Cut-elimination for Simple Type Theory with an Axiom of Choice G.
心理学名词1.从众(conformity)2.单纯曝光效果(mere exposure effect)3.模仿(modeling)4.跛足策略(self-handicapping)5.过度辩证效应(over justification effect)6.恋爱基模(love schema)7.习得无助(learned helplessness)关系8.睡眠效果(sleeper effect)9.破窗效(Broken Window Effect)10.联结与强化(linking vs. reinforcement)11.惩罚之前(before punishment)12.旁观者效应(bystander effect)13.消弱突现(extinction burst)14.自我实现预言(self-fulfilling prophecy)决定15.正义世界假说(a just world)16.自我评价维护理论(self-evaluation maintenance theory, SEM)17.自我中心偏误(egocentric bias)18.基本归因谬误(fundamental attribution error)19.印象的初始信息(primacy effect)20.虚假的一致(false consensus)21.服从(obedience)22.认知失调理论(cognitive dissonance theory)23.团体迷思(group thinking)心理学十大著名效应1.蝴蝶效应非线性,俗称“蝴蝶效应”。
On Cho m sky sM i n i m a list Program○Yu Ying(Foreign L anguage D epa rt m ent,B eijing M aterials Institute,B eijing,China 100149) [Abstract] I n the devel opment of generative gra mmar,the p rinci p le of Govern ment and B inding used t o hold a con 2tr olling positi on .But as the weaknesses of Princi p les and Parameters show up,the M ini m alist Pr ogra m gradually takes its p lace .The M ini m alist Pr ogra m ai m s t o si m p lify the gra mmar and pushes for ward the devel opment of syntax by inviting s ome more advanced parameters .A s a newly generated ter m inol ogy,the M ini m alist Pr ogra m does have great achieve ments .A t the sa me ti m e,because of its young age,the M ini m alist Pr ogra m is still a p r ogra m,or app r oach,not a theory,thus it re 2ceives a l ot of criticis m s . [Key words] Chom sky;M ini m alist p r ogra m (MP );Govern ment and B inding (G B );move ment [中图分类号]H314 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]167228610(2007)022*******I 1I n troducti onI n 1981,Chom sky gave his lectures on Govern 2ment and B inding,which is the sy mbol of the begin 2ning of the Princi p les and Para metersModel .I n 1986,he published B arrier ,which conducted Government Theory and B inding Theory thr ough the concep t of Bar 2rier .Then generative gra mmar undert ook great innova 2ti on since 1990s,a mong which is A M ini m alist Pr o 2gra m of L inguistic Theory (1992).I n the book TheM ini m alist P rog ram (1995)[1],Chom sky further dis 2cussed the p rinci p les and all the related para meters .Juan U riagereka wr ote a B ook R evie w (1999)[2],whose main f ocus was t o compare the theory of gra m 2mar p resented in MP and its assump ti ons t o its p rede 2cess or G B ,with which it shared s o much and fr om which it was s o distant (1999:267).Yes,M ini m alist Pr ogra m will never be separated fr om Government and B inding which set up a series of p rinci p les and techni 2cal means .So me are sublated;s ome are re mained .Besides,MP re 2ex p lains the whole theory,re 2inter 2p rets the whole syste m ,raises doubts t o a large scale,and generalizes and su mmarizes theoretically (Rad 2ford,2000:F11)[3].There are t w o distincti ons in MP .Firstly,there were s ome p rinci p les,widely used and p r ofoundly functi oned,which could hardly include in Universal Gra mmar .Secondly,in G B ,p rinci p lesgeneralize language but para meters all ow only the vari 2ati on bet w een languages .U riagereka,als o in his book revie w,regards MP as both revoluti onary and frustra 2ting (1999:267).On one hand,he p raised highlyMP s achieve ments;on the other hand,he pointed out the p r oble m s re mained,such as the actual meaning of move ment or mechanis m s .I n su mmary,MP is not only Chom sky s own op ini on,but a reflecti on of all the fruit 2ful researches (Cheng,1998:1)[4].It is really a p r o 2gress in the study of linguistics .II 1A M i n i m a list Program of L i n gu isti c Theory I n this secti on,the paper ai m s t o illustrate,brief 2ly,whatMP is .Besides the incomp lete content of the syste m ,s ome backgr ound infor mati on and the motiva 2ti on of the Pr ogra m are als o described .211Backgr ound inf or mati onIt is well known for those pursuing linguistic stud 2ies that Chom sky s final ai m of researches on linguistics is t o exp lain,fully and reas onably,the language phe 2nomenon,like modern physics,bi ol ogy,and s ome other sciences .Chom sky e mphasizes the generality of language and it is UG s characteristics t o highly su m 2marize language .That s why syntax has al w ays been in a maj or positi on a mong linguistic system (Zhang,2005:95)[5].Bef ore MP,it is Princi p les and Para me 2ters,under G B ,which is in a leading situati on .I ni 259tially,it was just trying t o generalize a syste m of rules a mong s pecific languages.Then,when Princi p les and Para meters ca me int o use,G B wanted t o find a general rule of hu man language thr ough the contrast a mong lan2 guages.Now,when we discuss MP,we find that MP manages t o find out the interface which can match F L and how it does s o.It was a welcome noti on t oo,since that s ort of thing is obvi ously unp leasant t o a connec2 ti onist:you don t really expect unifying noti ons that e2 merge in the interacti ons of random ly ranked con2 straints;why should Case constraints care aboutMove2 ment constraints(U riageraka,1999:269).Naturally, in the next subsecti on,Iwill discuss what on earth mo2 tivatesMP.212Motivati onsConsidering the devel opment of generative gra m2 mar,we can conclude that the sche me of generative gra mmar is a kind of hist ory si m p lifying theory and contr olling generative ability.Theref ore,there is no ne wer change substantially.Secondly,MP is the out2 come of vari ous researches in1980s.A t the sa me ti m e of modifying G B,it is gradually f ound that G B has,as a theoretical fra me work,many shortcom ings.I n the course of study,researchers feel confused when they are confr onting with s o many para meters. That s because,first,generative gra mmar takes the ex2 p lanati on of children s language acquisiti on as its ai m, s o the exp l orati on of universal p rinci p le should be put in p ri m ary,but actually,every para meter is a descri p2 ti on of fact in a certain s pecific language;second, studies have shown that children only take the positive evidence,but there are a l ot of para meters who don t have the foundati on of positive evidence;third,the setting of para meters,unli m itedly,als o brings s ome theoretical puzzles.Thus,it is quite urgent t o recontr ol the para meters(Cheng,1998:123).Chom sky held the op ini on that linguistic theories are al w ays changing,s o he argued:actually all of these fact ors were relevant in the e mergence of a Prin2 ci p les and Para meters app r oach.Note that it is not re2 ally a theory,it s an app r oach,a fra me work that accel2 erated the search f or redundancies that should be eli m i2 nated and p r ovided a ne w p latf or m fr om which t o p r o2 ceed,with much greater success,in fact(Chom sky et al.,2002:96).Finally,he of course made certain comment on both the achieve ments as well as weaknes2 ses.I n fact I think it is fair t o say that more has been learned about language in the last t w enty years than in the p receding2,000years.(Chom sky et al.,2002: 95).213Content of MPI n MP,Chom sky confir m s the independence of language a way fr om concep tual syste m,the theory of p rag matic syste m,and the modularmethod on language facts.The syste m is not well designed in many func2 ti onal res pects.But there s a t otally separate questi on: is it well designed with regard t o the internal syste m s with which it must interact?That s a different pers pec2 tive and a ne w questi on;and that s the questi on that the M ini m alist Pr ogra m tries t o ans wer(Chom sky et a l.,2002:108).Then,Chom sky thought of the sys2 tem as essentially inserted int o already existing external syste m:external t o the language faculty,internal t o the m ind(Chom sky et a l.,2002:108).W e can ask whether the language is well designed t o meet the conditi on of accessibility t o the syste m s in which it is e mbedded(Chom sky et a l.,2002:108). Since MP is a p r ogra m,not a theory,it is independent of one particular app r oach t o language,over a wide range.The M ini m alist Pr ogra m of Cogniti on(I did not find the l onger versi on of the book on I nternet nor the date of publishing excep t in p ress ),point out that the task of MP is t o clarify the noti ons that enter int o the Str ong M ini m alist Thesis and t o deter m ine how cl osely the thesis can be app r oached.Now,let us take a l ook at the step s t owards M in2 i m alis m(Cook,2000:318)[6]:a)Some noti ons de2 vel oped within G B have a distinct m ini m alist flavor and hence suggest a p r ogra m of research in which the gra mmar is restricted t o the bare m ini m um;b)Some devel opments in G B caused tensi ons within the fra me2 work that suggest abandoning the m as unsustainable;c)A tte mp ts t o s olve certain p r oble m s within G B led t o assu mp ti ons that enable si m p lificati on of the gra mmar. That is,the theory atte mp ts t o reduce the gra mmar t o its m ini m u m,reconstructing the effects of the gra mmat2 ical mechanis m s that it abandons on the basis of more funda mental,and theref ore more exp lanat ory,consid2 erati ons(Cook,2000:318).I n the foll owing,Iwill intr oduce s ome maj or seg2 ments briefly.2.3.1Princi p le of economyThe best illustrati on of the bluntest move ofMP is the concep t of economy(U riagereka,1999:270). Generally s peaking,economy mainly concerns about the type of move ment,and at a certain phase,a cer2 tain ty pe of move ment should undertake.The criteri on is the p rice of move ment.I n Chom sky s op ini on,any move ment should take its p rice,s o it is better not t o move if possible,not t o menti on,useless move ment. So the Princi p le of Economy app lies t o both rep resenta269ti onsand derivati on .W ith regard t o the for mer,we may take the econo my p rinci p le t o be nothing other than F I :every sy mbol must receive an “external ”in 2ter p retati on by language 2independent rules (Chom sky,1995:200).I n Cook and Ne ws on s book Cho m sky s U 2niversa l Gramm ar ,we can find:the Princi p le of Econ 2omy is a more general require ment fr om which all rep 2resentati ons and p r ocesses used t o derive the m t o be as econo m ical as possible .It is fairly easy t o see ho w the Princi p le of Econo 2my leads t o m ini m alis m:if the linguistic syste m needs t o be as econo m ical as possible,in ter m s of both ho w it rep resents and generates structures,clearly the s mallest possible set of devices t o account f or language pheno me 2na should be used —the defining characteristic of the M ini m alist Pr ogra m.Econo my of rep resentati on requires that rep resentati ons of syntactic structure contain no more than the required ele ments (P .3122313).Though,the theory is not s o econo m ical,at least,is a 2bout a more econo m ical object (U riageraka,1999:271).2.3.2Move mentW hen the MP ca me int o use,move ment t ook the p lace of move -α,and the entity of move ment has been converted int o mor phol ogical features .The ai m of move ment is t o let the mor phol ogical features fade out gradually s o its manner changes naturally .Chom sky p r oposed a radical ref or mulati on which si m p lified the structure down t o its bare m ini m um.The operati on which moved ele ments about is called si m p ly Move (Cook &Ne ws on,2000:324).Practically,there is no difference bet w een Move in MP and move -αin G B ,but they are actually quite different:Move cannot be made at will .So how do we make move ment in MP?Basically,there are t w o ways .One is t o reduce the cost of necessary move,and the other is t o f orbid un 2necessary move .And the p rinci p le thatMove foll o ws is Princi p le of economy,i .e .shortest move .214D ifferences bet w een G B and MPA s part of Princi p les and Para meters,GB does not have substantial difference fr o m MP .Further more,many hypotheses in MP come fr om G B.MP is not far a way fr om G B ,it has just stride in technics .I n the t op ic of B inding,we can say that under a certain set of assump ti ons it is possible t o reject argu ments that D -and S -structure are necessary parts of the gra mmar and t o cap ture phenomena that were thought t o hold at these levels by mechanis m s holding at the interface lev 2els;“all conditi ons are interface conditi ons;a linguis 2tic exp ressi on is the op ti m al realizati on of such inter 2face conditi ons ”(Chom sky,1993,p.26) (Cook &Ne ws on,2000:3322333).A s f or Govern ment,what we can say is the idea is that all structural relati ons should be li m ited t o a s mall number of very basic rela 2ti ons,s pecifically those that fall directly out of the X 2bar fra me work such as head 2comp le ment and s pecifier 2head relati ons (Cook &Ne ws on,2000:333).Then let s come t o the ter m MP .MP succeeds the structure of G B and makes use of functi onal ele ments t o a large scale .W hat is different fr om G B is thatMP regards the functi onal ele ments as the innate ele ments in language,or,let s say,the positive ele ments in UG .No w,let us exa m ine s o me detailed differences .First,MP uses the widely 2used co mputati on t o take the p lace of universal gra mmar in G B.Second,universal gra mmar,and the concept and conditi ons related,are all taken place by Princi p le of Econo my in MP .Universal Gra mmar in MP,then,consists of the Econo my Princi 2ple,the Pr ocrastinati on Princi p le,and the Greed Princi 2ple .Third,in the ter m s of variati on,it is αthat ismoved in G B,but inMP,it is a certain pr operty .Forth,inMP,structures are built up piece meal .‘I n G B,D 2structure was p resented as a co mp lete structure and not much was said about the internal pr ocess of ho w it was f or med:it was an “all 2at 2once ”operati on (Cho m sky,1993,p.21) (Cook &Ne ws on,2000:323).S o,in MP,move is part of the co mputati onal syste m.III 1Advan t ages and D is advan t agesCompared with its p revi ous one,Government and B inding,MP contains a l ot of advantages,as well as disadvantages .Bef ore going int o its advantages let s take a l ook at G B s p r oble m s .Cook and Ne ws on (2000)make this very clear:The M ini m alist Pr ogra m is als o in part a reacti on t o s o me of the p r oble m s that have p lagued G B theory .One p r oble m that the G B pers pective could only s olve by fairly unconvincing sti pulati on is the definiti on of A 2and A 2bar 2positi ons,…Under the early assu mp ti ons of G B theory,this distincti on was unp r oble matic:an A 2positi on was a potential θ2positi on,that is t o say a posi 2ti on t o which θ2r oles may be assigned,such as co mp le 2ment of V;an A 2bar 2positi on such as s pecifier of CPcould not have a θ2r ole assigned t o it .…A second G Bp r oble m is the concep t of govern ment,which,des p ite having considerable e mp irical motivati on,is none the less an arbitrary syntactic relati on (Lasnik,1993,p.3).Moreover there are many different noti ons of gov 2ern ment,s ome working better than others for certain pheno mena;unf ortunately,no versi on is perfect f or all pur poses .A more seri ous p r oble m is that,under these assu mp ti ons,AG R g overns,and theref ore can assign79Case t o,the s pecifier of TP.I f this is s o,there needs t o be an exp lanati on why the subject moves int o the s peci2 fier of AG RP t o receive No m inative Case instead of sta2 ying in the s pecifier of TP.The m ini m alist s oluti on t o the p r oble m is t o abandon g overn ment as a funda mental noti on of the theory.Of course,given that s o much of G B theory is based on the noti on of govern ment,this is a radical move.Again,the argu ment is that the effects of govern ment can be reduced t o more funda mental rela2 ti ons,as we see shortly.O ther devel opments within G B theory itself als o paved the way f or the devel opment of the M ini m alist Pr ogra mme(p.3142316).Then let s see whatMP takes for ward.3.1AdvantagesGenerative researchers tend t o be si m p le nowa2 days,s o MP re mains s ome characteristics and at the sa me ti m e becomes more rati onal.Princi p le of Econo2 my,the basic ele ment of language design,is intr o2 duced int o generative gra mmar.Moreover,on the basis of Princi p le of Economy,modern p rag matics and func2 ti onal gra mmar were established(Cheng,1994)[7]. To be more obvi ous,MP takes a further step than G B. First,Chom sky clearly divides syntax int o lexicon and computati on,and parameter variati ons are within lexi2 con.Second,para meter variati ons are li m ited in the combinati on of meaning and s ound,and mor phol ogical characteristics.Variati ons are li m ited in lexicon,and para meters are contr olled in mor phol ogical characteris2 tics.They are the sy mbolic revoluti on of MP(Cheng, 1998).U riagereka(1995)used t o concludes:There are senses in which the e merging theory in MP is better than G B,less levels of rep resentati on,less modules, less reference t o non2trivial relati ons,and less of just about everything else(p.271).3.2D isadvantagesW hen we turn t o the other side ofMP,we can al2 s o find a l ot of p r oble m s t o be s olved and many difficul2 ties re mained.The first p r oble m was p resented as the M ini m alist Pr ogra m by Chom sky,Hauser,and Fitch, in Appendix.They clai m ed that the Pr ogra m was cor2 rect in only one res pect.Early work in MP did suggest that generati on involves comparis on of derivati ons, leading t o co mputati onal comp lexity in a linear syste m. U riagereka als o has s ome doubts in MP:Obvi ous questi ons re main:what does it mean t o have move ment,variati on,mor phol ogy alt ogether? W hy are syntactic objects arranged in ter m s of Merge and its hist ory?W hat are syntactic features and catego2 ries?W hy does the syste m involve uninter p retable mechanis m s?How tight is the connecti on t o the inter2 face syste m s,in what guise does it come,how many ofthose really exist?They are only the ti p of the iceberg (1999:272).Fr om all these we can see that as a ne w linguistic as pect,MP is still a p r ogra m,which re mains a l ot of p r oble m s uns olved,not a theory,which is more au2 thoritative.Perfect design is not perfect usability(Lan2 dau,2003)[8].Excep t the disadvantages and p r ob2 lem s,MP als o receives s ome criticis m s,s ome of which are very critical.I n the next secti on,I will intr oduce s ome of the m.I V1Cr iti c is m sThere is at least one thing f or sure:there is no ex2 peri m ental evidence which suggests that m erge and m ove are real.Generative linguists typ ically res pond t o call f or evidence f or the reality of their theoretical con2 structs by clai m ing that no evidence is needed over and above the theory s ability t o account f or patterns of gra mmaticality judg ments elicited fr om native s peakers (Edel m an and Christiansen,2003:60)[9].Edel m and and Christiansen,in their essay Ho w Seriously Should W e Take M ini m alist S yntax?further clai m:First,such judg ments are inherently unreliable because of their unavoidable meta2cognitive overt ones, because gra mmaticality is better described as a graded quantity,and f or a host of other reas ons.Second,the outcome of a judg ment(or the analysis of an elicited utterance)is invariably br ought t o bear on s ome dis2 tincti on bet w een variants of the current generative theo2 ry,never on its foundati onal assump ti ons.Of the lat2 ter,the reality of m erge and m ove is but one exa mp le; the full list includes assu mp ti ons about language being a computati onally perfect syste m,the copy theory of traces,the existence of Logical For m structures,and innate general p rinci p les of economy.Unf ortunately, these foundati onal issues have not been subjected t o p sychol ogical investigati ons,in part because it is not clear how t o turn the assump ti ons int o testable hypothe2 ses(2003:60).Lasnik is op ti m istic thatM ini m alis m can be devel2 oped int o an articulated theory of hu man linguistic abil2 ity (Edel m an and Christiansen,2003:60).But we are sur p rised t o see thatM ini m alis m is not on the list of Questi ons f or future research .This m ight exp lain why M ini m alis m is not even menti oned in recent revie ws and op ini ons on vari ous as pects of language research in this j ournal,ranging fr om sentence p r ocessing and p r o2 ducti on and syntactic acquisiti on t o the brain mecha2 nis m s of syntactic comp rehensi on(Edel m an and Chris2 tiansen,2003:61).And,when we l ook at s omething fr om a m ini m al289ist pers pective,everything seem s t o subject t o ques2 ti on,f or instance,maybe govern ment does not exist. But I don t think that is s o unusual.this is just the u2 sual situati on.Even in the advanced sciences al m ost everything is questi onable(Chom sky et al.,2002:1512 2).Chom sky wouldn t expect stability.I f there s sta2 bility,it means we are not going t o get very far,be2 cause,in the stage where we are now,there are just t oo many mysteries.So if the field re mains stable,that means there are going t o re main mysteries(Chom sky et al.,2002:152).Maybe that s the reas on why MP re2 ceives s o many criticis m s and why it is al w ays putting for ward.V1Conclusi on sThe M ini m alist Pr ogra m is t o reduce the gra mmar t o its essentials and t o si m p lify the structure t o its most funda mental bones,with no more sti pulati on than abs o2 lutely necessary(Cook&Ne ws on,2000:344).I f suc2 cessful,the M ini m alist Pr ogra m will achieve high standards of exp lanati on,with most phenomena ac2 counted f or by a very s mall number of assu mp ti ons a2 bout the structure of the gra mmar,most of which are necessary f or any gra mmar(Cook&Ne ws on,2000: 344).A s a more devel oped linguistic ter m inol ogy,su2 peri or t o G B(if I should say s o),MP exp resses more advanced revoluti on.Chom sky concluded as f oll ows: the p r ogra m has been pursued with s ome success.Sev2 eral related and desirable conclusi ons see m within reach:a.A linguistic exp ressi on is a pair generated by an op ti m al derivati on satisfying interface conditi ons.b.The interface levels are the only levels of lin2 guistic rep resentati on.A ll conditi ons exp ress p r operties of the interface levels,reflecting inter p retive require ments.UG p r ovides a unique computati onal syste m,with derivati ons driven by mor phol ogical p r operties t o which syntactic variati on of languages is restricted.Economy can be given a fairly narr ow inter p reta2 ti on in ter m s of F I,length of derivati on,length of links,Pr ocrastinate,and Greed(Chom sky,1995: 212).Radf ord used t o say that syntax can da mage your health (2000:F32),I couldn t agree more!W hat I a m confused is even MP tries t o make things easier and si m p ler.I still have p r oble m s about the p r ogra m itself, its syste m,and its exp lanati on,etc.A t all costs,lin2 guistics is just a live entity which needs our continuous exp l orati on s o that one day it can reach a satisfact ory end.【References】[1]Chom sky,N.the M ini m alist Program[M].Ca mbridge,Mass:M I T Press,1995.[2]U riagereka,J.Book Revie w[J].L ingua,1999,107∶2672273.[3]Radford,A.Syntax:A M ini m alist Introduction[M].Bei2jing:Foreign Language and Research Press,2000.[4]程工.Chom sky最简方案形成的理论动因[J].外语教学与研究,1998(1):127.[5]张连文.原则与参数系统的科学论述[J].M odern ForeignL anguages(Q uarterly),2005,28(1):95298.[6]Cook,Z.&Ne ws on,M.Cho m sky’s U niversal Gramm ar:A n Introduction(2nd)[M].Beijing:Foreign Languageand Research Press,2000.[7]程工.Chom sky新论:语言学理论最简方案[J].国外语言学,1994(3)∶1291[8]Landau,I.Recent M ini m alis m:Chom sky(2000,2001)[J].Introduction to Syntax,2003.[9]Edel m an,S.&Christiansen,M.How Seri ously ShouldW e Take M ini m alist Syntax?[J].TRENDS in CognitiveSciences,2003,7(2):60261.论乔姆斯基的最简方案俞 莹(北京物资学院外语系,北京 100149)[摘 要] 在生成语法的发展过程中,支配/约束理论曾经占据主导地位。
And the elimination of this sort is also supposed to be parallel to the elimination of phlogiston in chemistry.
Both tend to generalize what an agent would regularly do when a mental process is going on in his mind, but behaviorists tend to say something more:
The behavioral generalizations can replace our talk about mentality;
While folk psychologists would say: The behavioral generalizations are still about
TW 114教育学名词-体育名词中英对照术语
底线 后卫(软式网球) 基本体能 接力棒 双杠之争 攻击线(卡巴迪) 沙滩式防守击球 沙滩排球 以舞相属 板凳深度 替补球员 健身运动的效益 休闲效益 五盘三胜制 三盘两胜制 β-羟基-β-甲基丁酸 肱二头肌 柏蒂 战术盘 推挡球(桌球) 拦网(排球) 阻挡(篮球) 封阻;火锅(篮球) 拦网犯规 违规输血 身体觉知 身体自尊 身体意象 身体质量指数 体型选材 柏忌 得分线 由下而上 地板传球 边界 瞄准器(射箭) 调弓 卡位 主弦距(射箭) 臂神经丛伤害 品牌营销 违约 损益平衡分析 破发点 刷球 调整站位(高尔夫) 沙坑 官僚体制 最后一击 弓弦减震器 资本主义 心输出量 心肺适能 肌肽 大灾难模式
English 2 on 1 3 on 3 ace achievement motivation Achilles Tendinitis Achilles Tendon Act of God active dynamic living active load active rest adaptation to high altitude adapted physical activity advantage receiver advantage server adventure travel aerobic power aesthetic sports aesthetics of sports age selection agency agility agility training aiming air ball air-supported structure alienation alley-oop amateurism ambush marketing American Dance Therapy Association {= ADTA} anabolic steroid anabolism anaerobic capacity anaerobic metabolism anaerobic power anaerobic threshold anaerobic training anatomical reference planes anchor angle attack angle of attack {= AOA} announcer anomie antagonistic muscle antenna anthropology of play anthropology of sport anthropometric measures anti-spin rubber appeals aquatic centre archery grand prix arrow Asian Archery Federation {= AAF}
acetate 醋酸盐acid 酸Actinium(Ac) 锕aldehyde 醛alkali 碱,强碱alkalinity 碱性alkalinization 碱化alkaloid 生物碱alloy 合金Aluminium(Al) 铝Americium(Am) 镅ammonia 氨analysis 分解anhydride 酐anion 阴离子anode 阳极,正极Antimony(Sb) 锑apparatus 设备aqua fortis 王水Argon(Ar) 氩Arsenic(As) 砷asphalt 沥青Astatine(At) 砹atom 原子atomic mass 原子质量atomic number 原子数atomic weight 原子量Barium(Ba) 钡base 碱benzene 苯Berkelium(Bk) 锫Beryllium(Be) 铍Bismuth(Bi) 铋bivalent 二价body 物体bond 原子的聚合Boron(B) 硼Bromine(Br) 溴Bunsen burner 本生灯burette 滴定管butane 丁烷Cadmium(Cd) 镉Caesium(Cs) 铯Calcium(Ca) 钙Californium(Cf) 锎Carbon(C) 碳catalysis 催化作用catalyst 催化剂cathode 阴极,负极cation 阳离子caustic potash 苛性钾caustic soda 苛性钠Cerium(Ce) 铈chemical fiber 化学纤维Chlorine(Cl) 氯Chromium(Cr) 铬Cobalt(Co) 钴combination 合成作用combustion 燃烧compound 合成物compound 化合物Copper(Cu) 铜cracking 裂化crucible pot, melting pot 坩埚crude oil, crude 原油cupel 烤钵Curium(Cm) 锔derivative 衍生物dissolution 分解distillation column 分裂蒸馏塔distillation 蒸馏Dysprosium(Dy) 镝Einsteinium(Es) 锿electrode 电极electrolysis 电解electrolyte 电解质electron 电子element 元素endothermic reaction 吸热反应Erbium(Er) 铒ester 酯Europium(Eu) 铕exothermic reaction 放热反应fatty acid 脂肪酸fermentation 发酵Fermium(Fm) 镄filter 滤管flask 烧瓶Fluorine(F) 氟fractional distillation 分馏fractionating tower 分馏塔fractionation 分馏Francium(Fr) 钫fuel 燃料fusion, melting 熔解Gadolinium(Gd) 钆Gallium(Ga) 镓gas oil 柴油gel 凝胶体Germanium(Ge) 锗Gold(Au) 金graduate, graduated flask 量筒,量杯gram atom 克原子Hafnium(Hf) 铪halogen 成盐元素Helium(He) 氦high-grade petrol, high-octane petrol 高级汽油,高辛烷值汽油Holmium(Ho) 钬hydracid 氢酸hydrate 水合物hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物,羟hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物hydrochloric acid 盐酸hydrogen sulfide 氢化硫Hydrogen(H) 氢hydrolysis 水解hydrosulphuric acid 氢硫酸hydroxide 氢氧化物,羟化物Indium(In) 铟inorganic chemistry 无机化学Iodine(I) 碘ion 离子Iridium(Ir) 铱Iron(Fe) 铁isomer 同分异物现象isomerism, isomery 同分异物现象isotope 同位素kerosene, karaffin oil 煤油Krypton(Kr) 氪Lanthanum(La) 镧Lawrencium(Lr) 铹Lead(Pb) 铅Lithium(Li) 锂litmus paper 石蕊试纸litmus 石蕊LNG, liquefied natural gas 液化天然气LPG, liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气lubricating oil 润滑油Lutetium(Lu) 镥Magnesium(Mg) 镁Manganese(Mn) 锰matrass 卵形瓶Mendelevium(Md) 钔Mercury(Hg) 汞metal 金属metalloid 非金属methane 甲烷,沼气mixture 混合molecule 分子Molybdenum(Mo) 钼monovalent 单价natural gas 天然气Neodymium(Nd) 钕Neon(Ne) 氖Neptunium(Np) 镎Nickel(Ni) 镍Niobium(Nb) 铌nitric acid 硝酸Nitrogen(N) 氮Nobelium(No) 锘Nuclear Fusion 核聚变octane number 辛烷数,辛烷值olefin 烯烃organic acid 有机酸organic chemistry 有机化学Osmium(Os) 锇oxide 氧化物oxidization, oxidation 氧化Oxygen(O) 氧Palladium(Pd) 钯paraffin 石蜡petrol 汽油(美作:gasoline)PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂phosphate 磷酸盐Phosphorus(P) 磷pipette 吸液管plastic 塑料Platinum(Pt) 铂Plutonium(Pu) 钚Polonium(Po) 钋polymer 聚合物polymerizing, polymerization 聚合potassium carbonate 碳酸钾Potassium(K) 钾Praseodymium(Pr) 镨precipitation 沉淀product 产物electrochemical analysis 电化学分析on-line analysis 在线分析macro analysis 常量分析characteristic 表征micro analysis 微量分析deformation analysis 形态分析semimicro analysis 半微量分析systematical error 系统误差routine analysis 常规分析random error 偶然误差arbitration analysis 仲裁分析gross error 过失误差normal distribution 正态分布accuracy 准确度deviation偏差precision 精密度relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差(RSD)coefficient variation 变异系数(CV)confidence level 置信水平confidence interval 置信区间significant test 显著性检验significant figure 有效数字standard solution 标准溶液titration 滴定stoichiometric point 化学计量点end point滴定终点titration error 滴定误差primary standard 基准物质amount of substance 物质的量standardization 标定chemical reaction 化学反应concentration浓度chemical equilibrium 化学平衡titer 滴定度general equation for a chemical reaction化学反应的通式proton theory of acid-base 酸碱质子理论acid-base titration 酸碱滴定法dissociation constant 解离常数conjugate acid-base pair 共轭酸碱对acetic acid 乙酸hydronium ion水合氢离子electrolyte 电解质ion-product constant of water 水的离子积ionization 电离proton condition 质子平衡zero level零水准buffer solution缓冲溶液methyl orange 甲基橙acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂phenolphthalein 酚酞coordination compound 配位化合物center ion 中心离子cumulative stability constant 累积稳定常数alpha coefficient 酸效应系数overall stability constant 总稳定常数ligand 配位体ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid 乙二胺四乙酸side reaction coefficient 副反应系数coordination atom 配位原子coordination number 配位数lone pair electron 孤对电子chelate compound 螯合物metal indicator 金属指示剂chelating agent 螯合剂masking 掩蔽demasking 解蔽electron 电子catalysis 催化oxidation氧化catalyst 催化剂reduction 还原catalytic reaction 催化反应reaction rate 反应速率electrode potential 电极电势activation energy 反应的活化能redox couple 氧化还原电对potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾iodimetry碘量法potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾cerimetry 铈量法redox indicator 氧化还原指示oxygen consuming 耗氧量(OC)chemical oxygen demanded 化学需氧量(COD) dissolved oxygen 溶解氧(DO)precipitation 沉淀反应argentimetry 银量法heterogeneous equilibrium of ions 多相离子平衡aging 陈化postprecipitation 继沉淀coprecipitation 共沉淀ignition 灼烧fitration 过滤decantation 倾泻法chemical factor 化学因数spectrophotometry 分光光度法colorimetry 比色分析transmittance 透光率absorptivity 吸光率calibration curve 校正曲线standard curve 标准曲线monochromator 单色器source 光源wavelength dispersion 色散absorption cell吸收池detector 检测系统bathochromic shift 红移Molar absorptivity 摩尔吸光系数hypochromic shift 紫移acetylene 乙炔ethylene 乙烯acetylating agent 乙酰化剂acetic acid 乙酸adiethyl ether 乙醚ethyl alcohol 乙醇acetaldehtde 乙醛β-dicarbontl compound β–二羰基化合物bimolecular elimination 双分子消除反应bimolecular nucleophilic substitution 双分子亲核取代反应open chain compound 开链族化合物molecular orbital theory 分子轨道理论chiral molecule 手性分子tautomerism 互变异构现象reaction mechanism 反应历程chemical shift 化学位移Walden inversio 瓦尔登反转nEnantiomorph 对映体addition rea ction 加成反应dextro- 右旋levo- 左旋stereochemistry 立体化学stereo isomer 立体异构体Lucas reagent 卢卡斯试剂covalent bond 共价键conjugated diene 共轭二烯烃conjugated double bond 共轭双键conjugated system 共轭体系conjugated effect 共轭效应isomer 同分异构体isomerism 同分异构现象organic chemistry 有机化学hybridization 杂化hybrid orbital 杂化轨道heterocyclic compound 杂环化合物peroxide effect 过氧化物效应tvalence bond theory 价键理论sequence rule 次序规则electron-attracting grou p 吸电子基Huckel rule 休克尔规则Hinsberg test 兴斯堡试验infrared spectrum 红外光谱Michael reacton 麦克尔反应halogenated hydrocarbon 卤代烃haloform reaction 卤仿反应systematic nomenclatur 系统命名法eNewman projection 纽曼投影式aromatic compound 芳香族化合物aromatic character 芳香性rClaisen condensation reaction克莱森酯缩合反应Claisen rearrangement 克莱森重排Diels-Alder reation 狄尔斯-阿尔得反应Clemmensen reduction 克莱门森还原Cannizzaro reaction 坎尼扎罗反应positional isomers 位置异构体unimolecular elimination reaction 单分子消除反应unimolecular nucleophilic substitution 单分子亲核取代反应benzene 苯functional grou 官能团pconfiguration 构型conformation 构象confomational isome 构象异构体electrophilic addition 亲电加成electrophilic reagent 亲电试剂nucleophilic addition 亲核加成nucleophilic reagent 亲核试剂nucleophilic substitution reaction亲核取代反应active intermediate 活性中间体Saytzeff rule 查依采夫规则cis-trans isomerism 顺反异构inductive effect 诱导效应tFehling’s reagent 费林试剂phase transfer catalysis 相转移催化作用aliphatic compound 脂肪族化合物elimination reaction 消除反应Grignard reagent 格利雅试剂nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振alkene 烯烃allyl cation 烯丙基正离子leaving group 离去基团optical activity 旋光性boat confomation 船型构象silver mirror reaction 银镜反应Fischer projection 菲舍尔投影式Kekule structure 凯库勒结构式Friedel-Crafts reaction 傅列德尔-克拉夫茨反应Ketone 酮carboxylic acid 羧酸carboxylic acid derivative 羧酸衍生物hydroboration 硼氢化反应bond oength 键长bond energy 键能bond angle 键角carbohydrate 碳水化合物carbocation 碳正离子carbanion 碳负离子alcohol 醇Gofmann rule 霍夫曼规则Aldehyde 醛Ether 醚Polymer 聚合物product 化学反应产物Promethium(Pm) 钷Protactinium(Pa) 镤purification 净化qualitative analysis 定性分析quantitative analysis 定量分析chemical analysis 化学分析instrumental analysis 仪器分析titrimetry 滴定分析gravimetric analysis 重量分析法regent 试剂chromatographic analysis 色谱分析radical 基Radium(Ra) 镭Radon(Rn) 氡reagent 试剂reducer 还原剂refinery 炼油厂refining 炼油reforming 重整retort 曲颈甑reversible 可逆的Rhenium(Re) 铼Rhodium(Rh) 铑Rubidium(Rb) 铷Ruthenium(Ru) 钌salt 盐Samarium(Sm) 钐Scandium(Sc) 钪Selenium(Se) 硒separation 分离series 系列Silicon(Si) 硅Silver(Ag) 银soda 苏打sodium carbonate 碳酸钠Sodium(Na) 钠solution 溶解solvent 溶剂still 蒸馏釜stirring rod 搅拌棒Strontium(Sr) 锶structural formula 分子式Sulphur(S) 锍sulphuric acid 硫酸symbol 复合synthesis 合成synthetic rubber 合成橡胶Tantalum(Ta) 钽Technetium(Tc) 锝Tellurium(Te) 碲Terbium(Tb) 铽test tube 试管Thallium(Tl) 铊Thorium(Th) 钍Thulium(Tm) 铥Tin(Sn) 锡Titanium(Ti) 钛to calcine 煅烧to dehydrate 脱水to distil, to distill 蒸馏to hydrate 水合,水化to hydrogenate 氢化to neutralize 中和to oxidize 氧化to oxygenate, to oxidize 脱氧,氧化to precipitate 沉淀Tungsten(W) 钨Uranium(U) 铀valence, valency 价Vanadium(V) 钒vaseline 凡士林Xenon(Xe) 氙Ytterbium(Yb) 镱Yttrium(Y) 钇Zinc(Zn) 锌Zirconium(Zr) 锆理想气体状态方程Partial Pressures 分压Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Behavior 真实气体:对理想气体行为的偏离The van der Waals Equation 范德华方程System and Surroundings 系统与环境State and State Functions 状态与状态函数Process 过程Phase 相The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律Heat and Work 热与功Endothermic and Exothermic Processes 吸热与发热过程Enthalpies of Reactions 反应热Hess’s Law 盖斯定律Enthalpies of Formation 生成焓Reaction Rates 反应速率Reaction Order 反应级数Rate Constants 速率常数Activation Energy 活化能The Arrhenius Equation 阿累尼乌斯方程Reaction Mechanisms 反应机理Homogeneous Catalysis 均相催化剂Heterogeneous Catalysis 非均相催化剂Enzymes 酶The Equilibrium Constant 平衡常数the Direction of Reaction 反应方向Le Chatelier’s Principle 列·沙特列原理Effects of V olume, Pressure, Temperature Changes and Catalysts 体积,压力,温度变化以及催化剂的影响Spontaneous Processes 自发过程Entropy (Standard Entropy) 熵(标准熵)The Second Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第二定律Entropy Changes 熵变Standard Free-Energy Changes 标准自由能变Acid-Bases 酸碱The Dissociation of Water 水离解The Proton in Water 水合质子The pH Scales pH值Bronsted-Lowry Acids and Bases Bronsted-Lowry 酸和碱Proton-Transfer Reactions 质子转移反应Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs 共轭酸碱对Relative Strength of Acids and Bases 酸碱的相对强度Lewis Acids and Bases 路易斯酸碱Hydrolysis of Metal Ions 金属离子的水解Buffer Solutions 缓冲溶液The Common-Ion Effects 同离子效应Buffer Capacity 缓冲容量Formation of Complex Ions 配离子的形成Solubility 溶解度The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp 溶度积常数Precipitation and separation of Ions 离子的沉淀与分离Selective Precipitation of Ions 离子的选择沉淀Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 氧化还原反应Oxidation Number 氧化数Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations 氧化还原反应方程的配平Half-Reaction 半反应Galvani Cell 原电池V oltaic Cell 伏特电池Cell EMF 电池电动势Standard Electrode Potentials 标准电极电势Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 氧化剂和还原剂The Nernst Equation 能斯特方程Electrolysis 电解The Wave Behavior of Electrons 电子的波动性Bohr’s Model of The Hydrogen Atom 氢原子的波尔模型Line Spectra 线光谱Quantum Numbers 量子数Electron Spin 电子自旋Atomic Orbital 原子轨道The s (p, d, f) Orbital s(p,d,f)轨道Many-Electron Atoms 多电子原子Energies of Orbital 轨道能量The Pauli Exclusion Principle 泡林不相容原理Electron Configurations 电子构型The Periodic Table 周期表Row 行Group 族Isotopes, Atomic Numbers, and Mass Numbers 同位素,原子数,质量数Periodic Properties of the Elements 元素的周期律Radius of Atoms 原子半径Ionization Energy 电离能Electronegativity 电负性Effective Nuclear Charge 有效核电荷Electron Affinities 亲电性Metals 金属Nonmetals 非金属Valence Bond Theory 价键理论Covalence Bond 共价键Orbital Overlap 轨道重叠Multiple Bonds 重键Hybrid Orbital 杂化轨道The VSEPR Model 价层电子对互斥理论Molecular Geometries 分子空间构型Molecular Orbital 分子轨道Diatomic Molecules 双原子分子Bond Length 键长Bond Order 键级Bond Angles 键角Bond Enthalpies 键能Bond Polarity 键矩Dipole Moments 偶极矩Polarity Molecules 极性分子Polyatomic Molecules 多原子分子Crystal Structure 晶体结构Non-Crystal 非晶体Close Packing of Spheres 球密堆积Metallic Solids 金属晶体Metallic Bond 金属键Alloys 合金Ionic Solids 离子晶体Ion-Dipole Forces 离子偶极力Molecular Forces 分子间力Intermolecular Forces 分子间作用力Hydrogen Bonding 氢键Covalent-Network Solids 原子晶体Compounds 化合物The Nomenclature, Composition and Structure of Complexes 配合物的命名,组成和结构Charges, Coordination Numbers, and Geometries 电荷数、配位数、及几何构型Chelates 螯合物Isomerism 异构现象Structural Isomerism 结构异构Stereoisomerism 立体异构Magnetism 磁性Electron Configurations in Octahedral Complexes 八面体构型配合物的电子分布Tetrahedral and Square-planar Complexes 四面体和平面四边形配合物General Characteristics 共性s-Block Elements s区元素Alkali Metals 碱金属Alkaline Earth Metals 碱土金属Hydrides 氢化物Oxides 氧化物Peroxides and Superoxides 过氧化物和超氧化物Hydroxides 氢氧化物Salts 盐p-Block Elements p区元素Boron Group (Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, Thallium) 硼族(硼,铝,镓,铟,铊)Borane 硼烷Carbon Group (Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, Lead) 碳族(碳,硅,锗,锡,铅)Graphite, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide 石墨,一氧化碳,二氧化碳Carbonic Acid, Carbonates and Carbides 碳酸,碳酸盐,碳化物Occurrence and Preparation of Silicon 硅的存在和制备Silicic Acid,Silicates 硅酸,硅酸盐Nitrogen Group (Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth) 氮族(磷,砷,锑,铋)Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Phosphoric Acid 氨,硝酸,磷酸Phosphorates, phosphorus Halides 磷酸盐,卤化磷Oxygen Group (Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, and Tellurium) 氧族元素(氧,硫,硒,碲)Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide 臭氧,过氧化氢Sulfides 硫化物Halogens (Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine) 卤素(氟,氯,溴,碘)Halides, Chloride 卤化物,氯化物The Noble Gases 稀有气体Noble-Gas Compounds 稀有气体化合物d-Block elements d区元素Transition Metals 过渡金属Potassium Dichromate 重铬酸钾Potassium Permanganate 高锰酸钾Iron Copper Zinc Mercury 铁,铜,锌,汞f-Block Elements f区元素Lanthanides 镧系元素Radioactivity 放射性Nuclear Chemistry 核化学Nuclear Fission 核裂变analytical chemistry 分析化学。
ABC clasification ABC分类Acceptable Quality Level 允许水准Accessory 附件Action Report 行动报告Add/Delete BOM 增删材料表Aggregate Planning总体规划Agile Manufacturing 灵活制造Allocated Inventory 保留量Allowance 宽放Alternate BOM 替代材料表American Production and Inventory Control Society 美国产业管理学会Anticipation Inventory 预期库存Assemble to Order 定单组装Automation 自动化Autonomation 自主化Available Inventory 可用库存Available to Promise 可答应量BackFlush 倒冲入账Backlog 待交货Back Order 逾期定单Bill of Labor 人力表Bill of Material 材料表bill of resources 资源表BOM Code 材料表码Bom Explosion 材料表展开Bom Implosion 材料表逆展Bom Structure 材料表结构Budgeted Capacity 预算产量Built-on-the-line parts 线上生产零件Bulk Issue 大批发料Bullwhip Effect 长鞭效应Business Plan 事业计划Business Process Reengineering 企业程序再造Capacity 产量Capacity Control 产量控制Capacity requirement planning产量需求规划Check-in 结入Check-Out 结出Client/ Server Architecture 主从式架构Common part Bom 共享件材料表Computer aided design system 计算机辅助设计系统connected flow 相连材料流consolidated freight 合并货运constraint management 限制因素管理continuous improvement 连续改善continuous production 连续式生产critical capacity 关键产量critical part 关键零件customer order 客户定单customization 客制化customer service level 顾客服务水准cycle count interval 周期盘点区间cycle counting 周期盘点cycle time 周期时间customer relationship management 客户关系管理data flow diagram 数据流程图de-coupling stock 反耦合库存Demand Management 需求管理Demand Rate 需求速率Demand time fence 需求时栅demonstrated capacity 验证产量dependent demand 依赖需求diagnostic test 诊断测试disconnected flow 分离材料流iscret manufacturing 装配式生产distribution center 配销中心distribution requirement planning配销需求规划drum-buffer-rope control DBR管制法earliest start date 最早开工日economic order quantity 经济订购量economic part period 经济量期elimination,combination,rearrangement,simplification ECRS改善法emergency kanban 紧急看板employee empowerment 员工授权employee involvement 员工参与end user computing 使用者自建系统engineering to order 定单设计engineering change 设计变更engineering product structure 工程用产品结构表exception report 企业资料规划enterprise resource planning例外报告executive information system 主管信息系统existence test 存在测试expeditor 催料人员final assembly schedule 最终组装排程finished goods 完成品firm planned order 固定计划定单first in first out 先进先出fixed order quantity 定量批量法flow shop 流程生产工厂forecast 预测forecast horizon预测期间fundamental data 基本资料gateway workstation 投料工作站graphic user interface 图形接口gross requirement 总需求group technology 群组技术hedge inventory 避险库存inbound queue control 输入端队列控制independent demand 独立需求input/output control 输入/输出控制intermittent production 间歇式生产inventory management 库存管理inventory status 库存状态inventory sub-type 库存副型态inventory type 库存型态item 材料(项目)item master 材料主档job 工件,工作job shop 工件生产工厂joint operation 联合作业just in time 及时供补kanban 看板kanban ceiling 看板界限latest start date 最晚开工日lead time 前置时间lead time offset 前置时间冲销least total cost 最低总成本批量法least unit cost 最低单位成本批量法level scheduling 平准化排程level production(linearity) 平准化生产linearity 定率生产load 负荷look ahead/look back 瞻前顾后法lot for lot 逐批批量法lot number 批号lot size 批量lot size inventory 批量库存lot sizing rule 批量法则low-level code 最低阶码maintenance, repair and operational supplies 间接物料make to order 定单生产make to stock 计划生产managerial product structure 管理用产品结构表manufacturing bom 制造单元manufacturing cell 制令单manufacturing order 制造规划与控制manufacturing planning and control 制造资源规划master production scheduling 主生产排程master scheduler 主生产排程员material service sheduling 主服务排程material handling 材料搬运material requirement planning材料需求规划(计划) mean absolute deviation 平均绝对差modular bom 模块材料表modular production 模块化生产mps item MPS 项目mrp crusades MRP 改革运动mrp nervousness MRP不安定性multilevel mps 多阶主生产排程net change 净变法net requirement 净需求offset time 冲销时间one less at a time 一次减一点on-hand inventory 在库量on-order inventory 在途量open system platform 开放系统平台operations planning and control 作业规划与管制operations process chart 作业程序图option 选用件optional bom 选用材料件order interval 订购区间order point 订购点original equipment manuafacturer 原设备制造商outbound queue control 输出端队列控制overflow stockroom 溢量仓parent/component 父件/子件part number 件号part periodic balancing 量期平衡批量法past due 逾期量peg file 溯源文件pegging 溯源period length 期长periodic order quantity 定期批量法periodic review system 定期评估法phantom 幽灵材料phantom bom 幽灵材料表phantom component 幽灵子件picking order 领料单pipeline stock 管路库存plan-do-check-action cycle 计划-执行-检查-行动循环planned order receipts 计划定单收料planned order releases 计划定单发出planning bom 计划材料表planning horizon计划期间planning time fence 计划时栅point of use 使用点primary stockroom 基本仓priority control 优先次序控制priority planning优先次序规划preventive maintenance 预防性维护process flow chart 制程流程图process manufacturing 流程式生产product configuration system 产品构造系统product family 产品族product line 产品线product load profile 产品负荷表product structure 产品结构表product sub-line 产品副线production activity control 生产活动管制production rate 生产速率production plan 生产计划production planning生产规划production run 生产连project-based production 项目式生产projected available balance 预计可用量projected on-hand 预计在库量pseuo bom 假材料表pull signal 拉式讯号pull system 拉式系统purchase order 订购单purchase reuisition 请购单quantity-per 单位用量quick response 快速反应rated capacity 评估产量raw material 原材料reasonableness test 合理测试receiving order 收料单refill kanban 补充看板regeneration 再生法re-order point 再订购点法repetitive manufacturing 重复性生产replacement part 替代件replenishment plan 补充计划replenishment time 补充时间resource profile 资源负荷表resource requirement planning资源需求规划rework kanban 重加工看板rolling kanban 滚动看板rolling schedule 滚动式排程rough-cut capacity planning粗略产量规划route 途程routing 途程表safety stock 安全存量safety time 安全时间safety order 销售定单scheduled receipts 在途量(已订未交量) scarp rate 报废率secondary stockroom 次级仓semi-finished goods 半成品serial number 序号setup 准备作业shop calendar 厂历shop floor 制造现场shop floor control 制造现场控制shop order 制令单significant numbering 显义编号standard coefficient 标准系数stock keeping unit 材料库存单位subsontract order 外包单super bom 超材料单supply chain management 供应链管理synchronized control 同步控制synchronized production 同步生产theoretical capacity 理论产量theory of constraints 限制理论three tier architecture 三层式架构throughtput 产出率time bucket 时段time phased order point 分期间订购点法transferring order 调拨单transportation inventory 运输库存total employee involvement 全员参与total preventive maintenance 全面预防性维护total productive maintenance 全面生产性维护total quality management 全面质量管理two bin system 双箱法two level mps 双阶主生产排程unit of measure 单位visual review system 目视评估法where-used report 用途表WIP inventory 在制品库存WIP tracking 在制品追踪work flow control system 工作流程控制系统work-in-process 在制品yield 良品率Common Terms in Newspapers :accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。
学校代码***** 学号************ 分类号D924 密级硕士学位论文论刑法中被迫行为的性质学位申请人张鹏飞指导教师张永红副教授学院名称法学院学科专业刑法学研究方向中国刑法学二〇一一年五月八日study on the nature of duress in criminal lawCandidat e Zhang PengfeiSupervisor Vice.Professor.Zhang YongHongCollege Law SchoolProgram Criminal LawSpecialization Criminal LawDegree Master of LawUniversity Xiang Tan UniversityDate May 8th,2011湘潭大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。
(2011届)本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT AND INTERNATIONALTRADE IN THE PRODUCT CYCLE*RAYMOND VERNONLocation of new products,191.-The maturing product,1996.-The standardizedproduct,202.Anyone who has sought to understand the shifts in international trade and international investment over the past twenty years has chafed from time to time under an acute sense of the inadequacy of the available analytical tools. While the comparative cost con-cept and other basic concepts have rarely failed to provide help, they have usually carried the analyst only a very little toward adequate understanding. For the most part, it has necessary to formulate new concepts in order to explore issues as the strengths and limitations of import substitution development process, the implications of common market ments for trade and investment, the underlying reasons Leontief paradox, and other critical issues of the day.As theorists have groped for some been a flowering in international trade more efficient tools and capital theory.There has But the very proliferation of theory has increased the urgency of the search for uning concepts. It is doubtful that we shall find ositions that can match the application of the theory of many prop-simplicity, power, and universality of comparative advantage and the inter-national equilibrating mechanism; but unless the search for better tools goes on, the usefulness of economic theory for the solution of problems in international trade and capital movements will probably decline.The present paper deals with one promising line of generalization and synthesis which seems to me to have been somewhat neglected by the main stream of trade theory. It puts less emphasis upon comparative cost doctrine and more upon thetiming of innovation, the effects of scale economies, and the roles of ignorance and uncertainty in influencing trade patterns. It is an approach with respectable sponsorship, deriving bits and pieces of its inspiration from the writing sof such persons as Williams, Kindleberger,MacDougall, Hoffmeyer.Emphases of this sort seem first to have appeared when economists were searching for an explanation of what looked like a persistent, structural shortage of dollars in the world. When the shortage proved ephemeral in the late 1950s, many of the ideas which the shortage had stimulated were tossed overboard as primaacie wrong.Never- theless, one cannot be exposed to the main currents of international trade for very long without feeling that any theory which neglected the roles of innovation, scale, ignorance and uncertainty would be incomplete.THE STANDARDIZED PRODUCTFigure I(ithas been omitted) , the reader will have observed, carries a panel which suggests that, at an advanced stage in the standardization of some products, the less-developed countries may offer competitive advantages as a production location.This is a bold projection, which seems on first blush to be wholly at variance with the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem. According to that theorem, one presumably ought to anticipate that the ex-ports of the less-developed countries would tend to be relatively Labor-intensive products.One of the difficulties with the theorem, however, is that it leaves marketing considerations out of account. One reason for the omission is evident. As long as knowledge is regarded as a free good, instantaneously available, and as long as individual producers are regarded as atomistic contributors to the total supply, marketing problems cannot be expected to find much of a place in economic theory. In projecting the patterns of export from less-developed areas, however, we cannot afford to disregard the fact that information comes at a cost; and that entrepreneurs are not readily disposed to pay the price of investigating overseas markets of unknown dimensions and unknown promise. Neither are they eager to venture into situations which they know will demand a constant flow of reliable marketing information fromremote sources.If we can assume that highly standardized products tend to have a well-articulated, easily accessible international market and to sell largely on the basis of price (an assumption inherent in the definition),then it follows that such products will not pose the problem of market information quite so acutely for the less-developed countries. This establishes a necessary if not a sufficient condition for investment in such industries.Of course, foreign investors seeking an optimum location for a captive facility may not have to concern themselves too much with questions of market information; presumably, they are thoroughly familiar with the marketing end of the business and are looking for a low-cost captive source of supply. In that case, the low cost of labor may be the initial attraction drawing the investor to less-developed areas. But other limitations in such areas, accord-ing to our hypothesis, will bias such captive operations toward the production of standardized items. The reasons in this case turn on the part played in the production process by external economies. Manufacturing processes which receive significant inputs from the local economy, such as skilled labor, repairmen, reliable power, spare parts, industrial materials processed according to exacting specification, and so on, are less appropriate to the less-developed areas than those that do not have such requirements. Unhappily, most industrial processes require one or another ingredient of this difficult sort. My guess is, however, that the industries which produce a stand-ardized product are in the best position to avoid the problem, by producing on a vertically-integrated self-sustaining basis.In speculating about future industrial exports from the less- developed areas, therefore, we are led to think of products with a fairly clear-cut set of economic characteristics.Their production function is such as to require significant inputs of labor; otherwise there is no reason to expect a lower production cost in less-developed countries. At the same time, they are products with a high price elasticity of demand for the output of individual firms;otherwise, there is no strong incentive to take the risks of pioneering with production in a new area. In addition, products whose production process did not rely heavily upon external economies would be moreobvious candidates than those which required a more elaborate industrial environment. The implications of remoteness also would be critical; products which could be precisely described by standardized specifications and which could be produced for inventory without fear of obsolescence would be more relevant than those which had less precise specifications and which could not easily be ordered from remote locations. Moreover, high-value items capable of absorbing significant freight costs would be more likely to appear than bulky items low in value by weight. Standardized textile products are, of course, the illustration par excellence of the sort of product that meets the criteria. But other products come to mind such as crude steel, simple fertilizers, newsprint, and so on.......Accordingly, one may say that from the entrepreneur's view-point certain systematic and predictable "imperfections" of the capital markets may reduce or eliminate the capital-shortage handicap which is characteristic of the less-developed countries; and, further, that as a result of the reduction or elimination such countries may find themselves in a position to compete effectively in the export of certain standardized capital-intensive goods. This is not the statement of another paradox; it is not the same as to say that the capital-poor countries will develop capital-intensive economies. All we are concerned with here is a modest fraction of the industry of such countries, which in turn is a minor fraction of their total economic activity. It may be that the anomalies such industries represent are systematic enough to be included in our normal ex-pectations regarding conditions in the less-developed countries.* * * * *Like the other observations which have preceded, these views about the likely patterns of exports by the less-developed countries are attempts to relax some of the constraints imposed by purer and simpler models. Here and there, the hypotheses take on plausibility because they jibe with the record of past events. But, for the most part, they are still speculative in nature, having been subjected to tests of a very low order of rigorousness. What is needed, obviously, is continued probing to determine whether the "imperfections" stressed so strongly in these pages deserve to be elevatedout of the footnotes into the main text of economic theory.译文:国际投资与国际贸易中的产品周期弗农目前国际投资与国际贸易相关领域研究的学者都试图寻找另一种理论或方法论或分析工具,以便比当前已有的理论研究更能够解释过去二十多年里国际贸易与国际投资的动态过程及其模式转变现象。
冶金专业词汇1 总论采矿mining地下采矿underground mining露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining采矿工程mining engineering选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing矿物工程mineral engineering冶金(学)metallurgy过程冶金(学)process metallurgy提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy金属学Metallkunde冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process metallurgy冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering冶金工程metallurgical engineering钢铁冶金(学)ferrous metallurgy, metallurgy of iron and steel有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy铸造学foundry火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy电冶金(学)electrometallurgy氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources 中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals 中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China2 采矿采矿工艺mining technology有用矿物valuable mineral冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials矿床mineral deposit特殊采矿specialized mining海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining矿田mine field矿山mine露天矿山surface mine地下矿山underground mine矿井shaft矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study矿山规模mine capacity矿山生产能力mine production capacity矿山年产量annual mine output矿山服务年限mine life矿山基本建设mine construction矿山建设期限mine construction period矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity开采强度mining intensity矿石回收率ore recovery ratio矿石损失率ore loss ratio工业矿石industrial ore采出矿石extracted ore矿体orebody矿脉vein海洋矿产资源oceanic mineral resources矿石ore矿石品位ore grade岩石力学rock mechanics岩体力学rock mass mechanics3 选矿选矿厂concentrator, mineral processing plant工艺矿物学process mineralogy开路open circuit闭路closed circuit流程flowsheet方框流程block flowsheet产率yield回收率recovery矿物mineral粒度particle size粗颗粒coarse particle细颗粒fine particle超微颗粒ultrafine particle粗粒级coarse fraction细粒级fine fraction网目mesh原矿run of mine, crude精矿concentrate粗精矿rough concentrate混合精矿bulk concentrate最终精矿final concentrate尾矿tailings粉碎comminution破碎crushing磨碎grinding团聚agglomeration筛分screening, sieving分级classification富集concentration分选separation手选hand sorting重选gravity separation, gravity concentration磁选magnetic separation电选electrostatic separation浮选flotation化学选矿chemical mineral processing自然铜native copper铝土矿bauxite冰晶石cryolite磁铁矿magnetite赤铁矿hematite假象赤铁矿martite钒钛磁铁矿vanadium titano-magnetite铁燧石taconite褐铁矿limonite菱铁矿siderite镜铁矿specularite硬锰矿psilomelane 软锰矿pyrolusite铬铁矿chromite黄铁矿pyrite钛铁矿ilmennite金红石rutile萤石fluorite高岭石kaolinite菱镁矿magnesite重晶石barite石墨graphite石英quartz方解石calcite石灰石limestone白云石dolomite云母mica石膏gypsum硼砂borax石棉asbestos蛇纹石serpentine阶段破碎stage crushing粗碎primary crushing中碎secondary crushing细碎fine crushing对辊破碎机roll crusher粉磨机pulverizer震动筛vibrating screen筛网screen cloth筛孔screen opening筛上料oversize筛下料undersize粗磨coarse grinding细磨fine grinding球磨机ball mill衬板liner分级机classifier自由沉降free setting沉积sedimentation石灰lime松油pine oil硫化钠sodium sulfide硅酸钠(水玻璃)sodium silicate, water glass 过滤filtration过滤机filter给矿,给料feeding给矿机feeder在线分析仪on line analyzer在线粒度分析仪on line size analyzer超声粒度计ultrasonic particle sizer, supersonic particle sizer4 冶金过程物理化学4.1 冶金过程热力学冶金过程热力学thermodynamics of metallurgical processes统计热力学statistical thermodynamics不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes化学热力学chemical thernodynamics表面热力学surface thermodynamics合金热力学thermodynamics of alloys冶金热力学数据库thermodynamics databank in metallurgy系system单元系single-componentsystem多元系multicomponent system均相系统homogeneous system广度性质extensive property强度性质intensive property过程process等温过程isothermal process等压过程isobaric process等容过程isochoric process绝热过程adiabatic process可逆过程reversible process不可逆过程irreversible process自发过程spontaneous process自理过程physical process化学过程chemical process冶金过程metallurgical process化学反应chemical reaction化合反应combination reaction分解反应decomposition reaction置换反应displacement reaction可逆反应reversible reaction不可逆反应irreversible reaction电化学反应electrochemical reaction多相反应multiphase reaction固态反应solid state reaction气一金(属)反应gas-metal reaction 渣一金(属)反应slag-metal reaction平衡equilibrium化学平衡chemical equilibrium相平衡phase equilibrium热力学平衡thermodynamic equilibrium亚稳平衡metastable equilibrium热力学函数thermodynamic function偏摩尔量partial molar quantity总摩尔量integral molar quantity标准态standard state焓enthalpy生成焓enthalpy of formation反应焓enthalpy of reaction熵entropy吉布斯能Gibbs energy生成吉布斯能Gibbs energy of formation反应吉布斯能Gibbs energy of reaction溶解吉布斯能Gibbs energy of solution吉布斯能函数Gibbs energy function化学位chemical potential热化学thermochemistry热效应heat effect热容heat capacity熔化热heat of fusion汽化热heat of vaporization升华热heat of sublimation相变热heat of phase transformation放热反应exothermic reaction吸热反应endothermic reaction赫斯定律Hess’s law相律phase rule相图phase diagram一元相图single-component phase diagram 二元相图binary-component phase diagram 三元相图ternary-component phase diagram 液相线liquidus固相线solidus共晶点eutectic point杠杆规则lever rule溶液solution溶质solute溶剂solvent固溶体solid solution溶液浓度concentration of solution摩尔分数mole fraction冶金熔体metallurgical melt金属熔体metal melt(炉)渣,熔渣slag熔盐molten salt, fused salt理想溶液ideal solution真实溶液real solution正规溶液regular solution活度activity活度系数activity coefficient拉乌尔定律Raoult’s law亨利定律Henry’s law纯物质标准态pure substance standard质量1%溶液标准(态)1 mass% solution standard无限稀溶液参考态reference state of infinityly dilute solution相互作用系数interaction coefficient化学反应等温式chemical reaction isotherm吉布斯~亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Helmholtz equation质量作用定律law of mass action平衡常数equilibrium constant平衡值equilibrium value直接还原direct reduction间接还原indirect reduction金属热还原metallothermic reduction选择性氧化selective oxidation渣碱度basicity of slag光学破度optical basicity酸性氧化物acid oxide碱性氧化物basicoxide两性氧化物amphoteric泡沫渣foaming slag熔渣的分子理论molecular theory of slag熔渣的离子理论ionization theory of slag脱氧平衡deoxidation equilibrium脱氧常数deoxidation constant熔渣脱硫desulfurization by slag气态脱硫desulfurization in the gaseous state 硫分配比sulfur partition ratio硫化物容量sulfide capacity氧化脱磷dephosphorization under oxidizing atmosphere磷分配比碳一氧平衡carbon-oxygen equilibrium真空脱碳vacuum decarburization去气degassing去除非金属夹杂(物)elimination of nonmetallic inclusion非金属夹杂(物)变形form modification of nonmetallic inclusion脱硅desiliconization脱锰demanganization分配平衡distribution law化学气相沉积chemical vapor deposition(CVD) 4.2 冶金过程动力学微观动力学microkinetics化学动力学chemical kinetics反应途径reaction path反应机理reaction mechanism基元反应elementary reaction平行反应parallel链反应chain reaction总反应overall reaction反应速率reaction rate反应速率常数reaction rate constant反应级数reaction order零级反应zero order reaction一级反应first order reaction二级反应second order reactionn级反应nth order reaction碰撞理论collision theory活化能activation energy表现活化能apparent activation energy阿伦尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation半衰期half-life宏观动力学macrokinetics冶金过程动力学kinetics of metallurgical process传输现象transport phenomena传质mass transfer传热heat transfer动量传输momentum transfer层流laminar flow湍流turbulent flow气泡gas bubble鼓泡bubbling射流jet液滴liquid droplet粘度viscosity边界层boundary layer流率flow rate通量flux扩散diffusion菲克第一扩散定律Fick’s 1st law of diffusion 菲克第一扩散定律Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion 扩散系数diffusion coefficient传质系数mass transfer coefficient热传导heat conduction热对流heat convection自然对流natural convection强制对流forced convection热辐射heat radiation导热率thermal conductivity传热系数heat transfer coefficient体内浓度bulk concentration未反应核模型unreacted core model扩散控制反应diffusion-controlled reaction化学控制反应chenical-controlled reaction混合控制反应mixed-controlled reaction相似原理priciple of similarity雷诺数Reynolds number固定床fiexed bed填充床packed bed移动床moving bed流态化床fluidized bed混合时间mixing time停留时间residence time, retention time催化catalysis催化剂catalyst表面能surface energy表面张力surface tension界面能interfacial energy界面张力interfacial tension润湿wetting表面活性物质surface-active substance吸收absorption吸附absorption4.3 冶金电化学冶金电化学metallurgical electrochemistry熔盐电化学electrochemistry of fused salts固态离子学solid state ionics 电解质溶液electrolyte solution阳离子cation阴离子anion电导conductance电导率conductivity电阻resistance电极electrode阴极cathode阳极anode电镀electroplating固体电解质solid electrolyte稳定的氧化锆stablized zirconia氧传感器oxygen sensor硅传感器silicon sensor定氧测头oxygen probe定硅测头silicon probe4.4 冶金物理化学研究方法冶金物理化学研究方法research methods in metallurgical physicalchemistry热电偶thermocouple量热计calorimeter热太平thermobalance热分析thermal analysis差热分析differential thermal analysis,DTA热重法thermogravimetry分子筛molecular sieve5 钢铁冶金5.1 炼焦炼焦coking高温炭化high temperature carbonization塑性成焦机理plastic mechanism of coke formation中间相成焦机理mesophase mechanism of coke formation选煤coal preparation, coal washing配煤coal blending配煤试验coal blending test炼焦煤coking coal气煤gas coal肥煤fat coal瘦煤lean coal焦炉coke oven焦化室oven chamber焦饼coke cake结焦时间coking time周转时间cycle time装煤coal charging捣固装煤stamp charging推焦coke pushing焦炭熄火coke quenching干法熄焦dry quenching of coke焦台coke wharf装煤车larry car推焦机pushing machine拦焦机coke guide熄焦车quenching car焦炉焖炉banking for coke oven焦炭coke冶金焦metallurgical coke铸造焦foundry coke焦炭工业分析proximate analysis of coke焦炭元素分析ultimate analysis of coke焦炭落下指数shatter index of coke焦炭转鼓指数drum index of coke焦炭热强度hot strength of coke焦炭反应性coke reactivity焦炭反应后强度post-reaction strength of coke焦炭显微强度microstrength of coke焦炉煤气coke oven gas发热值calorific value煤焦油coal tar粗苯crude benzol苯benzene甲苯toluene二甲苯xylene苯并呋喃-茚树脂 coumarone-indene resin精萘refined naphthalene精蒽refined anthracene煤[焦油]沥青coal tar pitch沥青焦pitch coke针状焦needle coke型焦formcoke5.2 耐火材料耐火材料refractory materials耐火粘土fireclay高岭土kaolin 硬质粘土flint clay轻质粘土soft clay陶土pot clay蒙脱石montmorillonite叶蜡石pyrophyllite膨润土bentonite鳞石英tridymite方石英cristobalite砂岩sandstone耐火石firestone莫来石mullite氧化铝alumina烧结氧化铝sintered alumina电熔氧化铝fused alumina刚玉corundum红柱石andalusite蓝晶石kyanite,cyanite硅线石sillimanite橄榄石olivine方镁石periclase镁砂magnesia合成镁砂synthetic sintered magnesia电熔镁砂fused magnesia烧结白云石砂sintered dolomite clinker合成镁铬砂synthetic magnesia chromite clinker尖晶石spinel镁铬尖晶石magnesia chrome spinel,magnesiochromite硅藻土diatomaceous earth, infusorial earth蛭石vermiculite珍珠岩perlite碳化硅silicon carbide氮化硅silicon nitride氮化硼boron nitride粘土熟料chamotte熟料grog轻烧light burning,soft burning死烧dead burning,hard burning成型模注shaping moulding机压成型mechanical pressing等静压成型isostatic pressing摩擦压砖机friction press液压压砖机hydraulic press捣打成型ramming process熔铸成型fusion cast process砖坯强度green strength,dry strength隧道窑tunnel kiln回转窑rotary kiln倒焰窑down draught kiln耐火砖refractory brick标准型耐火砖standard size refractory brick泡砂石quartzite sandstone酸性耐火材料acid refractory [material]硅质耐火材料siliceous refractory [material]硅砖silica brick,dinas brick熔融石英制品fused quartz product硅酸铝质耐火材料aluminosillicate refractory 半硅砖semisilica brick粘土砖fireclay brick,chamotte brick石墨粘土砖graphite clay brick高铝砖high alumina brick硅线石砖sillimanite brick莫来石砖mullite brick刚玉砖corundum brick铝铬砖alumina chrome brick熔铸砖fused cast brick碱性耐火材料basic refractory [material]镁质耐火材料magnesia refractory [material] 镁砖magnesia brick镁铝砖magnesia alumina brick镁铬砖magnesia chrome brick镁炭砖magnesia carbon brick中性耐火材料neutral refractory [material]复合砖composite brick铝炭砖alumina carbon brick铝镁炭转alumina magnesia brick锆炭砖zirconia graphite brick镁钙炭砖magnesia clacia carbon brick长水口long nozzle浸入式水口immersion nozzle,submerged nozzle定径水口metering nozzle氧化铝-碳化硅-炭砖 Al2O3-SiC-C brick透气砖gas permeable brick,porous brick滑动水口slide gate nozzle水口砖nozzle brick塞头砖stopper 绝热耐火材料insulating refractory轻质耐火材料light weight refractory袖砖sleeve brick格子砖checker brick,chequer brick陶瓷纤维ceramic fiber耐火纤维refractory fiber耐火浇注料refractory castable耐火混凝土refractory concrete荷重耐火性refractoriness under load抗渣性slagging resistance耐磨损性abrasion resistance5.3 碳素材料[含]碳[元]素材料 carbon materials无定形碳amorphous carbon金刚石diamond炭相[学]carbon micrography炭黑carbon black石油沥青petroleum pitch石油焦炭petroleum coke石墨化graphitization石墨化电阻炉electric resistance furnace for graphitization石墨纯净化处理purification treatment of graphite炭砖carbon brick炭块carbon block碳化硅基炭块SiC-based carbon block炭电极carbon electrode连续自焙电极Soderberg electrode石墨电极graphite electrode超高功率石墨电极ultra-high power graphite electrode石墨电极接头graphite electrode nipple石墨电极接头孔graphite electrode socket plug电极糊electrode paste石墨坩埚graphite crucible石墨电阻棒graphite rod resistor炭刷carbon brush高纯石墨high purity graphite5.4 铁合金铁合金ferroalloy硅铁ferrosilicon硅钙calcium silicon金属硅silicon metal锰铁ferromangnanese低碳锰铁low carbon ferromanganese硅锰silicomanganese金属锰manganese metal铬铁ferrochromium低碳铬铁low carbon ferrochromium微碳铬铁extra low carbon ferrochromium硅铬silicochromium金属铬chromium metal钨铁ferrotunsten钼铁ferromolybdenum钛铁ferrotitanium硼铁ferroboron铌铁ferroniobium磷铁ferrophosphorus镍铁ferronickel锆铁ferrozirconium硅锆silicozirconium稀土硅铁rare earth ferrosilicon稀土镁硅铁rare earth ferrosilicomagnesium成核剂nucleater孕育剂incubater,inoculant球化剂nodulizer蠕化剂vermiculizer中间铁合金master alloy复合铁合金complex ferroalloy电碳热法electro-carbothermic process电硅热法electro-silicothermic process铝热法aluminothermic process,thermit process电铝热法electro-aluminothermic process开弧炉open arc furnace埋弧炉submerged arc furnace半封闭炉semiclosed furnace封闭炉closed furnace矮烟罩电炉electric furnace with low hood矮炉身电炉low-shaft electric furnace5.5 烧结与球团人造块矿ore agglomerates烧结矿sinter压块矿briquette球团[矿] pellet针铁矿goethite 自熔性铁矿self-fluxed iron ore复合铁矿complex iron ore块矿lump ore粉矿ore fines矿石混匀ore blending配矿ore proportioning矿石整粒ore size grading返矿return fines储矿场ore stockyard矿石堆料机ore stocker匀矿取料机ore reclaimer熔剂flux消石灰slaked lime活性石灰quickened lime有机粘结剂organic binder烧结混合料sinter mixture烧结铺底料hearth layer for sinter烧结sintering烧结热前沿heat front in sintering烧结火焰前沿flame front in sintering渣相粘结slag bonding扩散粘结diffusion bonding带式烧结机Dwight-Lloyd sintering machine环式烧结机circular travelling sintering machine烧结梭式布料机shuttle conveyer belt烧结点火料sintering ignition furnace烧结盘sintering pan烧结锅sintering pot烧结冷却机sinter cooler带式冷却机straight-line cooler环式冷却机circular cooler,annular cooler生球green pellet,ball生球长大聚合机理ball growth by coalescence 生球长大成层机理ball growth by layering生球长大同化机理ball growth by assimilation 精矿成球指数balling index for iron ore concentrates生球转鼓强度drum strength of green pellet生球落下强度shatter strength of green pellet 生球抗压强度compression strength of green pellet生球爆裂温度cracking temperature of green pellet圆筒造球机balling drum圆盘造球机balling disc竖炉陪烧球团shaft furnace for pellet firing带式机陪烧球团traveling grate for pellet firing 链算机-回转窑陪烧球团grate-kiln for pellet firing环式机陪烧球团circular gates for pellet firing 冷固结球团cold bound pellet维式体wustite铁橄榄石fayalite铁尖晶石hercynite铁黄长石ferrogehlenite铁酸半钙calcium diferrite铁酸钙calcium ferrite铁酸二钙dicalcium ferrite锰铁橄榄石knebelite钙铁橄榄石kirschsteinite钙铁辉石hedenbergite钙铁榴石andradite钙长石anorthite钙镁橄榄石monticellite钙钛矿perovskite硅灰石wollastonite硅酸二钙dicalcium silicate硅酸三钙tricalcium silicate镁橄榄石forsterite镁黄长石akermanite镁蔷薇辉石manganolite钙铝黄长石gehlenite钛辉石titanaugite枪晶石cuspidine预还原球团pre-reduced pellet金属化球团metallized pellet转鼓试验drum test,tumbler test落下试验shatter test5.6 高炉炼铁炼铁iron making高炉炼铁[法] blast furnace process高炉blast furnace鼓风炉blast furnace炉料charge, burden矿料ore charge焦料coke charge炉料提升charge hoisting 小车上料charge hoisting by skip吊罐上料charge hoisting by bucket皮带上料charge hoisting by belt conveyer装料charging装料顺序charging sequence储料漏斗hopper双料钟式装料two-bells system charging无料钟装料bell-less charging布料器distributor炉内料线stock line in the furnace探料尺gauge rod利用系数utilization coefficient冶炼强度combustion intensity鼓风blast风压blast pressure风温blast temperature鼓风量blast volume鼓风湿度blast humidity全风量操作full blast慢风under blowing休风delay喷吹燃料fuel injection喷煤coal injection喷油oil injection富氧鼓风oxygen enriched blast,oxygen enrichment置换比replacement ratio喷射器injector热补偿thermal compensation焦比coke ratio,coke rate燃料比fuel ratio,fuel rate氧化带oxidizing zone风口循环区raceway蒸汽鼓风humidified blast混合喷吹mixed injection脱湿鼓风dehumidified blast炉内压差pressure drop in furnace煤气分布gas distribution煤气利用率gas utilization rate炉况furnace condition顺行smooth running焦炭负荷coke load,ore to coke ratio软熔带cohesive zone,softening zone渣比slag to iron ratio,slag ratio上部[炉料]调节burden conditioning下部[鼓风]调节blast conditioning高炉作业率operation rate of blast furnace 休风率delay ratio高炉寿命blast furnace campaign悬料hanging崩料slip沟流channeling结瘤scaffolding炉缸冻结hearth freeze-up开炉blow on停炉blow off积铁salamander炉型profile,furnace lines炉喉throat炉身shaft,stack炉腰belly炉腹bosh炉缸hearth炉底 bottom炉腹角bosh angle炉身角stack angle有效容积effective volume工作容积working bolume铁口iron notch, slag notch渣口cinder notch, slag notch风口tuyere窥视孔peep hole风口水套tuyere cooler渣口水套slag notch cooler风口弯头tuyere stock热风围管bustle pipe堵渣机stopper泥炮mud gun,clay gun开铁口机iron notch drill铁水hot metal铁[水]罐iron ladle鱼雷车torpedo car主铁沟sow出铁沟casting house铁沟iron runner渣沟slag runner渣罐cinder ladle, slag ladle撇渣器skimmer 冷却水箱cooling plate冷却壁cooling stave汽化冷却vaporization cooling热风炉hot blast stove燃烧室combustion chamber燃烧器burner热风阀hot blast valve烟道阀chimney valve冷风阀cold blast valve助燃风机burner blower切断阀burner shut-off valve旁通阀by-pass valve混风阀mixer selector valve送风期on blast of stove,on blast燃烧期on gas of stove, on gas换炉stove changing放散阀blow off valve内燃式热风炉Cowper stove外燃式燃烧炉outside combustion stove顶燃式热风炉top combustion stove炉顶放散阀bleeding valve放散管bleeder上升管gas uptake放风阀snorting valve均压阀equalizing valve高压调节阀septum valve炉顶高压elevated top pressure铸铁机pig-casting machine铸铁模pig mold冲天炉cupola水渣granulating slag水渣池granulating pit渣场slag disposal pit高炉煤气top gas,blast furnace gas高炉煤气回收topgas recovery,TGR非焦炭炼铁non-coke iron making直接还原炼铁[法]direct reduction iron making 直接还原铁directly reduced iron,DRI竖炉直接炼铁direct reduction in shaft furnace 流态化炼铁fluidized-bed iron making转底炉炼铁rotary hearth iron making米德雷克斯直接炼铁[法]Midrex processHYL直接炼铁[法] HYL process克虏伯回转窑炼铁[法] Krupp rotary kilniron-making熔态还原smelting reduction铁溶法iron-bath process科雷克斯法COREX process生铁pig iron海绵铁sponge iron镜铁spiegel iron清铁法H-rion process5.7 炼钢钢steel炼钢steelmaking钢水liquid steel,molten steel钢semisteel沸腾钢rimming steel,rimmed steel镇静钢killed steel半镇静钢semikilled steel压盖沸腾钢capped steel坩埚炼钢法crucible steelmaking双联炼钢法duplex steelmaking process连续炼钢法continuous steelmaking process 直接炼钢法direct steelmaking process混铁炉hot metal machine装料机charging machine装料期charging machine加热期heating period熔化期melting period造渣期slag forming period精炼期refining period熔清melting down脱氧deoxidation预脱氧preliminary dexidation还原渣reducing slag酸性渣acid slag碱性渣basic slag脱碳decarburization增碳recarburization脱磷dephosphorization回磷rephosphorization脱硫desulfurization回硫resulfurization脱氮denitrogenation过氧化overoxidation出钢tapping冶炼时间duration of heat 出钢样tapping sample浇铸样casting sample不合格炉次off heat熔炼损耗melting loss铁损iron loss废钢scrap废钢打包baling of scrap造渣材料slag making materials添加剂addition reagent脱氧剂deoxidizer脱硫剂desulfurizer冷却剂coolant回炉渣return slag喷枪lance浸入式喷枪submerged lance钢包ladle出钢口top hole出钢槽pouring lining炉顶furnace roof炉衬furnace lining炉衬侵蚀lining erosion渣线slag line炉衬寿命lining life分区砌砖zoned lining补炉fettling热修hot repair喷补gunning火焰喷补flame gunning转炉converter底吹转炉bottom-blown converter酸性空气底吹转炉air bottom-blown acid converter碱性空气底吹转炉air bottom-blown basic converter侧吹转炉side-blown converter卡尔多转炉Kaldo converter氧气炼铁oxygen steelmaking氧气顶吹转炉top-blown oxygen converter,LI converter氧气底吹转炉bottom-blown oxygen converter quiet basic oxygenfurnace,QBOF顶底复吹转炉top and bottom combined blown converter喷石灰粉顶吹氧气转炉法oxygen lime process底吹煤氧的复合吹炼法Klockner-Maxhutte steelmaking process,KMS住友复合吹炼法Sumitomo top and bottom blowing process,STBLBE复吹法lance bubbling equilibrium process,LBE顶枪喷煤粉炼钢法Arved lance carbon injection process,ALCI蒂森复合吹炼法Thyssen Blassen Metallurgical process,TBM面吹surface blow软吹soft blow硬吹hard blow补吹reblow过吹overblow后吹after blow目标碳aim carbon终点碳end point carbon高拉碳操作catch carbon practice增碳操作recarburization practice单渣操作single-slag operation双渣操作double-slag operation渣乳化slag emulsion二次燃烧postcombustion吹氧时间oxygen blow duration吹炼终点blow end point倒炉turning down喷渣slopping喷溅spitting静态控制static control动态控制dynamic control氧枪oxygen lance氧枪喷孔nozzle of oxygen lance多孔喷枪multi-nozzle lance转炉炉体converter body炉帽upper cone炉口mouth,lip ring装料大面impact pad活动炉底removable bottom顶吹氧枪top blow oxygen lance副枪sublance多孔砖nozzle brick单环缝喷嘴single annular tuyere 双环缝喷嘴double annular tuyere挡渣器slag stopper挡渣塞floating plug电磁测渣器electromagnetic slag detector废气控制系统off gas control system,OGCS平炉open-hearth furnace平炉炼钢open-hearth steelmaking冷装法cold charge practice热装法hot charge practice碳沸腾carbon boil石灰沸腾lime boil炉底沸腾bottom boil再沸腾reboil有效炉底面积effective hearth area酸性平炉acid open-hearth furnace碱性平炉basic open-hearth furnace固定式平炉stationary open-hearth furnace倾动式平炉tilting open-hearth furnace双床平炉twin-hearth furnace顶吹氧气平炉open-hearth furnace with roof oxygen lance蓄热室regenerator沉渣室slag pocket电炉炼钢electric steelmaking电弧炉electric arc furnace超高功率电弧炉ultra-high power electric arc furnace直流电弧炉direct current electric arc furnace 双电极直流电弧炉double electrode direct current arc furnace竖窑式电弧炉shaft arc furnace电阻炉electric resistance furnace工频感应炉line frequency induction furnace中频感应炉medium frequency induction furnace高频感应炉high frequency induction furnace 电渣重熔electroslag remelting,ESR电渣熔铸electroslag casting,ESC电渣浇注Bohler electroslag tapping,BEST真空电弧炉重熔vacuum arc remelting,VAR真空感应炉熔炼vacuum induction melting,VIM电子束炉重熔electron beam remelting,EBR等离子炉重炼plasma-arc remelting,PAR水冷模电弧熔炼cold-mold arc melting等离子感应炉熔炼plasma induction melting,PIM等离子连续铸锭plasma progressive casting,PPC等离子凝壳铸造plasma skull casting,PSC能量优化炼钢炉energy optimizing furnace,EOF氧燃喷嘴oxygen-fuel burner氧煤助熔accelerated melting by coal-oxygen burner氧化期oxidation period还原期reduction period长弧泡沫渣操作弧长控制long arc foaming slag operation白渣white slag电石渣carbide slag煤氧喷吹coal-oxygen injection炉壁热点hot spots on the furnace wall偏弧arc bias透气塞porous plug出钢到出钢时间tap-to-tap time虹吸出钢siphon tapping偏心炉底出钢eccentric bottom tapping,EBT中心炉底出钢centric bottom tapping,CBT侧面炉底出钢side bottom tapping,SBT滑动水口出钢slide fate tapping5.8 精炼、浇铸及缺陷铁水预处理hot metal pretreatment机械搅拌铁水脱硫法KR process torpedo desulfurization鱼雷车铁水脱磷torpedo dephosphorization二次精炼secondary refining钢包精炼ladle refining合成渣synthetic slag微合金化microalloying成分微调trimming钢洁净度steel cleanness钢包炉ladle furnace,LF直流钢包炉DC ladle furnace真空钢包炉LF-vacuum真空脱气vacuum degassing真空电弧脱气vacuum arc degassing,VAD真空脱气炉vacuum degassing furnace,VDF 真空精炼vacuum refining钢流脱气stream degassing提升式真空脱气法 Dortmund Horder vacuum degassing process,DH循环式真空脱气法 Ruhstahl-Hausen vacuum degassing process,RH真空浇铸vacuum casting吹氧RH操作RH-oxygen blowing,RH-OB川崎顶吹氧RH操作 RH-Kawasaki top blowing,RH-KTB喷粉RH操作RH-poowder blowing,TH-PB喷粉法powder injection process喷粉精炼injection refining蒂森钢包喷粉法Thyssen Niederhein process,TN瑞典喷粉法Scandinavian Lancer process,SL君津真空喷粉法vacuum Kimitsu injection process密封吹氩合金成分调整法composition adjustment by sealed argonbubbling,CAS吹氧提温CAS法CAS-OB process脉冲搅拌法pulsating mixing process,PM电弧加热电磁搅拌钢包精炼法ASEA-SKF process真空吹氧脱碳法vacuum oxygen decarburization process ,VOD氩氧脱碳法argon-oxygen decarburization process,AOD蒸汽氧精炼法Creusot-Loire Uddelholm process,CLU无渣精炼slag free refining摇包法shaking ladle process铝弹脱氧法aluminium bullet shooting,ABS钢锭ingot铸锭ingot casting坑铸pit casting车铸car casting钢锭模ingot mold保温帽hot top下铸bottom casting上铸top casting补浇back pour,back feeding浇注速度pouring speed脱模ingot stripping发热渣exoslag防再氧化操作reoxidation protection连续浇注continuous casting连铸机continuous caster,CC,continuous casting machine,CCM弧形连铸机bow-type continuous caster立弯式连铸机vertical-bending caster立式连铸机vertical caster水平连铸机horizontal caster小方坯连铸机billet caster大方坯连铸机bloom caster板坯连铸机slab caster薄板坯连铸机thin-slab casting薄带连铸机strip caster近终型浇铸near-net-shape casting单辊式连铸机single-roll caster单带式连铸机single-belt caster双带式连铸机twin-belt caster倾斜带式连铸机inclined conveyer type caster [连铸]流strand铸流间距strand distance注流对中控制stream centering control钢包回转台ladle turret中间包tundish回转式中间包swiveling tundish倾动式中间包tiltable tundish中间包挡墙weir and dam in tundish引锭杆dummy bar刚性引锭杆rigid dummy bar挠性引锭杆flexible dummy bar结晶器mold直型结晶器straight mold弧形结晶器curved mold组合式结晶器composite mold多级结晶器multi-stage mold调宽结晶器adjustable mold结晶器振动mold oscillation结晶器内钢液顶面meniscus,steel level钢液面控制技术steel level control technique保护渣casting powder,mold powder凝壳shell液芯liquid core空气隙air gap 一次冷却区peimary cooling zone二次冷却区secondary cooling zone极限冷却速度critical cooling rate浇铸半径casting radius渗漏bleeding拉坯速度casting speed拉漏breaking out振动波纹oscillation mark水口堵塞nozzle clogging气水喷雾冷却air mist spray cooling分离环separating ring拉辊withdrawal roll立式导辊vertical guide roll弯曲辊bending roll夹辊pinch roll矫直辊straightening roll驱动辊driving roll导向辊装置roller apron切割定尺装置cut-to-length device钢流保护浇注shielded casting practice 多点矫直multipoint straightening电磁搅拌electromagnetic stirring,EMS 浇注周期casting cycle多炉连浇sequence casting事故溢流槽emergercy launder菜花头cauliflower top钢锭缩头piped top表面缺陷surface defect内部缺陷internal defect缩孔shrinkage cavity中心缩孔center line shrinkage气孔blowhole表面气孔surface blowhole皮下气孔subskin blowhole针孔pinhole铸疤feather冷隔cold shut炼钢缺陷lamination发裂flake,hair crack纵裂longitudinal crack横裂transverse crack角部横向裂纹transverse corner crack 角部纵向裂纹longitudinal corner crack 收缩裂纹shrinkage crack。
∞ k=−∞
(q/a, q/b, q/c, q/d, q/e)k (aq, bq, cq, dq, eq)k
(q, ab, bc, ac)∞ (aq, bq, cq, abc/q)∞
∞ k=0
(q/a, (q, q2
q/b, q/c, /abc, dq,
de)k eq)k
3Universit´e de Lyon, Universit´e Lyon 1, UMR 5208 du CNRS, Institut Camille Jordan, F-69622, Villeurbanne Cedex, France
∞ k=−∞
(q/a)k (a)k
(q)∞ (a)∞
while the right-hand side of (1.7) is equal to 0 (since ab/q = 1). Similarly, if bc = 1, the left-hand side of (1.8) becomes
(q, ab/q, bc/q, ac/q)∞ (a, b, c, abc/q2)∞
∞ k=0
(q/a, q/b, q/c)k (q, q3/abc)k
∞ k=−∞
(q/a, q/b, q/c)k (aq, bq, cq)k
(q, ab, bc, ac)∞ (aq, bq, cq, abc/q)∞
➢ weather forecast, next frame of animation, ...
• cost
➢ cell phone, automotive engine controller, ...
• power
➢ cell phone, handheld video game, ...
For more about Alan Turing, see /turing/
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• ability to read/write symbols on an infinite “tape” • state transitions, based on current state and symbol
Every computation can be performed by some Turing machine. (Turing’s thesis)
A computer is a universal computing device.
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From Theory to Practice
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传播学经典理论英文版[中文批注]目录一、Opinion Leaders 意见领袖 __________________________________________ 2 ____二、5W Box 5w 理论__________________________________________________ _ ______三、The Bias of Communication 传媒偏向论_________________________________ 2四、The Spiral of Silenee 沉默的螺旋_____________________________________ 3五、Gatekeeper把关人理论_____________________________________________ 4 ____六、Selective exposure hypothesis 选择性接触假说____________________________ 4七、Knowledge Gap Theory 知识沟假说____________________________________ 5八、Agenda Setting Theory 议程设置理论___________________________________ 5九、Magic bullet theory 魔弹论 ____________________________________________ 5 ____十、Information (Innovation ) Diffusion Theory 信息(创新)扩散论____________________ 6十^一、Uses a nd gratificati ons theory (UGT)使用与满足理论 ______________________ 7十二、Cultivation theory 教养理论___________________________________________ 8十三、Limited-Effects Theory 有限效果论 ______________________________________ 8十四、Marshall Mcluhan Media Theory麦克卢汉的媒介理论________________________ 92/ 11一、Opinion Leaders 意见领袖Active in information networks, have many information channels ,so they can often provi de in formati on and advice for others and can in flue nee others.意见领袖是指在人际传播网络中经常为他人提供信息,同时对他人施加影响的“活跃分子”,他们在大众传播效果的形成过程中起着重要的中介或过滤的作用,由他们将信息扩散给受众,形成信息传递的两级传播。
野性的呼唤英文读后感英文版《野性的呼唤》,又名《荒野的呼唤》,又名《荒野的呼唤》(The (TheCall of the Wild)Wild),美国著名作家杰克伦敦所著。
“When the long winter nights come on and the wolves follow their meat into the lower valleys, he may be seen running at the head of the back through the pale moonlight or glimmering borealis, leaping giganticabove his followers, his great throat a bellow as he sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack.”There was a script about the savage life in the frozen north of ice and snow. There were the unexplorednorth areas of America and the 19th-century Klondike Gold Rush which dragged men from the entire world into the hard wild to look for gold. There was a road wherea gigantic dog like human fought his way to struggle in the wasteland. There was a civilized beast grew frommildness to wildness. And there came the call of the wild.The background and plotIn the 19th century, it was said that gold had beenfound in the Klondike area in Northern California of vast wilderness, so thousands of people rushed into this uncultivated ground to seek for gold and fortune,which needed a large quantity of dogs to support for the transportation. There came up Buck story which we can can’’t define it as luckiness or unluckiness. Buck, a dog weighed one hundred and forty pounds,tall, strong, and heavy muscled, lived a cozy andcomfortable life in a rich family of a Judge named Miller, but was soled by evil gardener to two dogdealers and was took to Alaska as a sled dog. Led by his second masters, two governmentalcouriers, he studied how to pull a sled and how to livein this cruel world where needed more cunning behaviorand less fake moral and courtesy. For example, helearned to sleep in the snow hole to get warmness fromthe clod nights, and he learned to thief bacon and foodfrom his masters and neighboring camps, as well as that,he learned how to fight effectively and efficiently with his antagonists and survive of the combat about the dominant leader with Spitz. In addition to those, he also went through the hardships in the toil on the ice layer, and he learned how to obtain the victory andstand on the wilderness which was beneficial to himselfwho can only fit the environment, but can ’t defy the harness.After the arduous trace and trail, they finally reached the destination, and then, after a short break,dogs including Buck led by a Scotch half-breed manstepped again on the ice land with the Salt Water Mail.It was a hard trip and a monotonous life operating likemachine that dogs must undertake the heave pulling andpoor condition where they were tired and short of weight. Buck Buck’’ partner, Dave who had something wrong inside suffered most of all, but pride as he was, pulling the sled was his holy missionary job which can fulfill his life and must be done until his death. However, the tough work was still continuous.Thirty days passes, by which time Buck and his mates found how really tired and weak they are until they arrived at the last town. They were in a wretched state, worn out and worn out, which was not thetiredness that came from a brief and excessive effort’ rest, but wasand can be recovered from some hoursthe dead tiredness that came through the slow andprolonged strength drainage of months of toil and hadto need a long vocation to evacuate. Nevertheless, onlythree days after they were bought by a family includinga foolish woman, a callow and ignorant youngster, anda middle aged man with weak and watery eyes. Never mindof dog’s frazzle, the third masters tried their bestto lash out at them with whip, but Buck was not under very good command and not proud and interested of this career. Until they reached at the camp of Thornton, withthe natural instinct and extreme weariness, Bucktolerated the whip from his so called masters andrefused to go ahead which was his luckiness to meet hislast master, Thornton.Without doubt, Thornton was a good master, full’Buck’of wisdom, intelligence and love who can manage Bucks life comfortably and in order. By the carefulattendance form his new master, Buck was on his feet quickly and solidly. Filled with the loying love towardhis master, Buck companied him, saved his life forseveral times and helped him win the gambling party. Then, they faced into the East on an unknown trail to achieve where men and dogs as good as themselves has failed, as the call from the wild became stronger and stronger which attracted Buck to leave the civilizationto look for. The knife that cut out the bound of Buck between his masters was the master master’’sdeaths which left a void in the dog ’s heart and a strengthened calling from the wild. Buck, a civilized dog, finally went backto wolves after thousands of generation by singing a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack. Survive of the fittestThe Call of the Wild abounded in Darwinism which advocated advocated the the the evolutionism evolutionism evolutionism and and and natural natural natural selection selectiontheory.In the process of having to leave the comfortableMiller ’s house and adapt to the harsh primitivesnowfield, Buck went through the changes from themildness to wildness where he studied the law of club and fang and admitted the rule of failure without progress. “He had learned well the law of club and fang,and he never forewent an advantage or drew back from a foe he had started on the way to death.” “He must” “Kill or be killed, eat or master or be mastered,be eaten, was the law; and this mandate, down out of”the depths of time, he obeyed.After analysis, we can find that related to the Darwinism, learning ability was an important factor ofthe victory of living of Buck. As a south dog living in the rich family and innocent environment, Buck was not wary of Manuel’s uncommon behavior, but situationManuel’has changed entirely after a period of barbaric life: he showed hostility to his all possible mates and took precaution of everything. As well as that, throwing away the moral standard and facing the death of starvation, Buck had an ability of thief. “This firsttheft marked Buck as fit to survive in the hostile Northland environment. It marked his adaptability, hiscapacity to adjust himself to changing conditions, the”death.”lack of which would have meat swift and terrible death.In addition to those, his muscles became hard as iron, and he grew dumb to all ordinary pain, and he can successful take full use of all the elements no matter’s the progression of Buck internal or external. Thatwhich can equip him with thick helmets from being hurt deeply and made him be the fittest.Not only did he learnt by experience, butinstincts long dead became alive again. Maybe knowledgeacquired by learning was Buck’s left hand, instinctshis right. Good pedigree set up his first sense of a tall, strong and muscular potential king, while the instinct helped him to learn fast and save his life. “It was no task for him to learn to fight with cut and” “They came to himslash and the quick wolf snap.without effort or discovery, as though they had been his always.”Buck changed as his living environment changed. With the change of environment, Buck, compared to the previous southern family dog that was mild and gentle,acquired many abilities and skills. He tried his best to live by becoming cunning, cold-blood, and cruelwhich make him step forward on the road of corpse andblood. Survive of the fittest which is demonstrated byadaptation to the environment and wielding the law to protect himself and attack on others made him roared on the top of the food chain and return to wolves. All what Buck has done was not due to his reason and thought, but due to his fit. He was fit to everythingsurrounding him unconsciously and put him to the new way of living quickly.“The theory, ‘Survival of the fittest fittest’’, is the law of biological evolution which implies that plants or animals adapt to the environment to survive or to dieit is the biological survival rule of brutalbiosphere.biosphere.”” Thatis to say, the key of this law is that those who can fit the environment can survive, on the contrary, those failed to fit would be obsolete under the rule of elimination.Peeping at Buck and his struggle, we can have a vision of us human that was also fighting in thebattlefield with our mates and against our enemy.Filled with bustling stuff, we tried our best to stand on the top of right and authority only because that position would give us more materials and the sense ofpride which we depended on to live. Flowers in the greenhouse didn’t know about the hardship of living,so they showed goodwill and send aroma to others; whilelife in the ice field where wind was blowing like knifeand thick snow can bury people only showed a will of survive and cut up the useless goodness to wear on the coldness.We must do it because we had to do it. The packof animal was like a society of people. Death andgenocide would happen on us if we were not willing tofit the environment thoroughly. To dance with theshackle of survive of the fittest was the policy weshould carry out forever, the reason why our human stoodon the top of biologic chain, and the rule of livingof every individual.My opinion on virtue and viceSome people had said virtue was the biggesttreasure that human should obey. There is no doubt thatkindness, loyalty, honor, love, companionship,sympathy, mercy, and other virtue should be followed. However, I argue that there is transformation between different virtue and even the virtue and vice.Showing the feature of three animals: dog, wolf and human, Buck was the bridge that connected the past and present. As the production of human civilization, dog was evolved from wolf and they would still howl on’t raise and train them. the wilderness if human didnBuck was a mirror from which we can see ourselves.Through this dog, writer told us that only in a place where sun darted its forth beams and everything was in order human will wear the coat of basic goodness, otherwise, kindness would be eliminated if it met withthe club and fang. In the cruel process of primitive accumulation of capitalism, mercy and sympathy was notneeded for those quality can lead to death of innocent people. In the period of survive of the fittest, life was not concerned with civilization, while wilderness was the real marrow of life and echoing for the wilderness was the beginning of revival. Buck realizedthat “Mercy did not exist in the primordial life. It was misunderstood for fear, and such misunderstanding made for death.” This phenomenon can be seen in dogsas well as human. Wilderness were calling for human and’s heart stealthily.human’eliminating the kindness in humanIn A Treatise of Human Nature, British philosopherDavid Hume has said moral came from human ’s emotionand conscience but not rationality. The essence ofmoral existed in the perceptual knowledge, but notrational knowledge. Therefore, the reason why moral distinctions had the division of virtue and vice was that the judgment of moral came from human human’’sattitude toward their internal actions and external objects. Thejudgment of moral came from our interest appeal; that is to say, the judgment of moral came from what was goodto us, but not what is good.Let us think the question that which direction ofBuck ’s s change change change to to to a a a beast beast beast was, was, was, progression progression progression or orretrogression? The answer was that we can ’t answerbecause he survived due to that he threw away those so called virtue and carry out those so called villainy. All what Buck did was under the pressure of living, andhe responded to the call of the wild only because he wanted to live. Maybe in the comfortable and civilizedJudge Judge’’shouse, he would stick to the standard of moral and protect the respect of Judge Judge’’sriding whip by dying under his whip. But in this cold field, sticking tothose so called moral was a fool. Possibly in this kindof world, brutality, cold-bloodedness, cunning and soon was the moral.The division of virtue and vice was the refectionof the division of civilization and wilderness to some’t define what moral was and what degree. Maybe we canvice was now in some scene, but we can try to last for enough time to seek for the answer.Run after the free life’s natureThe call from the wild stood for humanto run after a simple, independent and free life. Buck was bored of the complex life where he must deal with such a big net of relationship. He just wantedto run and leap through the forest, howled under the grey moonlight, ate what he liked and killed what he liked without many rules to obey. No one desired to live’s difficult and tiring toa complicated life for itreckon other people, while life in the wilderness was just that eat or eaten, kill or killed and there was no middle ground. Easy and simple life was set up on the uncivilized world where creatures didn’t have somuch relation and elements to consider. Only beingindependent from all that can we find what we wanted. When unpracticed Charles and his relatives sunk“A yawning hole wasin a ice hole, writer said thathole was a capitalistic” Thatseen.”all that was to be seen.vast mouth that can eat people, but which would be“Here a yellow streamrotten if we escaped from it.flows from rotted moosehide sacks and sinks into the ground, with long grasses growing through it andvegetable mould overrunning it and hiding its yellow from the sun.” The gold that Thornton got has becomea yellow stream because they were eroded by natural power and lost their value. Imagine in a world where was entirely natural and uncivilized, gold, a kind of’t it?iron and currency, was entirely futile, isnBeing free of human world and even free of materials, Buck got a totally new life where he can runat the head of the pack through the pale moonlight to release his vitality and got comfort from nature. We needed materials actually, but material was voidactually. How can we get free? To get free of our hearts.ConclusionThere are two sentences I’d like to mention. First,human beings, never degenerate into beasts. Second, beasts, never degenerate into human beings. Correctness of those two sentences should be discussed.’s progression began in the point when human Human’Humanbeings evolved from wilderness period to civilization,but the retrogression also began at the point whenpeople shared the feast of civilization. For us who arefar away from the wilderness and raised and trained by civilization, this book gives us a new vision.Sometimes a picture floating in my mind: in the icy forest, a silhouette of Buck as a wolf caned his neck to howl toward the pale moonlight to echo the’s the song of animal, and the howling of pack. Thatchant of human, and the snarl of life.。
Unit1Section A课文翻译爱情与逻辑:谬误的故事1 在我和室友罗伯的交易成功之后,我和波莉有了第一次约会。
2 但她漂亮而且富有,也没有把头发染成奇怪的颜色或是化很浓的妆。
3 “光彩照人”,她已经是了。
4 在一起外出度过了美好的一天之后,我驱车来到了高速公路旁一座小山上一棵古老的大橡树下。
5 “逻辑学。
”6 “好酷啊,”她一边嚼着口香糖一边说。
7 “逻辑学的原理,”我说道,“即清晰思考的主要原则。
”8 “好啊,”她表示同意。
9 “‘绝对判断’是指在证据不足的情况下所作出的推断。
”10 她点头表示赞同。
11 我看得出她没弄明白。
“波莉,” 我解释说,“这个推断太过简单化了。
”12 “接下来是‘草率结论’。
”13 “是吗?”波莉吃惊地说。
“没有人吗?”14 “这也是一种逻辑谬误,”我说,“这一结论太草率了,因为能够支持这一结论的例证太少了。
泰勒斯经济学 英语
泰勒斯经济学英语Taylor's Economic TheoryThe field of economics has been shaped by numerous influential thinkers and their groundbreaking theories. Among these, the contributions of Taylor's economic theory stand out as a significant milestone in the understanding of economic principles. Developed by the American engineer and management consultant Frederick Winslow Taylor, this theory has had a profound impact on the way businesses and organizations operate.At the core of Taylor's economic theory is the concept of scientific management. Taylor believed that by applying scientific principles to the management of workers and the organization of work, businesses could achieve significant improvements in efficiency and productivity. His approach was based on the idea that there was a single best way to perform a task, and that this could be determined through careful observation and analysis.One of the key elements of Taylor's theory was the emphasis on time and motion studies. By closely observing workers as they performed their tasks, Taylor and his team were able to identify the mostefficient ways of completing these tasks. They then developed standardized procedures and provided workers with detailed instructions on how to perform their work. This allowed for the elimination of unnecessary movements and the optimization of the production process.Another important aspect of Taylor's theory was the concept of worker incentives. Taylor believed that by providing workers with financial incentives, such as piece-rate pay or bonuses, they would be motivated to work harder and more efficiently. This approach, known as "differential piece-rate," was designed to reward the most productive workers and encourage others to strive for higher levels of output.Taylor's theory also emphasized the importance of specialized labor and the division of work. He argued that by breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable components, and assigning each component to a specialized worker, businesses could achieve greater efficiency and productivity. This concept, known as the "division of labor," was not new, but Taylor's approach to it was more systematic and scientific.The implementation of Taylor's economic theory had a significant impact on the industrial landscape of the early 20th century. Many businesses, particularly in the manufacturing sector, adopted Taylor'sprinciples and saw substantial gains in productivity and profitability. The assembly line, which became a hallmark of mass production, was heavily influenced by Taylor's ideas on the division of labor and the optimization of work processes.However, Taylor's theory was not without its critics. Some argued that his emphasis on efficiency and productivity came at the expense of worker welfare and autonomy. The strict control and monitoring of workers, as well as the financial incentives, were seen by some as a form of exploitation. Additionally, the dehumanizing aspects of the division of labor and the standardization of work processes were criticized for their negative impact on worker satisfaction and morale.Despite these criticisms, Taylor's economic theory has continued to have a lasting impact on the field of management and the organization of work. Many of the principles and practices he developed, such as time and motion studies, worker incentives, and the division of labor, are still widely used in modern business practices.Moreover, Taylor's theory has also been influential in the development of other economic and management theories, such as Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma. These approaches, which focus on the continuous improvement of processes and the elimination of waste, share many of the underlying principles of Taylor's scientificmanagement.In conclusion, Taylor's economic theory has played a significant role in shaping the way businesses and organizations operate. While it has faced criticism and has evolved over time, its core principles of scientific management, worker incentives, and the optimization of work processes continue to be relevant and influential in the modern business world. As we navigate the ever-changing economic landscape, the insights and lessons from Taylor's theory remain an important part of the economic and management discourse.。
供应链相关专业英语词汇ABC clasification ABC分类Acceptable Quality Level 允许水准Accessory 附件Action Report 行动报告Add/Delete BOM 增删材料表Aggregate Planning总体规划Agile Manufacturing 灵活制造Allocated Inventory 保留量Allowance 宽放Alternate BOM 替代材料表American Production and Inventory Control Society 美国产业管理学会Anticipation Inventory 预期库存Assemble to Order 定单组装Automation 自动化Autonomation 自主化Available Inventory 可用库存Available to Promise 可答应量BackFlush 倒冲入账Backlog 待交货Back Order 逾期定单Bill of Labor 人力表Bill of Material 材料表bill of resources 资源表BOM Code 材料表码Bom Explosion 材料表展开Bom Implosion 材料表逆展Bom Structure 材料表结构Budgeted Capacity 预算产量Built-on-the-line parts 线上生产零件Bulk Issue 大批发料Bullwhip Effect 长鞭效应Business Plan 事业计划Business Process Reengineering 企业程序再造Capacity 产量Capacity Control 产量控制Capacity requirement planning产量需求规划Check-in 结入Check-Out 结出Client/ Server Architecture 主从式架构Common part Bom 共享件材料表Computer aided design system 计算机辅助设计系统connected flow 相连材料流consolidated freight 合并货运constraint management 限制因素管理continuous improvement 连续改善continuous production 连续式生产critical capacity 关键产量critical part 关键零件customer order 客户定单customization 客制化customer service level 顾客服务水准cycle count interval 周期盘点区间cycle counting 周期盘点cycle time 周期时间customer relationship management 客户关系管理data flow diagram 数据流程图de-coupling stock 反耦合库存Demand Management 需求管理Demand Rate 需求速率Demand time fence 需求时栅demonstrated capacity 验证产量dependent demand 依赖需求diagnostic test 诊断测试disconnected flow 分离材料流iscret manufacturing 装配式生产distribution center 配销中心distribution requirementplanning配销需求规划drum-buffer-rope control DBR管制法earliest start date 最早开工日economic order quantity 经济订购量economic part period 经济量期elimination,combination,rearrangement,simplification ECRS改善法emergency kanban 紧急看板employee empowerment 员工授权employee involvement 员工参与end user computing 使用者自建系统engineering to order 定单设计engineering change 设计变更engineering product structure 工程用产品结构表exception report 企业资料规划enterprise resource planning例外报告executive information system 主管信息系统existence test 存在测试expeditor 催料人员final assembly schedule 最终组装排程finished goods 完成品firm planned order 固定计划定单first in first out 先进先出fixed order quantity 定量批量法flow shop 流程生产工厂forecast 预测forecasthorizon预测期间fundamental data 基本资料gateway workstation 投料工作站graphic user interface 图形接口gross requirement 总需求group technology 群组技术hedge inventory 避险库存inbound queue control 输入端队列控制independent demand 独立需求input/output control 输入/输出控制intermittent production 间歇式生产inventory management 库存管理inventory status 库存状态inventory sub-type 库存副型态inventory type 库存型态item 材料(项目)item master 材料主档job 工件,工作job shop 工件生产工厂joint operation 联合作业just in time 及时供补kanban 看板kanban ceiling 看板界限latest start date 最晚开工日lead time 前置时间lead time offset 前置时间冲销least total cost 最低总成本批量法least unit cost 最低单位成本批量法level scheduling 平准化排程level production(linearity) 平准化生产linearity 定率生产load 负荷look ahead/look back 瞻前顾后法lot for lot 逐批批量法lot number 批号lot size 批量lot size inventory 批量库存lot sizing rule 批量法则low-level code 最低阶码maintenance, repair and operational supplies 间接物料make to order 定单生产make to stock 计划生产managerial product structure 管理用产品结构表manufacturing bom 制造单元manufacturing cell 制令单manufacturing order 制造规划与控制manufacturingplanning and control 制造资源规划master production scheduling 主生产排程master scheduler 主生产排程员material service sheduling 主服务排程material handling 材料搬运material requirement planning材料需求规划(计划) mean absolute deviation 平均绝对差modular bom 模块材料表modular production 模块化生产mps item MPS 项目mrp crusades MRP 改革运动mrp nervousness MRP不安定性multilevel mps 多阶主生产排程net change 净变法net requirement 净需求offset time 冲销时间one less at a time 一次减一点on-hand inventory 在库量on-order inventory 在途量open system platform 开放系统平台operations planning and control 作业规划与管制operations process chart 作业程序图option 选用件optional bom 选用材料件order interval 订购区间order point 订购点original equipment manuafacturer 原设备制造商outbound queue control 输出端队列控制overflow stockroom 溢量仓parent/component 父件/子件part number 件号part periodic balancing 量期平衡批量法past due 逾期量peg file 溯源文件pegging 溯源period length 期长periodic order quantity 定期批量法periodic review system 定期评估法phantom 幽灵材料phantom bom 幽灵材料表phantom component 幽灵子件picking order 领料单pipeline stock 管路库存plan-do-check-action cycle 计划-执行-检查-行动循环planned order receipts 计划定单收料planned order releases 计划定单发出planning bom 计划材料表planning horizon计划期间planning time fence 计划时栅point of use 使用点primary stockroom 基本仓priority control 优先次序控制priority planning优先次序规划preventive maintenance 预防性维护process flow chart 制程流程图process manufacturing 流程式生产product configuration system 产品构造系统product family 产品族product line 产品线product load profile 产品负荷表product structure 产品结构表product sub-line 产品副线production activity control 生产活动管制production rate 生产速率production plan 生产计划production planning生产规划production run 生产连project-based production 项目式生产projected available balance 预计可用量projected on-hand 预计在库量pseuo bom 假材料表pull signal 拉式讯号pull system 拉式系统purchase order 订购单purchase reuisition 请购单quantity-per 单位用量quick response 快速反应rated capacity 评估产量raw material 原材料reasonableness test 合理测试receiving order 收料单refill kanban 补充看板regeneration 再生法re-order point 再订购点法repetitive manufacturing 重复性生产replacement part 替代件replenishment plan 补充计划replenishment time 补充时间resource profile 资源负荷表resource requirementplanning资源需求规划rework kanban 重加工看板rolling kanban 滚动看板rolling schedule 滚动式排程rough-cut capacity planning粗略产量规划route 途程routing 途程表safety stock 安全存量safety time 安全时间safety order 销售定单scheduled receipts 在途量(已订未交量) scarp rate 报废率secondary stockroom 次级仓semi-finished goods 半成品serial number 序号setup 准备作业shop calendar 厂历shop floor 制造现场shop floor control 制造现场控制shop order 制令单significant numbering 显义编号standard coefficient 标准系数stock keeping unit 材料库存单位subsontract order 外包单super bom 超材料单supply chain management 供应链管理synchronized control 同步控制synchronized production 同步生产theoretical capacity 理论产量theory of constraints 限制理论three tier architecture 三层式架构throughtput 产出率time bucket 时段time phased order point 分期间订购点法transferring order 调拨单transportation inventory 运输库存total employee involvement 全员参与total preventive maintenance 全面预防性维护total productive maintenance 全面生产性维护total quality management 全面质量管理two bin system 双箱法two level mps 双阶主生产排程unit of measure 单位visual review system 目视评估法where-used report 用途表WIP inventory 在制品库存WIP tracking 在制品追踪work flow control system 工作流程控制系统work-in-process 在制品yield 良品率.。
JP002(whisker theory)
JEDEC and IPC Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating
Current Tin Whiskers Theory and Mitigation Practices Guideline
MARCH 2006
and the IPC Tin Whiskers Guideline Task Group (5-23e).
For Technical Information Contact:
JEDEC Solid State Technology Association 2500 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 220 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone (703) 907-7500 Fax (703) 907-7583
Introduction Sn whiskers have been an industrial concern and interesting problem for many years. They are known to cause short circuits in fine-pitch pretinned electrical components [1]. Sn whiskers grow by the addition of material at their base not at their tip (i.e., they grow out of the substrate) [2]. They can grow from asformed electrodeposits, vapor deposited material [3], and intentionally deformed coatings of Sn [4]. Similar whiskers are observed in Cd, In, and Zn [5]. Whiskers appear to be a local response to the existence of residual stress. Compressive residual or external stress is usually considered a precondition for whisker growth [4]. Annealing or melting (reflow in solder terminology) may mitigate the growth for an undetermined period of time. In 1959, Pb additions of a few percent to Sn electroplate were found to greatly reduce the tendency to form whiskers [6] and interest in the subject waned. Legislation that will restrict the use of lead in electronic products sold in the European Union, due to be in effect on July 1, 2006, has led many electronic component suppliers to propose the removal of Pb from tin-lead plating, leaving essentially pure Sn. This approach is the most convenient and the least costly lead-elimination strategy for the majority of component manufacturers. However, for the high-reliability user community, the pure tin strategy presents reliability risks due to the whisker forming tendencies of pure tin and tin alloy plating. This publication discusses the current tin whisker history, theories and driving forces behind tin whisker formation and potential mitigation practices for various applications. It should be noted that for certain applications with special needs (e.g., military or aerospace), the Sn mitigation methods contained in this document may not be sufficient due to additional performance requirements [7].
第13卷第5期2010年9月 湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)Jou rna l o f Hunan Unive rsity o f S cience&Techno logy(Soc ia l Sc i e nce Ed iti o n)V o.l13No.5Sep.2010逻辑今探奎因与量化模态逻辑的发展史 璟(中央财经大学现代逻辑研究所,北京100081)摘 要:奎因在20世纪40年代提出解释量化模态逻辑的问题,认为不能把标准量化与模态结合起来。
另一方面,人们从哲学上提出各种不同的对 模态个体 的说明。
关键词:量化;模态逻辑;谓词抽象;内涵中图分类号:B815.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7835(2010)05-0035-06模态命题逻辑今天已发展为十分成熟的逻辑分支,这种情况的主要原因是语义方面的,可能世界可以用来表示信息状态、时间、主体的认知方式等等,加上可能世界之间的可及、转换、线性序等等关系,就可以使用形式语义学方法刻画我们使用 可能 和 必然 、 知道 、 将来 和 过去 、 行为 等等模态概念的逻辑。
从亚里士多德的 前分析篇 开始,经过奎因认为量化模态逻辑不可理解,直到今天人们就量化模态逻辑的句法和语义所达到的一致性认识,量化模态逻辑仍然处于发展过程中。
钢铁冶金专业英语词汇目录1 总论 (1)2 采矿 (1)3 选矿 (1)4 冶金过程物理化学 (2)4.1 冶金过程热力学 (2)4.2 冶金过程动力学 (4)4.3 冶金电化学 (5)4.4 冶金物理化学研究方法 (5)5 钢铁冶金 (5)5.1 炼焦 (5)5.2 耐火材料 (6)5.3 碳素材料 (7)5.4 铁合金 (7)5.5 烧结与球团 (7)5.6 高炉炼铁 (8)5.7 炼钢 (10)5.8 精炼、浇铸及缺陷 (12)6 钢铁材料 (14)7 英译汉 (14)'.1 总论采矿mining地下采矿underground mining露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining采矿工程mining engineering选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing矿物工程mineral engineering冶金(学)metallurgy过程冶金(学)process metallurgy提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy金属学Metallkunde冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process metallurgy冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering 冶金工程metallurgical engineering钢铁冶金(学)ferrous metallurgy, metallurgy of iron and steel有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy铸造学foundry火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy电冶金(学)electrometallurgy氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China2 采矿采矿工艺mining technology有用矿物valuable mineral冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials 矿床mineral deposit特殊采矿specialized mining海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining矿田mine field矿山mine露天矿山surface mine地下矿山underground mine矿井shaft矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study矿山规模mine capacity矿山生产能力mine production capacity矿山年产量annual mine output矿山服务年限mine life矿山基本建设mine construction矿山建设期限mine construction period矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity开采强度mining intensity矿石回收率ore recovery ratio矿石损失率ore loss ratio工业矿石industrial ore采出矿石extracted ore矿体orebody矿脉vein海洋矿产资源oceanic mineral resources矿石ore矿石品位ore grade岩石力学rock mechanics岩体力学rock mass mechanics3 选矿选矿厂concentrator, mineral processing plant 工艺矿物学process mineralogy开路open circuit闭路closed circuit流程flowsheet方框流程block flowsheet产率yield回收率recovery矿物mineral粒度particle size粗颗粒coarse particle细颗粒fine particle超微颗粒ultrafine particle粗粒级coarse fraction细粒级fine fraction'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.。
genetic variation, Mutation ,Sexual reproduction1.1.內內在的改變在的改變::本身基因改變2.2.外在改變外在改變外在改變::會進行會進行::M icro icro--evolution evolution:describe changes in a polulation’s gene 造成微造成微造成微演化因素演化因素演化因素 非常大的族群1.source of new genetic variation 1.source of new genetic variation 非主要因素 封閉系統(a) 影響單個基因(mutation) 沒有突變● Gene mutation within genes that create new alleles 隨機交配● Gene duplication 天擇不存在造成Sex dimorphismintra-同性競爭(公的多)inter-母選公(mate choice)另一種少見的intersexual selection(cryptic female choice),有一種特殊的機制,雌性的生殖道會避免血緣相近的雄性授精 Macro Macro--evolutionevolution :evolutionary changes that create new species and groups that include many new species.其包含包含::species selection造成peciationS peciation1.由化石紀錄可得知二種種化的形式anagensis(phyletic evolution)物種多樣性的基礎 cladogensis(branching evolution)物種多樣性的基礎 2.為什麼發生種化?因適應分枝(adaptive divergeno)而種化因適應高峰(adaptive preak)轉移而種化3.種化的pace:gradualism:involves gradual evolution due to many small genetic changespunctuated equilibrium :is a pattern of evolution in which new species arise more rapidly and then remain unchanged for long periods of time4.種化的模式: 比地理隔離重要比地理隔離重要(a) Sympatric:生殖隔離造成新種產生,常見於植物Prezygot Prezygot Prezygotic isolating mechanisms ic isolating mechanisms ic isolating mechanisms Postzygotic isolating Postzygotic isolating Postzygotic isolating mechanismsmechanisms Habitat isolation Mechanical isolation Hybrid inviabilityTemporal isolation attempted mating isolation fertilization Hybrid sterility Interspecies hybrid Behavioral isolation Hybrid breakdown(b) Allopatric:地理隔離,造成新種產生。
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Lemma 1 -axiom, extensionality for -symbol, standard extensionality axiom and an axiom of choice are provable in simple type theory with extensionality and choice: A(V ) → A( xA(x)) ∀x(A(x) ↔ B (x)) → ∀y ( xA(x)[y ] ↔ xB (x)[y ]) ∀x(V1 (x) ↔ V2 (x)) → ∀ψ (ψ [V1 ] ↔ ψ [V2 ]) ∀xσ ∃y τ A(xσ , y τ ) → ∃z [σ,τ ]∀xσ (∃!y τ z [σ,τ ][xσ , y τ ] ∧ ∀y τ (z [σ,τ ][xσ , y τ ] → A(xσ , y τ ))) A semi-formula (semi-term) is an expression like a formula (term) except that it may contain free occurrences of bound variables.
where V is an abstract of a suitable type and -term xA(x) occurs in the conclusion Γ → ∆. The -extensionality rule (ext ) has a form: A(a), Γ → ∆, B (a) B (a), Γ → ∆, A(a) ∀z ( xA(x)[z ] ↔ yB (y )[z ]), Γ → ∆ Γ→∆ where both terms xA(x), yB (y ) occur in the conclusion Γ → ∆ and a is a new variable of the same type as x. Beginning here we restrict language like in §21 of [6] only to simplify notation: in particular there are no constants or function symbols, and types are 0, [0], [[0]] etc. The standard extensionality rule is extended to account for -symbol: (ext) V1 (a), Γ → ∆, V2 (a) V2 (a), Γ → ∆, V1 (a) α[V1 ], Γ → ∆, α[V2 ]
b1 t1 (a t) bk tk (a t)
and some η -conversions of {x1 , . . . , xk }a[x1 , . . . , xk ] into a are made. If V = {x1 , . . . , xn }A(x1 , . . . , xn ) and V1 , . . . , Vn are terms of suitable types, then V [V1 , . . . , Vn ] is defined to be an 1 A(a1 , . . . , an ) a V1 Vn for suitable a1 , . . . , an . Derivable objects of the type theory with an the axiom of choice are sequents Γ → ∆ where Γ, ∆ are finite sequences of formulas. The rules of inference are those of symple type theory with extensionality in §20, 21 of [6] including classical rules for logical connectives, structural rules, plus the following rules for -symbol: ( ) Γ → ∆, A(V ) A( xA(x)), Γ → ∆ Γ→∆
Abstract We present a cut-elimination proof for simple type theory with axiom of choice modeled after Takahashi’s proof of cut-elimination for simple type theory with extensionality. The same proof works when types are restricted, for example for second-order classsical logic with axiom of choice.
Cut-elimination for Simple Type Theory with an Axiom of Choice
G. Mints Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA, mints@ January 30, 1996
Introduction: Simple Type Theory with -symbol
This is an extension of the author’s previous result [2] to simple type theory. The proof is new: it is modeled after Takahashi’s proof of cut-elimination for simple type theory with extensionality. We closely follow presentation of G. Takeuti in §20 − 21 of [6] and preserve all definitions and syntactic conventions. Some ideas from the work of Yasuhara [9] inspired by the author’s review [3] of [8] are used. The rest of the Introduction describes the formal system. A cut-elimination proof is given in the section 2. The end of this section indicates how to adapt this proof to obtain more elgant argument for the second order case than in [2] . There seem to be no obstacles to extension of the standard cut-elimination proof for a system without extensionality (cf. the end of §21 in [6]) to simple type theory with -symbol but without extensionality. However a value of such a result is not clear. Types are 0 and [τ1 , . . . τk ], where τ1 , . . . τk are types. There are individual constants, function constants (for functions from individuals to individuals) and predicate constants of all types τ = 0, as well as free τ τ τ variables aτ 0 , a1 , . . . and bound variables x0 , x1 , . . . of each type τ . Logical symbols are ¬, ∧, ∀ and Hilbert’s epsilon-symbol . In addition to predicate variables and abstracts one has -terms of all types: individual constants are terms of type 0; free variables of type τ and predicate constants of type τ are terms of type τ ; if f is i-ary function constant and t1 , . . . , ti are terms of type 0, then f (t1 , . . . , ti ) is a term of type 0; τk 0 if A(aτ 0 , . . . , ak ) is a formula then {x0 , . . . , xk }A(x0 , . . . , xk ) is a term (called an abstract) of the type [τ0 , . . . , τk ] provided a’s are distinct free variables and x’s are distinct new bound variables of suitable types. if A(aτ ) is a formula then xA(x) is a term of type τ provided x is a new bound variable of type τ . if α is a predicate constant or a free variable or an -term of type [τ1 , . . . , τk ] and t1 , . . . , tk are terms of types τ1 , . . . , τk , then α[t1 , . . . , tk ] is a formula, which is called atomic. Formulas are constructed from atomic formulas by ¬, ∧, ∀ applied to bound variables: if A(a) is a formula the ∀xA(x) is a formula if x is a new bound variable of the same type as a. Alphabetical variant of an expression A is any result of renaming bound variables. The height h(τ ) of a type τ is the maximum nesting of [, ]. If t is a term of type τ then h(t) =def h(τ ). Substitution A (a t ) of a term t for a free variable a of the same type into a formula or term A is defined as in [6], §20, i.e. bound variables are renamed to avoid collision, new occurrences of {x1 , . . . , xk }U (x1 , . . . , xk )[t1 , . . . , tk ] are converted into U (b1 , . . . , bk )