Cabalero Meets Bewley General Equilibrium
IGCS19-0405 : 产品说明书
abnormal vaginal bleeding requiring intervention had no statis-tical difference between VP and WVP patients group (p=0.3074)as other complications as well(table1).Median of related days of vaginal bleeding after the procedure were 7.4days(SD8.75)in VP group and7.34days(SD8.52)in WVP group,with no statistical difference(p=0.912). Conclusions Insert a vaginal pack or not,after LEEP,do not affect the number of postoperative gynecologic intervention due to vaginal bleeding or the amount of postoperative bleed-ing days.Previous pregnancies,hormonal status,cytology or LEEP specimen characteristics did not affect the disclosure. We also could not find any risk factor associated to abnormal bleeding.Based on that,the use of vaginal pack can be omit-ted with no further complications.IGCS19-0405382LATERALLY EXTENDED ENDOPELVIC RESECTION(LEER) AND NEOVAGINE,PATIENT WITH RECTALADENOCARCINOMA AND RECURRENCE IN CERVIX,VAGINA AND PELVIC WALL:A PURPOSE OF A CASE1J Torres*,2J Saenz,3O Suescun,3M Medina,4L Trujillo.1Especialista en entrenamiento–Universidad Militar Nueva Granada–Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia,Department of Gynecologic Oncology,Bogota D.C.,Colombia;2Especialista en entrenamiento–Universidad Militar Nueva Granada–Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia,Department of Gynecologic Oncology,Bogota D.C,Colombia;3Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia, Department of Gynecologic Oncology,Bogota D.C,Colombia;4Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia,Department of Gynecologic Oncology,Bogota D.C.,Colombia10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.382Objectives Exenteration is used to treat cancers of the lower and middle female genital tract in the irradiated pelvis. Höckel described laterally extended endopelvic resection (LEER)as an approach in which the resection line extends to the pelvic side wall.Methods A49-year-old patient diagnosed with rectal adenocar-cinoma10years ago,managed with chemotherapy plus radio-therapy.T umor relapse at3years,management with low abdominoperineal resection and definitive colostomy.Second relapse4years later,compromising the posterior aspect of the coccyx and right side of the pelvis with irresecability criteria, management was decided with chemotherapy with capecita-bine,oxaliplatin and bevacizumab.New relapse at2years in the cervix,vagina and pelvic wall.Images without distance disease,type LEER management with extension of pelvic floor margins and resection of muscle pubococcygeus and right lat-eral iliococcygeus with neovagina(Singapore flap)and non-continent urinary derivation with bilateral cutaneous ureteros-tomy,achieving adequate lateral margin with curative intent. During follow-up with favorable evolution.Results LEER combines at least two procedures:total mesorec-tal excision,total mesometrial resection or total mesovesical resection.It may even require resection of the pelvic wall, internal obturator muscle,pubococcygeus,iliococcygeus,coccy-geus or internal iliac vessels.In combination with neovagina, it would offer better results in non-gynecological cancer relapses.Conclusions LEER with neovagina can be offered as a new therapy to a selected subset of patients with relapse in adja-cent gynecological organs with good oncological,functional and aesthetic results.Symptom Management–Supportive Cancer CareIGCS19-0706383PHOTOBIOMODULATION AND MANUAL LYMPHDRAINAGE FOR NIPPLE NECROSIS TREATMENT INBREAST CANCER:A CASE REPORT1J Baiocchi,2L Campanholi,3G Baiocchi*.1Oncofisio,Physical Therapy,Sao Paulo,Brazil;2CESCAGE,Physical Therapy,Ponta Grossa,Brazil;3AC Camargo Cancer Center, Gynecologic Oncology,Sao Paulo,Brazil10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.383Objectives Recently,breast reconstruction after mastectomywith nipple preservation became an option of breast cancer surgery.Despite its efficacy and aesthetic superiority,the nip-ple preservation is associated with several complications in the postoperative period.The photobiomodulation therapy,for-merly known as low-intensity laser therapy,demonstrated tis-sue promotion repair by cellular repair biostimulation, angiogenesis and anti-inflammatory effects.These characteris-tics suggest a potential role for repair of chronic wounds andmay be applicable in necrosis treatment.Our aim was toreport the effects of the physiotherapeutic intervention through photobiomodulation therapy in a patient with nipple necrosis after risk reducing mastectomy.Methods We report a case of a breast cancer surgery with nip-ple necrosis treated with low-level laser therapy.The patientwas a36-year-old women who developed skin nipple necrosisin the right breast after bilateral reconstructive mastectomy.She had6sessions of low-level laser therapy.Results A female subject developed a nipple necrosis of morethan40%on the right breast after mastectomy and recon-struction.She was referred to Physical Therapy(PT)and thePT sessions were composed by manual lymph drainage,man-ual therapy for de AWS,exercises of strength and flexibility, followed by LLLT with laser660nm,2joules per point atevery1cm.Therapy was implemented for12times in total,from May2016to June2016.A re-evaluation was performed monthly from July13,2016to November2017.After18 months of follow-up,the sustained effects of LLLT were found.Conclusions Low-level laser therapy is effective for the skin cicatrization after nipple necrosis.IGCS19-0446384CONTRACEPTION AND FERTILITY COUNSELING INPATIENTS RECEIVING CHEMOTHERAPY1A Elnaggar*,2A Calfee,1LB Daily,2T Hasley,1T Tillmanns.1West Cancer Center and Research Institute,Gynecologic Oncology,Memphis,USA;2University of Tennessee Health Science Center,Obstetrics and Gynecology,Mempis,USA10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.384Objectives Cancer care advances allow more patients to pursue fertility.Unfortunately,treatments may have detrimental effectson fertility and fetus should pregnancy occur.This study examines physician documentation and patient perceptions of fertility and contraception counseling. on December 24, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright./ Int J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.384 on 18 September 2019. Downloaded fromMethods IRB approval obtained for a cross-sectional study of men and women,ages18–50,with newly diagnosed malig-nancy between May2017and2018.Prior sterilization,secon-dary or synchronous cancer,or prior chemotherapy were exclusionary.Consented patients received a survey regarding perception on receipt and quality of,counseling.Demographic, sexual,and social information was obtained.Differences were evaluated using chi-square tests.Results Fifty-three of179patients identified participated. Majority were women(75v25%).Patients were more likely to have perceived counseling for contraception and fertility than documented.The majority perceived counseling as suffi-cient regarding contraception and fertility.Men were more likely than women to be perceive counsel-ing regarding fertility(85v43%,p=0.010).However,both felt fertility counseling to be sufficient with similar rates of documentation.Caucasians were more likely to perceive receipt of fertility counseling(68v29%)and to perceive it to be sufficient(70v40%),then African Americans,with the same rate of documentation(35%).Conclusions Significant discrepancies in perception counsel-ing regarding contraception and fertility were seen.Gen-der and race were important factors for the perception of fertility counseling,while only race was a factor to qual-ity of perceived counseling.These differences occurred despite equal rates of physician documentation,across all groups.IGCS19-0430385WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD?PRACTICE PATTERNS AND MANAGEMENT OF NONAGENARIANS PRESENTINGTO A GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGIST FOR INITIALCONSULTATIONE Ryan*,B Margolis,B Pothuri.New York University Langone Health,Obstetrics and Gynecology,New York,USA10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.385Objectives T o describe the practice patterns and treatment of nonagenarians who initiated care with a gynecologic oncologist.Methods Retrospective chart review of women aged90or older who presented to a gynecologic oncologist between10/ 09and12/18at an urban academic medical center.Descrip-tive statistics utilized for variables of interest.Results We identified34nonagenarians(median age92,range 90–98):10(29%)had benign disease,8(24%)pre-malignancy or suspected malignancy,and16(47%)malignancy.Of these, 79%had age and/or functional status discussed in the care plan.Of the8with suspected malignancy,5declined further workup.The cancer distribution revealed5(31%)vulvar,5 (31%)uterine,4(25%)ovarian,1(6%)vaginal and1(6%) cervical bined,37%had stage I disease;6% stage3;6%stage4;13%recurrent;and25%unstaged.All received treatment plans:7(47%)with palliative intent and8 (53%)with curative intent.In the curative group,7under-went surgery(1adjuvant chemotherapy)and1chemotherapy/radiation.In the palliative group,4underwent radiation,1 chemotherapy and2declined/unknown.Overall,13(87%) completed the proposed treatment.T reatment-related complica-tions included1superficial skin infection and1thirty-day readmission.Conclusions Nonagenarians often presented with vulvar or endometrial cancer and87%successfully completed treatmentwith minimal adverse effects or toxicity.Age and/or functionalstatus were considered in the care plan for79%of women,but it did not preclude treatments that had the potential to preserve meaningful quality of life and/or cure patients oftheir disease.IGCS19-0646386RISK FACTORS COMPREHENSIVE GERIATRICASSESSMENT FOR EARLY DEATH IN ELDERLY PATIENTSWITH GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER.A PROSPECTIVECOHORT STUDY1J Sales*,2C Azevedo,2C santos,3L sales,4M Bezerra,5G Bezerra,4Z cavalcanti,6MJ Mello.1IMIP,Geriatric Oncology,Recife,Brazil;2IMIP,Oncology,Recife,Brazil;3FPS,Medical Course,Recife,Brazil;4IMIP,geriatric,Recife,Brazil;5HMV,oncology,caruaru,Brazil;6IMIP,post graduation,Recife,Brazil10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.386Objectives T o determine risk factors for early death identifiedthe Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment(CGA)in elderly patients with gynecological cancer(EPGC).Methods Prospective cohort study.Participants with a recent diagnosis of cancer were from eight community hospitals andone cancer center in Northeast Brazil and were recruited dur-ing their first medical appointment at the outpatient oncologic clinic.A basal CGA was done before the treatment decision (ADL,Charlson Comorbidity Index-CCI,Karnofsky Perform-ance status–KPS,GDS15,IPAQ,MMSE,MNA,MNA-SF,PS,PPS,Polipharmacy,TUG).During the follow up of12 months,information about the treatments performed,the tar-geted interventions and early death was collected.Overall sur-vival was estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method,and survival curves were compared using the Log rank test for cat-egorical variables.A multivariate Cox proportional hazardsmodel was used.Results From2015–2017,84EPGC,mean age69,6±7,9;range60–96),were enrolled,25%were metastatic disease.tumor site:40,4%cervical uterine,36,9%endometrial,20,2%ovary and2,3vulva.Nine(10.7%)ECP died in less than12 months of follow-up.In our multivariate model,controlled byage,site of cancer and cancer stage,the remaining significantrisk factors were malnutrition/nonutrition determined byMNA-SF(HR3.70,95%CI1.81–5.99,p<0.001),Katz index(HR 3.60,CI 1.56–3.81,p<0.001)CCI>2(HR2,74,CI1.0.74–10.20,p=0.013)and Polipharmacy(HR2.65,CI0.71–9.81,p<0.001).Conclusions The CGA at admission identified risk factors (Nutritional risk,polypharmacy,functionality for Katz indexand comorbidity index)for premature death in EPGC.They can help to plan a personalized care. on December 24, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright./ Int J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.384 on 18 September 2019. Downloaded from。
Volvo FH Electric 低高度床位休息室特性说明书
La cabina dormitorio baja del Volvo FH Electric es una ca-bina dormitorio diseñada para operaciones de distribu-ción regional y otras tareas de transporte en las que sea fundamental una baja altura en general y en las que el conductor pueda requerir alojamiento.La cabina ofrece un nivel de comodidad muy elevado con una posición de conducción ideal, asientos de diseño anatómico,bajo nivel de ruido, sistema de control de climatización de al-ta capacidad y un nivel de seguridad de primera clase. La al-tura interior es de 147 cm (138 cm en el túnel motor entre los asientos).La cabina dormitorio baja FHE-LSLP presenta un diseño aerodinámico con superficies lisas y esquinas redondeadas en el frontal. El parabrisas está integrado a la estructura de la cabina, lo que reduce el ruido del viento y aumenta la protec-ción en caso de colisión. Los deflectores adaptados y los fal-dones opcionales para el chasis reducen aún más la resisten-cia al aire.CARACTERÍSTICAS Y VENTAJAS•La completa seguridad de la cabina protege al conductor.•Diseño exterior de cabina aerodinámico que contribuye al ahorro energético y a una mayor rentabilidad.•Acceso cómodo con escalones iluminados y antideslizan-tes.•Amplio ángulo de apertura de la puerta y volante inclinable para facilitar el acceso a la cabina.•Interior muy espacioso, con un avanzado sistema de cli-matización.•Cómodo espacio de descanso para una persona.•La altura de la cabina es de 160 cm.FHE-LSLP Cabina dormitorio baja para Volvo FH ElectricHOJA DE DATOSVersión de cabinaEl interior de la cabina ha sido diseñado pensando en el con-ductor. La cabina dispone de un interior moderno con mate-riales duraderos y de fácil mantenimiento. Se ha puesto mu-cha atención para elegir materiales que reduzcan al mínimo las emisiones de gases de los elementos interiores, así como el riesgo de alergias por contacto. La cabina también ofrece un generoso espacio de almacenamiento.La cabina se ha sometido a pruebas de impactos y se ha di-señado para evitar lesiones, con materiales que absorben la energía del impacto. Los paneles de la cabina están fabrica-dos con metal galvanizado, que proporciona una buena pro-tección básica contra la corrosión.Acceso bajo y cómodoLa entrada a la cabina es baja, con tres escalones antides-lizantes de color oscuro fabricados en plástico robusto que ofrecen una solución resistente al desgaste. Las sólidas inser-ciones de aluminio endurecido firmemente fijadas a los esca-lones de plástico están disponibles como opción.La puerta se abre con un ángulo de 75° y hace que la entra-da a la cabina resulte más cómoda. Hay asideros resistentes de metal (opcionalmente recubiertos de cuero) a ambos lados de la abertura de la puerta, lo que hace que la entrada sea aúnmás cómoda y segura.Asientos de diseño ergonómicoLos asientos se han diseñado de forma ergonómica con un so-porte lateral y cuentan con una gran variedad de especifica-ciones (suspensión neumática, ventilación en el asiento, ca-lefacción, etc.). El asiento del conductor está disponible con una amplia variedad de ajustes que hacen que sea más fácilencontrar una cómoda posición de conducción.Volante ajustable para una posición de conducción óp-timaEl ángulo y la altura de la columna de dirección, al igual que la inclinación del volante, se pueden ajustar con un pedal situa-do a la izquierda de la columna de dirección. El rango de ajus-te de altura es de 90 mm y el rango del ángulo de inclinación de la columna es de 28°. El ángulo de inclinación del volante es de 20°. El volante está equipado con un airbag. Los man-dos integrados en el volante ofrecen un uso cómodo y seguro del programador de velocidad, de las funciones de radio y te-léfono, y de los menús del panel de instrumentos y la pantallasecundaria.Instrumentación sencillaEl cuadro de instrumentos ofrece una buena visión general, ha sido diseñado para garantizar que el conductor disponga de la información adecuada en cada situación. Los instrumentos de la cabina tienen un diseño lógico, con mandos cómodos y fá-ciles de usar. El conductor recibe información a través de dos claras pantallas situadas en el cuadro de instrumentos: unaFHE-LSLP Cabina dormitorio baja para Volvo FH ElectricHOJA DE DATOSVersión de cabinapantalla de instrumentos delante del conductor y una panta-lla secundaria en la parte central del panel de instrumentos.El servicio Dynafleet (opcional), el sistema de navegación y el sistema de audio están completamente integrados en la ins-trumentación.Perfecta visibilidadEl conductor tiene una excelente visibilidad en todas las direc-ciones gracias al amplio parabrisas, a los retrovisores de gran tamaño y a los espejos de proximidad delanteros y del lado del acompañante. Las carcasas de los espejos son ultrafinas, por lo que ofrecen una amplia área de visión con un ángulo muer-to mínimo. El ángulo muerto de la esquina delantera se pue-de ver en la pantalla secundaria a través de una cámara adicio-nal en el lado del pasajero (BLVS-CP, opcional), colocada en el soporte del espejo del lado del pasajero. El panel de instru-mentos baja hasta el parabrisas, mejorando así la visibilidad en las proximidades.Los eficaces faros principales proporcionan un haz de luz concentrado de largo alcance. La luz larga adaptativa se ofre-ce como opción.Interior funcional con amplio espacio de almacena-mientoEl panel de instrumentos cuenta con un sujetavasos y peque-ños compartimentos de almacenamiento. La zona de descan-so tiene compartimentos en la pared posterior y en los latera-les. Debajo de la litera, hay grandes habitáculos de almacena-miento con espacio para una nevera (opcional). Los compar-timentos situados en los laterales pueden abrirse tanto desde dentro como desde fuera.El parasol está integrado en los compartimentos guardaob-jetos situados sobre el parabrisas y se puede controlar de for-ma manual o eléctrica.La tapicería de la litera podría variar en función de la especificación.Zona de descanso cómoda y adaptableLa cabina puede equiparse con una litera fija o reclinable. Se puede elegir entre dos colchones de muelles diferentes y un colchón de espuma para la litera inferior.El detector de humos instalado en la pared lateral (lado del conductor) se incluye de serie.Se puede acceder fácilmente a las luces interiores, las lám-FHE-LSLP Cabina dormitorio baja para Volvo FH ElectricHOJA DE DATOSVersión de cabinaparas de lectura, el control de temperatura, el portabotellas y los compartimentos guardaobjetos para una mayor comodi-dad.Entorno de trabajo agradable climatizadoEl aislamiento de la cabina reduce las pérdidas de temperatu-ra en climas fríos y cálidos, y ayuda a mantener una tempera-tura confortable para el conductor. También reduce el nivel de ruido en la cabina durante el trabajo y el tiempo de descanso.El sistema de climatización está completamente integrado en el sistema de ventilación del camión. Esto significa que se distribuirá aire caliente o frío de forma uniforme en la cabina.Hay dos posibles sistemas de climatización alternativos:•Aire acondicionado con regulación automática de tempe-ratura (climatizador).•Climatizador con regulación automática de temperatura y control de la calidad del aire.El sistema de climatización también tiene un sistema total-mente integrado de calefactor de estacionamiento y refrigera-dor de estacionamiento para la cabina.ESPECIFICACIÓNDenominación..........................................................................FHE-LSLP Modelo de camión.......................................................Volvo FH Electric Tipo de cabina...................................Cabina dormitorio con techo bajo Dimensiones de la litera inferior (máx.)...............815×2000×160 mm Ángulo de apertura de la puerta.........................................................75°Para obtener información más detallada, consulte las hojas de datos indepen-dientes para: asientos, ajuste del volante, instrumentación, retrovisores, faros delanteros, almacenamiento, parasol interior y literas.FHE-LSLP Cabina dormitorio baja para Volvo FH ElectricHOJA DE DATOSVersión de cabina。
Philips 洁牙器 完全洁牙 5 种洁牙模式说明书
Philips Sonicare Limpieza completa5 modos de limpieza<br> Incluye 1 cabezal de cepillado(DC)Estuche viaje con USB y vaso cargador<br>HX8491/03Encías más sanas en 2 semanas, garantizado* Diseñado para usuarios que no utilizan el hilo dental con regularidadPara aquellas personas que no utilizan el hilo dental con regularidad, la boquilla AirFloss Ultra**** es la manera más sencilla de limpiar entre los dientes con eficacia. AirFloss Ultra puede usarse con agua o con un enjuague bucal y se ha demostrado clínicamente que es tan eficaz como el hilo dental para la salud de las encías.**Improves oral health•Se ha demostrado clínicamente que es tan eficaz como el hilo dental para el cuidado de lasencías**•Hasta un 99,9 % de eliminación de la placa***•Ayudan a evitar las caries entre los dientes•Blanquea los dientes más del doble que un cepillo dental manualProvides a superior clean•Cabezal de cepillado DiamondClean para disfrutar del mejor blanqueamiento de Sonicare•Diseñado para maximizar el movimiento sónicoSuperior technology•Boquilla de alto rendimiento•Tecnología de aire y microgotas•Ajuste personalizable de triple ráfagaDestacadosBlanquea los dientes hasta dos veces másEste cepillo dental Philips Sonicare blanquea los dientes más del doble que un cepillo dental manual en solo 1 semana. Elimina hasta un 100 % más de manchas para obtener unos dientes más blancos en solo una semana.Movimiento sónico maximizadoLos cabezales de cepillado Philips Sonicare son fundamentales para nuestra tecnología de alta frecuencia y gran amplitud de movimiento del cepillo con más de 31 000 movimientos. Nuestra incomparable tecnología sónicatransfiere toda la potencia del mango hasta la punta del cabezal de cepillado. Estemovimiento sónico crea una acción de fluido dinámico que dirige el fluido entre los dientes y a lo largo de la línea de las encías para una limpieza superior, a la vez que suave.Hasta un 99,9 % de eliminación de laplacaAirFloss Ultra elimina hasta el 99,9 % de la placa de zonas tratadas.***Tecnología de microgotas Nuestros resultados clínicamente probados se consiguen gracias a nuestra exclusivatecnología que combina aire y enjuague bucal o agua para limpiar de forma potente, a la vez que suave, entre los dientes y a lo largo de la línea de las encías.Comienza fácilmente un hábitosaludableLa limpieza interproximal es muy importante para la salud bucal general. AirFloss Ultra ofrece una forma sencilla de limpiar más en profundidad entre los dientes, lo que te ayuda a crear un hábito saludable.Encías más sanasSe ha demostrado clínicamente que Philips Sonicare AirFloss Ultra mejora la salud de las encías tanto como el hilo dental.** Ayuda a mejorar la salud de las encías en solo dos semanas.Limpia en solo 60 segundosCon AirFloss Ultra, solo tardarás 60 segundos al día en limpiarte toda la boca. Solo tienes que seleccionar la frecuencia de descarga (uno, dos o tres) y mantener pulsado el botón de activación para emitir ráfagas de formacontinua o pulsarlo y soltarlo para utilizar el modo de ráfaga manual.Ayudan a evitar las cariesPhilips Sonicare AirFloss Ultra ayuda a evitar las caries y elimina suavemente la placa que el cepillo no ha eliminado.Boquilla de alto rendimientoLa nueva boquilla de alto rendimiento AirFloss Ultra amplifica la potencia de nuestra tecnología de aire y microgotas para que resulte más eficaz y eficiente que nunca.Fecha de emisión 2023-05-19Versión: 5.0.2EAN: 87 10103 81884 7© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.Todos los derechos reservados.Las especificaciones están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso. Las marcas registradas son propiedad de Koninklijke Philips N.V. o de sus propietarios respectivos.EspecificacionesPotencia•Tensión: Cargador multivoltaje Especificaciones técnicas•Pila: Recargable•Tipo de batería: Iones de litio•Tiempo de carga: Carga completa en 24 horas Diseño y acabado•Color:NegroServicios•Garantía: Garantía limitada de dos añosFácil de usar•Sistema de cabezal de cepillado: Cabezales de cepillado fáciles de montar•Mango: Diseño compacto y ergonómico •Pantalla: Pantalla iluminada•Indicador de batería: Los indicadores LED del mango muestran el nivel de carga•Duración de la batería: 1-3 semanas*****•Accesorio de boquilla: Se pone y se quitafácilmentePiezas incluidas•Estuche de viaje: Cargador de viaje USB •Cargador: 1•Cabezales: 1 DiamondClean estándar •Mango: 1 DiamondClean •Vaso cargador: 1•Mango AirFloss Ultra: 1•Boquilla AirFloss Ultra: 1Rendimiento de limpieza•Rendimiento: Elimina la placa hasta el 99,9 %**•Beneficios para la salud: Limpia toda la boca en60 segundos, Mejora la salud de las encías en2 semanas*•Velocidad: Hasta 31 000 movimientos de cepillado/minuto•Resultados clínicamente probados: Tan eficazcomo el hilo dental, para mejorar la salud de lasencías, para reducir la placa, para reducir elsangrado de las encías•Ajustes personalizables: Ráfaga automática omanual, Una, dos o tres ráfagas***•Para obtener los mejores resultados: Sustituye laboquilla cada 6 meses•Temporizador: QuadPacer y SmarTimer•Beneficios del blanqueamiento: Dientes hasta dosveces más blancos*Modos•Limpieza: Para una limpieza diaria excepcional•Blanco: Elimina las manchas superficiales•Cuidado de las encías: Masajea suavemente lasencías•Polaco: Abrillanta y pule tus dientes•Sensibilidad: Limpieza suave de dientes y encías*o te devolvemos el dinero** cuando se utiliza junto con el cepillado manual y un enjuague bucalantimicrobios en pacientes con gingivitis leve o moderada; AirFlossse ha diseñado para ayudar a los usuarios que no utilizan el hilodental con regularidad a desarrollar una rutina de limpiezainterdental diaria saludable. Consulta las preguntas y respuestas de lapestaña Asistencia para obtener más información.*** En las zonas tratadas. Probado en un estudio de laboratorio; losresultados reales en la boca pueden variar**** Las versiones Ultra de AirFloss son el mismo producto, pero esposible que el nombre difiera según el país y el canal.***** En función del ajuste de ráfaga utilizado。
英语演讲原文:奥巴马演讲 会见美联储主席伯南克
奥巴马演讲会见美联储主席伯南克THE PRESIDENT: Well, I just had an excellent conversation with Chairman Bernanke. This is a periodic discussion that we have to get the Chairman’s assessment 1 of the economy and to discuss some of the policy initiatives that we have here at the White House.I think in our discussions, we share the view that the economy is strengthening, that we are into recovery, thatit’s actually led by some interesting sectors 3 like manufacturing that we haven’t seen in quite some time -- the tech sectors are strong; we have gone from losing750,000 jobs per month to five months of job growth now; private sector 2 (私营部门) job growth that is obviously so important to consumer confidence and the well-being 4 of the economy overall.But w hat we also agreed is that we’ve still got a lot of work to do. There is a great concern about the 8 million jobs that were lost during the course of these last two years, and that we’ve got to continually push the pace of economic growth in order to put people back to work. That ultimately is the measure for most Americans of how well the economy is doing.And although we’ve seen corporate 5 profits go up, we have seen some very positive trends in a number of sectors, unfortunately, because of the troubles that we’ve seen in Europe, we’re now seeing some headwinds(逆风,顶头风)and some skittishness 6 (活泼好动,易惊) and nervousness on the part of the markets and on part of business and investors 7 . And so we’re still going to have to work through that.The thing that I think both of us emphasized was that if we can make sure that we continue to do the things that we’re doing, deal with folks who need help -- so passing unemployment insurance, for example; making sure that we are working to get credit flowing to small businesses that are still having some difficulties in the credit markets; strengthening consumer confidence -- then we think that the general trends will be good, but we’re going to have to keep on paying a lot of attention to the labor 8 markets and helping 9 people who have been displaced during the last couple of years get back into the labor market. So that’s going to be a major challenge.We also talked about the financial regulatory reform package that has now cleared both the House and the Senateconferees. It will now be going to both the House and the Senate. This was a result of terrific work, I think, by my economic team, by members of the committee and Chairman Dodd and Chairman Frank, and some good advice from Chairman Bernanke in consultation 10 during this process.Not only will completion of the financial regulatory reform bill provide some certainty to the markets about how we are going to prevent a crisis like this from happening again, but it also ensures that consumers are going to be protected like never before on all the things day to day that involve interactions with the financial system. From credit card debt to mortgages(抵押贷款) , consumers are going to have the kinds of protections that they have not had before.We’re going to be taking a whole range of financial instruments that had been in the shadows and we’re going to be putting them in the light of day so that regulators can provide the oversight 11 that potentially would prevent a future crisis. We’re going to be in a position to resolve the failure of one institution without seeing it infect the entire financial system.And this weekend at the G20, we talked about how we can coordinate 12 effectively with the international communityto make sure that high standards for capital and reduced leverage 13 (手段,影响力) apply not just here in the United States but across the board.So, overall, I think that, listening to Chairman Bernanke, I continue to be convinced that with financial regulatory reform in place, with a recovery well underway, that we have enormous potential to build on the hard work that’s been done by this team and put people back to work and keep this recovery and the economy growing over the next several years.But we can’t let up.We’re going to have to continue to be vigilant 14 (警惕的,注意的) . I know that the Chairman feels the same way with respect to his role. And we look forward to working together in our respective institutions to make sure that we keep this recovery going on track.CHAIRMAN BERNANKE: Thank you. We had a wide-ranging discussion; I’m very appreciative 15 of the chance to do that. We talked about the outlook for the economy. We talked about financial regulatory reform. The President talked about some of the issues in that area. But I think very importantly, we also talked a lot about the international context. What’s happening around the worldin the emerging markets, in Europe, affects us here in the United States and it’s important fo r us to take that global perspective as we discuss the economy.THE PRESIDENT: All right.Q Mr. President, are you at all concerned that the passing of Senator Byrd jeopardizes 16 (危害) regulatory reform? And how big a blow would that be to the economic recovery?THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m concerned about the fact that a giant of the Senate and a personal friend of mine passed away. I don’t think about that in the context of financial regulatory reform.I’m confident that given the pac kage that has been put together, that senators, hopefully on both sides of the aisle 17 , recognize it’s time we put in place rules that prevent taxpayer 18 bailouts(救助,跳伞) and make sure that we don’t have a financial crisis that can tank the economy. And I think there’s going to be enough interest in moving reform forward that we’re going to get this done.But when I think about Senator Byrd, what I think about issomebody who, during the course of an unparalleled(无比的,无双的) career, not only helped to transform the institutionof the Senate but, through his own personal transformation 19 , embodied 20 the kind of changes in America that have made us more equal, more just, more fair. And he will be sorely missed.END 10:51 A.M. EDT■文章重点单词注释:1assessmentn.评价;评估;对财产的估价,被估定的金额参考例句:This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation.这是一个对该情况的极富洞察力的评价。
AVVIO RAPIDO Router mobili 5G 安装指南说明书
Per caricare la batteria, collegare il cavo USB al router mobile, quindi collegarlo a una presa a muro utilizzando l'adattatore di alimentazione CA o una porta USB del computer.Assicurarsi che l'orientamento della scheda nano SIM coincida con l'orientamento indicato sull'etichetta del dispositivo e inserirla delicatamente, quindi posizionare la batteria e il coperchio posteriore.NOTA: utilizzare solo le dita per inserire o rimuovere la scheda nano SIM. L'utilizzo di altri oggetti potrebbe danneggiare il dispositivo.1. COM'È FATTO IL DISPOSITIVO2. INSTALLAZIONE DELLA SIM E DELLA BATTERIAIl router mobile viene fornito con i seguenti componenti:• Router mobile Nighthawk® M6 o M6 Pro 5G*• Coperchio della batteria • Batteria• Cavo USB Tipo C• Alimentatore (varia in base all’area geografica)• Adattatori con presa Tipo C (per la maggior parte dei Paesi europei)•Adattatori con presa Tipo G (per il Regno Unito)*Illustrazioni del modello Nighthawk M6 per scopi illustrativi.antenna esterna (TS-9)antenna esterna (TS-9)USB Tipo CEthernetCONFORMITÀ NORMATIVA E NOTE LEGALIPer informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, compresala Dichiarazione di conformità UE, visitare il sito Web https:///it/about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.Può essere applicato solo ai dispositivi da 6 GHz: utilizzare il dispositivo solo in un ambiente al chiuso. L'utilizzo di dispositivi a 6 GHz è vietato su piattaforme petrolifere, automobili, treni, barche e aerei, tuttavia il suo utilizzo è consentito su aerei di grandi dimensioni quando volano sopra i 3000 metri di altezza. L'utilizzo di trasmettitori nella banda 5.925‑7.125 GHz è vietato per il controllo o le comunicazioni con sistemi aerei senza equipaggio.SUPPORTO E COMMUNITYDalla pagina del portale di amministrazione Web, fare clic sull'icona con i tre puntini nell'angolo in alto a destra per accedere ai file della guida e del supporto.Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito per accedere al manuale dell'utente completo e per scaricare gli aggiornamenti del firmware.È possibile trovare utili consigli anche nella Community NETGEAR, alla pagina /it.GESTIONE DELLE IMPOSTAZIONI TRAMITE L'APP NETGEAR MOBILEUtilizzare l'app NETGEAR Mobile per modificare il nome della rete Wi-Fi e la password. È possibile utilizzarla anche per riprodurre e condividere contenutimultimediali e accedere alle funzioni avanzate del router mobile.1. Accertarsi che il dispositivo mobile sia connesso a Internet.2. Eseguire la scansione del codice QR per scaricare l'appNETGEAR Mobile.Connessione con il nome e la password della rete Wi-Fi 1. Aprire il programma di gestione della rete Wi‑Fi deldispositivo.2. Individuare il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile(NTGR_XXXX) e stabilire una connessione.3. Only Connessione tramite EthernetPer prolungare la durata della batteria, l'opzione Ethernet è disattivata per impostazione predefinita. Per attivarla, toccare Power Manager (Risparmio energia) e passare a Performance Mode (Modalità performance).4. CONNESSIONE A INTERNETÈ possibile connettersi a Internet utilizzando il codice QR del router mobile da uno smartphone oppure selezionando manualmente il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router e immettendo la password.Connessione tramite codice QR da uno smartphone 1. Toccare l'icona del codice QR sulla schermata inizialedello schermo LCD del router mobile.NOTA: quando è inattivo, lo schermo touch si oscura per risparmiare energia. Premere brevemente e rilasciare il pulsante di alimentazione per riattivare lo schermo.3. CONFIGURAZIONE DEL ROUTER MOBILETenere premuto il pulsante di accensione per due secondi, quindi seguire le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo per impostare un nome per la rete Wi‑Fi e una password univoci.La personalizzazione delle impostazioni Wi‑Fi consente di proteggere la rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile.Impostazioni APNIl router mobile legge i dati dalla scheda SIM e determina automaticamente le impostazioni APN (Access Point Name) corrette con i piani dati della maggior parte degli operatori. Tuttavia, se si utilizza un router mobile sbloccato con un operatore o un piano meno comune, potrebbe essere necessario immettere manualmente le impostazioni APN.Se viene visualizzata la schermata APN Setup Required (Configurazione APN richiesta), i dati APN dell’operatore non sono presenti nel nostro database ed è necessario inserirli manualmente. Immettere i valori fornitidall’operatore nei campi corrispondenti, quindi toccare Save (Salva) per completare la configurazione.NOTA: l’operatore determina le proprie informazioni APN e deve fornire le informazioni per il proprio piano dati. Si consiglia di contattare il proprio operatore per le impostazioni APN corrette e di utilizzare solo l’APN suggerito per il piano specifico.Schermata inizialeAl termine della configurazione, il router visualizza la schermata iniziale:Wi‑FiPotenza Carica Rete Codice QR connessione rapida Wi‑FiNome e Wi‑FiIcona del codice QR。
寻访自然之美的缔造人 三站:辽宁,吴廷辉
二十多年前 一位成功的商人 厌倦了喧嚣的商战 只为寻找心灵的静园 欧美一百五十多个酒庄的流连 触动了健康优雅生活向往的心弦 五年后 怀着对人生的感悟 走遍大江南北 中国第一座冰酒庄园在辽宁太阳谷诞生 而今 他站在冰酒巅峰 寻找自然的源起,深谙自然的奥秘
太阳谷酒庄庄主,中国冰酒之父——吴廷辉生平 人生真髓在于自由的生活与健康 二十多年前,吴廷辉身价过亿 拥有的无缝钢管企业是当时唯一能用于核工业装配的企业。并曾 为大亚湾核电站提供钢管。 随后,强大的工作压力拖垮他的身体, 他离开中国在国外调养了五年多。 在国外,他与欧洲的上流社会人士交流频繁。 他发现,真正的贵族追求的是自由生活和健康, 因此,他们只喜欢到酒庄买酒,只喝最好的葡萄酒。 为缔造中国的冰酒传奇 寻访遗失的珍品 随后,他接触到了冰酒,知道了世界上真正的美酒的味道。 回国后,他结识了从德国留学后回来的著名酿酒师贺国升 两人最终建立了中国第一个冰酒庄园——太阳谷酒庄 为了酿出好的葡萄酒 他走访了一百五十多个酒庄, 引进上百种葡萄品种用于试种,还 深入欧洲各葡萄酒产区挖掘历史上著名而现在已经遗失的葡萄品 种 反朴归真 方才缔造自然之美 花费十几年时间,持续不断在土地改良上投入数亿资本,始终坚 持太阳谷庄园“每一颗葡萄,不上一粒化肥,不用一滴农药”。 十几年来,兴趣已进化为事业,验证了他考察欧美酒庄的心得— —好的葡萄酒是种出来的。
注: 冰酒的定义:将葡萄推迟采收,当气温低于-8℃以下,使葡 萄在树枝上保持一定时间,结冰,然后采收、压榨,用此葡 萄汁酿成的酒。酿造冰酒对环境的要求非常苛刻,故冰酒以 其珍稀的身价及“珍惜”的寓意成为西方上流社会交际场合 里的“葡萄酒女王”。 全球每三万瓶葡萄酒中只有一瓶冰酒——弥足珍贵 据OIV资料显示,全球的葡萄酒产量为2950万吨。但作为葡萄 酒中的一个酒种,冰酒每年在全球的产量在2000吨上下,产 量非常稀缺。 零下8摄氏度的呵护——营养丰富 由于冰冻的葡萄已高度浓缩,生产一瓶冰酒所需的葡萄往往 是其它葡萄酒的10倍,因此其所含的营养成分更集中,富含 数千种维生素和微量元素,数十种满足人体需求的活性酶, 以及人体所稀缺的植物黄酮、OPC、白藜芦醇,并含有丰富的 自然美容因子。冰酒能清除体内自由因子,防治细胞氧化、 预防动脉硬化,并有效降低胆固醇,降低心脑血管疾病。常 喝冰酒可以提高抵抗力,调节人体内分泌系统,延缓或根除 女性更年期,杜绝男性前列腺疾病,达到“暖腰肾,驻容颜” 的效果。
Château Chantalouette - PomerolChâteau Chantalouette is the second wine of Château de Sales. Owned by the same familyfor over five centuries, the 116 acre estate is the largest in the appellation and boasts the onlytrue castle of Pomerol.Certified of «High Environmental Value» (HVE) since 2020, Château Chantalouettepractices virtuous viticulture that integrates and develops biodiversity. The viticultural approach is traditional:the vineyard is ploughed regularly and cultivated with respect for the environment; cover cropping and green harvest are practised with great care.The grapes are harvested by hand at optimal maturity of each bloc. 2016 CHÂTEAU CHANTALOUETTE 2nd wine of Château de SalesAppellation: Pomerol Owner: GFA Château de Sales President:Marine Treppoz GM: Vincent Montigaud Winemaker: Frédéric Laborde Vineyard size:116 acres Average vine age:25 years Soil Types: Small gravel and iron-rich loess Vineyard grape varietals: 70% Merlot - 15% Cabernet Franc - 15% Cabernet Sauvignon Viticulture:Certified «HVE» «Culture raisonnée» Soil tilling (4 ways). Vine growth management adapted to the climatic conditions Harvest: Manual Winemaking: In thermo-regulated concrete vats Ageing: Partly in barrelHARVEST DATES: The harvest took place between 27 September and 14 October in radiant sunshine, with cool nights.2016 VARIETAL MIX:• 72 % Merlot• 11 % Cabernet Franc• 11 % Cabernet SauvignonVINTAGE REPORT:2016 was an exceptional year, marked byradical changes in weather patterns: wetand cool weather from January to June wasfollowed by a summer heatwave and drought,some more-than-welcome rain in earlySeptember, then sunshine, hot days and coolnights from mid-September until the end ofthe harvest. A cool and very damp springfollowed a wet winter. Three-quarters of theyear’s rain fell between January and June,replenishing the groundwater. Flowering started at the end of May, later than usual, and was extended and rather uneven.Temperatures jumped 10° C in late June as summer set in, with virtually no more rain until mid-September. It was hot andvery dry, with a period of drought between 24 June and 12 September; 15mm of rain fell in August.Veraison occurred late and slowly, favoured by fine late-season weather; mid-veraison took place between 8 and 18 Au-gust. September was also hot but rain on 13 and 14 September set off the ripening process, enabling the grapes to matureslowly and gently in ideal conditions.MATURING: 1/3 in oak barrels 2/3 in vatsTASTING NOTES: The wine is red with purple highlights. The intense nose reveals red berry aromas, delicately comple-mented by spice and vanilla notes. A very supple attack leads into a well-balanced and complex mid-palate on fresh redfruit flavours, especially cherry. Notes of spice and cocoa appear with airing, sustained by velvety, well-integrated tannins,ushering in a long and harmonious finish.。
Burj Al Arab迪拜泊瓷酒店
Burj Al Arab迪拜泊瓷酒店国家:阿拉伯联合酋长国城市:迪拜类别:酒店设计特点:迪拜是阿拉伯联合酋长国的第二大城市。
在迪拜王储的提议之下,知名企业家Al-Maktoum 投资兴建了美仑美奂的Burj Al-Arab 酒店。
它正对着Jumeirah Beach酒店(被认为是世界上最棒的酒店),以202套复式客房、200米高的可以俯瞰迪拜全城的餐厅以及世界上最高的中庭,成为后者最强劲的对手。
初二英语阅读理解文学常识题单选题40题1. Which of the following is a novel written by Charles Dickens?A. Pride and PrejudiceB. Oliver TwistC. Wuthering HeightsD. Jane Eyre答案:B。
解析:Charles Dickens 是英国著名作家,其代表作品有《Oliver Twist》。
选项A《Pride and Prejudice》的作者是Jane Austen;选项C Wuthering Heights》的作者是Emily Bronte;选项D Jane Eyre》的作者是Charlotte Bronte。
2. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?A. William ShakespeareB. Geoffrey ChaucerC. Thomas HardyD. George Eliot答案:A。
解析:Romeo and Juliet》是William Shakespeare 的作品。
Geoffrey Chaucer 的代表作是《The Canterbury Tales》;Thomas Hardy 的作品有《Tess of the d'Urbervilles》等;George Eliot 的作品有Middlemarch》。
3. The famous novel David Copperfield was written by _____.A. Mark TwainB. Leo TolstoyC. Charles DickensD. Herman Melville答案:C。
解析:Charles Dickens 创作了 David Copperfield》。
Mark Twain 是美国作家;Leo Tolstoy 是俄国作家;Herman Melville 也是美国作家。
推 荐新的一年即将来临之际酒店将在月光下举行荧光跨年晚宴。
推 荐为了让更多的宾客体验到焕活身心的疗愈之旅,在忙碌的生活中找寻到片刻的宁静与美好,Chiva-Som泰国华欣奇瓦颂养生度假村推出新年礼遇活动,预订日期至2023年12月31日。
推 荐曼谷137Pillars酒店及7间公寓的豪华轿车或伦敦出租车,可以带您在城市周边游览,您还可以参加酒店Leonowens Club的定制行程,来一次难忘的探索之旅。
为迎接即将来临的节日季,曼谷137 Pillars酒店开启岁末节日庆典。
曼谷137Pillars酒店137 Pillars Suites & Residences Bangkok屹立于曼谷街区的曼谷137 Pillars酒店(137 Pillars Suites & Residences Bangkok)是一家精致奢华、颇为独特的精品酒店。
Le? on 14 Compréhension du texte zII .Choisissez la r ponseé selon le texte :Charles (va / prend) d jeuneréau restaurant universitaire. Il y va ( / en) autobus.Ilà(aime / regarde) le menu. Il est alors (content / en col re) parce qu ’èmangeon( / veut) toujours du poisson et que le resto U (exag ère / est en gr ève). Mais il (attend / reste) son tour, pour (prendre / h siter)é de la glace au dessert.E xercices de grammairepl é tez avec les articles partitifs:1. de 6. de la, des, des, de l, du ’2. Du7. du3. des8. du4. du9. des, des, du5. de la10.dupl é tez les phrases avec ?de la ?, ? du ? , ? des ? , ? de l ’? ou ? de ? :1.d’ 6.du, de la, del ’,, d’ la9.de5.du, du10. du, de la, deIII. Complétez avec les articles qui conviennent la, de la , une2.des7.les, les3.le, une8.Le4.les, des9.une5.Le, une10. de, leE xercices de grammaireI. Compl étez avec les pronoms convenables :1.nous y 6.les y2.les lui3.nous en8.t ’ en4.t ’ la5.nous le10. les yII. R é pondez d’ apr ès l’ exemple:1.Oui, je te les montre.2.Oui, elle nous le donne.3.Oui, je vous les passe.4.Oui, elle me le lit.5.Oui, je la lui dis.6.Oui, je la lui vends.7.Oui, il m y’attend.8.Oui, on les y voit.9.Oui, il nous en donne.10. Oui, il nous l’ explique bien.III.Mettez les doubles pronoms l à’ imp é ratif :1.Montre-les-lui. / Ne les lui montre pas.2.Donne-leur-en. / Ne leur en donne pas.3.Dites-le-lui. / Ne le lui dites pas.4.Lis-le-nous. / Ne nous le lis pas.5.Posons-la-lui. / Ne la lui posons pas.6.Passe-le-moi. / Ne me le passe pas.issez-la-nous. / Ne nous la laissez pas.8.Sers-m’ en/. Ne m’ ensers pas.9.Montre-la-leur. / Ne la leur montre pas.10.Donnez-lui-en un. / Ne lui en donnez pas.E xercices de vocabulaire qI. Mettez les verbes au présent de l’ indicatif:A. manger1. manger 3. mangeons 5. mange7. manger2. mangez 4. manger 6. mange8. mangentB. exag reré1. exagères 3. exagérez 5. exagère7. exagère2. exagérer 4. exagèrent 6. exagère8. exagèreII. Choisissez la bonne r ponseé :1. S’il (a faim / a une faim), il faut lui donner mangerà.2.Ils (ont une faim de loup / ont faim de loup), ils vont d?ner.3.Il (vient de / va) pleuvoir. La terre est mouill e(湿的)é.4.Isabelle n ’ aime(mp a ngers / prendre) le petit d jeuneré.5.(Venez / Venez de)m’ aider.6. Il (ne travaille plus / ne travaille pas), il est la retraiteà.7.Veux-tu (une tranche de pain / un pain) ?8.Le temps (change /passe) beaucoup en cette saison.III.Remplacez les points par les mots ou expressions du dialogue ou du texte :1. fini 5. plusieurs2. apporte 6. tour3. cuisine7. patiemment4. ne, plus8. hésitonsIV. Remplacez les points par une pr positioné :1. sur2. selon3.à7. de, aux4. dans8. à5.à+ le Au→9. en6.à10.avecE xercices de structureI. Posez des questions selon la partie soulign e : ément est la cuisine chinoise ?2.Que boivent-ils tousàles repas ?3.Avec quoi Luc prend-il souvent du riz ?4.Pourquoi te faut-il du courage ?5.Qu’ est-ce qui est app tissanté ?6. Le soir, quand d?nent les Fran?ais ? /àquelle heurenntd?les Fran?ais le soir ?7.Oùd éjeunes-tu ? / O prendsù-tu un sandwich ?8.Qu’ est-ce que Monsieur Dupont vient de faire ?II.R pondezé aux questions suivantes avec des pronoms convenables :1.- Oui, il faut aller en acheter.2.- Oui, vous devez la vendre.3.- Non, elles ne vont pas y aller.4.- Non, ils n ’ aiment pas en prendre.5.- Oui, je vais penser toi. à6. - Oui, je veux la d crire. é/nous voulons la d crire.é7.- Oui, elle commence la comprendreà.8.- Non, il ne va pas en tre contentê.III.Faites des phrases d’ apr ès les modè: lesModè le A :1. C’ estàvous que je parle.2. C’ est Juliette que Roméo aime.3.C’ est avec ses copains que Charles va allerjardinu du Luxembourg.4.C’ estmardi que tu vas venir.5. C’ est pour vivre qu’ on mange.6. C'est elle que Marc rencontre dans la rue.7. C’ est pour toi qu’ elle chante.8. C’ estàcause de sa maladie que mon grand-rep ne vaèpas voyager en Allemagne.Modè le B :1. Philippe vient d’ avoir une idée.2.Je viens de lui parler.3.Nous venons de rentrer la maisonà.4.Les enfants viennent de se lever.5.On vient de se promener sur le campus.6.Vous venez de visiter le mus e du Louvreé.7.Elle vient d’é crire une lettre.8.Les feuilles viennent de tomber.IV. Remettez les phrases suivantes dans un ordre logique :(1) ..........f..............(2) ............b...........(3) ..........d..............(4) ..........e..............(5) ..........g..............(6) ...........a............(7) ..........c..............(8) ..........h..............E xercices audio-orauxI. Ecoutez et remplissez les blancs :J’ aime fairela cuisine. Aujourd’ hui, je vais inviter mescopains d?nerà chez moi. Mais il me faut d’ abord faire des courses. Je dois acheterducaf . éEt je dois aussi acheter d’ autresboissons : du vin,du jus de pamplemousse(柚子)et une bouteille d’eau minérale(含矿物质的). Puis des produits laitiers : de la glace, du fromage, du lait et du beurre. Ensuite, des fruits et desl égumes : des pommes, 300 grammes de tomates, des choux et des carottes.Et oui, j’ ai envie(克 )de manger du poisson ce soir. Mais demain je voudrais manger du porc. Je vais aussi achetertrois tranches de jambon(火腿) et des desserts pour ce week-end.II. Choisissez la bonne r ponseé :1. b2. b3. a4. a5. bE xercices de traductionI. Traduisez les mots et locutions :非常乐意感到饿在校园里高中同学avec plaisir avoir faim sur le campus camarade de lyc e é愤怒绝食等待轮到他大学生食堂être en col re èfaire la gr ve deè la faim attendre son tour le resto UII. Rendez les phrases en fran?ais :1.- G néralement, que manges-tu comme petit d jeuner ?é/ D ’ habitude, qu -ce’queest tu prends au petit d jeuner?é- Mon petit d jeuneré est tr s simpleè : un verre de lait et deux petits pains cuits la vapeur.à2.Tous les jours, Camille va prendre le d jeuner laàcantineéavec ses camarades de classe. Elle trouve la cuisine de son universit bonne. / Elleé trouve que la cuisine y est pas mal.3.Elle a 45 ans. Elle n’ est plus. jeune4.Jacques va te tl éphoner,é soit avant les vacances, soit aprs les vacancesè.5.Je viens te chercher pour te dire au revoir. / C’ estpour te dire au revoir que je viens te chercher. /Je viens juste pour te dire au revoir.。
77城市建筑设计:胡安·布斯盖兹+BAU/BLAU|DESIGNING URBAN ARCHITECTURE: JOAN BUSQUETS +BAU/BLAU 格兰大道的展览中心修建于1994年2月-1995年9月。
建筑用地在略夫雷加特河边的三角洲上,巴塞罗那会议中心,奥斯皮塔莱,西班牙CONVENTION CENTER IN BARCELONA, L’HOSPITALET, SPAIN, 1995建筑设计:胡安·布斯盖兹ARCHITECT: Joan Busquets预计周边地区未来的工业发展将会与城市人居环境有机结合。
展馆的最大开间为90m,中间有长达70m 的无柱空间。
服务空间的体块之上有一个高50m 的玻璃塔,是展览中心的象征和标志物。
□(司马蕾 译)11 会议中心鸟瞰/Aerial view of the fair building78世界建筑 2013/02The Gran Via exhibition complex was constructed between February 1994 and September 1995. It is conceived as a complementary structure for the Barcelona Fair, and is situated on the Gran Via urban axis, in the direction of the airport, two and a half kilometres from the historical exhibition centre of the Fair. The project was the first phase of a wide-scope intervention, which has later been completed with other buildings and public space projects. For this reason, this first executed phase is situated at the corner of a plot which was otherwise left un-built, to allow later expansions. The building stands at the edge of the delta of the river Llobregat, in a peripheral area for which an industrial development ecologically compatible with the urban habitat was foreseen. The presence of the Fair has later helped to improve the centrality of this area. The complex is articulated in two pavilions, entrance foyers and a service building with a tower. Installationsand infrastructural resources are located below ground level, in a "comb" structure that connects all the stands with all services. The pavilions have a maximum dimension of ninety meter, with a seventy meter free span. The primary structure is made of arcs in reinforced concrete; each arc consisting of tree beams, between which the ventilation is placed. These arcs, that weigh seventy tons, where constructed on ground level and subsequently lifted hydraulically. The roof has a skylight running along the whole length of, which is facing north and gives unity to the building and supplies sufficient daylight for assembling and disassembling the fittings for the fair events. The reception foyers are formed by a descending undulating structure held up by central steel pillars. The service building modular and is enriched by fifty meters high glass tower -emblem and advertising for the Fair.□项目时间/Period: 1991-1995232 70m预制混凝土结构构造/Construction of the 70m beams made up of precast concrete structure3 会议中心立面设计/Facade proposal for the Fair79城市建筑设计:胡安·布斯盖兹+BAU/BLAU|DESIGNING URBAN ARCHITECTURE: JOAN BUSQUETS +BAU/BLAU 457684 大厅铺装图案/Pavement pattern in the lobby5 会议中心大厅/View of the Fair ’s lobby6 大厅结构细部/Detail of the lobby structure7 室内楼梯/Inner stairs8 无柱大画廊内景/View of the large hall free of columns。
Your visit to the Martin Harris CentreA visual guideWelcome to the Martin Harris CentreWhere is the Centre?The Martin Harris Centre is in The University of Manchester campus near Manchester city centre.Arriving at theMartin Harris CentreThe Martin Harris Centre has two entrances. You might enter from Bridgeford Street:Or you might enter from Coupland Street:The foyerWhen you come into the Martin Harris Centre you will be in the Foyer. It looks like this:Sometimes the Foyer is very busy before a show because people wait here to go into the Concert Hall or Studio Theatre.T oiletsIf you need to go to the toilet there are toilets near the cafe. They look like this:Food and drinkIf you want to buy any hot drinks, cold drinks or snacks you can buy them from the cafe:Collecting tickets ArrayIf you are going to see a show you might need to buy or collect your ticket. T o do this, go to the Box Office and a member of staff will help you: ArrayAsking for helpIf you need any help you can always ask one of the Martin Harris Centrestaff members. They will be wearing purple or black T-shirts with Staffwritten on the back. They are very friendly and can help you if you areworried or have any questions.Going into the theatre There are two different performance spaces in the Martin Harris Centre: The Cosmo Rodewald Concert Halland the John Thaw Studio TheatreMap of the Martin Harris CentreGoing to see a showin the Cosmo Rodewald Concert HallIf you are going to see an event in the Concert Hall, you will need to go inside the Concert Hall before it starts.If you are sittingdownstairs, you will needto go through one of themain doors. You can entereither of the doors:If the event is very busythen you may be askedby a staff member to situpstairs in the balcony. Y ouwill need to go in the lift tothe first floor and througha doorway like this:The Martin Harris Centrestaff will help you if youare not sure where to go.A member of staff will helpyou find your seat. If yourticket has a seat number onit, there will be a seat witha matching number. Seatnumbers look like this:Some events areunreserved, which meansyou can sit anywhere youwould like.Inside the Concert Hall it looks like this:Going to see a showin the John ThawStudio TheatreIf you are going to see a show in the Studio Theatre, you will need to go inside the Studio Theatre before it starts.You will need to enter through the door that looks like this:The Martin Harris Centre staff will help you if you are not sure where to go.The seats in the StudioTheatre are unreserved,which means that you canchoose to sit anywhere youwould like. The seats looklike this:Inside the Studio Theatre it looks like this:The performanceStart of the performanceThe start time for the performance will be written on your ticket.You will know that the event is about to start because you will hear an announcement over the tannoy telling you when there is five minutes, three minutes or one minute until the start.Middle of the performanceIn the middle of the performance there may be an interval. This is so the performers and the audience can have a rest. The interval will last for about 20 minutes. You can find out if there is an interval from staff or the programme.The lights will get brighter and you can leaveyour seat to get a drink or to go to the toilet.You will know that the performance is about to start again because you will hear a staff member makingan announcement over the tannoy asking you to take your seat again.During the performanceLaughingDuring the performance the performers or conductors might make a joke. Some of the audience may laugh. You can laugh too if you want to.ClappingDuring the performance some people might clap to show that they are enjoying themselves. You can clap too if you want to.If the clapping is too loud you can cover your ears.The end of the performanceYou will know that it is the end of the performance because the performers will take a bow.There will be lots of people leaving the performance at the end so it might be quite busy in the Foyer again.The Martin Harris Centre for Music and DramaThe University of ManchesterBridgeford Street, off Oxford RoadManchester M13 9PLTelephone: 0161 275 8951Email:***********************.ukOnline tickets: /mhcMHCentre@MHCentre Royal Charter Number RC000797DW3193.12.16。
2021年上半年教师资格考试《英语学科(高中)》真题1. 【单项选择题】Which of the following English phonemes has more than one allophone based on its position in a word?A. /wiB. lj/C. /miD. /Ⅳ正确答案 D【答案解析】本题考查音系学。
题干要求找出英语音素中基于单词中位置不同造成不止一个音位变体的是____, 辅音字母l在单词中会有不同的音位,比如leaf/li:f/ ,而feel /fi:l/两个不同的/l/ ,就是音位/l/的两个不同变体。
2. 【单项选择题】What is the right pronunciation of the word "permit" when it is used as a noun?A. ['pomit]B. [po'mrt]C. [po:'mrt]D. ['pa:mit]正确答案 D【答案解析】本题考查音系学。
permit作名词时重音位于第一个音节,为['pə:mit]且为长元音;作动词时重音一般位于第二个音节, [pəˈmit]。
3. 【单项选择题】Astronomer Heidi Hammer, a proponent of science education, conveys a passion for planetary science that her fascinated audience find___A. equivocalB. archaicC. timidD. infectious正确答案 D【答案解析】本题考查形容词辨析。
句意:天文学家海蒂 ·汉默,科学教育的支持者,她传达出来的对星体学的热情使得对她着迷的观众都被感染了。
Microsoft Teams 远程工作指南说明书
Guide pour le travail à domicile pour PME- avec Microsoft Teams-Après que le Conseil fédéral a déclaré la "situation extraordinaire" pour l'ensemble de la Suisse le 16 mars 2020, de nombreuses PME seront contraintes de délocaliser leur travail vers leur siège social dans la mesure du possible. Comment assurer la cohésion et la productivité de vos employé-e-s lorsque ceux-ci/celles-ci travaillent depuis leur domicile?En collaboration avec nos partenaires, nous avons élaboré un guide pour aider les petiteset moyennes entreprises à mettre en place la communication et la collaboration au seinde leur équipe le plus rapidement possible, lorsque celle-ci travaille à distance. Ce guide contient d’une part des informations sur la version gratuite de Teams, d’autre part il vous fournit une précieuse collection de conseils et astuces ainsi qu’un aperçu des diverses formations à disposition.Qu’est-ce que Teams et comment Teams peut-il aider en cettepériode de crise COVID-19 ?Microsoft Teams, l’outil de collaboration qui englobe entre autres les fonctions de chat, d’appels vidéo, de discussions et de partage de fichiers, ne vous aide pas seulement au bureau, mais surtout lorsque vos employé-e-s sont en télétravail en permettant une collaboration efficace au sein de votre entreprise.En tant que service en nuage basé sur Internet, vous pouvez rapidement déployer un environnement Microsoft Team pour votre entreprise. Indépendamment du lieu et de l'infrastructure, vous pouvez ainsi assurer la collaboration continue de vos employé-e-s dans cette situation particulière.Vous êtes inquiet/e pour la sécurité de vos données ? Inutile, tous les nouveaux clients sont hébergés dans le centre de données suisse de Microsoft et sont soumis aux règles en matière de protection des données.Licence-Test gratuite et installation de TeamsAfin de mettre en place Microsoft Teams le plus rapidement possible au sein votre entreprise, entreprenez les deux actions suivantes : 1) Choisir une des deux versions et 2) Installer Teams.1) Choisir une des deux versionsIl existe deux versions de Microsoft Teams: une version basique, gratuite et illimitée temporellement, pour un maximum de 300 utilisateurs, ainsi qu’une version complète pour laquelle vous pouvez recevoir des licences-test de la part de nos partenaires pour une durée de 6 mois et un maximum de 1'000 utilisateurs.2) Installer TeamsVoici des instructions pratiques pour créer et gérer votre organisation sur Teams avec la version gratuite et basique de Microsoft Teams.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bienvenue dans la version gratuite de TeamsDans le cas où vous avez choisi la version complète, veuillez contacter un partenaire Microsoft près de chez vous , qui vous mettra non seulement les licences-test à disposition, mais qui vous conseillera également pour l’installation.Conseils et astuces pour le travail à domicileVoici quelques conseils et astuces pour la mise en place du travail à domicile et un travail d’équipe efficace :Configurer son espace de travailSi vous n'avez pas de bureau à votre domicile, ne vous inquiétez pas ! Vous pouvez tout de même travailler de manière productive depuis chez vous. Teams a été conçu comme un bureau virtuel, vous permettant ainsi de l’emporter partout. Même si vous n'avez pas d'imprimante, de dossiers physiques ou de téléphone sur votre bureau à la maison, vous pouvez directement accéder à vos documents dans Teams, stocker vos dossiers en toute sécurité là où les bonnes personnes peuvent y accéder et commencer rapidement des appels et réunions. Néanmoins, il est important d'avoir à la maison un espace de travail dédié où vous pouvez être productif et signaler que vous êtes en mode "ne pas déranger".Si votre pièce est moins ordonnée en fin de journée, ne vous inquiétez pas ! Vous avez toujours la possibilité d’utiliser le flou d'arrière-plan lors de vos réunions vidéo, afin que vos collègues se concentrent uniquement sur vous.Communiquer, communiquer, communiquerLorsque vous travaillez à domicile, votre rythme quotidien peut changer. Cela est particulièrement vrai pour ceux/celles d'entre nous qui doivent concilier travail et garde d'enfants. Communiquez clairement vos horaires de travail à vos collègues et à votre personnel afin qu'ils sachent quand ils peuvent vous joindre. Vous pouvez également définir un message de statut dans Teams afin de partager ces informations de manière proactive.Organiser des réunions efficacesEtant donné il n'y a pas de salle de conférence physique, réunir les équipes peut sembler être le plus grand défi du travail à distance. Lorsque vous déplacez vos réunions vers Teams, assurez-vous que toutes les réunions disposent de l’option"rejoindre une réunion Teams" afin de créer une salle de conférence en ligne. Nous suggérons également à tous les participant-e-s d'allumer la vidéo s'ils se sentent à l'aise pour le faire. L'interaction personnelle est essentielle pour que tous les participant-e-s se sentent connectés. Une large gamme de caméras certifiées ainsi que d’équipements tels que des casques et des kits mains libres sont également disponibles pour vous et vos employé-e-s afin que vous puissiez toujours communiquer de façon optimale.Enregistrer vos réunionsIl est bien souvent difficile d’éviter les doubles rendez-vous dans son calendrier. Si votre organisation le permet, enregistrez vos réunions Teams afin que vos employé-e-s puissent les écouter plus tard. Si vous-même ne pouvez pas assister à une séance, rappelez à l’organisateur d’enregistrer la réunion en votre absence. La transcription générée automatiquement est également très utile lorsque vous désirez accéder à une information traitée lors d’une réunion à laquelle vous avez participé.Rassembler votre équipeEn travaillant à distance, on peut se sentir isoler. En tant que manager, il est important de créer des opportunités permettant à toute l'équipe de se réunir virtuellement. Gardez le rythme de vos réunions d'équipe ou de vos déjeuners d'équipe habituels, faites-les simplement en ligne. Utilisez le canal "Général" dans Teams pour les discussions qui pourraient intéresser tout le monde. Pour les grandes séances de brainstorming, utilisez l’application Microsoft Whiteboard qui fournit un tableau blanc digital infini où les participant-e-s peuvent développer des idées et collaborer en équipe.Matériel de formation et assistanceMatériel de formationSi vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur Teams, vous trouverez ici une série de vidéos de formation que vous pourrez regarder à tout moment selon vos besoins:AssistanceSi toutefois quelque chose ne fonctionnait pas comme prévu, nous sommes là pour vous aider. Avec la version complète de Microsoft, vous disposez d'un contactd'assistance via le Office 365 Admin Portal ainsi que par téléphone (+49 69 380 789 305).Pour la version de base gratuite, il n'y a pas de ligne d'assistance. Vous pouvez cependant obtenir de l’aide via les canaux suivants :•Prise en charge des travailleurs à distance avec Microsoft Teams•Auto-assistance : vous trouverez ici des conseils et astuces ainsi que des formations Teams•Communauté technique : posez vos questions et échangez avec la communauté technique de Teams•Partenaire Microsoft : contactez un partenaire MicrosoftSi vous avez d'autres questions concernant le travail à domicile et Microsoft Teams, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse suivante : **************************.。
浙江省宁波市蛟川书院2023-2024学年上学期九年级期中英语试题一、完形填空Your resolution leads the way to success. This is 1 Loma tells us.“I wish I can perform as usual, win a gold medal,” said Loma, “and 2 myself-value.” After years of hard work, she finally got the 3 to compete in the world game. Loma is a lawn bowl player (草地掷球运动员). Unlike other players, she went blind because of illness. Besides, she learned this 4 at the age of 41 instead of 11. Losing her sight and a 5 start mean she needs to make more efforts than others do.When she first started practicing lawn bowling, she couldn’t find the right path. Sometimes she even walked into other players. Feeling 6 , she once packed up (打包行李) and decided to go home. But this was 7 by her teammates, who cared about her and encouraged her. Her coaches also gave her more 8 in training. Deeply moved, Loma 9 .She could do nothing but keep practicing. She often practiced alone until midnight. “I took an apple or an orange as a bowl, threw it in hallways and found it 10 .” Loma said, “When I went back to the dorm (宿舍), my roommates had already been 11 .” Years by years, she made great progress in her skills. 12 , Loma fell in love with this sport. She practiced it not only for achievement but also for 13 .Standing on the race field, she 14 she could do it! After rounds of exciting competitions, Loman won the game! Nearly all the audience (观众) cheered for her! “I feel lucky that I never 15 . The process may be hard, but it is worth trying.” Loma cried happily. B.what C.that D.which 2.A.lose B.overcome C.realize D.cancel 3.A.ticket C.project D.chance B.illness C.lesson D.trick5.A.hard B.quick C.late D.simple 6.A.upset B.angry C.bored D.excited7.A.suggested B.warned C.spread D.noticed B.relief C.patience D.service 9.A.remained B.stopped C.waited D.failed 10.A.away B.back C.forward D.behind11.A.ill B.asleep C.tired D.crazy 12.A.Suddenly B.Freely C.Strangely D.Gradually B.prize 14.A.doubted B.believed C.trusted D.questioned 15.A.gave up ready C.cheered up D.stood up二、阅读理解CharityBake SaleWhen: Thursday 22nd OctoberWhere: Floor 15 at the Big Meeting Table(Near HarperCollins Children’s)Time: 1 pmAll that from the Bake Sale will go towards supporting sick babies and their families at the Chelsa and Westminster Hospital.I am supporting this charity after my close friend’s baby lost his life because of a serious illness. He was only 13 days old. My friend and her family will run the Dublin Marathon next month to support the charity. No amount is small, so please support us however you can.Thank you all for rewarding and your support.16.What you have just read is a/an ________.A.novel B.poster C.letter D.ad17.If you want to take part in this charity sale, where can you go?A.The Chelsa and Westminster Hospital.B.Dublin Marathon.C.HarperCollins Children’s.D.The Big Meeting Table18.Who will your support go to?A.Bake Shop.B.The author’s friend.C.Sick babies.D.Families with one baby.One day, a running race started in the forest. Each of the first twelve winners could name a year after themselves.The mouse thought he was the smallest one so he got up as the sun rose. However, the horse, the tiger, and the ox (牛) all caught up with him. They met at the Great River. It moved so fast that the little mouse could not swim across, so he asked other bigger animals for help. The kind-hearted ox agreed. As they were about to reach the other side, the rat jumped off the ox and won first place.The ox came in second, with the tiger right behind him. Jumping across stones, the rabbit came in fourth. The dangerous river was not a big deal for the dragon because he could fly across it. But he stopped to help other animals in need. Just as he arrived, the snake suddenly and quietly appeared, which startled (使受惊吓) the horse, letting the snake arrive in the sixth place.Different from other animals, the sheep, the monkey, and the rooster (公鸡) crossed the river with the help of a raft (木筏). They worked together and made a success. The three agreed to give eighth place to the sheep, who had been the friendliest of them. The dog was a good swimmer but he played in the water for so long that he only came in eleventh. The last one was the pig, who got hungry easily and liked sleeping.This is how each Chinese year is connected with animals in this order.19.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.The river.B.The mouse.C.The sun.D.The mouse. 20.Which sentence in this passage shows that the dragon is kind?A.he could fly across it.B.the snake suddenly and quietly appeared.C.he stopped to help other animals in need.D.letting the snake arrive in the sixth place. 21.What makes the sheep, the monkey, and the rooster arrive?A.Luck.B.Dragon’s help.C.Teamwork.D.Swimming skills. 22.What might the pig do on the way?A.He felt sleepy but kept running forward.B.He found some food but walked straight away.C.He talked with his friends for a long time.D.He got hungry on the way and stopped to eat and slept.If you walk in the Peking University (北京大学),you are likely to meet a boy carrying a big bottle of water and a bag of buns (馒头) in his hand. He is ordinary in his looks and wearing, but uncommon in maths achievement. He is Wei Dongyi, a teacher and a math talent in the Peking University.He is known by the public for an interview. He was asked to cheer up the high school students who were about to take the Chinese gaokao, and he just said “Welcome to Peking University. I don’t know what else to say.” It was later learned that this shy boy once won gold medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad (国际奥林匹克数学竞赛). Because of this, he was invited to study at Harvard University, but he refused. His reason is also simple: “I don’t want to go abroad”.Wei’s father is a math professor. This influenced him in some ways. When he was young, he was interested in math while other children loved playing toys. He is a big fan of math.He was always found reading math books by his classmates.Although he was so successful, his life can’t be simpler! He doesn’t like social media (社交媒体) or going to parties. He always takes a bottle of water and refills it with drinking water simply because it is good for the environment.This genius lives in his own world. He doesn’t care about how much he got or outside opinions but he loves his country and math. He is willing to put his whole life into solving math problems.23.If you want to have a talk with Wei Dongyi, which of the following might interest him most?A.The most popular cloth style.B.The delicious food in canteen.C.Your friend’s birthday party.D.A math problem you met yesterday. 24.Why does Wei Dongyi always carry a bottle of water?A.Because he likes drinking water.B.Because this can protect the environment.C.Because it is convenient to take.D.Because he wants to save some money. 25.What does the underlined word “genius” mean?A.Talent.B.Star.C.Child.D.Fan.26.What kind of life does Wei Dongyi have?A.Boring and strange.B.Interesting but hard.C.Busy but happy.D.Simple and meaningful.Many westerners find it interesting that Chinese people always carry a vacuum cup (保温杯). If you go to a western restaurant, they usually serve you a cup of cold water with ice. And when you ask if they can change to hot water, you may receive a strange look from the waiter or people nearby. Hot water? Seriously?So hot water VS cold water, which one is better?By 1930s, the water supplies (供水) was polluted. In order to prevent people from diseases, the government suggested drinking boiled water, because they considered it a way to kill off bacteria (细菌).People at that time always boiled water and stored it in vacuum bottle to keep it warm for the day. Even now, you can find hot water everywhere, in schools, factories, and offices across the country. While for western countries, many people died of the plague (鼠疫) .They took water quality seriously from then on, so that people can drink water directly rather than boil it.You may also discover that Chinese people prefer hot meals. Some parents always teach their children to drink hot soup with meals, because they think mixing cold water with hot meals is really bad for the stomach, and cold water may cause digestive (消化) problems, while hot water helps digestion.According to the eating habits in western countries, they prefer “raw” food, so they also prefer their water “raw”. They also like hamburgers and fried food, which are all with high calorie (高热量), so they need cold drinks to cool them off.Drinking hot or cold water also has something to do with medicine beliefs. In traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese people consider drinking hot water increases blood circulation(循环) and washes away the coldness in one’s body, and thus eases pain. However, most westerners believe that drinking hot water may weaken your body. Drinking hot water too often will make your body unable to stand water below your body temperature.You may find out that there is no answer to this question. The causes are various, so don’t feel strange next time you see a Chinese ask for hot water, just show your respect.27.How do westerners feel when you ask the waiter to serve a cup of hot water?A.Common.B.Shocked.C.Healthy.D.Glad.28.From this passage, we can know that ________.A.Westerners need to boil water before drinking.B.Chinese cannot eat dinner without hot soup.C.both westerners and Chinese think water quality important.D.Chinese medicine believes that hot water will weaken your body.29.What causes are mentioned in this passage?①History ①Medical beliefs ①Body structure ①Eating habits ①Water systemA.①①①B.①①①C.①①①D.①①①30.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A.Chinese and western culture.B.Why do Chinese like hot water?C.Hot water is good for health.D.Hot water or cold water?下面文章中有五处需要添加标题。
马尔代夫白马庄园 LV集团下的顶级奢华酒店
S low Life最生活A Luxurious Hotel under LVMH in Maldive马尔代夫白马庄园L V集团下的顶级奢华酒店文 Max 图 Nick M muiguwaCheval Blanc Randheli马尔代夫,被誉为“印度洋上人间最后乐园”,坐拥1000多座岛屿和众多的自然环礁。
“白马”之名的由来法国奢侈品巨头的酒店帝国梦白马庄园是由全球最大的奢侈品巨头LouisVuitton-Mo ët Hennessy(路易·威登—酩悦·轩尼诗)所打造的酒店集团。
这个简称为LVMH 的世界最大精品集团,业务主要包括葡萄酒及烈酒、时装及皮革制品、香水及化妆品、钟表及珠宝以及精品零售。
当前市场,时尚巨头进军酒店业已是常态,以奢侈品为主要业务的LV 集团进军酒店业领域,也并不稀奇。
但为何LV 的酒店取名叫白马庄园?这还得从集团的缔造者和掌舵人Bernard Arnault(贝尔纳·阿尔诺)说起。
LV 集团最早是做酒庄和酒精生意起家的,早在1998年,贝尔纳就购下了波尔多产区下面极富盛名的酒庄,而此酒庄的所在地正好左页图为白马酒店为客人准备的马尔代夫传统交通工具多尼船;本页上的两小图为蓝天白云下的白马酒店户外场景,下图为白马酒店的Logo 雕塑。
未来商业新世界 奢尚购物核心圈
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安居天下,临街两层底商, 北临顺和商业中心,未来的商业街区, 高端百货将城市原有的购物中心迁徙至此,
尽揽顶级百货商场, 以全新的经营理念同步世界级高端消费享受, 以从未呈现过的商业姿态托起城市新价值核心的崛起, 城市人群流连忘返,繁华琳琅尽收安居天下所有。
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承诺三个“十二”,即十二分钟主动与业主联系,十二小时内处理完毕,十二日内进行回访; 建立保安服务制度,由六名保安人员二十四小时不间断巡逻,对老人、儿童进行护送服务;完 善小区便民实施,如小区车库门口、小区单元门口设置物品推车,小区内统一安装监控设施等。
人生当有别 一宅见高下 安业·安居天下2014产品发布会
Beverly HIlls In La 洛杉矶比佛利山庄
Langisland In New York 纽约长岛
TOKYO bAY 日本东京湾
Brulla bay in Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡布茹拉湾
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af0 r
6 The implied wealth dynamics is not stationary, as
5 He also studies autoregressive moving-average processes, and includes the unit-root speci cation as a special case.
sup U~c!,
c[ L~A0 ,y0 !
where the admissible set L( A0, y0) is de ned by a maximum growth rate of debt given in the
THEOREM 1: Suppose that the Laplace transform7 z of the income innovation wt is nite
ballero’s model also predicts a constant precautionary-savings demand and constant dissavings due to impatience. In equilibrium, I show that these two forces must cancel each other. As a result, the agent behaves in accordance with the PIH.
over the range from 0 through 2usra (normality of wt suf ces8). The agent’s optimal con-
sumption rule for (4) is then
c*t 5 r~At 1 ayt 1 a0 !,
1 By “impatience,” I mean that the subjective discount rate is higher than the interest rate.
2 There are no liquidity constraints either. 3 See Stephen P. Zeldes (1989), Ricardo J. Caballero (1990, 1991), Miles S. Kimball (1990), Angus Deaton (1991), and Christopher D. Carroll (1997). 4 See Truman Bewley (1986), Mark Huggett (1993), S. Rao Aiyagari (1994), Per Krusell and Anthony A. Smith (1998), and Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent (2000) for standard treatments.
* William E. Simon School of Business Administration, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 (e-mail: wang@). This paper is based on Chapter 3 in my dissertation at Stanford. I am deeply indebted to Darrell Duf e for his numerous detailed comments and supervision. I am also very grateful to Tom Sargent for many stimulating conversations and constant encouragement, to Ken Singleton for his advising, and to Bob Hall for his support and comments. I thank an anonymous referee for his constructive and helpful comments. I also bene ted from discussions with Steve Davis, Lars Hansen, Ken Judd, Dirk Krueger, Felix Kubler, Greg Mankiw, Luigi Pistaferri, Paul Willen, and members of Sargent’s Stanford reading group.
receives income yt, and consumes ct, at the end of period t. The agent has time-additive state-separa-
ble constant-absolute-risk-averse (CARA) utility,
Section I describes the model. Section II concludes. The Appendix provides a heuristic derivation and a proof of the optimal consumption rule.
I. Model
O X D `
(3) U~c! 5 E
1 1 d u~ct! ,
for any consumption process c, where d . 0 is the agent’s subjective discount rate6 and u is
constant-absolute-risk-averse utility, in that u(c) 5 2e2 uc/u with u . 0. His objective is to
come process. I x a probability space ( , F,
P) and an information
` t5
suppose that the agent receives labor income at
time t, at the rate yt given by
(1) yt 5 f0 1 f1 y t 2 1 1 sw t ,
t $ 1,
where given,
s . 0, the initial and {w1, w2, ...}
level y0 of income is are independent inno-
vations, with a distribution n having zero mean
and unit variance. Since the focus of this note is
the property of optimal consumption in station-
ary equilibrium, I also assume that the income
process (1) is stationary, in that zf1z , 1borrow or lend at a constant rate of interest r . 0, in that
At 11 5 ~1 1 r!At 1 yt 2 ct,
with a given initial asset level A0, where At is the level of wealth at the beginning of period t. He
Caballero Meets Bewley: The Permanent-Income Hypothesis in General Equilibrium
The permanent-income hypothesis (PIH) of Milton Friedman (1957) states that the agent saves in anticipation of possible future declines in labor income (John Y. Campbell, 1987). He also saves for precautionary reasons, and dissaves because of impatience.1 To justify the PIH in an intertemporal optimization framework, it has been conventional to assume both (i) quadratic utility, to turn off precautionary motives (Robert E. Hall, 1978), and (ii) equality between the subjective discount rate and the interest rate, in order to rule out dissavings for lack of patience.2 Neither assumption is plausible. Much work on consumption in the past decade has focused on individual’s precautionary savings motives and liquidity constraints.3 Impatience is a standard result in heterogeneousagents general-equilibrium incomplete-markets models, generally known as Bewley models.4