

nbi 命令格式 -回复

nbi 命令格式 -回复

nbi 命令格式-回复nbi 命令格式是指用于网络设备上配置网络边界信息的特定命令格式。






NBI命令格式通常由以下几个部分组成:1. 命令关键字:命令关键字用于标识特定功能或操作,是NBI命令的起始部分。


2. 对象标识符:对象标识符用于指定要配置的特定对象或资源。



3. 参数和选项:NBI命令中的参数和选项用于指定配置对象的具体属性和行为。





1. 命令关键字:命令关键字用于标识特定的功能或操作。


以下是一些常用的命令关键字的例子:- access-list:配置访问控制列表(ACL)。

- interface:配置网络设备的接口。

- vlan:配置虚拟局域网(VLAN)。

- ip:配置IP地址和路由。

- snmp:配置简单网络管理协议(SNMP)。

2. 对象标识符:对象标识符用于指定要配置的特定对象或资源。




API myCerts 用户指南目录1.0 介绍 (3)2.0 登录 (3)2.1 注册 (3)2.2 用户自我管理 (3)2.2.1 用户名及密码管理 (4)2.2.2 忘记密码 (4)2.3.3 忘记电子邮箱地址 (5)2.3.4 更改密码 (5)3.0 导航 (6)3.1 导航链接 (6)3.2 不同页面类型 (6)3.3 侧栏导航 (7)4.0 工厂主页 (7)4.1 工厂信息 (7)4.2 进行中的审核 (8)4.3 审核历史 (8)4.4 目前证书状态 (8)4.5 工厂文件 (8)5.0 信息更新 (9)6.0 审核页面 (10)6.1 审核信息 (11)6.2 审核评审状态 (11)6.3 向API提交结果 (12)6.3.1 不符合项列表 (12)6.3.2 提交结果 (12)6.4 审核认证决定 (13)6.5 所派遣的审核员 (13)6.6 审核文件 (13)7.0 不符合项回复页面 (14)7.1 不符合项下拉菜单 (14)7.2 对不符合项的回复 (15)7.3 支持性文件 (15)1.0 介绍API myCerts是为完善认证过程而设计的易于操作的无纸化系统。


*请注意:上面的屏幕截图在您屏幕上的显示与用户指南上的可能会稍有不同*2.0 登录2.1 注册在浏览器地址栏里填入以进入API myCerts 系统本网站最佳浏览软件:使用Internet Explorer版本7或8,或,Firefox版本3.5或更高版本。


输入电子邮箱地址和密码后,单击Sign In 按钮。


2.2 用户自我管理创建了用户名和密码之后,就可以进入系统了2.2.1 用户名及密码管理单击API mycerts 系统任一页面右上角的“User Name/Password Management”(用户名/密码管理)可进入用户自我管理工具页面,下面将做说明。



httpstaus汇总常见HTTP状态码1. Continue初始的请求已经接受,客户应当继续发送请求的其余部分101 Switching Protocols服务器将遵从客户的请求转换到另外⼀种协议200 OK⼀切正常,对GET和POST请求的应答⽂档跟在后⾯201 Created服务器已经创建了⽂档,Location头给出了它的URL。

202 Accepted已经接受请求,但处理尚未完成。

203 Non-Authoritative Information⽂档已经正常地返回,但⼀些应答头可能不正确,因为使⽤的是⽂档的拷贝204 No Content没有新⽂档,浏览器应该继续显⽰原来的⽂档。

如果⽤户定期地刷新页⾯,⽽Servlet可以确定⽤户⽂档⾜够新,这个状态代码是很有⽤的205 Reset Content没有新的内容,但浏览器应该重置它所显⽰的内容。

⽤来强制浏览器清除表单输⼊内容206 Partial Content客户发送了⼀个带有Range头的GET请求,服务器完成了它300 Multiple Choices客户请求的⽂档可以在多个位置找到,这些位置已经在返回的⽂档内列出。


301 Moved Permanently客户请求的⽂档在其他地⽅,新的URL在Location头中给出,浏览器应该⾃动地访问新的URL。

302 Found类似于301,但新的URL应该被视为临时性的替代,⽽不是永久性的。

303 See Other类似于301/302,不同之处在于,如果原来的请求是POST,Location头指定的重定向⽬标⽂档应该通过GET提取304 Not Modified客户端有缓冲的⽂档并发出了⼀个条件性的请求(⼀般是提供If-Modified-Since头表⽰客户只想⽐指定⽇期更新的⽂档)。



In the realm of innovation,there are inventions that stand out for their uniqueness and the impact they have on society.One such special invention is the creation of the World Wide Web by Sir Tim BernersLee.This invention revolutionized the way we access and share information,connecting people across the globe in ways previously unimaginable.The World Wide Web,often abbreviated as the Web,is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet.It was invented in1989by BernersLee,a British computer scientist,while working at CERN,the European Organization for Nuclear Research.The Web was initially conceived as a way to facilitate communication and information sharing among scientists,but it quickly expanded beyond that scope to become a universal platform for communication,commerce,and education.The Webs design is based on a few key principles,including decentralization, interoperability,and accessibility.It uses a clientserver model,where web servers host websites and web clients,such as browsers,request and display content from these servers.The primary language of the Web is HTML HyperText Markup Language,which allows for the creation of structured documents with embedded links to other documents. One of the most significant aspects of the Web is its use of the Uniform Resource Locator URL system,which provides a unique address for every resource on the Web.This system enables users to navigate to any web page or file by simply typing or clicking on a URL.Another crucial component of the Web is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP,which is the foundation for data communication between web clients and servers.HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted,and how web servers respond to client requests.The invention of the Web has had a profound impact on various aspects of life.It has transformed education by providing access to a wealth of information and resources, enabling distance learning,and facilitating collaboration among students and educators. In the business world,the Web has enabled the growth of ecommerce,allowing businesses to reach a global audience and streamline their operations.Moreover,the Web has democratized access to information,giving people the power to research,learn,and express themselves freely.It has also played a crucial role in social movements and political activism,providing a platform for individuals to organize,share ideas,and mobilize support.In addition to its practical applications,the Web has also inspired a wave of creativity and innovation.It has given rise to new forms of art,such as digital art and web design,and has facilitated the development of interactive and immersive experiences,like online games and virtual reality.In conclusion,the invention of the World Wide Web is a prime example of a special invention that has had a transformative impact on society.Its unique design principles, coupled with its ability to connect people and information,have made it an indispensable tool in the modern world.As we continue to innovate and develop new technologies,it is essential to remember the importance of creating systems that are accessible, interoperable,and designed for the benefit of all.。



Neil B MartinT est Manager WSSC-Interop and T oolsMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Message Analyzer Packet Analysis at a Higher LevelContent•Packet Analyzer -review •Abstracting views of protocols •Alternative data sources •ETW•Remote Capture•Bluetooth•USB•Evtx•Logs filesMessage Analyzer –What is it?• A packet analyzer is a computer program or a piece of computer hardware that can intercept and log traffic passing over all or part of a network•Packet analyzers capture network packets in real time and display them in human-readable format•WireShark, Microsoft NetMon3.4•These tools are dissectors•If they recognize a packet they dissect it and display the inner fields of the packet•The parsers are written based on the protocol specifications or in some cases through reverse engineering of the protocols whenno specification is available•Dissection and Abstraction•We want to allow a higher level of abstraction view of protcols•Pattern Matching•Match up request/response pairs where possible•Called an operation•Different Viewers and Charts•Addressing many of the challenges of diagnosing modern networks •Protocol Validation•Identify packets that do not match the specification•Data capture from multiple sources•NDIS, Bluetooth, USB, Windows Firewall Layer, Web Proxy•Header only network capture•Reduce data in volume scenarios•Correlation of data across multiple data sources and logs•Load and display multiple data source•Message Analyzer captures ETW •ETW -Event Trace for Windows •Message Capture from:•Traditional NDIS traffic from the Network Adapter •Windows Filtering Platform 9aka Firewall)•Web proxy•USB ports•Bluetooth•Windows SMB Client•Windows SMB Server ……•E vent T racing for W indows ETW•High-resolution (<<100µs)logging infrastructure allows any component to tell the outside world what it is currently doing by firing ETW events.• A powerful diagnostic tool to log every methods/lines inside the code with reasonable performance fordebugging/troubleshooting.•MSDN on ETW/en-us/library/bb968803(VS.85).aspxAll Windows ETW Sources are available to Message Analyzer•Capability to perform remote capture •Select machine and give credentials•Collect data via ETW from NIC on remote machine•Powerful, extensible viewing and analysis •Browse, Select, View•Browse for messages from various sources (live, or stored)•Select a set of messages from those sources by characteristic(s)•View messages in a provided viewer, configure or build your own • A new high-level grid view•High level “Operations” view with automatic re-assembly•“Bubbling up” of errors in the stack to the top level•Ability to drill down the stack to underlying messages and/or packets•On the fly grouping, filtering, finding, or sorting by any message property •Payload rendering•V alidation of message structures, behavior, and architecture•Does the protocol comply with the specifications?•Over 450 published specifications for Windows Protocols(as of Windows 8.1)(/en-us/library/gg685446.aspx)Available online and as PDFContinue to publish new documents with each release of Windows •Continue to develop tools and technology to aid with the development of protocol documents, parsers and test technologyHow to get MA: /en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40308 How to get help: Blog,Operating Guide, T echnet Forum for Message Analyzer •We invite you to Explore Message Analyzer•Connect Community•https:///site216/。



MagicAPI 是一个通用的 API 请求工具,它可以用来发送 HTTP 请求并解析返回的数据。

以下是 MagicAPI 的一些常用参数:
1. `url`:请求的目标 URL。

2. `method`:请求的方法,如 GET、POST 等。

3. `headers`:请求头,用于传递额外的信息,如认证信息、User-Agent 等。

4. `params`:GET 请求的查询参数。

5. `data`:POST 请求的请求体数据。

6. `json`:以 JSON 格式发送 POST 请求的请求体数据。

7. `files`:上传文件时的文件数据。

8. `timeout`:请求的超时时间。

9. `allow_redirects`:是否允许重定向。

10. `proxies`:代理服务器的配置。

11. `verify`:是否验证 SSL 证书。

12. `cookies`:发送请求时携带的 cookies。

13. `auth`:HTTP 认证相关的配置。

14. `stream`:是否使用流式传输。

这些参数可以根据具体的需求进行配置,以满足不同的API 请求需求。

mercer经典-岗位价值评估 IPE职位评估系统

mercer经典-岗位价值评估 IPE职位评估系统

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考虑地方通胀率和汇率浮动(兑美金)的因素, 机构规模查表以 地方货币为单位,并且每年更新一次
Nature of the organization
Value-added Chain 增值链 Raw Materials
Table A Ideas 构思
Table B

rememberme字段 -回复

rememberme字段 -回复



在本文中,我们将一步一步地回答与【rememberme 字段】相关的问题,探索它的实现原理、安全性和实际应用。














certbot 参数

certbot 参数

certbot 参数Certbot 是一个由 Electronic Frontier Foundation 开发的免费的开源工具,用于自动化 SSL 证书的申请、安装、更新以及管理。

它可以帮助网站管理员快速轻松地为其网站添加 HTTPS 加密,以提高网站的安全性和信誉度。

Certbot 支持的参数有很多,以下是一些常用的参数及其作用:1. certonly:这个参数用于仅申请 SSL 证书,而不安装或配置其他任何内容。


2. --nginx:使用这个参数可以让 Certbot 自动配置 Nginx 服务器以使用 SSL 证书。

Certbot 会自动更新 Nginx 配置文件,并重启 Nginx 以应用新的配置。

3. --apache:类似于 --nginx 参数,使用 --apache 参数可以让 Certbot 自动配置Apache 服务器以使用 SSL 证书。

Certbot 会更新 Apache 的配置文件,并重新加载Apache 以应用新的配置。

4. --standalone:这个参数可以让 Certbot 在独立模式下运行,而不需要任何其他服务器软件。


5. --webroot:使用这个参数可以让 Certbot 在 Web 根目录下验证域名所有权。


6. --renew-by-default:这个参数可以让 Certbot 自动续订 SSL 证书,而不需要用户手动输入确认。


7. --force-renewal:使用这个参数可以强制 Certbot 在不检查证书是否到期的情况下重新颁发证书。


除了上述的参数,Certbot 还有其他一些参数可以用于配置和定制证书的申请和管理。

certbot 参数

certbot 参数

Certbot 是一个用于获取和安装SSL 证书的自动化工具,它有许多参数可供使用。

以下是一些常用的Certbot 参数:
1. `--agree-tos`:同意Certbot 的服务条款。

2. `--email`:提供您的电子邮件地址,以便收到来自Certbot 的通知。

3. `--domain`:指定您要获取SSL 证书的域名。


4. `--install`:安装SSL 证书。

5. `--nginx`:为Nginx 配置安装证书。

6. `--apache`:为Apache 配置安装证书。

7. `--dns-cloudflare`:使用Cloudflare 的DNS 服务进行域名验证。

8. `--dns-google`:使用Google 的DNS 服务进行域名验证。

9. `--dns-rfc-names`:使用RFC 规定的名称服务器进行域名验证。

10. `--debug`:启用调试模式,显示更多详细信息。

11. `--haproxy`:为HAProxy 配置安装证书。

12. `--http-01`:使用HTTP-01 验证方法进行域名验证。

13. `--manual`:手动进行域名验证和配置证书。

14. `--nginx-plus`:为Nginx Plus 配置安装证书。

15. `--webroot`:指定用于存放网页文件的目录,用于HTTP-01 验证。



zabbix试题及答案1. Zabbix是什么?A. 一个开源的网络监控系统B. 一个开源的数据库管理系统C. 一个开源的操作系统D. 一个开源的办公软件答案:A2. Zabbix支持哪些监控类型?A. 服务器监控B. 网络监控C. 应用程序监控D. 所有以上选项答案:D3. Zabbix的前端界面是基于什么技术开发的?A. PHPB. JavaC. PythonD. C++答案:A4. Zabbix的后端数据库支持哪些类型?A. MySQLB. PostgreSQLC. OracleD. SQLiteE. 所有以上选项答案:E5. Zabbix代理(Zabbix Agent)的作用是什么?A. 收集监控数据B. 分发监控数据C. 存储监控数据D. 以上都不是答案:A6. Zabbix的触发器(Triggers)用于做什么?A. 定义监控规则B. 定义数据收集频率C. 定义数据存储方式D. 定义用户权限答案:A7. 在Zabbix中,什么是“低级发现”(Low-level discovery)?A. 自动发现网络设备B. 自动发现服务器硬件C. 自动发现应用程序D. 自动发现操作系统答案:A8. Zabbix的Web界面中,哪个选项允许你查看监控项的历史数据?A. 最近数据B. 历史C. 图表D. 报告答案:C9. Zabbix的哪个组件负责发送警报?A. 服务器B. 前端C. 代理D. 媒体类型答案:A10. 在Zabbix中,如何定义一个监控项?A. 创建一个新的触发器B. 创建一个新的图表C. 创建一个新的数据集D. 创建一个新的应用答案:C。


Brocade fabric os web tools administration guide
What is brocade fabric os. Brocade web tools not worc. Brocade fabric os web tools administration guide 9.0. Brocade fabric os web tools administration guide 8.2.1. Brocade fabric os web tools administration guide 8.2. Where to buy brocade fabric.
Brocade Web Tools is a graphical user interface (GUI) embedded in the Fabric OS firmware that enables administrators to monitor and manage single or small fabrics, switches, and ports.View AllGetting Started with Web ToolsBrocade Web Tools is an embedded graphical user interface (GUI) that enables administrators to monitor and manage single or small fabrics, switches, and ports. Before launching Web Tools, verify that your workstation uses a supported operating system and Web browser.View AllThe License tab allows you to view the licenses installed on the switch with the feature name, serial number, supported count, and expiry date details. It allows you to set and manage the licenses.View AllThis chapter describes various configuration policies such as access control list policy, fabric wide consistency policy, and authentication policy. This chapter also includes IP filter management, remote authentication and authorization, and user and password management.View AllMonitoring Web Tools DashboardThe Web Tools dashboard provides a quick glance of switch ports, health, and utilization. From the dashboard, you can quickly see the overall health and status of the switch.View AllUsing Web Tools, you can configure several features on your switches.View AllPort Management - Switch Port OverviewThis chapter describes managing port configurations and performing advanced configurations for multiple ports.View AllFault Management: Displaying and Filtering EventsEvents collect all the fabric and switch-wide events for the selected logical switch and display the information in a bar. It enables you to analyze and troubleshoot the number of events with respect to event severity.View AllTraffic Management - Routing PoliciesWeb Tools allows you to perform routing operations and Dynamic Load Sharing (DLS) configurations.View AllUsing Access Gateway ModeAccess Gateway is a software feature that allows multiple host bus adapters (HBAs) to access the fabric using fewer physical ports. You can set a switch to Access Gateway mode to transform it into a device management tool that is compatible with different types of fabrics, including Brocade Enterprise OS (EOS) and Cisco-based fabrics.View All Administering FICON CUP FabricsThis chapter describes FICON fabrics and the FICON Management Server (FMS).View AllThis chapter describes features such as switch configuration backup and restore, trace dump, and Web Tools support data collection.View AllThe revision history provides a list of the significant changes made in each version of the document.View AllDocumentation Legal NoticeThis notice provides copyright and trademark information as well as legal disclaimers. View All Brocade Web Tools is a graphical user interface (GUI) embedded in the Fabric OS firmware that enables administrators to monitor and manage single or small fabrics, switches, and ports. Web Tools is launched directly from a Web browser or from SANnav™ Management Portal. This document contains the system requirements and features of Web Tools.

web title description 解析规则

web title description 解析规则

web title description 解析规则摘要:1.解析web title 和description 的规则2.web title 和description 的重要性3.优化web title 和description 的建议正文:在网络世界中,网页的标题(web title)和描述(description)对于吸引用户点击和提高搜索引擎排名起着至关重要的作用。


首先,让我们来看一下web title 和description 的规则。

Web title,即网页标题,通常显示在浏览器的标签页上,也是搜索引擎结果页面上显示的链接文字。

它应该准确、简洁地描述网页的主题,字数通常不超过70 个字符。

而description,即网页描述,是搜索引擎结果页面上显示的关于网页的简短说明,它应该清晰、有吸引力,能够引导用户点击,字数通常在150 个字符左右。

其次,web title 和description 的重要性不容忽视。



因此,对于如何优化web title 和description,我有以下几点建议。




总的来说,解析web title 和description 的规则,优化这两个元素,是提高网页质量和搜索引擎排名的重要途径。

simpleauthenticationinfo的使用 -回复

simpleauthenticationinfo的使用 -回复





SimpleAuthenticationInfo是Apache Shiro框架中的一个类,用于封装和保存用户的身份验证信息。


SimpleAuthenticationInfo类包含以下重要属性:- principal(主体):代表用户的标识符,可以是用户的用户名、电子邮件地址或其他唯一信息。

- credentials(凭证):代表用户的凭证,如密码或其他安全令牌。

- realmName(领域名称):代表身份验证信息属于的领域(Realm)的名称。




下面是在使用SimpleAuthenticationInfo进行身份验证的一般步骤:1. 获取用户提供的身份信息,如用户名或电子邮件地址。

2. 创建一个SimpleAuthenticationInfo对象,并将前面获取到的身份信息设置为其主体属性。

3. 从数据库或其他存储介质中获取相应用户的凭证,如密码。

4. 将获取到的凭证设置为SimpleAuthenticationInfo对象的凭证属性。

5. 将领域名称设置为SimpleAuthenticationInfo对象的领域名称属性。

prometheus-webhook-dingtalk 模板语法

prometheus-webhook-dingtalk 模板语法

prometheus-webhook-dingtalk是一个工具,用于将 Prometheus 的警报发送到 DingTalk(一个企业级协同办公平台)的通知系统。

为了在 DingTalk 中显示警报信息,你需要使用特定的模板语法来格式化警报信息。

以下是一些常用的 Prometheus 警报模板语法,以及它们在 DingTalk 中的对应表示:1. 主机名:Prometheus 模板:{{ $labels.instance }}DingTalk 表示:显示主机名。

2. 警报状态:Prometheus 模板:{{ if eq .Status "alerting" }}警报中{{ else }}解除{{ end }}DingTalk 表示:显示为“警报中”或“解除”。

3. 警报组:Prometheus 模板:{{ $labels.alertname }}DingTalk 表示:显示警报名称。

4. 警报描述:Prometheus 模板:{{ .Annotations.description }}DingTalk 表示:显示警报描述。

5. 时间戳:Prometheus 模板:{{ .Timestamp }}DingTalk 表示:显示警报触发的时间。

6. 度量标准:Prometheus 模板:{{ $labels.job }}:{{ .Value }}DingTalk 表示:显示度量标准,如“job:值”。

7. URL:Prometheus 模板:{{ .GeneratorURL }}DingTalk 表示:点击时打开警报的生成页面。

8. 日志 URL(如果存在):Prometheus 模板:{{ if .Annotations.log }}[查看日志]({{ .Annotations.log }}){{ end }}DingTalk 表示:如果有日志链接,点击时打开日志页面。

9. 指标值(对于特定的度量标准):Prometheus 模板(假设你有一个 up 度量标准):up: {{ $labels.instance }}/{{ $labels.job }}:{{ .Value }}DingTalk 表示(显示主机上的 up 度量标准值)。


配置Key chain
router static
default distance
ip route[vrfvrf_name]{next-hop-ip-address[vrfvrf_name]| interface-type interface-number} [administrative-distance]

bgpdump 用法 -回复

bgpdump 用法 -回复

bgpdump 用法-回复bgpdump 是一个用于分析和处理BGP (边界网关协议) 路由器输出的转储文件的工具。


本文将介绍bgpdump 的安装和使用,以及如何利用它来提取有关网络路由的有用信息。

第一步:安装bgpdump 工具bgpdump 是一个开源工具,可以从其官方网站(第二步:理解bgpdump 文件格式bgpdump 用于处理BGP 路由器的输出文件。

这些输出文件通常是二进制文件,需要使用bgpdump 工具进行分析。

bgpdump 文件格式主要有两种类型:MRT 格式和RIPE NCC 格式。

MRT 格式用于路由器输出的转储文件,而RIPE NCC 格式则是由RIPE NCC 的Route Collector 工具生成的。

第三步:转换和分析bgpdump 文件一旦安装了bgpdump 工具并熟悉了文件格式,就可以开始转换和分析bgpdump 文件了。

以下是一些常用的bgpdump 命令行选项:1. 转换MRT 文件为文本格式:bgpdump -m input.mrt > output.txt这个命令将输入文件input.mrt 转换为文本格式,并输出到output.txt 文件。

2. 过滤特定的路由信息:bgpdump -O output.txt -s这个命令将从input.mrt 文件中提取出子网为192.0.2.0/24 的路由信息,并将结果保存到output.txt 文件中。

3. 输出路由器更新信息:bgpdump -O output.txt -T UPDATES input.mrt这个命令将从input.mrt 文件中提取出所有的路由器更新信息,并将结果保存到output.txt 文件中。

4. 提取特定时间段的路由信息:bgpdump -O output.txt -T ROUTES -t start_time end_time input.mrt这个命令将从input.mrt 文件中提取出指定时间范围内的路由信息,并将结果保存到output.txt 文件中。










哪种数据库迁移解决方案将对应用程序的可用性产生最小的影响?A.为Amazon实例设置Amazon RDS。



通过观察RDS ReplicaLag指标来监视复制性能。



B.设置一个Amazon EC2实例并安装相同的Oracle数据库软件。



设置Amazon RDS for Oracle实例,并在AWS托管的数据库之间创建导入作业。


C.使用AWS DMS在本地Oracle数据库和AWS上托管的复制实例之间加载和复制数据集。

提供一个AmazonRDS Oracle实例与透明数据加密(TDE)启用,其配置为目标的复制实例。

创建一个客户管理的AWS KMS 主密钥,将其设置为复制实例的加密密钥。

使用AWS DMS任务将数据加载到目标RDS实例中。








1. Network - 网络,指连接多个计算机或设备的系统,以实现数据的传输和共享。

2. Protocol - 协议,是一组规则和标准,用于定义电子设备之间如何进行通信。

3. IP Address - IP地址,是分配给网络中每个设备的唯一标识符。

4. Router - 路由器,是一种网络设备,用于在多个网络之间转发数据包。

5. Switch - 交换机,是一种网络设备,用于连接多个设备并转发数据包。

6. Hub - 集线器,是一种简单的网络设备,用于连接多个设备,但不具备交换机的智能转发功能。

7. Firewall - 防火墙,是一种安全设备或软件,用于监控和控制进出网络的数据流。

8. Bandwidth - 带宽,指网络传输数据的能力,通常以比特每秒(bps)来衡量。

9. LAN (Local Area Network) - 局域网,是覆盖较小地理区域的计算机网络,如一个办公室或学校。

10. WAN (Wide Area Network) - 广域网,是连接不同地理位置的计算机网络。

11. VPN (Virtual Private Network) - 虚拟私人网络,是一种技术,允许用户通过公共网络安全地访问私有网络。

12. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)- 传输控制协议/互联网协议,是互联网通信的基础协议。

13. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - 超文本传输协议,是用于从网络传输超文本到本地浏览器的协议。

14. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) - 安全超文本传输协议,是HTTP的安全版本,使用SSL/TLS来加密数据。




1. HTTP-01验证,Certbot通过在Web服务器上创建临时文件来验证域名所有权。



2. DNS-01验证,这种方法要求你创建一个特定的DNS TXT记录,以证明你对该域名的控制权。

Certbot会向Let's Encrypt验证服务器发送一个特定的挑战,然后你需要手动在你的DNS服务器上添加相应的TXT记录,证明你对该域名的控制权。

3. TLS-ALPN-01验证,这种方法是通过在TLS握手过程中使用Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation(ALPN)扩展来验证域名所有权。





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December 11, 2008Weathering the Storm:Executive Compensation Decisionsin Unprecedented TimesSpeakersBruce Greenblatt Principal,Executive Remuneration bruce.greenblatt@Will FergusonWorldwide Partnerwill.ferguson@Today’s AgendaThe Environment Current Issues2009 and Beyond Crystal BallQuestionsThe EnvironmentThese are unprecedented times in the US . . .Depressed Stock MarketThe S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average have tumbled by 35-40% since the beginning of 2008Uncertain Labor MarketsEmployers slashed 533,000 jobs in November –the most in 34 years Unemployment rate at highest level in five yearsCompanies in TurmoilCollapse of large financial institutionsGovernment has intervened to protect hardest hit industries, including financial sector and Big Three automakersForecasts for 2009 performance have been revised downwards…and globallyInflation major concern in Europe, China, India, and emerging markets India and China GDP growth expected to slow relative to rapid growth over recent years–GDP growth in Europe projected to stagnate in 2009Consumer spending is being hurt worldwide–Rising dollar–InflationWeakened, unstable equity marketsLayoffs are occurring everywhereThe current environment has dramatic implications for rewards and talent programsEconomic conditions are wreaking havoc on 2008 performance versus established goals for annual and long-term incentive programsThe uncertain economy is creating issues with 2009 incentive program goal-settingDepressed stock prices are forcing a choice between dramatic increases in annual share usage and reductions in long-term incentive opportunity levels for 2009Current equity value for executives has significantly declined, loosening retention hooks and diminishing alignment to future performanceCurrent IssuesCurrent IssuesAs a result of the economic downturn, companies will need to address several issuesAnnual Incentives2008 payoutsProgram design, including measures and goal settingLong-term Incentives2008 payoutsCalibration of 2009 equity and long-term incentive awardsProgram design, including vehicle mix, measures and goal settingUnderwater options and reduced equity valuesExecutive TalentIdentify key talent and evaluate talent needs based on new business imperativesDifferentiate talent in rewards programsAnnual IncentivesA majority of companies expect below target 2008 incentivepayouts and are not expecting to adjust awardsMost companies are not expecting annual incentive programs to pay out above target for 2008–23%will be below threshold for 2008–40% expect to be between threshold and targetCompanies are not expecting to adjust awards–49%do not plan to adjust calculated payouts for any participants–7%are considering discretionary awards for all participants–21%are considering discretionary awards to select participants Despite the challenging economy, approximately one-third ofcompanies are anticipating performance above target for 2008,indicating that the environment varies by sector, and even by company Source: Mercer’s Annual and Long-term Incentive Survey: Decision 2009Mercer recommends the following framework when consideringannual incentive payouts for 2008;Step 1: Compare performance against goals in plan supplemented witha multi-perspective approach to provide more performance context:–Absolute–Relative–Shareholder;Step 2:Validate whether those payout levels are appropriate;Step 3:Based on payout that may be warranted under Step 1, determine where to allocate funds–Company-wide–Business unit–Individual;Step 4: Determine alternatives for appropriate rewards for key contributors if neededIn this environment, we recommend caution when considering senior executive discretionary awards.Many companies are considering changes to their annual incentive programs to account for uncertainty in 2009Source: Mercer’s Annual and Long-term Incentive Survey: Decision 2009n = 194-196Anticipated changes Planning to Implement/ConsideringNot ConsideringHave Not Addressed YetChange in the range of performance 44%44%12%Change in performance measures 42%47%11%Allow for increased discretion related to payouts31%57%13%Use of more absolute performance measures29%57%14%Use of more relative performance measures28%60%12%Mercer recommends reviewing annual incentive programdesign to assess the need for changes in 2009Consider performance measures–Companies may go “back to basics”and return the focus toprofitability–Portfolio approach based on performance within the company (e.g., fund based on business unit)–For 2009, others may focus executives on navigating successfullythrough the downturnConsider the range of performance targets–Companies may revisit their payout curves and create wider ranges from threshold to maximumReview of more relative performance measures–Use of relative measures allow companies to mitigate for some ofthe economic uncertaintyLong-term IncentivesNearly half of participants are considering adjustments to theirlong-term incentive grant guidelines for 2009Approximately one-half of companies plan either to reduce their 2009 equity guidelines or are still in the process of developing a definitive plan–Of those companies expecting to decrease their guidelines, themajority (62%) expect to decrease the levels by 10% -30%Early approaches to recalibration of guidelines include:–Manage to target 2009 run-rate (38%)–Based on historical stock price (27%)–Arbitrary fixed percentage reduction (19%)49%plan to maintain the level of opportunity provided under theirequity guidelines for 2009Actions are very situational and are in response to each company’s particular circumstancesSource: Mercer’s Annual and Long-term Incentive Survey: Decision 2009About two-thirds of companies are considering at least one change to their LTI programs for 2009Source: Mercer’s Annual and Long-term Incentive Survey: Decision 2009Anticipated Changes Planning to Implement/ConsideringNot ConsideringHave Not Addressed YetUse special retention awards45%42%12%More emphasis on service-vested full-value shares for participants below senior executives33%55%11%More emphasis on service-vested full-value shares for senior executives30%56%14%Reduce LTI participation29%62%9%Discontinue/decrease emphasis on stock options 26%62%12%Use more cash for LTI26%59%15%Discontinue/decrease emphasis on performance shares/units 19%66%15%Shift value from LTI to annual incentive12%76%13%n = 145 -190Companies also are considering changes to their performance equity/cash LTI programs for 2009n = 106Anticipated ChangesPlanning to Implement/ConsideringNot ConsideringHave Not Addressed YetChange in the range of performance 36%46%18%Change in performance measures30%55%15%Use of more absolute performance measures 23%62%15%Use of more relative performance measures 21%64%16%Allow for increased discretion related to payouts 13%71%16%Move to shorter performance periods9%73%18%Source: Mercer’s Annual and Long-term Incentive Survey: Decision 2009•Economic run-rate •Total share usage and plan capacity •Shareholder and advisory guidelinesWe recommend that companies evaluate a range of factors to determine the best course of action related 2009 grant magnitude and vehicle mix –there is no “one-size fits all”approach•Retention value of outstanding awards •Differentiation of critical talent•Employee engagement•Impact of theeconomic environment on company and industry•Financial expense •Relative impact on peer share prices and their potential actionsEmployee PerspectiveCompany PerspectiveShareholder PerspectiveUnderwater Stock OptionsUnderwater stock options are a prevalent issue90%of companies have at least one tranche of underwater stock optionsOf those companies with underwater stock options, on average, 85% of the stock options granted to the named executive officers over the last 3 years are underwaterFor approximately 60%of companies, 100%of their stock options granted over the past three years are underwaterOn average, the stock option awards are 40% underwater –Approximately 15%of the companies have stock options that are on average 70%underwaterSource: Mercer’s 350 Core Research Companies. Data extracted from proxy disclosures and Standard and Poor’s Research Insight Database. Share prices as of October 31, 2008.Underwater Stock Options Approximately 45% of companies surveyed are taking a “wait and see” approach related to underwater stock optionsDo you plan to take any action related to underwater stock options, such as repricing, option exchange or special retention awards?Yes we plan to take action. 3% Uncertain 20% No, we do not plan to take action at this time but will consider later. 26%Long-term Incentivesn = 152No, we have decided not to take action and will not consider in the future. 51%Source: Mercer’s Annual and Long-term Incentive Survey: Decision 2009Mercer 20Underwater Stock Options While underwater options impact employee motivation and retention, taking action has risks so companies should carefully assess their situation From a company’s perspective, outstanding options may no longer provide meaningful incentive or retention value, while the company incurs significant expense However, there are a number of hurdles, including potentially difficult optics, shareholder approval and disclosure for a repricing/exchange We expect repricing and exchange activity will be very limited. Companies should consider the following when examining their situation: – Degree to which stock options are underwater – Duration of options being underwater – Remaining term of option and potential for recovery – Shareholder and employee optics – Employees impacted and potential alternatives (LTI program mix, selective retention strategies)MercerLong-term Incentives21Executive TalentExecutive Talent No incentive payouts, equity with little or no value…what can companies do to keep their top talent? Recognize that top talent has choices whatever the market conditions – and has expectations for career progression and differentiated rewardsTalentKnow your talent – evaluate talent needs and retention risks based on new business imperatives and focus on differentiation Communicate with and engage employees – Be clear and direct about the company’s situation and impact on rewards – Emphasize the total value proposition that the firm offers to employees – Convey key messages about performance differentiation and alignment with pay – Have a transparent process for performance evaluation and reward determinationMercer 232009 and Beyond2009 and Beyond Companies may want to consider conducting a comprehensive review of incentive programs in 2009 Account for the impact of the new business environment Ensure the plans are aligned with changes in strategy and future talent needs Look across all plans, not just individually but in the aggregate Ensure that there is balance among metrics, time horizons, and vehicles Evaluate the outcomes of the plans: is there alignment between pay and future performance? Are the plans encouraging appropriate levels of risk taking?The following pages illustrate five steps for reviewing incentive programs The following pages illustrate five steps for reviewing incentive programsMercer252009 and Beyond Step 1: Measures Consider balance of profitability, growth, efficiency and shareholder return measures – Drive value creation & support business strategy Consider balance of absolute and relative measures – Is your peer group still valid for relative comparison? Consider balance of time horizons: short, mid- and long-termAnnual Incentive Plan Growth Profitability Efficiency Shareholder experience Absolute Measure Relative Measure Time Horizon ShortFo r il lus tra tioOption PlanPerformance Share Plannp urp ose son lyMidLongMercer262009 and Beyond Step 2: Target Setting Assess difficulty in attaining goals Uncertain economic conditions will make goal setting difficult Consider a multi-perspective approach to goal setting that incorporates internal (e.g., budget) and external (e.g., analyst expectations) considerations Typical inputs into the goal-setting process such as historical company and peer performance may not be as relevant over the next several yearsMercer272009 and Beyond Step 3: Calibration of pay to performance Test probable & extreme performance outcomes Is the amount you will pay reasonable in light of the performance? How much is being shared? Compared to the return shareholders would receive? As a percentage of profits? Compared to peer norms? What is the probability of payout at different performance points?Sharing Ratio of STI Payouts and % of Net Income 100% 90% 80% Net Income (%) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% STI Payout (% of Target)Forillus trati on p urpo s esonlyMercer282009 and Beyond Step 4: Vehicle Mix Is there an appropriate balance between cash and equity in your incentive plans? Is your equity program appropriately balanced among types of vehicles to best achieve your strategy? – Look at: performance focus, employee perception of value, shareholder concerns, retention impact, number of shares needed, accounting costImmediate objectives VehicleShare Options An option with an exercise price per share not less than the market price at grant, or a right to the increase in value of a shareFo r il lus tra tio• • • • • • •AdvantagesDisadvantagesProvides reward based on performance improvement after grant Direct link to shareholder value Vesting can be dependent on performance measures• • • •Performance Shares The right to receive shares subject to performance conditions being achievedGood alignment with shareholder value Balances internal and external goals Retains some reward value in falling market Sliding performance / vesting scale encourages continued efforts to improve performancenp urp ose s• • •A nil-cost one-way bet for participants Dilutive if new shares are issued May not act to incentivise or retain staff if share price is volatile or depressed Past Company experience may lead individuals to discount the value of optionsSetting long-term performance targets is challengingon lyRestricted Shares A conditional award of a share or unit with vesting based on time only Mandatory Bonus Deferral Portion of bonus deferred with vesting based on service and possibly performance, which may have a premium/matching award; may be delivered in restricted shares, RSUs or cash• • • • • • • •Simplest approach Assists retention Encourages share ownership Retains some reward value in falling market Increases retention effect through deferral of bonus Expands timeframe over which quality of performance results can be judged Strengthens alignment with shareholders Performance/vesting scale can encourage longer-term thinking in current performanceNo link to future performance Less alignment with shareholder value• • •May cause confusion between short-term and long-term incentive Relies on bonus deferral threshold being attained every year May be seen as a ‘take away’ from bonusAddresses objectives less wellAddresses objectives betterMercerOngoing objectives292009 and BeyondStep 5: Impact on excessive risk takingMeasures and payout ranges should not encourage excessive risk taking –steep payout curves should be moderated and uncapped plans should be evaluatedFactors to be considered:–Economic value created–Sustainability of results–Relative performance–Rolling timeframes rather than only annual–Balance of annual, intermediate and long-term–Appropriate evaluation by employee level and role–Alignment with internal controlsConsider design features that could help mitigate short-term risk taking over long-term decisions:–Balance structure with discretion in evaluating performance–Add sustained performance feature–Require holding of acquired shares for a specified timeCrystal BallCrystal BallFinancial institution constraints (for companies taking advantage of EESA relief programs) may influence future regulatory initiatives and governance–Golden parachute payments–Tax deductibility of top senior executive officer pay–Compensation clawbacks–Incentive programs that encourage excessive risk takingGreater differentiation of key talentRebalancing of fixed versus variable pay may occurLong-term incentive grant values will decline; use of cash may increaseIncrease in shareholder presence –pressing for transparency of how decisions support aligning pay with performanceTo Submit QuestionsTo submit a question while infull screen mode, use the Q&Abutton on the bottom right-handside of your screen.To submit a question while in halfscreen mode, use the Q&A panelon the bottom right-hand side ofyour screen. For further information, please visit our on-line library of Executive Remuneration Perspective articles at/perspectiveWill Ferguson will.ferguson@ Bruce Greenblattbruce.greenblatt@Principal,Executive Remunerationbruce.greenblatt@Worldwide Partner will.ferguson@。
