






一、Prometheus集群架构Prometheus集群通常由三类节点组成:1.数据采集节点(Prometheus Server)这是Prometheus集群的核心组成部分。


每个Prometheus Server实例都有一个本地存储,用于存储从导出器(Exporter)中采集到的时间序列数据。

Prometheus Server也可以从其他Prometheus Server中复制数据,并进行查询和分析。


导出器通常会暴露出一些HTTP接口,用于Prometheus Server 从中获取数据。

Prometheus Server会针对每个导出器维护一些目标信息,包括该导出器的地址和一些标签信息。


常见的导出器包括Node Exporter、Blackbox Exporter、MySQL Exporter等。

3.查询节点(Prometheus Query)查询节点用于接收来自Prometheus Server发送的查询请求,并将查询结果返回给Prometheus Server。

Prometheus Query通常会与Prometheus Server分离部署,在Prometheus集群中可以有多个查询节点。





浪潮云海 云数据中心管理平台 V5

浪潮云海 云数据中心管理平台 V5

浪潮云海·云数据中心管理平台V5.0 Inspur InCloud DataCenter Manager 超级管理员/域管理员操作手册浪潮(北京)电子信息产业有限公司2017年1月目录概述 (1)1.1系统结构 (1)1.2用户结构 (1)1.3业务场景分类 (2)快速入门指南 (4)2.1系统基础配置 (4)2.1.1系统注册 (4)2.1.2系统设置 (5)2.1.3添加虚拟控制中心 (5)2.1.4添加虚拟网络 (6)2.1.5创建组织 (6)2.1.6日志设置 (6)2.2业务场景一:两级用户无业务流程 (6)2.2.1超级管理员/域管理员创建及分配虚拟数据中心 (7)2.2.2超级管理员/域管理员创建及分配虚拟网络 (7)2.2.3超级管理员/域管理员更改虚拟数据中心配置 (7)2.2.4超级管理员/域管理员导入云物理机 (7)2.2.5超级管理员/域管理员创建云空间 (8)2.2.6超级管理员/域管理员创建云盘 (8)2.2.7组织管理员创建应用服务 (8)2.2.8组织管理员创建虚拟机 (8)2.2.9组织管理员更改虚拟机配置 (8)2.2.10组织管理员创建云盘空间 (9)2.2.11系统/域管理员配置kubernetes服务器 (9)2.2.12系统/域管理员配置容器镜像库 (9)2.2.13系统/域管理员导入容器实例 (9)2.2.14系统/域管理员启用容器服务 (9)2.2.15系统/域管理员禁用容器服务 (9)2.2.16组织用户/管理员添加容器实例 (10)2.2.17组织用户/管理员开启容器实例 (10)2.2.18组织用户/管理员关闭容器实例 (10)2.2.19组织用户/管理员删除容器实例 (10)2.2.20组织用户/管理员修改容器实例 (10)2.2.21组织用户/管理员查看容器实例详情 (10)2.2.22组织用户/管理员查看容器实例控制台信息 (11)2.2.23组织用户/管理员终止容器服务 (11)2.3业务场景二:两级用户有业务流程 (11)2.3.1超级管理员/域管理员添加业务流程 (11)2.3.2虚拟数据中心、虚拟网络、虚拟机、云服务的申请审批 (11)2.3.3组织管理员创建应用服务、虚拟机 (14)2.3.4组织管理员/用户申请开通容器服务、修改配额 (15)2.4业务场景三:三级用户无业务流程 (15)2.4.1超级管理员/域管理员创建及分配资源 (15)2.4.2组织用户注册 (16)2.4.3组织管理员创建应用服务、虚拟机 (16)2.4.4组织管理员分配应用服务/虚拟机给组织用户 (17)2.5业务场景四:三级用户有业务流程 (17)2.5.1超级管理员/域管理员添加业务流程 (17)2.5.2虚拟数据中心、虚拟网络、虚拟机、云服务的申请审批 (17)2.5.3组织用户注册 (20)2.5.4组织管理员添加业务流程 (20)2.5.5虚拟机的申请审批 (21)2.5.6更改虚拟机配置的申请审批 (21)功能介绍 (21)3.1起始页 (21)3.1.1查看首页 (21)3.1.2起始页设置 (22)3.1.3查看故障告警大屏 (22)3.1.4查看资源利用率大屏 (22)3.1.5查看TOPN大屏 (22)3.1.6查看云资源拓扑大屏 (23)3.1.7查看云概念大屏 (23)3.2云资源管理 (23)3.2.1虚拟控制中心管理 (23)3.2.2集群管理 (29)3.2.3主机管理 (40)3.2.4虚拟数据中心管理 (47)3.2.5虚拟机管理 (51)3.2.6网络管理 (69)3.2.7存储管理 (89)3.2.8 密钥管理 (97)3.2.9模板镜像管理 (99)3.2.10资源同步 (108)3.2.11拓扑图 (108)3.2.12设置 (109)3.2.13逻辑视图 (111)3.2.14组织视图 (111)3.2.15回收站 (111)3.2.16公有云 (112)3.3云服务 (116)3.3.1云物理机 (116)3.3.2云空间管理 (119)3.3.3云盘管理 (120)3.3.4协作云盘 (122)3.3.5 云监控管理 (125)3.3.6云桌面管理 (127)3.3.8大数据管理 (134)3.3.9卷服务 (138)3.3.10 云数据库 (140)3.4智能监控 (147)3.4.1起始页 (147)3.4.2资源视图 (148)3.4.3节点视图 (151)3.4.4区域视图 (151)3.4.5业务视图 (151)3.4.6拓扑视图 (154)3.4.7告警管理 (157)3.4.8性能管理 (164)3.4.9巡检管理 (166)3.4.10系统配置 (171)3.4.11日志集中管理 (184)3.4.12 3D机房管理 (194)3.5业务管理 (198)3.5.1业务流程管理 (198)3.5.2业务审批 (201)3.5.3 审批历史 (211)3.5.4 通知设置 (211)3.5.5 业务统计 (212)3.6计费管理 (212)3.6.1计费设置 (212)3.6.2计费等级管理 (215)3.6.3余额及充值 (217)3.6.4组织账户账单 (217)3.6.5计量管理 (219)3.6.6起始页 (220)3.7运维管理 (221)3.7.1资产管理 (221)3.7.2软件仓库 (236)3.7.3 故障管理 (244)3.7.4报表管理 (248)3.7.5服务器自动化 (256)3.7.6统一任务管理 (287)3.7.7运维配置 (288)3.8系统管理 (289)3.8.1资源域管理 (289)3.8.2组织管理 (290)3.8.3用户管理 (294)3.8.4角色管理 (300)3.8.5系统设置 (302)3.8.7任务管理 (311)3.8.8地区管理 (312)3.8.9部门管理 (314)3.9云安全 (315)3.9.1云防火墙管理 (315)3.9.2可信 (317)3.9.3Hypervisior安全 (318)3.9.4SDP(数据库安全审计加固系统) (319)3.10私有云 (321)3.10.1云控制中心 (321)3.10.2组织项目映射 (322)3.10.3虚拟机管理 (323)3.10.4网络与路由管理 (330)3.10.5卷 (335)3.10.6镜像管理 (337)3.10.7虚拟机类型管理 (339)概述浪潮云海∙云数据中心管理平台是云数据中心综合管理平台,简称InCloud Manager。



1Microchip Amazon Machine Image(AMI)SetupThe WiFi Client Module(WCM)Development Kit1is designed to work with an Amazon Web Service (AWS)server to show how easy it is to connect an embedded product to the cloud.Amazon provides help for their AWS account holders at https:///or paid support at http://aws. /premiumsupport/.1.If you do not have an AWS account with Amazon,go to and create one.(a)Please review your company IT policies when working with external services2.Once you,or your company,has an AWS account,go to https:///marketplace/pp/B00FAX38R4and launch an instance of the Microchip AMI to connect with your WCM Development Kit1.2WCM Development Kit1Hardware SetupThis section will guide you through the setup needed to commission the WCM Development Kit1hardware to work with the Microchip AMI that you just configured.1.Power on the WCM Development Kit1.Led‘D5’willflash indicating the board needs to be configured.2.The module will create an access point(AP)with SSID‘yyyyyy WCM’,where‘yyyy’is the last sixbytes of the module’s MAC address.Connect to this AP with your computer or mobile device.Note: Remember your device’s MAC address as this is used for the UUID for your WCM.3.When your computer or mobile device indicates a successful connection to the AP,open a browser andenter192.168.1.25as the url and open the page.4.You should be greeted with the WCM Development Kit1Embedded Configuration Webpage.5.Enter your Network SSID into the box labeled‘Network SSID:’.6.Select the type of security in the drop down box labeled‘Security Type:’-‘None’,‘WEP’,or‘WPA/WPA2Passphrase’.7.If you selected‘WEP’or‘WPA/WPA2’a box to enter in the passphrase/key will appear labeled‘Password:’,enter the passphrase/key.8.Enter in the IPv4address of the AWS server running the Microchip AMI into the AWS Server Address(IPv4)boxes.(Each box is a byte of the four byte ip address,for example if your IP address is it would look like192.168.100.100)9.When the information is complete,press the‘Join’button.10.When the configuration is completed,a‘Reconnection in Progress’page will be displayed.Your WCMDevelopment Kit1will now be connecting to the router or AP you entered.You can exit the browser at this time.3Using the DemoNow that all of the setup is compete,the following items will allow you to use the demo.1.Connect your computer or mobile device to the internet and open a web browser and enter the IPaddress you used above to connect to the Microchip AMI running on AWS.2.The Microchip AMI will prompt you for the WCM Development Kit1UUID,this is the last6bytesof the devices MAC address that was broadcast in the SSID.Enter this UUID into the box labeled ‘WCM DK1UUID’and click‘Set UUID’.Note:Cookies must be enabled in your browser!Microchip Technology Inc.13.Power on the WCM Development Kit1;the green LEDs will light up in a counter-clockwise patternindicating that the development kit is associating with the router or AP that you entered above.4.The development kit will indicate association byflashing the two blue LEDs.5.Once the product is connected,you can press,and hold,any of the buttons on the demo and it willchange the status of the corresponding button indicators on the Microchip AMI you created.6.Clicking the LED buttons on the Microchip AMI you created will change the status of the LEDs onthe WCM Development Kit1board.7.Changing the potentiometer on the board will change the value see on the website.8.The board will go into sleep mode after5minutes,to wake the board press‘S1’.9.To clear the configuration from the board,hold‘S1’while powering up the board.To provide feedback to the user the two blue LEDs at the top of the board are used to indicate status of the demo.Please use the table below to interpret the diagnostic codes reported by the WCM Development Kit 1when these or other LEDs are illuminated.D7D6D5D4D3D2D1Diagnostic Report-0F0000Configuration Mode:Need to configure-F F0000Connected to AP-10C C C C Associating to AP-110001Connection Issue,no internet found-110010Association to AP failed-110100No Record for UUID-111000Database Issue-F0----Normal Operation:D6flashes each message transmission1------Battery Voltage LowF=Flashing,C=Rotating in a counter clockwise pattern,-=Don’t care,0=Off,and1=OnTable1:Diagnostic CodesRevision HistoryRevision Date Author(s)Description1.0.02014-01-17DC,SBP Initial Release of Document1.0.12014-10-23DC,SBP Updated for WCM Development Kit1firmware1.0.0Microchip Technology Inc.2。



浪潮ClusterEngine集群服务平台用户使用手册浪潮(北京)电子信息产业有限公司-1-尊敬的用户:衷心感谢您选用了浪潮ClusterEngine 集群管理平台!本手册介绍了ClusterEngine 集群管理平台的运行环境、实现功能和使用方法,可使使用者更好地了解本软件的各种特性,充分的发挥本软件的作用。




浪潮(北京)电子信息产业有限公司二零一二年十二月目录第1章整体介绍 (4)1.1软件介绍 (4)1.2系统拓扑图 (6)1.3系统要求 (7)第2章ClusterEngine 主界面介绍 (8)第3章作业提交模块 (8)3.1脚本作业提交 (9)3.2模板提交 (11)第4章作业管理模块 (12)第5章Checkpoint管理模块 (17)第6章应用管理模块 (17)6.1VASP作业模块 (17)6.2Fluent作业 (28)6.3Atom作业 (31)第7章监控模块 (38)7.1动态信息 (38)7.2实况信息 (39)7.3历史信息 (43)7.4节点监控 (44)第8章监控面板模块 (54)第9章报警面板模块 (54)第10章管理工具模块 (54)10.1集群Shell (54)10.2远程桌面 (57)第11章文件管理模块 (59)第12章用户管理模块 (64)第13章报表统计模块 (64)13.1缴费管理 (64)13.2记账配置 (67)13.3记账统计 (69)第14章配置中心模块 (71)第15章大屏幕监控模块 (71)-3-第1章整体介绍1.1软件介绍浪潮ClusterEngine 集群管理平台是专为浪潮天梭系列 HPC 产品定制的一款作业管理软件,该软件采用B/S架构,通过浏览器(IE,firefox等)进行操作,可以管理集群系统中的软硬件资源和用户提交的作业,根据集群中的资源使用情况来合理的调度用户提交的作业,从而达到提高资源的利用率和作业的执行效率的作用。

5.3 CI集群配置手册【宁夏理工学院培训】

5.3 CI集群配置手册【宁夏理工学院培训】








负载均衡器可以是硬件的,如F5,也可以是任何软件的,如Aache Server、WebLogic Cluster、WebSphere Cluster等。


缓存同步服务器用来实现集群内各节点之间的数据同步,可以是支持JMS1.1规范的任何JMS服务器,如Apache Avtivemq。



数据库服务器可以是Oracle、db2、SQL Server等数据库节点。



Icom IC-7000常见问题解答说明书

Icom IC-7000常见问题解答说明书

Icom IC-7000 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)This guide was created to answer the most commonly asked questions about the Icom IC-7000. The goal is two-fold:1) Condense the discussions found in the Yahoo group to the raw information providing a definitivesource for the FAQ reader2) Remove these recurring questions from the group to improve the “signal to noise ratio” Instructions for updating, correcting and adding information are located at the end of this FAQ.IC-7000 Unique Features• The IC-7000 was the smallest multimode radio available at its introduction (and the time of this writing)• It was the first truly mobile radio to feature IF-DSP (customizable filters – nothing to buy)• Filter width adjustable by mode with “sharp” and “soft” shape factors• Dual ADI Blackfin DSP Processors - feature set similar to the IC-7800, IC-756 Pro III• ACG loop performance controlled by DSP• Auto notch plus dual manual notch filters for up to 70 dB of attenuation• Noise blanker features adjustable pulse width and depth of cut• Internal RTTY decode and dual peak RTTY filter• High stability crystal oscillator is standard• Voice synthesizer standard• VFO knob includes a working “spinner”• The VFO knob tension is adjustable from free to tight and detented – great for mobile operation!• Microphone and external speaker jacks on both the head and body• Color composite video output available at all times to support a larger monitor• Multifunction display shows complete receiver status, S-meter/power output, ALC, compression, SWR and final temperature on a single screen• Semi-real-time spectral display 25-500kHz wide with peak hold and SWR sweep meter• VHF NTSC TV reception with internal modification• Many functions, including band stack registers, direct frequency entry, mode, filters and speech synthesizer available directly via the microphone (no menu navigation required) • Two programmable function keys on microphone for most used functions• CW/Voice memory keyer with 4 memories each and internal recorder feature• CW/voice keyer directly accessible with simple box described in manual• Thermostatically controlled fan• Less receive standby current draw than the IC-706MKIIG• Remotely mountable head• 6-pin data jack and 13-pin accessory jack• Customizable opening messageUser Measured SpecificationsPower outputThe IC-7000 maximum output power drops as voltage drops. This behavior is consistent with other radios as shown by the Yaesu FT-450 results below.The band tested below was not specified.13.84 2.0 17 9313.49 2.0 17 9213.01 2.0 17.5 9212.50 2.0 17.5 9012.02 2.0 16.0 8011.50 2.0 14.5 7011.01 2.0 14.0 6010.50 2.0 12.5 5010.00 2.0 11.5 409.50 2.0 XMIT FAILEDVoltage measured at power supply. Cables supplied by Icom. Power out as indicated in CW mode on attached tuner into a dummy load. At full voltage I had a full 100w PEP on SSB.<Marc W0KYZ>By comparison, these are the measurements that I obtained from a new Yaesu FT-450AT late last year: 13.8V - 100W12.5V - 100W12.0V - 75W11.5V - 68W<VR2AX> I looked up the % charge chart for my Trojan Deep Cycle battery:100% 12.70V80% 12.46V75% 12.40V50% 12.20V45% 12.16V25% 12.00V10% 11.94V5% 11.92V Discharged @ 11.90V<Jack_son>Receive standby currentIcom specs say 1.3A on receive squelched and 1.6A full volume.I checked mine. I got 1.36A two minutes after power up with default settings on 2m FM. Full volume (painful) was1.52A. I found I could save about 40mA by reducing "LCD Bright" to minimum (and still read the display) and another 40mA by turning off the switch backlighting. The readings were a little tough to validate because the fan is variable speed and can affect the readings by more than 100mA.These numbers seem consistent with the published Icom specs. It's not exactly milliamps but it's still 500mA less than the IC-706MKIIG specs. <Scott N7SS>How do I…?How do I hook a monitor to my IC-7000?The IC-7000 uses a 1/8” mono mini jack to provide composite video out. Any monitor, TV or VCR that supports composite video input (yellow RCA jack) can be used as a display. Although the 1/8” mini jack is small, it’s not a standard video connector. Radio Shack offers a 6 foot cable (Catalog #: 42-2444) for only a few dollars that has a 1/8” mini plug to RCA plug and will connect the IC-7000 directly to a standard composite monitor/TV.It is also possible to use an adapter to convert the 1/8” mini jack to an RCA to allow the use of a standard RCA cable. Rigid adapters should be used with caution because the jack can be pulled off the main board if too much torque is applied.“To use with a standard computer monitor, it is necessary to convert the composite video to RGB video with a device like the KWorld TV Box 1680ex.I use this one and it works ok but the above is better: /mpd/tvbox9.html<Steve Ellington, N4LQ>How do I use a Bluetooth headset with my IC-7000?“Works great. See link below from K7SFN. /projects/bluetooth.html”<Dave, KI4KQ>How do I connect more than one CI-V device to my IC-7000?The Icom CI-V interface is a serial bus design. This allows more than one device to be connected to the radio CI-V interface (amplifier, antenna switch, SteppIR antenna, additional radios, etc.). “To connect these devices get a flexible adapter like the Radio Shack 42-2437 or even a three-way adapter like the Radio Shack 42-2458”. <Doug Faunt, N6TQS>How do I get better transmitted audio?The IC-7000 was designed as a mobile radio and the microphone was intended to be used in high noise environments. Although the Heil microphones and W2IMY equalizers provide excellent audio, many people want to maintain the functionality of the stock microphone and get better audio without the expense of these options. AB5N has created a modification for the stock microphone at/ that creates a “hotter” microphone and higher quality audio. There is also a microphone modification posted at http://www.mods.dk/.The IC-7000 has two microphone jacks but the Icom manual specifically states that only one microphone should be used at a time. This is likely because both microphones would be hot at the same time. Some have suggested a mute switch (disabling the mike element) in the stock microphone. This would allow the stock microphone to be used as a “remote control” in one mike jack with a headset in the second mike jack.How do I use my IC-7000 on 60m?Page 40 of the IC-7000 manual provides information on 60m operation and is quoted below.To assist you in operating the 5 MHz band correctly within the rules specified by the FCC, transmission is impossible on any 5 MHz band frequency other than the 5 frequencies indicated in the table below.IC-7000 Display Frequency* FCC Channel Center Frequency*5.33050 MHz 5.33200 MHz5.34650 MHz 5.34800 MHz5.36650 MHz 5.36800 MHz5.37150 MHz 5.37300 MHz5.40350 MHz 5.40500 MHzNOTE: We recommend that you store these frequencies, mode and filter settings into the memory channel for easy recall.*The channel center frequencies that are specified by the FCC, show the center frequency of their passband. However, the IC-7000 displays carrier point frequency, so set 1.5 kHz below from FCC channel center frequency.How do I get full power output when transmitting?The IC-7000 was designed to deliver full power output at 13.8 volts. This is the voltage provided by most power supplies and the alternator output of a vehicle. The voltage table at the beginning of this FAQ shows output as voltage drops. When using the radio from a battery it is necessary to use the largest possible power cabling and a battery voltage booster to maintain the 13.8 volts required for maximum output.I use my IC7000 on CW almost exclusively, and I operate ONLY mobile. I use the N8XJK booster / with no problems at all. For a while I used it with the RF sensing, but no longer do so... not because of any performance problems, but because when the engine is running I don't need the booster, and when in receive I don't hear any noise problems from the booster, so I decided to so away with the additional wiring needed to use the RF Sensing. <Dave- K9FN>“I will ad that the MFJ-4416 voltage booster has helped greatly when the vehicle isn't running. This radio and many other mobiles do not Tx full output power on less than 13+ volts. So either get a battery voltage booster or keep the vehicle running.” <AE5MH>How do I use my radio in VOX mode?“Two things two check. You are in a voice mode and you have turned VOX on. I just tried it and it works with the stock 151 microphone. Be sure the word VOX shows up on your display.” <Steve EllingtonN4LQ>“Turn the VOX Gain up reasonably high, and turn the Anti-VOX as low as you can with out the speaker triggering the VOX. My 7000 works great with stock microphone in VOX mode.” <Dave - KI4KQ>How do I access the CW/Voice memory keyer?The CW and voice keyer options are accessible through the menu. When using the keyers via menu, it is not possible to access other features or the popular multimeter screen. There is a simple resistor network with switches shown in the manual to allow immediate access to the CW/voice memory keyer.“I made the device in the photo for solve this problem using the circuit at the 135 Page. I use my 7k for contesting and expeditions so the voice message function is a powerful help but use it via the menus is complex. /ea1nt/7kbox.htm <Luis EA1NT>How do I use a Turbo Tuner and screwdriver antenna with an IC-7000On the Turbo Tuner Web site, N2VZ is shipping Turbo Tuners setup for the 7000 AND the software update for Turbo Tuners that were programmed for 706, to make it a 7000 tuner. He will email you the update to flash your 706 Turbo Tuner thru the RS232 port on the Turbo Tuner./<Kent KQ4KK>How do I enter DTMF tones for Echolink/IRLP or repeater control?The stock IC-7000 microphone has many functions but like the IC-706 family, it can’t generate DTMF tones. There are two solutions offered by Icom. The first option is the same DTMF microphone used by the IC-706, the HM-154T.There are also 4 DTMF memories of up to 24 digits described on page 67-68 of the IC-7000 manual. This allows recording command/control sequences in these memories. Set Menu Option 38 specifies which DTMF option appears when F-2 is pressed in the menu.Can I use my IC-706 accessories with my IC-7000?Most accessories from Icom and third parties will work directly with the IC-7000. There are a few exceptions. The Icom remote kit is different for the IC-7000. The body and head bracket are the same but the remote cable has 10 pins, rather than only 8 pins. The microphones are largely compatible but the IC-7000 does not have an audio output line in the microphone cable. This could effect some TNC cables and older Heil headsets. The later Heil headsets have a separate speaker plug. There have also been some compatibility issues with third-party tuners (LDG and Turbo Tuner) although ROM upgrades are generally available to address these issues.Where do I find…?DC Power connector“New HF radios from Japan, introduced in the past 5 years operating on 12V DC, like the ICOM IC-7000, Kenwood TS-480, Yaesu FT-450, Yaesu FT-2000, and the new ICOM entry level radio all use the same connector, wired the same way.” <John Bee N1GNV – Quicksilver Radio>Quicksilver Radio - /DCpower.htmTower Electronics - /Powerwerx - /Wimo - http://wimo.de/cgi-bin/verteiler.pl?url=netzgeraete-zubehoer_d.htmlMonitorThere are too many monitor options available from too many sources to list here. The IC-7000 provides composite video out. This can be run into most TV sets and VCRs with the appropriate cable (1/8” monaural mini plug to RCA plug).Small monitors can often be found on eBay and any place that sells car audio/video. In-dash DVD players and many navigation systems include a composite video input. There has even been some discussion that a Toyota Prius instrument panel has an input that could be used for an IC-7000.Icom uses a 7” Xenarc 700YV monitor in the display they use at hamfairs. This monitor is more than what is necessary for most users. The rated LCD brightness of 500 cd/m² and contrast ratio of 400:1 crates a nice image. These are the two most important numbers when determining the quality of an LCD display. Often these numbers are not available and the price is the only indication of the relative monitor quality.CI-V computer interfaces for serial and USBIcom sells the CT-17 interface, which offers 4 CI-V ports and a single DB-9 serial port. There are a number of less expensive options available on the market in both serial and USB. These are commonly found on eBay. Radio Shack also has some scanner programming cables that will work.“I purchased the Radio Shack 20-047 USB Programming Cable & Driver Software today.(the number and description is right off their label)I followed their directions and connected the USB plug after installing the driver. It connects at 19,200 bps and has not given one sign of improper connection...This is faster and easier than the CT-17.I used a 20 foot stereo extension to get to the ICOM and used the stereo to mono adapter supplied with the interface to plug in at the radio end of the connection.18 hours later, I am sure this is the best way to go.” <im2old2run>Interfaces are also available from:West Mountain Radio - /RIGtalk.htmMFJ /Product.php?productid=MFJ-5383IControl softwareThe IC-7000 is similar to the other Icom HF radios and can use much of the same software written for the IC-706 family (although the radio address may need to be changed). More software is offering native IC-7000 support. One of the first and best is Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) and is available for download at no cost from /.Memory programming softwareThere are a number of packages specifically designed to program the memory channels in the IC-7000. Rumtrol7k http://www.dl2rum.de/rumsoft/RUMtrol7K.htmlIC7000BKT /ic7000bkt_en.htmCI-V Cat.program/Memory Manager http://www.tellina.nl/software/Radio IssuesThe IC-7000 runs hot even on receiveThere are reports of the IC-7000 running hot despite most of the radio body being cooler than the IC-706. There are three points in particular that can run warm; the display because of the backlight, the area behind the speaker where the DSP ICs are heat sinked and the actual heat sink on the back of the radio. Here is a chart showing relative temperatures of various devices with color displays. The temperatures below were taken with an infrared thermometer after a 24 hour warm-up period at 71 degrees F with no transmit.Icom IC-7000 91°F 33°CIcom IC-2800 107°F 41°CSharp 15” TV/Monitor 85°F 29°CG2G 5” TFT Portable Monitor 106°F 41°CInitial 7” Portable DVD Player 85°F 29°CThe display runs about 91°F. The heatsink on the rear runs 99-103°F (in receive). The cooler areas on the back are 92-96°F. The temperature on the top ranges from 95-109°F. The area directly behind the speaker is the hottest at 109°F. This is directly over the silver box containing the DSP chips.The thermometer on the multimeter display shows the rear heatsink temperature. The final output transistors use this heatsink.Many users have installed fans over or behind the radio to increase the airflow over the chassis. Care must be taken with fans in dusty environments. There is also a fan modification published onhttp://www.mods.dk.Strange behavior on transmit (shutting down, resetting, changing frequency, etc.) This is most commonly a grounding/RFI issue. Make sure the radio and antenna are properly grounded. If the separation cable is being used, attempt to route it away from RF sources and be sure to use the screw to attach it to the radio.Audio feedback during transmitCheck to make sure you don't have the "monitor" turned on. Usually, you just use the monitor when transmitting digital modes.• Push SET button (AF gain control knob) upper left hand corner of radio.• Go to "Set Mode" > OTH > Monitor. Set to OFF<Brian, KC4UKR>High frequency (8kHz) tone in audioVery early models of the radio had a noticeable tone at 8kHz. This was not audible through the internal speaker because the internal speaker is “communications grade”, meaning it has a frequency response limited to voice frequencies. It was also not audible when using Heil, David Clark and othercommunications headphones or speakers. It was most obvious when using inexpensive “Walkman” style hifi headphones which are excellent at reproducing non-voice frequencies.Icom addressed this within a few months after production began with some capacitor and grounding changes. This modification should be available at no charge for units in warranty.Low level hiss in audioMany radios have a small amount of hiss (white noise) when the volume is set to the minimum value. This hiss remains at a constant level as the volume is increased and is quickly overwhelmed by signal audio. The hiss is apparently internally generated. There is no known solution but some users insert attenuators in the audio line. Since the hiss is a fixed level, it will reduce the hiss level while allowing the signal level to be increased with additional AF gain.This audio hiss is very low through the internal speaker because it is “communications grade”, meaning it has a frequency response limited to voice frequencies. Any external speaker or headphones should also be designed for communications work, rather than hi-fi, so as to minimize this issue.S-meter reads lowThe IC-7000 S-meter is very accurate but as a mobile unit is calibrated to read accurately with the preamp enabled.Changing the transmit audio bandwidth results in poor transmit audioThe Icom IC-7000 supports changing the transmit audio bandwidth. There are three predefined settings which can be modified. Because it appears the transmit equalization feature was cut, there is no way to rebalance the audio as the bandwidth is narrowed. This makes the audio quality very poor at narrow bandwidths. If DX-quality narrow audio is desired, the best solution is a good DX microphone or an external equalizer like those from W2IHY.。



集群通信系统概述1.1 集群通信系统的概念集群通信系统,是一种高级移动调度系统,代表着通信体制之一的专用移动通信网发展方向。

CCIR称之为Trunking System(中继系统),为与无线中继的中继系统区别,自1987年以来,更多译者将其翻译成集群系统。















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Interlib图书馆集群管理系统用户手册广州图创计算机软件开发有限公司目录第一部分总论................. 第1章区域图书馆群联合服务特色联合、协调采购..........................联合编目................................联合目录................................通借通还................................系统零维护..............................丰富的工作形态.......................... 第2章基本概念...............逻辑概念................................业务名词概念............................ 第3章业务规则制定准备.......分馆参数................................馆藏地点参数............................文献类型参数............................流通规则参数............................参数.................................... 第4章系统使用常识...........系统登录................................系统主界面.............................. 第二部分采访子系统........... 第5章采访工作流机制.........预订处理流程............................采访形式................................独立采购 .............................联合采购 .............................中心代购 .............................验收处理流程............................先决条件................................ 第6章外部数据的引入.........书商书目批次............................书目批次管理 .........................新建书目批次 .........................小节提示 .............................书商数据接收............................接收征订数据 .........................小节提示 .............................练习 .................................外部数据接收............................ 第7章订单的处理.............预订订单批次............................订单批次管理 .........................新建订单 .............................图书预订处理............................功能说明 .............................书目查重预订 .........................书商书目预订 .........................小节提示 .............................练习.................................预订记录维护............................采访信息历史查询........................ 第8章文献验收...............验收批次................................验收批次管理 .........................新建验收批次 .........................预订验收处理............................功能说明 .............................预订验收处理 .........................直接验收处理............................小节提示 .............................练习.................................... 第三部分编目子系统........... 第9章编目处理...............工作流程概述............................编目业务环节............................接收采访送来文献 .....................编目查重 .............................着录标引和书目质量 ...................打印书标 .............................交送图书 .............................编目有关操作............................检索区的特点和使用....................书目操作 .............................利用外部资源 .........................附件处理 .............................小节提示 .............................编辑....................................快捷键说明 ...........................自动生成字段 .........................自动追加拼音 .........................书目维护................................浏览编目................................直接编目................................回溯建库................................书标打印................................ 第10章数据处理..............书目数据清理............................自动检索................................检索结果处理............................ 第11章图书交送..............交送处理................................交送统计................................交送报告................................新书通报................................第四部分典藏子系统........... 第12章馆藏处理..............馆藏登记................................馆藏剔除................................藏书清点................................清点处理................................条码置换................................ 第13章馆际藏书处理..........馆际调拨................................ 第五部分期刊子系统........... 第14章期刊工作流机制........期刊预订流程............................期刊记到流程............................期刊装订流程............................ 第15章期刊数据管理..........期刊书目批次............................书目批次管理 .........................新建期刊批次 .........................小节提示 .............................期刊数据接收............................期刊批次维护............................期刊编目................................ 第16章期刊预订管理..........先决条件................................期刊预订处理............................功能说明 .............................期刊查重预订 .........................期刊批次预订 .........................期刊直接预订............................期刊批续订.............................. 第17章期刊记到和装订........期刊记到处理............................记到年 ...............................详细记到 .............................记到操作 .............................记到装订 .............................光笔记到................................装订验收处理............................合订本回溯.............................. 第六部分荐购处理............. 第18章荐购处理..............荐购图书处理............................书目列表荐购处理......................格式荐购处理 .........................读者自荐数据处理......................荐购通知读者............................发送邮件通知 .........................小节提示 .............................第七部分流通子系统........... 第19章流通管理..............流通制度................................通借通还先决条件........................流通处理................................借书.................................还书.................................续借.................................丢书.................................损坏处理 .............................闭馆还书 .............................流通的多样性............................ 第20章读者管理..............涉及参数................................读者管理................................读者查询................................读者清单................................ 第21章预约管理..............预约....................................回库处理................................预约通知读者............................ 第八部分参数设置和使用....... 第22章系统参数..............用户管理................................操作员管理 ...........................角色管理 .............................个人信息维护 .........................分馆参数设置............................分馆管理 .............................馆藏地点 .............................系统参数设置............................书商管理 .............................资金预算管理 .........................出版社管理 ...........................书目控制号分区 .......................汇率管理 .............................出版周期 .............................期刊类型 .............................拼音库管理 ...........................种次号库维护 .........................地址管理 ............................. 第23章MARC参数.............类型 .................................字段设置 .............................索引定义 .............................统一字段 .............................模版 .................................索引重建 .............................第24章流通业务参数..........读者流通类型 .........................文献流通类型 .........................借阅规则 .............................流通规则 ............................. 专项阅览参数 ......................... 专项外借参数 ......................... 流通延期设置 ......................... 办证费用管理 ......................... 条码结构参数 .........................前言图书馆集群管理系统Interlib的出现为什幺需要区域图书馆群的联合服务阅读对象本手册包括的内容本手册阅读指导相关参考手册本书约定更多信息图书馆集群管理系统Interlib的出现传统的图书馆管理方式下,区域内各图书馆作为一个独立存在的实体,数字化文献资源信息无法做到共享,达到为全区域服务的目的,各自的独立发展将使自己成为今后数字化信息时代的一座孤岛。







1. Master节点配置在搭建Kubernetes集群之前,首先需要为Master节点配置合适的硬件和操作系统环境。


2. Worker节点配置Worker节点是集群中实际运行容器的节点,需要对其进行合适的配置和准备工作。


3. 集群网络配置Kubernetes集群中的容器需要与外部网络进行通信,需要进行网络配置,并确保所有节点可以相互连接。


二、节点管理Kubernetes集群中的节点管理是对集群中的Master节点和Worker 节点进行管理和维护的过程。


1. 添加节点在集群中添加新的节点可以扩展集群的计算和存储资源,本节将介绍如何通过Kubernetes的API或命令行工具添加新的Worker节点,并将其加入到集群中。

2. 删除节点当节点发生故障或需要进行维护时,需要将其从集群中删除。


3. 节点健康状态检查为了保证集群的可靠性和高可用性,需要对节点的健康状态进行定期检查。

























集成多媒体通信系统的海洋和离岸市场 - IMCOSTM SERIES说明书

集成多媒体通信系统的海洋和离岸市场 - IMCOSTM SERIES说明书

IMCOS TM S E R I E SMEDC Oxalis IMCOS TM Sonix TM HERNIS TMYuhua FHFEaton’s Crouse-Hinds series hazardous area communications solutions are a comprehensive product suite for potentially explosive atmospheres, bringing together specialised products and systems solutions with trustednames such as MEDC, FHF, HERNIS TM , Gitiesse and Oxalis. These products for harsh and hazardous environments bring together a range of world class specialist products and solutions for both safety and security in the fi re & gas, telecommunications , PAGA and CCTV markets.Eaton o ers a range of products and systems includingthe high integrity, fully monitored and highly ecient Sonix TMPublic Address General Alarm (PAGA) system which in conjunction with the MEDC range of loudspeakers, ashing beacon and FHF telephones provides the most e cient and e ective PAGA solution available.Engineers, end users and employees in a wide range of industries rely on the innovative FHF range. Decades of experience in the elds of industrial communication and signaling backed up with the continuous drive forimprovement and innovation, lead to products which are considered as best in class.T he marine and o shore industry relies on Eaton’s highlyrespected MEDC range of signaling, alarms and loudspeakers. Designed harsh industrial and marine environments, Eaton o ers a comprehensive range of innovative visual and audio noti cation solutions.HERNIS TM is a world leading product range for highquality, durable and low maintenance Closed Circuit Television Systems (CCTV) for the marine and harsh environment industries. Designed for the extreme, our systems perform safely and reliably, increasing e ciency and providing safety to both people and equipment.The Oxalis CCTV camera stations are speci cally designed for use in the demanding marine and other extreme environments and use leading edge technology such as full High De nition (HD) over IP technology.IMCOS™, Integrated Multimedia Communication System is tailor-made for your requirements. IMCOS™ is a world-class brand in the marine and o shore industries o ering integrated solutions for internal communications and the distribution of alarms and signals.2EATON Integrated multimedia communications system3EATON Integrated multimedia communications system Eaton communications solutionsIMCOS™ is an integrated media, communications, surveillance and data network package that combines several di erent but complementary systems to provide a high integrity single cohesive solution.An IMCOS™ solution is custom designed, integrated and con gured to meet the speci cation of the most demanding projects whilstoptimising the ease of operation and therefore overall e ciency of the various systems.With IMCOS™ being a high integrity solution there are options for certain aspects of the life safety systems to have optional redundancy built into the systems depending on the projects requirements. This comprehensive integrated systems solution has many advantages in terms ofconsolidation of equipment components into the same equipment racks therefore saving space, minimising systems interconnecting, interfacing and cabling installation.There are major operational bene ts with regard to the ease of both the up keep andmaintenance scheduling as the vessel operator only needs to communicate with a single company to maintain IMCOS™ IMCOS™ is the optimumsystems integrated solution for both o shore and Marineinstallations alike where system integrity, reliability, safety and security are paramount. The system has a comprehensive range of di erent type approvals depending on the system design, architecture and registration requirements.Sonix™ public address & general alarm system (PAGA) is adedicated high integrity PAGA system that uses proven and reliable technology for optimised design and has a range ofinnovative operational features to optimise operation and con guration.The Sonix™ system can be custom designed and con gured to meet industry mandatory requirements for fully duplicated and redundant systems. Use of compact 1U system components optimises rack capacity and thereforereducing equipment footprint in restricted areas where space is at a premium.Sonix™ utilises a innovative power ampli er with patented technology for high e ciency and compact design. Additionally, Sonix™ uses a unique simplistic plug and play duplicated component interconnection architecture and is fully monitored for reliability and robust operation.The system is also designed to interface with variousexternal systems such as the PABX telephone system, re and gas detection system and other shut down systems. Sonix™ is Type approved to ABS, BV,and DNV with UL and CSA pending.The use of MEDC loudspeakers, sounders, ashing beacons,telephone handsets and the UPS enhances both the IMCOS™ and Sonix™ system solutions.Eaton provides a comprehensive range of high integrity communications solutions using reliable proven technology. This includes the Gitiesse integrated media communications system, IMCOS™ and the MEDC Sonix™ public address & general alarm system (PAGA)IMCOS™One solutionOne manufacturerIntegrated multimedia communication systemMarineGitiesse with its IMCOS™, Integrated Multimedia Communications System o ers bespoke solutions perfectlysuited for most type of marine vessels, cruise ships, cargo vessels, tankers, barges, o shore support vessels andeven naval vessels.The various di erent systems that contribute to the IMCOS solution are manufactured to exacting standards andhave a proven track record in continuous operation within the most demanding environments both above andbelow decks.With extensive knowledge and experience in the marine communications industry, Gitiesse fully understands customers’ needs and technical speci cations to provide an integrated multimedia communications solutionwhich fully meets the needs of both operational requirements and speci c mandatory type approval of the marine industry.Typical marine duplicated IMCOS solution with entertainment rack5EATON Integrated multimedia communications systemControl & connectionTerminal boxes, connection boxes and local control stations. Eaton has a complete range in 4 materials. GRP, stainless steel, cast aluminum & cast iron for hazardous areasFire & Gas detection eld equipmentEaton can provide a wide range of audio, visual and MCP / ESD pushbuttons for re and gas detection systems for hazardous areasCable glands, adaptors and reducersA large range of connectionequipment is available from Eaton market leading brands. Cable glands, adaptors, reducers,blanking plugs & breather drainsPower ampli ersType approved ampli ers for public address andgeneral alarm systemsLoudspeakersA complete range of ceiling speakers and surface mount loudspeakers for both hazardous and non hazardous applicationsTelephonesA full range of automatic and powered telephones available in both hazardous and non hazardous models including VoIPCCTV cameras and systemsEaton deliver unrivaled quality and performance in CCTV systems for both hazardous and non hazardous applicationsDigital IMCOS TMcabinetTVSATSatellite TV entertainmentsystemsD.M.B digital storagememory bankSecure and safe storage of routine and safety alarmmessagesIMCOS TM master clocksMicroprocessor master clock with full range of slave clocks with fastforward and backward facilityPublic Address and General Alarm for criticalapplicationsGitiesse provides systems for public address and general alarm,providing life safetyannouncements and generalmessaging facilitiesStatus signal lightsStatus lights in multiplepermutations and materials for applications requiring multiplecolor warning systemsm applicationIMCOS cabinetMarine UPSFull range of marine and o shoreUPS products, type approved by major classi cation societies. Hardened mechanical design andvibration protection mechanisms7EATON Integrated multimedia communications systemSolutionsIMCOS™The system has a comprehensiverange of dierent type approvals depending on the system design architecture or application.IMCOS™ provides bespokecustomised engineered solutions to meet the demanding needs of energy, marine and naval projects.The following applications demonstrate the ability to provide a single integrated solution.PA / GADesigned, engineered andmanufactured according to individualproject specications and industry regulations. The system uses thelatest in digital technology and can be integrated with a wide range of Eaton products to ensure the integrity of your assets in even the most demanding of TVEaton o er a wide range of HERNIS TM and Oxalis cameras and software applications providing weatherproof, explosion proof and IP cameras, bothxed and PTV solutions, designed for durability and reliability. With our solutions and experience we can ful l your specication requirements.TelecommunicationsWhether a traditional analogue, digital, VoIP or Hybrid telephone system is what you require we can provide the solution you need. A wide range of standard, weatherproof, explosion proof and IP phones and signalling equipment guarantees the best solution. Local Area NetworkWith IMCOS™ and the latestdevelopments in technology, Eaton are able to provide a single network which provides reduced cable architecture. Our LAN systems are able to share a highway of information and resources, interlinking video, voice and data with our VoIP telephones, IPTV streaming, CCTV, PA/GA and Intercom systemsthrough one bre or copper backbone.Signalling and alarmsEaton have developed a wide range ofproducts speci cally designedfor harsh environments where there is a risk of explosion for both onshore and o shore applications. This range of products including manual activation, visual and audible alarms, and loud-speakers, can be connected delivering the best combination of performance and safety.Entertainment PackagesSimple and e ective communication of safety procedures can be transmitted in both routine and emergency situations through TV screens conveniently located within oursystem. Within our network streaming video and audio capabilities also provide entertainment for thewell-being of onsite personnel. This is yet another example of how Eaton aims to provide the best in class for communication and safety solutions.One solutionOne manufacturer8EATON Integrated multimedia communications systemEngineering servicesAcoustic surveysStringent reports are undertaken by our professionally trained engineers to ensure optimal speaker coverage. Our reports ensure the best solution is selected from our range of products from the early design stage of the project.EngineeringFully trained engineers construct all of your solution’s systemdesign and engineering drawings, guaranteeing all applications comply to the relevant standards before during and after installation.Project managementEach project is uniquely managed throughout each stage of its lifecycle from engineering, documentation, factory acceptance test andcommissioning. We have the ability to provide you with the necessary support you need worldwide.CommissioningAs part of our standardcommissioning services we not only arrange factory siteacceptance tests but once our solutions are installed, we ensure they are once again subjected to engineering tests to guarantee full, immediate functionality.TrainingIn order to ensure the bene ts ofour solutions are fully utilised we can provide your team the necessary training for anyapplication. We want your stato feel competent and con dent that our solutions conform to your requirements.Technical supportIn the case that additional support is required after installation, our Customer Service team isavailable 24 hours a day for service and onsite technical support to make certain that any issue isresolved e ectively and e ciently.Our specialised team is highly qualifi ed to ensure all aspects of engineering, design and confi guration within your project are fulfi lled -from its initial stages of concept through to its lifetime maintenance9EATON Integrated multimedia communications systemHazardous Area CommunicationsLoudspeakersEaton’s range of hazardous, heavy duty,industrial and commercial speakers aredesigned to meet the requirements for public address, voice alarm (evacuation) and background musicVisual alarmsEaton o er a range of beacons andcombination units includingashing, steady-state indicators and rotating units. These may be used to warn of potential hazards or indicate the status of plant items, gas and oil leaks, evacuation alerts and many moreCall pointsManual alarm call points are designed for thepurpose of raising an alarm manually onceverication of a re or emergency condition exists, by operating the push button or break glass the alarm signal can be raisedCamera stationsEaton leads the way in developing advancedcamera-based surveillance systems for marine and oil & gas installations worldwide. Our solutions contribute to increased e ciency and provide safety for people and equipment in hazardous areas and under extreme conditionsTelephonesEaton supply a full range ofautomatic and sound powered telephones suitable for any kind of application: digital with loudspeaker, analogue standard, water proof, EEx proof. Extra audio and optical devices are also available as an optionControl and distributionEaton can o er standard and bespoke controland distribution units for harsh and hazardous areas. As a leading manufacturer of hazardous area and explosion proof equipment, Eaton can provide hazardous and safe area control units in a range of dimensions to suit your requiredspecication Cable glandsComplete termination solutions for cable applications which meet international standards. Their ease of cable termination provides labour and time management productivity. Eaton’s explosion-protected connections contribute to safe operation in harsh and hazardous environments10EATON Integrated multimedia communications systemGlobal certifi cations and Type ApprovalsEaton HAC o ers customers the most competitive, compliant productand service portfolios as a single stop for end-to-end communication solutions for hazardous area communication.Whether your vessel is a cruise, bulk carrier, fast ferry or support vessel, pumping or re ning, we have a comprehensive knowledge of the codes and standards. Our products are built to meet and exceed certi cations applicable to locations around the world to ensure the safety of your employees and equipment. The knowledge and expertise we leverage every day to help your operation run smoother and safer lies not in one mind, but in thousands of Eaton employees. We continuously collabo-rate with customers to ensure that you have the services and support needed to reach optimal performance.11EATON Integrated multimedia communications systemFollow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2016 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in UKRef: GITMARO0616June 2016Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Business Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Business 1201 Wolf Street Syracuse, NY 13208(866) 764-5454***************************************Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.EatonItaly O ceVia Al Ponte Polcevera 8/1416161 Genova ItaliaT: +39 10 7416 801 F: +39 10 740 21 31Norway O ce P.O. Box 791 Stoa NO-4809 Arendal NorwayT: +47 37 06 37 00F: +47 37 06 37 06USA O ce 3413 North Sam HoustonParkway WestHouston, TX 77086 USAT: +1 713 937 9772F: +1 713 937 9773Dubai O ceTechno Park, Jebel Ali (South)P.O. Box 261768Dubai,United Arab Emirates T: +971 4 8066100Korea O ce7th Fl. Parkland Building 601, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu Seoul KoreaT: +82 2 6380 483F: +82 2 3484 6778Singapore O ce No.2 Serangoon North Avenue 5#06-01. Fu Yu Building Singapore 554911T: +65 6645 9888Germany O ceFHF Funke + Huster Fernsig GmbH Gewerbeallee 15-1945478 Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, Germany T: +49 208 82 68 0F: +49 208 82 68 286Saudi Arabia O ceMiddle East LLC - Dammam K.S.A.PLANT AT 2NDIndustrial City Dammam 111, Jubail Street PO BOX: 70160Al Khobar, Pin:31952.Kingdom of Saudi Arabia T: +966 3 812 2970Hazardous Area Communications Unit BSutton Parkway Oddicroft Lane Sutton in Ash eld NG17 5FBUnited Kingdom Tel: + 44 1623 444400Fax: + 44 1623 444531**********************/hac。

Melio FS 集群文件系统用户指南说明书

Melio FS 集群文件系统用户指南说明书

Melio FS is a clustered file system designed specifically for networked storage environments. It provides a solution to presenting shared storage as a single storage pool, enabling shared data access, horizontal scaling of applications, and clustered processing,as well as greatly simplified storage provisioning and management. It provides users with extensive new capability to utilize shared storage hardware, yet is very simple to use.Simplify,Share DataOne File System forall Servers on a SANMelio FSMelio FS can be shared by all servers attached to the SAN, and allows concurrent read and write access to files over high-speed fibre channel networking. Melio FS is easy to install, does not require additional hardware, and is almost transparent to the user. It addresses customer needs in workgroup environments, as well as enterprise data centers and cluster or grid computing applications.Simplified Server and Storage ArchitectureMelio FS enables servers and storage to be consolidated into a single fault tolerant cluster. All servers sharing Melio FS in a server cluster have simultaneous access to shared files and are easily managed as a single, highly available, scalable system.This greatly simplifies access to and administration of data and storage and improves computing resource flexibility. It also allows many applications to be scaled modularly by adding additional industry standard servers clustered into the common file system.The symmetrical architecture and shared data access provide inherent redundancy.There is no single point of failure. The cluster continues to function normally when a server fails, and any server in the cluster can provide backup for all others. ******************© 2005 sanbolic inc. documentFile system and disk management softwarebuilt for networked storageSanbolic is setting the standard forshared storage and computingConcurrent Read and Write Access over Fibre ChannelFast, low latency shared file access greatly improves workflow in workgroup environments, such as digitalcontent creation, imaging, prepress, broadcast, and postproduction. Melio FS supports simultaneous reads and writes to a file on the common storage using fibre channel transport. For less demanding applications, such as video rendering, Melio FS supports Microsoft iSCSI initiators, allowing the use of existing Ethernet networking infrastructure. Standard file and volume level access control lists are cluster-aware, and any changes are enforced across the cluster.The throughput available to large file applications is determined by the performance of the hardware and is not reduced by installation of Melio FS. All workstations are connected directly to the storage. The design of the file system enables quick access to files, independently of file size and number of streams.Diagram of Melio FS in a Workgroup EnvironmentExamples of Deployments HD Video Post Production}Provides concurrent read/write access to uncompressed 10 bit 1080i HDTV files}Enables workgroup editing of uncompressed HDTV content, eliminating a key bottleneck to HDTV production}1 Gigabyte/second throughput from a shared volume in initial configurationScalable Windows Server 2003 NAS Systems}Any server in a cluster of Server 2003 NAS heads can handle any file request, since all access a common file system on the SAN}All servers in the cluster are active, eliminating need for passive fail-over servers }Add performance by adding additional NAS heads or storage dynamically }Eliminates need for replication or manual file migrationContactSanbolic, Inc.304 Pleasant Street, 2nd floor Watertown, MA. 02472Phone: +1 617 926 2806Fax: +1 617 926 2808URL: E-mail:******************Specifications, product information, and pricing subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2005 Sanbolic. Sanbolic and Melio FS are registered trademarks of Sanbolic, Inc. All other company and product names, contained herein are trademarks of the respective holders.Tape Backup ServerMelio FS and LaScala installed on each serverLANServersFibre Channel SwitchNASAll servers with permissions share access to all disks, simplifyingmanagement and allowing file sharingNAS heads share SAN file systemRemove backup and replication overhead from the LANNAS。



南师大数科院集群使用手册精编资料(V1.6版本)1. 集群的各项配置信息1.1 硬件配置集群共有25个节点组成,根据具体情况,会开启部分或全部节点供计算使用.25个节点的硬件配置如下:集群主节点:Intel ...手册南师大数科院集群使用手册(V1.6版本)1. 集群的各项配置信息1.1 硬件配置集群共有25个节点组成,根据具体情况,会开启部分或全部节点供计算使用。

25个节点的硬件配置如下:集群主节点:Intel Itanium 2 1.0GHz * 2/2G Memory/10T磁盘空间计算节点(24台):Intel Itanium 2 1.4GHz * 2/4G Memory通讯网络:SilverStorm Infiniband1.2 软件配置集群域名:集群登录IP:操作系统:CentOS 4.4 ia64Infiniband驱动:OFED 1.1编译器:Intel C/C++ Compiler 11.0, Intel Fortran Compiler 11.0数学库:Intel Math Kernel Library 10.0MPI实现:MVAPICH 0.9.9集群管理软件:君富EasyCluster高性能计算集群管理软件V1.6第1页共14页已安装的科学软件:vasp 4.62. 使用指南2.1 如何登录集群,两种方法可以访问集群:(1) 使用ssh client,如ssh secure shell client,启动后连接集群即可,如下图所示:(2) 使用EasyCluster,打开IE浏览器,输入URL:,出现如下界面:第2页共14页注:(1) 首次使用EasyCluster,请按照上述界面提示,下载插件并安装,否则将无法正常浏览EasyCluster。




使用pcs‎shel‎l配置co‎r osyn‎c & p‎a cema‎k er群集‎Pa‎c emak‎e rPa‎c emak‎e r,即C‎l uste‎r Res‎o urce‎Mana‎g er(C‎R M),管‎理整个HA‎,客户端通‎过pace‎m aker‎管理监控整‎个集群。

‎CRM支‎持ocf和‎l sb两种‎资源类型:‎ocf‎格式的启动‎脚本在/u‎s r/li‎b/ocf‎/reso‎u rce.‎d/下面。

‎lsb的‎脚本一般在‎/etc/‎r c.d/‎i nit.‎d/下面。

‎1‎、常用的集‎群管理工具‎:(1)‎基于命令行‎crm ‎s hell‎/pcs‎(2)基‎于图形化‎p ygui‎/hawk‎/lcmc‎/pcs‎2、相‎关的资源文‎件:(1‎)/usr‎/lib/‎o cf/r‎e sour‎c e.d,‎p acem‎a ker资‎源库文件位‎置,可安装‎资源包:r‎e sour‎c e-ag‎e nts ‎获取更多o‎c f格式的‎资源。

(‎2)/us‎r/sbi‎n/fen‎c e_**‎*,Fen‎c ing设‎备的执行脚‎本名称,可‎安装资源包‎:fenc‎e-age‎n ts 获‎取更多Fe‎n cing‎设备资源。

‎3、查‎看使用说明‎:[s‎h ell]‎# man‎ocf_‎h eart‎b eat_‎*** ‎## 查‎看OCF资‎源说明,m‎a noc‎f_hea‎r tbea‎t_apa‎c he‎[shel‎l]# m‎a n fe‎n ce_*‎** ‎## 查‎看Fenc‎i ng设备‎说明,ma‎n fen‎c e_vm‎w are ‎4、参考‎文档ht‎t ps:/‎/gith‎u b.co‎m/Clu‎s terL‎a bsh‎t tp:/‎/clus‎t erla‎b s.or‎g/doc‎/htt‎p://w‎w w.li‎n ux-h‎‎/doc/‎m an-p‎a ges/‎m an-p‎a ges.‎h tml‎h ttps‎://ac‎c ess.‎r edha‎‎/docu‎m enta‎t ion/‎e n-US‎/Red_‎H at_E‎n terp‎r ise_‎L inux‎/6/ht‎m l/Co‎n figu‎r ing_‎t he_R‎e d_Ha‎t_Hig‎h_Ava‎i labi‎l ity_‎A d d-O‎n_wit‎h_Pac‎e make‎r/ind‎e x.ht‎m l在‎群集配置过‎程中参考了‎互联网上众‎多优秀文章‎,在此感谢‎原作者!!‎!以下‎记录整理了‎在vmwa‎r e es‎x i5.5‎+ ce‎n tos6‎.6环境中‎使用PCS‎命令配置c‎o rosy‎n c & ‎p acem‎a ker群‎集的一些操‎作,由于本‎人水平有限‎,仅供参考‎:--‎-----‎-----‎-----‎-----‎-----‎-----‎-----‎-----‎-----‎---‎1.安装‎群集软件:‎[sh‎e ll]#‎yum ‎-y in‎s tall‎coro‎s ync ‎p acem‎a ker ‎p cs‎[shel‎l]# y‎u m -y‎inst‎a ll f‎e nce-‎a gent‎s res‎o urce‎-agen‎t s2‎.拷贝配置‎文件、启动‎脚本[‎s hell‎]# mk‎d ir -‎p /et‎c/clu‎s ter/‎[sh‎e ll]#‎ln -‎s /et‎c/rc.‎d/ini‎t.d/c‎o rosy‎n c /e‎t c/rc‎.d/in‎i t.d/‎c man‎[she‎l l]# ‎l n -s‎/usr‎/sbin‎/coro‎s ync-‎c mapc‎t l /u‎s r/sb‎i n/co‎r osyn‎c-obj‎c tl‎[shel‎l]# c‎p /et‎c/cor‎o sync‎/coro‎s ync.‎c onf.‎e xamp‎l e /e‎t c/co‎r osyn‎c/cor‎o sync‎.conf‎注意‎:群集需要‎严格的时间‎同步机制,‎如果启用了‎防火墙需要‎开放相应的‎端口。

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