







⼗六进制:⼗六进制的格式为W#16#,W代表WORD,表⽰数据长度为16位,#16#表⽰⼗六进制,数据取值范围为W#16#0~W #16#FFFF。


BCD 码是⽤4位⼆进制表⽰1位⼗进制数,4位⼆进制中的0000~1001组合分别表⽰⼗进制中的0~9,4位⼆进制中的1010~1111组合放弃不⽤。



⽆符号⼗进制数:⽆符号⼗进制数的格式为B#(×,×),取值范围为B#(0,0)~B#(255,255),⽆符号⼗进制数是⽤⼗进制的0~255对应⼆进制数中的0000_0000~1111_1111(8位),16位⼆进制数就需要两个0~255的数来表⽰,例如:B#(12,254)=2#0000_1100_1111_111012 254上⾯4种数据都是描述⼀个长度位16位的⼆进制数,⽆论你使⽤哪种⽅式都可以。

例如,如果想得到⼆进制数0000100110000111,可以使⽤2#0000_1001_1000_0111,也可以使⽤W#16#987,还可以使⽤C #987或者B#(9,135)。



第五章应用指令5.1 数据传送指令5-15.1.1 MOV, MOVP, DMOV, DMOVP ..................................................... 5-15.1.2 CMOV, CMOVP, DCMOV, DCMOVP .......................................... 5-35.1.3 GMOV, GMOVP .................................................................................. 5-65.1.4 FMOV, FMOVP ................................................................................... 5-85.1.5 BMOV, BMOVP ................................................................................ 5-10 5.2 转换指令5-125.1.1 BCD, BCDP, DBCD, DBCDP ......................................................... 5-125.2.2 BIN, BINP, DBIN, DBINP .............................................................. 5-15 5.3 比拟指令5-185.3.1 CMP, CMPP, DCMP, DCMPP ...................................................... 5-185.3.2 TCMP, TCMPP, DTCMP, DTCMPP .............................................. 5-225.3.3 LD ( =, >, <, >=, <=, <> ) ..................................................... 5-245.3.4 AND ( =, >, <, >=, <=, <>) ................................................... 5-255.3.5 OR ( =, >, <, >=, <=, <>) ...................................................... 5-27 5.4 增加/减少运算5-295.4.1 INC, INCP, DINC, DINCP ............................................................. 5-295.4.2 DEC, DECP, DDEC, DDECP .......................................................... 5-31 5.5 回转指令5-345.5.1 ROL, ROLP, DROL, DROLP .......................................................... 5-345.5.2 ROR, RORP, DROR, DRORP ....................................................... 5-375.5.3 RCL, RCLP, DRCL, DRCLP ............................................................ 5-395.5.4 RCR, RCRP, DRCR, DRCRP .......................................................... 5-425.6 移位指令5-445.6.1 BSFT, BSFTP ...................................................................................... 5-445.6.2 WSFT, WSFTP ................................................................................... 5-465.6.3 SR.......................................................................................................... 5-48 5.7 交换指令5-515.7.1 XCHG, XCHGP, DXCHG, DXCHGP ............................................ 5-51 5.8 BIN 算术指令5-535.8.1 ADD, ADDP, DADD, DADDP ...................................................... 5-535.8.2 SUB, SUBP, DSUB, DSUBP .......................................................... 5-555.8.3 MUL, MULP, DMUL, DMULP ..................................................... 5-575.8.4 MULS, MULSP, DMULS, DMULSP ............................................ 5-605.8.5 DIV, DIVP, DDIV, DDIVP ............................................................... 5-635.8.6 DIVS, DIVSP, DDIVS, DDIVSP .................................................... 5-65 5.9 BCD算术指令5-685.9.1 ADDB, ADDBP, DADDB, DADDBP ........................................... 5-685.9.2 SUBB, SUBBP, DSUBB, DSUBBP ................................................ 5-705.9.3 MULB, MULBP, DMULB, DMULBP ........................................... 5-745.9.4 DIVB, DIVBP, DDIVB, DDIVBP ................................................... 5-76 5.10 逻辑算术指令5-795.10.1 WAND, WANDP, DWAND, DWANDP ..................................... 5-795.10.2 WOR, WORP, DWOR, DWORP ................................................. 5-825.10.3 WXOR, WXORP, DWXOR, DWXORP ....................................... 5-845.10.4 WXNR, WXNRP, DWXNR, DWXNRP ...................................... 5-86 5.11 数据处理指令5-885.11.1 SEG, SEGP ......................................................................................... 5-895.11.2 ASC, ASCP ......................................................................................... 5-925.11.3 BSUM, BSUMP, DBSUM, DBSUMP .......................................... 5-945.11.4 ENCO, ENCOP .................................................................................. 5-975.11.5 DECO, DECOP ................................................................................ 5-1005.11.6 FILR, FILRP, DFILR, DFILRP ....................................................... 5-1025.11.7 FILW, FILWP, DFILW, DFILWP .................................................. 5-1055.11.8 DIS, DISP ......................................................................................... 5-1075.11.9 UNI, UNIP ........................................................................................ 5-1105.11.10 IORF, IORFP .................................................................................... 5-112 5.12 系统指令5-1145.12.1 FALS ................................................................................................... 5-1145.12.2 DUTY ................................................................................................. 5-1155.12.3 WDT, WDTP .................................................................................... 5-1185.12.4 OUTOFF ............................................................................................ 5-1205.12.5 STOP .................................................................................................. 5-121 5.13 跳转指令5-1225.13.1 JMP, JME .......................................................................................... 5-1225.13.2 CALL, CALLP, SBRT, RET ............................................................ 5-124 5.14 循环指令5-1265.14.1 FOR, NEXT ...................................................................................... 5-1275.14.2 BREAK ............................................................................................... 5-128 5.15 标志指令5-1295.15.1 STC, CLC ........................................................................................... 5-1295.15.2 CLE ..................................................................................................... 5-131 5.16 特殊模块指令5-1325.16.1 GET, GETP ........................................................................................ 5-1335.16.2 PUT, PUTP ....................................................................................... 5-135 5.17 数据连接指令5-1375.17.1 READ ................................................................................................. 5-1385.17.2 WRITE ................................................................................................ 5-1415.17.3 RGET .................................................................................................. 5-1435.17.4 RPUT .................................................................................................. 5-1475.17.5 STATUS .............................................................................................. 5-150 5.18 中断指令5-1525.18.1 EI, DI .................................................................................................. 5-1525.18.2 TDINT, IRET ..................................................................................... 5-1535.18.3 INT, IRET .......................................................................................... 5-1555.19 符号反转指令5-1565.19.1 NEG, NEGP, DNEG, DNEGP...................................................... 5-156 5.20 位接触指令5-1595.20.1 BLD, BLDN ....................................................................................... 5-1595.20.2 BAND, BANDN .............................................................................. 5-1605.20.3 BOR, BORN ..................................................................................... 5-1615.20.4 BOUT ................................................................................................. 5-1635.20.5 BSET, BRST ...................................................................................... 5-164 5.21 计算机连接模块指令5-1655.21.1 SND .................................................................................................... 5-1655.21.2 RCV .................................................................................................... 5-166 5.22 高速计数器指令5-1675.22.1 HST ..................................................................................................... 5-1675.22.2 HSC .................................................................................................... 5-170 5.23 RS-485 通讯指令5-1715.23.1 RECV .................................................................................................. 5-1725.23.2 SEND ................................................................................................. 5-1735应用指令5.1.1MOV, MOVP, DMOV, DMOVP1)功能-MOV(P) : 传送在[ S ]中的16位数据至指定的设备[ D ].16 位- DMOV(P) : 传送在指定设备[ S+1, S ]中的32位数据到指定的设备[ D+1, D ].-2) 编程举例在P020检测到一个上升沿,‘h70F3’被传送到P04。




正确答案:解:X=1×+1×+1×+1×+1×+=-8332、写出⼗进制数 -5的IEEE754编码。

正确答案:解:-5D=-101B 在IEEE754规范中规格化表⽰应该为1.01×22,e=127+2=129 则IEEE754规范编码为:1100000010100000000000000000000033、已知X和Y, ⽤变形补码计算X-Y, 同时指出运算结果是否溢出。

(1) X=0.11011 Y= -0.11111 (2) X=0.10111 Y=0.11011 (3) X=0.11011 Y=-0.10011正确答案:解:(1)先写出x和y的变形补码,再计算它们的差[x]补=00.11011[y]补=11.00001[-y]补=00.11111 [x-y]补=[x]补+[-y]补=00.11011+00.11111=01.11010 ∵运算结果双符号不相等∴为正溢出 X-Y=+1.1101B先写出x和y的变形补码,再计算它们的差 [x]补=00.10111[y]补=00.11011[-y]补=11.00101 [x-y]补=00.10111+11.00101=11.11100 ∴x-y=-0.001B⽆溢出(3)先写出x和y的变形补码,再计算它们的差 [x]补=00.11011[y]补=11.01101[-y]补=00.10011 [x-y]补=[x]补+[-y]补=00.11011+00.10011=01.01110 ∵运算结果双符号不相等∴为正溢出 X-Y=+1.0111B34、已知X和Y, ⽤变形补码计算X+Y, 同时指出运算结果是否溢出。

(1)X=0.11011 Y=0.00011 (2)X= 0.11011 Y= -0.10101 (3)X=-0.10110 Y=-0.00001正确答案:解:(1)先写出x和y的变形补码再计算它们的和 [x]补=00.11011[y]补=00.00011 [x+y]补=[x]补+[y]补=00.11011+00.00011=0.11110 ∴x+y=0.1111B⽆溢出。


Linear Algebra and its Applications 439 (2013) 2479–2493
Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect
Linear Algebra and its Applications
where i = 1, . . . , n. Then we have |x| = T z x, where z = sign x ∈ Y n . For a given interval matrix A = [ A c − A , A c + A ] ∈ IRm×n , and for each vector y ∈ Y m and each vector z ∈ Y n , we introduce the matrices
b ,
where b, b ∈ R , and b b . The set of all m-by-n interval matrices will be denoted by IRm×n and the set of all m-dimensional interval vectors by IRm . Denote by A c and A the center and radius matrices given by
Ac =
1 2 1 2
( A + A ),
= ( A − A ),
respectively. Then A = [ A c − A , A c + A ]. Similarly, the center and radius vectors are defined as



最全ASCII码对照表Bin Dec Hex 缩写/字符解释0000 0000 0 00 NUL (null) 空字符0000 0001 1 01 SOH (start of handing) 标题开始0000 0010 2 02 STX (start of text) 正文开始0000 0011 3 03 ETX (end of text) 正文结束0000 0100 4 04 EOT (end of transmission) 传输结束0000 0101 5 05 ENQ (enquiry) 请求0000 0110 6 06 ACK (acknowledge) 收到通知0000 0111 7 07 BEL (bell) 响铃0000 1000 8 08 BS (backspace) 退格0000 1001 9 09 HT (horizontal tab) 水平制表符0000 1010 10 0A LF (NL line feed, new line) 换行键0000 1011 11 0B VT (vertical tab) 垂直制表符0000 1100 12 0C FF (NP form feed, new page) 换页键0000 1101 13 0D CR (carriage return) 回车键0000 1110 14 0E SO (shift out) 不用切换0000 1111 15 0F SI (shift in) 启用切换0001 0000 16 10 DLE (data link escape) 数据链路转义0001 0001 17 11 DC1 (device control 1) 设备控制1 0001 0010 18 12 DC2 (device control 2) 设备控制2 0001 0011 19 13 DC3 (device control 3) 设备控制3 0001 0100 20 14 DC4 (device control 4) 设备控制4 0001 0101 21 15 NAK (negative acknowledge) 拒绝接收0001 0110 22 16 SYN (synchronous idle) 同步空闲0001 0111 23 17 ETB (end of trans. block) 传输块结束0001 1000 24 18 CAN (cancel) 取消0001 1001 25 19 EM (end of medium) 介质中断0001 1010 26 1A SUB (substitute) 替补0001 1011 27 1B ESC (escape) 溢出0001 1100 28 1C FS (file separator) 文件分割符0001 1101 29 1D GS (group separator) 分组符0001 1110 30 1E RS (record separator) 记录分离符0001 1111 31 1F US (unit separator) 单元分隔符0010 0000 32 20 空格0010 0001 33 21 !0010 0010 34 22 "0010 0011 35 23 #0010 0100 36 24 $0010 0101 37 25 %0010 0110 38 26 &0010 0111 39 27 "0010 1001 41 29 ) 0010 1010 42 2A * 0010 1011 43 2B + 0010 1100 44 2C , 0010 1101 45 2D - 0010 1110 46 2E . 0010 1111 47 2F / 0011 0000 48 30 0 0011 0001 49 31 1 0011 0010 50 32 2 0011 0011 51 33 3 0011 0100 52 34 4 0011 0101 53 35 5 0011 0110 54 36 6 0011 0111 55 37 7 0011 1000 56 38 8 0011 1001 57 39 9 0011 1010 58 3A : 0011 1011 59 3B ; 0011 1100 60 3C < 0011 1101 61 3D = 0011 1110 62 3E > 0011 1111 63 3F ? 0100 0000 64 40 @0100 0001 65 41 A 0100 0010 66 42 B 0100 0011 67 43 C 0100 0100 68 44 D 0100 0101 69 45 E 0100 0110 70 46 F 0100 0111 71 47 G 0100 1000 72 48 H 0100 1001 73 49 I 0100 1010 74 4A J 0100 1011 75 4B K 0100 1100 76 4C L 0100 1101 77 4D M 0100 1110 78 4E N 0100 1111 79 4F O 0101 0000 80 50 P 0101 0001 81 51 Q 0101 0010 82 52 R0101 0100 84 54 T 0101 0101 85 55 U 0101 0110 86 56 V 0101 0111 87 57 W 0101 1000 88 58 X 0101 1001 89 59 Y 0101 1010 90 5A Z 0101 1011 91 5B [ 0101 1100 92 5C \ 0101 1101 93 5D ] 0101 1110 94 5E ^ 0101 1111 95 5F _ 0110 0000 96 60 `0110 0001 97 61 a 0110 0010 98 62 b 0110 0011 99 63 c 0110 0100 100 64 d 0110 0101 101 65 e 0110 0110 102 66 f 0110 0111 103 67 g 0110 1000 104 68 h 0110 1001 105 69 i 0110 1010 106 6A j 0110 1011 107 6B k 0110 1100 108 6C l 0110 1101 109 6D m 0110 1110 110 6E n 0110 1111 111 6F o 0111 0000 112 70 p 0111 0001 113 71 q 0111 0010 114 72 r 0111 0011 115 73 s 0111 0100 116 74 t 0111 0101 117 75 u 0111 0110 118 76 v 0111 0111 119 77 w 0111 1000 120 78 x 0111 1001 121 79 y 0111 1010 122 7A z 0111 1011 123 7B { 0111 1100 124 7C | 0111 1101 125 7D }0111 1111 127 7F DEL (delete) 删除ESC键VK_ESCAPE (27)回车键:VK_RETURN (13)TAB键:VK_TAB (9)Caps Lock键:VK_CAPITAL (20)Shift键:VK_SHIFT ()Ctrl键:VK_CONTROL (17)Alt键:VK_MENU (18)空格键:VK_SPACE (/32)退格键:VK_BACK (8)左徽标键:VK_LWIN (91)右徽标键:VK_LWIN (92)鼠标右键快捷键:VK_APPS (93)Insert键:VK_INSERT (45)Home键:VK_HOME (36)Page Up:VK_PRIOR (33)PageDown:VK_NEXT (34)End键:VK_END (35)Delete键:VK_DELETE (46)方向键(←):VK_LEFT (37)方向键(↑):VK_UP (38)方向键(→):VK_RIGHT (39)方向键(↓):VK_DOWN (40)F1键:VK_F1 (112)F2键:VK_F2 (113)F3键:VK_F3 (114)F4键:VK_F4 (115)F5键:VK_F5 (116)F6键:VK_F6 (117)F7键:VK_F7 (118)F8键:VK_F8 (119)F9键:VK_F9 (120)F10键:VK_F10 (121)F11键:VK_F11 (122)F12键:VK_F12 (123)Num Lock键:VK_NUMLOCK (144)小键盘0:VK_NUMPAD0 (96)小键盘1:VK_NUMPAD0 (97)小键盘2:VK_NUMPAD0 (98)小键盘3:VK_NUMPAD0 (99)小键盘4:VK_NUMPAD0 (100)小键盘5:VK_NUMPAD0 (101)小键盘6:VK_NUMPAD0 (102) 小键盘7:VK_NUMPAD0 (103) 小键盘8:VK_NUMPAD0 (104) 小键盘9:VK_NUMPAD0 (105) 小键盘.:VK_DECIMAL (110) 小键盘*:VK_MULTIPLY (106) 小键盘+:VK_MULTIPLY (107) 小键盘-:VK_SUBTRACT (109) 小键盘/:VK_DIVIDE (111) Pause Break键:VK_PAUSE (19) Scroll Lock键:VK_SCROLL (145)。



A first step towards identification of tannin-derived black carbon:Conventional pyrolysis (Py–GC–MS)and thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation (THM–GC–MS)of charred condensed tanninsJoeri Kaal a ,⇑,Klaas G.J.Nierop b ,Peter Kraal c ,Caroline M.Preston daInstituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (Incipit),Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC),San Roque 2,15704Santiago de Compostela,Spain bDepartment of Earth Sciences –Organic Geochemistry,Faculty of Geosciences,Utrecht University,P.O.Box 80021,3508TA Utrecht,The Netherlands cSouthern Cross GeoScience,Southern Cross University,P.O.Box 157,Lismore,2480New South Wales,Australia dPacific Forestry Centre,Natural Resources Canada,506West Burnside Rd.,Victoria,BC,Canada V8Z 1M5a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 5October 2011Received in revised form 13March 2012Accepted 26March 2012Available online 5April 2012a b s t r a c tTannins account for a significant proportion of plant biomass and are likely to contribute to the residues formed by incomplete biomass combustion (black carbon,BC).Nonetheless,the molecular properties of thermally modified tannins have not been investigated in laboratory charring experiments.We applied conventional analytical pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (Py–GC–MS)and thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation (THM–GC–MS)to investigate the effects of heat treatment with a muffle furnace on the properties of condensed tannins (CT)from Corsican pine (Pinus nigra )needles.Py–GC–MS showed a decrease in the relative abundance of the 1,2,3-trihydroxybenzenes (pyrogallols)at P 300°C and of the dihydroxybenzenes (mainly catechols)at P 350°C due to dehydroxylation of the CT B ring.Further dehydroxylation led to formation of monohydroxybenzenes (phenols),which showed a strong enrichment between 350and 400°C and,at higher temperatures,to a series of mono-cyclic and polycyclic aromatics [benzene,alkyl benzenes and polycondensed aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)].Degradation of the A ring could not be recognized via Py–GC–MS,probably because of the poor chromatographic behavior of 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzenes (phloroglucinols).The progressive dehydroxyla-tion and eventual polycondensation of the CT B ring was corroborated using THM–GC–MS.In addition,with THM–GC–MS the thermal rearrangement of CT A rings at 300°C and higher was inferred from the relative abundance of 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzenes (methylated phloroglucinol derivatives).These com-pounds were observed at moderate/high temperature (up to 450°C)and can not be produced from THM of lignin,suggesting that they may be markers of CT in natural BC samples.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionTannins are among the most abundant plant biopolymers,typ-ically comprising 10–25%of foliar mass (Kraus et al.,2003).In leaves,needles and bark,tannin content often exceeds that of lig-nin (Hernes and Hedges,2004)and it is also present in woody tis-sue (Rogge et al.,1998).Tannins are strong antioxidants with multiple ecosystem functions,such as defense against herbivores,metal mobilization,radical scavenging and regulation of nutrient dynamics by protein precipitation and suppression of microbial activity (Zucker,1983;Kennedy et al.,1996;Fierer et al.,2001).Tannins from terrestrial plants can be divided into two main groups:condensed tannins (CT)and hydrolyzable tannins.Con-densed tannins are oligomers and polymers based on flavan-3-ol monomers linked through covalent bonds (Fig.1).Within thegroup of CT,there is variation in the distribution of OH groups on the aromatic B ring,forming procyanidin and prodelphinidin CT (e.g.Khanbabaee and van Ree,2001).Each CT monomer con-tains up to six OH functionalities concentrated on the aromatic A and B rings (Fig.1).These aromatic OH groups,especially those in adjacent positions on the B ring,give rise to the exceptional reactivity of CT in the environment (Slabbert,1992).Despite the fact that tannins form a major component of plant biomass,they have often been ignored as a possible source of poly-phenolic substances in soil organic matter;these have commonly been ascribed to lignin (Filley et al.,2006).This is also the case for phenolic moieties in biomass burning residue (black carbon,BC)(Baldock and Smernik,2002;Krull et al.,2003),which are abundant in BC formed at low/moderate temperature (e.g.Knicker et al.,2005,2007;Rumpel et al.,2006).In the light of growing interest in BC or ‘biochar’,amendment programs for soil ameliora-tion and C sequestration (Lehmann et al.,2006;Jeffery et al.,2011),the possible effects of charred tannins on soil microbial and nutri-ent dynamics must be understood (Warnock et al.,2010),as they0146-6380/$-see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/geochem.2012.03.009Corresponding author.Tel.:+34881813588;fax:+34881813601.E-mail address:joeri.kaal@incipit.csic.es (J.Kaal).may be anticipated to be vastly different from that of charred lig-nin.This is not possible,however,as methodologies for identifying charred tannins are not available and the thermal degradation pathways of tannins are largely unknown.The thermal alteration of plant tissue has been investigated in numerous studies,as reviewed by e.g.González-Pérez et al.(2004)and Preston and Schmidt (2006).Pyrolysis–gas chromatog-raphy–mass spectrometry (Py–GC–MS)is one method that can provide information on the molecular properties of BC (De la Rosa et al.,2008;Kaal and Rumpel,2009;Kaal et al.,2009;Fabbri et al.,2012),despite the fact that pyrolysis itself is a heat-induced scission reaction and that secondary rearrangements generate structures that may resemble the pyrolysis products of BC (Saiz-Jiménez,1994;Wampler,1999).Pyrolysis is a relatively inex-pensive and rapid technique that has also proven of value for tan-nin characterization (Galletti et al.,1995).Flash heating in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH)is referred to as thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation (THM)or ther-mochemolysis.With THM,hydrolyzable bonds are cleaved and the resulting CO 2H and OH groups are transformed in situ to the corre-sponding methyl esters and methyl ethers,respectively (Challinor,2001;Hatcher et al.,2001;Shadkami and Helleur,2010),which are more amenable to GC than their underivatized counterparts.As such,THM–GC–MS provides additional information on tannin structure through detection of derivatized polyfunctionalized A and B rings (Nierop et al.,2005).In the present study the thermal degradation of CT was studied using laboratory charring experiments followed by characteriza-tion with Py–GC–MS and THM–GC–MS.The aim was to provide guidelines for the identification of CT-derived BC and identify the molecular changes as a function of charring temperature.2.Material and methodsCondensed tannins were isolated from Corsican pine (Pinus ni-gra var.maritima )needles from the coastal dunes in The Nether-lands (52°2004500N,4°3105700E)using the scheme proposed by Preston (1999)and described in detail by Nierop et al.(2005,2006).The CT were completely isolated from other components and had a prodelphinidin:procyanidin ratio of 2:1and average chain length of 6.6(Nierop et al.,2005).It has been used in various studies (Kaal et al.,2005;Nierop et al.,2006;Kraal et al.,2009).For the charring experiments,ca.200mg of CT were double wrapped in Al foil to simulate limited O 2availability during wild-fires.The samples were placed (30min)in a preheated muffle fur-nace at temperatures (T CHAR )from 200°C to 600°C.Similar experiments have been performed by Turney et al.(2006),Hall et al.(2008)and Wiesenberg et al.(2009).Weight loss was deter-mined gravimetrically before and after charring.C and H contents were determined by way of combustion using a LECO carbon ana-lyzer (model CHN-1000).Uncharred CT was used as a control.Py–GC–MS was performed in duplicate using a Pt filament coil probe Pyroprobe 5000pyrolyzer (CDS Analytical,Oxford,USA).Approximately 1–1.5mg sample was embedded in quartz tubes using glass wool.Pyrolysis was applied at 750°C for 10s (heating rate 10°C/ms).The method produces limited artificial charring during pyrolysis and a relatively high proportion of pyrolyzable biomass in comparison with pyrolysis at lower temperatures (Pastorova et al.,1994;Kaal et al.,2009;Song and Peng,2010).The pyrolysis interface was coupled to a 6890N GC instrument and 5975MSD (Agilent Technologies,Palo Alto,USA).The pyrolysis interface and GC inlet (split ratio 1:20)were set at 325°C.The GC instrument was equipped with a (non-polar)HP-5MS 5%phenyl,95%dimethylpolysiloxane column (30m Â0.25mm i.d.;film thickness 0.25l m)and He was the carrier gas (constant flow 1ml/min).The GC oven was heated from 50to 325°C (held 10min)at 20°C/min.The GC–MS transfer line was held at 270°C,the ion source (electron impact mode,70eV)at 230°C and the quadrupole detector at 150°C scanning a range between m /z 50and 500.Peak areas of the pyrolysis products were obtained from one or two characteristic or dominant fragment ions,the sum of which (total quantified peak area;TQPA)was set as 100%.Relative contributions of the pyrolysis products were calculated as %of TQPA.This is a semi-quantitative exercise that allows better comparison between samples than visual inspection of pyrolysis chromatograms alone.Benzofuran and styrene could not be quantified because of co-elution with contaminants.For THM–GC–MS,samples were pressed onto Curie-Point wires,after which a droplet of a 25%solution of TMAH in water was added,prior to drying under a 100W halogen lamp.THM was car-ried out using a Horizon Instruments Curie-Point pyrolyzer.Sam-ples were heated for 5s at 600°C.The pyrolysis unit was connected to a Carlo Erba GC8060furnished with a fused silica col-umn (Varian,25m Â0.25mm i.d.)coated with CP-Sil 5(film thick-ness 0.40l m).He was the carrier gas.The oven temperature program was:40°C (1min)to 200°C at 7°C/min and then to 320°C (held 5min)at 20°C/min.The column was coupled to a Fi-sons MD800MS instrument (m /z 45–650,ionization energy 70eV,cycle time 0.7s).Like Py–GC–MS,the relative contributions of the THM products were calculated as relative contributions to TQPA using 1–2dominant fragment ions.Benzene and toluene were not detected because they co-eluted with trimethylamine,the main side product of TMAH-based THM (Challinor,2001),i.e.with-in the solvent delay period (3min).Py–GC–MS and THM–GC–MS results were analyzed via princi-pal component analysis (PCA)to illustrate the major effects of heating on the pyrolysis and THM fingerprints,respectively,using SPSS 13.0.3.Results and discussion3.1.Weight loss and elemental compositionWeight loss from CT increased from 17%at T CHAR 200°C towards 56%at T CHAR 600°C (Table 1).The CT C content increased from 51%to 81%with increasing T CHAR .The atomic H/C ratio of the samples declined from 1.2to 0.6with increasing T CHAR ,reflecting loss of functional groups and formation of fused aromatic clusters through condensation (Braadbaart et al.,2004).Model structure of a condensed tannin oligomer;procyanidin,prodelphinidin,R =OH.47(2012)99–108chromatograms of uncharred(control)and charred(200–600°C)CT,from Py–GC–MS.Relative peak intensity vs.retention time3.2.Charred condensed tannin composition:Py–GC–MSPy–GC–MS total ion chromatograms are depicted in Fig.2.Total quantified peak area (Table 1),a rough measure of signal intensity,decreased with increasing T CHAR .This can be explained by the for-mation of non-pyrolyzable structures upon charring,probably through the formation of polycondensed aromatic clusters stable under pyrolysis conditions.However,this does not imply that the results from the high temperature chars should be dismissed for representing only a small and relatively volatilefraction:a more appropriate interpretation is that the samples consist largely of non-pyrolyzable fused aromatic clusters,corroborated by the dom-inant pyrolysis products of such samples (benzene and PAHs;see below)and lack of pyrolysis products from less intensely charred structures.The major pyrolysis products are listed in sponding retention times,fragment ions used and relative proportions.Products were structure,in particular the hydroxylation between benzenes (benzene and alkyl (with one OH),dihydroxybenzenes (DHB),(THB)and other compounds.The DHB are while the THB are based on pyrogallol moieties exclusively from prodelphinidin B rings.The uncharred CT isolate produced mainly pyrolysis (Table 2;Fig.3),which originate from prodelphinidin B rings,respectively.In contrast delphinidin:procyanidin ratio determined et al.,2005),the DHB were more abundant may be explained by way of the poor ‘‘visibility’’a non-polar GC column.The high proportion of and 4-methylpyrogallol points to scission of the the heterocyclic pyran C ring (Fig.1),which has sociation energy than the aromatic A and B acetone and acetic acid may represent the after pyrolysis.Products from the A ring were may be explained by the poor chromatographic rivatized 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene principal pyrolysis product from the A ring (The lack of unambiguous A ring markers implies that Py–GC–MS cannot be used to study the degradation of the predominantly C-4/C-8and C-4/C-6intermonomeric linkages (Fig.1),and thus to investigate CT depolymerization.Some methoxyphenols (guaiacol and 4-vinylguaiacol)and catechol carbonate were detected.The guaiacols are commonly attributed to lignin and its derivatives (e.g.Kögel-Knabner,2002),but here they might alternatively orig-inate from C ring fission in CT (Galletti et al.,1995).The possibility of tannins as a source of the guaiacols is supported by the absence of resonances from methoxyphenols in liquid-state 13C NMR tra (Nierop et al.,2005)and guaiacols bearing a C 3side chain pyrolyzate,which should be detectable if residual lignin was ent in the fresh needle isolate (Saiz-Jiménez and de Leeuw,The results for uncharred CT were in good agreement with earlier pyrolysis experiments with tannin,catechin and gallocate-Relative proportion (TQPA)of pyrolysis product groups from CT vs.charring temperature (200–600°C);0°C,control (uncharred CT);THB,trihydroxybenzene;dihydroxybenzene;PAH,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.Error bars reflect standard error of mean of two replicates.Note differences in y -axis scaling.Pyrolysis products plotted in PC1–PC2space (PCA).THB,trihydroxybenzene;dihydroxybenzene;PAH,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.Arrow indicates trend in pyrolysis patterns with increasing charring temperature.The sample charred at200°C gave a pyrogram similar to that of uncharred CT,indicating limited thermal rearrangement at this temperature(Fig.2).At T CHAR300°C,the proportion of THB de-creased from ca.20%to ca.5%of the TQPA,while the proportion of DHB increased towards ca.70%(Fig.3).This reflects elimination of one OH from the prodelphinidin B ring during charring,causing a relative increase in the contribution of DHB to the pyrolyzate. Thus,the presence of DHB in pyrolyzates does not necessarily indi-cate the presence of uncharred CT.This sheds new light on results from previous studies(Quénéa et al.,2005a,b)in which the pres-ence of DHB in the pyrolyzate of BC-containing forest soil was interpreted as being from uncharred CT,whereas it may alterna-tively originate from CT-derived BC.A more drastic shift in pyro-lyzate composition occurred at T CHAR350°C:the relative abundance of DHB diminished,with a concomitant increase in phenols(from ca.10%to50%),as well as benzenes,PAH and other compounds(Fig.3).Also,the relative contribution of THB de-creased further.The results are indicative of strong B ring dehydr-oxylation at350°C.At T CHAR400°C,a further decrease in DHB contribution and increased relative abundance of benzenes and PAH were observed.The high biphenyl/naphthalene ratio may be specific for the pyrolyzate of CT-derived BC,as it is usually much lower in the pyrolyzate of char obtained from lignocellulose(Kaal et al.,2009).At T CHAR450°C,phenols decreased while the relative abundance of benzenes increased towards60%and that of PAHs to-wards10%,suggesting the loss of most of the OH groups from theB Fig.5.Total ion chromatograms of uncharred(control)and charred(200–600°C)CT,from THM–GC–MS.ring.The relatively weak signal for this sample (Table 1;Fig.2)sug-gested that a significant proportion of the CT was converted to non-pyrolyzable polycondensed aromatics.After charring at 600°C the phenolic pyrolysis products and the possible products of the C ring (acetylacetone,acetone and acetic acid)were absent,while the benzenes and PAH had increased to 75%and 20%,respec-tively (Fig.3).This combination constitutes a typical set of pyroly-sis products from strongly charred biomass (Kaal et al.,2009;Fabbri et al.,2012).The general trends for experimental charring of CT as deter-mined with Py–GC–MS became apparent with PCA.In Fig.4,the pyrolysis products are plotted in PC1–PC2space.PC1explained 62%of the total variance and PC222%.PC1and PC2reflect the same process however,namely thermally-induced dehydroxylation:benzenes and PAH had positive loadings on PC1(recording increas-ing abundance with increasing T CHAR )while DHB and THB had neg-ative loadings (compounds showing an opposite trend of decreasing abundance with increasing T CHAR ).PC2separated the phenols from the other pyrolysis products:the phenols had a small contribution to the pyrolyzate at the lower and highest tempera-tures,while they dominated the pyrolyzates of the samples charred between 350and 400°C.The arrow in Fig.4represents the dehydroxylation pathway of CT with increasing T CHAR .The pro-cess is reflected in the THB/DHB,DHB/phenol and phenol/benzene ratios (not shown),which decreased significantly with increasing T CHAR (P <0.001for all ratios).Under the experimental conditions of the present study,the thermal modification of the CT B ring oc-curred predominantly between 300and 400°C.3.3.Charred condensed tannin composition:THM–GC–MSTHM–GC–MS total ion chromatograms are depicted in Fig.5.Similar to TQPA from Py–GC–MS,TQPA decreased with increasing T CHAR (Table 1).The THM products are listed in Table 3,with corresponding relative contributions to TQPA.The likely origin of the THM products was identified on the basis of the substitution pattern of the functional groups.As such,the THM products were grouped according to the number of O-containing functional groups (OFG).Furthermore,trimethoxybenzenes with the methoxyl groups in the m positions (methylated phloroglucinol derivatives)were assumed to originate from A ring moieties,while the trimethoxybenzenes with the methoxyl groups in the o positions (methylated pyrogallol derivatives)were assumed to originate from prodelphinidin B ring moieties.For the uncharred CT,major products from the A ring were 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene and 2-methyl-1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene,while procyanidin and prodelphinidin B ring products were pres-ent mainly as methyl esters of 3,4-dimethoxybenzoic acid and 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid,respectively.These compounds have been found to be the dominant THM products of CT isolated from various plant species (Nierop et al.,2005).The presence of A ring products and absence of CH 2-bridged diaromatic (i.e.diphenylme-thane-based)products suggests that CT was readily depolymerized during THM.The exact location of depolymerization is unknown because it cannot be elucidated whether the Me group in 2-methyl-1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene originated from the C-4carbon in the same monomer or from a C-4carbon in the C ring of an adja-cent monomer.The fact that uncharred CT produced no detectable intermonomeric THM products implies that charring-induced depolymerization cannot be studied either.Parameters used by Nierop et al.(2005)to indicate the %of procyanidin B rings of CT were ‘‘PC-acid’’(dimethoxybenzoic acid,methyl ester/sum di-and trimethoxybenzoic acids,methyl esters;26.9%)and ‘‘PC-THM’’(based on all compounds related to di-and trihydroxy B rings;36.2%),are 49.4%and 34.2%,respectively,for the (uncharred)CT used isolated from Corsican pine used here.The cause of the large difference in the ‘‘PC-acid’’parameter may be of an analytical nature.The fact that the ‘‘PC-THM’’values,which were often closer to those determined with NMR (Nierop et al.,2005),were similar suggests that this parameter to estimate the %procyanidin B rings from THM–GC–MS is reproducible.Analogous to Py–GC–MS,the THM–GC–MS pattern from the CT charred at 200°C was similar to the uncharred CT (Fig.5).At T CHAR 300°C,a major decline was observed for 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene and 2-methyl-1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene from the A ring (Fig.6),which coincided with an increase in relative contribution of most of the products with two or three adjacent methoxyl groups de-rived from CT B-rings.This is suggestive of a greater thermalstabil-Relative proportion (%of TQPA)of THM product groups from CT vs.charring temperature (200–600°C).0°C,control (uncharred CT);OFG refers to number containing functional groups;PAH,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.Note differences in y -axis scaling.ity of B rings than A rings.Between T CHAR300and400°C,the rela-tive contribution of compounds with three and four OFG de-creased,that of two OFG maximized,while that of compounds with only one OFG increased.The trend was especially strong for the compounds with three o methoxyl groups,suggesting thor-ough thermal rearrangement of prodelphinidin B rings in this tem-perature range.At higher charring temperatures,the proportions of benzene,alkyl benzenes and PAH increased strongly,while the proportions of the other compounds decreased.Like the benzenes, benzoic acid methyl ester increased progressively with increasing T CHAR,but it is not clear whether the carboxylic group was formed upon oxidation during the charring experiment or upon Cannizz-aro reactions during THM(Hatcher and Minard,1995;Tanczos et al.,1997).Relatively intact CT A ring products were still recog-nized at T CHAR450°C(R1,3,5-trimethoxybenzenes>10%of TQPA), suggesting that THM–GC–MS might allow unequivocal identifica-tion of CT markers in weak/moderately charred BC.McKinney et al.(1996)identified these THM products from cutan isolated from Agave americana.Apart from its presence in CAM plants only (Boom et al.,2005),a possible interference from cutan-derived 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzenes would be recognized by the presence of methylated aliphatic compounds including fatty acid methyl es-ters.More importantly,these1,3,5-trimethoxybenzenes are not formed upon THM of lignin(e.g.Chefetz et al.,2002;Nierop and Filley,2008;Shadkami and Helleur,2010),a more likely interfering component in plant-derived BC.No O-substituted PAH such as methoxynaphthalenes were de-tected,suggesting that thorough elimination of functional groups preceded the polycondensation reactions.Finally,methylated ben-zene polycarboxylic acids(with three or more carboxyl groups) found among the THM products of aged charcoal(Kaal et al., 2008)were not detected,probably because the necessary oxidation reactions occur during aging in soil and not during heat treatment under limited O2availability.The PC1(58%)–PC2(22%)plot of the THM products showed a similar distribution according to hydrox-ylation pattern(Fig.7).The arrow indicates the progressive loss of OFG with increasing T CHAR.Unsurprisingly,the main difference between Py–GC–MS and THM–GC–MS was the higher abundance of OFG among THM prod-ucts,independent of charring intensity,confirming the protection of functional groups resulting from TMAH derivatization and the loss and/or poor detection of polar compounds using conventional Py–GC–MS.4.ConclusionsThe charring of CT caused progressive dehydroxylation at T CHAR6400°C(under the conditions of the present study)and polyaromatization in the higher temperature range at T CHAR400–600°C.Based on Py–GC–MS,it is suggested that pyrogallol and, more tentatively,catechol derivatives may act as indicators of CT-derived BC formed at low temperature,while a high relative abundance of biphenyl might be indicative of a significant CT con-tribution in more severely charred material.Py–GC–MS is not suit-able for detection of A ring products.From THM–GC–MS,initial A ring degradation occurred at lower temperatures than B ring deg-radation.Nonetheless,the significant contribution of1,3,5-tri-methoxybenzenes from the phloroglucinol A ring up to T CHAR 450°C suggested that these compounds can be used to distinguish between lignin and CT-derived BC in weakly/moderately charred BC samples.The results show that CT is a possible source of pheno-lic moieties in BC and provide a framework for estimating the de-gree of thermal degradation of CT based on the functional group distribution of Py–GC–MS and THM–GC–MS products.Incubation experiments using this CT are currently being developed,aimed at determining the effects of CT charred at different temperatures on organic matter mineralization.AcknowledgmentsWe thank Carmen Pérez Llaguno(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)for elemental analysis and two anonymous reviewers for their time and comments.Associate Editor—S.DerenneReferencesBaldock,J.A.,Smernik,R.J.,2002.Chemical composition and bioavailability of thermally altered Pinus resinosa(red pine)anic Geochemistry33, 1093–1109.Boom,A.,Sinninghe Damsté,J.S.,De Leeuw,J.W.,2005.Cutan,a common aliphatic biopolymer in cuticles of drought-adapted anic Geochemistry36, 595–601.Braadbaart,F.,Boon,J.J.,Veld,H.,David,P.,Van Bergen,P.F.,boratory simulations of the transformation of peas as a result of heat treatment:changes of the physical and chemical properties.Journal of Archaeological Science31, 821–833.Challinor,J.M.,2001.Review:the development and applications of thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation reactions.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis61,3–34.Chefetz, B.,Salloum,M.J.,Deshmukh, A.P.,Hatcher,P.G.,2002.Structural components of 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指令阶段I1:1110 0111 I2:0000 0100 I3:1110 0110 I4:0010 0001 I5:0011 0001 I6:1111 1000取指令指令译码修改PC取数执行送结果执行结果R[0]=1 R[1]=1 R[0]=17 R[0]=17-1=16 R[0]=16*1=16 M[8]=16 2. 若有两个基准测试程序P1和P2在机器M1和M2上运行,假定M1和M2的价格分别是5000元和请回答下列问题:(1)对于P1,哪台机器的速度快?快多少?对于P2呢?(2)在M1上执行P1和P2的速度分别是多少MIPS?在M2上的执行速度又各是多少?从执行速度来看,对于P2,哪台机器的速度快?快多少?(3)假定M1和M2的时钟频率各是800MHz和1.2GHz,则在M1和M2上执行P1时的CPI各是多少?(4)如果某用户需要大量使用程序P1,并且该用户主要关心系统的响应时间而不是吞吐率,那么,该用户需要大批购进机器时,该选择M1还是M2?为什么?(提示:从性价比上考虑)(5)如果另一个用户也需要购进大批机器,但该用户使用P1和P2一样多,主要关心的也是响应时间,那么,应该选择M1还是M2?为什么?参考答案:(1)如果另一个用户也需要购进大批机器,但该用户使用P1和P2一样多,主要关心的也是响应时间,那么,应该选择M1还是M2?为什么?(1)对于程序P1,M1上执行时间是M2的2倍,故M2比M1快1倍;对于程序P2,M2上的执行时间是M1的2倍,故M1比M2快1倍。

Parker 转换 Legacy 2H 3H 模型的 CPN 和型号到 Gen II 样式指南说明书

Parker 转换 Legacy 2H 3H 模型的 CPN 和型号到 Gen II 样式指南说明书

Service Bulletin HY08-1314-B1Parker Conversion of Legacy 2H/3H Model Number & CPN to Gen IIIssued: September, 2016Parker Hannifin Corporation Motion and Control Division 160 Chisholm Drive Milton, Ontario Canada L9T 3G9 (905) 693-3000Parker Hannifin Corporation Cylinder Division 500 South Wolf Road Des Plaines, IL 60016 (847) 298-2400/cylinder Legacy 2H/3H CPN’s & Model Numbers have been programmatically converted to Gen II style. Converting programmatically eliminates the time to manually convert and increases the consistency and accuracy of new configuration data. 97% of pre-Gen II launch CPN’s for Legacy design have been converted and added to PHconnect. Converted Gen II CPN’s will have the same last six numeric digits as the original Legacy CPN. For example, Legacy CPN 1H00140211 becomes Gen II CPN 1H2HOA000140211. Exceptions are special cylinders created on an internal, non-rules based platform that will need to bemanually converted by Cylinder Division personnel.Parker Conversion of Legacy 2H/3H Model Number & CPN to Gen IINew CPN Format for Gen II 2H/2HD/2HB and 7.00" & 8.00" Bore 3H/3HD/3HBBecause the Gen II model number is revised from the Legacy version and piston seal styles are different, model number conversion rules for the Piston Seal, Magnet, Gland & Seal and Seals field were developed by Cylinder Division Engineering and Marketing. We recognize that these conversions may not be optimal for every application situation. If they are not, enter the Gen II CPN on PHconnect, click the ‘Click to edit selections for a new CPN’ button near the bottom of the page, edit the selections and request a new CPN.See the following pages for key model number differences and tables each for series 2H/3H and 2HD/3HD with Parker recommended conversions.The CPN format is revised from an 11 character string to 14 characters that includes series identification and revision level. The new CPN format for GEN II, described below, allows clear differentiation from the Legacy CPN. Note thatnewly configured Gen II CPN’s will begin atnumber 250000, for further distinction from CPN’s converted from the Legacy design. CPN’s will also sequence independently within each of the 4 new series listed below.Configured Gen II service parts will also follow the new CPN format.Cylinder Head part number - 2H2H0A00140211Cylinder Cap part number - 3H2H0A00140211Cylinder Piston and Rod Assembly part number - 4H2H0A00140211Cylinder or Part Type Digits 1-2Family Series Digits 3-5GenerationDigit 6Sequence Numeric Digits 7-14 (Sequences within each Series)12345678910111H 000140211BrandSeries12345678910111213142H/3H Legacy1H 0001402112H, 2HD, 2HB Gen II 1H 2H 0A 001402113H, 3HD, 3HB Gen II 1H 3H 0A 001402112HX, 2HDX, 2HBX Gen II 1H 2H X A 001402113HX, 3HDX, 3HBX Gen II1H 3H X A 00140211New CPN FormatExisting CPN P a r k e rModel Number Comparison – Gen II 2H/3H and Legacy 2H/3HGen II 2H/2HD/2HB and 7.00” & 8.00” Bore 3H/3HD/3HB Model NumberLegacy 2H/2HD and 7.00” & 8.00” Bore 3H/3HD Model NumberData entry in Gen II 2H/3H model number fields is generally the same as Legacy 2H/3H except the 4 fields noted below.Piston Seal – No Legacy piston seal offerings are available in Gen II. Piston seal styles are all new for Gen II. See appendix A for Parkerrecommended conversion.Piston Magnet – Piston magnet for tie rod mounted reed or solid state switches. Was a piston field selection for Legacy 2H and is a now a separate selection for Gen II. Piston Magnet can be supplied with all seal styles. See appendix A for Parker recommended conversion.Gland & Seal – New for Gen II. Allows model number selection of Low Friction Gland or future Buffer Seal Gland. See appendix A for Parker recommended conversion.Seals – Seal offerings are the same for Gen II and Legacy. It is now a required field for Gen II with all seal classes specified with their numeric assignment. See appendix A for Parker recommended conversion.A BCDAA BDModel Number Comparison – Gen II 2H/3H and Legacy 2H/3H1'–' means blank field* Add note when W is selected in the current model number seal field: Modified for water service.1* Add note when W is selected in the current model number seal field: Modified for water service.1'–' means blank field* Add note when W is selected in the current model number seal field: Modified for water service.1'–' means blank field* Add note when W is selected in the current model number seal field: Modified for water service.。

ES01000-00E (Symbol Marking Standardization) 10.07.29 Rev_f

ES01000-00E (Symbol Marking Standardization) 10.07.29 Rev_f
3.MS 201-01
######### ######### 2010-07-19
리어코리아(유)경주공장 / 김영철 / 2011-10-18 16:36/ 본 문서는 현대기아자동차의 정보자산이므로 무단으로 전재 및 복제할 수 없으며, 이를 위반할 시에는 당사 사규 및 관련 법규에 의해 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
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1. Creating HMC sy mbols and HY UNDAI logo are comply ing with HY UNDAI MO TO R CO RPO RATE IDENTIFICATIO N MANUAL Vol.1 A-1-1-1/A-1-2-1










6.对数据代码1110101设置偶校验位P为: 1。

7.用4K×8位的存储芯片组成一个64K×32位的存储器,共需64(或16 x 4)块芯片,需有2位地址用于片选信号的译码逻辑。

8.若X=-0.X1X2……Xn,则[X]原= 1.X1X2……Xn。


1.已知十进制数X= -(17/128),假定采用8位寄存器,则相应的[X]补为( )。

① 1001 0001② 0100 0100③ 0001 0001④ 1110 1111参考答案:④2.已知十进制数X=129.875,则相应的十六进制数(X)16为( )。

① 41.7② 81.E③ 41.E④ 81.7参考答案:②3.程序计数器PC用来存放指令地址,执行完一条指令后,通常由程序计数器提供后继指令地址,其位数和( )的位数相同。


忘記報名IMS -
-計劃= YES遺忘
忘記SQL = YES -
在一個子程序使用DB2,程序已經轉換,但沒有MAP = YES已推出DLIBATCH,所以:
轉換的主要程序與計劃= YES改程序DLIDB2 -
-的SortField錯誤的格式(例如,FORMAT = BI和括號中的是另外CH)
- DBRC(IRLM = N = N刪除)
- DBRC:在DBRC工作,測試可能會開始工作與DBRC = N
-指定最大塊- BLOCKSIZE錯誤
- DB2故障:工作必須運行在系統上的DB2是
- DB2不可用

alliance 洗脱机 固定式机体 安装操作保养手册说明书

alliance 洗脱机 固定式机体 安装操作保养手册说明书

汞 (Hg)
镉 (Cd)
六价铬 (CR[VI])
聚溴联苯 (PBB)
聚溴二苯醚 (PBDE)
• 请勿在洗涤剂盒的喷嘴(如适用)上装贴任何物体。必 须为此保留空气间隙。
• 如洗衣机上未安装循环水塞或循环水系统(如适用), 则不可操作本机。
• 请确保在水管连接时安装截止阀,进水管间连接紧密。 在结束清洗的当天,务必关闭截止阀。
• 请妥善保养洗衣机。如洗衣机遭撞击或发生坠落,安全 功能可能会受到损坏。如发生此类情况,请联系合格服 务人员检查机器。
在使用洗衣设备时,为降低发生火灾、触电、人员重伤或 死亡等风险,请务必遵守这些基本注意事项:
• 请在使用本洗衣机前通读所有说明。 • 请遵照本安装说明安装洗衣机。请参考安装手册中 有关



控制方式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
输出显示 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
过载能力 ACS 400
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
型号和技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
通电 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
环保要求. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
安装警告牌 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
铭牌标签. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
打开外壳. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7



《运算器》P61 3.4写出下列各机器数的二进制真值X:(1)[X]补=0,1001 X=1001(2)[X]补=1,1001 X=-111(3)[X]原=0,1101 X=1101(4)[X]原=1,1101 X=-1101(5)[X]反=0,1011 X=1011(6)[X]反=1,1011 X=-100(7)[X]移=0,1001 X=-111(8)[X]移=1,1001 X=+1001(9)[X]补=1,0000000 X=-10000000B,X=-128(10)[X]反=1,0000000 X=-1111111B,X=-127(11)[X]原=1,0000000 X=-0(12)[X]移=1,0000000 X=0P107 4.1X=0.1101 Y=-0.0110(设机器数长度为8位)[X]补=0.1101000[-X]补=1.0011000[2X]补=溢出[-2X]补=溢出[X/2]补=0.0110100[-X/2]补=1.1001100[Y]补=1.1010000[-Y]补=0.0110000[2Y]补=1.0100000[-2Y]补=0.1100000[Y/2]补=1.1101000[-Y/2]补=0.0011000[-Y/4]补=0.0001100P61:5、(1) X=-25/64=-0.011001B ,Y=2.875=10.111B[X]浮=0,11111 1.11001=7F9H [Y]浮=1,00010 0.10111=897H (2) [Z]浮=9F4H=1,00111 1.10100=-80P61:6、机器数字长16位 (1) 无符号整数:12~016-(2) 原码表示的定点整数:1,111…11~0,111…11即12~)12(1515--- (3) 补码表示的定点整数:1,00…000~0,111…11即12~21515--(4) 补码表示的定点小数:1.00…000~0.111…11即1521~1---(5) 非规格化浮点数:ER M N ⨯=最大数=12772)21(--⨯-最小数=12721-⨯-最大负数=72722--⨯-最小正数=72722--⨯(6) 最大数=12772)21(--⨯-最小数=12721-⨯-最大负数=72712)22(---⨯+-最小正数=72122--⨯P107:2、(1)(2)P108:4-14-2P108:55-1补码BOOTH算法5-2补码BOOTH算法P108:6、6-1原码恢复余数算法6-2原码加减交替算法P108 7-1补码加减交替算法7-2补码加减交替算法P108:8-1(1)X=-1.625=-1.101B Y=5.25=101.01B X+YX-Y:1、对阶同上2、尾数相减:11.1100110+ 11.01011[E X-Y]补= 11.00100103、结果不需规格化4、舍入处理:[E X-Y]补=1.00101[X-Y] = 0,0011 1,00101X=0.2344 = 0.00111 Y= -0.1133=-0.00011X-Y:1、对阶同上2、尾数相减:00.11100+ 00.01100[E X-Y]补= 01.01000 发生正溢尾数右移,阶码加1[E X-Y]补= 0.10100[M x-y] = 1.11113、结果不需规格化4、舍入处理:[E X-Y]补=0.10100[X-Y] = 1,1111 0,10100(1)X=5.25=101.01B Y=-1.625=-1.101B X*Y9-1 X/Y:9-2 X*Y9-2 X/Y《存储体系》P225:2、 (1) 片641641161664=⨯=⨯⨯K K(2) s msμ625.151282=(3) s ns μ64500128=⨯ P225:3、(1) 最大主存容量=bit 16218⨯(2) 共需片6416416416218=⨯=⨯⨯bitK bit芯片;若采用异步刷新,则刷新信号的周期为s msμ625.151282= (3) 每块8字节,则Cache 容量为行925128162==⨯BytebitK ,即c=9,Cache 采用2路组相联映射,则r=1。


第六章 计算机的运算 方法与运算器
6.1 数据的表示方法
6.1.1 数据格式
(1)定点格式 (2)浮点格式
定点格式(小数点位臵 固定)容许的数值范围有 限,但要求的处理硬件比 较简单。
许的数值范围很大,但要求的处理 硬件比较复杂 。
小数: X 1- 2-(n-1) ≥X≥0 [x]补= 2+X=2-|X| 0>X≥-1
完成下列数的真值到 补码的转换 X1 = + 0.1011011 [X1]补=01011011 X2 = - 0.1011011
根据补码定义,求负数的补码时需作一次减法运算,这显然不 是补码方法的初衷。后面将介绍反码表示法可以解决负数的求补 问题。
1> x ≥0
0≥ x > -1
例如,x=+0.1001,则[x]原=0.1001 x=-0.1001,则 [x]原=1.1001
对于定点整数 x =±x1x2…xn,则原码的定义是:
x 2n>x≥0
对于定点整数,其原码形式为: [x]原=x0x1x2…xn,



最全ASCII码对照表ASCII码值对照表ASCII码值ASCII码中英文对照表0010 0000 32 20 空格0010 0001 33 21 !0010 0010 34 22 "0010 0011 35 23 #0010 0100 36 24 $0010 0101 37 25 %0010 0110 38 26 &0010 0111 39 27 '0010 1000 40 28 (0010 1001 41 29 )0010 1010 42 2A *0010 1011 43 2B +0010 1100 44 2C ,0010 1101 45 2D -0010 1110 46 2E .0010 1111 47 2F /0011 0000 48 30 00011 0001 49 31 10011 0010 50 32 20011 0011 51 33 30011 0100 52 34 40011 0101 53 35 50011 0110 54 36 60011 0111 55 37 70011 1000 56 38 80011 1001 57 39 90011 1010 58 3A :0011 1011 59 3B ;0011 1100 60 3C <0011 1101 61 3D =0011 1110 62 3E >0011 1111 63 3F ?0100 0000 64 40 @0100 0001 65 41 A0100 0010 66 42 B0100 0011 67 43 C0100 0100 68 44 D0100 0101 69 45 E0100 0110 70 46 F0100 0111 71 47 G0100 1000 72 48 H0100 1001 73 49 I0100 1010 74 4A J0100 1011 75 4B K0100 1100 76 4C L0100 1101 77 4D M0100 1110 78 4E N0100 1111 79 4F O0101 0000 80 50 P0101 0001 81 51 Q0101 0010 82 52 R0101 0011 83 53 S0101 0100 84 54 T0101 0101 85 55 U0101 0110 86 56 V0101 0111 87 57 W0101 1000 88 58 X0101 1001 89 59 Y0101 1010 90 5A Z 0101 1011 91 5B [ 0101 1100 92 5C \ 0101 1101 93 5D ] 0101 1110 94 5E ^ 0101 1111 95 5F _ 0110 0000 96 60 ` 0110 0001 97 61 a 0110 0010 98 62 b 0110 0011 99 63 c 0110 0100 100 64 d 0110 0101 101 65 e 0110 0110 102 66 f 0110 0111 103 67 g 0110 1000 104 68 h 0110 1001 105 69 i 0110 1010 106 6A j 0110 1011 107 6B k 0110 1100 108 6C l 0110 1101 109 6D m 0110 1110 110 6E n 0110 1111 111 6F o 0111 0000 112 70 p 0111 0001 113 71 q 0111 0010 114 72 r 0111 0011 115 73 s 0111 0100 116 74 t 0111 0101 117 75 u 0111 0110 118 76 v 0111 0111 119 77 w 0111 1000 120 78 x 0111 1001 121 79 y 0111 1010 122 7A z 0111 1011 123 7B { 0111 1100 124 7C | 0111 1101 125 7D } 0111 1110 126 7E ~ 0111 1111 127 7F DEL (delete) 删除ESC键VK_ESCAPE (27)回车键:VK_RETURN (13) TAB键:VK_TAB (9)Caps Lock键:VK_CAPITAL (20) Shift键:VK_SHIFT ()Ctrl键:VK_CONTROL (17) Alt键:VK_MENU (18)空格键:VK_SPACE (/32)退格键:VK_BACK (8)左徽标键:VK_LWIN (91)右徽标键:VK_LWIN (92)鼠标右键快捷键:VK_APPS (93) Insert键:VK_INSERT (45) Home键:VK_HOME (36) Page Up:VK_PRIOR (33) PageDown:VK_NEXT (34)End键:VK_END (35) Delete键:VK_DELETE (46)方向键(←):VK_LEFT (37)方向键(↑):VK_UP (38)方向键(→):VK_RIGHT (39)方向键(↓):VK_DOWN (40)F1键:VK_F1 (112)F2键:VK_F2 (113)F3键:VK_F3 (114)F4键:VK_F4 (115)F5键:VK_F5 (116)F6键:VK_F6 (117)F7键:VK_F7 (118)F8键:VK_F8 (119)F9键:VK_F9 (120)F10键:VK_F10 (121)F11键:VK_F11 (122)F12键:VK_F12 (123)Num Lock键:VK_NUMLOCK (144)小键盘0:VK_NUMPAD0 (96)小键盘1:VK_NUMPAD0 (97)小键盘2:VK_NUMPAD0 (98)小键盘3:VK_NUMPAD0 (99)小键盘4:VK_NUMPAD0 (100)小键盘5:VK_NUMPAD0 (101)小键盘6:VK_NUMPAD0 (102)小键盘7:VK_NUMPAD0 (103)小键盘8:VK_NUMPAD0 (104)小键盘9:VK_NUMPAD0 (105)小键盘.:VK_DECIMAL (110)小键盘*:VK_MULTIPLY (106)小键盘+:VK_MULTIPLY (107)小键盘-:VK_SUBTRACT (109)小键盘/:VK_DIVIDE (111)Pause Break键:VK_PAUSE (19)Scroll Lock键:VK_SCROLL (145)注意:1.在ASCII码中,有4组字符:一组是控制字符,如LF,CR等,其对应ASCII码值最小;第2组是数字0~9,第3组是大写字母A~Z,第4组是小写字母a~z。



PLC 内部培训教材第一章电气系统及PLC 简介一、设备电气系统结构简介设备电气系统一般由以下几部分组成1、 执行机构:执行工作命令陶瓷行业中常见的执行机构有:电动机(普通、带刹车、带离合)、电磁阀(控制油 路或气路的通闭完成机械动作)、伺服马达(控制调节油路、气路的开度大小)等。

2、 输入元件:从外部取入信息陶瓷行业中常见的输入元件有:各类主令电器(开头、按扭) 、行程开关(位置)、 近接开关(反映铁件运动位置)、光电开关(运动物体的位置)、编码器(反映物体运动距 离)、热电偶(温度)、粉位感应器粉料位置)等。

控制中心:记忆程序或信息、执行逻辑运算及判断常见控制中心部件有各类 PLC 继电器、接触器、热继电器、等。


、简单的单台电动机电气系统 例:一台星 --- 角启动的鼠笼式电动机的电气系统 1、一次线路图2、二次线路图3、上图看出,二次回路图中为实现延时控制,要使用一个时间继电器,而在SJ—XT7~1CJ TyJC JJCJJ _JCY—JC1 R陶瓷行业中,星——角启动控制可说是一种非常简单的例子,若在陶瓷生产设备上全部采用继电器类来实现生产过程的自动控制,要使用许多的继电器、时间继电器等其它一些电气产品,而该类产品占空间大,且运行不是十分可靠。



Quasars Probing Quasars I Optically Thick Absorbers Near Luminous Quasars

Quasars Probing Quasars I Optically Thick Absorbers Near Luminous Quasars

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0603742v 2 29 M a r 2006Draft version February 5,2008Preprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.6/22/04QUASARS PROBING QUASARS I:OPTICALLY THICK ABSORBERS NEAR LUMINOUS QUASARSJoseph F.Hennawi 1,2,3,Jason X.Prochaska 4Scott Burles,5Michael A.Strauss,2Gordon T.Richards,6DavidJ.Schlegel,7Xiaohui F an,8Donald P.Schneider,9Nadia L.Zakamska,10,11Masamune Oguri,2James E.Gunn,2Robert H.Lupton,2Jon Brinkmann 12Draft version February 5,2008ABSTRACTWith close pairs of quasars at different redshifts,a background quasar sightline can be used to study a foreground quasar’s environment in absorption .We search 149moderate resolution background quasar spectra,from Gemini,Keck,the MMT,and the SDSS to survey Lyman Limit Systems (LLSs)and Damped Ly αsystems (DLAs)in the vicinity of 1.8<z <4.0luminous foreground quasars.A sample of 27new quasar-absorber pairs is uncovered with column densities,1017.2cm −2<N HI <1020.9cm −2,and transverse (proper)distances of 22h −1kpc <R <1.7h −1Mpc,from the foreground quasars.If they emit isotropically,the implied ionizing photon fluxes are a factor of ∼5−8000times larger than the ambient extragalactic UV background over this range of distances.The observed probability of intercepting an absorber is very high for small separations:six out of eight projected sightlines with transverse separations R <150h −1kpc have an absorber coincident with the foreground quasar,of which four have N HI >1019cm −2.The covering factor of N HI >1019cm −2absorbers is thus ∼50%(4/8)on these small scales,whereas 2%would have been expected at random.There are many cosmological applications of these new sightlines:they provide laboratories for studying fluorescent Ly αrecombination radiation from LLSs,constrain the environments,emission geometry,and radiative histories of quasars,and shed light on the physical nature of LLSs and DLAs.Subject headings:quasars:general –intergalactic medium –quasars:absorption lines –cosmology:general –surveys:observations1.INTRODUCTIONAlthough optically thick absorption line systems,that is the Lyman Limit Systems (LLSs)and damped Lyman-αsystems (DLAs),are detected as the strongest absorp-tion lines in quasar spectra,the two types of objects,quasars and absorbers,play rather different roles in the evolution of structure in the Universe.The hard ultravi-olet radiation emitted by luminous quasars gives rise to the ambient extragalactic ultraviolet (UV)background (see e.g.Haardt &Madau 1996;Meiksin 2005)responsi-ble for maintaining the low neutral fraction of hydrogen (∼10−6)in the intergalactic medium (IGM),established during reionization.However,high column density ab-sorbers represent the rare locations where the neutral1Department of Astronomy,University of California Berkeley,Berkeley,CA 94720;joeh@2Princeton University Observatory,Princeton,NJ 085443Hubble Fellow4Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,UCO/Lick Ob-servatory;University of California,1156High Street,Santa Cruz,CA 95064;xavier@5Physics Department,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,77Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge,MA 02139.6Department of Physics and Astronomy,Johns Hopkins Uni-versity,3400N.Charles Street,Baltimore,MD 21218-26867Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,One Cyclotron Road,Mailstop 50R232,Berkeley,CA,94720,USA.8Steward Observatory,University of Arizona,933North Cherry Avenue,Tucson,AZ 857219Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,Pennsylvania State University,525Davey Laboratory,University Park,PA 16802,USA10Institute for Advanced Study,Einstein Drive,Princeton,NJ 0854011Spitzer Fellow12Apache Point Observatory,P.O.Box 59,Sunspot,NM88349-0059.fractions are much larger.Gas clouds with column den-sities log N HI >17.2are optically thick to Lyman contin-uum (τLL 1)photons,giving rise to a neutral interior self-shielded from the extragalactic ionizing background.In particular,the damped Ly αsystems dominate the neutral gas content of the Universe (Prochaska et al.2005),which provides the primary reservoir for the star formation which occurred to form the stellar masses of galaxies in the local Universe.One might expect optically thick absorbers to keep a safe distance from luminous quasars.For a quasar at z =2.5with an r -band magnitude of r =19,the flux of ionizing photons is 130times higher than that of the extragalactic UV background at an angular separation of 60′′,corresponding to a proper distance of 340h −1kpc and increasing as r −2toward the quasar.Indeed,the decrease in the number of optically thin absorption lines (log N HI <17.2hence τLL 1),in the vicinity of quasars,known as the proximity effect (Bajtlik et al.1988),has been detected and its strength provides a measurement of the UV background (Scott et al.2000).If Nature provides a nearby background quasar sightline,one can also study the transverse proximity effect ,which is the expected decrease in absorption in a background quasar’s Ly αforest,caused by the transverse ionizing flux of a foreground quasar.It is interesting that the transverse effect has yet to be detected,in spite of many attempts (Crotts 1989;Dobrzycki &Bechtold 1991;Fernandez-Soto,Barcons,Carballo,&Webb 1995;Liske &Williger 2001;Schirber,Miralda-Escud´e ,&McDonald 2004;Croft 2004,but see Jakobsen et al.2003).On the other hand,it has long been known that quasars are associated with en-2HENNAWI et al.hancements in the distribution of galaxies (Bahcall,Schmidt,&Gunn1969;Yee&Green1984, 1987;Bahcall&Chokshi1991;Smith,Boyle,&Maddox 2000;Brown,Boyle,&Webster2001;Serber et al.2006; Coil et al.2006),although these measurements of quasar galaxy clustering are limited to low redshifts 1.0. Recently,Adelberger&Steidel(2005),measured the clustering of Lyman Break Galaxies(LBGs)around lu-minous quasars in the redshift range(2 z 3.5),and found a bestfit correlation length of r0=4.7h−1Mpc (γ=1.6),very similar to the auto-correlation length of z∼2−3LBGs(Adelberger et al.2003).Cooke et al. (2006)recently measured the clustering of LBGs around DLAs and measured a bestfit r0=2.9h−1Mpc withγ=1.6,but with large uncertainties(see also Gawiser et al.2001;Bouch´e&Lowenthal2004).If LBGs are clustered around quasars,and LBGs are clustered around DLAs,might we expect optically thick absorbers to be clustered around quasars?This is especially plausible in light of recent evidence that DLAs arise from a high redshift galaxy population which are not unlike LBGs(Møller et al.2002).Clues to the clustering of optically thick absorbers around quasars come from a subset of DLAs with z abs∼z em known as proximate DLAs,which have absorber redshifts within3000km s−1of the emission redshift of the quasars(see e.g.Moller et al.1998).Recently, Russell et al.(2005)(see also Ellison et al.2002),com-pared the number density of proximate DLAs per unit redshift to the average number density of DLAs in the the Universe(Prochaska et al.2005).They found that the abundance of DLAs is enhanced by a factor of∼2 near quasars,which they attributed to the clustering of DLA-galaxies around quasars.Here,we present a new technique for studying ab-sorbers near luminous quasars,which can be thought of as the optically thick analog of the transverse proxim-ity effly,we use background quasar sightlines to search for optically thick absorption in the vicinity of foreground quasars.Although such projected quasar pair sightlines are extremely rare,Hennawi et al.(2006a) showed that it is straightforward to select z 2projected quasar pairs from the imaging and spectroscopy pro-vided by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS;York et al. 2000).In this work,we combine high signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)moderate resolution spectra of the clos-est Hennawi et al.(2006a)projected pairs,obtained from Gemini,Keck,and the Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT),with a large sample of wider separation pairs, from the SDSS spectroscopic survey,arriving at a to-tal of149projected pair sightlines in the redshift range 1.8<z<4.0.A systematic search for optically thick ab-sorbers in the vicinity of the foreground quasars is con-ducted,uncovering27new quasar absorber pairs with column densities17.2<log N HI<20.9and transverse (proper)distances22h−1kpc<R<1.7h−1Mpc from the foreground quasars.A handful of quasar-absorber pairs exist in the lit-erature,all of which were discovered serendipitously. In a study of the statistics of coincidences of opti-cally thick absorbers across close quasar pair sightlines, D’Odorico et al.(2002)discovered one LLS(z abs=2.12) and one DLA(z abs=2.54)in background quasar spec-tra within∆v 1000km s−1of the foreground quasar redshifts,corresponding to transverse proper distances of320h−1kpc and1.75h−1Mpc,respectively.More recently,Adelberger et al.(2005)serendipitously discov-ered a faint background quasar(z=2.92)49′′from a luminous(r∼16)foreground quasar at z=2.84,corre-sponding to transverse separation R=280h−1kpc.A DLA was detected in the background spectrum at the same redshift as the foreground quasar.This is thefirst in a series of four papers on op-tically thick absorbers near quasars.In this work, we describe the observations and sample selection and present27new quasar-absorber pairs.Paper II (Hennawi&Prochaska2006a)focuses on the cluster-ing of absorbers around foreground quasars and a mea-surement of the transverse quasar-absorber correlation function is presented.We investigatefluorescent Lyαemission from our quasar-absorber pairs in Paper III (Hennawi&Prochaska2006b).Echelle spectra of sev-eral of the quasar-LLS systems published here are ana-lyzed in Paper IV(Prochaska&Hennawi2006). Quasar pair selection and details of the observations are described in§2.The selection techniques and the sample are presented in§3.A detailed discussion of how the systemic redshifts of the foreground quasars were estimated is given in§4.The individual members of the sample are discussed in§5.Cosmological applications of quasar-absorber pairs are mentioned in§6and we summarize in§7.Throughout this paper we use the bestfit WMAP (only)cosmological model of Spergel et al.(2003),with Ωm=0.270,ΩΛ=0.73,h=0.72.Unless otherwise specified,all distances are proper.It is helpful to re-member that in the chosen cosmology,at a redshift of z=2.5,an angular separation of∆θ=1′′corresponds to a proper transverse separation of R=6h−1kpc,and a velocity difference of1500km s−1corresponds to a ra-dial redshift space distance of s=4.3h−1Mpc.For a quasar at z=2.5,with an SDSS magnitude of r=19, theflux of ionizing photons is130times higher than the ambient extragalactic UV background at an angu-lar separation of60′′(R=340h−1kpc).Finally,we use term optically thick absorbers and LLSs interchange-ably,both referring to quasar absorption line systems with log N HI>17.2,making them optically thick at the Lyman limit(τLL 1).2.QUASAR PAIR OBSERVATIONSFinding optically thick absorbers near quasars requires spectra of projected pairs of quasars at different redshifts, both with z 2,so that Lyαis above the atmospheric cutoff.In this section we describe the spectra of pro-jected quasar pairs from the SDSS and2QZ spectroscopic surveys as well our subsequent quasar pair observations from Keck,Gemini,and the MMT.2.1.The SDSS Spectroscopic Quasar SampleThe Sloan Digital Sky Survey uses a dedicated2.5m telescope and a large format CCD camera(Gunn et al. 1998,2006)at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico to obtain images infive broad bands(u,g,r,i and z,centered at3551,4686,6166,7480and8932˚A, respectively;Fukugita et al.1996;Stoughton et al.2002)QUASARS PROBING QUASARS3of high Galactic latitude sky in the Northern Galac-tic Cap.The imaging data are processed by the as-trometric pipeline(Pier et al.2003)and photometric pipeline(Lupton et al.2001),and are photometrically calibrated to a standard star network(Smith et al.2002; Hogg et al.2001).Additional details on the SDSS data products can be found in Abazajian et al.(2003,2004, 2005).Based on this imaging data,spectroscopic targets cho-sen by various selection algorithms(i.e.quasars,galax-ies,stars,serendipity)are observed with two double spec-trographs producing spectra covering3800–9200˚A with a spectral resolution ranging from1800to2100(FWHM ≃150−170km s−1).Details of the spectroscopic ob-servations can be found in Castander et al.(2001)and Stoughton et al.(2002).A discussion of quasar target selection is presented in Richards et al.(2002a).The blue cutoffof the SDSS spectrograph imposes a lower redshift cutoffof z≈2.2for detecting the Lyαtransi-tion.The Third Data Release Quasar Catalog contains 46,420quasars(Schneider et al.2005),of which6,635 have z>2.2.We use a larger sample of quasars which also includes non-public data:our parent quasar sample comprises11,742quasars with z>2.2.Note also that we have used the Princeton/MIT spectroscopic reductions13 which differ slightly from the official SDSS data release. The SDSS spectroscopic survey selects against close pairs of quasars because offiber collisions.Thefinite size of opticalfibers implies only one quasar in a pair with separation<55′′can be observed spectroscopically on a given plate14.Thus for sub-arcminute separations,addi-tional spectroscopy is required both to discover compan-ions around quasars and to obtain spectra of sufficient quality to search for absorption line systems.For wider separations,projected quasar pairs can be found directly in the spectroscopic quasar catalog.2.2.The2QZ Quasar SampleThe2dF Quasar Redshift Survey(2QZ)is a homo-geneous spectroscopic catalog of44,576stellar objects with18.25≤b J≤20.85(Croom et al.2004).Selec-tion of quasar candidates is based on broad band col-ors(ub J r)from automated plate measurements of the United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope photographic plates. Spectroscopic observations were carried out with the2dF instrument,which is a multi-object spectrograph at the Anglo-Australian Telescope.The2QZ covers a total area of721.6deg2arranged in two75◦×5◦strips across the South Galactic Cap(SGP strip),centered onδ=−30◦, and North Galactic Cap(NGP strip,or equatorial strip), centered atδ=0◦.The NGP overlaps the SDSS foot-print,corresponding to roughly half of the2QZ area.By combining the SDSS quasar catalog with2QZ quasars in the NGP we arrive at a combined sample of12,933 quasars with z>2.2,of which11,742are from the SDSS and1,191from the2QZ.The2QZ spectroscopic survey is also biased against close quasar pairs:theirfiber collision limit is30′′.The 13Available at 14An exception to this rule exists for a fraction(∼30%)of the area of the SDSS spectroscopic survey covered by overlapping plates.Because the same area of sky was observed spectroscopi-cally on more than one occasion,there is nofiber collision limita-tion.fiber collision limits of both the SDSS and2QZ can be partly circumvented by searching for SDSS-2QZ pro-jected quasar pairs in the region where the two surveys overlap.2.3.Keck,Gemini,and MMT SpectroscopicObservationsAnother approach to overcome thefiber collision lim-its is to use the SDSSfive band photometry to search for candidate companion quasars around known,spec-troscopically confirmed quasars.Hennawi et al.(2006a) used the3.5m telescope at Apache Point Observatory (APO)to spectroscopically confirm a large sample of photometrically selected close quasar pair candidates. This survey discovered both physically associated,binary quasars,as well as projected quasar pairs,and produced the largest sample of close pairs in existence.We have obtained high signal-to-noise ratio,moder-ate resolution spectra of a subset of the Hennawi et al. (2006a)quasar pairs from Keck,Gemini,and the MMT. Thus far,88quasars with z>1.8have been observed, which is the operational lower limit for detecting Lyαset by the atmospheric cutoff.We primarily targeted the closest quasar pairs with small separations below the fiber-collision limit(∆θ<55′′).In some cases other nearby quasars or quasar candidates were also observed at wider separations from a known close pair.This was most often the case with the Keck observations,where a multi-slit configuration was used,such that other nearby known quasars or quasar candidates could be simultane-ously observed on a single mask.Because some of the 88quasars we observed are in triples or quadruples,the total number of pairs is greater than44.About half of our pairs targeted consisted of projected pairs of quasars (∆v>2500km s−1)at different redshifts;the rest were physically associated binary quasars.This spectroscopy program has several science goals: to measure small scale transverse Lyαforest correlations, to constrain the dark energy density of the Universe with the Alcock-Paczy´n ski test(Alcock&Paczy´n ski 1979;McDonald&Miralda-Escud´e1999; Hui,Stebbins,&Burles1999),and to characterize the transverse proximity effect.None of these projected pairs were specifically targeted based on the presence or absence of an LLS.Thus these projected sightlines constitute an unbiased sample for searching for optically thick absorbers near foreground quasars.For the Keck observations,we used the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrograph(LRIS;Oke et al.1995),in multi-slit mode with custom designed slitmasks,which allowed placement of slits on other known quasars or quasar can-didates in thefield.LRIS is a double spectrograph with two arms giving simultaneous coverage of the near-UV and red.We used the D460dichroic with the1200lines mm−1grism blazed at3400˚A on the blue side,resulting in wavelength coverage of≈3300−4200˚A.The disper-sion of this grism is0.50˚A per pixel,giving a resolution of FWHM≃125km s−1.On the red side,we used the 300lines mm−1grating blazed at5000˚A,which covered the wavelength range4700−10,000˚A,resulting in2.4˚A per pixel dispersion or a FWHM≃500km s−1.All the LLSs discovered in the Keck LRIS data were found in the blue side spectra,owing to the low redshift(z∼2)4HENNAWI et al. of our Keck targets.We used the longer wavelength cov-erage on the red side to aid with the identification of newquasars and to determine accurate systemic redshifts(see§4).The Keck observations took place during two runson UT2004November7-8and UT2005March8-9.The Gemini data were taken with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph(GMOS;Hook et al.2004)on theGemini North facility.We used the B1200QUASARS PROBING QUASARS5TABLE1Optically Thick Absorbers Near QuasarsName z bg z fg∆θR z abs|∆v|∆v fg log N HI g UV Redshift Fg Bg(′′)(h−1kpc)(km s−1)(km s−1)(cm−2)Inst.Inst. SDSSJ0036+0839 2.69 2.569154.5894 2.564736050018.95±0.357C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0127+15071 2.60 1.818131.0794 1.81883030018.6±0.33Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B2.38 1.81851.9315 1.817510030018.9±0.313Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B SDSSJ0225−0739 2.99 2.440214.01251 2.447669050019.55±0.25C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0239−010623.14 2.308 3.722 2.3025540150020.45±0.26369C IV SDSS LRIS-B SDSSJ0256+0039 3.55 3.387179.0960 3.38720100019.25±0.2520C IV SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0303−0023 3.23 2.718217.61240 2.7243500100018.95±0.28C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0338−0005 3.05 2.23973.5436 2.2290960150020.9±0.213C IV-C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0800+3542 2.07 1.98323.1139 1.98284030019.0±0.15488Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B SDSSJ0814+3250 2.21 2.18210.361 2.1792280150018.8±0.21473Template GMOS GMOS SDSSJ0833+0813 3.33 2.516103.4601 2.505980100019.45±0.318C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0852+2637 3.32 3.203170.9931 3.211550150019.25±0.413C IV SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0902+2841 3.58 3.325183.0986 3.3421200500>17.234C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1134+3409 3.14 2.291209.21237 2.287932050019.5±0.311C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1152+4517 2.38 2.312113.4669 2.315837050019.1±0.330C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1204+0221 2.53 2.43613.378 2.4402370150019.7±0.15625Template GMOS GMOS SDSSJ1213+1207 3.48 3.411137.8736 3.410530150019.25±0.339Template SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1306+6158 2.17 2.11116.397 2.108420030020.3±0.15420Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B SDSSJ1312+0002 2.84 2.671148.5850 2.668820050020.3±0.323C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1426+5002 2.32 2.239235.61397 2.2247133050020.0±0.1519C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1427−0121 2.35 2.278 6.237 2.27885030018.85±0.257871Mg II DEIMOS GMOS SDSSJ1429−0145 3.40 2.628140.2808 2.6235400100018.8±0.220C III]2QZ SDSS SDSSJ1430−0120 3.25 3.102200.01100 3.115960150020.5±0.226Template SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1545+5112 2.45 2.24097.6579 2.24332050019.45±0.330C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1621+3508 2.04 1.93176.7463 1.93091030018.7±0.212Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B SDSSJ1635+3013 2.94 2.49391.4532 2.5025820500>19111C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ2347+15013 2.29 2.15747.3282 2.176********>18.363C III]APO GMOS2.29 2.171223.01329 2.176380500>17.28Mg II SDSS GMOSNote.—Optically thick absorption line systems near foreground quasars.1In the systems SDSSJ0127+1507there are two distinct background quasars at z=2.38and z=2.60,which show absorption in the vicinity of the same foreground quasar at z=1.818.2The foreground quasar for this system has large BAL troughs in the Lyαand C IV emission lines.The redshift was computed by comparing the peak of C IV,determined by eye,to the shifted wavelengthλ=1545.3˚A.We apply a conservative redshift uncertainty of±1500km s−1.3Voigt profilefits to the Lyαabsorption in the SDSS spectrum of the background quasar gave log N HI=19.55±0.3.An archive echelle spectrum of this quasar gives the smaller value which is listed in the table log N HI=18.8±0.2.4In the systems SDSSJ2347+1501,there is a single background quasar at z=2.29and two foreground quasars at z=2.157and z=2.167, although the velocity separation is larger than our nominal1500km s−1cutofffor the former.spectra do not have sufficient resolution or SNR tofind high column density absorbers,so these quasars could only serve as foreground quasars.Furthermore,all of our Keck/Gemini/MMT spectra easily satisfy our SNR criteria,so in practice,we only apply a SNR statistic to the SDSS spectra.3.1.SNR StatisticWe define a signal-to-noise statistic SNR bg in the back-ground quasar spectrum which is an average of the me-dian signal-to-noise ratio blueward and redward of the Lyαtransition at the foreground quasar redshift.For the blue side,we begin at the wavelengthλblue= (1+z fg)(1215.67−20)˚A,and take the median SNR of the 150pixels blueward of this wavelength.The20˚A offset (4936km s−1)is applied so that the SNR is not biased by the presence of a potential absorber.If there are not150available pixels blueward ofλblue because of the blue cutoffof the spectrum,we take the median of the n blue>50pixels which remain.If less than50pixels are available,we set SNR blue=0and n blue=0. Similarly,on the red side we begin atλred=(1+z fg)(1215.67+20)˚A,and take the median SNR of the150pixels redward of this wavelength.If there are not150pixels redward ofλred which also have λ<(1+z bg)1190˚A,we compute the median SNR red of the n red pixels available.Wavelengths larger than (1+z bg)1190˚A are avoided because the SNR rises at the Lyαemission line in the background quasar spectrum.If n red<150,we then also compute the median SNR1275 of the n1275=150−n red remaining pixels redward of the wavelengthλ1275=(1+z bg)1275˚A,which is free of emission lines and a good place to estimate the red continuum SNR.Our SNR statistic is defined to be the averageSNR bg≡n blue SNR blue+n red SNR red+n1275SNR12756HENNAWI et al. These pairs with small velocity separation are excludedto avoid confusion about which object is in the back-ground and to avoid distinguishing absorption intrinsic to the background quasar from absorption associated with the foreground quasar.Because the small angu-lar separation projected pairs are particularly rare,we set a more liberal minimum SNR of SNR bg>1.5for projected pairs which have(comoving)transverse sep-aration R<1h−1Mpc.For wider separation pairs 1h−1Mpc<R<5h−1Mpc(comoving),we require SNR bg>2.3.2.Visual InspectionAll projected quasar pairs satisfying the aforemen-tioned criteria were visually inspected and we searched for significant Lyαabsorption within a velocity window of|∆v|=1500km s−1about the foreground quasar red-shift.This velocity range because it brackets the un-certainties of the foreground quasar systemic redshift (see§4).Strong broad absorption line(BAL)quasars with large C IV equivalent widths(EWs)were excluded from the d BALs were excluded if the BAL absorption clearly coincided with the velocity window about the foreground quasar redshift which was being searched.Systems with significant Lyαabsorption wereflagged for H I absorption profilefitting.In the SDSS spec-tra,all systems which had an absorber with rest equiv-alent width Wλ>2˚A wereflagged to befit.We adopted a lower threshold of Wλ>1.5˚A for the Keck/Gemini/MMT spectra,which have higher SNRs and slightly better resolution.These equivalent width thresholds correspond to column densities of roughly log N HI 19and log N HI 18.5,respectively.The H I search was complemented by a search for metal lines at the foreground quasar redshift,in the clean continuum region redward of the Lyαfor-est of the background quasar.The narrow metal lines provide a redshift for the absorption line sys-tem and,if present,they can help distinguish opti-cally thick absorbers from blended Lyαforest lines. We focused on the strongest low-ion transitions com-monly observed in DLAs(e.g.Prochaska et al.2003): Si IIλ1260,1304,1526,O Iλ1302,C IIλ1334, Al IIλ1670,Fe IIλ1608,2382,2600,Mg IIλ2796,2803; and the strong high-ionization transitions commonly seen in LLSs:C IVλ1548,1550and Si IVλ1393,1402. Any systems with secure metal-line absorption were also flagged to befit.The Lyman limit at912˚A is redshifted into the SDSS spectral coverage for z>3.2.Although we did not ap-ply any specific SNR criteria on the spectra at these bluer wavelengths,special attention was paid to pro-jected pairs for which the Lyman limit was detectable. Systems which showed Lyman limit absorption at the redshift of the foreground quasar were alsoflagged,re-gardless of the equivalent width of their Lyαabsorption or the strength or presence of metal lines.3.3.Voigt Profile FittingFor all of the systems which wereflagged by the ini-tial visual inspection,we estimated the H I column den-sity byfitting the Lyαprofiles using standard practice.1010101010gUV567tcross(yrs)R (kpc/h)z(redshift)λ(Å)Fig.1.—Distribution of foreground quasar redshifts,transverse separations,and ionizingfluxes probed by the background quasar sightlines.The upper plot shows ionizingflux versus proper separa-tions,which explains the general R−2trend.The lower plot shows foreground quasar redshift versus proper separations and the y-axis on the right indicates the wavelength of the Lyαλ1215.67˚A tran-sition at this redshift.The(blue)squares have a Keck(LRIS-B)spectrum of the background quasar,(red)triangles have Gem-ini(GMOS)background spectra,(magenta)upside down triangles have MMT(Blue Channel)background spectra,and(green)circles have SDSS background spectra.Filled symbols outlined in black have an optically thick absorber at the foreground quasar redshift (see Table1)and open symbols have no absorber.The region to the left of the dotted line is excluded by the SDSSfiber collision limit ofθ=55′′,which explains the paucity of SDSS background spectra there.The follow-up Keck/Gemini/MMT spectra probe angular separations an order of magnitude smaller than thefiber collision limit,allowing us to probe the foreground quasar environ-ment down to20kpc/h where the ionizingflux is∼10,000times the UV background.Namely,we over-plotted a Voigt profile on the Lyαtran-sition,and centered the profile according to the redshift of metal-lines,if present.Otherwise,the redshift of the absorber was allowed to be a free parameter in thefit. Thefits are done‘by-eye’,which is to say we do not minimize aχ2because the error in thefit is dominated by systematic uncertainty related to the quasar contin-uum placement and line-blending.Conservative error es-timates are adopted to account for this uncertainty.In all cases,we assume a Doppler parameter b,which is typical of the high z Lyαforest(e.g.Kirkman&Tytler 1997).In general,thefits are insensitive to the Doppler parameter parameter because most of the leverage in the fit comes from the damping wings of the line-profile;we assume b=30km s−1.See Prochaska et al.(2005)for more discussion on Voigt profilefits to Lyαabsorption profiles.The completeness and false positive rate of our sur-。

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Carbohydrate Polymers 84 (2011) 690–693Contents lists available at ScienceDirectCarbohydratePolymersj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c a r b p olShort communicationInhibition of acetylcholinesterase by gallic acid-grafted -chitosansYoung-Sook Cho a ,Se-Kwon Kim a ,Chang-Bum Ahn b ,Jae-Young Je b ,∗a Department of Chemistry and Marine Bioprocess Research Center,Pukyong National University,608-737,Republic of Korea bSchool of Food Technology and Nutrition,Chonnam National University,Yeosu 550-749,Republic of Koreaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 25October 2010Received in revised form 13December 2010Accepted 13December 2010Available online 21 December 2010Keywords:Acetylcholinesterase Chitosan derivatives Inhibition Kinetica b s t r a c tThis paper discusses acetylcholinesterase inhibitory properties of gallic acid-grafted -chitosans (GA-g -chitosans)with different grafting ratios.The GA-g -chitosans exhibited potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effects in a dose-dependent manner,and their IC 50values ranged from 138.5±0.25to 397.6±5.2␮g/mL.The acetylcholinesterase inhibition kinetics of the GA-g -chitosan (I)by Lineweaver–Burk plots showed a decrease in V max ,whereas K m was not altered,thus suggesting a non-competitive mode of inhibition.The inhibition constant,K i ,was found to be 64.85␮g/mL by the secondary plot of the Lineweaver–Burk plots.In addition,the GA-g -chitosan (I)did not exert any significant cyto-toxicity against PC12cells,and the cellular acetylcholinesterase activity in PC12cells was significantly inhibited by the GA-g -chitosan (I).This is the first report on acetylcholinesterase inhibition by the grafting of GA onto chitosan,and this compound might be helpful in preventing Alzheimer’s disease by elevating cholinergic transmission.© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAlzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease of the brain that is characterized by memory impairment,cog-nitive dysfunction,and personality changes (Bartolucci,Perola,Pilger,Fels &Lambal,2001).Based on the cholinergic hypothesis,a deficiency of cholinergic neurotransmitters in the basal fore-brains is predominantly involved in Alzheimer’s disease.Therefore,augmenting brain cholinergic neurotransmission is a promising strategy in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease,and it is an important approach for the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase based on the cholinergic hypothesis.Acetylcholinesterase catalyses the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter,acetylcholine to choline and acetate,in both the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system.Therefore,using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors is among the best accepted approach toward the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease by increasing cholinergic neurotransmitters by inhibiting the degradation of acetylcholine.Currently,acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are widely used for patients to inhibit the hydrolysis of acetylcholine in order to augment cholinergic neurotransmitters,as a result,the symptoms of patients with Alzheimer’s disease are alleviated.Over the past few years,synthetic acetylcholinesterase inhibitors including tacrine,donepezil,and the natural product-based rivastigmine have been employed in clinical treatments.∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+82616593416;fax:+82616593419.E-mail address:jjy1915@jnu.ac.kr (J.-Y.Je).However,the insufficient activity and side effects of these drugs,including hepatotoxicity and gastrointestinal disturbances,are leading to the development of new acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from natural bioresources that are non-toxic and have outstanding activity (Schulz,2003).Chitosans,naturally occurring biopolymers,are linear mucopolysaccharides composed of d -glucosamine and N-acetyl-d -glucosamine units.Over the past decade,numerous biological properties of chitosans and their derivatives,includ-ing antioxidant,antihypertensive,antimicrobial,anticancer and immune-stimulating effects,have been documented (Je,Park &Kim,2006;Jeon &Kim,2001;Jeon,Park &Kim,2001;Muzzarelli &Muzzarelli,2005;Sugano,Yoshida,Hashimoto,Enomoto &Hirano,1992).Therefore,the development of chitosan derivatives is of great importance to obtain new materials that can be applied in the industry.As part of our ongoing investigation on the development of chitosan derivatives,we grafted gallic acid onto chitosan,and herein is the first report on the anti-acetylcholinesterase activity of gallic acid-grafted -chitosans.2.Materials and methods 2.1.MaterialsChitosan from crab chitin was obtained from Kitto Life Co.(Seoul,Korea),and its average molecular weight and degree of deacetylation were 310kDa and 90%,respectively.Gallic acid,acetylcholinesterase (electric eel),and acetylthiocholine were pur-0144-8617/$–see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2010.12.040Y.-S.Cho et al./Carbohydrate Polymers84 (2011) 690–693691chased from Sigma Chemical Co.(St.Louis,MO,USA).All other chemicals and reagents used in this study were of analytical grade and commercially available.2.2.Preparation and characterization of GA-g-chitosansThe preparation of gallic acid-grafted-chitosans(GA-g-chtiosans)was performed according to our previous report (Cho,Kim,Ahn&Je,2010).Briefly,the chitosan(0.5g)was dis-solved in50mL of2%acetic acid(v/v),and then1mL of1.0M H2O2containing0.054g of ascorbic acid was added.After30min, different amounts of gallic acid were added to the mixture at the following molar ratios of residue of chitosan to gallic acid:1:1, 1:0.5,1:0.25and1:0.1.These GA-g-chitosans were designated as GA-g-chitosan(I),GA-g-chitosan(II),GA-g-chitosan(III),and GA-g-chitosan(IV),respectively.Finally,the mixture was allowed to sit at25◦C for24h under atmospheric air,and then dialyzed with distilled water for48h in order to remove the unreacted gallic acid.1H NMR spectra were obtained with a JEOL JNM ECP-400NMR spectrometer under a static magneticfield of400 MHz.Plain chitosan:1H NMR(400MHz,D2O)ı: 5.30(1H,H-1), 3.63–4.35(1H,H-2/6),2.51(H-Ac),4.8(D2O).GA-g-chitosan:1H NMR(400MHz,D2O)ı:7.63(phenyl protons of gallic acid),5.33 (1H,H-1),3.65–4.36(1H,H-2/6),2.51–2.54(H-Ac),4.8(D2O).2.3.Assay for inhibition of acetylcholinesteraseThe acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay was conducted via the spectrophotometric method developed by Ellman,Courtney, Andres,and Featherstone(1961)with slight modification.Acetylth-iocholine chloride was employed as the substrate to assay the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase.The reaction mixture contained: 140␮L of100mM sodium phosphate buffer(pH8.0),20␮L of test sample solution,and20␮L of acetylcholinesterase(0.36U/mL), which were mixed and incubated for15min at room tempera-ture.The reactions were then initiated via the addition of10␮L of5-5 -thiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid(0.5mM)and10␮L of acetylth-iocholine chloride(0.6mM).The hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine chloride was monitored by the following formation of yellow5-thio-2-nitrobenzoate anion at412nm for15min,which resulted from the reaction of5-5 -thiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid with thio-choline,released by the enzymatic hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine chloride.2.4.Determination of kinetic parameters and mode of inhibitionKinetic parameters,Michaelis constant(K m)and maximal veloc-ity(V max)were determined via the Lineweaver–Burk plot and inhibition constant(K i)derived from slope of primary plot vs con-centration of inhibitor.2.5.Cell culturePC12cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection(Rockville,MD).The cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium(DMEM)supplemented with10%fetal bovine serum(FBS),2mM glutamine,100U/mL of penicillin,and 100␮g/mL of streptomycin.The cells were incubated at37◦C in a humidified atmosphere(5%CO2).2.6.Cytotoxicity assayThe cytotoxicity of the GA-g-chitosan(I)was measured using the3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide(MTT)assay.The cells were grown in96-well plates at a density of1×104cells/well.After24h,the cells were treated with control medium or medium supplemented with different concen-trations of GA-g-chitosan(I).After incubation for24h,MTT solution (1mg/mL)was added and incubated for another4h.Finally,100␮L of DMSO was added to solubilize the formed formazan crystals. The amount of formazan crystals was determined by measuring the absorbance at540nm using an ELISA reader(SpectraMax®M2/M2e,CA).2.7.Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity on PC12cell linePC12cells were grown in10cm culture dish,and at70–80% confluence,the cells were treated with GA-g-chitosan(I)with the desired concentrations and incubated for24h.After incubation, the cells were collected and washed three times with PBS.Then, the cells were lysed in1mL lysis buffer(50mM Tris–HCl,pH7.5, 1%Triton X-100,1M NaCl and50mM MgCl2)for2h.The super-natants were obtained by centrifugation at10,000rpm at4◦C for 30min and the protein content was determined via BCA assay kit (bicinchoninic acid,Sigma Co.,St.Louis,MO),using bovine serum albumin as a standard.Acetylcholinesterase assay of the cell lysates was performed as the above mention method,and acetylcholinesterase activity was expressed as U/mg protein using standard curve.2.8.StatisticsAll assays were carried out in triplicate,and the results are reported as means±standard deviations.The statistical signifi-cance of difference was analyzed by Student’s t-test using SPSS (Chicago,IL,USA).3.Results and discussion3.1.Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory capacities of GA-g-chitosansAcetylcholinesterase inhibitors have been well-characterized in clinical studies as the most promising Alzheimer’s disease thera-peutic agents by increasing endogenous levels of acetylcholine and cholinergic neurotransmission in the brains of Alzheimer’s type dementia patients(Yu,Utsuki,Brossi&Greig,1999).Therefore, we evaluated the anti-acetylcholinesterase activities of the GA-g-chitosans in order to help address the paucity of information on GA-g-chitosans as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.The acetylcholinesterase inhibitory capacities of the GA-g-chitosans are depicted in Fig.1.First,plain chitosan,which was produced by the same preparation process as the GA-g-chitosan without the addition of gallic acid,showed weak acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity as40%inhibition at400␮g/mL.However,the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory capacities of the GA-g-chitosans were higher than that of the plain chitosan.All GA-g-chitosans had inhibitory potency toward acetylcholinesterase in a dose-dependent manner,and their inhibition activity were recorded as87.31%[GA-g-chitosan(I)],75.77%[GA-g-chitosan(II)],57.57%[GA-g-chitosan(III)],and50.36%[GA-g-chitosan(IV)]at the concentration of400␮g/mL. These activities were augmented with increasing gallic acid content in the grafted chitosans.Table1summarizes the IC50 values of the GA-g-chitosans,which are the concentrations nec-essary to inhibit50%of acetylcholinesterase activity.The IC50 values were calculated by the non-linear regression method.As depicted in Fig.1,GA-g-chitosan(I)showed the most potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitory capacity with an IC50value of 138.5±2.5␮g/mL,followed by GA-g-chitosan(II)>GA-g-chitosan (III)>GA-g-chitosan(IV),respectively.692Y.-S.Cho et al./Carbohydrate Polymers84 (2011) 690–693Fig.1.Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of gallic acid-grafted-chitosans. Results are expressed as means±SD of three determinations.Table1IC50values of GA-g-chitosans.Samples IC50(␮g/mL)GA-g-chitosan(I)138.5±2.5GA-g-chitosan(II)177.9±3.3GA-g-chitosan(III)196.4±1.7GA-g-chitosan(IV)397.6±5.2Scanty information regarding polysaccharide-based acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitors is available,and herein we are the first to report on the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of naturally occurring polysaccharide based derivatives,namely GA-g-chitosans,and demonstrated that GA-g-chitosans possess high acetylcholinesterase inhibitory capacities compared to plain chitosan.This result suggests that gallic acid improves the acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitory activity of plain chitosan.In our previous report,we found that chitooligosaccharides(COSs),derivatives of chitosan,possess acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity,and their activity is dependent on their molecular weight and degree of deacetylation(Lee,Park,Kim,Ahn&Je,2009).The IC50values of the COSs ranged from1.67to3.52mg/mL.In this study,the GA-g-chitosans showed enhanced acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities compared to the COSs.Yoon,Ngo,and Kim(2009)also reported that aminoalkylated COSs inhibited acetylcholinesterase, and inhibitory activity was dependent on the type of aminoalkyl groups introduced onto the COSs.The activities of these aminoalky-lated COSs appear to be more potent than those of GA-g-chitosans. It is also developed chitosan and its oligomers as neuroprotec-tive agents,particularly with regard to oxidative stress because increased oxidative stress is a widely accepted factor in the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.Khodagholi, Eftekharzadeh,Maghsoudi,and Rezaei(2010)reported that chi-tosan prevents oxidative stress-induced amyloid␤formationand Fig.2.Lineweaver–Burk plots of acetylcholinesterase with and without gallic acid-grafted-chitosan(I).Table2Kinetic parameters of acetylcholinesterase in the presence of GA-g-chitosan(I).␮g/mL K m(mM)V max( OD412/min)0 4.0790.053100 4.0790.023200 4.0790.015cytotoxicity in NT2neurons,and Xu,Huang,Lin,and Jiang(2010) also reported that chitosan oligomer protected rat cortical neu-rons by copper-induced oxidative stress.In addition,chitins and chitosans could be used for the repair of wounded nerve tissue, and reduced the oxidative stress by radical scavenging activity (Muzzarelli,2009;Castagnino et al.,2008).3.2.Determination of kinetic parameters and mode of inhibitionThe inhibition mode of the GA-g-chitosans on acetyl-cholinesterase was analyzed using Lineweaver–Burk plots.Deter-mination of the inhibition type is important to understand the mechanism of enzyme action and the inhibitor binding site.Considering acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity,we used GA-g-chitosan(I)as a representative in kinetic analysis.The Lineweaver–Burk plots of acetylcholinesterase with and without GA-g-chitosan(I)(at two concentrations,100and200␮g/mL)are presented in Fig.2,showing that the lines intersect on the x-axis. Therefore,the inhibition mode of GA-g-chitosan(I)toward acetyl-cholinesterase is non-competitive inhibition where GA-g-chitosan (I)reversibly binds to an allosteric site on acetylcholinesterase,pre-venting the substrate from binding to the active site.This means GA-g-chitosan(I)acts as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor by form-ing enzyme–substrate–inhibitor and enzyme–inhibitor complexes during the reaction to reduce the efficiency of catalysis.KineticTable3Cellular acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of GA-g-chitosan(I)on PC12cells.GA-g-chitosan(I)(␮g/mL)025******** Acetylcholineterase activity(U/mg protein)10.16±0.279.18±0.398.12±0.327.49±0.35 6.58±0.27Y.-S.Cho et al./Carbohydrate Polymers84 (2011) 690–693693parameters such as K m,V max and K i were analyzed using primary and secondary Lineweaver–Burk plots,and the values are sum-marized in Table2.In the presence of GA-g-chitosan(I),V max decreased with increasing concentrations of GA-g-chitosan(I),but K m was not altered.The K i value was calculated by the secondary plot of Lineweaver–Burk,which the slopes of each line in the Lineweaver–Burk plot were plotted against different concentra-tions of GA-g-chitosan(I),and the K i value is the intercept on the x-axis.The obtained K i value was found to be64.85␮g/mL.3.3.Cytotoxicity and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity inPC12cell linePheochromocytoma(PC12)cells,rich in acetylcholinesterase activity,were employed for further investigation on the effect of GA-g-chitosan(I)against acetylcholinesterase activity.Prior to investigate the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of GA-g-chitosan(I)in PC12cells,cytotoxic level of GA-g-chitosan(I) was determined using MTT assay.The GA-g-chitosan(I)did not exert any significant(p<0.01)toxic effect on the PC12cells after24h of treatment(0–200␮g/mL).Therefore,non-toxic con-centrations of GA-g-chitosan(I)were applied for the effect on acetylcholinesterase activity in PC12cells.For determination of cellular acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity,the GA-g-chitosan(I)with various concentrations was treated in PC12cells and further incubated for24h.As shown in Table3,acetylcholinesterase activities of the cell lysates including treatment with GA-g-chitosan(I)were observed that acetylcholinesterase activity was decreased with increased con-centrations of GA-g-chitosan(I).In the absence of GA-g-chtiosan (I),acetylcholinesterase activity was observed10.16U/mg protein, but in the presence of GA-g-chtiosan(I)at the concentration of 200␮g/mL,acetylcholinesterase activity was observed6.58U/mg protein.4.ConclusionIn this study,wefirstly reported acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of GA-g-chitosans.The GA-g-chitosans exhibited potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity in a dose-dependent man-ner compared to plain chitosan,and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity was dependent on GA content in the GA-g-chitosans.The inhibition mode of the GA-g-chitosan(I)was found to be non-competitive,and K i value was found to be64.85␮g/mL.In addition,the GA-g-chitosan(I)did not exert any significant cytotoxicity against PC12cells,and the cellular acetylcholinesterase activity in PC12cells was significantly inhibited by the GA-g-chitosan(I).Our presentfindings suggest that GA-g-chitosans might be beneficial materials in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, and provide a chemical framework for the development of new acetylcholinesterase inhibitors based on chitosan.ReferencesBartolucci,C.,Perola,E.,Pilger,C.,Fels,G.,&Lambal,D.(2001).Three-dimensional structure of a complex of galanthamine(Nivalin®)with acetylcholinesterase from Torpedo californica:Implications for the design of new anti-Alzheimer drugs.Proteins,42,182–191.Castagnino,E.,Ottaviani,M.F.,Cangiotti,M.,Morelli,M.,Casettari,L.,&Muzzarelli, R.A.A.(2008).Radical scavenging activity of5-methylpyrrolidinone chitosan and dibutyl chitin.Carbohydrate Polymers,74,640–647.Cho,Y.S.,Kim,S.K.,Ahn,C.B.,&Je,J.Y.(2010).Preparation,characterization and antioxidant properties of gallic acid-grafted-chitosans.Carbohydrate Polymers, doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2010.10.019Ellman,G.L.,Courtney,D.,Andres,K.D.V.,&Featherstone,R.M.(1961).A new and rapid colorimetric determination of acetylcholinesterase activity.Biochemical Pharmacology,7,88–95.Je,J.Y.,Park,P.J.,Kim,B.,&Kim,S.K.(2006).Antihypertensive activity of chitin derivatives.Biopolymers,83,250–254.Jeon,Y.J.,&Kim,S.K.(2001).Potential immune-stimulating effect of antitumoral fraction of chitosan oligosaccharides.Journal of Chitin Chitosan,6,163–167. 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