PIP #: TR-PI-105Applicable to:GC35PROGRAMMING PLANT AIR LINE PRESSURE CONTROL ON THE GC35 INDICATING PRESSURE TRANSMITTERThe GC35 Digital Pressure Transmitter is compact and flexible with many usages. It can be easily programmed to monitor and control plant air line pressure. The GC 35 can be acquired with many different ranges but for this application a transmitter with 0 to 150 psi range shall be selected, 4-20 mA analog output, and one switch PNP.Figure 1 - GC35 Pressure TransmitterPlant Line Compressor Pressure Control Example:This example demonstrates the control of a plant air line compressor application with a full loaddischarge pressure of 100 psi and an unload discharge pressure of 110 psig by controlling the 4-20 mA output signal with a programmable regulator. Also, to shut down the compressor and activate an audible warning alarm if line pressure exceeds 115 psi by using an external relay normally opened to turn on the audible alarm and normally closed to shut down the compressor.Figure 2 – GC35 Pressure Transducer Installation ExampleInstallation:Connect transmitter, analog output, compressor shutdown and audible warning buzzer switches per application, diagrams below and manual instructions.Figure 3 – GC35 Pressure Transducer WiringFigure 4 – GC35 Pressure Transducer Switch and Analog Output WiringCOMPRESSED AIRPlant Line Compressor Pressure Control Settings Method:Procedure to program the GC35 transmitter to control plant air line pressure. Offset analog output from 0 psi to 100 psi. That, is 66.7 % of full range corresponding to 100 psi (4 mA). Scale down the upper range from 150 psi to 110 psi. 73.3% of full scale is equivalent to 110 psi (20 mA). Subsequently, set switches set point and dead bands.GC35 Transmitter Function Setting Method:∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to get into program mode.∙ Press UP or Down arrow to make changes.∙ Press and release MODE button to select changes and to walk through the menu.∙ Continue to step-1 after power-on message.∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to return tomeasuring mode.Step 1∙ CAP To select hysteresis (HYS) or Window comparator (yin). ∙ Select HYS to control analog output. ∙ Press UP or Down arrow to display HYS.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 2∙ oPC To select switch type (NPN or PNP).∙ It is a matter of preference. PNP switch shall be used for thisapplication.∙ Press UP or Down arrow to display PNP.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 3∙ FiL To enter filter selection. Filter selection, there are five filterselections (F1 to F5).∙ Use the filter function to improve analog output and difficult to readdisplay if pressure oscillates.∙ Press UP or Down arrow until F1 is displayed (pressure fluctuation isnot anticipated).∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 4∙ ECo To turn ON or OFF power saver.∙ Press Up or Down arrow until EoF is displayed (power saver off). ∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 5∙ LrG To select ring LED light. There are two options Lr0 to turn off ringlight or Lr1 to turn on ring light.∙ Press Up or Down arrow until Lr1 is display.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 6∙ Uni To select units (arbitrary or psi).∙ Press Up or Down arrow until PSI is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 7∙ A-L To enter analog output zero reference corresponding to 4 mA. ∙ The operational range is from 100 to 110 psi. Therefore, set 100 psias the zero reference 4 mA analog output (66.7% of full range). ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 66.7 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 8∙ A-H To enter span analog output reference corresponding to 20 mA. ∙ The operational range is from 100 to 110 psi. Therefore, set 110 psias the span 20 mA analog output (73.3% of full range). ∙ Press UP or Down arrow until 73.3 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.GC35 Transmitter Switch Set Point and Dead Band Settings Method:∙ Press and hold MODE button less than three seconds to get into program mode.∙ Press UP or Down arrow to make changes.∙ Press and release MODE button to select changes and to move to the next step.∙ Continue to step-1 after once in program mode.∙ Press and hold MODE button for more than three seconds to return to measuring mode.Step 1∙ US1 To select in use (USE) or not in use (noU).∙ Press UP or Down until USE is displayed to configure output switch. ∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 2∙ A1 To enter output 1 switch set point. ∙ Set switch to change state at 115 psi. ∙ Press UP or Down until 115.0 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 3∙ B1 To enter dead band.∙ Set 5 psi dead band to deactivate at 110 psi. ∙ Press UP or Down until 5.0 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 4∙ On1 To delay switch turn on.∙ Delay switch turn on shall not be used for this application. ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 0.00 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 5∙ OF1 To delay switch turn off.∙ Delay switch turn off shall not be used for this application. ∙ Press Up or Down arrow until 0.00 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step 6∙ SAv To save set point, dead band, and on/off time delay. ∙Set point, dead band, and on/off time delay can be stored onstorage S-1 or S-2 (save set point, dead band, and on/off time delay on S1).∙ Press UP or Down arrow until S-1 is displayed.∙ Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step7∙Lod To load set point, dead band, and on/off time delay.∙Load set point, dead band, and on/off time delay can store onstorage L-1 or L-2 (load set point, dead band, and on/off timedelayonL1).∙Press UP or Down arrow until L-1 is displayed.∙Press and release MODE button to select and move to the next step.Step8∙LoP Loop check mode allows program and analog output verificationwith the transmitter pressurized or non-pressurized. It simulates theprocess and allows for troubleshooting.∙Press Up or Down arrow to simulate pressure values.∙After verification press and hold MODE button for more than threeseconds to return to measuring mode.Function Verification:The GC35 loop-check allows program, switch and analog output verification with the transmitterpressurized or non-pressurized.Analog Output Test:Confirm analog output wiring per figure 3 and 4 diagrams or installation and maintenance instructions.Analog output can be tested during loop check mode or measurement mode. Change loop check value or apply equivalent pressure to test the analog output (see results below for reference).∙Connect amp-meter per manual instructionsor diagram above.∙Press the Up or Down arrow until 100.0 isdisplayed or apply 100 psi.∙Verify amp meter reading (4.00 mA).∙100 psi corresponds to 0% FS analog signal(4 mA at 100 psi).Switching Verification:Ensure switch wiring per figure 3 and 4 diagrams or installation & maintenance instructions. Switch verification can be tested during measurement mode or loop check. Change loop check value or apply equivalent pressures (see results below for reference).∙Press the Up or Down arrow until 105.0 isdisplayed or apply 105 psi.∙Verify amp meter reading (12.00 mA).∙105 psi corresponds to 50% FS analog signal(12 mA at 105 psi).∙Press the Up arrow until 110.0 is displayedor apply 110 psi.∙Verify amp meter reading (20.0 mA).∙110 psi corresponds to 100% FS analogsignal (20 mA at 110 psi).∙ A 290 ohms resistor shall be use as theswitch load to verify switch. Wire switch permanual instructions or figure above.∙Press the Up or Down arrow until 100.0 isdisplayed or apply 100 psi.∙Switch is in normal state (OFF)∙Place voltmeter leads across resistor and verify voltage reading (0 V dc).∙Press the Up arrow until 115.0 is displayed or increase pressure up to 115 psi.∙Switch turns ON.∙Verify voltmeter reading (28 VDC).∙External relay energizes.∙Relay normally closed switch opens - compressor shuts down.∙Relay normally open closes - audible alarm turns ON.∙Press the Down arrow until 110.0 is displayed or decrease pressure to 110 psi. ∙Verify voltage reading (0 V dc).∙Switch changes to normal state (OFF).。
二、压力传感器电路的工作过程压力传感器电路的工作过程可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 传感器元件受到外界压力的作用,其电学性质发生变化。
2. 传感器元件的变化信号经过信号调理电路的放大、滤波和线性化处理。
3. 经过信号调理的信号进入输出电路,输出电路将其转化为可供外部设备读取的模拟信号或数字信号。
三、压力传感器电路的特点和应用1. 精度高:压力传感器电路采用了精密的传感器元件和信号调理电路,能够实现高精度的压力测量。
2. 可靠性好:压力传感器电路经过严格的测试和校准,能够在各种恶劣环境下稳定工作。
3. 响应速度快:压力传感器电路的信号处理速度较快,可以实时监测压力变化。
1. 压阻式压力传感器压阻式压力传感器是利用压阻效应来测量被测压力的装置。
2. 压力变送器压力变送器也是一种常见的压力传感器,它一般由感压元件和信号处理电路组成。
3. 电容式压力传感器电容式压力传感器是利用被测压力作用下的电容值变化来测量压力大小的装置。
4. 压电式压力传感器压电式压力传感器是利用压电效应来测量被测压力的装置。
二、压力传感器的工作原理1. 压阻式压力传感器的工作原理压阻式压力传感器是利用压阻效应来测量被测压力的装置。
2. 压力变送器的工作原理压力变送器一般由感压元件和信号处理电路组成。
fsr压力传感器技术手册FSR 压力传感器(Force Sensing Resistor,力敏电阻)是一种具有出色性能和广泛应用的压力传感器。
以下是一份FSR 压力传感器技术手册的大致内容:一、FSR 压力传感器简介1. 工作原理:FSR 压力传感器是一种基于压阻效应的传感器,当受到压力作用时,其电阻值会发生明显变化。
2. 特点:FSR 压力传感器具有高灵敏度、高线性度、良好的重复性和稳定性,适用于各种压力测量场景。
二、FSR 压力传感器的分类1. 按结构分类:FSR 压力传感器可分为薄膜型、硅膜型、陶瓷型等不同类型。
2. 按输出信号分类:FSR 压力传感器可分为模拟输出型和数字输出型。
三、FSR 压力传感器的主要性能指标1. 灵敏度:FSR 压力传感器的灵敏度指受压力变化引起的电阻变化率。
2. 线性度:FSR 压力传感器的线性度指传感器输出与输入压力之间的线性关系。
3. 精度:FSR 压力传感器的精度指传感器测量结果与真实值之间的偏差。
4. 响应时间:FSR 压力传感器的响应时间指传感器输出信号达到90% 峰值的时间。
5. 工作温度范围:FSR 压力传感器的工作温度范围指传感器在正常工作条件下能稳定运行的温度范围。
四、FSR 压力传感器的应用领域1. 电子设备:FSR 压力传感器广泛应用于电子设备中,如智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本等,实现对触摸屏、按键等部件的压力检测。
2. 汽车电子:FSR 压力传感器在汽车电子领域中的应用日益广泛,如汽车安全气囊、座椅调节器、车窗升降等系统。
3. 工业自动化:FSR 压力传感器在工业自动化领域中具有广泛应用,如压力控制系统、机器人抓取装置等。
德国MAXAIR 数字式压力传感器开关表选型指南
规格范围之外的用途、负荷电流、电压、温度、冲击、环 境等会形成破坏或成为动作不良的原因。
请绝对不要在氧气、腐蚀性、可燃性气体、腐蚀性 流体中使用。
压力开关不是防爆构造。在爆炸性气体环境中使用的场合, 有可能引起爆炸灾害,因此请绝对不要使用。
5 请务必遵守下页以后的警告与注意事项。
危险: 如果进行了错误操作,可能会发生死亡或者重伤的危险情况,并且危险发生时的紧迫性
警告: 如果进行了错误操作,可能会发生死亡或者重伤的危险情况。
在传感器安装部位附近使用噪音发生源元件(开关式减压 阀、转换器电机等)的场合,元件的机架接地端子(FG) 请务必进行接地。
电子式元件的配线请远离强磁场。 电子式元件的配线请使用屏蔽线连接。 屏蔽线请在电源侧接地。
如吹气那样,将二次侧控制压力向大气开放的场合,有时会 因吹气条件、配管条件而发生压力的变动。虽然麻烦,但还 是请按照实际使用条件进行测试或咨询本公司。
设备、娱乐设备、紧急切断回路、压机、制动回路、用于安全保障的设备等。 ˔2 可能会对人员和财产造成巨大影响,特别是对安全性有较高要求的用途等方面。
3 有关装置设计的安全性,请遵守团体标准和法规等。
ISO4414、(气动系统通则)、 高压气体保安法、劳动安全卫生法以及其他的安全规则。
4 在没有确认安全的情况下,请绝对不要使用本产品以及拆卸配管·元件。
禁止将产品设置在具有密封性的某种控制箱或房间 内。
因为在其它事故发生的时候,流体泄漏的场合,会使密封 空间的内压发生变化,很危险。因此,必须在油内压限制 的安全装置的控制箱或与外界大气的压力差小的房间内才 能使用。
1. 压力传感元件,数字压力传感器的核心部件是压力传感元件,它通常采用压阻式、压电式或电容式传感器。
2. 信号处理电路,传感元件输出的电信号需要经过信号处理电
3. 数字输出接口,经过信号处理的电信号最终会通过数字输出
1:4-digit alphanumeric display 2:LEDs3:Programming buttonMade inGermanyProduct characteristics Combined pressure sensor ConnectorProcess connection:G 1A /Aseptoflex Vario Display units:bar,psi,MPa,%of the span Function programmable2-wire connection technology:analogue output3-wire connection technology:2outputsOUT1=switching outputOUT2=switching output or analogue output 4-digit alphanumeric displayMeasuring range:-1.00...10.00bar /-14.5...145.0psi /-0.100...1.000MPa Application Type of pressure:relative pressureHygienic systems,viscous media and liquids with suspended particlesLiquids and gasesApplication5MPa 725psi 50bar Pressure rating 15MPa 2175psi 150bar Bursting pressure min.5MPa725psi50barMAWP (for applications according to CRN)-25...125(145max.1h)Medium temperature [°C]Electrical data 2wires DC /3wires DC PNP/NPNElectrical design 20...32DC (2L)/18...32DC (3L)Operating voltage [V] 3.6...21(2L)/<45(3L)Current consumption [mA]>100(500V DC)Insulation resistance[MΩ]III Protection classyesReverse polarity protection Outputs 2-wire connection technology:analogue output3-wire connection technology:2outputsOUT1=switching outputOUT2=switching output or analogue outputOutput1x normally open /normally closed programmable +1x normally open /normallyclosed programmable or 1x analogue (4...20/20...4mA,scalable)Output function ---(2L)/250(3L)Current rating [mA]---(2L)/<2(3L)Voltage drop[V]pulsed Short-circuit protection yesOverload protection ---(2L)/125(3L)Switching frequency [Hz]I:4...20mA (Ineg:20...4mA)Analogue output 300(2L)/max.(Ub -10V)x 50(3L)Max.load[Ω]Measuring /setting range -0.100...1.000MPa -14.5...145.0psi -1.00...10.00bar Measuring range Setting range -0.098...1.000MPa -14.2...145.0psi -0.98...10.00bar Set point,SP -0.100...0.998MPa -14.5...144.7psi -1.00...9.98bar Reset point,rP-0.100...0.750MPa -14.5...108.7psi -1.00...7.50bar Analogue start point,ASP 0.150...1.000MPa21.8...145.0psi1.50...10.00barAnalogue end point,AEP 0.001MPa0.1psi0.01barin steps of SP1=2.50bar;rP1=2.30bar SP2=7.50bar;rP2=7.30bar ASP =0.00bar;AEP =10.00barFactory settingAccuracy /deviations Accuracy /deviations(in %of the span)Turn down 1:1<±0.2Switch point accuracy <±0.2Characteristics deviation *)<±0.15Linearity <±0.15Hysteresis <±0.1Repeatability **)<±0.1Long-term stability ***)Temperature coefficients (TEMPCO)in the temperature range 0...70°C (in %of the span per 10K)<±0.05Greatest TEMPCO of the zero point <±0.15Greatest TEMPCO of the span Reaction times 1(2L)/0.5(3L)Power-on delay time [s]---(2L)/3(3L)Min.response time switching output[ms]0.00...30.00Damping for the switching output (dAP)[s]0.01...99.99Damping for the analogue output (dAA)[s]45(2L)/7(3L)Step response time analogue output[ms]yesIntegrated watchdog Interfaces IO-Link Device COM2(38.4kBaud)Transfer type 1.0IO-Link revision 157d /00009D hIO-Link Device ID no profile Profiles yes SIO modeA Required master port type 1Process data analogue 2Process data binary 2.3Min.process cycle time [ms]Environment -25...80Ambient temperature [°C]-40...100Storage temperature [°C]IP 67/IP 68/IP 69KProtection Tests /approvals EMCDIN EN 61000-6-2DIN EN 61000-6-3Shock resistance 50g (11ms)DIN EN 60068-2-27:Vibration resistance 20g (10...2000Hz)DIN EN 60068-2-6:160MTTF[Years]Mechanical data G 1A /Aseptoflex VarioProcess connection ceramics (99.9%Al2O3);PTFE;stainless steel 316L /1.4435;surfacecharacteristics:Ra <0.4/Rz 4Materials (wetted parts)stainless steel 316L /1.4404;FPM;PTFE;PBT;PEI;PFAHousing materials 100million Switching cycles min.0.313Weight[kg]Displays /operating elements DisplayLED green Display unit LED yellowSwitching status 4-digit alphanumeric display Function display 4-digit alphanumeric displayMeasured values Electrical connection M12connector;Gold-plated contactsConnection Wiring1connection for2-wire operation2connection for3-wire operation3connection for IO-Link parameter setting(P=communication via IO-Link)RemarksRemarks(2L)=value for2-wire operation(3L)=value for3-wire operation*)linearity,incl.hysteresis and repeatability;(limit value setting to DIN16086)**)with temperature fluctuations<10K***)in%of the span per year1Pack quantity[piece]ifm electronic gmbh•Friedrichstraße1•45128Essen—We reserve the right to make technical alterations without prior notice.—GB—PI2794—16.04.2013。
德国MAXAIR 数字式压力传感器开关表选型指南
在电源上使用市售的开关电源的场合,请务必使机架 的接地端子(F.G.)接地。
使用请避开阳光直射、或沾有水、油的场合。 使用请避开蒸汽、灰尘多的环境。
请注意不要接触稀释剂等有机溶剂和注意不要直接接 触水、油、油脂。
请不要将通针等放入压力气口。否则可能破损膜片, 导致不能正常动作。
5 请务必遵守下页以后的警告与注意事项。
危险: 如果进行了错误操作,可能会发生死亡或者重伤的危险情况,并且危险发生时的紧迫性
警告: 如果进行了错误操作,可能会发生死亡或者重伤的危险情况。
1 产品是以一般产业机械用零部件为对象,进行设计和生产的。 因此,请由具有充分知识和经验的人员进行操作和使用。
2 请在产品固有的规格范围内使用。
在本产品规格范围外使用时,或在室外,以及下述条件和环境中使用时,请向本公司确认。另外,请绝对不 要进行产品改造或加工。 ˔1 用于下述对安全性有所要求的用途时:原子能、铁道、航空、车辆、医疗设备、直接接触饮料·食品等的
注意: 如果进行了错误操作,可能会发生轻伤或者仅仅产生物质上的损失时的危险状态。
另外,“注意”中所记载的事项,可能会因状况而导致严重后果。所记载的内容都非常重要,请务必 遵守。
—— 1 —1 —。
Installation and Maintenance Instructions for GC35 Heavy Duty Digital Pressure SensorVersion 1.0 5/11© 2011 Ashcroft Inc. 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA T el: 203-378-8281, Fax: 203-385-0402 All sales subject to standard terms and conditions of sale.I&M011-10172 . Rev A 5/11CONTENTSCAUTION (4)1. SPeCIfICATIONS (5)2. DIMeNSION DrAwINGS (6)3. INSTAllATION (7)4. wIrING............................................................................................................................7-85. NOISe PreVeNTION (9)6. STOrAGe (9)7. MAINTeNANCe (9)8. MeNU NAVIGATION......................................................................................................9-109. fUNCTION SeTTING MODe..........................................................................................10-1210. SwITCH SeTTING MODe..............................................................................................12-1311. SwITCH OPerATION......................................................................................................14-1512. OTHer fUNCTIONS (15)13. errOr DISPlAY (16)14. TrOUBle SHOOTING (17)15. MAINTeNANCe & wArrANTY (18)WARNING! READ BEFORE INSTALLATION1. GENERAL:A failure resulting in injury or damage may be caused by e xcessive overpressure, exces-sive vibration or pressure pulsation, excessive instrument temperature, corrosion of the pressure containing parts, or other misuse. Consult Ashcroft Inc., Stratford, Connecticut,USA before installing if there are any questions or concerns.2. OVERPRESSURE:Pressure spikes in excess of the rated overpressure capability of the transducer may cause irreversible electrical and/or mechanical d amage to the pressure measuring and containing elements.fluid hammer and surges can destroy any pressure transducer and must always be avoided. A pressure snubber should be installed to eliminate the damaging hammer effects. Fluid hammer occurs when a liquid flow is suddenly stopped, as with quick closing solenoid valves. Surges occur when flow is suddenly begun, as when a pump is turned on at full power or a valve is quickly opened.liquid surges are particularly damaging to pressure transducers if the pipe is originally empty.T o avoid damaging surges, fluid lines should remain full (if possible), pumps should be brought up to power slowly, and valves opened slowly. T o avoid damage from both fluid hammer and surges, a surge chamber should be installed.Symptoms of fluid hammer and surge's damaging effects:• Pressure transducer exhibits an output at zero pressure (large zero offset). • Pressure transducer output remains constant regardless of pressure • In severe cases, there will be no output.FREEZING:Prohibit freezing of media in pressure port. Unit should be drained (mount in vertical position with electrical termination upward) to prevent possible overpressure damage from frozen media.3. STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARGES:Any electrical device may be susceptible to damage when exposed to static electrical charges.T o avoid damage to the transducer observe the f ollowing:• Ground the body of the transducer BEFORE making any electrical connections.• When disconnecting, remove the ground LAST!Note:The shield and drain wire in the cable (if supplied) is not connected to the transducer body ,and is not a suitable ground.ƽƽ1.SPECIFICATIONS:PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSOptional Analog Output (4-20mA):Accuracy ±1.0% FS (Accuracy includes the effects of Linearity, Hysteresis andR epeatability)Response Time: 30msec–10 sec (by user)Output Resolution: ±0.05 FSAnalog Scaling: User may configure analog output scaling to any range within–100 to 150% Full Scale of sensor range.Pressure Switch Output:T ype: NPN or PNP Open Collector up to 80mASetting Accuracy: ±1.0% FSResponse Time: 5msec–10 sec (by user)Hysteresis: Variable (by user)Switch Setting: User may adjust switch actuation and deadband to any points withinFull Scale sensor rangeDisplay:T ype: 4 digit, 8mm LEDAccuracy: ±1.0% FS (URL) + last digitResponse Time: 200msec–10 sec (by user)Display Setting: User may re-configure display scaling, set to capture MIN or MAX value and adjust display update rateLED Ring: 3 color emmisions (red, green, blue)Standard Ranges (Gauge):0 to 50psig, 100psig, 150psig, 300psig, 500psig, 1000psig, 1500psig, 3000psig,5000psig, 7500psigStandard Ranges (Compound):–15 to 75psig, –15 to 150psig, –15 to 300psig,ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSTemperature Limits:Storage: –20 to 70ºC (–4 to 158°F)Operating: –20 to 70ºC (–4 to 158°F)Compensated: –20 to 70ºC (–4 to 158°F)T emperature Effects:Zero and Span ±0.1% FS/ºC (from 23°C reference temperature)Humidity:Non-Condensing0 to 85% RH (Ranges 150 psi and below), 0 to 100% RH (Ranges 300 psi and above)FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONSProof Pressure: 4X Range (Ranges 1500psi and below)2.5X (Ranges 3000psi and above)Burst Pressure: 10X Range (Ranges 1500 psi and below)5X Range (Ranges 3000 psi and Below), 3X Ranges (Ranges 5000 psi and above)Withstand Voltage: 350Vac 1 minuteInsulation Voltage: 50Vdc, 100M⍀minCE Compliance: EN61326-1 2006, EN61326-2-3 2006EU RoHS ComplianceStabiity: ±0.25% FS/Y earELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSPower Supply Requirements:Supply Voltage: 16-36Vdc (with Analog Output Option)11-36Vdc (Switch Output Version Only)Current Consumption: 50mAdc (max)Switch Contacts:User selectable NPN (default) or PNP OpenCollector OutputsNPN T ype: 30Vdc/80mA (max)PNP T ype: supply voltage 80mA (max), Voltage drop 1 Vdc (max)MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Pressure Connection:1⁄4NPT (Male)Connection Location:Lower, Back Enclosure:Nickel Plated AluminumRating:IP67 (Ranges 300 psi and above); IP65 (Ranges 150psi and below)Electrical Connection:M12 Connector (4 pin)Weight:Approx. 150 gramsMedia:Fluids and gases compatible with 316SS (sensing housing) and 17-4 pH SS(sensor diaphragm)2. PRODUCT DIMENSIONS:3. INSTALLATIONInstall in a location where vibration and shock can be minimized and without direct sunlight on the display and care should be taken to locate the product in compliance with IP65 (150 psi and below) or IP67 (300 psi and above) environmental rating.• Pressure Port Connections 1⁄4NPT male 11⁄2turns past hand tight.1.34342.0553lower ConnectBack Connect4. WIRING:Cable ColorRed Power (+)Black Open Collector Output OUT 1White Open Collector Output OUT 2 / analog outputGreen Power (−)Silver Shielded GroundClear Vent T ubeNOTE: Mount M12 connector pins face on with electrical mating cable.Do NOT turn or pull on connector to prevent damage to unit.ᕥ Collector/switch 1ᕡ LED display ᕤ UP keyᕣ ᕢ MODE keyᕦ Setting mode LED operation indicator (SET)ᕥ Collector/switch 1(OUT 1)5. NOISE PREVENTIONPower SupplyThe pressure display can fluctuate and provide incorrecto utput if noise is present in the power supply/wires. Care should be taken to keep the GC35 power supply wires from highv oltage lines and use a power line with a high noise rejection ratio.6. STORAGEStore in a location in compliance with the environmental rating of the unit and within –20 to +70°C (–4 to 158°F). Avoid direct exposure of the display to Sunlight.7. MAINTENANCE Although this is a solid state device, it is recommended that a visual inspection be conducted twice a year along with regular zero adjustment if necessary.8. MENU NAVIGATIONFunctionsPlease Note: Do not use sharp objects to press the keys as this can puncture and damage the panel.Pressing the ɕMODE key for 3 seconds displays “_ _ _”. T o return to measurement mode, the “_ _ _” display will flash when 3 seconds have passed.9. fUNCTION SeTTING MODeSetup StepsPressing the ɕMODE key greater than 3 seconds will display Function Setting Mode. Scroll through appropriate displays and select feature to change/confirm. LED ring will flash until this menu is exited to the Measurement Mode by holding the ɕMODE key for more than 3seconds. The setting mode is used to select comparator operation, pressure unit, indication scaling, scaling of analog output and filter time constant.Note: Editing the setting value in function setting mode recalculates all of the setting values includ-ing the comparator. Please note that when the recalculated setting values are out of the display range, they will be adjusted to the upper or lower limit value that can be processed internally.Function Setting NotesComparator Operation SelectionFor the unit equipped with two comparator output option, both comparators will be in the same operation mode.Filter SettingThe GC35 is equipped with 5 internal time constant filters. Use of the function is recommended when measuring transient pressure source such that display, comparator output, analog output do not stabilize. The selected time constant filter is reflected on comparator/analog output as well.Energy-Saving Mode SettingThe unit is equipped with automatic display turn-off feature. If user wishes to turn-on the display only when reading the display, or to use the unit mainly for an electrical output reading, this fea-ture can be used.LED Ring Operation SettingⅪlr0 LED ring is off.(no linkage)ⅪLr1LED ring turns Red when comparator 1 is ON, and turn Blue or Green when OFF.ⅪL r2 LED ring turns Red when comparator 2 is ON, and turn Blue or Green when OFF.(Feature is only available for 2 comparator output option)ⅪLr3 LED ring turns Red when comparator 1 or 2 is ON, and turns Blue or Green when OFF.(Feature is only available for 2 comparator output option)(LED Ring: Blue when OFF: NPN output selected. Green when OFF: PNP output selected)Indication ScalingIn (Display setting), when (indication scaling) is selected, arbitrary scaling value, based on the applied pressure, can be displayed on the unit. This feature can scale the display value based on the minimum and maximum pressures within the rated pressure range, and will not affect the ana-log or switch output.• Decimal Point PlacementⅪ0No decimal point Ⅺ0.0One digit after decimal point Ⅺ0.00T wo digits after decimal point Ⅺ0.000Three digits after decimal point Analog Output Scaling (This menu is not available for 2 comparators option)This function sets analog output for pressures corresponding to zero point (4mA dc) and span point (20mA DC) in percentage figures (When pressure range is set to 0.0~100.0%F .S.)• Analog output under zero point pressureAfter Ⅺa-L is displayed for one second, current analog output under zero point (4mAdc) value in percentage figure (When pressure range is set to 0.0~100.0%F .S.) is displayed. Use Ĭk key or įk key to set pressure value in percentage figure.• Analog output under span point pressureAfter Ⅺa-X is displayed for one second, current analog output under span point (20mAdc)value in percentage figure (When pressure range is set to 0.0~100.0%F .S.) is displayed. Use Ĭk key or įk key to set pressure value in percentage figure.Example 1)Example 1)Pressure range 0.00~1450 psi (0.0~100.0%F .S.) corresponding to analog output of 4~20mA dc is scaled to pressure range 0.00~1,423 psi (0.0~98.1%F .S.) corresponding to analog output 4~20mA dc.Initial value (No changein this example)Pressure value for analog output zero point:Ⅺ0.0ǞⅪ0.0(%F .S.)Pressure value for analog output span point: Ⅺ100.0————————ǞⅪ98.1(%F .S.)Example 2)Example 3)PRESSURE RANGE (%F.S.)A N A L O G O U P U T (m A d c )-100 -50 0 50 100 15020161284PRESSURE RANGE (%F.S.)A N A L O G O U P U T (m A d c )-100 -50 0 50 100 15020161284PRESSURE RANGE (%F.S.)A N A L O G O U P U T (m A d c )-100 -50 0 50 100 15020161284Ĭk įk Key to selectĬk įk Key to selectSelect withX W set any desired value within the–1999 to 9999 range with UP/Down keysX W set any desired value within the0 to 2 sec range with UP/Down keysX W set any desired value within the–1999 to 9999 range with UP/Down keysX W set any desired value within the0 to 2 sec range with UP/Down keysSelect X W keys/reading by long pushingSelect X W keys/reading by long pushingSelect withX W set any desired value within the–1999 to 9999 range with UP/Down keysX W set any desired value within the0 to 2 sec range with UP/Down keysX W set any desired value within the–1999 to 9999 range with UP/Down keysX W set any desired value within the0 to 2 sec range with UP/Down keyssetting valueX W key to select an arbitrary numberbetween -10 to 110%F.S. of the current dispaly unit for simulating the pressure10. COMPArATOr SwITCH SeTTING MODe / lOOP CHeCK MODeSetup StepsPressing the ɕMODE key for less than 3 seconds will display message within the Comparator Setting/Loop Check Mode. Scroll through appropriate displays and select feature to change/con-firm. LED ring will flash until this menu is exited to the Measurement Mode by holding the ɕMODE key for more than 3 seconds.In “Comparator setting mode”, user can change settings on the comparator outputs provided bythe unit. (T wo comparator outputs or one for analog output unit are provided). The available selec-tions of this mode varies based on the selections made in Function setting mode and comparatoroutput type selection. For the unit provided with two comparator outputs, settings of each outputcan be done independently with the exception of the operation mode.•Hysteresis ModeSettings of comparator operation point (A) and comparator operation point (b)•Window Comparator ModeSettings of comparator operation point (A) and dead band (b)For operation points (A & B) setting, it is fixed at 1 %F.S. in the comparator OFF direction (win-dow comparator mode).Also, as common parameters between each operation mode, comparator ON time delay andcomparator OFF time delay can be selected in the range of 0.00~2.00 seconds.Loop check mode allows the user, without actually applying pressure to the unit, to vary pres-k key or įk key. As a result, comparator(s) and analog outputs sure display value by using Ĭwill vary based on the pressure display value chosen. This function allows the user to confirmoutputs or output settings manually. This function is also useful in checking proper wiring and othersimulations.Comparator 1: Use/No UseIf the comparator 1 was set to No use, LED (OUT1) will turn offComparator 2: Use/No UseOnly available with two comparators LED (OUT2) will turn off when comparator 2 is set to No Use. Comparator Setting Point A & bIn case comparator 1 is disabled, this menu is not available. Only available with two comparator option. Note: When setting the dead band (b) in "Hysteresis", if the set value is too small, there is a risk of chattering occurring. Be careful when setting dead band (b). For dead band (b), it is recom-mended that a value greater than 1%FS of pressure range is selected.Note: When the deadband (b) in “hysteresis” is set to negative, comparator is ON at low point (A)and OFF at high point (A)–(b).Note: C omparator output setting values are checked and recalculated when a setting related tocomparator operation is altered in order to prevent any inconsistencies in comparator opera-tion. The comparator’s output setting value is recalculated, if the calculation result is beyondsetting range and the comparator output setting value will be changed automatically so thatit will be within the setting range. Possible calculated error of ±1digit may be observed atcomparator output setting values when the comparator output setting value is recalculated.Comparator ON/OFF delay timeIn case comparator 1 is disabled, this menu is not available.Comparator 2 ON/OFF delay timeOnly available with two comparator option.Saving Comparator SettingThe comparator settings can be saved to the memory within the unit. The units’ current compara-tor settings will be saved therefore a comparator setting must be set prior to saving.What data is saved? Comparator(s) Use/No Use setting, comparator operation point (A), dead band (b) and ON/OFF Time delay.What is not saved? Comparator mode and/or output type will not be saved.Loading comparator settingWhat is loaded? Comparator(s) Use/No Use setting, comparator operation point (A), dead band (b), and ON/OFF Time delay.11. COMPArATOr SwITCH OPerATIONWhen the comparator output conditions shown below are met, each output becomes ON status and "Comparator output LED (OUT1, OUT2)" is red lit.•Operation of hysteresis mode•Operation of Window Comparator Mode•Operation of ON delay / OFF delaySetting the upper limit OFFSetting point (A)(A) – (b)Setting the lower limit The upper limit setting is determined when you select a positive number (including 0)for setting value (b).The lower limit setting is determined when you select a negative number for settingvalue (b).ON OFFFor (A) Ϲ (b)For (A) Ͼ (b)Setting point (b)Setting point (A)12. OTHer fUNCTIONS Basic Key OperationsFor setting up in each setting mode, the contents of selection UP/DOWN keys are chosen, respec-tively. In all setting modes, values are set with the UP/DOWN keys. Use UP key to increase and DOWN key to decrease values. A repeat state occurs in three phases of speed when the UP or DOWN keys are pressed for more than 0.5seconds to increase or decrease numerical value.Adjusting Zero PointIn Measurement Mode, press the MODE and DOWN keys for greater than 3 seconds; this will dis-play “_ _ _” after releasing pressure from the pressure port. Approximately 1 second later an auto-matic zero adjustment takes place and the pressure displays as zero.When the zero adjustment is successful ⅪAdj appears on the LED display.The error ⅪE-0 displays for one second when applied pressure was outside the range of -10~10% F .S. , zero adjustment does not happen.Peak/Bottom (Max./Min.) Hold Display ModeThe GC35 unit keeps the maximum and minimum pressure level applied to the pressure port as peak and bottom values respectively, in the internal memory. The peak and bottom values are dis-played as long as press and hold the Ĭk or įkkeys respectively. When you select this operation,the message ⅪPE+is displayed for one second and selected Peak/Bottom value is displayed.Peak and bottom values are reset when you reset power to the unit, or by following procedure.Resetting peak value: While holding the įk key, press the Ĭk key.Resetting bottom value: While holding the Ĭk key, press the įkkey.Key LockKey operations can be nullified to prevent inadvertent overwriting of setting values. Once the key lock state is set, the mode cannot be shifted to the one other than the peak hold display mode.The key lock mode cannot be reset by restoring power. It is reset by the following release opera-tion of a key lock.Setting of key lock :In measurement mode press ɕMODE and įkkeys together.ⅪLo(The lock message is displayed for one second indicating that the unit is locked.Release of key lock : P ress ɕMODE and įk keys together.ⅪUnL The Unlock message is displayed for one second indicating that the unit is unlocked Backup of Setting ValuesThe unit has an internal EEPROM and settings and the key lock state are maintained even after the power is turned OFF . Peak / bottom (max./min.) values will not be maintained.Maximum/Minimum Pressure CaptureThe GC35 unit keeps the maximum and minimum pressure level applied to the pressure port as peak and bottom values respectively, in the internal memory. The peak and bottom valuesare displayed while holding the Ĭk or įkkeys respectively. Message ⅪPE+is displayed for one second and selected Max/Min value is displayed by this operation. Maximum and mini-mum values are reset when you reset power to the unit or by the following procedure:Resetting Maximum value: While holding the Ĭk key, press the įk key.Resetting Minimum value: While holding the Ĭk key, press the įkkey.13. ERROR DISPLAYAn error message and pressure value are alternately displayed when one of the following errors occurs in the measurement mode (In case of “Out of pressure display range” error, only error message is displayed). Check the content of error message and take the action below immediately.14. TROUBLESHOOTING Error Possible cause ActionsPress any key to turn indication on or No displayEnergy-saving mode disable power-saving mode in the setup.(Function setting mode) Ǟ (Power-save setting) WiringCarry out wire connection correctly according to Supply voltage the connection point.Setting of comparatorSet a comparator output type (NPN, PNP) output type to match the setup of apparatus.No output(Function setting mode) Ǟ(Comparator operation selection) Comparator enabledEnable a comparator in the setup.(Comparator setting mode) Ǟ (Comparator Use/No use)Display/output do Pressure leakCheck pressure connection and piping.not indicate when Verify applied pressure by using a pressure gaugepressure is applied Too low pressure applied with the suitable pressure range.(remains at zero)Zero point shiftPerform zero point adjustment (zero point adjustment mode)Pressure indication mode Select a pressure indication(Function setting mode) Ǟ (Display setting)Analog scaling modeCheck analog output scaling setupUnit display/output (Function setting mode) Ǟ (Analog Output Scaling)conflicts with the Check the operational mode of the comparator, a value of applied Set value of the preset value, and the preset value of delay time.pressurecomparator output(Function setting mode) Ǟ (Select comparator mode) (Comparator setting mode) Ǟ (Comparator setting point) (Comparator setting mode ) Ǟ (Comparator delay) Overloaded comparator Use unit with a load current set to 80mAdc or lower.Foreign material Clean / remove obstruction in piping(blockage)Error DisplayContents ActionsOut of pressure display range (Upper limit)ⅪFFF A pressure above 110% FS of pressure range is applied, or when indicated valueexceeds 1999.Adjust the applied pressure Out of pressure display range (Lower limit) within the rated pressure.ⅪFFF A pressure less than –10% FS of pressure range is applied, or when indicated value falls below –1999.ⅪE-0 During zero point adjustment, applied Open the unit to the atmos-pressure is outside the range of ±10% FSphere and perform zero point adjustment again.15. Maintenance and WarrantyPeriodic InspectionDepending upon the type of use periodic inspection is recommended at least once a year.Please refer to the following items for periodic inspection.1. Appearance2. Display/output check via appropriate pressure standard(1)3. Display/output check via Loop Check(2)CAUTION• Avoid electrostatic charging. When cleaning this product, please use a soft, damp cloth.• Do not use thinner, etc. which may cause deterioration and failure.Product warrantyExcept as otherwise provided, the product warranty of this product is as follows:Period: 12 months after deliveryWarrantable defects: Defects resulting from the design and manufacture of our company, the quality of the material, etc.Implementation of warranty: This warranty will be completed by substitution or repair ofthe product concerned.Consequential damages caused by product defects are not the responsibility of them anufacturer.• If you have any questions about this document, please contact the sales office or distributor nearest you.• This document is subject to change without notice due to upgrade, etc.(1) If zero correction is required refer to section 12.(2) Loop check, see section 10.© 2011 Ashcroft Inc. 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA T el: 203-378-8281, Fax: 203-385-0402 All sales subject to standard terms and conditions of sale.I&M011-10172. Rev. A 5/11。
数字大气压力传感器 CPS120 说明书
综述CPS120是一种高品质、低成本的电容式绝对压力传感器,集成了温度补偿和A/D转换器,数字信号输出. 功耗极低(<1μA@ 25℃的休眠模式),宽电压供电(2.3V – 5.5VDC). 设计理念先进,利用单晶硅结构作为传感器单元,压力端口位于传感器背部),使得CPS120能够在极端温度和其他恶劣环境下正常使用.CPS120 是基于SIP(系统级封装)解决方案,由超小型电容式MEMS 压力传感单元和高精度数字处理和标定电路(ASIC)组成. 压力测量范围在5 – 120kPa. SPI 或I²C 接口输出. 集成的Σ-ΔA/D转换器和具有内部校准功能的逻辑电路共同保证了传感信号获得充分的补偿温度和精确的数字压力信号输出. 因此无需再坐任何外部校准补偿,内部的高性能ASIC已充分补偿及标定,确保高精度的温度和压力输出. 两种可选模式(正常与休眠)和外部的“即测即用”确保操作灵活,应用范围十分广阔.应用领域•便携式,固定式气压计•高度计•运动手表•气象站•GPS应用•硬盘驱动器•工业设备•空气控制系统•真空系统•钓鱼产品优点•完全补偿的温度和压力输出•低功耗,可以电池供电,其它低功耗场合同样适用•内置时钟,无需外部时钟•适于传感媒介的高阻抗性能产品特点•完全校准的温度及压力输出•温度和压力采样频率及分辨率可调(8,10,12 或14位)•采样时间短:0.7ms(8位),1.6ms(10位),5.0ms 12位),8.5ms(14位)•供电电压:3.0V±10%•绝对温度范围:-40℃至+125℃•压力精度:<±0.2kPa@25℃•温度精度:±1.0℃•具有自动休眠功能接口•连接到外部微处理器的数字输出接口•I²C 接口(100和400 kHz)•SPI接口(800KHz)——三线物理特性•小尺寸:3×5×1.2mm (宽×长×高)•LGA封装,8引脚•传感通道位于元件正面*I²C TM是NXP的注册商标典型应用电路表 1: 订货须知 目录1运行特征 (7)1.1绝对额定值 (7)1.2工作条件 (7)1.3电气参数 (8)2正常运行模式 (9)2.1I2C 和 SPI (9)2.1.1I2C 的特征和时序 (9)2.1.2SPI 的特征和时序 (10)2.1.3I2C 和 SPI 命令 (12)2.1.4获取数据(GD) (12)2.1.5测量READY引脚 (15)3EEPROM (电可擦除只读存储器) (16)4计算输出 (16)4.1压力输出 (16)4.2温度输出 (16)5封装和装配 (17)5.1引脚布局 (17)5.2机械尺寸图 (18)5.3焊接条件 (19)6免责申明 (20)表格目录表1:订货须知 (3)表2:I2C参数 (10)表3:S PI参数 (11)表4:I2C和SPI命令 (12)表5:状态位 (12)表6:C PS120引脚说明 (17)表7:机械尺寸 (18)表8:封装回流温度 (19)图目录图1:I²C时序图 (9)图2:S PI时序图 (11)图3:7位从属地址下四个字节的压力和温度数据 (13)图4:8位分辨率的温度数据 (13)图5:压力数据 (14)图6:测量请求命令(I2C MR) (15)图7:L GA金属盖封装 (18)1运行特征2 正常运行模式2.1I 2C 和 SPI两线 I²C 和三线(半双工)SPI 从 CPS120 读取数据.2.1.1 I 2C 的特征和时序CPS120 使用与I²C 兼容的支持比特率为 100kHz 和 400kHz 的通信协议. 出厂设置 I²C 从地址是0x28,并且通信只限于该地址.参见 图1 为 I²C 时序图,表2为其参数定义.图 1: I²C 时序图SCLSDA表2: I2C 参数2.1.2SPI 的特征和时序SPI 只支持半双工模式(只能读取CPS120),工作频率最高达800kHz.SPI 接口进行编程后可允许主机在MISO 的下降沿或上升沿进行采样.出厂默认为MISO 的下降沿.参见图2为SPI时序图,表3为其参数定义.图 2: SPI 时序图表 3: SPI 参数MISOSSSCLK2.1.3I2C 和 SPI 命令表4 详细描述了在I²C 和SPI模式下设备的接口命令.表4: I2C 和 SPI 命令2.1.4获取数据(GD)获取数据(GD)的命令是用来在正常模式下获取数据。
MEMS制造工艺较为复杂,生产成本 较高,且良品率有待提高。
压力传感器MEMS在汽车行业中应用广泛,主要用于 监测发动机、气瓶压力、进气压力等,提高汽车性能 和安全性。
基于MEMS技术制造的微型传感器、执行器、微电子器件等 。
微电子技术起步,集成电路出 现。
MEMS技术诞生,出现第一批 商业化的MEMS产品。
MEMS技术进入快速发展阶段 ,应用领域不断扩大。
MEMS技术逐渐成熟,成为许 多领域的关键技术之一。
压力传感器MEMS的基本原理是利用压力敏感元件将压力信 号转换为电信号,再通过电路处理和数字化技术进行信号的 传输、存储、显示和控制等操作。
根据敏感元件材料的不同,压力传感器MEMS可以分为硅基MEMS和陶瓷MEMS两 类。
硅基MEMS通常采用单晶硅、多晶硅或SOI(硅-二氧化硅-硅)材料制作,具有较高 的灵敏度和可靠性。
在工业自动化领域,压力传感器MEMS主要用于流体 控制、过程监控、环境监测等,提高生产效率和产品 质量。
工业自动化是现代制造业的重要组成部分,对生产效率 和产品质量的要求越来越高。压力传感器MEMS作为 一种重要的工业自动化元件,广泛应用于流体控制、过 程监控、环境监测等领域。它们能够实时监测各种流体 介质的压力变化,为控制系统提供准确的数据反馈,确 保生产过程的稳定性和可靠性。同时,压力传感器 MEMS还可以用于环境监测,如空气质量、气体泄漏 等,提高工业生产的安全性和环保性。
MS5525DSO 数字小型压力传感器说明书
MS5525DSO(Digital Small Outline)SPECIFICATIONS∙ Integrated Digital Pressure Sensor (24-bit ∆Σ ADC)∙ Fast Conversion Down to 1 ms ∙ Low Power, 1 µA (standby < 0.15 µA) ∙Supply Voltage: 1.8 to 3.6V ∙ Pressure Range: 1 to 30 PSI ∙I 2C and SPI InterfaceThe MS5525DSO is a new generation of Digital Small Outline pressure sensors from MEAS with SPI and I 2C bus interface designed for high volume OEM users. The sensor module includes a pressure sensor and an ultra-low power 24-bit ∆Σ ADC with internal factory calibrated coefficients. It provides a 24-bit digital pressure and temperature value and different operation modes that allow the user to optimize for conversion speed and current consumption. The MS5525DSO can be interfaced to virtually any microcontroller. The communication protocol is simple, without the need of programming internal registers in the device.This new sensor module generation is based on leading MEMS technology and latest benefits from TE proven experience and know-how in high volume manufacturing of pressure modules, which have been widely used for over a decade.The rugged engineered thermoplastic transducer is available in single and dual port configurations, and can measure absolute, gauge, compound, and differential pressure from 1 to 30psi.FEATURES∙ Small Outline IC Package ∙ Barbed Pressure Ports∙ Low Power, High Resolution ADC∙Digital Pressure and Temperature OutputsAPPLICATIONS∙ Factory Automation∙ Altitude and Airspeed Measurements ∙ Medical Instruments ∙Leak DetectionSTANDARD RANGES (PSI)FS Pressure Absolute Gauge Differential001 DB, SB,ST, DH002 DB, SB, ST, DH,FT DB, SB,ST, DH005 DB, SB, ST, DH,FT DB, SB,ST ,DH015 DB, FB, DH, FT DB, SB, ST, DH,FT DB, DH030 DB, FB, DH, FT DB, SB, ST, DH,FT DB, DHSee Package Configurations: DB= Dual Barb, DH= Dual Hole, SB=Single Barb, ST=Single Tube, FT=Front Side Tube, FB=Front Single Barb ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGParameter Conditions Min Max Unit Symbol/Notes Supply Voltage T A = 25°C -0.3 3.6 V V DD Storage Temperature -40 125 °COverpressure T A = 25 °C, both Ports 60 psiBurst Pressure T A = 25 °C, Port 1 psi See Table 1 ESD HBM -4 +4 kV EN 61000-4-2 Solder Temperature 250°C, 5 sec max.Table 1- BURST PRESSURE BY RANGE AND PORT DESIGNATION.Range Port 1Port 2Unit001 10 10 psi002 20 20 psi005 50 15 psi015 120 60 psi030 120 120 psiENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSParameter ConditionsMechanical Shock Mil Spec 202F, Method 213B, Condition C, 3 DropsMechanical Vibration Mil Spec 202F, Method 214A, Condition 1E, 1Hr Each AxisThermal Shock 100 Cycles over Storage Temperature, 30 minute dwellLife 1 Million FS CyclesMTTF >10Yrs, 70 ºC, 10 Million Pressure Cycles, 120%FSPressureMSL Moisture Sensitivity Level is 3PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSUnless otherwise specified: Supply Voltage1 3.0 V DC, Reference Temperature: 25°CPARAMETERS MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Operating Voltage 1.8 3.6ADC 24 bitsPressure Accuracy See Table 2 Below %FS 2,5 Total Error Band (TEB) -2.5 2.5 %FS 3 Temperature Accuracy (Reference Temperature) ±1.5ºC 4,5 Temperature Accuracy ±2.5ºC 4,5 Supply Current See OSR Table Below mACompensated Temperature 0 85 ºCOperating Temperature -40 +125 ºCConversion Time See OSR Table Below msWeight 3 gramsMedia Non-Corrosive Dry Gases Compatible with Silicon, Glass, LCP, RTV,Gold, Thermo-Epoxy, Silicone Gel, Aluminum and Epoxy. See“Wetted Material by Port Designation” chart.Notes1.Proper operation requires an external capacitor placed as shown in Application Circuit. Output is not ratiometric to supply voltage.2.The maximum deviation from a best fit straight line(BFSL) fitted to the output measured over the pressure range at 25°C. Includes allerrors due to pressure non-linearity, hysteresis, and non-repeatability.3.The maximum deviation from ideal output with respect to input pressure and temperature over the compensated temperature range.Total error band (TEB) includes all accuracy errors, thermal errors over the compensated temperature range, span and offset calibration tolerances. TEB values are valid only at the calibrated supply voltage.4.The deviation from a best fit straight line (BFSL) from 25°C. to 85°C.5.Six coefficients must be read by microcontroller software and are used in a mathematical calculation for converting D1 and D2 intocompensated pressure and temperature values.Table 2- TYPICAL ACCURACY SPECIFICATION BY PRESSURE RANGERange Port 1 Port 2 Unit001 ±0.25 ±1.0 %FSS002 ±0.25 ±0.5 %FSS005 ±0.50 ±1.0 %FSS015 ±0.25 ±0.25 %FSS030 ±0.25 ±0.25 %FSSOVERSAMPLNG RATIO (OSR) PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSSUPPLY CURRENT CHARACTERISTICSParameter Symbol Conditions Min.Typ.Max UnitSupply current (1 sample per sec.)I DDOSR 40962048102451225612.µAPeak supply current during conversion 1.4mA Standby supply current at 25°C0.020.14µAANALOG DIGITAL CONVERTER (ADC)Parameter Symbol Conditions Min.Typ.Max UnitConversion time t c OSR 4096204810245122567.403.721.880.950.488. SPECIFICATIONS DIGITAL INPUTS (CSB, I2C, DIN, SCLK)Parameter Symbol Conditions Min.Typ.Max UnitSerial data clock SCLK SPI protocol20MHzSerial data clock SCL I2C protocol 400 kHzInput high voltage V IH Pins CSB80%V 100% V DD VInput low voltage V IL0%V 20% V DD VInput leakage current I leak25°CI leak85°Cat 25°C0.15µAInput capacitance C IN6pF PRESSURE OUTPUTS (I2C, DOUT)Parameter Symbol Conditions Min.Typ.MaxUnitOutput high voltage V OH I source = 0.6 mA80% V DD100%V VOutput low voltage V OL I sink = 0.6 mA0% V DD20% V DD V Load capacitance C LOAD16pFFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONGENERALThe MS5525DSO consists of a piezo-resistive sensor and a sensor interface IC. The main function of theMS5525DSO is to convert the uncompensated analog output voltage from the piezo-resistive pressure sensor to a 24-bit digital value, as well as providing a 24-bit digital value for the temperature of the sensor. FACTORY CALIBRATIONEvery module is individually factory calibrated at two temperatures and three pressures. As a result, six coefficients necessary to compensate for process variations and temperature variations are calculated and stored in the 128-bit PROM of each module. These bits, partitioned into six coefficients, C1 through C6, must be read by the microcontroller software and used in the program converting D1 and D2 into compensated pressure and temperature values.The coefficients C0 and C7 are for factory calibration and CRC.SERIAL INTERFACEThe MS5525DSO has built in two types of serial interfaces: SPI and I2C. Pulling the Protocol Select pin PS to2C bus protocol.SPI MODEThe external microcontroller clocks in the data through the input SCLK (Serial CLocK) and SDI (Serial Data In). In the SPI mode module can accept both mode 0 and mode 3 for the clock polarity and phase. The sensor responds on the output SDO (Serial Data Out). The pin CSB (Chip Select) is used toenable/disable the interface, so that other devices can talk on the same SPI bus. The CSB pin can be pulled high after the command is sent or after the end of the command execution (for example end of conversion). The best noise performance from the module is obtained when the SPI bus is idle and without communication to other devices during the ADC conversion.I2C MODE & ADDRESSINGThe external microcontroller clocks in the data through the input SCL (Serial CLock) and SDA (Serial DAta). The sensor responds on the same pin SDA which is bidirectional for the I2C bus interface. So this interface type uses only 2 signal lines and does not require a chip select, which can be favorable to reduce board space. In I2C -Mode the complement of the pin CSB (Chip Select) represents the LSB of the I2C address. It is possible to use two sensors with two different addresses on the I2C bus. The pin CSB must be connected to VDD or GND do not leave these pins unconnected.COMMANDSThe MS5525DSO has only five basic commands:1. Reset2. Read PROM (128 bit of calibration words)3. D1 conversion4. D2 conversion5. Read ADC result (24 bit pressure / temperature)Size of each command is 1 byte (8 bits) as described in the table below. After ADC read commands the device will return 24 bit result and after the PROM read 16bit result. The address of the PROM is embedded inside of the PROM read command using the Ad2, Ad1 and Ad0 bits.structureFigure 2: Flow chart for pressure and temperature reading and software compensation.MEMORY MAPPINGFigure 3: Memory PROM Mapping Notes[1] Maximal size of intermediate result during evaluation of variable.SPI INTERFACERESET SEQUENCEThe Reset sequence shall be sent once after power-on to make sure that the calibration PROM gets loaded into the internal register. It can be also used to reset the device ROM from an unknown conditionCONVERSION SEQUENCEThe conversion command is used to initiate uncompensated pressure (D1) or uncompensated temperature (D2) conversion. The chip select can be disabled during this time to communicate with other devices.After the conversion, using ADC read command the result is clocked out with the MSB first. If the conversion is not executed before the ADC read command, or the ADC read command is repeated, it will give 0 as the output result. If the ADC read command is sent during conversion the result will be 0, the conversion will not stop and the final result will be wrong. Conversion sequence sent during the already started conversion process will yield incorrect result as well.PROM READ SEQUENCEThe read command for PROM shall be executed once after reset by the user to read the content of the calibration PROM and to calculate the calibration coefficients. There are in total 8 addresses resulting in a total memory of 128 bit. Address 0 contains factory data and the setup, addresses 1-6 calibration coefficients and address 7 contains the serial code and CRC. The command sequence is 8 bits long with a 16 bit result which is clocked with the MSB first.I 2C INTERFACECOMMANDSEach I 2C communication message starts with the start condition and it is ended with the stop condition. The MS5525DSO address is 111011Cx, where C is the complementary value of the pin CSB. Since the IC does not have a microcontroller inside, the commands for I 2C and SPI are quite similar.RESET SEQUENCEThe reset can be sent at any time. In the event that there is not a successful power on reset this may be caused by the SDA being blocked by the module in the acknowledge state. The only way to get the MS5525DSO to function is to send several SCLKs followed by a reset sequence or to repeat power on reset.Figure 10: I2C Reset CommandPROM READ SEQUENCEThe PROM Read command consists of two parts. First command sets up the system into PROM read mode. The second part gets the data from the system.Figure 11: I2C Command to read memory address= 011 (Coefficient 3)Figure 12: I2C response from MS5525DSOS = Start Condition W = Write A = Acknowledge P = Stop ConditionR = ReadN = Not AcknowledgeS = Start Condition W = Write A = Acknowledge P = Stop ConditionR = ReadN = Not AcknowledgeS = Start Condition W = Write A = Acknowledge P = Stop ConditionR = ReadN = Not AcknowledgeCONVERSION SEQUENCEA conversion can be started by sending the command to MS5525DSO. When command is sent to the system it stays busy until conversion is done. When conversion is finished the data can be accessed by sending a Read command, when an acknowledge appears from the MS5525DSO, 24 SCLK cycles may be sent to receive all result bits. Every 8-bit the system waits for an acknowledge signal.Figure 13: I 2C Command to initiate a pressure conversion (OSR=4096, typ=D1)Figure 14: I 2C ADC read sequenceFigure 15: I 2C response from MS5525DSOCYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC)MS5525DSO contains a PROM memory with 128-Bit. A 4-bit CRC has been implemented to check the data validity in memory. The application note AN520 describes in detail CRC-4 code used.S = Start Condition W = Write A = Acknowledge P = Stop ConditionR = ReadN = Not AcknowledgeS = Start Condition W = Write A = Acknowledge P = Stop ConditionR = ReadN = Not AcknowledgeS = Start Condition W = Write A = Acknowledge P = Stop ConditionR = ReadN = Not AcknowledgeMARKING, AND PRESSURE TYPE CONFIGURATIONPressure Type Pmin Pmax DescriptionAbsolute 0psiA +Prange Output is proportional to the difference between 0psiA (Pmin) and pressureapplied to Port 1.Differential/ Bidirectional -Prange +Prange Output is proportional to the difference between Port 1 and Port 2. Outputswings positive when Port 2> Port 1. Output is 50% of total counts whenPort 1=Port 2.Gauge 0psiG +Prange Output is proportional to the difference between 0psiG (Pmin) and Port 1.Output swings positive when Port 2> Port 1.WETTED MATERIAL BY PORT DESIGNATIONMaterialStyle Port LCP Thermo-EpoxyResinEpoxy RTV Glass Silicon Silicone GelAll Port 1 X X X X Port 2 X X X X X X"X" Indicates Wetted MaterialsPINOUT DESIGNATIONPin Name Pin FunctionI2C SPI SIN- 1,3 Sensor Input, Negative Sensor Input, Negative SOUT- 2,4 Sensor Outputs, Negative Sensor Outputs, Negative SDO 5 Not Applicable Serial Data Output SDA/SDI 6 I2C Data Input and Output SPI Serial Data Input SCL/SCLK 7 I2C Clock SPI ClockCSB 8 Defines I2C Address Chip Select (Active Low) Supply - 9 Return Supply Voltage Return Supply Voltage PS 10 Protocol SelectPS = (VDD) PS = (GND)I2C Protocol Selected SPI Protocol SelectedCSB= (VDD) I2C Address =1110110X (0xEC, 0xED)CSB= (GND) I2C Address=1110111X (0xEE, 0xEF) Supply + 11,13 Positive Supply Voltage Positive Supply VoltageSOUT+ 12,14 Sensor Outputs, Positive Sensor Outputs, PositiveBLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 5: SIN- Pins 1 and 3 of MS5525DSOTable BRECOMMEND PCB LAYOUTPad No.Function Notes1SIN-Connect to Pin 32SOUT-Connect to Pin 43SIN-Connect to Pin 14SOUT-Connect to Pin 25SDO6SDI/SDA7SCLK/SCL8CSB9SUPPLY-10PS11SUPPLY+Connect to Pin 1312SOUT+Connect to Pin 1413SUPPLY+Connect to Pin 1114SOUT+Connect to Pin 12Notes:[1] Function pins that share the same name (SOUT+, SOUT-, SIN-, SUPPLY+) must be connected on the PCB for proper operation, as described in the ‘Notes’ column of Table B.[2] Must place a 0.1µf decoupling capacitor between VDD and GND on PCB and as close as possible to sensor.APPLICATION CIRCUITThe MS5525DSO is a circuit thatcan be used in conjunction with a microcontroller. It is designed for low-voltage systems with a supply voltage of 3 V.Note:1. Place 100nF capacitor between Supply and GND to within 2cm of sensorDIMENSIONSMS5525DSO-DBxxxySORDERING INFORMATION5525DSO – DB 005 G S(2)Available in Differential and Gauge Pressure Types/sensorsolutionsMeasurement Specialties, Inc., a TE Connectivity company.Measurement Specialties, TE Connectivity, TE Connectivity (logo) and EVERY CONNECTION COUNTS are trademarks. All other logos, products and/or company names referred to herein might be trademarks of their respective owners.The information given herein, including drawings, illustrations and schematics which are intended for illustration purposes only, is believed to be reliable. However, TE Connectivity makes no warranties as to its accuracy or completeness and disclaims any liability in connection with its use. TE Connectivity‘s obligations shall only be as set forth in TE Connectivity‘s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will TE Connectivity be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the sale, resale, use or misuse of the product. Users of TE Connectivity products should make their own evaluation to determine the suitability of each such product for the specific application. © 2015 TE Connectivity Ltd. family of companies All Rights Reserved.NORTH AMERICAMeasurement Specialties, Inc., a TE Connectivity company Tel: 1 800-522-6752Email: ************************EUROPEMeasurement Specialties (Europe), Ltd., a TE Connectivity Company Tel: +31 73 624 6999Email: ************************ASIAMeasurement Specialties (China) Ltd., a TE Connectivity company Tel: 86 0400-820-6015Email: ************************。
安全操作1. 使用前的准备在使用数字压力传感器之前,应该进行以下准备工作:•接收指令前先养成一定的习惯,熟知产品使用流程。
2. 使用时的注意事项在使用数字压力传感器时,需要遵守以下注意事项:•避免在过程中发生碰撞和震动,以免造成数字压力传感器的损坏。
3. 使用后的处理数字压力传感器使用后,需要进行以下处理:•关闭数字压力传感器的电源,并按照产品说明书拔掉数传接口。
保养规程为了保证数字压力传感器的正常运行和延长使用寿命,需要进行以下保养:1. 定期校准数字压力传感器为了保障传感器测量的准确度,周期性的对数字压力传感器进行校准是必要的。
传感器的种类及实际应用情况1. 引言传感器是现代科技中的重要组成部分,它能够感知和测量物理量并将其转换为电信号,为各个领域的应用提供准确的数据支持。
2. 温度传感器2.1 应用背景温度传感器是一种用于测量环境或物体温度的设备,广泛应用于工业、医疗、农业等领域。
2.2 应用过程温度传感器的应用过程主要包括传感器采集温度数据、将数据转换为电信号、通过信号传输给控制系统,并由控制系统作出相应的响应。
2.3 应用效果温度传感器的应用效果主要体现在以下几个方面:1.提供精确的温度数据:温度传感器能够提供精确的温度数据,确保生产过程中的温度控制准确无误,减少生产工艺中的温度波动,提高产品质量和产量。
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June 8, 2010
MS5801-01BA Altimeter Module
Parameter Supply voltage Storage temperature Overpressure Maximum Soldering Temperature
Symbol VDD TS Pmax
ESD rating
Latch up
100m, ISO2281 40 sec max Human Body Model JEDEC standard No 78
Parameter Operating Pressure Range
Extended Pressure Range
Full Accuracy
Linear Range of ADC
Min. 300
Max 1100
at 25°C, 700..1100 mbar
Peak supply current Standby supply current VDD Capacitor
Symbol VDD T
during conversion
at 25°c
From VDD to GND
Min. 1.8 -40
Parameter Serial data clock Input high voltage Input low voltage Input leakage current
Symbol SCLK VIH VIL Ileak25°C
Typ. 3.0
+25 12.5 6.3 3.2 1.7 0.9
1.4 0.02
Parameter Output Word
Conversion time
Symbol Conditions
Min Typ Max Unit
+125 °C
+0.8 °C
Notes: (1) Oversampling Ratio: 256 / 512 / 1024 / 2048 / 4096
OSR tc
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Typ. 24
8.22 4.13 2.08 1.06 0.54
DA5801-01BA_005 000058011532 ECN1371
Sensor Performances (VDD = 3 V)
Min Typ Max Unit
1300 mbar
Resolution (1)
0.065 / 0.042 / 0.027 / 0.018 / 0.012
Accuracy 25°C, 750 to 1100 mbar
dig. Filter
Digital Interface
Sensor Interface IC
Memory (PROM) 128 bits
DA5801-01BA_005 000058011532 ECN1371
Maximum error with supply voltage
VDD = 1.8 V … 3.6 V
Resolution RMS
DA5801-01BA_005 000058011532 ECN1371
June 8, 2010
MS5801-01BA Altimeter Module
Unit mbar mbar
mbar mbar/yr
Parameter Absolute Accuracy
Conditions at 25°C -20..85°C -40..85°C
MS5801-01BA Altimeter Module
• High resolution module, 10cm • Fast conversion down to 1 ms • Low power, 1 µA (standby < 0.15 µA) • Integrated digital pressure sensor (24 bit ∆Σ ADC) • Supply voltage 1.8 to 3.6 V • Operating range: 10 to 1300 mbar, -40 to +125 °C • I2C and SPI interface up to 20 MHz • No external components (Internal oscillator) • Excellent long term stability • Hermetically sealable for outdoor devices
The MS5801-01BA is a new generation of high resolution altimeter sensors from MEAS Switzerland with SPI and I2C bus interface. It is optimized for depth meters and altimeters with an altitude resolution of 10 cm. The sensor module includes a high linearity pressure sensor and an ultra low power 24 bit ∆Σ ADC with internal factory calibrated coefficients. It provides a precise digital 24 Bit pressure and temperature value and different operation modes that allow the user to optimize for conversion speed and current consumption. A high resolution temperature output allows the implementation of an altimeter/thermometer function without any additional sensor. The MS5801-01BA can be interfaced to any microcontroller. The communication protocol is simple, without the need of programming internal registers in the device. The gel protection and antimagnetic stainless steel cap allows the use in 100m waterproof altimeter/compass watches. This new sensor module generation is based on leading MEMS technology and latest benefits from MEAS proven experience and knowhow in high volume manufacturing of altimeter modules, which have been widely used for over a decade. The sensing principle employed leads to very low hysteresis and high stability of both pressure and temperature signal.