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Self-Organised Optimality in Driven Systems with Symmetrical Interactions
a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9903319v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t a t -m e c h ] 21 M a r 1999Self-Organised Optimality in Driven Systems withSymmetrical Interactions Dirk Helbing ∗,+and Tam´a s Vicsek +∗II.Institute of Theoretical Physics,University of Stuttgart,Pfaffenwaldring 57/III,70550Stuttgart,Germany +Department of Biological Physics,E¨o tv¨o s University,Budapest,P´a zm´a ny P´e ter S´e t´a ny 1A,H-1117Hungary helbing@theo2.physik.uni-stuttgart.de;vicsek@angel.elte.hu Extremal principles are fundamental in our interpretation of phenom-ena in nature.One of the best known examples is the second law of thermodynamics,1−4governing most physical and chemical systems and stating the continuous increase of entropy in closed systems.Biological and social systems,however,are usually open and characterised by self-organised structures.3−13Being results of an evolutionary optimisation process,10−13one may conjecture that such systems use resources like en-ergy very efficiently,but there is no proof for this.Recent results on driven systems 8,9indicate that systems composed of competing entities tend to reach a state of self-organised optimality associated with mini-mal interaction or minimal dissipation,ing concepts from non-equilibrium thermodynamics 1−4,12and game theoretical ideas,12−19we will show that this is universal to an even wider class of systems which,generally speaking,have the ability to reach a state of maximal overall “success”.This principle is expected to be relevant for driven systems in physics,but its main significance concerns biological and social systems,for which only a limited number of quantitative principles are available yet.1Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality (2)Recent simulations of driven multi-particle or multi-agent systems have revealed different kinds of self-organised states that seem to optimise certain aggregate quan-tities.Hence,in analogy with the concept of“self-organised criticality”for systems driving themselves to a critical state,20it is natural to introduce the concept of “self-organised optimality”.As a specific example,one can consider the formation of human trail systems,8where it is the discomfort of walking multiplied by the length of the individual ways that is minimised(cf.Figure1).Here,we will focus on the dynamics of pedestrian crowds,allowing the intuitive and clear illustration of the non-trivial mechanisms behind self-organised optimality.In crowds of oppositely moving pedestrians,usually lanes of uniform walking direction develop21(cf.Figure2).Obviously,this self-organised collective pattern of motion maximises the average speeds and minimises interactions,since pedestrians would be considerably slowed down by avoidance maneuvers,if the desired walking directions were mixed.To prove minimal interaction,we will set up continuum equations for the considered systems,but at the same time,we will generalise the problem to arbitrary kinds of populations a that are composed of identical moving entitiesα.In the above examples,the different populations correspond to different origin-destination pairs and desired walking directions,respectively.The distribution of the N a entities of population a over the locations x of an n-dimensional space will be represented by the densitiesρa(x,t)≥0.The space does not need to be real.It may be an abstract one.In the case of trail formation,for example,a point x in space corresponds to a path connecting origin and destination.Assuming conservation of the numberHelbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality (3)N a= d n xρa(x,t)(1) of entities in each population a,we obtain the continuity equations2∂ρa(x,t)Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality (4)of kind b at a rateνab and the associated result of the interaction can be quantified by some“payoff”P ab,we have the relation S ab=νab P ab.However,the above equations differ from the conventional game dynamical equations12,13in several respects: 1. We have a topology(like in the game of life),18,19but define abstract games for interactive motion in space with the possibility of local agglomeration at afixed number of entities in each population. 2.The payoffdoes not depend on the variables that the individual entities can change(i.e.the spatial coordinates x i).3.Individuals can only improve their success by redistributing themselves in space.4.The increase of success is not proportional to the difference with respect to the global average of success,but to the local gradient of success in a population. Now,we will proof that,for symmetric interactions with S ba=S ab,the overall successS(t)= a d n xρa(x,t)S a(x,t)(5) is a so-called Lyapunov function which monotonically increases in the course of time,just like some thermodynamic non-equilibrium potentials.22Because of(1), we eventually obtain dS(t)/dt= a d n x∂ρa(x,t)/∂t b(S ab+S ba)ρb(x,t).Byinserting(2)and(3),and applying(4),we get dS(t)/dt=−2 a d n x∇·[ρa(x,t)∇S a(x,t)][S a(x,t)−S0a].Making use of partial integration and the Gaus-sian integral theorem(for systems with periodic boundary conditions),wefinally arrive atdS(t)Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality (5)for anyfinite system and that(6)looks similar to dissipation functions in thermodynamics.1,2,22If we interpret the function−dS(t)/dt as a measure of dis-sipation per unit time in the system,Eq.(6)immediately implies that the system approaches a state of minimal dissipation.According to(6),the stationary solutionρst a(x)is characterised byρst a(x)=0or∇S st a(x)= b S ab∇ρst b(x)=0(7) for all a,which is fulfilled by homogeneous or step-wise constant solutions.For the case of two species,a linear stability analysis shows that the homogeneous solution (cf.Figure3(A))is unstable ifρhom a S aa+ρhombS bb>0or S ab S ba>S aa S bb,(8)whereρhoma=N a/V denotes the homogeneous density and V the volume of the system.The latter condition in(8)is,for example,fulfilled for lane formation by pedestrians,since their interaction rate is proportional to their relative velocity, which is much higher for oppositely moving pedestrians than for pedestrians with the same desired walking direction.Under the condition(8),the stable stationary solution corresponds to complete segregation which,together with(6),implies that the system reaches a state of self-organised optimality.Notice that the global optimum is reached by means of short-range interactions(3).However,the regions occupied by one population need not be connected(cf.Figure3(B)).If S aa<0for all a,the distributionsρst a(x) tend to beflat,as in the case of lane formation by repulsive pedestrian interactions (Figure3(B)).Instead,we have agglomeration(locally peaked stationary solutions),Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality (6)if S aa>0for all a(Figures3(C),(D)).The example of trail formation,which is based on attractive interactions between trails,corresponds to Figure3(C). Finally,we discuss the influence of noise.Adding diffusion terms∇·[D a∇ρa(x,t)]to the right-hand side of(2),the relation(6)will not be exactly valid anymore.Thus, optimality will be affected.Moreover,the condition(8)for segregation will becomeρhom a S aa+ρhombS bb>0or(S ab S ba−S aa S bb)ρhomaρhomb>D a D b.Hence,growing diffusioncoefficients will produce more homogeneous equilibrium states,which agrees with intuition.We call attention to the fact that there is a class of living systems(for which we have given some realistic examples)to which existing methods,notions,and principles of statistical mechanics can be successfully applied.In particular,we have proven that systems,which can be represented as a game between symmetrically interacting populations,approach a stationary state characterised by maximal overall success and minimal dissipation.In other words,as individual entities are trying to optimise their own success,a class of systems tends to reach a state with the highest global success.This non-trivial result is valid only under the conditions discussed above.In contrast to self-organised optimality,self-optimisation without a self-organised state occurs for symmetrical interactions,if condition(8)is not fulfilled(Figure3(A)). There are also cases of self-organisation without optimality,if(8)is satisfied,but the interactions are not symmetrical.Such a system is exemplified by uni-directional multi-lane traffic of cars and lorries9,but even there one observes significantly re-duced interactions(lane-changing rates).Furthermore,we point out that the above minimal dissipation principle may be relevant to physical systems like driven granu-lar media,23but the most important implications of this generalised thermodynamic concept are expected for biological,social,and economic systems.Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality (7)REFERENCES1S.R.de Groot and P.Mazur,Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics(Elsevier, Amsterdam,1962).2Keizer,J.Statistical Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Processes(Springer, New York,1987).3H.Haken,Information and Self-Organization(Springer,Berlin,1988).4G.Nicolis and I.Prigogine,Self-Organization in Nonequilibrium Systems.From Dissipative Structures to Order through Fluctuations(Wiley,New York, 1977).5H.Haken,Synergetics(Springer,Berlin,1977).6E.Ben-Jacob et al.,Generic modelling of cooperative growth patterns in bac-terial colonies.Nature368,46–49(1994).7N.S.Glance and B.A.Huberman,The dynamics of social dilemmas.Scientific American270,76–81(1994).8D.Helbing,J.Keltsch,P.Moln´a r,Modelling the evolution of human trail systems.Nature388,47–50(1997).9D.Helbing and B.A.Huberman,Coherent moving states in highway traffic simulations.Nature,in print(Dec./1998).10F.Schweitzer(ed.)Self-Organization of Complex Structures(Gordon and Breach,Amsterdam,1997).11M.Eigen and P.Schuster,The Hypercycle(Springer,Berlin,1979).12R.Feistel and W.Ebeling,Evolution of Complex Systems(Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht,1989).13J.Hofbauer and K.Sigmund,The Theory of Evolution and Dynamical Systems (Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,1988).Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality (8)14J.von Neumann and O.Morgenstern,Theory of Games and Economic Be-havior(Princeton University,Princeton,1944).15R.Axelrod and W.D.Hamilton,The evolution of cooperation.Science211, 1390–1396(1981).16R.Axelrod and D.Dion,The further evolution of cooperation.Science242, 1385–1390(1988).17M.A.Nowak and K.Sigmund,Tit for tat in heterogeneous populations.Na-ture355,250–253(1992).18P.Bak,K.Chen,M.Creutz,Self-organized criticality in the’Game of Life’.Nature342,780–782(1989).19M.A.Nowak and R.M.May,Evolutionary games and spatial chaos.Nature 359,826–829(1992).20P.Bak,C.Tang,K.Wiesenfeld,Self-organized criticality:An explanation of 1/f noise.Phys.Rev.Lett.59,381–384(1987).21D.Helbing,D.and P.Moln´a r,Social force model for pedestrian dynamics.Phys.Rev.E51,4282–4286(1995).22R.Graham and T.T´e l,Macroscopic potentials of dissipative dynamical sys-tems.In Stochastic Processes and Their Applications,edited by S.Albeverio, P.Blanchard,L.Streit(Kluwer,Dordrecht,1990),pp.153–175.23S.B.Santra,S.Schwarzer,H.Herrmann,Fluid-induced particle-size segrega-tion in sheared granular assemblies.Phys.Rev.E54,5066–5072(1996).Acknowledgments:D.H.wants to thank the DFG forfinancial support by a Heisenberg scholarship. This work was in part supported by OTKA F019299and FKFP0203/1997.The authors are also grateful to Ill´e s J.Farkas for producing Figure2.Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality ...9FIGURES v v vvd d d d d d d d d dFIG.1.Schematic representation of the human trail system evolving on an initially homogeneous ground.8When the frequency of trail usage is small,the minimal way system (that would connect the four entry points and destinations in the corners by direct ways)cannot be supported in competition with the regeneration of the vegetation.Here,by bundling of trails,the frequency of usage becomes large enough to support the depicted trail system.It corresponds to the optimal compromise between the diagonal ways and the ways along the edges,supplying optimal walking comfort at a minimal detour of 22%for everyone,which is a fair solution.Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality (10)FIG.2.Formation of lanes of uniform walking directions in crowds of oppositely moving pedestrians.Blue circles represent pedestrians walking from left to right,red ones represent pedestrians walking into the opposite direction.If xα(t)denotes the position of pedestrianαat time t,vα(t)=d xα(t)/dt its velocity,v0the desired speed,and eαthe desired walking direction,our simplified pedestrian model reads vα(t)=v0eα+ β(=α)fαβ(xα(t),xβ(t)).Here,fαβrepresents repulsive interactionsbetween pedestriansαandβ,which were assumed to decrease monotonically with their distance dαβ(t)= xα(t)−xβ(t) .For simplicity,we have specified the interactions as a gradient of a rotationsymmetric potential that depends only on dαβ.Notice that lane formation is not a trivial effect of this model,but it eventually arises due the smaller relative velocity and interaction rate that pedestrians with the same walking di-rection have.It is clear that lane formation will increase the average velocity in walk-ing direction E(t)= vα·eα α t/v0≤1,which is a measure of“efficiency”or“suc-cess”.(Here, . α t denotes the average over the pedestrians and over time.)Moreover, maximisation of efficiency immediately implies that the system minimises the quantity − β(=α)fαβ·eα α t=v0− vα·eα α t=v0(1−E),i.e.,the average interaction against the desired direction of motion.(The average interaction perpendicular to it is zero.)For dissipative interactions,minimal dissipation is a direct consequence of minimal interactions.Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality ...1101020304050607080A 110203040N u m b e r o f E n t i t i e sLattice SiteS 11 = S 22 = -2, S 12 = S 21 = -1-5-4-3-2-10010203040O v e r a l l S u c c e s sTime Step / 1001020304050607080B 110203040N u m b e r o f E n t i t i e sLattice SiteS 11 = S 22 = -1, S 12 = S 21 = -2-5-4-3-2-10010203040O v e r a l l S u c c e s sTime Step / 1001020304050607080C 110203040N u m b e r o f E n t i t i e s , O v e r a l l S u c c e s sLattice Site, Time Step / 100S 11 = S 22 = 1, S 12 = S 21 = 21020304050607080D 110203040N u m b e r o f E n t i t i e s , O v e r a l l S u c c e s sLattice Site, Time Step / 100S 11 = S 22 = 2, S 12 = S 21 = -1Helbing/Vicsek:Self-Organised Optimality (12)FIG.3.Illustration of the various forms of self-optimisation for two different popu-lations:(A)Homogeneous distribution in space,(B)segregation of populations without agglomeration,(C)attractive agglomeration,(D)repulsive agglomeration.In cases(B)to (D),thefinally evolving optimal state is related with a self-organised,non-homogeneous state,which corresponds to“self-organised optimality”.The abovefigures were obtained with a one-dimensional,discrete version of the game-dynamical model defined by equa-tions(2)to(4).We assumed a periodic lattice with V lattice sites x∈{1,...,V}and two populations a∈{1,2}with a total of N=N1+N2≫V entities(here:V=40and N1=N2=200).Furthermore,we applied the following update steps:1.Calculate the successes S a(x,t)=S0a+ b S ab n b x(t)/V,where n b x(t)=ρb(x,t)V represents the numberof entities of population b at site x. 2.For each entityα,determine a random number ξαthat is uniformly distributed in the interval[0,S max]with a large constant S max(here: S max=20). 3.Move entityαbelonging to population a from site x to site x+1,if [S a(x+1,t)−S a(x−1,t)]>ξα,but to site x−1,if[S a(x−1,t)−S a(x+1,t)]>ξα. Our simulations started with a random initial distribution of the entities.We applied a random sequential update rule,but a parallel update yields qualitatively the same results. The abovefigures show the numbers n1x and n x=(n1x+n2x)of entities as a function of the lattice site x at time t=4000and the evolution of the overall success S(t)as a function of time t.Thefluctuations around the monotonic increase of S(t)are caused by thefluctuationsξαand the random sequential update.。
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下载地址:/topics/33306/【14】《壁纸大集合》——4.8GB下载地址:/topics/49720/【15】《高清梦幻壁纸合集》——443.7MB下载地址:/topics/350252/[九]心理学资料全集【1】《当代心理科学名著译丛》[PDF]——768MB下载地址:/topics/215989/【2】心理学专业书籍与资源汇总》[PDF]——3.2GB下载地址:/topics/2796088/【3】《大众心理学丛书》全五册[PDF]——27.2MB下载地址:/topics/217189/[十]其他类资料【1】《班得瑞专辑全集(13)ape》(BANDARI)[APE]——3.7GB下载地址:/topics/2773425/【2】《金正昆礼仪讲座-服务礼仪、商务礼仪、社交礼仪》RM——3GB 下载地址:/topics/51280/[十一]天涯文章(1)网络热文:【1】成长的背后:15年后你还有没有工作?链接地址:/publicforum/content/no20/1/295598.shtml 【2】你是穷人吗?如果是,那就进来看看,不是的请绕道链接地址:/publicforum/content/no20/1/252574.shtml 【3】我奋斗了18年不是为了和你一起喝咖啡链接地址:/a/20071224/000018.htm【4】那一年我们都没有钱链接地址:/society/2/200810/1013_344_827523_1.shtml 【5】样把一个价值0.5元苹果卖到100万元链接地址:/smarttony/article/details/6688931(2)天涯头条【1】毕业后我用了4年才能和其他人站在一个起跑线上链接地址:/publicforum/content/no20/1/312803.shtml【2】写给所有辛苦打拼着的从业者们链接地址:/publicforum/content/no20/1/289584.shtml【3】销售没冬天(纸板:销售就是要搞定人)链接地址:/publicforum/content/no20/1/200876.shtml 【4】我的面试生涯——外企十年招聘实录连接地址:/publicforum/content/no20/1/139379.shtml (3) 其他文章:【1】全国各地招聘企业黑名单大全(继续征集中)链接地址:/publicforum/content/no20/1/153296.shtml 【2】《深圳求职手册》——张德芳链接地址:/thread-494953-1-1.html【3】一个残疾人的深圳求职日记链接/Channel/content/2008/200807/20080701/86998_6.html 【4】80后,我们苦逼的一代链接地址:/publicforum/content/free/1/2333431.shtml 【5】已经大四了,你应该懂的链接地址:/publicforum/content/university/1/297281.shtml 【6】打工是最愚蠢的投资链接地址:/forum/thread/view/110_29371696_.html 【7】你为什么还没有好工作(整理版)链接地址:/publicforum/content/no20/1/135993.shtml 【8】月薪1万的同学在酒席上给了我一巴掌链接地址:/publicforum/content/feeling/1/1943515.shtml [十二]工作需要的相关法律资料来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府网(1)职业病【1】《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》资料来源:/banshi/2005-08/01/content_19003.htm下载地址:/view/bd04fb06eff9aef8941e0636.html 【2】《职业病目录》资料来源:/zhengfu/2002-11/08/content_623099.htm下载地址:/view/6dc9bee79b89680203d82554.html (2)部分法律文摘【1】《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》资料来源:/gb/news/2007-06/30/content_184630.htm下载地址:/view/2bb8571ca300a6c30c229fd5.html【2】《中华人民共和国劳动合同法实施条例》资料来源:/zwgk/2008-09/19/content_1099470.htm下载地址:/view/70ab3e4ee45c3b3567ec8bcc.html 【3】《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》资料来源:/flfg/2007-12/29/content_847310.html下载地址:/view/94f30ed276a20029bd642d77.html 【4】《中华人民共和国劳动法》资料来源:/banshi/2005-08/05/content_20688.htm下载地址:/view/bdc9d6ecf8c75fbfc77db2dd.html 【5】《关于贯彻执行〈中华人民共和国劳动法〉若干问题的意见》资料来源:/n172/n1191/n1247/n982251/194698.html下载地址:/view/1c13cc6925c52cc58bd6be6a.html 【6】《全国年节及纪念日放假办法》资料来源:/test/2008-02/26/content_901723.htm下载地址:/view/938b5a1ffad6195f312ba685.html 【7】《国务院关于修改〈全国年节及纪念日放假办法〉的决定》资料来源:/gongbao/content/content_859863.htm下载地址:/view/030a05d6360cba1aa811da7a.html 【8】《国务院关于职工工作时间的规定》资料来源:/item/flfgk/cyflfg/c021.html 【9】国务院关于修改《国务院关于职工工作时间的规定》的决定资料来源:/item/flfgk/cyflfg/c021.html 【10】关于职工全年月平均工作时间和工资折算问题的通知资料来源:/gb/zxwj/2008-01/10/content_219002.htm资料来源:/zwgk/2008-01/10/content_855099.htm 【11】《工资支付暂行规定》资料来源:/item/flfgk/gwyfg/1994/L35901199461.html 【12】《最低工资规定》资料来源:/banshi/2005-08/05/content_20677.htm 【13】对《工资支付暂行规定》有关问题的补充规定资料来源:/zhengce/ldsbgzzf.htm【14】中华人民共和国劳动和社会保障部令资料来源:/gongbao/content/2004/content_75048.html下载地址:/view/2f6d6223dd36a32d737581d0.html 【15】中华人民共和国劳动和社会保障部令(第28号)资料来源:/zfxx/2008/0728/article_90.htm 【16】《中华人民共和国社会保险法》资料来源:/flfg/2010-10/28/content_1732964.htm下载地址:/view/c3f6f3bdf121dd36a32d82d1.html我的2011,那一段过去的历史资料链接地址:/blogger/post_read.asp?BlogID=3941638&PostID=37991210。
上科教版九年级下信息技术教案 第2单元 纪念册设计及封面制作教案
机密★启用前2011年广东省初中毕业学业考试英语说明:1. 全卷共10页,满分120分,考试用时100分钟;2. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证、试室号和座位号填写在答题卡相应的位置上;3. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。
作答在试卷上无效;4. 非选择题必需用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上。
不得使用铅笔或涂改液,否则答案无效;5. 考试结束时,将试答题卡一并交回。
1. What does Tina often do in her free time?A B C2. Where is the boy going this afternoon?A B C3. How did Peter go to work today?A B C4. Which animal is the most popular for children?A B C5. When did the meeting begin?A B CB. 听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上的对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
6. What does the man do?A. A cleanerB. A teacherC. A student听第二段对话,回答第7小题。
7. How much will the woman pay?A. 4.5 yuanB. 5 yuanC. 9 yuan听第三段对话,回答第8小题。
2011专八作文范文【篇一:2011专八作文】recently, the issue that some famous sites of historic interest in china have begun or are considering raising entry fees during peak travel seasons, which has aroused a lot of public attention and also public debate. some people hold that this action is ueasonable and unfair, and should not be taken. the other side of the coin has voiced strong opposition saying that taking this action will bring many advantages. for my part, i am in favor of the later opinion.in the first place, charging higher fees during peak travel seasons can decrease the number of tourists in case of being crowded and traffic jam. extra fees may make the local people or the nearby residents give up visiting these famous interests during this time. they can travel there even on the weekend and do not need to pay more. meanwhile, it can make space for the tourists from other various places to enjoy the sites and the beautiful scenes instead of noise and inconvenience.in addition, entry fees’ raising may supply these people who work far away from home with more opportunities to get train or bus tickets. the peak travel seasons must be the vocation and legal holiday. many people are looking forward to going home for a long time. if we do not rush to the famous interests so that these people can have more chances to meet their relatives. it is far more meaningful.moreover, these extra entry fees can be used to preserve the sites of historic interests. the construction was protected and cost a lot of money every year. not only the government, but also individual has the duty to protect these interests so that the cultural heritages will be preserved. it is really a good way to spend the fees.in conclusion, charging higher entry fees has many benefits. on the one hand, we can avoid the situation of too many people and be close to the environment. on the other hand, we can make our own contribution to historic sites. only in this good way can we enjoy a better life.【篇二:专八作文范文】should a person make an important decision alone?a person should never make an important decision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. people who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different prespective, or share their own experience.when i had difficulty deciding which classes to take in collage, i talked to my teachers and advisors, they had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career. without their advice, i might have chosen unsuitable courses. in collage, i had convinced myself that i was not good enough to act in the school play. therefore, i decided not to audition even though drama had always been my passion. the day of the auditon, a friend of mine asked me why i was not auditioning. when i told her i did not feel i was good enough, she was shocked, she was able to provide me with another perspectiove on myself and my talents. i rethought my decision and tried out….and got a lead in the play.last year when i was trying to decide whether or not i should study overseas, i talked to my friend. this was the best thing i could have done. this was a big decisition for me because i had never been overseas on my own and i was not sure if i could do it. she had studied overseas the precious year. she told me about the challenges and opportunities i might encourter and helped me make the right decision. i went and it was amazing.whenever i am faced with an important decision, i seek advice from others so that i am well-informed and have the benefit of their perspectiove and experience.my opnion on advertisementadvertisements appear everywhere in modern society. there are many way to advertise and ads come in different forms. newspapers and billboards carry advertisements; some products are announced on tv and radio which have a wide audience. advertising is a big industry and many agencies are set up for furnish a variety of services for it.however, advertising is not welcome sometimes. a most irritating thing is to watch advertisements before and during films on tv. there are so many of them that they make youforget what you are sitting there for. the ironical thing is that advertisements of one type of things are often shown one after another so that you are confused as to which product you should choose. what’s more, advertising is not always truthful. the advertisers exaggerate the benefits of the merchandisethey want to sell in order to gain more profits. thus the consumer falls victim to such advertising.although there are disadvantages of ads, we can not forget the advantages and the conveniences they bring to us. first, by telling us where something is available, they may save us money and time. they guide us in finding suitable jobs andother information as well. secondly, a wide range of activities and institutions receive finanical support through advertising. without this support we would have to pay much more for newspaters and sports games. thirdly, perfect advertisements even provide entertainment. a considerable amount of effort goes into their production. so in most cases the photographyis truly artistic, the slogans are genuinely witty, and the situations are decidely funny.generally speaking, advertisements have become one of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today. let us makeour life easier by learning to choose proper ads, and be the master of advertisements, not their salve.【篇三:专八写作资料】高校英语专业八级考试大纲写作部分规定:写作部分设一题,20分,要求能根据所给题目及要求撰写各类体裁的文章,文章长度约400个单词,能做到内容充实、语言通顺、用词恰当、表达得体。
2012届毕业生晚会总台本(总时长:120min)时间:2012年6月28日 19:30地点:体艺馆主办单位:共青团重庆工商大学承办单位:校学生会、青年志愿者协会、社团联合会、艺术团、广播台协办单位:各系分团委、系学生会主题:回顾过去,展望未来晚会时长:120分钟晚会基调:温馨、感人、难忘,通过08级全体毕业生的倾情表演,展现毕业生的多彩青春与激情活力,以及对母校的感激、留念之情。
基本主线:通过“爱”、“感恩”、“希望”三个篇章,追述08级毕业生从大一到大四在母校生活的点点滴滴,温馨回望的同时,心怀感恩、放飞希望,同时突出全校师生对毕业生的美好祝福!主持人:A BC D开场【灯光渐起音乐渐起】【开场视频】【开场舞《开学》】【追光追主持人ABCD《同桌的你》上场,面光渐起】【主持人走上舞台致开场词语气激昂】A:懵懂岁月中,我们怀揣着初次离开家的些许紧张,来到了工商。
JUDICIAL SYSTEM MONITORING PROGRAMME PROGRAMA DE MONITORIZAÇÃO DO SISTEMA JUDICIALRINGKASAN EKSEKUTIFSEKTOR PERADILAN 2008DILI, TIMOR-LESTEDAFTAR ISI Pengantar (i)Daftar Isi (iii)1. Proses Legislasi (3)1.1. Draf Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (3)1.2. Draf Undang-undang tentang Perlindungan Saksi (5)1.3. Undang-Undang tentang pengaturan Profesi Hukum (7)2. Perkembangan Pengadilan Distrik & Pengadilan Tinggi (9)2.1. Pengadilan Distrik (9)2.1.1. Pengadilan Distrik Dili (9)2.1.1.a. Sarana & Prasarana (9)2.1.1.b. Sistem Administrasi (11)2.1.1.c. Sumber Daya Manusia............................................................ . 12 2.1.2. Pengadilan Distrik Baucau... (13)2.1.2.a. Sarana & Prasarana (13)2.1.2.b. Sistim Administrasi (14)2.1.2.c. Pemrosesan Kasus & Permasalahan.......................................... . 16 2.1.2.d. Sumber daya Manusia (17)2.1.3. Pengadilan Distrik Suai... . (17)2.1.3.a. Sarana & Prasarana (17)2.1.3.b. Sistim Administrasi (18)2.1.3.c. Sumber Daya Manusia (19)2.1.4. Pengadilan Distrik Oe-Cusse (20)2.1.4.a. Sarana & Prasarana (20)2.1.4.b. Sistim Administrasi (21)2.1.4.c. Sumber Daya Manusia (22)2.2. Pengadilan Tinggi (23)2.2.a. Sarana & Prasarana (23)2.2.b. Sistim Administrasi (24)2.2.c. Pemrosesan Kasus & Permasalahan (24)2.2.d. Sumber Daya Manusia (27)3. Issue Jender (28)3.1. Latar Belakang (28)3.2. Komentar terhadap penanganan kasus kekerasan berbasis genderdalam sistem peradilan formal pada tahun 2008 (28)3.3. Statistik Kasus Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Yang Di Pantau Oleh WJUPada Tahun 2008 (30)3.4. Hukum Yang Berlaku Di Timor Leste Terhadap Kasus KekerasanBerbasis Gender........................................................................ .. 31 4. Victim Support Service. (34)4.1. Pendahuluan (34)4.2. Kasus VSS dari bulan Januari-November 2008 (37)4.3. Tabel Rujukan Kasus yang diterima VSS Selama 2008 (38)5. Perkembangan Implementasi Rekomendasi CAVR & KKP (39)5.1. Rekomendasi CAVR (40)5.2. Rekomendasi KKP (41)5.3. Hambatan-hambatan (42)6. Perkembangan Proses Hukum Kasus 2006 (43)6.1. Dasar (43)6.2. Jenis Kasus & Bentuk Pertanggungjawaban (43)6.3. Perkembangan Pemrosesan (44)6.4. Hambatan………………………………………………………………………..PengantarJSMP, sebuah NGO independen yang dipimpin oleh orang-orang lokal, dibentuk pada tahun 2001 untuk mempromosikan penaatan yang lebih baik pada standar-standar hak asasi manusia internasional (khususnya berhubungan dengan persidangan yang adil), pada utamanya melalui pemantauan di pengadilan-pengadilan.Informasi dan analisa kami disebarluaskan kepada publik, dan kepada para pengamat internasional yang berkepentingan, melalui serangkaian siaran pers, update dan laporan tematis, serta seminar, latihan dan lokakarya.Tujuan luas dari kegiatan tersebut adalah memberi kontribusi pada pengembangan sistem peradilan yang kuat dan transparen melalui advokasi spesifik, yang didasarkan penelitan dan tujuan yang kredibel, serta pengamatan langsung.JSMP beroperasi selama lebih dari tujuh tahun dan menyaksikan kemunculan lembaga baru dan upaya keras untuk menetapkan kembali supremasi hukum. Walaupun masih tergantung pada bantuan luar, selama periode ini Timor Leste mengambil langkah-langkah awal untuk menjadi negara demokratis yang mantap.Tentu saja proses ini jauh dari lengkap, dan halangan-halangan substansial dihadapi selama ini. Melalui pernyataan dan terbitannya JSMP menggarisbawahi contoh-contoh tentang praktek terbaik maupun pelanggaran, kebingungan dan kegagalan untuk menaati hukum.Selama tahun ini sektor hukum mengalami banyak kekacauan. Percobaan untuk menghilangkan nyawa Presiden dan Perdana Menteri menimbulkan jawaban yang tegas. Keadaan darurat dinyatakan dan sebagai akibat kebebasan dibatasidan komando operasi terpadu antara polisi dan angkatan bersenjata diberi kewenangan tambahan.Ketika komando operasi bersama melaksanakan operasinya timbul keluhan-keluhan bahwa mereka tidak bertanggungjawab. Pada saat tinjauan luas ini ditulis, sejumlah kasus sedang diinvestigasi yang berkaitan dengan tuduhan bahwa personil angkatan bersenjata melakukan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia. Namun penuntutan belum dimulai.Rasa impunitas ini ditingkatkan pada Mei, ketika Presiden yang baru kembali memberi pengampunan kepada lebih dari delapan puluh terpidana, termasuk mantan menteri Rogerio Lobato, dan beberapa mantan pemimpin milisi. Walaupun ada kritikan signifikan dari masyarakat sipil dan publik secara keseluruhan, banyak dari mereka telah dibebaskan.‘Budaya mengampuni’ yang didorong oleh Presiden dan orang-orang lain didukung oleh laporan akhir yang telah dalam ditunggu dari Komisi tentang Kebenaran dan Persahabatan. Dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan hubungan antara Indonesia dan Timor Leste, hasil temuan dari Komisi tersebut tentang kegiatan milisi tidak akan berakhir dengan penuntutan.Ketika tinjauan luas ini diterbitkan, perdebatan tentang beberapa usulan legislatif masih berlanjut. Barangkali tahun baru akan dimulai dengan penambahan perundang-undangan di Timor Leste, yang mana masing-masing akan mempengaruhi arah pengembangan hukum di negara ini.Casmiro dos SantosDirektur Sementara, JSMP1.PROSES LEGISLASI1.1. Draf Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum PidanaSejak 2003, beberapa versi dari Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana domestik telah diedarkan, dan masing-masing versi dikritik karena mengandung ketentuan yang menimbulkan kontraversi. Siklus ini barangkali akan berakhir di waktu dekat in. Menurut rencana, sebuah draf baru akan diteliti oleh Parlemen Nasional dan rupanya memperhatikan kebanyakan kritikan yang diarahkan pada versi-versi sebelumnya oleh pihak-pihak masyarakat sipil.Undang-undang semacam ini akan mendaftarkan semua tindak pidana di Timor Leste. Sesuai dengan regulasi UNTAET, pada saat ini Timor Leste masih mengacu pada undang-undang yang berlaku selama jaman Indonesia. Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana Indonesia dikritik karena menyimpang dari hak asasi manusia internasional dalam beberapa aspek, termasuk juga ketentuan yang tidak layak tentang kekerasan berbasis gender.Ada keperluan di Timor Leste untuk undang-undang yang baru, bukan saja untuk menghadapi kekurangan-kekurangan tersebut di atas, tetapi juga untuk menjamin bahwa struktur sosial dan politik di Timor Leste dicerminkan secara tepat. JSMP menyambut draf terbaru, karena mengandung banyak ketentuan tentang kekerasan domestik dan kekerasan seksual yang telah ditingkatkan secara signifikan.Yang berbeda dengan draf sebelumnya, draf terbaru mengatur tentang tindak pidana perkosaan terhadap isteri, dan dalam kasus penyerangan jika pelaku tinggal bersama korban akan dianggap sebagai hal yang memberatkan, dan bukan hal yang meringankan. JSMP juga memuji revisi-revisi yang secara efektif mengatur bahwa aborsi dalam kasus tertentu tidak merupakan tindak pidana, seperti apabila kesehatan fisik atau mental seorang ibu hamil akan terancam.Aborsi tetap merupakan persoalan kontraversial di Timor Leste yang mana sebagian besar penduduk menganut agama Katolik, dan komentar dari gereja tentang draf ini menunjukkan harapan bahwa tindak pidana aborsi akan tetap berlaku. Dengan mengingat bahwa draf terbaru mencantumkan berbagai macam pengecualian yang tidak menimbulkan hukuman pidana, maka ada kemungkinan kecil bahwa penuntutan akan dilakukan. Undang-undang ini masih jauh di bawah standar-standar internasional tentang persoalan ini, tetap perdebatan masih berlanjut.Selain daripada perkembangan tersebut di atas, draf-draf sebelumnya kurang baik karena selalu mencantumkan ketentuan tentang tindak pidana fitnah meskipun ada kritikan vokal dari para pengamat dan NGO internasional. Jika tindak pidana tersebut dicantumkan, maka komentar publik yang mengkritik negara, kebijakan atau wakilnya dapat membawa hukuman pidana. Tentu saja hal ini akan membatasi kebebasan pers.Ketentuan serupa, yang diberlakukan di negara Asia lainnya seperti Kamboja dan Singapura, merupakan alat dahsyat untuk menindas perbedaan pendapat dan menimbulkan media yang submisif. Dalam negara demokratis yang masih berkembang seperti Timor Leste, dengan sejarah ketidakadilan serta lembaga-lembaga yang baru dibentuk, tindak pidana fitnah akan menimbulkan dampak yang sangat berat.JSMP mengetahui bahwa Menteri Kehakiman dan PBB sudah menyarankan agar tindak pidana fitnah dicabut dari draf tersebut yang akan dibahas di Parlamen. Diharapkan bahwa tekanan yang berkelanjutan akan menghapus penerapan alat yang otoritarian dan tidak demokratis dalam sebuah undang-undang yang sebaliknya merupakan kemajuan besar untuk pengembangan hukum di Timor Leste.Kitab Undang-Undang tersebut akan menerapkan banyak kewajiban dari perjanjian-perjanjian ke dalam hukum domestik. Walaupun norma-norma hak asasi manusia diabadikan dalam Konstitusi, pengkodifikasian ini akanmemperluas prinsip-prinsip hukum terkemuka agar meliputi kejahatan perang dan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan. Dengan mencerminkan larangan internasional, Kitab Undang-Undang tersebut juga mencatat bahwa amnesti atau pengampuan tidak tersedia.Walaupun draf ini belum mencerminkan perkembangan hukum modern yang seoptimal mungkin, masukan publik masih akan diterima. JSMP mengharapkan bahwa undang-undang ini, jika disetujui oleh Parlemen, akan memberi banyak manfaat kepada masyarakat Timor Leste.1.2. Draf Undang-undang tentang Perlindungan SaksiSelama 2008, JSMP terlibat dalam perancangan sebuah Undang-Undang yang dimaksudkan untuk menetapkan kerangka resmi untuk perlindungan saksi. Atas permohonan dari Komite A di Parlemen, Unit Penelitian Hukum menulis makalah yang meneliti pembaruan yang diperlukan dan mengupas versi-versi sebelumnya dari undang-undang ini. Kemudian JSMP menyampaikan komentar tambahan tentang draf terbaru dan juga ikut serta dalam konsultasi publik. Dengan meningkatnya jumlah kasus kekerasan berbasis gender yang diadili pengadilan, serta kenyataan bahwa semakin banyak rujukan diterima oleh Pelayanan Dukungan Korban dari JSMP, tidak ada keraguan tentang keperluan atas sistem pemerintah untuk melindungi mereka yang akan menyampaikan kesaksian materiil kepada pengadilan. Para peneliti JSMP berulang kali mengamati keadaan dimana persidangan tidak dapat berlanjut karena keseganan saksi-saksi yang merasa terancam.Sebenarnya sudah ada tindakan perlindungan bagi mereka yang paling sering mengalami tindakan pidana. Namun, tindakan tersebut berfokus pada korban perempuan dan anak, dan sebagian besar dikoordinasikan melalui masyarakat sipil. Fokus yang lebih luas jelas dibutuhkan untuk meliputi seluruh persoalan sensitif yang kemungkinan besar akan sampai di pengadilan. Dapat dikatakanbahwa kerangka seperti ini akan paling efektif jika disesuaikan dengan proses-proses yang digunakan oleh lembaga-lembaga sektor peradilan.Kerangka yang disusun dalam rancangan undang-undang tersebut memerlukan semacam revolusi dalam metoda yang digunakan oleh pengadilan-pengadilan di Timor Leste. Untuk mempertahankan kerahasiaan identitas, dan maka keselamatan saksi, sebuah sistem telekomunikai akan dibentuk agar kesaksian dapat diberikan dari lokasi terpencil dan suara saksi akan dirubah dengan penggunaan teknologi. Saksi tidak perlu berhadapan dengan terdakwa, tetapi masih dapat diperiksa oleh kedua belah pihak.Mengenai keamanan di luar persidangan, ada rencana untuk menyediakan program dukungan polisi yang akan diawasi oleh pengadilan. Untuk mencerminkan beraneka ragam kasus yang dapat terjadi, maka ada berbagai macam tindakan perlindungan yang dapat diterapkan, termasuk patroli polisi di lokasi, pemindahan, bantuan materiil dan dukungan finansial selama jangka panjang. Walaupun tindakan tersebut hanya dimaksudkan sebagai tindakan luar biasa, pelakasanaannya akan memerlukan biaya substansial dari negara. Namun, keprihatinan praktis tersebut seharusnya tidak dianggap sepenting prinsip bahwa para saksi mestinya tidak mengalami kerugian pribadi yang tidak layak jika memberi kesaksian. Kepentingan keadilan dapat dijunjung tingi oleh sistem yang mendorong orang-orang untuk tampil ke depan dengan informasi yang relevan untuk persidangan pengadilan. Sebaliknya, hal ini tidak boleh ditafsirkan sebagai pelanggaran hak-hak terdakwa, yang selama ini kurang dihormati.Selanjutnya, undang-undang tersebut seharusnya berfokus pada orang-orang yang paling sering terancam. Walaupun rancangan undang-undang ini mengatur tentang tindakan keamanan yang cukup radikal, seperti yang mungkin akan perlu dalam kasus korupsi profil tinggi, perempuan dan anak yang mengalami penganiayaan tetap saja menjadi orang yang paling membutuhkan perlindungan seperti apa yang akan disediakan. Oleh karenaorang-orang semacam ini mempunyai pengetahuan terbatas tentang hukum, ada kemungkinan kecil bahwa mereka akan mengetahui bagaimana dapat mengakses perlindungan. Jadi, JSMP merekomendasi agar polisi diwajibkan untuk memberitahu mereka tentang pelayanan ini.Akhirnya, JSMP mengamati bahwa prasyarat untuk memperoleh perlindungan menetapkan standar yang sangat tinggi mengenai kredibilitas saksi. Perlu diakui bahwa kesaksian yang diberikan seharusnya dihargai sebanyak mungkin, tanpa membuat saksi merasa takut akan mengalami akibat negatif. Saksi seharusnya tidak diadili untuk membuktikan bahwa dia membutuhkan perlindungan. Dengan mengingat keprihatinan kami tentang hal ini serta sejumlah aspek lainnya, JSMP mengharapkan bahwa tindakan lanjutan akan diambil untuk memperhatikan persoalan kritis ini.1.3. Undang-Undang tentang pengaturan Profesi Hukum‘Undang-Undang Pengacara Swasta’ yang baru-baru ini disetujui oleh Parlemen Nasional Timor Leste membentuk kerangka baru untuk mengatur profesi hukum. Undang-undang baru ini, menetapkan proses pengakreditasian formal yang tergantung pada program latihan praktis, serta menguraikan kode tingkahlaku yang dapat ditegakkan.Yang paling menarik, para pengacara harus bekerja sama untuk meningkatkan sistem hukum, dan mengajukan keberatan atas pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan kekeliruan hukum lainnya. JSMP menyatakan bahwa kewajiban legislatif ini merupakan isyarat yang sangat dahsyat, dan bahwa sekelompok praktisi hukum yang mandiri adalah sangat penting untuk melindungi lembaga demokratis. Sayangnya, undang-undang ini rupanya menetapkan sejumlah hal yang akan menghalangi praktek hukum yang efektif, berdasarkan ketentuannya mengenai pendidikan, protokol di ruangan pengadilan dan kebijakan tentang penggunaan bahasa.Jika undang-undang ini diberlakukan, calon hakim harus lulus program latihan selama lima belas bulan di Pusat Latihan Yudisial milik pemerintah (JTC). Antara keempat universitas yang saat ini mengajarkan sarjana hukum di Timor Leste, hanya satu universitas telah diberi akreditasi agar para tamatan sarjana hukum akan memenuhi persyaratan untuk kursus Pusat Latihan Yudisial. Hal ini akan menjadi masalah yang semakin menonjol jika setiap angkatan tamatan – yang kadang-kadang lebih dari 200 mahasiswa – lulus dari perguruan tinggi dan ingin menerapkan pengetahuannya.Untuk sementara, sebagian besar orang yang sedang mempelajari sarjana hukum tidak mempunyai jalan untuk masuk sistem peradilan. Banyak tamatan sebenarnya terhalang, dan menambahkan jumlah ‘pengacara di pintu depan’, (biasanya tamat dari universitas di Indonesia) yang berantrian di pintu masuk pengadilan dan di kantor polisi dengan harapan akan dibayar untuk menyelesaikan perkara hukum. Kemungkinan kecil pada keadaan ini akan memberi hasil optimal kepada para pihak.Ada keprihatinan bahwa banyak mahasiswa akan tamat di waktu dekat ini, dan JTC hanya mempunyai posisi terbatas, yang mana pada saat ini hanya dapat menerima enam belas orang. JSMP berpendapat bahwa jika pengadilan-pengadilan di Timor Leste yang sudah mengalami masalah kekurangan staf ingin memperoleh manfaat dari pemasukan pengacara lokal yang baru, maka latihan dan kurikulum hukum harus disesuaikan secepatnya. Akan lebih mudah untuk mendaftarkan diri bagi pengacara internasional dari sistem lainnya yang menggunakan hukum civil. Perlu menjamin bahwa pengacara lokal tidak dirugikan dalam proses ini, dan harus menghindari ketergantungan selama jangka panjang pada personil internasional yang dapat memberi pengawasan yudisial.Menurut undang-undang ini, para pengacara harus lancar dalam salah satu bahasa resmi di Timor Leste. Namun, JTC menggunakan bahasa Portugis secara ekslusif, yang menunjukkan bahwa lembaga ini mempunyai preferensi untukbahasa tersebut. Para peneliti JSMP mengetahui bahwa para calon yang ingin masuk kursus latihan di JTC diberitahu bahwa walaupun mereka berhak memberi jawaban dalam bahasa Tetun apabila mengikuti ujian masuk dan wawancara, jawaban dalam bahasa Portugis akan diberi nilai lebih tinggi. Walaupun hal ini dapat mencerminkan kebijakan mengajar di JTC, tidak mencerminkan pemakaian bahasa ini oleh penduduk Timor Leste.Pengadilan-pengadilan di Timor-Leste dapat menimbulkan kebingungan – penggunaan pakaian profesional seperti jubah, yang diwajibkan dalam undang-undang ini, dapat membuat proses hukum lebih membingungkan lagi. Para pengacara akan sebagian bertanggungjawab untuk menghindari hal-hal yang meningkatkan gengsi profesi sambil mengorbankan keadilan serta mandat sosialnya yang baru ditetapkan. Namun, JSMP berpendapat bahwa pemerintah, para pendonor dan masyarakat sivil harus memberi dukungan kepada pengacara supaya mereka dapat menjalankan peranan penting dalam pengembangan Timor Leste.2. PERKEMBANGAN PENGADILAN DISTRIK & PENGADILAN TINGGI2.1. Pengadilan Distrik2.1.1 Pengadilan Distrik Dilia. Sarana dan PrasaranaSarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki oleh Pengadilan Distrik Dili, untuk masa sekarang tidak menjadi suatu permasalahan yang serius artinya bahwa dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya maka pada tahun 2008, pembangunan secara fisik sangat signifikan menonjol sekali. Hal ini dapat kita lihat ketika kita melakukan pemantauan di Pengadilan Distrik Dili.Pada saat ini Pengadilan Distrik Dili, telah memiliki beberapa ruang untuk para actor pengadilan yaitu untuk para Hakim yang bertugas di Pengadilan Distrik Dili, ada tujuh ruang, lengkap dengan ATKnya. Perlu diketahui juga bahwa disetiap ruang Hakim tersebut juga ada AC masing-masing serta dengan kulkas dan dispenser.Para hakim tersebut yang bertugas di Pengadilan Distrik Dili juga diberikan mobil mewah bermerk “INOVA” keluaran baru berjumlah 3 buah dan 4 bermerk “Landrover” serta 2 buah “Tata Sumo” bagi dua orang hakim baru yang masih dalam tahap magang di Pengadilan Distrik Dili. Untuk para Hakim Internasional diberikan mobil mewah bermerk “Pajero”. Khusus untuk para Hakim Internasional mobil mewah ini diberikan oleh pihak UNDP, namun konon katanya saat ini pihak UNDP pun telah memberikan mobil tersebut kepada pihak pemerintah Timor Leste. Untuk mengisi bahan bakar pun telah disediakan dan ditanggung oleh pihak pemerintah.Sarana dan prasarana tersebut diberikan kepada pihak pengadilan untuk mempermudah kinerja kerja para hakim dalam menjalankan tugas mereka sehari-hari. Sedangkan untuk staff administrasi pun pada saat ini sudah memiliki fasilitas yang cukup guna menjalankan tugas mereka sebagaimana mestinya. Fasilitas tersebut berupa computer berjumlah 16 buah dilengkapi dengan program internet serta fasilitas lainnya, untuk para penterjemah pun demikian mereka memiliki ruangan khusus dan diberikan computer masing-masing per satu unit. Mengenai kendraan yang dimiliki oleh pihak tenaga administrasi berjumlah sebanyak 3 buah mobil, dan 3 buah motor dan untuk mengisi bahan bakarnya sama seperti yang dipunyai oleh para hakim bahwa semuanya ditanggung oleh pihak pemerintah. Dari hasil wawancara dengan salah satu staff di Pengadilan Distrik Dili beberapa waktu lalu bahwa untuk Pengadilan Distrik Dili semua fasilitas yang ada itu dirasa sangat cukup dan ada beberapa item yang menurut staff tersebut kelebihan.b. Sistem AdministrasiMengenai system administrasi di Pengadilan Distrik Dili, menurut pemantauan JSMP sangat rumit birokrasinya jika dibandingkan dengan pengadilan distrik lainnya. Hal ini terlihat ketika JSMP mau memperoleh statistic kasus selama bulan Januari sampai bulan November yang tidak diberikan dengan alasan bahwa ada Regimento Interna yang mengatur bahwa tidak boleh sembarang orang mendapatkanya. Walaupun pada akhirnya semua pengadilan distrik pun mengatakan hal yang sama pada JSMP bahwa mereka pun tidak dapat memberikan statistic kasus yang diminta oleh JSMP karena mereka tidak diperbolehkan oleh pihak Pengadilan Tinggi berdasarkan Regimento Interna tersebut, hal ini disebabkan karena dalam Regimento Interna dimana salah satu pasalnya mengatakan bahwa tidak boleh sembarangan memberikan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan system administrasi pengadilan kepada semua orang yang bukan actor pengadilan dan ketika JSMP berusaha untuk memperoleh Regimento Interna tersebut sebagai dasar hokum pihak pengadilan mengatakan itu pun tidak dapat diperoleh dengan alasan yang tidak jelas. Tindakan semacam ini adalah sangat jelas bahwa telah melanggar apa yang tertera dalam Pasal 77 ayat 4 KUHAP (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana) yang kita miliki karena jelas bahwa dalam pasal tersebut mengatur tentang semua orang yang berkepentingan terhadap segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan system pengadilan dan atau yang berhubungan dengan putusan kasus yang telah diputuskan oleh pihak pengadilan maka jelas dapat diperoleh tanpa harus dipersulit walaupun bunyi ayat tersebut juga mengatakan bahwa harus mendapatkan ijin terlebih dahulu dari para actor pengadilan yang memegang perkara yang bersangkutan.Dengan alasan demikian maka pihak JSMP tidak dapat memberikan gambaran jumlah kasus yang telah diselesaikan oleh Pengadilan Distrik Dili dalam bulan Januari sampai pada bulan November. Namun dari hasil pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh pihak JSMP selama bulan-bulan tersebut JSMP dapat memberikan gambaran bahwa Pengadilan Distrik Dili telah melakukan persidangan atas semua kasus baik itu kasus sipil maupun kasus pidana yang berjumlah sekitar 223 sekian kasus.Menurut pandangan JSMP bahwa ini adalah merupakan suatu perkembangan yang harus di acungi jempol pula sebab dengan actor pengadilan yang begitu minim Pengadilan Distrik Dili dapat melakukan persidangan demikian banyaknya.c. Sumber Daya ManusiaAktor Pengadilan Distrik Dili untuk saat ini berjumlah 7 orang hakim dan seorang hakim internasional serta 2 orang hakim yang masih menjalankan proses magang. Dari semua hakim tersebut diatas jelas masih sangat minim atau terbatas jika dibandingkan dengan volume perkara yang terjadi di kota Dili dan sekitarnya seperti Ermera, Aileu dan Liquica.Menurut informasi yang diperoleh JSMP selama ini ketika melakukan pemantauan di Pengadilan Distrik Dili, bahwa Hakim Internasional yang sekarang bertugas kemungkinan masa baktinya akan selesai pada awal atau pertengahan bulan Desember dan kemungkinan akan ada seorang hakim internasional untuk menggantikanya, guna melanjutkan tugas dari hakim internasional sebelumnya namun belum diketahui secara pasti kapan Hakim Internasional tersebut akan mulai bekerja.Dalam menjalankan tugas para hakim tersebut menggunakan semua sarana dan prasarana yang telah disediakan oleh pihak pemerintah guna menunjang kinerja kerja mereka.Mengenai para Jaksa yang bertugas di Pengadilan Distrik Dili untuk saat ini berjumlah 5 orang Jaksa sedangkan untuk para Defensor Publik yang bertugas di Pengadilan Distrik Dili berjumlah 7 orang, menurut JSMP jumlah actor peradilan tersebut masih sangat minim dalam menangani kasus, apalagi Dili merupakan jantung dari negara ini dan sudah barang tentu tingkat kriminalitasnya pun jelas lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan pengadilan distrik lainnya.Mengingat bahwa actor pengadilan yang negara kita punyai masih dibawah standar yang seharusnya maka pihak pemerintah masih terus mengadakan pelatihan di pusat pelatihan hokum Caicoli Dili. namun sangat disayangkan bahwa peserta yang diterima dalam mengikuti pelatihan tersebut hanya berjumlah 16 orang peserta dan menurut informasi yang JSMP peroleh dua peserta telah mengundurkan diri dari pelatihan tersebut sehingga peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan di pusat pelatihan hokum tersebut tinggal menyisahkan 14 orang peserta.2.1.2. Pengadilan Distrik Baucaua. Sarana dan PrasaranaHasil Observasi JSMP di pengadilan Baucau selama ini bahwa masalah pembangunan infrastruktur sudah tersedia bagi hakim, jaksa dan hingga pada bulan November 2008 gedung pengadilan sedang pada tahap renovasi. Kondisi ini menunjukan bahwa perhatian infrastruktur diwilayah pengadilan cukup baik.Walaupun masih banyak kekurangan-kekurangan kebutuhan lain, namun Pada umumnya pengadilan telah memeliki inventaris kantor pengadilan yang cukup untuk mendukung proses administrasi sehari-hari.Renovasi Gedung pengadilan saat ini adalah preoritas karena gedung pengadilan tersebut Nampak sudah tidak layak karena peninggalan Indonesia yang tidak terawat dengan baik. Dengan kondisi gedung demikian perlu mendapat perhatian agar dapat digunakan untuk tujuan aktivitas pelayanan public. Perehapan gedung pengadilan tersebut tidak menghambat kegiatan administrasi di wilayah itu. Menurut pantauan JSMP bahwa setiap hari persidangan tetap dilaksanakan berdasarkan jadwal sidang yang sudah ditetapkan.Demikian juga persediaan sarana transportasi untuk hakim, Jaksa Penuntut Umum dan pengacara publik. Hal itu merupakan tindakan nyata dari pemerintah dengan kerja sama LSM internasional untuk mefasilitasi actor pengadilan agar dapat bekerja lebih efektif dan efisien.Secara jujur tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa selama ini pengadilan Baucau bekerja lebih aktif sehingga pada tahun 20008 dapat menyelesaikan sejumlah kasus yang terpending sebelumnya. Dengan upaya kersa tersebut, sebagai tauladan dan tindakan konkrit yang patut dihargai dan ditingkatkan karena merupakan prestasi mulia dari tugas mulia yang dipikul oleh para pelaku pengadilan, dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa para pelaku pengadilan Baucau sungguh sungguh dengan keyakinan untuk memproses setiap kasus pidana maupun perdata yang terdaftar di pengadilan tersebut.b. Sistem Administrasi di Pengadilan BaucauSeperti di Pengadilan Distrik lainnya, pengadilan Baucau juga memiliki system administrasi yang sama karena memeliki system administrasi tunggal dari pengadilan banding. Yakni pengadilan menerima berkas perkara dari JPU yang terdaftar di bagian administrasi pengadilan distrik kemudian ketua pengadilan menyerahkan perkara tersebut kepada setiap hakim berdasarkan nomor urut perkara yang ada. Demikian pun dalam pembagian tugas untuk memimpin persidangan. Hal ini disesuaikan dengan kode hakim yang telah ditentukan.Demikian juga penentuan hakim kolektif dalam perkara dengan masa hukuman diatas 5 tahun. Untuk hakim kolektif biasanya 1 orang hakim didatangkan dari Dili, hal ini berbeda dengan pengadilan Suai dan Oe-Cusse. Karena pengadilan Baucau telah memeliki 2 orang hakim nasional.Dalam system administrasi ini terdapat system yang fleksibel artinya pengadilan memberikan kesempatan kepada terdakwa untuk mengajukan hak bandingnya misalnya terdapat pututsan pengadilan yang menurut terdakwa bahwa putusan tidak disertai dengan bukti otentik dan terlalu memberatkan, maka terdakwa dengan kuasa hukumnya dapat mengajukan banding Selama dalam 15 hari terhitung mulai hari putusan diturunkan.Satu hal yang agak lebih kedepan dari pada pengadilan lain adalah bahwa di pengadilan Baucau, akses informasi persidangan lebih terbuka karena setiap jadwal persidangan sudah harus dicantumkan pada papan pengumuman yang terpampan didepan ruang sidang dengan nomor perkara, nama tersangka, nama korban, nama saksi juga nama hakim, JPU dan pengacara/pembela yang menangani perkara yang diproses. Hal itu bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada orang yang berkepentingan.Demikian juga tata cara pembukaan sidang di dalam ruang sidang. Kewajiban ofisial justice untuk mengumumkan kepada audens mengenai tatacara persidangan sebelum hakim mengatakan sidang terbuka atau tertutup untuk umum. Ofisial Justica terlebih dahulu membacakan nomor perkara diikuti dengan terdakwa atau tersangka dan jenis perkara. Mengenai struktur kepegawaian pengadilan hal ini tersusun berdasarkan fungsi garis koordinasi antar unit-unit yang tersedia.Pada bagian pidana di ketuai oleh seorang yang memeliki latar belakang pendidikan hukum pidana demikian pula perdata. Struktur ini Disusun sedemikian rupa agar menjamin profesionalisme kerja dengan pemahaman terhadap system administrasi yang terarah dan benar.。
人因工程学课程设计说明书武广高铁衡阳站消防设施现状分析及改进学生姓名:赵慧敏陈世武吴志荣专业:安全工程班级:安本1201班学号:1250240109 1202401311250240137指导教师:易灿南职称副教授完成时间:2015年6月湖南工学院人因工程学课程设计任务书学院:安全与环境工程学院专业:安全工程指导教师易灿南学生姓名赵慧敏陈世武吴志荣课题名称武广高铁衡阳站消防设施现状分析与改进内容及任务1、目标:《人因工程学》是工业工程专业的一门专业基础课,是由人体科学、工程技术、劳动科学和企业管理科学相互交叉的一门综合性的新兴边缘科学。
通过毕业设计(论文)达到以下目的:1. 巩固和加深已学过的基础知识和专业知识,提高综合运用这些知识独立进行分析和解决实际问题的能力。
2. 掌握土木工程专业设计的基本程序和方法,了解我国有关的建设方针和政策,正确使用专业的有关技术规范和规定。
3. 学会针对要解决的问题,广泛地搜集国内外有关资料,了解国内外相关发展的水平和状况。
4. 培养深入细致调查研究,理论联系实际,从经济、技术的观点全面分析和解决问题的方法及阐述自己观点的能力。
二、毕业设计(论文)的基本要求1. 通过毕业设计(论文)应使学生具有调查研究、收集资料的能力,一定的方案比较、论证的能力,一定的理论分析与设计运算能力,并注意进一步培养应用计算机的能力,工程制图及编写说明书(论文)的能力。
2. 学生应在教师指导下按时独立完成所规定的内容和工作量。
3. 毕业设计说明书应包括与设计有关的阐述说明及计算,要求内容完整、计算准确、简洁明了,文字通顺、书写工整、装订整齐。
2011年英语专八作文真题及答案全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hi guys, today I'm gonna tell you about the 2011 English for Specific Purposes (ESP) exam question and answer. It was a real tough one, let me tell you!The question was all about the impact of technology on our lives. We had to write an essay discussing whether technology has made our lives better or worse. Well, that was a tricky one for sure!I wrote about how technology has made things so much easier for us. Like, we can chat with our friends online, or watch videos on our phones, or even study for exams using the internet. It's like a whole new world out there!But then I also talked about how technology can be a bit... well, overwhelming sometimes. Like, we're always staring at our screens and not really living in the moment. And there's all this fake news and stuff online that can be pretty dangerous.In the end, I said that technology is both a blessing and a curse. We just have to be careful and use it wisely, you know?So yeah, that's my take on the 2011 ESP exam question. It was a real challenge, but I think I nailed it! Thanks for listening, guys!篇2Yo yo yo, what's up my homies! Today I'm gonna tell you about the 2011 English Pro level eight test essay question and answer. So like, sit back, relax, and let's get into it!Alright, so the essay question was all about how technology has changed our lives. Like, super deep stuff, right? And we had to talk about the good and bad sides of it. So here's what's up:On the one hand, technology has totally revolutionized the way we do things. Like, we can talk to peeps from all over the world with just a few clicks. It's like magic, man! Plus, we can learn stuff super fast with all the info on the internet. No need for those boring old encyclopedias anymore. And don't even get me started on how easy it is to shop online. Like, I can get all the latest toys without even leaving my house. It's lit!But, like, there's a downside too. We're always glued to our screens, right? Like, instead of playing outside or hanging with our friends, we're stuck on our phones or tablets. Plus, there's all this cyberbullying and fake news going around. It's like, is anyone even real anymore? And what's with all the hackers trying to steal our info? Not cool, man.So, in conclusion, technology is like a double-edged sword. It's super awesome and convenient, but we gotta remember to take breaks and not let it take over our lives. We gotta stay woke, my dudes!Alright, that's it for today! Stay cool and keep it real, my peeps! Peace out!篇3Yo! Guys, let me tell you about the English Specialist Test 8 in 2011. It was like super tough, but don't worry, I got all the answers for you!So, the essay question was like "Should parents be strict with their children?" and I was like woah, that's a big question. But I think it's important to have rules and discipline, you know, to teach us right from wrong and make sure we grow up to be responsible adults.First of all, parents need to set boundaries to keep us safe and help us learn how to behave. Like, if we're not allowed to play with fire, it's because they don't want us to get hurt. And if they say we have to do our homework before we can watch TV, it's because they want us to do well in school.But at the same time, parents should also be loving and supportive. They need to listen to us and understand our feelings, even when we mess up. They shouldn't be too strict or mean, because that can make us feel bad about ourselves and rebel against them.I think it's all about finding a balance. Parents should be strict when they need to be, but also be kind and caring. That way, we can learn from our mistakes and grow up to be independent and confident.So yeah, in conclusion, I think parents should be strict with us, but also show us love and understanding. That way, we can become the best versions of ourselves. Yay for awesome parents!And that's it, folks! Hope you enjoyed my little recap of the 2011 English Specialist Test 8. Stay cool and keep studying hard! Peace out!篇4Hey guys, do you want to know about the 2011 English Special Eight exam? Well, let me tell you all about it!The 2011 English Special Eight exam had a really difficult topic about the impact of technology on the environment. The question asked us to discuss whether technology was helping or hurting the environment. It was a tough topic because we had to think about how things like cars and computers can be good but also bad for the environment.In the exam, we had to write an essay arguing either for or against the idea that technology is helping the environment. I chose to argue that technology is actually hurting the environment because I think things like factories and cars are causing pollution and global warming.I had to come up with lots of reasons and examples to support my argument. I talked about how cars release harmful gases into the air and how factories dump waste into rivers and oceans. I also mentioned how using too much electricity can contribute to climate change.After writing my essay, I was so nervous about how it would turn out. But when I got my results back, I was so happy to see that I got a really good grade! It just shows that all that hard work and preparation really paid off.So to all the other students out there taking the English Special Eight exam, don't worry too much about it. Just relax, do your best, and I'm sure you'll do great. And remember, even if you don't get the grade you want, it's not the end of the world. Just keep working hard and you'll get there eventually.Good luck, everyone! I know you can do it!篇5Hey guys, do you want to know about the 2011 English Major Proficiency Test (TEM-8) essay question and answer? Well, let me tell you all about it in a fun and easy way!The essay question for the 2011 TEM-8 was: "Is it important for young people to travel abroad?"And here is how you can answer this question in a simple and interesting way:First of all, traveling abroad can be super cool because you get to see new places, try new food, and meet new people. It can help you learn about different cultures and traditions, which is super important in today's globalized world.Secondly, when you travel abroad, you can improve your language skills. You can practice speaking English or anotherforeign language with native speakers, which can help you become more fluent and confident in using the language.Moreover, traveling abroad can broaden your horizons and open your mind to new ideas and perspectives. You can learn about different ways of thinking and living, which can help you become more open-minded and understanding towards others.In addition, travelling abroad can also help you gain new experiences and skills that can be valuable for your future career. You can learn to be more independent, adaptable, and resourceful, which are all important qualities in today's competitive job market.Overall, traveling abroad can be a great way to learn, grow, and explore the world. So, if you have the opportunity to travel abroad, go for it and make the most of it!So, guys, that's all about the 2011 TEM-8 essay question and answer. I hope you found it helpful and interesting. Keep practicing your English skills and who knows, maybe one day you'll be taking the TEM-8 too! Good luck!篇6Hey guys, do you want to know about the 2011 English Proficiency Test (English PET) writing topic and answer? Let me tell you all about it!So, the topic of the PET writing test in 2011 was about the environmental problems caused by plastic pollution. The question asked us to discuss the effects of plastic pollution on the environment and suggest some possible solutions to this problem.In the essay, we needed to describe how plastic pollution is harming our planet, like how it is affecting marine life, polluting the oceans, and causing health problems for animals and humans. We also had to come up with some ideas to reduce the use of plastic and find alternatives to plastic products.For example, we could talk about using reusable bags instead of plastic ones, buying products in bulk to reduce packaging waste, and supporting businesses that useeco-friendly materials. We could also mention the importance of recycling plastic and educating others about the impact of plastic pollution.In the end, we had to conclude our essay by emphasizing the urgency of the problem and calling for action to protect the environment from further damage. We needed to show ourpassion for environmental conservation and inspire others to join the fight against plastic pollution.Overall, the key to acing the PET writing test in 2011 was to write a well-structured essay with clear arguments, relevant examples, and persuasive solutions. It was important to demonstrate our English language skills, critical thinking abilities, and creativity in addressing a global issue like plastic pollution.So, that's a brief summary of the 2011 PET writing test topic and answer. I hope you found it helpful and interesting. If you have any questions or want to know more about the English PET test, feel free to ask me! Keep practicing your English skills and do your best in the exam. Good luck!篇7Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna tell you about the 2011 English Proficiency Test (EPT) for middle schoolers. It's like a super hard English test that some students take to show how good they are at English.The EPT has lots of different parts, like reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It's kinda like a big challenge to see if you know English really well. But don't worry, I'll tell you all about it!In the reading part, you have to read a bunch of passages and answer questions about them. Sometimes the passages are about history, science, or even fiction stories. You gotta be really good at understanding what you read and answering the questions correctly.Then there's the writing part, where you have to write essays or short answers to questions. You gotta make sure your grammar and spelling are perfect, and that your ideas make sense. It's a real test of your writing skills.Next up is the listening part, where you have to listen to conversations or lectures and answer questions. This part can be hard because you have to pay close attention and remember what you hear. But if you practice listening to English every day, you'll be a pro at this part!Finally, there's the speaking part, where you have to talk about a topic or have a conversation with the examiner. You gotta be confident and speak clearly so that the examiner can understand you. It's like having a chat with a friend, but you gotta use fancy English words!Overall, the EPT is a big challenge, but it's also a great way to show off your English skills. If you study hard and practice everyday, you can totally ace the EPT and impress everyone with your English abilities. Good luck!篇8Hey guys, do you want to hear about the 2011 English Major Band 8 test? It was totally crazy! The topic was all about globalization. So basically, they asked us to write an essay about how globalization affects different aspects of our lives. It was like, whoa, so deep!In my essay, I talked about how globalization has made the world more connected. Like, now we can talk to people from all over the world on the internet and stuff. It's so cool! But then I also mentioned how some people think globalization is bad because it can like, wipe out local cultures and stuff. It was kinda hard to write about both sides of the argument, but I think I did okay.Oh, and there was also a listening part where they played this recording about environmental issues. It was so sad, you guys! They talked about all the pollution and deforestation happening in the world. I felt really sorry for the animals and stuff. I hope we can do something to help the environment.And then, the reading part was about technology and how it's changing our lives. They had these really tough passages about artificial intelligence and robots. It was like reading a science fiction story! But I think I understood most of it.Overall, the test was super hard, but I think I did my best. I hope I can get a good score and pass the Band 8 test. Fingers crossed!篇9Hey guys, today I'm gonna tell you about the 2011 English Band Eight exam. It was a super tough test for all the big kids who wanted to show off their English skills. But don't worry, with a little bit of practice and some tips, you can ace this exam too!The essay question in the 2011 exam was all about discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city versus living in a small town. You had to write about the pros and cons of each place and give your opinion on which one you think is better.Some of the advantages of living in a big city are that there are lots of job opportunities, cool things to do like shopping and going to fancy restaurants, and the chance to meet people from all over the world. On the other hand, big cities can be supercrowded, noisy, and expensive. Plus, you might have to deal with traffic jams and pollution.Living in a small town has its perks too. It's usually quieter, safer, and you can really get to know everyone in your community. But small towns can be boring, with not much to do and limited job opportunities. Plus, everyone knowing your business can sometimes feel like too much.In your essay, you had to weigh up these pros and cons and then give your own opinion on whether you'd rather live in a big city or a small town. The key to acing this part of the exam was to use lots of examples and reasons to support your argument. Make sure you write clearly and use good grammar too!So, even though the 2011 English Band Eight exam was a tough one, with some practice and preparation, you can totally rock it. Just remember to stay calm, stay focused, and show off all the awesome English skills you've got!Good luck, guys! You've got this!篇10Hey guys, today I'm going to talk about the 2011 English CET-8 (College English Test - Band 8) writing task. It was a tough one, but let's break it down together!The topic was about the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on our lives. We were asked to discuss both the benefits and potential risks of AI technology.First of all, let's talk about the good stuff. AI has definitely made our lives easier in many ways. For example, AI technology is used in virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, making it easier for us to find information and complete tasks hands-free. AI also helps in healthcare, by assisting doctors in diagnosing diseases and recommending treatment options.However, there are also some risks associated with AI. One major concern is job displacement, as AI and automation could replace many human workers in various industries. There are also ethical concerns, such as the development of autonomous weapons and the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes.In my opinion, it's important for us to continue developing AI technology, but we must also be mindful of the potential risks and take steps to mitigate them. Education and training programs can help prepare people for the changing workforce,and regulations can be put in place to ensure that AI is used ethically and responsibly.Overall, the development of AI has the potential to benefit society in many ways, but we must also be cautious and proactive in addressing the challenges it presents. Let's embrace the future of technology, but let's do so thoughtfully and responsibly.That's all for today, folks! Thanks for tuning in to my little chat about the 2011 CET-8 writing task. Remember, stay curious and keep learning! See ya next time!。
Finland – Lahti (Finsko – Lahti)September 2011 (září 2011)Lahti University of Applied SciencesLahti hospitals (Nemocnice v Lahti)Visit to hospital (Návštěva nemocnice)(by Zdeňka Schormová)Lahti University of Applied Sciences•University has 5,300 students. (Univerzita má 5 300 studentů)•Faculty of Social and Health Care has 977 studentů. (Fakulta sociálnípéče a ošetřovatelství má 977 studentů).• There are 20 Bachelor level degree programmes and over 40 specialisations. (Má 20 bakalářských programů a více než 40 specializací)Study programmes (studijní obory)Social services (sociální služby)Bachelor in Social Services – title Social worker – 3,5 years, 210ECTS Bc. v sociálních službách – titul Sociální pracovník –3,5 roku, 210kreditůNursing (ošetřovatelství)Bachelor of Nursing – title Registered Nurse – 3,5 years- title Public Health Nurse 210/240 ECTS Bc. Registrovaná sestra, sestra specializovaná na veřejné zdravíBachelor of Health Care – title Physiotherapist – 3,5 years, 210ECTS Bc. Ve zdravotní péči – titul fyzioterapeut –3,5 roku, 210 ECTSLahti University of Applied SciencesInterier and classrooms for theoretical lessons(Interiér a učebny pro všeobecné předměty)Lahti University of Applied SciencesClassrooms for nursing subjects(Učebny pro ošetřovatelské předměty)Health of children and adolescents in Finland (Zdraví dětí a adolescentů ve Finsku)•20% suffer from some long-standing illness – the most common are asthma and allergies(20% trpí nějakým dlouhodobým onemocněním, nejčastější jsou astma a alergie• 10% suffer from mental disorders(10% trpí duševním onemocněním)• The most common cause of death are accidents(Nejčastější příčinou umrtí jsou nehody)• Negative development – increase in diabetes(Negativní vývoj –nárůst diabetu)• Positive development – in dental health(Pozitivní vývoj – ve zdraví chrupu)Finnish health policy(Finská zdravotnická strategie)2 main objectives (2 hlavní cíle)1.Secure the best possible health for the population(Zajistit co nejlepší zdraví populace)2. Minimalising disparities in health between different populationgroups.(Minimalizovat rozdíly ve stavu zdraví mezi různýmipopulačními skupinami)Hospital in the city centre specialized in the care of elderlypatients(Nemocnice v centru města zaměřená na péči o seniory)Central Hospital next to the University (Nemocnice vedle university)Interior of the hospital(Interiér nemocnice)Products of student groups‘ co-operation during the conferencePresentation of the posters。
2.能够理解并运用一般将来时(Simple Future Tense)来描述未来的事件和预测。
Formal Design of Self-stabilizing Programs
本科毕业设计开题报告题目:基于PHP开发的敏感词汇过滤系统专题:院(系):计算机与信息工程学院班级:网络08-2班姓名:谢红绅学号: 29号指导教师:宋井峰教师职称:黑龙江科技学院本科毕业设计开题报告题目基于PHP开发的敏感词汇过滤系统来源自拟题目1、研究目的和意义随着计算机信息技术的飞速发展,互联网与人类社会的工作、生活越来越紧密相关,互联网已经称为人类获取信息、交流信息的重要手段。
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1. “我的生涯设计——毕业制作”之开题报告内容要求
1.1 此次“我的生涯设计——毕业制作”和开题报告及正式开题时,均不能将考公务员、
1.2 此次报告不限于现在所就读专业、科系如何,有兴趣、有梦想都可以谈,但切忌不能
1.2.1 自己的兴趣Interest(兴趣),inter(进入,投入)+est(最高级),也就是说你选
1.2.2 享受快乐工作(enjoy),如何enjoy这份工作?为什么enjoy?
1.3 此次报告正文要按照“启承转合”方式撰写:
1.3.1 启:即开启,用5W1H来写。
What做什么项目?When 什么时候开始?什么时候达到什么目标?
1.3.2 承:写5篇关于您选择这个项目的相关文献,分析别人是怎么做?如何做的?文
1.3.3 转:从事这个项目从以前的亲情、社团、非营利、营利的体验中有何联系?从事
1.3.4 合:从事这项工作,体现您对生命的何种态度?如何生存?对生活、家庭的规划?
1.4 附上最近生活照2张,一张与家人的合照,一张学校学习、生活照。
1.5 最后讲讲心里话:天中老师,我有话对您说。
1.6 字体要求:小四1.5倍行距;页码要求:启1页,承2页,转1页,合1页。
1.7 请务必在进行开题报告上课时直接面交「生涯规划与体验式学习」课程老师处。
2. “我的生涯设计——毕业制作”之开题报告上课
2.1 上课要求:上课时全程录音录像(厦办派摄制小组专程来录制)
2.1.1 请务必正装(服装、头发、仪容、鞋袜等务必都用正式场合之用)上台,模拟真
2.1.2 吐字清晰,声音适中。
2.2 上课内容:将开题报告内容整理并于任课教授进行上课时,用3分钟左右的时间口头
3. “我的生涯设计——毕业制作”正式报告要求
3.1 “我的生涯设计——毕业制作”正式报告第一部分:面谈通过后,请根据面谈时确定
3.2 “我的生涯设计——毕业制作”正式报告第二部分:根据课程教授对全年级同学的点
3.3 字体要求:小四1.5倍行距。
3.4 报告提交时间:请务必在规定时间交到库克中国负责「生涯规划与体验式学习」课程