Abstract Journal of Neuroscience Methods 165 (2007) 297–305 Denoising based on time-shift




第23卷第3期2024年5月杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)J o u r n a l o f H a n g z h o uN o r m a l U n i v e r s i t y(N a t u r a l S c i e n c eE d i t i o n )V o l .23N o .3M a y2024收稿日期:2023-07-10 修回日期:2023-08-24基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目(81920108023);浙江省自然科学基金项目(Z 21H 170001);科技部国家重点研发计划 政府间国际科技创新合作 重点专项项目(2022Y F E 0141300).通信作者:狄海波(1970 ),男,教授,博士,主要从事意识障碍患者的诊断及干预研究.E -m a i l :d i h a i b o 19@a l i yu n .c o m D O I :10.19926/j.c n k i .i s s n .1674-232X.2023.07.101文献引用:赵莹,狄海波.神经电生理技术在意识障碍患者分类诊断中的应用[J ].杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版),2024,23(3):300-310.Z H A O Y i n g ,D IH a i b o .A p p l i c a t i o no f n e u r o e l e c t r o p h y s i o l o g i c a l t e c h n i q u e s i n c l a s s i f i c a t i o na n dd i a gn o s i s o f p a t i e n t sw i t hd i s o r -d e r o f c o n s c i o u s n e s s [J ].J o u r n a l o fH a n g z h o uN o r m a lU n i v e r s i t y(N a t u r a l S c i e n c eE d i t i o n ),2024,23(3):300-310.神经电生理技术在意识障碍患者分类诊断中的应用赵 莹1,狄海波1,2(1.杭州师范大学国际植物状态和意识科学研究所,浙江杭州311121;2.杭州师范大学附属医院,浙江杭州310015)摘 要:部分意识障碍患者存在隐匿意识,仅依靠标准行为量表进行诊断误诊率较高,如何精确地分类诊断是临床所面临的巨大挑战.借助电生理技术将显著提高隐匿意识的检出率,为制定临床干预决策打下夯实基础.文章围绕中枢与周围神经电生理技术在意识障碍领域分类诊断中的应用,以敏感性等指标为主要结论,梳理应用潜力较大的范式与分析方法,便于临床工作者使用与推广.关键词:脑电图;周围神经;意识障碍;分类诊断中图分类号:R 444 文献标志码:A文章编号:1674-232X (2024)03-0300-110 引言意识障碍(d i s o r d e r o f c o n s c i o u s n e s s ,D o C )特指颅脑损伤后机体对所处环境及自身状况丧失感知能力的状态.脑外伤㊁脑出血㊁心跳骤停等疾病均可导致D o C ,其中颅脑外伤所占比例最大.据流行病学调查结果,美国有10万~30万例D o C 患者,欧洲每10万人中有0.2~6.1例D o C 患者[1-2].我国现存慢性意识障碍(p r o l o n g e dd i s o r d e r o f c o n s c i o u s n e s s ,p D o C )患者30万~50万例,且以每年6.37%的比例增长,医疗费用累计达数百亿元[3-4].快速发展的急诊体系与重症监护技术让更多严重脑功能障碍的患者得以维系生命,但长期或终生的干预及康复过程牵涉到复杂的家庭伦理及社会医疗资源分配问题.尽管各类行为量表已广泛应用于临床诊断,但受患者自身因素及评估者经验的影响,仍存在较高的误诊率.神经影像技术虽能直观评价患者大脑的结构完整性与功能水平,但考虑到价格昂贵㊁具有电离辐射㊁患者易出现头动等问题,不易在临床推广.近年来,医工结合日益加深,进而不断改进旧算法或涌现新指标,若能基于中枢与周围神经电生理技术实现患者意识水平的精确分类诊断,提高隐匿意识的检出率,将有利于制定患者后续的个性化诊疗方案,缓解家庭与社会压力.本文拟梳理神经电生理技术在意识障碍领域分类诊断中的应用,为临床工作者提供参考.1 意识与意识障碍概述意识被定义为机体对自身和周围环境的感知理解,言语㊁运动等行为能够间接指示其存在.意识的生理学基础是远距离脑区间的长程功能连接,尤其是丘脑-皮质回路与涉及额㊁顶叶的大尺度脑网络[5].完整的意识由觉醒和觉知2个要素构成[6].觉醒又称清醒水平,临床上表现为患者能自主睁眼㊁对外界刺激迅速做出适应性反应等[7],这依赖于丘脑-皮质回路㊁大脑皮质网络通路及脑干上行网状激动系统(a s c e n d i n gr e t i c u l a r a c t i v a t i n g s ys t e m ,A R A S )的协同整合.觉知则代表意识内容,涵盖感知㊁思维㊁情感和意志活动等多种心理过程.觉知与全脑不同尺度的网络相关,尤其是额-顶网络及相关皮质[6].觉醒是意识存在的前提条件,只有当大脑皮质处于兴奋水平或激活状态时,才能够使机体维持正常的觉醒水平,进而形成觉知.根据A R A S 与大脑皮质的广泛性损伤程度,以觉醒度改变为主的D o C 患者会出现嗜睡㊁昏睡或昏迷现象,其中,昏迷又分为浅㊁中㊁深程度,分别代表意识抑制水平达到皮质㊁皮质下或脑干部位.大脑皮质病变也将引发觉知变化,根据意识内容减少或混乱的程度,D o C 患者将表现为意识模糊或谵妄[8].然而,仅根据觉醒与觉知水平的分类过于粗犷,无法涵盖所有D o C 患者所处的意识水平.改良国际昏迷恢复量表(c o m a r e c o v e r y s c a l e -r e v i s e d ,C R S -R )是国内外广泛认可的行为金标准,根据觉醒水平与是否存在有意识的行为而将意识状态细分为昏迷(c o m a )㊁植物状态(v e ge t a t i v e s t a t e ,V S )/无反应觉醒综合征(u n r e s p o n s i v ew a k ef u l n e s s s y n d r o m e ,UW S )㊁最小意识状态(m i n i m a l l y co n s c i o u s s t a t e ,M C S )或脱离最小意识状态(e m e r g e n c e f r o m m i n i m a l l y c o n s c i o u ss t a t e ,E M C S )[9].严重颅脑损伤后存活的患者,常因A R A S 代谢㊁结构性损伤或双侧大脑皮质广泛受损而处于昏迷阶段[10-11],在临床上表现为双眼持续性闭合㊁睡眠-觉醒周期消失㊁自主性或外界刺激诱发的行为学反应丧失[12]㊁全脑代谢水平显著降低[11].该状态通常在急性脑损伤后持续几天或几周,随后患者发生脑死亡或逐渐恢复意识水平.V S /UW S 与M C S 患者均可自发睁眼或刺激下睁眼,对自身或周围环境的觉知丧失或水平较低.其中,V S /UW S 患者存在一定程度的觉醒,但对自身状况及周围环境缺乏觉知,临床表现为存在睡眠-觉醒周期㊁拥有反射性行为且无自主性行为㊁能发生视觉惊吓反应㊁无言语功能[13].该状态保留全部或部分脑干功能,两侧大脑皮质大面积受损,代谢性损伤主要存在于双侧前额叶㊁后顶叶等大脑皮层联合区[11];全脑代谢下降水平略低,但尚保留大尺度的大脑功能连接.患者意识水平可逐渐恢复为M C S ,出现对简单指令的稳定㊁可重复的行为反应,具有言语理解㊁视觉物体追踪㊁痛觉定位等行为[14].由于M C S 患者存在强异质性,临床上根据是否存在可理解的言语表达等行为而将其分为M C S +和M C S -[15].M C S+患者能够稳定地遵嘱指令,但仍无法进行准确交流或有目的性地使用物件;M C S-患者仅出现视觉物体定位㊁自主性运动反应等表现,而无法重复㊁稳定地遵嘱指令.若D o C 患者能够使用物件或进行准确的言语交流,则意识水平进一步恢复为E M C S .值得注意的是,V S /UW S 与M C S 患者的分类诊断仅以行为间接指示意识存在,缺乏对隐匿意识的探寻.大量的临床研究表明,在一些任务范式中部分行为评估无反应的患者能够调节大脑代谢活动,这类行为与神经影像学证据不一致的患者被定义为M C S *患者[16].通过脑电图(e l e c t r o e n c e p h a l o gr a m ,E E G )㊁功能性磁共振成像(f u n c t i o n a lm a g n e t i c r e s o n a n c e i m a g i n g ,f M R I )等手段观察患者是否呈现遵循指令的信号响应或脑区激活,进一步将M C S *细分为认知运动分离(c o gn i t i v em o t o rd i s s o c i a t i o n ,C M D )与高级皮层运动分离(h i gh e r -o r d e r c o r t e xm o t o r d i s s o c i a t i o n ,HM D )[17].临床上还存在一类闭锁综合征(l o c k e d -i n s yn d r o m e ,L I S )患者,由于脑干皮质脊髓束及皮质核束损伤而引发四肢瘫痪及构音障碍,其意识水平与正常人无异,但仅能通过垂直眼部运动和眨眼实现交流沟通[11].若无法对D o C 患者进行精确分类诊断,加之中国传统道德与亲情的影响,将对患者家庭造成极大的经济与精神压力,也为我国有限的医疗资源带来日益剧增的负荷.基于此,意识状态的精准分类诊断对制定后续临床诊疗策略至关重要.尽管临床规范使用C R S -R 量表评估意识水平,但受检查者主观误差和患者自身因素(觉醒水平波动㊁运动障碍㊁失语等)影响,诊断结果存在偏倚现象,误诊率为30%~40%[18].辅以神经影像学与电生理技术将显著提高隐匿意识的检出率和诊断正确率[19].但f M R I㊁正电子发射计算机103 第3期赵 莹,等:神经电生理技术在意识障碍患者分类诊断中的应用203杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)2024年断层显像等神经影像技术费用高昂㊁时间分辨率低且无法长程采集,而神经电生理技术具有采集方便㊁无侵入性㊁可实时监测㊁时频分辨率高等优点,加之近年来E E G㊁肌电图(e l e c t r o m y o g r a m,E MG)㊁心电图(e l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a m,E C G)等技术在信号采集与分析算法方面的不断进步,可更灵敏地指示D o C患者的意识水平,提高诊断正确率.2神经电生理指标对意识障碍患者分类诊断的价值2.1脑电图脑电图是神经科学研究和临床工作的重要工具,其波形㊁频率和波幅均随意识状态而变化.常规脑电图基于S y n e k㊁Y o u n g分级定性描述意识水平,敏感性低且易受干扰;脑电反应性系大脑对外界刺激做出的响应,当前并无客观标准确定阳性反应特征,无法量化残留意识;任务范式脑电图存在检测条件或实验命令设计的缺陷,阳性检出率低且耗时较长.为推广脑电图方法至临床并大规模应用,须确保评定标准综合㊁客观㊁灵敏,应用潜力强,临床便于操作,结果具可读性.静息态脑电图采集方便㊁分析算法多样,经颅磁刺激(t r a n s c r a n i a lm a g n e t i c s t i m u l a t i o n,T M S)联合脑电图具有高敏感㊁特异性及丰富的即时脑电信息,诱发电位能评估特定神经传导通路及相关神经认知功能,故下文将从上述三方面梳理相关研究.量化脑电图与静息态脑电图的分析指标存在部分重合,本文不再赘述.2.1.1静息态脑电图2.1.1.1功率谱密度与谱幂律指数脑电属于非平稳的时变随机信号,其生理学基础是神经元集群同步放电,在频域上表现出一定的节律特性.脑电频谱分析通过研究各频带权重以反映基本的大脑活动特征,其中,功率谱密度(p o w e r s p e c t r a l d e n s i t y,P S D)直观呈现脑电信号功率沿频率的分布情况.静息E E G信号中d e l t a㊁t h e t a低频功率增加和a l p h a高频功率减少是D o C患者的常见频谱特征[20-21].这种E E G慢化现象是意识水平降低的典型电生理特征,即重新分配高㊁低频成分在P S D上的能量[22].基于上述P S D背景呈1/f分布,去除P S D振荡峰后,经线性回归计算所得斜率即谱幂律指数(s p e c t r a l e x p o n e n t,S E).G a o等[23]通过模拟平均场电位并进行动物实验,发现S E能够反映皮层的兴奋-抑制比率.C o l o m b o等[24]分别估计了E E G的P S D在宽㊁窄频带的S E值,发现能够显著区分清醒状态㊁氯胺酮诱导麻醉与氙气㊁丙泊酚诱导麻醉;P S D拟合曲线的陡峭程度能可靠指示意识水平的下降情况,且S E与扰动复杂度(p e r t u r b a t i o n a l c o m p l e x i t y i n d e x,P C I)高度相关,可侧面表征意识水平.C o l o m b o等[25]整合多个D o C患者数据后进行集中挖掘,计算a l p h a频带能量与宽带S E,发现在患者意识水平降低时也呈现拟合曲线变陡的E E G特征,即S E变小.由于S E这一指标仅需采集较短的静息态E E G信号,临床上操作简易,故具有极大的应用潜力.相关研究详细信息见表1.非线性特征与机器学习大脑是复杂的混沌系统,脑电信号中常表现出较强的非线性动力学特征.基于非线性理论的特征提取方法,可以研究信号的熵值㊁复杂度等指标有效表征时间序列的随机程度,其中,熵值代表信号容量,复杂度描述信号的随机性[22,26].L i a n g等[27]提取受试者E E G信号的排序熵(p e r m u t a t i o ne n t r o p y,P E)㊁样本熵(s a m p l e e n t r o p y,S a m p E n)㊁相对功率及排序L e m p e l-Z i v复杂度(p e r m u t a t i o nL e m p e l-Z i vc o m p l e x i t y, p L Z c),发现:g a m m a频带的相对功率与P E能够表征受试者的意识水平;S a m p E n与p L Z c对觉知水平较敏感;结合基因算法设计分类器,加入所有提取的特征后,诊断正确率达92.3%.A l t i n t o p等[28]通过P E㊁近似熵(a p p r o x i m a t e e n t r o p y,A n P E)㊁H j o r t h复杂度㊁L e m p e l-Z i v复杂度等算法提取昏迷患者的E E G特征,分类器能够较准确地预测昏迷水平.E n g e m a n n等[29]提取大量非线性特征,并基于随机森林算法训练D o C-f o r e s t分类器,在多中心数据集中具有较强的泛化性,能准确地区分M C S与V S/UW S患者.由于意识机制尚不明确,D o C患者异质性极强,仅靠单一维度特征难以实现D o C患者的精准分类,所以需要运用多种算法提取不同频带或脑区的特征以保证分类精确度.后续设计分类器时应考虑到各模型性能(敏感性㊁特异性与泛化性),也要明确各E E G特征对分类结果所贡献的权重.表1 D o C 患者的静息态脑电图研究T a b .1 R e s t i n g EE Gs t u d i e s i nD o C s 文献实验中心指标入组人数主要结论[20]英国P S DH C :26V S /UW S :13M C S :21P S D 内的低频组分在H C ㊁M C S ㊁V S /UW S 患者中依次增加,表现为d e l t a 频带功率增加,a l ph a 频带功率下降[24]比利时S EH C :15以清醒状态为对照并配合受试者的主观报告,发现氯胺酮较氙气㊁丙泊酚诱导的麻醉存在较高的S E 值并与清醒时无统计学差异,S E 在宽频带(1~40H z )较窄频带(1~20㊁20~40H z )具有更稳定的分级效果;S E 在宽㊁窄频带中均与P C I 呈显著正相关[25]英国㊁比利时S EM C S :40V S /UW S :47E M C S :9L I S :4建立多个回归模型,明确意识清醒的脑卒中患者与健康受试者的S E 无统计学差异,缺氧性病因的D o C 患者对S E 指标不敏感[27]中国P E ㊁S a m p E n ㊁各频带相对功率㊁pL Z c H C :18经麻醉的H C :15M C S :19C o m a :18ga m m a 频带的相对功率和P E 在清醒健康被试㊁经麻醉的健康被试㊁昏迷患者与M C S 患者间存在显著差异;S a m p E n 与p L Z c 对觉知水平波动极敏感;基因算法结合支持向量机较其他算法能取得最高的正确率[28]土耳其P E ㊁A n P E ㊁H j o r t h 复杂度㊁L e m pe l -Z i v 复杂度C o m a :39(G C S 评分:3~8)采用分类器预测昏迷水平的正确率达90.3%[29]法国㊁比利时P E ㊁K o l m o go r o v 复杂度及系列光谱㊁连接性与E R P s 指标M C S :179V S /UW S :148提出D o C -f o r e s t 分类器,准确率达77%,泛化性能为73%~78%;在20余个指标中,P E 对分类结果的重要性排第一注:H C 代表健康受试者;G C S 为格拉斯哥昏迷量表(G l a s go wc o m a s c a l e ).2.1.2 诱发电位2.1.2.1 外源性诱发电位1)脑干听觉诱发电位(b r a i n s t e ma u d i t o r y ev o k e d p o t e n t i a l ,B A E P )系声音刺激10m s 内经听神经㊁脑干传导通路在皮层听觉中枢记录到的诱发电活动.G u ér i t 等[30]发现D o C 患者脑桥系统受损能够极灵敏地引起B A E P 显著异常改变,尤其是V 波消失的患者.何颖等[31]联合瞬目反射和B A E P 对D o C 患者进行分类诊断并评估脑干功能,结果表明,71%的患者B A E P 在Ⅲ级以上,而45%的患者意识状况较差,说明B A E P 可作为判断D o C 患者意识水平的补充证据(表2).B A E P 虽能在一定程度上表征D o C 患者的意识水平,但其反映的是脑干听觉传导通路功能而非皮质功能,病变较局限㊁未累及该传导通路时通常表现正常,故仅可作为分类诊断的参考依据之一.2)体感诱发电位(s o m a t o s e n s o r y e v o k e d p o t e n t i a l ,S E P )系刺激患者周围神经或正中神经区域的皮肤而引起大脑特定区域所产生的E E G 信号响应,提供关于神经元传导效率㊁外周神经完整性,以及包括脊髓和体感皮层在内的中枢神经系统通路完整性的诊断信息,主要诊断指标是N 20的存在情况㊁波幅及潜伏期.N 20常指示患者预后情况,不作为诊断依据.303 第3期赵 莹,等:神经电生理技术在意识障碍患者分类诊断中的应用表2D o C患者的诱发电位相关研究T a b.2E v o k e d p o t e n t i a l-r e l a t e d s t u d i e s i nD o C s文献实验中心刺激设计指标入组人数主要结论[31]中国单耳:C l i c k刺激,刺激强度105d B对侧耳:40d B白噪声掩蔽,频率11.1H z B A E P D o C:31(G C S评分<8)22例患者B A E P在Ⅲ级以上,而G C S得分低于5分的仅14例,B A E P与G C S得分呈正相关[32]意大利激光脉冲:2组,30次/组强度:60~80m J/m m2刺激频率:(0.1ʃ0.025)H z部位:右侧三叉神经上颌支区域L E P H C:15M C S:15V S:23所有被试均表现出Aδ-L E P和C-L E P的N1P1成分,所有健康被试和M C S患者均表现出Aδ-L E P的N2P2组分,而在13例V S/UW S患者中该组分缺失[33]比利时8个S O N与7个不熟悉的名字随机组合被动范式:聆听主动范式:计数S O N P300H C:12M C S:14V S/UW S:8M C S患者在主㊁被动范式下均由S O N诱发出较大的P300波幅,且主动范式具有更高的P300波幅;V S/UW S患者中主㊁被动范式诱发的P300无显著差异[34]中国标准刺激:80%X Y/20%X偏差刺激:80%X X/20%X YT O范式标准刺激:1000H z音调偏差刺激:S O ND O范式标准刺激:S D N偏差刺激:S O N P300M C S:5V S/UW S:6C o m a:2在T O范式下,所有M C S患者与2例V S/UW S患者可诱发P300;在D O范式下,大部分M C S患者(4/5)与1例V S/UW S患者可诱发P300[35]德国标准刺激:高音调(440+880+1760H z)偏差刺激:低音调(247+494+988H z)被动:聆听主动:记录奇数调出现次数P300H C:14M C S:16V S/UW S:29H C的P300高于D o C患者,但无法根据波幅差异区分V S/UW S和M C S患者[36]中国观看哭泣或欢笑的电影片段并记录闪烁次数P300H C:8M C S:5V S/UW S:32名M C S㊁1名V S/UW S患者和所有健康被试具有情绪识别和遵嘱命令的能力[37]中国视听范式:2个数字按钮交替闪烁,闪烁按钮的颜色由绿变黑,对应数字颜色由黑变白,同侧扬声器读取相应数字,刺激持续300m s P300M C S:8V S/UW S:10创伤性脑损伤患者较非创伤性脑损伤患者具有更高的诊断正确率;P300与C R S-R评分存在显著正相关[38]中国标准刺激:1000H z/80%较小偏差刺激:1050H z/10%较大偏差刺激:1200H z/10%MMN M C S:11V S/UW S:19两类偏差刺激诱发的MMN波幅均与基线存在显著差异,潜伏期无统计学差异[39]法国标准刺激:800H z短纯音偏离刺激:800H z新异刺激:S O N MMN㊁P300M C S:11V S/UW S:16仅5例患者诱发MMN(2例V S/UW S㊁3例M C S患者);7例患者存在奇异P300(3例V S/UW S㊁4例M C S患者)[40]加拿大㊁英国标准刺激:400个与信号相关的噪声刺激偏差刺激:400个词(100例相关词对,100例非相关词对)N400H C:17M C S:8V S/UW S:8V S/UW S和M C S患者间无听觉加工差异;4例M C S和3例V S/UW S患者表现出显著的言语和噪声效应,M C S和V S/UW S患者之间没有差异403杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)2024年表2(续)文献实验中心刺激设计指标入组人数主要结论[41]意大利各30例非关联词对与关联词对;每试次包含各5个非关联词对与关联词对,共6个试次N 400M C S :11V S /UW S :7非关联词对将引发M C S 患者额中回区与V S /UW S 患者颞顶区的N 400波幅增加;V S /UW S 患者受非关联词对刺激后潜伏期较M C S 患者变长[42]加拿大各100例非关联词对与关联词对,重复与非重复词对N 400H C :48在个体水平上,与语义相似词对(0)和重复词对(17%)的低检出率相比,被动倾听关联词对具有50%的N 400检出率3)激光诱发电位(l a s e r e v o k e d p o t e n t i a l ,L E P )系激光刺激下诱发的大脑响应,是当前主流的疼痛评估指标,反映多个脑区协同对疼痛刺激的加工.N a r o 等[32]给予受试者激光刺激,发现健康被试的L E P 较D o C 患者波幅变高,潜伏期缩短;与M C S 患者相比,V S /UW S 患者的A δ纤维激光诱发电位(A δ-LE P )与C 纤维激光诱发电位(C -L E P )成分潜伏期变长,波幅降低.其中,45%的V S /UW S 患者中A δ-L E P 缺失N 2P 2组分,而V S /UW S 患者的伤害性昏迷量表修订版(n o c i c e pt i o nc o m as c a l e -r e v i s e d ,N C S -R )评分相近,这表明部分患者存在隐蔽的疼痛加工,侧面说明存在脑区间协同激活.激光诱发实验能够挖掘隐蔽意识,这对D o C 患者分类诊断具有一定价值. 事件相关电位事件相关电位(e v e n t -r e l a t e d p o t e n t i a l ,E R P )系与刺激或反应发生时间锁定的E E G 信号片段的平均叠加[43],根据从低级外围感受器到高阶联想皮层的刺激处理以反映认知过程中大脑的响应,可提供关于脑的高级功能信息.E R P 技术的优势在于无创㊁实时记录大脑神经元集群电位活动,可将毫秒级时间单位与认知情感过程结合,评定指标为反应时㊁潜伏期时长和波幅等.目前,用于评估意识障碍的认知E R P 主要涵括N 100㊁P 300㊁失匹配负波(m i s m a t c hn e g a t i v i t y ,MMN )与N 400.其中,P 300㊁N 400经刺激后相对较晚发生,反映大脑皮层更高级的认知过程,MMN 反映大脑听觉皮层及联合区域对刺激的物理特征改变所进行的认知加工,表征D o C 患者的残余觉知水平与丘脑皮层网络保留程度.综上,下文选取更具分类诊断价值的P 300㊁MMN 和N 400进行梳理.1)P 300.反映被试对特定靶刺激的认知和加工过程,通常在靶刺激后300m s 左右出现,由P 3a 和P 3b2个分量组成.P 3a 代表感知过滤和注意力,出现在220~280m s ;P 3b 则代表高级认知功能,涉及工作记忆和决策等方面的处理过程,出现在310~380m s .P 300通常由O d d B a l l 范式诱发,听觉㊁视觉或体感刺激均可诱发,因听觉刺激可在无主动睁眼下诱发大脑响应,故在临床上应用最为普遍.S c h n a k e r s 等[33]率先将由主动与被动范式诱发的P 300电位进行比较,发现可根据D o C 患者在主㊁被动范式下由自己的名字(s u b je c t s o w nn a m e ,S O N )诱发的P 300波幅差进行分类诊断.L i 等[34]改变S O N 中相邻字符的顺序,创建派生名字(s u b je c t sd e r i v e dn a m e ,S D N ),基于此发明了更复杂的T O 范式和D O 范式:T O 范式以1000H z 音调为标准刺激,S O N 为新奇刺激;D O 范式以S D N 为标准刺激,S O N 为新奇刺激.结果表明,T O 和D O 范式下,几乎全部M C S 患者能诱发P 300,而大多数V S /UW S 患者中未观察到P 300.在这2类范式下,M C S 较V S /UW S 患者出现P 300的概率更大,在一定程度上可作为分类依据.但R e a l 等[35]认为P 300无法区分UW S 和M C S 患者.此外,脑机接口(b r a i n -c o m pu t e r i n t e r f a c e ,B C I )技术通常与P 300电位结合以实现D o C 患者意识状态的分类诊断[44].如P a n 等[36]给健康被试与D o C 患者播放对应愉快和悲伤情绪状态的视频片段,基于B C I 技术在线捕捉P 300电位,结果发现1例V S /UW S 患者(1/3)㊁2例M C S患者(2/5)与所有健康被试的P 300在线检测率显著高于随机水平,诊断准确率为66%~100%.L i 等[37]基于视听B C I 捕捉P 300电位,结合卷积神经网络进行识别解码,结果表明,P 300诊断正确率与D o C 患者的意识水平㊁病因及预后显著相关.综上,P 300在D o C 患者中的潜伏期或波幅可作为反映D o C 患者残余503 第3期赵 莹,等:神经电生理技术在意识障碍患者分类诊断中的应用603杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)2024年认知功能水平的辅助证据,判断认知功能障碍的程度,但能否正确评估D o C患者的意识水平并精准分类仍存疑.其原因可能在于D o C的病因㊁病程,诱发P300电位的刺激范式,实验入组人数和分析方法存在差异,需在大样本中进一步探讨.同时,B C I可作为辅助评估工具在线捕捉P300电位并实时解码,利于临床获得实时结果.2)MMN.系脑接受偏差刺激后100~250m s出现的2种刺激响应间的差异波,潜伏期约200m s,时程约300m s.MMN多由经典的O d d B a l l范式诱发,该刺激序列诱发的MMN反映脑对标准和偏差刺激在记忆轨迹间的差异,是自动的潜意识过程,无需患者主动参与.W a n g等[38]以1050㊁1200H z音调为偏差刺激诱发MMN,发现以1200H z音调为偏差刺激诱发的MMN波幅与C R S-R评分在额中央区呈显著负相关.F i s c h e r等[39]以短纯音为分辨标准区分800H z音调的标准与偏差刺激,并加入S O N作为新奇刺激,发现仅12.5%的V S/UW S患者和27.3%的M C S患者可观察到明显的MMN.比较上述2项研究的范式,采用O d d B a l l范式时,标准与偏差刺激间存在较大差异将更好地反映患者意识水平.虽然MMN不适合单独作为意识障碍的分类诊断指标,但将MMN纳入D o C评估仍是有益的,因其存在表明患者大脑保留了对偏差信息自动加工的高级功能.3)N400.系患者阅读语句发现信息不匹配时,经400m s引出的脑电负向波,是语义理解和语言加工的主要指标,与长时记忆信息提取密切相关.N400的诱发依赖多个脑区的协同工作,能反映大脑功能网络的保留情况.B e u k e m a等[40]纳入小样本D o C患者,以健康受试者为对照组,发现44%的患者能够区分刺激声音与环境噪声的响应波形,但仅1例M C S患者出现明显的N400.这一结果表明该范式缺乏敏感性,无诊断价值.B a l c o n i等[41]给予18例D o C患者关联与非关联词对刺激,发现关联词与非关联词诱发的N400在不同脑区存在显著的波幅差异,且波幅与谵妄评估量表㊁昏迷严重程度评分存在显著的负相关.C r u s e等[42]的研究结果表明刺激类型及主㊁被动范式等因素均能影响N400波幅,其中非重复的规范关联词能够引发最大的N400波幅.上述研究的诊断结果不佳,这是由于诱发N400需要患者具有较高的意识水平,同时部分患者还伴有不同程度的认知障碍㊁失语.对N400相关刺激范式中词对组成的深入挖掘,将进一步提高N400在D o C患者中的阳性率.2.1.3经颅磁刺激联合脑电图经颅磁刺激联合脑电图(t r a n s c r a n i a lm a g n e t i cs t i m u l a t i o nc o m b i n e de l e c t r o e n c e p h a l o g r a m,TM S-E E G)指置于头皮的通电线圈产生脉冲磁场,透过颅骨到达靶向脑区产生感应电场,诱导神经元集群去极化产生动作电位,并使用磁兼容的脑电电极和放大器采集大脑响应信号的技术.T M S-E E G具有高时间分辨率,能同时记录多个脑区的神经元活动,便于后续对刺激响应在脑区间的传递过程进行评价.R o s a n o v a 等[45]首次在D o C患者中开展T M S-E E G研究,在M C S与L I S患者中可以观察到经颅磁刺激诱发的复杂E E G响应且伴随远处皮层激活,与在V S/UW S患者中记录的局部单一波形构成鲜明对比.C a s a l i等[46]采集经颅磁刺激大脑后的E E G信号,计算扰动引起的因果皮质互作,构建P C I指标反映整合分离度并量化意识水平,结果表明P C I能够精准地划分D o C患者,当该数值低于0.31时则被认为无意识.S i l v i a等[47]在大样本中验证P C I的稳健性,发现P C I最大值大于0.31时诊断M C S患者的敏感性达94.7%;后续在D o C群体中以0.31为阈值进行分类诊断,敏感性达到100%.T M S-E E G技术能够根据响应波形及激活脑区寻找患者的隐匿意识,也可根据算得的P C I值明确患者的意识水平,降低因行为意识迹象微弱而被误诊为V S/UW S的概率.2.2肌电图E MG辅助行为学量表能够发现细微的肌肉活动,放大微弱的意识迹象.其中,表面肌电图已广泛应用于电生理功能研究,是评估肌肉功能的金标准,可实时监测并采集人体肌肉在执行任务期间的表面肌电信号.H a b b a l等[48]将 动手 动腿 咬紧牙 3个运动命令与 这是一个阳光明媚的日子 对照命令组合,提出基于E MG的运动范式,并定义 至少在3次试次中所有运动命令的E MG活动高于对照命令 为存在响应,结果表明仅13.3%的患者存在响应(表3).尽管上述结果并不理想,但仍在少数患者中存在响应运。



•综述.大脑类淋巴系统与脑卒中研究进展☆古锦敏”肖佩仪*邢世会宙【关键词】类淋巴系统水通道蛋白4脑卒中新近研究发现,大脑内存在着“类淋巴系统”(glym-phatic system)[1],这一系统不仅能够协助脑脊液中的葡萄糖、大分子物质、电解质以及注射到脑脊液中的药物在脑内的分布与运输PF,还参与脑卒中、阿尔兹海默症及创伤性脑损伤等神经系统疾病的病理过程及脑功能的恢复[6罔。



1大脑类淋巴系统蛛网膜下腔的脑脊液会通过血管周围间隙进入脑实质并与脑间质液(interstitial fluid,ISF)进行物质交换[小两,在中枢神经系统起着“淋巴液”的作用,维持中枢神经系统的内环境稳态[2朗。

早在2012年,ILIFF等⑴发现小鼠脑血管周围存在依赖于星形胶质细胞足突AQP4的间质溶质清除结构,并称其为“类淋巴系统w(glymphatic system)o GEIR等㈤]利用重复MR成像首次发现人脑脊液示踪剂从脑表面的蛛网膜下腔迅速流入并聚集在脑组织的血管周围间隙及其邻近脑组织,随后逐渐减少至消失。

RAZ等[21]doi:10.3969/j.issn,1002-0152.2021.02.010☆国家自然科学基金(编号:81971118);广东省自然科学基金(编号:2021A1515010094);广州市科技计划(编号:2019040 10313);华南神经疾病早期干预及功能修复研究国际合作基地(编号:2015B050501003);广东省神经系统重大疾病诊治工程技术研究中心;广东省神经系统重大疾病诊治转化医学创新平台;广东省神经系统疾病临床医学研究中心*中山大学附属第一医院神经科,广东省重大神经疾病诊治研究重点实验室,国家临床重点专科和国家重点学科(广州510080)0通信作者(E-mail:xingshih@maiL s )在一组血栓切除术中发生穿孔的急性缺血性卒中患者中发现,计算机断层扫描的造影剂被脑实质逐渐吸收,最终消失。

exploration of neuroscience的影响因子

exploration of neuroscience的影响因子

exploration of neuroscience的影响因子1. 引言1.1 概述神经科学是研究神经系统的结构、功能和发展的学科领域。



1.2 文章结构本文将分为五个部分来探讨神经科学的影响因子。






1.3 目的本文旨在探讨神经科学领域的影响因子,并介绍该领域目前取得的重大进展以及未来的挑战和机遇。



2. 正文:2.1 神经科学的定义及发展历程神经科学是一门研究神经系统结构、功能和行为的学科。




2.2 神经科学对认知研究的影响神经科学为我们理解认知过程提供了重要的洞察力。




学 报Journal of China Pharmaceutical University 2023,54(4):501 - 510501二氢麦角胺改善阿尔茨海默病状态下的突触萎缩及其对认知功能的影响陈佩佩,魏杰,柳晓泉*,刘昊晨**(中国药科大学代谢动力学研究中心,南京 211198)摘 要 研究表明突触损伤与认知功能障碍密切相关,狐猴酪氨酸激酶1(LMTK1)是影响突触生长的关键性激酶。



4月龄SAMR1小鼠作为对照(n = 12),4月龄SAMP8小鼠被随机分为3组(每组12只):AD组、DHE低剂量组以及高剂量组,连续8周每日腹腔注射DHE注射液或生理盐水。

采用免疫荧光、高尔基染色、电生理、Morris水迷宫以及Western blot实验研究DHE对AD模型小鼠突触形态、突触可塑性、认知功能以及LMTK1下游TBC1D9B磷酸化水平的影响。


免疫荧光实验结果显示SAMP8小鼠给予DHE后,突触后标记物PSD95显著增加,这提示DHE可以增加AD小鼠海马体突触密度;高尔基染色实验结果表明,AD模型小鼠海马内突触发生萎缩,而高剂量组DHE显著改善了突触萎缩;电生理实验结果表明,与正常小鼠相比,AD模型小鼠长时程增强(LTP)水平明显降低(P < 0.000 1),而DHE给药后LTP显著改善;Morris水迷宫实验结果进一步表明,DHE可以改善AD小鼠的认知障碍;Western blot实验结果表明,AD小鼠海马内P-LMTK1水平显著增加,DHE给药后,其下游效应蛋白P-TBC1D9B水平显著降低;体外细胞免疫荧光实验结果表明,DHE显著改善了过表达LMTK1的神经细胞的突触萎缩,而当LMTK1沉默后,其改善作用消失。



【综述】胶质瘤诊治中临床影像难题《Journal of Neuroimaging.》杂志2020年1月10日在线发表美国University of Washington的Bonm AV , Ritterbusch R , Throckmorton P , Graber JJ .撰写的综述《胶质瘤诊治中临床影像的诊断难题。

Clinical Imaging for Diagnostic Challenges in the Management of Gliomas: A Review.》(. doi: 10.1111/jon.12687.)神经影像学在胶质瘤患者的管理中起着至关重要的作用。



最近的一项进展是在标准化MRI上识别T2/液体衰减反转恢复失配信号( T2/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery mismatch sign)来识别异柠檬酸脱氢酶突变星形细胞瘤( isocitrate dehydrogenase mutant astrocytomas)。


弥散加权成像方法包括弥散张量成像( diffusion tensor imaging)和弥散峰度成像(diffusion kurtosisimaging )可以帮助勾画肿瘤边界和更好的组织结构的可视化。

灌注成像包括使用钆(gadolinium)或纳米氧化铁( ferumoxytol )对比剂的动态增强MRI,以帮助分级以及鉴别肿瘤进展(TP)和假性进展(PsP)。




Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(7), 10803-10811 Published Online July 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/acm https:///10.12677/acm.2023.1371509高钠血症作为神经重症疾病的生物标记物研究进展吕昕珂,肖 争*,谷依雪*重庆医科大学附属第一医院神经内科,重庆收稿日期:2023年6月6日;录用日期:2023年7月1日;发布日期:2023年7月10日摘要 神经重症患者常常并发高钠血症,其几率远远高于普通住院患者,提示两者间存在相关性。






关键词高钠血症,神经重症疾病,生物标记物Research Progress of Hypernatremia as a Biomarker of Severe Neurological DiseasesXinke Lv, Zheng Xiao *, Yixue Gu *Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing Received: Jun. 6th , 2023; accepted: Jul. 1st , 2023; published: Jul. 10th , 2023AbstractHypernatremia often occurs in patients with severe neurological disease, and its probability is much higher than that of ordinary hospitalized patients, suggesting that there is a correlation be-tween the two. The prognosis of neurocritical patients with hypernatremia is poor and the mortal-*通讯作者。

journal of neuroscience投稿经验 (2)

journal of neuroscience投稿经验 (2)

journal of neuroscience投稿经验引言概述:Journal of Neuroscience是一本重要的学术期刊,涵盖了神经科学领域的广泛研究。

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journal of neuroscience投稿经验

journal of neuroscience投稿经验

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阿尔茨海默病与维生素B12相关性的Meta 分析作者:朱越萍来源:《中外女性健康研究》2019年第01期文章编号:WHR2018071012【摘要】目的:通过Meta分析的方法汇总国内外已有的相关研究,探讨阿尔茨海默病发病与血清维生素B12的关联性,为今后深入探讨阿尔茨海默病(AD)的病因,开展大规模人群干预研究提供重要的理论依据。


对同质的研究用RevMan 5.2软件进行Meta分析,对不同质研究进行描述性分析。

结果:AD组的血清维生素B12水平显著低于健康对照组的血清维生素B12水平,其差异有统计学意义,[Z=8.89(P【关键词】阿尔茨海默病;维生素B12;系统评价;Meta分析[Key words]Alzheimer's disease; Vitamin B12; System evaluation; Meta analysis阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer Disease,AD),又叫老年性痴呆,是老年期痴呆的主要类型之一,大约占全部痴呆病例的60%~70%[1]。





1 研究方法1.1 检索策略系统检索1990年至2017年1月公开发表的维生素B12与阿尔茨海默病相关的文献。

检索数据库包括PubMed、Sience Direct、ProQuest、ESBSCO、Springer等英文数据库和中国生物医学文献(CBM)、万方中文数据库、中国期刊全文专题数据库(CNKI)、维普中文科技期刊数据库等。

1.2 文献摘录应用Excel软件进行数据录入与统计,从文献中摘录以下内容:题目、发表年份、作者、阿尔茨海默病的定义标准、病例组和对照组的样本量,以及血清维生素B12水平的均数和标准差。

journal of neuroscience methods缩写

journal of neuroscience methods缩写

journal of neuroscience methods缩写
1.介绍神经科学方法杂志(Journal of Neuroscience Methods)
神经科学方法杂志(Journal of Neuroscience Methods)是一本关注神经科学领域的专业杂志,它主要发表关于神经科学实验方法和技术的研究文章,以及对神经科学研究具有重要意义的理论和观点。







journal of neuroinflammation的投稿经验分享

journal of neuroinflammation的投稿经验分享

Journal of Neuroinflammation 是一本专注于神经炎症研究的科学期刊。

以下是一些投稿经验分享:1. 了解期刊范围和要求:在投稿前,务必详细阅读期刊的Aims & Scope(目标与范围),确保你的研究主题符合期刊的关注领域。


2. 高质量的研究:Journal of Neuroinflammation 对稿件的质量要求较高。


3. 清晰的结构和表述:稿件应有清晰的结构,包括引言、材料和方法、结果、讨论、结论等部分。


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5. 遵守伦理规定:如果你的研究涉及人类或动物实验,必须遵守相关的伦理规定,并在稿件中提供相应的伦理审查批准书。

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7. Cover Letter:提供一份清晰、简洁的Cover Letter,概述研究的主要发现和其在神经炎症领域的贡献,以及为什么选择该期刊发表。

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9. 耐心等待:投稿后,可能需要一段时间才能收到初审结果和审稿人意见。






国际精神病学杂志JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 2021年第48卷第1期丁苯酞辅助治疗对老年痴呆症患者的疗效库丽【摘要】目的探讨丁苯酞辅助治疗对老年痴呆症患者的疗效及其可能的机制。

方法本研究 对象为2018年1月〜2019年8月我院收治的88例老年痴呆症患者,按照数字表法随机均分为两组,每组44人,对照组给予常规治疗,观察组在此基础上联合丁苯酞治疗:比较两组患者治疗前后病理 行为评分表(BEHA V E-A D)、生活能力量表(A D1J、简易精神状况检查表(MMSE )等量表,检测 和比较血清淀粉样蛋白(A0)水平,血清谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(G S H-P x)、丙二醛(M D A)、超氧 化物歧化酶(S O D)等氧化应激指标,内皮素(ET-丨)、血管内皮生长因子(V E G F)等血管内皮功能 指标结果治疗后两组A D L评分、M M SE评分均升高,血清A)3水平、BEHA V E-A D评分均降低,且治疗后观察组各项指标均优于对照组(尸<0.05);治疗后两组血清G S H-P x、S O D水平升高,MDA 水平降低,且治疗后观察组各项指标均优于对照组(P<〇.〇5 );治疗后两组血清E T-1水平均降低,V E G F水平均升高,且治疗后观察组各项指标均优于对照组(/5<0.05)结论 丁苯酞辅助治疗能够 更有效的提升老年痴呆症患者的认知及生活能力,可能与其促进血清水平降低,减轻氧化应激,提升血管内皮功能有关,【关键词】丁苯酞;老年痴呆症;血清淀粉样蛋白;氧化应激;血管内皮功能【中图分类号】R742.5【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1673-2952 ( 2〇21) 01-0〇62-〇4The effect of butylphthalide in patients with senile dementiaKLJ Li.Department o f Pharm acy,Xinyang Central Hospital^Xinyang464000, China【Abstract 】Objective To explore the effect of butylphthalide in patients with senile dementia and its mecha­nism.Methods Eighty-eighl patients with senile dementia in our hospital from January2018 to August2019 were se­lected and randomly divided into tw o groups by the number table method,44 case in each group.The control group was given conventional treatment,and the observation group was added butylphthalide.Pathological behavior score scale (BEHA VE-AD),living ability scale (ADL),simple m ental status checklist (MMSE)and other scales were com- pareri between the tw o groups before and after treatment.Serum amyloifl/3 (A j3 )level,detection of semm Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px),malondialdehyde(MDA),superoxide rlismutase (SOD)and other oxidative stress indicators, Endothelin (ET—1 ),vascular endothelial growth factor (VE(j F)and other indicators of vascular endothelial function were were compared between the tw o groups before and after treatment.Results After treatment,the ADL score and MMSE score of the tw o groups were significantly increased,and the serum A/3level and BEHA VE-AD score were sig­nificantly reduced,and the observation group was better than the control group (P<0.05 ) .After treatment,the serum CSH-Px and SOD levels in the tw o groups increased,while the M DA level decreased,the observation group was better than the control group(P<0.05 ) .After treatment,the serum ET-1levels of the two groups were significantly redurerl,and the VEGF levels were significantly increased,the observation group was better than the control group(P<0.05 ). Conclusion Butylphthalide adjuvant treatment can effectively improve the cognition and life ability in patients with senile dementia,whirh may he related to promoting the redurtion o f‘s erum Aj3 level,reducing oxidative stress,and irri|)roving vascular endothelial function.【Key words 】Butylphthalide;Senile dementia;Semni B-A m yloi(i protein;Oxidative stress;Vascular endothelial function[作者工作单位]信阳市中心医院药学科(信阳,464000 )。




标签:颞叶癫痫;海马;即早基因据国际抗癫痫联盟统计,癫痫的患病率高达23~190人/10 万,已成为最常见的神经科疾病之一[1]。

尽管随着抗癫痫药物不断更新,治疗方案不断规范,但仍有约30% 的患者接受抗癫痫治疗后痫性发作仍不能得到有效控制。



1 氯化锂-匹罗卡品致颞叶癫痫大鼠模型的建立早在1983 年Honchar等研究人员在Science 杂志上第一次发表了匹罗卡品大鼠模型,此模型可致痫鼠诱导自发性痫性发作,损伤海马结构中易损区,该鼠致痫模型被公认为是和人类的颞叶癫痫有着相近的特征。



2 致颞叶癫痫大鼠模型的脑电图在神经电生理领域,研究致颞叶癫痫大鼠模型急性期记录到致癫痫组SD大鼠在海马区爆发长程中出现的棘活动、尖活动及不规则的尖慢复合活动,较背景脑电活动明显突出,与人类癫痫全性发作时脑电图改变一致[4]。

3 致颞叶癫痫大鼠模型的病理学表现人类癫痫的脑部病理学改变表现为海马萎缩、硬化,包括胶质增生和神经元减少,以CA1区和齿状回区域最为明显[5]。



发现新细胞器可用于治疗阿尔茨海默病2022-06-19 01:04·日月明尊除了许多已知的细胞器(细胞的成分或“器官”),科学家们刚刚发现了另一种。


或许,BAG2 可以成为神经退行性疾病新疗法的基础。



在《自然通讯》杂志最近的一篇文章中,来自美国和巴西的科学家描述了BAG2(Bcl2 相关的athanogene 2),这是一种新型细胞器,它没有膜,但通过内含物与细胞质很好地分离。

在这方面,BAG2 类似于所谓的应激颗粒和处理体(P-体),但新的细胞器既不包含RNA,也不包含专门的“死亡标记”泛素。

泛素残基通常附着在那些蛋白质上,然后细胞在蛋白酶体的帮助下有目的地破坏这些蛋白质- 执行“垃圾处理”工作的分子机器。





相反,像 BAG2 或 P 体这样的内含物是通过将两种流体(它们的内容物和细胞的基本环境)分离成相而存在的,就像水面上的一滴油一样。



然而,BAG2 负责处理那些已经合成的蛋白质。



BAG2 不仅破坏了有问题的蛋白质,而且还促进了伴侣的工作——其他帮助蛋白质保持正确结构的分子。



Jun.2001 17(2) 147~150神经解剖学杂志(Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy)M el-1a,M el-1b褪黑素受体在大鼠海马分布的原位杂交研究徐海伟 黎海蒂 范晓棠* 龚发云(第三军医大学 生理学教研室,*神经生物学教研室,重庆400038)摘 要 M el-1a,M el-1b为分别从人大脑和视网膜克隆的两种褪黑素膜受体。


本文采用原位杂交技术研究了M el-1a,M el-1b两种褪黑素膜受体mRN A在海马中的表达和分布,结果表明此两种受体m RN A在成年大鼠海马各区神经元中均有表达。

由于褪黑素是通过细胞膜上与G蛋白耦联的M el-1a,M el-1b受体而发挥作用的,而海马又是与老化密切相关的脑区,提示褪黑素对海马的老化有调节作用。

关键词 褪黑素受体 原位杂交 海马 大鼠THE DISTRIBUTION OF Mel-1a,Mel-1b MELATON IN RECEPTOR IN THEHIPPOC AMPUS OF RATS:IN SITU HYBRIDIZATION STUDYX u Haiwei,Li Haidi,Fan X iaotang*,G ong Fayun(Departmen t of Physiology,*Department of Neurobiolog y,Third M ilitary M edical University,Ch ongqing400038)Abstract M el-1a,M el-1b are tw o s ubtypes of melatonin membrane recep tors w hich w ere cloned from the h uman brain and reti-na,resp ectively.Recen tly,res earch ers paid more attention to th e melatonin receptor since the new physiological functions of melatonin w ere con tinu ou sly found.The distribution of M el-1a,M el-1b m elatonin recep tor m RN A in the hippocampus of rats was inves tigated with the method of in situ h ybridzation in th e pres ent s tudy.Our res ults d emons trated that M el-1a,M el-1b re-cep tor m RNA w as exp ress ed in all neu rons in th e hippocampus of adult rats.In view th at m elatonin w orks by binding th e G-pro-tein coupled melatonin receptors,and th e hippocampus is related to aging,it sugg es ts th at melatonin could modulate aging of th eh ippocampus.(Figu res1~8on plate26)K ey words melatonin receptor,in situ h ybridization,hippocampus,rat 褪黑素(melatonin)是一种重要的信号物质,其作用机制的复杂性、生理功能的多样性及广泛性已越来越引起人们的重视。


〔#〕 人脑内也有 ,9 及 +:;, 只是数目相对较少 。由于神经元的
பைடு நூலகம்
于任何组织的干细胞, 均具有无限自我更新和增殖并分化成不 同子代的能力。对于神经干细存在的位置, 除海马齿状回的侧 脑室下区 ( ,JK) 和海马齿状回的颗粒下区 ( ,LK ) 被完全确定 外, 其他脑区是否有 +,- , 仍存在着一定的意见分歧, 争论的焦 点集中在 ,JK 区的室管膜细胞是否是 +,- , 。一系列的研究阐 明 ,JK 区 的 星 形 胶 质 细 胞 而 非 室 管 膜 细 胞 才 是 真 正 的
! ! 近年来随着人们对神经干细胞 ( +,- , ) 研究的逐渐深入, 尤其成年 哺 乳 动 物 脑 内 +,- , 的 发 现 为 人 类 治 疗 老 年 痴 呆 ( ./0123425 632782, .6 ) 等 神 经 退 行 性 疾 病 带 来 新 希 望。对 +,- , 分裂、 分化及鉴定的研究不仅对神经可塑性的认识具有 重要意义, 而且为治疗 .6 提供了重要的理论依据。本文对 .6 治疗研究的进展及神经干细胞分裂、 分化和鉴定研究的一 些进展作一综述, 并对 +,- , 用于治疗 .6 的可行性进行探讨。 ’! .6 治疗现状 .6 是多发于老年人的以进行性认知障碍和记忆损害为主 的中枢神经系统退行性疾病, 其已经成为继心血管疾病、 癌症 和中风之后的威胁老年人健康的第四大疾病。 .6 的发病机制十分复杂。 .6 的发病原因主要有以下几 种学说: 遗传基因突变学说、 细胞骨架改变学说、 中枢神经递质 代谢障碍学说、 ( .! ) 学说、 免疫异常学说、 自由 !)淀粉样蛋白 基损伤学说、 神经细胞凋亡学说等, 其中以 .! 学说占主导地 位

journal of neuroscience method

journal of neuroscience method

journal of neuroscience methodJournal of Neuroscience Methods (JNM) 是一个专注于神经科学研究方法学的学术期刊。














最后,总体来说,Journal of Neuroscience Methods 是神经科学领域内的一本重要学术期刊。





神经胶质细胞转化的神经元或可治疗帕金森病作者:暂无来源:《世界科学》 2020年第8期编译希区客此类基因疗法的简便性和高效率使其极具潜力,有望治疗像帕金森病这样的神经系统疾病。













journal of neuroscience methods 分区

journal of neuroscience methods 分区

journal of neuroscience methods 分区题目:《Journal of Neuroscience Methods 分区》字数:1500-2000字引言:科学研究是非常重要的,它推动了人类的进步。



本文将围绕着神经科学方法期刊《Journal of Neuroscience Methods》的分区,逐一阐述有关背景、分区指标和该期刊在神经科学研究中的重要性。

一、背景:《Journal of Neuroscience Methods》是一个专注于描述和评估用于神经科学研究的新技术和方法的期刊。



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Journal of Neuroscience Methods165 (2007) 297–305Denoising based on time-shift PCAAlain de Cheveign´e a,b,∗,Jonathan Z.Simon c,da Laboratoire de Psychologie de la Perception,UMR2929,CNRS and Universit´e Paris Descartes,Franceb D´e partement d’Etudes Cognitives,Ecole Normale Sup´e rieure,Francec Department of Electrical&Computer Engineering,University of Maryland at College Park,United Statesd Department of Biology,University of Maryland at College Park,United StatesReceived20March2007;received in revised form1June2007;accepted3June2007AbstractWe present an algorithm for removing environmental noise from neurophysiological recordings such as magnetoencephalography(MEG).Noise fields measured by reference magnetometers are optimallyfiltered and subtracted from brain channels.Thefilters(one per reference/brain sensor pair)are obtained by delaying the reference signals,orthogonalizing them to obtain a basis,projecting the brain sensors onto the noise-derived basis,and removing the projections to obtain clean data.Simulations with synthetic data suggest that distortion of brain signals is minimal.The method surpasses previous methods by synthesizing,for each reference/brain sensor pair,afilter that compensates for convolutive mismatches between sensors.The method enhances the value of data recorded in health and scientific applications by suppressing harmful noise,and reduces the need for deleterious spatial or spectralfiltering.It should be applicable to a wider range of physiological recording techniques,such as EEG, localfield potentials,etc.© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords:Magnetoencephalography(MEG);Electroencephalography(EEG);Noise reduction;Artifact removal;Artifact rejection;Regression;Principal component analysis1.IntroductionMagnetoencephalography(MEG)measures magneticfields produced by brain activity using sensors placed outside the skull. Thefields to be measured are extremely small,several orders of magnitude belowfields from unavoidable sources such as electric power lines,ventilators,elevators,or vehicles.Envi-ronmental noise is combatted by a combination of magnetic and electromagnetic shielding,active noisefield cancellation, the use of gradiometers,spectral and spatialfiltering,averaging responses to repeated stimulus presentations,and various other signal-processing methods to reduce noise.MEG signals may also be contaminated by sensor noise arising in the quantum devices or associated electronics,and physiological noise from physiological activity other than of interest(a category that is study-or application-dependent).We focus on environmental noise,but our approach is complementary with techniques that deal with the other two types of noise.∗Corresponding author at:Equipe Audition,ENS,29rue d’Ulm,F-75230 Paris,France.Tel.:+33144322772.E-mail address:Alain.de.Cheveigne@ens.fr(A.de Cheveign´e).Shielding,the primary method for noise reduction,involves placing the system and subject within a chamber lined with layers of aluminium and mu-metal.In a recent proposition, head and sensors are surrounded by a superconducting shield bathed in liquid helium(V olegov et al.,2004).Active shield-ing has also been proposed(Platzek et al.,1999).However,the cost and bulk of shielding is an obstacle to widespread deploy-ment of MEG in scientific and health applications(Okada et al.,2006;Papanicolaou et al.,2005).New applications such as brain–machine interfaces(BMI),and advances in MEG tech-nology(e.g.the non-cryogenic system of Xia et al.,2006) make the perspective of systems without shield attractive.For an existing system better shielding may not be an option.A signal-processing alternative to reduce the level of noise is thus welcome.A second measure is the use of gradiometer sensors, implemented in hardware or synthesized in software from mag-netometer arrays(Baillet et al.,2001;Vrba,2000).There are nine components to the magneticfield gradient(three spatial derivatives of each of the three spatial components),but typ-ical systems sample only a few:radial gradiometers measure the radial derivative of the radial component,and planar gra-diometers one or two of its tangential gradients.Brain sources0165-0270/$–see front matter© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2007.06.003298 A.de Cheveign´e,J.Z.Simon/Journal of Neuroscience Methods 165 (2007) 297–305producefields with large gradients at nearby sensors,whereas most environmental sources are distant and produce a relatively homogenousfield,that the gradiometer discounts.Gradiometers are also more sensitive to shallow than deep brain sources.This property may be useful in some cases,but there is noflexibility to tune or disable it without compromising environmental noise rejection.Sensor geometry could more easily be optimized for brain sensitivity if environmental noise were taken care of by other means.A third approach is spectralfiltering.Environmental noise is typically dominated by slowly varyingfields from eleva-tors,vehicles,etc.,and by power line components at60Hz (or50Hz outside the US)and multiples,that may be atten-uated by hardwarefilters before analog-to-digital conversion.A typical protocol involves a combination of a high-passfil-ter(e.g.0.1or1Hz)and a notchfilter at60Hz,in addition to the mandatory antialiasing low-passfilter.Furtherfiltering may be applied in software.Spectralfiltering has two seri-ous drawbacks.First,recordings are blind to eventual brain activity within the frequency bands that are rejected.Second, features of the time-course of activity are“smeared”over an interval equal to the duration of the impulse response,which is on the order of the inverse of the width of spectral transitions (e.g.about1s for a1Hz high-pass or1-Hz wide notchfilter). Temporal distortion is inconsistent with the common claim of “millisecond temporal resolution”for MEG,although its impact is hard to assess because impulse responses are rarely published. Data quality would be enhanced if spectralfiltering could be avoided.A fourth approach is spatialfiltering.Linear combinations of sensor signals are formed to attenuate noise and/or enhance brain activity.Examples are synthetic gradiometers(already mentioned),the Laplacian(e.g.Kayser and Tenke,2006),princi-pal component analysis(PCA)(e.g.Ahissar et al.,2001;Kayser and Tenke,2003,2006;Spencer et al.,2001),independent com-ponent analysis(ICA)(e.g.Barbati et al.,2004;Makeig et al., 1996;Vig´a rio et al.,1998),signal space projection(SSP)(Tesche et al.,1995),signal space separation(SSS)(Taulu et al.,2005), beamforming(e.g.Sekihara et al.,2001,2006)and other linear techniques(Parra et al.,2005).Spatialfiltering is useful to tease apart the activity of multiple sources within the brain.While it can also remove environmental noise,using it for that purpose constrains the options for brain source analysis(Nolte and Curio, 1999).Spatialfiltering distorts the spatial signature of sources of interest,and forward models(required for source modeling) may need adjusting.Finally,a very common procedure is to average responses over multiple repetitions of the stimulus.Stimulus-evoked brain activity adds constructively,while noise components tend to can-cel each other out.Measurement of the steady-state response (SSR)in the frequency domain obeys the same principle.Draw-backs are that only repeatable“evoked”activity may be observed in this way,the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)improvement is modest(it varies with the square root of repetitions),and the pro-cedure is costly in experimental time.Effective denoising would allow cheaper experiments,and possibly useful recordings of single-trial activity.To summarize,a wide range of noise-reduction tools is avail-able.Together,they allow high quality measurements of brain activity,as evident from the MEG literature.Nevertheless,some have drawbacks that interfere with the observation of brain response morphology.For others,prior removal of environmen-tal noise would allow them to be optimized for the purpose of brain source analysis.Some MEG systems are equipped with reference sensors that measure environmentalfields.Regression of brain sensor signals on the subspace spanned by reference sensor signals allows the contribution of environmental noise to be attenuated without the need for spectralfiltering,or spatialfiltering of the brain sen-sor array.Several methods have been proposed for that purpose (e.g.Adachi et al.,2001;Ahmar and Simon,2005;V olegov et al., 2004;Vrba and Robinson,2001).Assuming that noise sources are distant and theirfields homogenous,three sensors should suffice to capture the three spatial components of the noisefield, regardless of the number of sources.However a larger number of reference sensors may be useful iffield gradients differ between noise sources.Assuming instantaneous propagation at the rela-tively low frequencies of interest(H¨a m¨a l¨a inen et al.,1993),the responses of two sensors to the same noise component differ only by a scalar factor.One should thus expect projection techniques to be highly effective.However,electromagnetic shielding is known to be frequency-dependent((H¨a m¨a l¨a inen et al.,1993), and the electronics(flux lock loop,hardwarefilters)may intro-duce convolutive mismatch between channels,in which case scalar regression does not work well.The method to be described extends these techniques by aug-menting the array of reference signals by delayed versions of the same.The linear combination of delayed signals constitutes,in effect,afinite impulse response(FIR)filter that is applied to each reference signal before subtraction from each brain sensor signal.As we shall see,this greatly improves the effectiveness of denoising.2.Methods2.1.Signal modelWe observe K brain sensor signals and J reference sensor sig-nals.For example the MEG system described below has K=157 gradiometers placed over the brain and J=3reference magne-tometers placed far from the brain and oriented orthogonally to each other.Denoting vectors with bold-faced letters,S(t)=[s1(t), ...,s K(t)]T,the K brain sensor signals reflect a combination of brain activity,environmental noise and sensor noise:S(t)=S b(t)+S e(t)+S s(t)(1)whereas the J reference sensors R(t)=[r1(t),...,s J(t)]T reflect only noise.Signals are sampled and we use t to represent the time series index.Environmental noise in both sensor arrays origi-nates from L noise sources within the environment,E(t)=[e1(t), ...,e L(t)]T.If the relation between each noise source and each sensor were scalar(nofiltering or delay),the dependency couldA.de Cheveign´e,J.Z.Simon/Journal of Neuroscience Methods 165 (2007) 297–305299 be described in matrix notation asS e(t)=AE(t)R(t)=BE(t)+R s(t)(2)where A=[a kl]and B=[b jl]are mixing matrices with a kl andb jl scalar and R s(t)is reference sensor noise.Sensor noise issupposed negligible(the question is discussed further on).If therelation between noise and sensor signals is convolutive(filteringand/or delay)the same notation can be used supposing that eachelement a kl or b jl of the mixing matrices A or B represents animpulse response,and replacing multiplication by convolutionin Eq.(2).For example:r jl(t)=(b jl∗e l)(t)(3)where r jl(t)is the contribution of noise source l to sensor j.Thebrain activity term S b(t)in Eq.(1)presumably also reflects mul-tiple sources within the brain,however we do not need to detailthis dependency.To summarize the signal model,brain sensorsand reference sensors pick up the same environmental noisesources,but the relation between noise and sensor may haveconvolutive properties that differ between brain and referencesensors.2.2.AlgorithmThe TSPCA algorithm is straightforward.First,the refer-ence channels R(t)are time-shifted by a series of multiplesof the sampling period,both positive and negative:R(t+n),n=−N/(2+1),...,N/2.Second,the set of time-shifted referencesignals is orthogonalized by applying PCA,to obtain a basis ofJN orthogonal time-domain signals.Third,each brain sensorsignal is projected onto this basis,and the projection removed.The result is the“clean”signal.For brain sensor k the overall process can be described asˆs k(t)=s k(t)−Jj=1Nn=1αkj(n)r jt−n−N2(4)whereˆs k(t)is the cleaned signal and the[αkj(n)]emerge from the combination of orthogonalization and projection.Coeffi-cientαkj(n)can be understood as the n th coefficient of an N-tapfinite impulse response(FIR)filter applied to reference signal j before subtraction from brain signal k.Thisfilter is optimal,in a least-squares sense,to minimize the contribution of noise components to the brain sensor signal.Note that the brain sensor signals s k(t)are notfiltered,and thus there is no spectral distortion of brain activity s b(t)(we return to this ques-tion later).Processing can be summarized in matrix notation asˆS=I S−A˜R(5) where I is the identity matrix,A=[αkj]the matrix of coefficients found by orthogonalization and projection,and˜R represents the set of time-shifted reference channel signals.2.3.ImplementationThe algorithm was implemented in Matlab.The number of taps is an arbitrary tradeoff:effectiveness,computational cost, and risk of overfitting,all increase with N.The value N=200 (shift range of±200ms for a500Hz sampling rate)was chosen for our simulations yielding600time-shifted reference channels. After PCA,components with variance(relative to thefirst)below an arbitrary threshold(10−6in our simulations)were discarded to avoid numerical problems in the next steps.The algorithm can be applied to data blocks orfiles of arbitrary size:smaller blocks allow the algorithm to accommodate eventualfluctuations in reference/brain sensor relations,while larger blocks reduce the risk of overfitting.We typically used a block size of105samples (200s),but we did not observe ill effects with larger or smaller sizes.3.ResultsWefirst evaluate the method with MEG data from one partic-ular system to illustrate its effectiveness as a practical tool.Next we use synthetic data to quantify eventual ter on we give more examples with data from other systems.3.1.MEG data3.1.1.SetupMagnetic signals were recorded using a160-channel,whole-head system with157axial gradiometer sensors that measure fields from the brain and3magnetometer reference sensors oriented along orthogonal directions(KIT,Kanazawa,Japan; Kado et al.,1999).The system is situated within a magnetically shielded room to reduce magneticfields from the environ-ment.Except where noted,dc and very low-frequencyfields are removed by a high-passfilter in hardware at1Hz,line noise is suppressed by a notchfilter at60Hz,and aliasing is prevented by a low-passfilter at200Hz(for500Hz sampling)or400Hz (for1kHz sampling).3.1.2.Empty machineFig.1(a)(red)illustrates the power spectrum averaged over channels in normal conditions but with no subject within the system.It consists essentially of environmental power that has eluded magnetic shielding,cancellation by the gradiometers, and attenuation by hardwarefilters.The power spectrum is dominated by several sharp components at120Hz and beyond, several narrow modes at intermediate frequencies(10–120Hz), and a diffuse distribution of low-frequency power below10Hz [expanded in Fig.1(d),red].Fig.1(a)(blue)shows the power spectrum after applying our algorithm to the same data as in Fig.1(a)(red).Ninety-eight percent of the variance has been discarded,leaving only 2%of residual noise power.Sharp high-frequency components are virtually eliminated,and mid-frequency peaks are greatly reduced.The dip near60Hz reflects the hardware notchfilter, not noticeable in raw data because it coincides with the60Hz line power component(see below).The low-frequency region is300 A.de Cheveign´e,J.Z.Simon/Journal of Neuroscience Methods165 (2007) 297–305Fig.1.MEG responses before and after denoising.(a)Power spectrum recorded from an empty machine averaged over all channels,before(red)and after(blue) denoising.(b)Same,with an enlarged abscissa.(c)Same,in the presence of a subject.(d)Estimated signal-to-environmental noise ratio(SNR E)of brain fields before(black)and after(green)denoising.The estimate of SNR E before denoising was made by comparing power recorded with and without a subject in the MEG machine.The estimate of SNR E after denoising was made by compar-ing power after denoising to power before denoising.Both estimates are rough approximations.expanded in Fig.1(b).Noise power in this region is reduced bya factor of about100(20dB).3.1.3.Brain activityFig.1(c)illustrates data recorded with a subject performing an auditory task(Chait et al.,2005),before(red)and after(blue) denoising.Before denoising,the brain activity of the subject is hard to distinguish from environmental noise.After denoising the brain activity emerges more clearly.Assuming that brain activity and environmental noise are orthogonal,we can estimate the approximate power of the brain response by subtraction, and thus derive a rough estimate of the power ratio of the sig-nal(defined in this context as activity other than environmental noise)to the estimated environmental noise(SNR E).Note that this definition of signal includes all activity other than environ-mental noise.After denoising,SNR E approaches10dB over the 0–20Hz frequency range that includes many important compo-nents of brain activity,with a peak of about20dB just below 10Hz(Fig.1(d)).It should be stressed that these are“single-Fig.2.Effect of denoising on data recorded in the absence of hardware high-pass and60Hz band-reject(notch)filters.(a)Waveform of one channel before (red)and after(blue)denoising.(b)Power spectrum averaged over channels before(red)and after(blue)denoising.trial”data,without spatialfiltering,spectralfiltering other than in hardware,or averaging over epochs.3.1.4.Recording without hardwarefiltersThe previous responses were recorded with hardware high-pass and60Hz notchfilters,as is standard in most MEG studies. As mentioned in Section1,filtering distorts the observations and it would be useful to avoid it,if possible.Fig.2shows data recorded with high-pass and notchfilters deactivated(in red). The waveform(Fig.2(a))is dominated by a60Hz component visible as a peak in the power spectrum(Fig.2(b)),as well as slowerfluctuations visible in Fig.2(b)as a prominent peak at very low frequencies.After denoising,both are greatly reduced, by about40dB for the former and35dB for the latter.On average over the spectrum,the power has been reduced by about99%. This suggests that,with adequate denoising,hardwarefilters could be omitted(howeverfilters may still be required to avoid overloading of analog-to-digital converters by noise components if the resolution of the converters is insufficient).3.1.5.Is the target distorted?An obvious concern is whether denoising distorts brain activ-ity.It was already mentioned that brain activity does not undergo spatial or spectralfiltering(Eq.(4))as long as reference channels do not pick up brain activity.Spurious correlations might con-ceivably appear by chance between brain and delayed-reference subspaces,in which case genuine brain components might be stripped together with the noise.However,given that brain and environmental activity are unrelated,the power of any such components should be small.We tested this conclusion with synthetic data for which the target and noise were both known.In afirst simulation we used a target consisting of wide-band Gaussian noise independent between channels.For“noise”,we used data recorded in the absence of a subject in the MEG machine,modified by sub-tracting the residual power(about2%)leftover after denoising. This is very similar to real environmental noise,but with theA.de Cheveign´e,J.Z.Simon/Journal of Neuroscience Methods 165 (2007) 297–305301Fig.3.(a)The top plot shows the effect of denoising on synthetic data.Green: synthetic“brain activity”.Red:same after addition of synthetic“noise”.Blue: same after denoising.(b)The bottom plot illustrates estimating leakage of brain activity into reference channels.Blue:power spectrum of reference channels recorded in the absence of a subject.Red:same in the presence of a subject.The lack of a systematic difference between reference power spectra(red,blue)at frequencies where brain activity is intense suggest that leakage is weak. nice property that denoising removes it completely so that target distortion may be observed in isolation.Target and noise were added in sensor space to produce synthetic“noise-contaminated data”that were then processed by the TSPCA algorithm to obtain “denoised data”.After denoising,target power was reduced(uni-formly over the spectrum)by less than1dB as N was varied from 1to200(not shown).A second simulation used as a target data recorded from the MEG with a subject performing an auditory task,denoised by application of TSPCA.This is our best approximation,in terms of amplitude and spectral content,of brain activity as measured in sensor space(real brain activity being obviously inaccessible). Fig.3(a)shows the power spectrum of the brain activity(green, thick),the noise-contaminated activity(red),and the denoised activity(blue)plotted over a0–50Hz range.Denoising supresses noise components,but the target itself is not seriously distorted: comparing the green and blue plots,the differences are small. Our target is the result of a denoising process and thus conceiv-ably less susceptible to distortion than“real”brain activity,but it is our best approximation in the absence of direct access to brain source activity.Taken together,these arguments suggest that it is safe to assume that brain activity is not significantly distorted by TSPCA.Note that the assumption of uncorrelated brain and envi-ronmental noise might not hold if,say,the stimulus apparatus produced a magneticfield synchronized to the stimulus,or if ref-erence sensors picked up appreciable brain activity.Overfitting could occur if the number of data samples were small relative to the number of free parameters in the model(600for N=200). In those cases,target distortion could be significant.3.1.6.Is it reasonable to assume that reference sensors pick up no brain activity?If the reference sensors pick upfields from the brain,it is possible that some brain components are removed together with the noise.For data from a real system this possibility cannot be ruled out completely,but two arguments suggest that leakage of brain activity into reference channels is too small to be of practi-cal concern for our setup.First,if there were significant leakage, we would expect the power spectrum of the reference channel signals to differ according to whether a subject is present or not. Fig.3(b)compares reference channel power spectra measured without(blue)and with a subject(red).The spectra differ in detail,as expected from different samples of ongoing environ-mental noise,but the difference does not follow the shape of the brain power(Fig.3(a),green).Second,significant leakage should show up as brain-like characteristics within the residual (noise)signal removed by denoising,for example after averag-ing over many repetitions of a stimulus.No such characteristics were found(not shown).Leakage of brain activity into reference channels appears to be negligible for our setup.However,if the reference sensors picked up more brain activity,or less environmental noise as might occur with better shielding,leakage could lead to signif-icant subtraction of brain activity.This should be checked for before introducing the method to a particular machine.3.1.7.Are delays useful?With N=1the method defaults to scalar regression(see Sec-tion1).The amount of residual environmental noise as a function of N is plotted in Fig.4(top,full line).As N is increased from1 to200,the residual noise power drops from about20%to about 2%while the power of the target(dashed line)is almost constant, with the result that the signal-to-environmental noise ratio(dB) becomes positive for about N>8.Multiple delays are obviously useful.Crucially,this shows that TSPCA is not indiscriminate as to how it removes power from a noisy signal.The power decrease affects only the noise(full line)but not significantly the target(dashed line).The middle panels of Fig.4show the three reference-brain impulse responses for one particular brain channel for N=200, and the bottom panels of Fig.4show the amplitude and phase transfer functions of the third of thesefilters.The shapes,result-ing from the automatic regression procedure,are not easily interpretable.Non-zero values of the impulse response at lags other than the origin reflect the fact that the corresponding lags contribute to reduce noise.As described above,the power of the delays to better isolate and remove noise can arise simply from non-instantaneous mix-ing of noise across channels.Additionally,multiple delays can further aid noise reduction if some independent noise compo-nents are differentially spectrallyfiltered with respect to another (since the effect of summing and delaying noise channels can also create spectralfiltering).302 A.de Cheveign´e,J.Z.Simon/Journal of Neuroscience Methods165 (2007) 297–305Fig.4.Top,full line:percentage of noise power remaining after denoising as a function of number of taps,N.Dotted line:target power.Symbols are data for algorithms CALM(Adachi et al.,2001)and Fast-LMS(Ahmar and Simon, 2005).Intermediate:impulse responses offilters applied to each of the three reference sensor signals,for one particular brain sensor.Bottom:magnitude and phase plot of the rightmostfilter.3.1.8.Are MEG data typically that noisy?Our illustrations were based on data from one rather noisy MEG system,and one might wonder whether other systems would also benefit.Fig.5shows data from a variety of sys-tems from different makers and installed in different locations (details in caption).For each system,the power spectrum of a single channel is shown before(red)and after(blue)denoising. In each case the spectrum of the raw MEG data comprises low-frequency and line frequency harmonics that denoising removes. The benefit of TSPCA is not restricted to one particular system.Reference channels were unavailable for two systems(MEG systems2and3).To apply TSPCA nevertheless,we derived “synthetic reference channels”by applying ICA and selecting the three components with the largest proportion of dc and line noise.This appears to be effective,but it amounts to a form of spatialfiltering and shares its potential drawbacks.Real refer-ence sensors would be preferable.The green line in the plot for system3is the result of applying the SSS algorithm available with that system.TSPCA appears to be competitive with this implementation of that denoising method.The purpose of these examples is to show that TSPCA may be of use for a rangeof Fig.5.Data from a selection of systems.For each,the power spectrum of one arbitrary channel is plotted with a logarithmic frequency axis and a dB ordinate (with arbitrary origin).MEG system1is a157-channel axial gradiometer system with3reference channels,built by Yokogawa and installed in a high-quality MSR(60dB at0.01Hz)in a quiet suburban environment.MEG system2is a 440-channel system also built by Yokogawa.Reference channel data were not available for this recording;instead,“synthetic reference”signals were obtained by applying ICA and selecting the three components most strongly dominated by dc and power line harmonics.MEG system3is a306-channel system built by Elekta Neuromag,for which6synthetic references were derived by ICA.The green line represents the result of applying instead the SSS algorithm provided with the system.MEG system4is a151-channel system built by CTF with29 reference channels.The EEG system was a16-channel system installed within an electromagnetically shielded booth.Four channels were devoted to‘reference’channels:two were attached to the subject’s wrists and the other two were attached to the metallicfloor and wall of the booth.MEG systems.They should not be interpreted as reflecting the relative quality of systems or sites.3.1.9.How does TSPCA compare with other methods?Methods differ in their requirements and side-effects,and a level ground for comparison is hard tofind.Easiest to compare are methods that use reference channels.Setting N=1,TSPCA is equivalent to scalar regression,a standard technique used in different forms(e.g.V olegov et al.,2004).From Fig.4(top)it is clear that TSPCA is superior to scalar regression for N>1. We compared TSPCA with two other methods,CALM(Adachi et al.,2001)that is widely used with KIT/Yokogawa systems,。
