名称 人工胃液(ChP,无菌) 使用说明书
编号 CZ0213
1、 如果是检测胶囊剂、肠溶片、滴丸剂等,一般采用升降式崩解仪,主要由金属支架、带 有挡板的吊篮组成。将待测的胶囊剂、肠溶片、滴丸剂 6 粒或片浸于人工胃液中,1 小 时内完全崩解,如有 1 粒或片不能完全崩解,应另取 6 粒或片复试,均应符合要求。
编号 CS0001 DM0007 PW0053 TC0699
名称 ACK 红细胞裂解液(ACK Lysis Buffer) 瑞氏-姬姆萨复合染色液 Western 抗体洗脱液(碱性) 植物总糖和还原糖检测试剂盒(硝基水杨酸法)
北京雷根生ene 人工胃液(ChP,无菌)其英文表述为 Simulated Gastric Fluid,是模拟胃液的 组分和 pH 值的一种溶液。本试剂采用中国药典表述,人工胃液主要由稀酸、胃蛋白酶等 组成,经无菌处理,可用于胶囊剂、肠溶片、滴丸剂等检测,尤其适用于以明胶为基质的 软胶囊和滴丸的检测。
2、 如果进行其他实验,应根据具体实验要求操作。
1、 人工胃液为无菌溶液,如有无菌要求,注意无菌操作。 2、 人工胃液避免反复冻融,以免效率下降。 3、 本产品为强酸性溶液,注意做好安全防护。 4、 为了您的安全和健康,请穿实验服并戴一次性手套操作。
有效期: -20℃保存 12 个月有效。4℃可保存 2 个月。
《中国药典》2015年版采用古蔡氏(Gutzeit)法和二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银法(silver diethyldithio-carbamate,简称Ag-DDC法)法检查药物中微量的砷,两法并列,根据需要可任意选用。
《美国药典》(USP38) ,《日本药局方》(JP16)均采用Ag-DDC法,《欧洲药典》(EP8.0)和《英国药典》(BP2016)采用古蔡氏法和次磷酸法。
反应式如下:AsO33-+3Zn+9H+→AsH3↑+3Zn2++3H2OAs3++3Zn+3H+→AsH3↑+3Zn2+AsH3+2HgBr2→2HBr+AsH(HgBr)2(黄色)AsH3+3HgBr2→3HBr+As(HgBr)3(棕色)2.检查法(1)标准砷斑的制备:精密量取标准砷溶液2ml,置A瓶中,加盐酸5 ml与水21ml,再加碘化钾试液5ml与酸性氯化亚锡试液5滴,在室温放置10分钟后,加锌粒2g,立即将照上法装妥的导气管C密塞于A瓶上,并将A瓶置25~40℃水浴中,反应45分钟,取出溴化汞试纸,即得。
Chapter4Russian Organic Chemistry Matures: Emergence of a Russian-Trained Professoriate in Organic Chemistry4.1IntroductionThe rise of the schools of organic chemistry at Kazan’and St.Petersburg proceeded apace during what may be considered the zenith of the science in Russia,the period between1855and1890.The early part of this period is asso-ciated with Butlerov at Kazan’,and with Zinin and Borodin at St.Petersburg. However,in the ensuing decades,the students of these chemists made important contributions that made organic chemistry in Russia the equal of,or superior to that being carried out in the western world.Leicester has made the suggestion that were it not for the conservative(non-native Russian)membership of the Academy of Sciences,the rise of chemistry in Russia would have continued even longer[1]. The elevation of the standard of Russian chemistry during this period was accompanied by the rise of regional universities,but,more especially,by the rise of chemistry at Moscow University,to join the productive programs in St.Petersburg and Kazan’,during the last quarter of the century.4.2St.Petersburg4.2.1The Imperial Medical-Surgical AcademyIn addition to St.Petersburg University and the Imperial Academy,organic chemistry also began toflourish in St.Petersburg during the early part of the nineteenth century at the Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy.This institution had been founded Tsar Paul in1798as the Army Medical Academy,a place for the education of army doctors.It was renamed the Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy in1808.Although predominantly for the education of physicians,this institution57 D.E.Lewis,Early Russian Organic Chemists and Their Legacy,SpringerBriefs in History of Chemistry,DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-28219-5_4,ÓThe Author(s)2012584Russian Organic Chemistry Matures played an important role in the development of natural and physical sciences in Russia.In1848,Nikolai Zinin had left Kazan’,and had taken up the Chair of Chemistry at the Medical-Surgical Academy.He spent the next quarter century of his career there,retiring from his position in1874.As he had started at Kazan,so he con-tinued at St.Petersburg:During his time at the Medical-Surgical Academy,Zinin made it his job to raise the level of the chemistry laboratories,and he was instrumental in planning a new Institute of Chemistry.Under Zinin,the Medical-Surgical Academy became so well known for chemistry that local wags occa-sionally suggested that it be renamed the Medical-Chemical Academy.4.2.2The Next Generation of Organic Chemistsat St.PetersburgThe rise of chemistry as a significant discipline at St.Petersburg is reasonably attributed to Zinin and Voskresenskii,who educated three of the four individuals to whom may be attributed the consolidation of the position of the science of chemistry in St.Petersburg:Nikolai Aleksandrovich Menshutkin and his friend, Dmitrii Ivanovich Mendeleev,at St.Petersburg University,and Aleksandr Porfir’evich Borodin(Fktrcfylh Gjhabhmtdbx<jhjlby,1834–1887),at the Medical-Surgical Academy.The fourth was Friedrich Konrad Beilstein(Fyodor Fyodorovich Beil’shtein,A/ljh A/ljhjdbx<tqkmintqy,1838–1906),who fol-lowed Mendeleev into the Chair of Chemistry at the Imperial Technical Institute in St.Petersburg.Both Menshutkin and Mendeleev had been students of Voskre-senskii at the St.Petersburg Pedagogical Institute,but Beilstein’s path to a lead-ership position in Russian organic chemistry was significantly different.Even so, the careers of Beilstein and Mendeleev are inextricably linked,so we will treat them together.But we will begin with Menshutkin.4.2.3Nikolai Aleksandrovich MenshutkinOne of Voskresenskii’s earliest students,Nikolai Aleksandrovich Menshutkin[2], became Professor of analytical chemistry at St.Petersburg,and was a pioneer in physical organic chemistry.Menshutkin was born in St.Petersburg to a fairly wealthy trader’s family.At six years of age,he was sent to the best boarding schools in St.Petersburg,and at age10,he was enrolled also at the St.Peter German School; he graduated infirst place from this school in December1857,shortly after his15th birthday.Because he was underage for admission,he was required to pass an examination before he was permitted to enter St.Petersburg University.As a stu-dent in the natural science department of the Physico-mathematical faculty of4.2St.Petersburg59 the university,Menshutkin received his education in inorganic and analytical chemistry from Voskresenskii,and his education in organic chemistry from Nikolai Nikolaevich Sokolov(Ybrjkfq Ybrjkftdbx Cjrjkjd,1826–1877),1for whom].Menshutkin had great respect and affection[3 Array In1862,Menshutkin successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of kandidat and then immediately took a komandirovka to western Europe.He began at the Tübingen laboratory of Adolph Strecker,then moved to the Paris laboratory of Charles Adolphe Wurtz in1864,andfinally to the Marburg laboratory of Hermann Kolbe in1865.He returned to Russia in1866,and immediately wrote up the results of his work on phosphorous acid,receiving the degree of M.Chem.the same year[4].Three years later,he received his for work on ureides[5].After obtaining his,Menshutkin was appointed as Extraordinary Professor of Chemistry at St.Petersburg University and ordinary professor in1876.In1879,he was elected Dean of the Physico-mathematical faculty,and he served in this position until1887;in1885he was appointed to the Chair of Organic Chemistry,a position he held until1902.In1893,he was given the title of supernumerary professor.Until1885,Menshutkin had taught analytical chemistry and special courses in organic chemistry,but on assuming the Chair of organic chemistry,he abandoned the teaching of analytical chemistry and devoted himself solely to his specialty.In1902,he was appointed Professor of Chemistry at St.Petersburg Polytechnic Institute,a position he held until his death.During his time at each institution,Menshutkin supervised the construction and equipping of 1Sokolov’s carer at Odessa will be discussed at more length in Chap.5.the chemical laboratories:at the University of St.Petersburg from1890to 1894,and at the St.Petersburg Polytechnic Institute from 1901to 1902.Like his mentors,Menshutkin was one of the founders of the Russian Physical Chemical Society;he served as the editor of its Journal from 1869to 1900,and as president of the society in 1906.Menshutkin died of a stroke in St.Petersburg just three days after his friend,Mendeleev. Menshutkin Reaction:Early PhysicalOrganic ChemistryMenshutkin’s lasting contributions to organic chemistry were in the area of physical organic chemistry,where he was a true pioneer.Among his early works were studies of the pyrolyis of amyl acetate,in which he showed the autocatalytic effects of acetic acid,one of the reaction products [6].Menshutkin also published a long series of papers describing the effects of alcohol structure on the ease of esterification [7].From these papers,a general appreciation of the effects of structure on the rates of closely-related chemical reactions arose;Fig.4.1shows a table of data describing the absolute and relative initial rates of esterification of a series of saturated secondary alcohols.Menshutkin’s name has been preserved in the form of the Menshutkin reaction ,which now refers to the quaternization of amines with alkyl ing this reaction,Menshutkin definitively demonstrated the potentially dramatic effect of solvent on reaction rates [8],while,at the same time,he extended his studies of the structural effects of the reactants on the rates of chemical reactions [9].For his pioneering work in physical organic chemistry,Menshutkin received the 1904Lomonosov Prize—the highest award of the Russian Academy of Sciences.N RR RNR R R'Coming out of his kinetic work was Menshutkin’s conviction that no reaction can be studied without considering the influence of the solvent [10],a remarkably 1. Dimethylcarbinol26,53 43,852. Aethylmethylcarbinol22,59 38,103. Hexylmethylcarbinol21,19 34,164. Isopropylmethylcarbinol18,95 31,955. Diäthylcarbinol 16,93 28,86a babsolut :relativ :AnfangegeschwindigkeitFig.4.1Initial rates of esterification of secondary alcohols as reported by Menshutkin604Russian Organic Chemistry Matures4.2St.Petersburg61 modern perspective that was reinforced three decades later by the work of Hughes and Ingold[11]in their studies of reaction mechanisms.(1834-1887)Aleksandr Porfir'evichBorodin4.2.4The Versatile BorodinZinin’s successor to the Chair of Chemistry at the Medical-Surgical Academy washis student,Aleksandr Porfir’evich Borodin.During his brief life,Borodinachieved eminence as both an organic chemist and as a composer[12],although ithas been suggested that the assessment of his accomplishments as a chemist mayhave been inflated[13];the most balanced discussion of Borodin’s chemicalaccomplishments may be that of Rae[14].Borodin was the illegitimate son of a62-year-old Imeretian(Georgian)prince,Luka Stepanovich Gedianov(morecorrectly,Gedevanishvili)(1772–1843),and a Russian mother,the25-year-oldEvdokia Konstantinovna Antonova;he was legitimized by being registered as theson of Porfiry Ionovich Borodin,his father’s valet,making Borodin both hisfather’s biological son and his father’s serf until that same father freed him atage7.His mother stayed close to him throughout his life,although she neverrecognized him as her son;he referred to her as his‘‘aunt.’’Borodin received afine home education,and he had mastered the French,German and English languages by an early age.While growing up,he alsoexhibited a strong interest in the sciences—botany,zoology,and especiallychemistry—and he also discovered music early:he learned to play the piano,celloandflute,and by the age of10years he had already composed hisfirst work,thePolka in D minor.624Russian Organic Chemistry Matures In1850,he sat for the admissions examinations for the Medical-Surgical Academy and,despite his relative youth(he was barely16years old),he was accepted as one of the entering students.At the Academy he studied chemistry under Zinin,with whom he continued to the completion of his in 1858.He became Zinin’s favorite student,and was Zinin’s choice to succeed him, but Zinin was disturbed by the time he spent on his music,scolding him with,‘‘Mr.Borodin,it would be better if you gave less thought to writing songs.I have placed all my hopes in you,and want you to be my successor one day.You waste too much time thinking about music.A man cannot serve two masters’’[15]. Although he was a qualified physician,Borodin became ill at the sight of blood,so he never practiced.As an aside,Borodin’s M.D.dissertation had the distinction of being thefirst at St.Petersburg written and defended in Russian rather than Latin.Following his graduation,he traveled to Heidelberg on the advice of his doc-toral mentor,entering the laboratory of Robert Wilhelm Bunsen.Within a year, however,he transferred to the laboratory of Emil Erlenmeyer(the elder).In1860, he attended the Karlsruhe conference as a Russian delegate with Mendeleev;at this conference,the atomic weights of the elements werefinallyfixed,which was absolutely critical to Mendeleev’s successful formulation of the periodic table. Later that year,Borodin traveled with Mendeleev and Zinin to southern Europe. From1860to1861,he was in Italy,where he worked in the laboratory of Sebastiano de Luca and Paolo Tassinari in Pisa.2While in Italy,he met Ekaterina Sergeevna Protopopova,whom he married in St.Petersburg two years later. Ekaterina,whose health was never robust,was herself a musician,and was said to possess‘‘perfect pitch.’’On his return to Russia in1862,Borodin was appointed docent at the Medical-Surgical Academy(meaning that he received no salary,but received a portion of the fees paid by students to attend his lectures);in1864he was appointed Pro-fessor of Chemistry at the Academy.In1872,he helped found courses for women at the Academy,and for much of his professional life he was a strong proponent of the education of women(as an aside,for all Russia’s reputation for being back-ward,the chemistry departments in Russia actually boasted some of the most forward-thinking individuals of the nineteenth century when it came to the edu-cation of women).When the medical education of women was halted a decade later under the regency of Aleksandr III,the blow devastated him.As a professor of chemistry at the Medical-Surgical Academy,Borodin’s teaching load was heavy,even by contemporary standards.Consequently,he found that the demands of his teaching left little time for either chemical research or for 2Paolo Tassinari(1829–1909)was an Italian analytical chemist who took the Chair at Pisa in 1862after a brief appointment to the University of Bologna,where he taught Analytical, Mineralogical,and Metallurgical Chemistry.Sebastiano de Luca(1820–1880)was a student of Piria,in Naples,and a close friend of Stanislao Cannizzarro.Like him,de Luca was of a revolutionary bent.He served with the rebels in the1848revolution,and when their cause failed, he was sentenced to19years imprisonment.He escaped apprehension,andfled to France,where he studied with Berthelot.He returned to Italy in1857,replacing Piria as Chair at Pisa.composition.He wrote that his friends—both in chemistry and music—often wished him poor health,since it was only when he was too ill to teach that he could accomplish anything in the research laboratory or his composing.Borodin’s musical legacy is also significant,and there are numerous biogra-phies of Borodin,the musician.He remains the only chemist to have won a Tony award:his music provided the score for the musical Kismet,which resulted in him winning the Tony award for the best composer of1954—67years after his death! Borodin died suddenly of a cardiac anuerysm at the young age of53years while attending a fancy dress ball organized by the professors of the Medical-Surgical Academy.’s ChemistryThe brevity of Borodin’s career means that his chemical accomplishments were few;they were,however,important.In1860his studies were concerned with the chemistry of benzidine,and he has been credited with thefirst studies of he benzidine rearrangement(although Shine has pointed out that Borodin’s contri-bution was not,in fact,in this area[16]).In1861he published an account of the reaction of silver salts of organic acids with molecular bromine[17].CO2Ag BrBrThe reaction results in the oxidation of the carboxylate to the acyl hypobromite, which then undergoes homolysis and loss of carbon dioxide to give the alkyl bromide with one carbon atom less than the starting acid.In what must hold the record for a patent examiner missing prior art,Heinz and Cläre Hunsdiecker were awarded a U.S.patent[18]in1939—78years after its original publication—for the same reaction,and the reaction entered the textbooks as the Hunsdiecker reaction[19].It is only since the1990s that Borodin’s name has been attached to the reaction hefirst discovered.In1862he prepared thefirst organicfluorine compound by the treatment of benzoyl chloride with potassium hydrogenfluoride [20].2In1864,he began a project that lasted a decade,and led to the development of what the French chemist,Charles–Adolphe Wurtz(viewed by most—but not all [13]—historians of chemistry as Borodin’s competitor)called the aldol reaction [21].Despite its longer-term association with the name of Wurtz,Borodin’s pre-cedence for discovery of this reaction is unambiguous:hisfirst paper describing 4.2St.Petersburg63the reaction of aldehydes with sodium as the base appeared in two papers pub-lished in1864[22],pre-dating Wurtz’first paper by nearly a decade.Kekulé’sfirst foray into this area appeared in1869[23].Facing competition from these two high-powered competitors,Borodin eventually gave up this line of research.Na+4.2.5Beilstein and MendeleevBy far the most famous Russian chemist of the nineteenth century was Dmitrii Ivanovich Mendeleev,the discoverer of the periodic law.Mendeleev did relatively little,however,in thefield of organic chemistry.An excellent account of his life and seminal work is contained in the book by historian,Mark Gordin[24],to which the reader is referred.Beilstein,on the other hand,may be the best-known organic chemist that most organic chemists know nothing about,to quote Gordin yet again[25].Beilstein’s relationship with Mendeleev was never good,and it became much worse when,in1880,Mendeleev was denied the Chair in Technology at the Imperial Academy of Sciences,missing the majority by a single vote(although an extraordinary majority was actually needed for election),only to have Beilstein elected to the same Chair in1882.And yet,both achieved a high level of scientific eminence:Mendeleev just missed sharing the Nobel Prize for his work on the periodic law,and Beilsteins Handbuch der Organischen Chemie continues to be an important reference work for organic chemists over a hundred years after itsfirst appearance. Ivanovich MendeleevLike his contemporary,Menshutkin(who actually presented Mendeleev’s land-mark paper on periodic law because Mendeleev himself was ill),Mendeleev learned his chemistry under Voskresenskii at St.Petersburg.In1856,he graduated from the St.Petersburg Pedagogical Institute with the degree of kandidat,and the same year he presented his dissertation for the degree of M.Chem.This allowed him to take up a position as Docent at St.Petersburg University,but his health forced him to move to southern Russia soon thereafter.Mendeleev’s major con-tribution to organic chemistry was his textbook,Organicheskaya Khimiya [Organic Chemistry],which he wrote in1861,and which was based on Gerhardt’s 644Russian Organic Chemistry Matures4.2St.Petersburg65 view of organic chemistry.Despite the rise of the structural theory of organic chemistry,Mendeleev held to the views of Gerhardt throughout his life.In his book,he focused on similarities in the properties of closely related compounds,but took no stand on the newly-emerged theory of chemical structure;he never accepted the existence of atoms.In1862he won the Demidov Prize for this book. Konrad(Fyodor Fyodorovich)BeilsteinBeilstein was born in St.Petersburg to an ethnic German family,and although he spoke Russian,he received all his education in German,first at the St.Petersburg German School,then in Germany itself.Following his education at St.Petersburg, in1853Beilstein was sent,at the age offifteen,to Heidelberg,where he studied two years with Bunsen.In1855,he transferred to Berlin,where he heard lectures by Liebig,and worked under Jolly.Here he completed hisfirst published work,on the diffusion of liquids[26].In1856he returned to Heidelberg,where he met and befriended Hübner and Kekulé,with whom he retained a life-long close friendship.A year after his return to Heidelberg,he moved to Göttingen where,a year later—two days before his twentieth birthday—Beilstein received the Ph.D.for the determination of the structure of murexide[27].Following his graduation,Beilstein spent a year in the Paris laboratory of Adolphe Wurtz,during which time he studied the action of phosphorus penta-chloride on aldehydes[28].This work began a continuing thread in his research career involving chlorination reactions of organic compounds.In1859,he returned to Germany to become Löwig’s assistant at Breslau,but Löwig’s rigid organiza-tion of his research group did not sit well with Beilstein,so when Wöhler offered him a position at Göttingen,he jumped at the chance.In1860,he returned to Göttingen,and here he continued to carry out research into halogenation of organic compounds.At the urging of Wöhler and others,who were loath to see one of Germany’s brightest young stars lost to Russia,the1865offer to Beilstein from St.Petersburg University in1865,was rapidly countered by the Germans.This meant that it was a huge surprise when,just a year later,Beilstein left Germany for Russia to take up a lower-salary appointment as Professor at the much less prestigious St.Petersburg Technological Institute.Here he remained for the rest of his career.In large part, Beilstein’s departure for Russia was prompted by the sudden death of his father, and the needs of his family.That Beilstein viewed the move as permanent is suggested by the fact that,just a year after his return to St.Petersburg,he took the unusual step of giving up his German citizenship and becoming a naturalized Russian subject.As Mendeleev’s successor at the Technological Institute,Beilstein was faced with inadequate laboratories,and with apathetic students who were destined to be engineers,and not scientists.Not only were these students not generally interested in thefiner points of theory in chemistry,but neither were the assistants whom Beilstein had to work with.Oddly enough,he might have been well served by664Russian Organic Chemistry Matures taking a leaf out of Löwig’s book when it came to running his laboratory at the Technological Institute.As it was,his chemical research output dwindled to practically nothing as the burden of his teaching duties,and his remediation of the laboratory consumed all his time.In1880,the Academy failed to elect Mendeleev to the Chair of Technology [29].The vote of the committee was12-11against,but since a two-thirds majority was required for election,the vote was actually not close,and the outcome was recorded as‘‘Conclusion:not considered elected.’’The ballot that denied Mendeleev even a simple majority was the second vote cast by the chair of the committee(Litke).The decision raised an uproar among Russian scientists and journalists at the time:both placed the blame for Mendeleev’s rejection on the ‘‘German’’party in the Academy.The Secretary of the Russian Physical–Chemical Society,Mendeleev’s friend,Menshutkin,proposed that a letter decrying the Academy’s action be sent to the newspapers.All the major organic chemists in St.Petersburg signed the letter—except one.Beilstein’s refusal to sign the letter of protest was because he felt that this action was inappropriate,and that the correct forum for dissent was in the form of an address at the next meeting of the Physical–Chemical Society lauding Mendeleev,and criticizing the Academy’s actions.This may have,indeed,been the more prudent and more intellectual course of action,but his position was viewed as disloyalty by the‘‘Russian’’faction,and from this time on,Beilstein was placed squarely,if unjustly,in the‘‘German’’faction.It led to the destruction of his friendship with Butlerov,whose move to St.Petersburg Beilstein had instigated;Beilstein had been instrumental in seeing that Butlerov was appointed to his professorship in the imperial capital.Two years later,the relationship between the two completed its descent into total rancor,when Beilstein himself was elected to the same Chair of Technology that had been denied to Mendeleev. The committee may have elected Beilstein to the Chair by the required two-thirds majority,but Butlerov used the required two-thirds vote at the general assembly of the Academy to block his confirmation:Beilstein’s appointment to the Chair of technology was not confirmed until after Butlerov’s death.Beilstein died in October,2006,becoming thefirst of three chemical giants of Russia to pass in the space of three months:he was followed in January1907by his nemesis,Mendeleev,and then by Menshutkin.Unlike the latter two,however, Beilstein’s passing was given scant attention in Russian circles.4.2.6Beilstein’s LegacyBeilstein’s original research contributions were relatively scant.His studies in Wurtz’laboratory had shown that aldehydes react with phosphorus pentahalides to give alkylidene halides.In1866,he reported that the chlorination of benzyl chloride gave different results,depending of the temperature of the reaction:at high temperatures,side chain halogenation dominated,while at lowertemperatures,nuclear substitution occurred [30].It was not until the discovery of free radicals by Gomberg [31],over three decades later,and the emergence of free radical reactions in papers by Kharasch [32],and Hey and Waters [33]that the likely reason for the change—a change of mechanism from ionic to free radical—could be proposed.As part of his studies on halogenation,Beilstein devised the elegantly simple Beilstein flame test for halogens using copper wire [34].2Beilstein’s greatest and most lasting contribution on the discipline,however,was his Handbuch .He began the Handbuch as a textbook in organic chemistry,but it quickly developed into an encyclopedia of organic compounds and their prop-erties.The work involved was monumental,especially since Beilstein insisted that every literature reference be checked before inclusion in the Handbuch .He literally read every reference in the first edition,himself.When it appeared,the Handbuch appeared in German because of the small market for a work in Russian:a German-language edition would sell many more copies and be read far more widely than a Russian-language edition.Beilstein’s decision,however,was seen by his fellow Russian chemists as further evidence of his ‘‘German-ness.’’The judgment was grossly unfair:as editor of the Zeitschrift für Chemie ,Beilstein had gone to great lengths to see that Russian chemistry was presented to the world in the best possible light—even the text-book of his nemesis,Mendeleev.But Russia had spurned him,so Beilstein naturally looked for a more collegial partner for the continuation of his life’s work:he turned to the Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft instead of the Russkiiskoe Fizicheskoe -khimicheskoe Obshchestvo [Russian Physical–Chemical Society]when it came time to choose a professional body to continue his work after he was gone.4.3The Rise of Organic Chemistry at MoscowBy the middle of the nineteenth century,Russian organic chemistry was poised to enter into an explosive growth phase.Zinin,Klaus and Butlerov had founded a vibrant school of chemistry at Kazan’,and Voskresenskii’s students at St.Petersburg,Menshutkin and Mendeleev,along with Beilstein at the Techno-logical Institute,had established the foundations of a strong school of chemistry in the imperial capital.The third major location for organic chemistry in Russia—Moscow—was the next to begin the development of a Russian school of organic chemistry.4.2St.Petersburg 67684Russian Organic Chemistry Matures Moscow University was founded in1755by decree of the Empress Elizaveta Petrovna,following the suggestion of Academician Mikhail Lomonosov to Count Shuvalov—a court favorite and the Empress’lover—that a university should be founded in the city.As had been the case at the other major universities in Russia, chemistry at Moscow was initially taught by foreign professors—the inaugural Professor of Chemistry was Johann Kerstens,who had obtained his Halle in1749.Kerstens remained at Moscow until1770,when he left Russia.Under the foreign Professors of Chemistry,chemistry at Moscow failed to advance as it had at Kazan’and St.Petersburg,but that situation changed in the second half of the nineteenth century.In1873,a graduate of Kazan’University,Vladimir Vasil’evich Markovnikov(Dkflbvbh Dfcbkmtdbx Vfhrjdybrjd,1838–1904)[35],was appointed to the Chair of Chemistry at Moscow University.4.3.1Vladimir Vasil’evich MarkovnikovMarkovnikov was one of the most colorful and eminent Russian organic chemists of the nineteenth century.He was born to a lieutenant of Chasseurs in Chernorech, a village near Nizhni-Novgorod,and raised in the village of Knyaginino,where his father had inherited an estate.He entered the Gymnasium at age10,and eight years later,in1856,he entered Kazan’University as a student in the Financial Division of the Judicial Faculty.At the time that Markovnikov was a student in economic science at Kazan’, students in this course of study were required to take two years of chemistry,as part of a cameral system of education.3Hisfirst inclination was to study tech-nology,which was taught at the time by Modest Yakovlevich Kittary(Vjltcn Zrjdktdbx Rbnnfhs,1825–1880).4Kittary’s departure for Moscow in1859led to 3Cameralism was an economic theory prevalent in eighteenth-century Germany.It basically advocated a strong public administration to oversee a centralized,industrial economy.The goals of cameralism were to maximize the efficiency in the ways the state could acquire wealth,and also with the best ways to use that wealth.As Russia moved into the nineteenth century,its industrialization(although slow)led to the belief that the ideas of cameralism would provide the framework to allow the government to ensure that Russia would have a sufficient number of technologically literate bureaucrats to move the nation forward.4Modest Yakovlevich Kittary graduated with the degree of Doctor of Natural Science from Kazan’university in1844,and in1853he was appointed to the Chair of Technology at Kazan’University,where he founded the Kazan’Economic Society and edited itsfirst newsletter.He quickly accumulated a cadre of young technologists,and set about improving the practices in local industry.One of the major Kazan’industries to benefit from Kittary’s influence was the Krestovnikov Brothers’plant,which made soap and glycerin pure enough for export.In1857, Kittary moved to Moscow University as Chair of the Department of Technology that had been established at the urging of local merchants.He remained here as an active educator until his retirement from the university in1879.Through his writing on aspects of industrial chemistry and technology,Kittary had a major influence on the development of Russian industry during the nineteenth century.。
快速放大细节和 跟踪目标
大型会议 及庆典
大型商贸 活动
群众性 文化体育 活动
主机采用模块化设计,支持不同尺寸的机箱规模以及多种不同格式信号的板卡,最大规模可支持 320路信号输入,320输出;支持输入输出混插,支持1080P及4K信号切换,支持全60帧信号处理; 22路坐席输入输出控制; 支持无缝实时切换功能(图像切换间隔无黑场出现);
支持全60帧信号处理; 采用CrossPoint全交叉调度架构高速数据传输技术,背板容量680Gbps,交换容量360Gbps,信号显 示速度达到60帧/秒; 采用全硬件FPGA架构,内部自建核心运算机制,图像处理性能优异。无内嵌操作系统,启动速 度快(约5秒); 支持多客户端管理,支持输入输出板卡混插;
报 信 息 管 理 子
情报信息管理子系统的主要功能为对接处警工作 中所产生的各种实时接处警信息、各种历史接处 警信息按照公安工作的不同要求,实时生成相对 应的各种数据报表和量化文档。实现接处警信息 统计、分析、调用、发布。
警 本次项目建设警综平台对接部分充分利用市局警
支持信号推送,支持用户通过快捷键,将本地信号推送至其他坐席的显示器,或者推送到大屏上 显示;
支持坐席本地操作人员通过用户终端生成的OSD菜单进行本地信号切换; 支持在输入通道叠加任意字符可自定义字体、颜色、大小、位置、背景色等参数;
chp0 经济管课程介绍
经济管理北京航空航天大学2016-2017年度春季学期学 时:32 学时适用班级:140611,140612,140613,140614,140615,140616,140617授课教师:刘 天 亮Email :liutianliang@ 办公室:新主楼A1042房间经济与管理——学科与学习的意义n技术不能解决所有问题:软件危机;军事行动;房价;投资;通货膨胀;GDP ;就业失业……n大部分人一生不可能从事一辈子的技术工作,即便是职业科学家,也需要承担管理工作,费米 pk 爱因斯坦……n北航对学生培养的期望:要成为行业或社会的领袖与领军人物,对经济管理知识有着迫切的需求……课程内容(15章,32学时)n 第01章 经济学概述(1学时)n 第02章 微观市场机制分析(2学时)n 第03章 生产决策与市场结构(3学时)n第04章 宏观经济分析(3学时)n第一篇:经济学原理9学时n 第05章 管理学概述(1学时) n 第06章 管理的职能(2学时)n第07章 企业与企业管理(2学时)n第二篇:管理学原理5学时课程内容续(15章,32学时)n 第08章 生产系统结构与战略(2学时)n 第09章 产品设计(1学时)n 第10章 流程设计(1学时)n 第11章 库存与生产计划(2学时)n第12章 供应链管理(2学时)n第13章 质量管理(2学时)n第三篇:生产运作管理10学时n 第14章 项目管理原理(3学时)n第15章 项目经济评价(3学时)n第四篇:项目与经济评价6学时课程特点n涉及经济、管理诸多领域:内容多、范围广、知识容量大n理论概括性强、技术方法简洁实用n定性、定量相结合n结合实例讲授学习要求上课时间 第1-16周周三q第一节:14:00~14:50q第二节:14:55~15:45充分理解、熟练掌握讲授内容熟练掌握基本的概念和原理熟练掌握课上例题和课后习题考核安排n成绩评定方式:ü平时成绩(作业+课堂参与)ü期末考试(闭卷)成绩n主要测试学生对基础理论和实践的知识掌握程度ü具体题型可以设计为:选择题、填空题、判断题、简答题、计算分析题等。
CHP Max Headend Optics Platform CHP-OPTSWITCH-2-L
DATA SHEET CHP Max Headend Optics Platform CHP-OPTSWITCH-2-L Dual Optical A/B SwitchThe CHP Max optical switch provides operators with a reliable and rapid response to changing network conditions, enabling them to proactively identify and fix problems before they impact subscribers. Cable operators can expect a reliable and rapid response to changing network conditions with the CHP Max optical switch design that leverages the installed base of CHP Max5000®chassis, preserving deployed capital. Each channel of the Optical Switch Module accepts two optical signals (“A,” the primary path, and “B,” the backup path). The unit’s microcontroller continuously monitors each fiber’s optical signal power level and the adjustable optical trip threshold for each path. Operators can configure the optical switch in Automatic or Manual Switch Mode. When configured for Automatic Switch Mode, the optical switch will automatically switch to the backup fiber path if the primary path falls below the optical switch threshold that is set by the operator.When optical power is restored to the primary path, the switch willautomatically switch back to the primary path. When placed in ManualSwitch Mode, the optical switch will remain on the path selected by theoperator until the operator selects the other path or returns the unit toAutomatic Switch Mode. Operators can select Automatic and ManualSwitch Mode by using the unit’s front ‐panel pushbutton switch,through the SNMP, or via CORView EMS.•High density to reduce footprint with a dualdensity, single slot unit with 2 independentswitches•Improve network services and customer Qualityof Experience (QoE) with redundant rings androute diversity•Very low power with less than 1 Watt typicalconsumption•Automatic and manual switching using frontpanel pushbutton or remotely through theSNMP or CORView ™Element ManagementSystem (EMS) FEATURESNetwork DiagramOPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTSSMMSMM ‐2 only CMMNo CHP Craft SoftwareNo CHP CORView/CORView LiteV3.5 or later Auto Configuration Supported NoSPECIFICATIONSSpecificationPhysicalDimensions 11.25 in W x 3.4 in H x 18.5 in D (3.2 cm x 8.7 cm x 47.0 cm)Weight2.5 lb (1.3 kg)Optical Connector TypeLC/APC EnvironmentalOperating Temperature Range 20°to 50°C (32°to 122°F)Storage Temperature Range‐40°to 70°C (‐40°to 158°F)Humidity85% non ‐condensing (max)OpticalOperating Wavelength Range1260–1610 nm Input Optical Power Range‐20 to +20 dBm Insertion Loss< 2 dB Optical Crosstalk> 50 dB Optical Return Loss> 45 dB SwitchingSwitching Time< 20 ms Switch TypeLatching, Opto ‐Mechanical Optical Switching Threshold Ranges‐20 to +18 dBm Restore Time0 to 10 minutes in 1 second increments Power RequirementsPower Consumption1 W (Typical), <2 W (max)NOTES:1.Includes handles and connectors.2.Temperature measured at optical switch’s module’s air inlet.ORDERING INFORMATIONCHP‐OPTSWITCH‐2‐L CHP Dual Dense Optical Switch LC/APCRELATED PRODUCTSCHP Chassis Optical Patch CordsPower Supplies Optical PassivesControl Module Installation ServicesContact Customer Care for product information and sales:•United States: 866‐36‐ARRIS•International: +1‐678‐473‐5656Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.Copyright Statement:©2022CommScope,Inc.All rights reserved.ARRIS,the ARRIS logo,CHP Max5000,and CORView are trademarks of CommScope,Inc.and/or its affiliates.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.No part of this content may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work(such as translation,transformation,or adaptation)without written permission from CommScope, Inc and/or its affiliates(“CommScope”).CommScope reserves the right to revise or change this content from time to time without obligation on the part of CommScope to provide notification of such revision or change.1514620 _CHP Optical Switch_DS_RevA。
过氧化氢异丙苯(CHP)法生产PO和CA的工艺技术研究常州索尔化工技术2020-06-02目录一、研究概况 (1)1、DCP的用途及生产能力和需求 (1)2、PO的用途及生产能力和需求 (1)二、现状描述 (2)1、CA的生产方法 (2)2、PO的生产方法 (2)三、工艺描述 (3)四、精馏描述 (4)五、主要结论 (12)一、研究概况1、DCP的用途及生产能力和需求DCP是一种橡胶及塑料的交联剂和高分子材料的引发剂,俗称“工业味精”,主要应用于可发性聚苯乙烯(EPS )引发、电线电缆交联、制鞋三大领域。
2007年高桥石化DCP的生产能力达到1.8万吨/年,占全球总产量的份额为55%,产能比全球第二的企业高出60%,由于国内橡胶、聚烯烃、泡沫塑料、交联PE绝缘电力电缆、制鞋、阻燃涂料等行业的不断增长,对DCP 的需求也随之增长,预计到2010年,国内DCP的市场需求量将达到2-3万吨。
生物制品分析事例三——ChP注射重组人促红素的鉴别1.生物制品简介生物制品(biological products)是指用微生物(包括细菌、噬菌体、立克次体、病毒等)、微生物代谢产物、动物毒素、人或动物的血液或组织等经加工制成,作为预防、治疗、诊断特定传染病或其他有关疾病的免疫制剂。
EPO 是促红细胞生成素(Erythropoietin)的英文简称。
由于EPO 在体内的作用非常大而天然来源却十分有限(主要从贫血患者的尿中提取)[1],人们便开始利用基因重组技术获得重组人促红素( Recombinant human erythropoietin, rHuEPO),它是将人的EPO基因转入哺乳动物细胞内高效表达的能刺激红细胞生成的糖蛋白激素[2,3]。
免疫印迹法(immunobiotting test,IBT)也被称作酶联免疫电转移印斑法(enzyme linked immunoeletrotransfer blot,EITB),是20世纪70年代末,发展起来的一门蛋白质多参数检测技术。
ChP USP中药质量标准比较
ChP USP中药质量标准比较——以干姜为例摘要:通过比较ChP(2010)和USP(34)收载干姜的质量标准,以小见大,并尝试得到ChP和USP收载植物药的质量标准的异同。
正文:一、质量标准的比较和异同1、名称【ChP2010】:干姜Ganjiang ZINGIBERIS RHIZOMA【USP34】:Ginger Zingiberis Rhizoma比较:中国药典是中文名、拼音和拉丁名,美国药典为英文名和拉丁名。
2、来源【ChP2010】:本品为姜科植物姜Zingiber officinale Rosc.的干燥根茎。
【USP34】:Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Fam. Zingiberaceae)的干燥根茎,表皮有刮过的、部分刮过的、没有刮过的。
自然地理-chp06 土壤圈
• 碳水化合物:是土壤微生物的主要能源之一,又是形成 土壤结构的良好胶结剂
• 含氮化合物:是构成蛋白质的主要成分 • 木质素:是植物木质部分的主要组成部分 • 含磷、含硫化合物:是植物生长所需磷、硫的主要补给
▪ 腐殖质:有机质分解后再缩合或聚合而成 的一系列暗色高分子有机化合物
土壤圈物质循环是指土壤圈内部的物质迁移 转化过程及其与地球其他圈层之间的物质交换过 程。
▪ 土壤微生物是土壤有机质转化的主要动力
腐 殖 质 化 过 程
束 缚 水
土 壤 水
自 由 水
吸湿水 膜状水 毛管水 重力水
1. 土壤水分类型
▪ 由于土壤表面张力所吸附的水汽分子; ▪ 干土从空气中吸着水汽所保持的水 ▪ 植物无效水
吸湿系数:干土从相对湿度接近饱和的空气中吸收 水汽的最大量
▪ 原生矿物 ▪ 次生矿物
原生矿物 (primary mineral) 直接来源于母岩 特别是岩浆岩。
▪ 其中包括铝硅酸盐 类、长石类矿物、 云母类矿物、橄榄 石类矿物、辉石与 角闪石类矿物、氧 化物类、硫化物类 和磷灰石类。
第 34卷 第 1 2期462006年 6月 1 6日继 电 器RELA YVol. 34 No. 12Jun. 16 , 2006CHP 联合供能系统及其应用分析贺玉婷 1,程浩忠 1,熊虎岗 1,奚2,夏夷 2 ,奚增辉 2 ,沈晓岚 2( 1. 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院 , 上海 200030;2. 上海市电力公司市东供电公司 , 上海 200122)摘要 : 为缓解目前供电紧张的局面 ,很多学者和专家提出采用分布式能源供电的方式 。
简单介绍了新型 C HP 供能系统的概念和目前国内外 CHP 供能系统的发展情况 ,并且详细阐述了此系统的设计原则以及相关 设备的选型等 。
同时为了显示 CHP 供能系统的优越性 ,以某大型医学园区为例 ,设计适合该园区的混合式供 电系统 ,计算其主要经济性指标 ,分析其调峰能力和对某些可变经济因素的敏感性 ,并与常规电网进行比较 。
最后得出 , CHP 系统无论在经济性还是可靠性方面都具有很大优势 ,值得大力推广 。
关键词 : CHP 联合供能系统 ; 投资回收期 ; 内部收益率 ; 供电方案 中图分类号 : TM 715文献标识码 : A文章编号 : 100324897 ( 2006) 12200462060 引言随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的日益提高 ,用电量也在持续增加 。
尤其是夏日高温时 期 ,各建筑内空调日夜运转 ,使得城市高峰用电记录 不断被刷新。
2005 年 7 月 ,上海气温在连续 10 天 “高烧 ”不退之后 , 在 7 月 4 日创下了最高用电负 荷 、发电能力 、市外来电 、故障抢修四项指标的历史 新高 。
全市发电机组全部满负荷或超负荷运行 ,电 网最高发电能力创下 1165 万 kW 的极限纪录 。
同 时 ,华东电网及周边省市支援的市外来电最高值达 到 483万 kW 。
类似的情况在我国大中城市中正在 愈演愈烈 ,高峰时期电力严重不足 、企业停工停产的 现象频繁发生 。
EP USP CHP各纯化水检验项目及其指标对比
Comparison of specifications of purified water (EP, ChP&USP)纯化水质量标准比较(EP, ChP&USP)起草人/日期(Drafted by):审核人/日期(Checked by):批准人/日期(Approved by):XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司二O一六年十二月纯化水质量标准比较(EP, ChP&USP)1、概述纯化水是我公司重要的制药用水,不同地区均有相应的药典要求,药典是一个国家记载药品标准、规格的法典,一般由国家药品监督管理局主持编纂、颁布实施,国际性药典则由公认的国际组织或有关国家协商编订。
2、标准比较(ChP2015,EP8,USP38,ICH)3、检测方法及标准标准规定检验项目ChP(2015)纯化水纯化水Purified water in bulk (散装,生产出来就通过管道输送使用的)纯化水Purified water in containers 高纯水纯化水纯化水(原料药用于注射液)摇匀,将试管于50℃水浴中放置15分钟,溶液产生的蓝色与标准硝酸盐溶液[取硝酸钾0.163g,加水溶解并稀释至100ml,摇匀,精密量取1ml,加水稀释成100ml,再精密量取10ml,加水稀释成100ml,摇匀,即得(每1ml相当于1μgNO3)]0.3ml,加无硝酸盐的水4.7ml,用同一方法处理后的颜色比较,不得更深(0.000 006%)。
potassium chloride R, 0.1mL of diphenylaminesolution R and, dropwise with shaking, 5mL ofnitrogen-free sulfuric acid R. Transfer the tubeto a water-bath at 50 °C. After 15 min, any bluecolour in the solution is not more intense thanthat in a reference solution prepared at the sametime in the same manner using a mixture of4.5mL of nitrate-free water R and 0.5mL ofnitrate standard solution(2 ppm NO3) R.取5ml纯化水于放置在冰水上的试管中,加入0.4ml的100g/L的氯化钾溶液R、0.1ml的二苯胺溶液R,然后边摇边滴加5ml的无氮的硫酸R。
原料及消耗 规格 耗量kg/h 单价(元/t) 丙烯 99% 8390 12000 异丙苯 99.5% 1506 10000 H2 99.95% 495 20000 万元/h 10.068 1.506 0.99 12.564 万元/h 18.52 0.500 0.14 19.16
产品及副产品 规格 耗量kg/h 价格元/t 环氧丙烷99.95% 11575 16000 乙苯混合物 1000 5000 甲醇混合物 700 2000 公用工程消耗 项目 小时耗量 冷却水 5100t/h 蒸汽 61t/h 电 2000kw 总计
图2 PO萃取精馏工艺流程示意图
• 1. 粗PO 供应管线;2. 塔底液出料管线;3. 回流管线;4.塔 顶液出料管线;5.萃取剂供应管线;6.塔底液出料管线;7. 回流管线;8.PO 出料管线;9.萃取剂供应管线;10.回流管 线;11.塔顶出料管线
图3 PO精制工艺流程示意图
• 1.反应液供应管线;2. 塔底液排放管线;3. 回流管;4.塔 顶馏分出料管线;5. 萃取塔供应管;6.聚合物排除管;7. 分离器入口管;8. 萃取剂入口管;9. 聚合物排除管;10.杂 质排除管线;100.萃取塔;200.分离器;300.换热器;400. 换热器;500.回流分离器
• 由于过氧化氢异丙苯的热稳定性较差,受热后能自行分解,所以在氧 化条件下,还有许多副反应发生
• 副反应:
1、温度 CM 的氧化在液相中进行,反应温度优选 T=100~120℃,各塔内温度根据C H P 浓度而定 2、压强 压强优选0.1~5 MPa。 3、添加剂 反应优选在碱性添加剂存在下进行。例 如NH3、 (NH4)2CO3 等,质量分数优选 (0.1~6)×10^6。,使PH=8~10,选择性可达95% 4、原料:从降低成本和提高反应效率综合考虑,优 选富氧空气 作氧源,O 2 的摩尔分数通常为 25%~40%。(在得到富氧空气的同时,可生产高 纯氮。)控制Na 化合物质量分数为1×10- 6~ 0.1% 5、反应器 气泡塔(向下回流的操作方式),使富氧 空气在CM 溶液中鼓泡。气体流速需严格控制在 0.02~0.1m/s。优选采用≥ 2 个塔。
别鉴 状性 甘草甘草根呈圆柱形 25~100cm , 直径0.6~3.5cm 。
表面 红棕色或灰棕色,具明显的纵皱纹、沟 纹、皮孔及稀疏的细根痕。
质坚定,断 面略显纤维性,黄白色,粉性,形成层 环明显,射线放射状,有的有裂痕。
根 茎呈圆柱形,表面有芽痕,断面中部有 髓。
胀果甘草根及根茎木质粗壮,有的分 枝,外皮粗糙,多灰棕色或灰褐色。
质 坚硬 质纤维多,粉性小。
根茎不定 芽多而粗大。
光果甘草根及根茎木质粗壮,有的分 枝,外皮不粗糙,多灰棕色或灰褐色。
根茎不 定芽多而粗大。
源来 Glycyrrhiza glabra L.和G.Uralensis Fischer 的根、根茎 及匍匐枝。
USP34BP2010本品为豆科植物甘草Radix Glycyrrhizauralensis Fisch.、胀果甘草Glycyrrhiza inFischer, Glycyrrhiza flataBat.或光果甘草Glycyrrhiza glabra L. glabra 的干燥根及根茎。
秋二季采挖 、除去须根, 晒干。
JP16ChP2010——以甘草Gadix Glycyrrhizae 为例显微鉴别法该粉末为淡黄色或淡灰色。
粉末显示为下列特征:黄色的厚的纤维束,长700-1200μm 和宽10-20μm 。
常含草酸钙方晶,长10-35μm ,宽2-5μm 。
壁淡黄色,厚5-10μm ,木化,具缘纹孔导管。
用等体积的的甘油和水的混合物,在显微镜下检查显示为下列特征:圆形或椭圆形的淀粉颗粒,Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer ,Glycyrrhiza glabraLinne(Leguminosae) 的 干燥根。
圆柱形,长1m 以上,直径0.5~3.0cm 。
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怎样学好《数据结构》课程? 怎样学好《数据结构》课程?
(1)学会从问题入手,分析研究数据结构的特性,掌握 学会从问题入手,分析研究数据结构的特性, 为解决问题所采用的数据的逻辑结构、 为解决问题所采用的数据的逻辑结构、物理结构以及相关 的操作算法,并初步掌握时间和空间分析技术。 的操作算法,并初步掌握时间和空间分析技术。 (2) 学会书写符合软件工程规范的文件,书写的程序结 学会书写符合软件工程规范的文件, 构清晰,正确易读。学会调试和修改错误。 构清晰,正确易读。学会调试和修改错误。 (3) 数据结构是一门实践性很强的课程,学习过程中, 数据结构是一门实践性很强的课程,学习过程中, 应注意对算法的理解,掌握算法的设计思想。 应注意对算法的理解,掌握算法的设计思想。要掌握常用 算法的基本思想。 算法的基本思想。 (4)上机前,一定要先编写好算法程序,再上机运行。 上机前,一定要先编写好算法程序,再上机运行。
理论学时一般为48 64,实践学时一般为16 32, 理论学时一般为48~64,实践学时一般为16~32, 48~ 16~ 总共为64 96。 64~ 总共为64~96。
考试科目,期末考试成绩占70 70%; 考试科目,期末考试成绩占70%; 平时成绩占30%,平时作业 考勤、期中、实践。 30%,平时作业、 平时成绩占30%,平时作业、考构及应用算法教程 ,严蔚敏,陈文博编著 , 严蔚敏, 清华大学出版社 ,2001, TP311.12/107 2001, 2、数据结构(C语言篇):习题与解析 ,李春葆编著, 数据结构(C语言篇 习题与解析 李春葆编著, 语言篇): 清华大学出版社, 2002, TP311.12/25(X) 清华大学出版社, 2002, 3、数据结构教程上机实验指导 ,李春葆, 李春葆, 清华大学出版社 ,2005 ,TP311.12/149 4、网络教学平台: 网络教学平台:
为什么要学习《数据结构》课程? 为什么要学习《数据结构》课程?
计算机应用已渗透到人类生活的各个领域, 计算机应用已渗透到人类生活的各个领域,处理的数 据越来越复杂,需要解决的问题也越来越复杂, 据越来越复杂,需要解决的问题也越来越复杂,从过 去单一的数值数据,到今天的多媒体数据, 去单一的数值数据,到今天的多媒体数据,对数据的 处理要求越来越高, 处理要求越来越高,需要程序人员对数据及其结构进 行深入的分析与研究,才能更好的设计程序, 行深入的分析与研究,才能更好的设计程序,因此 数据结构》这门课程的地位也越来越重要。 《数据结构》这门课程的地位也越来越重要。 本课程为计算机系各专业的专业基础理论 本课程为计算机系各专业的专业基础理论课, 专业基础理论课 也是学位课程 学位课程。 也是学位课程。