【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter3 简易词 名词(1)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter3 简易词名词(1)Chapter3 简易词名词(1)access [ˋæksɛs]n. (使用、看某物)机会或权利Theoretically at least, whole populations will have direct access to information withoutwaiting for it to be filtered through a government, or a press.至少在理论上,全体人民都可以直接取用资讯,不必等候政府或媒体的过滤。
agenda [əˋdʒɛndə]n. 议程,行动计划He has a modest domestic agenda centered on improving education and strengtheningfamilies, and he believes most of those programs can run without much direct input from him.他有一套保守的内政方案,主要是以改善教育和强化家庭为重点,而且他相信,这些政策大部分都不需要他太多的直接参与就可以运作。
ally [əˋlaɪ]n. 盟邦【同】confederate 【反】enemyJust as Clintons first official overseas trip, in 1993, was to Asia, his first post-electiontrip will take him back to the region for visits with three other major allies --- Australia, the Philippines and Thailand.正如克林顿上任后的首趟外交之旅是于1993 年到亚洲,他连任后的第一次出访也将再回到这个地区,访问另外3 个主要盟国澳大利亚、菲律宾和泰国。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter3 简易词 名词(4)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter3 简易词名词(4) Chapter3 简易词名词(4)retail [ˋritel]n. 零售Some estimates place the overall movie tie-in business at $ 10 billion annually in retailsales worldwide.有人估算全球零售的电影相关商品的收入每年约100 亿美元。
█tie-in n. 搭配销售的商品revolt [rɪˋvolt]n. 叛乱,暴动【同】insurrection rebellionAlthough much of the imperial collection amassed by Chinas rulers has been lost, it ismiraculous that so many landmark words have survived a thousand years of violent dynasticchanges, revolts and theft.中国历代帝王的收藏中,有很多已经遗失,但仍有很多划时代的重要作品,历经1000 年来改朝换代的战争、叛乱以及偷盗,还能保存至今,真是奇迹。
█amass v. 积聚;landmark n. 里程碑,划时代的重要事件rival [ˋraɪvl]n. 竞争对手v. 与匹敌Nonetheless, Malaysia is in some ways more insular than its Asian rivals.尽管如此,马来西亚在某些方面要比其他亚洲竞争对手更具有岛民特性。
█insular adj. 岛国性的,心胸狭隘的sanction [ˋsæŋkʃən]n. 制裁,处罚The bill would hold expression on the Net to the same standards of purity, using far1。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter1 简易词 形容词、副词(2)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter1 简易词形容词、副词(2) Chapter1 简易词形容词、副词(2)determined [dɪˈtɜːmɪnd]adj. 坚定的Author Joe Kane came across a determined priest, a Spaniard who had spent yearsteaching a tribe of hunter gatherers, the Huaorani, how to survive outside their rainforesthabitat.(TIME, Mar.25, 1996, p.70)作家乔•卡内遇到一名性格坚毅的西班牙籍教士,这名教士花了好几年时间教给华欧拉尼族人离开世居的雨林区之后的生存之道。
disabled [dɪsˈeɪbəld]adj. 残障的【同】handicappedSeven years ago, Dole spoke about the need to provide care and assistance for the hungryand the homeless and the disabled. Nothing resembling that was heard last week.(TIME, Apr.24, 1995, p.52)7 年前,多尔谈到有必要为饥民、游民、残疾人提供照顾与援助,这样的话上个星期不再听到。
disastrous [dɪzˋæstrəs]adj. 灾情惨重的【同】terribleThe Kobe quake was only slightly bigger than the Northridge tremor but more disastrous.(TIME, Jan.30, 1995, p.34)神户地震的规模仅稍大于诺斯里奇地震,造成的灾情却严重得多。
美国时代周刊常用词汇 特别编辑版
考研英语必背之美国时代周刊常用词汇特别编辑版艺术·Art1.abstract art : 抽象派艺术A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.强调形式至上,忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.康定斯创作的抽象派作品有一种音乐美。
2.abstract expressionism : 抽象表现派;抽象表现主义A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the act of painting.把绘画本身作为目的,以表达情感和浓抹重涂为特点的非写实主义风格。
Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.20世纪四五十年代是抽象表现艺术发展的顶峰时期。
3.airbrush : 喷枪;气笔A nozzled tube used to apply paint in a spray form.一种将颜料喷成雾状的喷嘴管。
The famous sexy robots in Japan are produced using an airbrush.那些性感的日本机器人就是用喷枪绘制成的。
4.action painting : 动作画派A term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.指使画布产生强烈动作效果的绘画风格。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter2 简易词 动词(3)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter2 简易词动词(3) Chapter2 简易词动词(3)echo [ˋɛko]v. 回响【同】resound reverberateIf there is no tree, how will the soil hold the water? The question echoes across asubcontinent.没有树,土地如何涵养水分?这个问题在整个印度次大陆激起反响。
eliminate [ɪˋlɪməˏnet]v. 消除In just six months, Gates has refocused the work force onto Net-related projects,mercilessly eliminated a dozen others that were Holy Grails a year ago, and geared up anInternet-content group that will spend tens of millions of the dollars this year.仅仅6 个月,盖茨已经把全员工作的重点转向与网络相关的计划,毫不留情地砍掉了12 个一年前还是必保的目标,有成立一个国际互联网内容小组,这将会使微软在今年耗费数千美万美元。
█Holy Grail 传说为耶稣最后晚餐时所用的圣杯,因此成为中世纪武士一生追寻的圣物,引申为最崇高神圣的目标;to gear up 准备就绪embrace [ɪmˋbres]v.(欣然)接受,采取In the end, Dole and Dominici are likely to embrace at least some tax cuts to go alongwith deep cuts in spending.最后,多尔和多民尼奇可能至少会接受某些减税案,以配合某些大幅消减支出的案子顺利通过。
美国时代周刊常用词汇特别编辑版艺术·Art1.abstract art : 抽象派艺术A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.强调形式至上,忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.康定斯创作的抽象派作品有一种音乐美。
2.abstract expressionism : 抽象表现派;抽象表现主义A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the act of painting.把绘画本身作为目的,以表达情感和浓抹重涂为特点的非写实主义风格。
Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.20世纪四五十年代是抽象表现艺术发展的顶峰时期。
3.airbrush : 喷枪;气笔A nozzled tube used to apply paint in a spray form.一种将颜料喷成雾状的喷嘴管。
The famous sexy robots in Japan are produced using an airbrush.那些性感的日本机器人就是用喷枪绘制成的。
4.action painting : 动作画派A term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.指使画布产生强烈动作效果的绘画风格。
Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of thetechniques used to apply paint, such as throwing it on the canvas.在外行看来,动作派的作品通常是幼稚的,这主要是因为画家采用的作画方法,比如将颜料泼洒在画布上。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter1 简易词 形容词、副词(4)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter1 简易词形容词、副词(4) Chapter1 简易词形容词、副词(4)prominent [ˋprɑmənənt]adj. 著名的,杰出的【同】well-knownAbe Lincoln was a prominent railroad lawyer in 1860, but he campaigned for the WhiteHouse as the simple Midwestern rail-splitter. (TIME, June 10, 1996, p.58) 1860 年,林肯已是代理铁路诉讼案的名律师,却仅以中西部伐木工人的身份,出马竞选总统。
promising [ˋprɑmɪsɪn]adj. 前景看好的【反】unpromisingOn the horizon are the remedies that may prove more promising. (TIME, Apr.3, 1995,p.62)有一些可能更被看好的疗法即将问世。
█on the horizon 即将来临的radical [ˋrædɪkl]adj. 1. 彻底的;2. 根本的,基本的;3. 基金的【同】fundamental 【反】conservative reactionaryMore than at any other time in the past 25 years, men are living in a state of radicaldisconnection from the women-and-children part of the human race. (TIME, May 6, 1996,p.53)过去25 年来,男人完全脱离妇女儿童而独自居住的情形以目前最为严重。
rebel [ˋrɛbl]adj. 背叛的n. 叛军v. 反叛Yeltsin ruled out direct peace talks with rebel leader Jokhar Dudayev. (TIME, Jan.30,。
以下是七个经典时代周刊语录的案例,它们展示了时代周刊的价值观、思想观和责任感,影响了无数读者和社会:1. "为独裁者求情,背叛自由"(Appeasing a dictator, betraying freedom)这个语录来自于1938年时代周刊的一篇报道,强烈谴责了当时英国政府对德国法西斯政权进行的妥协与让步。
2. "人类的命运从此改变"(The world changes forever)这个语录是1989年时代周刊所刊登的,记录了柏林墙倒塌的历史性时刻。
3. "我有一个梦想"(I have a dream)这个语录来自于1963年时代周刊对美国民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金的一篇专访,强调了非暴力和平示威的力量和英勇。
4. "地球日"(Earth Day)这个语录指的是1970年时代周刊推广的一项环保主题活动,得到了全球的响应和支持。
5. "信息革命"(Information revolution)这个语录出现在1990年代初的时代周刊报道中,强调了计算机、互联网和信息技术对全球社会、经济和文化的巨大影响。
6. "可持续发展"(Sustainable development)这个语录首次出现在1987年时代周刊对联合国可持续发展委员会报告的报道中,号召人们追求经济发展和环境保护的一种平衡状态。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter2 简易词 动词(6)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter2 简易词动词(6) Chapter2 简易词动词(6)slash [slæʃ]v. 大幅削减(经费)【同】cutTime and again, as La Mamas grants from government have been slashed, her theater hasbeen on the verge of closing.随着政府给拉玛玛的经费被削减,他的剧场多次濒临倒闭。
█grant n. (机构给予的)补助金soar [sɔr]v. 升高,(价格)暴涨【同】rocketRelations with Japan could soar. Economic friction has eased. The trade deficit hasdropped 30% in the past year.与日本的关系可能大幅加强,经济摩擦已经缓和下来,贸易赤字在去年一年就减少了30%。
spark [spɑrk]v. 刺激,鼓舞【同】promote triggerChiracs task now is to heal the wounds of a bruising campaign, restore public confidenceand spark a job-creating burst of economic growth.希拉克眼下的重任,就是抚平激烈的竞选活动造成的创伤,重建人民的信心,以及带动一阵足以创造就业机会的经济增长。
█bruising adj. 激烈的;a burst of 一阵split [splɪt]v. 分裂Relations between the countries hit a high after World War II when they coalesced to lead1。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter2 简易词 动词(5)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter2 简易词动词(5) Chapter2 简易词动词(5)preserve [prɪˋzəv]v. 保存【同】conserve maintain 【反】destroyToday, a handful of dedicated naturalists are giving time, money and even the occasionalhome mortgage to help preserve a different kind of horse --- the seahorse.今天有一群一心奉献的自然主义者献上他们的时间与金钱,甚至于有时还得抵押房子去贷款,为的就是要保存另一种马海马。
prevail [prɪˋvel]v. 胜过,占优势【同】triumph be victoriousMicrosoft could still prevail, in court and in the market, but it will not escape unscathed.在法庭与市场上,微软都可能占上风,但无论如何都不可能毫发无损,全身而退。
unscathed adj. (肉体上、名誉上)未受伤的promote [prəˋmot]v. 1. 促进,鼓励;2. 促销,推销商品【同】1. encourage 【反】1. discourageIn Bangkok he will promote the seven-member Association of South East Asian Nations,which Washington considers increasingly influential.在曼谷,他将会促进由7 个会员国所组成的东盟的发展,华盛顿方面认为东盟的影响力与日俱增。
pursue [pɚˋsu]v. (继续)进行Eventually, he dropped out of school to pursue his education in the online world --- the1。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter4 普通词 形容词、副词(1)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter4 普通词形容词、副词(1)Chapter4 普通词形容词、副词(1)acute (a.).1(感觉)强烈的,(事态)严重的;2(视觉嗅觉等)敏锐的同1.severe 2.keen In the past, the(Mexican)ruling classes emphasized our acute differences with the Anglo-Saxons in order to affirm our separate identity.过去(墨西哥)统治阶级刻意强调我们与盎格鲁一撒克逊人之间强烈不同之处。
affable (a.)和蔼可亲的同amicableIndeed,Clinton was more than conciliatory when he met with Gingrich on Thursday andthe new Speaker was affable in return.的确,星期四克林顿与金里奇会面时显露十足和解之意,而金里奇这位新上任的众院议长,也投桃报李,友善相待。
affiliated (a.)(与某较大组织) 有紧密关系的,附属〔某较大组织〕的Games sponsor Visa International and three affiliated banks are using Atlanta as abeachhead for the introduction to the U.S. of smart cards an electronic substitute for cash.奥运赞助商维萨卡国际机构与3 家合作银行,正利用亚待兰大作为在美国发行智能卡的立足点,以电子货币替代现金交易。
•beachhead(n.)滩头阵地,立足点aggressive (a.)富有略性的,挑衅的同belligerentSays farmer Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger:Their whole foreign policy hasturned suddenly much more aggressive,and that bodes no good for the nature of any people.前国防部长温伯格说:他们的外交政策突然整个变得更富侵略性,这对任何民族。
£艺术·Art1.abstract art : 抽象派艺术A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.强调形式至上,忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.康定斯创作的抽象派作品有一种音乐美。
2.abstract expressionism : 抽象表现派;抽象表现主义A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the act of painting.把绘画本身作为目的,以表达情感和浓抹重涂为特点的非写实主义风格。
Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.20世纪四五十年代是抽象表现艺术发展的顶峰时期。
3.action painting : 动作画派A term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.指使画布产生强烈动作效果的绘画风格。
Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of thetechniques used to apply paint, such as throwing it on the canvas.在外行看来,动作派的作品通常是幼稚的,这主要是因为画家采用的作画方法,比如将颜料泼洒在画布上。
1. "The American Dream"(美国梦)美国梦是美国社会文化中的核心概念,源于17世纪早期移民的追求自由、平等和成功的创业精神。
1955年5月底,时代周刊发表了一篇报道,名为"The American Dream",讨论了该概念在当时世界的吸引力和持久性。
2. "The silent majority speaks"(沉默的大多数)在1969年,时代周刊在封面上以"The silent majority speaks"为标题,引用尼克松总统的说法,宣称这个国家中的大多数人正在保持沉默,不善于表达自己的观点。
3. "The end of certainties: Time's man of the year 1989"(确定性结束:1989年度时代的人)在1989年底,时代周刊宣布将没有一个人成为该年的Time's Person of the Year,而是将颁发一张封面,标题为"The end of certainties"。
4. “The best worst president”(最好的最坏总统)在2006年底,时代周刊评选了当年最有影响力的人物,题为"The best worst president",介绍了当时的美国总统乔治·沃尔克·布什。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter1 简易词 形容词、副词(1)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter1 简易词形容词、副词(1) Chapter1 简易词形容词、副词accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd]adj. 习惯于【同】used【反】unaccustomedEven if they are willing to make the sacrifice in dollars, whether Americans will give up long accustomed personal liberties is another question.(TIME, May 1,1995,p.68) 即使美国人愿意在金钱上牺牲,但是否愿意抛弃久已习以为常的个人自由,还是未定之数。
affluent ['æfluənt]adj. 富裕的【同】prosperous, wealthy【反】poorLeeson and his wife Lisa never really seemed to fit into the affluent, neo-coloniallife-style of Singapore or into the citys multiethnic society.( TIME, Mar.13,1995,p.40) 里森及其妻子丽莎似乎与新加坡富裕的新殖民生活方式一直格格不入,也似乎一直未能融入新加坡的多种族社会。
ambiguous [æmˋbɪgjuəs]adj.模棱两可的,暧昧的【同】vague【反】obvious, clearTruman got the Korean War because he was ambiguous, and Saddam took Kuwaitbecause Bush didnt say No straight out. (TIME, Feb.19,1996, p.36)杜鲁门惹了个朝鲜战争,因为他的立场不明确,而萨达姆占领科威特,是因为布什没能直截了当地说不。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter1 简易词 形容词、副词(3)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter1 简易词形容词、副词(3) Chapter1 简易词形容词、副词(3)hostile [ˋhɑstl]adj. 带敌意的【同】antagonistic 【反】receptiveUnlike most baseball-playing countries, Cuba has no professional league to cream off itstop talent, and hostile relations with Washington keep its elite from migrating to the U.S.major league.(TIME, Feb.5, 1996, p.13)古巴与大部分棒球国家不同,它没有职业棒球联盟,所以不愁顶尖高手被挖角。
█to cream off 挑出(最好的部分),提取(精华)immense [ɪˋmɛns]adj. 巨大的【同】enormousHis influence in the 1980s was so immense that Taiwanese distributors once asked a HongKong director if there was a role in a film for Chow Yun-fat, and if there wasnt, theyd committo a deal. (TIME, May 6, 1996, p.62)周润发在80 年代的影响力非常大,过去台湾的片商曾问某香港导演,某部电影中有没有周润发的角色,如果没有,他们要求替他写一个角色进去,否则生意免谈。
█to commit (oneself) to 答应,保证imminent [ˋɪmənənt]adj. 迫近的,即将发生的The time will come when the U.S. will subside to become but one of many Great Powers.It is inevitable, but it is not imminent. (TIME, Aug.4, 1997, p.21)。
【推荐下载】美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter3 简易词 名词(2)
[键入文字]美国时代周刊高频词汇1000:Chapter3 简易词名词(2) Chapter3 简易词名词(2)debut [dɪˋbju]n.(法文)首演,初次上场表演That day Jordan made his debut against the Indiana Pacers, and though he shot only 7 of28, he moved well considering he had been playing baseball for a year.那天乔丹在对印第安那步行者队的比赛中首度上场,尽管投28 球进7 球,但考虑到他先前打了一年的棒球,这样的成绩已经很出色。
demonstration [ˏdɛmənˋstreʃən]n. 抗议,示威Just two weeks ago, 85000 people, nearly 8% of Okinawas population, joined the largestsingle demonstration in the islands history to call for the Americans removal.仅在两周前,几乎占冲绳人口8%的8.5 万人参加了岛上有史以来最大一次示威,要求美国人撤走。
disability [ˏdɪsəˋbɪlətɪ]n. 伤残,无行为能力的【同】handicapMost aid, including nearly all low-income programs, food stamps, Medicaid and disabilityassistance, will be denied during an immigrants first five years in the U.S.移民美国后的前5 年,大部分的救助金都不能领取,包括几近全部的低收入户援助、食品券、医疗补助与伤残援助。
今天为大家带来《时代周刊》常用词汇第二篇!51pop art :波普艺术A style-making use of images from popular culture and commerce, often reproduced exactly. (mid-20th century) 把精确复制大众文化和商业中的形象作为一种艺术创作。
Roy Litchenstein, who helped start the movement in the 1950s, continues to rule the king of pop art into the 90s.早在50年代,罗耶·列克敦斯坦就参与发起波普艺术运动,直到90年代他依然是波普艺术的顶尖人物。
52primitivism :原始风格A style with an unsophisticated, pretechnological, simple approach to form and content.形式处理和内容表现力求简洁,避免复杂化或工艺手段的创作风格。
The famous series of “cut-outs” by Henri Matisse are a good example of primitivism.亨利·马蒂斯著名的《割断》系列作品是原始主义流派的代表作之一。
53realism :现实主义风格Art that depicts reality as it appears.以写实的手法描绘现实。
I am in awe when I view realism such as the landscapes painted by 17th century Dutch artist Jan Vemeeer.欣赏着17世纪荷兰画家杨·弗美尔的风景画,我被其中的现实主义风格所震撼。
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156.socioeconomic :社会经济的
157.stagflation :滞胀
158.stock exchange :股票交易所
159.stock market :(1)股市;(2)股市行情
160.supply and demand :供需
艺术 ? Art
1.abstract art : 抽象派艺术
2.abstract expressionism : 抽象表现派;抽象表现主义
3.action painting : 动作画派
4.airbrush : 喷枪;气笔
5.art deco :装饰派艺术
6.art nouveau :新艺术
188.downtime : 故障停机时间
highway : 信息高速公路
maion overload : 信息充塞
rmation revolution :信息革命
192.ink-jet printer :喷墨打印机
193.knowledge engineering :知识工程学
223.bum rap : 错捕
224.burglary : 入室盗窃
7.avent-garde : 先锋派
8.Baroque :巴罗克风格
9.batik :蜡防印花
10.Bauhaus :包豪斯建筑风格
11.Byzantine :拜占庭艺术风格的
12.calligraphy 书法艺术
13.cartoon 草图,底图
犯罪 ? Crime
201.accomplice : 同案犯
202.adult business district : 红灯区
203.agricrime : 农业犯罪
204.armed robbery :武装抢劫
205.arrest warrant : 逮捕证
206.arson : 纵火
37.minimal art :极简抽象艺术;最小主义艺术
38.modernism :现代主义
39.mosaic :马赛克;镶嵌工艺,镶嵌画
40.mural :壁画;壁饰
41.neoclassicism :新古典主义
42.new wave :新浪潮
43.nude :裸体画,裸体像
44.oil paint :油画颜料;油漆
147.productivity :生产力
148.quality control :质量管理
149.raw goods :原材料商品
150.recession :衰退
151.recovery :复苏
152.sanction :制载
153.service economy :服务经济
154.slump :疲软
168.trickle-down economics : 滴入式经济学
169.trust : 托拉斯
170.upward mobility : 往上晋升
171.white knight : 公司的救星
172.abort :异常中止
173.access :访问,存取
59.surrealism :超现实主义
60.Symbolism :象征主义
61.video art :视频艺术
62.watercolor :水彩颜料;水彩画
63.account :财务帐;帐户
64.accounting :会计
65.accumulation :资本增益
66.affluence :富裕
67.affiliate :成员,分公司
68.agenda :日程表
69.agribusiness :农业综合企业
70.air-pocket stock :气穴股票
71.annual report :年度报告
72.asset :资产
73.automation :自动化
15.collage :拼贴艺术
position :艺术作品
puter art 计算机艺术
18.cubism :立方主义;立体派
19.Dada :达达主义
20.drawing :素描
21.expressionism :表现主义
22.fresco :温壁画技法;湿壁画
181.clones :克隆,仿制品
182.coding :编码
puterese :计算机行话
puternik :计算机专家,计算机迷
185.crash : (系统)崩溃
186.data leakage : 数据丢失
187.dot matrix : 点阵(打印)
161.surplus :过剩
162.tax shelter : 减免所得税
163.tech angst : 技术顾虑
164.technological monopoly : 技术垄断
165.trade barriers : 贸易壁垒
166.trade deficit : 贸易赤字
167.trade imbalance : 贸易不平衡
215.blood money : 血腥钱
216.body bag : 装尸袋
217.bomb squad : 爆破小组
218.bootlegging : 贩卖违禁品
219.break-in : 非法闯入
220.bribery : 行贿受贿
221.bucket shop : 投机商号
222.bug : 窃听
74.balanced budget :平衡预算
75.bankruptcy :破产
76.big business :大公司
77.Black Monday :黑色星期一
78.blue chip stock :热门股票,绩优股,蓝筹股
79.bond :债券
80.boom :繁荣
81.boondoggle :无效的投资
127.hostile takeover :敌意接管
128.hyperinflation :高通胀
129.inflation :通货膨胀
130.junk bond :风险债券,垃圾债券
bor-intensive :劳动密集型的
132.leveraged buyout(LBO) :举债收购
45.op art :光效应艺术,视觉艺术
46.performance art :戏剧表演艺术
47.pastel :彩色粉笔画
48.perspective :透视画法
49.pictograph :象形文字;图画文字
50.pointillism :点画法;点彩派
51.pop art :波普艺术
52.primitivism :原始风格
53.realism :现实主义风格
54.Renaissance :文艺复兴时期风格的;文艺复兴
55.rococo :洛可可艺术的;洛可可式的
56.sculpture :雕刻术;雕塑术
57.self-portrait :自画像
58.still lift :静物画
174.artificial intelligence (AI) :人工智能
175.backup copy :备份
176.batch :批(处理)
177.boot (up) :启动
178.bug :错误,故障
179.canned software :软件包
180.character :字符
133.macroeconomics :宏观经济学
134.market share :市场份额
135.mass production :大规模生产
136.microeconomics :微观经济学
137.mogul :商业巨头
138.mommy track :母亲路线
139.monopoly :垄断
23.funk art :非理性艺术;恶臭艺术
24.futurism :未来主义
25.genre :风俗画
26.Gothic :哥特风格
27.gouache :树胶水彩颜料
28. graphic arts :平面造型艺术
29.hard-edge :锋刃派绘画的;硬边画的
30.history painting :历史题材的绘画
91.cash flow :现金流通
92.CEO :总裁,总经理
93.Chapter 11 :破产条款
mercialism :重商主义,商业行为
petition :竞争
96.conglomerate :集团公司,联合大企业
97.consumerism :(1)消费;(2)消费者权益运动
194.pixel :象素
195.software piracy :软件盗版
196.superconductor :超导体
197.telecommuting :居家办公,远程上班
198.touch screen :触摸屏
er-friendly :方便用户的
200.Virus :病毒
82.bottom line :最终结果
83.boycott :抵制
84.budget :预算
85.business cycle :景气周期
86.bust :崩溃