
4:15 Leave for Great Wall Hotel
7:30 Dinner given by President X
Tuesday, April 19
9:30 a.m. Discussion at Asia Trading Co. Building
2:00 p.m. Group discussion
• 包装:标准出口箱,每箱10打。
• 付款方式:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、即期汇票付款的信用证。
• 交货日期:收到信用证后一个月。
• 因为我们库存在前几个月已经减少,而目前需求量十分大,所以我们非常希望贵方尽 早做出决定。
• Dear Mr. /Ms.
We are pleased to welcome President William Taylor and Manager James Rogers to Beijing and Shanghai in
• Payment: By confirmed irrevocable L/C payable by a craft at sight.
• Delivery: One month after receipt of L/C.
• Since our stocks have been low for the past few months and the demands are brisk now, please let us have your decision as early as possible.
the second half of April for about a week .As requested, we propose the following itinerary for your consideration.

• 常用词汇与短语 document 文件 -original document 原件,文件正本 -papers 证件,书信 -draft 草稿 -manuscript 原稿 relating to ... application form apply for... 与...有关 申请表 申请
• 译文: 先生们/女士们: 内附我公司签署的下述文件正本: -合同(2份) -有关合资的协议书(2份) -产品规格书(2份) 请贵公司签署这些文件,并尽早把每份文件的一份返还我公司. 您忠诚的,
1.现在不是扩展业务的好时机,所以我们 希望等待时机,但我们会把贵公司的情况 记录在案,并在适当时候与贵公司联系. As this is not a good time to expand our business, we would like to wait. However, we will keep your name on file and will get in touch with you at an appropriate time. 2.此刻谈论代理问题也许为时尚早. At this moment, it may be premature to discuss the matter of agency.
• Gentlemen/Ladies, We have gone through your catalogs with great interest. To further our research, would you please provide us with test data and a price list for your cars? If we find your information attractive and encouraging, then we will contact you for further discussions. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Very truly yours,
商务英语翻译 第3章 商务信函的翻译

. Yours faithfully
第一节 翻译例析
敬启者: 我们收到贵方2006年3月17日来函,非常感谢,并对你们欲同我们建立业
务关系的愿望表示欢迎 。 我们是国营公司,希望在平等互利的基础上同各国的制造商和商人做生意,
以发展同各国人民的商务关系。 应你方要求,兹附寄我们的商品目录和一套小册子,以供参考。 若你们对小册子中的商品感兴趣,请报具体询价,以便我们报价。 敬上
We are specialized in the above business and recall that many years ago, considerable business was done with your country on such items. Now that the diplomatic relation between our two countries has been established, we are desirous of establishing direct business relations with your corporation, knowing that you are the buyer of silk piece goods.
第一节 翻译例析
敬启者: 经我方驻贵国的大使馆商务参赞处的介绍,特致函你方。我们冒昧向你方

Please let us have your quotation in USD on the basis of CIF Port Shanghai including our 5% commission. 请用美元报上海港到岸价,包括我方5%的佣金 佣金。 佣金 The decision made by the Arbitration Commission shall be regarded as final and binding on both parties. 仲裁委员会 委员会所作的决定应视为终局决定,对双方都有 委员会 约束力。 正确理解原文结构,理清全文的句法结构和逻辑关系。 The goods we received contrary to our instructions are paps. 收到的货物是包装在没有铁箍的木箱里,而这种包装 和我们的指示不符。
Stylistic features and translation: business letters
词汇使用特点 (1)商务英语信函经常以意义相同或相近的书面词语 代替基本词汇和口语词汇,如以inform或advise代替tell, 以duplicate代替copy,以dispatch代替send,以otherwise 代替or;以介词短语代替简单的介词,如以as for,in respect to,in connection with和with regarding to等代替 about等。
(3)大量的专业术语、行话、外来词、缩略语以及一般 词语在商务英语语境中的特殊用法。 (1)专业术语类: Trimming charges 平仓费 insurance policy 保险单 coverage 保险项目 establishment 开证 counter-suggestion 反还盘 surcharges附加费
第14单元 商务信函类语篇的翻译

二、Classification of business letters
1. 建立业务关系函(cooperation intention) 介绍己方如何获得对方公司的信息,并表达与对方建立业务的愿
望。语言言简意赅、情真意切、礼貌得体,以留下深刻印象,为合 作打好基础。 2. 产品推销函(promotion)
第十四单元 商务信函语篇的翻译
(Translation of Business Letters)
一、Definition of business letters
商务信函(business letters)是商务活 动中书面交流信息的主要手段之一,是商业 贸易往来所使用的通信形式。是企业对外公 共宣传关系中重要的手段,对于树立良好的 公司形象有着极为重要的意义。
遵循“忠实、通 注意信函结构 顺”的翻译标准 化程式化的翻
运用套译的 翻译方法
商业信函翻 译实例分析
首先,应当准确、忠实地再现原文信函的思想内容及风格 特征。准确达意、简洁明了是英文商务信函的基本特征,因此, 合格的译文也理应具备这些特征。例如:“offer”我们可以翻译 Se为c 1“提供、建议”,但在特定的书信中,“offer”则只能翻译为 “要约(要约是当事人一方向对方发出的希望与对方订立合同 Se的c 2意思表示。发出要约的一方称要约人,接收要约的一方称受 要约人)、发盘(交易的一方为了销售或购买一批商品,向对
Sec 4
方提出有关的交易条件,并表示愿按这些条件达成一笔交易, Se这c 6种意思表示的行为称作发盘)”,相应的“offferer、offeree”
商务英语翻译 第五章 商务信函翻译2

Dear Sirs, We are pleased to receive your inquiry of 10th September and enclose our illustrated catalog and price list giving the details you ask for. We are also sending you by separate post some samples and feel confident that when you have examined them you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. Our regular purchases in quantities of not less than five gross of individual items we would allow you a discount of 2%. Payment is to be made by irrecoverable L/c at sight. Because of their softness and durability, our cotton bed-sheet and pillowcases are rapidly becoming popular, and after studying our prices you will not be surprised to learn that we are finding it difficult to meet the demand. But if you place your order not later than the end of this month, we would ensure prompt shipment. We look forward to your early reply. Yours Sincerely,

Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖ 9. 提请卖方注意:我方定单拖欠至今未履行。 ❖ We would like to draw the seller’s attention that our order had been outstanding for a considerable a
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
商务信函的分类:Types of Business Letter
❖ 1.建立业务关系函 ❖ Set new business relationship ❖ 2.询盘函 ❖ Make an inquiry ❖ 3.报盘函 ❖ Make an offer ❖ 4.还盘函 ❖ Make a counter-offer ❖ 5.接受函 ❖ Acceptance
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖6 Parts that can be omitted
❖ 1. 文档号(Reference),如:Our ref: WFX/SQ, Your ref: JS201/SD707
❖ 2.主办人(Attention), 如:Attention: The Sales Manager
❖4. 兹回复贵方2010年6月7日来函,特随函奉上我 方最新报价。
❖In reply to your enquiry of June 7, 2010, I respectfully offer my latest quotation herewith.
Thursday, April 01, 2021

I. 一封完整的英文商务信函应该包括下列哪些内容? A. letter head B. date C. inside name and address D. salutation E. subject F. complimentary close G. signature H. attention line I. enclosure J. postscript K. carbon copy L. references M. mailing notation N. body
Unit 9
Business Letters 商务信函
商务信函(business letters)是商务活 动中书面交流信息的主要手段之一,是企业 对外公共宣传关系中重要的手段,对于树立 良好的公司形象有着极为重要的意义。 商务信函涉及商务活动的各个环节, 贯穿商务活动的始终,内容广泛,通常包括 建立业务关系(establish business relationship)、询盘(inquiry)、发盘(offer)、 还盘(counter-offer)、受盘(acceptance)、 订立合同(placing orders)、保险(insurance)、 装运(shipment)、索赔(claim)等方面。
(2) commodities fair (3) non-firm offer
(4) force majeure
(5) documentary L/C (6) port of shipment
第三讲 商务信函的翻译handout

商务信函的正确格式流行完全齐头式(full blocked style),其各部分分别如下:1)信头(heading)即寄信人地址;2)日期(date)3)文档号(reference)如,our ref:WFX/SQ, your ref: JS201/SD707;4)信内地址(受函人地址)(inside address)5)主办人如:Attention:The Sales Manager;6)称呼(Salutation);7)事由,如:Subject:Invoice No。
2017 BY 058)正文(body)9)函尾套语(Complimentary Close)10)姓名(signature)11)姓名(打字)12)职务13)发信人及打信人(姓名缩写)STW/SJ;14)附件(enclosure)15)副本(CC. carbon copy)16)再启/又启(postscript)P.S.商务信函的语言特点1)clearness 明了2)conciseness 简洁3)correctness 准确4)preciseness 严谨5)courtesy 礼貌6)professionalism专业性翻译注意:1)重在记实;2)把握语气3)文言词语Dear 。
We are pleased to advice you that your order No. 103 has been dispatched in accordance with yourinstruction.我们高兴地通知你们:第103号订单货物已遵照你方指示运出。
In accordance with your request, we are sending you herewith our price list and some pamphlets. 根据你方要求现附寄价目表及说明书数本。

商务英语(研究生商务信函翻译)商务信函的翻译一、英语商务信函的词汇特征1. 英语商务信函多采用礼貌客气的措词We welcome your fax inquiry today and thank you for your interest in our products欢迎贵方今天的传真询盘并感谢贵方对我方产品感兴趣。
Much to our delight, our manufacturers have agreed to advance their delivery to you.很高兴地通知贵方,我方的供应商已经同意提前发货给贵方。
After careful consideration, we regret to say that we cannot but decline the said order.经过认真考虑,很遗憾,我方不得不谢绝贵方的上述订单。
Your compliance with our request will be highly appreciated.如贵方能满足我方要求,我们将不胜感激。
2. 英语商务信函多使用书面语,并且经常会使用一些专业术语和专业缩略词ad valorem duty 从价(关)税at sight 即期force majeure 不可抗力pro forma invoice 形式发票in view of 考虑到、鉴于prior to 在……之前as per 按照in accordance with 按照、依照With reference to Clause 18 of the contract, we hereby place our claims before you as follows.根据合同条款第18条,我方向你方提出如下索赔。
In compliance with the request in your letter dated March 7,we have much pleasure in sending you herewith our pro forma invoice in quadruplicate.应贵方3月7日来函要求,特此随函附寄形式发票一式四份。
商务英语翻译第6章 商务信函的翻译

第一节商务信函的分类BrainstormingTranslate the following into Chinese1. Letters of Introduction介绍信2. Appointments约见函3. Acknowledgments & Confirmations通知与确认4. Announcements告示;通告5. Consultation信息咨询Part V Practical TrainingTranslate the following sentences into Chinese1. The following items totaling $5000 are still open on your account.你的欠款总计为5000美元。
2. It is now several weeks since we sent you our first invoice and we have not yet received your payment.我们的第一份发票已经寄出有好几周了,但我们尚未收到你的任何款项。
3. I’m wondering about your plans for paying your account which, as you know, is now over 40 days past due.我想了解一下你的付款计划,要知道,你的付款已经逾期40多天了。
4. We must now ask you to settle this account within the next few days.请你务必在这几日内结清这笔账款。
5. We have pleasure in sending you an order for Cosmetics.我们愉快的给贵方寄去化妆品订单。
6. We want the goods to be of exactly the same quality as that of those you previously supplied us.我们希望此批订货质量与以前供应的完全一样。

1. 非常抱歉,由于用户需求日趋复杂,这种型号产品 已停止生产。
2. 请认真遵守我们的装船指示,确保毫无延误地执行 我方订单,以令客户满意。
3. 尽管我方3月9日寄给贵方产品目录,但尚未收到贵 方订单。我方想了解贵方是否需要了解我方产品的 其他信息。
4. 我们是本地区各种摩托车零部件的独家出口商,冒 昧给您寄去一份目前生产产品的报价单供您参考。
9. 附言postscript
10. 结束语 complementary close
11. 签字signature 12. 公司名称company
name 13. 附件enclosure 14. 抄送copy notation
英文信函中收信人的信内地址汉译时可以省略,因 为信封上已存在。日期调整到信函最后。
教授 Prof. 博士 Dr. 院长 Dean 外国高级官员可用(Dear)Sir,(Dear)Mr. Chairman,(Dear)Mr. Premier, Your Excellency 对君主:Your Majesty 对王室:Your Highness
e.g. We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy in your country. 译:经我方驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处介绍,特致函贵方。 at the suggestion of…“经…介绍” 类似的表达还有:on the recommendation of “由…推荐” through the courtesy of “承蒙…告知”


商务信函英语例句以下是一些商务信函中常用的英语例句:1. Dear [Recipient's Name],尊敬的[收件人姓名],2. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your time and consideration.我写这封信是为了对您的时间和考虑表示衷心的感谢。
3. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of establishing business relations with your esteemed company.我写这封信是想询问与贵公司建立业务关系的可能性。
4. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as a leading supplier of [product/service] in [industry/region].我们想借此机会介绍自己,我们是[行业/地区][产品/服务]的领先供应商。
5. We are writing to confirm our telephone conversation of [date] regarding [subject].我们写信是为了确认我们在[日期]就[主题]进行的电话交谈。
6. We are delighted to offer you our [product/service] and trust that it will meet your requirements.我们很高兴为您提供我们的[产品/服务],并相信它将满足您的要求。
7. We would be grateful if you could provide us with more informationabout your [product/service] and pricing.如果您能提供更多关于您的[产品/服务]和定价的信息,我们将不胜感激。

下面是店铺给大家整理的商务英语信函范文,供大家参阅!商务英语信函范文:还盘Dear Sir,We thank you for your letter of May 5 offering us 500 tons of the subject goods at US $150 per ton CIF Guangdong.Although we are in urgent need of such product, we find your price is too high and out of line with the prevailing market level.Your quoted price will reduce our profit largely. To tell you the truth, we have received quotations 15% lower than yours. Should you be prepared to reduce your price by, say, 13%, we might come to terms.Considering our business relations for serval years, we make you such a counter-offer. As you know, this year’s grape harvest was good and the market is declining, that is, the supply has outstripped the demand. We hope you will consider our counter offer most favorably and let us know your acceptance as soon as possible.Hope to hear from you soon.Yours faithfully,Tim英文还盘函范文【译文】敬启者:感谢您五月五日的来函,在来函中贵公司愿意提供我们以每吨150美元 CIF广东报价的500吨商品。

Samples 1: Blocked Letter Style
Oriental Horizons Inc. 48 E. Mai Street Ramsey, NJ 07446 U.S.A. 25 April 2003
Ningbo Textiles Import & Export Corp. 207 Kaiming St. Ningbo Zhejiang P.R. China Dear Sir or Madam: Re: Chinese Textiles
Business Letter Translation
商务信函(business letters) 商务信函涉及商务活动的各个环节,贯穿商务 活动的始终,内容广泛,通常包括建立业务关系 (establish business relationship)、产品推销、资 信 查 询 (financial and credit standing ) 、 询 盘 (inquiry) 、发盘 (offer) 、还盘 (counter-offer) 、受 盘(acceptance),订购(order)、支付(payment)、订 立合同 (placing orders) 、保险 (insurance) 、装运 通知(shipping advice )、索赔(claim) 和邀请致谢 等方面。
(1) export list 出口清单 (2) commodities fair商品展览会 (3) non-firm offer 虚盘 (4) force majeure 不可抗力 (5) documentary L/C 跟单信用证 (6) port of shipment 装货港 (7) bill of exchange 汇票 (8) trial order试定货 (9) bid 递盘 (10) insurance policy保险单
商务英语翻译 第3章 商务信函的翻译

第一节 翻译例析
3. We are specialized in the above business and recall that many years ago, considerable business was done with your country on such items.
贵方如能告诉我们你方是否对上述商品生意抱有兴趣,我们将深表感谢。 若有兴趣的话,请告知所需数量。
第一节 翻译例析
Sample 2
Dear Sirs, We have received with thanks your letter dated March 17, 2006 and wish to extend
第一节 翻译例析
Sample 1
Dear Sirs, We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial Counselor’s Office of the

商务信函中英文知乎Dear [Name],I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss a potential business collaboration between our companies.我们非常欣赏贵公司在市场上的强大地位和专业能力。
We are particularly impressed by your company's strong market presence and professional capabilities. We believe that a collaboration between our two companies would provide mutual benefits and growth opportunities.根据我们的市场研究,我们相信我们的产品和服务与贵公司的需求是高度契合的。
Based on our market research, we believe that our products and services align perfectly with the needs of your company. We would be interested in discussing the possibility of further collaboration and exploring ways to enhance the value of our partnership.我们希望能够安排一次面谈,以便更详细地了解双方的期望和要求。
We would like to arrange a meeting to discuss in more detail theexpectations and requirements of both parties. Additionally, we are willing to provide you with more data and information to facilitatea comprehensive assessment of our collaboration potential.我们期待与贵公司共同开展这次合作,共同实现双方的商业目标。
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关键词:商务英语信函;翻译;特点;翻译技巧ABSTRACTBusiness English letter plays an important role in international trade.This thesis first introduces the features of business English letter with 7Cs. Then following the translation principles of business English letter, from the words, long sentences and manner of speaking aspects, it discusses the translation skills. In order to obtain good quality translation of business English letter, translators must understand the features of business English letter and the translation principles and skills. By analying the examples and making the contrastive study, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of the features of business English letter and figures out the basic principles and methods applicable to the translation of this specific genre and some problems a translator should pay attention to during the translation of business English letter.Keywords:business English letter; translation; feature; translation skillsContents1. Introduction (1)2. The features of business English letter (3)2.1 Courtesy (3)2.2 Correctness (3)2.3 Clearness (4)2.4 Completeness (4)2.5 Conciseness (5)2.6 Concreteness (5)2.7 Consideration (6)3. The translation of business English letter (7)3.1 The theory of translation (7)3.2 The principle of business English translation (7)3.3 The requirement of business English letter translation (8)4. The skills of business English letter translation (9)4.1The skills of the words translation (9)4.1.1 Preference of the concrete words to abstract words (9)4.1.2 Using the precise words (10)4.1.3 Using the concise words (11)4.1.4 Using the correct and accurate words (12)4.2 The translation skills of long sentences (12)4.2.1 Division (13)4.2.2 Sequential-order translation of long sentences (13)4.2.3 Reverse-order translation of long sentences (14)4.3 Manner of speaking and translation skills (15)4.3.1 Manner of speaking (15)4.3.2 Translation skills (16)5. Conclusion (17)Acknowledgements (18)References (18)1.IntroductionTrading---the exchange of goods and services---is one of the most basic activities of the human. It has existed in every society, every part of the world, and in fact, and every day since a primitive man swapped an animal skin for a stone chisel. In the history, China was among the first to trade with other countries. With the economic globalization and China's successful entry into WTO, business activities and information exchanges between different countries have been increasing rapidly. Today almost all the business companies recognize the significance of essential communicating skills, for all business activities rely on satisfactory exchange of information. Among the several communication tools, business English letter is an indispensable part of business communication.The business English letter refers to the letter used in the international business trade. Communication in business is important for the smooth development of the international trade. And business English letter is the most frequently used means in today's business communication by business companies to keep in touch with their customers. Therefore, it is important for us to learn to translate business English letters precisely so that to present ideas interestingly and clearly to enable readers to understand with the least possible effort.The business English letter plays an important role in today's international trade. Without it, much of the ordinary activities of business would be impossible. It is used to sell products or services, request material or information, answer customers' inquiries, maintain good public relations, and serve a variety of other business functions.Business English letter is one of the best ways to ensure that your message is accurately received, particularly if you are discussing technical or highly detailed information. Business English letter also serves as a part of a company's permanent record. It can be used to verify bookkeeping and inventory entries. If you have a question about a customer's order, whether someone's query was answered, or about the details in an agreement, you can check your file copy of the letter.The business English letter functions as written contracts, fully recognized by the courts. It can act as formal or informal public relations material. It can help to build good will between you and your clients, creditors, suppliers, and other public groups. Your letter represents you and your firm to people you may never meet personally orcall on the phone. How do you express yourself and the appearance of your letter form an impression in the reader's mind of you and your business?Every letter that leaves our office fulfills several purposes. The business English letter plays an ever-increasing role in the international trade, and the same is true to the translation of business English letter. Many people have made tremendous contribution to the business English letter translation, such as professional translators, college teachers or postgraduates, etc, while business English letter translation is not such an easy thing that almost everyone who knows English can do it well. Many scholars at home and abroad have contributed a lot to the theories of translation for business English, however, this thesis will focus on the translation skills basing on the features of business English letter.2. The features of business English letterBusiness English letter writing is not different compared with any other form of creative writing. Good English is one of the most important bases of good business letter. The most effective business letter should be easy to read and understand. It must be friendly and courteous. We should put in mind the point that business English letter plays an important role in development of goodwill and friendly trade relationship. They are certain essential qualities of business letter, which can be summed up in the seven Cs, i.e. courtesy, correctness, clearness, completeness, conciseness, concreteness and consideration.[6]32.1 CourtesyCourtesy plays an important role in business letter writing, as in all business activities. It is a favourable introduction card, helping to strengthen the business relations and establish new ones. By expressing our enthusiasm, consideration and friendliness, courtesy not only means politeness, but also means thinking about the reader's interest. We should answer the letter immediately for punctuality will please our recipient who hates waiting for days before he or she obtains a reply to the letter. And we must also adopt the right tone.Let's compare the following sentences.(1) We are sorry that you misunderstood us.(2) We are sorry that we did not make ourselves clear.In sentence (1), the party of the author is to put the blame on the customer for something, but in sentence (2), the party of the author takes the initiative to bear the responsibility.2.2 CorrectnessCorrectness means to express properly with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling, and use appropriate tone which is a help to achieve the purpose. In business letter no excuse can make any errors acceptable, because it concerns the rights, benefits, responsibilities of both sides. Incorrectness causes inconvenience, disputes, and maydestroy the relationship between both sides.(1) All offers by fax are open for 5 days.This sentence does not clearly explain or account for specific 5 days, and it should be changed in to: All offers by fax are open for 5 days inclusive of the date of dispatch.(2)We assure you that this error will never occur.This sentence is the overstatement of the fact, and it should be changed into: “we will do all we can so that we may not repeat such an error.”2.3 ClearnessWe must express ourselves clearly to make sure that the letter conveys exactly what we wish to say and is not liable to misunderstanding. Avoid vague and ambiguous expressions. To achieve this, we must have a clear idea of what we wish to convey in the letter, such as the purpose, the attitude, and the matter concerned. Only a clear mind can express clearly. We also should study the reader's interest and the level of the reader's understanding, and try to imagine how he will feel about the letter.Contrast the following sentences:(1)It is obligatory that you confirm this outstanding indebtedness and, if no discrepancies exist, that you expedite remittance.(2)Please let us know if your records and ours do not agree. If you find that they agree, won't you send us your check right away?From the above sentences, we know that they express the same meaning, but the sentence (2) uses the plain, simple words, and short sentences rather than long, complicated ones, so we can knew its meaning better.2.4 CompletenessThe business letter is successful and functions well only when it contains all the necessary information. Incomplete letters can be costly, for they lead to errors, often cause delays in filling orders, and call for other letters of clarification to be written.[8]3 Answers to some fundamental questions help to see the audience and ensure that the letter is complete. There is a way to verify the completeness of what we write, that is five "Ws" (who, what, where, when and why) and one "H" (how).For example: the following is a letter of order.Gentlemen:Re:computersWith reference to your letter of May 8, we are pleased to accept your offer of 200 sets of ICM-4 Computers as per your Quotation Sheet No.9/04/2000.Please go ahead and apply for your Export License.As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export License, we will open the L/C by fax.Yours Truly After having written the business letter, you can check the completeness of the letter against the questions: who wants to order, what he wants, when he needs the goods, where the goods to be sent and how payment will be made. If there are some special requirements should be presented, you could explain why you would do so.2.5 ConcisenessTo be efficient, business writing should be direct and get to the point quickly and cogently. Conciseness is often the most important writing principle. A concise letter is not always a short one. Sometimes a letter dealing perhaps with a multiplicity of matters cannot avoid being long. If conciseness conflicts with courtesy, then make a little sacrifice of conciseness. Generally speaking, we will gain in clearness and conciseness by writing short sentences rather than long ones.We would like to know whether you would allow us to extend the time of shipment for twenty days and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so, kindly give us your reply by fax without delay.This sentence is too long and courteous in expression, which sounds unclear in meaning. To express the meaning better, the sentence should be write as follows: Please reply by fax immediately if you will allow us to delay the shipment until July 20.2.6 ConcretenessWhat the business letter comes to should be specific, definite rather than vague, abstract and general.[8]4Especially when the writer is requiring a response, solving problems, making an offer or acceptance, etc. Look at the following sentences:(1). We wish to confirm our fax dispatched yesterday.In the sentence (1), the word "yesterday" is a vague and general concept, whichallows possibility for misunderstanding. Like today and tomorrow, the word "yesterday" is not suitable here. It should be changed into: We confirm our telex of June 1st, 2008.(2). The Red Trading Company is one of our big buyers.The phrase "one of our big buyers" of the sentence (2) is too general and vague and it cannot express degrees of "big". If we want to give a clear concept, we should change it into: The Red Trading Company placed over US﹩10,000,000 worth of business with us each year.The aim of business letter is communication for the trade, so we should use some objective things, data and specific words.2.7 ConsiderationConsideration means thoughtfulness. So before we go on to the detailed structure of the business letter we should remember this general principle, on which the American writers lay great emphasis, that is, the "you" attitude. In our letters we should always keep in mind the person we are writing to, see things from his point of view, visualize him in his surroundings, see his problems and difficulties and express our ideas in terms of his experience. For example:"We" attitude "You" attitudeWe shipped your order today.No exceptions to this rule can be allowed. Your order will arrive on Monday.(look at the things from the reader's point of view) This rule must apply equally in all situations. (Focus on the positive and say "no" positively.)3. The translation of business English letter3.1 The theory of translationWhat’s translation?A great number of scholars both at home and abroad have contributed a lot to the theory of translation. About it, they have put forward their different propositions, such as linguistic, communicative, and relevant and so on. But there is no generally accepted translation theory and it seems to be a subject on which hot debates never cease since its appearance, yet there are quite a few influential “theories” in the broad sense of “a set of principles which are helpful in understanding the nature of translating or in establishing criteria for evaluating a translated text.” In general, however, these principles are stated in terms of how to produce an acceptable translation.Among them, the most famous translation principles are Chinese translator Yan Fu’s triple principle of translation, namely, faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance which should be understood as additive factors, not competitive factors, and American translator Eugene A.Nida's functional equivalence and British translator Peter Newmark's semantic translation and communicative translation. According to American translator Eugene A.Nida, " translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source—language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style".[9]37Though Chinese and foreign translators have given different definitions of translation, they share the common nature of translation. "Generally speaking, translation implies rendering from one language into another of something written or spoken. It is essentially the faithful representation in one language of what is written or spoken in another. It is the replacement of the information of the source language by its counterpart of the target language. However, translation, in a narrow sense, is the practice of finding the equivalent both in form and essence between two cultures ".3.2 The principle of business English translationAs early as in 1792, Alexander Fraser Thatler, a famous Britain scholar put forward 3 principles for translation in his work, On The Principle For Translation the version should rewrite the whole idea of the original; the version's style, and the style of writing should be the same as the nature of the original; the version should be as easy andsmooth as the original.[7]58Business English covers widely and relates to many different areas, so the principle of business English translation has its own particularity, that is, the multiplicity of principles. The multiplicity, here refers to the translation of different styles, the differences of the translation principles. When translates, it is necessary to use flexibility.Because of business English involves different language, style and profession, I think the principles of the business English translation should be considered as dynamic message equivalence, which can be called the four "Es": (1) Equivalence of semantic message of source language and target language. (2) Equivalence of stylistic message of source language and target language. (3) Equivalence of cultural message of source language and target language. (4) Equivalence of response of source language readers and target language readers.[11]1473.3 The requirement of business English letter translationBy the business English letter, the companies introduce their goods, services or even reputation to the outer world. After China's successful entering into WTO, and with the increasing chances to cooperate with foreign traders, business English letter will be used more frequently. English plays an ever increasing role in the international trade. Although English now is a world used language, English translation in international trade cannot be ignored, especially business English letter translation.As the business English letter involves economic interest of both sides, its translation is very important. Specifically, the translation of business English letter should meet the following three requirements: transmit the information of the original letter correctly; reappear the expression of the original letter appropriately; fit the characteristic of official letter.4. The skills of business English letter translation4.1 The skills of the words translationThe words, which is used in the language freely, is the combination of sound and meaning, the basic unit of the sentence.[1]2 So the meaning of the words can influence the reader to understand the sentence, or even the whole article directly. Although, we take the sentence as a basic translation unit in the process of translation. If we cannot translate the meaning of the words correctly, it will surely affect the meaning of the sentence, or even the whole article. The words are one of the most important parts in the process of translation. When we translate the business letter, we must pay enough attention to the words. In today's international trade, there are some useful skills of the words translation.4.1.1 Preference of the concrete words to abstract wordsThe purpose of business English letter is to convey a message. According to the features of business English letter, preference of the concrete words to abstract words falls within the scope of "concreteness", that is "Any kind of practical English writing should be specific, definite and persuasive instead of being vague, general and abstract". In business English translation,if the reader cannot grasp the meaning until the letter is read more than once, the letter is not concrete or clear.For example:Chinese: 我们会在七月付货款.English: (1) The payment of the goods will be effected on July 1st.(2) The goods will be paid on July 1st.In the sentence (1), "payment" is from "pay" plus "-ment". "Payment" which is a noun, cannot serve independently as a predicate. It has to be collocated with "effect" to express the meaning of "to pay". It is rather a roundabout way of expression. And sentence (2) is more easily understood because concrete words are used instead of abstract words.For business people, time is money. They want to know what has been said in the letter as quickly as possible. So in today's business field, we had better preference of the concrete words to abstract words and make our business letter easy to understand incommunication.4.1.2 Using the precise wordsAccording to the feature of 7 Cs, business English letter should be precise, especially in words choosing. When translating business English letter, the content should be clear, so that it can't be misunderstood. To do so, much attention should be paid to the precise and accessible expressions. Sometimes, when we first read some sentences, we do not know the exact meaning of the sentence. We have to read them for many times and take their context into consideration.For example:Chinese: 我们公司在河边上.English: (1) Our company is near the bank.(2) Our company is near the river.When we want to introduce the beautiful environment and the location of our company. We couldn't say like sentence (1). Because the word "bank" can refer to the side of the river or to a financial institution where one deposits money. The reader may have a question: Does the writer want to emphasize the beautiful geography of the company or to stress the convenient economic environment? So the precise way of translation is the sentence (2). This is an example of ambiguous. An ambiguous word is one that has more than one meaning in the same context. We should avoid ambiguity.While translating, we should not only avoid ambiguity, but also cliché. Cliché is a French word used in English to denote a phrase that has become stereotyped and hackneyed.[13]14 It indicates poverty of language and unwillingness to think for oneself. Here are some clichés commonly used:at your (earliest) conveniencebe in receipt ofbe that as it maybound to admitby and largeconspicuous by its absencecut out the dead wooddue to the fact thatherewithup to the writingover and aboveIt is not always wrong to use a cliché in business letter translating. If the phrase is used properly, there can be no objection to it. Just think it over before using a cliché. Use precise words instead of the cliché may let the business English letter seem more clearness.4.1.3 Using the concise wordsTo use more words than are necessary will cause unclearly expressions most of which are merely padding. Unnecessary words not only waste time, but also add nothing to meaning and contribute nothing to the reader's perception of what is written.Choice of concise words mainly embodies one of the principles of practical business writing conciseness, which is considered one of the essential features of business letters. By conciseness we mean that we should try to express clearly our meaning in as few words as possible, but without damaging completion and courtesy of letters. In the field of language use, when other things being equal, the smaller the cognitive efforts the reader should make to understand the writer's meaning, the better the expressions are.Let us have a look at the following examples:Chinese:对于我们的疏忽,我们深表歉意.English: (1) We regret to inform you that we are in error.(2) We are sorry for our mistake.Chinese:随函俯上我们的商品目录.English: (1) Enclosed please find our catalogue.(2) Enclosed is our catalogue.We can learn from the above sentences that the unnecessary jargons make the sentences (1) wordy, and sentences (2) are better though fewer words are used. From above, take hackneyed commercial jargons as an example, when unnecessary words do not contributed to the meaning, inclusive adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and pronouns, they should be avoided.Conciseness is an important feature of business English letter. Readers do not have to spend time reading the superfluous words, which do not contribute much to the meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to use concise words when translation.4.1.4 Using the correct and accurate wordsCorrect use of words means to use the standard language of accepted authority. Misuse of words, the use of obsolete words and slang are improper and unsafe in business English letter.[1]2This can be explained by the "correctness" of the feature business English letter. Mistakes in words may distract the reader's attention, result in lack of clearness, and cause an impression unfavorable to the success of the letter. It is essential to use the correct words in the business English letter.An example:(1) Chinese:我们可以提供各种电器。