The Book sells well. I guess. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. 2. Seeing is believing. Let’s get everything ready. They ran hand in hand. 3. Steve lives on 333 Peterson Street. Can you give me a lift? Remember to get me ten eggs. He who laughs last laughs best. 4. Don’t speak Chinese in an English class. Is it Spring or still winter? Pat sat on the grass with a glass in his hand. 5. Please keep this seat for me. Mary is fifty now, but she’s still fit as a fiddle. Sally married a handsome young man named Jerry. Better late than never.
a cake on the plate Raymond’s favourite Kate’s gray bracelet(手镯) Wait for May A penny saved is a penny gained. 积少成多 Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达
英语语调的类型Types of English Intonation
The fall-rise tone
The fall-rise consists of a fall from rather high to low and then a rise to about the middle of the voice.
The fall-rise is connected with the stressed syllable of the last important word. Like the falling and the rising tones.
What is tone & intonation?
Tones are the way our voice moves up and down.
The way we use these tones is called intonation.
About intonation
The melody of language Refers to the total pattern of pitch changes Another important element of spoken
Rising intonation is use for the questions. Falling intonation is used for the answers. Notice that some of the answers contain direct yes/no answers, which others imply yes or no in the statements or short answers which follow.
English intonation 英语语调
Continuation; Uncertainty; YES/NO questions for repetition or clarification; disbelief
The rising tone is used in the following types of sentences and situations:
1). In yes-no questions.
(1) Do you speak ↗Greek?
2). Yes-no-question-like Interjections I'll con'tact the university, |↗right? ('O↗K?) 3). In tag questions (speakers are not sure and want to check) He was promoted, ↗wasn't he? Come over 'here a minute, |↗will you? 4). In an independent question. A: I'm thinking of taking a break. B: ↗Are you?
(2) -Does she eat sweets?
- ↘No, he ↘doesn't. He's 'stopped ↘smoking.
- ↘Yes, she ↘ does. She 'eats ↘everyday.
6). In questions tags (when speaker is certain about the answer) (1) She's 'looking for a raincoat, ↘isn't she? (2) The blue 'raincoat is too bright, ↘isn't it? 7). When correcting incorrect statements A: It's an Aus↘tralian program. B: ↘No, it is an A↘merican program. 8). In greetings. (1) Good ↘(↗)morning! (2) Hi↘.
总之,一般情况下,降升调的特点是,头(第一个关键词 重读音节之前) 低平,第一个关键词重读音节音调最高, 中间各关键词的音高按楼梯状下降,在最后一个关键词的 重读音节开始降调,到最后一个重读音节(若没有,就是 全句最后一个音节)开始升调,到句末升到中等音高的位 置。 图示:
总之,升调的特点是,头(第一个关键词重读音节之前) 低平,第一个关键词 重读音节音调最高,中间各关键词的音高按楼梯状下降,从最后一个关键词 重读音节开始升调,到句末升到中等音高的位置。 图示:
●•• ●•• • ●• •••
Rising tune:
It was a very cold day.
You needn't have told him.
Intonation Marking: Rising tune
The rising tune (升调)
1. If there is only one word, which is a single-syllable word (e.g. Two.), in the word group, the voice rises from a low pitch to just above the middle of the voice. 2. If the last important word is followed by one or many other syllables, the stressed syllable of the last important word is low, and each following syllable is a little higher, the last one being on a fairly high note.(若句子最后一个关键词后有其他音节,从最后一个关键词的重读 音节开始,逐个词升调) (e.g. " Have you posted it to him?).
English intonation
"What was {that?
Intonation (语调)
· ·
"What was the "matter with {that?
· ·● ··
"How can I "possibly "pay him "two "hundred {pounds?
Intonation (语调)
Intonation (语调)
I "taught him "all I {know.
I %taught him "all I {know.
● ●
There are "too "many {people %there.
· ·
· Intonation (语调)
·· ·
· }Forty. }Forty of them. }Forty of them were there.
Intonation (语调)
2. word groups with more than one important word:
·· · ·
"Are you }married?
Intonation (语调)
I’ve got to take the DOG for a walk.
I’ve got to take the dog to the VET. 在这里,调核的选择不是依据“强调”, 而是根据信
息含量。 vet的信息量明显高于walk,因为遛狗是每天的事, 而带狗看病不属例行事务。
C.People also use intonation to indicate to others that they have finished speaking and that another person is expected to speak.
4.Brief guidelines for the correct use of English intonation
1) Put stress on important words (content words, not function words)
Content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives)
A: Is John in? B: No, \ John’s / not in. (Implication, eg. John’s not in,
but his wife/sister is.)
3. Functions of English Intonation
1) the attitudinal function (表态功能,高兴、生 气、愤怒、感激等) eg. London bridge is falling down.
Are you enjoying your meal? (He was interested to know the woman’s opinion).
英语语调基本规则Intonation Basic Rules in EnglishIntonation is an essential aspect of spoken language that can greatly affect the meaning and interpretation of a sentence. English intonation patterns can vary depending on the speaker's intention, emotions, and the structure of the sentence. In this article, we will explore the basic rules of intonation in English and how they can be used to convey different meanings and emotions.1. Rising IntonationRising intonation is when the pitch of the voice goes up at the end of a sentence. This type of intonation is commonly used in yes/no questions, alternative questions, and to express uncertainty. For example, "Are you coming to the party?" or "Do you want tea or coffee?" Rising intonation can also be used to show surprise or disbelief, as in "You're going to the beach today?"2. Falling IntonationFalling intonation is when the pitch of the voice goes down at the end of a sentence. This type of intonation is used in statements and commands. For example, "I'm going to the store" or "Close the door." Falling intonation is also used to express finality or certainty, as in "I'm not going back there again."3. Fall-Rise IntonationFall-rise intonation is when the pitch of the voice falls and then rises within a single phrase or sentence. This type of intonation is often used to express surprise, contrast, or to seek confirmation. For example, "She's coming to the party, isn't she?" or "You enjoyed the movie, didn't you?" Fall-rise intonation can also be used to express hesitation or politeness, as in "I was wondering if you could help me?"4. Level IntonationLevel intonation is when the pitch of the voice remains steady throughout a sentence. This type of intonation is often used in lists, enumerations, and to convey a matter-of-fact attitude. For example, "I need to buy apples, bananas, and oranges" or "The meeting will be held in room 302."5. Intonation in Compound and Complex SentencesIn compound and complex sentences, intonation can be used to indicate the relationship between clauses. For example, in a compound sentence, the intonation may rise at the end of the first clause and fall at the end of the second clause to show a contrast or a consequence. In a complex sentence, the intonation may rise at the end of the dependent clause and fall at the end of the independent clause to show a relationship of cause and effect.6. Emphatic IntonationEmphatic intonation is used to stress a particular wordor phrase in a sentence. This can be achieved by using a higher pitch, a longer duration, or a change in the quality of the voice. For example, "I didn't say she stole the money" (emphasizing "I") or "I didn't say she stole the money" (emphasizing "stole").7. Intonation in Conversational Turn-TakingIn conversations, intonation can be used to signal the end of one speaker's turn and the beginning of another's. Rising intonation at the end of a statement can invite the listener to respond, while falling intonation can signal the end of a speaker's turn.In conclusion, intonation is a crucial aspect of spoken English that can greatly influence the meaning and interpretation of a sentence. By understanding and using the basic rules of intonation, speakers can effectively convey their intentions, emotions, and attitudes in their communication. Practice and awareness of intonation patterns can greatly improve one's spoken English skills and overall communication effectiveness.。
Intonation Units of English
Speaking – Imitation
Listen and repeat
eg. - Are you leaving on MONday? - Probably be FORE Monday.
P163 CD 06:48-09:18 Answer Keys P223
Nucleus of an intonation unit:
• The syllable that carries maximal prominence eg.
I am WRIting a LETter to him NOW. NOW is the last stressed syllable. NOW has the focus stress. NOW is the tonic syllable. NOW is the nucleus here.
• • • •
Intonation-groups/ Tone groups Corresponds to a sense group Contains several syllables The last stressed syllable = marker of highest importance = pitch change
A. Listen for information P165 CD 09:30-11:53 Listen and fill in the questionnaire Listen and repeat
B. Speaking – Use the Right Intonation in Sentences P166 CD Answer Keys P224 11:5413:14 C. Speaking – Using the Right Intonation for Communication P166
英语语调(intonation)英语语调(intonation ),即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调( pitch)高低抑扬轻重的配制和变化。
世界上没有一种语言是用单一的声调说出的,以英语为例,英语有五种基本语调:升调(/) 、的降调(/)、的升降调(人)、的降升调(V)以及平调( 7)。
一句话除了词汇意义(lexical meaning )还有语调意义(in to natio n mea ning)。
请看下例:1) A : Jean, can you bring me the newspaper ?B: Sorry ?(/)Jea n 用升调说“ Sorry,'其意思是 "I did n't hear you Could you say that aga in , please? ”我们再看下句:2) A : Jean, can you bring me the newspaper ? B: Sorry . (/)在对话2)中,Jean用降调说“Sorry,显然其意思是拒绝帮助或无能为力。
美国著名语言学家Kenneth L . Pike认为:一个音节的绝对调高是不重要的,而一个音节与另外一个的相对高度才是非常重要的。
英语有四级能区别意义的调高:1) 特高调(extra high),即比正常的声调高两级,常在感情特别激动或惊讶时使用。
2) 高调(high),即比正常的声调高一级,一般用于语句中关键性的重读词。
3) 中调(mid),即说话人声音的正常高度。
4) 低调(low),即比正常的声调低一级,一般是降调的最低点。
• (1) the stressed syllable of the first important word is the highest in pitch (句中第一种关键词旳重读音节旳音高最 高 ).
•Requests: e.g. Can I help you?
•Greetings (on parting): e.g. See you later.
比较复杂,表示“话里有话”, 有“言外之意”, 主要用在:含有 对比旳陈述句、含保留心见旳 陈述
Incomplete or implied statements: e.g. He’s really hardworking.
• Occasionally one part or more parts may be missing, but nucleus is always essential.
( 1 )调冠:句子中第一种重读音节之前旳非重 读音节. 如:
There’s plenty of time ( there’s ) It’s nearly the same ( it’s ) ( 2 )调尾:指调心之后旳全部音节,分为声调 调尾与降调调尾. 如: I think so ( so ) Where is it? ( is it ) ( 3 )调头:是句子中旳第一种重读音节。如:
(最终一种关键词重读音节之后旳全部音节都声调低平). • (6) the fall occurs at the last stressed syllable (在最终
Brief Introduction to English Intonation“Intonation is the melody of speech…Almost any intonation pattern is possible in English; but different intonation patterns have different meanings…Simply transferring the prosodic patterns of one’s mother tongue or L1 to a foreign language or L2 (such as English) contributes to making you sound foreign, and may quite possibly lead to your being misunderstood by other speakers.”(Wells, 2006, p.1-3)English is a “stress language”. It is not a “tonal language” like Chinese, where the tones will change the meaning of the words. Intonation shows the attitude / emotion / focus of the speaker. Therefore spoken English conveys more information than written English.When we are not focusing on a certain word or part of a sentence, the stress usually goes to the last content word.BASIC TONES:1. FALL (completeness, certainty, statement, wh question, command, exclamation )e.g., This is a pen.Of course!What’s your name?What’s that?How are you?How wonderful!2. RISE (incompleteness, Yes/No question, encouragement, soothing)e.g., I opened the door, and …You can have coffee or tea.Do you know Peter?Would you like some tea?Don’t worry.Why are you angry?3. FALL-RISE (incompleteness, uncertainty, implication, reservation, negativestatement)e.g., I opened the door, and …I think so.Probably.I could see you on Wednesday.Well she works very hard.She wasn’t very pleased.Focusing on certain words makes our utterance more expressive and our speech more appealing. Read the quotation from Wells at the top of the first page once again. Discuss in group and decide which words should be stressed. Circle them, and then practise delivering his ideas as a speech. Present before the class!Reference: Wells, J. (2006). English intonation: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.。
新编英语教程7 课后Parafrase
第一课1. (line2-5) The differences for which language gets blamed may not be due so much to words as to communications on other levels beginning with English intonation (which sound affected to many Americans) and continuing to ego-linked ways of handling time, space, and materials.Some people complain about the English language for its being so different in the two countries. These differences, however, may have resulted not from the words people use, but rather from individual linguistic habits, which are displayed in the adoption of a particular intonation (English intonation sounds unnatural to Americans), and extend down to the individual way of people’s dealing with time, space and materials.2.(line7-9) One of the basic reasons for this wide disparity is that in the United States we use space as a way of classifying people and activities, whereas in England it is the social system that determines who you are.One of the important factors that has contributed to such a big difference is that the place where one lives, to Americans, can present a symbol of one’s status or activity, while in England, the class one belongs to identifies one’s position in society.3.(line41-43) As a consequence, the English are puzzled by the American need for a secure place in which to work, an office.As a result, it is hard for the English to figure out why Americans invariably feel it is necessary to find themselves a space, such as an office, where they may work without being disturbed.4.(line 59-60)It took some time but finally we were able to identify most of the contrasting features of the American and British problems that were in conflict in this case.It was not until some time later that we managed to discover the major differences that had frustrated both sides in the above story.5.(line66-67) They have in effect internalized a set of barriers, which they erect and which others are supposed to recognize.They have virtually built up, for themselves, a wall, which may keep them safe from disturbance when necessary and which, they assume, others should be able to perceive and respect.第二课1.The most intensive study I ever made of tourists was at Torcello, where it is impossible to avoid them.Since tourists can be seen almost everywhere at Torcello, I decided to observe them closely.2.Torcello which used to be lonely as a cloud has recently become an outing from Venice.Torcello was at one time an island scarcely visited by people, but today it has grown to be a magnet for tourists from Venice.3.Byzantine art is an acquired taste and probably not one in ten of the visitors has acquired it.Byzantine art is a highly refined heritage, to appreciate Byzantine art, one needs to cultivate a particular sense of beauty, but few of the tourists to Torcello have been so equipped.4.As they are obliged, whether they like it or not, to live in public during the whole summer, they very naturally try to extract some financial benefit from this state of affairs.They have no choice but to come into contact with the tourists throughout the summer, and it is not hard to imagine why they try to earn some money out of this opportunity.5.The priest organizes holy processions to coincide with the arrival of the steamer. The priest arranges for the religious parade to begin the moment the ship arrives.第三课1. In a way, of course, the subway is the living symbol of all that adds up to lack of status in NewYork. There is a sense of madness and disorientation at almost every express stop. In New York’s underground transportation system, one finds many examples of what is low-class behavior in New York. The subway is disorganized and people move about wildly at each express stop.2.Your tactile sense takes a crucifying you never dreamed possible.You are being bumped, shoved and prodded amidst the crowd more than you ever have been before / more than you ever expected.3.Also beggars. And among the beggars New York’s status competiion is renewed, there in the much despided subway. On the Seventh Avenue IRT line the competition is maniacal. Some evenings the beggars ricochet off one another between stops, calling one another----s and ---s and telling each other to go find their own car.In New York’s much-hated subway, beggars compete against one another. On the seventh Avenue IRT line, the competition grows so fierce that it borders on craziness. Some evenings when beggars spot each other between stops, they curse each other, call each other names and warn each other to stay away from where they are.4. So today he does much better .He seems to make a living. He is no idler, lollygagger or bum. He can look with condescension upon the states to which men fall.Since he has perfected his strategy, he makes ends meet today—people tend to give him money; he really is not a bum—he has a job. He is now in a position to look down upon others who have unfortunately become bums.5.Everyone stares at him briefly, ati his congealed Wheatena-and-lint carcass, but no one breaks stride; and who knows how long it will be before finally two policemen have to come in and hold their breath and scrape him up out of the gloom and into the bosom of the law, from which he will emerge with a set of green fatigues, at least, and an honorable seat at night on the subway bench.People briefly look at his body, which is covered with lint and dirt, but walk right on by him. No one knows how long it will be before two policemen spot him. They will have to hold their breath from his stench when they take him to the police station. They will give him a set of green work clothes which will make him more presentable—presentable enough to have a seat on the subway at night next to other presentable people.第四课1. Part of the intricacy of co-ordination in using language lies, as we saw in the previous chapter, in the different constraints operating in speech and writing.What makes the use of a language complicated can partly be explained by the fact that there are many restrictions upon the spoken and written forms of the language.2. The stylistic range of English is wide and ultimately the gradations are infinite. The ways of expressing thoughts through the use of English vary so much that it is practically impossible to classify them neatly.3. It may seem paradoxical to lay such stress on being conventional in the use of English when we may well feel that the big prizes go to people who are original and unconventional in their English.It may seem to be ridiculous to insist on being traditional/customary in using English as people may have the very feeling that those who could win prizes for using language are those who are creative and those who do not follow conventions.4.Without a norm, it’s difficult to recognise or practise originality.It is in no sense easy for us even to tell what creativeness really is or how creativeness is to be achieved, unless we have some criterion to base our judgment on.5.we may not feel any of that distaste that constitutes reaction to a cliché.We may not think it disagreeable or offensive at all, which is typical of our feeling about a cliché.第七课1.A merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on God’s earth.”A person equipped only with book knowledge is the least useful person to humanity.2.Their expert knowledge will give them the ground to start from, and their culture will lead them as deep as philosophy and as high as art.Their specialized expertise helps prepare them for their intellectual development, and their ability to think will contribute to the perfection of their reasoning and judgment.3.Surprise was expressed at the success in after-life of a man ,who as a boy at Rugby had been somewhat undistinguished.People would surprise at a man’s success because when he was a boy in Rugby he was very mediocre and not special at all (so that no one would have expected that he could make those achievements).4.The child should make them his own, and should understand their application here and now in the cirsumstances of his actual life.The child should really master the essence of the ideas he learnt, and he should know how to use them when they are needed in his practical life.5.No more deadly harm can be done to young minds than by depreciation of the present.Undervaluing the present time is most detrimental to the intellectual development of the young.第八课4.He moves through Harlem, therefore, like an occupying soldier in a bitterly hostile country; which is precisely what, and where, he is, and is the reason he walks in weos and threes.He swaggers around Harlem, acting much like an invading soldier in an extremely unfriendly country; this is exactly the role he is playing, and exactly the place he is patrolling, which may well explain why he is not seen walking in the area all by himself.5.Even if he is gifted with the merest mustard grain of imagination, something must seep in.Even the least sensitive person will not fail to sense some part of the local situation. 第九课1.We are facing today a strange new world and we are all wondering what we are going to do with it.(line1-2)We are now living in a world which is quite unfamiliar to us, and we have no idea as to how to adapt ourselves to this new environment.2.They were saved from looking at their lives as their own private affair.(line22-23) They were spared from perceiving that the purpose of their living in this world was to satisfy themselves only.3.What the people wanted was a government which would provide a comfortable life for them; and with this as the foremost object, ideas of freedom and self-reliance and responsibility were obscured to the point of disappearing. (line 36-38)People expected that their government would offer them material comforts; with this major objective achieved, other goals like democracy, self dependence and social obligations seemed almost of no concern for them.4.She reached the point when the freedom she wanted was freedom from responsibility.In the end, she directed to ignore the good of the entire community.5.But,“ the excellent becomes the permanent, Aristotle said.However, Aristotle remarked that whatever people viewed as superior would exist forever.第十课1.For me, the pace is wrong for contemplation of either ideas or vistas. (L3-4)While jogging, I am so distracted by the jogging speed that I can not think deeply, nor enjoy the view around me. / As far as I am concerned, the rate at which I jog just will not allow me to think deeply or enjoy the view around me.2.From the listless looks of some fellow trotters, I gather I am not alone in my unenthusiasm. (L7-8)The languid faces of my fellow joggers have convinced me that I am not the only one yet to develop an interest in jogging.3. W eekend worship is less compulsory. (11. 30-31)People no longer feel it obligatory to go to church over the weekend4.It is our modern irreligion, our lack of confidence in any hereafter, that makes us anxious to stretch our mortal stay as long as possible. (L37-39)Today, our faith in an afterlife has diminished, and this encourages our desperate efforts to live longer in this world.5. Like a hairshirt or bed of nails, the more one hates it, the more virtuous it makes one feel. (57-58)Like the acceptance of a penance as a way of attaining virtue, one is even more prepared to embrace jogging, the more it proves itself to be boring.。
英语口语Unit 14
Circle the prominent word in each tone unit.
A: I’m starved. Let’s go and grab a bite to eat. B: Good idea. Where do you want to go? A: Well, there’s a nice Italian restaurant about a block from here. B: Do you have your heart set on Italian? What about a Chinese place? A: Oh, do you know one? B: I sure do. The food is delicious and it’s right around the corner. A: Great! Let’s go.
We are LEARNing a FOReign LANGuage. P H N T P = Pre-head H = Head N = Nucleus T = Tail
Structures of an intonation unit P H N T: P H N: P N T: P N: H N T: H N: N T: N: We are learning a foreign language. I am afraid we can't go. We hope so. It was at night. When are they coming? Peter has arrived. Look at him. Help!
Utterances 1. He left already. 2. Sally’s moving. 3. John missed his flight. 4. It’s snowing in New York.
英语语调标准练习English Intonation Standard PracticeIntroductionThe mastery of English intonation is crucial for effective communication. It is the melody of speech that gives meaning to words and sentences. This guide will walk you through the nuances of English intonation, providing you with the tools necessary to speak with clarity and expressiveness.Understanding IntonationIntonation is the rise and fall of the voice that accompanies speech. It is not just about pitch but also about the rhythm and stress patterns that convey emotion and intent. In English, there are two primary types of intonation: falling and rising.- Falling Intonation: This is used to indicate the end of a statement or a question that expects a 'yes' or 'no' answer. It is characterized by a downward movement in pitch.- Rising Intonation: This is often used in questions, or when the speaker is uncertain or seeking confirmation. The pitch rises at the end of the sentence.The Role of StressStress is the emphasis placed on certain syllables within a word or at the end of a phrase. It is an integral part of intonation and helps to distinguish between different meanings of words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently.- Primary Stress: This is the most prominent stress in a word or phrase and is usually placed on the first or second syllable.- Secondary Stress: This is less prominent than primarystress and is typically found on subsequent syllables.Practicing IntonationTo practice English intonation, start by listening to native speakers. Pay attention to how they use intonation to convey meaning and emotion. Then, mimic their patterns, focusing on the rise and fall of your voice.1. Read aloud: Choose a text and read it out loud, payingclose attention to the natural rhythm and stress patterns.2. Record and replay: Record your speech and listen back toit, identifying areas where your intonation could be improved.3. Use intonation exercises: Practice specific intonation patterns, such as the falling intonation for statements andthe rising intonation for questions.Common Intonation Patterns- Declarative Statements: Use falling intonation to indicate the end of a statement.- Yes/No Questions: Use rising intonation to signal that you are asking a question that requires a 'yes' or 'no' response. - Information Questions: Use a combination of rising andfalling intonation to ask questions that require moredetailed answers.Integrating Intonation into SpeechIntonation should be a natural part of your speech. It is not something that is added on top of the words, but rather an integral component of how you express yourself. To integrate intonation effectively:- Be aware of context: The context in which you are speaking will influence your intonation. For example, a casual conversation will have a different rhythm than a formal presentation.- Vary your pitch: Avoid speaking in a monotone voice. Vary your pitch to keep your speech engaging and to convey the appropriate emotions.ConclusionIntonation is a powerful tool in the English language. By understanding and practicing the principles of intonation,you can enhance your speech and make it more expressive and engaging. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep listening, practicing, and refining your intonation skills.。
English Intonation__ II
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Now the question remains: how to use these types of intonation?
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Unit 13 The Intonation of Statements 陈述句的语调 (p.76-)
Statements which 1. are complete and definite – falling tune. (e.g. The play was very interesting.) 2. are incomplete – rising or falling-rising tune. (e.g. When he came, I asked him to wait.) 3. are intended to be soothing or encouraging – rising tune. (e.g. I shan't be long. = I'll come back soon)
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Unit 18 The Intonation of Imperatives 祈使句的语调 (P.100-)
Pleading requests – falling-rising tune. (e.g. Please shut the window! ) Strong commands – falling tune. (e.g. Don't be a stupid idiot! ) More examples and exercises: P. 101-2.
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4. have two parts of which the first is more important to the meaning than the second – falling-rising tune. (e.g. I eat steak, when I can get it.) 5. are corrections of what someone else has said – falling-rising tune. (e.g. –He's forty-five. –Fortysix.) 6. are intended as questions – rising tune. (e.g. You like it?) More examples and exercises: P77-79
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Did I HEAR you COR↗RECTLY? Are you LOOKING for a ↗CAR? Can I TRY it ↗OUT? Did you DO it on the COM↗PUTER? Are you TAKING a VACATION in the ↗SUMMER? Do you WANT some ↗YOGURT? Did he SEE his ↗FRIEND? Are your PARENTS THROWING a PARTY for your ↗BIRTHDAY? Did you HEAR her ↗YESTERDAY? Do you BE↗LIEVE it? Did you TAKE the ↗JOB?
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Intonation Marking: Falling tune
It's ↘MINE. It was NINE O'↘CLOCK. I was in LONDON on ↘SUNDAY. He's STUDYING ↘FRENCH. She was GOING A↘WAY. We'll GO for a ↘WALK. He WANTS some ↘BEEF. I'm afraid I ↘CAN'T. START DOING it ↘NOW.
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The falling-rising tune (降升调) falling(降升调)
1.(单音节词的降升调读法) 1.(单音节词的降升调读法) If there is only one word, which is a single-syllable word single(e.g. Five.), Five.), the voice falls from rather high to low, and then a rise to the middle of the voice.
Unit 12 & 14 English Intonation (I)
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Intonation (语调) / tune (调子) (语调) (调子)
Intonation: Intonation: the rise and fall of the voice during speech. Three commonly-seen tunes in English: commonlyA. the falling tune 降调 B. the rising tune 升调 C: the falling-rising tune 降升调 falling詹俊峰 制作
总之,升调的特点是,头(第一个关键词重读音节之前) 总之,升调的特点是,头(第一个关键词重读音节之前) 低平,第一个关键词 重读音节音调最高,中间各关键词的音高按楼梯状下降,从最后一个关键词 重读音节开始升调,到句末升到中等音高的位置. 图示:
● ● ●
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Rising tune:
It was a very cold day.
It was a very cold day.
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You needn't have told him. ___________________________
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You needn't have told him.
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Intonation Marking: Rising tune
Some Examples:
Utterances 1. He left already. 2. Sally's moving. Sally' 3. John missed his flight. 4. It's snowing in New York. It'
Statement Question
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The second system: strokes (笔画) and lines 笔画) the stressed syllable of the important word (=key word, or content word) the stressed syllable before the first important word, or right after the fall. the fall the rise the fall-rise fall詹俊峰 制作
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The falling tune (降调) (降调)
1.If there is only one word, which is a singlesingle-syllable word (e.g. No.), in No.), the word group, the voice falls within the syllable. 2. If the word has more than one syllable (e.g. Excellent.), Excellent.), the voice either falls within the stressed syllable or jumps down from that syllable to the next.
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The rising tune (升调) (升调)
1. If there is only one word, which is a single-syllable word (e.g. singleTwo.), Two.), in the word group, the voice rises from a low pitch to just above the middle of the voice. 2. If the last important word is followed by one or many other syllables, the stressed syllable of the last important word is low, and each following syllable is a little higher, the last one being on a fairly high note.(若句子最后一个关键词后有其他音节,从最后一个关键词的重读 音节开始,逐个词升调) (e.g. Have you posted it to him?). him?).
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3. If there is more than one word in the word group (e.g.
There were too there.),
(1) the stressed syllable of the first important word is the highest in pitch (句中第一个关键词的重读音节的音高最高 ). (2) the stressed syllable of the next important word is a little lower than the previous one in pitch (第一个关键词重读 音节之后,其他关键词的重读音节,其音高依次递降 ). (3) all the following unstressed syllables are on the same pitch with the previous important word (每两个关键词重读音 节之间的非重读音节的音高,和前面一个重读音节的音高相同 ). (4) all syllables before the first important word are low (第 一个关键词重读音节之前的所有音节都声调低平). (5) all syllables after the last important word are low (最后 一个关键词重读音节之后的所有音节都声调低平). (6) the fall occurs at the last stressed syllable (在最后一个关 键词重读音节上降调) 詹俊峰 制作
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YesYes-no Utterances 1. Are you coming Friday or Saturday?
2. Can you meet us at eight or nine? 3. WoulAre you going to Spain or Portugal?
Are you ↗HUNGRY? Are they ↗NEW here? Would you ↗LIKE some? Can I ↗SIT here? Are they ↗COMING? Were they LATE last ↗NIGHT? Do you WORK for the ↗NEWS? Do you WORK in the ↗EVENING?
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2. (多音节词的降升调读法) 多音节词的降升调读法) If there is only one word, which has more than one syllable (e.g. twenty twenty ) (e.g. Seventy ) , the Seventy falling part takes place on the nuclear syllable, and the rising part takes place towards the end of the syllables after the nucleus and extends up to the last syllable of all. 降调开始之处,即为调核nucleus) (注:降调开始之处,即为调核nucleus)