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You have a choice of spicy, pure and combo for the soup base. All kinds of meat, fish, various beancurd products and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup base. Then you dip them in a little bowl of special sauce. Be careful while the spicy soup base is burning hot.
Welcome to Chongqing!
• AlphaGo
VS LiShishi
• Go the second inning, and artificial intelligence AlphaGo beat Li again • the score 2-0
• Kasparov VS dark blue (1997)
Chongqing hotpot
The history of hotpot
The Chinese hotpot has a history of more than 1,000 years. And Chongqing is the home of hotpot .Long long ago, The Yangzi River and Jialing River, like two dragons, energize (给予活力) Chongqing and dampen(使潮湿) the air in the city. In order to save time, the porters working at the wharfs boiled various of food in a big pot and added some hot pepper and spices to ward off(挡住) the cold. Finally,it became the hotpot.
As you can see that hotpot can be found almost every city in China, Chongqing native hot pot is known for its delicious soup base and dipping sauce. People gather around a small pot boiled with charcoal, electric or gas, filled with flavorful (可口的)and nutritious soup base.
万 人 火 锅 宴
Hotpot in the future
With the development of society,I believe hotpot is becoming more and more popular in the whole world.Finally,it will become a world famous brand in the future.
People in Chongqing are fond of hotpot, especially when the weather is steamy. The fire dances under the pot, the heavily oiled and spiced soup boils with hazy steam, and the people are bathed in sweat.
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Most of the time of artificial intelligence is stronger than people
• The ability of artificial intelligence has been more than human in some ways.This maybe lead to two results. • 1.Beneficial to human, promoting development. • 2.Replace the human, becoming a threat to human.
This is the first time in history of artificial intelligence to overcome the human brain
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Live a healthy life
Eat healthily
Swk.baidu.comeep healthily
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Mentally healthy
The last ...