Control of Cell Volume and Membrane Potential


Physiology 生理学重点

Physiology 生理学重点

Define the following terms and list the example1Internal environment: All cells live in the same environment ——the extracelluar fluid. In the extracellular fluid are the ions and nutrients needed by the cell to maintain cell life. For this reason, the environment fluid is also called the internal environment.2Homestasis: can maintain the internal environment stable which means the physical and chemical properties of extracelluar fluid only change in a limited range called normal physiological range.3 Negative feedback: A change in a condition leads to responses from the effectors which counteracts that change.4 Positive feedback:A change in a condition leads to responses from the effectors which amplifies.5 simple diffusion: lipid-soluble substances or small polar molecules diffusion directly through the interstices of the lipid bilayer.Example: oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, alcohols, H2O, urea6 Facilitated diffusion via ion channel: the channel facilitates diffusion of ions to the other side, three types: voltage-gated channel, chemical-gated channel and mechanically-gated channel. Ions(Na+,K+, Cl+, Ca+), H2O.Voltage-gated Channel电压门控Chemical-gated Channel化学门控Mechanically-gated Channel机械门控7 Facilitated diffusion via carrier: the carrier (transporter) facilitates diffusion of some lipid-in soluble moleclues to the other side. Glucose, amino acid8 Primary active transport: making directly use of energy derived from ATP to transport the ions across the cell membrane against their concentration gradients. Na+-K+ pump, calcium pump, proton pump9 Secondary active transport: The ion gradients established by primary active transport permits the transport of other substances against their concentration gradients. Na+-glucose pump, Na+-amino pump.10 Resting potential: A potential difference across the membrane of the cell negative relative to the outside of the cell11 polarization: A state in which the resting potential is positive on the outside and negative on the inside12 K+ equilibrium potential: “balance” means that the electrical force that results form the build-up of ionic charge, and which impedes outward diffusion, increases until it is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the tendency for outward diffusive movement of potassium. This balance point is an equilibrium potential as the net transmembrane flux of K+ is zero.13 action potential: Some of the cells (excitable cells) are capable to rapidly reverse their resting membrane potential from negative resting values to slightly positive values. This transient and rapid change in membrane potential is calledan action potential.14 Threshold potential:is the critical level to which the membrane potential must be depolarization in order to initiate an action potential. Threshold intensity/value: the minimal stimulus that produces excitation.15 saltatory conduction: the action potential are conducted from node to node16 excitability: the property of a cell that enables to react (generate AP) to stimulation, such as the ability of a nerve or muscle cell to react an electric stimulus.17 absolute refractory period: the period during which a second action potential cannot be elicited, even with a strong stimulus.18 end plate potential: the depolarizations of end plate membrane caused by Ach binding to N2-Ach receptors in the neuromuscular junction. It is a local potential.Ach门控通道阻断剂---α银环蛇毒Na+电压门控通道阻断剂---河豚毒TTX19 cross-bridge cycling: the muscle contractile process in which the cross-bridge binds to actin, twists and resets.20 excutation-contraction coupling: is the muscle physiological process of converting an electrical stimulus(action potential) to a mechanical response(muscle contraction).21 isometric contraction: tension increases but the length of the muscle does not change when a mucle contracts.22 isotonic contraction: tension remains constant but the muscle shortens whena mucle contracts.23 afterload: afterload is the load that is given to the muscle after the beginning of the contraction.24 preload: preload is the load that is given to the muscle before the beginning of the contraction. Preload=initial length25 hematocrit:the volume of red blood cell(erythrocytes) as a percentage of centrifuged whole blood.26 erythrocyte sedimentation rate:the distance that red blood cell settle in a tube of blood in one hour27 hemostasis: small damaged blood vessel stop bleeding after a few minute.28 blood coagulation: is the process that blood change from the sol to illiquid gel state.29 blood group: a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells30 extrinsic pathway: the coagulation pathway initiated by FII exposed to blood which comes from outside the blood.31 intrinsic pathway: gradually clot the blood completely depending on the coagulation factors in the blood.32 stroke volume:volume of blood pumped out of each ventricle per beat. SV=EDV-ESV. At rest: SV:~70ml33 cardiac output:the total volume of blood pumped by each ventricle perminute. At rest: 5L/min(4.5-6.0L/min)34 ejection fraction (EF):Stroke volume as a percentage of end-diastolic ventricles. EF = SV/EDV╳100% . 60%35 cardiac index:cardiac output per square meter of body surface area.3.0~3.5L/(min·m2)36 cardiac reserve:the maximum percentage that the cardiac output can increase above the normal level.37 Frank-starling mechanism: The intrinsic ability of the heart to adapt to increasing volumes of inflowing blood through increasing ventricular end-diastole volume.938 heterometric regulation: the regulation of stroke volume as a result of changes in cardiac muscle fiber length is called heterometric regulation.39 homometric regulation::regulate the force of contraction without a change in muscle length40 cardiac cycle: The cardiac events that occur from beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next are called the cardiac cycle.Systole, diastole.41 end-systolic volume:As the ventricles empty during systole, the volume decreases about 70ml.The remaining volume in each ventricle,about 50ml,is called the end-systolic volume.42 end-diastolic volume: During diastole, filling of the ventricles increases the volume of each ventricle to about 130ml.This volume is called the End-diastolicvolume.心动周期中的几个“最”心室容积最低:减慢射血期末,等容舒张期,心室容积最大:心房收缩期末,等容收缩期室内压最高:快速射血期末43 premature systole: a contraction of the heart prior to the time that normal contraction would have been expected44 compensatory pause:the pause between the extra beat and the next normal beat is slightly longer than the usual beat interval, which is called compensatory pause.Premature systole is generally followed by a so-called conmpensatory pause, because the heart is still in the absolute refractory period of the extrasystole when the excitatory impulse from the SA node arrives.45 effective refractory period:the duration from the beining of phase 0 to -60mv of repolarization fails to produce action potential to any stimulus, no matter how strong. This duration is called ERP. In ERP, the excitability is almost zero.46 atrioventricular delay: The atrial muscle are separated from those of ventricles by a fibrous tissue ring. The AV node is normally the only conducting pathway between the atrial and ventricles. Because conduction in the AV node is slow, a delay of about 0.1s occours before excitation spread to the ventricles.47 Electrocardiogram (ECG) 心电图The electrocardiograph is a device to record the electrical signals produced bythe heart by placing electrodes on the surface of the skin. The recording obtained is called the electrocardiogram (ECG).48 systolic pressure:the maximum arterial pressure reached during peak ventricular ejection.49 diastolic pressure:the minimum arterial pressure just before ventricular ejection begins.50 pulse pressure: the difference between SP(systolic pressure) and DP(diastolic pressure)51 mean arterial pressure: the average pressure in the cardiac cycle(=DP+1/3PP)52 central venous pressure(CVP)pressure of blood in the thoracic vena cava and the right atrium.正常值:4-12cmH2OCVP >16cmH2O⚫(1) heart failure⚫(2) massive transfusion of blood53 venous return:refers to the flow of blood from the periphery back to the right atrium54 mcrocirculation:capillary blood circulation between the arteriole and venule55 respiration:The gas exchange process between organization and environment is named respiration.56 surface tension:Tension of a liquid's surface. Due to the forces of attraction between moleculesAnswer the questions1 Regulation of body function:Nervous regulationHumoral regulationAutoregulation2 Describe the physiological role of sodium pump:1 maintaining the Na+ and K+ gradients across the cell membrane, which is the basi to form bioelectricity.2 maintain the high concentration of K+ inside the cell, which is needed by the cell metabolism.3 controlling cell volume and osmotic pressure4 providing energy for secondary active transport5 partly responsible for establishing a negative electrical potential inside the cell.3 Factors affecting resting potential1 K+ concentration gradient.K+ concentration outside the membrane↑→RP↓2 membrane permeability to K+ and Na+More permeable to K+ →RP↑More permeable to Na+ →the RP↓3 the activity of Na+—K+ pumpHypopotassemia血钾过低→RP上升hyperpotassemia 过高→RP下降4 All-or-nothing principle1 stimulus must exceed threshold stimulus to trigger AP2 the amplitude of an AP is independent of the intensity of stimulus that produced it.3 either they occur fully or they do not occur at all5 Describe the ionic mechanism of AP1 change in electrochemical driving force2 change in membrane permeability6 Compare the properties of action potential with the local potential7 second messenger: cAMP, DG(DAG), IP3 cGMP Ca2+8 properties of action potential (AP)1AP ia all-or-none2AP propagates without decrement3Discharge in form of impulse: unfused(because of refractory period)9 describe neuromuscular transmissionDepolarization of prejunctional membrane make the voltage-gated calciumchannel open. Then the calcium enter into motor nerve ending. Calcium can promote the exocytosis of synaptic vesicle and Ach release. The Ach can activate N2-Ach receptor channel which can make the N2-Ach receptor cation channel open. Endplate membrane increase the permeability for sodium and potassium.(mianly sodium internal flow). Then endplate membrane deploarize which activates voltage-gated sodium channel. Finally skeletal muscle generate action potential.10 describe excitation coupling proceeds1. Spread of the Action Potential to the Interior of the Muscle Fiber by Way of T Tubules2. This depolarisation activates L-type calcium channels3. This activates RyR (calcium release channel)via foot processes4. As the RyRs open, calcium is released from the SR into the cytoplasm.5. The calcium binds to Troponin C by the actin filaments, to allow cross-bridge cycling, producing force and motion6. The SR calcium pump actively pumps calcium back into the SR. As calcium declines back to resting levels, the force declines and relaxation occur11 影响肌肉收缩的四大因素1 preload2 afterload3 contractility4 summation12 Crystalloid Osmotic Pressure 晶体渗透压◼ Pressure generated by all crystal substances, particularly NaCl.◼ maintaining fluid balance across cell membranes and the normal cell volume ◼ =interstitial fluidColloid Osmotic Pressure 胶体渗透压◼ Osmotic pressure generated by plasma proteins, particularly albumin.◼ maintaining fluid balance across capillaries and the normal blood volume ◼>interstitial fluid13 physiological properties of RBC1 plastic deformation2 suspension stability : erythrocyte sedimentation rate(the distance that red blood cell3 osmotic fragility settle in a tube of blood in one hour)Rouleaux formation →ESR↑14function of RBC biconcave discs1 Transport of O2 (98.5%) and CO22 BufferingKHCO3/H2CO3、KHb/HHb、KHbO2/HHbO2、K2HPO4/KH2PO415 production of RBC (erythropoiesis)◼ Site: bone marrow◼ Nutritional Requirements for Erythropoiesis: Iron and protein◼ Maturation of Red Blood Cells: Vitamin B12 (requirement of intrinsic factor)and folic acid ◼ Regulation of Erythropoiesis:EPODeficiencies of these factors lead to characteristic anemias(贫血)红细胞生成的调节因子:1 Intrinsic factor, 分泌:由壁细胞分泌的糖蛋白。

纳米管制作皮肤感应器 翻译 中英

纳米管制作皮肤感应器 翻译 中英










“我们所制作的这个纳米管很可能是首次可被拉伸的,透明的,肤质般感应的,有或者没有碳的纳米管”小组成员之一Darren Lipomi.说。





Aggregation occurs when there is a net attraction and an equilibrium separation between the components
Whitesides G. M., Boncheva M. PNAS 2002;99:4769-4774 Copyright ©2002, The National Academy of Sciences
• Self-assembly is a process in which components, either separate or linked, spontaneously form ordered aggregates. • Self-assembly can occur with components having sizes from the molecular to the macroscopic, provided that appropriate conditions are met.
STM image of dodecanethiol on gold(111) prepared by adsorption from a millimolar solution of dodecanethiol in ethanol
Assembly of DNA Monolayers
STM of Self-Assembled Monolayer
Importance of Self-Assembly
First: it is centrally important in life. The cell contains an astonishing range of complex structures such as lipid membranes, folded proteins, structured nucleic acids, protein aggregates, molecular machines, and many others that form by self-assembly. Second: self-assembly provides routes to a range of materials with regular structures: molecular crystals, liquid crystals, and semicrystalline and phase-separated polymers are examples. Third: self-assembly also occurs widely in systems of components larger than molecules, and there is great potential for its use in materials and condensed matter science. Fourth: self-assembly seems to offer one of the most general strategies now available for generating nanostructures.

DiscoverX GPCR Cell Lines和Membrane Preparations产品说

DiscoverX GPCR Cell Lines和Membrane Preparations产品说

GPCR Cell Lines and Membrane PreparationsTHE KEYS TOUNLOCK DISCOVERYPaving the Way for Meaningful Solutions in Your ResearchCOME EXPLORE ONE OF THE LARGEST GPCR CELL LINES PORTFOLIO.Life science researchers are always working toward the nextbreakthrough discovery. For scientists working on GPCRs, speed is everything. And when it comes to drug discovery, overcoming the challenge of decreasing assay development time and accelerating your research, is necessary for success.You don’t have to face this obstacle alone. We’re here, delivering a comprehensive collection of more than:n 400 stable cell lines for binding and functional testing n 150 frozen ready-to-use cells n 100 membrane preparations◆ INTRODUCTION ◆ STABLE CELL LINES ◆ FROZEN CELLS◆ MEMBRANE PREPARATIONS ◆ TAG-LITE TECHNOLOGY ◆ TOTAL GPCR SOLUTION ◆ CONTACT USWork Faster. Work Better. Decreasing assay development time while increasing the quality of your results is a lofty goal, but necessary for research labs like yours to keep up with the competition.So, we’ve made the nearly impossible totally probable with our validated, stable GPCR cell lines for calcium, binding, and functional testing – because when you eliminate the guess work, you can focus on the science.Choose from stable GPCR cell lines expressingthe most studied targets, including:n Adenosinesn Adrenoceptorsn Cannabinoidsn Chemokinesn DopaminesFor more information on stable cell lines, click here.④OUR STABL Y TRANSFECTED CELL LINE PORTFOLIO ValiScreen® cell line family consists of transfected GPCR cell lines AequoScreen® cell line family comprises double-transfected GPCR aequorin cell lines for convenient calcium signaling measurement PhotoScreen® cell line family features double-transfected GPCR Photina® cell lines for convenient calcium signaling measurementn Galaninsn Histamines n Opioidsn Muscarinics n Serotonins◆ INTRODUCTION◆ STABLE CELL LINES◆ FROZEN CELLS◆ MEMBRANE PREPARATIONS◆ TAG-LITE TECHNOLOGY◆ TOTAL GPCR SOLUTION◆ CONTACT USLEARN MOREReady Whenever You Are Take the stress out of functional testing with our frozen, validated, ready-to-use cells. These growth-arrested cells express a variety of GPCRs for binding and functional assays.By using frozen cells, the cell prep work is done for you, eliminating the lengthy process of cell culture from your functional testing.Our consistent, flexible, and convenient frozen cells enable you to quickly and cost effectively perform selectivity studies and cellular GPCR tests on multiple receptors at a time – for streamlined screening, lead optimization, and profiling.Choose from stable GPCR cell lines expressingthe most studied targets, including:n Adrenergicn Anaphylatoxinn Chemokinen Histaminen Melantocortinn MuscarinicFor more information on frozen cells, click here.④OUR STABL Y TRANSFECTEDCELL LINE PORTFOLIOcAMPZEN™ frozen cell family consistsof transfected GPCR cell linesAequoZen™ frozen cell familycomprises double-transfected GPCRaequorin cell lines for convenientcalcium signaling measurement◆ INTRODUCTION◆ STABLE CELL LINES◆ FROZEN CELLS◆ MEMBRANE PREPARATIONS◆ TAG-LITE TECHNOLOGY◆ TOTAL GPCR SOLUTION◆ CONTACT USLEARN MOREMembrane Preparations Made SimpleOur membrane target systems offer a selection of products to help you identify and characterize ligands that bind to your receptor of interest. These membranes are quality assured and prepared from cells that express recombinant or endogenous GPCRs. Each lot of frozen membranes has been QC tested to determine receptor density and affinity.Our membrane preparations are derived from stable cell lines expressing ion channel, transporter, tyrosine kinase, and several GPCRs. They’re also qualified for either ligand binding or GTPγS functional studies.Well characterized and representing a wide range of pharmacologically important targets, our GPCR membrane preparations can be used for competitive radioligand binding assays as well as studies involving our HTRF ® and DELFIA ® technologies. Choose from GPCR membrane preparations expressing the most studied targets, including:n Adenosine n Adrenergic n Cannabinoid n Dopamine n GABAFor more information on membrane preparations, click here. ④n Melanocortin n Muscarinic n Opioid n Serotonin◆ INTRODUCTION ◆ STABLE CELL LINES ◆ FROZEN CELLS◆ MEMBRANE PREPARATIONS ◆ TAG-LITE TECHNOLOGY ◆ TOTAL GPCR SOLUTION ◆ CONTACT USThe Preferred Ligand Binding TechnologyOur Tag-lite ® solution is quickly becoming the industry standard for studying receptor-ligand binding interactions.A non-radioactive, cell-based technology, it enables the investigation of natural ligands, small molecules, or antibodies binding to cell surface receptors. It’s especially advantageous for GPCR and RTK investigations, biotherapeutic antibody development, and the study of ligand kinetics.It offers straightforward add-and-read protocols that help you characterize the binding properties of compounds, regardless of their chemical structures or pharmacological properties.Benefits of Tag-lite cellular binding assays:n Nonradioactiven Homogeneous and filtration-freen Ready-to-use kits, frozen cells, and reagents available n Does not alter the receptor pharmacology n Peer reviewed and validatedn Thorough kinetic studies with true Kd values, Ki, association (Kon), and dissociation (Koff) rate constantsCryptate-labeled receptorCompeting compoundFluorophore-labeled ligandNo FRET signal◆ INTRODUCTION ◆ STABLE CELL LINES ◆ FROZEN CELLS◆ MEMBRANE PREPARATIONS ◆ TAG-LITE TECHNOLOGY ◆ TOTAL GPCR SOLUTION ◆ CONTACT USLEARN MOREThe GPCR Portfolio That Leaves Nothing OutOUR GPCR PRODUCT PORTFOLIOWith drug discovery focused on GPCR targets, the need for reliable, proven, and versatile assays, reagents, andinstrumentation has never been greater. Understanding complex signaling mechanisms with speed and accuracy can mean the difference between success and failure.We recognize the significant challenges scientists like you face every day to identify biologically and pharmacologicallyrelevant pathways. Our extensive experience in both cellular and biochemical platforms enables us to guide and support your work every step of the way, from quickly optimizing your research to customizing solutions for specific target research.We’ve developed the widest selection of proven GPCR target solutions –beyond the ligand GPCR event to the actual assessment of the cellular-activated signal transduction cascade – empowering you to identify, validate, screen, and profile your leads. It’s time to get more from your research.Reporter gene assays for fast, simple, cost-effective screeningNEN ™ Radioligands that offer both tritiated and iodinated ligandsHTRF ®cAMP assays for highly sensitivescreeningAlphaLISA ® SureFire ® Ultra ™ and HTRF ® detection assays for cellular-phosphorylation of ERKIP-One HTRF and AlphaLISA detection kits for specific for Gq-coupled activation◆ INTRODUCTION ◆ STABLE CELL LINES ◆ FROZEN CELLS◆ MEMBRANE PREPARATIONS ◆ TAG-LITE TECHNOLOGY ◆ TOTAL GPCR SOLUTION ◆ CONTACT USLEARN MOREFor more information visit /category/gpcr-researchPerkinElmer, Inc.940 Winter StreetWaltham, MA 02451 USAP: (800) 762-4000 or(+1) 203-925-4602For a complete listing of our global offices, visit /ContactUsCopyright ©2021, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.270755 PKI。



Type 510
Width (mm) 490
Length (mm) 1000
Effective area (m2/cartridge) 0.8
3 Selection of Membrane Unit
Type of membrane unit
Height (mm) Type
Membrane case + Diffuser case
Î depending on * Type of influent wastewater * Influent strength * Water temperature etc
Î Design flux rate is consulted by Kubota
Table 1-1 Size of membrane cartridge
Note : Excess sludge contains nitrogen, and this nitrogen is removed together with withdrawal of the excess sludge. Influent T-N conc. x Influent flowrate can be replaced to nitrogen remained after this withdrawal.
Upper membrane case
Intermediate case Lower membrane case
Single deck unit (ES, FS)
Double deck unit
3. Component of membrane case



生物药剂学与药物动力学专业词汇※<A>Absolute bioavailability, F 绝对生物利用度Absorption 吸收Absorption pharmacokinetics 吸收动力学Absorption routes 吸收途径Absorption rate 吸收速率Absorption rate constant 吸收速率常数Absorptive epithelium 吸收上皮Accumulation 累积Accumulation factor 累积因子Accuracy 准确度Acetylation 乙酰化Acid glycoprotein 酸性糖蛋白Active transport 主动转运Atomic absorption spectrometry 原子吸收光谱法Additive 加和型Additive errors 加和型误差Adipose 脂肪Administration protocol 给药方案Administration route 给药途径Adverse reaction 不良反应Age differences 年龄差异Akaike’s information criterion, AIC AIC判据Albumin 白蛋白All-or-none response 全或无效应Amino acid conjugation 氨基酸结合Analog 类似物Analysis of variance, ANOVA ANOVA方差分析Anatomic Volume 解剖学体积Antagonism 拮抗作用Antiproliferation assays 抑制增殖法Apical membrane 顶端表面Apoprotein 载脂蛋白脱辅基蛋白Apparatus 仪器Apparent volume of distribution 表观分布容积Area under the curve, AUC 曲线下面积Aromatisation 芳构化Artery 动脉室Artifical biological membrane 人工生物膜Aryl 芳基Ascorbic acid 抗坏血酸维生素C Assistant in study design 辅助实验设计Average steady-state plasma drug concentration 平均稳态血浆药物浓度Azo reductase 含氮还原酶※<B>Backward elimination 逆向剔除Bacteria flora 菌丛Basal membrane 基底膜Base structural model 基础结构模型Basolateral membrane 侧底膜Bayesian estimation 贝易斯氏评估法Bayesian optimization 贝易斯优化法Bile 胆汁Billiary clearance 胆汁清除率Biliary excretion 胆汁排泄Binding 结合Binding site 结合部位Bioactivation 生物活化Bioavailability, BA 生物利用度Bioequivalence, BE 生物等效性Biological factors 生理因素Biological half life 生物半衰期Biological specimen 生物样品Biomembrane limit 膜限速型Biopharmaceutics 生物药剂学Bioequivalency criteria 生物等效性判断标准Biotransformation 生物转化Biowaiver 生物豁免Blood brain barrier, BBB BBB血脑屏障Blood clearance 血液清除率Blood flow rate-limited models 血流速度限速模型Blood flux in tissue 组织血流量Body fluid 体液Buccal absorption of drug 口腔用药的吸收Buccal mucosa 口腔粘膜颊粘膜Buccal spray formulation 口腔喷雾制剂※<C>Capacity limited 容量限制Carrier mediated transport 载体转运Catenary model 链状模型Caucasion 白种人Central compartment 中央室Characteristic 特点Chelate 螯合物Chinese Traditional medicine products 中药制剂Cholesterol esterase 胆固醇酯酶Chromatogram 色谱图Circulation 循环Classification 分类Clearance 清除率Clinical testing in first phase I期临床试验Clinical testing in second phase Ⅱ期临床试验Clinical testing in third phase Ⅲ期临床试验Clinical trial 临床试验Clinical trial simulation 临床实验计划仿真Clockwise hysteresis loop 顺时针滞后回线Collection 采集Combined administration 合并用药Combined errors 结合型误差Common liposomes, CL 普通脂质体Compartment models 隔室模型Compartments 隔室Competitive interaction 竞争性相互作用Complements 补体Complex 络合物Confidential interval 置信区间Conjugation with glucuronic acid 葡萄糖醛酸结合Controlled-release preparations 控释制剂Control stream 控制文件Conventional tablet 普通片Convergence 收敛Convolution 卷积Corresponding relationship 对应关系Corticosteroids 皮质甾体类Counter-clockwise hysteresis loop 逆时针滞后回线Countermeasure 对策Course in infusion period 滴注期间Covariance 协方差Covariates 相关因素Creatinine 肌酐Creatinine clearance 肌酐清除率Cytochrome P450, CYP450 细胞色素P450 Cytoplasm 细胞质Cytosis 胞饮作用Cytosol 胞浆胞液质※<D>Data File 数据文件Data Inspection 检视数据Deamination 脱氨基Deconvolution 反卷积Degree of fluctuation, DF DF波动度Delayed release preparations 迟释制剂Desaturation 降低饱和度Desmosome 桥粒Desulfuration 脱硫Detoxication 解毒Diagnosis 诊断Diffusion 扩散作用Dietary factors 食物因素Displacement 置换作用Disposition 处置Dissolution 溶解作用Distribution 分布Dosage adjustment 剂量调整Dosage form 剂型Dosage form design 剂型设计Dosage regimen 给药方案Dose 剂量dose-proportionality study 剂量均衡研究Dropping pills 滴丸Drug absorption via eyes 眼部用药物的吸收Drug binding 药物结合Drug concentration in plasma 血浆中药物浓度Drug Delivery System, DDS 药物给药系统Drug interaction 药物相互作用Drug-plasma protein binding ratio 药物—血浆蛋白结合率Drug-Protein Binding 药物蛋白结合Drug transport to foetus 胎内转运※<E>Efficient concentration range 有效浓度范围Efflux 外排Electrolyte 电解质Electro-spray ionization, ESI 电喷雾离子化Elimination 消除Elimination rate constant 消除速度常数Elongation 延长Emulsion 乳剂Endocytosis 入胞作用Endoplasmic reticulum 内质网Enterohepatic cycle 肠肝循环Enzyme 酶Enzyme induction 酶诱导Enzyme inhibition 酶抑制Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays ELISA 酶联免疫法Enzymes or carrier-mediated system 酶或载体—传递系统Epithelium cell 上皮细胞Epoxide hydrolase 环化物水解酶Erosion 溶蚀Excretion 排泄Exocytosis 出胞作用Exons 外显子Experimental design 实验设计Experimental procedures 实验过程Exponential errors 指数型误差Exposure-response studies 疗效研究Extended least squares, ELS 扩展最小二乘法Extended-release preparations 缓控释制剂Extent of absorption 吸收程度External predictability 外延预见性Extraction ratio 抽取比Extract recovery rate 提取回收率Extrapolation 外推法Extravascular administration 血管外给药※<F>F test F检验Facilitated diffusion 促进扩散Factors of dosage forms 剂型因素Fasting 禁食Fibronectin 纤粘连蛋白First order rate 一级速度First Moment 一阶矩First order absorption 一级吸收First-order conditional estimation, FOCE 一级条件评估法First-order estimation, FO 一级评估法Fiest-order kinetics 一级动力学First pass effect 首过作用首过效应Fixed-effect parameters 固定效应参数Flavoprotein reductaseNADPH-细胞色素还原酶附属黄素蛋白还原酶Flow-through cell dissolution method 流室法Fluorescent detection method 荧光检测法Fraction of steady-state plasma drug concentration 达稳分数Free drug 游离药物Free drug concentration 游离药物浓度※<G>Gap junction 有隙结合Gas chromatography, GC 气相色谱法Gasrtointestinal tract, GI tract 胃肠道Gender differences 性别差异Generalized additive modeling, GAM 通用迭加模型化法Glimepiride 谷胱甘肽Global minimum 整体最小值Glomerular filtration 肾小球过滤Glomerular filtration rate, GFR 肾小球过滤率Glucuonide conjugation 葡萄糖醛酸结合Glutathione conjugation 谷胱甘肽结合Glycine conjugation 甘氨酸结合Glycocalyx 多糖—蛋白质复合体Goodness of Fit 拟合优度Graded response 梯度效应Graphic method 图解法Gut wall clearance肠壁清除率※<H>Half life 半衰期Health volunteers 健康志愿者Hemodialysis 血液透析Hepatic artery perfusion administration 肝动脉灌注给药Hepatic clearance, Clh 肝清除率Hierarchical Models 相同系列药物动力学模型High performance liquid chromatography, HPLC 高效液相色谱Higuchi equation Higuchi 方程Homologous 类似Human liver cytochrome P450 人类肝细胞色素P450 Hydrolysis 水解Hydroxylation 羟基化Hysteresis 滞后Hysteresis of plasma drug concentration 血药浓度滞后于药理效应Hysteresis of response 药理效应滞后于血药浓度※<I>Immunoradio metrec assays, IRMA 免疫放射定量法Incompatibility 配伍禁忌Independent 无关,独立Individual parameters 个体参数Individual variability 个体差异Individualization of drug dosage regimen 给药方案的个体化Inducer 诱导剂Induction 诱导Infusion 输注Inhibition 抑制Inhibitor 抑制剂Initial dose 速释部分Initial values 初始值Injection sites 注射部位Insulin 胰岛素Inter-compartmental clearance 隔室间清除率Inter-individual model 个体间模型Inter-individual random effects 个体间随机效应Inter-individual variability 个体间变异性Intermittence intravenous infusion 间歇静脉输液Internal predictability 内延预见性Inter-occasion random effects 实验间随机效应Intestinal bacterium flora 肠道菌丛Intestinal metabolism 肠道代谢Intra-individual model 个体内模型Intra-individual variability 个体内变异性Intramuscular administration 肌内给药Intramuscular injection 肌内注射Intra-peritoneal administration 腹腔给药Intravenous administration 静脉给药Intravenous infusion 静脉输液Intravenous injection 静脉注射Intrinsic clearance固有清除率内在清除率Inulin 菊粉In vitro experiments 体外试验In vitro–In vivo correlation, IVIVC 体外体内相关关系In vitro mean dissolution time, MDT vitro 体外平均溶出时间In vivo Mean dissolution time, MDT vivo 体内平均溶出时间Ion exchange 离子交换Isoform 异构体Isozyme 同工酶※<K>Kerckring 环状皱褶Kidney 肾※<L>Lag time 滞后时间Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换Lateral intercellular fluid 侧细胞间隙液Lateral membrane 侧细胞膜Least detection amount 最小检测量Linearity 线性Linear models 线性模型Linear regression method 线性回归法Linear relationship 线性关系Lipoprotein 脂蛋白Liposomes 脂质体Liver flow 肝血流Local minimum 局部最小值Loading dose 负荷剂量Logarithmic models 对数模型Long circulation time liposomes 长循环脂质体Loo-Riegelman method Loo-Riegelman法Lowest detection concentration 最低检测浓度Lowest limit of quantitation 定量下限Lowest steady-state plasma drug concentration 最低稳态血药浓度Lung clearance 肺清除率Lymphatic circulation 淋巴循环Lymphatic system 淋巴系统※<M>Maintenance dose 维持剂量Mass balance study 质量平衡研究Masticatory mucosa 咀嚼粘膜Maximum likelihood 最大似然性Mean absolute prediction error, MAPE 平均绝对预测误差Mean absorption time, MAT 平均吸收时间Mean disintegration time, MDIT 平均崩解时间Mean dissolution time, MDT 平均溶出时间Mean residence time, MRT 平均驻留时间Mean sojourn time 平均逗留时间Mean squares 均方Mean transit time 平均转运时间Membrane-limited models 膜限速模型Membrane-mobile transport 膜动转运Membrane transport 膜转运Metabolism 代谢Metabolism enzymes 代谢酶Metabolism locations 代谢部位Metabolites 代谢物Metabolites clearance, Clm 代谢物清除率Method of residuals 残数法剩余法Methylation 甲基化Michaelis-Menten equation 米氏方程Michaelis-Menten constant 米氏常数Microbial assays 微生物检定法Microsomal P-450 mixed-function oxygenases 肝微粒体P-450混合功能氧化酶Microspheres 微球Microvilli 微绒毛Minimum drug concentration in plasma 血浆中最小药物浓度Mixed effects modeling 混合效应模型化Mixed-function oxidase, MFO 混合功能氧化酶Models 模型Modeling efficiency 模型效能Model validation 模型验证Modified release preparations 调释制剂Molecular mechanisms 分子机制Mono-exponential equation 单指数项公式Mono-oxygenase 单氧加合酶Mucous membrane injury 粘膜损伤Multi-compartment models 多室模型延迟分布模型Multi-exponential equation 多指数项公式Multifactor analysis of variance, multifactor ANOVA 多因素方差分析Multiple dosage 多剂量给药Multiple-dosage function 多剂量函数Multiple-dosage regimen 多剂量给药方案Multiple intravenous injection 多次静脉注射Myoglobin 肌血球素※<N>Naive average data, NAD 简单平均数据法Naive pool data, NPD 简单合并数据法Nanoparticles 纳米粒Nasal cavity 鼻腔Nasal mucosa 鼻粘膜National Institute of Health 美国国立卫生研究所Nephron 肾原Nephrotoxicity 肾毒性No hysteresis 无滞后Non-compartmental analysis, NCA 非隔室模型法Non-compartmental assistant Technology 非隔室辅助技术Nonionized form 非离子型Nonlinear mixed effects models, NONMEM 非线性混合效应模型Nonlinear pharmacokinetics 非线性药物动力学Non-linear relationship 非线性关系Nonparametric test 非参数检验※<O>Objective function, OF 目标函数Observed values 观测值One-compartment model 一室模型(单室模型)Onset 发生Open randomized two-way crossover design 开放随机两路交叉实验设计Open crossover randomized design 开放交叉随机设计Oral administration 口服给药Ordinary least squares, OLS 常规最小二乘法Organ 器官Organ clearance 器官清除率Original data 原始数据Osmosis 渗透压作用Outlier 偏离数据Outlier consideration 异常值的考虑Over-parameterized 过度参数化Oxidation 氧化Oxidation reactions 氧化反应※<P>Paracellular pathway 细胞旁路通道Parameters 参数Passive diffusion 被动扩散Pathways 途径Patient 病人Peak concentration 峰浓度Peak concentration of drug in plasma 血浆中药物峰浓度Poly-peptide 多肽Percent of absorption 吸收百分数Percent of fluctuation, PF 波动百分数Perfused liver 灌注肝脏Period 周期Peripheral compartments 外周室Peristalsis 蠕动Permeability of cell membrane 细胞膜的通透性P-glycoprotein, p-gp P-糖蛋白Phagocytosis 吞噬Pharmaceutical dosage form 药物剂型pharmaceutical equivalents 药剂等效性Pharmacokinetic models 药物动力学模型Pharmacokinetic physiological models 药物动力学的生理模型Pharmacological effects 药理效应Pharmacologic efficacy 药理效应Pharmacokinetics, PK 药物动力学Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic link model 药物动力学-药效动力学统一模型Pharmacodynamics, PD 药效动力学Pharmacodynamic model 药效动力学模型Phase II metabolism 第II相代谢Phase I metabolism 第I相代谢pH-partition hypothesis pH分配假说Physiological function 生理功能Physiological compartment models 生理房室模型Physiological pharmacokinetic models 生理药物动力学模型Physiological pharmacokinetics 生理药物动力学模型Pigment 色素Physicochemical factors 理化因素Physicochemical property of drug 药物理化性质Physiological factors 生理因素Physiology 生理Physiological pharmacokinetic models 生理药物动力学模型Pinocytosis 吞噬Plasma drug concentration 血浆药物浓度Plasma drug concentration-time curve 血浆药物浓度-时间曲线Plasma drug-protein binding 血浆药物蛋白结合Plasma metabolite concentration 血浆代谢物浓度Plasma protein binding 血浆蛋白结合Plateau level 坪浓度Polymorphism 多态性Population average pharmacokinetic parameters 群体平均动力学参数Population model 群体模型Population parameters 群体参数Population pharmacokinetics 群体药物动力学Post-absorptive phase 吸收后相Post-distributive phase 分布后相Posterior probability 后发概率practical pharmacokinetic program 实用药代动力学计算程序Precision 精密度Preclinical 临床前的Prediction errors 预测偏差Prediction precision 预测精度Predicted values 拟合值Preliminary structural model 初始结构模型Primary active transport 原发性主动转运Principle of superposition 叠加原理Prior distribution 前置分布Prodrug 前体药物Proliferation assays 细胞增殖法Proportional 比例型Proportional errors 比例型误差Prosthehetic group 辅基Protein 蛋白质Pseudo-distribution equilibrium 伪分布平衡Pseudo steady state 伪稳态Pulmonary location 肺部Pulsatile drug delivery system 脉冲式释药系统※<Q、R>QQuality controlled samples 质控样品Quality control 质量控制Quick tissue 快分布组织RRadioimmuno assays, RIA 放射免疫法Random error model 随机误差模型Rapid intravenous injection 快速静脉注射Rate constants 速度常数Rate method 速度法Re-absorption 重吸收Receptor location 受体部位Recovery 回收率Rectal absorption 直肠吸收Rectal blood circulation 直肠部位的血液循环Rectal mucosa 直肠黏膜Reductase 还原酶Reduction 还原Reductive metabolism 还原代谢Reference individual 参比个体Reference product 参比制剂Relative bioavailability, Fr 相对生物利用度Release 释放Release medium 释放介质Release standard 释放度标准Renal 肾的Renal clearance, Clr 肾清除率Renal excretion 肾排泄Renal failure 肾衰Renal impairment 肾功能衰竭Renal tubular 肾小管Renal tubular re-absorption 肾小管重吸收Renal tubular secretion 肾小管分泌Repeatability 重现性Repeated one-point method 重复一点法Requirements 要求Research field 研究内容Reside 驻留Respiration 呼吸Respiration organ 呼吸器官Response 效应Residuals 残留误差Residual random effects 残留随机效应Reversal 恢复Rich Data 富集数据Ritschel one-point method Ritschel 一点法Rotating bottle method 转瓶法Rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum 粗面内质网Routes of administration 给药途径※<S、T>SSafety and efficacy therapy 安全有效用药Saliva 唾液Scale up 外推Scale-Up/Post-Approval Changes, SUPAC 放大/审批后变化Second moment 二阶矩Secondary active transport 继发性主动转运Secretion 分泌Sensitivity 灵敏度Serum creatinine 血清肌酐Sigma curve 西格玛曲线Sigma-minus method 亏量法(总和减量法)Sigmoid curve S型曲线Sigmoid model Hill’s方程Simulated design 模拟设计Single-dose administration 单剂量(单次)给药Single dose response 单剂量效应Sink condition 漏槽条件Skin 皮肤Slow Tissue 慢分布组织Smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum 滑面内质网Soluble cell sap fraction 可溶性细胞液部分Solvent drag effect 溶媒牵引效应Stability 稳定性Steady-state volume of distribution 稳态分布容积Sparse data 稀疏数据Special dosage forms 特殊剂型Special populations 特殊人群Specialized mucosa 特性粘膜Species 种属Species differences 种属差异Specificity 特异性专属性Square sum of residual error 残差平方和Stagnant layer 不流动水层Standard curve 标准曲线Standard two stage, STS 标准两步法Statistical analysis 统计分析Statistical moments 统计矩Statistical moment theory 统计矩原理Steady state 稳态Steady state plasma drug concentration 稳态血药浓度Stealth liposomes, SL 隐形脂质体Steroid 类固醇Steroid-sulfatases 类固醇-硫酸酯酶Structure 结构Structure and function of GI epithelial cells 胃肠道上皮细胞的构造与功能Subcutaneous injections 皮下注射Subgroup 亚群体Subjects 受试者Sublingual administration 舌下给药Sublingual mucosa 舌下粘膜Subpopulation 亚群Substrate 底物Sulfate conjugation 硫酸盐结合Sulfation 硫酸结合Sum of squares 平方和Summation 相加Superposition method 叠加法Susceptible subject 易受影响的患者Sustained-release preparations 缓释制剂Sweating 出汗Synergism 协同作用Systemic clearance 全身清除率TTargeting 靶向化Taylor expansion 泰勒展开Tenous capsule 眼球囊Test product 试验制剂Therapy drug monitoring, TDM 治疗药物监测Therapeutic index 治疗指数Thermospray 热喷雾Three-compartment models 三室模型Though concentration 谷浓度Though concentration during steady state 稳态谷浓度Thromboxane 血栓素Tight junction 紧密结合Tissue 组织Tissue components 组织成分Tissue interstitial fluid 组织间隙Tolerance 耐受性Topping effect 尖峰效应Total clearance 总清除率Toxication and emergency treatment 中毒急救Transcellular pathway 经细胞转运通道Transdermal absorption 经皮肤吸收Transdermal drug delivery 经皮给药Transdermal penetration 经皮渗透Transport 转运Transport mechanism of drug 药物的转运机理Trapezoidal rule 梯形法Treatment 处理Trial Simulator 实验计划仿真器Trophoblastic epithelium 营养上皮层Two-compartment models 二室模型Two one sided tests 双单侧t检验Two period 双周期Two preparations 双制剂Two-way crossover bioequivalence studies 双周期交叉生物等效性研究Typical value 典型值※<U~Z>UUnwanted 非预期的Uniformity 均一性Unit impulse response 单位刺激反应Unit line 单位线Urinary drug concentration 尿药浓度Urinary excretion 尿排泄Urinary excretion rate 尿排泄速率VVagina 阴道Vaginal Mucosa 阴道黏膜Validation 校验Variance of mean residence time, VRT 平均驻留时间的方差Vein 静脉室Villi 绒毛Viscre 内脏Volumes of distribution 分布容积volunteers or patients studies 人体试验WWagner method Wagner法Wagner-Nelson method Wagner-Nelson法Waiver requirements 放弃(生物等效性研究)要求Washout period 洗净期Weibull distribution function Weibull分布函数Weighted Least Squares WLS加权最小二乘法Weighted residuals 加权残留误差XXenobiotic 外源物, 异生素ZZero Moment 零阶矩Zero-order absorption 零级吸收Zero-order kinetics 零级动力学Zero order rate 零级速度Zero-order release 零级释放。

Health and Safety Executive潜水信息表说明书

Health and Safety Executive潜水信息表说明书

Health and SafetyIntroductionThis diving information sheet (DVIS) is part of a series of information sheets providing guidance on diving at work. It identifies the correct standard to be used for assessing the quality of divers’ breathing gas taking into account the 2014 version of BS EN 12021. It details the requirements for breathing gas composition and also provides guidance on the frequency of tests. Unit symbols and measurement Throughout this DVIS extracts from EH40/2005 Workplace Exposure Limits1 and BS EN 12021:2014 Respiratory equipment – Compressed gases for breathing apparatus2 are shown as ml m-3,mg m-3 and ppm (parts per million by volume). LegislationThe Control of Substances Hazardous toHealth Regulations 2002 (as amended) (COSHH)3 and the associated Approved Codeof Practice (ACOP) and guidance4 apply. Standard for divers’ breathing gasesBS EN 12021:20142 supersedes the previous1998 version of the standard and is the appropriate standard for compressed breathing gases usedby divers. The 2014 version of the standard provides details of the composition of breathingair, as well as the following breathing gases:n oxygen compatible air;n nitrogen depleted air;n oxygen enriched air;n breathing oxygen;n oxygen and nitrogen gas mixtures;n oxygen and helium gas mixtures;n oxygen, helium and nitrogen gas mixtures. Standards for divers’ breathing airThe standards for breathing air in BS EN 12021:20142 are detailed in Table A:Table A Composition of breathing air Component Concentration atatmospheric pressure Oxygen In the range of (21 +/- 1) % Carbon dioxide Less than or equal to500 ml m-3 (500 ppmby volume)Carbon monoxide Less than or equal to5 ml m-3 (5 ppm by volume) Oil Less than or equal to0.5 mg m-3 (Droplets or mist) Odour/taste No significant odour or taste Liquid water None presentWater contentThere should not be any free liquid water content in the breathing gas. The breathing gas must havea dew point sufficiently low to prevent condensation and freezing. The dew point is the temperature where water vapour condenses into liquid water 3. The allowable water content of diver’s breathingair is shown below in Tables B and C:Diver’s breathing gas standard and the frequency of examination and testsHSE information sheet1 of 5 pagesTable B Water vapour content of high pressure breathing airNominal maximum supply pressure Maximum water content of air at atmospheric pressure40 to 200 bar Less than or equalto 50 mg m-3 Greater than 200 bar Less than or equalto 35 mg m-3Compressors used for charging high pressure cylinders greater than 200 bar Less than or equal to 25 mg m-3Water vapour content for breathingair supplied at pressure up to 40 barThe maximum water content of air supplied at 40 bar and below, ie low pressure air compressor supplies for surface supplied diving equipment and compression chambers is provided in Table C below:Table C Water vapour content for breathing air up to 40 barNominal maximum supply pressure (bar)Maximum water content of air at atmospheric pressure and 20 °C mg m-3529010160151102080256530554050Other methods of establishing the maximum permitted water content have been developed. The details are outside the scope of this DVIS, but can be obtained from HSE Research Report 427 Moisture levels in compressed breathing air6. Standards for divers’ breathinggas – oxygen and nitrogengas mixtures (nitrox)The standards for breathing mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen in BS EN 12021:20142 are detailed inTable D:Table D Composition of oxygen and nitrogen mixesComponent Concentration at1013mb and 20 °COxygen mixes containing<20% by volume≥20% by volume(Stated a +/- 0.5b)%(Stated a +/- 1.0b)%) Nitrogen RemainderWater ≤ 15 mg m -3Carbon Dioxide≤ 5 ml m -3 (ppm) Carbon Monoxide≤ 3ml m -3 (ppm)Oil≤ 0.1 mg – m-3Total volatile non-substituted hydrocarbons(vapour or gas) asmethane equivalent≤ 30 ml m -3Other non-toxic gases c< 1%a Percentage as stated by the supplierb Tolerance value is a percentage of the total gas mixturec These gases include argon and all other noble gasesTable D is applicable to oxygen and nitrogen mixtures provided by industrial gas suppliers.Nitrox mixtures may also be generated by diving contractors themselves using membrane systems, decanting/gas booster systems, or other methods to produce nitrogen depleted air and oxygen enriched air.Health and SafetyExecutive2 of 5 pagesStandards for divers’ breathing gas – oxygen and helium gas mixtures (heliox)The standards for breathing mixtures of oxygen and helium in BS EN 12021:20142 are detailed in Table E:Table E Composition of oxygen and helium mixesComponent Concentration at1013mb and 20 °C Oxygen mixes containing≤ 10% by volume10% to ≤ 20% by volume ≥20% by volume (Stated a +/- 0.25 b)% (Stated a +/- 0.5 b)% (Stated a +/- 1.0 b)%Helium RemainderWater ≤ 15 mg m-3Carbon Dioxide≤ 5 ml m-3 (ppm) Carbon Monoxide≤ 0.2 ml m-3 (ppm)Oil≤ 0.1 mg m-3Total volatile non-substituted hydrocarbons(vapour or gas) asmethane equivalent≤ 30 ml m-3 (ppm)Hydrogen≤ 10 ml m-3 (ppm) Other non-toxic gases c< 0.5%a Percentage as stated by the supplierb Tolerance value is a percentageof the total gas mixturec These gases include argon andall other noble gasesNitrogen, water and carbon dioxide content applicable to diver gas recovery (reclaim) system compressor samplesThe standards for breathing mixtures of oxygenand helium in Table E above are fully applicable to the heliox mixtures provided for saturation diving operations by industrial diving gas suppliers. It is recognised that heliox mixtures found within diver gas recovery (reclaim) systems may have higher levels of moisture, nitrogen and carbon dioxide content than the maximum levels specified inTable E. NitrogenIn common with most gases, the physiological effects of nitrogen are related to its partial pressure at the depth it is being inhaled. A maximum of 5% nitrogen content in reclaim gases for depths up to 350 m would be acceptable.Water contentThere is a risk that increased moisture levels may lead to increased corrosion rates inside pressure vessels and pressurised pipework. Where pressure vessels and pressurised pipework are likely to contain higher levels of moisture than the maximum levels specified in Table E (eg inside reclaim systems), it is important for diving contractors to have arrangements in place to ensure that suitable examination, testing and certification of all such plant and equipment is periodically undertaken at an appropriate frequency. The increased moisture content within reclaim system gas is unlikely to cause internal freezing of regulators and valves etc when gas expands through the system. This is because reclaim systems are not high pressure systems and, in addition, the Joule-Thompson effect means that heliox does not cool on expansion. Nevertheless, the provision of heated gas supplies should also be considered when diving is carriedout in cold waters. Divers breathing gas will require active heating for dives deeper than 150 meters. When operating using breathing gas suppliedfrom a gas recovery (reclaim) system themaximum water vapour content of diver’sbreathing gas is shown in Table F.Table F Water vapour content for reclaimsystem breathing gas up to 40 barNominalmaximum supplypressure (bar)Maximum water contentof reclaim system gasat atmospheric pressureand 20 °C mg m-3104101528020200251753014540110Note: Reclaim gas based on dewpoint of 0 °C3 of 5 pagesCarbon dioxideThe source for diver reclaim make-up gas should comply with the requirements of BS EN 12021:2014 for carbon dioxide levels. The circulating gas supply within the reclaim system should be operated to minimise the carbon dioxide levels. Carbon dioxide levels within the circulating gas of diver reclaim systems should normally be limited to a maximum partial pressure of 5 mbar at the depth of the diver (ie 5000 ml m-3 (ppm) when the diver is on the surface, corresponding to 0.5% SEV (surface equivalent value)). With the exceptions of nitrogen, water vapour and carbon dioxide the standards for breathing mixtures of oxygen and helium in Table E should be applied to saturation diving diver reclaim systems. Other contaminantsA risk assessment should be carried out to establish if any other contaminants should be tested for in addition to those specified in BS EN 12021:20142. Compressor lubricant safety data sheet and/or the compressor manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manuals should be checked to seeif there are any specific substances that shouldbe tested for. In addition, the location of the compressor inlet should be checked in order to ensure that contaminated gas is not drawn in. Ifyou do identify potential sources of contamination (such as ventilation exhausts) and cannot re-locate the compressor inlet, then you should determinethe likely contaminants. If there is any doubt, additional tests for the likely contamination andmore frequent tests may be necessary.For UK application, where the gas is to be used for breathing at ambient pressures greater than 10 bar and/or periods in excess of 8 hours, the calculations given in EH 75/2 Occupational exposure limits for hyperbaric conditions should be applied to take account of the increased pressure and/or duration. Frequency of testsA competent person (see Note 2) should carry out the breathing gas tests. The purpose of periodic testingis to make sure that the control measures you have put in place are delivering the gas quality required by BS EN 12021:20142 (as required by the appropriate tables above). The frequency of tests should be based on a risk assessment, but tests shouldtake place at least every three months where the source of the divers’ breathing gas is a compressor system (including a reclaim compressor system unless deemed ‘oil free’ by the original equipment manufacturer), and more often when the quality ofthe breathing gas cannot be assured to these levels.Additional methods of assuring gas quality Monitor filter life by measuring running hoursor the volume of cylinders filled. Both of these methods rely on the contamination not exceedingthe levels assumed by the manufacturer in settingthe recommended hours or throughput.A more reliable method of assurance is for continuous in-line gas quality monitoring.One technique is to continuously monitor the moisture content of the filter cartridge. Filter cartridges are usually designed so that the drying element becomes saturated before there is any deterioration of the other elements. Monitoring the moisture content of the gas at the filter outlet can indicate when the filter has reached the end of its life.Carbon monoxide (CO) can be produced within a compressor as a result of breakdown of the lubricating oil caused by pyrolysis (chemical decomposition by heat). Pyrolysis can occur when the system is hot,but not necessarily overheating and the resulting short term high levels of CO would not necessarily be identified during periodic sampling. To minimise this hazard a CO catalyst in the filter system and/or online monitoring for CO content should be considered.Do not modify any filtration systems or compressors without seeking advice from the compressor and/or filter manufacturer.Checking contents of breathing mixtures Experience shows that it is possible for a gas mixture to be supplied which does not correspondto thecylinder markings. All diving breathing mixtures should be checked on receipt and re-checked immediately prior to connecting them to a diving gas supply or breathing apparatus charging system. Notes1 Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs) are Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) set under COSHH,3 in order to help protect the healthof workers.2 A ‘competent person’ is a person having a combination of training, knowledge and experience that will mean they can do the job required in asafe and efficient manner, using the test apparatus provided for the task. The duty holder will haveto decide who the ‘competent person’ will be.3 Where the apparatus is used and stored at a known temperature the pressure dew point shallbe at least 5°C below the likely lowest temperature.4 of5 pagesWhere the conditions of usage and storage ofany compressed air supply is not known the pressure dew point shall not exceed -11°C References1 EH40/2005 Workplace Exposure Limits: Containing the list of workplace exposurelimits for use with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 20022 BS EN 12021:2014 Respiratory equipment – Compressed gases for breathing apparatus3 The Control of Substances Hazardousto Health Regulations 20024 Control of substances hazardous to health (Sixth edition). The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended). Approved Code of Practice and guidance L5 (Sixth edition) HSE Books 2013 ISBN 978 0 7176 658225 EH 75/2 Occupational exposure limits for hyperbaric conditions : Hazard assessment document HSE Books 2000 ISBN 978 0 7176 1899 66 HSE Research Report 427 Moisturelevels in compressed breathing air7 Respiratory protective equipment at work – a practical guide HSG 53: (Fourth edition) HSEBooks 2013 ISBN 978 0 7176 6454 2Further readingCommercial diving projects inland/inshore. Divingat Work Regulations 1997. Approved Code of Practice and guidance L104 (Second edition)HSE Books 2014 ISBN 978 0 7176 6593 8/pubns/books/l104.htmCommercial diving projects offshore. Divingat Work Regulations 1997. Approved Code of Practice and guidance L103 (Second edition)HSE Books 2014 ISBN 978 0 7176 6592 1/pubns/books/l103.htm Recreational diving projects. Diving at Work Regulations 1997. Approved Code of Practiceand guidance L105 (Second edition)HSE Books 2014ISBN 978 0 7176 6594 5/pubns/books/l105.htmMedia diving projects. Diving at Work Regulations 1997. Approved Code of Practice and guidance L106 (Second edition) HSE Books 2014 ISBN 978 0 7176 6595 2 /pubns/books/l106.htm Scientific and archaeological diving projects. Diving at Work Regulations 1997. Approved Code of Practice and guidance L107 (Second edition) HSE Books 2014 ISBN 978 0 7176 6596 9/pubns/books/l107.htmThe Diving at Work Regulations 1997 SI 1997/2776 The Stationery Office 1997 ISBN 0 11 065170 7Are you involved in a diving project at work? A brief guide to complying with health and safety law. Leaflet INDG266(rev 2) /pubns/indg266.htm Further informationFor information about health and safety, or to report inconsistencies or inaccuracies in this guidance, visit /. You can view HSE guidance online and order priced publications from the website. HSE priced publications are also available from bookshops. This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive. Following the guidance is not compulsory, unless specifically stated, and you are free to take other action. But if you do follow the guidance you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law. Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance.This leaflet is available at:/pubns/dvis9.pdf.© Crown copyright If you wish to reuse this information visit /copyright.htm for details. First published 01/18.5 of 5 pagesPublished by the Health and Safety Executive DVIS9(rev2) 01/18。

BECODISC P 系列高纯度细胞化胶原浓缩过滤芯说明书

BECODISC P 系列高纯度细胞化胶原浓缩过滤芯说明书

Technical Data Sheet Depth FiltrationBECODISC® P RangePremium Depth Filter Medium with High-Purity CelluloseBECODISC P stacked disc cartridges arecharacterized by unparalleled purity. The ion andendotoxin content is significantly lower than forconventional depth filter media.In Eaton’s innovative BECODISC P stacked disccartridge’s range, high-purity celluloses form aunique structure, which even for microbe removaldoes not require mineral components.The specific advantages of BECODISC P stacked disccartridges:-Minimum endotoxin contents. This ensures productsafety-Increased endotoxin retention-Without the addition of mineral components,therefore minimum ion content particularly ofcalcium, magnesium and aluminum ions-Very high chemical resistance and mechanicalstability-Rinsing volume reduced by up to 50%, resulting inreduced process costs- A Validation Guide is available upon requestIngredientsBECODISC P stacked disc cartridges are made only ofhigh-purity cellulose and wet strength agents.Areas of ApplicationBECODISC P stacked disc cartridges can be used for filtration of all liquid media. Application options range from coarse filtration to microbe removal.BECODISC P Stacked Disc Cartridges BECODISC P stacked disc cartridges are cationic. They are characterized by adsorption charge-related during filtration. Additionally, the depth filter medium has a very low content of soluble ions, especially of calcium, magnesium and aluminum. The chemical resistance and bursting strength is extremely high. BECODISC P stacked disc cartridges are suitable for applications involving mechanical separation of particles and adsorptive retention of negatively charged particles. Due to the minimum endotoxin contents and the increased endotoxin reduction the depth filter medium is ideal for pharmaceutical processes. Guide to Choosing the Right BECODISC P Stacked Disc CartridgeB171Microbial removal and increased endotoxin retention B271Microbial and endotoxin reductionB351Fine filtration, activated carbon removalB551Clarifying filtration, particle separationB581Coarse filtration, particle separationPhysical DataThis information is intended as a guideline for the selection of BECODISC stacked disc cartridges.The water throughput is a laboratory value characterizing the different BECOPAD ® P depth filter medium types. It is not the recommended flow rate. 2 2B171 BECOPADP 1700.2 – 0.4 0.15 (3.9) < 1 > 21.8 (150) 1.9 (77) < 0.025 B271 BECOPAD P 2700.5 – 0.7 0.15 (3.9) < 1 > 21.8 (150) 3.3 (135) < 0.025 B351 BECOPAD P 3500.7 – 1.0 0.15 (3.9) < 1 > 21.8 (150) 3.9 (160) < 0.025 B551 BECOPAD P 5502.0 –3.00.15 (3.9)< 1 > 21.8 (150) 14.0 (570) < 0.025 B581 BECOPAD P 5808.0 – 10.0 0.15 (3.9)< 1> 21.8 (150)87.6(3571)< 0.025*B = Polypropylene version (e.g. B171)** 100 kPa = 1 bar*** Endotoxin content analysis after rinsing with 0.61 gal/ft² (25 l/m²) of WFI (Water for Injection)Ordering Information1 Flat adapter/Double O-ring adapter |2 With cell spacer rail |3 Cannot be combined with double O-ring adapterExample: B17162SFPolypropylene stacked disc cartridge with BECOPAD P170 depth filter sheets, nominal retention range from 0.2 to 0.4 µm, 16 filter cells, 10.9 in (276 mm) high , 12", with silicone gaskets and flat adapter.BECODISC 12", Ø 11.6 in (295 mm) BECODISC 16", Ø 15.8 in (402 mm)Number of cells 16 14 91 9 5 16 14 91 9 5 Filter surface area [ft² (m²)]20.5 (1.9) 17.8 (1.65) 11.8 (1.1) 11.8 (1.1) 6.4 (0.59) 39.8 (3.7) 34.4 (3.2) 22.6 (2.1) 22.6 (2.1) 12.4 (1.15) Pre-coat volume [gal (l)]²- 0.9 (3.6) 2.1 (8.0)- -- 1.8 (7.0) 4.1 (15.4)- -Overall height flat adapter [in (mm)]10.9 (276) 10.9 (276) 10.9 (276) 7.7 (195) 4.4 (101) 10.9 (276) 10.9 (276) 10.9 (276) 7.7 (195) 4.4 (101) Overall height double O-ring adapter [in (mm)] 13.0 (329) 13.0 (329) 13.0 (329) 10.0 (248) -13.0 (329) 13.0 (329) 13.0 (329) 10.0 (248) -Cell spacer rail- - ✓ - -- - ✓ - -1 Special stacked disc cartridge configuration with cell spacer rails providing increased mechanical stability forholding filter cake | 2 Calculated values (BECO depth filter sheets with 0.16 in/4.0 mm thickness)171BECOPAD depth filter sheet 171 = P 170 271 = P 270 351 = P 350 551 = P 550 581 = P 580BDesignB = Polypropylene6Construction (overall height)16 = 16 filter cells(10.9/13.0 in) (276/329 mm) 4 = 14 filter cells(10.9/13.0 in) (276/329 mm) 7 = 9 filter cells 2(10.9/13.0 in) (276/329 mm) 9 = 9 filter cells(7.7/10.0 in) (195/248 mm) 5 = 5 filter cells 3(4.4 in) (101 mm)2Size2 = 12", ∅ 11.6 in(295 mm) 4 = 16", ∅ 15.8 in(402 mm)SGasket material E = EPDM F = FEP-coatedsilicone core S = Silicone V = FluoroelastomerFAdapterF = Flat adapter S = Double O-ringadapter Y = Flat adapter withgrounding deviseCompliance NoticeBECO depth filter sheets fulfill the requirements of Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 as well as the FDA Guideline 21 CFR §177.2260 test criteria. The polypropylene components comply with Regulation (EU) 10/2011. The polypropylene meets FDA requirements, 21 CFR § 177.1520. The sealing materials (silicone, EPDM) meet FDA requirements, 21 CFR § 177.2600. The depth filter sheet and the polypropylene components of the BECODISC P stacked disc cartridges meet the requirements of the USP Plastic Class VI – 70 °C test. For further details on individual components and materials see the declaration of conformity.Ion Concentration after Extraction with 40% EthanolCa < 50Mg < 25Fe < 5Al < 5* After rinsing with 0.61 gal/ft² (25 l/m²) of 40% EthanolRecommendations for Avoiding Damage BECODISC stacked disc cartridges can be used only in the specified flow direction. This applies to product filtering as well as sanitizing with hot water, and sterilizing with the stacked disc cartridges with saturated steam. In order to avoid damage to the filter cells, the system should be protected with a suitable non-return valve.Refer to the insert included with each BECODISC stacked disc cartridge carton for detailed application information.Depending on the filtered liquids, the operating temperature should not exceed 176 °F (80 °C). Please contact Eaton regarding filtration applications at higher temperatures.Intermediate PlatesIf more than two BECODISC stacked disc cartridges (12" or 16") with double O-ring adapters are stacked in the housing, install a central spindle for safety reasons. In the event, more than one 16" BECODISC stacked disc cartridge (flat adapter/double O-ring adapter) is used in the housing, Eaton recommends the installation of stainless steel intermediate plates between the BECODISC stacked disc cartridges. When silicone/FEP coated gaskets are used the stainless steel plates are mandatory. Sanitizing and Sterilizing (Optional)Sterilizing with Hot WaterThe hot water temperature should be 185°F (85 °C). A differential pressure of 21.8psi (150 kPa, 1.5 bar) must not be exceeded when sterilizing with hot water. Sterilization time: At least 30 minutes once a temperature of 185°F (85 °C) is reached at all filter openings. In the interest of energy conservation, the water may be circulated provided the specified temperatures are maintained.Sterilizing with SteamThe wetted BECODISC stacked disc cartridges can be sterilized with saturated steam up to a maximum temperature of 250 °F (121 °C) as follows:Steam quality: The steam must be free of foreignparticles and impurities. Temperature: Max. 250 °F (121 °C)(saturated steam)Duration: Approx. 20 minutes after steam exitsfrom all filter valvesRinsing: After sterilizing with 0.61 gal/ft²(25 l/m²) at 1.25 times the flow rateFilter Preparation and FiltrationUnless already completed after sterilization, rinse the stacked disc cartridges with 0.61 gal/ft² (25 l/m²) of water at 1.25 times the flow rate prior to the first filtration. Check the entire filter for leakage at maximum operating pressure.High-proof alcoholic solutions and products that cannot be rinsed with water should be circulated with the product. Discard the rinsing solution after rinsing. Differential PressureTerminate the filtration process once the maximum permitted differential p ressure of 43.5psi (300 kPa,3 bar) is reached. A higher differential pressure could damage the depth filter sheet material. For safety reasons, a differential pressure of 21.8psi (150 kPa, 1.5 bar) should not be exceeded in applications for separating microorganisms.SafetyWhen used and handled correctly, there are no known unfavorable effects associated with this product. Further safety information can be found in the relevant Material Safety Data Sheet, which can be downloaded from our website.DisposalDue to their composition, BECODISC stacked disc cartridges can be disposed of as harmless waste. Comply with relevant current regulations, depending on the filtered product.StorageBECODISC stacked disc cartridges must be stored in a dry, odor-free, and well ventilated place.Do not expose the BECODISC stacked disc cartridges to direct sunlight.BECODISC stacked disc cartridges are intended for immediate use and should be used within 36 months after production date.Quality Assurance According to DIN EN ISO 9001 The Quality Management System of Eaton Technologies GmbH has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001.This certification verifies that a fully functioning comprehensive Quality Assurance System covering product development, contract controls, choice of suppliers, receiving inspections, production, final inspection, inventory management, and shipment has been implemented.Extensive quality assurance measures incorporate adherence to technical function criteria and chemical purity and quality recognized as safe under the German legislation governing the production of foods and beverages.All information is given to the best of our knowledge. However, the validity of the information cannot be guaranteed for every application, working practice and operating condition. Misuse of the product will result in all warrantees being voided.Subject to change in the interest of technical progress.North America44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Toll Free: 800 656-3344 (North America only)Tel: +1 732 212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle EastAuf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0 Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0 ChinaNo. 3, Lane 280,Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335Shanghai, P.R. ChinaTel: +86 21 5200-0099Singapore100G Pasir Panjang Road #07-08Singapore 118523Tel: +65 6825-1668BrazilRua Clark, 2061 - Macuco13279-400 - Valinhos, BrazilTel: +55 11 3616-8400For more information, pleaseemail us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2018 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks andregistered trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners. All information and recommendations appearing inthis brochure concerning the use of products describedherein are based on tests believed to be reliable. However,it is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability forhis own use of such products. Since the actual use byothers is beyond our control, no guarantee, expressed orimplied, is made by Eaton as to the effects of such use orthe results to be obtained. Eaton assumes no liabilityarising out of the use by others of such products. Nor is theinformation herein to be construed as absolutely complete,since additional information may be necessary or desirablewhen particular or exceptional conditions or circumstancesexist or because of applicable laws or governmentregulations.EN1 A 2.8.210-2018。


【资料2】1970年,用不同颜色荧光染料标记分别标记人的细胞和鼠 的细胞,然后将人—鼠细胞融合,一段时间后,不同颜色的荧光染 料均匀分布在融合细胞膜表面。
(2)通过人—鼠细胞融合的结果,可以得出什么结论? 细胞膜具有流动性
资料3 按照“蛋白质—脂质—蛋白质”模型,细胞膜的厚度应该是单层 磷脂厚度的两倍,加上两侧的蛋白质,膜的总厚度应当超过20 nm。但是 罗伯特森电镜下的细胞膜的厚度约为7~8 nm。 (3)请根据资料2指出“蛋白质—脂质—蛋白质”模型的不足之处,并对 细胞膜的结构进行合理推测。
材料:1917年朗缪尔将磷脂与水混合,观察到磷脂分子在水---空气界面 的特殊分布。
磷脂 分子
Cell membrane composition
Cell membrane composition
细胞膜将生命物质与外界环境分隔开,保障了细胞内部环 境的__相__对___稳__定___。
Function of cell membrane
Function of cell membrane
2、控制物质进出细胞 营养物质(氨基酸、无机盐、葡萄糖等)
抗体、激素等 细胞合成并分泌
据此推测: 细胞膜是由脂质组成的
Cell membrane composition
为了进一步确定细胞膜中的脂质成分的类型,科学家通过一定的方法制备出纯净的细 胞膜,进行化学分析,得知组成细胞膜的脂质有_磷___脂___和__胆__固__醇____,其中__磷___脂___含量最多。

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 习题答案chapter 19

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 习题答案chapter 19

Electrons generally fall in energy through the chain - from complexes I and II to complex IV O2
NADH (reductant) + H+ + ? O 2 (oxidant) NAD+ + H2O
Oxidative Phosphorylation
Electron transfer from NADH to O2 involves multisubunit inner membrane complexes I, III, & IV, plus coenzyme Q and cytochrome c. Within each complex, electrons pass sequentially through a series of electron carriers.
Structure of mitochondrial cytochrome c
Heme is covalently linked to the protein via S atoms
Iron-sulfur centers (Fe-S)
- electron transfer proteins may contain multiple ironsulfur centers. - transfer only one electron even if they contain two or more iron atoms, because of the close proximity of the iron atoms.
• contains all of TCA cycle enzymes {except, succinate

3M Harvest RC 二次生物疗法制品说明书

3M Harvest RC 二次生物疗法制品说明书

3M™ Harvest RCSingle-stage chromatographic purification for recombinant protein therapeutic manufacturing2 | 3M ™Harvest RCThe first step in the recombinant biotherapeutic process is harvesting cell culture fluid containing the product. Conventional approaches for performing this unit operation utilize a combination of depth filtration, centrifugation, and membrane filtration. These technologies utilize differences in density and in size as the principles of separation. As cell culture processes are intensified to yield higher cell densities and product titers, the ability to effectively harvest the cell culture fluid with the consistency and scalability required becomes challenging.3M ™ Harvest RC is a harvest solution that utilizes fibrous anion exchange (AEX) chromatography to efficiently separate the cells, cell debris, and DNA from the harvest fluid containing the target product. Precisionquaternary ammonium (Q) functionalized polypropylene fiber, combined with a 0.2 µm PES membrane, provides scalable and predictable clarification from discovery to commercial manufacturing scale.Cells being captured by AEX fiberchromatographySimplify three stages into a single stageCell CultureClarification by Size3M ™ Harvest RCSterilizing MembraneSterilizing Membrane3M ™ Harvest RC | 3� Capsule format enables typical product recoveries of 95+%� R eplaces primary, secondary, and guard membrane clarification stages � P redictably scales from discovery to manufacturing in terms of clarification consistency and cell loading capacity � C apsules fit into laboratory to manufacturing scale workflows.� L ower total cost of manufacturing compared tocentrifugation and depth filtration � N o post-use cleaning required which means that there is no use of caustic or potentially toxic clean-in-place (CIP) agents � L ower consumption of buffer and water compared to depth filtrationIntroducing 3M ™ Harvest RC3M ™ Harvest RC is a new single-stage, single-use chromatographic clarification solution. It is the next generation in harvest and clarification technology and is designed as an efficient option to increase monoclonal antibody (mAb) yields while streamlining the upstream process by replacing the centrifuge and/or depth filtration process steps.ManufacturingDevelopmentScale-upDiscovery 3M ™ Harvest RC product family: laboratory, pilot, andproduction capsules.BC340CT15BC25BC4WP6BC16000BC1020BC23004 | 3M ™ Harvest RC3M ™ Harvest RC encapsulates innovative synthetic fibrous anion exchange (AEX)chromatography media and a 0.2 µm polyether sulfone (PES) membrane. This enables a single-stage clarification process of low to high-density cell culture (>40 million cells per mL) with high recovery, and high fidelity of soluble and insoluble contaminant separation. Cells are bound inside the media by electrostatic charge interaction with the AEXchromatographic fibers. This results in the efficient retention of large and small particulates without developing a surface cake layer. The media can also remove soluble impurities which results in cleaner effluent than centrifugation or depth filtration.� H igh mAb product recovery (Capsules: >95%; Conical Tube and Well Plate >90%)� C onsistent cell loading capacity � T urbidity reduction (<15 NTU)� D NA reduction (<500 ppb)� M inimal cell shear� 0.1 µm sterile filter protectionWell plateConical tube Laboratory scaleBefore and after using 3M ™ Harvest RC:turbidity reduction in a single stageAvailable formats:3M ™ Harvest RC | 5Performance datamAb product recovery3M ™ Harvest RC is a single stage chromatography solution that effectively clarifies Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) harvest cell culture fluid (HCCF) across a wide range of cell densities, packed cell volumes (PCV), and turbidities.3M Harvest RC chromatographic clarification capsulesconsistently provide >95% mAb product recovery for high cell density cultures from the laboratory to the manufacturing scale.Turbidity reduction3M Harvest RC provides consistent separation of cells, cell debris, and DNA from the target protein. Clarified cell culture fluid (CCCF) has low turbidity, typically <15 NTU. Additionally, consistently low acidified turbidity of CCCF indicates significant reduction of DNA in the clarified material. Low acidifiedCCCF turbidity is a measure of the amount of DNA present in the cell culture fluid. (Koehler et al. Biotechnology Progress. 2019;35:e2882)Scalability3M Harvest RC capsules scale linearly across laboratory, pilot, and manufacturing scales.Fibrous chromatographic clarification assures scalable performance from discovery to manufacturing scales. Performance isconsistent from laboratory capsules (BC4 and BC25), scale-up capsules (BC340 and BC1020), to production capsules (BC2300 and BC16000) within ±20% of BC25 throughput.Throughputs of 3M Harvest RC capsules are scaled by area based on packed cell volume.Figure 1A: mAb product recovery in clarification process at different packed cell volumes (N = 1 – 4)m A b P r o d u c t R e c o v e r y (%)Packed Cell Volume (%)105%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%100%95%90%85%80%75%Figure 1B: mAb product recovery in clarification process at different media surface areas (N = 1 – 3)m A b P r o d u c t R e c o v e r y (%)Media Surface Area (cm 2)105%10100100010000100000100%95%90%85%80%75%Figure 2: Turbidity Reduction by 3M ™ Harvest RC capsules (N = 3 – 6). A – E are different CHO cell cultures at 5 – 8 % PCV.T u r b i d i t y (N T U )Cell Cultures100001000100101AB CDEHCCFCCCFAc-CCCFFigure 3: Scalability from laboratory to scale-up and production capsules (N = 1 – 5, 6 cell cultures)N o r m a l i z e d T h r o u g h p u tMedia Surface Area (cm 2)120%1100101000100001000000100000100%80%60%40%20%0%Cell loading capacity3M™ Harvest RC solution utilizes advanced Q functionalized fibrous chromatography media to achieve single-stage clarification, enabling predictable and consistent cell loading capacity for CHO cell culture fluid for a wide range of packed cell volumes.Cell shearThe low-pressure chromatographic clarification relies on charge rather than size or density. This results in minimal cell shear compared to conventional depth filtration processes evenat medium and high cell densities. Cell shear was evaluatedby lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay (Sigma-Aldrich 11644793001).Robust sterile filter protectionDue to the highly effective chromatographic reduction of soluble and insoluble contaminants, 3M Harvest RC enables efficient clarification, and is capable of effective protection of final sterilizing grade membrane filter down to 0.1 µm pore size. Figure 4: Cell loading capacity of 3M™ Harvest RC capsules for CHO harvested cell culture fluid at different packed cell volumes (N = 2 - 3) CellLoadingCapacity(L-cell/m2)Packed Cell Volume (%)7354679108654321Figure 5: Minimal cell shear of 3M™ Harvest RC during clarification of 8% PCV CHO cell culture at 100 LMH.CellShear(%)Normalized Throughput (-)20%18%16%14%12%10%8%6%4%2%0%Harvest RC10SP02A60SPO2A05SP01AFigure 6: 0.1 µm sterile filter pressure increase at 500 L/m2. A – E are clarified fluids of CHO harvested cell culture fluids at 8%PCV by 3M™ Harvest RC capsules..1μmFilterPressureIncrease(psid)Clarified Cell Culture Fluid by 3M Harvest RC 654321A B C D E6 | 3M™ Harvest RCBiopharmaceutical purification process improvementsThis process train illustrates the potential of combining 3M products that work together to create an intensifiedmanufacturing process, eliminating several process steps.ntended for flow-through polishing3M™ Harvest RC | 7Intended Use: 3M ™ Harvest RC products are intended for use in biopharmaceutical processing applications of aqueous based pharmaceuticals (drugs) and vaccines inaccordance with the product instructions and specifications, and cGMP requirements (for BC340, BC1020, BC2300 and BC16000) or GLP requirements (for CT15, WP6, BC4 and BC25), where applicable.Since there are many factors that can affect a product’s use, the customer and user remain responsible for determining whether the 3M product is suitable and appropriate for the user’s specific application, including user conducting an appropriate risk assessment and evaluating the 3M product in user’s application.Product Selection and Use: Many factors beyond 3M’s control and uniquely within user’s knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. As a result, customer is solely responsible for evaluating the product and determining whether it is appropriate and suitable for customer’s application, including completing a risk assessment that considers the product leachable characteristics and its impact on drug safety, conducting a workplace hazard assessment andreviewing all applicable regulations and standards (e.g., OSHA, ANSI, etc.). Failure to properly evaluate, select, and use a 3M product and appropriate safety products, or to meet all applicable safety regulations, may result in injury, sickness, death, and/or harm to property.Restrictions on Use: For CT15, WP6, BC4 and BC25: For laboratory use only. Not intended for use with materials that will be used on humans or animals. For all sizes: 3M advises against the use of these 3M products in any application other than the stated intended use(s), since other applications have not been evaluated by 3M and may result in an unsafe or unintended condition. Do not use in any manner whereby the 3M product, or any leachable from the 3M product, may become part of or remains in a medical device that is regulated by any agency, and/or globally exemplary agencies, including but not limited to: a) FDA, b) European Medical Device Directive (MDD), c) Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) or in applications involving permanent implantation into the body; Life-sustaining medical applications; Applications requiring food contact compliance.Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product.3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM, OR USAGE OF TRADE. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable theory asserted, including, but not limited to, warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability.3M Purification Inc.3M Separation and Purification Sciences Division 400 Research Parkway Meriden, CT 06450 USA Phone: 1-800-243-6894 1-203-237-5541 Web: /bioprocessing3M and LifeASSURE are trademarks of 3M Company. Allother trademarks are property of their respective owners. © 2021 3M Company. All rights reserved. Please recycle. Printed in U.S.A.Ordering GuideFor more information about the 3M ™ Harvest RC, contact your local sales representative by calling 1-800-243-6894, option 4, or visiting us at/bioprocessing1. Cell Culture Volume Range is the estimation for CHO cell culture fluid at 5 - 8% packed cell volume.2. Fill Volume is defined as the volume of liquid that is required to fill the capsule.3. Post Blow-Down Hold-Up Volume is defined as the volume of the residual liquid after air/gas blow down.。


申请人:Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 地址:10300 Energy Drive Spring TX 77389 US 国籍:US 代理机构:Plasseraud IP 更多信息请下载全文后查看ຫໍສະໝຸດ 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供
专利名称:CONTROL OF CELL CONCENTRATION 发明人:NIELSEN, Jeffrey A.,THOMAS, Debora 申请号:EP19939356.2 申请日:20190726 公开号:EP3938778A1 公开日:20220119
摘要:An apparatus including a fluidic input and a die including a microfluidic chamber, may receive a biologic sample. The microfluidic chamber may include a foyer to contain a portion of the biologic sample, and an inlet impedance-based sensor to detect passage of a cell of the biologic sample into the foyer. A target nozzle may eject a first volume, corresponding with a target concentration of cells of the biologic sample. A spittoon nozzle may eject a second volume of the portion of the biologic sample into a spittoon location. An output impedance-based sensor may be disposed within a threshold distance of the target nozzle to detect passage of a cell of the biologic sample into the target nozzle. Moreover, the apparatus may include circuitry to control firing of the target nozzle and the spittoon nozzle based on signals received from the inlet impedancebased sensor and the output impedance-based sensor.



细胞反应器关键参数英文回答:Cellular reactors are devices used to cultivate and study cells in a controlled environment. They are widely used in various fields, including biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and bioengineering. The key parameters of a cellular reactor play a crucial role in determining the efficiency and productivity of the cell culture process. Here are some important parameters:1. Temperature: Maintaining the right temperature is essential for cell growth and metabolism. Different cell types have different temperature requirements, and it is important to optimize the temperature to ensure optimalcell growth and productivity.2. pH: The pH level of the cell culture medium affects cell growth and metabolism. Most cells prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH range (around 7.2-7.4). Monitoring andcontrolling the pH level is crucial to ensure proper cell growth and maintain a stable environment.3. Oxygen concentration: Cells require oxygen for their metabolic processes. The oxygen concentration in the cell culture medium can affect cell growth and productivity. It is important to maintain an adequate oxygen supply to support cell growth and prevent oxygen limitation.4. Nutrient concentration: Cells need a balanced supply of nutrients to grow and divide. The concentration of essential nutrients, such as sugars, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, should be optimized to support cell growth and productivity. Monitoring and controlling the nutrient concentration is vital to ensure optimal cell culture conditions.5. Agitation and mixing: Proper agitation and mixing of the cell culture medium are important for distributing nutrients and oxygen evenly throughout the culture. This helps to prevent nutrient depletion and maintain a uniform environment for cell growth.6. Cell density and seeding density: The initial cell density and seeding density can significantly impact the growth and productivity of cells. It is important to optimize these parameters to achieve the desired cell concentration and maximize cell growth.7. Residence time: The residence time refers to the duration that cells spend in the reactor. It is importantto determine the appropriate residence time to allow sufficient time for cell growth and productivity without compromising cell viability.8. Contamination control: Maintaining a sterile environment is crucial to prevent contamination in cellular reactors. Strict aseptic techniques and regular monitoringof the culture for contamination are essential to ensurethe reliability and reproducibility of experimental results.中文回答:细胞反应器是一种用于在受控环境中培养和研究细胞的装置。



Determined by MTT methodSuspended cells.The MTT analysis is based on the living cell metabolites 3 - (4, 5) - dimethylthiahiazo (-z-y1) -3, 5 - di - phenytetrazoliumromumromide, MTT thiazole blue. Determined by MTT for yellow compound, is a kind of hydrogen ion dye, mitochondrial respiratory chain, can be applied to living cells in and succinate dehydrogenase tetrazolium ring crack under the action of cytochrome C, generating blue formazan crystals, generation of formazan crystals only is proportional to the number of living cells (succinate dehydrogenase and disappear dead cells, cannot be determined by MTT reduction). Reduction formazan crystals can be generated in the 50% of N, N - dimethyl formamide and 20% of 12 methyl sulfonic acid sodium (pH 4.7) determined by MTT dissolve dissolved in the liquid, 490 nm enzyme standard instrument has been applied to the determination of optical density OD value, to reflect the number of live cells. You can also use the DMSO to dissolve. Both the MTT powder and the solution need to be kept away from the light, wrapped in aluminum foil. At the time of the experiment, it was recommended to close the fluorescent lights on the overnet.Here are the steps:1: inoculation cells: a single cell suspension with a 10% fetal calf serum, per hole? 1000-10,000 cells were inoculated with 96 orifice plates and 200ul per pore volume. ? ? ?Cultured cells: cultivate the conditions for 3-5 days(according to the purpose and requirement of the test). ? ? ?3: color: training for 3 to 5 days later, every hole and determined by MTT solution (5 mg/ml with PBS > < ph = 7.4) 20 ul. Continue to four hours of incubation, termination, abandon hole culture supernatant on absorption, carefully for suspension cells need centrifugal suction abandon hole again after culture supernatant. Every hole plus 150ul DMSO, oscillation 10? Points? The clock makes the crystal clear. ? ? ?4: color: select 490 nm wavelength, determine the Kong Guang absorption on enzyme-linked immune monitoring value, record the results, in time for the abscissa, cell growth curve drawing absorbance value as the ordinate.Note:Select the appropriate cell concentration. ?Avoid serum interference: the serum culture of the cow serum is less than 10%. After color, try to absorb the residual culture fluid. ?3, blank contrast: in parallel with the experiment, the blank contrast of a cell with only medium. Other test steps remain consistent, and the final color is zero. The MTT's experimental absorbance will end up between 0 and 0.7, which is not a linear relationship. For example, to develop smmc-7721 liver cancer with 96 perforation, the MTT test cell activity should be added 200ul 1640, 20 ulMTT, 150ul DMSO. Before adding DMSO, try to remove the medium and make it easier for DMSO to dissolve theparticles. Generally it is advisable to 4000 cells per hole, both cell concentration in 20000 / ml, determined by MTT and 20 ul, wash after four hours on a clear liquid, be careful not to wash armour 瓉, then every hole, plus 150 ul DMSO oscillation on decolorization of bed for 10 minutes, and then measuring absorbance values.Adherent cells:Determined by MTTYellow thiazole, hereinafter referred to as determined by MTT, can through the cell membrane into the cell, living cells succinic dehydrogenase in mitochondria troubled exogenous determined by MTT reduction can dissolve in water needle Formazan crystal violet and deposition in the cell,The crystallography can be dissolved by dimethylsulfosone (DMSO), which is measured at 490nm wavelengths by the enzyme-linked immunoassay, which indirectly reflects the number of cells.Second, the experimental step (applied to the lining cells)1) collect the logarithmic stage cells, adjust the concentration of the cell suspension, divide into 96 holes, 180 mu l per hole, 3000 to 10,000 / hole.2) set of 37 ℃ and 5% CO2 incubator culture make the cell wall, 6-24 hours a day.3) add a sieve sample of 20 mu l and continue to train for 44 hours.4) take care to take care of it, add 80 mu l fresh RPMI 1640 medium, add 20 ul MTT solution (5 mg/ml, 0.5 MTT), continue to cultivate 4 h.6) then take off the top, and add 150 ul dimethyl sulfoxide to each hole, and 10 min at low speed in the rocking bed, and dissolve the crystal. The absorbance of each hole was measured at 490 nm.7)? At the same time set the zero hole, determined by MTT, dimethyl sulfoxide (medium), controlled hole (cells, and the same concentration of drug dissolution medium, culture, determined by MTT, dimethyl sulfoxide), each group set 3 holes.8)? The calculated inhibition ratio is equal to (control-blank).No one who has ever done cell culture has no idea what the MTT method is. This article is only for the doorman's literacy.Determined by MTT principleThe MTT is called 3 - (4, 5) - dimethylthiahiazo (-z-y1) -3, 5-di-phenytetrazoliumromide, which is a yellow dye. Living cells metabolism of succinate dehydrogenase in mitochondria can restore determined by MTT, under the action of cytochrome C at the same time, the generation of blue (or purple) does not dissolve in water armour Za (Formazan), a Za how can enzyme mark at 570 nm was measured. In normal cases, the amount of the product is proportional to the number of living cells, so thenumber of living cells can be inferred according to the light density OD. Since there is no succinate dehydrogenase in dead cells, there is no reaction to joining MTT. The MTT solution is usually made up of 5mg/ml. Therefore, can be said to take determined by MTT 0.5 grams, soluble in 100 ml of phosphate buffer solution (PBS) or medium without phenol red, with 0.22 mu m filter membrane filtration to remove the bacteria in the solution, put 4 ℃ avoid light preservation. In the process of distribution and preservation, the containers are best wrapped in aluminum foil. It is important to note that the MTT method can only be used to detect the relative and relative vitality of cells, but cannot determine the absolute number of cells. The MTT absorbance is best at 0-0.7 in order to ensure that the results are linear in the test results.Determined by MTT principleDetermined by MTT called the 3 - (4, 5) - dimethylthiahiazo (z - y1) - 3, 5 - di - phenytetrazoliumromide, Chinese chemical called 3 - (4, 5 - dimethyl thiazole - 2) - 2, 5 - diphenyl four azole nitrogen bromide salts, name of commodity: thiazole blue. It's a yellow dye.MTT colorimetry is a way of detecting cell survival and growth. Its detection principle for living cells succinate dehydrogenase in mitochondria can make the exogenous determined by MTT reduction for water insoluble violet crystal Formazan (Formazan) and deposition in cells, the cells die without this feature.Dimethylsulfosulfone (DMSO) can dissolve the methyl group in cells, and the enzyme-linked immunoassay is measured at 490nm wavelengths, which indirectly reflects thenumber of living cells. In a certain number of cells, the amount of MTT crystallization is proportional to the number of cells. This method has been widely used in the activity of some bioactive factors detection, large-scale antitumor drug screening, cell toxicity test and determination of tumor radiosensitivity. It is characterized by high sensitivity and economy.Disadvantages: because the MTT produced by reduction is not soluble in water, it will need to be dissolved before it can be detected. This not only increases the amount of work, but also affects the accuracy of the results, and dissolves the organic solvent of the nail.The solution of MTT solutionNormally, the MTT concentration in this method is 5mg/ml. Therefore, can be said to take determined by MTT 0.5 grams, soluble in 100 ml of phosphate buffer solution (PBS) or medium without phenol red, with 0.22 mu m filter membrane filtration to remove the bacteria in the solution, put 4 ℃ avoid light preservation. In the process of distribution and preservation, the containers are best wrapped in aluminum foil. In the experiment, I generally shut off the fluorescent lamp on the supernet to avoid the light and feel better.It is important to note that the MTT method can only be used to detect the relative and relative vitality of cells, but cannot determine the absolute number of cells. The MTT absorbance is best at 0-0.7 in order to ensure that the results are linear in the test results.MTT is usually best used now for filtering. C avoid light preservation is valid for two weeks, or made into 5 mg/ml is saved in the long-term preservation - 20 degrees, to avoid repeated freezing and thawing, small dose best packing, avoid light bags or black paper, tinfoil live away from light in order to avoid decomposition. I usually determined by MTT powder packing in EP tube, and use it every time now, added directly to the culture plate, there is no need to match so much all of a sudden, especially when determined by MTT into celadon is absolutely can't use any more.MTT is carcinogenic, careful when used, and it is best to bring that transparent film glove. It doesn't matter if you don't run out of light when you add to the 96-hole plate. After all, you can turn off the light on the operating table when you're not comfortable.When MTT was made, the MTT was dissolved with PBS (ph = 7.4). The PBS formula: Nacl 8g + Kcl 0.2 g + Na2HPO4 1.44 g + KH2PO4 0.24 g, the pH 7.4, for 1L.Common MTT method:1: inoculation cells: a single cell suspension with a 10% fetal calf serum, with 1, 000 to 10, 000 microcells per poreThe cells were inoculated with 96 orifice plates and 200ul per pore volume.Cultured cells: cultivate the conditions for 3-5 days(according to the purpose and requirement of the test).Color: 3 to 5 days later, each hole plus MTT solution (5mg/ml with PBS, pH = 7.4) 20ul.To terminate the culture, carefully absorb the fluid from the hole, and then develop the liquid in the resorption after centrifugal resorption.Add 150ul DMSO, oscillation 10min, to dissolve the crystal.Colorimetric: choose 490nm wavelength, determine the absorption value of each pore by the enzyme linked immune monitor, and record the result in timeAbscissa,The absorbance is the vertical mapping of the cell growth curve.Drug MTT procedureAdherent cells:1: collect logarithmic stage cells, adjust the concentration of the cell suspension, add 100ul to each hole, and make the pad the density 1000 -10, 000 holes (edge holes filled with sterile PBS).2:5% CO2, 37 ℃ incubation to cell monolayer covered the bottom of the hole (96 Kong Ping floor), to join the concentration gradient of the drug, in principle,The cells can be taken after the wall, or two hours, or half a day, but we often make the board the previous afternoon, the next morningAdd medicine. 5-7 gradients, 100ul per hole, 3-5 multiple holes. Suggest 5, otherwise it will be difficult to respond to the real situation3:5% CO2, 37 ℃ incubation 16-48 hours, were observed under inverted microscope.4: add 20ulMTT solution per hole (5mg/ml, 0.5 MTT) and continue to develop 4h. If the drug reacts with MTT,After centrifugation, you can discard the culture medium, and carefully use PBS to run two to three times, then add MTT medium.5: stop the culture and carefully inhale the medium.6: add 150ul dimethyl sulfoxide to each hole, and 10min at low speed in the rocking bed. Dissolve the crystal. Exemption in enzyme-linkedThe epidemic detection instrument OD490nm measures the absorbance of each hole.7: set the zero hole at the same time, determined by MTT, dimethyl sulfoxide (medium), controlled hole (cells, and the same concentration of drug dissolution medium, culture, determined by MTT, dimethyl sulfoxide).Suspended cells.1: collect logarithmic stage cells, regulate the concentration of cell suspension 1 by 106 / ml, and in order to make up 1640 (serum)Base 40 ul. 2 + Actinomycin D (toxic) 10ul is diluted with medium (stored liquid 100mg/ml, for pre-trial search for optimum dilution, 1:10-1:20); They need to be tested for 10ul; The cell suspension is 50ul (that is, 5 times 104cell/hole), and 100 ul is added to the 96 orifice plate (edge hole is filled with aseptic water). Each panel has a control (+ 100ml 1640)2:37 ℃ and 5% CO2 incubation 16-48 hours, were observed under inverted microscope.3: add 10 ul MTT solution (5 mg/ml, 0.5 MTT) per hole, and continue to train 4 h. (suspension cells are recommended for useThe WST - 1, 4 h, can be skipped step 4), and the direct enzyme-linked immune detector OD570nm (630nm calibration) measures the suction value of each hole.Centrifuge (1, 000x10min), carefully absorb the upper and lower, each hole adds 100 ul dimethyl sulfone, the low speed oscillation 10 min in the rocking bed, and dissolve the crystal. The photometry OD570nm (630nm calibration) measures the absorbance of the holes.5, at the same time set the zero pore, determined by MTT, dimethyl sulfoxide (medium), controlled hole (cells, and the same concentration of drug dissolution medium, culture, determined by MTT, dimethyl sulfoxide), each group set 3 holes.Note:(1) select the appropriate cell concentration.(2) avoid serum interference: the medium of the serum of a fetal cow is less than 10%. Try to absorb as much as possible after colorInternal residual medium.(3) a blank comparison: a blank comparison of the experimental parallel with the medium. Other trial steps remain consistent,The final color is zero for the color.(4) the MTT experiment absorbance is between 0 and 0.7,Beyond that is not a linear relationship.(5) how much of the 1640 culture medium should be added to the MTT cell with 96 perforation cells, how many MTT and DMSO are suitableAccording to the book, the 200 ulm 1640, 20ulMTT, 150ulDMSO plus DMSO should be removed as far as possibleThe DMSO dissolves a particle of light for a colorimetricdetermination(6) it is advisable to average 4000 cells per hole, both the cell concentration in 20000 / ml, determined by MTT and 20 ul, wash after four hours on a clear liquid, be careful not to wash armour 瓉, then every hole, plus 150 ul DMSO in decoloring shaking bed oscillation for 10 minutes, and then measuring absorbance values. Vote: 1.。

浸没式超滤膜 控制流程

浸没式超滤膜 控制流程

浸没式超滤膜控制流程英文回答:Immersed ultrafiltration membrane control process.The control process of immersed ultrafiltration membrane is crucial for ensuring the efficient and stable operation of the system. In this process, various parameters and variables need to be monitored and adjusted to optimize the filtration performance.One of the key control parameters is the transmembrane pressure (TMP), which refers to the pressure difference across the membrane. Maintaining a stable TMP is essential to prevent membrane fouling and ensure the consistent permeate quality. Typically, the TMP is controlled by adjusting the feed flow rate and the permeate flow rate. If the TMP exceeds the specified limit, it may indicatefouling or other issues, and appropriate actions should be taken to mitigate the problem.Another important control parameter is the backwash process. Periodic backwashing is necessary to remove accumulated solids and debris from the membrane surface, which can improve the filtration efficiency and prolong the membrane lifespan. The backwash process can be controlled based on time intervals or triggered by specific conditions, such as a certain increase in TMP or a decrease in permeate flux. Once the backwash is initiated, the system will automatically adjust the flow rates and pressures to ensure effective cleaning.In addition to these control parameters, monitoring the feed water quality is also crucial. Parameters such as turbidity, suspended solids, and organic matter concentration should be continuously monitored to detectany changes or deviations. If the water quality deteriorates, it may affect the membrane performance and require adjustments in the control process. For example, if the turbidity exceeds the specified limit, a higher backwash frequency or longer duration may be required to maintain the membrane performance.Furthermore, the control process should also consider the energy consumption and cost-effectiveness. Byoptimizing the operating conditions, such as the feed flow rate, backwash frequency, and chemical dosage, the energy consumption can be minimized while maintaining the desired filtration performance. This requires a balance between the operational costs and the desired water quality.In summary, the control process of immersedultrafiltration membrane involves monitoring and adjusting parameters such as transmembrane pressure, backwash process, and feed water quality. By maintaining a stable TMP, performing regular backwashing, and optimizing theoperating conditions, the system can achieve efficient and reliable filtration performance.中文回答:浸没式超滤膜的控制流程。

cell robustness 名词解释

cell robustness 名词解释

cell robustness 名词解释Cell robustness refers to the ability of cells to maintain their normal function and stability in the face of various stressors and challenges. It is a measure of the resilience of cells against damage and dysfunction, enabling them to withstand and recover from adverse conditions.Robust cells are capable of adapting and responding to changes in their environment, such as fluctuations in temperature, pH levels, or nutrient availability. They can tolerate physical stress, such as mechanical pressure or stretching, without losing their structural integrity. Additionally, they possess efficient repair mechanisms that enable them to recover from DNA damage, protein misfolding, or other cellular insults.Cell robustness is crucial for the overall health and longevity of an organism, as it ensures the proper functioning of tissues and organs. It plays a role in maintaining homeostasis and preventing or mitigating the onset of diseases and aging-related degeneration.Factors that contribute to cell robustness include genetic factors, such as DNA repair enzymes or stress response genes, as well as epigenetic modifications that regulate gene expression. Environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins or oxidative stress, can also influence cell robustness. Various cellular processes, including autophagy, proteostasis, and mitochondrial function, contribute to maintaining cell robustness.Understanding the mechanisms underlying cell robustness can have implications for medical research and therapeuticdevelopment. It can help identify potential targets for interventions aimed at enhancing cell robustness, thereby promoting overall health and delaying the onset of age-related diseases.。



·研究简报·基于电聚多巴胺技术一锅法快速构建生物活性界面的研究*李紫珺任科峰**王金磊计剑**(浙江大学高分子科学与工程学系教育部高分子合成与功能构造教育部重点实验室杭州310027)摘要通过精确控制电化学参数采用循环伏安法在中性无氧水环境中制备得到膜厚可控的电聚多巴胺膜,并将这种电聚多巴胺技术与生物活性分子的负载相结合,通过一锅法电聚得到含RE DV活性短肽的聚多巴胺活性膜,快速便捷地构建了具有促内皮细胞粘附的生物活性界面.椭圆偏振仪、扫描电子显微镜证实了材料界面上形成了均一的聚多巴胺膜; X射线光电子能谱以及荧光分析结果证实了RE DV短肽已负载于电聚多巴胺涂层中.内皮细胞体外黏附实验证实RE DV短肽保持了良好活性,可有效促进内皮细胞黏附、铺展及粘着斑的形成.这种一锅法快速制备具有生物活性的电聚多巴胺涂层技术有望为复杂的导电生物材料和装置的多功能界面修饰提供新的途径.关键词电聚合,聚多巴胺,RE DV短肽,一锅法,内皮细胞界面修饰方法对生物材料的物理化学性质和生物学应用等具有重要影响.目前常见的材料表面功能化修饰法技术,如层层自组装法[1]、表面等离子体处理[2]、单分子自组装法[3]等往往因为繁琐的制备步骤、苛刻的反应条件或基底材料与修饰基团严格的化学反应配对等原因而受到限制.M essers m it h 等[4]发现仿贻贝粘连蛋白的多巴胺分子在碱性有氧水环境下能够自聚合,在包括金属、金属氧化物、高聚物甚至超疏水表面等多种材料表面沉积成膜,且该过程不受三维结构限制[5~7],显示出极为巨大的潜在应用,已经成为表面修饰领域的研究热点之一[8].虽然聚多巴胺形成机理还不甚清楚[9],但由于其可以进一步与氨基或巯基发生加成反应,由此可以实现膜表面生物活性分子(多糖、生长因子、蛋白质等)的固定[10,11],因而被广泛应用于生物材料表面修饰领域[12].然而,该经典聚多巴胺膜的制备极大依赖于碱性有氧环境,并且生物分子的引入需要通过二次反应,整个过程耗时且步骤繁琐.研究发现多巴胺分子沉积成膜的首要条件是多巴胺被氧化为多巴醌[13],而电化学是调控氧化还原反应的有效手段.即使在中性或弱酸性环境中,多巴胺在电化学作用下也会在电极表面聚合成膜[14],有研究将酶通过表面固定或同步负载与电聚多巴胺相结合,应用于生物传感器领域[13,15].本研究以此为启示,将电聚多巴胺技术与具有特异性诱导内皮细胞黏附的RE DV生物活性短肽相结合,通过一锅法制备得到具有促进内皮细胞黏附的功能界面.与传统的碱性溶液自聚合方法比较,电聚多巴胺一锅法技术使聚合膜的形成、增长和生物活性分子的捕捉或负载在溶液中同步进行,具有简单快速的特点.该技术有望应用于各种成分、形状的导电性装置表面,为快速构建导电材料活性界面寻求切实可行的途径.1 实验仪器与原料所有电化学实验均在C H I660C电化学工作站上进行.电化学研究采用经典三电极体系,工作电极为金电极或I T O玻璃(有效工作面积为1. 0 cm×1. 0 cm),涉及细胞实验时使用I T O玻璃,其余均使用金电极.参比电极为饱和甘汞电极(SC E),铂片作为辅助电极.实验中所给出的电位值均相对于SC E.多巴胺盐酸盐(dopam i ne hydr ochlor i de)购自Si gm a;活性短肽RE DV(序列GRE DVY K,G l y-A r g-G l u-A s p-V al-T yr)和参比短肽RE VD(序列GRE VDY K,G l y-A r g-G l u-V al-A s p-* 2013-06-28 收稿,2013-09-22 修稿;国家自然科学基金(基金号51025312,50830106,21174126,51103126 )和浙江省科技厅优先主题重点社会发展项目(项目号2010c3025-2)资助.**通讯联系人,E-m a il:r enkf@z j u.e du.c n;jiji a n@z j u.e du.c ndo i:10.3724 /S P.J.1105.2014.13225173T yr) 以及荧光标记的活性短肽RE DV F I T C购自上海科肽生物技术有限公司.2电聚多巴胺膜(eP DA)及含活性短肽的复合膜(eP DA@RE DV)制备工作电极每次使用前用丙酮和水(M illi-Q)依次超声5 m i n,氮气吹干,最后在0.5 m ol/LH2SO4溶液中从-0.2 V到1.4 V进行循环伏安扫描,直到获得稳定的伏安曲线.然后将电极置于1.0 m g/m L 多巴胺的磷酸缓冲溶液(P B S,0.01 m ol/L,pH= 7.4) 中采用循环伏安法聚合一定时间后P B S 清洗3 次,N2吹干.其电位扫描区间为-0.5 ~0.5 V,扫描速度为50 m V/s.对于一锅法负载活性短肽膜的制备,在1.0 m g/m L 多巴胺溶液中加入RE V D或RE DV短肽( 0.5 m g/m L) ,然后以上述循环伏安法进行电聚4 h 制备得到( eP DA@RE DV) 复合膜.对涉及X PS 测试与荧光测试的复合膜的制备,采用RE DV/RE DV F I T C ( 2∶3,W∶W) 混合的荧光标记体系.所有电聚合反应均在通氮除氧环境下室温中进行.3材料的表征及细胞实验为证实多巴胺在电极表面电聚成膜的过程,椭圆偏振仪( 椭偏,m odel VA SE,J.A.W ool l am I nc.,L i ncol n,N E) 观察了电聚多巴胺膜厚度的动力学增长,场发射扫描电子显微镜( F E-SE M,H it achi S-4800) 观察了膜表面形貌.对于一锅法负载活性短肽体系,采用X射线光电子谱( X PS,K r atos A xis U lt r a D L D) 检测电极表面修饰前后元素组成变化.复合膜中负载的活性短肽在模拟生理环境的P B S( pH= 7.4) 中的稳定性通过孔板荧光计检测( F l uor os kan A scent FL,T her m o Scient ifi c) .为检验eP DA@RE DV复合膜对内皮细胞黏附行为的影响,在eP DA、eP DA@RE DV及参照体系eP DA@RE VD表面按14000 cel l s/cm2的种植密度种上人脐带静脉内皮细胞( H UV EC s) ,在37 ℃,5%C O2的培养箱中培养1 h.然后多聚甲醛( 3.7%) 室温固定细胞10 m i n 后进行免疫荧光染色.使用罗丹明-鬼笔环肽( 1 ∶ 800,Si gm a) 及4',6-di am i di no-2-phenyl i ndole( DA P I) ( 2 μg/m L) 分别染色细胞骨架和细胞核.使用一抗(1 ∶400,V9131,Si gm a) 和二抗( 1 ∶500,A11029,I nvi t r ogen) 对纽蛋白( vi ncul i n )染色.细胞在荧光显微镜( Z eiss A xover t200 m i cros copy) 或激光共聚焦显微镜( L ei ca W etz l ar) 下观察,每组3 个平行样,每个样品至少取5 张照片,用I m ageJ软件对图片处理以及细胞计数,统计不同表面的细胞黏附情况.4多巴胺电聚膜的表征首先用椭偏跟踪了电聚多巴胺膜的增长,图1 显示电聚多巴胺膜的厚度在电聚合刚开始的1 h内迅速增大,随后膜厚增速渐缓,至8.3 h 时膜厚达到28. 6 nm.由于聚多巴胺为不导电膜,因此我们认为这个现象的主要原因可能是由于聚多巴胺膜层的电绝缘性阻隔了电极表面与溶液中多巴胺分子的电子传递,导致氧化聚合反应逐渐受到抑制.随后通过SE M观察了电聚多巴胺膜的表面形貌,从图2 可以清楚地观察到电极表面形成了具有一定粗糙度的聚多巴胺膜,但该膜整体均匀平整.这些数据均证明了电聚多巴胺膜的成功制备.F i g. 1 T hickness g r o w t h o f po l ydopa m i ne f abr i ca t e d o ngo l d sur f ace ve r sus ti m e base d o n e l ec t r oche m i s t r y t r ea t m ent5RE DV活性短肽的一锅法负载为了进一步探索利用电聚技术便捷地实现复杂功能界面的构建,我们在上述电聚多巴胺膜的技术基础上引入生物活性分子,希望能够一锅法制备生物活性聚多巴胺界面.RE DV活性短肽是一种内皮细胞特异性分子,它可以通过与α4β1整合素亚基作用诱导内皮细胞黏附和迁移[16,17].将多巴胺和RE DV短肽分子混合溶液进行一锅法电聚4 h 后,椭偏测试eP DA@RE DV膜厚达到23.2 nm,和单纯eP DA膜厚22.4 nm相比无差异,说明RE DV短肽对膜厚的增长没有影响,这可能与短肽自身的分子量比较小有关.X PS 谱图( 图3) 显示,经一锅法修饰的表面除了多巴胺沉积膜所含有的C、N、O3 种元素峰外,在160 eV 处还出现了属于RE DV-F I T C的S 元素峰,表明多巴F i g. 2 SE M pho t og r aphs o f ba r e go l d (a)a nd po l ydopa m i ne(b)obta i ne d by e l ec t r opo l y m e r i za ti o n f o r 4 hF i g. 3 X PS spec t r a o f e P DA,e P DA@REDV a nd e P DA@REDV'e P DA@REDV'r epresents a m odi fi e d surf ace obta i ne d byi mm e r s i o n o f e P DA-REDV i n P B S f o r 15 h. T he i nse t sho w sa sul f ur pea k a t t he r ange o f100 e V t o200 e V.F i g. 4 Re l eas i ng behav i o r o fREDV F I T C f r o m e P DA@REDV fil m i n P B S (pH= 7.4)胺沉积膜通过一锅法成功负载了RE DV短肽.为研究RE DV短肽负载后其在膜内的稳定性,将该膜置于模拟生理环境的P B S缓冲溶液中,通过荧光强度变化观察复合膜内RE DV分子的释放行为.荧光数据表明(图4),溶液荧光值随时间增加而迅速增大并在6h后趋于平缓,表明膜中有部分RE DV短肽释放进入溶液中,然而膜表面的X PS谱图(图3)显示仍有S元素的存在,说明一锅法制备的eP DA@RE DV膜在仿生理条件下,最终仍有部分RE DV短肽可稳定修饰于膜表面.这种现象可能与RE DV短肽负载于聚多巴胺膜的方式有关.数据表明,RE DV短肽既有物理吸附和包埋进入膜中,也有部分通过化学共价方式修饰于膜内,短肽的氨基与聚多巴胺的醌式结构发生M i chael 加成反应从而与膜形成共价连接.因此荧光数据表现出RE DV短肽短时间内的快速释放.6eP DA@ RE DV 复合膜促进内皮细胞黏附我们在eP DA@RE DV复合膜表面进行内皮细胞的培养,以验证该种生物活性膜的作用.内皮细胞在3种膜表面黏附1h后,对其细胞骨架进行染色,并对细胞黏附密度和铺展面积进行了统计和分析.从荧光照片数据中,可以看到,内皮细胞均能够在3种表面黏附和铺展(图5).然而,eP DA@RE DV膜表面能够明显促进内皮细胞的黏附和铺展,相对于负载了参照短肽(RE VD)的膜与单纯eP DA膜,表现出更高的细胞黏附密度和平均铺展面积(图5,5(a3)、5(b1)、5(b2)).由此说明eP DA@RE DV膜中负载的RE DV短肽显现出了对内皮细胞特异的促黏附效果.我们进一步考察了黏附后内皮细胞的骨架和黏着斑.图6 为内皮细胞在3种膜表面的F-act i n和vi ncul i n的荧光标记.可以观察到,当内皮细胞在eP DA@ RE DV膜表面黏附1h后,可以观察到明显的斑点状的黏着斑结构.而在另2种膜的表面还未能观察到类似的黏着斑,由此说明,RE DV短肽的确是通过促进整合素与黏着斑的形成,从而加快内皮细胞的黏附和铺展.这些内皮细胞黏附实验证明,一锅法eP DA@RE DV膜中的RE DV短肽保持了其特有的生物活性.F i g. 5 M i c r o i m ages o f H UVEC s adhe r e d t o e P DA(a1),e P DA@REVD(a2)a nd e P DA@REDV(a3)f o r1 hC e ll s w e r e s t a i ne d w it h nuc l eus(blue)a nd F-ac ti n (r e d));T he quant ifi ca ti o n r esul t s o f ce ll dens it y(b1)a nd spreading a r ea(b2).F i g. 6 C onfoca l i m ages o f H UVEC s adhe r e d t o e P DA(a1 ~c1),e P DA@REVD(a2 ~c2)a nd e P DA@REDV(a3 ~c3)f o r1 h C e ll s w e r e s t a i ne d f o r F-ac ti n (a1 ~a3),v i ncul i n (b1 ~b3)a nd m e r ge(c1 ~c3).7结论多巴胺通过电化学聚合方法可在导电材料表面聚合成膜,并且通过与生物活性分子相结合,一锅法制备带活性短肽RE DV的聚多巴胺膜,实现生物活性分子的快速负载.细胞研究结果表明通过上述方式修饰了RE DV的膜表面可有效促进内皮细胞的黏附、铺展和黏着斑的形成,提高材料表面细胞亲和力,为电聚技术实现更复杂材料和器件表面的多功能修饰提供依据.该种电聚多巴胺表面修饰技术将在生物材料、医用装置等领域有着潜在的重要应用.REFERE N CE S1 D eche r G.Sc i ence,1997,277(5330):1232 ~12372 F av i a P,d’A gos ti noR.Sur f C oa t T ec h,1998,98(1):1102 ~11063 H uda ll a G A,M urphy W L.So ft M a tt e r,2011,7(20):9561 ~95714 L ee H,D e ll a t o r e S M,M ill e r W M,M esse r s m it h P B.Sc i ence,2007,318:426 ~4305 W ang J L,Re n K F,C hang H,J i a F,L i B C,J i Y,J i J.M ac r o m o l B i osc i,2013,13(4):483 ~4936 Z hang X,W ang S,X u L,F eng L,J i Y,T ao L,L i S,W e i Y.N anosca l e,2012,4(18):5581 ~55847 Z hang X,L i u M,Z hang Y,Y ang B,J i Y,F eng L,T ao L,L i S,W e i Y.RSC A dv,2012,2(32):12153 ~121558 Y e Q,Z ho u F,L i u W.C he m SocRev,2011,40(7):4244 ~42589 H ong S,N a Y S,C ho i S,Song I T,K i m W Y,L ee H.A dv F unc t M a t e r,2012,22(22):4711 ~471710 L ynge M E,va n de r W es t e n R,P os t m a A,Stadle r B.N anosca l e,2011,3(12):4916 ~492811 L ee Y B,Shi n Y M,L ee J H,J un I,K ang J K,P a r k J C,Shi n H.B i o m a t e r i a l s,2012,33(33):8343 ~835212 W e i Q,L i B,Y i N,Su B,Y i n Z,Z hang F,L i J,Z hao C.J B i o m e d M a t e rRes P a r t A,2011,96(1):38 ~4513 H e H,X i e Q,Y ao S.J C o ll o i d I nte r Sc i,2005,289(2):446 ~45414 L i Y L,L i u M L,X i ang C H,X i e Q J,Y ao S Z. 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T his pr oces s w as pr eceded under a neut r al envi r onm ent and i n t he absence of oxygen.M os t i m por t ant l y,w it h precisel y cont r ol l ed elect r ochem i cal par am eters,t his dopam i ne elect r opol ym er i zat i on t echnique can be f ur t her com bi ned w it h bioact i ve m olecules m odi fi cat i on v ia a one-pot s t r at egy t o cons t r uct f unct i onal i z ed sur f aces.B y elect r opol ym er i zat i on of dopam i ne i n a one-pot m i xtur e w it h RE DV pept i de,an endot hel i al cel l s( EC s) speci fi c li gand,EC s adhes i on enhanced bioact i ve sur f ace i ncorpor at ed w it h RED V w as obtai ned.E lli ps om et r y and s canning elect r on m i cros copy ( SE M) conf i r m ed t he hom ogeneous eP DA fil m f abr i cat i on.X-r ay phot oelect r on spect r os copy( X PS ) and fl uor es cence analys i s r esul t s dem ons t r at ed t he s ucces s f ul i ncorpor at i on ofRE DV pept i de i nt o eP DA fil m s ( eP DA@RE DV) .C el l s adhes i on exper i m ents s ugges t ed an excel l ent act i vi t y of i ncorpor at edRE DV pept i de w as r etai ned.F ur t her m or e,EC s exhibi t ed i m pr oved at t achm ent,spreadi ng and vi ncul i n f or m at i on on eP DA@ RE DV f unct i onal i z ed sur f ace. T his dopam i ne elect r opol ym er i zat i on ass i s t ed one-pot s t r at egy f or r api d cons t r uct i on of bioact i ve sur f aces provi des an i nnovat i ve approach f or m ul tif unct i onal m odi fi cat i on of com pl i cat ed conduct i ve bi om ater i als and devi ces.K eyw ord s E l ect r opol ym er i zat i on,P ol ydopam i ne,RE DV pept i de,O ne-pot,E ndot hel i al cel l s* C o rr esponding autho r s:K e-f engRe n,E-m a il:r enkf@z j u.e du.c nJ i a n J i,E-m a il:jiji a n@z j u.e du.c n。

Ivermectin注射液1%清洁液 cattle和猪可用于说明书

Ivermectin注射液1%清洁液 cattle和猪可用于说明书

081517Cattle and SwineIvermectin Injection 1% Sterile Solution is a parasiticide for the treatment and control of internal and external parasites of cattle and swine.Tel800-821-5570|Fax816-224-3080|***************Cattle: Ivermectin Injection is indicated for the effective treatment and control of harmful species of gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, grubs, sucking lice, and mange mites in cattle.Swine: Ivermectin Injection is indicated for the effective treatment and control of harmful species of gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, lice, and mange mites in swine.• Broad Spectrum: effective against a wide range of external and internal parasites in beef cattle and swine • Convenient: single, small volume dose required• Effective: causes paralysis and death of parasites and helps prevent reinfection• Package safety: rigid plastic vials provide for a firm grip and prevent breakage, individual vial cartons protect vial contents from sunlight• Economical: inexpensive on a cost per dose basis • Safe: approved by FDABenefits:50 mL vials, 12 vials per case, UPC# 7-45801-11015-1250 mL vials, 12 vials per case, UPC# 7-45801-11017-5500 mL vials, 12 vials per case, UPC# 7-45801-11018-2See insert for Indications, Administration and Dosage.Packaging:081517Persistent ActivityIvermectin Injection has been proved to effectively control infections and to protect cattle fromreinfection with Dictyocaulus viviparus and Oesophagostomum radiatum for 28 days after treatment; Ostertagia ostertagi , Trichostrongylus axei and Cooperia punctata for 21 days after treatment; Haemonchus placei and Cooperia oncophora for 14 days after treatment.Swine: Ivermectin Injection is indicated for the effective treatment and control of the following harmful species of gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, lice, and mange mites in swine:Gastrointestinal Roundworms:Large roundworm, Ascaris suum (adults and fourth-stage larvae)Red stomach worm, Hyostrongylus rubidus (adults and fourth-stage larvae)Nodular worm, Oesophagostomum spp.(adults and fourth-stage larvae)Threadworm, Strongyloides ransomi (adults)Somatic Roundworm Larvae:Threadworm, Strongyloides ransomi (somatic larvae)Sows must be treated at least seven days before farrowing to prevent infection in piglets.Lungworms:Metastrongylus spp. (adults)Lice:Haematopinus suis Mange Mites:Sarcoptes scabiei var. suisDOSAGECattle: Ivermectin Injection should be given only by subcutaneous injection under the loose skin in front of or behind the shoulder at the recommended dose level of 200 mcg of ivermectin perkilogram of body weight. Each mL of Ivermectin Injection contains 10 mg of ivermectin, sufficient to treat 110 lb (50 kg) of body weight (maximum 10 mL per injection site).Swine: Ivermectin Injection should be given only by subcutaneous injection in the neck of swine at the recommended dose level of 300 mcg of ivermectin per kilogram (2.2 lb) of body weight. Each mL of Ivermectin Injection contains 10 mg of ivermectin, sufficient to treat 75 lb of body weight.ADMINISTRATIONCattle: Ivermectin Injection is to be given subcutaneously only, to reduce risk of potentially fatal clostridial infection of the injection site. Animals should be appropriately restrained to achieve the proper route of administration. Use of a 16-gauge, ½ to ¾” needle is suggested. Inject under the loose skin in front of or behind the shoulder (see illustration).When using the 50 mL, 250 mL or 500 mL package size, use only automatic syringe e sterile equipment and sanitize the injection site by applying a suitable disinfectant.1% Sterile SolutionA Parasiticide for the Treatment and Control of Internal and External Parasites of Cattle and Swine.Consult your veterinarian for assistance in the diagnosis, treatment, and control of parasitism.INTRODUCTIONIvermectin (ivermectin) is an injectable parasiticide for cattle and swine. One low-volume dose effectively treats and controls the following internal and external parasites that may impair the health of cattle and swine: gastrointestinal roundworms (including inhibited Ostertagia ostertagi in cattle), lungworms, grubs, sucking lice, and mange mites of cattle; and gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, lice, and mange mites of swine.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONIvermectin is derived from the avermectins, a family of potent, broad-spectrum antiparasitic agents isolated from fermentation of Streptomyces avermitilis .Ivermectin Injection is a clear, ready-to-use, sterile solution containing 1% ivermectin, 40% glycerol formal, and propylene glycol, q.s. ad 100%. Ivermectin Injection is formulated to deliver the recommended dose level of 200 mcg ivermectin/kilogram of body weight in cattle when given subcutaneously at the rate of 1 mL/110 lb (50 kg). In Swine, Ivermectin Injection is formulated to deliver the recommended dose level of 300 mcg ivermectin/kilogram body weight when given subcutaneously in the neck at the rate of 1 mL per 75 lb (33 kg).MODE OF ACTIONIvermectin is a member of the macrocyclic lactone class of endectocides which have a unique mode of action. Compounds of the class bind selectively and with high affinity to glutamate-gated chloride ion channels which occur in invertebrate nerve and muscle cells. This leads to an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane to chloride ions with hyperpolarization of the nerve or muscle cell, resulting in paralysis and death of the parasite. Compounds of this class may also interact with other ligand-gated chloride channels, such as those gated by the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobu-tyric acid (GABA).The margin of safety for compounds of this class is attributable to the fact that mammals do not have glutamate-gated chloride channels, the macrocyclic lactones have a low affinity for other mammalian ligand-gated chloride channels and they do not readily cross the blood-brain barrier.INDICATIONSCattle: Ivermectin Injection is indicated for the effective treatment and control of the following harmful species of gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, grubs, sucking lice, and mange mites in cattle:Gastrointestinal Roundworms (adults and fourth-stage larvae):Ostertagia ostertagi (including inhibited O. ostertagi )O. lyrataHaemonchus placei Trichostrongylus axei T. colubriformis Cooperia oncophora C. punctata C. pectinataOesophagostomum radiatum Bunostomum phlebotomumNematodirus helvetianus (adults only)N. spathiger (adults only)Lungworms (adults and fourth-stage larvae):Dictyocaulus viviparusCattle Grubs (parasitic stages):Hypoderma bovis H. lineatum Sucking Lice:Linognathus vituliHaematopinus eurysternus Solenopotes capillatus Mites (scabies):Psoroptes ovis (syn. P . communis var. bovis )Sarcoptes scabiei var. bovisANADA 200-447, Approved by FDARestricted Drug (California) - Use Only as Directed.Body Weight (lb)Dose Volume (mL)22033044055066077088099011002345678910Body Weight (lb)Dose Volume (mL)1938751502253003754501/41/2123456Growing PigsBreeding Animals (Sows, Gilts, and Boars)AG10230_8IVE040A_Ivermectin_Insert.indd 12016-02-17 8:49 AM081517。


Constant flow valve
Suction filtration
Comparison of gravity and suction filtration
Gravity Filtration Trans-membrane Pressure at Maximum permeate Equipment Permeate Discharge Pump Flow Control Valve (Constant flow valve etc.) Measurement of transmembrane pressure 12 kPa Not required Not required Level gauge Solenoid or motor valve Influent flowrate
Table 1-1 Size of membrane cartridge
Type 510 Width (mm) 490 Length (mm) 1000 Effective area (m2/cartridge) 0.8 5 Remarks
0.8 m2 /cartridge
3 Selection of Membrane Unit
Type of membrane unit
He igh t (mm) Type Me mbran e c ase + Diffuser c ase EK ES FS 25 00 + 1 00 0 10 00 + 1 00 0 1 0 00 + 50 0 De e p water (>= 4.2 m) As stan dard Sh allow wate r Application
2-2 Required quantity of aeration tank BOD loading used : Required volume of aeration tank = Influent BOD conc. x Influent flowrate / BOD loading
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x=0 φ (0) = V
x=L f (L) = 0
d 2φ = −λ2 (c1 − c 2 ), λ2 = stuff × L2 2 dx dc F dφ J1 = −D1 1 + c dx RT 1 dx dc F dφ c2 J 2 = −D2 2 − dx RT dx
Na+-K+ ATPase
Na+-K+ ATPase
Outside the cell K+ Na+•C•P Step 2 ADP Step 1 Step 3 P Step 4 Na+•C K+ Inside the cell Na+ K+•C Na+ K+•C•P
P1 P2
The cell at steady state
3 Na+
We need to model • pumps • ionic currents • osmotic forces
2 K+ Cl-
Typical ionic concentrations
Squid Giant Axon Intracellular Na+ K+ ClExtracellular Na+ K+ Cl437 20 556 110 2.5 90 155 5 112 50 397 40 13 138 3 19 136 78 Frog Sartorius Muscle Human Red Blood Cell
Control of Cell Volume and Membrane Potential
Basic reference: Keener and Sneyd, Mathematical Physiology
Basic problem
• The cell is full of stuff. Proteins, ions, fats, etc. • Ordinarily, these would cause huge osmotic pressures, sucking water into the cell. • The cell membrane has no structural strength, and the cell would burst.
Active pumping
• Clearly, the action of the pumps is crucial for the maintenance of ionic concentration differences • Many different kinds of pumps. Some use ATP as an energy source to pump against a gradient, others use a gradient of one ion to pump another ion against its gradient. • A huge proportion of all the energy intake of a human is devoted to the operation of the ionic pumps.
Boundary conditions
c1 (0) = c i , c 2 (0) = c i , φ (0) = V,
c1 (L) = c e c 2 (L) = c e φ (L) = 0
The short-channel limit
If the channel is short, then L ~ 0 and so λ ~ 0.
( ) ( )
This is the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. Note: a short channel implies independence of ion movement through the channel.
The long-channel limit
[S]e=[S’]e Ve
RT [S]e Vi − Ve = ln F [S]i
(The Nernst potential)
Note: equilibrium only. Tells us nothing about the current. In addition, there is very little actual ion transfer from side to side. We'll discuss the multi-ion case later.
Basic solution
• Cells carefully regulate their intracellular ionic concentrations, to ensure that no osmotic pressures arise • As a consequence, the major ions Na+, K+, Cl- and Ca2+ have different concentrations in the extracellular and intracellular environments. • And thus a voltage difference arises across the cell membrane. • Essentially two different kinds of cells: excitable and nonexcitable. • All cells have a resting membrane potential, but only excitable cells modulate it actively.
Volume control: The Pump-Leak Model
water + Solvent (conc. c)
At equilibrium:
P1 + kcT = P2
Note: equilibrium only. No information about the flow.
The Nernst equation
[S]i=[S’]i Vi
Permeable to S, not S’
Only very little ion transfer
spherical cell - radius 25 µm surface area - 8 x 10-5 cm2 total capacitance - 8 x 10-5 µF (membrance capacitance is about 1 µF/cm2) If the potential difference is -70 mV, this gives a total excess charge on the cell membrane of about 5 x 10-12 C. Since Faraday's constant, F, is 9.649 x 104 C/mole, this charge is equivalent to about 5 x 10-15 moles. But, the cell volume is about 65 x 10-9 litres, which, with an internal K+ concentration of 100 mM, gives about 6.5 x 10-9 moles of K+. So, the excess charge corresponds to about 1 millionth of the background K+ concentration.
Electrodiffusion: deriving current models
cell membrane Inside [S1+] = [S2-] = ci S1 S2 Outside [S1+] = [S2-] = ce
Poisson equation and electrodiffusion
If the channel is long, then 1/L ~ 0 and so 1/λ ~ 0.
1 d 2φ Then 2 2 = c1 − c 2 , which implies that c1 ≈ c 2 through the membrane. λ dx dc c1 = c 2 ⇒ 2 1 = −J1 − J 2 dx ⇒ c1 = c i + (c e − c i )x
d 2φ dφ Then = 0, which implies that the electric field, , is constant through the membrane. 2 dx dx dφ dc1 =v ⇒ − vc1 = −J1 dx dx c i − c e e−v ⇒ J1 = v 1− e−v −VF D1F 2 c i − c e exp RT ⇒ I1 = V LRT 1− exp −VF RT
These are the two most common current models. Note how they both have the same reversal potential, as they must. (Crucial fact: In electrically excitable cells gNa (or PNa) are not constant, but are functions of voltage and time. More on this later.)
Electrical circuit model of cell membrane