新课件 plants and animals




一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)学生能够理解并掌握与植物和动物相关的词汇,如:plant, animal, habitat, survive, etc.(2)学生能够理解并运用句型描述植物和动物的特点,如:What does it look like? What does it eat? etc.2. 能力目标:(1)学生能够通过阅读和听力材料,获取关于植物和动物的信息。


3. 情感目标:(1)学生能够认识到植物和动物在生态系统中的重要性。


二、教学内容:1. 教学重点:(1)植物和动物的分类。


2. 教学难点:(1)植物和动物的生态环境。


三、教学方法:1. 交际式教学法:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等形式,让学生在实际语境中练习和运用所学知识。

2. 任务型教学法:通过完成具体的任务,如调查、报告等,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。

四、教学步骤:Step 1:导入(1)教师通过展示图片或实物,引导学生谈论植物和动物。


Step 2:新课内容(1)教师介绍植物和动物的分类,展示相关图片。


Step 3:课堂活动(1)学生分组,每组选择一种植物或动物进行研究。


Step 4:听力练习(1)教师播放关于植物和动物的听力材料。


Step 5:口语练习(1)教师组织学生进行角色扮演,模拟介绍和描述植物和动物的场景。


五、作业布置:1. 学生回家后,选择一种植物或动物,用英语写一篇小短文,描述其特点和生活习性。



四年级英语植物和自然世界课件Section 1: Introduction to PlantsIn this section, we will explore the fascinating world of plants. We will learn about the importance of plants in our daily lives, their different parts, and how they grow.1.1 Importance of PlantsPlants play a vital role in our lives. They provide us with food, oxygen, and materials for clothing and shelter. Without plants, life on Earth would not be possible. We rely on them for our survival and the well-being of our planet.1.2 Parts of a PlantPlants have different parts that serve specific functions. The main parts of a plant are the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits/seeds. Each part plays a crucial role in the plant's growth and reproduction.1.3 How Plants GrowPlants start their life from seeds. When a seed is planted in the soil and provided with water and sunlight, it begins to germinate. The roots grow downwards, anchoring the plant and absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. The stem grows upwards, carrying water and nutrients to the leaves. The leaves use sunlight to produce food through a process called photosynthesis.Section 2: Types of PlantsIn this section, we will explore different types of plants found in our natural world. We will discover the characteristics and unique features of each type.2.1 Flowering PlantsFlowering plants, also known as angiosperms, are the most dominant type of plant on Earth. They produce flowers, which contain ovaries that develop into fruits and seeds. These plants include familiar examples such as roses, daisies, and sunflowers.2.2 Non-Flowering PlantsNon-flowering plants, or gymnosperms, do not produce flowers. Instead, they reproduce through cones or seeds. Examples of non-flowering plants include pine trees, spruces, and cycads.2.3 Ferns and MossesFerns and mosses are primitive plants that reproduce through spores. They do not have true roots, stems, or leaves like flowering plants. Instead, they have rhizomes and simple leaf-like structures. These plants are commonly found in moist environments such as forests and swamps.Section 3: Interactions in the Natural WorldIn this section, we will explore how plants interact with other living organisms in their environment. We will learn about pollination, seed dispersal, and the importance of maintaining natural habitats.3.1 PollinationPollination is the process of transferring pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts, leading to fertilization and the production of seeds. This crucial process is often done by insects, birds, or the wind. It ensures the survival and diversity of plant species.3.2 Seed DispersalSeed dispersal is the movement of seeds away from the parent plant to new locations. It helps plants colonize new areas and avoid competition with parent plants. Some common methods of seed dispersal include wind, water, animals, and explosive mechanisms.3.3 Importance of Natural HabitatsNatural habitats, such as forests, meadows, and wetlands, provide a suitable environment for plants to grow and thrive. They also support a diverse range of animal species. It is essential to protect and preserve these habitats to maintain the balance of nature and conserve biodiversity.Section 4: Human Impact on Plants and the EnvironmentIn this section, we will discuss the impact of human activities on plants and the environment. We will learn about deforestation, pollution, and the importance of conservation.4.1 DeforestationDeforestation refers to the clearing or destruction of forests for agricultural, industrial, or urban purposes. It has a significant impact on plant life, leading to habitat loss, soil erosion, and climate change. Efforts should be made to promote sustainable forestry practices and reforestation.4.2 Pollution and PlantsPollution, such as air and water pollution, negatively affects plant growth and development. Toxic pollutants released into the environment can harm plants, disrupt their reproductive systems, and reduce biodiversity. It is crucial to minimize pollution and promote eco-friendly practices.4.3 ConservationConservation plays a vital role in protecting plant species and the environment. Conservation efforts involve the preservation of natural habitats, the reintroduction of endangered plants, and the promotion of sustainable practices. By conserving plants, we ensure a healthier planet for future generations.ConclusionIn conclusion, plants are not only essential for our survival but also contribute to the beauty and harmony of our natural world. Understanding the different types of plants and their interactions with the environment is crucial for the well-being of both humans and the planet. Let us appreciate and protect these remarkable organisms that make life possible.。



雙子葉植物的例子 :夾竹桃 (夾竹桃科)
常綠灌木或小喬木。 葉輪生。夏秋間開花,花生成聚繖花
序,花色有粉紅、黃及白,花多為重 瓣。 含高度毒性的觀賞植物。
屏東椰子 木柵區木棉
根的主要功用是吸 收水分和固定植物 體,有些植物的根 可以用來繁殖。
多為攀援類植物,屬食肉 植物。
葉的前端變態成杯狀的 “豬籠” 用以捕食昆蟲, 例如蟻。 “豬籠” 的內壁 呈紅色以吸引昆蟲進入。 好些品種更會分泌糖液以 增加對昆蟲的吸引力。
"豬籠" 的底部有分泌消化 液的腺體以分解受困的昆 蟲。
豬籠草主要 靠光合作用 製造食物, 而昆蟲可作 為氮的輔助 來源,以幫 助製造蛋白 質。
根據日本科學家的研究發現,香蕉中具有抗癌作用的物質 。 而且,香蕉愈成熟其抗癌效果愈高。日本東京大學教授山崎正利利用動
物試驗,比較了香蕉、葡萄、蘋果、西瓜、菠蘿、梨子、柿子等多種水 果的免疫活性,結果證實其中以香蕉的效果最好,能夠增加白血球,改 善免疫系統的功能,還會產生攻擊異常細胞的物質 。 山崎教授的試驗也發現, 香蕉愈成熟即表皮上黑斑愈多,它的免疫活性 也就愈高。所以從現在開始要吃熟一點的香蕉唷! 香蕉不會使白血球盲 目增長只有在數量少的時候才會大幅度增加。 因此,專家們研究認為, 香蕉具有的免疫激活作用比較溫和 , 在人體狀態健康時並不會使免疫力 異常升高 . 但對病人、老人和抵抗力差的體弱者則很有效果。 因此,在日常生活中,我們不妨每天吃1~2根香蕉,透過提升身體的 抗病能力來預防感染,特別是預防感冒和流感等病毒的侵襲。山崎 教授 指出,在黃色表皮上出現黑色斑點的香蕉,其增加白血球的能力......... 要比表皮發青綠的香蕉強8倍

仁爱版八年级上册《Topic1 Plants and animals are important to us》ppt课件1

仁爱版八年级上册《Topic1 Plants and animals are important to us》ppt课件1
Topic 1
Plants and animals are important to us.
Section A
cow horse lovelier The cow is _______than the horse. (lovely)
The horse is thinner ______than the cow. (thin)
( ) 3. Michael likes chickens best.
( ) 4. The mouse is more clever than
the cat.
Write a passage about which place you
like to live in , the countryside or the city.
the sky is bluer and there are also
greener trees, clearer rivers.
Michael: It’s quieter, too. People can enjoy nature there. Wang Wei: My grandma lives in the countryside . So I go there for my summer vacation every year. Michael: That must be fun.
lovelier The rabbit is ________than the mouse. (lovely) uglier The mouse is ______than the rabbit. (ugly)



一册AnimalsandplantsAnimals and plantsTeaching objectives:Let pupils1. learn that living things can be divided into two groups: animals and plants.2. describe how animals and plants move, grow, reproduce and react.3. know that it’s important to protect the animals an d the plants.Resources :1. ppt of this lesson2. task shit.3. word-cardsTeaching stepsStep 1Lead in1.Do you like watching cartoons? Who do you like best? Why? Where are they from? Blue cat is having his breakfast.2.Listen: what does the blue cat have for breakfast? What do you have for breakfast and lunch?( milk, egg, rice, vegetable, noodles, meat, fish, gingers , hot pepper…)3.Where are they from?4.Can you put them into two groups?5.Activity 1: stick the pictures on the paper.Check the answer.6.Why did you sort like this?Step 2 Classify animals and plants●Animals move more than plants.1.Do you know any other animals? What are they?2.Show the pictures of other animals, observe carefully and see how they move about.( The eagle and the pigeon can fly. The elephant walks slowly.The snake moves fast.The frog hops on land and swims in water.The fish swims in water.The monkey climbs the tree and jumps.)3.Look at the pictures of the plants, describe them, can they move like animals ? They stay in one place.Can you move? Are you an animal?●Animals and plants can grow, but they have different life cycles.1.Look at the pictures of a baby, describe how does it look like?2.How does a frog grow?(放映青蛙的生长过程课件动画)1) L ook at the pictures of a frog’s life cy cle. Number them and put them in the rightorder.2) Check the answer.3)课件,蝴蝶或蜻蜓的生长过程。



许多动物依赖植物作为其主要的食物来源。例如,草食动物如牛、羊直接以植 物为食,而肉食动物则通过捕食其他动物间接获取植物营养。
为了防止被动物啃食,植物发展出了各种防御机制,如尖锐的刺、苦味或毒素 等。
许多植物依赖动物进行传粉,以实现繁殖。例如,蜜蜂在采 蜜的过程中会将花粉带到其他花朵上,帮助植物完成传粉。
通过建立自然保护区,可以保 护和恢复野生动植物的栖息地 ,为濒危物种提供安全的生存
制定和实施相关法律法规,禁 止非法捕猎、猎杀、贩卖野生 动植物及其产品,对违法者进 行严厉打击。
建立生态补偿机制,对因保护 动植物而受损的相关方进行经 济补偿,提高保护积极性。
动植物为人类提供休闲 和审美的价值,如观赏 动植物、进行野生动植
树木和其他植物为许多动物提供栖息地和庇护所,如鸟巢、 松鼠的藏身处等。
某些动物和植物在争夺有限资源时会发生竞争。例如,树木之间会争夺阳光、水 分和养分,而动物则会争夺食物和栖息地。
某些植物会释放化学物质来抑制其他植物的生长,以确保自己的生存和繁殖。同 时,一些动物也会破坏植物的繁殖器官,如花朵和果实,从而影响植物的繁殖。
• 动物概述 • 植物概述 • 动物与植物的相互关系 • 动植物的保护与可持续发展 • 动植物的趣味知识

Identifying Differences Between Plants and Animals - Ronna

Identifying Differences Between Plants and Animals - Ronna
– Secretions are often important in how an organism carries out other life processes, such as saliva is important in good ingestion in some animals.
Organisms have a life span.
What is an organism? What are the characteristics of organisms?
Organisms grow and reproduce. Growth is the process of an
What is a plant?
– The nutrients are taken in as a liquid. – Structural characteristics and
functions allow plants to use the nutrients in making food in the appropriate environment. – Plants are in the Kingdom Plantae. – Some 350,000 species of plants have 15 been identified on Earth.
share many similarities.
What is an organism? What are the characteristics of organisms?
Organisms have a number of characteristics that classify them as living or nonliving condition.

animals and plants儿童英语分级读物

animals and plants儿童英语分级读物

animals and plants儿童英语分级读物Animals and Plants----------------------------------------------Introduction:The diverse world of animals and plants is a fascinating subject for children to explore. In this graded reader, we will delve into the captivating world of animals and plants, providing young readers with an engaging introduction to the topic. Through vivid descriptions and captivating stories, children will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of animals and plants in our ecosystem.Chapter 1: AnimalsAnimals come in many shapes and sizes. From tiny insects to enormous elephants, each animal possesses unique characteristics that help them survive in their respective habitats. Let's explore some interesting animal facts!1.1 The Animal KingdomThe animal kingdom is vast and diverse. It consists of various groups, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Each group has its own defining traits, such as the ability to fly, live in water, or give birth to live young.1.2 Animal HabitatsAnimals are perfectly adapted to live in different habitats. Some animals, like lions and tigers, thrive in grasslands and forests, while others, like penguins, prefer the cold climates of the Arctic. Each habitat offers unique challenges and resources for animals to survive.1.3 Animal AdaptationsAnimals have incredible adaptations that allow them to thrive in their environments. The chameleon, for example, can change its skin color to blend in with its surroundings, while the giraffe's long neck helps it reach leaves high up in trees. These adaptations are crucial for an animal's survival.Chapter 2: PlantsPlants are essential for life on Earth. They provide oxygen, food, and shelter for countless organisms. Let's journey into the world of plants and discover their remarkable characteristics.2.1 Plant PartsPlants consist of various parts, each serving a unique purpose. The roots anchor the plant in the ground and absorb water and nutrients. The stem supports the leaves, flowers, and fruits, while the leaves perform photosynthesis, converting sunlight into energy. Lastly, the flowers attract pollinators and produce seeds for reproduction.2.2 Plant Life CyclePlants have a fascinating life cycle. They begin as seeds, germinate into seedlings, grow into mature plants, produce flowers and fruits, andeventually release seeds to start the cycle anew. This cycle ensures the continuous existence of plants.2.3 Plant AdaptationsPlants have evolved incredible adaptations to survive in different environments. Some plants, like cacti, have succulent stems to store water in arid regions, while others, like venus flytraps, have developed mechanisms to capture insects for nutrients. These adaptations help plants thrive in various conditions.Conclusion:Animals and plants are integral to our planet's delicate balance. By understanding their characteristics, habitats, and adaptations, children develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world. Through this graded reader, we hope to inspire young readers to explore further and cultivate a love for animals and plants.Remember, our world is home to countless fascinating creatures and plants, waiting to be discovered. Let us cherish and protect them for generations to come.。



变态发育,幼体在水中生活,用 鳃呼吸;大多数成体生活在陆地, 少数成体生活在水中,一般用肺 呼吸;皮肤裸露,能够分泌粘液, 有辅助呼吸的作用;心脏有二心 房一心室;体温不恒定。
体表覆盖着角质的鳞片或甲; 用肺呼吸; 体内受精;
陆上产卵,卵表面有坚韧的卵壳; 体温不恒定。
1.植株只有根、茎、叶,靠孢子 繁殖后代。 2.多数生活在阴湿的环境中
被 子 植 物 具有根、茎、叶、花、果实、种子六大 的主要特征 器官;种子有果皮包被着。
裸 子 植 物 具有根、茎、叶、种子四大器官; 的主要特征 种子没有果皮包被着。
2.种子是裸露的,没有果皮 包被着。
环节动物的主要特征: 身体由很多体节构成 有体腔
软体动物的主要特征: 身体柔软、有外套膜、 身体表面有贝壳(或内 壳)
主要特征: 身体由很多体节构成,并且分部; 体表都有外骨骼; 足和触角分节。
终生在水中生活,身体表面大多覆盖 着鳞片; 用鳃呼吸; 用鳍游泳; 心脏有一心房一心室。
有喙无齿; 被覆羽毛; 前肢变成翼; 骨中空,内充气体; 心脏分四腔; 用肺呼吸,并且有气囊辅助呼吸; 体温恒定; 生殖为卵生。
澳 大 利 亚
头小胸窄,尾粗长, 平衡作用
体表被毛; 牙齿有门齿、犬齿和臼齿的分化; 体腔内有膈; 用肺呼吸; 心脏四腔; 体温恒定; 大脑发达; 胎生、哺乳。
食物泡 伸缩泡 收集管 胞肛

第6课(下):The Difference between Plants and Animals.doc

第6课(下):The Difference between Plants and Animals.doc

The Difference between Plants and Animals动物与植物之间的差别If you were asked,"What is the difference between a plant and an animal?"what answer do you think you would give?Your first thought might be that a plant has leaves and roots and flowers,which an animal has not.Yet that would not be correct;for there are many plants which have neither roots nor leaves nor flowers,while there are some animals which seem to have all three.如果要问你"动物与植物之间的差别是什么?"你想你会给一个什么样的答案呢?你可能首先想到的是植物有叶有根有花,而动物却没有。


Look up into the sky,and then down at the earth beneath your feet.It is easy enough,you think,to tell which is earth and which is sky;but if you live in the wide,open country,or near the sea,you will often find when you look far away to the place where sky and earth seem to meet, that this is a matter of some difficulty.You see only the thin blue haze,like smoke,which is the dividing line between the heavens and the earth.But just where the one ends and the other begins, you cannot tell.抬头看看天空,然后再低头看看你脚下的大地。

plants and animals

plants and animals

fanwort(水盾草属) plant exhibits developmental plasticity, the ability to alter itself in response to its environment. plasticity is more marked in plants
Fixed Action Patterns FAP
fixed action pattern is a sequence of unlearned, innate behaviors that is unchangeable.
fixed action pattern is triggered by an external cue known as a sign stimulus.
Байду номын сангаас
Storage leaves
complete their life cycle in a year
or less.
require two growing seasons. live for many years.
Overview: “The Nation that Destroys Its Soil Destroys Itself”
Soil horizons
A horizon
B horizon
C horizon
Hydroponic culture - used by researchers to determine which chemical elements are essential
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A. clever B. the more clever C. more clever
Homework: Look up some information about the plants and animals in danger, then write a passage on how to protect them. .
The key phrases: 1. They give us joy. ----- give sb. joy
2. They can’t play with you.----- play with sb. / sth.
3. They can sing to us. ----- sing to sb.
--I like …better.
--Why do you think so ?
--Because I think it’s / they are bigger / more clever / …
New sentence 2:
--Which one do you like best, A , B or C ?
4. I like both plants and animals. -----both… and…
5. We share the same world with them. ---- share sth. with sb.
New sentence 1:
--Which one do you like better, A or B ?
If there are no plants or insects in the future, what will our world be like?
Check yourself: B , the countryside or the big city ? 1. Which one do you like ____

cuter more interesting beautiful the most beautiful
The key sentences:
1.—Which do you like better, plants or animals? —I like animals better, I think animals are more interesting. 2. I think roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. 3. I like birds. They are also beautiful. 4. I like cats best because they are cuter than other animals.
bigger than most insects. Foxes are Most birds are _______ stronger most dangerous of all. __________ than frogs. Snakes are the ______________________ Insects feed on plants. Birds and frogs eat insects. nature Snakes and foxes eat birds or frogs. That’s ________. That’s our world.
Project English Grade 8
Unit 4 Our World
Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us.
Listen and match.
Wang Wei Michael Jane Maria
dogs birds roses cats
A basketball, volleyball or football? 4. Which sport do you like ____,
A. best B. better C. well
C . 5. I like dogs better, because I think they are ______
--I like … best.
--Why do you think so ?
--Because I think it’s / they are the tallest / the most useful / …
fox frog
There are many different kinds of living things in the world. There are animals , plants, insects , and so on.
A. good B. better C. best
C 2. Harry potter is ________ of all the films.
A. interesting B. more interesting C. the most interesting 3. Giraffes are ________ than other animals. B A. tall B. taller C. the tallest