



学术会议论文范文AbstractThis article aims to provide a sample academic conference paper to demonstrate the structure and content requirements for such articles. The paper focuses on the topic of "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education." The following sections include an introduction, background information, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.1. IntroductionThe rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have brought numerous changes to various fields, including education. This paper aims to investigate the impact of AI on education, exploring its benefits and potential challenges. The study examines how AI can enhance teaching and learning, as well as the concerns surrounding its implementation.2. Background2.1 The role of AI in educationAI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, have the potential to revolutionize education. Intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive learning platforms, and personalized feedback mechanisms are some examples of AI applications in education. These tools can enhance instructional delivery, improve student engagement, and provide personalized learning experiences.2.2 Current challenges in educationDespite the promise of AI in education, there are several challenges that need to be addressed. Privacy concerns, ethical considerations, and ensuring equal access to AI-powered educational resources are some of the key issues. Additionally, the need to train educators in effectively utilizing AI technologies and integrating them into the curriculum is essential for successful implementation.3. MethodologyA mixed-methods approach was employed for this study. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with educators and administrators, while quantitative data was obtained through surveys distributed to students. The interviews aimed to gather in-depth insights into the perceptions and experiences of educators regarding AI in education. The surveys aimed to assess students' attitudes towards AI technologies and their impact on their learning experiences.4. ResultsThe qualitative analysis revealed that educators generally viewed AI as a valuable tool in education. They highlighted its potential in providing personalized instruction, improving student outcomes, and reducing administrative burdens. However, concerns regarding data privacy and the need for human interaction in the learning process were also expressed.The survey results indicated that students were generally receptive to AI technologies in education. A majority of students believed that AI could enhance their learning experiences and improve academic performance. However, concerns about job security and the potential for AI systems to replace human teachers were also raised.5. DiscussionThe findings of this study indicate that AI has the potential to significantly impact education in positive ways. Educators and students alike recognize its benefits in enhancing instructional delivery and improving learning outcomes. However, it is crucial to address the challenges associated with AI implementation, such as privacy and ethical concerns, as well as the need for comprehensive training for educators.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, this study highlights the potential impact of AI on education and the challenges that need to be addressed for its successful implementation. AI can revolutionize teaching and learning by providing personalized instruction and improving student outcomes. However, ethical considerations, data privacy, and ensuring equal access to AI-powered resources should be prioritized. Educators need to be adequately trained to integrate AI technologies effectively into the curriculum, ultimately maximizing the benefits of AI in education.References[Provide a list of references cited in the paper following the appropriate citation style.]。
理工农医类专业正文标题采用阿拉伯数字标引(阿拉伯数字与标题文字之间空一个汉字符,不加标点符号,如一级标题1……;二级标题1.1……;三级标题1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3……),一级标题用小二号、二级标题用三号、三级标题用小四号,字体用黑体加粗、顶格排列、前后段间距0.5行或6磅;各级标题中的英文字母和阿拉伯数字采用半角Times New Roman字体。
5.正文文本:宋体小四号、标准字间距、行间距为固定22磅、所有标点符号采用宋体全角、英文字母和阿拉伯数字采用半角Times New Roman体的要求排版,每段首行缩进两个汉字。

英语会议作文格式The Format of an English Conferencing EssayEffective communication is essential in any professional setting, and conferences provide an excellent platform for individuals to showcase their expertise, exchange ideas, and foster collaboration. When it comes to delivering a successful conference presentation, the format of the accompanying essay plays a crucial role in ensuring the coherence and impact of the content. In this essay, we will explore the key elements that constitute the format of an English conferencing essay.Structure and OrganizationThe structure of an English conferencing essay typically follows a well-established format that helps to guide the reader through the presentation. The essay should begin with an introduction that provides an overview of the topic, outlines the main objectives, and sets the stage for the subsequent sections. This section should be concise yet engaging, capturing the audience's attention and piquing their interest in the subject matter.The body of the essay should be divided into several distinct sections, each addressing a specific aspect of the topic. These sections may include a review of relevant literature, a detailed description of the methodology or approach employed, a presentation of the key findings or insights, and a discussion of the implications and potential applications. Each section should be clearly delineated and logically organized, with smooth transitions between the various components.Finally, the essay should conclude with a summary of the main points and a call to action or a consideration of future research directions. This section should effectively synthesize the information presented throughout the essay and leave the reader with a clear understanding of the significance and relevance of the work.Language and ToneThe language and tone used in an English conferencing essay should be formal, academic, and professional. The writing should be clear, concise, and free of grammatical errors or typos, as these can detract from the overall quality and credibility of the work. Technical terms and jargon should be used judiciously, with appropriate explanations provided for any specialized terminology.The tone of the essay should be objective and impartial, focusing onthe presentation of facts and evidence rather than personal opinions or subjective interpretations. However, the writer should not hesitate to express their own insights and perspectives, as long as these are grounded in sound reasoning and empirical data.Formatting and PresentationThe formatting of an English conferencing essay should adhere to established academic standards, such as those outlined by the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Modern Language Association (MLA). This includes the use of consistent font styles and sizes, appropriate margins, and a clear and consistent structure for headings, subheadings, and in-text citations.In addition to the written content, the essay may also include visual aids, such as tables, figures, or graphs, to enhance the presentation and support the key points. These visual elements should be well-integrated into the text, with clear captions and references provided to guide the reader.The overall appearance and presentation of the essay should be professional and polished, reflecting the care and attention that the writer has invested in its development. This can include the use of high-quality paper, clear and legible printing, and a well-organized layout that makes the content easy to navigate and comprehend.ConclusionThe format of an English conferencing essay is a critical component of effective communication and professional presentation. By adhering to established standards of structure, language, and formatting, writers can ensure that their work is clear, coherent, and impactful, ultimately contributing to the success of the conference and the advancement of the field.。

英文会议作文格式Good morning, everyone. I'd like to start by thanking you all for coming to today's conference. It's great to see so many familiar faces in the audience.I'm here to talk about the latest market trends and how they are impacting our business. It's clear that we need to adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive.One of the key issues we need to address is our customer service. We've been receiving a lot of complaints lately, and it's affecting our reputation.I believe that we need to invest more in training our staff to ensure that they are providing the best possible service to our customers. This will help us to retain our existing customers and attract new ones.Another area that we need to focus on is our marketing strategy. We need to find new and innovative ways to reachour target audience and stand out from our competitors.I think it's important for us to consider using social media more effectively to engage with our customers andbuild brand loyalty.In conclusion, I believe that by addressing these issues, we can position ourselves for success in the future. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas on how we can move forward.。

论教育成本的决定(小二宋体,加粗)张XX1 ,王X2(四号楷体)(1.XX大学教育学院,北京 100048;2.XX大学管理学院,江西南昌 330045)摘要:(5号楷体)教育成本决定是一种教育生产要素定价过程,其大小取决于教育生产要素价值和相应要素投入量。
关键词:教育成本性质;教育生产要素定价;教育成本决定一、一级标题(小三宋体,加粗)正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文(5号宋体,1.5倍行距)(二)二级标题(四号宋体,加粗)正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文1. 三级标题(小四宋体,加粗)正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文参考文献文献类型标识:专著M;期刊文章J;论文集C;报纸文章N;学位论文D;报告R;标准S;专利P;录入格式参照学术惯例;字体:宋体,小五号;行距:单倍。
会议 英文作文格式

会议英文作文格式Last week, I attended a conference on environmental sustainability. The speakers were really knowledgeable and passionate about their work. It was great to hear about all the innovative projects and initiatives happening around the world.One thing that really stood out to me was the discussion on the importance of corporate responsibility. It's clear that businesses have a huge role to play in creating a more sustainable future, and it was inspiring to hear about some of the ways companies are stepping up to the challenge.Another topic that sparked a lot of conversation was the issue of plastic pollution. It's a huge problem that affects our oceans, wildlife, and even our own health. The conference really opened my eyes to the scale of the problem and the urgent need for action.I also had the chance to network with some really interesting people. It was great to hear about the workthat others are doing in this field and to exchange ideas and experiences. I think these connections will be really valuable as I continue to work on sustainabilityinitiatives in my own community.Overall, the conference was a really eye-opening experience. It's clear that there's a lot of work to be done, but it's also clear that there are so many passionate and dedicated people working towards a more sustainable future. I left feeling inspired and motivated to do my part.。

英文会议作文格式英文:As someone who has attended many conferences, I believe that there are a few key elements that make for asuccessful conference. Firstly, the speakers must be engaging and knowledgeable about their topic. It'simportant that they not only present their ideas clearly, but also interact with the audience and encourage discussion.Secondly, the venue must be suitable for the conference. It should be spacious enough to accommodate all attendees comfortably and have appropriate facilities such as audiovisual equipment and WiFi. The location should also be easily accessible, with good transport links and nearby accommodation options.Thirdly, the conference should have a clear and well-organized schedule. Attendees should know exactly whatsessions are taking place and when, so they can plan their time accordingly. It's also important to have breaks and networking opportunities built into the schedule, so attendees can connect with each other and discuss thetopics presented.Finally, a successful conference should leave attendees feeling inspired and motivated. This can be achieved through thought-provoking presentations, interactive sessions, and opportunities for attendees to share their own ideas and experiences.中文:作为一位参加过许多会议的人,我认为成功的会议有几个关键因素。

会议论文格式范文一会议论文汇编的代号是C可以参考“中国重要会议论文全文数据库”上的文献1 殷涌光,贾庆胜; 冻肉电加热解冻特性实验研究 [A];中国西部农产品加工及产业化发展战略研讨会论文集 [C]; 2001年2 赵艳; 影响采摘后芦笋中类黄酮积累的因素研究[A];食品安全监督与法制建设国际研讨会暨第二届中国食品研究生论坛论文集(下) [C]; 2005年3 何晓莉,王志盈,袁林江; 管式电凝聚法处理印染废水COD的特性研究[A];2001年全国工业用水与废水处理技术交流会论文汇编[C]; 2001年4 吴达,曹妙玲; 单品种膨丝理化指标特性研究[A];上海烟草系统2001年度学术论文选编 [C]; 2001年Gorini, S., Quirini, M., Menciassi, A., Permorio, G., Stefanini, C., Dario, P.——论文作者;2006. A Novel SMA-based Actuator for a Legged Endoscopic Capsule——论文题名;First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Pisa, Italy——会议名称、地址;IEEE, Piscataway, USA, ——会议论文集的出版信息;p.443-449——起止页码。
1 殷涌光,贾庆胜; 冻肉电加热解冻特性实验研究 [A];中国西部农产品加工及产业化发展战略研讨会论文集 [C]; 2001年2 赵艳; 影响采摘后芦笋中类黄酮积累的因素研究[A];食品安全监督与法制建设国际研讨会暨第二届中国食品研究生论坛论文集(下) [C]; 2005年3 何晓莉,王志盈,袁林江; 管式电凝聚法处理印染废水COD的特性研究[A];2001年全国工业用水与废水处理技术交流会论文汇编[C]; 2001年4 吴达,曹妙玲; 单品种膨丝理化指标特性研究[A];上海烟草系统2001年度学术论文选编 [C]; 2001年5 NAGAO A.,MIURA K.,张怀宝; 卷烟燃吸过程中的燃烧特性研究[A];2004年CORESTA会议第58届烟草科学研究会议论文集 [C]; 2004年6 关于发展漳州食品产业集群的若干建议 [A];湖北省罐头工厂代号考评工作专题会议论文集 [C]; 2004年会议论文格式范文三参考文献的著录按照GB 7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》和《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》规定,采用顺序编码制,即[1]、[2]、[3]……的顺序编排。

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ii. 常用的选择一个模板(二级标题)首先,保证论文选用了正确的模板,这个模板是在a4纸上编辑的,如果你用的是美信版式,请下载“msw usltr format”格式的文件。

会议论文格式模板【篇一:国际会议论文格式范本】special seminar: assessing emergent business it using the web ofsystem performancebrian whitworth1, cheikna sylla2, elizabeth whitworth31institute of information and mathematical sciences, massey university (albany), new zealand2school of management, new jersey institute of technology, usa3psychology department, carleton university, canada[the title of the paper should be written in bold in 14 point font, centered on the top of the paper. the first letter of every word in the title should be capitalized. leave one line, the authors’ names and their affiliations, following the title, must be 11 point font.]abstract: [9pt, bold, the first letter should be capitalized] businesses must often decide whether to purchase emergent technology in various states of maturity. purchasing immature technology can have serious consequences for a business, but equally not purchasing new technology can invoke intangible opportunity losses that are equally costly in the long term. businesses that don’t upgrade their it can go out of business, but upgrading every time can be equally disastrous. [9pt]keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4 [9pt][every paper should include an abstract within 500 words. at the end of the abstract, skip a line and then type “keywords:” (not bold, italic, and followed by a colon) followed by 3 to 8 words that describe the focus and contribution of the paper. ] 1. introduction[10pt, capitalized, bold]the use of information technology (it) has become a primary survival factor for business organizations in a global competitive environment. however just as it can make money for business, it can also lose money, as it has become a major corporate expenditure.……[this document has been prepared using the required format (microsoft word version 6.0 or later). using this document as atemplate is highly recommended as it gives the best input for the final publications. ][body of the paper: the whole paper should be written in “times new roman” font. except the title of the paper that is in 14-font size and authors’ names with their affiliations in 11-font size, the whole paper should be written in 10 fonts. ][do not use multiple columns. the line spacing should be single line. every paper should be less than or equal to 6 pages. set the page to a4 with margins of 2.54cm all around. do not use headers and footers, do not use end notes and do not put page numbers. microsoft word file is strongly preferred. ]2. why a new theory ofinformation systemperformance? [10pt, capitalized, bold][headings are numbered and capitalized. all major headings are centered in bold in 10 fonts. do not put a period after the text of the heading. there should be no more than three levels of heading. ]in the infancy of software development, designers held functionality (what the system does to the world) as the primary goal of software development. this is because at that time, software was just a tool, as say a hammer is a tool. as information systems developed however, they not only became more complex, but also less passive and more active systems in their own right. is today works with the user notjust for the user, and nowenables a virtual online society that could span the globe. hence functionality has become an insufficient indicator of information system performance. the main battle against functionality as the prime directive of system designers was carried out by the proponents of usability, human-factors and human-computer interaction, supported by theoretical frameworks such as the technology acceptance model (tam). these views presented ease of use as equal to usefulness in determining user acceptance of a system [1], e.g. if a web site performs well functionally, but users don’t like it and click onto other sites, then it is a failure. functional failure and usability failure it was noted have the same effect – the system does not run!3. what is a systems approach? [10pt, capitalized, bold]nearly forty years ago bertalanffy noted that certain mathematical formulas repeated across many disciplines like chemistry, physics and biology [2], which used the same formulae to describe completely different things. hence wasb orne the idea of studying a “system” without referencing what type of system it was.computer systems seem systems in a general sense [3], so a hardware computer system of chips and circuits is also a software system of information exchanges, and today also the human-computer combination [4], e.g. a plane is mechanical, its computer controls are informational, but the plane plus pilot is also a system – a human-computer system. human-computer interaction (hci) sees computers as more than just technology (hardware and software). table 1 summarizes the four computer system levels, matching the idea of an information system (is) as hardware, software, people, and business processes[5]. the levels are different views of the same system not different systems, and match disciplines of engineering, computing, psychology and sociology, respectively.[figures and tables should be placed as close as possible to where they are cited. captions should be times new roman 9-point, bold. figures and tables should be numbered separately and consecutively. avoid color diagrams. figure’s captions should be flush center below the figures, and table captions should be in center above the table body. initially capitalize only the first word of each caption. table contents should be times new roman 9-point, no bold. ]table 1. information system levels4. what does the figure represent? [10pt, capitalized, bold]in the web of system performance (figure1):? web area represents system performance in general,so a bigger the area means a greater system performancepotential.? web shape represents the goal criterion weights,which vary with the environment, e.g. a threat environmentmay mean security has more weight.? web lines represent goal tensions, imagined asusability connectivityfigure 1. the web of system performanceconnecting rubber bands that can pull back one performance dimension as another increases.5. how are the dimensions edfined? [10pt, capitalized, bold]ideas seem similar to alex ander’s synthesis of form. [10pt, no capitalized, bold][subheadings are flush left, in bold in 10point type, not be capitalized. there should be one line space before second-level heading. keeping two space for third-level heading that is also in bold in 10 point type, as shown in the subheading for this paragraph. ]yes, this model merely applies alexander’s theory to is. over forty years ago alexander noted the “tension” problems of physical world system design [5]. since then, his architectural pattern theory has been applied to information systems (is) and object orientated (oo) design. design tensions arise when physical systems composed of parts have multiple contextual demands. for example, in a simple machine such as a vacuum cleaner, each part, like the engine, can be designed for its specific function by using the best materials. specialized materials allow a powerful engine, with more suction, but this may also create more noise, heat and weight, making the vacuum harder to use. part specialization may also mean more complex joints that fail easier, reducing reliability. finally, customizing parts can increase manufacturing material diversity, raising costs.[all equations should be placed on separate lines and numbered consecutively, with the equation numbers placed within parentheses and aligned against the right margin as shown in equation (1).min c = ??(hyi?1t?1ntiit?si?it) (1)be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appear or immediately following. ]is wosp useful for system evaluation as well as system design? [10pt, no capitalized, bold]yes, it can be used as a process-oriented design framework for system developers, or a product-oriented evaluation framework for system users/buyers. the common concept of system performance connects the two fields: generallydesigners want to produce high performance systems, and likewise users want to buy them.reason adesign then, is the art of synthesizing “forms” to reconcile contradictory contextual demands, e.g. vacuums that are both lightweight and powerful. “patterns” are generic solutions tod esign conflicts that repeat: “each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem.” [6]. if problems repeat, it makes sense to re-use successful solutions. the logic applies as well to is design as it does to physical design.6. conclusions[10pt, capitalized, bold]supply chain coordination has become the key strategic area that has direct impact over the success of any enterprise in today’s highly competitive b usiness environment.[making sure author’s paper follows the guidelines for submissions. if there is a mismatch, the author(s) will be informed of needed corrections. ]acknowledgement[10pt, capitalized, bold]this research was supported by the national natural science foundation of china under grant 70572071.[use the singular heading even if you have many acknowledgments. avoid expressions such as “one of us(s.h.c.) would like to thank ... .” instead, write “f.a. author thanks ... .”. sponsor and fi nancial support acknowledgments expressions such as “this research was supported by the national natural science foundation of china under grant 123456”.]references[9pt, capitalized, bold, centered][1] bird r b, stewart w e. (1960).lightfoot e n. transport phenomena. new york: john wiley sons inc, 75[2] hey r c, lewis c w, collins j f. (1994).vehicle-related hydrocarbon source compositions from ambient data: thegrace/safer method. eniron sci technol, , 28(5): 823-832[3] ma tingxi, lu xueshu. (1992).computer aided analysis of the penetration of mounted tillage implement. in: zhang wei,guo peiyu, zhang senwen, eds. agricultural engineering and rural development: vol i. beijing: international academic publishers, 157-160(in chinese)[4] young l c. (1974). the application of orthogonal collocation to laminar flow heat and mass transfer in monolithconverters. ms d thesis. washington: university of washington, [5] larsen c e, trip r, johnson c r. (1995-01-25). methods for procedures related to the electrophysiology of the heart.us patent 5 529 067.[6] aphe. (1985). standard methods for examination of water and wastewater. american public health association,washington, dc,[7] xie xide. (1998-12-25). creating new way to study. people’s daily, (10)[8] chescheir g m, westerman p w. (1984). rapid methods for determining fertilizer value of livestock manures. asaepaper no.84-4082. michigan: american society of agricultural engineering[9] chaplin m. (2003). guar gum. ,[number citations consecutively in square brackets [1]. the sentence punctuation follows the brackets [2]. multiple references [2], [3] are each numbered with separate brackets [1]–[3]. when citing a section in a book, please give the relevant page numbers [2]. in sentences, refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]. do not use “ref. [3]” or “reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence: “reference [3] shows ...”]【篇二:正规论文格式模板】全文1.5倍行距标题标题标题标题(二号宋体,居中,加粗)【说明:?标题是能反映论文中特定内容的恰当、简明的词语的逻辑组合,应避免使用含义笼统、泛指性很强的词语(一般不超过20字,必要时可加副标题,尽可能不用动宾结构,而用名词性短语,也不用“??的研究”,“基于??”)。

工科院校要加强学术交流并提升科研实力,加大高质量论文的产出,必须根据 Ei的收录偏向,撰写高质量英文论文,向国内外 EI收录率较高的英文期刊投稿,提高论文的EI收录率。
关键词:工程索引;学科建设; 科技论文Abstract: The Engineering Index by Engineering Information Inc, is considered as the world's most comprehensive and authoritative engineering literature databas e, and internationally influential thesis search tool. T o strengthen their acade mic exchanges, enhance their scientific research abilities and increase the outp ut of high?quality theses, the engineering colleges and universities must, base d on the EI taste, produce high?quality theses in English and contribute them to English periodicals with high index rate at home and abroad, so that the ir thesis index rate can be increased.Key words:EI; subject building; science and technology these s美国工程信息公司的《工程索引》(EI)被认为是世界上最全面和最权威的工程文献数据库,也是国际上颇具影响力的论文检索工具[1]。

英文顶级会议论文格式篇一:国际会议论文标准模板Paper TitleSubtitle as NeededJun HUANG, Hailin ZHANG211Dept. name of organization, name of organization, acronyms acceptable, City, Country 2Dept. name of organization, name of organization, acronyms acceptable, City, CountryEmail: address, addressAbstract: This electronic document defines the standard format of the Chinese academic conference pro-ceedings published by the Scientific Research Publishing (SRP). The elements such as the paper title, author, affiliation, abstract, section title, main text, figure, table and references aredefined, and this document is for-matted according to the SRP standard, which illustrates all the formats. (请注意:字数应控制在100-150之间)Keywords: template; format; SRP; academic conference; proceedings标题副标题黄军,张海玲2112单位,城市,国家,邮编单位,城市,国家,邮编Email: address, address摘要:本电子文档定义了由Scientific Research Publishing(SRP)出版的各种中文学术会议论文集的标准文章格式。


正文3级标题:顶格排,小4号黑体,占一行 1.1 顶格排,5号黑体,占一行 1.1.1 顶格排,5号楷体,占一行正文首页以脚注形式附基金项目和第一作者简介:姓名、性别、学位、单位、职称、从事的研究领域、联系电话、电子信箱和通讯作者(姓名、单位、联系电话、电子信箱)(小5号宋体)图、表体例:图题、表题小5号黑体,居中,表内容和注释小5号宋体,三线表。
四、参考文献著录格式(1)图书模式1——图书作者.图书名称[M].出版地:出版社名称,出版年.陈万权.小麦锈病发生与防治彩色图说[M].北京: 中国农业出版社,2011.英文示例: Piggot T.The future of resource sharing [M].New York: The Haworth Press,1995.模式2——图书,论文集陈万权, 谢水仙, 陈杨林.播期控制小麦条锈病、黄矮病研究[M]// 李光博,郭予元,等.全国主要粮棉作物病虫草鼠害综合防治关键技术研究.北京:中国科学技术出版社,1993:11-13.(2)杂志作者名.文章名[J].杂志名.出版年,卷(期):11-13.模式1——曹世勤,金社林,段霞瑜,等.甘肃中部麦区小麦条锈病菌越夏调查及品种抗性变异监测结果[J].植物保护, 2011,37(3): 133-138.模式2——陈万权,徐世昌,吴立人.中国小麦条锈病流行体系与持续治理研究回顾与展望[J].中国农业科学,2007,40(增刊):177-183.模式3——杂志,只有期,没有卷潘广, 陈万权, 刘太国, 等.天水地区不同海拔高度小麦条锈菌越冬调查初报[J].植物保护,2011(2):103-106.模式4——杂志,只有卷,没有期吕莉莉, 宋建荣, 岳维云, 等.抗病丰产亚远缘杂交冬小麦新品种中梁27 号及栽培技术[J].麦类作物学报,2009,29 : 366.(3)标准标准提出者.标准出版年.标准号标准名称[S].标准出版地:出版社名称.中华人民共和国农业部.2009.GB/T 24501.2—2009小麦条锈病、吸浆虫防治技术规范,第2部分:小麦吸浆虫[S].北京:中国标准出版社.(4)电子文献张志祥.间断动力系统的随机扰动及其在守恒律方程中的应用[D].北京:北京大学数学学院.1998.五、其他(1)外文字母及符号为5号Times New Roman;大小写、正斜体、上下角字母、数字和易混淆的字母必须书写清楚,拉丁文生物学名的属、种名为斜体(植物病毒科名有些应为斜体),定名人为正体,拉丁学名在文中首次出现时不能缩写。

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会议论文格式范文芝加哥引注格式在美国比在英国的应用更多,这一格式的基准是《芝加哥引注格式使用指南》(The Chicago Manual of Style),但是也有很多用户把凯特杜拉宾(Kate Turabian)为学生编写的《学期、学位、学术论文写作指南》(A Manualfor Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations)作为参考。
文中引注与姓名-日期名字-日期(哈佛)格式和APA格式一样,芝加哥格式可以在文本中做引注,在括号中写出作者或组织者的姓氏全程或缩写,加上年份,如果需要的话,还可以加上页码,比如:(Goman 1989, 59) ,或者 (Fairbairn and Fairbairn xx) ,或者 (MHRA xx).如果一个文献有一到三个作者,在引注中依次写出他们的姓氏。
如果有4个或者多于4个作者,写出第一个作者的名字然后写‘et al.’代替其他作者的名字,比如:(Brown et al. xx).文后 ___在论文最后制作一个标题为“ ___”的书单,把所有的文献条目按照字母表顺序排列。
这样,上面说到的三个文献例子,按照顺序可以排列为:Fairbairn, Gavin and Susan Fairbairn. xx. Reading at university: A guide for students. Maidenhead: Open University Press.Goman, Carol Kinsey. 1989. Creative thinking in business: A practical guide. London: Kogan Page.MHRA: Modern Humanities Research Association. xx. MHRA style guide: A Hand-book for authors, editors, and writers of theses. London: MHRA.文后 ___的格式要求:使用作者的全名。
书名用斜体字在文后 ___条目中需要写出所有作者的名字,不管有多少位作者。
文后 ___条目超出一行的,第二行开始不用首字母缩进,顶格写。
芝加哥文献引注格式的其他例子期刊类:Murray, Rowena. xx. Writing development for lecturers moving from Further to Higher Education. Journal of Further and Higher Education 26, no. 3: 229–39.Bosworth, David and Deli Yang. 2000. In ___ectual property law, technology flow and licensing opportunitiesin China. International Business Review 9, no. 4: 453–77.书名要先写第一作者的姓,再写名。
电子资源文献E-Logistics xx. Call centres – an inexorableflight? .elogmag./ magazine/29/call-centres.shtml (aessed June 20, xx).Meredith, Sandra and Timothy Endicott, xx. The Oxford standard for citation of legalauthorities /published/oscola.shtml (aessed April 26,xx).如果有相关作者信息的话,以作者信息开头;如果没有,用网站的名称开头标题信息全部用斜体字写出完整的URL地址,让读者能够搜索到相关网页。
1.论文模板:Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. ‘Title’. Level, Institution Name.范文:Dávila, Nancy. xx. ‘PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN PUERTO RICAN ADULTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS’. Graduate College, THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA.2.书本模板:Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. Title. City: Publisher.范文Lakin, Patricia. Steve Jobs.3.会议程序模板:Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. ‘Title’. In Publication Title, Pages Used. City: Publisher. Website URL.范文:Discussion Guide For The Thematic Discussion On Article 56 And Article 58 ;And On Article 54, Article 55 And Other Relevant Articles’. xx. In Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group On Asset Recovery, 9-13. United Nations.4.百科全书文章模板:Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. ‘Title’. Publication Title. City: Publisher.范文:‘Earthquakes’. xx. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.5.报章杂志模板:Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. ‘Title’. Publication Title. Website URL.范文:Environmental Leader,. xx. ‘Hilton Lightstay Program Helped Save $29M Inxx′. .environmentalleader./xx/04/21/hilton-lightstay-program-helped-save-29m-in-xx/.6.报告模板:Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. Title. Series Number. City: Publisher. Website URL.范文:Rowley,. 1998.7.新闻模板:Title. Year Published. Website URL.范文:UN News Centre,. xx. China Must Urgently Address Rights Violations In Tibet – UN Senior Official.8.期刊模板:Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. ‘Title’. Publication Title Volume number (Issue number): Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.范文:Davidian, M., and T. A. Louis. xx. ‘Why Statistics?’. Science 336 (6077): 12-12.doi:10.1126/science.1218685.Reach me:Cattydog刑事上诉状格式和范文刑事上诉状是刑事案件的被告人、自诉人和他们的法定代理人,不服地方各级 ___第一审的判决、裁定,在法定上诉期限内,向上一级 ___提出上诉,要求撤销原判、依法改判或发回原审 ___重新审判时而制作的法律文书。
我国《刑事诉讼法》第一百八十条规定:“被告人、自诉人和他们的法定代理人,不服地方各级 ___第一审的判决、裁定,有权用书状或者口头向上一级 ___上诉。
是一段承上启下的过渡性文字,在最高 ___格式空白处,根据实际清况填写适当文字。