



DABiC-IV , 20-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERData Sheet 26182.126AThe A6812– devices combine a 20-bit CMOS shift register,accompanying data latches and control circuitry with bipolar sourcing outputs and pnp active pull downs. Designed primarily to drivevacuum-fluorescent displays, the 60 V and -40 mA output ratings also allow these devices to be used in many other peripheral power driver applications. The A6812– features an increased data input rate (com-pared with the older UCN/UCQ5812-F) and a controlled output slew rate.The CMOS shift register and latches allow direct interfacing with microprocessor-based systems. With a 3.3 V or 5 V logic supply, they will operate to at least 10 MHz.A CMOS serial data output permits cascade connections in applica-tions requiring additional drive lines. Similar devices are available as the A6809– and A6810– (10 bits), A6811– (12 bits), and A6818– (32bits).The A6812– output source drivers are npn Darlingtons, capable of sourcing up to 40 mA. The controlled output slew rate reduces electro-magnetic noise, which is an important consideration in systems that include telecommunications and/or microprocessors and to meetgovernment emissions regulations. For inter-digit blanking, all output drivers can be disabled and all sink drivers turned on with a BLANK-ING input high. The pnp active pull-downs will sink at least 2.5 mA.Two temperature ranges are available for optimum performance in commercial (suffix S-) or industrial (suffix E-) applications. Package styles are provided for through-hole DIP (suffix -A), surface-mount SOIC (suffix -LW), or minimum-area surface-mount PLCC (suffix -EP). Copper lead frames, low logic-power dissipation, and lowoutput-saturation voltages allow these drivers to source 25 mA from all outputs continuously to more than +43°C (suffix -LW), +61°C (suffix -EP), or +77°C (suffix -A).FEATURESI Controlled Output Slew Rate I High-Speed Data Storage I 60 V Minimum Output Breakdown I High Data Input Rate I PNP Active Pull-Downs Complete part number includes a suffix to identify operating temperature range (E- or S-) and package type (-A, -EP, or -LW).Always order by complete part number, e.g., A6812SLW .6812I Low Output-Saturation Voltages I Low-Power CMOS Logic and Latches I Improved Replacements for TL5812–, UCN5812–,and UCQ5812–681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000A6812xEPA6812xLWLOAD SUPPLY OUT 2OUT 7OUT 8Dwg. PP-029-8OUT 19OUT 18OUT13SERIAL DATA OUTBLANKINGLOGICSUPPLY STROBE GROUNDCLOCKOUT 9OUT 10OUT 12OUT 11SERIAL DATA IN OUT 6OUT 1OUT 4OUT 3OUT 20OUT 5OUT 17OUT 16OUT 15OUT 14TYPICAL INPUT CIRCUITDwg. EP-010-5INDwg. PP-059-1O U T 10O U T 20O U T 11O U T 19C L O C KS E R I A L D A T A O U TL O A D S U P P L YS E R I A L D A T A I NS T R O B EG R O U N DL O G I C S U P P L Y B L A N K I N GO U T 9O U T 1OUT2OUT 8OUT 18OUT 1250751001251502.50.50A L L O W A B L E P A C K A G E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N I N W A T T SAMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °C2.01.51.025Dwg. GP-024-2S UF F I X 'L W ', R = 66°C /WθJ AS UF F I X 'E P ', R =55°C /W θJ A S UF F I X 'A ', R = 45°C /W θJ A NCopyright © 2000, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERTRUTH TABLEL = Low Logic Level H = High Logic Level X = Irrelevant P = Present State R = Previous StateLATCHES681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A = +25°C (A6812S-) or over operating temperature range (A6812E-), V BB = 60 V unless otherwise noted.Limits @ V DD = 3.3 V Limits @ V DD = 5 VCharacteristicSymbol Test Conditions Mln.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Units Output Leakage Current I CEX V OUT = 0 V —<-0.1-15—<-0.1-15µA Output VoltageV OUT(1)I OUT = -25 mA 57.558.3—57.558.3—V V OUT(0)I OUT = 1 mA — 1.0 1.5— 1.0 1.5V Output Pull-Down Current I OUT(0)V OUT = 5 V to V BB2.5 5.0— 2.5 5.0—mA Input VoltageV IN(1) 2.2—— 3.3——V V IN(0)—— 1.1—— 1.7V Input CurrentI IN(1)V IN = V DD —<0.01 1.0—<0.01 1.0µA I IN(0)V IN = 0 V —<-0.01-1.0—<-0.01-1.0µA Input Clamp Voltage V IK I IN = -200 µA —-0.8-1.5—-0.8-1.5V Serial Data Output VoltageV OUT(1)I OUT = -200 µA 2.8 3.05— 4.5 4.75—V V OUT(0)I OUT = 200 µA —0.150.3—0.150.3V Maximum Clock Frequency f c 10*——10*——MHz Logic Supply CurrentI DD(1)All Outputs High —0.250.75—0.3 1.0mA I DD(0)All Outputs Low—0.250.75—0.3 1.0mA Load Supply CurrentI BB(1)All Outputs High, No Load — 3.0 6.0— 3.0 6.0mA I BB(0)All Outputs Low —0.220—0.220µA Blanking -to-Output Delayt dis(BQ)C L = 30 pF, 50% to 50%—0.7 2.0—0.7 2.0µs t en(BQ)C L = 30 pF, 50% to 50%— 1.8 3.0— 1.8 3.0µs Strobe -to-Output Delayt p(STH-QL)R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF —0.7 2.0—0.7 2.0µs t p(STH-QH)R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF — 1.8 3.0— 1.8 3.0µs Output Fall Time t f R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF 2.4—12 2.4—12µs Output Rise Time t r R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF 2.4—12 2.4—12µs Output Slew RatedV/dtR L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF 4.0—20 4.0—20V/µs Clock -to-Serial Data Out Delay t p(CH-SQX)I OUT = ±200 µA —50——50—nsNegative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the specified device terminal.Typical data is is for design information only and is at T A = +25°C.* Operation at a clock frequency greater than the specified minimum is possible but not warranteed.6812 20-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER TIMING REQUIREMENTS and SPECIFICATIONS (Logic Levels are V DD and Ground)Serial Data present at the input is transferred to the shift register on the logic “0” to logic “1” transition of the CLOCK input pulse. On succeeding CLOCK pulses, the registers shift data information towards the SERIAL DATA OUTPUT. The SERIAL DATA must appear at the input prior to the rising edge of the CLOCK input waveform.Information present at any register is transferred to the respective latch when the STROBE is high (serial-to-parallel conversion). The latches will continue to accept new data as long as the STROBE is held high. Applications where the latches are bypassed (STROBE tied high) will require that the BLANKING input be high during serial data entry.When the BLANKING input is high, the output source drivers are disabled (OFF); the pnp active pull-down sink drivers are ON. The information stored in the latches is not affected by the BLANKING input. With the BLANKING input low, the outputs are controlled by the state of their respective latches.OUTDwg. WP-029OUTDwg. WP-030A. Data Active Time Before Clock Pulse(Data Set-Up Time), t su(D)...................................... 25 nsB. Data Active Time After Clock Pulse(Data Hold Time), t h(D)............................................ 25 nsC. Clock Pulse Width, t w(CH)............................................ 50 nsD. Time Between Clock Activation and Strobe, t su(C).... 100 nsE. Strobe Pulse Width, t w(STH).......................................... 50 nsNOTE – Timing is representative of a 10 MHz clock. Higherspeeds may be attainable with increased supply voltage;operation at high temperatures will reduce the specifiedmaximum clock frequency.681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000A6812EA & A6812SADimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters (for reference only)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.4.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 12 devices.123Dwg. MA-003-28 in144123Dwg. MA-003-28 mm144681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERA6812EEP & A6812SEP(add “TR” to part number for tape and reel)Dimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 38 devices or add “TR ” to part number for tape and reel.Dwg. MA-005-28A inDwg. MA-005-28A mmDimensions in Millimeters (for reference only))681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000A6812ELW & A6812SLW(add “TR” to part number for tape and reel)Dimensions in Inches (for reference only)Dimensions in Millimeters (controlling dimensions)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 27 devices or add “TR ” to part number for tape and reel.0°TO 8°Dwg. MA-008-28A inBSC0.01250.00910.0500.0160.4190.3946812 20-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERThe products described here are manufactured under one or more U.S. patents or U.S. patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the performance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or systems without express written approval.The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsi-bility for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000POWERINTERFACE DRIVERSFunctionOutput Ratings*Part Number †SERIAL-INPUT LATCHED DRIVERS8-Bit (saturated drivers)-120 mA 50 V‡58958-Bit 350 mA 50 V 58218-Bit 350 mA 80 V 58228-Bit 350 mA 50 V‡58418-Bit350 mA 80 V‡58428-Bit (constant-current LED driver)75 mA 17 V 62758-Bit (DMOS drivers)250 mA 50 V 65958-Bit (DMOS drivers)350 mA 50 V‡6A5958-Bit (DMOS drivers)100 mA 50 V 6B59510-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5810-F and 6809/1012-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5811 and 681116-Bit (constant-current LED driver)75 mA 17 V 627620-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5812-F and 681232-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5818-F and 681832-Bit100 mA 30 V 583332-Bit (saturated drivers)100 mA 40 V 5832PARALLEL-INPUT LATCHED DRIVERS4-Bit350 mA 50 V‡58008-Bit -25 mA 60 V 58158-Bit350 mA 50 V‡58018-Bit (DMOS drivers)100 mA 50 V 6B2738-Bit (DMOS drivers)250 mA 50 V 6273SPECIAL-PURPOSE DEVICESUnipolar Stepper Motor Translator/Driver 1.25 A 50 V‡5804Addressable 8-Bit Decoder/DMOS Driver 250 mA 50 V 6259Addressable 8-Bit Decoder/DMOS Driver 350 mA 50 V‡6A259Addressable 8-Bit Decoder/DMOS Driver 100 mA 50 V 6B259Addressable 28-Line Decoder/Driver 450 mA30 V6817*Current is maximum specified test condition, voltage is maximum rating. See specification for sustaining voltage limits.Negative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the output.†Complete part number includes additional characters to indicate operating temperature range and package style.‡Internal transient-suppression diodes included for inductive-load protection.。

阿特拉斯·科普柯 W60 W80 系列切断和分流阀 手册说明书

阿特拉斯·科普柯 W60 W80 系列切断和分流阀 手册说明书

W60/W80 SeriesShut Off & Divert ValvesAPPLI CATI ONWhen stopping or diverting flow in a process system, the W60 single seat valve line provides both a flexible and reliable solution. These valves are pneumatically or manually operated, and offered in a wide variety of body configurations. Available in 1” to 6” (25mm – 152mm) OD sizes.Adapters: Refer to page 27 for descriptions of W80 options.MATE R IALSProduct Wetted: ASTM 316L (UNS-S31603); (DIN-1.4404)Non-Product: ASTM 304 (UNS-S30400); (DIN-1.4301)Seat Material: T ef Flow TM (Std) See Page 3 for other available seat options.Elastomers: FKM (Std) EPDM (Opt) FFKM (Opt)Finish:< 32Ra (<0.8 µm) Other finishes available upon requestPR E S S U R E RATI N G SNote:*6” valves available in W61 Shutoff and W65 Divert only.OPTI ON S AN D ACCE S S OR I E SPR E S S U R E RATI N G SNote:For higher temperature applications than those listed, please consult the factory.*Operating conditions such as flow rate and pressure must be considered when operating near max temperaturerating.Note:3, 4 or 6 inch high pressure clamp not available.For other valve types contact factory. For all valve options see Valve Key Datasheet (DS-1204).Control T opsFEATURES AND BENEFITS• Transparent Control T op keeps all electrical components visible.• Maintainable, designed with the user in mind, making assembly and troubleshooting worry free and easy.• Waukesha Cherry-Burrell uses the industry’s most widely recognized electrical components, so access to off the shelf replacement parts is easy, ensuring quick delivery and less down time.• NEMA 4x (IP64)• Stainless Steel Control Top Option WAU K E S HA CH E R RY-B U R R E LL CONTR OL TOPCU4 & CU4plus CONTR OL TOPCONNECTOR OPTIONS• S/O Cord Grip for hard wire (std)• Quick Disconnect Pin ConnectorsINTERFACE OPTIONS • AS-i Field Bus Card• Device Net Field Bus Network CardPOSITION INDICATION • Set & Forget Switch• Inductive Proximity Switches 20-140V AC/DC, 2-Wire (Std)• Microswitches 24V DC, 110V AC • Intrinsically safe options 5-24V DCSOLENOID VALVES • 24VDC or 110V AC• Select from 0 to 3 SolenoidsFEATURES AND BENEFITS• Automated control and position monitoring for reliable processing • Reduces compressed air and electrical connections • Helps reduce external solenoid valve cabinets • Accelerates valve response time• Innovative seat lift detection is fully integrated without need for external sensor wiring to provide additional position monitoring• Reliability and long service life - robust clamp connection, reinforced stainless steel air coupling threads to avoid air leakages, and water tight seals• Ease of operation - contains manual override solenoids and adjustment screw to throttle air flow to actuator to ensure optimal opening and closing• Clarity - clear and bright indication of valve position - 5 diodes in LED panel and convenient location• Standardization - same control top used on various SPX FLOW valve lines, offers common look and controls interface • NEMA 6 (IP67) washdown rating CONNECTOR OPTIONS• S/O Cord Grip for hard wire (standard)• M12 4-pin connector (optional)INTERFACE OPTIONS • 24V DC Direct Connect • AS-i Field Bus CardSOLENOID VALVES • 24V DC or 110V AC• Select 1 solenoid or solenoid with NOT element (air/air or air assist)POSITION INDICATION OPTIONS• C U4: 2 internal feedback sensors for valve open/valve closed position detection•CU4plus: Automatic teaching of all positions with press of single button 4Air Volume Required • 4" AR = 12.7 in 3/81 cm 3• 4" AL = 14 in 3/90 cm 3• 5" AR = 21.5 in 3/138 cm 3• 5" AL = 27.1 in 3/174 cm 3• 6" AR = 36.1 in 3/223 cm 3• 6" AL = 33.1 in 3/213 cm 3Note: Normal air supply requirement: 50 PSI for 4, 5, and 6 inch, A, B and C size actuators and long stroke actuators; 75 PSI for 4, 5, and 6 inch heavy duty spring actuators. These estimates may vary depending on other factors such as air pressure, pipe line pressure and air routing through solenoid.Standard stroke length is the same for maintainable and maintenance-free actuators.STR OK E LE N GTH8681 CONTR OL TOP Actuator Options8681 Control TopsFEATURES AND BENEFITS• Contact free position sensor including (3) programmable feedback signals• Positions easily taught via intuitive push buttons or Autotune feature to ensure quick & easy set-up• Ultra-bright 360° visual LED position indication with adjustable red, yellow, & green color assignments provide clarity from all points of view and avoid confusion• Manual override and air throttle adjustable solenoids to assist start-up, maintenance, and troubleshooting • Up to IP69K washdown rating available (IP65/67 as standard) for high washdown environments • Built-in microcontroller tracks cycles and alerts operator when preventive maintenance is required • Simple and robust stainless steel adapter & chemically resistant polycarbonate head • Supplied by industry leading Burkert Fluid ControlsCONNECTOR OPTIONS• Quick Disconnect Pin Connector INTERFACE OPTIONS• AS-i Field Bus Card• DeviceNet™ Field Bus Network Card • Available on request CANOpen, IO-LinkPOSITION INDICATION• (3) programmable position sensors in control top SOLENOID VALVES• 24V DC• Manual override and air throttle adjustment • Up to (3) available in control top5All ”A” Dimension are in fully extended (open) position.*For sizing Over-Pressure valves, select a Heavy-Duty spring actuator with a holding pressure greater than the desired relief pressure. Designate with the “R” the valve model (i.e. WR61) and actuator size (i.e. 5RHAR). Refer to DS-1224 for more details on Over-Pressure Valves.“A” - D I M E N S I ON SCONTR OL TOP D I M E N S I ONAL AD D ER4AR-4" Air to RaiseMaintainableM - MicrometerH - Hand LockHLG -Hand Lock, long stroke 6YLG - Hand LockNote: Add control top dimension above to “A” dimension of selected valve and actuator size64AR3 - 4" Air to Raise, 3 position4AL3 - 4" Air to Lower, 3 position6ARY - 6" Air to Raise, extra long stroke• 4AR - 4" (101mm) Air to Raise• 4HAR³ - 4" (101mm) Air to Raise, Heavy Duty Spring• 4RHAR 4 - 4" (101mm) Air to Raise, Spring Adjustable, Heavy Duty Spring • 4ARLG - 4” (101mm) Air to Raise, Long Stroke • 4AL - 4" (101mm) Air to Lower• 4HAL³ - 4" (101mm) Air to Lower, Heavy Duty Spring• 4RHAL 4 - 4" (101mm) Air to Lower, Spring Adjustable, Heavy Duty Spring • 4ALLG - 4” (101mm) Air to Lower, Long Stroke • 4AA - 4" (101mm) Air to Air• 5AR - 5" (127mm) Air to Raise• 5HAR³ - 5" (127mm) Air to Raise, Heavy Duty Spring• 5RHAR 4 - 5" (127mm) Air to Raise, Spring Adjustable, Heavy Duty Spring • 5AL - 5" (127mm) Air to Lower• 5HAL³ - 5" (127mm) Air to Lower, Heavy Duty Spring• 5RHAL 4 - 5" (127mm) Air to Lower, Spring Adjustable, Heavy Duty Spring • 5AA - 5" (127mm) Air to Air• 6AR - 6" (152mm) Air to Raise• 6HAR³ - 6" (152mm) Air to Raise, Heavy Duty Spring • 6RHAR 4 - 6" (152mm) Air to Raise, Spring Adjustable, Heavy Duty Spring• 6ARLG - 6” (152.mm) Air to Raise, Long Stroke • 6AL - 6" (152mm) Air to Lower• 6HAL³ - 6" (152mm) Air to Lower, Heavy Duty Spring • 6RHAL 4 - 6" (152mm) Air to Lower, Spring Adjustable, Heavy Duty Spring• 6ALLG - 6" (152mm) Air to Lower, Long Stroke • 6AA - 6" (152mm) Air to Air• 6ARY² - 6" (152mm) Air to Raise, Extra Long Stroke • 6AL Y² - 6" (152mm) Air to Lower, Extra Long Stroke• A1 - 3" (74mm) Air to Raise • A2 - 3" (74mm) Air to Lower • A3 - 3" (74mm) Air to Air• B1 - 4.5" (110mm) Air to Raise • B2 - 4.5" (110mm) Air to Lower • B3 - 4.5" (110mm) Air to Air • C1 - 6.5" (165mm) Air to Raise • C2 - 6.5" (165mm) Air to Lower •C3 - 6.5" (165mm) Air to AirA1-3" (74mm) Air toRaise, Maintainance FreeActuators4ARP 4" (101 mm) Air to Raise w/positioner 4ALP 4" (101 mm) Air to Lower w/positioner 5ARP 5" (127 mm) Air to Raise w/positioner 5ALP 5" (127 mm) Air to Lower w/positioner 6ARP 6" (152 mm) Air to Raise w/positioner 6ALP6" (152 mm) Air to Lower w/positionerH Hand Lock M Micrometer7A4ALEP 4" (102 mm) Air to Lower, ElectropneumaticPositioner5ALEP 5" (127 mm) Air to Lower, ElectropneumaticPositioner6ALEP 6" (152 mm) Air to Lower, ElectropneumaticPositioner4AREP 4" (102 mm) Air to Raise, ElectropneumaticPositioner5AREP 5" (127 mm) Air to Raise, ElectropneumaticPositioner6AREP 6" (152 mm) Air to Raise, ElectropneumaticPositioner² U sed with Y-B ody valves. Consult with application engineering for use with 6" (152 mm) OD size valves.³ Use TFP metal or TR seats for heavy spring actuators.4Used with over-pressure valves, use TFP or metal seats.4AR3 4" (101 mm) Air to Raise, 3 position 4AL3 4" (101 mm) Air to Lower, 3 positionACCCBD BBCCG HCCFB ODY CON FI G U RATI ON S (1 OF 2)W61 Shut-offW63/W83 Shut-off (W68R/W88R Throttling)W61 and W63 Shut-off - One Piece BodiesCSCDTL TOP RTDTM TOP LTSCMCOPCY TBTDTSA1B1B2B3C1E1CSCDCBIVALVE D I M E N S I ONSTPS and CPS Bodies TM and CM Bodies8B ODY CON FI G U RATI ONS (2 OF 2)TTTCCTCCTTSW62/W82 DivertW65/W85 Divert (W685/W885 Throttling)VALVE D I M E N S I ON S123TTT 12345CTC 1234CTT 12345CCT 12345TCCCCCTTCTCTW64/W84 Tank Outlet (NOTE: Tank Flanges sold separately)T(W64R)C(W64R)T(W64)C(W64)9W80 valves are charted below under corresponding W60 header. Curves are based on water 70ºF (21°C).Pressure Loss Curves501001502002503003504000. to S CV 5353B t o SC V 2622.5B t oS C V 142 B t oS C V891.5 B t o S C V 421 B t o S C V 174 St o B C V6423 S t oBCV 2722.5 S t oB C V 1312 S t oB C V 851.5 S t o B C V 431 S t o B C V 18H e a d L o s s - F TG P M*Note: For W61 S to S curves see W62 T to T curves.M OD E L W61 & W64R100200300400024681012144B t o S CV1583 Bt o S C V 1192.5B t o SC V 842 B t o S C V 541.5 Bt o SC V 301 B t o S C V164St oB C V1743S t oBC V 1282.5St o B C V 912 St oB C V 611.5 S t o B C V 221 S t o B C V15H e a d L o s s - F TG P MM OD E L W63 & W64501001502002503003504000. Tt o T CV 643T t o T C V 3832.5T to TC V 2152 Tt oT C V 1341.5 Tt o TC V 751 T t o T C V 224 St oSCV 5373St oS C V2842.5S to S CV 1632 S t oS C V 1081.5 S to S C V581 S t o S C V 21H e a d L o s s - F TG P MM OD E L W62N OTE: Pressure drop curves shown are for estimation purposes only. Contact application engineering for specific pressure drop details.10100200300400024681012144 St o B C V2103 S t o B C V 1492.5 S t o B C V 1092 S t o B C V 761.5 S t o B C V 431 S t o B C V 174 S t oT C V 1583 S t oT CV 1192.5 S t o T C V 842 S t o T C V 541.5 S t o T C V 301 S t o T C V 16H e a d L o s s - F TG P M 0100200300400024681012144 S t oT CV 1583St oT C V1192.5St oT CV 842 S to T CV 541.5 S to T C V 301 S t oT C V 16H e a d L o s s - F TG P M 100200300400024681012144B t o SC V 2003 B t o S C V1602.5B t o SC V 1172 B t o S C V 811.5 B t o S C V361 B t o S C V 184T t o S CV 1743 T t o S C V 1282.5 Tt o SC V 912 T t o S C V 611.5 T t o S C V 221 T t o S C V 15H e a d L o s s - F TG P MM OD E L W62M OD E L W65M OD E L W62Note: Y-Body must use 6ARY/AL ActuatorW61Y-B ODY (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - E XTRA LON G STR OK EW61 & W64R Holding Pressure ChartsW61 AL/HAL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - STAN DAR D STR OK EW61 AR (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - LON G STR OKEW61 AL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - LON G STR OK EW61Y-B ODY (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - E XTRA LON G STR OKEW62 AR /HAR (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - STAN DAR D STR OK EW62 Holding Pressure Charts• If pressure rating is higher than documented in tables consult factory before exceeding.• Minimum air supply requirements: 50 PSI for 4, 5 and 6 inch standard spring actuators; 75 PSI for 4, 5 and 6 inch heavy spring and 4 and 6 inch long stroke actuators; 87 PSI for A, B and C size actuators.• Please contact the factory for holding pressure values not listed.W62 AR /HAR (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - STAN DAR D STR OK E (CONTI N U ED)W62 AR (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - LON G STR OKEW62 AL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - LON G STR OKEW62 AL/HAL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - STAN DAR D STR OK EW62 AL/HAL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - STAN DAR D STR OK E (CONTI N U E D)W63 AR (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - LON G STR OK EW63 AR /HAR (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - STAN DAR D STR OK EW63 & 64 Holding Pressure Charts• If pressure rating is higher than documented in tables consult factory before exceeding.• Minimum air supply requirements: 50 PSI for 4, 5 and 6 inch standard spring actuators; 75 PSI for 4, 5 and 6 inch heavy spring and 4 and 6 inch long stroke actuators; 87 PSI for A, B and C size actuators.• 1For sizing Over-Pressure valves, select a Heavy-Duty spring actuator with a holding pressure greater than the desired relief pressure. Designate with the “R” valve model (i.e. WR61) and actuator size (i.e. 5RHAR).• Please contact the factory for holding pressure values not listed.W63 AL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - LON G STR OK EW63 AL/HAL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - STAN DAR D STR OKEW65 AR /HAR (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - STAN DAR D STR OK EW65 Holding Pressure Charts• If pressure rating is higher than documented in tables consult factory before exceeding.• Minimum air supply requirements: 50 PSI for 4, 5 and 6 inch standard spring actuators; 75 PSI for 4, 5 and 6 inch heavy spring and 4 and 6 inch long stroke actuators; 87 PSI for A, B and C size actuators.• Please contact the factory for holding pressure values not listed.21W65 AR /HAR (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - STAN DAR D STR OK E (CONTI N U ED)W65 AR (AI R-TO-RAI S E) - LON G STR OK EW65 AL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - LON G STR OKE22W65 AL/HAL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - STAN DAR D STR OKE23W65 AL/HAL (AI R-TO-LOWE R) - STAN DAR D STR OK E (CONTI N U ED)24AI R B OOST F OR P ORT BAI R B OOST F OR PORT AChart shows additional product holding pressure per 1 PSI or BAR of air applied to port B to:(1) air assist spring holding force 1 (spring to close)(2) calculate holding power on air to air actuator(3) calculate additional holding power above the nominal air requirement of the actuator 3 (4) Maximum Air Assist Pressures should not exceed: - 70 psi on 4”, 5”, 6” Maintainable Actuators- 15 psi on A, B or C sized Maintenance Free Actuator (5) Air Assist pressures should be air regu-lated to the lowerest required amount of air pressureNote: * Y Body Valve is only available with 6ARY and 6AL Y actuatorsPRODUCT PRESSURE APPLIED TO BOTTOM OF PLUG.• 1 Refer to W61 & W65 holding pressure charts for spring only holding force. • 2 Refer to W62 & W63 holding pressure charts for spring only holding force.• 3 Air requirements: 50 PSI to actuate 4”, 5”, & 6” Actuators 75 PSI to actuate 4”, 5” & 6” heavy spring and 4” & 5” long stroke actutators; 87 PSI for A, B, and C size actuators (refer to holding pressure charts for holding power).Air Assist ChartsExample:W61T-3" with 5" Air to Raise (Spring to Close) actuator required to hold against 75 PSI product pressure.Holding pressure required: 75 PSI Minus Spring only holding force: - 55 PSI (From page16)Additional holding power required: 20 PSIAir Assistpressure required =7.79Additional holding power required 20 Product Ratio from chart above2.6PSIAir Requiredto Port BChart shows additional product holding pressure per 1 PSI or BAR of air applied to port A to:(1) air assist spring holding force 1 (spring to close)(2) calculate holding power on air to air actuator(3) calculate additional holding power above the nominal air requirement of the actuator 3 (4) Maximum Air Assist Pressures should not exceed: - 70 psi on 4”, 5”, 6” Maintainable Actuators- 15 psi on A, B or C sized Maintenance Free Actuator (5) Air Assist pressures should be air regu-lated to the lowerest required amount of air pressure25Cleanable, Designed For Sanitary / Hygienic Applications • 316L Stainless Steel wetted parts• Minimal internal crevices and high surface finishes• Free-spinning, snap-on TFM or PEEK seats for reliable sealing: choice of T ef-Flow, T ef-Flow P, tri-ring, or metal• Captive, supported stationary seals located forward to the product zone: choice of o-ring, quad, or wiping stem seals• Free draining in multiple positions – including upside down •3-A compliant, FDA approved materialsHeavy-duty Construction • Machined-from-bar body construction can withstand mishandlings of active plant environment & lead to long service life• Consistently thick body wall dimensions & laser welded port extensions minimize body distortion during manifolding & extreme fluid temperature changes • Deep, inter-locking bodies and adapters• Heavy-Duty Clamps & High Pressure Adapters for up to 1220 PSI applications •Multiple split TFM bearing support of stemsFlexibility & Modularity • Major components (body, stem, adapter, actuators) are modular in design to quickly and easily assemble or retrofit in field a valve to meet specific applications• Choice of standard fully maintainable actuator or cost-effective maintenance-free actuator with 5-year warranty with various sizes and spring options• True-line mix body sizes and custom 45° or other angled ports available to match complicated pipe design • One-piece bodies or two-piece clamped• AL6XN alloy product zone parts available for corrosive products• Custom port lengths and center-to-center dimensions can match competitor and legacy series valves to provide easy drop-in replacements• Various control top models available to fit customer needs: cost-effective CU4 full-featured, robustWCB control tops, or state-of-the-art Burkert 8681Low Cost of Ownership • Heavy-duty construction maximizes service life• Minimum propriety parts gives off-the-shelf availability and low price of most spares and components • Available spare parts from local distributor or factory in Delavan, WI•Modular design enables multi-use parts, easy training & familiarity with whole family of valves, minimum spares required on shelf• Long life standard actuator is field-maintainable with finger-safe, caged springs and cartridge piston assemblies• Commonality of parts: same part numbers used multiple places• Simple, easy-to-maintain design is intuitive and does not require advanced mechanical skills Domestic Manufacture, Local Support• Value-Added Distributor Relationships • Face-to-Face Representation•Manufacturing, Assembly, Inventory, Engineering & Customer Service in Delavan, Wisconsin, USAW62TTHeavy-duty ConstructionW60 Series Valves: Safe, Strong and Sanitary26The ‘standard’ adapter is used on all models of short and long stroke W60 Series valves. Machined from 316LSS bar with a thick cross-section, the adapter adds strength to the valve body and provides alignment for the stem. The outer perimeter seals to the valve body with an O-ring that is located forward to the product zone to minimize crevices. The product stem passes through the adapter and is sealed to the adapter with an O-ring. A TFM split bearing guides the stem and takes up the mechanical loading imparted by hydraulic forces. This increases the service life of the stem seal. Adapters are made in 1"-6"(25mm -152mm) sizes.The pressure limitation of the W60 adapter is the sealing capability of the dynamic O-ring on the product stem. This variation of the W60 adapter uses a backing ring added on the atmospheric side to support the stem O-ring. This significantly boosts the pressure rating on the stem O-ring. The product stem passes through the adapter and is sealed to the adapter with an O-ring and is guided by a TFM split bearing.This adapter is used to convert a ‘standard’ W60 series valve to a W80. The outer perimeter seals to the valve body with an O-ring that is located forward to the product zone to minimize crevices. The product stem passes through the adapter and is sealed in the upper part and the lower part of the adapter with O-rings. The space between the O-rings is flushed with a suitable liquid or steam. The TFM split bearing is located in the flushed chamber. Adapters are made in 1"-6" (25mm - 152mm) sizes. For vacuum-rated, extended shelf-life (ESL) applications, the W80A adapter adds steam trace to the adapter-to-valve body connection.For high-risk and hard to clean product applications, the wiping stem seal fills the gap between the product zone and the traditional O-ring stem seal. The adapter is a two-piece design to allow easy inspection or replacement of the wiping stem seal. The outer perimeter seals to the valve body with an O-ring that is located forward to the product zone to minimize crevices. A TFM split bearing is used to guide and support the valve stem.27SPX FLOW, Inc. reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation.Design features, materials of construction, dimensional data and certifications as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region. For more information visit .The green “” and “” are trademarks of SPX FLOW, Inc.WCB_Valves-Single-Seat-DS-1201_DST_US Version: 01/2021COPYRIGHT © 2021 SPX FLOW, Inc.Identification Number: DS-1201-USS PX FLOW611 Sugar Creek Road Delavan, WI 53115P: (262) 728-1900 or (800) 252-5200E:**********************Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, SPX FLOW, Inc. (NYSE: FLOW) is a multi-industry manufacturing leader. For more information, please visit 。

浩瀚工业设备有限公司 2017年产品价格表说明书

浩瀚工业设备有限公司 2017年产品价格表说明书

MEDIUM & HIGH PRESSUREFLUID APPLICATIONS Airless & Multi Spray GunsAirless & Multi Spray Units$6.0023.0011/16" 35.00 NOZZLE GLAND SET UNIVERSAL11/16"161.00Ref.Code Description 893501190NEEDLE SPRING 993502190NEEDLE SPRING SEAT 1093529180PACKING 1193841170FILTER 100 MeshPRE-ATOMIZED REVERSIBLE & FLAT AIRLESS TIPS94I N D U S T R I A L A P P L I C A T I O N S - P r i c e L i s t 2017E d .02 J u n e 2017MULTI SPRAY SERIESMSGS-200 120S / 120L / 250S / 250LMSGS-200250LMSGS-200250SMSGS-200120LMSGS-200120SMULTI SPRAY SERIES°Ø inchPump - PP1251CALS-333 CALS-423 TXALS-433 C | ALS-433 TXPump - PP4231NEPump - PP4301CPump - PP4301CNEACCESSORIES99I N D U S T R I A L A P P L I C A T I O N S - P r i c e L i s t 2017E d .02 J u n e 2017Ref.Code DescriptionALS-333 C ALS-423 TXALS-433 CALS-433 TX$4304001160SPACER13.004404443100V PACKING MALE UPPER ADAPTOR X25.00440231005000V PACKING MALE UPPER ADAPTOR X24.004404443150V PACKING MALE UPPER ADAPTOR X23.004404000800V PACKING MALE UPPER ADAPTOR X27.00440444320000V PACKING MALE UPPER ADAPTOR 21.00450443011000CONNECTING ROD X24.00450231022001CONNECTING ROD XX27.00450443016000CONNECTING ROD X24.00460493210000UPPER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.X23.00460494231100UPPER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.X32.00460494015000UPPER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.XX 41.00460494020000UPPER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.37.00470448310100SUCTION MAIN BODY X98.00470231008001SUCTION MAIN BODY XX 150.00470448315100SUCTION MAIN BODY X106.00470448320200SUCTION MAIN BODY 142.0048UL300802SPRING WASHER X X X X 2.0049UL300703HEXAGON NUT X X XX 2.005094445110NUT X41.00500231020000NUT X14.005094414150NUT X55.005004000790NUT X62.00500444520000NUT21.005104443110V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR X10.00510231019000V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR X22.005194443161V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR X21.005104001800V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR X24.00510444321100V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR 21.005204402110LOWER DISTANCE RING X13.00520231010000LOWER DISTANCE RING X10.005204400160LOWER DISTANCE RING X13.00520400016000LOWER DISTANCE RINGX14.005304441110V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR X20.00530231017000V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR X19.005304441160V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR X18.005304005790V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR X24.00530444121100V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR 22.00540493010000LOWER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.X19.00540494231200LOWER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.X32.00540494215000LOWER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.XX30.00540494220000LOWER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.37.005596662025BALL XX6.005506662040BALL X10.005506662026BALLX6.005604461100VALVE HOLDER SET X258.00560231029001VALVE HOLDER SET X219.005604460160VALVE HOLDER SET X272.00560446017100VALVE HOLDER SET X219.00560446120000VALVE HOLDER SET 90.005794447600UPPER PACKING X11.00570231007000UPPER PACKING X9.005794447150UPPER PACKING X11.00570231015000UPPER PACKING X13.00570444720000UPPER PACKING 4.00580443410001SUCTION TUBE X342.00580231024000SUCTION TUBE X418.00580443415001SUCTION TUBE X296.00580171001000SUCTION TUBE X536.00580443420000SUCTION TUBE 381.005994447610LOWER PACKING X11.00590231030000LOWER PACKING XX13.005994447160LOWER PACKING X 11.006096662050BALL XX11.006006662051BALL XX 14.006006662040BALL4.006104407060VALVE ADAPTOR SET X109.00610231028000VALVE ADAPTOR SET XX348.006104460150VALVE ADAPTOR SET X109.00610446020000VALVE ADAPTOR SET 111.006204420600PIN X2.00620231023000PIN XX 8.006204420160PIN X 4.006304420170PIN XX 4.00630657502000PIN 2.00640231009000SCREW X 2.00650231014000SPRING X 2.00660231031000PACKING X X 4.0067UL30046400NIPPLE X X 45.006804413050SPRINGX X XX 15.0069UM43061000FLUID OUTPUT JOINT X29.0069UM43060900FLUID OUTPUT JOINT X29.0072UM43061101FLUID OUTPUT JOINTX X23.00AIRLESS UNITSALS-333 C | ALS-423 TX | ALS-433 C | ALS-433 TX2.002.00Code Description$7956AIR MOTOR REPAIR KIT(includes: 4, 6, 16, 17, 20, 31, 34 )65.00 PUMP REPAIR KIT - MAJOR MAINTENANCEKITS & OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES MSU 32N Spare Parts - P. 88Pump - PP1171CMSU-323 CMSU-323 CTXMSU-423 TX | MSU-433 TXPump - PP1171CNEPump - PP4231NEPump - PP4231CNEACCESSORIES105I N D U S T R I A L A P P L I C A T I O N S - P r i c e L i s t 2017E d .02 J u n e 2017Ref.Code DescriptionMSU-323 C/NMSU-323 CTXMSU-423 TXMSU-433 TX$450443011000CONNECTING ROD 24.00450231022001CONNECTING ROD XX27.00450443016000CONNECTING ROD XX 24.00460493210000UPPER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.23.00460494231100UPPER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.X32.00460494015000UPPER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.XX41.00460494020000UPPER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.X37.00470448310100SUCTION MAIN BODY 98.00470231008001SUCTION MAIN BODY XX150.00470448315100SUCTION MAIN BODY X106.00470448320200SUCTION MAIN BODY X 142.0048UL300802SPRING WASHER X X X X 2.0049UL300703HEXAGON NUT X XXX2.005094445110NUT 41.00500231020000NUT X14.005094414150NUT X55.005004000790NUT X62.00500444520000NUTX21.005104443110V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR 10.00510231019000V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR X22.005194443161V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR X21.005104001800V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR X24.00510444321100V PACKING MALE LOWER ADAPTOR X21.005204402110LOWER DISTANCE RING 13.00520231010000LOWER DISTANCE RING X10.005204400160LOWER DISTANCE RING X13.00520400016000LOWER DISTANCE RINGX14.005304441110V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR 20.00530231017000V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR X19.005304441160V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR X18.005304005790V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR X24.00530444121100V PACKING FEMALE LOWER ADAPTOR X22.00540493010000LOWER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.19.00540494231200LOWER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.X32.00540494215000LOWER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.X X30.00540494220000LOWER V PACKING SET 4 pcs./1pk.X 37.005596662025BALL XX6.005506662040BALL X10.005506662026BALLX6.005604461100VALVE HOLDER SET 258.00560231029001VALVE HOLDER SET X219.005604460160VALVE HOLDER SET X272.00560446017100VALVE HOLDER SET X219.00560446120000VALVE HOLDER SET X90.005794447600UPPER PACKING 11.00570231007000UPPER PACKING X9.005794447150UPPER PACKING X11.00570231015000UPPER PACKING X13.00570444720000UPPER PACKING X4.00580443410001SUCTION TUBE 342.00580231024000SUCTION TUBE X418.00580443415001SUCTION TUBE X296.00580171001000SUCTION TUBE X536.00580443420000SUCTION TUBE X 381.005994447610LOWER PACKING X11.00590231030000LOWER PACKING XX 13.005994447160LOWER PACKING X 11.006096662050BALL X11.006006662051BALL XX14.006006662040BALLX4.006104407060VALVE ADAPTOR SET 109.00610231028000VALVE ADAPTOR SET XX 348.006104460150VALVE ADAPTOR SET X109.00610446020000VALVE ADAPTOR SET X 111.006204420600PIN X2.00620231023000PIN XX 8.006204420160PIN X 4.006304420170PIN XX4.00630657502000PIN X2.00640231009000SCREW X 2.00650231014000SPRING X 2.00660231031000PACKING X X 4.0067UL30046400NIPPLE X X 45.006804413050SPRINGX XX X15.0069UM43061000FLUID OUTPUT JOINT X29.0069UM43060900FLUID OUTPUT JOINT X29.0072UM43061101FLUID OUTPUT JOINTX X23.00MULTI SPRAY UNITSMSU-323 C | MSU-323 CTX | MSU-423 TX | MSU-433 TX$220.00 52.00 55.002.00 46.007.00 10.00Suction Cover。



ErrataTitle & Document Type:Manual Part Number:Revision Date:HP References in this ManualThis manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett-Packard's former test and measurement, semiconductor products an d chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. We have made no changes to this manual copy. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A.About this ManualWe’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incomplete or contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a better copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website.Support for Your ProductAgilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any other available product information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website:Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guide you to any available information. Our service centers may be able to perform calibration if no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent is available.16500B/16501A Logic Analysis System User's Reference 16500-97010April 1994U s er’s Ref er encePubl i c a t i on num be r16500-97010Fi r s t edi t i on,Apr i l1994For Sa f e t y i nf or m a t i on,W a r r a nt i es,a nd Reg ul a t or yi nf or m a t i on,s ee t he pa ges be hi nd t he i nde x©Copyr i g ht Hewl et t-Pac ka r d Com pa ny1987,1990,1993,1994 Al l Ri ght s Re s er v edHP 16500B/16501ALogi c Anal ys i s Sys t emI n Thi s BookW el c om e t o t he He wl et t-Pac ka r d Logi c Ana l y s i s Sys t em!The HP 16500B Logi c Ana l y s i s Sys t em i s des i gned t o be t heea s i es t s ys t em t o us e,ev e r.I t s m odul a r des i gn a l l ows you t o c onf i gur e i t wi t h j us t t he m ea s ur em ent m odul es you need now, yet a dd ot he r m odul es l a t e r.Thi s r e f er enc e expl a i ns t he oper a t i on of t he s ys t em m a i nf r a m e a nd I nt er m odul em enus.Al s o i nc l ude d i s i nf or m a t i on ont he m os t c om m on s ys t em opt i ons.O r gani zat i onW hen you or der t he HP 16500B,you get t wo bi nder s(one i s ext r a f or l a t e r us e). The m a i nf r a m e r e f er enc e i nf or m a t i on i s f ound be hi nd t he f i r s t t a b "HP 16500BM a i nf r a m e."I nf or m a t i on on t he opt i ona l keyboa r d,m ous e,a nd t he HP 16501A Expa ns i onFr a m e i s f ound behi nd t he s ec ond t a b, "Sys t em Opt i ons."As you a c c um ul a t eot her s ys t em opt i ons,pl a c e t hes er ef er e nc es behi nd t hi s t a b.Behi nd t he t hi r d t a b "Com m on M odul e Oper a t i ons"i s i nf or m a t i on c om m on t om os t m odul es,l i ke i ns t a l l i ng m odul e s,us i ng s ym bol s,a nd a s s i gni ng l a bel s.As you pur c ha s e a ddi t i ona l m ea s ur em ent m odul es,pl a c e t hei r r ef er e nc es a t t heba c k of t hi s bi nde r or i n t he s e c ondbi nder.W hat i s i n t he H P 16500B Us er’s Ref er ence?•Cha pt e r1 i nt r oduc es t he HP 16500B by s um m a r i z i ng i t s f ea t ur es.•Cha pt e r2 di s c r i bes t he m a i nf r a m e’s Sys t em Conf i g ur a t i on m e nu.•Cha pt e r3 di s c r i bes t he HP-I B a nd RS-232C i nt er f a c es.They a r e us ed f or pr i nt i ng s c r eens a nd c om put e r c ont r ol l ed m ea s ur em ent s.•Cha pt e r4 expl a i ns how t o pr i nt s c r eens t o v a r i ous g r a phi c s pr i nt er s.•Cha pt e r5 di s c r i bes t he f l exi bl e di s k a nd ha r d di s k ope r a t i ons.•Cha pt e r6 des c r i bes t he Sys t em Ut i l i t i es m enu.Adj us t m ent s t o t he r ea l-t i m e c l oc k,t ouc h c a l i br a t i on,a nd s c r een c ol or s a r e m a de her e.•Cha pt e r7 expl a i ns how t o m a ke i nt er m odul e m ea s ur em ent s.•Cha pt e r8 l i s t s t he i ns t r um ent s pec i f i c a t i ons a nd c ha r a c t er i s t i c s.•Cha pt e r9 expl a i ns t he gener a l i ns t r um ent m a i nt ena nc e a nd r epa c ki ngi nf or m a t i on.Al s o i nc l uded i s a des c r i pt i on of t he s el f-t es t t ha t i sper f or m ed when t he i ns t r um e nt i s t ur ned on.•Cha pt e r10 des c r i bes a l l s y s t e m a nd di s k er r or m es s a ges.W hat i s i n t he Sys t em O pt i ons?•Cha pt e r1 expl a i ns t he key boa r d a nd m ous e opt i ons.•Cha pt e r2 des c r i bes t he HP 16501A Expa ns i on Fr a m e opt i on.Ev en t hough you m a y not ha v e pur c ha s e d t he s e opt i ons yet,keep t hi si nf or m a t i on f or pos s i bl e f ut ur e us e.W hat i s i n t he C om m on M odul e O per at i ons?•Cha pt e r1 des c r i bes a s s i gni ng l a bel s.•Cha pt e r2 des c r i bes us i ng s ym bol s.•Cha pt e r3 expl a i ns t he gener a l i ns t a l l a t i on f or i ndi v i dua l m odul es.W her e t o go nextI f you ha v en’t a l r ea dy r ea d Se t t i ng Up The HP 16500 Logi c Anal ys i sSys t e m,pl ea s e r ea d i t be f or e c ont i nui ng.M S-DOS®i s a US r egi s t er e d t r a de m a r k of M i c r os of t Cor por a t i on.Cont ent sH P 16500BM ai nf r am e1W hat I s t he H P 16500B Logi c A nal ys i s Sys t em?Ke y Fea t ur es 1–3Opt i ona l Fea t ur es 1–3Us er I nt er f a c es1–4Def a ul t Conf i gur a t i ons 1–4Ac c es s or i es Suppl i ed 1–5Ac c es s or i es Av a i l a bl e 1–52The Sys t em Conf i gur at i on M enuGe t t i ng i nt o t he Sys t em Conf i g ur a t i on M enus 2–4La yout of t he Sy s t e m Conf i gur a t i on M enus 2–5Sl ot Des i gna t or s 2–63C onf i gur i ng t he H P-I B and RS-232CConf i gur i ng t he HP-I B I nt er f a c e3–4Conf i gur i ng t he RS-232C I nt er f a c e3–5Conf i gur i ng t he I nt er f a c e f or a Cont r ol l er or Pr i nt er 3–84C onnect i ng a Pr i nt erConne c t i ng HP-I B Pr i nt e r s 4–3Conne c t i ng RS-232C Pr i nt e r s 4–6Conne c t i ng t o Ot he r Hewl et t-Pa c ka r d Pr i nt er s 4–9Pr i nt i ng t he Di s pl a y 4–11Cont ent s–1Contents5The D i s k D r i ve M enusAc c es s i ng t he Di s k M enus 5–5I ns t a l l i ng a Fl exi bl e Di s k 5–6Sel e c t i ng a Di s k Oper a t i on 5–7Loa di ng a Fi l e 5–8For m a t t i ng a Di s k 5–10St or i ng Fi l es on a Di s k 5–12Rena m i ng a Fi l e 5–15Aut ol oa di ng a Fi l e 5–17Pur gi ng a Fi l e 5–19Copy i ng a Fi l e 5–20Pac ki ng a Di s k 5–22Dupl i c a t i ng a Di s k 5–23M a ki ng a Di r e c t or y 5–24Cha ngi ng t he Di r ec t or y 5–25Cr ea t i ng a Sys t em Fl e xi bl e Di s k 5–266The Sys t em Ut i l i t i es M enuThe Touc h a nd Sound Fi el ds 6–4Touc h Ca l i br a t i on 6–4Set t i ng t he Rea l-t i m e Cl oc k 6–6Tur ni ng t he Sound On/Of f 6–7Di s pl a y Col or Se l ec t i on 6–8Sel e c t i ng t he Col or,Hue,Sa t ur a t i on,a nd Lum i nos i t y Fi e l ds 6–10 Sel e c t i ng Col or s 6–12Ret ur ni ng t o t he De f a ul t Col or s 6–14Cont ent s–2Contents7I nt er m odul e M eas ur em ent sAc c es s i ng t he I nt er m odul e M enu 7–5Conf i gur i ng a Gr oup Run 7–6Conf i gur i ng Por t I n/Out 7–8The Gr oup Run/St op Fi el d 7–10The M odul es Li s t 7–11St a t us I ndi c a t or s a nd Ti m e Cor r el a t i on Ba r s 7–12Adj us t i ng Ske w 7–13W ha t Ar e Som e Typi c a l I nt er m odul e M e a s ur em e nt s?7–14Di s pl a y i ng M ul t i pl e M odul e Da t a on One Sc r een 7–18Hel pf ul Hi nt s 7–218G ener al Char act er i s t i csCha r a c t e r i s t i c s8–29M ai nt ai ni ng t he H P 16500BCl ea ni ng Requi r e m ent s9–2Dega us s i ng 9–3Ser v i c e a nd Ca l i br a t i on 9–3The Sys t em Tes t M enu 9–4Repa c ka gi ng f or St or a g e or Shi pm e nt 9–510Er r or M es s agesDi s k Er r or M es s a ges 10–3Di s k W a r ni ng M e s s a ge s10–5Power up Sel f-Tes t Doc um ent a t i on 10–6Fai l Codes 10–7Cr i t i c a l Er r or s10–8Non-Cr i t i c a l Er r or s10–8Cont ent s–3ContentsSys t em O pt i ons1Us i ng t he O pt i onal K eyboar d and M ous eM ov i ng t he Cur s or1-3Ent er i ng Da t a i nt o a M enu 1-5Us i ng t he Keyboa r d Ov er l a ys1-7Def i ni ng Ti m e Uni t s1-9Def i ni ng Vol t a ge Uni t s1-9As s i gni ng Edge Tr i gge r s1-10Cl os i ng a M enu 1-10Conne c t i ng t he Ke yboa r d a nd M ous e1-112The O pt i on H P 16501A Expans i on Fr am eCom ponent Det a i l s2-3Sys t em Conf i g ur a t i on 2-4Sys t em Ar m i ng a nd Tr i gg er i ng 2-4Conne c t i ng t he HP 16501A Expa ns i on Fr a m e 2-7 Com m on M odul eO per at i ons1Label s As s i gnm entLa bel As s i gnm ent Fi el ds1-3Rol l i ng La bel s a nd Pods1-52Sym bol s As s i gnm entSym bol s Fi e l d 2-33I ns t al l i ng and Rem ovi ng Car dsGe ner a l I ns t a l l a t i on Pr oc e dur e 3-3HP 16532A I ns t a l l a t i on Cons i de r a t i ons3-7HP 16517A/18A I ns t a l l a t i on Cons i der a t i ons3-11Cont ent s–41W hat I s t heH P 16500B Logi c Anal ys i s Sys t em?The H P 16500BThe HP 16500B i s t he m a i nf r a m e of t he Hewl e t t-Pa c ka r d Logi cAna l y s i s Sys t em.I t of f er s a m odul a r s t r uc t ur e f or pl ug-i n c a r ds wi t h a wi de r a ng e of s t a t e,t i m i ng,os c i l l os c ope,a nd pa t t er n g ener a t orc a pa bi l i t i es.Thi s a l l ows you t o c onf i gur e t he HP 16500B us i ng onl yt he m odul es you nee d i n or der t o per f or m a des i r ed m ea s ur em ent or s e t of m ea s ur em ent s,whi l e g i v i ng y ou t he f l exi bi l i t y t o c ha nge or upda t e t he m l a t er.The Log i c Ana l ys i s Sys t em pr ov i de s bot h exper i e nc e d a nd f i r s t-t i m e us er s wi t h power f ul m ea s ur em ent c a pa bi l i t i es.The pop-up m enusa nd c ol or gr a phi c s l ea d y ou t hr ough s et ups a nd m ea s ur e m e nt s qui c kl y a nd ea s i l y,wi t hout t he need t o m em or i z e a l ot of s t e ps.By t ouc hi ngt he a ppr opr i a t e f i el ds or us i ng t he c ur s or of ei t he r t he opt i ona l m ous e or keyboa r d,you c a n per f or m f unc t i ons,c onf i gur e m enus,a nd m ov ef r om one m e nu t o a not her.W i t h t he i nt er m odul e c a pa bi l i t i es of t he Logi c Ana l y s i s Sys t em,youc a n m a ke i nt e r a c t i v e m e a s ur em ent s be t ween m odul es.Thi s a l l ows you t o c onf i gur e m odul e s t o i nt er a c t wi t h ea c h ot her,us i ng t het r i g ger i ng c a pa bi l i t i es of one m odul e a nd t he a c qui s i t i on c a pa bi l i t i es of a not her.Syst em O pt i onsThe HP 16501A i s t he a dd-on m a i nf r a m e f or expa ndi ng t he m odul ec a pa c i t y of t he HP 16500B.W he n t he HP 16501A i s c onnec t ed t o t he HP 16500B,t heyf unc t i on a s a s i ngl e t en-c a r d s y s t em whi c h i s t ur ned on a nd c ont r ol l ed by t he HP 16500B.The HP 16501A f or m s a t i ght l y c oupl ed s ys t e m wi t h t he HP 16500B,per m i t t i ng ea ch of t he t wom a i nf r a m e s t o a r m or t r i g ger a ny m odul e f r om a ny ot her m odul e.An opt i ona l LAN i nt e r f a c e i s a v a i l a bl e f or di r ec t c onnec t i on t oc om put e r s l oc a t ed on a n Et her net l oc a l a r ea net wor k (LAN).The LAN i nt erf a c e ena bl es you t o upl oa d m e a s ur em ent da t a f or t he m os t c om pr ehens i v e pos t-pr oc es s i ng nee ds a nd ea s y a c c es s t o da t a f i l e s.1–2Key Feat ur esThe key f e a t ur es of t he HP 16500B a r e:•M odul a r m a i nf r a m e wi t h f i v e c a r d s l ot s .•9-i nc h c ol or m oni t or .•Touc hs c r e en wi t h on/of f c ont r ol .•Ba t t er y ba c ked Re a l -t i m e c l oc k.•Pr ogr a m m a bl e PORT I N v ol t a ge l ev e l a nd e dge s el ec t i on.•3.5-i nc h f l exi bl e di s k dr i v e wi t h DOS a nd LI F f or m a t s uppor t .•170 M by t e ha r d di s k dr i v e wi t h DOS f or m a t s uppor t .•I nt e r m odul e t r i gge r i ng a nd 2 ns t i m e c or r el a t i on of a c qui r ed da t a .•HP-I B a nd RS-232C i nt er f a c es f or :— Ha r dc opy out put t o a pr i nt er— Cont r ol l er i nt er f a c e .O pt i onal Feat ur esThe opt i ona l f e a t ur es of t he HP 16500B:•HP16501A Expa ns i on Fr a m e. I nc r ea s e a v a i l a bl e c a r d s l ot s t o t en whe n you c onnec t t he expa ns i on f r a m e t o a n HP 16500B.•M ous e.•Ke yboa r d.•Et her net LAN i nt er f a c e .•Expa nda bl e s ys t em m em or y up t o 64 M byt e s .See Also "Sys t em Opt i ons " f or m or e i nf or m a t i on on a v a i l a bl e s ys t em s of t wa r e a ndha r dwa r e opt i ons .What is the HP 16500B Logic Analysis System Key Features1–3What is the HP 16500B Logic Analysis SystemUser InterfacesU s er I nt er f acesThe HP 16500B ha s f our us er i nt e r f a c e dev i c es:t he knob on t he f r ont pa nel,t he t ouc hs c r ee n,t he opt i ona l m ous e,a nd t he opt i ona l key boa r d.The knob on t he f r ont pa nel i s us ed t o m ov e t he c ur s or on c er t a i n m enus,i nc r em ent or de c r em ent num e r i c f i e l ds,a nd t o r ol l t he di s pl a y.The t ouc hs c r e en f i e l ds c a n be s el ec t e d by t ouc h or wi t h t he opt i ona l m ous eor key boa r d.To a c t i v a t e a f i e l d by t ouc h,pr es s t he da r k bl ue f i e l d on t hedi s pl a y wi t h your f i ng er unt i l t he f i el d c ha ng es c ol or.Then m ov e your f i nge ra wa y f r om t he s c r een t o a c t i v a t e y our s el ec t i on.You ha v e t he opt i on ofdi s a bl i ng t he t ouc hs c r e en wi t h t he f r ont-pa ne l Touc h On/Of f but t on.See Also The "Sy s t e m Opt i ons"pa r t f or m or e i nf or m a t i on on us i ng t he opt i ona lke yboa r d a nd m ous e.Scr een C ont r as t and Br i ght nes sSc r een c ont r a s t a nd br i ght nes s a r e a dj us t ed by t ur ni ng t he t wo s m a l l knobsl oc a t ed be nea t h t he Touc h Sc r ee n but t on.The l e f t knob i s f or br i ght nes s a ndt he r i ght knob i s f or c ont r a s t.D ef aul t Conf i gur at i onsW hen t he i ns t r um e nt i s power ed up,pr edet er m i ned v a l ue s a r e a ut om a t i c a l l ya s s i gned t o t he di f f er ent f i e l ds of t he m e nus t o c onf i gur e t he i ns t r um ent f orba s i c m ea s ur em ent s.Thi s a l l ows y ou t o m a ke a ba s i c m ea s ur e m ent byt ur ni ng on t he i ns t r um ent,c onnec t i ng t he pr obes,a nd t ouc hi ng t he Runf i el d.Of t en,onl y m i nor c ha nges a r e ne eded f or m or e c om pl e x m ea s ur e m ent s.St or i ng D ef aul t C onf i gur at i onsThe def a ul t c onf i gur a t i ons m a y be s t or e d on a di s k f or l a t er us e or r es et byc yc l i ng t he power.St or i ng de f a ul t c onf i g ur a t i ons on a di s k i s a c onv eni entwa y t o r et ur n t o t he def a ul t v a l ue s wi t hout c yc l i ng t he power.Def a ul t v a l uesf or ea c h m odul e c a n be s t or e d s epa r a t el y or t oget her i n one f i l e.See Also The "Us i ng t he Di s k Dr i v e M e nus"c ha pt er f or m or e i nf or m a t i on on t he St or e ope r a t i on.1–4What is the HP 16500B Logic Analysis SystemAccessories SuppliedAcces s or i es Suppl i edThe f ol l owi ng l i s t of a c c es s or i es i s s uppl i e d wi t h t he HP 16500B Logi cAna l y s i s Sys t em.I f a ny a c c es s or y i s m i s s i ng,c ont a c t your l oc a l s a l es of f i c e. Accessories Supplied QtyTraining Kit1User’s Reference Guide1Programming Reference Guide1Service Guide1Setting Up the System Guide1RS-232C Loopback Connector1Power Cord1Disk pouch containing composite software1Feeling Comfortable With Logic Analyzers guide1Feeling Comfortable with Digitizing Oscilloscopes guide1Filler Panels**Quant i t y depends on how m any m odul es ar e or der ed w i t h t he HP 16500B/16501AAcces s or i es Avai l abl eOt her a c c es s or i es a v a i l a bl e f or t he HP 16500B/16501A Logi c Ana l y s i s Sys t em a r e l i s t ed i n t he Ac c e s s or i e s f or HP Logi c Anal yze r s br oc hur e.1–51–62The Sys t em Conf i gur at i on M enuThe Sys t em Conf i gur at i on M enuThe Sys t em Conf i gur a t i on m enu i s t he f i r s t m enu you s ee a f t er t hei ni t i a l power-up of t he i ns t r um ent.Thi s m enu l i s t s t he m odul es a nds of t wa r e opt i ons t ha t your s y s t em i s c onf i g ur ed wi t h a nd s howswhet her t her e a r e f i v e c a r d s l ot s(t he HP 16500B a l one)or t en c a r ds l ot s(t he HP 16500B wi t h t he opt i ona l HP 16501A a t t a c hed)a v a i l a bl e.I t a l s o s hows i f ei t her t he opt i ona l m ous e or keyboa r d i sc onnec t ed.I f a m ous e i s c onnec t e d,t he s ys t e m c onf i gur a t i on m enui ndi c a t es whet her t he m ous e i s c onnec t e d di r ec t l y t o t he HP 16500Bor t o a keyboa r d c onnec t ed t o t he m a i nf r a m e.Fi na l l y,t he s ys t e mc onf i gur a t i on m e nu g i v es you a c c e s s t o t he c onf i gur a t i on of t he HP-I B, RS-232C,a nd opt i ona l LAN i nte rf a c es.2–2The System Configuration Menu M enu M apThe f ol l owi ng m e nu m a p i l l us t r a t e s a l l f i el ds a nd a v a i l a bl e opt i ons i nt he Sys t em Conf i g ur a t i on m enu.The m enu m a p wi l l hel p you ge t a nov er v i ew a s wel l a s pr ov i de you wi t h a qui c k r ef er e nc e of wha t t heSys t e m Conf i gur a t i on m enu c ont a i ns.System Configuration Menu Map2–3G et t i ng i nt o t he Sys t em Conf i gur at i on M enusI n t he upper -l ef t c or ne r of t he m enu a r e t wo f i e l ds t ha t i ndi c a t e t he c ur r ent m enu a nd m odul e. The f i e l d t o t he e xt r em e l ef t (Sys t em ) s hows you whi c h m odul e y ou’r e i n a nd t he one t o t he r i g ht of t he m odul e f i el d (Conf i gur a t i on)s hows you wha t m enu wi t hi n t he m odul e y ou’v e a c c es s ed.To a c c e s s t he Sy s t e m Conf i gur a t i on m enu, f ol l ow t hes e s t eps :1I f t he m odul e f i el d i n t he upper -l ef t cor ner of t he s c r een doe s notdi s pl ay "Sys t em ," s el ect t hi s f i e l d and w he n t he pop-up appe ar s , s el ect System. Thi s w i l l g et y ou i nt o one of t he Sy s t em m enus .2I f t he m odul e f i el d i n t he upper -l ef t cor ner of t he s c r een di s pl ay s "Sy s t em ," but t he m enu f i el d t o t he r i ght of Sys t em doe s n’t di s pl ay "Conf i gur at i on," s el ect t hi s f i el d. W hen t he pop-up appear s , s e l ec t Configuration t o di s pl ay t he Sys t e m Conf i gur at i on m enu.Module and Menu FieldsThe System Configuration Menu Getting into the System Configuration Menus2–4The System Configuration MenuLayout of the System Configuration MenusLayout of t he Sys t em Conf i gur at i on M enusThe f i g ur e bel ow s hows t he l a yout of t he Sys t em Conf i g ur a t i on m e nu f or t he HP 16500B.The f i g ur e i s l a bel l ed wi t h t he m a j or f e a t ur es a nd f unc t i ons oft he m enu.ModuleModuleModuleModuleModuleSystem Configuration Menu2–5The System Configuration MenuSlot DesignatorsSl ot D es i gnat or sThe s l ot des i gna t or s a r e l i s t ed a s A t hr ough E f or t he HP 16500B a l one,or A t hr ough J f or t he HP 16500B wi t h t he HP 16501A a t t a c hed.The s l otdes i gna t or s a r e di s pl a yed t o t he l ef t of t he l i s t of c a r ds f or t he s y s t e m a nd i ndi c a t e t he l oc a t i ons or s l ot s f or e a c h c a r d.W he n you s el ec t t he M odul ef i el d,a pop-up a ppe a r s.The l et t e r s a f t er t he na m e of ea c h m odul e i ndi c a t e t he l oc a t i on of ea c h “m a s t e r”c a r d f or t ha t m odul e.Slot Designators in Master Frame2–63Conf i gur i ng t heH P-I B and RS-232CThe H P-I B and RS-232C I nt er f acesThi s c ha pt e r des c r i bes t he c ont r ol l er a nd pr i nt e r i nt er f a c e s a nd t hei r c onf i gur a t i ons.I t de f i ne s t he HP-I B i nt er f a c e a nd des c r i bes how t os e l ec t a ny one of t he 31 di f f er e nt HP-I B a ddr e s s es a v a i l a bl e.I t a l s o def i nes t he RS-232C i nt e r f a c e a nd t el l s y ou how t o s el ec t a ba ud r a t e, how t o c ha nge t he s t op bi t s,how t o s et t he pa r i t y a nd da t a bi t s,a nd how t o c ha nge t he pr ot oc ol.Controller and Printer Configuration3–2Configuring the HP-IB and RS-232C The C ont r ol l er I nt er f aceThe HP 16500B i s e qui pped wi t h a s t a nda r d RS-232C i nt er f a c e a nd a n HP-I B i nt er f a c e t ha t a l l ow you t o c onne c t t o a c ont r ol l er.Thi s gi v e s you r em ot e a c c e s s f or r unni ng m ea s ur em ent s,f or upl oa di ng a nd downl oa di ng c onf i g ur a t i ons a nd da t a,f or pr i nt i ng,a nd m or e.Thec ont r ol l er i nt er f a c e i s e xpl a i ned i n m ore det a i l i n t heHP 16500B/16501A Pr ogr am m er’s Gui de.The Pr i nt er I nt er f aceThe HP 16500B c a n out put i t s s c r een di s pl a y t o v a r i ous HP-I B a ndRS-232C g r a phi c s pr i nt e r s.Conf i gur ed m enus,wa v ef or m s,a nd ot her da t a c a n be pr i nt ed f or c om pl et e m ea s ur em ent doc um ent a t i on.Thepr i nt er i nt er f a c e i s e xpl a i ned i n m or e det a i l i n c ha pt er"Connec t i ng a Pr i nt er."3–3Conf i gur i ng t he H P-I B I nt er f aceThe Hewl e t t -Pac ka r d I nt er f a c e Bus (HP-I B) i s Hewl et t -Pa c ka r d’si m pl em ent a t i on of I EEE St a nda r d 488-1978, “St a nda r d Di gi t a l I nt er f a c e f orPr ogr a m m a bl e I ns t r um e nt a t i on.” The HP-I B i s a c a r ef ul l y de f i ned i nt er f a c et ha t s i m pl i f i es t he i nt eg r a t i on of v a r i ous i ns t r um e nt s a nd c om put er s i nt os ys t em s . I t us es a n a ddr es s i ng t ec hni que t o ens ur e t ha t ea c h de v i c e on t hebus (i nt e r c onnec t ed by HP-I B c a bl es ) r ec ei v es onl y t he da t a i nt ende d f or i t .To a c c om pl i s h t hi s , ea c h dev i c e i s s et t o a di f f er ent a ddr es s a nd t hi s a ddr es si s us ed t o c om m uni c a t e wi t h ot her de v i c es on t he bus .Sel ect i ng an H P-I B A ddr es sThe HP-I B a ddr es s c a n be s et t o 31 di f f er ent HP-I B a ddr es s es , f r om 0 t o 30.Si m pl y c hoos e a n a ddr es s t ha t i s c om pa t i bl e wi t h your dev i c e or s of t wa r e.The def a ul t i s 7.1Sel e ct t he Communications f i el d.2Us i ng t he knob or keypad, e nt er a n HP-I B addr es s i n t he f i el d di r ect l yunder "HP-I B Addr es s ."To us e t he keypa d, s el e c t t he HP-IB Address f i el d a nd a pop-up keypa d wi l la ppea r . Then, e nt er t he a ddr es s a nd s el ec t Done .3W hen you a r e f i ni s hed conf i gur i ng t he HP-I B Addr e s s , s e l ec t Done .Communications Configuration pop-up MenuConfiguring the HP-IB and RS-232CConfiguring the HP-IB Interface3–4Conf i gur i ng t he RS-232C I nt er f aceThe RS-232C i nt er f a c e on t hi s i ns t r um ent i s He wl et t -Pac ka r d’si m pl em ent a t i on of EI A Rec om m ende d St a nda r d RS-232C, “I nt e r f a c e Bet weenDa t a Ter m i na l Equi pm ent a nd Da t a Com m uni c a t i ons Equi pm ent Em pl oy i ngSer i a l Bi na r y Da t a I nt er c ha nge.” Thi s i nt er f a c e s ends da t a one bi t a t a t i m e ,a nd c ha r a c t er s a r e not s y nc hr oni z ed wi t h pr e c edi ng or s ubs equent da t ac ha r a c t e r s . Ea c h c ha r a c t er i s s ent a s a c om pl et e ent i t y wi t hout r el a t i ons hi pt o ot her ev ent s .Baud Rat eThe ba ud r a t e i s t he r a t e a t whi c h bi t s a r e t r a ns f e r r ed bet ween t he i nt er f a c ea nd t he per i pher a l . The ba ud r a t e m us t be s et t o t r a ns m i t a nd r e c ei v e a t t hes a m e r a t e a s t he pe r i pher a l , or da t a c a nnot be s uc c es s f ul l y t r a ns f er r ed.1Sel e ct t he Communications f i el d.2Sel e ct t he RS-232C f i el d l oca t e d di r ect l y under t he HP-I B Addr es s f i el d.3W hen t he pop-up m e nu appear s , s e l ec t t he f i el d di r ect l y t o t he r i ght of“Baud Rat e.”RS-232C ConfigurationConfiguring the HP-IB and RS-232C Configuring the RS-232C Interface3–54W hen t he s e c ond pop-up a ppe a r s , s el ec t t he ba ud r a t e you wa nt f r om t he l i s tdi s pl a yed i n t he pop-up (110 t o 19.2k) a nd t he pop-up wi l l di s a ppea r .St op Bi t sSt op bi t s a r e us ed t o i dent i f y t he e nd of a c ha r a c t e r . The num ber of s t op bi t sm us t be t he s a m e f or t he c ont r ol l er a s f or t he Logi c Ana l ys i s Sys t em.1Sel e ct t he Communications f i el d.2Sel e ct t he RS-232C f i el d l oca t e d di r ect l y under t he HP-I B Addr es s f i el d.3Sel e ct t he f i el d di r ect l y t o t he r i ght of “St op Bi t s ” i n t he RS-232CConf i gur a t i on pop-up m enu.4W hen t he new pop-up appe ar s , s el ect 1, 1.5, or 2 s t op bi t s t o i dent i f yt he e nd of t he char ac t e r . The pop-up di s appear s , pl aci ng yours el e ct i on i n t he appr opr i at e f i e l d.Par i t yThe pa r i t y bi t det ec t s er r or s a s i nc om i ng c ha r a c t er s a r e r e c ei v ed. I f t hepa r i t y bi t doe s not m a t c h t he e xpe c t ed v a l ue, t he c ha r a c t er i s a s s um ed t o bei nc or r ec t l y r ec e i v ed. The a c t i on t a ken when a n er r or i s det e c t ed depends onhow t he i nt e r f a c e a nd t he de v i c e pr ogr a m a r e c onf i gur ed.Par i t y i s det e r m i ned by t he r equi r em ent s of t he s ys t em. The pa r i t y bi t m a ybe i nc l uded or om i t t ed f r om e a c h c ha r a c t e r by ena bl i ng or di s a bl i ng t hepa r i t y f unc t i on.1Sel e ct t he Communications f i el d.2Sel e ct t he RS-232C f i el d l oca t e d di r ect l y under t he HP-I B Addr es s f i el d.3Sel e ct t he f i el d di r ect l y t o t he r i ght of “Par i t y” i n t he RS-232CConf i gur a t i on m enu.4W hen t he pop-up a ppea r s , s el ect None, Odd , or Even t o m at ch t hepar i t y of t he ext er nal de vi c e. Af t er y ou m ake your s e l ec t i on, t hepop-up di s appear s .Configuring the HP-IB and RS-232C Configuring the RS-232C Interface3–6Pr ot ocolPr ot oc ol gov er ns t he f l ow of da t a bet ween t he i ns t r um ent a nd t he ext e r na ldev i c e .1Sel e ct t he Communications f i el d.2Sel e ct t he RS-232C f i el d l oca t e d di r ect l y under t he HP-I B Addr es s f i el d.3Sel e ct t he f i el d di r ect l y t o t he r i ght of “Pr ot ocol ” i n t he RS-232CConf i gur a t i on pop-up m enu.4W hen t he pop-up a ppea r s , s el ect None or Xon/Xoff .None•W it h l es s t ha n a 5-wi r e i nt er f a c e , s e l ec t i ng None does not a l l ow t he s e ndi ng or r ec e i v i ng dev i c e t o c ont r ol how f a s t t he da t a i s bei ng s ent . Noc ont r ol ov er t he da t a f l ow i nc r ea s es t he pos s i bi l i t y of m i s s i ng da t a ort r a ns f er r i ng i nc om pl et e da t a .•W it h a f ul l 5-wi r e i nt er f a c e, s el ec t i ng None a l l ows a ha r dwa r e ha nds ha ke t o oc c ur . W i t h a ha r dwa r e ha nds ha ke, ha r dwa r e s i gna l s c ont r ol da t a f l ow.The HP 13242G c a bl e a l l ows t he HP 16500B t o s uppor t ha r dwa r eha nds ha ke.Xon/Xoff•Xon/Xof f s t a nds f or Tr a ns m i t On/Tr a ns m i t Of f . W i t h t hi s m ode, t he r ec e i v er c ont r ol s t he da t a f l ow a nd c a n r eques t t ha t t he pr i nt er s t op da t af l ow a t a ny t i m e .5Sel e ct Done .D at a Bi t sDa t a bi t s a r e t he num ber of bi t s s e nt a nd r ec ei v e d per c ha r a c t er t ha tr epr es ent t he bi na r y c ode of t ha t c ha r a c t er . The HP 16500B s uppor t s t he8-bi t bi na r y c ode .Configuring the HP-IB and RS-232C Configuring the RS-232C Interface3–7。

AVENTICS 系列 167 型号双工螺纹杆阀说明书

AVENTICS 系列 167 型号双工螺纹杆阀说明书

AVENTICS™ Series 167Tie rod cylinder ISO 6431, Series 167- Ø 25-100 mm- Ports G 1/8 G 1/4 G 3/8 G 1/2- double-acting - with magnetic piston- Cushioning pneumatically adjustable - Piston rod External threadStandardsISO 6431Compressed air connection Internal thread Working pressure min./max. 2 ... 10 bar Ambient temperature min./max.-20 ... 75 °C Medium temperature min./max.-20 ... 75 °C MediumCompressed air Max. particle size50 µm Oil content of compressed air 0 ... 5 mg/m³Pressure for determining piston forces6 barTechnical dataPiston ØPiston rod threadPorts25 mm M10x1,25DimensionsPiston ØAMØ B h12BG C CC E EE KKØ MM NV P PJ RT TG V VD WH Y25 mm222312820,040G 1/8M10x1,251210–58M527–16243132 mm2225121027,547G 1/8M10x1,251210465M532516264140 mm2435151330,056G 1/4M12x1,251613469M6405203348V = velocity [m/s] m = massNOTE:This overview drawing is only for orientation to indicate where the various accessory parts can be fastened to the cylinder. The illustration has been simplified for this purpose. It is thus not possible to derive the dimensions from this overview.Tie rod cylinder ISO 6431, Series 167-51- Ø 25-100 mm - double-acting - with magnetic piston- Cushioning pneumatically adjustable - Piston rod External thread - Piston rod throughStandardsISO 6431Working pressure min./max. 2 ... 10 bar Ambient temperature min./max.-20 ... 75 °C Medium temperature min./max.-20 ... 75 °C MediumCompressed air Max. particle size50 µm Oil content of compressed air 0 ... 5 mg/m³Pressure for determining piston forces6 barTechnical dataPiston Ø25 mmRetracting piston force 230 NS = stroke DimensionsV = velocity [m/s] m = massNOTE:This overview drawing is only for orientation to indicate where the various accessory parts can be fastened to the cylinder. The illustration has been simplified for this purpose. It is thus not possible to derive the dimensions from this overview.Tie rod cylinder ISO 6431, Series 167-53- Ø 25-100 mm - double-acting- Cushioning pneumatically adjustable - Piston rod External thread - Heat resistantStandardsISO 6431Working pressure min./max. 2 ... 10 bar Ambient temperature min./max.-20 ... 120 °C Medium temperature min./max.-20 ... 120 °C MediumCompressed air Max. particle size50 µm Oil content of compressed air 0 ... 5 mg/m³Pressure for determining piston forces6 barTechnical dataPiston Ø25 mmRetracting piston force 230 N Extracting piston forceS = strokeP 1) = for cylinder Ø 250 and 320 mmDimensionsØ253240506380100V = velocity [m/s] m = massNOTE:This overview drawing is only for orientation to indicate where the various accessory parts can be fastened to the cylinder. The illustration has been simplified for this purpose. It is thus not possible to derive the dimensions from this overview.Clevis mounting MP2, Series CM1 - for rear eye MP9 with rubber bushing- Suitable piston Ø 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 mm- for series 167Technical dataPart No.Piston Ø368290259025 mm367290300032 mm367290400040 mm367290500050 mm367290600063 mmScope of delivery: clevis mounting incl. pivot pins and mounting screwsDimensionsPart No.CB H14Ø CD H9 E max.3682902590181040Rear eye MP6, Series CM1- With ball joint and foot- Cylinder mounting in accordance with ISO 21287 ISO 6431- Suitable piston Ø 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 mmStandards See table belowWeight See table belowTechnical dataPart No.Piston ØSwivel bearing Ø366360200025 mm10 mm366360300032 mm10 mm366360400040 mm12 mm366360500050 mm12 mm366360600063 mm16 mmScope of delivery: clevis incl. mounting screwsDimensionsPart No.Piston ØØCX H7ØD H11ØD1 H13 366360200025 mm10185,5Rear eye MP9, Series CM1- With rubber bushing- Cylinder mounting in accordance with ISO 15552 ISO 21287- Suitable piston Ø 32 40 63 100 25 50 80 mmStandards See table belowWeight See table belowTechnical dataPart No.Piston ØSwivel bearing Ø368320300032 mm10 mm368320400040 mm12 mm368320600063 mm16 mm3683210000100 mm20 mm368320200025 mm10 mmScope of delivery: clevis incl. mounting screws1) Rubber bushingDimensionsPart No.Piston ØCD H11CD H9Trunnion mounting MT4, Series CM1 - Suitable piston Ø 32 40 50 63 80 100 mm- for series 167Technical dataPart No.36728030003672804000367280500036728060003672808000Bearing, Series CM1 - for trunnion mounting- Suitable piston Ø 25 32 40, 50 63, 80 100, 125 mmTechnical dataPart No.* Max. pendulum movement for cylinders with rear eye MP6 with ball joint: ±45°DimensionsFoot mounting MS1, Series CM1 - to mount on cylinder PRA, TRB, CCL-IS/-IC, CCI, KPZ, 167, CVI, ITS- Suitable piston Ø 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 mmTechnical dataPart No.36822020003662203000366220400036622050003662206000Scope of delivery: 2 foot mountings incl. mounting screwsDimensionsBolts AA4, Series CM1- Suitable piston Ø 25, 32 40, 50 63, 80 100 mmWeight See table belowTechnical dataPart No.3661302000366130300036613040003661306000Scope of delivery: pivot pins incl. circlips1) circlip DIN 471DimensionsPart No.Piston ØFig.Ø d max.Piston rod nut MR9Weight See table below1) 3590305000 can also be used as an MR3, nut for cylinder mounting.DimensionsPart No.KKRod clevis AP2, Series CM2- with circlip■to mount on cylinder CCL-IS/IC, CCI, SSI, CSL-RD, ICM, ICS-D2, 167Weight See table belowTechnical dataPart No.Suitable piston rod thread3590502000M10x1,253590504000M12x1,253590505000M16x1,53590508000M20x1,5DimensionsPart No.KK CE CK e8 3590502000M10x1,254010 3590504000M12x1,254812Rod clevis AP2, Series CM2- to mount on cylinder PRA, TRB, CCI, MNI, ICM, KPZ, KHZ, 167, CVI, RPC, RDC, ITSWeight See table belowTechnical dataPart No.Suitable piston rod thread1822122024M10x1,251822122025M12x1,251822122005M16x1,51822122004M20x1,51827001493M27x2DimensionsPart No.KK BL CEØCK e11Rod clevis PM6, Series CM2 - for ball eye rod end AP6Technical dataPart No.1822122032182212203318221220341822122035Scope of delivery incl. boltDimensionsPart No.b1 B12b2 d12b3b4 +0,2 1822122032142820 3.3 1822122033163025 4.3Ball eye rod end AP6, series CM2- with flange■to mount on cylinder PRA, TRB, CCI, SSI, MNI, RPC, KPZ, 167, CVI, RDC, 102,ITSWeight See table belowTechnical dataPart No.Suitable piston rod thread1822124003M10x1,251822124004M12x1,251822124005M16x1,51822124006M20x1,51822124013M27x2DimensionsPart No.KK AA AV min.CE 1822124003M10x1,25191543 1822124004M12x1,25221850Compensating coupling PM5, seriesCM2- to mount on cylinder PRA, TRB, CCL-IS/-IC, CCI, SSI, MNI, KPZ, KHZ, 167, CVI, RPC, RDC,ITS■sphericalWeight See table belowTechnical dataPart No.Suitable piston rod threadR412026142M10x1,25R412026143M12x1,25R412026144M16x1,5R412026145M20x1,5* Radial joint1) Axial play2) Radial playCompensating coupling PM7, seriesCM2- to mount on cylinder PRA, TRB, CCL-IS/-IC, CCI, SSI, KPZ, 167, CVI, RPC, ITS■with plateWeight See table belowTechnical dataPart No.Suitable piston rod thread1827001629M10x1,251827001630M12x1,251827001631M16x1,51827001632M20x1,5DimensionsPart No.a1a2d1 h11d6 H13d7 H13Sensor, Series ST6- 6 mm T-slot- with cable- open cable ends, 3-pin- ATEX- UL certification, ATEX- electronic PNP- Direct mounting for series PRA, PRE, CCI, KPZ, SSI, GPC, CVI- Indirect mounting for series TRB, ITS, CCL-IS, MNI, CSL-RD, RPC, ICS-D2, ICM, KHZ, TRRCertificates ATEX CE declaration of conformity cULusRoHSATEX class G II 3G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc XATEX class D II 3D Ex tc IIIC T135°C Dc XAmbient temperature min./max.-20 ... 50 °CProtection class IP67Switching point precision±0,1 mTQuiescent current (without load)10 mAMin./max. DC operating voltage10 ... 30 V DCSwitching logic NO (make contact)LED status display YellowVibration resistance10 - 55 Hz, 1 mmShock resistance30 g / 11 msCable length L 3 5 mTechnical dataPart No.1* = switching point 2* = locking screw 3* = LED window, transparent L = cable lengthBN = brown, BK = black, BU = blueX = electronic: 11.6 mmSensor, Series ST6- 6 mm T-slot- with cable- open cable ends, 2-pin open cable ends, 3-pin- UL certification- Reed electronic PNP electronic NPN- Direct mounting for series PRA, PRE, CCI, KPZ, SSI, GPC, CVI- Indirect mounting for series TRB, ITS, CCL-IS, MNI, CSL-RD, RPC, ICS-D2, ICM, KHZ, TRRAmbient temperature min./max.-30 ... 80 °CProtection class IP65, IP67, IP69KSwitching point precision±0,1 mTNominal current, actuated state30 mAQuiescent current (without load)8 mAMin./max. DC operating voltage See table belowMin./max. AC operating voltage See table belowHysteresis≥ 0,2 mTSwitching logic NO (make contact)LED status display YellowVibration resistance10 - 55 Hz, 1 mmShock resistance30 g / 11 msCable length L 3 5 10 mCable length1) open cable ends, 2-pin, The product of operating voltage and continuous current must not exceed the maximum switching capacity.2) open cable ends, 3-pin, The product of operating voltage and continuous current must not exceed the maximum switching capacity.3) open cable ends, 3-pin1* = switching point 2* = locking screw 3* = LED window, transparent L = cable lengthBN=brown, BU=blue1* = switching point 2* = locking screw 3* = LED window, transparent L = cable lengthBN = brown, BK = black, BU = blueX = electronic: 11.6 mmSensor, Series ST6- 6 mm T-slot- with cable- Plug, M8, 3-pin Plug, M8, 2-pin- UL certification- Reed electronic PNP electronic NPN- Direct mounting for series PRA, PRE, CCI, KPZ, SSI, GPC, CVI- Indirect mounting for series TRB, ITS, CCL-IS, MNI, CSL-RD, RPC, ICS-D2, ICM, KHZ, TRRCertificates CE declaration of conformity cULus RoHSAmbient temperature min./max.-30 ... 80 °CProtection class IP65, IP67Switching point precision±0,1 mTNominal current, actuated state30 mAQuiescent current (without load)8 mAMin./max. DC operating voltage10 ... 30 V DCMin./max. AC operating voltage See table belowHysteresis≥ 0,2 mTSwitching logic NO (make contact)LED status display YellowVibration resistance10 - 55 Hz, 1 mmShock resistance30 g / 11 msCable length L0.3 mTechnical dataPart No.R412022868R412027172R412022872Cable lengthL。

Epson EB-W51项目机数据手册说明书

Epson EB-W51项目机数据手册说明书

EB-W51DATASHEET / BROCHURETurn heads at home and in the office with this high-quality, long-lasting and flexible WXGA projector.Supersize your content in the office and at home with this high-quality, versatile projector. Thanks to its powerful 4,000 lumen 3LCD technology, it delivers incredibly bright and clear images, even when there’s ambient light. The long-lasting lamp light source means it's a cost-effective piece of kit. It's also easy to transport and set up with no fuss.Bigger is betterWhether you’re watching your favourite film or delivering a presentation, this projector can achieve an impressive 320 inch display. It's great quality too, with 3LCD technology that makes the display up to three times brighter thancompetitor products¹. In addition to its bright and vivid colours, the 16,000:1 contrast ratio produces defined shadows and deep blacks. From family and friends to business colleagues and clients, it's sure to get everyone’s attention.High-quality, bright imagesEven in bright rooms, this powerful yet affordable WXGA projector deliversexceptionally bright yet colourful images with clear details. It's all thanks to 3LCD technology, which produces an equally high White and Colour Light Output of 4,000 lumens.Long-lasting solutionLooking for a long-term, hassle-free and affordable solution for your projection needs? This model's long-lasting lamp light source provideds you with 18 years' worth of entertainment².Stress-free set-upHere’s a projector that’s designed with portability and quick set up in mind. The carry case makes it easy to move from room to room, and you can quicklyposition the image with keystone correction and access content simply with the HDMI inputs. Thanks to the optional ELPAP10 adapter, it offers Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing you to share content from a smart device using the iProjection app.KEY FEATURESCreate the big screen experience From box sets to businesspresentations, capture everyone's attentionBright even with ambient light Equally high White and Colour Light Output of 4,000 lumensAffordable, high-tech equipment Enjoy this WXGA projector Long-lasting solution18 years' worth of entertainment²Portable and quick to set up Transport with a carry case andkeystone slider for easy alignmentPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSTECHNOLOGYProjection System3LCD Technology, RGB liquid crystal shutterLCD Panel0,59 inch with C2 FineIMAGEColor Light Output 4.000 Lumen- 2.600 Lumen (economy) In accordance with ISO 21118:2013White Light Output 4.000 Lumen - 2.600 Lumen (economy) In accordance with ISO 21118:2013Resolution WXGA, 1280 x 800, 16:10Contrast Ratio16.000 : 1Lamp UHE, 210 W, 6.000 h durability, 12.000 h durability (economy mode)Keystone Correction Auto vertical: ± 30 °, Manual horizontal ± 30 °Colour Reproduction Upto 1.07 billion coloursOPTICALThrow Ratio1,30 - 1,56:1Zoom Manual, Factor: 1,2Screen Size33 inches - 320 inchesProjection Distance Wide/Tele1,68 m - 2,02 m ( 60 inch screenProjection Lens F Number1,49 - 1,72Projection Lens Focal Length16,9 mm - 20,28 mmProjection Lens Focus ManualOffset10 : 1CONNECTIVITYUSB Display Function 3 in 1: Image / Mouse / SoundInterfaces USB 2.0 Type A, USB 2.0 Type B, VGA in, HDMI in, Composite in, Cinch audio in, Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n (optional)Epson iProjection App Ad-Hoc / InfrastructureADVANCED FEATURESSecurity Kensington lock, Security cable hole, Wireless LAN unit lock, Password protection3D NoOther features AV Mute Slide, Auto source search, Built-in speaker, Horizontal and vertical keystonecorrection, Long lamp life, Quick Corner, Split-Screen-FunctionVideo Color Modes Blackboard, Cinema, Dynamic, Presentation, sRGBGENERALPower consumption327 Watt, 225 Watt (economy), 0,3 Watt (standby), On mode power consumption as defined inJBMS-84 286 WattProduct dimensions302 x 237 x 82 mm (Width x Depth x Height)Product weight2,5 kgNoise Level Normal: 37 dB (A) - Economy: 28 dB (A)Included Software Content DIY App, iProjection, Epson Projector Management, Epson Projector Professional Tool Loudspeaker 2 WattRoom Type / Application Home Office, Home Photo, Streaming, TV & Box setsPositioning Ceiling Mounted, DesktopColour WhiteOTHERWarranty24 months Carry in, Lamp: 12 months or 1.000 h (whichever comes first)Optional warranty extension availableEB-W51WHAT'S IN THE BOXComputer cablePower cableMain unitWarranty cardUser manual (CD)Remote control incl. batteries Quick Start GuideCarrying CaseOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESLamp - ELPLP97 - EB9XX/W49/X/E20/U50 (2020 prior models)V13H010L97Dual Function Wireless Adapter (5Ghz Wireless & Miracast) -ELPAP11V12H005A01Air Filter - ELPAF32V13H134A32Screen (50" Desktop type) - ELPSC32V12H002S32Screen (80" Multi-Aspect) - ELPSC26V12H002S26Screen (80" Mobile X type16:9) - ELPSC21V12H002S21Soft Carry Case - ELPKS69 - EB-x05/x41/x42, EH-TW6 series V12H001K69LOGISTICS INFORMATIONSKU V11H977040EAN code 8715946680705Country of OriginPhilippinesEB-W511. Colour brightness(colour light output) in brightestmode, measured by a third-party lab in accordance with IDMS 15.4. Colour brightness will vary depending on usage conditions. Top-selling Epson 3LCD projectors versus top selling 1-chip DLP projectors based on NPD sales data for May 2017 – April 2018.2. Based on watching an average 1hr 45mins film every day and the lamp set in Eco mode.Epson Deutschland GmbH Otto-Hahn-Str. 4 D-40670 MeerbuschEpson in ÖsterreichInfo-Line: 01 253 49 78 333 www.epson.at。



总公司: 地址:台湾新竹科学园区创新 一路 12 号 电话:+886 3 563-9977 传真:+886 3 563-9966 webmaster@
义隆电子(香港)有限公司 九龙观塘巧明街 95 号世达中心 19 楼 A 室 电话:+852 2723-3376 传真:+852 2723-7780
6.1.3 R2 (೻ҏ计数ኜ)ձ਼栈 .................................................................. 6
6.1.4 R3 (状态੔πኜ) ............................................................................. 9
产品版本(V1.0) 12.17.2012
• iii
6.2.4 IOC80 (֛时ኜ 1 ձ 2 ٙ৷ο节) ................................................... 25 6.2.5 IOC90 (TMR1: PWM 1 ֛时ኜ) .................................................... 25 6.2.6 IOCA0 (TMR2: PWM 2 ֛时ኜ).................................................... 25 6.2.7 IOCB0 (ɨ拉છՓ੔πኜ).............................................................. 26 6.2.8 IOCC0 (漏ᧅ开路છՓ੔πኜ) ...................................................... 26 6.2.9 IOCD0 (ɪ拉છՓ੔πኜ) ............................................................. 27 6.2.10 IOCE0 (WDT છՓ੔πኜձʕ断‫܈‬ᇱ੔πኜ 2) ............................ 27 6.2.11 IOCF0 (ʕ断‫܈‬ᇱ੔πኜ) ............................................................ 28 6.2.12 IOC51 (৷ᙺ䕚流છՓ੔πኜ 1) .................................................. 29 6.2.13 IOC61 (৷ᙺ䕚流છՓ੔πኜ 2) .................................................. 29 6.2.14 IOC71 (৷驱䕃䕚流છՓ੔πኜ 1) .............................................. 30 6.2.15 IOC81 (৷驱䕃䕚流છՓ੔πኜ 2) .............................................. 30 6.2.16 IOCF1 (ɪ拉છՓ੔πኜ)............................................................ 31 6.3 TCC/WDT & 预ʱ频ኜ .......................................................................... 31 6.4 I/O ၌ɹ ................................................................................................ 32 6.4.1 Դ͜ Port5 䜲ɝ状态ҷ䕇唤፴/ʕ断̌ঐ ....................................... 35 6.5 ᪜Зձ唤፴ ........................................................................................... 35 6.5.1 ᪜Зձ唤፴዁Ъ............................................................................ 35 6.5.2 状态੔πኜٙ T ձ P 状态 ............................................................ 46 6.6 ʕ断 ...................................................................................................... 47 6.7 ᅼ数转换ኜ(ADC) ................................................................................. 49 6.7.1 ADC છՓ੔πኜ (AISR/R8, ADCON/R9, ADOC/RA) ................... 50 6.7.2 ADC 数Ỽ੔πኜ (ADDATA/RB, ADDATA1H/RC, ADDATA1L/RD)53 6.7.3 ADC ‫ڕ‬䈝时䞯 .............................................................................. 54 6.7.4 AD 转换时䞯................................................................................. 54 6.7.5 ;ेಂ䞯ٙ A/D 转换 .................................................................... 55 6.7.6 编೻Ӊ骤/Ͻ虑ٙԫ项.................................................................... 55 6.8 ɓ对 PWM (㭵宽调Փኜ) ....................................................................... 58 6.8.1 ฿ࠑ.............................................................................................. 58 6.8.2 㹎ᄣ֛时计数ኜ (TMRX: TMR1 or TMR2).................................... 59 6.8.3 PWM մಂ (TMRX: TMR1 ‫ א‬TMR2) ........................................... 59 6.8.4 PWM ̕٤ˢ (DTX: DT1 or DT2; DLX: DL1 or DL2) .................... 60 6.8.5 ˢ较ኜ X....................................................................................... 60 6.8.6 PWM 编೻Ӊ骤............................................................................. 60 6.9 ֛时ኜ/计数ኜ....................................................................................... 60 6.9.1 ฿ࠑ.............................................................................................. 60 6.9.2 ̌ঐ౜ࠑ ...................................................................................... 61 6.9.3 ޴关੔πኜ䕧ໄ............................................................................ 61 6.9.4 ֛时ኜ编೻Ӊ骤............................................................................ 62 6.9.5 PWM 级䝀ᅼό ............................................................................. 62

Moxa DA-681A Series 1U 蜂窝式计算机说明书

Moxa DA-681A Series 1U 蜂窝式计算机说明书

DA-681A SeriesIntel®3rd Gen Core™CPU,IEC-61850,1U rackmount computer with6Gigabit Ethernet ports,12isolated serial portsFeatures and Benefits•IEC61850-3,IEEE1613,and IEC60255compliant for power substationautomation systems(DPP and DPP-T models only)•3rd Gen Intel®Core™Celeron1047UE1.4GHz CPU•1built-in DDR3memory socket•1mSATA for OS and1SATA III for storage expansion•6Gigabit Ethernet ports for network redundancy•4USB2.0ports for high-speed peripherals•2isolated RS-232/422/485and10isolated RS-485ports•Embedded Debian8Linux(W7E by CTOS)•Supports both100to240VAC and100to240VDC power inputs(single-power and dual-power models available)•Optional IRIG-B expansion module available for DPP and DPP-T modelsCertificationsIntroductionThe DA-681A Series x86-based rackmount embedded computers are designed for control,monitoring,data acquisition,and protocol conversion applications.With their high density and robust design,the DA-681A computers are suitable for industrial automation applications,such as power automation,transportation,oil and gas,and factory automation.The DA-681A is based on the3rd Gen Intel®Core™Celeron1047UE1.4GHz CPU and HM65chipset,which supports standard x86,1x VGA,4x USB,6Gigabit LAN ports,2RS/232/422/4853-in-1serial ports,and10RS-485(RS-422by CV)ports.The DA-681A has a mini PCIe slot for mSATA and comes with Linux preinstalled;Windows7Embedded is also supported by a CTOS(Configuration To Order Service)process.Another plus is that the serial ports come with2kV digital galvanic isolation protection to guarantee communication reliability in harsh industrial environments.In addition,the state-of-art IEC61850-3,IEEE1613,and IEC60255compliance all-in-one design provides rich interfaces,especially well-suited for power substation automation applications.Smart Recovery FunctionThe DA-681A's Smart Recovery function minimizes downtime by making it easy to recover from operating system crashes.Engineers who are experts in a particular vertical market may not have enough computer domain knowledge to know how to fix the operating system problems.Moxa Smart Recovery™is an automated BIOS-level recovery system tool that allows engineers to automatically trigger OS recovery to minimize downtime.Proactive Monitoring FunctionMoxa Proactive Monitoring is a small-footprint,resource-friendly,easy-to-use utility that allows users to track a number of system parameters. Users can view the current parameter values for these key parts by simply clicking on the icons corresponding to the parameters in the user er-defined key part indicators(KPIs)are used to monitor the computer’s key parts.Visible and/or audio alerts are triggered automatically via relay and SNMP traps when these KPIs exceed their preset threshold values,making it extremely convenient for operators to avoid system downtime by setting up predictive maintenance tasks well in advance.AppearanceFront ViewRear ViewSpecificationsComputerCPU Intel®Celeron®Processor1047UE(2M Cache,1.40GHz) System Chipset Mobile Intel®HM65Express ChipsetGraphics Controller Intel®HD GraphicsStorage Slot 2.5-inch HDD/SSD slots x1mSATA x1System Memory Slot SODIMM DDR3/DDR3L slot x1Supported OS Linux Debian8(Linux kernel v4.1)Windows Embedded Standard7(WS7P)32-bitWindows Embedded Standard7(WS7P)64-bitNote:W7E available by CTOSComputer InterfaceEthernet Ports Auto-sensing10/100/1000Mbps ports(RJ45connector)x6 USB2.0USB2.0hosts x4,type-A connectorsSerial Ports RS-232/422/485ports x2,software selectable(DB9male)RS-485ports x10,software-selectable(terminal block) Video Input VGA x1,15-pin D-sub connector(female)LED IndicatorsSystem Power x1Storage x1Programmable x6LAN2per port(10/100/1000Mbps)Serial InterfaceBaudrate50bps to115.2kbpsData Bits5,6,7,8Flow Control RTS/CTS,XON/XOFFIsolation2kVParity None,Even,Odd,Space,MarkStop Bits1,1.5,2Surge DA-681A-I-DPP models only:4kVSerial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GND RS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDPower ParametersOperating Voltage100to240VDC,100to240VACPower Button ON/OFF(rear panel)Reset button(front panel)Power Consumption25W(max.)Physical CharacteristicsHousing MetalDimensions(without ears)440x315x45mm(17.32x12.40x1.77in) Weight4,500g(10lb)Installation19-inch rack mountingEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:-25to55°C(-13to131°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to70°C(-40to158°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN61000-6-2/-6-4EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-11DIPsIEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:8kV;Air:15kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:4kV;Signal:4kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:4kV;Signal:4kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8:20A/mPower Substation IEC61850-3,IEEE1613Protection Relay IEC60255Safety EN60950-1,IEC60950-1,UL60950-1Shock IEC60068-2-27,IEC60870-2-2,IEC61850-3Edition1.0 DeclarationGreen Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEMTBFTime SP models:240,784hrsDPP models:215,436hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period3yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x DA-681A Series computerInstallation Kit1x rack-mounting earDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardNote This product requires additional modules(sold separately)to function.DimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name CPU DDR3RAM OS Storage(mSATA)Linux Debian864-bitPower Input100-240VAC/VDCOperating Temp.DA-681A-I-SP Celeron1047UE–––✓-25to55°C DA-681A-I-SP-LX Celeron1047UE2GB8GB✓✓-25to55°C DA-681A-I-DPP Celeron1047UE–––✓-25to55°C DA-681A-I-DPP-T Celeron1047UE–––✓-40to70°C DA-681A-I-DPP-LX Celeron1047UE2GB8GB✓✓-25to55°C DA-681A-I-DPP-T-LX Celeron1047UE2GB8GB✓✓-40to70°C Accessories(sold separately)Expansion ModulesDA-IRIGB-4DIO-PCI104-EMC4Expansion module with time-synchronization ports and DI/DOApplicable Models:DA-681A-I-DPPDA-681A-I-DPP-TDA-681A-I-DPP-LXDA-681A-I-DPP-T-LXUSB Dongle KitsUSB Dongle Kit Internal USB dongle kit installation packageStorage KitsDA-681A HDD Kit HDD/SSD installation package,supports single HDD/SSD©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Feb22,2020.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。



Technical DataTechnical DaTa 25-16810-A January 2020 SpecificationSupply Voltage 15 to 30 VdcCable size / Type 0.5mm 2 ~ 2.5mm 2 /FIRETUF, FP200 or MICC Mounting Hole Centres 50 ~ 80mm Allowable Alarm Current25mA Allowable Remote Indicator Current25mAWiring hintsEach terminal is suitable for clamping up to 2 wires. Clamping of 2 wires of very different diameters under one screw is not recommended.DO NOT USE A POWER TERMINAL DRIVER.Suitable for mounting to mounting boxes with 50-80mm fixing centres.EFXN533 DoP044818EN54-7 Point Type Smoke Detectors EFXN525DoP044618EN54-5 Point Type Heat Detectors EFXN524DoP044518EN54-5 Point Type Heat Detectors EFXN526DoP044718EN54-5 Point Type Heat Detectors EFXN632DoP044918EN54-5 Point Type Heat Detectors EN54-7 Point Type Smoke DetectorsFXN922DoP0405122831Detector InstalledDetector RemovedE n d o f L i n e M o n i t o rE n d o f L i n e R e s i s t o rGeneralIf difficulty is experienced when mounting the detector, this may be due to the following:Wiring causing an obstruction - move or shorten wires. Although the base is tolerant to uneven mounting surfaces, a very uneven surface may cause the base to deform when the mounting screws are tightened down - loosen screws to reduce this or slide base to a more flat position.WaRninG: DO NOT USE HIGH VOLTAGE TESTERS WHEN DETECTORS OR CONTROL PANEL ARE CONNECTED TO THE SYSTEM.Zener Diode Switch action eFDB800 (cDB300 & MDB800)eatonEMEA Headquarters Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland Eaton.euTEL: +44 (0) 1302 321541FAX: +44 (0) 1302 303220******************************************************© 2020 EatonAll Rights ReservedEaton is a registered trademark.All trademarks are property of their respective Eaton Electrical Systems Ltd.Wheatley Hall Road Doncaster DN2 4NBTEL: +44 (0) 1302 303303 FAX: +44 (0) 1302 367155Utilising locking T a bThe Mounting base includes an optional feature to prevent the removal of the detector without the use of a tool.1. Remove the standard fit retaining clip.2. Insert the locking clip which is located at the centre of the base as shown.Mount the detector onto the base as described in Detector Installation (see over) and rotate fully clockwise until it finally clicks.The detector is now locked into position. Remove by utilising a suitable tool (eg a thin screwdriver) into the hole in the detector cover. Gently push the tool into the detector and rotate anti-clockwise.BaseOrder Codes Conventional Photoelectric Smoke Detector - Cooper EFXN520(CDBB300 / FXN520)EFDB800(CDB300 / MDB800) EFXN533 Conventional Heat Detector - Class A2R - Cooper EFXN525Conventional Heat Detector - Class BS - Cooper EFXN524Conventional Heat Detector - Class CS - CooperEFXN526Conventional Photo/Thermal - Class A2S (Heat Performance) - Cooper EFXN632Bi-Wire Programmable Conventional Photoelectric, Photo/Thermal (A2S), Heat Detector (A1R, BS or CS) - JSBEFXN520(CDBB300 / FXN520)FXN922Detector Features (Photoelectric & Photo/Thermal)All Photoelectric and Photo/Thermal detectors, automatically compensate for gradual increases in the scatter signal due to contamination e.g. dust build up.Self-check Features Of The Bi-wire DetectorThe Self-Check feature monitors for the failure of the internal primary alarm circuitry.Under this condition, the detector will still register an alarm condition via the yellow LED. Following such a failure, the yellow LED will remain on following a reset, signaling a fault at the main panel and the detector must be replaced.BiWire detectors, automatically compensate for gradual increases in the scatter signal due to contamination e.g. dust build up. If excessive dust occurs, the yellow LED will show continuously. If this occurs, the maintenance procedure should be conducted.The yellow LED will also light continuously if the detectors optical sensor signal begins to reduce below its normal level (chamber monitoring).In addition, the BiWire range has an isolator that opens if the internal power fails in the detector, giving rise to a zone fault at the main panel.When used with a BiWire compatible panel with Self Check features, the BiWireDetectors range of detectors can be instructed to blink their yellow LED every 2 seconds by a command from the main panel, to aid the search for a break in the zone cabling or an open detector isolator.Detector installationFit detector to mounting base and rotate clockwise until the detector drops into place. Continue to rotate clockwise until the detector clicks into place and no further rotation is possible. If the detectors are required to be locked into position, refer to the ‘UtilisingLocking Tab’ section.Smoke detectors are supplied fitted with dust covers for general protection against airborne contaminates.These must be removed from all detectors before the fire system is commissioned.NB. These dust covers do not provide adequate protection against quantities of dust generated by building workT estingAll detectors must be tested following installation or routine service andmaintenance. It is recommended that these tests are carried out by a competent person. Authorised personnel must be informed that the fire system will betemporarily out of service before commencing testing. To prevent unwanted alarms, ensure that the the panel is in test mode and it may be appropriate to disable some or all of the sounder circuits.. When all tests are complete, restore panel to normal operation and notify authorised personnel that the system is operational.Smoke Detectors:Subject the detector to be tested to a controlled amount of an approved synthetic smoke aerosol via a smoke detector test pole. Suitable products are available for example, from No Climb Products Ltd.Check that the red LED on the detector latches into alarm within 30 seconds. If an optional remote LED is fitted, check that this also lights.Ensure that the control panel activates into alarm.Reset the detector from the control panel unless automatically reset by the panel in test mode.This procedure will test the smoke sensing circuitry of the Photo/Thermal Detector.heat Detectors:Using a heat gun or hair dryer capable of generating temperatures of up to 95°C,direct the heat source towards the heat sensing elements, visible through the side of the outer cover, from a distance of 15 to 30cm. Care should be taken not to allow the plastic surface temperature to exceed 110°C otherwise damage may occur.When the temperature reaches the ‘Alarm Temperature’ (see Specifications above), check that the red LED on the detector latches into alarm. If an optional remote LED is fitted, check that this also lights.Ensure that the control panel activates into alarm.Reset the detector from the control panel unless automatically reset by the panel in test mode.This procedure will test the heat sensing circuitry of the Photo/Thermal Detector.MaintenanceOnly minimal maintenance can be performed on this range of detectors as they do not contain any site serviceable parts. The frequency of maintenance and will depend on the environment towhich the detector is exposed but should be at least annually. Dusty or damp environments will demand more frequent maintenance.Remove the detector from its mounting base.Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust build up from around the smoke entryapertures of a smoke detector, or from around the heat sensing element of a heat detector.For smoke detectors, visually inspect the insect mesh for blockages. If these can not be cleared by vacuuming, the detector must be replaced.Re-fit detector to its mounting base and test as described above.Detectors that fail the testing procedure must be replaced.EFXN533EFXN525EFXN524EFXN526EFXN632FXN922Operating voltage 15 to 30 Vdc 15 to 30 Vdc 15 to 30 Vdc 15 to 30 Vdc 15 to 30 Vdc 15 to 30 Vdc Standby current (max) 30μA 30μA 30μA 30μA 30μA 80μA Start up current (max 20 sec)340μA N/A N/A N/A 340μA 340μA Alarm current (max)25mA 25mA 25mA 25mA 25mA 25mAAmbient temperature (max)60ºC45ºC60ºC75ºC45ºCOpto Mode 60ºCOpto-Heat Mode 45°CA1R Rate of Rise Mode 45°C BS Fixed Temp Mode 60°C CS Fixed Temp Mode 80°C Ambient temperature (min)-20ºC -20ºC -20ºC -20ºC -20ºC -10ºCAlarm temperature (static)N/A60ºC77ºC90ºC60ºCOpto-Heat Mode 60°CA1R Rate of Rise Mode 60°C BS Fixed Temp Mode 77°C CS Fixed Temp Mode 92°C Heat detector class –as defined by EN54-5:2000N/A A2R BS CS A2S See above Relative humidity (non-condensing)0 to 95%0 to 95%0 to 95%0 to 95%0 to 95%0 to 95%Height (without base)34mm 43mm 43mm 43mm 43mm 43mm Height (with base)47mm 56mm 56mm 56mm 56mm 56mm Diameter 100.5mm 100.5mm 100.5mm 100.5mm 100.5mm 100.5mm Weight 78g 76g 76g 76g 78g 78g Material PC/ABS PC/ABS PC/ABS PC/ABS PC/ABS PC/ABS ColourWhite White White White White White Bi-Wire compatible No No No No No Yes Self check featuresNoNoNoNoNoYes。



General DescriptionThe TD6810 is a high efficiency monolithic synchronous buck regulator using a constant frequency, current mode architecture. The device is available in an adjustable version and fixed output voltages of 1.5V and 1.8V.Supply current during operation is only 20mA and drops to ≤1mA in shutdown. The 2.5V to 5.5V input voltage range makes the TD6810 ideally suited for single Li-Ion battery-powered applications. 100% duty cycle provides low dropout operation, extending battery life in portable systems.Automatic Burst Mode operation increases efficiency at light loads, further extending battery life. Switching frequency is internally set at 1.5MHz, allowing the use of small surface mount inductors and capacitors.The internal synchronous switch increases efficiency and eliminates the need for an external Schottky diode. Low output voltages are easily supported with the 0.6Vfeedback reference voltage. The TD6810 is available in a low profile (1mm) TSOT23-5 package.Featuresz High Efficiency: Up to 96%z High Efficiency at light loadsz Very Low Quiescent Current: Only 20uA DuringOperationz 800mA Output Currentz 2.5V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range z 1.5MHz Constant Frequency Operation z No Schottky Diode Requiredz Low Dropout Operation: 100% Duty Cycle z 0.6V Reference Allows Low Output Voltages z Shutdown Mode Draws ≤1uA Supply Currentz Current Mode Operation for Excellent Line and LoadTransient Response z Overtemperature Protectedz Low Profile (1mm) TSOT23-5 PackageApplicationsz Cellular Telephonesz Personal Information Appliances z Wireless and DSL Modems z Digital Still Cameras z MP3 Players z Portable InstrumentsPackage Typesgure 1. Package Typesof TD6810SOT23­5Pin AssignmentsTSOT23‐5Pin Name Description1 RUNRun Control Input. Forcing this pin above 1.5V enables the part. Forcing this pin below 0.3V shuts down the device. In shutdown, all functions are disabled drawing <1μA supply current. Do not leave RUN floating.2 GND Ground Pin.3 SW Switch Node Connection toInductor. This pin connects to the drains of the internal main and synchronous power MOSFET switches.4 VIN Main Supply Pin. Must be closelydecoupled to GND, Pin 2, with a 2.2μF or greater ceramic capacitor.5 VFB Feedback Pin. Receives thefeedback voltage from an external resistive divider across the output.5 VOUTOutput Voltage Feedback Pin. An internal resistive divider divides the output voltage down for comparison to the internal reference voltage.Ordering InformationTD6810 □ □Circuit Type Output Versions Classifying:Blank :Adj 12:1.2V Package 15:1.5V T :TSOT-23 18:1.8VFunctional Block DiagramFigure2:Functional Block Diagram of TD6810Type Application CircuitFigure 3. Type Application Circuit of TD6810Absolute Maximum RatingsNote1: Stresses greater than those listed under Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operationof the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extendedperiods may affect reliability.Parameter ValueUnit Input Supply Voltage -0.3 ~6 VRUN, VFB Voltages -0.3 ~ VIN VSW Voltage -0.3V ~(VIN+0.3) VP-Channel Switch Source Current (DC) 1000 mAN-Channel Switch Sink Current (DC) 1000 mAPeak SW Sink and Source Current 1.3 AOperating Temperature Range -40~+85 ºCJunction Temperature 125 ºCLead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) 300 ºCStorage Temperature Range -65~150 ºCElectrical CharacteristicsUnless otherwise specified, VIN= 3.6V TA=25 ºC.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitIVFB FeedbackCurrent 30 nAVFB Regulated FeedbackVoltageTA = 25°C 0.5880 0.6000 0.6120V0°C TA ≤ 85°C 0.5865 0.6000 0.6135–40°C ≤ TA ≤ 85°C 0.5850 0.6000 0.6150VFB Reference Voltage LineRegulationVIN = 2.5V to 5.5V 0.04 0.4 %/ VVOUT Regulated OutputVoltageTD6810-1.5, IOUT = 100mA 1.455 1.500 1.545 VTD6810-1.8, IOUT = 100mA 1.746 1.800 1.854VOUT Output Voltage LineRegulationVIN = 2.5V to 5.5V 0.04 0.4 %/ VElectrical Characteristics(Cont.)Unless otherwise specified, VIN= 3.6V TA=25 ºC.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitIPK Peak Inductor Current VIN = 3V, VFB = 0.5V orVOUT = 90%, Duty Cycle <35%1.05 1.10 1.15 AVLOADREG Output Voltage LoadRegulation0.5%VIN Input Voltage Range 2.5 5.5 VIS Input DC Bias CurrentActive ModeVFB = 0.5V or VOUT =90%, ILOAD = 0A300400uA Sleep ModeVFB = 0.62V or VOUT =103%, ILOAD = 0A2035uA Shutdown VRUN = 0V, VIN = 4.2V 0.1 1 uAfOSCOscillator Frequency VFB = 0.6V or VOUT =100%1 1.52 MHz VFB = 0V or VOUT = 0V 400 KHzRPFET RDS(ON) of P-ChannelFETISW = 100mA 0.35 0.45 ΩRNFET RDS(ON) of N-ChannelFETISW = -100mA 0.35 0.45 ΩILSW SWLeakage VRUN = 0V, VSW = 0V or5V, VIN = 5V0.011 uAVRUN RUNThreshold 0.31 1.5V IRUN RUN Leakage Current 0.01 1 uATypical Operating CharacteristicsOscillator Frequency Reference VoltageOscillator Frequency vs Supply VoltageRDS(ON) vs TemperatureTypical Operating Characteristics(Cont.)Efficiency vs Output Current RDS(ON) vs Input VoltageEfficiency vs Output CurrentEfficiency vs Output CurrentTypical Operating Characteristics(Cont.)Output Voltage vs Output Current Efficiency vs Output CurrentOutput Voltage vs Output Current Dynamic Supply Current vs Supply VoltageTypical Operating Characteristics(Cont.)P-FET Leakage vs TemperatureN-FET Leakage vs TemperatureEfficiency VS Output CurrentFunction DescriptionMain Control LoopThe TD6810 uses a constant frequency, current mode step-down architecture. Both the main (P-channel MOSFET) and synchronous (N-channel MOSFET) switches are internal. During normal operation, the internal top power MOSFET is turned on each cycle when the oscillator sets the RS latch, and turned off when the current comparator, ICOMP, resets the RS latch. The peak inductor current at which ICOMP resets the RS latch, is controlled bythe output of error amplifier EA. When the load current increases, it causes a slight decrease in the feedback voltage, FB, relative to the 0.6V reference, which in turn, causes the EA amplifier’s output voltage to increase until the average inductor current matches the new load current. While the top MOSFET is off, the bottom MOSFET is turned on until either the inductor current starts to reverse, as indicated by the current reversal comparator IRCMP, or the beginning of the next clock cycle.Burst Mode OperationThe TD6810 is capable of Burst Mode operation in which the internal power MOSFETs operate intermittently based on load demand.In Burst Mode operation, the peak current of the inductor is set to approximately 200mA regardless of the output load. Each burst event can last from a few cycles at light loads to almost continuously cycling with short sleep intervals at moderate loads. In between these burst events, the power MOSFETs and any unneeded circuitry are turned off, reducing the quiescent current to 20mA. In this sleep state, the load current is being supplied solely from the output capacitor. As the output voltage droops, the EA amplifier’s output rises above the sleep threshold signaling the BURST comparator to trip and turn the top MOSFET on. This process repeats at a rate that is dependent on the load demand.Short­Circuit ProtectionWhen the output is shorted to ground, the frequency of the oscillator is reduced to about 400kHz, 1/4 the nominal frequency. This frequency foldback ensures that the inductor current has more time to decay, thereby preventing runaway. The oscillator’s frequency will progressively increase to 1.5MHz when VFB or VOUT rises above 0V.Dropout OperationAs the input supply voltage decreases to a value approaching the output voltage, the duty cycle increases toward the maximum on-time. Further reduction of the supply voltage forces the main switch to remain on for more than one cycle until it reaches 100% duty cycle. The output voltage will then be determined by the input voltage minus the voltage drop across the P-channel MOSFET and the inductor.An important detail to remember is that at low input supply voltages, the RDS(ON) of the P-channel switch increases (see Typical Performance Characteristics). Therefore, the user should calculate the power dissipation when the TD6810 is used at 100% duty cycle with low input voltage (See Thermal Considerations in the Applications Informationsection).Function Description(Cont.)Low Supply OperationThe TD6810 will operate with input supply voltages aslow as 2.5V, but the maximum allowable output current isreduced at this low voltage. Figure 2 shows the reductionin the maximum output current as a function of inputvoltage for various output voltages.Slope Compensation and Inductor PeakCurrentSlope compensation provides stability in constantfrequency architectures by preventing subharmonicoscillations at high duty cycles. It is accomplishedinternally by adding a compensating ramp to the inductorcurrent signal at duty cycles in excess of 40%. Normally,this results in a reduction of maximum inductor peakcurrent for duty cycles >40%. However, the TD6810 usesa patent-pending scheme that counteracts thiscompensating ramp, which allows the maximum inductorpeak current to remain unaffected throughout all dutycycles.Maximum Output Current vs Input VoltagThe basic TD6810 application circuit is shown in Figure3. External component selection is driven by the loadrequirement and begins with the selection of L followedby CIN and COUT.Inductor SelectionFor most applications, the value of the inductor will fall inthe range of 1uH to 4.7uH. Its value is chosen based onthe desired ripple current. Large value inductors lowerripple current and small value inductors result in higherripple currents. Higher VIN or VOUT also increases theripple current as shown in equation 1. A reasonablestarting point for setting ripple current is DIL = 320mA(40% of 800mA).The DC current rating of the inductor should be at leastequal to the maximum load current plus half the ripplecurrent to prevent core saturation. Thus, a 920mA ratedinductor should be enough for most applications (800mA+ 120mA). For better efficiency, choose a lowDC-resistanceinductor.The inductor value also has an effect on Burst Modeoperation. The transition to low current operation beginswhen the inductor current peaks fall to approximately200mA. Lower inductor values (higher DIL) will causethis to occur at lower load currents, which can cause adip in efficiency in the upper range of low currentoperation. In Burst Mode operation, lower inductancevalues will cause the burst frequency to increase.Function Description(Cont.)Inductor Core SelectionDifferent core materials and shapes will change thesize/current and price/current relationship of an inductor.Toroid or shielded pot cores in ferrite or permalloymaterials are small and don’t radiate much energy, butgenerally cost more than powdered iron core inductorswith similar electrical characteristics. The choice of whichstyle inductor to use often depends more on the price vssize requirements and any radiated field/EMIrequirements than on what the TD6810 requires tooperate. Table 1 shows some typical surface mountinductors that work well in TD6810 applications.Table 1. Representative Surface Mount InductorsCIN and COUT SelectionIn continuous mode, the source current of the topMOSFET is a square wave of duty cycle VOUT/VIN. Toprevent large voltage transients, a low ESR inputcapacitor sized for the maximum RMS current must beused. The maximum RMS capacitor current is given by:This formula has a maximum at VIN = 2VOUT, whereIRMS = IOUT/2. This simple worst-case condition iscommonly used for design because even significantdeviations do not offer much relief. Note that thecapacitor manufacturer’s ripple current ratings are oftenbased on 2000 hours of life. This makes it advisable tofurther derate the capacitor, or choose a capacitor ratedat a higher temperature than required. Always consultthe manufacturer if there is any question.The selection of COUT is driven by the required effectiveseries resistance (ESR). Typically, once the ESRrequirement for COUT has been met, the RMS currentrating generally far exceeds the IRIPPLE(P-P)requirement. The output ripple DVOUT is determined by:where f = operating frequency, COUT = outputcapacitanceand DIL = ripple current in the inductor. For afixed output voltage, the output ripple is highest atmaximum input voltage since DIL increases with inputvoltage.Aluminum electrolytic and dry tantalum capacitors areboth available in surface mount configurations. In thecase of tantalum, it is critical that the capacitors aresurge tested for use in switching power supplies. Anexcellent choice is the AVX TPS series of surface mounttantalum. These are specially constructed and tested forlow ESR so they give the lowest ESR for a given volume.Other capacitor types include Sanyo POSCAP, KemetT510 and T495 series, and Sprague 593D and 595Dseries. Consult the manufacturer for other specificrecommendations.Function Description(Cont.)Using Ceramic Input and Output CapacitorsHigher values, lower cost ceramic capacitors are now becoming available in smaller case sizes. Their high ripple current, high voltage rating and low ESR make them ideal for switching regulator applications. Because the TD6810’s control loop does not depend on the output capacitor’s ESR for stable operation, ceramic capacitors can be used freely to achieve very low output ripple and small circuit size.However, care must be taken when ceramic capacitors are used at the input and the output. When a ceramic capacitor is used at the input and the power is supplied by a wall adapter through long wires, a load step at the output can induce ringing at the input, VIN. At best, this ringing can couple to the output and be mistaken as loop instability. At worst, a sudden inrush of current through the long wires can potentially cause a voltage spike at VIN, large enough to damage the part.When choosing the input and output ceramic capacitors, choose the X5R or X7R dielectric formulations. These dielectrics have the best temperature and voltage characteristics of all the ceramics for a given value and size.Output Voltage ProgrammingIn the adjustable version, the output voltage is set by a resistive divider according to the following formula:The external resistive divider is connected to the output, allowing remote voltage sensing as shown in Figure4.Figure 4:Setting the output VoltageVout R1 R21.2V 150K 150K1.5V160K 240K1.8V 150K 300K2.5V 150K 470K3.3V 150K 680KTable 2. Vout VS. R1, R2, Cf Select Table Efficiency ConsiderationsThe efficiency of a switching regulator is equal to the output power divided by the input power times 100%. It is often useful to analyze individual losses to determine what is limiting the efficiency and which change would produce the most improvement. Efficiency can be expressed as:Efficiency = 100% – (L1 + L2 + L3 + ...)where L1, L2, etc. are the individual losses as a percentage of input power.Although all dissipative elements in the circuit produce losses, two main sources usually account for most of the losses in TD6810 circuits: VIN quiescent current and I2R losses. The VIN quiescent current loss dominates the efficiency loss at very low load currents whereas the I2R loss dominates the efficiency loss at medium to high load currents. In a typical efficiency plot, the efficiency curve at very low load currents can be misleading since the actual power lost is of no consequence as illustrated in Figure 5.Function Description(Cont.)Figure 4:Power Lost VS Load Current1. The VIN quiescent current is due to two components: the DC bias current as given in the electrical characteristics and the internal main switch and synchronous switch gate charge currents. The gate charge current results from switching the gate capacitance of the internal power MOSFET switches. Each time the gate is switched from high to low to high again, a packet of charge, dQ, moves from VIN to ground. The resulting dQ/dt is the current out of VIN that is typically larger thanthe DC bias current. In continuous mode, IGATECHG=f(QT + QB) where QT and QB are the gate charges of the internal top and bottom switches. Both the DC bias and gate charge losses are proportional to VIN and thustheir effects will be more pronounced at higher supply voltages.2. I2R losses are calculated from the resistances of the internal switches, RSW, and external inductor RL. In continuous mode, the average output current flowing through inductor L is “chopped” between the main switch and the synchronous switch. Thus, the series resistance looking into the SW pin is a function of both top and bottom MOSFET RDS(ON) and the duty cycle (DC) as follows: RSW = (RDS(ON)TOP)(DC) + (RDS(ON)BOT)(1 – DC) The RDS(ON) for both the top and bottom MOSFETs can be obtained from the Typical Performance Charateristics curves. Thus, to obtain I2R losses, simply add RSW to RL and multiply the result by the square of the average output current. Other losses including CIN and COUT ESR dissipative losses and inductor core losses generally account for less than 2% total additional loss.Thermal ConsiderationsIn most applications the TD6810 does not dissipate much heat due to its high efficiency. But, in applications where the TD6810 is running at high ambient temperature with low supply voltage and high duty cycles, such as in dropout, the heat dissipated may exceed the maximum junction temperature of the part. If the junction temperature reaches approximately 150°C, both power switches will be turned off and the SW node will become high impedance.To avoid the TD6810 from exceeding the maximum junction temperature, the user will need to do some thermal analysis. The goal of the thermal analysis is to determine whether the power dissipated exceeds the maximum junction temperature of the part. The temperature rise is given by:TR = (PD)(qJA)where PD is the power dissipated by the regulator and qJA is the thermal resistance from the junction of the die to the ambient temperature.The junction temperature, TJ, is given by:TJ = TA + TRwhere TA is the ambient temperature.As an example, consider the TD6810 in dropout at an input voltage of 2.7V, a load current of 800mA and an ambient temperature of 70°C. From the typical performance graph of switch resistance, the RDS(ON) of the P-channel switch at 70°C is approximately 0.52W.Function Description(Cont.)Therefore,power dissipated by the part is:PD = ILOAD 2 • RDS(ON) = 187.2mWFor the SOT-23 package, the qJA is 250°C/ W. Thus, thejunction temperature of the regulator is:TJ = 70°C + (0.1872)(250) = 116.8°Cwhich is below the maximum junction temperature of125°C.Note that at higher supply voltages, the junctiontemperature is lower due to reduced switch resistance(RDS(ON)).Checking Transient ResponseThe regulator loop response can be checked by lookingat the load transient response. Switching regulators takeseveral cycles to respond to a step in load current. Whena load step occurs, VOUT immediately shifts by anamount equal to (ΔILOAD • ESR), where ESR is theeffective series resistance of COUT. ΔILOAD also beginsto charge or discharge COUT, which generates afeedback error signal. The regulator loop then acts toreturn VOUT to its steadystate value. During thisrecovery time VOUT can be monitored for overshoot orringing that would indicate a stability problem.A second, more severe transient is caused by switchingin loads with large (>1μF) supply bypass capacitors. Thedischarged bypass capacitors are effectively put inparallel with COUT, causing a rapid drop in VOUT. Noregulator can deliver enough current to prevent thisproblem if the load switch resistance is low and it isdriven quickly. The only solution is to limit the rise time ofthe switch drive so that the load rise time is limited toapproximately (25 • CLOAD).Thus, a 10μF capacitorcharging to 3.3V would require a 250μs rise time, limitingthe charging current to about 130mA.Package InformationTSOT23­5 Package Outline DimensionsDesign Notes。



DABiC-IV , 10-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERSData Sheet 26182.124BThe A6809– and A6810– devices combine 10-bit CMOS shift registers, accompanying data latches and control circuitry with bipolar sourcing outputs and pnp active pull downs. Designed primarily to drive vacuum-fluorescent displays, the 60 V and -40 mA output ratings also allow these devices to be used in many other peripheral power driver applications. The A6809– and A6810– feature an increased data input rate (compared with the older UCN/UCQ5810-F) and a con-trolled output slew rate. The A6809xLW and A6810xLW are identical except for pinout.The CMOS shift register and latches allow direct interfacing with microprocessor-based systems. With a 3.3 V or 5 V logic supply,typical serial-data input rates are up to 33 MHz.A CMOS serial data output permits cascade connections in applica-tions requiring additional drive lines. Similar devices are avail-able as the A6811– (12 bits), A6812– (20 bits), and A6818– (32 bits).The A6809– and A6810– output source drivers are npn Darling-tons, capable of sourcing up to 40 mA. The controlled output slew rate reduces electromagnetic noise, which is an important consideration in systems that include telecommunications and/or microprocessors and to meet government emissions regulations. For inter-digit blanking, all output drivers can be disabled and all sink drivers turned on with a BLANKING input high. The pnp active pull-downs will sink at least 2.5 mA.All devices are available in two temperature ranges for optimum performance in commercial (suffix S-) or industrial (suffix E-) applica-tions. The A6810– is provided in three package styles for through-hole DIP (suffix -A), surface-mount SOIC (suffix -LW), or minimum-area surface-mount PLCC (suffix -EP). The A6809– is provided in the SOIC (suffix -LW) only. Copper lead frames, low logic-power dissi-pation, and low output-saturation voltages allow all devices to source 25 mA from all outputs continuously over the maximum operating temperature range.FEATURESI Controlled Output Slew Rate I High-Speed Data Storage I 60 V Minimum Output Breakdown I High Data Input Rate I PNP Active Pull-Downs Complete part number includes a suffix to identify operating temperature range (E- or S-) and package type (-A, -EP, or -LW).Always order by complete part number, e.g., A6810SLW .6809 AND 6810I Low Output-Saturation Voltages I Low-Power CMOS Logic and Latches I Improved Replacements for TL4810–, UCN5810–,and UCQ5810–6809 AND 681010-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000Copyright © 1998, 2000 Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.A6810xEPTYPICAL OUTPUT DRIVERTYPICAL INPUT CIRCUITA6809xLWSERIAL DATA OUT LOAD SUPPLY SERIAL DATA IN BLANKINGOUT 1OUT 2OUT 3LOGIC SUPPLYSTROBE OUT 5OUT 4GROUND CLOCK OUT 9OUT 10Dwg. PP-029-9OUT 8OUT 7OUT 6NOCONNECTION NOCONNECTIONA6810xLWSERIAL DATA OUT LOAD SUPPLY SERIAL DATA IN BLANKING OUT 9OUT 10OUT 1OUT 2OUT 3NOCONNECTIONLOGIC SUPPLYSTROBE GROUND CLOCK OUT 8OUT 7OUT 6OUT 5OUT 4NOCONNECTIONDwg. PP-029-2STROBEDwg. PP-059O U T 1O U T 10O U T 5O U T 6 CLOCKNCGROUND LOGIC SUPPLY SERIAL DATA OUT LOAD SUPPLY NC SERIAL DATA IN BLANKING50751001251502.50.5AL L O W A B L E P A C K A G E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O NI N W A T T SAMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °C2.01.51.025Dwg. GP-024-1Dwg. EP-010-5INN6809 AND 681010-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERSTRUTH TABLEL = Low Logic Level H = High Logic Level X = Irrelevant P = Present State R = Previous StateLATCHES6809 AND 681010-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000Limits @ V DD = 3.3 V Limits @ V DD = 5 VCharacteristicSymbol Test Conditions Mln.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Units Output Leakage Current I CEX V OUT = 0 V —<-0.1-15—<-0.1-15µA Output VoltageV OUT(1)I OUT = -25 mA 57.558.3—57.558.3—V V OUT(0)I OUT = 1 mA — 1.0 1.5— 1.0 1.5V Output Pull-Down Current I OUT(0)V OUT = 5 V to V BB2.5 5.0— 2.5 5.0—mA Input VoltageV IN(1) 2.2—— 3.3——V V IN(0)—— 1.1—— 1.7V Input CurrentI IN(1)V IN = V DD —<0.01 1.0—<0.01 1.0µA I IN(0)V IN = 0 V —<-0.01-1.0—<-0.01-1.0µA Input Clamp Voltage V IK I IN = -200 µA —-0.8-1.5—-0.8-1.5V Serial Data Output VoltageV OUT(1)I OUT = -200 µA 2.8 3.05— 4.5 4.75—V V OUT(0)I OUT = 200 µA —0.150.3—0.150.3V Maximum Clock Frequency f c 1033—1033—MHz Logic Supply CurrentI DD(1)All Outputs High —0.250.75—0.3 1.0mA I DD(0)All Outputs Low—0.250.75—0.3 1.0mA Load Supply CurrentI BB(1)All Outputs High, No Load — 1.5 3.0— 1.5 3.0mA I BB(0)All Outputs Low —0.220—0.220µA Blanking -to-Output Delayt dis(BQ)C L = 30 pF, 50% to 50%—0.7 2.0—0.7 2.0µs t en(BQ)C L = 30 pF, 50% to 50%— 1.8 3.0— 1.8 3.0µs Strobe -to-Output Delayt p(STH-QL)R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF —0.7 2.0—0.7 2.0µs t p(STH-QH)R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF — 1.8 3.0— 1.8 3.0µs Output Fall Time t f R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF 2.4—12 2.4—12µs Output Rise Time t r R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF 2.4—12 2.4—12µs Output Slew RatedV/dtR L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF 4.0—20 4.0—20V/µs Clock -to-Serial Data Out Delay t p(CH-SQX)I OUT = ±200 µA —50——50—nsNegative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the specified device terminal.Typical data is is for design information only and is at T A = +25°C.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A = +25°C (A6809SLW & A6810S-) or over operating temperature range (A6809ELW & A6810E-), V BB = 60 V unless otherwise noted.6809 AND 6810 10-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS TIMING REQUIREMENTS and SPECIFICATIONS (Logic Levels are V DD and Ground)Serial Data present at the input is transferred to the shift register on the logic “0” to logic “1” transition of the CLOCK input pulse. On succeeding CLOCK pulses, the registers shift data information towards the SERIAL DATA OUTPUT. The SERIAL DATA must appear at the input prior to the rising edge of the CLOCK input waveform.Information present at any register is transferred to the respective latch when the STROBE is high (serial-to-parallel conversion). The latches will continue to accept new data as long as the STROBE is held high. Applications where the latches are bypassed (STROBE tied high) will require that the BLANKING input be high during serial data entry.When the BLANKING input is high, the output source drivers are disabled (OFF); the pnp active pull-down sink drivers are ON. The information stored in the latches is not affected by the BLANKING input. With the BLANKING input low, the outputs are controlled by the state of their respective latches.OUTDwg. WP-029OUTDwg. WP-030 A. Data Active Time Before Clock Pulse(Data Set-Up Time), t su(D)......................................... 25 nsB. Data Active Time After Clock Pulse(Data Hold Time), t h(D)............................................... 25 nsC. Clock Pulse Width, t w(CH)............................................... 50 nsD. Time Between Clock Activation and Strobe, t su(C)....... 100 nsE. Strobe Pulse Width, t w(STH)............................................. 50 nsNOTE – Timing is representative of a 10 MHz clock. Signifi-cantly higher speeds are attainable.6809 AND 681010-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000A6810EA & A6810SADimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters (for reference only)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.Dwg. MA-001-18A inDwg. MA-001-18A mm6809 AND 681010-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERSA6810EEP & A6810SEPDimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)(for reference only)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’soption within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.The products described here are manufactured under one or more U.S. patents or U.S. patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may berequired to permit improvements in the performance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or systems without express written approval.The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsi-bility for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.Dwg. MA-005-20A in48Dwg. MA-005-20A mm486809 AND 681010-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000A6809ELW, A6809SLW, A6810ELW, & A6810SLWDimensions in Inches (for reference only)Dimensions in Millimeters (controlling dimensions)NOTES:1. Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’s option within limits shown.2. Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.Dwg. MA-008-20 mm1.27BSC。

Eaton Moeller EASY I O 扩展设备 产品说明书

Eaton Moeller EASY I O 扩展设备 产品说明书

Eaton 197224Eaton Moeller® series EASY I/O expansion, For use with easyE4, 24 V DC, Inputs expansion (number) analog: 4, screw terminal EASY-E4-DC-4PE1Spécifications généralesEaton Moeller® series EASY I/O expansion197224401508089285458 mm 90 mm 36 mm 0.1 kg IEC/EN 61000-6-3 IEC 60068-2-30 CULus per UL 61010 IEC/EN 61131-2 IEC 60068-2-6 IEC 60068-2-27 IEC/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61010 EN 50178CSA-C22.2 No. 61010 IEC 60664 IEC/EN 61000-4-2 UL ListedUL Category Control No.: NRAQ, NRAQ7UL File No.: E205091 DNV GL CEEASY-E4-DC-4PE1Product NameCatalog Number EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model CodeAdditional measurement aids: Filtering (software), smoothing of analog input signal (PT1 behavior), only with set sampling time, selectable per sensor: yesExpandableExpansion deviceMeasuring principle: Two or three wire per sensor, selectable by connection of sensorCard diagnosticDiagnostics below lower measurement range IP20According to EN 50178, EN 61010-2-201, UL61010-2-201, CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-2-201Rail mounting possibleTop-hat rail fixing (according to IEC/EN 60715, 35 mm)Wall mounting/direct mountingScrew fixing using fixing brackets ZB4-101-GF1 (accessories) Front build in possibleIII2Control relays easyE4TCP/IPMODBUS≤ 5 %12 Bit (0- 4095, digital, scaling per sensor)EASYSOFT-SWLIC/easySoft7easyE4 extensionDC50 mm Drop height, Drop to IEC/EN 60068-2-31 0.3 m 795 - 1080 hPa (operation) -25 °CFeatures Functions Degree of protection Insulation resistance Mounting methodOvervoltage category Pollution degree Product category ProtocolResidual ripple ResolutionSoftwareTypeVoltage typeDrop and toppleHeight of fall (IEC/EN 60068-2-32) - max Air pressureAmbient operating temperature - minHorizontalVertical15 g, Mechanical, according to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 18 Impacts57 - 150 Hz, 2 g constant acceleration10 - 57 Hz, 0.15 mm constant amplitudeAccording to IEC/EN 60068-2-655 °C-40 °C70 °CCondensation: prevent with appropriate measuresClearance in air and creepage distances according to EN 50178, EN 61010-2-201, UL61010-2-201, CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-2-2015 - 95 % (IEC 60068-2-30, IEC 60068-2-78)8 kV2 kV, Signal cableAccording to IEC/EN 61000-4-42 kV, Supply cable6 kV10 V/m at 0.8 - 1.0 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)1 V/m at 2.0 - 2.7 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)3 V/m at 1.4 - 2 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)10 V (according to IEC/EN 61000-4-6)Class B (EN 61000-6-3)According to IEC/EN 61000-4-5, power pulses (Surge), EMC 0.5 kV, Supply cables, symmetrical, EASY…DC, power pulses (Surge), EMC1 kV, Supply cables, asymmetrical, power pulses (Surge), EMC20 ms≤ 10 ms, Bridging voltage dips 0.2 - 2.5 mm² (22 - 12 AWG), flexible with ferrule 0.2 - 4 mm² (AWG 22 - 12), solid3.5 x 0.8 mm, Terminal screw0.6 Nm, Screw terminals3.4 W (at 24 V DC)12.5 A (for 6 ms)1 W1 W24 V DC (-15 %/+ 20 % - power supply)20.4 - 28.8 V DC0 VACMounting position Shock resistance Vibration resistance Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Environmental conditionsRelative humidityAir dischargeBurst impulseContact dischargeElectromagnetic fieldsImmunity to line-conducted interference Radio interference classSurge ratingVoltage dips Terminal capacityScrewdriver sizeTightening torqueHeat dissipationInrush currentPower consumptionPower lossRated operational voltage Supply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - min0 VAC20.4 VDC28.8 VDC≥ 1A (T), Fuse, Power supplyScrew terminal≤ 30 m, unscreened, Analog inputs temperature resistance Pt100 or Ni1000 sensors Input type resistance sensor: Platinum sensor Pt100 (according to DIN EN 60751, IEC 751)Input type resistance sensor: Nickel sensor Ni1000 (according to DIN 43760)40 mA4NoneBetween Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and Power supply: no Between Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and expansion units: yesBetween Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and Inputs: noYes, for supply voltage (Siemens MPI optional)0 W 0 W 0 W 0 ASupply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - maxSupply voltage at DC - minSupply voltage at DC - maxShort-circuit protectionConnection typeCable length InputInput currentNumber of inputs (analog)Number of inputs (digital)Number of outputs (analog)Number of outputs (digital)Explosion safety category for gas Potential isolationProtection against polarity reversal Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity PdissHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent PvidRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent PvsNone1 WMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Explosion safety category for dust 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation 10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies 10.4 Clearances and creepage distances 10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections 10.8 Connections for external conductors 10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength 10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tous droits réservés.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners./socialmediaIs the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.DA-CE-ETN.EASY-E4-DC-4PE1DA-MN-h1430de MZ049014EN Video easy E4 control relay IL050021ZU DA-CS-dc_4pe1DA-CD-dc_4pe1TT-197224_EASY-E4-DC-4PE1-de_DE eaton-modular-plc-easy-i-o-expansion-dimensions-002.eps eaton-modular-plc-easy-i-o-expansion-3d-drawing-002.eps10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical functioneCAD modelGuide utilisateur Installation videosInstructions d'installationmCAD model Notes de venteSchémas。

DC10600EW101_1VX1_X(T C N)_2 数据手册说明书

DC10600EW101_1VX1_X(T C N)_2 数据手册说明书

广州大彩光电科技有限公司版权所有版本记录销售与服务广州大彩光电科技有限公司电话:************-601传真:************Email:*************(咨询和支持服务)网站:地址:广州黄埔区(科学城)玉树工业园C栋3楼网络零售官方旗舰店:目录1. 硬件介绍 (1)1.1产品外观 (1)1.2硬件配置 (2)1.3调试工具 (3)2. 产品规格 (4)3. 产品尺寸 (7)4. 引脚定义 (8)5. 可靠性测试 (9)5.1ESD测试 (9)5.1.1执行标准 (9)5.1.2测试环境 (9)5.1.3测试数据 (10)5.2高低温老化测试 (10)5.2.1测试环境 (10)5.2.2测试数据 (11)5.3群脉冲测试 (11)5.3.1执行标准 (11)5.3.2测试环境 (11)5.3.3测试数据 (12)6. 产品定义 (13)7. RS232与TTL电平转换 (14)8. 包装与物理尺寸 (15)9. 产品架构 (16)10. 开发软件 (17)10.1什么是虚拟串口屏 (17)10.2Keil与虚拟串口屏绑定调试 (18)11. 开发文档 (19)12. 免责声明 (20)1. 硬件介绍本章节主要介绍产品的一些外观参考图、硬件配置图和调试所需工具。

1.1 产品外观以下为该尺寸不同型号的外观参考图,如图1-1、图1-2和图1-3所示。


图1-1 10.1寸电阻触摸参考图图1-2 10.1寸电容触摸参考图销售咨询:************-601Email:*************销售咨询:************-601Email:*************图1-3 10.1寸无触摸参考图1.2 硬件配置以下为该产品硬件配置参考图,如图1-4和图 1-5所示。

USR-W610 用户手册说明书

USR-W610 用户手册说明书

USR-W610User ManualFile Version:V1.0.1.01ContentsUSR-W610User Manual (1)Features (4)1.Get Start (5)1.1.Application Diagram (5)1.2.Hardware (5)1.2.1.LED (5)1.2.2.Interface (6)1.2.3.Dimension (6)working application (7)2.1.Wireless networking (7)2.1.1.AP mode (7)2.1.2.STA mode (7)2.1.3.AP+STA mode (7)2.1.4.AP,STA application (8)2.1.5.Encryption mode (8)2.2.Wired networking (8)2.2.1.AP+LAN (8)2.2.2.AP+WAN (9)2.2.3.Route mode (9)2.2.4.Bridge mode (9)3.Product Functions (11)3.1.Work mode (11)3.1.1.Transparent transmission mode (11)3.1.2.Serial port command mode (12)3.1.3.HTTP Client mode (12)3.1.4.Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU mode (12)3.1.5.AT command mode (13)3.2.Serial port (13)3.2.1.Serial port basic parameters (13)3.2.2.Serial Free-Frame mode (13)3.2.3.Serial package method (13)3.2.4.Baud rate synchronization function (14)3.3.Features (14)3.3.1.Search in LAN (14)3.3.2.Identity packet function (14)rlink (15)3.3.4.Keep-Alive function (16)3.3.5.Heartbeat packet function (16)3.3.6.Websocket function (16)3.3.7.Timeout reset function (16)4.Parameter configuration (17)4.1.Web Server (17)USR-W610User Manual Technical Support:4.2.AT command (17)4.2.1.Serial AT command mode (17)4.2.2.Setup software (17)work AT command mode (17)5.Contact Us (18)6.Disclaimer (18)7.Update History (18)Features⏹Support***********802.11b/g/n wireless standards.⏹Support TCP Server/TCP Client/UDP Server/UDP Client/HTTP Client mode.⏹Support AP,STA,AP+STA.⏹Support RS232and RS485serial ports.⏹Support electrostatic protection.⏹Support identity packet function.⏹Support heartbeat packet function.⏹Support Websocket function.⏹Support timeout reset function,timing reset function.⏹Support Web Server,setup software,serial/network AT command to configure module.⏹Support hardware reload.⏹Support usrlink.1.Get Start1.1.Application DiagramFigure1Application diagram1.2.Hardware1.2.1.LEDLED DescriptionPower Power LED will light after powering the module successfullyWork Work LED will blink every two seconds if module works normally.Link Link LED will light after module establishing WIFI connectionTXD TXD LED will blink when module sends data from serial sideRXD RXD LED will blink when module’s serial side receives data1.2.2.InterfaceFigure3Interface 1.2.3.DimensionFigure4Dimensionworking applicationUSR-W610supports two wireless interface:one STA interface and one AP interface.And W610also supports one 100M Ethernet interface.●AP:Access point,central node of a wireless network.In general,wireless router is an AP and other wireless terminal can connect to each others through AP.●STA:Station,terminal of a wireless network.Such as PDA,mobile phone.2.1.Wireless networkingWhen W610works in STA mode,W610will adjust own channel to be same as AP’s channel which W610want to connect to.And when W610works in AP mode,user can configure W610to automatically choose channel and W610will choose a channel according to surrounding environment.2.1.1.AP modeUser can connect own devices as STA devices such as PC/PAD/phone to W610works in AP mode directly to realize data transmission.After establishing connection successfully,user can enter W610Web Server to configure the er can also connect serial devices to W610through RS232or RS485interface.Figure5AP mode2.1.2.STA modeW610works in STA mode can connect to an AP to realize communication with other devices which connect to same AP.And if this AP has connected to internet,USR-W610can also access internet.Figure6STA mode2.1.3.AP+STA modeW610supports AP+STA mode which can enable an AP interface and a STA interface simultaneously.W610’s STA interface can connect to an AP and AP interface can be connected by STA devices.Figure7AP+STA mode2.1.4.AP,STA applicationUser can configure two W610one as AP and another as STA,then connect W610in STA mode to W610in AP mode to realize AP,STA application.Figure8AP,STA application2.1.5.Encryption modeEncryption can make sure secure data transmission and improve communication security.W610supports various encryption mode including:●WPA-PSK/TKIP●WPA-PSK/AES●WPA2-PSK/TKIP●WPA2-PSK/AES●WEPNote:When module adopts WEP encryption mode,HEX format is10bytes or26bytes password and ASCII format is5bytes or13bytes password;when module adopts WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK encryption mode, password is at least8bytes.2.2.Wired networking2.2.1.AP+LANWhen W610works in AP mode,other STA devices can connect to W610through RJ45or WIFI.In this network,USR-W610User Manual Technical Support: all devices will be distributed a IP in same network segment with W610.Application diagram as follow:Figure9AP+LAN application2.2.2.AP+WANUser can configure W610in AP mode and Ethernet interface in WAN interface(enable DHCP)to connect to internet.In this mode,W610can work as second grade router and other STA device can connect to W610AP interface to access internet.After W610connecting to first grade AP,W610can get IP address from first grade AP.And W610will distribute IP address to STA devices which connect to W610AP interface.Application diagram as follow:Figure10AP+WAN application2.2.3.Route modeW610can work in STA mode with N-Ver version to apply route mode.W610can get IP address from AP and distribute IP address to device which connect to W610through Ethernet interface.Application diagram as follow:Figure11Route modeNote:In above application diagram,PC1can initiate a connection to PC2but PC2can’t initiate a connection to PC1.2.2.4.Bridge modeW610can work in STA mode with Z-Ver version to apply bridge mode.After connecting to AP,device whichUSR-W610User Manual Technical Support: communicate to each other without limitation.If user want to achieve communicate between W610to other devices,user need set LAN interface IP address of W610into same network segment as AP.Application diagram as follow:Figure12Bridge mode3.Product Functions3.1.Work modeW610supports five work modes:transparent transmission mode,serial port command mode,HTTP Client mode, Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU mode and AT command mode.Default work mode of module is transparent transmission er can switch module between transparent transmission mode,serial port command mode,HTTP Client mode and Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU mode by Web Server or AT command.And when module works in transparent transmission mode,serial port command mode,HTTP Client mode or Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU mode,user can refer to /enter-serial-command-mode/to enter AT command mode.3.1.1.Transparent transmission modeIn this work mode,W610can make a bidirectional connection between serial side and network side.This connection is transparent transmission.Data from serial device can be received in network,and network data can also be sent to serial device.This mode mainly used to realize data transmission between user serial device and fixed server through socket.Figure13Transparent transmission modeNote:●Socket A supports:TCP Server,TCP Client,UDP Server,UDP Client.Socket A works in TCP Server mode supports at most24TCP Client connections.●Socket B supports:TCP Client,UDP Client.3.1.2.Serial port command modeIn this mode,W610should works in UDP Client mode or TCP Client mode and user can send data in specified protocol format to different server without resetting.If user send serial data in specified protocol format from serial device to W610,W610will parse the data and send data after parsing to appointed server if data format is correct;if data isn’t in correct format,W610won’t send to server side.Note:serial port command mode is one of transparent transmission mode and it is different from AT command mode.3.1.3.HTTP Client modeIn this work mode,user should configure the HTTP URL,HTTP header data,HTTP server address and HTTP server port firstly.Serial data can be packaged into HTTP format and sent to HTTP server through W610,HTTP server will also return data to W610.Figure14HTTP Client mode3.1.4.Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU modeW610supports Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU mode(doesn’t support Modbus ASCII).User just needs to configure W610work mode to Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU mode and change related parameters(port,remote IP and some other parameters)to correct settings when user wants to use this mode.Figure15Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU mode3.1.5.AT command modeUser can enter AT command mode and send AT commands by serial to query/set W610parameters(Enter AT command mode will disable transparent transmission mode and make serial port to send/receive AT commands).In this mode,all settings will be saved automatically and module will enter transparent transmission mode after sending AT+ENTM to exit AT command mode.3.2.Serial port3.2.1.Serial port basic parametersParameters RangeBaud Rate300,600,1200,1800,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400,345600,460800Data Bits5,6,7,8Stop Bits1,2Parity Bits None,Odd,EvenFlow Control NFC:No flow controlFC:Hardware flow controlFigure16Serial port basic parameters3.2.2.Serial Free-Frame modeW610will continually check the interval between two adjacent bytes when W610receives the data from serial side.If this interval>serial Free-Frame triggering time(Default is50ms and user can use AT commend to configure triggering time),it will be considered as end of a package and W610will send received data as a TCP package data to network.Otherwise W610will receive data to4K bytes and send these4K bytes as a TCP package data to network.Suppose n ms is serial package triggering time,if T1>n,T2<n,T3<n,T4<n,T5<n,T6>n,Byte1-Byte5will be a package.Figure17Serial Free-Frame mode3.2.3.Serial package methodW610supports serial package method(include Time Trigger Mode and Length Trigger Mode)and W610will send received data as TCP package data to network if serial data arrive triggering time or triggering length.3.2.4.Baud rate synchronization functionWhen module works with USR devices or software,serial parameters will change dynamically according to network er can modify serial parameters by sending data conformed to specific protocol via network. It is temporary,after resetting module,the parameters will back to original parameters.3.3.Features3.3.1.Search in LANFigure18Search in LANW610supports‘Search in LAN’function:After W610connecting to an AP,user can send UDP broadcast to a fixed port to acquire W610’s IP address in this AP’s LAN.This function can realize searching module and communication.Default port is48899and default keyword is .The whole process as follows:Step1:User can send a keyword(default keyword:,at most20bytes)by UDP broadcast way(broadcast address:xxx.xxx.xxx.255,default port:48899)on a device which in same LAN as W610. Step2:After W610receiving keyword,if keyword is correct,W610will enter configuration mode and return IP, MAC,MID,Version to the device.And W610will exit configuration mode if no configuration command over30 seconds after W610entering configuration mode.Step3:After user entering configuration mode,user can send network AT commands to query/set parameters.(The network AT commands format are same as serial AT commands)3.3.2.Identity packet functionFigure19Identity packet application diagramWhen W610works in TCP Client mode,user can enable identity packet function.Identity packet is used for identifying the device when module works as TCP client.There are two methods to send identity packet.●Identity packet will be sent after connection is established.●Identity packet will be added on the front of every data package.Identity packet can be6bytes MAC address identity packet,user editable identity packet(less than40bytes)or USR Cloud identity packet.MAC address identity packet and user editable identity packet can be sent by above both methods,but USR Cloud identity packet can be only sent after connection is establishedrlinkWhen W610works in AP mode will open a UDP port to receive usrlink commands(Port number48899,same as ‘Search in LAN’function and can be changed).Figure20UsrlinkThe whole process as follows:Step1:User should directly connect phone which has download UsrAutoLink APP to W610in AP mode through WIFI.Step2:Query the surrounding SSID.Step3:Choose the SSID,enter password and phone will send the configuration parameters to W610. Step4:After receiving configuration parameters protocol,W610will pares it and acquire the AP’s SSID and password,save them to flash,then reset and connect to AP.3.3.4.Keep-Alive functionW610supports Keep-Alive function of TCP connection.W610will disconnect to network when network connection exceptions occur and will also reconnect to server after network connection restoring.3.3.5.Heartbeat packet functionHeartbeat packet:In transparent transmission mode,module can output heartbeat packet to serial side or network side er can configure the heartbeat packet data(less than40bytes and in HEX format)and sending interval(1~65535s).●Serial heartbeat packet can be used for polling Modbus data or other querying commands.●Network heartbeat packet can be used for showing connection status and keeping the connection(only take effect in TCP/UDP Client mode).When connection exceptions happen,W610can’t send heartbeat packet to network server successfully and will reconnect to server after sending unsuccessfully over three times.3.3.6.Websocket functionW610supports Websocket server function which can realize real-time communication between serial side and web page and user can use this function in W610Web Server(Websocket function occupies W610port8000). Websocket server supports at most8client connections simultaneously.3.3.7.Timeout reset functionAfter enabling timeout reset function in transparent transmission mode,if W610has no WIFI connection or has WIFI connection but no data transmission and these two situations last over a setting time,W610will reset.This time is range from60~65535s and default is3600s.4.Parameter configurationThere are two ways to configure USR-W610.They are Web Server and AT command.4.1.Web ServerUser can connect PC to W610through AP interface and enter Web Server to configure.Web default parameters as follows:Parameter Default settingsSSID USR-W610_xxxx(4bytes MAC address)Web Server IP address10.10.100.254Username adminPassword adminFigure21Web server default parametersAfter firstly connecting PC to W610,user can open browser and enter default IP10.10.100.254into address bar, then log in username and password,user will enter Web Server.4.2.AT commandWe have specific user manual for AT commands.4.2.1.Serial AT command modeIn work mode,user can enter AT command mode and send AT commands to module to configure the module. For entering AT command mode,please refer to this FAQ:/enter-serial-command-mode/.4.2.2.Setup softwareWe also provide setup software for W610which based on serial AT commands.work AT command modeUser can also use network AT command to configure er can search W610by sending UDP broadcast to a fixed port and then send AT commands to configure W610.5.Contact UsCompany:Jinan USR IOT Technology LimitedAddress:Floor11,Building1,No.1166Xinluo Street,Gaoxin District,Jinan,Shandong,250101,China Web:Support:Email:************Tel:86-531-88826739/86-531-555072976.DisclaimerThis document provides the information of USR-W610products,it hasn’t been granted any intellectual property license by forbidding speak or other ways either explicitly or implicitly.Except the duty declared in sales terms and conditions,we don’t take any other responsibilities.We don’t warrant the products sales and use explicitly or implicitly,including particular purpose merchant-ability and marketability,the tort liability of any other patent right,copyright,intellectual property right.We may modify specification and description at any time without prior notice.7.Update History2017-12-04V1.0.1.01established based on Chinese version V1.0.1.。

英飞凌 FP10R12W1T7 EasyPIM 模块 数据表

英飞凌 FP10R12W1T7 EasyPIM 模块 数据表

Preliminary datasheetEasyPIM ™ 模块 采用第七代沟槽栅/场终止IGBT7和第七代发射极控制二极管带有温度检测NTC 特性•电气特性-沟槽栅IGBT7-过载操作达175°C -低 V CEsat •机械特性-焊接技术-紧凑型设计-高功率密度-低热阻的三氧化二铝 Al 2O 3 衬底-2.5 kV 交流 1分钟 绝缘可选应用•空调•辅助逆变器•电机传动产品认证•根据 IEC 60747、60749 和 60068 标准的相关测试,符合工业应用的要求。

描述FP10R12W1T7EasyPIM ™ 模块内容描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1可选应用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1产品认证 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1内容 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1封装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2IGBT, 逆变器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 3二极管,逆变器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 4二极管,整流器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5IGBT, 制动-斩波器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 6二极管,制动-斩波器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 7负温度系数热敏电阻 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 8特征参数图表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 9电路拓扑图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 10封装尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 11模块标签代码 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18免责声明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191封装表 1绝缘参数特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位绝缘测试电压V ISOL RMS, f = 50 Hz, t = 1 min 2.5kV 内部绝缘基本绝缘 (class 1, IEC 61140)Al2O3爬电距离d Creep端子至散热器11.5mm 爬电距离d Creep端子至端子 6.3mm 电气间隙d Clear端子至散热器10.0mm 电气间隙d Clear端子至端子 5.0mm 相对电痕指数CTI > 200相对温度指数 (电)RTI住房140°C 表 2特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值杂散电感,模块L sCE30nH 模块引线电阻,端子-芯片R AA'+CC'T H=25°C, 每个开关6mΩ模块引线电阻,端子-芯片R CC'+EE'T H=25°C, 每个开关8mΩ储存温度T stg-40125°C Mounting force per clamp F2050N 重量G24g注:The current under continuous operation is limited to 30A rms per connector pin.2IGBT, 逆变器表 3最大标定值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位集电极-发射极电压V CES T vj = 25 °C1200V 连续集电极直流电流I CDC T vj max = 175 °C T H = 100 °C10A 集电极重复峰值电流I CRM t P = 1 ms20A 栅极-发射极峰值电压V GES±20V表 4特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值集电极-发射极饱和电压V CE sat I C = 10 A, V GE = 15 V T vj = 25 °C 1.60TBD VT vj = 125 °C 1.74T vj = 175 °C 1.82栅极阈值电压V GEth I C = 0.22 mA, V CE = V GE, T vj = 25 °C 5.15 5.80 6.45V 栅极电荷Q G V GE = ±15 V, V CE = 600 V0.157µC 内部栅极电阻R Gint T vj = 25 °C0Ω输入电容C ies f = 100 kHz, T vj = 25 °C, V CE = 25 V, V GE = 0 V 1.89nF 反向传输电容C res f = 100 kHz, T vj = 25 °C, V CE = 25 V, V GE = 0 V0.0066nF 集电极-发射极截止电流I CES V CE = 1200 V, V GE = 0 V T vj = 25 °C0.0045mA 栅极-发射极漏电流I GES V CE = 0 V, V GE = 20 V, T vj = 25 °C100nA开通延迟时间(感性负载)t don I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Gon = 8.2 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.023µs T vj = 125 °C0.025T vj = 175 °C0.026上升时间(感性负载)t r I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Gon = 8.2 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.014µs T vj = 125 °C0.017T vj = 175 °C0.019关断延迟时间(感性负载)t doff I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Goff = 8.2 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.124µs T vj = 125 °C0.157T vj = 175 °C0.176下降时间(感性负载)t f I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Goff = 8.2 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.227µs T vj = 125 °C0.347T vj = 175 °C0.422开通损耗能量 (每脉冲)E on I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,Lσ = 35 nH, V GE = ±15 V,R Gon = 8.2 Ω, di/dt = 550A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C0.73mJ T vj = 125 °C0.94T vj = 175 °C 1.13关断损耗能量 (每脉冲)E off I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,Lσ = 35 nH, V GE = ±15 V,R Goff = 8.2 Ω, dv/dt =2700 V/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C0.623mJ T vj = 125 °C0.97T vj = 175 °C 1.17表 4特征值 (continued)特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值短路数据I SC V GE≤ 15 V, V CC = 800 V,V CEmax=V CES-L sCE*di/dt t P≤ 8 µs,T vj = 150 °C32At P≤ 7 µs,T vj = 175 °C30结-散热器热阻R thJH每个 IGBT 2.05K/W 允许开关的温度范围T vj op-40175°C注:T vj op > 150°C is allowed for operation at overload conditions. For detailed specifications, please refer to AN 2018-14.3二极管,逆变器表 5最大标定值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位反向重复峰值电压V RRM T vj = 25 °C1200V 连续正向直流电流I F10A 正向重复峰值电流I FRM t P = 1 ms20A I2t-值I2t V R = 0 V, t P = 10 ms T vj = 125 °C27.5A²sT vj = 175 °C24表 6特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值正向电压V F I F = 10 A, V GE = 0 V T vj = 25 °C 1.72TBD VT vj = 125 °C 1.59T vj = 175 °C 1.52反向恢复峰值电流I RM I F = 10 A, V R = 600 V,V GE = -15 V, -di F/dt = 550A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C10.5A T vj = 125 °C15.3T vj = 175 °C17.5恢复电荷Q r I F = 10 A, V R = 600 V,V GE = -15 V, -di F/dt = 550A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C0.97µC T vj = 125 °C 1.7T vj = 175 °C 2.2表 6特征值 (continued)特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值反向恢复损耗(每脉冲)E rec I F = 10 A, V R = 600 V,V GE = -15 V, -di F/dt = 550A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C0.24mJ T vj = 125 °C0.51T vj = 175 °C0.72结-散热器热阻R thJH每个二极管 2.45K/W 允许开关的温度范围T vj op-40175°C注:T vj op > 150°C is allowed for operation at overload conditions. For detailed specifications, please refer to AN 2018-14.4二极管,整流器表 7最大标定值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位反向重复峰值电压V RRM T vj = 25 °C1600V 最大正向均方根电流(每芯片)I FRMSM T H = 100 °C25A 最大整流器输出均方根电流I RMSM T H = 100 °C25A 正向浪涌电流I FSM t P = 10 ms T vj = 25 °C300AT vj = 150 °C245I2t-值I2t t P = 10 ms T vj = 25 °C450A²sT vj = 150 °C300表 8特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值正向电压V F I F = 10 A T vj = 150 °C0.80V 反向电流I r T vj = 150 °C, V R = 1600 V1mA 结-散热器热阻R thJH每个二极管 1.54K/W 允许开关的温度范围T vj, op-40150°C5IGBT, 制动-斩波器表 9最大标定值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位集电极-发射极电压V CES T vj = 25 °C1200V 连续集电极直流电流I CDC T vj max = 175 °C T H = 100 °C10A 集电极重复峰值电流I CRM t P = 1 ms20A 栅极-发射极峰值电压V GES±20V表 10特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值集电极-发射极饱和电压V CE sat I C = 10 A, V GE = 15 V T vj = 25 °C 1.60TBD VT vj = 125 °C 1.74T vj = 175 °C 1.82栅极阈值电压V GEth I C = 0.22 mA, V CE = V GE, T vj = 25 °C 5.15 5.80 6.45V 栅极电荷Q G V GE = ±15 V, V CE = 600 V0.157µC 内部栅极电阻R Gint T vj = 25 °C0Ω输入电容C ies f = 100 kHz, T vj = 25 °C, V CE = 25 V, V GE = 0 V 1.89nF 反向传输电容C res f = 100 kHz, T vj = 25 °C, V CE = 25 V, V GE = 0 V0.0066nF 集电极-发射极截止电流I CES V CE = 1200 V, V GE = 0 V T vj = 25 °C0.0045mA 栅极-发射极漏电流I GES V CE = 0 V, V GE = 20 V, T vj = 25 °C100nA开通延迟时间(感性负载)t don I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Gon = 8.2 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.023µs T vj = 125 °C0.025T vj = 175 °C0.026上升时间(感性负载)t r I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Gon = 8.2 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.014µs T vj = 125 °C0.017T vj = 175 °C0.019关断延迟时间(感性负载)t doff I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Goff = 8.2 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.124µs T vj = 125 °C0.157T vj = 175 °C0.176下降时间(感性负载)t f I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Goff = 8.2 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.227µs T vj = 125 °C0.347T vj = 175 °C0.422表 10特征值 (continued)特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值开通损耗能量 (每脉冲)E on I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,Lσ = 35 nH, V GE = ±15 V,R Gon = 8.2 Ω, di/dt = 550A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C0.73mJ T vj = 125 °C0.94T vj = 175 °C 1.13关断损耗能量 (每脉冲)E off I C = 10 A, V CE = 600 V,Lσ = 35 nH, V GE = ±15 V,R Goff = 8.2 Ω, dv/dt =2700 V/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C0.623mJ T vj = 125 °C0.97T vj = 175 °C 1.17短路数据I SC V GE≤ 15 V, V CC = 800 V,V CEmax=V CES-L sCE*di/dt t P≤ 8 µs,T vj = 150 °C32At P≤ 7 µs,T vj = 175 °C30结-散热器热阻R thJH每个 IGBT 2.05K/W 允许开关的温度范围T vj op-40175°C注:T vj op > 150°C is allowed for operation at overload conditions. For detailed specifications, please refer to AN 2018-14.6二极管,制动-斩波器表 11最大标定值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位反向重复峰值电压V RRM T vj = 25 °C1200V 连续正向直流电流I F10A 正向重复峰值电流I FRM t P = 1 ms20A I2t-值I2t V R = 0 V, t P = 10 ms T vj = 125 °C27.5A²sT vj = 175 °C24表 12特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值正向电压V F I F = 10 A, V GE = 0 V T vj = 25 °C 1.72TBD VT vj = 125 °C 1.59T vj = 175 °C 1.52表 12特征值 (continued)特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值反向恢复峰值电流I RM I F = 10 A, V R = 600 V,-di F/dt = 550 A/µs(T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C10.5A T vj = 125 °C15.3T vj = 175 °C17.5恢复电荷Q r I F = 10 A, V R = 600 V,-di F/dt = 550 A/µs(T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C0.97µC T vj = 125 °C 1.7T vj = 175 °C 2.2反向恢复损耗(每脉冲)E rec I F = 10 A, V R = 600 V,-di F/dt = 550 A/µs(T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C0.24mJ T vj = 125 °C0.51T vj = 175 °C0.72结-散热器热阻R thJH每个二极管 2.45K/W 允许开关的温度范围T vj op-40175°C注:T vj op > 150°C is allowed for operation at overload conditions. For detailed specifications, please refer to AN 2018-14.7负温度系数热敏电阻表 13特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值额定电阻值R25T NTC = 25 °C5kΩR100偏差ΔR/R T NTC = 100 °C, R100 = 493 Ω-55%耗散功率P25T NTC = 25 °C20mW B-值B25/50R2 = R25 exp[B25/50(1/T2-1/(298,15 K))]3375K B-值B25/80R2 = R25 exp[B25/80(1/T2-1/(298,15 K))]3411K B-值B25/100R2 = R25 exp[B25/100(1/T2-1/(298,15 K))]3433K 注:根据应用手册标定7 负温度系数热敏电阻9电路拓扑图图 210封装尺寸图 311 模块标签代码11模块标签代码图 4商标所有参照产品或服务名称和商标均为其各自所有者的财产。



RC D P W V 15 Industry’s widest range! 1m Ω-1M, to ±.05% 10ppm! Built-in standoffs minimize heat transfer to P .C.B. Available on exclusive SWIFT TMdelivery program!Significant space savings compared to axial-lead types!PV, PVH, and PWV resistors are designed for power applications where space is at a premium. The PV series offers lowest cost for medium power applications. PVH series are similar except in 4-terminal Kelvin design (to cancel lead wire effect). PWV bracketed resistors enable higher power levels and superior performance in applications involving shock and vibration. The ceramic construction is fireproof and resistant to moisture & solvents. The internal element is wirewound on lower values,power film on higher values (depending on options, e.g. op t. P parts are always WW). If a specific construction is preferred, specify opt.’WW’ for wirewound, opt.’M’ for power film (not available in all values).PV SERIES - 2 Terminal PVH SERIES - 4 Terminal PWV SERIES- Bracket MountRESISTORS CAPACITOR S C OILS DELAY LINESOPTIONSOption X - Non-InductiveOption WW or M (wirewound or film element) Option P - Increased pulse capabilityOption FF- Fuse within 10S @50x rated W (custom avail) Option E - Low thermal EMF designOption B - Increased power (refer to chart below) Numerous modifications avail: custom marking,TC’s to +6000ppm, various lead wire sizes, burn-in, etc.2W TO 25 WATT VERTICAL MOUNT RESISTORSRC D PV 7R CD P V H 1R C D P V 5S E I R E S V P e g a t t a W )B .t p O (d t S .x a M *e g a t l o V .x a M *t n e r r u C si s e R d t S e g n a R A ]0.1[40.±B ]0.1[40.±C]6.1[260.±D ]1[40.±E ]21.[500.±F )m o N (2V P )W 3(W 2V 08A 41500.ΩM 1o t ]4.11[054.]6.7[003.]3.02[008.]5[791.]7.[820.]9.[630.3V P )W 4(W 3V 051A 71500.ΩM 1o t ]1.21[574.]9.8[053.]9.42[089.]5[791.]8.[130.]1[040.5V P )W 6(W 5V 052A 22500.ΩM 1o t ]7.21[005.]2.9[063.]4.52[00.1]5[791.]8.[130.]1[040.7V P )W 01(W 7V 053A 62500.ΩM 1o t ]7.21[005.]01[004.]6.83[25.1]5[791.]8.[130.]1[040.01V P )W 21(W 01V 005A 23500.ΩM 1o t ]7.21[005.]01[004.]3.15[20.2]5[791.]8.[130.]1[040.S 01V P )W 21(W 01V 004A 23500.ΩM 1o t ]9.51[526.]7.21[005.]0.53[83.1]4.7[092.]9.[630.]2.1[840.A 01V P )W 21(W 01V 004A 23500.ΩM 1o t ]9.51[526.]7.21[005.]0.53[83.1]5[791.]9.[630.]2.1[840.S E I R E S H V P e g a t t a W )B .t p O (d t S .x a M *e g a t l o V *t n e r r u C x a M )B .t p O (d t S s i s e R d t S e g n a R A ]0.1[40.±B ]0.1[40.±C ]6.1[260.±D ]1[40.±E]6.[420.±"300.±F )B .t p O (d t S 2H V P )W 3(W 2V 08)A 71(A 41100.ΩK 01o t ]4.11[054.]6.7[003.]3.02[008.]5[791.]19.1[570.)040.(230.3H V P )W 5(W 3V 051)A 22(A 71100.ΩK 52o t ]1.21[574.]9.8[053.]9.42[089.]5[791.]45.2[001.)040.(230.5H V P )W 7(W 5V 052)A 62(A 22100.ΩK 03o t ]7.21[005.]01[004.]4.52[00.1]5[791.]45.2[001.)040.(230.7H V P )W 01(W 7V 053)A 23(A 62100.ΩK 05o t ]7.21[005.]01[004.]6.83[25.1]5[791.]45.2[001.)040.(230.01H V P )W 21(W 01V 005)A 04(A 23100.ΩK 052o t ]7.21[005.]01[004.]3.15[20.2]5[791.]45.2[001.)040.(230.S 01H V P )W 21(W 01V 004)A 04(A 23100.ΩK 052o t ]9.51[526.]7.21[005.]0.53[83.1]4.7[092.]81.3[521.)040.(230.A01H V P )W 21(W 01V 004)A 04(A 23100.ΩK 052o t ]9.51[526.]7.21[005.]0.53[83.1]5[791.]81.3[521.)040.(230.S E I R E S V W P eg a t t a W .x a M *e g a t l o V x a M *t n e r r u C si s e R d t S e g n a R Ax a M B ]0.1[40.±C ]0.1[40.±D ]5.0[20.±E ]5.1[60.±F ]5.1[60.±5V W P 5V 002A 2210.ΩM 1o t ]6.53[04.1]01[004.]01[004.]5.1[060.]5[002.]5[002.7V W P 7V 053A 6210.ΩM 1o t ]3.74[68.1]01[004.]01[004.]5.1[060.]5[002.]5[002.01V W P 01V 005A 2310.ΩM 1o t ]5.26[64.2]01[004.]01[004.]5.1[060.]5[002.]5[002.51V W P 51V 045A 2310.ΩK 051o t ]5.26[64.2]7.21[005.]5.31[035.]5.2[001.]7.6[562.]7.6[562.02V W P 02V 006A 2310.ΩK 051o t ]7.67[20.3]7.21[005.]7.41[085.]5.2[001.]0.7[572.]5.7[592.52V W P 52V 006A 2310.ΩK 051o t ]7.67[20.3]7.21[005.]7.41[085.]5.2[001.]0.7[572.]5.7[592.* Units not to exceed wattage, voltage, or current rating, whichever is less. Voltage determined by E= , E not to exceed maxvoltage rating. Multiply voltage rating by 0.7 for Opt. X. Increased voltage & current ratings available (up to 1KV, 100A).√PR TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS.p m e T f e o C .C°/M P P )C °/001~52(e g n a R .s e R V P &PWV )t s e B (d t S )t s e B (d t S H V P 9400.-100.ΩA /N )m p p 05(m p p 00219900.-500.Ω)m p p 05(m p p 008)m p p 52(m p p 006420.-10.Ω)m p p 05(mp p 006)m pp 52(m p p 002940.-520.Ω)m p p 03(m p p 005)m p p 52(m p p 051990.-50.Ω)m p p 02(m p p 004)m p p 01(m p p 0999.-1.Ω)m p p 02(m p p 053)m p p 01(m p p 051Ωev o b a &)m p p 01(m p p 002)m p p 5(m p p 02.p m e T g n i t a r e p O )l i a v a C °572(C °022+o t °55-ht g n e r t S c i r t c e l e i D V0001(d a o l r e v o .c e S 5≤)V x a m x 5.1)X 5=W W .t p O (e g a t t a w d e t a r X 3e c n a t s i s e R e r u t s i o M %0.3e r u s o p x E .p m e T h g i H %0.1)s r u o h 0001(e f i L d a o L %0.3de c u d e r (e c n a t c u d n I X t p O )H n 76o t .l i a v a s l e v e l e c n a t c u d n i X .t p O ≤:W 5≤05Ω,x a m H u 2.=>05Ωx a m H u 73.=X .t p O ≥:W 7≤05Ω,x a m H u 3.=>05Ωxa m H u 6.=e s i R e r u t a r e p m e T 1r e w o p d e t a r l l u f t a p y t C °022o t 52)A ,V ,W (g n i t a r e D C°52e v o b a C °/%315.y b e t a r e D FA053D Sale of this product is in accordance with GF-061. Specifications subject to change without notice.RCD Components Inc, 520 E.Industrial Park Dr, Manchester, NH, USA 03109 Tel: 603-669-0054 Fax: 603-669-5455 Email:sales@48±.005lead is terminated to metal bracketEB.022”.125” min .D (3)AMounting LayoutOptions RCD TypeTolerance R010=.01R01=0.01Ωin which case RCD will select based on lowest price and quickest delivery)Term.W is RoHScompliant &260°C compatible元器件交易网。

万高电机资料 WEG电机样本

万高电机资料 WEG电机样本

W21 三相电机 | 7

3. 结构详情
3.1 机座和端盖 机座和端盖均由 FC-200 铸铁制成,不仅有利于改善热传导性,而且能够提供足够 的机械强度以满足最苛刻的应用需求。为了方便安装,机座号 112M 及以上的型 号均配有吊环。 所有端盖均设计有排污孔以排出机座内的冷凝水。排污孔由排污塞塞紧,既可排 出冷凝水,又符合防护等级要求。
7 第6行
6311-C3:驱动端轴承型号 6211-Z-C3:非驱动端轴承型号 POLYRES EM-ESSO:轴承润滑脂型号 18g 13745h - 油脂量和润滑周期(单位:小时) 188kg - 电机重量
第7行 认证 / 标准
10 | W21 三相电机

4. 冷却系统 / 噪声强度 / 振动强度
表 1- 接线盒的螺纹类型和孔尺寸 8 | W21 三相电机
3.4.1 连接导线 连接导线上不仅印有符合 IEC 60034-8 标准的标志,而且配有指定的接线端子。绕组电压为 380V 的 W21 电机配备玻纤增强不饱和 聚酯团状模塑料 (BMC) 接线柱,如下图所示。
图 3 - 六端子接线柱
注:L10 寿命指最大标示负载下至少 90% 轴承可达到的预期寿命时数。标准配置下的最大允许径向与轴向负载见下表 6 与 7。最大 径向负载值不考虑轴向负载,同样最大轴向负载不考虑径向负载。既有轴向负载又有径向负载时的轴承寿命,请联系 WEG 南通获 取相关信息。
轴承寿命取决于轴承类型与尺寸、电机所承载的径向与轴向机械负载、运行条件(环境、温度)、转速及润滑质量。因此,轴承寿 命与轴承的合理应用、维护及润滑有直接关系。只要润滑脂剂量与润滑周期适当,轴承就可以达到预期寿命。机座号 63 至 132 的 W21 电机配备 ZZ 轴承(密封以保证寿命),160 及以上采用的是开口轴承。铭牌上标有润滑脂剂量与润滑周期,亦可参见表 9 与 19。润滑过度,即润滑脂重量超过铭牌上所示值,将会导致轴承过热。

爱普生 零件编号 T10W400 安全数据表

爱普生 零件编号 T10W400 安全数据表

Safety Data Sheet1.IDENTIFICATIONProduct identifierMixture identification:Trade name: Ink, T10W400Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on useRecommended use:Ink for inkjet printingDetails of the supplier of the safety data sheetCompany:Epson America, Inc.3131 Katella Ave.Los Alamitos, CA 90720United StatesTelephone : 562.276.1369Emergency phone numberTelephone : 562.276.13692.HAZARD(S) IDENTIFICATIONClassification of the chemicalThe product is not classified as dangerous according to OSHA Hazard CommunicationStandard (29 CFR 1910.1200).Label elementsThe product is not classified as dangerous according to OSHA Hazard CommunicationStandard (29 CFR 1910.1200).Hazard pictograms:NoneHazard statements:NonePrecautionary statements:NoneSpecial Provisions:NoneHazards not otherwise classified identified during the classification process:NoneAdditional classification informationNFPA rating:HMIS rating:POSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSSubstancesNoMixturesHazardous components within the meaning of 29 CFR 1910.1200 and related classification:Qty Name Ident. Number Classification65% ~ 80% Water CAS: 7732-18-5EC: 231-791-2The product is not classified asdangerous according to OSHAHazard Communication Standard(29 CFR 1910.1200).10% ~ 12.5 % Glycerol CAS: 56-81-5EC: 200-289-5The product is not classified asdangerous according to OSHAHazard Communication Standard(29 CFR 1910.1200).1% ~ 3% 2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE;triethylene glycolmonobutyl etherIndexnumber:603-183-00-0CAS: 143-22-6EC: 205-592-6REACH No.: 01-2119475107-38A.3/1 Eye Dam. 1 H318Specific Concentration Limits:20% <= C < 30%: Eye Irrit. 2A H319C >= 30%: Eye Dam. 1 H3181% ~ 3% Triethanolamine CAS: 102-71-6EC: 203-049-8The product is not classified asdangerous according to OSHAHazard Communication Standard(29 CFR 1910.1200).4. FIRST-AID MEASURESDescription of necessary measuresIn case of skin contact:Wash with plenty of water and soap.In case of eyes contact:In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.In case of Ingestion:Do not under any circumstances induce vomiting. OBTAIN A MEDICAL EXAMINATIONIMMEDIATELY.In case of Inhalation:Remove casualty to fresh air and keep warm and at rest.Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayedNoneIndication of immediate medical attention and special treatment neededTreatment:None5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable extinguishing media:Water.Carbon dioxide (CO2).Unsuitable extinguishing media:None in particular.Specific hazards arising from the chemicalDo not inhale explosion and combustion gases.Burning produces heavy smoke.Hazardous combustion products:NoneExplosive properties: No data availableOxidizing properties: No data availableSpecial protective equipment and precautions for fire-fightersUse suitable breathing apparatus .Collect contaminated fire extinguishing water separately. This must not be discharged intodrains.Move undamaged containers from immediate hazard area if it can be done safely.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency proceduresWear personal protection equipment.Remove persons to safety.See protective measures under point 7 and 8.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upWash with plenty of water.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handlingAvoid contact with skin and eyes, inhalation of vapours and mists.Do not use on extensive surface areas in premises where there are occupants.Do not eat or drink while working.See also section 8 for recommended protective equipment.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesKeep away from food, drink and feed.Incompatible materials:None in particular.Instructions as regards storage premises:Adequately ventilated premises.Storage temperature:Store at ambient temperature.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONControl parametersGlycerol - CAS: 56-81-5- OEL Type: OSHA - TWA: 5 mg/m3 - Notes: Respirable dust- OEL Type: OSHA - TWA: 15 mg/m3 - Notes: Total dustTriethanolamine - CAS: 102-71-6- OEL Type: ACGIH - TWA(8h): 5 mg/m3DNEL Exposure Limit ValuesNo data availablePNEC Exposure Limit Values2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether - CAS:143-22-6Target: Fresh Water - Value: 1.5 mg/lTarget: Freshwater sediments - Value: 5.77 mg/kgTarget: Marine water - Value: 0.15 mg/lTarget: Marine water sediments - Value: 0.13 mg/kgTarget: Microorganisms in sewage treatments - Value: 200 mg/lAppropriate engineering controls:NoneIndividual protection measuresEye protection:Use personal protective equipment as required.Protection for skin:Use personal protective equipment as required.Protection for hands:Use personal protective equipment as required.Respiratory protection:Use personal protective equipment as required.Thermal Hazards:None9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance and colour: Yellow LiquidOdour: SlightlyOdour threshold: No data availablepH: 9.1 ~ 10.1 at 20 °CMelting point / freezing point: No data availableInitial boiling point and boiling range: No data availableFlash point: Does not flash.Evaporation rate: No data availableSolid/gas flammability: No data availableUpper/lower flammability or explosive limits: No data availableVapour pressure: No data availableVapour density: No data availableRelative density: No data availableSolubility in oil: No data availablePartition coefficient (n-octanol/water): No data availableAuto-ignition temperature: No data availableDecomposition temperature: No data availableViscosity: < 5 mPa·s at 20 °CMiscibility: No data availableFat Solubility: No data availableConductivity: No data available10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivityStable under normal conditionsChemical stabilityStable under normal conditionsPossibility of hazardous reactionsNoneConditions to avoidStable under normal conditions.Incompatible materialsNone in particular.Hazardous decomposition productsNone.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONToxicological information of the product:f) carcinogenicity:Does not contain carcinogens (Ref. 1)g) reproductive toxicity:Does not contain reproductive toxicity and developmental toxic substances (Ref. 2) Toxicological information of the main substances found in the product:Glycerol - CAS: 56-81-5a) acute toxicity:Test: LD50 - Route: Oral - Species: Guinea pig = 7750 mg/kg - Source: Journal ofIndustrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Vol. 23, Pg. 259, 1941Test: LDLo - Route: Oral - Species: Human = 1428 mg/kg - Source: "Toxicology ofDrugs and Chemicals," Deichmann, W.B., New York, Academic Press, Inc., 1969Vol. -,Pg. 288, 1969.2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether - CAS:143-22-6a) acute toxicity:Test: LD50 - Route: Dermal - Species: Rabbit = 3.54 ml/kg - Source: AmericanIndustrial Hygiene Association Journal. Vol. 23, Pg. 95, 1962.Test: LD50 - Route: Oral - Species: Rat = 5300 mg/kg - Source: Office of ToxicSubstances Report. Vol. OTS,Triethanolamine - CAS: 102-71-6a) acute toxicity:Test: LD50 - Route: Oral - Species: Guinea pig = 2200 mg/kg - Source: "ToxicometricParameters of Industrial Toxic Chemicals Under Single Exposure," Izmerov, N.F., et al.,Moscow, Centre of International Projects, GKNT, 1982Vol. -, Pg. 114, 1982.Test: LD50 - Route: Oral - Species: Mouse = 5846 mg/kg - Source: Science Reports ofthe Research Institutes, Tohoku University, Series C: Medicine. Vol. 36(1-4), Pg. 10,1989.Substance(s) listed on the NTP report on Carcinogens:None.Substance(s) listed on the IARC Monographs:Triethanolamine - Group 3.Substance(s) listed as OSHA Carcinogen(s):None.Substance(s) listed as NIOSH Carcinogen(s):None.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicityAdopt good working practices, so that the product is not released into the environment.Toxicological information of the product:No data availableToxicological information of the main substances found in the product:No data availablePersistence and degradabilityNo data availableBioaccumulative potentialNo data availableMobility in soilNo data availableOther adverse effectsNone13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste treatment and disposal methodsRecover if possible. In so doing, comply with the local and national regulations currently inforce.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUN numberNot classified as dangerous in the meaning of transport regulations.UN proper shipping nameNo data availableTransport hazard class(es)No data availablePacking groupNo data availableEnvironmental hazardsNo data availableTransport in bulk (according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code)No data availableSpecial precautionsNo data available15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONUSA - Federal regulationsTSCA - Toxic Substances Control ActTSCA inventory: all the components are listed on the TSCA inventory.TSCA listed substances:None.SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization ActSection 302 – Extremely Hazardous Substances: no substances listed.Section 304 – Hazardous substances: no substances listed.Section 313 – Toxic chemical list: 2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE;triethylene glycol monobutyl ether.CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability ActSubstance(s) listed under CERCLA: 2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE;triethylene glycol monobutyl ether.CAA - Clean Air ActCAA listed substances:Glycerol is listed in CAA Section 1112-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether islisted in CAA Section 112, Section 112(b) - HON.CWA - Clean Water ActCWA listed substances:None.USA - State specific regulationsCalifornia Proposition 65Substance(s) listed under California Proposition 65:None.Massachusetts Right to knowSubstance(s) listed under Massachusetts Right to know:No substances listed.New Jersey Right to knowSubstance(s) listed under New Jersey Right to know:2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether.Pennsylvania Right to knowSubstance(s) listed under Pennsylvania Right to know:2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether. 16. OTHER INFORMATIONFull text of phrases referred to in Section 3:H318 Causes serious eye damage.H319 Causes serious eye irritation.Safety Data Sheet dated March 29, 2022, Revision: 1.0Main bibliographic sources:Ref. 1 ·Journal of Occupational Health (JOH) (Japan Society of Occupational Health (JSOH)) ·TLVs and BEIs (ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)·IRIS Carcinogenic Assessment (IRIS: Integrated Risk Information System of US EPA)·Annex VI of REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTAND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling andpackaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EECand 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006·MAK und BAT Werte Liste (DFG: German Research Foundation)·TRGS 905, Verzeichnis krebserzeugender, keimzell mutagener oderreproduktionstoxischer Stoffe (AGS: Committee on Hazardous Substances, Germany) Ref. 2 ·Annex VI of REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling andpackaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EECand 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006·TRGS 905, Verzeichnis krebserzeugender, keimzell mutagener oderreproduktionstoxischer Stoffe (AGS: Committee on Hazardous Substances, Germany) Disclaimer:The information contained herein is based on our state of knowledge at the above-specified date. It refers solely to the product indicated and constitutes no guarantee of particular quality. The information relates only to the specific material and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other material or in any process.This Safety Data Sheet cancels and replaces any preceding release.ADR: European Agreement concerning the International Carriage ofDangerous Goods by Road.CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American ChemicalSociety).CLP: Classification, Labeling, Packaging.DNEL: Derived No Effect Level.EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.GHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling ofChemicals.HMIS: Hazardous Materials Identification SystemIARC: International Agency for Research on CancerIATA: International Air Transport Association.IATA-DGR: Dangerous Goods Regulation by the "International Air TransportAssociation" (IATA).ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization.ICAO-TI: Technical Instructions by the "International Civil Aviation Organization"(ICAO).IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods.INCI: International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients.KSt: Explosion coefficient.LC50: Lethal concentration, for 50 percent of test population.LD50: Lethal dose, for 50 percent of test population.LTE: Long-term exposure.NFPA: National Fire Protection AssociationNIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNTP: National Toxicology ProgramOSHA: Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationPNEC: Predicted No Effect Concentration.RID: Regulation Concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goodsby Rail.STE: Short-term exposure.STEL: Short Term Exposure limit.STOT: Specific Target Organ Toxicity.TLV: Threshold Limiting Value.TWATLV: Threshold Limit Value for the Time Weighted Average 8 hour day.(ACGIH Standard).。

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Winbond W6810 CodecEvaluation SystemUser’s GuideW6810DK Evaluation Board Rev 1.06Chapter - 1 (3)General Description (3)Introduction: (3)W6810DK Features: (3)Figure 1: W6810DK Evaluation System Component Placement (4)Chapter - 2 (5)Hardware Description (5)Clock Generator: (5)Frame Sync: (5)BIT CLOCK: (6)256 KHZ: (6)Figure 2: W6810DK Evaluation System Schematics diagram (7)Chapter - 3 (9)Jumper Descriptions (9)J2A: Frame Sync: (10)J3: Power Supply 5VDC (10)J4: GND TST points (10)J5: Side Tone (10)J6: VAG CAP ENABLE: (10)J7: Transmitter (10)J8: RJ11 Handset connector (10)J9A: 2.5V Reference Voltage (10)J9B: SPKR+ = PAO (10)J10: A-Law and µ-Law Selection: (10)J11: 2x20 pin Header: (11)J12A: SPKR- = R0- (11)J12B: SPKR-=PA0+ (11)J13: PCMT: (11)J14: BCLKT=BCLK (11)J15A: MCLK = 256KHz (11)J15B: MCLK=BCLK (11)J16A: POWER-UP (11)J16B: POWER-Down (11)J17A: BCLKR = BCLK (11)J17B: BCLKR = BCLK (12)J17C: BCLKR = BCLK (12)J18: PCMT = PCMR (12)J19A: FSR = FSYNC (12)J19B: FSR = VCC (12)J19C: FSR = GND (12)J20: FSX= FSYNC (12)J21: Receiver Path (12)Chapter - 4 (13)Operation Modes (13)Standalone Operation: (13)Back-To-Back Operation: (14)Chapter - 1General DescriptionWinbond’s W6810DK Evaluation/Development System is a Stand-Alone unit that serves as a simple, easy-to-use demonstration board as well as a powerful evaluation system. All the functions of the W6810 PCM Codec may be selected in real time to allow complete evaluation of this IC for an end application. The hardware includes many useful connectors that will allow easy connection to external hardware for use as an evaluation tool.Introduction:The W6810 is a member of the W68XX family of PCM Codecs. This CMOS product includes a single voice band CODEC. The CODEC complies with the specifications of the ITU-T G.712 recommendation. The W6810 also includes a complete µ-Law and A-Law compander. The µ-Law and A-Law companders are designed to comply with the specifications of the ITU-T G.711 recommendation. The system can work at 256 kHz, 512 kHz, 1536 kHz, 1544 kHz, 2048 kHz, 2560 kHz & 4096 kHz clock rates. The system clock is supplied through the master clock input and can be derived from the bit-clock if desired.User I/O to the W6810DK Evaluation board is provided via a number of connectors. These connectors are:• A 40-pin header provides access to W6810 analog and digital signals (J11)• RJ11 handset jack (J8)• Analog transmit(J8) and receive path headers.(J7,J21)W6810DK Features:• Easy to use (a stand-alone evaluation system)• Single 5 V power supply• Single 3v Power Supply for W6811 or W68310• Prototype area for application development• Useful connectors that can be used to connect to standard test equipment• RJ11 jack for standard handsetAreaJ11 Connector for Back-To-J8J3Selector01J2J5J9A Dip Switches Select JXJ9B J6J10AJ10B J12A J12B J15AJ15B J16AJ16B J13J14J18J19A J 2J19B J 19CWECA W6810DK 4SW5SW4SW3Figure 1: W6810DK Evaluation System Component PlacementChapter - 2Hardware DescriptionClock Generator:All the necessary clock rates such as Frame Sync, Bit Clock and the 256KHz for the W6810DK evaluation system are driven from a single 4.096MHz crystal oscillator. Frame Sync:The Frame Sync is generated on the W6810DK evaluation board. J19 and J20(SW5) control the FSR (Frame Sync Receive) and FSX (Frame Sync Transmit) routing. Populating these jumpers also routes the signal to the 40-pin header (J11).Setting Dip Switches:Switch SW2 selects the width of the Frame Sync. The pulse width is set as a number of BCLKs. The following number of BCLKs for Frame Sync can be set with SW2.• 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8The Dip-Switch SW2 configurations are:Frame Sync = 8 BCLK Frame Sync = 7 BCLKONON OFFOFFON ONOFF OFFONONOFFOFFLong Frame Sync Short Frame SyncONOFFONOFFBIT CLOCK:Bit clock is routed to the 2x20 (J11) header connector pins 5 (BCLKT) and 36 (BCLKR) through J17A and J14. J1 is used to select the frequency at which Bit Clock operates. The selected frequencies are 4.096 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 1.024 MHz, 512KHz, 128KHz and 64KHz. 256 KHZ:The 256 KHz is a possible frequency setting for the master clock (MCLK) J15A(SW4) input on the chosen PCM Codec-filter. J15B will configure the MCLK input to have a frequency equal to Bit Clock.Figure 2: W6810DK Evaluation System Schematic Diagram10K Figure 3: W6810DK Evaluation System Schematic Diagram:Jumper DescriptionsDips switches on the left hand corner of the evaluation system are used to select a particular jumper. When a Jumper is populated (switch is closed), it enables the function; an unpopulated Jumper(Open Switches) disables the function. A Jumper, when referenced as a letter for example J7A, J7B. Only one Jumper is populated for a selected function not both.Please see page 4.Figure 1: W6810DK Evaluation System Component PlacementJ1 selects the Bit Clock frequencies from 4.096MHz to 64KHz. J2A: Frame Sync:J2A sets the Frame Sync (FSR) to 8KHz (SW3-2)J3: Power Supply 5VDCJ4: GND TST pointsJ5: Side Tone (SW3-6)J5 enables the side tone path on the PCM Codec filterJ6: VAG CAP ENABLE: (SW4-1)J6 enables VAG filter capJ7: TransmitterTransmit output level at 1000Hz: -46dBV ± 4dBOutput Impedance at 100 Hz: 1000 ± 300 ΩJ8: RJ11 Handset connector.J9A: 2.5V Reference Voltage (SW3-7)J9A is not used.J9B: SPKR+ = PAO (SW3-8)J9B connects pin 4 W6810 to the RJ11 handsetJ10: A-Law and µ-Law Selection: (SW4-2)J10A Selects µ _Law and J10B Selects A-Law.J11: 2x20 pin Header:This 40-pin header provides access to W6810 analog and digital signals for a user defined system, or a second W6810DK evaluation system for back-to-back operation.J12A: SPKR- = R0- (SW4-4)J12A connects RO- (Pin2) to the RJ11 and the RX output connector.J12B: SPKR-=PA0+ (SW4-5)J12B connects PA0+ (Pin 5) to the RJ11 and the RX output connector.J13: PCMT: (SW4-6)J13 Connects the PCMT (PCM output W6810) to J11 (Pin 9).J14: BCLKT=BCLK (SW5-1)J14 connects BCLK to BCLKT (Pin 12) of the W6810 Codec-Filter.J15A: MCLK = 256KHz (SW4-7)J15A sets the MCLK Pin 11 to 256KHz.J15B: MCLK=BCLK (SW4-8)J15B sets the MCLK Pin 11 to be equal to BCLK.J16A: POWER-UP (SW5-2)J16A connects the PUI Pin10 of the W6810 Codec to VCC to power up the device.J16B: POWER-Down (SW5-3)J16B connects the PUI Pin10 of the W6810 Codec to GND to power down the device.J17A: BCLKR = BCLKJ17A connects BCLKR (Pin 9) of the PCM W6810 Codec to BCLK.J17B connects BCLKR (Pin 9) of the PCM W6810 Codec to VCC.J17C: BCLKR = BCLKJ17Cconnects BCLKR (Pin 9) of the PCM W6810 Codec to GroundJ18: PCMT = PCMR (SW5-4)J18 Connects PCM output data transmit Pin (13) to PCM input data receive Pin (8) of the W6810 Codec.J19A: FSR = FSYNC (SW5-5)J19 A connects FSR (Pin 7) of the W6810 Codec to Frame Sync.J19B: FSR = VCC (SW5-6)J19 B connects FSR (Pin 7) of the W6810 Codec to VCC.J19C: FSR = GND (SW5-7)J19 C connects FSR (Pin 7) of the W6810 Codec to Ground.J20: FSX= FSYNC (SW5-8)J20 connects the on board generated Frame Sync to W6810 FSX (Pin 14) as well as to Pin 1 of the J11.J21: Receiver PathJ21 can be connected to test equipment for measurements.Receive output level at 1000Hz: 79dBSPL ± 4dBReceive input Impedance at 100 Hz: 150Ω ± 20%Chapter - 4 Operation ModesThe W6810DK operates in two modes, Standalone and Back- To- Back mode. Standalone Operation:In this mode of operation the W6810DK the signal input at Transmit input (J7), ispresented to the encoder of the W6810, where it is digitized and output on the PCM input data transmit pin (J6). This provides a local loop back. Of the PCM, data to the PCM data input receive pin (PCMR) of the W6810, where it is reconstructed and output at J12 (RX). The following Jumpers are populated in this mode J1 (2.048MHz), J17A and J20the Dipswitches are set as follows.Back-To-Back Operation:The W6810DK evaluation system can be connected back to back using the 20x2 header (J11) .The cable should be maximum 2-3 inches in length. It makes all necessary electrical connections, allowing a full “analog-to-analog, “handset-to-handset” path to be established.For Back to Back operation the jumper setting are set to ON position as follows for (W6810DK #1 Master board) unit. J1 (2.048MHz), J2B, J5 (side tone), J9B, J6, J10, J7A J12B, J13, J15B, J14, J16, J19Aand J20B W6810DK #1 acts as the system master, providing BCLK and FSYNC to W6810DK #2. The jumper setting for board #2 is as follows. J1 (2.048MHz), J2, J5, J9B, J6, J10A J12B, J13, J15B and J16.The following Dip-switches are set as for back-to-back -modeNote: Do not connect the power supply to the second board. It will be bussed to the second board through the 2x20 cable. Make sure the cable is connected as shown below.J17 = Open J17 = AThe W6811 is a general-purpose single channel PCM CODEC with pin-selectable µ-Law or A-Law companding. The device is compliant with the ITU G.712 specification. It operates off a separated analog (5V) and digital (3V) power supplies. Functions performed include digitization and reconstruction of voice signals, and band limiting and smoothing filters required for PCM systems. The filters are compliant with ITU G.712 specification. W6811 performance is specified over the industrial temperature range of –40°C to+85°C.The W6811 includes an on-chip precision voltage reference and an additional power amplifier, Capable of driving 300 ohm loads differentially up to a level of 6.3V peak-to-peak. The analog section is fully differential, reducing noise and improving the power supply rejection ratio.For evaluation of the W6811, use W6810DK prototype area to connect the W6811 to W6810 socket as shown below (only if it is desired to connect a separate 3V power supply for digital I/O otherwise use the direct connection below)For performance evaluation of the W6811 with 5v Digital I/O (the device works similar to W6810) you can connect the W6810 Socket on the W6810DK to a prototype board which has the W6811 foot print as below.U2W6810。
