
The two little pigs run to the third little pig's house.
The wolf goes to the third little pig’s house.
“Little pigs , little pigs, let me come in!” says the wolf.
"No way ! We will not let you in," say the three little pigs.
“If you don‘t let me in, I will blow your house down!” says the wolf.
He blows and blows and blows and blows, but the house cannot blown down.
"No way! We will not let you in," say the two little pigs.
“If you don‘t let me in ,I will blow your house down!” says the wolf.
The stick house is easy to blow down.
The wolf is angry.

The two little pigs run to the third little pig's house.
The wolf goes to the third little pig’s house.
“Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!” says the wolf.
"No way! We will not let you in , " say the three little pigs.
“If you don‘t let me in, I will blow your house down!” says the wolf.
He blows and blows and blows and blows, but the house cannot be blown down.
" says the mother pig one day.
The first little pig builds the house of hay.
The second little pig builds the house of sticks.
The third little pig builds the house of bricks.
"No way! We will not let you in," say the two little pigs.
“If you don‘t let me in ,I will blow your house down!” says the wolf.
The stick house is easy to blow down.
The big bad wolf goes to the first little pig’s house.


“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.” said the big bad wolf.
So he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew e
house down.
The first little pig ran as fast as he could to the house made of sticks.
But the third little pig was ready for the wolf. He had a big pot of hot water on the fire.
He took off the lid, just in time.
The big bad wolf fell down the chimney, and into the pot.
“Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin. I will not let you in.”
So he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house down.
The two little pigs ran as fast as they could to the house made of bricks.
And that was the end of the big bad wolf.
So the wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and he puffed, but he could not blow the house down.

三只小猪的故事绘本英文Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who lived in a beautiful forest. The pigs were brothers and loved to play and have fun together. They also loved to build things, so when they decided to leave their mother's home, they each built their own small house.The first little pig, whose name was Henry, built his house out of straw. The second little pig, whose name was Simon, built his house out of sticks. And the third little pig, whose name was Jack, built his house out of bricks.One day, a big, bad wolf came to the forest and saw the little pigs' houses. He approached Henry's straw house and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!"But Henry replied, "Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!"The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the straw house down. Henry ran to Simon's house, and they locked the door together. The wolf came to Simon's house and said, "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!"But Simon replied, "Not by the hair on ourchinny-chin-chins!"The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the stick house down. Henry and Simon ran to Jack's brick house, and they locked the door together.The wolf came to Jack's house and said, "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!"But Jack replied, "Not by the hair on our chinny-chin-chins!"The wolf huffed and puffed and blew and blew and blew, but he could not blow down the brick house. So the wolf climbed onto the roof and tried to enter through the chimney. But Jack had a pot of boiling water on the fire, and he poured it down the chimney, scaring the wolf away.From then on, the little pigs lived happily in their sturdy brick house. They knew that by working together and building things that were strong and solid, they could protect themselves from harm and live a happy life.This story of the three little pigs teaches us the importance of hard work, perseverance, and resourcefulness. It also reminds us that we need to work together and help each other to achieve our goals and stay safe. The story is a popular children's fable and has been adapted into many different forms, including books, movies, and even theme park rides.。

三只小猪的故事原文英语绘本Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who decided it was time to leave their mother's house and build their own homes. The first little pig built his house out of straw, while the second little pig built his house out of sticks. The third little pig built his house out of bricks.One day, a big, bad wolf came to their neighborhood, and he decided that he wanted to eat the three little pigs. He went to the first little pig's straw house and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."But the little pig replied, "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin."So, the wolf huffed and puffed and blew the straw house down. The little pig ran to his brother's house, which was made of sticks.The wolf went to the second little pig's house and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."But the little pig said, "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin."The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the stick house down. The two little pigs ran to their brother's brick house.When the wolf arrived at the brick house, he said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."The third little pig replied, "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin."So, the wolf huffed and puffed, but he couldn't blow the brick house down. The three little pigs were safe inside.But the big, bad wolf was not about to give up. He climbed onto the roof of the brick house and tried to climb down the chimney. However, the clever little pig had put a pot of boiling water on the fire, and the wolf fell into the pot and was boiled alive.The three little pigs stayed in their brick house and lived happily ever after, safe from the big, bad wolf. The end.。

英语绘本:三只小猪(出自美国小学英语教材2第二十二课)The Three Pigs三只小猪The Little Pigs Leave Home小猪离家Long long ago, there were three little pigs who lived with their mother.很久很久以前,有三只小猪与妈妈一起住。
The first pig was white, the second was black, and the third was spotted.第一只小猪是白的,第二只是黑的,第三只是有斑点的。
One day they said, "mother, dear, isn't it time for us to go out into the world and build our own homes?"有一天,它们说:“亲爱的妈妈,我们是时候走出去,建立自己的家了吧?”"Yes," said Mother Pig. "But look out for the wolf."“是时候了,”猪妈妈说,“但要小心大灰狼。
”So the three pigs started out. The first little pig met a man with some straw.于是三只小猪出发了。
"Please, sir, give me some straw," said the little pig to the man. "I need straw to build a house."“先生,请给我一些稻草吧。
”"Take all you want," said the man.男人说:“尽管拿。

三只小猪英语绘本Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who each decided to build a house of their own. The first little pig wanted to make a house out of straw. The second little pig wanted to make a house out of sticks. And the third little pig wanted to make a house out of bricks.The first little pig quickly built his straw house and was very proud of himself. He invited his brothers over to celebrate his new home. The second little pig arrived and took a look at the straw house. He told his little brother that his house was not strong and would not keep him safe from the big, bad wolf.The third little pig arrived and saw the straw house too. He agreed with his second brother that the house was not strong. He reminded his brothers about the big, bad wolf and how he likes to blow down weak houses.The second little pig started to build his stick house next door to the straw house. He finished quickly and invited the other two over to see it. The first little pig liked the stick house and thought it was better than his own. The third little pig saw that the stick house was only slightly stronger than the straw house. He told his brothers that it was still not strong enough to stop the big, bad wolf.The third little pig got to work on his brick house. He worked hard all day and all night until his house was complete. When his brothers came to see it, they were astounded. The brick house was strong and sturdy. They knew that it would be able to keep them safe from the big, bad wolf.One day, the big, bad wolf came to town. He saw the straw house and went to blow it down. It was so easy for him. The straw house had no chance to stand up to the big, bad wolf.The wolf went next door to the stick house. Again, he blew it down easily. The second little pig was able to escape to the brick house.The big, bad wolf tried to blow down the brick house, but he could notdo it. The third little pig was safe and sound inside his strong, sturdy house.The wolf was so angry that he climbed onto the roof of the brick house and tried to come down the chimney. The third little pig was very clever and started a pot of boiling water on the fire. When the wolf climbed down into the chimney, he fell into the pot of boiling water. The wolf ran away, never to be seen again.The three little pigs were happy to be safe and sound in the brick house. They learned a valuable lesson that day. It is important to work hard and build strong, sturdy structures to keep themselves safe from harm.。

Let’s begin this story!
PS:I am going to tell this story as its protagonist---WOLF
每个人都知 道三只小猪的 故事。或秘密 。没有人知道 真正的故事, 因为没有人听 过我的版本。
一个大喷嚏 。
And you are not going to believe this, but the guy's house fell down just like his brother's. When the dust cleared, there was the Second Little Pig - dead as
dinner again. Think of it as a second helping. I was getting awfully full. But my cold was feeling a little better. And I still didn't have that cup of sugar for my dear old granny's birthday cake. So I went to the next house. This guy was the First and Second Little Pig's brother. He must have been the brains of the family. He
has built his house of sticks. 我觉得感冒有点好转。但是
我仍然没有得到一杯糖。于是 我去下一个邻居的房子那里。 这个邻居是第一只小猪的哥哥 。他比较聪明,但也不是非常 聪明。他用树枝来建他的房子

Owwwwwwwwww-!”cries the wolf.-The fire burns the-wolf and he runs-away.
E从D-THANK YOU-P可sA。0●s¥”。回画4.3入g9
★。-The wolf-goes to the-second-little-pig's-house.-“L ttle pigs,-let me-come-in-”says the wolf.-"No way!We ill-not let you in,"say-the two little pigs.-“If you on't let me-in I will blow your-house down!”says-NO P RKING-NO WOLVES
¥2YP¥Y平.Happy¥pY¥w平¥p时.Y-The hay house is-easy to blo down.-The first little-pig-runs to the second-little pig's house.-n¥eg¥Happy¥p8 yi¥p9Yvw¥g9v¥oian
The stick house is easy-to blow down.-The two little igs run-SHATOM ON-to i-the third little pig's-NIYUtd N-house.
The wolf goes to-the *hird little pig's-house.☆-“Litt e-pigs-pigs,-let me come-in!”-says the wo'f.-"No way e will-not let you in,"say-the three little pigs.-“If you don't let-me in,I will blow-your house down-+says the w0fg4sg”3.6、eg数eg9,t

The three little pigs never see him again.
感 谢 阅
读感 谢 阅
“If you don‘t let me in, I will blow your house down!” says the wolf.
The wolf blows hard.
The house falls down.
The first little pig runs away.
He runs to the second little pig's house.
The second little pig‘s house is made of sticks.
The first little pig and the second little pig are in the house.
They are both very afraid.
“Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!” says the wolf.
You must build your own
homes," says the
mother pig one day.
The first little pig gets some hay.
“ I will build a house of hay,” he says.
“It will not be hard. My house will be easy to make.
“I will get all of you,” says the wolf.
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• once upon a time 从前
• forest 森林
• fail 失败
• diffcult困难
• beat
• search their fortunes碰运气 • straw 茅草 • brick砖块
Once upon a time, there was a mother pig and three little pigs.They lived in the middle of a forest . Because it’s diffcult for mother to find enough food for her childern.
So at last the mother pig sent the little pigs to search their fortunes .
The lazy first pig built a house with straw!
The fat and hasty second pig built his house using sticks.
The diligent and clever third pig took several days to build a strong house made of bricks.
One day,a woof came to the first’s house.“
Ah-ha! I can blow away this house made of straw with just one breath.n ,the woof came to the second pig’s house.
"Ah-ha! A house made of sticks! No problem! WHOO,WHOO!"
At last,the woof came to the third pig’s house
“There's nothing I can't blow away!! WHOO,WHOO! What ? No! "
The wolf ran away.
Afterwards, the other two pigs realized how smart the youngest pig was. They decided not to be lazy and to work hard from then on.
Thank you !