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Step I课前热身:

Dear Wang Peng,

After reading your letter, I know that you are worried about losing your friends. You used to have lots of ___36____,but you stopped talking to them after you made friends with Li Hua, who __37___ your class a few months ago. Now Li Hua has moved to another city, and you have no friends __38____ your old friends think you were mean to them.

As we all know, it is not easy being new, and it was nice of you to be so_39___ to Li Hua. You did the__40__ thing when you made friends with him. However, it was not such a good idea for you to__41__ talking to your old friends. What happened is in the past, and there is no need to ___42_ this now. I suggest that you talk to your old friends first instead of waiting for them to talk to you. At an appropriate time, tell them you are sorry and give them a(n) __43___ for your actions. They will be happy to see that you ___44___ value them.

You have learnt a valuable__45__ in life, make new friends but keep the old ones.

Yours aunt

36. A. friends B. classmates C. students D. teachers

37. A. ran B. joined C. taught D. missed

38. A. before B. until C. because D. though

39. A. friendly B. cold C. thankful D. mean

40. A. wrong B. silly C. same D. right

41. A. enjoy B. stop C. start D. continue

42. A. listen to B. laugh at C. look into D. think about

43. A. explanation B. suggestion C. excuse D. choice

44. A. never B. ever C. still D. once

45. A. story B. lesson C. opinion D. plan

Step II 命题方向

Step III 解题策略


Last summer Mike found a swimming 1 near his house. The lessons did not cost very much.

1. A. park B. school C. farm D. factory

You shake your head, and people know you are saying “ 2 ”.

2. A. OK B. No C. Well D. Sorry


…And they took hold of it, one each side. They walked _3__ with the heavy basket, but happily.

3. A. weakly B. quickly C. slowly D. quietly

Some of us are _4_while others are quiet.

4. A. outgoing B. shy C. serious D. silent


My mom always 5, “To make progress is important.”

5. A. says B. tells C. speaks D. asks

Building a house is an operation(行为)which costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you plan to build a house, your first step is to find a suitable piece of 6 . You will probably try to find a sunny place, in a pleasant situation, near stores and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work.

6. A. floor B. place C. land D. playground


It’s true that we don’t know _7_ we’ve got until we lose it, and it’s also…

7. A. when B. what C. why D. where

From that day on, Mrs. Tippett was even more strict with __8_ and gave me more help.

8. A. them B. her C. us D. me


I was really 9 because it was the first time I had taken part in any competition. Thinking that I might be lucky again, I tried joining in other art competitions.

9. A. sorry B. active C. lucky D. nervous


The most positive(乐观) person I have ever seen is my dad!

… Even though I’m not always a good kid, my dad never shouts or gets angry with me. I know that he’s 10 a day –a day when I grow up and understand things in my life. … And he believes that whatever happens , it is under control. So we have nothing to worry about. Be positive!

10. A. looking for B. worrying about C. waiting for D. thinking about
