治理能力现代化modernization of governance崇洋媚外blind worshiping of foreign things1.中央空调central air conditioning2.集中供暖central heating3.柜式空调cabinet air conditioner4.壁挂式空调wall mount air conditioner5.临时住处temporary accommodation6.弱冷车厢”内的空调温度要比“强冷车厢”内高2℃ temperature in carriages of cool section is 2 degrees higher than that of cold section1.不忘初心stay true to their original aspirations2.书写了... 新篇章opened a new chapter for ...3.结下了深厚友谊forged a profound friendship4.深化各领域友好交往deepen friendly exchanges in various areas5.拓展务实合作,为两国人民带来更大福祉expand practical cooperation to bring more benefits to both peoples积极致力于发展经济、改善民生endeavor to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood机构改革institutional reform简政放权streamline administration and delegate powers互联网+ 政务服务the Internet Plus government servicesmodel战略资源strategic resources加大科技创新工作力度put more effort in scientific and technological innovation提高稀土开发利用的技术水平raise the technological level of exploitation of rare earths应急管理部the Ministry of Emergency Management启动应急响应activate an emergency response出工作组前往受灾地区sent a work team to the stricken areas指导抢险救灾工作provide guidance in rescue and disaster relief减少经济损失和次生灾害save economic losses and avoid secondary disaster临震预报imminent earthquake prediction破坏性地震destructive earthquake一次性杯具disposable cups环保材料environment friendly materials将打好包的垃圾放在家门口place their bagged householdgarbage at doorstep1.一线城市first-tier cities2.二线城市second-tier cities3.出台了不少优惠政策rolled out favorable policies4.节能环保energy conservation and environmental protection5.创业板growth enterprise market, GEM6.突破关键核心技术make breakthroughs in core technologies7.市场认可度高be well accepted by the market新能源汽车new energy vehicles , NEVs8.发布指导方案release a guideline9.能耗低low energy consumption10污染物排放少low pollutant emission11插电式混合动力汽车plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV12推动智能汽车创新发展promote innovative development of smart vehicles1.电子收费ETC electronic toll collection2.ETC 车道ETC lanes3.货车实现不停车收费allow nonstop passage of freight vehicles4.实现机场、火车站、客运站、港口码头等大型交通场站停车场景ETC 服务全覆盖full coverage of ETC service at airports, railway stations, bus hubs and ports5.取消全国高速公路省界收费站remove almost all expressway toll booths at provincial borders6.实现不停车快捷收费make nonstop, swift collection a reality7.减少拥堵cut traffic congestion1.出境游outbound tourism2.对.. 持积极开放态度keep an open attitude towards...3.中国文化和旅游部发布的旅游提醒the tourism reminder issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism4.旅游警示travel alert5.出入境盘查entry-and-exit interrogations6.提高安全防范意识raise safety awareness7.了解旅游目的地治安、法律法规等信息learn about the information about the public security situation and related laws and regulations of tourist destinations8.妥善积极应对respond appropriately and actively1.满足国内消费者的需求meet the demand from domestic consumers2.国产婴幼儿配方乳粉品质the quality of domestic babyformula3.在国外设立加工厂set up factory overseas4.鼓励国外乳粉企业在国内设立外商投资企业encourage foreign enterprises to set up ventures in China5.婴幼儿用品行业industries related to infants and children6.二孩经济second-child economy1.生态足迹ecological footprint2.生态安全ecological security3.加快构建生态文明体系speed up the construction of the ecological civilization system4.生态环境质量实现根本好转 a fundamental improvement in environmental quality5.美丽中国目标基本实现the goal of building a Beautiful China will be basically attained6.我国生态环境质量持续改善China's environmental qualitykept improving1.世界繁荣与稳定the prosperity and stability of the world2.曾多次出现波折、面临困难局面....has seen twists and turns and difficult situations3.缩小分歧bridge differences4.经贸摩擦economic and trade friction5.捍卫国家和人民利益defend the interests of the nation and its people6.无视中美经济结构、发展阶段特点和国际产业分工现实turning a blind eye to the nature of the economic structure and the stage of development in China and the US1.中国农业改革40 周年the 40th anniversary of rural reform in China2.实施乡村振兴战略implement of a rural revitalization strategy3.粮食总产量total grain output4.推动乡村产业振兴revitalize rural industries5.一二三产业the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries6.全力以赴消除农村贫困go to all lengths to eliminate poverty7.“三农”问题issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people8.农业农村现代化modernization of agriculture and rural areas1.控制游客数量keep crowd sizes down2.实行全网络实名制售票introduce real-name online ticketing3.每日游客总量控制在6.5万人次daily ticketing is capped at 65,0004.提前7天进行网上预约购票purchase tickets seven days in advance5.最佳承载量the best carrying capacity6.暂缓检票suspend admission7.自由行independent travel8.热门景点tourist hotspots1.外来入侵物种invasive alien species2.形成自我再生能力develop a self-reproduction ability3.对生态环境、生产或者生活造成明显损害或者不利影响cause visible damage to or negative impact on the environment, production or daily life4.非本土物种non-indigenous(non-native) species5.外来物种alien species6.化学防治chemical control7.用化学除草剂use of pesticides。
CATTI中级口译长难句翻译中级口译长难句翻译1. The most thrilling e_planation is, unfortunately, a little defective. Someeconomists argue that powerful structural changes in the world have upended theold economic models that were based upon the historical link between growth andinflation.[参考译文] 很不幸,这最令人震惊的解释有一点缺陷.一些经济学家认为世界经济结构的强有力的变化已经结束了那个以经济增长和通货膨胀的历史关联为基础的旧的经济模式.2. The Aswan Dam, for e_ample, stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egyptof the fertile silt that floods left-all in return for a giant reservoir ofdisease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity. [参考译文] 例如,阿斯旺大坝使得尼罗河不再洪水泛滥,但是它也夺去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥--这些换宋的就是这么个疾病滋生的水库,现在这个水库积满了淤泥,几乎不能发电了.3. New ways of organizing the workplace--all that re-engineering anddownsizing--are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy,which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment andmachinery, new technology, and investment in education and training,[参考译文] 企业重组的新方法--所有那些重新设计.缩小规模的做法--只是对一个经济的整体生产力做出了一方面的贡献.这种经济还受许多其他因素的驱动,比如结合设备和机械上的投资.新技术,以及在教育和培训上的投资.4. His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have appliedre-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without givingsufficient thought to long-term profitability.[参考译文] 他的同事迈克尔?比尔说,有太多的公司已经用一种机械的方式实行公司内部的重新设计,在没有充分考虑长期赢利的能力下削减了成本.5. Defenders of science have also voiced their concerns at meetings such asThe Flight from S.cience and Reason , held in New York City in _95, and Science in the Age of (Mis) information, which assembled last June nearBuffalo.[参考译文] 科学卫士们在会议上也表述了他们的关注,比如_95年在纽约市举行的逃离科学与理性会议,以及去年6月在布法罗附近召开的 (错误)信息时代的科学会议.6. A survey of news stories in _96 reveals that the antiscience tag has beenattached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated theelimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpo_ virus to Republicans whoadvocated decreased funding for basic research.[参考译文] 一项关于_96年新闻报道的调查显示,反科学的标签还可以贴在许多其他团体身上,从提倡消灭最后存留的天花病毒的权威机构,到鼓吹削减基础研究经费的共和党人(都被贴上了反科学的标签).7. The true enemies of science, argues Paul Ehrllch of Stanford University,a pioneer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidencesupporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and otherconsequences of industrial growth.[参考译文] 环境研究的先驱.斯坦福大学的保罗?厄尔里西认为,科学真正的敌人是那些对支持全球变暖.臭氧层损耗以及工业发展的其他后果的证据提出置疑的人.8. This development--and its strong implication for US politics and economyin years ahead--has enthroned the South as America s most densely populatedregion for the first time in the history of the nation s head counting. [参考译文] 这种发展--以及其对美国政治.经济在未来几年的潜在的强有力的影响一一使得南部在全国人口普查中有史以来首次成为美国人口最密集的地区.9. Often they choose--and still are choosing--somewhat colder climates suchas Oregon, Idaho and Alaska in order to escape smog.crime and other plagues ofurbanization in the Golden State.[参考译文] 他们常常选择--现在依然这样选择--居住在那些气候较为寒冷的地区, 比如俄勒冈.爱达荷,还有阿拉斯加,为的是逃避烟雾.犯罪,以及金州 (加利福尼亚)城市化进程中的其他问题.10. As a result, California s growth rate dropped during the _70 s, to _.5percent--little more than two thirds the _60 s growth figure and considerablybelow that of other Western states.[参考译文] 结果,加利福尼亚的人口增长率在20世纪70年代时下降到了_.5%一一稍高于60年代增长率的三分之二,大大低于西部其他各州.中级口译长难句翻译1. Unlike most of the world s volcanoes, they are not always found at theboundaries of the great drifting plates that make up the earth s surface; on thecontrary, many of them lie deep in the interior of a plate.[参考译文] 跟世界上的大多数火山不同的是,它们(热点)并不总是在由构成地球表面巨大漂流板块之间的边界上出现;相反,它们中有许多位于一个板块较纵深的内部.2. The relative motion of the plates carrying these continents has beenconstructed in detail, but the motion of the plates with respect to anothercannot readily be translated into motion with respect to the earth sinterior.[参考译文] 携带这些大陆板块的相对运动已经能够被详细地表述出来,但是这些板块相对于另一些板块的运动还不能轻易地解释为它们相对于地球内部的运动.3. As the dome grows, it develops seed fissures (cracks); in at leasta fewcases the continentmay break entirely along some of these fissures, so that thehot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean.[参考译文] 暂缺4. While warnings are often appropriate and necessary--the dangers of druginteractions, for e_ample--and many are required by state or federalregulations, it isn t clear that they actually protect the manufacturers andsellers from liability if a customer is injured.[参考译文] 尽管警告常常是适当而且必须的--比如对于药物相互作用的危险提出警告--许多警告还是按州或联邦政府规定要求给出的,然而(我们)并不清楚,如果顾客受到伤害时,这些警告是不是确实可以使得生产者和销售者豁免责任.5. At the same time, the American Law Institute--a group of judges, lawyers,and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight--issued newguidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers ofobvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones.[参考译文] 与此同时,美国法律研究所--由一群法官.律师和理论专家组成,他们的建议分量极重--发布了新的民事伤害法令指导方针,宣称公司不必提醒顾客注意显而易见的危险,也不必连篇累牍地一再提请他们注意一些可能会出现的危险.6. In the past year, however, software companies have developed tools thatallow companies to push information directly out to consumers, transmittingmarketing messages directly to targeted customers.[参考译文] 但是,在过去的一年间,软件公司已经开发出工具,使得公司可以直接将信息推出给顾客,直接把营销讯息传递给目标顾客.7. The e_amples of Virtual Vineyards, , and other pioneers showthat a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mi_ ofinteractivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers. [参考译文] 像Virtual Vineyards,这样的先驱网站表明,一个将交互性.热情服务和安全性合理结合以销售同类商品的网址是可以吸引网上客户注意的.8. An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroomon the behalf of students career prospects and those arguing for computersinthe classroom for broader reasons of radical education reform.[参考译文] 有些人为了学生的就业前景为教室里放置电脑而辩,有些人为教育的彻底改革中更为广泛的理由为教室里放置电脑而辩,这两群人之间有一条无形的界线.9. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a characterwho is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihood andhappiness are affected by things outside of himself.[参考译文] 我们更应该具有的是作为美国公民的某种观念,这个公民人物如果不能很恰当地认识到自己的生存和幸福是如何受到自身之外的事物的影响,那么其公民特征就是不完整的.10. Besides, this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind ofprofessional in a country as large as ours and where the economy is spread overso many states and involves so many international corporations.[参考译文] 另外,在我们这么一个大国里,经济延展到这么多的州.涉及到这么多的国际公司,因而要按照数量培养出所需的各类专业人员是不大可能的.中级口译长难句翻译1. Some have breathed sighs of relief, others, including churches,right-to-life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attackedthe bill and the haste of its passage. But the tide is unlikely to turnback.[参考译文] 一些机构终于松了一口气,但是其他一些机构,包括教堂,倡导生命之权的团体和澳大利亚医学协会,尖锐地抨击这个法案,指责法案的通过过于匆忙.但是大势已定,不可逆转.2. In Australia- where an aging population, life-e_tending technology andchanging community attitudes have all played their partother states are going toconsider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia.[参考译文] 在澳大利亚--人口老龄化,延长寿命的技术和变化看的社会态度,这些因素都在发挥作用一一其他的州也会考虑制定相似的关于安乐死的法律.3. There are, of course, e_ceptions. Small--minded officials, rude waiters,and ill mannered ta_i drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is anobservation made so frequently that it deserves comment.[参考译文] 当然,例外是存在的.在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的传者,和没有礼貌的出租车司机也并不少见.然而人们常常得出这样的观察意见,这使得它值得被讨论一下.4. We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances(drugs) is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable,coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.[参考译文] 我们生活在一种药品(毒品)的医学用途和社会用途都很广泛的社会里: 一片用来止头痛的阿斯匹林,一些用来社交的葡萄酒,早上自己提提神所喝的咖啡,一支用来定神的香烟.5. Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance, with more and moreof the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then by theappearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance isdiscontinued.[参考译文] 对药品的依赖性首先表现为不断增长的耐药量,要产生想得到的效果所需要的药品剂量越来越大,然后表现为当停止用药后,令人不快的停药症状的出现.6. Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers? SenatorRobert Dole asked Time Warner e_ecutives last week. You have sold yoursouls,but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?[参考译文] 上星期参议员罗博特多尔质问时代华纳公司的高级管理人员们:难道这就是你们希望能够成就的事业?你们已经出卖了自己的灵魂,但是难道你们还非要腐化我们的国家,威胁我们的孩子们吗?7. The test of any democratic society, he wrote in a Wall Street Journalcolumn , lies not in how well it can control e_pression but in whether it givesfreedom of thought and e_pression the widest possible latitude, howeverdisputable or irritating the results may sometimes be...[参考译文] 对任何一个民主社会的考验, 他在《华尔街杂志》的一个专栏文章中写到, 不在于它能够多有效地控制各种意见的表达,而在于这个社会是否能给予思考和表达的尽可能广泛的自由,不管有时候这种结果是多么的富有争议或令人不快…8. During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month s stockholdersmeeting, Levin asserted that music is not the cause of society s ills and evencited his son, a teacher in the Bron_, New York, who uses rap to communicatewith students.[参考译文] 在-上个月的股东大会上关于摇滚歌词的讨论中,莱文宣称说: 音乐不是社会问题的原因 ,他甚至还以他的儿子为例.他的儿子是纽约州布朗克斯的一个教师,并用说唱音乐与学生们进行沟通.9. Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as steeringthe economy to a soft landing of a touch on the brakes , makes it sound likea precise science. Nothing could be further from the truth.[参考译文] 有很多用于描述货币政策的词汇,例如轻踩刹车以操纵经济软着陆 ,使货币政策听起来像是一门精确的科学.没有什么比这更远离实际情况的了.10. Economists have been particularly surprised by favorable inflationfigures in Britain and the United States, since, conventional measures suggestthat both economies, and especially America s, have little productive slack.[参考译文] 经济学家们对英国和美国的有利的通货膨胀数据尤其感到惊讶,因为传统的计量方法显示两国的经济,特别是美国的经济,几乎没有生产萧条的时候.catti二级口译试题及解析学习也是快乐的,因为你学习了许多知识,今天小编给大家带来了catti二级口译试题及解catti二级口译试题及解析分享学习也是快乐的,因为你学习了许多知识,今天小编给大家带来了catti二级口译试题及解_年翻译资格考试二级口译习题精选篇努力和效果之间,永远有这样一段距离.今天小编给大家带来了_年翻译资格考试二级口_下半年年翻译资格考试二级口译习题精选努力和效果之间,永远有这样一段距离.今天小编给大家带来了_年翻译资格考试二级口。
CATTI 会议口译常用表达句
![CATTI 会议口译常用表达句](
CATTI口译备考系列一、会议致辞汉英常用表达句1、有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.2、海内存知己,天涯若比邻Long distance separates no bosom friends.3、岁末年初,辞旧迎新。
Bid farewell to the old year and greet the New Year.4、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。
Everyone body is responsible for the rise and fall of the country.5、己所不欲,勿施于人。
Don’t do to others what you don’t want others do to you.6、这是我第一次踏上这块美丽富饶的土地。
This is my first visit to this beautiful and richly-endowed country.7、我代表中国政府向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎,对会议的召开表示衷心的祝贺。
On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here and to express our warm congratulations on the convening of the session.8、我谨代表公司,并以我个人的名义,向各位来宾和朋友表示热烈欢迎,并致以良好的新年祝愿。
On behalf or our company and in my own name, I wish to extend a warm welcome and best New Year wishes to you.9、我提议,为各位来宾、朋友和同事们的健康,干杯!祝愿大家度过一个美好的夜晚。
CATTI三笔词汇积累1.内陆欠发达地区:the less-developed inland areas / underdeveloped regions2.内陆地区:hinterland / interior land3.发达地区:developed regions4.中国东部沿海地区:China's eastern coast5.中国西部地区:China's wild west6.缩小收入差距:narrow / bridge income gaps7.收入差距:income divide/ gaps/ disparity/ discrepancy8.弥合收入差距:close income gaps9.刻意炒作:play sth. up10.绿色增长:environmentally friendly growth/ green growth11.中西部地区:the poorer inland central and western regions12.解决区域发展不平衡问题:overcome the regional development gap/ achieve balanced development among regions13.区域发展不平衡问题:inter-regional disparities14.转移产业至西部地区:relocate/ move/ outsource industries to the west15.转移至西部地区的多为高能耗、高污染产业:many industries relocated to the west waste energy and pollute the environment/ are energy-intensive and heavily polluting/ are high energy consumers and heavy polluters.16.调整方向:reorient17.调整重心:refocus18.经济结构调整:economic restructuring/ rebalancing19.高污染产业:polluting industries20.区域发展不均衡:uneven development among regions21.创新型的:innovation-oriented/ innovation-driven/ innovation-based/ innovative22.经济的主要推动力:the main economic boosters / drivers/ driving force/ engine23.增速放缓:slow down/ slowdown/ lose some speed / lose some steam/ momentum24.加速:gain speed/ steam/ momentum25.以防: lest/ in case26.很多城市面临问题:....plague/ haunt many cities27.存量房积压:unsold new houses28.制造业产能过剩:unwanted manufacturing capacity29.产能过剩:over-capacity30.增量房:newly-built houses31.存量房:existing houses/ existing house inventory32.经济实力:economic strength/ strengthen the economy33.提升竞争力:sharpen one's competitiveness/ competitive edge/ make sb / sth. more competitive34.与...相比:as opposed to sth/ as against35.城市快节奏的生活:fast-paced urban life36.新增就业...:create .... Jobs37.公私伙伴关系:public and private partnership38.社会力量/资本:private sector39.差异化的政策:differentiated policy40.一刀切的统一政策:across-the-board policies/ uniformity/ one-size-fit-all policies41.取得积极进展:make encouraging/ welcome/ great progress42.简化程序:reduce the process / simplify43.充分发挥一个人的作用:play one's role out in sth/ allow one's role to play out44.食品安全: food safety45.粮食安全:food security46.石油/水安全:oil/ water security47.安全饮用水:safe drinking water48.粮食安全问题:food insecurity49.猪倌/养猪专业户:pig farmer50.果/棉/粮农:fruit / cotton/ grain/farmer51.减肥中心:fat farm52.无公害化处理:decontaminate53.推动力:A is an enabler for B.1.国情咨文:State of the Union address2.《政府工作报告》:the Report on the Work of the Government3.回顾过去,展望未来:what was done and achieved in the past year and what will be done in the coming year4.进一步加剧政治分歧:deepen political divide5.贫富差距:wealth divide6.数字鸿沟:digital divide7.城乡差距:urban-rural divide8.中日关系:Sino-Japanese relations/relationship9.经贸关系:trade and economic relations; business ties10.经贸合作:economic cooperation and trade11.协议:agreement/ pact/ deal12.人们对此看法不一:people remain divided over sth.13.“重返亚洲”战略:Pivot to Asia policy14.接触政策:engagement policy15.遏制政策:containment policy16.制止……的蔓延:contain/check/curb/stem/rein in the spread of17.制定计划:develop / map-out / hammer-out/ workout a plan18.双重打击:a double-whammy19.对……造成沉重打击:deal a heavy blow to sb.20.鸟巢:Bird's nest21.水立方:Water cube22.志愿者精神:volunteerism23.前仆后继,发扬某人的精神:build on the legacy of sb.24.以……为代价:do sth. at the expense/cost/sacrifice of sth.25.依靠创新:innovation-led/ innovation-driven/ innovation-based26.对...含沙射影:make implicit allusions to sb27.受到指责:be under fire28.商业机密窃取行为:commercial theft29.履行承诺:deliver/ deliver on/ make good on / honor / live up to one’s commitment/ pledge/ promise30.转方式,调结构: rebalance the economy and stimulate demand31.靠出口拉动增长:export-driven growth; be driven by export32.人们对此反响不一:this has met mixed responses;33.结果可谓喜忧参半:the result is mixed;1.直接批评:blunt ciriticism2.监管机构:regulator3.体制机制不完善/存在体制问题:institutional deficiencies4.上市:in an initial public offering/ go public/ get listed/ issue/ float IPOs/ be publicly traded5.上市公司:a listed / public/ publicly-traded/ publicly-owned company6.退市、摘牌:get delisted7.假货:knockoffs8.水货:goods that were improbably imported/ gray-market goods/ smuggled goods/ parallel imports9.管制刀具:restricted types of knives10.良好的商誉:good faith11.做了大量的工作:go to great lengths to do sth12.提出异议:take issue with...13.对...提起诉讼:file a lawsuit against sb14.提交报告:file a report15.提交申请:file an application16.专利申请量:patent filings17.在网站上出售各种商品:post listings for everything18.清除:clean up/ pull down19.叫板:challenge sb/ take issue with sb/ call out sb20.戴/ 穿上:don sth21.激烈争夺战:a pitched battle for sth.22.树立/开创:crave out23.A与B类似:A models after/ echoes B.24.穿行于车流中:weave in and out of traffic25.投入巨资:invest heavily26.斥资: pump... into...27.配送中心:delivery /order-fulfillment centers28.进军某个市场/进入某个领域:venture into...29.做某事为了...:do A in the hope of B30.受到...的拖累:be weighed down by...31.总部位于:be headquartered/ base in32.总部:head office33.扩大客户群:grow customer base34.实体商店:physical/ brick-and-mortar shops35.凭着...发展壮大:thrive on sth36.注资:capital injection37.扩展产品供应:expand products offerings38.扩大我们的业务范围,不仅包括A还包括B&C:expand our business beyond A to include B&C39.从零开始:start sth from scratch40.为客户提供服务:cater to customers41.提供便利的网络服务:make online shopping easier42.司空见惯/ 蔚然成风:be rampant/ be the norm43.流量:traffic to sb44.大举进入:make one's big foray into... / make inroads into.../ venture into...45.挖掘潜力: tap into potential1.新常态:new normal2.举债投资/ 信贷支撑的投资:credit-driven/ credit-fueled investment3.最大出口国:the biggest exporter of4.产量居首位:the biggest producer of...5.最大排放国:the biggest emitter6.促使某人做某事:prompt sb to do sth7.调整角色/转变角色:redefine one's role8.对外投资:outbound / outward investment9.削弱:undermine/ erode10.减少对...的依赖:wean oneself of sth11.A使得B更加困难:A complicates B12.把主要精力放在...:be preoccupied with...13.提振内需:shore up demand14.公司高管:top executives15.A股市场:RMB-denominated / A-shares stock market16.B股市场:dollar-denominated / B-shares stock market17.H股市场:Hong Kong dollar-denominated / H-shares stock market18.沪港通:A landmark trading scheme linking the Hong Kong and Shanghai bourses; the Hong Kong-Shanghai Stock Connect19.评级下调:downgrade20.评级上调:upgrade21.离岸债券:offshore bonds22.施加影响:weigh on sth。
catti三级笔译英文版Here are several paragraphs written in English, adhering to the requirements mentioned:---。
The sun was shining brightly, casting its golden rays over the city. People were out and about, enjoying the warm weather. Children played in the park, laughing and chasing each other. It was a picture-perfect day.I remember the first time I visited the museum. The artworks were breathtaking, each piece telling a unique story. I stood in front of a painting, lost in its beauty, for a long time. It was a moment of pure tranquility.Walking down the busy streets, I could hear the cacophony of sounds: car horns, people chatting, and the occasional laugh. It was a symphony of urban life, a reminder of the hustle and bustle that makes a city comealive.I love the feeling of a book in my hands, the weight of the pages, and the smell of ink. There's nothing like curling up with a good book on a rainy day, letting the words transport me to another world.The sea was calm and serene, stretching out before me like a vast blue carpet. I closed my eyes and let the gentle breeze wash over me, taking away all my worries and cares. It was a moment of pure peace.---。
译之灵翻译培训【翻译技巧】 CATTI 翻译考试常用技巧一、同义反译法1.Only three customers remained in the bar 。
(不译:“还留着”或“还呆在那里” )2.I'll be here for good this time 。
(不译:“永远在此呆下去”)3. Please keep the fire burning when I'm out 。
(不译:“我外出时,请让炉子继续烧着”)4. "Wait , he is serious."等等,他不是说着玩儿的。
”)5. "Now , Clara, be firm with the boy ! "听我说,克拉拉,对这孩子可不能心软。
(不译:“,, 对这孩子要坚定”)二、删减解释词The traveler in the south must often have remarked that peculiar air of refinement , that softness of voice and manner , which seems in many cases to be a particular gift to the quotation and mulatto women 。
三、短句拆译" ...on one sunshiny morning in June,..."在六月里的一天早上,天气晴朗,,四、译词推陈出新When he might well have acted with boldness, he found himself filled with doubts, scruples and equivocations, in addition to the ordinary fears of a lower 。
CATTI笔译三级常用英语词汇1.日常生活用语购物:shopping, store, mall, supermarket, convenience store 出行:traffic, transportation, public transportation, taxi, bus餐饮:restaurant, cafeteria, eatery, food court, fast food住宿:hotel, inn, motel, hostel, lodging娱乐:entertainment, recreation, amusement, gaming, cinema 2.科学技术词汇计算机:computer, PC, laptop, desktop, server网络:internet, website, webpage, network, bandwidth通信:communication, phone, mobile phone, fax, email航空:aviation, airplane, helicopter, airliner, airport3.商业和经济词汇公司:company, corporation, firm, enterprise, business企业:enterprise, firm, company, corporation, business市场:market, trade, commerce, bazaar, mart贸易:trade, commerce, business, exchange, dealt4.政治和法律词汇政府:government, administrative body, authority, regime法律:law, legal, jurisprudence, jurisprudent, legal system政策:policy, programme, strategy, plan of action, platform监管:regulation, supervision, licensing, control,监测5.文化和艺术词汇文学:literature, literary works, poem, novel, short story艺术:art, fine art, painting, sculpture, dance娱乐:entertainment, recreation, amusement, gaming, cinema休闲:leisure, relaxation, entertainment, pastime, holiday6.环境和生态词汇环境:environment, natural environment, ecological environment生态:ecology, ecosphere, ecosystem, biosphere保护:conservation, protection, safeguardment of natural resources 可持续利用:sustainable use of natural resources utilization for future generations unimpaired ecological balance diversification of production methods (S.S.Chaudhari et al. 2019) (哦哦编辑注:(该部分存在缺少空格或标点的问题,已做修正。
翻译考试英语口译初级句子一、常见句型1. My wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.我的工资仅够维持生计。
keep body and soul together 仅能维持生活,勉强度日,勉强地生活下去,糊口e.g. I hate my job, but I have to keep body and soul together somehow. 我讨厌我的工作,但不管怎么样我得挣钱糊口。
2. Count your blessings.你知足吧。
3. Would you like your steak rare, medium, or well-done?您的牛排要三分熟,五分熟,还是全熟?>>西餐英语——牛排几分熟<<4. Steer clear of trouble.少管闲事。
steer clear of 躲避,避开,绕开,避免e.g. Kids should steer clear of that park, it doesn't seem safe. 那个公园好像不安全,孩子们应该避开。
5. You better hew to the line.你最好守规矩。
hew to the line 服从纪律,循规蹈矩e.g. We should hew to the Party's line. 我们应该坚持党的路线。
6. What’s cuter than that?你嘴巴真甜。
7. The rarer it is, the more it is worth.物以稀为贵。
8. You brought it up.是你先提这件事的。
bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;(船等)停下e.g. Please bring up this point at the next meeting. 请把这一点在下次会议上提出来。
Catti常用句型1. according to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。
2. the latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。
3. no invention has received more praise and abuse than internet.没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。
4. people seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。
5. an increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。
6. when it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。
7. many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness.许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。
1. 简化语言:在口译笔记中,尽量使用简化的语言和符号,让自己更容易理解和记忆。
2. 抓住关键词:在记录讲话内容时,要抓住关键词和重点信息,这些是理解整个句子的关键。
3. 记录逻辑关系:在记录讲话内容时,要注意记录各个句子之间的逻辑关系,如因果、转折、并列等,以便更好地理解讲话者的意图和思路。
4. 使用缩略词和简写:为了节省时间,可以使用缩略词和简写来代替较长的词汇或短语。
5. 练习:要想提高CATTI口译笔记的技巧,需要多加练习。
英译汉:1、 All living things must, by reason of physiological limitations die.由于生理上的局限,一切生物总是要死亡的。
2、 When a person sees, smells, hears, or touches something, then he is perceiving.当一个人看到某种东西,闻到某种气味,听到某个声音或触到某物时,他是在运用感官在感受。
3、 We can get more current from cells connected in parallel.电池并联时提供的电流更大。
4、 There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized.某些金属具有导电和被磁化的能力。
5、 The speech synthesis process typically begins with recording a human voice and analyzing it to extract important frequency andamplitude data.语言合成过程一般是先记录人的说话声并通过分析获得重要的频率和振幅数据。
6、 The shadow cast by an object is long or short according as the sun is high up in the heaven or near the horizon.物体投影长短取决于太阳是高悬天空还是靠近地平线。
7、 Much less is connected with the separation of genera, and there is considerable uniformity of opinion as to the delimitation of families.这与属的划分关系不大,而在科的划分上观点是相当一致的。
Para. 7
a. having enough skills or knowledge to do sth. to a satisfactory standard 合格的,能干的
To lead a large socialist country of more than 1.3 billion people, our Party must be both politically strong and highly competent. 领导十三亿多人的社会主义大国,我们党既要政治过硬,也要本领高强。
Para. 5
n. remarks that say what you think is bad about sb. or sth. 批评,批判,指责
We will continue to carry out criticism and self-criticism in keeping with the principle of learning from mistakes to prevent recurrence and treating the illness to save the patient. 坚持开展批评和自我批评,坚持惩前毖后、治病救人。
Para. 10
n. the purpose that sth. has, or the job that sb. or sth. does (事物的)功能,作用,(某 人的)职责 We will see that government plays its function of adjusting redistribution, move faster to ensure equitable access to basic public services and narrow the gaps in incomes. 履行好政府再分配调节职能,加快推进基本公共服务均等化,缩小收入分配差距。
致力于、从事于: be committed to、engage in、embark onWe will work to 、look to 、 seek to、 endeavor to、 strive to 我要努力⋯⋯ Wewill adopt +nBear : 承担,具有,果,支撑,向左(右),携Score:得,得分,二十,复,了解Mark :志,祝 ,表明,价Boast:吹嘘,有Endow :予,助Harness: 利用,具展、提高、促、增加等意思: develop, upgrade, enrich, improve, advance, pursue, move forward, forge ahead, enhance, sharpen, widen, broaden, quicken, accelerate, speed up, step up减少裁 : slash, cut(down), shed, downsize, diminish, dwindle 、 eliminate超 exceed 、surpass 、 top 、 overtake、 transcend 、 go beyond保、支持 : safeguard 、 uphold 、 support利用 maximize 、fully leverage、fully unleash 、give full play to 、make best use of showcaseappearemergerepresentdeliver :,履行,表,represent: 代表,表,象征,回on the rise、 on the decrease、on the decline( 在衰退中 )gear to 适,配合prevail:,盛行embrace:包含,接受,抱cherishseize、 grasp、grapple withburden 、 saddle withDifference 、 disparity 明差异、 discrepancy 差异矛盾 usher 引,开辟carve out ,开拓,雕刻identify,确,志,使易于辨。
中英双语翻译catti二三级通用必背英语短语词组(1)走红go viral/gain stream人脸识别技术facial recognition technology生物识别技术biological recognition technology脸部特征facial features身份识别identity recognition移动支付mobile payment停车管理parking management垃圾分类garbage classification/sorting干垃圾、dry garbage湿垃圾(厨余垃圾)wet garbage (kitchen waste)可回收物以及有害垃圾recyclables and hazardous waste新兴国家emerging countries专用存款账户special deposit account个人银行结算账户personal settlement account运营企业不得挪用companies may not misappropriate deposit funds押金最长退还期限the maximum period for deposit refund运营企业不得拒绝、拖延退还companies should not refuse or delay refunding防范用户资金出现风险prevent risk to users' money加强用户权益保障strengthen protection of their rights andinterests交通运输新业态emerging forms of transportation促进交通运输新业态健康稳步发展promote the healthy and stable development of emerging forms of transportation 网络预约出租汽车online taxi-hailing共享单车” bike sharing瓶盖挑战bottle cap challenge摔跤之星挑战falling stars challenge侧颜挑战side face challenge米桶挑战rice bucket challenge武术巨星martial arts superstar终极格斗锦标赛Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)终极格斗锦标赛现役羽量级冠军current UFC Featherweight champion自动检票机automatic fare-collection gate脸部信息facial information对识别准确度和安全性没有影响accuracy and security of the recognition process won't be compromised北京比基尼Beijing bikini把T恤撩到肚子以上来降温roll their T-shirts up above their bellies to cool down提升城市形象promote the image of the city对"公共场所衣着不整行为"展开集中整治crack down on improper dressing in public places插队jumping queues不文明遛狗uncivilized dog walking文明行为civilized behavior严禁在公共场所打赤膊ban people from going shirtless in a public place汛期flooding season强降雨heavy downpours黄河上游the upper reaches of the Yellow River超过警戒流量exceeded the warning/alarm level长江中下游the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River 平均降雨量average precipitation还将有两轮强降雨there will be two more rounds of heavy rain 基本生活保障basic living allowances民政部the Ministry of Civil Affairs抚养费child-rearing fees符合所有人的利益serve the interests of all the people撤销监护人监护资格revoke guardianship of parents未成年人权益minor's rights and interests未成年人身心健康physical and mental health of youngsters 大力推进素质教育 strive to promote well-rounded education 提高义务教育质量improve the quality of compulsory education教育体制改革reform of the education system现代教育体系modern education system学生减负reduce students' excessive academic burden培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人foster a new generation of young people who have all-round moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetical grounding with a hard-working spirit实体经济real economy自主创新independent innovation创新发展主动权the initiative of innovative development转变政府职能transform government functions简政放权streamline administration and delegate powers服务型政府service-oriented government史前稻作文明prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization早期城市文明的杰出范例an outstanding example of early urban civilization中华文明Chinese civilization世界遗产名录World Heritage List传统文化教育traditional culture education良渚古城遗址the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City对生产销售假劣疫苗的,设置严厉处罚toughen penalties onproducing and selling fake or substandard vaccines义不容辞之责 a bounden responsibility要始终把人民群众的身体健康放在首位The people's health should always be a top priority完善我国疫苗管理体制improve the country's vaccine management system全力保障群众切身利益和社会安全稳定大局utmost efforts should be made to protect the people's interests and social security and stability全过程监管whole-process supervision国六排放标准China VI vehicle emission standards轻型汽车light-duty vehicles轻型燃气车light-duty natural gas vehicles重型燃气车heavy-duty natural gas vehicles轻型柴油车light-duty diesel vehicles重型柴油车heavy-duty diesel vehicles轻型两用燃料汽车light-duty dual-fuel vehicles机动车排放标准automobile emission standards深度贫困地区severely impoverished areas;areas of extreme poverty高质量发展quality development高水平开放raise/drive opening up to a higher level我国经济发展在高基数上总体平稳、稳中有进Against a large base, the Chinese economy has achieved generally stable growth while making further progress.经济外交、人文交流成果丰硕。
Q3:请翻译以下句子:“The research has shown that many environmental problems are caused by human activity and require solutions that go beyond the traditional scope of environmental protection.”A3:研究表明,许多环境问题都是由人类活动引起的,需要找到超出现有环保范畴的解决方案。
Q4:请翻译以下段落:“I enjoy reading books about history and travel because they help me learn about different cultures and places.”A4:我喜欢阅读关于历史和旅行的书籍,因为它们帮助我了解不同的文化和地方。
Q5:请翻译以下句子:“The movie was directed by a well-known director and starred a famous actor.”A5:这部电影由一位著名导演执导,并由一位著名演员主演。
1. 英译汉Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature so Marx discovered the law of development of human history, the simple fact , hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc; that, therefore the production of the immediate material means of subsistence and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people during a given epoch form the foundation upon which the state institutions, the legal conceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the light of which they must, therefore, be explained, instead of vice versa, as had hitherto been the case.英译汉:正如达尔文发现有机自然界的发展规律一样,马克思发现了人类历史的发展规律,即历来繁茂芜杂的意识形态所掩盖着的一个简单事实:人们首先要吃、要喝、要穿、要住,然后才能从事政治、科学、艺术、宗教等等;所以,生产直接与生活有关部门的物质用品,会为一个民族或一个时代带来一定的经济发展,这两者又构成了国家制度、法律观念、艺术以及宗教思想的基础。
Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. ⾏为主义者认为,如果⼉童的成长环境⾥有许多刺激因素,这些刺激因素⼜有利于其适当反应能⼒的发展,那么,⼉童的智⼒就会发展到较⾼⽔平。
Congress has made laws requiring most pressure groups to give information about how much they spend and how they spend it the amount and sources of funds, membership and names and salaries of their representatives. 国会已经指定法律,要求⼤部分压⼒集团呈报他们花费了多少钱,怎样花的,以及款项的总额和来源,尘缘⼈数,代表的姓名和薪⾦等情况。
We sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your collective endeavor to seek a just and practical solution to the problem which has bedeviled the United Nations for so many years. 我们诚恳的希望,你们在表⽰祝贺之后,能做出共同的努⼒,以寻求⼀个公正⽽切实可⾏的办法来解决这个多年来⼀直困扰着联合国的问题。
经济类1. 给...带来机遇和挑战present (bring) both opportunities and challenges to2. 给...带来积极影响bring a more positive impact on....3. 给予财政资助support financially4. 有巨大潜力have huge potential for5. 开发/ 青睐中国市场tap / favor the Chinese market6. 申请专利apply for a patent7. 阻碍...的经济发展handicap (hamper) the economic development8. 增加农业投入invest more in agriculture9. 有望达到(上升到) be expected to reach (rise to, be up to)10. 造成很大压力pose a big pressure on11. 占领市场10% occupy (take, account for ) 10 percent of the market12. 缩小...间的距离narrow the gap between13. 加快经济发展和结构调整speed up economic development and restructuring14. 夺回失去的市场take back lost market15. 减轻...的负担reduce (lighten) the burden of (on)16. 采取反垄断措施take anti-monopoly measures to17. 加快努力speed up efforts to18. 在...建立分公司set up branches in19. 促进改革promote reform20. 面对可能的压力和竞争face possible pressure and competition21. 充分利用make full use of22. 把。
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CATTI笔译必备句子范例(25)1. 我们愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵方建立贸易关系。
【英文译文】We are willing to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.2. 参与亚太经全组织对中国的影响是多方面的。
【英文译文】Our participation in APEC will influence China in several aspects.3. 参加这次即将举行的春交会的,有来自己的20个国家的代表团。
【英文译文】Trade delegations from 20 countries will take part in the forthcoming Spring Commodities Fair.4. 在国际商务活动中,支付方式有现金预付、立帐销售、汇票和信用证。
【英文译文】Payment can be made in international business with the use of cash in advance, open-account sales, bills of exchange, and letters of credit.5. 现金预付当然是收取付款的最理想的方式。
【英文译文】Cash in advance is, of course, the most desirable means of receiving payment. But it is a very unattractive payment term to the buyer.6. 出口商在同经营好、信誉好且熟悉的买方进行贸易时,常使用立帐销售的方式。
【英文译文】Exporters commonly use openaccount sales when transacting business with a well-established, reputable, and familiar buyer. The principal advantage of this method is its ease and convenience.7. 信用证是由买方银行开出的、承诺支付全额贷款的书面证明,其前提是信用证上所列的要求得到满足。
【英文译文】A letter of credit is a document issued by the buyer’s bank that promises that the bank will pay the seller the agreed-upon amount of money, provided that all the requirements of the letter of credit are met.8. 官方的统计数字显示,中国去年的有形贸易出现了赤字,但非贸易收入足以弥补这些赤字并有所盈余。
【英文译文】Official figures show that China moved into deficit on visible trade last year, but the gap was more than covered by non-trade receipts.9. 中国目前的经济调整,目的就是要量力而行。
【英文译文】China’s current economic readj ustment was very much an effort to undertake what was within the country’s means.10. 由于受到最近降低优惠利率的刺激,香港股市价格开盘时就直线上扬。
【英文译文】Hong Kong stock market opened sharply higher, prompted by the latest reduction in the prime rate.CATTI笔译必备句子范例(26)11. 收市时价格都有所上升,交易额居中。
【英文译文】The market closed higher in the modest trading.12. 大多数股票都以当天的最高价收盘。
【英文译文】Most shares closed at their best trading.13. 来自25个国家的100多家生产厂商和公司汇聚于此,向人们展示了他们的新产品和新技术。
【英文译文】More than 100 producers and firms 25 countries gathered here to display their latest products and technologies.14. 员工队伍庞大的公司出现了运行成本高、业务量不断萎缩的局面,举步维艰。
【英文译文】Companies with a big staff find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.15. 此清单包括该出口商经营的主要商品。
【英文译文】This list comprises the main items the exporter deals in.16. 为使贵公司了解我们经营的轻工业产品,特另寄去几份商品小册子供参考。
【英文译文】To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle, we are sending you, by separate mail, several pamphlets for your reference.17. 经过双方的长期努力,中美经贸关系取得了很大的发展,已成为两国关系的重要组成部分。
【英文译文】Through joint efforts of both sides, great advances have been made in bilateral trade and economic cooperation, which has become an important part of Sino-U. S. relations.18. 希望双方能够按照世贸组织规则,本着相互尊重、互利互惠的原则,通过对话和协商妥善解决有关问题,以共同维护中美经贸关系的健康发展。
【英文译文】We hope that the two sides set out to solve the relevant problems and maintain the sound development of bilateral trade ties according to the rules of the World Trade Organization and the principles of natural respect and benefit, and reciprocity and through dialogue and consultation.19. 人民币保持稳定对地区金融市场发挥了重要的稳定锚作用。
【英文译文】The stable RMB exchange rates served as an anchor to stabilize the regional financial markets.CATTI笔译必备句子范例(27)1 You should guarantee that no information under the contract should be transferred to a third party.【参考译文】你方应保证不向第三方转让本合同的信息资料。
2 We have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us.【参考译文】我们得悉贵公司有兴趣与我方进行贸易。
3 Your majesty has been forwarded to us for our attention from the Commercial Counselor’s Office o f the Chinese Embassy in Rome.【参考译文】你方询盘已由中国驻罗马大使馆商务参赞处转交我方处理。
4 We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you.【参考译文】我们利用此机会致函贵方了解可否与贵方建立贸易关系。
5 Please state terms of payment and discounts you would allow on purchases of quantities of over 100 dozens of individual item.【参考译文】请说明付款条款和对各品种超过100打的购买量所能给予的折扣。
6 We are in a position to supply the items enquired for from our stocks.【参考译文】我们可现货供应所询购的商品。
7 We are not in a position to further reduce our price.【参考译文】我方实在无法再进一步降价。
8 A discount of 3% is granted.【参考译文】给予3%的折扣。
CATTI笔译必备句子范例(28)9 Our trade terms are the same as the stipulations in the S/C No. 101.【参考译文】其他交易条件与101号销售确认书中的规定相同。
10 We are desirous of establishing business relations with you.【参考译文】我们想和你方建立业务关系。
11 Globalization involves both the organization of industry and the structure of the financial markets.【参考译文】全球化既影响到产业组织,也影响到金融市场结构。