


100 多年的内生增长以及外延并购,Emerson 已经由一个地区制造商成长为一个全球技术解决方案的集团公司。
1890 年 约翰•韦斯利•艾默生作为主要的投资人,在密苏里州圣路易斯市建立了艾默生电气制造公司。
1892 年 生产出了第一批销往北美的电风扇。在新任总裁赫伯特•帕克的领导下,艾默生以其优质的产品而闻名,净销售额接近 6 万美元。
西门子创立于 1847 年,主营业务涵盖工业、能源、医疗、基 主要产品包括大型 PLC、小型 PLC、DCS、压力/差压变送器、温度变 础设施与城市等领域。西门子工业自动化业务板块涵盖工业自 送器、电磁流量计、科氏质量流量计、超声波流量计、转子流量计、物
表 6:国内仪器仪表主要外资品牌 公司名称 国家 公司简介
艾默生创立于 1890 年,是全球工业自动化的系统解决商,主 营业务涵盖自动化解决方案和商住解决方案,2019 年营收达 到 183.7 亿美元。
主要包括压力/差压变送器、温度仪表和温度变送器、物位仪表、科氏质 量流量计、涡街流量计、电磁流量计、天燃气(超声波)流量计、分析 仪器、调节阀等产品。
对标全球龙头,仪器仪表巨头收入规模超千亿。仪器仪表万亿级的市场空间也孕育了诸多巨头,全球自动化仪表龙头企业包 括艾默生、ABB、西门子、霍尼韦尔、横河电机、E+H 公司等,其中艾默生、ABB、西门子、霍尼韦尔等公司收入规模均超 1000 亿元(含其他业务板块整体)。反观国内收入规模最大的自动化仪表企业川仪股份收入规模也仅有 40 亿元左右,仅从行业属 性上来看,川仪等优质国产品牌存在较大的成长空间。



这 个选 择其 意 义不 亚于他 在读 M A B
孙 燕 鹏 认 为 , 在 中 国使 用 的 宣 事 情 ,虽 然 辛 苦 ,但 很 值 得 。 ”他 起

92 lΒιβλιοθήκη 维普资讯 多年 前, 孙燕 鹏在 海 尔住宅设 轻 的集成 厨房 事业部 销售 部长 。
料 的 中 译 文 , 在 经 过 大 量 细 致 地 调

爱 适 易 食 物 垃 圾 处 理 器 是 世 界 查 后 , 他 带 领 人 制 作 出 符 合 国 人 阅
理 时 , 第 一 次 接 触 到 食 物 垃 圾 处 理 5 0强 企 业 — — 艾 默 生 电 气 旗 下 爱 读 思 维 的 宣 传 资 料 , 包 括 产 品 说 明 0 书 、促 销 手 册 、档 案 夹 、销 售 指 南 、 器 。 当 时 , 一 位 从 美 国 回来 的 朋 友 适 易 分 公 司 的 拳 头 产 品 之 一 。 白 在 装 修 时 抱 怨 , 中 国厨 房 缺 少 下 厨 1 9 9 6年 进 入 中 国 市 场 后 , 爱 适 易 食 培 训 材 料 、 陈 列 品 、C — O 、产 品 DR M V 最 重要 的帮 手: 物 垃圾 处理器 , 食 而 物 垃 圾 处 理 器 最 开 始 的 业 务 是 由 国 D D及 爱 适 易 食 物 垃 圾 处 理 器 中 文 在 美 国 , 0 的 家 庭 都 将 食 物 垃 圾 处 内 代 理 商 来 做 。 随 着 消 费 者 对 食 物 网 站 , 完 善 了 中 国 区域 的销 售 网 络 8% 理 器 视 为 家 居 生 活 的必 备 电 器 。 那 垃 圾 处 理 器 概 念 的 不 断 认 知 , 对 爱 和 服 务 体 系 。 直 至 今 日, 爱 适 易 食 时 , 中 国橱 柜 业 刚 起 步 , 作 为 食 物 适 易 品 牌 的 不 断 认 可 , 使 其 在 国 内 物 垃 圾 处 理 器 拥 有 北 京 、 上 海 、 香 垃 圾 处 理 器 代 名 词 的 爱 适 易 也 才 叩 的 市 场 份 额 逐 年 增 长 , 但 相 对 于 中 港 等 地 区 的 2 个 服 务 代 理 商 ,及 遍 5 响 中 国 市 场 的 大 门 , 国 人 对 此 一 无 国 如 火 如 茶 的 房 地 产 业 及 橱 柜 业 , 布 全 国 各 大 城 市 的 5 0 家 销 售 点 , 0多 所知 。 时孙 燕鹏就 有一 种感 觉, 当 这 还 是 略 显 滞 后 。 当 孙 燕 鹏 站 在 刚 刚 为 建 筑 商 和 承 包 商 提 供 商 业 和 市 场 种 产 品 在 中 国 肯 定 会 有 很 好 的 发 展 成 立 的 爱 适 易 食 物 垃 圾 处 理 器 大 中 的 促 销 支 持 。 前 景 , 并 没 有 引 起 他 的 特 别 关 注 , 华 区 办 公 室 的 落 地 窗 前 时 , 发 现 还 但 只 在 橱 柜 的 销 售 中有 意 向 客 户 介 绍 有 很 多 事 情 正 等 待 着 他 。













美国通用电气垃圾处理器 全球最大的家用电器制造商之一。


格莱达电气是一家专业从事小家电生产和销售的企业,由坐落在美国Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚州)的Gladore Group独资建立。




第六:LexEr 。










UnitedHealthcare PharmacyClinical Pharmacy ProgramsProgram Number 2023 P 2018-16Program Prior Authorization/Medical Necessity – TestosteroneMedication Androderm, Androgel*, Fortesta*, Jatenzo*, Natesto*, Kyzatrex*,Testim, testosterone topical solution (generic Axiron)*, testosteronetransdermal gel (generic Testim)*, Tlando*, Vogelxo*, Xyosted*P&T Approval Date 2/2014, 4/2014, 5/2014, 7/2014, 10/2014, 10/2015, 5/2016, 6/2017,6/2018, 2/2019, 6/2019, 7/2020, 8/2021, 9/2022, 1/2023Effective Date 4/1/2023;Oxford only: 4/1/20231.Background:Testosterone products are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for testosterone replacement therapy in males with primary hypogonadism (congenital or acquired) orhypogonadotropic hypogonadism (congenital or acquired). Primary hypogonadism originatesfrom a deficiency or disorder in the testicles. Secondary hypogonadism indicates a problem in the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland. Testosterone use has been strongly linked to improvements in muscle mass, bone density, and libido.The purpose of this program is to provide coverage for androgens and anabolic steroid therapy for the treatment of conditions for which they have shown to be effective and are within the scope of the plan’s pharmacy benefit. Coverage for the enhancement of athletic performance or bodybuilding will not be provided.a3.Additional Clinical Rules:•Notwithstanding Coverage Criteria, UnitedHealthcare may approve initial and re-authorization based solely on previous claim/medication history, diagnosis codes (ICD-10)and/or claim logic. Use of automated approval and re-approval processes varies by programand/or therapeutic class.•Supply limits may be in place.•* May be excluded from coverage•+ Coverage for patient population may be dependent upon benefit design4.References:1.AACE Hypogonadism Task Force. American Association of Clinical EndocrinologistsMedical Guidelines for Clinical Practice for the Evaluation and Treatment ofHypogonadism in Adult Male Patients – 2002 Update. Endocr Pract. 2002; 8(No. 6): 439-456.2.The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), Standards of Carefor the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, 7thVersion.3.Cook, David M, et al. "American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists medicalguidelines for clinical practice for growth hormone use in growth hormone-deficient adultsand transition patients - 2009 update: executive summary of recommendations." Endocrinepractice 15.6 (2009):580-586.4.Gibney, James, et al. "Growth hormone and testosterone interact positively to enhanceprotein and energy metabolism in hypopituitary men." American journal of physiology:endocrinology and metabolism 289.2 (2005):E266-E2715.Bhasin, S, et al. "Testosterone replacement and resistance exercise in HIV-infected menwith weight loss and low testosterone levels." JAMA. 2000. 283.(6) 763-770.6.Isidori, Andrea M, et al. Effects of testosterone on sexual function in men: results of ameta-analysis. Clinical endocrinology. 2005 63(4):381-394.7.Kenny, A M, et al. Effects of transdermal testosterone on bone and muscle in older menwith low bioavailable testosterone levels. The journals of gerontology. 2001. 56(5) M266-M272.8.Tracz, Michal J, et al. Testosterone use in men and its effects on bone health. A systematicreview and meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. The Journal of clinicalendocrinology and metabolism. 2006. 91(6):2011-2016.9.Bolona, Enrique R, et al. Testosterone use in men with sexual dysfunction: a systematicreview and meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. Mayo Clinicproceedings.2007. 82(1):20-28.10.Androderm [package insert]. Madison, NJ: Allergan, Inc; May 2020.11.Androgel [package insert]. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc; May 2020.12.Fortesta [package insert]. Malvern, PA: Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc; January 2022.13.Testim [package insert]. Malvern, PA: Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc; August 2021.14.Natesto [package insert]. Mississauga, ON: Acerus Pharmaceuticals Corporation;December 2021.15.Vogelxo [package insert]. Maple Grove, MN: Upsher-Smith Laboratories, LLC; April2020.16.Hembree WC, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Gooren L, et al. Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline.J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2017; 102:3869.17.The Endocrine Society. Testosterone therapy in Adult Men with Androgen DeficiencySyndromes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, May 2018, 103(5):1–30.18.Mulhall JP, et al. Evaluation and Management of Testosterone Deficiency: AUA Guideline.American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc 2018.19.Xyosted [package insert]. Ewing, NJ: Antares Pharma, Inc; November 2019.20.Jatenzo [package insert]. Northbrook, IL: Clarus Therapeutics, Inc; March 2019.21.Tlando [package insert]. Ewing, NJ: Antares Pharma, Inc; March 2022.22.Kyzatrex [package insert]. Raleigh, NC: Marius Pharmaceuticals LLC; September 2022.Program Prior Authorization/Medical Necessity - TestosteroneChange ControlDate Change2/2014 Create Prior Authorization Criteria4/2014 Revised Reauthorization Criteria; formatting corrections, referencesupdated.5/2014 Revised the initial authorization criteria to include subsections for themale population and the female to male transsexual population, updatedto include language from the gender identity disorder/ gender dysphoriatreatment medical coverage determination guideline, referencesupdated7/2014 Added Natesto and Vogelxo to criteria. Changed coverage criteria fromspecific product names to topical testosterone products.10/2014 Modified criteria for total testosterone to consider reference range of thelaboratory. Added criteria for when Free Testosterone level may beutilized. Added criteria for conditions that do not require testosteronelevels. Extended initial authorization period for patients already ontherapy.12/2014 Testosterone free level units corrected.10/2015 Clarified initial authorization periods. Clarified that levels forreauthorization should be within the past 6 months for patients new totestosterone and within the past 12 months for continuing users.Updated references.5/2016 Removed age requirement from female to male transsexual coveragerequirements. Updated gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria.6/2017 Updated criteria for Gender Dysphoria. Updated reauthorizationcriteria to clarify that new to therapy refers to use of less than one yearand continuing therapy refers to use of one year or longer.6/2018 Updated required testosterone level to less than 300 ng/dL based on2018 American Urological Society treatment guidelines.2/2019 Program name change from Topical Androgens to Testosterone.Xyosted added to program.6/2019 Jatenzo added to program.7/2020 Updated initial authorization to 6 months for both new and existingusers. Added state mandate language. Updated references.8/2021 Annual review. Updated references. Removed Striant as it is no longeron the market.9/2022 Tlando added to program. Removed brand Axiron from program sinceit is no longer available. Updated to note generic Testim is typicallyexcluded. Updated references.1/2023 Kyzatrex added to program. Increased initial authorization to 12months and changed reauthorization to require a lab value within thepast 12 months.。

Xofigo 放射性治疗药剂指南说明书

Xofigo 放射性治疗药剂指南说明书

UnitedHealthcare ® Medicare AdvantagePolicy GuidelineXofigo ® Radioactive Therapeutic AgentGuideline Number : MPG356.09Approval Date : November 8, 2023 Terms and ConditionsTable of Contents Page Policy Summary ............................................................................. 1 Applicable Codes .......................................................................... 1 References ..................................................................................... 2 Guideline History/Revision Information ....................................... 2 Purpose .......................................................................................... 3 Terms and Conditions . (3)See PurposeOverviewXofigo ® (radium Ra 223 dichloride) injection is an alpha particle-emitting radioactive therapeutic agent which mimics calcium and forms complexes with hydroxyapatite at areas of increased bone turnover, such as bone metastases.GuidelinesThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved radium Ra 223 dichloride (Xofigo ® Injection, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.) for the treatment of patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), symptomatic bonemetastases and no known visceral metastatic disease.The recommended dose and schedule for Xofigo ® is 55 kBq/kg (1.49 microcuries/kg) administered by slow intravenous injection over 1 minute every 4 weeks for 6 doses.The following list(s) of procedure and/or diagnosis codes is provided for reference purposes only and may not be all inclusive. Listing of a code in this guideline does not imply that the service described by the code is a covered or non-covered health service. Benefit coverage for health services is determined by the member specific benefit plan document and applicable laws that may require coverage for a specific service. The inclusion of a code does not imply any right to reimbursement or guarantee claim payment. Other Policies and Guidelines may apply.CPT Code Description 79101 Radiopharmaceutical therapy, by intravenous administrationCPT ® is a registered trademark of the American Medical AssociationHCPCS Code DescriptionA9606 Radium RA-223 dichloride, therapeutic, per microcurieDiagnosis Code DescriptionC61Malignant neoplasm of prostateRelated Medicare Advantage Reimbursement Policy • Add-on Codes Policy, ProfessionalDiagnosis CodeDescriptionAnd at least one of the following:C79.51 Secondary malignant neoplasm of boneC79.52 Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone marrowCMS Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and ArticlesLCDArticleContractor Medicare Part A Medicare Part BN/A A54559 Billing and Coding: Xofigo Billing Instructions PalmettoAL, GA, NC, SC,TN, VA, WV N/AA55052 Billing and Coding: Radiopharmaceutical Agents Retired 12/29/2022WPSAK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WYIA, IN, KS, MI, MO, NECMS Benefit Policy ManualChapter 15; § 50 Drugs and BiologicalsCMS Claims Processing ManualChapter 12; § 30.5 Payment for Codes for Chemotherapy Administration and Nonchemotherapy Injections and Infusions Chapter 14; § 10 General Ambulatory Surgical CenterChapter 17; § 90.2 Drugs, Biologicals, and RadiopharmaceuticalsOther(s)CGS Website (Submitting Claims for Xofigo/Radium 223)CMS HCPCS Codes for which ASP Reporting is in Units of Measure Other Than an NDC, Updated July 2023, CMS Website Xofigo Package Insert, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals WebsiteRevisions to this summary document do not in any way modify the requirement that services be provided and documented in accordance with the Medicare guidelines in effect on the date of service in question.Date Summary of Changes11/08/2023Policy Summary OverviewRemoved and relocated language pertaining to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approval of radium Ra 223 dichloride (Xofigo ® Injection, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.) usage (refer to the Guidelines section) GuidelinesRevised language to indicate:Date Summary of Changeso The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved radium Ra 223 dichloride (Xofigo®Injection, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.) for the treatment of patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), symptomatic bone metastases and no known visceralmetastatic diseaseo The recommended dose and schedule for Xofigo® is 55 kBq/kg (1.49 microcuries/kg)administered by slow intravenous injection over 1 minute every 4 weeks for 6 dosesSupporting InformationUpdated References section to reflect the most current informationArchived previous policy version MPG356.08The Medicare Advantage Policy Guideline documents are generally used to support UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage claims processing activities and facilitate providers’ submission of accurate claims for the specified services. The document can be used as a guide to help determine applicable:Medicare coding or billing requirements, and/orMedical necessity coverage guidelines; including documentation requirements.UnitedHealthcare follows Medicare guidelines such as NCDs, LCDs, LCAs, and other Medicare manuals for the purposes of determining coverage. It is expected providers retain or have access to appropriate documentation when requested to support coverage. Please utilize the links in the References section above to view the Medicare source materials used to develop this resource document. This document is not a replacement for the Medicare source materials that outline Medicare coverage requirements. Where there is a conflict between this document and Medicare source materials, the Medicare source materials will apply.The Medicare Advantage Policy Guidelines are applicable to UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plans offered by UnitedHealthcare and its affiliates.These Policy Guidelines are provided for informational purposes, and do not constitute medical advice. Treating physicians and healthcare providers are solely responsible for determining what care to provide to their patients. Members should always consult their physician before making any decisions about medical care.Benefit coverage for health services is determined by the member specific benefit plan document* and applicable laws that may require coverage for a specific service. The member specific benefit plan document identifies which services are covered, which are excluded, and which are subject to limitations. In the event of a conflict, the member specific benefit plan document supersedes the Medicare Advantage Policy Guidelines.Medicare Advantage Policy Guidelines are developed as needed, are regularly reviewed and updated, and are subject to change. They represent a portion of the resources used to support UnitedHealthcare coverage decision making. UnitedHealthcare may modify these Policy Guidelines at any time by publishing a new version of the policy on this website. Medicare source materials used to develop these guidelines include, but are not limited to, CMS National Coverage Determinations (NCDs), Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Medicare Program Integrity Manual, Medicare Managed Care Manual, etc. The information presented in the Medicare Advantage Policy Guidelines is believed to be accurate and current as of the date of publication and is provided on an "AS IS" basis. Where there is a conflict between this document and Medicare source materials, the Medicare source materials will apply.You are responsible for submission of accurate claims. Medicare Advantage Policy Guidelines are intended to ensure that coverage decisions are made accurately based on the code or codes that correctly describe the health care services provided. UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Policy Guidelines use Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®), Centers for Medicare andMedicaid Services (CMS), or other coding guidelines. References to CPT® or other sources are for definitional purposes only and do not imply any right to reimbursement or guarantee claims payment.Medicare Advantage Policy Guidelines are the property of UnitedHealthcare. Unauthorized copying, use, and distribution of this information are strictly prohibited.*For more information on a specific member's benefit coverage, please call the customer service number on the back of the member ID card or refer to the Administrative Guide.。



现任 密 尔瓦基工 学 院教授 的C r l a o
减 少 到 1 。 些被 粉 碎 的 垃 圾 在 个 那
当地 一 家废 水 处 理 厂 处 理 , 处 理
在 美 国, 一半 的家庭 在使 用垃圾 近
处 理 器 。 近 ,爱 适 易 一 直 着 眼 于 新 的 最
D g e m n小 姐 ,在 威 斯 康 辛 大 学 的 麦 i g la 迪 逊校 区就 学期 间, 于 1 9 9 8年 发 表 了

装 的垃 圾 处 理 器 开 关 时 感 触 却 有些 不

便 出水 的装置

可 能堵塞管道


,Leabharlann 在她看来一,
这 是 在 为 自己 的孩 子 们

废 水 处 理 厂 的赋 税
他于 1938 年创 立 了 爱适 易公 司

个更 好 的生 存环 境
战 后 的建 房 热 潮 中 爱 适 易 的销 量 也

电气有限 公 司在威斯 康辛 州 拉 辛县 的
制全 球 变暖 问题
并减 少 变暖 对 环 境 的
1 4 4
影 响 时 ,爱 适 易 察 觉 到 商 机 ,并 巧 妙 地
传 达 出一 个 新 的 环 保 理 念 。 适 易 欧 洲 爱 业 务 总监 J e F r a 解 释 道 :“ 们 当 o er r 我
住宅 列 为评分 标准 。
住在伍斯特 郡的 4 2岁 助 产 士 谢 尔 顿 女 士 说 , 垃 圾 处 理 器 使 她 家 每 周 放 到 路 边 的 垃 圾 袋 从 4个






















AugmentedArc 增强现实扁平焊接系统说明书

AugmentedArc 增强现实扁平焊接系统说明书

System is warranted for one year, parts and labor.Issued Jan. 2020 • Index No. TS/2.0Training SolutionsMiller Electric Mfg. LLCAn ITW Welding Company 1635 West Spencer Street P.O. Box 1079Appleton, WI 54912-1079 USAEquipment Sales US and CanadaPhone: 866-931-9730 FAX: 800-637-2315International Phone: 920-735-4554 International FAX: 920-735-4125The industry’s most realistic weldingsimulation solution for classroom training.For beginner to advanced-level weld students, the AugmentedArc system simulates multiple welding processes, blending real-world and computer-generated images into a unique, augmented reality environment.AugmentedArc ®A ugmented Reality Welding SystemComes complete with: AugmentedArc simulator Teacher software(see below for description) Black Infinity ™ AR helmet with premium headgear AugmentedArc router MIG gun with AR nozzle SMAW stingerTIG torch with AR nozzleTwo electrode/filler rods with AR tips Work stand for out-of-position applicationsFive workpieces: t-joint, butt joint, lap joint, pipe-to-plate and butt pipeAugmentedArc simulator and helmet both feature augmented-reality displays.Specially coded workpieces provide a wide range of training applications.Specially designed gun, torch, stinger and filler metal components relay user data to the computer for processing.AugmentedArc work stand allows for training in out-of-position applications.Teacher software is a user-friendly and flexible learning management system (LMS) that allows instructors to manage courses, content andstudents, and maximizes the usefulness of AugmentedArc welding simulators. Create and manage your own welding curriculum-Create quizzes, theory and welding simulation exercises-Use pre-developed exercises or fully customize your own exercise parameters, technique and scoring criteria-Offline mode allows you to manage the content from anywhere Manage student progress-Review the complete history and detailed results of student activities -View real-time results of welding simulations-View statistics and download reports for individual students or entire class2Optimize instructor efficiency by using the Teacher software to create a virtual classroom with customized curriculum, quizzes and weld exercises.Real-time feedback is provided on users’ technique to help correct errors. Reinforce proper welding practices and accelerate skill advancement prior to actual live arc welding in a lab.Reduce overall training time compared to traditional methods, with the realistic live arc welding simulation of the AugmentedArc. Minimize material cost by saving wire, gas and workpieces in this simulation environment allowing students to define their welding skills before beginning live arc welding.Build a larger, more-skilled welding workforce whencomputer-savvy individuals are drawn to welding education programs that increase their success with live arc welding.AugmentedArc ®SystemAugmented Reality DisplaysSpecifications (Subject to change without notice.)CTWDTravel speedAimTravel angleWork angleAugmentedArc displayHelmet’s external optical sensor captures and sends images of coded devices and workpieces to AugmentedArc simulator Simulator generates three-dimensional images of metal workpieces, augmenting them into a real-world environment Display on simulator replicates the view inside helmet to give real-time feedbackWelding simulation screenVisual graphical aids guide the user to achieve target parametersAdherence to pre-determined or custom welding parameters is monitored, with confirmation when maintained or alerts when exceededRealistic arc sounds from inside helmet speakers accompany the visuals for a truly immersive experiencePost-weld feedback screenUser’s performance is scored, graphed and recorded for playbackPerformance feedback on various parameters is providedVideo is stored and available for replay for student and instructor review via teacher softwareAugmentedArc® Controller 301395Provides the capabilityto link multipleAugmentedArc systemstogether into a virtualclassroom environment. Heavy-Duty Transportation Cases 951775 Includes two heavy-duty cases which provide rugged protection for the complete system during transportation or storage. One case holds helmet and AugmentedArc unit, and the second case holds MIG gun, SMAW stinger, TIG torch, workpieces and work stand.TIG Foot Pedal Kit 286033Includes TIG foot pedal, connection cableand adapter cable.Magnifying Lenses212238 1.50212240 2.00212242 2.50Replacement Components AugmentedArc® Router277397 Stand-alone278181 ClassroomSelect router based on configuration being used. Includes Ethernet cable.Work Stand277266Allows for trainingin out-of-positionapplications.MIG Gun Replacement 301401Note: MIG gun AR nozzle sold separately.MIG Gun AR Nozzle 277269SMAW Stinger Replacement 277268 SMAW Electrode/TIG Filler Rod 277267 Electrode/Filler Rod AR Tip 279460TIG Torch Replacement 301400TIG Torch AR Nozzle 283068Black Infinity™ ARHelmet LED CoverReplacement 276240Replacement Gen III Headgear 271325Headgear with oversized comfort cushionprovides extensive adjustability, settings andenhanced support.Headgear Suspension Pad 271326Enhances comfort of Gen II and III headgear.Magnetic Magnifying Lens Holder 286018WorkpiecesButt Joint Workpiece277274T-Joint Workpiece277270Pipe-to-PlateWorkpiece 277276Butt Pipe Workpiece277275Lap Joint Workpiece277273Shown with TIGtorch AR nozzle(sold separately).Genuine Miller® Accessories and Replacement ComponentsShown with t-jointworkpiece attached(sold separately).Shown with electrode/filler rod and AR tip(sold separately).3Equipment Stock No. Description Qty. Price AugmentedArc ® System 951823 See front page for system components AccessoriesAugmentedArc Controller 301395 For multiple system connectivityHeavy-Duty Transportation Cases 951775 Package including two cases that protect the complete system TIG Foot Pedal Kit 286033Magnifying Lenses 212238 1.50 212240 2.00 212242 2.50 Replacement ComponentsAugmentedArc Router 277397Stand-alone router. With Ethernet cable 278181Classroom router. With Ethernet cable Work Stand 277266 For out-of-position applications MIG Gun 301401 AR nozzle NOT included MIG Gun AR Nozzle 277269SMAW Stinger 277268 Electrode and AR tip NOT included SMAW Electrode/TIG Filler Rod 277267 Electrode/Filler Rod AR Tip 279460TIG Torch 301400 Filler rod and AR nozzle NOT included TIG Torch AR Nozzle 283068 Black Infinity ™ AR Helmet LED Cover 276240 Replacement Gen III Headgear 271325 Headgear Suspension Pad 271326 Magnetic Magnifying Lens Holder 286018 WorkpiecesButt Joint Workpiece 277274 T-Joint Workpiece 277270 Pipe-to-Plate Workpiece 277276 Butt Pipe Workpiece 277275 Lap Joint Workpiece 277273Date: Total Quoted Price:Ordering Information©2020 Miller Electric Mfg. LLCDistributed by:Visit us on YouTube for informative videos on:Additional InformationWhat it is https://youtu.be/xCbmFFPSF7oSet up https://youtu.be/AKJfGgRrd2I。

Olympus EUS程序建立指南说明书

Olympus EUS程序建立指南说明书

Establishing an EUS ProgramA step-by-step guide for success3500 Corporate Parkway, PO Box 610, Center Valley, PA 18034Olympus is a registered trademark of Olympus Corporation, Olympus America Inc., and/or their affiliates.For more information, contact your local Olympussales representative, or call 800-848-9024. ©2017 Olympus America Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in the USA OAIEUS0217BRO21544Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) offers a comprehensive solution for diagnosing and staging cancer. Olympus is committed to assisting your facility in meeting its cancer program goals with a complete product line of EUS processors, EUS radial and curvilinear scopes and EUS miniature probes. In addition, we offer an array of services to support and educate your healthcare team and help finance your equipment.Follow this step-by-step guidefor successfully implementing an EUS program at your facility. Asa dedicated partner, Olympus will help you every step of the way in building a program designed to increase efficiencies while improving patient outcomes.Establishing an EUS Program A step-by-step guide for successGroup Responsible: Olympus Hospital Objective: Establish EUS implementation planTime frame■■Develop implementation time line■Short-term goals■Mid-term goals■Long-term goalsTraining■■Plan physician training■Olympus fellowship■External courses■Olympus professional education■■Ensure hospital credentialingneeds are met■■Plan support staff inservicescheduleInstallation preparation■■Ensure room is ready forOlympus installation■■Contact biomedicalengineering■■Determine reprocessing requirementsand, if necessary, contact OEmanufacturer for correct accessoriesProcedure preparation■■Acquire procedure-specific products■■Create scheduling protocol■■Plan with anesthesiaand pathology■■Prepare for billingand reimbursementMarket awareness■■Review Olympus EUS Media Kit■■Meet with PR and marketing toplan internal and external programawareness initiativesObjective: Install equipment and train staffEquipment installation■■Install equipmentEquipment inservicing■■Conduct on-site clinical education■Precleaning and cleaningof EUS scope■EUS processor, scope andminiature probe overview■EZ Shot 3 Plus needle overview,safety and specimen acquisition■■Perform mock procedureProcedure day preparation■■Determine expectations for firstprocedure■■Schedule first procedureO bjective: Ensure successful procedure outcomeProcedure support■■Setup for procedure■■Review procedure steps■■Observe procedureFollow-up■■Determine next stepsObjective: Review progress and next stepsProgram review■■Conduct on-site program review meeting4–6 weeks after first procedureFollow-up inservicing■■Review precleaning and cleaningof EUS scope■■Review equipment■■Review EZ Shot 3 Plus needle overview,safety and specimen acquisitionNext steps■■Identify clinical mentorship needs■■Determine procedure development■Staging■InterventionalObjective: Determine plan to move forward Program goals and required resources ■■Review clinical objectives■■Determine available clinical resourcesand experience■■Identify procedure location■■Identify project lead■Physician, administrator, nurse ■■Determine facility procedurecredentialing■■Determine need for physician training■■Set up program implementationexpectations■■Determine need for physicianpeer-to-peer discussion■■Discuss reprocessing requirements Capital planning■■Schedule Olympus site visit■■Review Olympus EUSValue Calculator■■Review reimbursement codesand guideMultidisciplinary awareness■■Establish clinical support team■Pathology, anesthesia, oncology,thoracic surgery, tumor board,radiology。


垃圾处理器是一种现代化的厨房电器。它提供 一种新的方法来处理现代家庭中的食物垃圾。 它安装在厨房水槽下面,并连接到排水管上。 通过厨房的水龙头注入冷水之后,按一下按钮 便开启了食物垃圾处理器。只需数秒,处理器 就可以方便地将食物垃圾碾碎成细小的颗粒, 这些颗粒被冲出碾碎室并进入化粪池或污水系 统。

清洁 — 无需将大量食物垃圾扫入厨房的垃圾桶,只 需打开冷水龙头,接通电源并将不要的食物垃圾倒入 水槽中。 卫生 — 减少家居中的昆虫和异味。 方便 — 快速地清洁和准备食物。 实用 —食物垃圾处理器体积小巧,适于安装在水槽之 下,不会造成任何妨碍。它在新旧厨房中都易于安装, 并能适应大多数带有 90mm 排水孔的水槽。 环保 — 在提高您在厨房中的生活质量的同时,也应 对环境作出积极的贡献。它不但减少了需要填埋的垃 圾量,而且垃圾还可以送往污水处理厂作为土壤改良 剂循环利用。

美国爱适易 德国劳伦士食物垃圾处理器-雷克蒙塞 美国Gladore 国内的佛山厨美食物垃圾处理器

具了解 “汇景新城”项目选用的垃圾处理器,分别为上海产“蚂蚁王 ”和 深圳产“恩街特”产品,具物业公司维修部反映,大多数业主认为产品很好, 只是有少量机器出现“卡死”或“打不碎”等故障,我们分析问题在于以下: 1、有些纤维物质的、生肉等食物按说明书就不能进行处理的,使用中,业 主没注意; 2、大部分国产的垃圾处理器如上海产“蚂蚁王 ”是利用电机带动不锈钢刀 架组合高速旋转,通过切削、挤压、捶击等方式,在极短的时间内将有极食 物垃圾研磨成细小的颗粒随下水管道顺利排出。而国外的产品,如“爱适易” 早就采用高新的不带刀粉碎方式了,这样故障率就非常低了; 3、部分少数业主投诉厂家的维修不及时,这也造成了少数业主对 产品不满 意, “蚂蚁王 ”在“汇景新城”的使用中,物业就反映售后维修做的不好。 针对此问题,建议在产品的选型上,一定要注意产品的技术参数及技术 性能。使用上,最好才用双洗手盆的布置,不通过处理器的食物在另一个洗 手盆操作,这样可最大可能的避免不能处理的食物进入处理器。

助力中国垃圾处理产业链升级——访爱适易全球总裁Chad Severson及亚太区总经理陈剑敏

助力中国垃圾处理产业链升级——访爱适易全球总裁Chad Severson及亚太区总经理陈剑敏

高层专访·INTERVIEW WITH TOP LEADERS50电器2018/3助力中国垃圾处理产业链升级——访爱适易全球总裁Chad Severson 及亚太区总经理陈剑敏本刊记者 陈莉4月9日,爱适易全球总裁Chad Severson 现身北京。




”Chad Severson 对《电器》记者说。





”Chad Severson 对《电器》记者说,“在美国,爱适易在市场上只有两家竞争对手——这两家企业与爱适易不同,他们并不是专门生产食物垃圾处理器的企业,爱适易的市场占有率也远远超过他们。

”据Chad Severson 介绍,在欧美市场,食物垃圾处理器已经有很高的渗透率。


”Chad Severson 说,“比如,在美国费城,政府已经要求,新建住房里必须装有垃圾处理器。



Foxboro 43AP Pneumatic Indicating Controllers 产品说明

Foxboro 43AP Pneumatic Indicating Controllers 产品说明

FIELD DEVICES – CONTROLLERSProduct Specifications43AP Pneumatic Indicating ControllersThese instruments indicate and control pressure, temperature, vacuum, and differential pressure. They provide process industries with a highly dependable and versatile group of instruments.WIDE SELECTION OF MEASURING ELEMENTS Foxboro products offer the widest variety of element constructions and ranges in the industry. This versatility enables the 43AP Series Pneumatic Indicating Controllers to be applied to virtually any process.WIDE CHOICE OF CONTROL MODESOn-off, proportional, proportional plus derivative, proportional plus integral (reset), proportional plus integral plus derivative, differential gap, and automatic shutdown actions are available.BROAD RANGE OF INTEGRAL (RESET) AND DERIVATIVE ADJUSTMENTSThe integral unit has the complete range from0.01to 50 minutes, and the derivative unit from 0.05 to 50 minutes.VARIETY OF OPTIONSThese controllers are available with an extensive list of optional features. Among these are internal bumpless automatic-manual transfer stations (two types), “batch” function, remote pneumatic set point, Type 70 electric contacts, and control valvemounting.PSS 3-1B3 APSS 3-1B3 APage 2OPERATING CONDITIONSACCURACY UNAFFECTED BY MOUNTING STRESSESBoth the control unit and the measurement element are mounted on a rigid steel plate. Thus, these components are isolated from case stresses due to mounting, and dependable accuracy is ensured. POWER FAILURES DO NOT INFLUENCE PROCESS-DRIVEN INDICATIONA power failure and the likely subsequent loss of supply pressure do not influence the process-driven indication.WEATHERPROOF CONSTRUCTIONA glass fiber reinforced case and a gasketed door with a shatterproof polycarbonate window meet IEC IP53 and provide the environmental protection of NEMA®T ype 3.VERSATILE MOUNTINGInstruments may be mounted in a panel, on a flat surface, on a continuous vertical pipe, or on a vertical pipe stub.INTERNAL BUMPLESS AUTOMATIC-MANUAL TRANSFER STATIONThis option provides bumpless-balanceable transfer between automatic and manual control by simple 2-step procedure. Accidental transfer is avoided because the door must be opened to gain access to the transfer station.PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS(Under Reference Operating Conditions unless otherwise specified)AccuracyINPUT TO POINTER±0.5% of span for qualified elements.INPUT TO OUTPUTDepends on measuring element used. Repeatability0.2% of span.Deadband0.1% of span.Ambient Temperature EffectMaximum control point shift at midspan per 55°C (100°F) change within normal operating conditions is 1% of input span.Supply Pressure EffectMaximum control point shift at midspan per 7 kPa (1psi) change within normal operating conditions is 0.2% of input span.OPERATING CONDITIONSAmbient T emperature24 ±2°C(75 ±3°F)–30 and +80°C(–20 and +180°F)–40 and +80°C(–40 and +180°F)Relative Humidity50% ± 10%No Limit No LimitSupply Pressure140 ± 1.4 kPa(20 ± 0.2 psi)115 and 155 kPa(17 and 23 psi)210 kPa(30 psi)FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONSPSS 3-1B3 APage 3 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONSElementsRefer to “Measuring Element Specifications” on page4 for types, materials, and ranges. Controller ActionOutput signal either increases or decreases with increasing measurement, as specified; action is reversible in the field.Output Signal20 to 100 kPa, 3 to 15 psi, or 0.2 to 1.0 bar or kg/cm2, as specified.Air Consumption (Under normal operation)0.5 m3/h (0.3 cfm) at standard conditions.Output Gauge0 to 200 kPa, 0 to 30 psi, or 0 to 2 bar or kg/cm2, as specified.Set Point AdjustmentBy means of a knob mounted inside the case. PointersSet point and measurement pointers are fluorescent red.ScaleBlack markings on white background; sector-shaped with nominal effective length of 150 mm (6 in). (Refer to Chart and Dial Catalog 600 for available ranges.)Connections (Located in Bottom of Case.) PRESSURE AND VACUUMFor upper range-values up to 14 MPa(2000psi, or 140 bar or kg/cm2):Connections tapped for R1/4 or 1/4 NPT, asspecified.For upper range-values from 14 MPa(2000psi, or 140 bar or kg/cm[sup/2]) up to70 MPa (10000psi, or 700 bar or kg/cm2):Connections threaded for R1/2 or 1/2 NPT,as specified.For upper range-values above 70 MPa (10000psi, or 700 bar or kg/cm2):9/16-18 Aminco® fitting used.PNEUMATICSupply and output connections tapped for1/4NPT.MountingPANELFlush in a panel up to 16 mm (0.6 in) thick.SURFACESuitable for all controllers having internally-mounted elements. Note that this mounting isnot available with heavy duty helical elements.(These elements extend through the back of the case.)PIPEA kit of parts to fit a DN 50 or 2 in vertical pipe.YOKEKit of parts to fit a vertical DN 50 or 2 in pipestub. This mounting scheme is designedspecifically for controllers having rear-mounted differential pressure elements.PSS 3-1B3 A Page 4PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSEnclosureThe case is a glass fiber reinforced polyester molding, compounded for superior corrosion resistance. The door is glass fiber reinforced phenylene oxide, and has a shatterproofpolycarbonate window, ultraviolet resistant. The overall construction is weatherproof, meets IEC IP53, and provides the environmental protection of NEMA Type 3.FinishCase, gray polyester; door, blue textured polyurethane.Data LabelAluminum data label fastened to inside of door with pressure sensitive adhesive. Includes space for Customer Tag data up to a maximum of 72characters and spaces. For additional space, see optional Customer T ag.Approximate Mass4.8 kg (10.6 lb), excluding element.MEASURING ELEMENT SPECIFICATIONS (To achieve stated Performance Specifications)Differential Pressure Elements (Refer to PSS 3-4A2 A)a.Body and cover material for DE-A is zinc-cobalt; material for DE-B is 316 ss.b.These are zero-based elements. The lower range value is zero and the upper range value is as shown (100% of span). Zerodifferential pressure can be elevated (compound range) so that lower range value is as low as -50% of span; or suppressed so that upper range value is as high as either –150% of span or 50 kPa (200 inH 2O) ∆P , whichever is less.22DE–A,BType 375 and 5020 and 20050 and 500142000140Temperature Elements—Filled Thermal Systems (Refer to PSS 3-3A1 A)T A–1A IA –130 and +315–200 and +60025 and 33040 and 600TA–2A and 2BIIA and IIB–45 and +315–50 and +600Varies with operating temperature (a)T A–3BIIIB–195 and +760–320 and +140070 and 550120 and 1000a.Does not include temperature overrange values. Narrow spans are at low end of range. The maximum span is 215︒C (400︒F)MEASURING ELEMENT SPECIFICATIONS PSS 3-1B3 APage 5Pressure Elements (Refer to PSS 3-2A1 A)P A–CA (d)Absolute Bellows316 ss170 and 240 kPa abs 2.5 and 35 psia P A–MA Absolute Double Spiral316 ss140 and 700 kPa abs20 and 100 psiaPB–AA PB–AM (e)Helical316 ssK-Monel1.4 and 40 MPa1.7 and 14 MPa200 and 6000 psi200 and 2000 psiPB–BA PB–BM (e)Spiral316 ssK-Monel82 and 1400 kPa140 and 1400 kPa12 and 200 psi20 and 200 psiPB–CA Bellows316 ss35 and 200 kPa 4.5 and 29 psiPB–CC Bellows Brass34 and 100 kPa vac30 and 180 kPa 4.9 and 15 psi 4 and 26 psiPB–DF Diaphragm 50 mm (2 in)Cu-Ni-Sn Alloy 6 and 35 kPa vac6 and 70 kPa 0.9 and 5 psi 0.9 and 10 psiPB–PF Diaphragm 75 m (3 in)Cu-Ni-Sn Alloy 2 and 6 kPa vac2 and 10 kPa 0.3 and 0.9 psi 0.3 and 1.5 psiPB–GA (f)Heavy-Duty Helical316 ss0.5 and 200 MPa75 and 30 000 psiPC 3 to 15 PC 3 to 27Receiver (Bellows)Brass20 to 100 kPa Range—3 to 15 psi Range3 to 27 psi Rangea.All elements except Code PC have zero-based ranges. Therefore, the lower range values are zero and the upper range valuesare as listed.b.To convert kPa to bar or kg/cm2, divide kPa value by 100. To convert MPa to bar or kg/cm2, multiply MPa value by 10.c.To convert psi to inH2O, multiply psi value by 27.73. To convert psi to inHg, multiply psi value by 2.036.d.Replacement element not calibrated.e.K-Monel elements comply with NACE Standard MR-01-75.f.Element extends through back of case. Replacement element not recommended. Return instrument to Global CustomerSupport.PSS 3-1B3 A Page 6MODEL CODEMODEL CODEDescription Model Indicating Controller43AP MountingField (Pipe or Y oke, as specified in complete element code)– F Panel or Surface– P Control On-OffA1Proportional 4 to 400%A2Proportional plus Derivative 0.05 to 50 minutesA3Proportional plus Integral (Reset) 0.01 to 50 minutes per repeat A4Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative A5Differential Gap 1 to 100%A7Automatic ShutdownA8Output Signal and Gauge20 to 100 kPa signal; 200 kPa gauge 53 to 15 psi signal; 30 psi gauge 20.2 to 1.0 bar signal; 2 bar gauge60.2 to 1.0 kg/cm 2 signal; 2 kg/cm 2 gauge4Automatic Manual Internal Transfer Switching NoneN Bumpless with 2-position switch, balance gauge, regulator C 2-position nozzle seal switch for manual controlD Optional SuffixRemote Pneumatic Set Point (Not available with pressure elementCodes P A–CA, P A–CC, PB–GA, T ype 70 Contacts, or AS Reference “BA TCH-H”.)– PElements Available (Refer to element specifications tables) (a)a.The 43AP also uses the /E Electronic Servo Element. Refer to PSS 3-1B3 B.Differential pressure, T ype 37 Diaphragm (43AP–F only)/DE–A, –B Absolute pressure, bellows/P A–CA Absolute pressure, double spiral /P A–MA Pressure, helical /–PB–AA, –AM Pressure, spiral /–PB–BA, –BM Pressure, bellows /–PB–CA, –CC Pressure, diaphragm/–PB–DF , –PF Pressure, heavy-duty helical (43AP–F only)/–PB–GA Pressure receiver, bellows/–PCT emperature, Filled Thermal System/–T A–1A, –2A,–2B, –3BExamples: 43AP–P A12N–P/PB–AA; 43AP–FA25C/DE–EOPTIONAL FEATURESPSS 3-1B3 APage 7 OPTIONAL FEATURESBumplessAutomatic-Manual T ransferStation Consists of precision balance tube, regulator, and 2-position switch locatedwithin enclosure. A simple 2-step procedure provides bumpless transferbetween automatic and manual control. A shutoff valve is supplied to allowautomatic controller and relay to be serviced while retaining manual control.See ModelCodeNozzle Seal Switchfor Manual Control An internally mounted 2-position switch provides a simple and inexpensivemethod of achieving manual control. In the manual position, the switch sealsthe nozzle circuit and the output can be changed by varying the controllersupply pressure with an external regulator.See ModelCodeRemote Pneumatic Set Point Integral AirSupply Set Enables the set point to be positioned from a remote source using a standardpneumatic signal. Available over the full span or part of the span.Fixed or adjustable combination pressure regulator and filter with 50mm (2 in)gauge mounted and piped to controllers. Fixed pressure regulator availablewithout gauge. Maximum input 1 MPa, 150 psi, or 10 bar or kg/cm2. NOTE:Not available with panel mounted controllers.See ModelCodeIASType 70 Electric Alarm Contacts This option comprises a rotor unit with up to 5 contacts. Relays are located in aseparate external sheet metal housing. One relay may be supplied to energizeon increasing or decreasing measurement, as specified. Or two relays may be provided, one energizing on increasing measurement and one on decreasing measurement. Relay contacts rating (noninductive load): 5 A at 120 V ac, 2 Aat 240 V ac, and 5 A at 24V ac or dc. Electrical classification: ordinarylocations.C–T/70Control Valve Mounting A 43AP Controller without elements extending from back of case may beassembled on a control valve fitted with a P50 or P110 Actuator at the factory.CVMExternal Connection to IntegralBellows Used when an external feedback signal must be applied to prevent integralcircuit saturation.ECRBExternal Set Point A knob is fitted on door and engages set point adjustment mechanism.ESPHigh “Batch”Modification For processes involving discontinuous control, the integral (reset) function ismodified to prevent overshoot and to initiate immediate corrective action whencontrol is resumed.BA TCH-HGas Tight Case Special case machining and a gasketed 1/2 NPT vent connection permitsoperation of the controller with clean, noncorrosive process gas.GTCExternal Phenolic Nameplate Laminated plastic nameplate 38 X 76 mm (1.5 X 3 in) with white characters ona black background. Maximum of 5 lines with 28characters or spaces 3 mm(0.13 in) high, or 24 characters or spaces 4 mm (0.16 in) high per line.N/PGlass Window inDoor Shatterproof glass window used in areas where abrasive dust can causescratching of standard polycarbonate window under frequent wiping conditions.GIDStainless Steel DataPlate A stainless steel data plate 36 X 40 mm (1.4 X 1.6 in). Maximum of 4lines with11 characters or spaces per line.SCTCustomer T ag Stainless steel tag attached to instrument for customer tag data that doesn't fiton data plate. There can be a maximum of 10 lines of data with 40 charactersper line.MTSPSS 3-1B3 APage 8OPTIONAL FEATURES Tamper-Proof Knob The door knob is removed to prevent unauthorized access to controladjustments. The door is opened with a specially shaped knob.TPKExternal Subpanel forAutomatic-Manual Switching For use only with controllers not having internal transfer switching. Consists ofpressure regulator, nominal 40 mm (1.5 in) gauge, and 2-position transferswitch completely piped and assembled to external subpanel mounted tobottom surface of enclosure. Subpanel is finished in gray. The 1 in AS Code isfor Control Codes A1, A2, A3, A7, and A8. The 2 in AS Code is for ControlCodes A4 and A5. The S in AS Code is gauge in kPa, the E is psi, and the M iskg/cm2.SD–1SSD–1ESD–1MSD–2DSD–2ESD–2Ma.AS is Auxiliary Specification.OPTIONAL FEATURES (CONTINUED)DIMENSIONS - NOMINALPSS 3-1B3 APage 9 DIMENSIONS - NOMINALPSS 3-1B3 APage 10NOTESNOTESPSS 3-1B3 APage 11NOTESInvensys Systems, Inc.10900 Equity DriveHouston, TX 77041United States of America Global Customer Support Inside U.S.:1-866-746-6477Outside U.S.:1-508-549-2424Website: Copyright 1977-2015 Invensys Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Invensys and Foxboro are trademarks of Invensys Limited, its subsidiaries, and affiliates. All othertrademarks are the property of their respectiveowners.Invensys is now part of Schneider Electric.0715PSS 3-1B3 APage 12ORDERING INSTRUCTIONSOTHER FOXBORO PRODUCTS1. Model Number2. Mounting3. Element T ype, Material, and Range4. Measurement Range5. Measurement Connection6. Scale Range7. Supply Pressure and Output Signal8. Controller Action9. Optional Features 10. T ag and ApplicationThe Foxboro product lines offer a broad range of measurement and instrument products, including solutions for pressure, flow, analytical, temperature, positioning, controlling, and recording.For a list of these offerings, visit our web site at:。















1. 智能化趋势。




2. 环保节能。




3. 个性化定制。










Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing Pro (LeanFT

Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing Pro (LeanFT

OverviewOne of the world’s leading financial market institutions relies on speed, reliability and stateof-the-art technology to help its cli-ents build wealth. With Micro Focus Unified Functional T esting Pro (LeanFT), the company has established an efficient application test -ing platform capable of integrating testing from application development through production to speed quality and time-to-market.ChallengeOne of the world’s leading financial market institutions offers a full suite of capital market services. With a highly-skilled team of people, the company works with a broad range of B2B and B2C customers. Operating in a highlyregu-lated environment, the company helps clientsbuild wealth and manage investment and op-erating risk. The company’s network and data center are connected to leading financial hubs. Speed, reliability and state-of-the-art technol-ogy are fundamental to its success.Running a combination of 200+ in-house, ac-quired and modified applications, the com-pany is focused on delivering quality software to meet the needs of its users. A few years ago, it began to embrace agile methodolo-gies to improve quality and speed-to-mar-ket. Having outgrown its use of Micro Focus Unified Functional T esting (UFT), the company decided to look for a testing solution that pro-vided automation across Application Program Interface (API) and Graphical User Interface (GUI) components.“We wanted to align test automation to de-velopment practices to feed into continuous integration,” says a spokesperson for the com-pany. “But, we didn’t want to add complexity to our testing ecosystem by having another tool-set—we wanted a single application that would satisfy our requirements.SolutionAfter investigating potential testing applica-tions, the company selected UFT Pro (LeanFT), a powerful functional testing solution builtFinancial Market ExchangeLeading financial market institution maximizes developmentspeed with Micro Focus UFT Pro.At a Glance■Industry Financial Services ■Location Sydney, Australia ■ChallengeAutomate testing, provide cross-platform and cross-browser support for API and GUI components, and integrate with standard IDEs. ■Products and Services UFT Pro (LeanFT) ■Success Highlights+Enables rapid software development and deployment to enhance agility.+Reduces risks through efficient testing practices and scripts implementations.+Standardizes functional testing on one platform. +Facilitates greater collaboration between testing and development teamsCase StudyApplication Delivery Management“We chose UFT Pro (LeanFT) due to its functionality, particularly with respect to cross-platform, cross-browser and desktop applications support, as well as its integration capabilities with API and GUI components.”SPOKESPERSONLeading Financial Market Institution AustraliaCase StudyFinancial Market Exchangespecifically for continuous testing and continu-ous integration.The spokesperson says, “We chose UFT Pro (LeanFT) due to its functionality, particularly with respect to cross-platform, cross-browser and desktop applications support, as well as its integration capabilities with API and GUI com-ponents. Its support for the most common Applications Under T est (AUT) technologies was important to us as we needed a solution that could handle both desktop and web ap-plications. Having a solution that works inside standard Integrated Development Environment (IDE) using modern scripting languages was also a deciding factor. The solution’s Object Identification Center (OIC) meant that we could model AUT s and objects with ease as we cre-ate robust scripts.”T o test the suitability of UFT Pro (LeanFT), the company ran a pilot on a live project.“We took the opportunity to investigate the functionality of UFT Pro (LeanFT) by testing one of our web browser based applications,” explains the spokesperson.“After a few months of using the solution, we realized it was the right tool for us. We gained a good understanding of how to use applica-tion models, share code resources, integrate with Continuous Integration (CI) / Continuous Development (CD) tools, and support com-mon AUT technologies including Java, .NET and AngularJS.“Using UFT Pro (LeanFT) on this project gave us a roadmap for how we could leverage the solution’s functionality more broadly. It showed us what it would take to create a company-wide foundation for integration from develop-ment through to production with end-to-end traceability.”Following the success of this pilot, the com-pany rolled out UFT Pro (LeanFT) across itstesting environment. It is now being used totest seven core applications.ResultsHaving the ability in UFT Pro (LeanFT) to cre-ate Application Models that serve as a sharedobjects repository, and to easily identify ob-jects via the OIC feature, so that the objectswill not break from one build to the other, aretwo key benefits the company is realizing fromthe solution.The spokesperson explains, “We can nowcreate abstractions of our AUTs, and in turnprovide our tests with an interface to the ap-plications and their objects. This allows us tomaintain our test objects in a single location foruse across our testing suite, which in turn helpsour developers to write code more quickly,without the need to write manual programmaticdescriptions for each object.“In addition, we now have access to multiplevisual relational identifiers to discover fields inour AUT s based on neighboring objects. Thisfeature alone has helped us many times whenobjects were changing depending on optionsset in the application.”The UFT Pro (LeanFT) integration capabilitiesfacilitate greater collaboration between test-ing and development teams, the spokesper-son continues, “This allows for robust softwaretesting that easily accommodates changesto applications.“Our investment in UFT Pro (LeanFT) is for thelong-term. We want to reduce our automationtoolkit to a common AUT like Java and handle amyriad of third-party plug-ins. In due time, we’llbe able to hook into all the tools our develop-ment teams use, and write test scripts in thesame language. This will significantly reducethe time between development and testing,and enhance the quality of our applications,not to mention speed-to-market. “We’re cur-rently leveraging the interoperability of UFT Pro(LeanFT) to create closer alignment with the CI/CD process.”While the company is still in the infancy stagesof using UFT Pro (LeanFT), it has recognizedthe potential for improving the efficiency ofits testing.The spokesperson says, “UFT Pro (LeanFT) is apowerful solution that provides openness andallows us to use our object-oriented program-ming knowledge and advanced coding tech-niques, such as polymorphism and inheritance.This has opened up so many options for us tomake our test scripts more efficient.“Once we mature our testing processes and getmore familiar with UFT Pro (LeanFT), we will be-come more productive. Certainly, as we migratemore and more of our 700+ UFT test scripts—automate them, store them in a central reposi-tory, and re-use them—we will see dramaticimprovements in speed and efficiency.“In the long-run, having a single tool for testautomation will make it easier for us to moveour resources to different projects as required.”Looking ahead, the company is focused ongetting up to speed with UFT Pro (LeanFT)and evolving its approach to functional test-ing as part of a broader commitment to qualityassurance.“To maximize the return on our investment,we’re working towards getting the most outof the functionality of UFT Pro (LeanFT),” saysthe spokesperson. “Our progress is a little slowbecause this is a brand new way of handlingtesting for us, particularly as we have amassed more than 10 years of experience with UFT, but we are becoming quicker and more confident every day.”The company has a lot of systems, includ-ing legacy applications, that use different technologies.The priority is to automate test cases for both API and GUI across multiple programming lan-guages, and leverage modern industry stan-dards. Centralization and standardization of test scripts will also help drive further efficiency and productivity gains.“We want to get the basics right first in terms of test creation and automation,” concludes the spokesperson.“Once we’ve achieved that, we’ll look at lever-aging other functionality such as analytics.“We’re playing the long game with UFT Pro (LeanFT) and have chosen to implement the solution as we recognize the potential to achieve closer alignment between testing and development. We know this will ultimately help us release applications rapidly and confidently.”“The UFT Pro (LeanFT) integration capabilities facilitate greater collaboration between our testing and development teams. It allows for robust software testing that easily accommodates changes to the application.”SPOKESPERSONLeading Financial Market InstitutionAustralia。



| 5.智慧科技
智慧 科技
通过智能控制面板或智能终端APP,对室内灯光、音乐、空调、 新风、地暖、窗帘等进行操控,营造出居家、会客、聚会、休 息等场景模式;还可一键预约会所餐饮、休闲娱乐等项目。
路创、亮维智能(房间、客 厅、餐厅) 灯光模式 窗帘模式 影音模式 温度模式(空调、地暖) 会所预约模式 …
| 4.矜贵艺术——精工细节
矜贵 艺术
空调出风口采用线型装饰,且位置一改传统位置设置,系因为 考虑灯烤(古北壹号大部分灯都很大,热量高)因素,这样的 设置不仅节能、美观,且能让室内始终保持舒适的温度。
传统出风口设置 位置
古北壹号出风口 设置位置
| 4.矜贵艺术——精工细节
矜贵 艺术
| 3.舒适便捷
舒适 便捷
衣帽间、卫生间、餐厅、娱乐室等户内分隔门,尽量都采用透 明玻璃门,不同空间形成视觉互动、整体空间更显通透。
| 3.舒适便捷
舒适 便捷
预留刀架、砧板架、调味料架,台面空间更大更实用;大水槽 适合各种规格的餐具洗涤;橱柜下方照明装置、镜面电视、炉 灶盖板等处处体现人性化细节。
没有因为是室外,而 降低木材的档次
-为了不影响整体的设计感,室外的防腐木与室内的地板实木贴皮 均使用HARO胡桃木,且均保持木材凹凸的自然纹路,最大限度 保持自然的一面,工艺方面均由厂家技术总监现场指导; --细节处理很到位,比如普通房间踢脚及门套实用同一种木材, 但卫生间门套增加石材踢脚; -铺地施工工艺亦是严苛极致,所有木材与石材衔接处均以金属铜 条进行衔接,精美、实用;
号同一厂家:捷克Lasvit水晶灯, 价值180-200万(大堂交付标准) -巧妙的射灯,使得墙面有了梯形 浮雕的立体感和艺术感,并与建 筑外立面形成元素上的呼应(交 付)

FDA 483 指导手册说明书

FDA 483 指导手册说明书

Guide for US FDA-Regulated Organizations “How to Respond to (and Avoid) FDA Form 483s forTemperature, Humidity and other Controlled Environments”By Ken Appel, VP of Regulated MarketsVeriteq, a Vaisala companyNo cGMP manufacturer wants to receive a Form 483 letter (“Notice of Inspectional Observations‖). In such stringently controlled industries as pharma-ceutical/biotechnical development, manufacturing and warehousing, receiving a list of deficiencies can feel like a heavy blow to your quality system. Worse, with the 2009 increase in enforcement staff 1 and the September 2009 change to the response time—now 15 days—the FDA appears to be ramping up its enforcement mandate. 2The following article shows three excerpts from some of the more common “obser vatio ns‖ noted in Form 483 Letters during 2008-2009. (The names have been left out in this article, but are a matter of public record). 3 Each of these deviations involved environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.) in a variety of cGMP settings; they range from failure to properly validate containers for Human Cell & Tissue Products to a lack of temperature records in an aseptic processing area of a drug manufacturing facility. None of the deviations excerpted here are unique, but all are avoidable.1 Parts of this article were sourced, with permission, from two documents 1) “FDA 483 Responses—Compliance Considerations” by Richard Poska and Ballard Graham, as published in the Journal of Validation Technology, Winter 2010 ― available with subscription at:/ivtnews/templates/IVTNews.as px?articleid=1896&zoneid=27and the FDA Presentation 2)“Writing An Effective 483 Response” presented by Anita Richardson, Associate Director for Policy, Office of Compliance & Biologics Quality at the 5th Annual FDA University RI Pharma Conference, January 2009 available at:/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/ NewsEvents/WorkshopsMeetingsConferences/UCM1029 21.pdf2"FDA’s Enforcement Crackdown To Increase Inspections, Delays", Drug GMP Report - Issue No. 210, January 20103From the FDA’s Warning Letter web page: “Inspections, Compliance, Enforcement, and Criminal Investigations”/scripts/warningletters/wlSe archResult.cfm?filter=temperature&sortColumn=&qryStr =21+CFR+Part+11) After the excerpts, we’ll outline some best practices of a 483 response, providing you with a 10-point checklist that should make that 15-day time limit more manageable, and some links for further research. Finally, we’ll look at ways to simplify and automate monitoring, alarming and reporting on FDA regulated environments. Options range from low-tech manual methods, to hybridized systems that combine written and electronic methods of documentation, to fully automated systems.Many opportunities are available to tighten up documentation of controlled environments with modern technology.Sample Deviation #1To a Contract Pharma manufacturer: “Requirements for stability testing of drug products are not being met. For example, you do not have, as part of the storage condition, any documentation that stability samples are maintained at the designated temperature [21 CFR 211.166(a)(2)]; and you do not have appropriate stability data to support the 4 year expiration date for the product. [21 CFR 211.166(b)]”Sample Deviation #2To a blood bank:“Failure to have quality control procedures and follow those procedures for periodic tests of containers to maintain proper temperature...as required by 21 CFR 606.160(b)(5)(iv)...”Guide for US FDA-Regulated Organizations “How to Respond to (and Avoid) FDA Form 483 for Temperature, Humidity & other Controlled Environments”There must be documented evidence at any point in time thatan environment was within its recommended specifications.Sample Deviation #3To a major manufacturer of OTC Pharmaceuticals: “Failure to establish and maintain procedures to adequately control environmental conditions, as required by 21 CFR 820.70(c). Specifically, temperature conditions within the aseptic processing area are not being documented to ensure such conditions are consistently within established specifications...For example, during the inspection we observed that your firm was recording the relative humidity (RH) in the processing room, but not in the sterilization chamber. We also observed that your firm was not maintaining or reviewing the temperature recorder charts generated during your sterilization process of [product x]...”Controlling environmental conditions is more often about being notified of a problem than the actual failure itself.There is no regulatory requirement to respond to a 483. According to the agency, they are merely “…inspectional observations, and do not represent a final agency determination regarding your compliance.” Sort of like an offer to help you with your compliance concerns. However, not responding quickly and carefully will most likely result in further investigation. In addition, all Warning Letters are posted on the FDA’s site4 in html format and are indexed by search engines. Once you receivea 483, all anyone needs to do is type [Your Company/Lab’s Name] + FDA (or +483) into the search box, and there you are.10 ½ Tips for the Right ResponseYour initial response must do three things: itmust establish credibility, it must demonstrate acknowledgement of the observations and an understanding of the specific requirements referenced, and it must show that your facility is committed to corrective actions, any and all.You can show commitment by working cross-departmentally; include a statement from all relevant department heads that briefly but specifically addresses each observation. Each observation needs to have a corrective action—either planned or accomplished—and it must be feasible and deliverable within a predetermined time-frame. Here are some tips—some simple, some in depth—for responding appropriately to 483 letters:1.Get your response in on time and in writing. Youhave 15 days, so ensure that final proofing andsubstantive editing is done at least by day 10.2.In the first paragraph of the response letter, beexplicit in your understanding of and desire tocomply with FDA regulations.3.Respond individually to each item that wasaddressed in the Warning letter. Be specific.Do not try to solve all issues in one paragraphor your response may be rejected, promptingfurther action from the FDA.4.Respond by importance – that is, respondindividually to items most likely to impactproduct quality.4 See the ORA FOIA Electronic Reading Room at:/ICECI/EnforcementActions/Warning Letters/default.htm5.Be detailed yet concise in each response.Outline how each deficiency will be corrected,and when, rather than how the deficiency cameto be. Provide documentation of a correctiveaction commitment from the person responsiblefor it.e positive statements; avoid language thatimplies fault. Address each item in the form483 as an opportunity to fine-tune the qualityand compliance systems and personnel.7.Include reference to how you will beforwarding evidence to support the correction.For example, <Company X>will use Veriteq'svalidated monitoring and alarming system toprovide reports on temperature recordingstaken at 10 minute intervals month-by-mont h.‖Product specifications and protocols of anynew systems can be provided or offered insupport of the corrective action plan.8.If the inspector noted something that you feelwas an isolated incident, document this factand note it in your response. Be sure your datais complete and accurate. If you find some ofthe observations were in error after receivingthe 483, there is a formal dispute resolutionprocess outlined in the agency's "Guidance forIndustry - Formal Dispute Resolution:Scientific and Technical Issues Related toPharmaceutical CGMP.5"9.Be proactive. Reassess your internalcompliance programs — Why were 483deficiencies not detected internally? Mentionthis in your response letter, noting yourcommitment to QC/QA audit management.The definitive guide to what FDA inspectorsare looking for (at least in theory) is theagency’s “Investigations Operations Manual‖accessible at:/ICECI/Inspections/IOM/default.htm10.If you need clarification, seek it—in writingand from the correct party. Ideally, when theinvestigator gave you the Form 483 after theinspection you asked a lot of questions toclarify each observation. Try to be sure you are5/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplian ceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM070279.pdfclear on each observation before the inspectorleaves your facility and make notes whilehe/she is explaining the observations. If yourquestions involve policy, contact the FDAheadquarters—don’t contact your local FDAbecause policy is set at HQ.10.5 You may need an industry expert. Thereare many companies who specialize in creatingand implementing regulatory strategy, whetherfrom the ground up or from your existingquality and regulatory systems. If it’s worthdoing, it may be worth hiring someone whoknows how to do it really well. As regulatorycompliance issues grow more complex, manycompanies have been created to providesolutions in common compliance areas like:response to agency queries and help withagency meetings, regulatory gap analysis &remediation, internal GLP/GMP auditing andpre-approval inspections.Ways to Avoid 483s with Audit-Ready Environmental MonitoringIdeally, your regulated environments and equipment are always in full compliance with FDA regulations. An automated monitoring and alarming system providing high accuracy data at the point of measurement with back-up recording — can make your QA/QC efficient, optimal and ready for any critical evaluation, internal or external. The continuous records that this type of system should provide could help be part of your detailed response to quality concerns outlined in a Form 483 letter.For example, in the 483 excerpt of the CMO, which noted that “do cumentation that stability samples are maintained at the designated temperature” A validated monitoring and alarming system would provide secure, gap-free temperature data recording. Data loggers with long-life batteries (up to 10 years) can continue to record temperature at the point of measurement, rendering environmental data immune to network or power failures.Monitoring, alarming and reporting are only as goodas the measured data—accurate and continuous.Regarding the blood bank 483 example, the storage units can be validated with the same equipment used to monitor. Self-contained data loggers with internal sensors, memory and battery can be equipped for―pe r iodic testing‖ o r mapping the temperature distribution of the containers.In regard to the observations on the OTC Pharmaceutical manufacturer, the challenge of not having adequately documented temperature conditions would be solved by following the detailed IQ/OQ and SOPs provided with the monitoring, alarming and reporting system.Every monitoring system should have a detailed IQ/OQ change control document make validation a straightforward process. Some organizations compliant with GMP still use chart recorders or manual methods to track temperature and humidity. The issues with these methods are beyond the scope of this article, but as more facilities automate processes within quality assurance and regulatory compliance, relying on older technologies is and will continue to be problematic. The FDA, with its "strong recommendatio ns", cannot insist that organizations upgrade to any given technology. But, a commitment to using industry-best instrumentation and systems in FDA-regulated research, storage and manufacturing processes can stave off misgivings about a facility’s commitment to quality. It will also lower your financial risk of damage to temperature and humidity-sensitive products.For more information on how to avoid Form 483’s, visit /avoid-fda-483s or call800-683-8374, or email***************************.By Ken Appel, VP Regulated MarketsVerite q, a Vaisala company。

frore systems 融资历史

frore systems 融资历史

一、frore systems 成立背景frore systems 成立于2005年,总部位于美国硅谷,是一家专注于冷链物流和冷链管理系统的高新技术企业。


二、frore systems 融资历史简述1. 种子轮融资frore systems 成立初期,首先进行了种子轮融资。



2. A轮融资随着产品原型的成功研发和市场需求的验证,frore systems 很快吸引了一些风险投资机构的关注。



A轮融资的成功为frore systems 的发展奠定了坚实基础。

3. B轮融资随着frore systems 在冷链物流和管理系统领域的技术优势和市场地位不断增强,公司迎来了B轮融资的机会。



4. C轮融资在经过数年的快速发展和市场认可后,frore systems 融资再次取得成功。



5. 上市融资经过多年的稳健成长和持续创新,frore systems 在冷链物流和管理系统领域已具备了丰富的产品经验和大量客户资源。

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爱适易- 世界500强知名企业美国艾默生电气有限公司旗下品牌.世界食物垃圾处理器发明者.世界最大的食物垃圾处理器销售,



食物垃圾处理器是美国威斯康辛州的设计师兼发明家John.W .Hammes在1927年为他的妻子发明设计的,经过不断设计和改进,Hammes先生开始公开销售他的食物垃圾处理器,并创立了爱适易公司,从那时起至今,爱适易公司一直是食物垃圾处理器的领导者。


























美国艾默生电气公司(以下简称Emerson,美国纽约证券交易所代码: EMR )是技术与工程领域的全球领袖,在商业、工业和消费者市场中,为全世界的客户开发并提供创新的解决方案。








