












(1.5×10=15分)1. 那一刻我很___________ 自己想象力的缺乏,比不上那个小孩 .A.后悔B.可惜C.惭愧D.骄傲2.孩子的心是长了翅膀的,_____稚嫩______飞得很高,飞的很美.A.尽管...还B.不论…还C.什么…就D.尽管…但3.这一天母亲________为我做了香喷喷的抓饭.A.有意B.特地C.故意D.特别4.孩子们被_______ 的地震吓呆了.A.严重B.不停C.突如其来D.紧要5.爷爷一直_______锻炼身体,所以他的身体很好.A.不断B.继续C.坚持D.坚定6. 老师你就_______一盏明亮的灯,照亮了大地,更照亮了我们的人生道路.A.好像B.伟大C.很象D.像7. 艾力______喊着_____抓住学生往外跑.A.如果..就B.即使..也C.像..一样D.一边..一边8.由于_______ 疲劳,他坐在那里竟然睡觉了.A.度过B.很多C.过度D.干事9.他_______ 会做饭_______ 会做许多其他家务活.A.还...还B.不但…还C.如果…就D.要…就10. 为了能顺利考上初中,我把时间_________特别宝贵. A.当做 B.想得 C.看得 D.浪费的二,选择下列各句划横线词语的恰当的答案。

(2×9=18分)11. 他光着身子,被寒风一吹,便会冷得浑身直哆嗦.()A.炎热B.认真C.冻僵D.发抖12. 天气虽然很冷,工地上照样热火朝天。

()A.按照B.按时C.照看D.照旧13. 警察抓住了一个划破玻璃企图盗窃展品的犯罪嫌疑人。

()A.地图B.企业C.想象D.打算14. 他们俩你抢我多,一失手,小坦克落在地上,又不见了. ()A.失去B.过去C.放手D.没拿好15.医生警告说必须设法让我一直保持清醒,否则有生命危险.()A.告诉B.吓唬C.提醒D.恐吓16. 死亡在洪水的狞笑声中逼近.()A.嘲笑B.哈哈大笑C.凶恶的笑D.笑容17. 古力老师全然不顾危险,又冲上教学楼,抱起两个小孩向外跑去. ()A.全体B.安然C.完全D.全面18. 看电影时她悄声地给我解释了迟到的原因. ()A.低声B.悄悄C.大声D.无声19. 当搜救人员掀开一块厚重的水泥板时,眼前的一幕让所有人感动. ()A.打开B.抬起C.捧起D.举起三、给短文中的空白处选择恰当的答案.(2×6=12分)吃完饭后,___20_____休息一会儿在做别的事情, ____21____血液不能充分留到肠胃,而影响___22____。




(1.5×10=15分)1. 妈妈告诉我们,不需___________ 残疾人.A.相信B.取笑C.害怕D.帮助2.母亲听了老师的话 _______骂他 _______ 打他.A.没有...也B.不论…还C.如果…就D.即使…也3.我们要________ 时间和学习的好机会.A.珍爱B.爱惜C.珍惜D.保护4.因为这里的天气和地形有点复杂,人们_______ 打猎和捕鱼.A.没有B.不许C.无法D.可以5.今天_______你来了,否则我们要迷路了.A.没有B.多好C.多亏D.亏本6.事情发生得_______ ,我们都没准备.A.骤然B.突然C.然后D.不断7. 我的心疼得______ 刀绞_____眼泪不住的往下流.A.如果..就B.不仅..而且C.像..一样D.一边..一边8.他路过书店门口时_______ 看见艾力从里面出来.A.恰好B.正好C.果断D.可能9.艾力_______ 走_______ 不停地拾柴火.A.还...还B.一边…一边C.如果…就D.即…又10.小树得到孩子们精心的___________一天比一天长高了. A.爱护 B.保护 C.呵护 D.破坏二,选择下列各句划横线词语的恰当的答案。

(2×9=18分)11. 你回家吧,衣服搁在这儿,我帮你保管. ()A.尽可能B.帮C.放D.挂12. 古力阿姨说话口吃的厉害。

()A.巴结B.结巴C.喜欢吃D.馋嘴13. 他这样贪婪的臭脾气,谁都不喜欢。

()A.详细B.贪心C.知足D.确定14. 每件事开头难,只要努力会取得好成绩. ()A.很好B.开始C.第一次D.经过15. 他如此对待你,你还帮他说过话吗?.()A.还B.这样C.哪样D.怎么样16. 我琢磨了半天,还是没想出什么好办法来.()A.思考B.考虑C.想D.认真17. 我这个说明可能不完善,亲大家多提意见. ()A.晚辈B.完全C.认真D.完备18. 这种日子一天比一天难熬了. ()A.难道B.忍受C.怪不得D.难过19. 你何必为了这件小事而责怪他呢. ()A.可以B.没必要C.怪不得D.如何三、给短文中的空白处选择恰当的答案.(2×6=12分)计算机的计算方法与人脑完全___20_____ ,它不能自己计算,得事先由人设计好计算____21____ ,___22____ 根据程序得到结果。










(3) a. 幸福 b. 幸亏 c. 幸运
1.( )国家的好政策,否则我们过不上这样的()生活。











(1.5×10=15分)1. 事情比较___________ 不抓紧时间是不行的 .A.急忙B.紧急C.要紧D.繁忙2. 有些东西_____失去, ______再也得不到了.A.尽管...还B.一旦…就C.什么…就D.即使…也3.这一堂课好像过得特别快,________--------- 。

A.就一会儿下课了B.一会儿就下课了C.下课了一会儿就4.自行车坏在半路上,我_______ 推着车走回家.A.怪不得B.好想C.不得不D.没想到5.我们要采取_______措施,保证人民财产的安全.A.防护B.保护C.爱护D.保卫6. 我们按照他说的做了,_______效果不错.A.突然B.竟然C.果然D.既然7. ______艾山,_____不少人歌也唱得很好.A.如果..就B.即使..也C.除了..还有D.不管..其他8.他的学习成绩令他的父母很_______.A.绝望B.伤心C.失望D.笑哈哈9._______ 你上课专心听讲,多复习,以后进步_______ 会更快的.A.因为...所以B.不但…还C.一边…一边D.只要…就10. 在学习上你们常帮助我,_______________. A.我真有点过意不去 B.我有点真过意不去C.真有点我过意不去二,选择下列各句划横线词语的恰当的答案。

(2×9=18分)11. 他用几天的功夫学会了游泳.()A.能力B.时间C.决心D.技能12. 我们应该大力提倡写日记,形成写日记的风气。

()A.倡导B.养成C.修养D.研究13. 你大概不会忘记,新疆姑娘那独特优美的发型____ 辫子。

()A.独立的B.独有的C.单独的D.独自的14. 这家饭馆的生意十分红火. ()A.热闹B.火光C.发达D.红颜色15.在工厂里工作了几年,我的修理水平算得上一流.()A.流畅B.流利C.最好的D.比较差16. 坐着轮椅进进出出的也很不方便,尽给人添麻烦.()A.总是B.完全C.尽量D.经常17. 在浩瀚的太空中有许多飞船飞行. ()A.狭窄B.蓝蓝C.广大D.光顾18. 他看见厂里贮藏汽油的油罐都是圆的很生气. ()A.宝藏B.隐藏C.珍藏D.存放19. 我懒得跟他说话,你就不要逼我了. ()A.不愿意B.懒惰C.很想D.不需要三、给短文中的空白处选择恰当的答案.(2×6=12分)朋友们_20_说我很坚强, _21_天塌下来也不会眨眼角儿.说多了,我自己便_22_这样以为了。



共7页《新疆六年级上学期语文第五单元试卷》姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 学号:__________ 一、基础知识(每题2分,共40分) (共20题)1.看拼音,写词语。

(1)cǎo píng()上盛开着五颜六色的花朵,美丽极了。

(2)雨后天晴,天空出现了一道美丽的cǎi hóng()。

(3)yī shang()在微风中轻轻飘动,仿佛仙女下凡。

(4)我们在tián yě()里奔跑,感受大自然的美好。


(1)勾勒(lè gōu)()(2)蒙古包(měng méng)()(2)迂回(yū yú)()(4)羞涩(sè shè)()3.比一比,再组词。



(1)洒脱——()(2)拘束——()(3)疾驰——()(4)羞涩——()试卷 第2页 共7页6. 写出下列词语的反义词。

(1)大方——( ) (2)热闹——( ) (3)明朗——( ) (4)舒服——( )7. 在括号里填上合适的词语。

(1)( )的草原 (2)( )的空气 (3)( )的歌声 (4)( )的骏马8. 按要求写句子。




(扩句,至少扩两处)9. 给下列句子排序。

( )在天底下,一碧千里,而并不茫茫。

( )那些小丘的线条是那么柔美,就像只用绿色渲染,不用墨线勾勒的中国画那样,到处翠色欲流,轻轻流入云际。



一、听力理解(每小题 1分,共15分)题号123456789101112131415答案说明:同学们,你们在下面听两个人的对话,根据提出的问题,选择正确的答案。

1 A.春天 B.夏天 C.秋天 D.冬天2 A.能帮忙 B.不能帮忙 C.没意思 D.不知道3A.不好吃 B.吃饱了 C.再吃一点儿D.还没跑4A.想看比赛 B.想和男的赛跑C.锻炼身体D.不想跑步5 A.不满意 B.满意 C.生气 D.批评6A.办展览 B.参观博物馆C.参观一下展览D.节能7 A.很高兴 B.很满意 C.还可以 D.不太满意8 A.大城市 B.农村 C.田野 D.郊外9A.张红哭了 B.张红没考好C.张红犯错了D.张红看错了10A.女的想出国B.男的想出国C.都想出国D.都不想出国11A.很有趣 B.没意思 C.很新鲜 D.有很多道理12A.和朋友逛街B.在家看电视C.和朋友聊天D.看电影13 A.当翻译 B.辞职了 C.编辑 D.公务员14 A.无聊 B.很喜欢 C.不满意 D.不再来了15 A.价格 B.质量 C.品种 D.服务二、字、词部分(共55分)(一)看拼音写词语。

(8分)róng yùshí yànjìngzhēngchuàngxīn旦()爱()猜()京()(三)写出带有下面部首的字病组词(9分)1.冫()2.刂()3.廴()4.禾()5.月()6攵()7.冖()8.日()9.厂()(四)选词填空(8分)( 拒绝支持)1.家里人非常()我参加这次口语大赛。



(尤其其实)4. (),学韩语并不难,只要用心就能学好。




2024年新疆英语小学六年级上学期模拟试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1.Question:Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer.What time does the school start in the morning?A)8:00 a.m.B)8:30 a.m.C)9:00 a.m.Answer: B) 8:30 a.m.Explanation: The recording mentions that the school starts at 8:30 a.m. in the morning, making option B the correct choice.2.Question:Listen carefully and select the activity that the speaker is describing.The children are playing_______after school.A)basketballB)footballC)badmintonAnswer: A) basketballExplanation: The recording describes the children playing a sport involvinga ball and a hoop, which typically refers to basketball. Hence, the answeris A.3.Question:Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.What does the teacher ask the student to bring to the class tomorrow?A) A pencil caseB) A notebookC) A textbookAnswer: B) A notebookExplanation: The dialogue mentions that the teacher asks the student to bring a notebook to the class for tomorrow’s less on. This directly corresponds to option B.4、 Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question. Question: What is the boy going to do tomorrow?A. Go swimming.B. Go hiking.C. Go fishing.Answer: AExplanation: In the dialogue, the boy says, “I’m going swimming tomorrow. Would you like to join me?” This directly indicates that the boy’s plan for tomorrow is to go swimming.5、 Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: How often does the speaker go to the library?A. Every day.B. Twice a week.C. Once a month.Answer: BExplanation: The passage states, “I visit the library twice a week to borrow books and study.” This clearly shows that the speaker goes to the library twice a week.6、 Listen to the instructions and choose the correct action. Instructions: “Please write down the number of vowels in the word‘surprise’.”A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.Answer: CExplanation: The word “surprise” contains five vowels: u, e, i, e (second e), and a. Therefore, the correct action is to write down the number five. 7、Listen to the short dialogue and choose the correct answer.(A) It’s sunny.(B) It’s rainy.(C) It’s windy.Answer: (B) It’s rainy.Explanation: The dialogue mentions that “It’s rai ning outside, soremember to take your umbrella.” This indicates that it is rainy, making option (B) the correct answer.8、Listen to the sentence and circle the word you hear.(A) library(B) laboratory(C) leisureAnswer: (A) libraryExplanation: The sen tence spoken would have clearly pronounced “library” as the word to be heard, making (A) the correct choice.9、Listen to the conversation and answer the question.What time does the movie start?(A) At 8:00 p.m.(B) At 7:30 p.m.(C) At 9:00 p.m.Answer: (B) At 7:30 p.m.Explanation: The conversation would have contained a line like “The movie starts at 7:30 p.m., so we should leave by 7:00 to be on time.” This indicates that the movie starts at 7:30 p.m., making (B) the correct answer.10、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.Question: What is the boy going to do tomorrow?A. He’s going to visit his grandparents.B. He’s going to watch a film.C. He’s going to play football.Answer: AExplanation: The dialogue mentions that the boy’s parents are busy tomorrow, so he is going to visit his grandparents. This matches option A.11、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: How many books does the speaker have?A. Two books.B. Three books.C. Four books.Answer: BExplanation: The passage states that the speaker has a science book, a math book, and an English book, totaling three books. This matches option B.12、Listen to the instructions and complete the task.You will hear a list of activities. Write down the one that you would like to do most.(Options: go swimming, play basketball, read a book)Answer: (Example) go swimmingExplanation: This is an open-ended question where the answer depends on the listener’s personal preference. The example given is “go swimming,” but any of the three options could be the answer. The task is to write down the activity that the listener would like to do most based on the list heard.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1.Which of the following is a type of transportation that can help us cross largedistances of water quickly?A)BicycleB)AirplaneC)BusD)TrainAnswer: B) AirplaneExplanation: Airplanes are specifically designed to fly through the air, allowing people to travel long distances, including over water, quickly and efficiently. Bicycles, buses, and trains are all forms of transportation, but they are not the most efficient for crossing large distances of water quickly.2.What is the name of the person who teaches you in school?A)ClassmateB)TeacherC)FriendD)PrincipalAnswer: B) TeacherExplanation: Teachers are the professionals who impart knowledge and guide students in their academic pursuits in schools. Classmates are fellow students, friends are people with whom one has a close relationship, and the principal is the head administrator of a school.3.Which word in the sentence “I like to read books in my free time.” is an action verb?A)IB)likeC)booksD)timeAnswer: B) likeExplanation: An action verb is a verb that expresses an action or an occurrence. In the sentence “I like to read books in my free time,” the word “like” is an action verb because it indicates a preference or enjoyment of the action of reading books. “I” is a subject pronoun, “books” is a noun referring to the objects being read, and “time” is a noun referring to a period of time.4、Which is the correct pronunciation of the word “library”?A. /ˈlaɪbrəri/B. /ˈlɪbrəri/C. /ˈlaɪbreri/D. /ˈlɪbreri/Answer: AE xplanation: The correct pronunciation of “library” is /ˈlaɪbrəri/, with the first syllable being “lai” and the second syllable being “breri”. The vowel sound in the first syllable is /aɪ/, which is a diphthong sound. Option A is the correct pronunciation.5、What is the plural form of the word “sheep”?A. SheepsB. SheepC. Sheep’sD. Sheeps’Answer: BExplanation: The plural form of the word “sheep” is “sheep” itself. It is an irregular plural noun that does not change form in the plural. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.6、Which sentence is grammatically correct?A. I am like play football.B. I like to play football.C. I like play football.D. I likes to play football.Answer: BExplanation: The grammatically correct sentence is “I like to playf ootball.” In this sentence, “like” is a verb that takes an infinitive (to + verb) as its complement. Option B correctly uses the infinitive “toplay.” Option A uses “like” incorrectly as if it were a preposition, option C lacks the infinitive marker “to,” and option D uses the incorrect subject-verb agreement (“I” should be followed by “like,” not “likes”).7、The students usually have lunch_______12:00 at school.A. inB. atC. onD. toAnswer: BExplanation: The preposition “at” is used to indicate a specific time, especially when referring to a point in time, such as 12:00. “In” is used for longer periods of time, “on” is used for specific days or dates, and “to” doesn’t fit in this context. Therefore, the correct answer is B.8、My friend_______to school by bus every day, but today she walks.A. goesB. goC. wentD. is goingAnswer: AExplanation: The sentence is in the simple present tense, which is used to describe habits, routines, or general facts. The subject “My friend” issingular, so the verb should be in its third-person singular form. “Goes” is the third-person singular form of “go,” while “go” is the base form, “went” is the past simple form, and “is going” is the present continuous form. Therefore, the correct answer is A.9、There_______a big tree in front of the house.A. isB. areC. beD. hasAnswer: AExplanation: This sentence is an example of there-be structure, which is used to express the existence of something. The verb form depends on the subject that follows “there,” and in this case, the subject is “a big tree,” which is singular. “Is” is the singular form of the verb “to be” in the present simple tense, so it is the correct choice. “Are” is the plural form, “be” is the base form, and “has” is used with a sin gular or plural subject to indicate possession or existence, but not in the there-be structure. Therefore, the correct answer is A.10、Choose the correct word that completes the sentence:“I enjoy_______books in my free time.”A. readB. readingC. to readD. readsAnswer: BExplanation: The sentence structure requires a verb form that can be used after “enjoy”. “Enjoy” is usually followed by a gerund (verb + “-ing”), so “reading” is the correct choice.11、Which of the following is a synonym (同义词) for “pleasant”?A. UnpleasantB. DelightfulC. AngryD. BoringAnswer: BExplanation: “Pleasant” means enjoyable or agreeable. “Delightful” is a synonym that also means very pleasant or enjoyable. “Unpleasant” is an antonym (反义词) meaning disagreeable, “Angry” means feeling annoyance or fury, and “Boring” means lacking interest or excitement.12、Select the sentence that uses the present continuous tense correctly:A. He plays football every Saturday.B. They are eating dinner now.C. She often watches TV after school.D. We will go to the park tomorrow.Answer: BExplanation: The present continuous tense is used to describe actions happening at the moment of speaking or to talk about something that is happening around now. In sentence B, “are eating” indicates a conti nuous action happening now, so it is the correct use of the present continuous tense. Sentence A uses the simple present tense, sentence C uses the simple present tense with frequency adverb “often”, and sentence D uses the future tense.三、完型填空(10分)Title: A Day at the FarmOnce upon a time, there was a young boy named Tom. He loved the idea of visiting a farm. Finally, the long-awaited day arrived. Tom woke up early in the morning, filled with (1)_____. His parents had promised to take him to their friend’s farm for a day trip.After a quick breakfast, they set off in the car. The scenery outside was breathtaking – green fields stretching as far as the eye could see, and cows grazing peacefully. Tom couldn’t help but feel (2)_____ about the exciting day ahead.Upon reaching the farm, Tom’s eyes widened in wonder. He saw chickens pecking at the ground, pigs rolling in the mud, and (3)_____ sheep bleating softly. His first task was to feed the animals. With a bucket full of grain, he walked towards the cows, feeling a little nervous but also thrilled.As the day progressed, Tom learned so much. He helped collect eggs from the hens, watered the vegetables, and even rode a horse for the first time! Each new experience brought him immense (4)_____.When the sun began to set, Tom knew it was time to say goodbye. He hugged the animals he had grown fond of and thanked his parents for this wonderful day. On the way home, he couldn’t stop talking about all the (5)_____ he had had.Cloze Test:1.(1)_____A. boredomB. excitementC. sadnessAnswer: BExplanation: Tom was waking up early with enthusiasm for the upcoming farm trip, indicating excitement.2.(2)_____A. anxiousB. disappointedC. eagerAnswer: CExplanation: Tom couldn’t wait for the exciting day at the farm, showingeagerness.3.(3)_____A. noisyB. whiteC. playfulAnswer: BExplanation: Sheep are commonly associated with being white in color, and the context suggests a descriptive adjective for the sheep.4.(4)_____A. painB. joyC. confusionAnswer: BExplanation: Each new experience brought Tom happiness and satisfaction, hence joy.5.(5)_____A. adventuresB. problemsC. lessonsAnswer: AExplanation: Tom couldn’t stop talking about the exciting and novel experiences he had, which can be described as adventures.四、阅读理解(26分)Title: A Day at the FarmLast Saturday, my family and I went to visit Uncle Tom’s farm. It was a beautiful sunny day, and we were all excited about the adventure ahead. Uncle Tom’s farm is located in the countryside, surrounded by green fields and tall trees.As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by Uncle Tom and his friendly dog, Max. Uncle Tom showed us around his farm, starting with the vegetable garden.He explained how he plants different vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, and lettuce during different seasons. We even helped him pick some ripe tomatoes for lunch.After the garden tour, we visited the animal barn. There were cows, chickens, and pigs. The cows were peacefully chewing their grass, while the chickens were busily pecking at the ground. The little pigs were the cutest, running around and squealing happily. We fed the animals some grain and watched them eat with delight.Later in the afternoon, Uncle Tom took us on a hayride through the fields.It was a wonderful experience feeling the wind blowing through our hair and seeing the beautiful scenery pass by. We even spotted some wild rabbits andbirds.Finally, it was time for lunch. Uncle Tom’s wife, Aunt Mary, had prepared a delicious spread of farm-fresh food. We enjoyed a hearty meal of grilled vegetables, fresh bread, and, of course, the tomatoes we had picked earlier. The day at Uncle Tom’s farm was truly unforgettable. We learned so much about farming and animal care, and we had a lot of fun too. We can’t wait to visit again soon!Questions:1.What did Uncle Tom show the family first on the farm?Answer: Uncle Tom showed the family the vegetable garden first on the farm.Explanation: The passage states, “Uncle Tom showed us around his farm, starting with the vegetable garden.”2.How did the cows behave when the family visited the animal barn?Answer: The cows were peacefully chewing their grass when the family visited the animal barn.Explanation: The passage says, “The cows were peacefully chewing their grass, while the chickens were busily pecking at the ground.”3.What did Aunt Mary prepare for lunch?Answer: Aunt Mary prepared a delicious spread of farm-fresh food for lunch, including grilled vegetables, fresh bread, and the tomatoes the family had picked earlier.Explanation: The passage states, “Aunt Mary, had prepared a deliciousspread of farm-fresh food. We enjoyed a hearty meal of grilled vegetables, fres h bread, and, of course, the tomatoes we had picked earlier.”五、写作题(16分)Title: My Favourite Season in XinjiangInstructions:Write a short essay about your favourite season in Xinjiang. In your essay, please include the following points:1.Which season is your favourite and why?2.Describe the weather and natural scenery during that season.3.Mention at least one activity or tradition that you enjoy during thisseason.4.How does this season make you feel?Sample Answer:My favourite season in Xinjiang is undoubte dly autumn. It’s a time when the vast landscapes of this beautiful region transform into a tapestry of gold, red, and orange hues, painting a breathtaking picture that never fails to captivate my heart.The weather in autumn in Xinjiang is delightful, with cool, crisp mornings that gradually warm up to pleasant afternoons. The sun shines brightly, casting a gentle glow over the rolling hills and vast steppes. The air is fresh and crisp, free from the scorching heat of summer and the biting coldof winter.During this season, the natural scenery takes on a whole new dimension. The leaves on the trees turn into a vibrant array of colours, creating a stunning contrast against the blue sky. The grapes in the vineyards ripen to perfection, their sweet aroma filling the air. The rice fields turn golden yellow, ready for harvest, and the cotton fields blanket the landscape in a soft, white blanket.One of the activities I particularly enjoy during autumn in Xinjiang is hiking through the picturesque landscapes. The trails are lined with vibrant foliage, and the scent of wildflowers still lingers in the air. It’s a perfect time to capture the beauty of nature with my camera and soak in the tranquility of the surroundings.Moreover, autumn in Xinjiang is also a time of celebration and tradition. The harvest season brings joy and gratitude to the local communities as they gather to share their bountiful crops. Festivals and celebrations are held, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region.This season fills me with a sense of contentment and joy. It’s a reminder of the beauty and abundance that surrounds us, and a time to reflect on the gifts of nature and the hard work of the people who cultivate the land. Autumn in Xinjiang is truly a magical time, one that I look forward to with eager anticipation every year.Analysis:The sample answer effectively addresses all the required points, providing a clear and concise explanation of why autumn is the writer’s favourite season in Xinjiang. It describes the weather, natural scenery, and traditional activities enjoyed during this season, while also expressing the writer’s personal feelings towards it. The use of descriptive language and vivid imagery helps to bring the scene to life, making it engaging and enjoyable to read.。




(1×16=16分)guîniǎn lǐ yïu fā nù dài jìn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )zhíbān jīng dîng nán guîzhōng duàn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二给下列画线的字注拼音。
















2024年新疆语文小学六年级上学期复习试题及解答参考一、基础知识与积累(本大题有9小题,每小题4分,共36分)1、下列词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是()A. 沮丧(jǔ)勉强(qiǎng)迂回(yū)B. 镌刻(juān)岿然(kuī)拮据(jū)C. 擂鼓(léi)嘹亮(liáo)刹那(shà)D. 纤绳(qiān)湍急(tuān)岔道(chà)答案:B解析:本题考察的是词语中加点字的读音。






2、下列句子中,没有语病的一句是()A. 通过这次活动,使同学们的口头表达能力得到了培养。

B. 秋天的青岛是一个美丽的季节。

C. 我们要发扬和继承中华民族“一方有难,八方支援”的优良传统。

D. 我们要增强克服困难的信心和方法。








A. 喷薄欲出脍炙人口兴高彩烈B. 谈笑风声惊涛骇浪汗流夹背C. 迫不急待蛛丝马迹一丝不苟D. 杯水车薪诲人不倦专心致志答案:D 解析:本题考察的是对汉字字形的辨析能力。

小学六年级汉语毕业考试听力(双语班) (1)

小学六年级汉语毕业考试听力(双语班) (1)


一、听力理解(共13分)1-5小题,这部分试题是一个人说一句话,根据内容提出问题,在ΑΒCD四个答案中选出与这句话搭配最恰当的一种回答,并把该答案的序号填在答卷Ⅱ的表格里(每小题1分,共5分)2、A.来吗 B. 一定不来 C. 肯定一定来 D.一定去3、A. 28天 B. 一个星期 C. 两天 D.一周4、A. 来吧 B. 好的 C. 怎样 D.没有5、A. 很好 B. 有 C. 是的 D. 不好6-10小题,这部分试题,你将听到两个人的简短的对话,每段话之后,根据内容提出问题,请在ABCD四个书面答案中选择出最适当的答案,并将该答案的序号填在答卷Ⅱ的表格里。

(每小题1分,共5 分)7、A.也不知道B. 知道 C. 发薪水 D. 怎么了8、A.家里 B.商店 C.医院 D. 学校9、A.出院 B.上学 C.学杂费 D.礼物10.A.杰克逊 B. 周杰伦 C. 莫文蔚 D. 刘欢11-13题,你将听到一段讲话,每段话之后,根据内容提出问题,请在ABCD四个书面答案中选择出最恰当的答案,并将该答案的序号填在答卷Ⅱ的表格里(每小题1分,共3分)。

11、A:王明的B:小明的 C.张明的D:大明的12、A:小明B:王明C:张明D:大明13、A:很痛快B:没答应C:冲了上去D:跑了过去二、阅读理解(1)(共15分)14-21小题,下面每题都有ABCD四个答案,选择下列划线词语的最恰当解释,并将该答案的序号填在答卷Ⅱ的表格里(每小题1分,共8分)14.昨天的电影真差劲.电影票还那么贵.A.很不好B.没力气C.太短了D.太长了15.妈妈做的饭挺香的.A.气味好B.胃口好C.味道好D.饭菜好16.你们别和他开玩笑,他会生气的.A.分别B.另外C不要 D 差别17.图书馆的书被同学们借光了.A光滑B只、单C完了D光彩18.你难得来一次,多住几天吧!A 很容易B不容易C从来不D没有19.不是我说你,你也太不自觉了。




(1.5×10=15分)1. 这支笔是爸爸送我的,我一直___________ 用 .A.碰不得B.舍不得C.不爱惜D.乱2.我 _______都不想,_______ 想好好睡觉.A.一边...一边B.不论…还C.什么…就D.即使…也3.他有________的理由不参加比赛.A.不明白B.不懂C.充足D.不想4.我还有一件_______ 的事要办,你先走吧.A.严重B.无聊C.要紧D.紧要5. _______已经晚了,干脆把这本书看完再睡觉吧.A.日子B.何必C.反正D.时间6. 经过宣传教育,市民的安全意识_______ 得到提高.A.不断B.突然C.普遍D.普通7. ______遇见艾力老师,我_____停住了眼泪.A.如果..就B.即使..也C.像..一样D.直到..才8.他自己不着急,你又_______ 那么着急呢?.A.反正B.帮助C.何必D.必须9._______ 让大家相信你,你_______ 应该把情况说清楚.A.还...还B.即使…也C.如果…就D.要…就10. ___________的暴雨,一下子把衣服都打湿了. A.突然 B.忽然 C.突如其来 D.破坏二,选择下列各句划横线词语的恰当的答案。

(2×9=18分)11. 同学们在焦急的等待古力老师归来. ()A.放松B.不安C.着急D.担心12. 一位好心的伯伯走过来,问:孩子你怎么了?。

()A.好奇B.善良C.奇怪D.好意13. 他有帮助别人做好事的优点。

()A.好处B.短处C.长处D.优生14. 同学们郑重其事地讨论了怎样解决生活费问题. ()A.很严重B.重要事C.生气D.严肃认真15. 你是否有时间和他一起去和田参加培训.()A.愿意B.是的C.是不是D.怎么样16. 你找一个适当的机会跟他谈一谈.()A.适合B.适应C.合适D.认真17. 你怎么舍得放过这次锻炼的好机会?. ()A.原谅B.舍不得C.错过D.舍得的18. 这一天,母亲特地为我做了香喷喷的抓饭. ()A.特殊B.有意C.专门D.故意19. 她过生日的那一天恰巧是星期天. ()A.好像B.正好C.恰当D.无声三、给短文中的空白处选择恰当的答案.(2×6=12分)燕子很___20_____春天的生活,它爱吃的虫子应有尽有,当____21____来临的时候,燕子就要到南方去___22____。




(10分)guilv cixiang piaopo yanjin qiuyin()()()()()kunbang niezhe dengzi gundong chengxian ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2、在划横线字的正确读音下面画上横线。

(6分)树冠(guān guàn)轮流照看(kàn kān)朝霞(zhao chao)难(nán nàn)民飞奔(bēn bèn)床铺(pu pu )3、形近字组词。













(缩句)_______________________________________________________ (2)、清澈的溪水流向远方。

(改写成拟人句):____________________________________________________ (3)、钓鱼岛自古以来是中国的领土。

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