CDC病毒所病毒学试题CDC病毒所病毒学试题(博士)2005年,2004年一、名词解释1、Virion2、Antigenic Shift3、HIV4、Capsid5、Infection cycle6、Veccine7、Latent infection8、Subviruses9、Defective interfering particles10、Influenza Virus二、简答题1、试述流感病毒的变异机制?2、什么是新发传染病?有哪些类型?请简述一种病毒性新发传染病的传染源、传播途径、病原体基因组特点和主要检测方法?3、简述干扰素的抗病毒机制4、各列举3种不同的正链RNA病毒和负链RAN病毒,并各选一种简要介绍其基因组特征与复制机制。
5、已知某一RNA病毒外膜蛋白N端和C端的部分氨基酸序列,如何从病毒基因组中将其基因克隆出来,并对其表达产物进行鉴定?三、论述题请陈述反向遗传技术(感染性克隆)的原理和基本方法,及其在病毒学忠的应用和意义2004年博士研究生病毒学入学试卷一、名词解释1、SARS2、RNAi3、Phage display4、Latent infection5、Antigenic Shift6、Vectored Veccine7、Quasispecies8、Interferon9、Reverse genetic system10、Influenza Virus二、简答题1、列举良种与人类肿瘤有关的病毒?有哪些资料证明其相关性?2、常见的病毒载体有哪些?请简要叙述两种不同病毒载体的构建原理。
一.单选题1.粮谷、豆、脱水蔬菜等干货类用酚法给分成约300g,再用酚法分成两份,一份复查或确证大于( )g,另一份供分析用。
A.0.5B.50.0C.75D.1002.蜂皇浆保存条件()A.常温B.4℃以下的冰箱冷藏室C.常温,通风良好D.-18℃以下的冰柜或冰箱冷冻室3.食品中铅的石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定,方法检出限(LOD)为( )A.0.5mg/kgB.0.05 mg/kgC.0.005 mg/kgD.0.0005 mg/kg4. 原子吸收分光光度计测定铅时在()nm共振线。
A.285.3nmB.283.3nmC.280.3nmD.288.3nm5. 测铅配制标准溶液时,应加入少量硝酸,一般硝酸浓度为()防止因容器壁吸附或产生氢氧化而引起浓度变化。
A. 0.05mol/lB.0.5 mol/lC.0.005 mol/lD.0.1 mol/l6.食品中镉的石墨炉原子吸收光度法测定方法检出限(LOD)为()A.0.1mg/kgB.0.01mg/kgC.0.001mg/kgD.0.1ug/kg7.原子吸收分光光度计测定镉时,电热原子化后吸收共振线()nm。
DA、3B、6C、9D、5E、103、猩红热爆发疫情的标准为一个学校或托幼机构内出现〔B〕例/周A、2例B、3例C、5例D、7例4.人类禽流感病的流行病学史中以下哪项最重要?BA.接触过禽类B.当地禽类动物中有禽流感流行C.接触过禽流感患者D.吃过鸡5.以下哪个年龄段的人群是人禽流感的易感人群?AA.12岁以下儿童B.12-18岁青年C.18岁以上成人D.60岁以上老人6.医疗机构及其医务人员发现禽流感〔H5N1〕病人或疑似病人时,城镇应于多长时间内或向所属区县疾病预防控制机构报告?B小时小时小时小时7.如腹泻不止伴有呕吐,粪便如水样或米汤泔水样,迅速出现严重脱水者,最先要考虑的疾病是〔D 〕A中毒性痢疾B病毒性腹泻C伤寒D霍乱8.以下哪种职业人群最容易感染人禽流感?CA.医务人员B.中小学生C.从事禽类饲养、加工、运输、销售的人员D.离退休人员9. 病人急性期的血清采集最正确时间应该是?B天以内 B.第2周 C.第3周 D.第4周10.各级各类医疗机构发现肾综合征出血热疑似、临床诊断或实验室确诊病例,城镇应于〔〕小时内、农村应于〔〕小时内通过传染病疫情监测系统进展网络直报。
DA、2、4B、4、8C、6、12D、12、2411、人粒细胞无形体病主要通过〔A〕叮咬传播?A、蜱B、蚊子C、老鼠D、禽类12、禽流感流行的季节为:( B )A.四季散发,无季节性B.四季散发,冬春季多见C.四季散发,夏季多见D.有严格的季节性,只见于冬春季13、手足口病好发于哪些人群AA、5岁以下儿童B、成人C、学龄儿童D、人群普遍易感14、对可能受到病原微生物污染的场所与物品进展的消毒为〔C〕A.终末消毒;B.随时消毒;C.预防性消毒;D.疫源地消毒。
4、Dynamic series
正态分布的(μ,σ)是():A、0,1 B、1,0 C、0,0 D、1,1
3、儿童身高值:100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140. (1)计算这组数据的均数、中位数、方差、标准差和标准误。
Part 1 单项选择1.Among the kinds of documentary credits subject to UCP600, from which can the beneficiaryget two banks irrevocable undertaking to pay if complying documents are presented.A.Irrevocable creditB.Transferable creditC.Confirmed credit2.Which transport document of the following is not a goods title?A.Bill of ladingB.Multimodal transport documentsC.Air waybill3.Under an irrevocable credit, who must undertake primary liability for payment?A.The applicantB.The issuing bankC.The nominated bank4.With reference to ( ), the expression “transshipment not allowed” is not a binding term undercredit transaction.A.Air transportationB.Marine transportationC.Insurance policy5.Silent confirmation is an arrangement made between ( )A.Beneficiary and advising bankB.Issuing bank and advising bankC.Beneficiary and applicant6. A credit can be transferred ( )A.From the first beneficiary to the second beneficiaryB.From the second beneficiary to the third beneficiaryC.From the applicant to the beneficiary7.As for a freely negotiable credit, which bank acts as a transferring bank?A.the advising bankB.the specifically authorized bankC.any negotiating bank8.Of documentary credit and documentary collection in international trade, ( ) is better for theseller as it means a bank’s irrevocable undertaking to pay.A.The formerB.The latterC.Neither9.Which abbreviation of the following is for uniform customs and practice for documentarycredits?A.UCPB.URCC.URDG10.( ) means “free on board a vessel” at the loading port, for which the seller does not supplyinsurance documents.A.FOBB.CFRC.FCA11.According to Incoterms 2000, which one of the below trade term is recommended when thecredit requires an air waybill marked freight prepaid to the airport of destination?A.CFRB.CPTC.FCA12.If an exporter is willing to release the shipping documents directly to the buyer, but wishes toretain some guarantee of payment should the buyer fail to pay on the due date, which of the following documentary credit best suits the exporter’s needs.A.TransferableB.StandbyC.Revolving13.How many working days does an issuing bank have to ascertain whether the documents are incompliance under a credit subject to UCP600?A. 5B. 6C.714.Besides insurance company or its agent, the party who is also qualified to sign insurancedocument is ( )A.UnderwriterB.BrokerC.Proxy15.Under CUP600 what is the minimum insurance amount acceptable when the credit requiresthe invoice amount be CIF USD1000?D1000D1100D120016.Collections should not contain bills of exchange payable at a future date with instructions thatcommercial documents are to be delivered against payment. If collections contain such a bill with such instructions, documents will be released to the drawee upon ( ) and the presenting bank is not responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay of payment. (A, 522 Art.7 c)A.The drawee’s paymentB.The drawee’s acceptanceC. A guarantee to pay17.In the case of documents payable at sight the presenting bank must bank must makepresentation for payment ( )A.Within seven working daysB.Within 3 working daysC.Without delay18.In the case that the L/C accepts on deck bill of lading, a set of bill of lading with the notation“shipped on deck” instead of “shipped on board” appearing thereon is acceptable.A.RightB.WrongC.It’s arguable19.( ) in collection transactions, when documents presented lack bills of exchange, the remittingbank, upon request of the drawer, may instruct either the collecting bank or the drawee to create the bills of exchange instead with proper requirements as to their form and wording. (C, Art.8 of 522 )A.Unless the remitting bank agreesB.Unless the presenting bank agreesC.No conditions needed20.An L/C stipulated that the expiry date for negotiation was May 1, 2003A.In the light of UCP600, the L/C was proper issued. But such a date will be deemed as theexpiry date for presentation of documentsB.In the light of UCP600, the L/C was badly issuedC.This stipulation can be disregarded. The period of presentation of documents would be21 days after date of shipment21.An L/C requires: invoice/bill of lading in 1 photocopy. What should the beneficiary present?A.Invoice in 1 photocopy or BL in 1 photocopyB. A document titled “invoice/bill of lading” in 1 photocopyC.The L/C is not clear, but it’s better to present an invoice and a BL each in photocopy22.The transportation document called for was an air waybill issued to order of the applicant. Theair waybill presented was issued to the applicant instead of to his order.A.The air waybill was discrepant.B.The air waybill was OK because the L/C did not prohibit the alterative of the consigneeC.The air waybill was OK because this alternative was allowed by the ISPB23.Which of the following clauses or notations appearing on the face of the transport documentwould preclude it from being accepted?A.Oil drums are leakingB.Highly flammable material or potentially explosive materialC.Refrigerated seafood, may spoil during voyage24.A beneficiary receives an irrevocable documentary credit for which USD22,500.00 may bedrawn during each month of the documentary credit’s one-year validity. The documentary credit also indicates that reinstatement is on a cumulative basis. Full monthly drawings were made during the first, second, fourth, fifth and seventh months and there have been no other drawings. In the last month of the documentary credit’s validity, the beneficiary expects to make a final shipment. What is the maximum value available for this final drawing?D112,500.00D135,000.00D157,500.0025.A documentary credit states that shipment dates would be acceptable?1.20 June2.27 June3.02 July4.03 JulyA. 1 and 2 onlyB. 1 and 4 onlyC. 2 and 3 only26.When an advising bank has accepted a time/usance draft under an advised documentary credit,they are responsible for effecting payment at maturity when ( )?A.they have received funds from the issuing bank]B.they have received funds from the reimbursing bankC.the draft is presented by the beneficiary27.In accordance with UCP all the following statements relating to commercial invoices under anon-transferable documentary credit are correct EXCEPT the commercial invoices must ()A.Be manually signed by the beneficiaryB.Be made out it the name of the applicantC.Appear to have been issued by the named beneficiary and indicate the description ofgoods corresponding with the documentary credit.28.Which of the following Incoterms is correctly described?Incoterm Insurance required Transport documentA.CFR Yes Freight CollectB.FOB No Freight PaidC.FCA No Freight Collect29.Which party has the most responsibility to examine the terms and conditions of adocumentary credit against the sales agreement?A.ApplicantB.BeneficiaryC.Issuing bank30.In the case of a non-cumulative revolving documentary credit available for USD10,000.00 permonth and valid for six months, which of the following statements is correct?1.The face value of the credit is USD10,000.002.The face value of the credit is USD 60,000.003.The amount(s) not utilized in one month may be carried over to the next4.The total undertaking of the issuing bank is USD60,000.00A. 1 and 3 onlyB. 1 and 4 onlyC.2,3 and 4 onlyPART TWO 多项选择1.An L/C calls for a certificate of origin issued by the ICC, which of the following samples areacceptable?2.Which of the following documents must be dated?A.Packing listB.DraftsC.Transport documentsD.Insurance documents3.L/C: a packing list and a weight list. Are the following packing lists acceptable under theabove L/C?4.What does “exporting country” means?A.Country where the beneficiary is domiciledB.Country where the L/C is advisedC.Country of receipt of the goods by the carrierD.Country of origin of the goods or country from which shipment/dispatch is made5.What documents must be signed under the UCP 600?A.Certificate of originB.InvoiceC.Transport documents and insurance documentsD.Drafts and declaration6.Which of the following documents are original documents?A. A photocopy with manually signatureB.An invoice produced on beneficiary’s letter-headed paper without signature and/ornot indicating “original”C. A signed document transmitted through a fax machine, though absent an originalsignatureD. A document with “original” on it7.Which of the following L/C is suitable to ask for a draft?A.Available by negotiationB.Available by deferred paymentC.Available by acceptanceD.Available by payment8.We issued the L/C as follows:L/C expired: Dec 27, 2005 at beneficiary’s countryLatest shipment date: Dec 06, 2005Period of presentation: documents to be presented within 21 days after date of shipment but within the validity of credit, state documents acceptable.Which of the following is acceptable?A.B/L on board date: Dec 01, 2005, all documents presented on Dec 25, 2005B.B/L on board date: Dec 01, 2005, all documents presented on Dec 31, 2005C.B/L on board date: Dec 10, 2005, all documents presented on Dec 25, 2005D.B/L on board date: Dec 01, 2005, all documents presented on Dec 15, 20059.Which of the following documents are not considered as transport documents under UCP600?A.Delivery order and mate’s receiptB.Forwarder’s certificate of receipt and forwarder’s cargo receiptC.Air waybill and bill of ladingD.Warehouse notes/receipt10.For the correction and alternation contained in the following documents, which need not beauthenticated?a.Correction and alternation in commercial invoice visaed by XXX consulateb.Correction and alternation in packing list issued by the manufacturerc.Correction and alternation drafts issued by beneficiaryd.Correction and alternation in certificate of origin issued by beneficiary11.If an actual date of dispatch, though not required by the L/C subject to UCP600, to be shownon the air waybill, which date below is deemed to be the shipment date?A.Flight date: June 12, 2006 shown in the box for “carrier’s use only”B.Flight date: June 15, 2006C.Actual date of dispatch: june 17, 2006 made by a stampD. A or B12.Select the statements that correctly express the meaning of the UCPA.An L/C is independent of relative contract even if it is expressly referred to by theL/CB.If the L/C opening application bears any ambiguity in its instruction, the issuingbank should bear the risk to issue or amend the L/CC.If the applicant has accepted the discrepancies, the issuing bank can still refuse thedocumentsD.Once a beneficiary accepts an L/C he must execute it.13.Under an L/C indicating the goods description as “frozen beef”and reqiring invoice, B/L,packing list, certificate of origin, please determine the documents which are acceptable.A.Invoice indicating rhe goods description as “beef”B.B/L indicating the goods description as “beef”C.B/L indicating the goods description as “goods shipped as per invoice presented”D.Certificate of origin indicating the goods description as “goods shipped as perinvoice presented”14.A credit available with () is also available with ()A. a nominated bank, the issuing bankB.the issuing bank, a nominated bankC.advising bank, transferring bankD.confirming bank, the issuing would the issuing bank exercise control over the goods by air?A.insist upon holding the consignor’s copy of the air waybillB.insist upon holding original air waybill for the consigneeC.insist upon being named as consignee of the goods on the air waybillD.insist upon full set of air waybills to be presented16.A documentary credit calls for presentation of an insurance certificate. Which of the followinginsurance documents would be acceptable for CIF shipment where the invoice value is USD75,000? certificate for USD82, policy for USD85, declaration for USD75, certificate for USD75,00017.the letter of credit requires “three copies of inspection certificate issued by CCIC”. Thedocuments presented as follows. Which is acceptable? 3 3 1 original and 2 2 originals and 1 issuing bank has issued a sight documentary credit to a beneficiary authorizing anominated bank to pay the beneficiary for all documentary presented in accordance with the documentary credit terms and conditions. Upon receipt of complying documents drawn under the documentary credit directly from the beneficiary, the issuing bank should:A.examine the documents and pay the beneficiaryB.verify the documents and pay the nominated bankC.return the documents to the beneficiary for presentation to the nominated bankD.remit the documents to the nominated bank for examination19.under which of the following situation, the on board notation on B/L should also indicate theactual port of loading?A.when B/L contains the indicating “intended vessel”or similar qualification inrelation to the vesselB.when B/L indicates the port of loading of the credit in the column “place of receipt”rather than in the column of “port of loading”C.when B/L contains the indicating “intended port of loading” or similar qualificationin relating to the port of loadingD.when B/L indicates that “goods have been received in appearance good condition”20.which of the following statements about transferable L/C is correct? case of freely negotiable L/C, the issuing bank should specifically nominate inthe credit a bank as the transferring bankB.the transferable L/C could be transferred more than onceC.the transferable L/C could be transferred to more than one second beneficiary ifpartial shipment/drawing is not prohibitedD.refusal of an amendment by one second beneficiary will invalidate the acceptance(s)by the other second beneficiary (ies).Part Three 是非判断1.would charter party B/L be acceptable when the L/C calls for an ocean B/ L/C calls for CFR shipment. The B/L is marked “freight paid” and “free out”, would thisbe acceptable? L/C calls for FOB shipment and B/L marked “freight collect”, the B/L is marked “freightcollect” and “free in”, would this be acceptable? L/C calls for an ocean B/L and delivery on FOB terms. Would a B/L be acceptable ifmarked “freight payable as per charter party”? L/C calls for an AWB showing “actual flight date”. When received, the AWB shows thisinformation but in a box marked “for carrier’s information only”. Would this be acceptable?6.under “documents required” and L/C lists both “certificate of origin” and “GSP form A”. onlythe latter document is presented by the beneficiary. Would this be acceptable? L/C calls for a certificate regarding the vessel “to be issued by the carriers”. The B/L hasbeen issued by Borneo Shipping Pte Ltd as agents for the carrier, Nyk Line. Borneo Shipping has also issued the certificate as agents for Nyk Line. Would this be acceptable? L/C calls for presentation of a copy telex/fax to the applicants giving certain information.The document presented is the beneficiary’s signed certificate that they have sent such a telex to the applicant (the certificate also lists the information sent which is accurate and complete).Would this be acceptable? L/C calls for “commercial invoice”, when presented, the invoice, which has beencomputer-generated, is not marked “original”, it does however bear an original manual signature. Would this be acceptable?10.A beneficiary presents documents within the expiry date of the L/C but they containdiscrepancies. The beneficiary collects the offending documents for correction (leaving the rest with the bank) and in due course presents correct documents, however, in the interim the L/C has expired. Should the bank now reject the documents for “credit expired”? L/C (which allows transshipment) calls for shipment from a UK airport. The AWB showsgoods on a flight from Paris to London then transshipment to another flight from London to the ultimate destination as specified in the L/C. would this be acceptable? L/C issued in favour of a beneficiary in Galle, Srilanka calls for a certificate of originissued by the “local chamber of commerce”, when presented it has been issued by the chamber of commerce in Colombo, srilanka. Would this be acceptable? L/C calls for ocean shipment from “western Europe to south korea”. In full utilization ofthe L/C, the documents presented include 3 sets of ocean B/L all showing the same vessel/voyage but 3 different ports of loading (all within western europe) and 3 different portsof discharge (all in south korea). Does this constitute evidence of partial shipment? L/C subject to UCP600 specified that the L/C number must be quoted in all documentspresented. The commercial invoice did not quote the L/C no. and issuing bank refused payment. Is the issuing bank correct in its refusal? the following invoice acceptable or not?Description of the goods in an L/C is: 1000 pieces of towelsL/C amount: USD1000Invoice presented shows: Towels: 1000 piecesTotal value: USD 1000Samples of cap: 20 free of chargePart Four 判断正误1.Having transferred the full shipment/expiry dates and presentation period and made the L/Cavailable in the transferee’s country, the first beneficiary cannot now substitute documents after the L/C has expired or late presentation occurred.2.part shipments/drawings are prohibited unless otherwise stated in the L/C.3.unless otherwise stated in the L/C, transport documents must show the L/C beneficiary asshipper/ L/C calls for invoices in triplicate. When presented, they are identical computer-generateddocuments none of which is marked original. However, this is acceptable as the L/C only stated triplicate, not original and two insurance policy is acceptable in lieu of an insurance certificate and vice versa.6.according to article 13 of UCP600, if the credit stipulates that a claiming bank must supply acertificate of compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit when making reimbursement claim, the reimbursing bank can disregard such a stipulation.7. a bill of lading with pre-printed wording to show that the goods have been loaded on boardcan simultaneously bear a dated on-board notation. In such a case the date of the on-board notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment whether it is earlier or later than the issuance date or the two are the same.8.if the bill of lading indicates a place of receipt or taking in charge different from the port ofloading, the on board notation must also include the port of loading stipulated in the credit and the name of the vessel on which the goods have been loaded, even if they have been loaded on the vessel named in the bill of lading. This provision does not apply when loading on board the vessel is indicated by pre-printed wording on the bill of lading.9.terms such as “first class”, “well-known”, “independent”, “local”, “official”, “qualified”,“competent”and the like are ambiguous words in light of the UCP. If such terms are incorporated in the credit, banks will accept the relative document (s) as presented, provided that it appears on its face to be in compliance with the other terms and conditions of the for a charter party bill of lading, banks will not examine the charter party contract to whichthe bill of lading is subject. But if the credit requires beneficiary(ies) to present the contract along with other documents banks have to determine whether it is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit.11.under a freely negotiable and transferable credit any bank except the issuing bank is anominated bank. Now that the relative article of UCP600 sets a rule that only the nominatedbank has the right to make the transfer, thereof any bank exclusive of the issuing bank can transfer such a credit unless otherwise stipulated.12.without the agreement or authorization of the applicant, an issuing bank must issue a creditstrictly as what the application says and cannot make any alteration even if to supplement or develop the terms in a manner necessary or desirable to permit the use of the credit.13.if a signature and/or endorsement is required to be on a document consisting of more than onepage, the signature is normally placed on the first or last page of the document, but unless the credit or the document itself indicates where a signature or endorsement is to appear, the signature or endorsement may appear anywhere on the document14.if an L/C requires “invoice” or “one invoice” it will be understood to be a requirement for anoriginal invoice. If an L/C requires “invoice in 1 copy”, it will be understood to be a requirement for a copy of an L/C called for one copy of insurance certificate, the original to be sent to the applicant bythe beneficiary outside the L/C. the beneficiary presented one original in place of one copy.The original indicated on its face in column: NUMBER OF ORIGINAL: ONE. The presentation is valid.16.description of goods: 100 tables, unit price: USD100 FOB shenzhen, total value: USD10000partial shipment alloweddescription of goods in presented invoice:100 tables, unit price: USD 100 FOB ShenZhen10 tables first shipmenttotal value: USD1000the description of goods in presented invoice is not acceptable.17.the signature of the below bill of lading is compliance18.UCP600 is quite clear in stating that for the purpose of the articles in UCP, branches of a bankin a different country is considered to be sepearate bank. It follows that a branch of a bank in the same country is considered to be the same bank.19.a credit requires the bill of lading to show on board notation which should be dated, stampedand countersigned. In this respect if the bill of lading is signed by the carrier, the notation should not be countersigned by the carrier.20.a credit subject to UCP600 calls for “international consignment not- copy for shipper”. Aninternational consignment note is presented without the words or marking “copy for shipper”, neither does it show for whom the document has been prepared. The document without the words or making “copy for shipper” creates a discrepancy.SELF CHECKING ANSWER LISTPart 1 单项选择1C2C3B4A5A6A7B8A9A10A11B12B13A14AC15B16A17C18B19C20A21C22C23A24C25C26C27A28C29B30BPART 2 多项选择1AB2BCD3C4ACD5ACD 6ABD7ACD8AD9ABD10D 11C12AC13BD14AD15BC 16AB17ABCD18A19BC20ACPART 3 判断是非1W2R3R4W5W6W7R8W9R10R 11W12R13R14R15WPART 4 判断正误1F2F3F4F5F6F7T8F9F10F11F12F13T14F15T16F17T18T19F20F。
附件一宁波市2011年基层预防接种人员免疫预防知识试题库2、以下说法不正确的是( B )B.5mm以上的单独的房缺,但心功能正常、心脏大小正常,无分流可以接种疫苗3、关于过敏史,以下说法不正确的是( A )A.过敏史指对单种食物或药物过敏的过敏体质。
7、发生过敏性休克时,如果儿童体重不明,肾上腺素的用量不正确的是(A)A.2岁以0.125ml(1/8支);8、发生过敏性紫癜后,以下哪种处置是正确的?( B )B.糖皮质激素治疗。
9、发生Arthus反应应该如何处置( D )D.以上都是。
10、发生血管性水肿应该如何处置()答案为:B服抗组胺类药抗过敏治疗11、发生多发性神经炎应该如何处置( D )D.以上都是。
12、发生接种卡介苗后引起的淋巴结炎,以下哪项处置是不正确的?( A )A.注射异烟肼或加用利福平。
13、接种时有人发生晕厥应该如何处置( D )D.以上都是。
14、锡克氏试验是检验人群中对何种疾病的免疫水平,其常用评价指标是什么?答案为:A白喉,阴性率15、接种乙型肝炎病毒疫苗后,获得免疫力的指标是( D ) D.抗HBs16、评价人群疫苗接种效果最关键的指标是(B )B.保护率22、VDPV是指( A )A.AFP病例大便标本分离到的脊灰病毒与原始疫苗株病毒相比,VP1区全基因序列变异介于1%~15%之间23、(C.2000年)年我国实现了“无脊灰”的目标24、我国目前使用的远期预防脊髓灰质炎的特异措施是( B )B. 服用OPV25、有关脊髓灰质炎的描述正确的是( D )。
27、(1993)年我国开始开展全国范围的脊灰疫苗强化免疫活动30、以下哪项是高危AFP病例判定标准:(D)D.以上都是31、VDPV循环(cVDPVs)是指( A )A.同一县(区)或相邻县(区)发现2例或2例以上相关的VDPV病例。
流行病学试题及答案1. 以下哪项是描述流行病学的定义?答案:研究人群健康与疾病分布规律、疾病影响因素以及预防控制措施的科学。
2. 流行病学的研究对象主要是什么?答案:疾病与健康问题在人群中的分布和变化规律。
3. 流行病学研究的目的是什么?答案:揭示人群在不同因素作用下疾病发生、发展和传播的规律,为制定、实施预防措施提供科学依据。
4. 流行病学的基本原则有哪些?答案:时、地、人群、效应四个基本原则。
5. 流行病学研究的设计类型有哪些?答案:病例对照研究、队列研究、交叉研究、横断面调查等。
6. 什么是发病率?答案:单位时间与人群数量相关的新发生病例数,通常以每千人或每十万人为单位。
7. 流行病学中使用的疾病负担指标有哪些?答案:死亡率、发病率、残疾率、生活质量调整年等。
8. 什么是流行病学调查?答案:通过对疾病在人群中的分布、发病原因等进行调查收集数据,从而揭示疾病的流行规律与原因。
9. 流行病学调查常用的方法有哪些?答案:问卷调查、个案对照研究、聚集病例调查等。
10. 什么是流行病学预防学?答案:通过研究疾病的流行规律和影响因素,寻求预防控制方法的科学。
11. 流行病学预防的基本策略有哪些?答案:提高人群健康意识、加强疾病监测、推广健康教育、控制传染源和传播途径、提供预防服务等。
12. 什么是疫情?答案:指某种传染病在一定时间和地域范围内发生的新发、再发或流行的情况。
13. 流行病学在公共卫生中的作用是什么?答案:为疾病控制、预防和公共健康政策提供科学依据。
14. 请简要介绍一下新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的流行病学特征。
15. 流行病学的应用领域有哪些?答案:疾病预防控制、流行病学调查、环境健康、职业健康、营养与健康等。
1998二、简答题(6分/题)1.举例说明RNA病毒在细胞中的增殖过程2.机体病毒感染免疫反应主要有哪几种,它们的作用机理如何?3.己经发现的病毒性肝炎有哪几型,扼要介绍各型肝炎病毒的性状及其感染特征4.PCR技术的基本原理及其应用范围5.什么是基因组重组疫苗,它与用经典方法生产的疫苗相比具备哪些优点?三、问答题(第1题必答,20分,其他任选3题,10分)1.试论我国病毒病的防治现状及本世纪未21世纪初我国医学病毒学的发展前景2.动物病毒分类的主要依据?DNA和RNA病毒各包括哪些科并列举各科的代表病毒3.病毒感染流行病学特点及其研究方法4.列举两种与人类肿瘤有关的病毒?己有哪些实验资料证明其相关性1999二、问答题1.病毒学发展可分成几个阶段,各阶段主要特点是什么?试论21世纪病毒学发展趋势?2.简述病毒基因组的特点及其复制机理3.病毒感染对宿主细胞的主要影响有哪些?举例说明4.简述机体抗病毒感染免疫反应的主要特点及其作用机理5.哪些病毒与人恶性肿瘤有关,其主要依据和可能的致癌机理是什么?6.目前严重危害我国人民健康的主要病毒有哪些?请根据呼吸道,肠道,皮肤,粘膜和血液等传染途径各举一例(5种)说明其主要流行特点7.病毒感染的诊断方法主要有哪几类?其主要优缺点是什么?8.我国正在使用的病毒疫苗有多少种?其主要特点是什么?2001二、简答题(25分)1.我国目前己批准使用的病毒疫苗有哪些?哪些为减毒活疫苗?8分2.举例说明一种DNA病毒在细胞内复制过程?6分3.简述造成病毒细胞嘟性的机制?6分4.动物病毒分类的依据是什么?5分三、问答题(10分×4题,第一题为必答题,其余任选三题)1.某地区发生了大规模腹泻暴发,专家初步断定为病毒感染所致,作为病毒学专家,你如何对其进行全面鉴定以确该病原为何种病毒?2.列举两种与人类肿瘤有关的病毒?有哪些资料证明其相关性?3.目前己知的病毒性肝炎有哪些类型?试述各型肝炎的原因?病毒的基因组特点和传播途径?4.常见的病毒载体有哪些?请简要叙述两种不同病毒载体的构建原理5.简述机体抗病毒免疫的主要特点及其作用机理四、论述题(15分)人类基因组计划HGP的实施将对医学研究产生深远影响,请将HGP的实施阐述一下你的认识:HGP 将对医学病毒学研究产生怎样的影响,同时病毒学在HGP研究中将发挥怎样的作用?2002二、简答题1.决定动物病毒感染时细胞嗜性的主要因素有哪些,为什么?2.试从免疫学原理角度,简要分析活疫苗(包括减毒或活载体疫苗)与灭活疫苗相比在病毒病预防中的优越性3.什么是Virokine和Viroceptor?简述它们是通过哪些作用途径和机制逃逸宿主免疫的?4.病毒载体包括哪几类?有何用途?5.列举3种不同的正链RNA和负链RNA病毒,并各选一种简要介绍其基因组结构与特征三、论述题己知某一病毒外膜蛋白的序列,如何从病毒的基因组中将该蛋白的基因克隆,并对其表达产物进行鉴定。
2010 年中国 CDC一、流行病学 :1、单选题( 10 题, 20 分)现况研究、病例对照研究、队列研究考了很多知识点。
2、多选题( 10 题, 20 分)描述疾病流行强度的指标,评价临床试验的指标?(治愈率,有效率,保护率,效果指数);病例的选择。
3、简答题( 2 题, 20 分)(1)、根据下表,计算用 A 法做筛检试验的灵敏度( 2 分),特异度(2 分),阳性预测值( 2 分);根据以上结果,对此试验进行简要评价?( 4 分)A 法金标准肝癌非肝癌阳性301040阴性209011050100150(2)、现欲对某社区的青少年骨癌的危险因素进行研究,请问( 1)选用哪种流行病学方法最好?为什么?( 2)如果发现家庭经济条件可以影响骨癌的发病率,应该如何控制? )二、卫生统计学判断题( 5 题, 5 分)1 型错误和 11 型错误的辨别,填空题( 10 题, 10 分)1、抽样的类型——,——,——,——。
单选题( 10 题, 10 分)1、考医学参考值用置信区间的公式会怎样 1.精确度上升 2.有病可能判为无病几率变大 3.变小 4.精确度降低2、一个人测量了血压胆固醇之类的好几项指标问应该用什么方法分析8 H! ?" d3 q+ [$ m% E; x6 Y多选题( 10 题, 20 分)下列可以用于检验正态分布的方法有?(z 检验, u 检验, d 检验, f 检验)名词解释( 5 题, 15 分)多重线性共变,盲法,决定系数,independency ratio ,置信区间三、营养与食品卫生学营养学单选题( 10 题, 10 分)下列属于必需脂肪酸的是?下列可用于评价儿童生长发育的指标有?可用尿负荷试验测定的维生素是?大豆磷脂的作用?维生素 B2 的生理功能?缺乏下列哪种维生素易导致胎儿神经管畸形?下列哪种食物可提供充足的铁?下列哪种脂蛋白是动脉粥样硬化的保护因素?食品安全法的相关知识多选题( 8题,8分))下列属于多糖的是?(淀粉,纤维素,棉子糖,蔗糖,果糖),痛风的病人不宜使用下列哪些食品?(荞麦,苹果,猪肝,)关于维生素的作用及副作用的,下列哪种做法可以破坏谷类食物的营养成分?高温作业应注意哪些营养素的补充?下列关于推荐摄入量说法正确的是?简答题( 3 题, 12 分)维生素 A 缺乏的原因,如何进行预防?高血压的膳食治疗?人体能量消耗包括那几个方面?影响因素是什么?食品卫生学 :选择题:黄曲霉毒、伏马菌毒素分别污染污染什么食物?水分活度的相关说法?下列哪种农药不是抑制胆碱酯酶的活性?汞、镉分别侵犯哪些系统?下列哪种指标用于评价油脂酸败的早期指标?下列哪种是酒的功能物质?副溶血弧菌的相关问题?大肠菌群的卫生学意义?简答题: :一个病例分析题:大体意思是,在餐馆里进餐,食用了凉拌菜和凉肉,然后出现了腹痛腹泻,黄色稀水样便,没有呕吐,没有发热,请问是哪种食物中毒?诊断依据是什么?进一步应作哪些检查?怎样进行果汁的细菌学检查,步骤?(以果汁为例,说明如何进行菌落总数的测定?)四、职业卫生与职业医学填空题,很多关于法律的问题,不太好回答在工效学的实际应用中,人体测量包括哪两种类型?职业卫生法监督主体是什么?选择题,比较活,关于第二章的内容几乎没考,职业中毒的概念?名词解释:发病率与患病率,生物监测,剂量反应关系,联合作用,健康工人效应,职业接触限值简答题:职业病的特点( 10 分);矽肺发病的影响因素? ;职业接触的生物的限制由哪些?接触评估的内容是什么?职业接触限制的制定依据是什么?五、环境卫生学名词解释:环境介质,生物标志,单选题( 20 题, 20 分)比较简单环易感人群(单选)健康效应谱(单选)致癌物的分类(单选)境基因组计划涉及环境基因 1.转录活性 2.多态性 3. 表达职业病的诊断,治疗等费用由——承担(填空)。
中国CDC研究生入学考试卫生综合试题中国CDC研究生入学考试卫生综合试题环境卫生部分1.环境卫生学研究的环境,可分为:a.原环境b.生态环境c.次生环境2.世界卫生组织阿拉木图宣言对健康的定义是:a.健康是没有疾病与虚弱,心理状态好b.健康是没有疾病,身体强壮,生长发育正常c.健康不仅是没有疾病与虚弱,而是身心健康,社会幸福的完美状态3.构成地壳和人体组织的元素有:a.钾、镁、硫、氯、铁、锌、硒、镍等b.钙、硅、有机汞、磷、有机氯、铁、锰等c.钠、有机锡、氯、钢、锌、铜、碘、钒等4.氢、氧、氮三种组分占大气总量的百分比为:a.65%b.93.96%c.78%5.人为引起的大气污染包括:a.燃料、建筑材料;交通运输、自然环境突变、生活废弃物b.工业企业、生活炉灶和采暖锅炉、交通运输、由其他环境介质转入,其他(意外事故、污物焚烧)6.水体自净原理包括以下几个方面:a.物理净化、化学净化、生物净化b.混凝、氧化、还原c.沉淀、络合、稀释7.台湾发现有黑脚病患者,主要是由于引起的a.镍b.镉c.铬d.氧e.砷f氯8.我国生活饮用水质标准对细菌学指标规定为:细菌总数不超过a.200个/ml b.100个/ml游离性余氯(接触30分钟)在a.0.3mg/l b.0.5mg/l以上每升水中大肠杆菌不超过a.5个b.3个9.室内空气污染的来源主要有:a.煤炭,吸烟,化妆品,清洁剂b.燃料,人类活动,建筑材料与装饰材料,室外污染物10.人口净密度计算公式为a.居住人数/建筑面积(ha)b.居住人数/居住建筑用地面积(ha)c.居住人数/居住面积(m2)11.居住与声源间的卫生防护距离应参考下列哪个表?a.声源噪声级卫生防护距离(dBA)100-110 300-50090-100 150-30080-90 50-15070-80 30-10060-70 20-50b.声源噪声级卫生防护距离(dBA)100-110 300-50090-100 150-30080-90 50-15070-80 30-10060-70 20-5012.洗涤剂对人体的损害表现有如下哪三个方面?a.免疫水平下降b.接触性皮炎c.全身中毒d.遗传毒性e.误服中毒f.其他13.有害物质在大气中存在的状态,可分为哪两大类a.气态(包括蒸气态)气溶胶b.气态(包括蒸气态),固态,液态c.烟雾,气溶胶14.水样的硝酸盐氨定用a.二磺酸酚比色法b.氢氧化比色法c.纳氏直接比色法15.酸雨是由于大气中的污染物a.氧气b.氢气c.二氧化硫形成的16.生物地球化学性疾病又称为:a.公害病b.地方病c.职业病17.世界卫生组织报道的水中苯并芘(a)最高容许浓度为a.0.1微克/升b.10%c.20%劳动卫生与职业病学部分1.我国法定职业病有多少种?a.99b.100c.102d.1042.我国法定尘肺有多少种?a.10b.12c.14d.63.治疗铅中毒首选的驱铅药是哪一种?a.依地酸二钠钙b.二硫基丙烷磺酸钠c.青霉胺d.硫代硫酸钠4.下列那一种毒物可引起再生障碍性贫血a.铅b.砷c.苯d.汽油5.治疗急性亚硝酸盐中毒引起的变性血红蛋白症的美兰浓度是多少?a.1-2mg/kg体重b.3-4mg/kg体重c.5-6mg/kg体重d.5-10mg/kg体重6.急性中毒后可能引起迟发性神经病的毒物是那一种?a.三氧化二砷b.汞c.氢氰菊酯d.甲胺磷7.一氧化碳与血红蛋白的亲和力较氧与血红蛋白的亲和力大多少倍?a.100b.200c.300d.4008.尘肺肺部的主要病理改变是什么?a.肉芽肿b.慢性炎症c.纤维化d.肺气肿9.下列那种化合物可引起膀胱癌:a.亚硝酸盐b.氯乙烯c.二氯化二砷d.联苯胺10.下列化合物中可抑制胆碱酯酶活性的是那一种?a.溴氢菊酯b.呋喃丹c.杀虫眯d.氯乙酰胺综合考试1.在劳动卫生学中将生产性粉尘分为非吸入性粉尘(>10um),可吸入性粉尘(120,反映此资料的平均水平为a.众数b.中位数c.算术均数d.调和均数判断对错1.在假设检验中,不拒绝实际上是不成立的Ho,这类错误成为第一类错误.2.假设检验结论中的“拒绝Ho,接受H1”称为相差很大。
(二)选择题1.Prior to advising a Documentary Credit to the beneficiary,the Advising Bank is responsible for:A effecting payment against conforming documentsB checking the apparent authenticity of the Documentary CreditC notifying the Issuing Bank that the Documentary Credit is being advisedD checking that the reimbursement method is effectiveAnswer:B2. A Documentary Credit states that shipment must be made on or about 27 June. Which of the following shipment dates would be acceptable?1.20 June2.27 June3.02 July4.03 JulyA 1 and 2 onlyB 1 and 4 onlyC 2 and 3 onlyD 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: C3.If an Exporter is willing to release the shipping documents directly to the buyer, but wishes to retain some guarantee of payment should the Buyer fail to on the due date, which of the following Documentary Credits BEST suits the exporter’s needs?A TransferableB RevolvingC StandbyD EvergreenAnswer: C4. Where a Documentary Credit includes a shipping schedule and an installment is NOT shipped within the stipulates period, which of the following statements the Documentary Credit is correct?A It continues to be available for that installment only.B It continues to be available for that and other installments.C It ceases to be available for that installment only.D It ceases to be available for that and other installments. Answer: D5. A Marine Bill of Lading acts as:1. an acknowledgement of receipt of the goods by the carrier2. evidence of a contract of carriage3. a document of title for the goods.4. evidence of the contract between the seller and the forwarding agent.A 1and 3 onlyB 2and 4 onlyC 1, 2 and 3 onlyD 2, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: C6. Which Documentary Credit enables a beneficiary to obtain pre-shipment financing with impact on his facility?A TransferableB Red ClauseC Irrevocable, payable at sightD Confirmed Irrevocable, payable at maturity.Answer: B7. Which of the following percentages represents the minimum insured value of goods on the insurance document unless otherwise stated in the documentary credit where the CIF/CIP value can be determined?A 100%B 105%C 110%D 115%Answer: C8. Which shipping term is appropriate when the seller will bear all risks and cost, including import duties, taxes and other charges on the quay, at a named place of destination?A CIFB DEQC DDPD DESAnswer: C9. Documents are presented in accordance with the terms of an Unconfirmed Documentary Credit payable at sight and the Nominated Bank chooses to negotiated them. Which of the following statements best describes the Nominated Bank’s actions?1. Make immediate payment to the Beneficiary.2. Effect payment on receipt of covering funds.3. Present documents to the Issuing Bank.4. Confirm sight to the Reimbursing Bank.A 1 and 3 only.B 1 and 4 only.C 2 and 3 only.D 2 and 4 only.Answer: A10.The Beneficiary of a Documentary Credit wishes to sue it as collateral to make payment to the supplier of the goods. Which of the following Documentary Credits could the Issuing Bank issue to meet the Beneficiary’s needs?A TransferableB Back to backC StandbyD Revolving.Answer: B11.In order to facilitate clearance of goods prior to presentation of documents under a Documentary Credit, the Issuing Bank has issued an Airway Release against an Irrevocable Undertaking to pay from your customer. Subsequently, documents for this consignment are received and, upon examination, are found to be discrepant. The Issuing Bank should:A Debit its cusomer’s account regardless of the discrepanciesB Contact its customer to obtain authority to waive the discrepancies.C Advise the Presenting Bank that the Issuing Bank has released goods and will seek the applicant’s approval of the discrepancies.D Forward a rejection notification to the Presenting Bank Stating all discrepancies.Answer: A12.A documentary Credit is received without a stipulation of whether partial shipments are allowed. Which of the following statements is applicable?A They are allowed.B Refer to the beneficiaryC They are prohibitedAnswer: A13.When a bank confirms an Irrevocable Transferable Documentary Credit it assumes the Credit risk of which party?A The ApplicantB The Issuing BankC. The First Beneficiary.D. the Second BeneficiayAnswer: B14.When an Advising Bank has accepted a Time/Usance Draft under an AdvisedDocumentary Credit, they are responsible for effecting payment at maturity when:A they have received funds from the Issuing BankB they have received funds from the reimbursing Bank.C the draft is verified by the Applicant.D the draft is presented by the Beneficiary.Answer: D15. Delivery of goods has been made to the buyer on 08 October. The relevant documents were presented in order, including a CMR dated 15 days prior to delivery. The Documentary Credit terms state that payment is to be effected 30 days after shipment. On which date will payment be made?(There are NO bank holiday and Saturday and Sundays are NOT banking days.)A Friday 22 October.B Monday 25 October.C Fiday 05 NovemberD Monday 08 NovemberAnswer: B16. The Confirming Bank receives documents on Friday 02 April and finds them to be in order on 05 April. Tenor is 30days after the Bill of Lading date. The Bill of Lading is dated 01 April, and the Confirming Bank agrees to pay the Beneficiary immediately. On what date would the Confirming Bank expect to receive funds from the Issuing Bank? (There are NO bank holiday and Saturday and Sundays are NOT banking days.)A 05 AprilB 12 AprilC 30 AprilD 03 MayAnswer: D17. If an Applicant requests that the Documentary Credit expires for presentation at the Issuing Bank with drafts drawn on the Issuing Bank90 days after sight, how should the Documentary Credit be made available?A By sight paymentB By deferred paymentC By acceptanceD By negotiationAnswer: C18. A Documentary Credit that will become available for presentation of shipping documents to the Issuing Bank only after it has received and approved a performance guarantee is usually described as:A StandbyB RevocableC InoperativeD Advance Payment.Answer: C19. In accordance with UCP, what is the maximum number of banking days(inclusive of presentation date) that a Confirming Bank is allowed to refuse the documents?A OneB ThreeC SevenD EightAnswer: D20.What should an Advising Bank do if it receives a Documentary Credit from the Issuing Bank which includes the term ‘Transmissible’?A Disregard the termB Seek clarificationC Advise the Documentary Credit as TransferableD Refuse to advise the Documentary CreditAnswer: A。
cdcs考试题型CDSC考试题型一、简答题1. 请简要介绍CDSC考试的背景及重要性。
2. 什么是CDSC考试?它包含哪些内容?3. CDSC考试的目的是什么?它对个人和社会有何作用?4. 请列举CDSC考试的几个主要特点。
二、选择题1. 下列哪项不是CDSC考试的题型?A. 单选题B. 多选题C. 填空题D. 论述题2. CDSC考试题目的难度如何决定?A. 考生的水平B. 考试的要求C. 咨询师的评估D. 题目的设定3. CDSC考试题目的选项应该如何设计?A. 选项之间应完全独立B. 选项之间应有重叠C. 选项之间应有关联D. 选项应尽量模糊4. 在CDSC考试中,一道选择题通常包含多少个选项?A. 2个B. 3个C. 4个D. 5个三、案例分析题请参考以下案例,回答相应问题。
问题1:小明在工作中感到压力很大,常常感到焦虑和疲惫,请问他应该如何应对这种情况?问题2:小明对自己的职业规划不够明确,请问他应该如何确定自己的职业发展方向?问题3:小明在团队合作中遇到了一些摩擦和不愉快,请问他应该如何处理这种情况?四、论述题请针对以下问题进行论述:1. CDSC考试在培养和提升个人职业技能方面有什么作用?2. CDSC考试对企业的人才选拔和培养有何价值?3. CDSC考试如何帮助个人更好地适应职业发展的变化和挑战?4. CDSC考试对社会的发展和进步有着怎样的贡献?总结:通过CDSC考试,参与者可以得到更全面和深入的职业能力评估,并从中了解自身的优势和不足,为个人的职业发展提供指导和支持。
中国疾控cdc考研真题简答 统计
19.SNK-q 检验和 Dunnett-t 的作用和适用条件。15
20.R×C 表卡方检验的注意事项有哪些?14
变异 程度 毗
②名对比 组 间参数差异 但比
③ x 冱心
心is迅正心比让72o1 itois missing心不如心⻔ 心 242 国101 -
标准差 标准误
公式 5
同一年代出生的人数活到ㄨ岁 尚能存活的年数
鸡 年龄
a 干预
纯性 杀现正 方 line
反解应变释小变归对研解究结释局或的引测起反量应受又秄业改社局变变的生受生y X
30.某作者欲分析年龄与淋巴细胞转化率的关系,n=252,r=-0.20,回归方程 y=76.0-0.4x。p<0.01,结 论是淋巴细胞转化率与年龄密切相关。请问:这个结论有无实用价值,为什么?09
A 正确
B 不正确,因为没有计算率
C 不正确,因为缺乏病理生理学证据
D 不正确,因为只是一次流行病学调查
E 不正确,因为难以确定因与果何者在前,何者在后
第一年阳转的儿童)分班托儿,并随访一年,结果原原HBsAg 阴性的儿童其阳转率仅为5%,
较头一年混班托儿明显为低,因而认为HBsAg 阳性儿童与阴性儿童分班托儿对预防乙型肝
C 疾病的治疗 D 传染病的流行过程
A 风疹 B 霍乱
C 流行性腮腺炎 D 细菌性痢疾
. 3 15
1.主动监测 2. 信息偏倚 3.理论流行病学
1、举例说明流行病学研究中常见的混杂因素,以及在资料分析是应对的方法。(10 分)
2、在设计病例对照调查时,应注意哪些问题,并举例说明。(10 分)
3、根据你掌握的流行病学知识,就如何提高我国某一种疾病的防治水平提出建议。(10 分)
B 暴露因素先于疾病的发生而存在
C 消除暴露因素可减少发病的危险性
D 暴露因素能在所有病例中找到
率分别为25%和30% ,年龄标化处理后,甲乙两社区的患病率分别为35%和25%,解释结
1. 现代流行病学的基本概念
- 流行病学的定义是什么?
- 流行病学的主要目标是什么?
- 现代流行病学研究的对象有哪些?
- 什么是流行病学调查?它的重要性是什么?
2. 流行病学研究设计与数据收集
- 请简要介绍一下流行病学研究的三种基本研究设计。
- 什么是横断面研究?什么是纵向研究?
- 请解释一下抽样的概念,并列举一些常用的抽样方式。
- 数据收集方法有哪些?
3. 流行病学数据分析与解释
- 请解释一下患病率(prevalence),发病率(incidence)和相关系数(correlation coefficient)的概念。
- 什么是标准化率(standardized rate)?它的计算方法是什么?
- 流行病学数据分析的常用统计方法有哪些?
- 请简要介绍一下卡方检验(chi-square test)。
4. 疾病预防控制与疫苗接种
- 请解释一下疾病预防控制的定义。
- 疾病预防控制的基本策略有哪些?
- 请列举一些常见的传染病疫苗。
- 疫苗接种计划的目的和意义是什么?
5. 疾病监测与报告
- 请解释一下疾病监测与报告的概念。
- 疾病报告的内容和程序有哪些?
- 疾病监测的方法有哪些?
- 请简要介绍一下疾病预防控制与疫情防控的关系。
疾病预防控制中心笔试面试题目录2012福建省疾病预防控制中心面试题 3 2012福建省莆田市疾病预防控制中心面试题 3 2012广州市疾控笔试题 3 2012广州越秀区疾控笔试题 4 2012广东省厅考试笔试题 4 2012江苏省卫生厅直属事业单位考试题 5 2012江苏无锡市疾控面试题 52012江苏张家港事业单位面试题 5 2012江西省疾控疾病控制岗位面试题目 5 2012昆山预防医学招聘的面试题 6 2012南京市疾控中心面试题 6 2012宁波市鄞州区卫生系统面试题 6 2012苏州市疾控中心计免科面试题 6 2012武汉某事业单位面试题 6 2012浙江省绍兴市疾病预防控制中心面试题7 2012中国CDC笔试题7 2011长沙县疾控考试题7 2011长沙县疾控面试题8 2011长沙市天心区事业单位笔试题8 2011长沙市天心区医务招考笔试题8 2011池州市事业单位招聘面试题9 2011成都某县疾控中心面试题9 2011湖州市卫生局直属事业单位招聘题9 2011临沂市事业编考试卫生类考试题9 2011南京市疾控考试题10 2011南京事业单位招聘预防医学考试题11 2011南京市六合区卫生事业单位笔试题13 2011南京市六合区卫生系统面试题14 2011南京市六合区卫生系统下半年面试题14 2011宁波市鄞州区预防医学招聘考试笔试题14 2011无锡崇安区卫生系统招聘面试题15 2011武汉预防医学笔试题15 2011武汉市某市单位面试题16 2011上海市浦东新区疾控笔试题16 2011山东事业单位面试真题16 2011山西省河津市招考公共卫生笔试题16 2011新疆区县级疾控中心面试题16 2011浙江省疾控中心招考试题16 2010安徽铜陵疾控面试题目17 2010长沙宁乡县CDC面试题17 2010长沙市天心区事业单位招聘试题17 2010郴州市北湖区CDC笔试题18 2010福州某县卫生系统面试题18 2010合肥市包河区卫生招考笔试题182010哈尔滨市疾控面试题18 2010淮安清河区卫生招聘面试题18 2010南京市疾病预防控制中心笔试题18 2010南京市疾病预防控制中心招聘笔试题19 2010宁波江东区预防医学招聘考试题20 2010宁波市鄞州区卫生系统招聘笔面试题20 2010宁波镇海区疾控的试题20 2010广州市海珠区疾控面试题21 2010广州市CDC预防医学专业招聘试题21 2010江苏省疾控研究生招聘考试题23 2010绍兴市疾控中心笔试面试题23 2010绍兴市疾控中心招聘考试题24 2010绍兴县上半年卫生系统招聘笔试题24 2010武汉市事业单位招考公卫笔试题24 2010武汉市武昌区区疾控面试题25 2010无锡市崇安区招聘笔试题25 2010湘潭县疾控笔试加面试题25 2010徐州市疾控中心面试题25 2010浙江省卫生直属事业单位笔试题26 2009北京市朝阳区卫生事业单位公开招聘试题27 2009广州市疾病预防控制中心招聘考试题27 2009广州市海珠区公共卫生医生招考题27 2009杭州市上城区疾控中心招考试题28 2009杭州西湖区风景名胜疾控中心笔试题28 2009江苏省卫生事业单位公开招聘试题28 2009宁波北仑区卫生局下属事业编制单位招考试题292012福建省疾病预防控制中心面试题两题,思考2分钟,5分钟答题1、谈谈对“坚持与放弃”的看法2、谈谈慢性病的预防与控制2012福建省莆田市疾病预防控制中心面试题1.什么是突发公共卫生事件,有哪些种类?2.谈谈疾病频率测量的指标有哪些,有什么用途?3.近年来慢性病的发病率不断增高,谈谈如何进行慢性病的预防和控制工作?2012广州市疾控笔试题8道简答题1、患病率(时点,期间)与发病的区别2、为什么现况研究不能计算发病率3、计算灵敏度及阳性预测值-4、合并标准化率的思想5、计数资料的集中化趋势的指标及使用条件6、流行病学的三个主要特征7、解释样本、变异等等的意思8、没有对照组的解释论述题1、配对的研究设计,卡方值及OR值2、方差分析的表格选择题有20道什么是甲类传染病传染病传播的基本环节一级预防,二级预防三件分布统计图表百分位数的上下限都挺基础的还有1个小时的案例分析,、一个是列出筛检的四格表,另外一个就是求RR及AR%2012广州越秀区疾控笔试题选择题(30题,哈哈,记忆力不好,想起这么多)食道有几处生理狭窄——三处大脑由什么动脉供血——双侧颈内动脉及椎动脉铅在体内哪个器官蓄积——骨以下哪项属于丙类传染病——麻风病(麻风病病毒性肝炎炭疽传染性非典型肺炎)炭疽尸体的处理方法——经卫生处理后立即火化医师执业活动的权利——保护患者的隐私(在注册的执业范围内,进行医学诊查;从事医学研究;参加专业培训,接受继续医学教育;保护患者的隐私)医师在执业活动中,违反《执业医师法》规定,构成犯罪的处理——依法追究刑事责任传染性非典型肺炎应按()类传染病报告——甲简答题(10分/题)1.病区的消毒范围;消毒方法的分类;诊疗用品如血压计袖带、听诊器及腋下体温表,以其中一样为例,描述在其清洁基础上的消毒过程2.采集标本的原则及采集粪便的注意事项3.越秀区疾控的公共职能论述题(20分/题)1.社区公共卫生服务的基本项目及其内容2.公共卫生医师需具备的条件。
附件一宁波市2011年基层预防接种人员免疫预防知识试题库2、以下说法不正确的是( B )B.5mm以上的单独的房缺,但心功能正常、心脏大小正常,无分流可以接种疫苗3、关于过敏史,以下说法不正确的是( A )A.过敏史指对单种食物或药物过敏的过敏体质。
7、发生过敏性休克时,如果儿童体重不明,肾上腺素的用量不正确的是(A)A.2岁以0.125ml(1/8支);8、发生过敏性紫癜后,以下哪种处置是正确的?( B )B.糖皮质激素治疗。
9、发生Arthus反应应该如何处置( D )D.以上都是。
10、发生血管性水肿应该如何处置()答案为:B服抗组胺类药抗过敏治疗11、发生多发性神经炎应该如何处置( D )D.以上都是。
12、发生接种卡介苗后引起的淋巴结炎,以下哪项处置是不正确的?( A )A.注射异烟肼或加用利福平。
13、接种时有人发生晕厥应该如何处置( D )D.以上都是。
14、锡克氏试验是检验人群中对何种疾病的免疫水平,其常用评价指标是什么?答案为:A白喉,阴性率15、接种乙型肝炎病毒疫苗后,获得免疫力的指标是( D ) D.抗HBs16、评价人群疫苗接种效果最关键的指标是(B )B.保护率22、VDPV是指( A )A.AFP病例大便标本分离到的脊灰病毒与原始疫苗株病毒相比,VP1区全基因序列变异介于1%~15%之间23、(C.2000年)年我国实现了“无脊灰”的目标24、我国目前使用的远期预防脊髓灰质炎的特异措施是( B )B. 服用OPV25、有关脊髓灰质炎的描述正确的是( D )。
27、(1993)年我国开始开展全国范围的脊灰疫苗强化免疫活动30、以下哪项是高危AFP病例判定标准:(D)D.以上都是31、VDPV循环(cVDPVs)是指( A )A.同一县(区)或相邻县(区)发现2例或2例以上相关的VDPV病例。
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人类基因组计划HGP的实施将对医学研究产生深远影响,请将HGP的实施阐述一下你的认识:HGP 将对医学病毒学研究产生怎样的影响,同时病毒学在HGP研究中将发挥怎样的作用?