MS-EXAFS 研究闪锌矿构型的GaP、GaAs 和GaSb半导体的结构


第二章 EXAFS谱学原理

第二章 EXAFS谱学原理

X射线吸收精细结构(x-ray absorption fine structure,简写为XAFS)谱分为X射线吸收近边结构(x-ray absorption near edge structure,简写为XANES)谱和扩展X射线吸收精细结构(extend x-ray absorption fine structure)谱。



§1. XAFS的发展历史和特点Frickle和Hertz在1920 年首次从实验上观察到XAFS现象,完整的XAFS 谱则由Ray和Kievet等在1929年测量到。


历史上,很长一段时间内,存在着长程有序(long-range order, 缩写为LRO)理论和短程有序理论(short-range order, SRO)之争。










1.Cr掺杂闪锌矿AlP半导体的电子结构及磁性研究 [J], 周清;邓清梅;;;
2.Cr掺杂闪锌矿AlP半导体的电子结构及磁性研究 [J], 周清;邓清梅
3.用光谱、声子谱和EPR谱确定MgO:Ni2+的局域结构 [J], 谢林华;胡萍;黄平;丘岷
4.闪锌矿GaN/Ga_xIn_(1-x)N应变异质结中电子-光学声子散射率 [J], 李永治;班士良
5.闪锌矿结构Zn_(1-x)Mn_xSe混晶光学声子行为 [J], 过毅乐;劳浦东



半导体物理复习归纳————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:一、半导体的电子状态1、金刚石结构(Si、Ge)Si、Ge原子组成,正四面体结构,由两个面心立方沿空间对角线互相平移1/4个空间对角线长度套构而成。


















这是一种假想的粒子,其带正电荷+q,而且具有正的有效质量m p*。




20卷3期结构化学(JIEGOU HUAXUE) V ol.20, No.3 2001.5 Chinese J. Struct. Chem. 214~216 掺镧钨酸铅晶体的EXAFS研究①林奇生a冯锡淇a满振勇a戚泽民b施潮淑 b(a中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所无机功能材料开放实验室,上海,200050b中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室,合肥,230039)利用EXAFS对固相合成的PbWO4多晶的W原子的近边结构进行研究,结果表明PWO 晶体掺镧15% m/o后,其第一配位层的配位数增加,同时W­O键长变短,说明晶体中存在间隙氧离子。


关键词:钨酸铅闪烁晶体,掺杂,EXAFS钨酸铅(PbWO4, 以下简称PWO)是应用于欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)正在建设的大型强子对撞机LHC中的闪烁晶体材料[1~3]。





1 实验原料PbO(5N)、WO3(5N)和La2O3(4N)粉末按(1-x):1:x的比例配成含La3+为15% m/o(摩尔百分比)的混合物,经800℃预烧,压片,在1100℃经固相反应2h,然后自然冷却得到无色多晶体。





两种类型的杂质,即不管是浅能级杂质还是深能级杂质,通过与砷原子或镓原子的复杂结合而存在于砷 化镓晶体中。硅就是目前得到最广泛研究的一种掺杂剂,这种四族元素,在低温下与砷化镓作用,可形 成p型材料,在高温下与砷化镓作用,可形成n型材料。铬在砷化镓中是深受主原子,它的杂质能级接近 禁带中心位置,利用这一特点,可以在浅n型砷化镓材料中通过掺铬进行补偿而得到半绝缘材料。其它 的元素,如铜、氧、硒、碲、锡等在砷化镓中的行为也得到了广泛的研究,这样,我们可根据器件设计 的需求进行掺杂得到n型或p型砷化镓。
机械强度较分解,而且砷材料是一种易挥发性物质,在其制备过程中,要保证 严格的化学计量比是一件困难的事。
• 砷化镓晶格是由两个面心立方(fcc)的子晶格(格点上分别是砷和镓的两个子晶格)沿空间体对角线 位移1/4套构而成。这种晶体结构在物理学上称之为闪锌矿结构。图1给出了砷化镓晶胞结构的示意 图,表1给出了在室温下目前已知砷化镓半导体材料的物理、电学参数。关于砷化镓的化学组成形 式,III-V族化合物共价键模型认为[2]:这类化合物形成四面体共价结合,成键时III族原子提供3个
• 砷化镓晶胞示意图(闪锌矿结构)
• 当在绝对零度以上温度时,一些电子因热能量而振动幅度加剧,如果其处于价带顶,所受的热能量



• 10.2 XAFS理论:
• XAFS函数 • 首先,XAFS函数定义如下: E 0 E E 0 E • 其中 0(E)为单原子吸收系数;假设l0,m0是初态的角量子数和 磁量子数,在末态,出射波lm>受到近邻原子的散射而形成入 射波l‘m’> ,其散射振幅为Zl‘m’ ,lm,在单散射近似下,多 散射体的效应被简单地看成单散射效应的叠加,因此,XAFS函 数可以表示为: i j 2 Re P Z P e
• 10.1 XAFS 原理: • 技术的特点 • (3)XAFS的敏感性。利用高强度的同步辐射光源及荧光XAFS技术, 可以测定样品中含量很低的元素的近邻结构.因而很适用于掺杂物 质中,杂质原子的近邻环境研究。 • (4)XAFS的取向性.利用偏振的X射线源并考虑多重散射效应,可 以研究样品中原子的配位键角及原子排列的空间取向。在某些情况 下,能够获得远配位层的原子结构信息或配位键角信息。
• 10.2 XAFS理论:
• 吸收系数: • 本节主要介绍XAFS谱的基本理论,有关XAFS的论著可参阅文 献。 • 物质对x射线的吸收是一个光电过程。当吸收原子的壳层电子 受到x射线的激发,该x射线光子将其全部的能量转移给电子, 使光电子由初态i跃迁到受激后的末态f ,跃迁几率由 费米的黄金规则(Fermi‘s Golden Rule)给出: • • (11—1) 2 2
• 10.1 XAFS 原理: • 技术的特点 • (2)XAFS的元素选择性.由于不同元素吸收边的位置不同,因此通 过调节入射X射 线的能量,可以分别测量不同元素的K或L吸收边, 从而可以选择性地研究多元样品中不同元素的近邻环境.另外,由 于不同元素背散射振幅的差别,原则上可以用来区分背散射原子的 种类。



◆原胞的选取不是唯一的; ◆但实际上各种晶格结构已有习惯的原胞选取的方式; ◆三维晶格的原胞通常是一个平行六面体。 基矢:是指原胞的边矢量 如:简立方晶格的立方单元就是最小的周期性单元,通常就 选取它为原胞,晶格基矢沿三个立方边,长短相等:
晶面:晶格的格点还可以看成分列在平行等距的平 面系上,这样的平面称为晶面,
具体讨论晶体时,常常要谈及某些具体晶面,因此需要有 一定的办标志不同的晶面,常用的是所谓密勒指数。
并以3个基矢a1、a2、a3 为坐标轴建立坐标系。该晶面族中任
一晶面与3个坐标轴交点的位矢(截距)分别为 ra1、sa2、ta3, 则它们的倒数连比可化为互质的整数,即
t s




ta3 n d
ddd (a1 n) : (a2 n) : (a3 n) r : s : t
◆保持电中性(静电能最小) ◆使离子间的强烈排斥最小 ◆使原子尽可能地靠近 ◆满足键的方向性
由于构成晶体的粒子的不同性质,使得其 空间的周期性排列也不相同;为了研究晶体 的结构,将构成晶体的粒子抽象为一个点, 这样得到的空间点阵成为晶格(晶体结构)。
1. 常见的晶体结构
简单立方 Simple Cubic,SC



闪锌矿结构GaN的能带结构和有效质量性质研究王焕友;李亚兰;王龙【摘要】从第一性原理赝势平面波( PP-PAW)方法出发,计算了闪锌矿结构半导体材料GaN的能带结构,利用对价态的相对论处理,研究了布里渊区中心点附近价带顶( VBM)的自旋轨道分裂能。


利用计算的轻、重空穴有效质量,研究了Luttinger 参数γ1、γ2和γ3,这些参数是光电子材料颇有价值的重要参数。

%With the pseudo-potential plane-wave ( PP-PAW) method of the first principle, the energy-band structures ofzinc-blende GaN are calculated. According to relativism for valence states, the spin-orbit splitting energy DSO are calculated. Based on the effective-mass approximation theory, we calculated electron effective-mass around the conduction-band minimum, and heavy-hole (mhh) ,light-hole (mlh) effective-mass in [100], [110] and [111] direction aroundΓ, Using above data, Lut tinger parametersγ1,γ2andγ3 are calculated, because these parameters are important parameters for optoelectronic materials.【期刊名称】《湘南学院学报》【年(卷),期】2016(037)005【总页数】6页(P13-17,65)【关键词】闪锌矿结构;GaN;电子结构;有效质量【作者】王焕友;李亚兰;王龙【作者单位】湘南学院电子信息与电气工程学院,湖南郴州423000;湘南学院电子信息与电气工程学院,湖南郴州423000; 华中师范大学物理科学与技术学院,湖北武汉430079;湘南学院电子信息与电气工程学院,湖南郴州423000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O472;O482闪锌矿结构半导体材料GaN不仅在发光二极管,激光二极管,光电调制器和光探测器等方面有着广泛的应用,而且是制作异质结,超晶格和量子阱的基本材料.研究该晶体的能带结构和有效质量,可为半导体新材料的开发提供理论依据和实验指导,如定量的解释材料的光电转换效率,载流子的迁移率,以及与价带顶简并态相关的受主杂质,激发能级等物理现象.此外,III-V化合物半导体光电子材料的光传输、量子点和量子阱材料和器件的性能与布里渊区中心的电子结构密切相关,因此获取布里渊区中心附近区域的电子结构信息对光电子器件的设计有着重要意义.近年来,许多的科研小组对闪锌矿结构GaN的能隙和有效质量进行了理论计算和实验研究,如Ramos L E[1]小组和Suzuki M[2]等人采用了全势线性缀加平面波法(FLAPW),Fan W J[3]基于经验赝势进行了计算,Ahn D[4]等人采用k.p理论进行了计算.在实验方面,Perlin[5]小组用反射谱和霍尔效应测出了电子的有效质量,还有Gass M H[6],Shokhovets S[7] 和Shokhovets S [8]等人用不同的实验方法测出了电子的有效质量.但是Perlin的间接实验结果遭到质疑,因为测量电子有效质量的最佳方法是回旋共振技术,而霍尔效应得不到所需要的高迁移率和高磁场;另外样品本身的缺陷和不纯会高度影响带边反射率和吸收率.本文基于第一性原理,采用赝势平面波法(PP-PAW)计算了闪锌矿结构GaN价带顶(VBM)和导带底(CBM)附近的能带结构,并将计算结果与有效质量近似理论相结合,得到了布里渊区中心附近电子和空穴的有效质量,以及相应的Luttinger参数[9],这将有利于提高GaN材料光电性能的研究.本文基于密度泛函理论,从第一性原理赝势平面波方法出发,利用文献[10]中的局域密度近似(LDA)构造单电子势中的交换关联项,并利用了文献[11]中的方法产生模守恒赝势,自洽求解Kohn-Sham方程,得到了闪锌矿结构半导体材料GaN的能带结构.考虑到Ga-3d10电子能量高,相对局域的特点,并与N-2s2电子有比较强的杂化,对能带的描述扮有重要的角色,故把Ga-3d10与Ga-4s24p1和N-2s22p3一样作为价态处理.电荷密度采用四面体积分的方法计算,对应的积分区域为简约布里渊区(IBZ),按8×8×8划分空间网格,同时考虑到Ga原子的质量较大,在计算中对价态作相对论效应处理.通过计算布里渊区几个高对称性方向的色散谱,把电子带结构计算与有效质量联系起来,为价带拟合,一个6×6 Luttinger-Kohn 哈密顿量[12]是被采用的.由于在Γ点CBM属于非简并带,故采用抛物线逼近法求得电子有效质量,此次计算的收敛判据取波函数平方余数1×10-12.2.1 结构和电子性质闪锌矿结构GaN空间群为F-43M(216),由阳离子和阴离子分别以面心立方结构沿空间对角线1/4套构而成,本文采用优化的理论晶格常数,由于只有一个晶格常数,仅需利用能量最低原理对Monkhorst-Pack格子和截断能作收敛测试,计算得到理论晶格常数为4.552?倗,与实验值4.50[13]和4.531[14]相比,误差仅为1%.基于计算的理论格子参数,计算了第一布里渊区几个主要对称性方向的色散关系曲线,在未考虑自旋-轨道相互作用时的的带隙值Eg和价带宽度Ev分别为1.84 eV和17.02 eV,当考虑自旋-轨道相互作用时的带隙值Eg和价带宽度Ev分别为1.83 eV和17.07 eV.此次计算值与文献[1]、[2]采用的FLAPW计算值有比较好的一致,但与带隙值Eg的实验值3.21 eV [15]和3.3 eV [3]比较,有较大的误差,这是由于用LDA方法求解激发态能量时本身存在的不足,忽略了交换关联势的非局域特性所致,但本文关注的体系局部结构的性质并不会受这一误差的影响.由于自旋-轨道相互作用,布里渊区Γ点价带顶Γ15分裂为四重简并的Γ8态和二重简并的Γ7态,它们的分裂能Δso和其它的理论方法值和实验值列于表2中.a 本次计算-PP-PAW,b文献[1]-FLAPW方法,c文献[16]-实验值,d文献[17]-全势线性原子轨道叠加法(FLMTO),e文献[18]-经验赝势法.为了更进一步了解能量区间的电子组合情况,计算了考虑自旋轨道相互作用后总的态密度和分态态密度分布.从图2可以看出,闪锌矿结构的能带结构主要是由四个部分组成,即三个电子填充带(价带)和一个能量最高的非电子填充带(导带).能量最低的填充带对应-9.88 eV至-8.14eV,主要是由N的2s电子态和Ga的4s态组成.能量居中的电子填充带位于-6.45 eV至-4.10eV之间,该能带区域明显的表现出Ga的3d电子态的局域特征,说明Ga原子成为负电中心;能量最高的电子填充带位于-1.08 eV至6.19eV之间,在该能带的低能部分主要由Ga的4s态和N 的2p态组成,在该能带的高能部分由Ga的4p和N的2p态组成.能量最高的能带称为导带,CBM位于Γ点,值为8.03eV,在导带的低能边除Ga的3d少有贡献外,其余的四个分态对导带的低能边的贡献相差不大.2.2 有效质量与Luttinger参数电子和空穴的有效质量不同于真实的电子和空穴的质量,它们的大小有赖于k空间很小区域的电子结构,更确切的说有赖于布里渊区附近区域的电子结构.有效质量决定了它们的惯性和迁移率,对半导体材料的光现象及电子的输运有直接的影响. 有效质量与能带之间关系可有下面的方程求解,把布洛赫波函数代入到能量本征方程得到对非简并带,解方程(1)可得到小波矢k点的波函数和能量本征值这里m*满足以下方程对于简并带,简并带之间的耦合需用扰动的方法加以处理,任意波矢间的能量变化用k.p[19]方法进行对角化矩阵得到总的来说,有效质量是一个张量,与能带结构有关根据有效质量近似理论具有闪锌矿对称结构的半导体材料在CBM附近的能带为抛物线,为非简并带,具有类s特征,成略微的各向异性,故可以取不同的k方向的电子有效质量的平均值作为CBM附近电子的有效质量.VBM由原来的六重简并态在计入自旋-轨道藕合后分裂为四重简并的态和二重简并态,总的哈密顿量分解为k.p部分的HK.P和自旋-轨道相互作用的HSO.如果分别用|jmj〉表示轻重空穴价带态,通过计算,对四重简并的Γ8v态有这里;对双重简并的Γ7v态有这里因为闪锌矿结构为直接带隙半导体,所以我们仅对布里渊区中心Γ点附近电子和空穴的有效质量感兴趣,通过用抛物线逼近法分别计算了沿高对称性方向ΓX,ΓL 和ΓK(见图3)的5%范围内的电子有效质量,在每个方向取40个点,通过拟合得到Γ点附近沿Δ轴,Σ轴和Λ轴的电子有效质量,并取其平均值作为CBM附近电子的有效质量.为了系统研究轻、重空穴和自旋轨道分裂耦合与有效质量的关系,首先对Luttinger-Kohn公式[12]对角化计算六个本征值,然后采用最小二乘法对VBM附近的色散关系进行拟合,并运用Luttinger [9]参数表达式,即可得到沿[100],[110]和[111]方向的轻重空穴的有效质量,计算结果和其它文献的理论和实验值列于表3中.从表3中可以看出无论沿哪一个方向都有这是因为载流子的有效质量仅仅依赖于能谱,从能带图可以看出VBM附近重空穴带的曲率半径明显大于轻空穴带的曲率半径,使得重空穴的有效质量是轻空穴的几倍甚至十几倍.由于VBM沿[100],[110]和[111]方向的曲率半径不同,使得空穴的有效质量呈各向异性,尤其是重空穴的有效质量相差较大,而轻空穴的有效质量相差较小.我们将拟合求得的空穴有效质量代入到Luttinger参数表达式得到Luttinger参数γ1,γ2,γ3.γ1,γ2,γ3以及Δso是其它系统,如量子阱和超晶格等的重要输入参数.本文通过局域密度近似内的第一性原理PP-PAW计算了闪锌矿结构半导体材料GaN的结构和电子性质.计算的格子常数,带隙和自旋-轨道分裂能与其它的理论和实验方法值加以比较,有较好的一致.在有效质量近似理论的基础上,对布里渊区中心点附近CBM和VBM色散关系进行拟合,得到了一些对光电子材料颇有价值的重要参数,如在CBM附近电子的有效质量以及在Γ点附近沿[100],[110]和[111]方向的轻重空穴的有效质量mlh和mhh.从这些有效质量,计算了Luttinger参数γ1,γ2和γ3.从Luttinger参数和轨道分裂能可为其它的体系,如量子阱和超晶格等提供重要的理论帮助.【相关文献】[1] Ramos L E,Teles L K,Scolfaro L M R,et al.Structure,electronic,and effective-mass properties of silicon and zinc-blende group-III nitride semiconductor compounds[J].Phys Rev B,2001,63: 165210-165219.[2]Suzuki M and Uenoyama T.Optical gain and crystal symmetry in III-V nitridelasers[J].Appl Phys Lett,1996,69: 3378-3380.[3] Fan W J,Li M F and Chong T C.Electronic properties 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• 当正离子半径小于间隙时,即r++r-<ro时,则晶 体能量处于较高状态而不稳定。
• 在理想的离子晶体结构中,离子的配位要 遵守半径比规则(鲍林第一规则)。
• 正离子必须与它相邻的负离子接触,这就 决定了可以占据某一特殊位置的正离子大 小的下限。
• 相邻的负离子可以接触也可以不接触。
下生成NaCl (s)的反应:
可以设计一 个循环,得 到△Hf与U的 关系:
由盖斯定律: △Hf = S + 1/2D + Ip + EA +U 所以点阵能为: U = △Hf - S - 1/2D - Ip – EA
• 根据已有热力学数据,可以求得氯化钠晶体的 点阵能的试验值为184.1千卡/摩尔。


Z Z e2 r

B rn
dr rr0

dE dr
r r0


Z e2 r0 2

nB r0 n 1

B Z Z e2r0n1 n
U Z Z e2 Z Z e2 Z Z e2 1 1
较大的离子,其电子密度较大,因此,n值也较大。当 离子的构型想当于He,Ne,Ar(或Cu+),Kr(或Ag+), Xe(或Au+)的电子构型时,离子的n值分别是5,7,9,10, 12。如果正,负离子分别属于不同的电子构型,则上式中的 n值可以取正负两种离子n值的平均值。





关键词GaAs 结构性质制备应用1. 前言化合物半导体材料砷化镓(GaAs)和磷化铟(InP)是微电子和光电子的基础材料,而GaAs则是化合物半导体中最重要、用途最广泛的半导体材料,也是目前研究得最成熟、生产量大的化合物半导体材料。




2. 结构性质[1]GaAs是一种无机非线性光学材料,它的导带极小值位于k=0处,等能面是球形等能面。


m e*=0.068m0。



由于它的能带曲率小,故对应的电子有效质量大,m e*=1.2m0,该导带的底部能量水平高,故称为上能谷。



重空穴所在能带,空穴有效质量为(m p)h=0.45m0;轻空穴所在能带,空穴有效质量为(m p)l=0.082m0。


对GaAs来说,Eg=1.34eV, 因此GaAs中电子跃迁产生或吸收的光子波长λ=9×102nm,光子的波失大致是q=7×104cm-1,而电子的波失k=2л/a。


18.以下哪种材料常用于GaAs器件的绝缘层?( )
19.下列哪种测试方法用于评估GaAs器件的漏电流?( )
20.以下哪个因素会影响GaAs器件的频率响应?( )
17.以下哪些因素会影响GaAs器件的开关速度?( )
18.以下哪些是GaAs器件在光电子领域的应用?( )
19.在GaAs器件的制造过程中,以下哪些步骤可能涉及到热处理?( )
7.在GaAs HEMT中,超晶格结构主要用于提供载流子。()
8. GaAs器件的钝化层可以减少表面缺陷,提高器件的可靠性。()
10. GaAs半导体器件在高频、高速电子学领域没有应用价值。()
1. ×
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1. GaAs半导体器件的主要优势包括高电子迁移率、高热导率、直接能带结构等。常见的GaAs半导体器件有MESFET和HEMT。



第22卷第11期半 导 体 学 报V o l.22,N o .11 2001年11月CH I N ESE JOU RNAL O F SE M I CONDU CTOR SN ov .,20013国家高技术研究发展计划(8632715201020022)、国家自然科学基金(69976023)和福建省自然科学基金(A 002001)资助项目. 蔡端俊 男,1978年出生,硕士研究生,主要从事凝聚态物理研究. 冯 夏 女,1978年出生,硕士研究生,主要从事凝聚态物理研究. 2000212227收到,2001206207定稿○c 2001中国电子学会闪锌矿GaN (001)表面的电子结构3蔡端俊 冯 夏 朱梓忠 康俊勇(厦门大学物理系,厦门 361005)摘要:采用混合基表示的第一原理赝势方法,计算了闪锌矿结构的GaN (001)(1×1)干净表面的电子结构.分析了得到的各原子分态密度、面电荷密度分布以及表面能带结构等性质,比较了GaN (001)的Ga 端表面和N 端表面两种情况.结果显示,闪锌矿GaN (001)的Ga 端表面比N 端表面更稳定,这两种(1×1)表面都是金属特性.此外,还讨论了次表面层原子的性质.关键词:电子结构;GaN (001);从头计算PACC :7125;7320A中图分类号:TN 30412+3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:025324177(2001)11213972041 引言近年来,GaN 在半导体材料领域受到了极大的重视.它以其得天独厚的宽直接带、高发光量子效率等特性,成为蓝光发光二极管、蓝色激光二极管等光电器件的优良半导体材料.在通讯、信息等诸多领域有着不同程度地发展.尽管在GaN 研究领域已经有许多的成果,但与Ge 、Si 等材料光学、电学性质方面相比,对其表面基本性质的了解仍显不足.分析它的表面结构和性质,将有助于分析材料的生长及生长工艺的改进.纤锌矿结构(w u rtzite )的GaN 生长较易、结构较稳定,在理论和实验上对其表面结构性质探索成果较多[1,2].对闪锌矿结构(zinc 2b lende )GaN 表面的研究近年来也开始在理论[3,4]和实验[5,6]上进行探讨.闪锌矿GaN 为面心立方结构,具有很好的对称性,且易于切断,在解理时可以很好地提供直角平面,在器件的制作方面预计也会有广阔的前景,因此,我们对闪锌矿结构的GaN (001)表面进行了理论计算.本文采用混合基表示的第一原理赝势法,计算了闪锌矿GaN 体材料的晶格常数、(001)Ga 端和N 端干净表面的电子结构;并分析了各原子的分态密度、体系面电荷密度分布以及表面能带结构等;比较了体内原子与表面原子的分态密度的差别;阐明了Ga 端表面应该比N 端表面更稳定的结论.2 计算方法本文的计算方法基于密度泛函理论,采用了第一原理赝势,晶体波函数以混合基来展开[7],即由平面波和局域轨道共同展开,该方法已经是固体物理中相当成熟的方法.交换关联势使用了Cep erly 2A lder 的公式[8].平面波动能的切断能量为1410里德堡(R y ),局域轨道通过N 原子的s -和p -态赝波函数来构造,其构造方法于参考文献[9]相同.为了后继计算的需要,我们首先计算了闪锌矿GaN 体材料的晶格常数.从总能与原胞体积的关系曲线中,我们得到了闪锌矿GaN 的晶格常数为01423nm .文献上的理论值有01446nm [10],实验值有01454nm [11]和01452nm [12].显然,我们得到的理论值比这些既得结论略小.尽管如此,在本文关于表面的计算中仍将使用该理论值.对表面体系的计算,我们采用了常用的薄片模型,研究了由9个原子层构成的薄片表面,它们分别是Ga原子(称为Ga端表面)和N原子(称为N端表面)的两种体系.在薄片的两个表面之外是真空层,本文中真空层的厚度为32a0.以往的计算结果表明,9层薄片对于该半导体表面的计算已经足够.在我们的整个计算中,表面原胞保持为(1×1),所以在文中未特别指出的时候均表示(1×1)表面.自洽迭代过程使用了表面布里渊区中的6×6个k点.计算中,原胞中原子的位置经过了完全的优化,即在电子态的自洽计算后进行了H ell m ann2Feynm an力的计算.然后,根据此力的大小调整各原子的位置再进行电子态的计算,重复这个过程最终获得原胞中各原子的平衡位置.3 计算结果与讨论图1(a)、(b)、(c)分别给出了GaN(001)的Ga 端表面、N端表面以及GaN体材料的总态密度图(TDO S).其中费米能级都设为E F=010eV.从图上图1 表面及体材料的总态密度图 (a)Ga端表面;(b)N端表面;(c)体材料F IG.1 To tal D en sities of States of GaN Slab sand Bu lk (a)Ga2T erm inated Su rface;(b)N2T erm inated Su rface;(c)Bu lk可以看到,与体材料相比,两种表面体系在原GaN 的禁带中都引入了尖峰.特别是尖峰都处在费米能级的地方,表明了该表面的强金属导电特性.此外,端表面费米能级处的尖峰远比端表面时的峰值高,体现了N端表面应比Ga端表面更不稳定.该表面峰基本上都分别来自于表面Ga原子(Ga端表面时)或表面N原子(N端表面时)的贡献,这在下面图4、图5的原子分态密度图中可以进一步清楚地看到具体的情况.该现象的原因主要是由于,处于完整晶体时,Ga或N原子都是四度配位,而在表面体系中,表面原子却只有二度配位.如图2、3所示,分别是较稳定的Ga端表面结构的表面Ga层电荷图2 体内Ga层电荷密度图 带“′”的原子符号表示近邻层原子的影响F IG.2 Charge D en sity of Inner Ga L ayer T heatom s w ith“′”are the influences of the atom s innearlayers图3 Ga端表面电荷密度图 带“′”的原子符号表示近邻层原子的影响F IG.3 Charge D en sity on the Ga2T erm inatedSu rface T he atom s w ith“′”are the influencesof the atom s in near layer密度和体内Ga层电荷密度的等高线图.图中带“′”的原子表示不在图示平面内的原子,即表示近邻层的原子.从图中可清晰地看到体内层原子的四度配位,而表面原子只是二度配位的情况.所以表面原子8931半 导 体 学 报22卷 在表面上存在两个悬挂键,正是这些悬挂键上的电子贡献于费米能级处的尖峰.在我们所研究的(1×1)结构的情况下,也正是这些表面电子没有重新成键才导致了这些表面的强导电特征.图4(a )、(b )分别给出了Ga 端表面和N 端表面时的各自表面和体内原子的分态密度贡献比较.从薄片模型来看,中间层原子的电子态性质应该与体GaN 无限晶体中的原子相类似.在图中,我们比图4 表面、体内原子分波态密度图 (a )Ga 端表面结构中的表面Ga 原子(实线)和体内Ga 原子(虚线);(b )N 端表面结构中的表面N 原子(实线)和体内N 原子(虚线)F IG .4 D en sities of States of Su rface and Inner A tom s (a )DO S of Ga A tom in Ga 2T erm inated Su rface (So lid )and in Inner Ga L ayer (Do ts );(b )DO S of N A tom in N 2T erm inated Su rface (So lid )and in Inner N L ayer (Do ts )较了Ga 端表面和N 端表面相应的表面层原子与中间层原子的态密度贡献.可以看到,中间层原子的态密度与GaN 体材料相似,对费米能级处的态密度几乎没有贡献;而表面层原子则在原GaN 的禁带中引入了尖峰.而且,N 端表面的N 表面原子对费米能级处的DO S 贡献比Ga 端表面的Ga 表面原子的贡献为大,也显示了N 原子的表面比Ga 原子的表面相对不稳定.在图5中我们还比较了次表面层原子与体内层原子的态密度贡献.相对于体内,次表面层原子在费米能级附近的态密度略有升高,相对于表面原子的贡献已大为减小(约35%).这是因为在Ga 端表面结构中,由于次表面层N 原子半径较小,表面所带来的电子结构变化,对它的影响较弱;而在N 端表面结构中,次表面层Ga 原子半径大,受表面电子结构变化影响略为明显些.图5 次表面、体内原子分波态密度图 (a )Ga 端表面结构中的次表面N 原子(实线)和体内N 原子(虚线);(b )N 端表面结构中的次表面Ga 原子(实线)和体内Ga原子(虚线)F IG .5 D en sities of States of Sub su rface and In 2ner A tom s (a )DO S of N A tom in Ga 2T erm inat 2ed Sub su rface (So lid )and in Inner N L ayer (Do ts );(b )DO S of Ga A tom in N 2T erm inated Sub su rface (So lid )and in Inner Ga L ayer (Do ts )对于相对稳定的Ga 端表面,图6给出了该表面的能带结构图.图中主要的价带、导带部分已被标上了阴影,该部分可以直接与GaN 体材料的能带结构相比较(体材料在表面体系中的投影).阴影部分之间的4条能带就是主要表面态的能带,即由表面图6 Ga 端表面能带结构图F IG .6 Energy 2Band Structu re of Ga 2T erm inat 2ed Su rface层原子悬挂键上电子的相互作用产生,其波函数也局域在表面层原子悬挂键所在的空间附近.由于计算中所取的薄片模型有上下两个相同的表面,所以实际表面的每根能带在图中都表现为两支.该图中9931 11期蔡端俊等: 闪锌矿GaN (001)表面的电子结构表面能带穿越过费米能级,也显示了该表面的导电特性.另外,这些表面带分布在约∃E=2107eV的能量宽度之内.4 结论我们采用混合基表示的第一原理赝势法,对Ga (001)(1×1)干净表面的电子结构进行了研究,包括比较Ga端表面和N端表面的结果.我们计算并分析了体内和表面原子的分态密度、面电荷密度分布以及能带结构等.结果表明,闪锌矿的GaN(001) Ga端表面比N端表面更为稳定;这两个(1×1)表面的导电性质都是金属性的.最后,讨论了次表面层原子的性质.参考文献[1] A.R.Sm it,R.M.Feenstra,D.W.Greve,J.N eugebauer etal.,Phys.R ev.L ett.,1997,79:3934.[2] R.A.H eld et al.,J.E lectron.M ater.,1997,26:272.[3] O.B randt et al.,Phys.R ev.B,1995,52:R2253.[4] D.Sch iko ra et al.,Phys.R ev.B,1996,54:R8381.[5] J.N eugebauer,T.K.Zyw ietz et al.,Phys.R ev.L ett.,1998,80:3097.[6] H E Guo2m in,WAN G R en2zh i,WU Zheng2yun et al.,Ch ineseJournal of Sem iconducto rs,1999,20:11(in Ch 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analyzed on bo th Ga2term inated su rface and N2term inated su rface.T he resu lts show that the p roperties on Ga2term inated(001)su rface is mo re stab le than tho se on the N2term inated.Bo th Ga2and N2term inated (1×1)su rfaces are m etallic.T he p roperties of atom s in a sub2su rface atom ic layer are also discu ssed.Key words:electron ic structu re;GaN(001);ab in iti o calcu lati onPACC:7125;7320AArticle I D:025324177(2001)11213972043P ro ject Suppo rted by N ati onal H igh2T echno logy863P rogram(8632715201020022),N ati onal N atural Science Foundati on of Ch ina(N o.69976023)and N atural Science Foundati on of Fujian P rovince of Ch ina(N o.A002001). CA I D uan2jun m ale,w as bo rn in1978.H e is a po stgraduate fo r M S degree,w ho is engaged in the research on condensed m atter physics. FEN G X ia fem ale,w as bo rn in1978.She is a po stgraduate fo r M S degree,w ho is engaged in the research on condensed m atter physics. R eceived27D ecem ber2000,revised m anuscri p t received7June2001○c2001T he Ch inese Institute of E lectronics 0041半 导 体 学 报22卷 。



绪论单元测试1.材料研究方法分为()A:物相分析B:成分价键分析C:组织形貌分析D:分子结构分析答案:ABCD2.材料科学的主要研究内容包括()A:材料的性能B:材料应用C:材料的制备与加工D:材料的成分结构答案:ACD3.下列哪些内容不属于材料表面与界面分析()A:晶粒大小、形态B:气体的吸附C:表面结构D:晶界组成、厚度答案:A4.下列哪些内容属于材料微区分析()A:晶格畸变B:裂纹大小C:位错D:晶粒取向答案:ABCD5.下列哪些内容不属于材料成分结构分析()A:晶界组成、厚度B:物相组成C:杂质含量D:晶粒大小、形态答案:AD第一章测试1.扫描电子显微镜的分辨率已经达到了()A:0.1 nmB:1.0 nmC:10 nmD:100 nm答案:B2.利用量子隧穿效应进行分析的仪器是A:原子力显微镜B:扫描电子显微镜C:扫描隧道显微镜D:扫描探针显微镜答案:C3.能够对样品形貌和物相结构进行分析的是透射电子显微镜。


A:对B:错答案:A5.图像的衬度是()A:任意两点探测到的电子信号强度差异B:任意两点探测到的光强差异C:任意两点存在的明暗程度差异D:任意两点探测到的信号强度差异答案:CD6.对材料进行组织形貌分析包含哪些内容()A:位错、点缺陷B:材料的外观形貌C:晶粒的大小D:材料的表面、界面结构信息答案:ABCD7.光学显微镜的最高分辨率为()A:0.5 μmB:0.2 μmC:1 μmD:0.1 μm答案:B8.下列说法错误的是()A:可供照明的紫外线波长为200~250 nm,可以作为显微镜的照明源B:X射线波长为0.05~10 nm,可以作为显微镜的照明源C:X射线不能直接被聚焦,不可以作为显微镜的照明源D:可见光波长为450~750 nm,比可见光波长短的光源有紫外线、X射线和γ射线答案:B9.1924年,()提出运动的电子、质子、中子等实物粒子都具有波动性质A:德布罗意B:狄拉克C:薛定谔D:布施答案:A10.电子束入射到样品表面后,会产生下列哪些信号()A:背散射电子B:俄歇电子C:特征X射线D:二次电子答案:ABCD第二章测试1.第一台光学显微镜是由哪位科学家发明的()A:惠更斯B:胡克C:詹森父子D:伽利略答案:C2.德国科学家恩斯特·阿贝有哪些贡献()A:解释了数值孔径等问题B:发明了油浸物镜C:阐明了光学显微镜的成像原理D:阐明了放大理论答案:ABCD3.光学显微镜包括()A:聚光镜B:目镜C:反光镜D:物镜答案:ABCD4.下列关于光波的衍射,错误的描述是()A:障碍物线度越小,衍射现象越明显B:遇到尺寸与光波波长相比或更小的障碍物时,光线将偏离直线传播C:光是电磁波,具有波动性质D:遇到尺寸与光波波长相比或更小的障碍物时,光线将沿直线传播答案:D5.下列说法正确的是()A:两个埃利斑靠得越近,越容易被分辨B:衍射现象可以用子波相干叠加的原理解释C:埃利斑半径与光源波长成反比,与透镜数值孔径成正比D:由于衍射效应,样品上每个物点通过透镜成像后会形成一个埃利斑答案:BD6.在狭缝衍射实验中,下列说法错误的是()A:在第一级衍射极大值处,狭缝上下边缘发出的光波波程差为1½波长B:子波之间相互干涉,在屏幕上形成衍射花样C:整个狭缝内发出的光波在中间点的波程差半波长,形成中央亮斑D:狭缝中间每一点可以看成一个点光源,发射子波答案:C7.下列关于阿贝成像原理的描述,正确的是()A:参与成像的衍射斑点越多,物像与物体的相似性越好。



GaAs和AlGaAs半导体材料的制备及其电学性能研究GaAs 和 AlGaAs 半导体材料是当前广泛应用于光电子与微电子领域的重要半导体材料。















三、 GaAs和AlGaAs半导体材料的电学性能研究1.电性能特点GaAs半导体材料具有较高的电子迁移率、较快的载流子寿命和较小的激子激子复合系数等特点,从而表现出良好的高频性能和高速性能。








1. 外延生长GaAs的外延生长主要通过金属有机化学气相沉积(MOCVD)或氢化金属有机气相外延(HMOCVD)技术实现。


2. 器件制备通过光刻、腐蚀、金属沉积、电性能测试等工艺步骤,可以制备出基础的GaAs器件,如二极管、场效应晶体管等。


3. 封装将GaAs器件封装在合适的封装盒中,以保护器件不受外界环境的影响,并方便连接测试和使用。







1. GaAs材料工艺:GaAs是镓砷化镓的简称,是一种宽禁带半导体材料。





gaas 晶体构型

gaas 晶体构型

gaas 晶体构型GaAs晶体构型GaAs晶体是一种重要的半导体材料,由镓(Ga)和砷(As)两种元素构成。

























第一章 半导体的物质结构和能带结构1、参照元素周期表的格式列出可直接构成或作为化合物组元构成半导体的各主要元素,并按共价键由强到弱的顺序写出两种元素半导体和八种化合物半导体,并熟记之。

共价键由强到弱的两种元素半导体,例如:Si ,Ge共价键由强到弱的八种化合物半导体:例如:SiC ,BN ,AlN ,GaN ,GaAs ,ZnS ,CdS ,HgS2、何谓同质异晶型?举出4种有同质异晶型的半导体,并列举其至少两种异晶型体的名称和双原子层的堆垛顺序。


1. SiC ,其多种同质异型体中,3C-SiC 为立方结构的闪锌矿型晶格结构,其碳硅双原子层的堆垛顺序为ABCABC ⋅⋅⋅;而2H-SiC 为六方结构的纤锌矿型晶格结构,其碳硅双原子层的堆垛顺序为ABAB ⋅⋅⋅;4H-SiC 为立方与六方相混合的晶格结构,其碳硅双原子层的堆垛顺序为ABACABAC ⋅⋅⋅2. GaN ,有闪锌矿结构和纤锌矿结构两种同质异型体,闪锌矿结构的Ga-N 双原子层的堆垛顺序为ABCABC ⋅⋅⋅;而纤锌矿结构的Ga-N 双原子层的堆垛顺序为ABAB ⋅⋅⋅;3. ZnS ,有闪锌矿结构和纤锌矿结构两种同质异型体,闪锌矿结构的Zn-S 双原子层堆垛顺序为ABCABC ⋅⋅⋅;而纤锌矿结构的Zn-S 双原子层堆垛顺序为ABAB ⋅⋅⋅;4. ZnSe ,有闪锌矿结构和纤锌矿结构两种同质异型体,闪锌矿结构的Zn-Se 双原子层堆垛顺序为ABCABC ⋅⋅⋅;而纤锌矿结构的Zn-Se 双原子层堆垛顺序为ABAB ⋅⋅⋅;3、室温下自由电子的热速度大约是105m/s ,试求其德布洛意波长。

解:该自由电子的动量为:s m kg v m p /1011.9101011.9265310⋅⨯=⨯⨯==--由德布洛意关系,可知其德布洛意波长nm p h k 27.71027.71011.910625.6192634=⨯=⨯⨯===---λ4、对波矢为k 的作一维运动的电子,试证明其速度dk k dE )(1 =υ解:能量E 和动量P 波频率ν和波矢k 之间的关系分别是:ων ==h E ; P = k根据能量和动量的经典关系:20021,v m E v m P ==由以上两个公式可得:0222m kE =对这个结论求导可得:02)(m kdk k dE η=,进一步得:dk k dE m k )(10ηη= 根据动量的关系:v m k P 0==η可得:=v dkk dE m k)(10ηη=5、对导带底电子,试证明其平均速度和受到外力f 作用时的加速度可分别表示为*/n m k =υ 和 */nm f a = 解:将E (k )在k=0出按泰勒级数展开取至k 2项,得到....)(21)()0()(20220+++===k dkEd k dk dE E k E k k 因为,k=0时能量取极小值,所以0)(0==k dk dE ,因而2022)(21)0()(k dkEd E k E k ==-令*02221)(1nk m dk E d == 代入上式得*222)0()(nm k E k E =- 根据量子力学概念,波包中心的运动速度为dkd v ω=式中,k 为对应的波矢。

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Zinc-blende Structural GaP, GaAs andGaSb Semiconductors studied byMultiple-scattering x-ray absorption finestructure*Shiqiang Wei*, Zhihu SunNational Synchrotron Radiation LaboratoryUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei, Anhui 230029, P. R. Chinasqwei@AbstractThe dependence of multiple-scattering extended x-ray absorption fine structure(MS-EXAFS) effects on the nearest neighbors for GaP, GaAs and GaSbsemiconductors with zinc blende structure has been investigated in this work. Theoverall MS contributions increase rapidly as the nearest neighbors around Ga atomsgoing from P to As and Sb. The MS effects within the first three coordination shells which are dominated by a triangle double-scattering path DS2 (Ga0B1B2Ga0)contributes an EXAFS signal destructively interfering with that of the second shellsingle-scattering path (SS2). For GaP with a light element as the first neighbor, its MScontributions are negligible with respect to the SS2 contribution. For GaAs (or GaSb)with a heavier element As (or Sb) as the first neighbor, the MS path of DS2 producesa strong EXAFS oscillation. Based on these results, we present an optimized andsimplified MS-EXAFS method for analyzing the higher shell local structure of III-Vsemiconductors with zinc blende-like structure.Keywords: MS-EXAFS, local structure, III-V semiconductors1IntroductionIn the last decade, the low-dimensional III-V semiconductors such as quantum dots [1,2] and wells [3,4] have attracted a wide research interest due to their excellent optical and optoelectronic performances that make them promising candidates for fabricating infrared laser and light-emitters in the long wavelength (1.3~1.6 μm) region [5,6]. The local lattice in these low-dimensional systems is inevitably distorted with respect to their bulk counterparts. As a result, this distortion significantly modifies the electronic and optical properties of the low-dimensional semiconductors. In addition, theoretical calculations of electronic and optical properties of the low-dimensional semiconductors also* Support by Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No.20030358048) and National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10375059 and 10174068). require direct information on their structural parameters, not only in crystallographic average, but also in local structural viewpoints. Therefore, the understanding of their atomic structure parameters is of crucial importance for these low-dimensional systems [7,8].X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) technique has been recognized as a powerful tool for determining the local structure of condensed matters because of its sensitivity to the short-range order and atomic species surrounding the absorbing atom. A series of XAFS studies have demonstrated that the structural information of the first shell in the III-V semiconductors can be easily and reliably obtained by means of extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) in the framework of single-scattering (SS) approximation [9-12]. However, as the local structures beyond the first shell are concerned, the EXAFS analysis becomes much more complicated and challenging because of the numerous multiple-scattering (MS) processes of the emitted photoelectrons. There exists discrepancy on the treatment of the MS EXAFS effects for the III-V semiconductors. For example, for the strained In x Ga1-x As/GaAs heterostructures [13] the MS contributions within the second and third shells were simply neglected, while for the In x Ga1-x As/InP [14], GaAs1-x P x/GaAs [15] epitaxial films and InAs x P1-x/InP superlattices [16] the MS effects were apparently taken into account and proved to be essential of obtaining the interatomic distances of the second and third shells. Hence, a detailed study on the MS effects of the zinc blende structured III-V semiconductors is required.The MS effects are strongly dependent on the scattering path geometry and the atom species involved in the scattering events [17]. All the III-V semiconductors with zinc blende structure have the same scattering path arrangements. It may be expected that they should have the same shape in their radial structural functions (RSFs). However, as shown in Fig. 3, the RSFs around Ga atoms for GaP, GaAs and GaSb crystals exhibit significantly different features, especially in the second shell. This difference demonstrates that the first nearest neighbor of Ga atoms has a distinguished impact on the second peak, depending on the nearest neighbor being P, As or Sb atoms. This impact can only be possible via the MS processes involving the first nearest neighbor. Therefore it is of interest to know how the MS effects are influenced by the different scattering atomic species. Moreover, this can also be helpful to simplify the MS analysis by neglecting the unimportant scattering paths.In this work, we will perform a detailed study on the MS-EXAFS processes of the crystalline III-V GaP, GaAs and GaSb semiconductors with zinc-belnde structure. The P, As and Sb are elements in the third, fourth and fifth row of the Element Periodic Table, respectively, having distinct scattering characteristics to the photoelectrons. Therefore the GaP, GaAs and GaSb crystals are good model compounds for a comparative study of the MS effects in the III-V semiconductors. Our aims are to study the dependence of the MS effects on P, As and Sb, as well as to present an optimized MS analysis method for all the zinc blende structured materials.2ExperimentThe crystalline GaP, GaAs and GaSb samples for XAFS measurement were prepared as follows. The fine powder with the size of about 20 μm prepared from its single crystal was homogeneously mixed with BN powder. Then the mixed powder was pressed into tablets with the diameter of 10 mm and thickness of 0.5 mm. The ratio of GaP (GaAs and GaSb) to BN powder was optimized by making the absorption jump Δμx ≈1 at its Ga K-edge.The Ga K-edge XAFS measurements of GaP, GaAs and GaSb powders were performed at the BL-13B beamline of the Photon Factory, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (PF, KEK), and at the beamline of U7C of National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). The electron beam energy of Photon Factory was 2.5 GeV and the maximum stored current was 400 mA. A 27-pole wiggler with the maximum magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla inserted in the straight section of the storage ring was used [18]. The storage ring of NSRL was operated at 0.8 GeV with a maximum current of 300 mA. The hard x-ray beam was from a 3-pole superconducting wiggler with a magnetic field intensity of 6 Tesla [19]. The fixed-exit Si(111) flat double crystals were used as monochromator. The energy resolution was about 2~3 eV by the Cu foil 3d near K-edge feature. The X-ray harmonics were minimized by detuning thetwo flat Si(111) crystal monochromator to about 70% of the maximum incident light intensity. Ionization chambers filled with Ar/N2 mixed gases were used to collect the XAFS spectra. The XAFS spectra were recorded in a transmission mode at room temperature.3Data analysisThe EXAFS χ(k) functions of GaP, GaAs and GaSb powders were obtained by using NSRL-XAFS3.0 software package [20] according to the standard procedures, and the fits to the spectra were done in R-space by using the FEFFIT code of UWXAFS3.0 package [21]. The theoretical amplitudes and phase-shifts of all the scattering processes within the first three shells were yielded from the FEFF7 [22] calculation, which was performed from the known crystallographic structure of zinc blende. By selecting those paths whose amplitude has a weight greater than 3% of the largest one, we obtained 10 pronounced scattering paths for GaP, GaAs and GaSb within the first three shells. The path donations and degeneracies are listed in Table 1, and the schematic scattering paths arrangement is shown in Fig.1.Table 1 The denotation and degeneracy of paths used in the fits. At the left column, C is the central absorber atom. B1, B2 and B3 identify scattering atoms in the first, second and third shell, respectively. B1’ denote an atom in the first shell different from atom B1.Degeneracy Path Denotation4C- B1-C SS1C- B2-C SS212C- B3-C SS312C- B1- B1’-C DS1 12C- B1- B2-C DS2 24C- B1’- B2-C DS3 48C- B1- B3-C DS4 48C- B2- B3-C DS5 48C- B1-C- B1-C TS1 4C- B1- B2- B1-C TS2 12Figure 1: The zinc blende structure of crystalline GaM (M=P, As and Sb) with the representative Ga and M atoms in the first three shells. The number 0 refers to the central absorber Ga atom. Numbers 1 to 3 identify corresponding coordination shells atoms and number 1′ denotes another first coordination shell atom different from atom 1. Two different DS paths DS1 and DS2 are also described.In the curve-fitting procedure, the coordination numbers are fixed to the nominal values of the paths. In order to decrease the number of independent parameters, the parameter R is assumed to relate to changes in the lattice constant due to thermal expansion for the crystalline semiconductors. Theadjustable variable Debye-Waller factor σ2 for each path is assumed to be not independent. For example, it is a reasonable approximation to assume that the corresponding double scattering (DS) and triple-scattering (TS) paths with the same half path lengths have equal Debye-Waller factors [17]. The third cumulant σ(3) is also included in the fits to take into account the asymmetry of distance distributions.24681012141618-22468GaSbGaAsGaPk 2χ(k ) (A r b . U n i t s )k (Å-1)Figure 2: k 2χ(k ) EXAFS oscillation functions recorded at Ga K -edge for crystalline GaP, GaAs and GaSb.4 Results and DiscussionThe k 2-weighted χ(k ) curves of GaP, GaAs and GaSb crystals are shown in Fig. 2. The oscillation magnitude of GaP is the strongest at 4~6 Å-1 but decreases very fast. The spectrum of GaAs shows a maximum oscillation at 7~9 Å-1. For GaSb, its spectrum presents two maxima at 4 Å-1 and 9 Å-1, respectively. The different features of the EXAFS spectra of GaP, GaAs and GaSb reflect the distinct scattering characteristics of P, As and Sb atoms to the photoelectron wave emitted from the Ga atoms.This obvious difference is further exhibited in Fig. 3, where the solid lines show the radial structural functions (RSFs) by Fourier transforming the experimental k 2χ(k ) spectra in the k -range from 3 to 16 Å-1. Although in all these compounds Ga atoms are coordinated by 12 Ga atoms as the second nearest-neighbor, the peak intensities associated with second and third shells are damped very fast with the nearest neighbor going from P to Sb. The second and third peaks of GaP are overlapped, whose heights are about 40% and 25% as that of the first peak, respectively. For GaAs, the peaks related to the first three shells are well separated. The intensities of the second and third peak drop to about 25% and 15% as that of the first peak. In the case of GaSb, the higher shell peaks are difficult to distinguish because of their weak intensities.0123456789R (Å)|F T (χ(k )k 2)| (A r b . U n i t s )Figure 3: The radial structural function (RSF) by Fourier transforming k 2χ(k ) for crystalline GaP, GaAs and GaSb: experiment (solid) and multiple-scattering fit (circle).The curve-fitting results in R -space are shown in Fig. 3 as solid circles. The fits were done in the intervals including the first three peaks, namely, [1.0, 4.6], [1.2, 4.8], and [1.5, 5.4] Å for GaP, GaAs and GaSb, respectively. It can be seen that the experimental spectra are well reproduced by the fits. The obtained path parameters of various SS and MS paths for these crystals are presented in Tables 2-4. The determination of error bars is consistent with the criteria adopted by the International XAFS Society [23], i.e., the error bars are estimated from the square root of the diagonal elements of the correlation matrix.Table 2: Path parameters obtained from multiple-scattering fit of experimental data for GaP. In the fitting process, the degeneracy is fixed. Path R (Å) σ (10Å) σ(10Å) ΔE0 (eV)SS1 2.363±0.010 4.2±0.1 1.1±1.3 7.0±1.0SS2 3.859±0.017 9.2±0.4 1.9±3.4 6.5±1.5SS3 4.525±0.020 10.9±1.2 4.6±6.0 6.5±1.5DS1 4.293±0.020 8.5±1.3 4.6±6.0 5.9±1.4DS2 4.293±0.020 8.5±1.3 4.6±6.0 5.9±1.4DS3 5.374±0.024 12.7±4.0 4.6±6.0 5.9±1.4DS4 5.374±0.024 12.7±4.0 4.6±6.0 5.9±1.4DS5 5.374±0.024 12.7±4.0 4.6±6.0 6.5±1.5TS1 4.726±0.022 8.5±0.4 4.6±6.0 5.9±1.4TS2 4.726±0.022 8.5±0.4 4.6±6.0 5.9±1.4Table 3: Path parameters obtained from multiple-scattering fit of experimental data for GaAs. In the fitting process, the degeneracy is fixed.Path R(Å) σ2 (10-3Å2) σ (3)(10-4Å3) ΔE0 (eV)SS1 2.458±0.010 4.5±0.1 1.0±0.9 3.4±1.5SS2 4.014±0.016 11.8±0.9 0.0±2.8 4.0±1.3SS3 4.707±0.019 13.2±1.0 0.6±4.0 4.0±1.3DS1 4.465±0.018 10.8±5.2 0.6±4.0 7.7±2.4DS2 4.465±0.018 10.8±5.2 0.6±4.0 7.7±2.4DS3 5.589±0.023 10.6±10.1 0.6±4.0 7.7±2.4DS4 5.589±0.023 10.6±10.1 0.6±4.0 7.7±2.4DS5 5.589±0.023 10.6±10.1 0.6±4.0 4.0±1.3TS1 4.916±0.020 9.0±0.2 0.6±4.0 7.7±2.4TS2 4.916±0.020 9.0±0.2 0.6±4.0 7.7±2.4Table 4: Path parameters obtained from multiple-scattering fit of experimental data for GaSb. In the fitting process, the degeneracy is fixed.Path R (Å) σ (10Å) σ(10Å) ΔE0 (eV)2.639±0.005 4.9±0.1 -1.3±0.5 2.9±0.3SS2 4.310±0.007 13.5±1.1 -3.5±1.5 4.1±0.7SS3 5.054±0.008 17.3±3.6 -1.5±2.0 4.1±0.7DS1 4.794±0.008 10.5±1.7 -1.5±2.0 2.6±0.9DS2 4.794±0.008 10.5±1.7 -1.5±2.0 2.6±0.9DS3 6.001±0.010 19.2±9.7 -1.5±2.0 2.6±0.9DS4 6.001±0.010 19.2±9.7 -1.5±2.0 2.6±0.9DS5 6.001±0.010 19.2±9.7 -1.5±2.0 4.1±0.7TS1 5.278±0.009 9.2±0.2 -1.5±2.0 2.6±0.9TS2 5.278±0.009 9.2±0.2 -1.5±2.0 2.6±|F T (χ(k )k 2)| (A r b . U n i t s )R (Å)|F T (χ(k )k 2)| (A r b . U n i t s )|F T (χ(k )k 2)| (A r b . U n i t s )Figure 4: Contributions of the scattering paths to the RSFs for the second and third shells of crystalline (a) GaP, (b) GaAs, and (c) GaSb.35791113151736903691215036912 k (Å-1)k 2χ(k ) (A r b . U n i t s )Figure 5: Contributions of the individual scattering paths to the total EXAFS oscillation function k 2χ(k ) for crystalline (a) GaP, (b) GaAs, and (c) GaSb.In order to distinguish the contributions of various scattering paths to the EXAFS spectra of GaP, GaAs and GaSb, we explicitly plotted their oscillation curves in k -space and amplitude peaks in R-space in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, respectively. Three striking features can be observed from these figures. First, we can observe the rapid increase in the oscillation magnitude of DS2 (Ga 0→B 1→B 2→Ga 0) path with the nearest neighbor atom going from P to Sb. DS2 represents noncollinear double-scattering of a photoelectron by the first and second nearest neighbors of Ga before returning to the central Ga atom. The amplitude ratio of DS2 to the single-scattering path of the second shell (SS2) is only 7% for GaP, and it rises to about 25% and 70% for GaAs and GaSb, respectively. Since the DS2 and SS2 paths have close values of Debye-Waller factor in the same crystal as shown in Tables 2-4, the variation in the amplitude ratio of DS2/SS2 can be only attributed to the different forward-scattering power of the intervening scattering atoms. Second, for GaAs and GaSb crystals the contributions of the other MS paths except DS2 are rather weak. Therefore the DS2 path dominates among all multiple scattering paths within the first three shells. Third, the oscillations of DS2 and SS2 are opposite in phase, implying the destructive interference between the EXAFS oscillations of DS2 and SS2. Since the peak position of DS2 is close to that of SS2 in R -space, this destructive interference well explains the observed difference in the RSFs for the GaP, GaAs and GaSb crystals.Seen from Tables 2-4, the MS paths of DS1 (Ga 0→B 1→B 1´→Ga 0) and DS2 in a same crystal have the equal path lengths and Debye-Waller factors, while they have different scattering path arrangements and intervening atoms types. The DS1 scattering occurs within the tetrahedron formed by two first nearest neighbors, and DS2 scattering involves the first and second nearest neighbors as the scatterers. Fig. 6 shows the comparison of the EXAFS oscillations of DS1 and DS2 paths for GaP, GaAs and GaSb crystals. It is apparent that the amplitude of DS1’s contribution in GaP is significantly larger than those in GaAs and GaSb. Moreover, the relative contributions of DS1 and DS2 paths are strongly dependent on the nearest neighbors: for GaP, the amplitude of DS1 is similar to that of DS2, but the latter is much stronger than the former for GaAs and GaSb.4681012-0.3-0.2- GaP GaAs GaSb(b) DS2k 2χ(k ) (A r b . U n i t s )k (Å-1)GaP GaAs GaSb(a) DS1k 2χ(k ) (A r b . U n i t s )k (Å-1)Figure 6: Comparison of EXAFS oscillations of DS1 and DS2 paths in GaP, GaAs and GaSb. Here naturally comes the question: why the EXAFS oscillations of DS1 and DS2 have the opposite dependence on the nearest neighbors going from P to Sb? This difference can be understood according to the Rehr’s theory [24], which depicts the EXAFS amplitude χΓ(k ) for a scattering path Γ as:⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛=−+Γ22222220Im )(χσδk i ikR eff e ekR f NS k l , (1) where f eff is the effective scattering amplitude. Therefore, for the DS1 (and DS2) path in the GaP, GaAsand GaSb semiconductors, the difference in EXAFS amplitude is dominated by the different f eff in each individual compound. Figs. 7 (a) and (b) compare the f eff ’s of DS1 and DS2 paths in GaP, GaAs and GaSb compounds. It can be observed that the overall amplitude of f eff in the typical EXAFS region of k > 3 Å-1 for DS1 path is the strongest for GaP and decreases for GaAs and GaSb, while the amplitude of f eff for DS2 path monotonously increases from GaP, GaAs to GaSb. The underlying physical origin for this difference is that P, As and Sb atoms have distinct forward-scattering power in different energy region for a given scattering angle [25].2468101214160. e f f o f D S 2 (A r b . U n i t s )f e f f o f D S 1 (A r b . U n i t s )GaP GaAs GaSbk (Å-1)GaP GaAs GaSbk (Å-1)Figure 7: Comparison of the effective scattering amplitude f eff ’s of DS1 and DS2 paths in GaP, GaAs and GaSb.Dalba et al . investigated the MS-EXAFS effects of GaAs by using the fast spherical approximation [26]. They calculated the dependence of MS contribution on the bonding angle Ga 0-As 1-Ga 2, which corresponds to the DS2 path in this work. By comparing the amplitude of DS2 path with that of SS2 path, they concluded that the MS contribution was negligible for the angle Ga 0-As 1-Ga 2 below 135°, and only the angle above 155° could lead to a considerable increase of the EXAFS amplitude. Since in the real crystal structure of zinc blende this angle is 109.5°, Dalba et al . claimed that MS contributions generated within the first and second shells could be neglected for the crystalline compounds with the open structure of zinc blende. On the contrary, our MS-EXAFS results show that in fact the MS effects in open structures strongly depend on the species of the nearest neighbor. As has been shown in Figs. 4 and 5, the amplitude of MS contributions experiences a drastic change from GaP to GaSb. For the light scattering element like P, the MS effects are indeed negligible; for the medium element like As, the MS contributions are considerably strong; while for heavy element like Sb, the MS processes occurring in the first and second shells make significantly strong contributions to the total EXAFS spectrum. The noncollinear MS processes have also been previously studied for other tetrahedrally coordinated systems such as KMnO 4, [27,28] GeCl 4, GeH 3Cl and GeH 4 [29], as well as K 2CrO 4 compounds [30]. These works focused on the MS paths within the tetrahedron formed by the first nearest neighbors just like DS1 in this work. It was suggested that the contribution of DS1 was important in XANES region[27-29], while unimportant in the EXAFS region when the bond lengths were larger than 1.6 Å [27]. Our work also shows that for the tetrahedrally coordinated III-V crystals, the noncollinear MS processes in the first shell contribute insignificant signals to the total EXAFS spectrum even in the case of GaP which has the strongest DS1 intensity.We have seen that for the III-V crystals of GaP, GaAs and GaSb, all the other MS paths except DS1 and DS2 give very weak EXAFS signals and can be neglected in the EXAFS data analysis. The relative amplitudes of the DS1 and DS2 paths are determined by the nearest neighbor of the absorbing atom. In the case of GaP, the contribution of DS1 is close to that of DS2, but they are weak with respect to the SS contributions. Therefore the MS EXAFS effects are unimportant for GaP. For GaAs, DS1 path contributes a very weak signal while the MS-EXAFS signal of DS2 path is considerably strong. This means that it is enough to consider only the contribution of DS2 path as the MS effects in analyzing the higher shell local structure of GaAs. As for GaSb, the contribution of DS2 path becomes much stronger and that of DS1 is still very weak, therefore only the contribution of DS2 path must be concluded in analyzing their higher shell local structure. To confirm the above conclusions, we have fitted the experimental spectrum of GaP by using only the SS paths and fitted the spectra of GaAs and GaSb by including the SS paths plus DS2 path. It clearly shows that the features of all the experimental spectra can be well reproduced by this simple consideration, and the structural parameters are almost the same as those from considering all the 10 scattering paths.Summarizing the above results on GaP, GaAs and GaSb III-V semiconductors, we can present a simplified MS-EXAFS data analysis method for the materials with zinc blende and diamond structures. For a system with the nearest neighbor atom of light elements such as Si, P, S, N, O, the MS effects are negligible and the SS approximation is enough for analyzing their local structures beyond the first shell. When the nearest neighbor atom is a medium heavy element like Ga, Ge and As, it is accurate enough to consider only the contribution of DS2 path as the MS effect. If a heavier element of In (or Sn, Sb) is the nearest neighbor atom, the contribution of DS2 path is very strong and must be included in analyzing their higher shell local structures.5ConclusionThe MS-EXAFS analysis has been performed on the local structure up to the third shell for crystalline GaP, GaAs and GaSb semiconductors. Three SS paths and seven MS paths were used to fit the EXAFS spectra of GaP, GaAs and GaSb. In these crystals the MS effects within the first three coordination shells are dominated by a triangle double scattering path DS2 (Ga0→B1→B2→Ga0) which involves the first- and second- nearest neighbors of the absorbing atoms. The intensity ratio of DS2 to SS2 is about 70%, 25% and 7% for GaSb, GaAs and GaP, respectively, strongly depending on the atomic number of the nearest neighbor atom. Although the path length of DS1 (Ga0→B1→B1´→Ga0) formed by the tetrahedron scattering of the first coordination shell is the same as that of DS2, the MS effect of DS1 on EXAFS signal is rather smaller for GaAs and GaSb. We interpret that the noncollinear MS effects strongly depend on the forward-scattering power of the neighboring atoms as well as on the geometrical arrangement of the scattering paths for semiconductors with zinc blende and diamond structures. A simplified MS-EXAFS method including only SS1, SS2, SS3 and DS2 paths is used to analyze the local structure up to the third shell for materials with zinc blende and diamond structures.Ack n ow l edgm en t sThis work was supported by National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10375059 and 10174068), acknowledge innovation program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education. Thanks for useful discussions about this work with Prof. H. 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