Depolarization Currents in Fresh and Aged Corona Poled P(VDF-TFE) Films




心肌细胞的数字建模1.Hodgkin Huxley model (HH model)在1952年A.L.Hodgkin 和A.F.Huxley 发表了一系列的文章,报道了他们所作的一系列的实验的结果。


作为Hodgkin 和Huxley 模型的总结[1],在实验的基础上他们提出了一个细胞行为的数学描述,从而解释了神经的兴奋和传导现象。

HH 模型是所有其它可兴奋组织的离子电流模型的基础,包括浦垦野纤维和心房和心室肌肉。

图1 Hodgkin Huxley 模型中描述细胞膜上电流流动的电路图细胞膜上流过的电流取决于细胞的电容以及离子通道的阻抗,总离子电流是钠电流,钾电流以及一些漏电流组成。


Hodgkin 和Huxley 发展出了一个电路图来表示在他们模型中的离子流动。

图1中给出了改良的电路图,电流被翻转以符合Noble 提出的协定。



电容成分I cap 来自Ohm 的规律,其中C m 和V m 分别代表了细胞电容和跨膜电压。

m cap m dVI C dt=⋅ (1)原始模型中阻抗成分用电导g 来刻画,也就是电阻的倒数。

电流取决于跨膜电压V m 以及单一离子的平衡电压(E )。




电阻型的电流因此可以被写为ion ion m ion I g (V E )=⋅-(2)实验提出了g Na 和g K 随时间变化的,但是其他离子的电导可以被认为是常数。


时间相关性可以用门变量或者活跃系数x 来表征,表示了通道正在打开时门的概率。

Antiepileptic drugs 抗癫痫药物

Antiepileptic drugs 抗癫痫药物

A few seizures can be ―nonepileptic‖ when evoked in normal brain by treatments such electroshock,high fever or chemical convulsants(惊厥剂). seizures(发作,癫痫发作);epilepsy(癫痫).
Pathophysiology of Seizures Brain local lesion(损害) depolarizes together
→produce high-frequency, out-break discharge
→spread to surrounding normal tissue →the brain transient dysfunction
Febrile seizures
They occur in young children with illness accompanied by high fever Seizures consist of tonic-clonic convulsions
Diagnosis of epilepsy
Myclonic seizures
Sudden brief involuntary muscle contractions (shock-like jerks of trunk, neck & limbs) Occur at any age usually around puberty or early adulthood. Consciousness is not impaired.
→interfere with normal neuron electric activity


分析:该句为倒装句,only放句首倒装,陈述句语序的主句为“investigators have considered using these plants to clean up soil and waste sites”;“thathave been contaminated by toxic levels of heavy metals”定语从句,做soil and waste sites的定语,关系词为that;破折号后的内容“an environmentally friendly approach known as phytoremediation”为附加补充信息。

IB Biology SL. IB生物标准课程词汇. Glossary_of_terms_for_biology_SL_at_CAIS

IB Biology SL. IB生物标准课程词汇. Glossary_of_terms_for_biology_SL_at_CAIS
Distinguish betweenconsumers,
Consumer: an organism that ingests other organic matter that is living or recently killed.
Glossary of terms for biology SLat CAIS.
The following are the definitions you will need to know during the IB biology course. Some of these definitions correspond to the command term “define” whereas others correspond to different command terms such as “state”, “outline” and “distinguish” where you may need a specific definition or concept.
Distinguish betweenautotrophand
Autotroph: an organism that synthesizes its organic molecules from simple inorganic substances.
Heterotroph: an organism that obtains organic molecules from other organisms.
Detritivore: an organism that ingests non-living organic matter.

在测定可兴奋细胞膜电位的基础上,如何设计实验证实动作电位去极相是na 内流引

在测定可兴奋细胞膜电位的基础上,如何设计实验证实动作电位去极相是na 内流引

在测定可兴奋细胞膜电位的基础上,如何设计实验证实动作电位去极相是na 内流引如何设计实验证实动作电位去极相是钠离子电流引起?在测定可兴奋细胞膜电位的基础上,如何设计实验证实动作电位去极相是钠离子电流引起的。


增加细胞外K离子浓度观察电位变化2、使用K离子通道抑制剂,观察电位变化动作电位:使用NA离子通道抑制剂,来观察电位变化. 仪器的话电流表导线显微镜之类的。

These are cells which cannot propagate action potential.FibroblastsThese are connective tissue cells. They are located in the interstitial space between myocytes, providing structure and support for the heart muscle.AdipocitesThese cells make up the fat layer that surrounds and cushions the heart.Endothelial CellsThese are cells that line the inside of arteries, veins and form the walls of capillaries. Though initially thought that these cells served no particular purpose, it has been recently shown that these cells release special chemicals which can affect other cells within the vessel wall (smooth muscle cells) and cells in the blood stream.膜还是不太一样的,它没有电压门控性的Na+ or Ca2+通道Non-excitable cell types are characterized by an inability to generate all-or-none action potentials in response to depolarizing stimuli due to a lack of voltage-gated Na+ or Ca2+ channels (Rink & Jacob, 1989; Fewtrell, 1993; Clapham, 1995; Berridge, 1997). Consequently, membrane potential changes are proposed to influence [Ca2+]i responses mainly by altering the driving force for Ca2+ entry through ligand-gated or second messenger-operated channels. Indeed, several reports have shown that depolarization results in a decrease in [Ca2+]i and hyperpolarization causes an increase of [Ca2+]i during activation of mast cells, lymphocytes and related cell lines (Penner et al. 1988; Lewis & Cahalan, 1989; Demaurex et al. 1992).Previous electrophysiological recordings from rat bone marrow-derived megakaryocytes have failed to detect voltage-dependent inward currents, which implies that this is a non-excitable cell type (Uneyama et al. 1993a; Somasundaram & Mahaut-Smith, 1994; Hussain & Mahaut-Smith,1998). We now report that, during stimulation of metabotropic purinoceptors, membrane depolarization evokes an increase in [Ca2+]i, primarily due to release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Brief reports of this work have appeared elsewhere in abstract form (Mahaut-Smith et al. 1998a,b).。










方法选用FVB小鼠(7-28天),制作急性脑片,采用全细胞记录模式,分别记录正常人工脑脊液(artificial cerebrospinal fluid,ACSF)灌流、ACSF加伊来西胺灌流、无镁ACSF灌流、无镁ACSF加伊来西胺灌流时海马CA1区锥体细胞的膜电位变化及离子通道电流的改变。









双语阅读It seems surprising to think that the true response to the concept of beauty is still unexposed. Here a question is pertinent to ask, does beauty mean white complexion? And if it is not, why the beauty product manufacturing companies guarantee fair skin for the consumers? In most cases they offer challenges that their products are committed to ensuring whitening complexion. Even the models hired to advertise their products have fair complexion.令人惊讶的是,人们对美的概念的真正反应仍未显露出来。



A norm has already been established that the fair skin deserves the praise. So hurry up to make your skin fair with the beauty products wherever at any corner of the globe you are. This concept of beauty offers nothing but raises a strong racism leading to racial-divide across the globe as the black are bound to think that they are inferior to the white.白皙的皮肤值得称赞,这一标准早已确立。


• The critical level of depolarization that must be crossed in order to trigger an action potential is called threshold (阈电位).
• Action potential are caused by depolarization of the membrane beyond threshold.
上升支 (去极化)
下降支 (复极化)
- 65 mV
后超极化电位 回射
2 ms
Generation of an action potential
• The perception of sharp pain when a thumbtack enters your foot is caused by the generation of action potentials in certain nerve fibers in the skin: – The thumbtack enters the skin (图钉扎入皮肤)
Neuronal Electric Activities Include:
• Rest Potential (Chapter 3) • Action Potential (Chapter 4)
Chapter 4 The Action Potential
• PROPERTIES OF THE ACTION POTENTIAL – The Ups and Downs of an Action Potentials – Generation of an Action Potential – The Generation of Multiple Action Potentials



新托福阅读考试试题模拟试题一:The discovery of freezing has changed our eating habits more than any other related invention. Because many foods contain large amounts of water, they freeze solidly at or just below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. When we lower the temperature to well below the freezing point and prevent air from penetrating the food, we retard the natural process of decay that causes food to spoil. Freezing preserves the flavor and nutrients of food better than any other preservation method. When properly prepared and packed, foods and vegetables can be stored in the freezer for one year.Most vegetables and some fruits need blanching before they are frozen, and to avoid this step would be an expensive mistake. The result would be a product largely devoid of vitamins and minerals. Proper blanching curtails the enzyme action, which vegetables require during their growth and ripening but which continues after maturation and will lead to decay unless it is almost entirely stopped by blanching. This process is done in two ways, either byplunging vegetables in a large amount of rapidly boiling water for a few minutes or by steaming them. For steam blanching, it is important that timing begin when the water at the bottom of the pot is boiling. Different vegetables require different blanching times, and specified times for each vegetable must be observed. Under-blanching is like no blanching at all, and over-blanching, while stopping the enzyme action, will produce soggy, discolored vegetables.1.Why does the author mention 32 degrees Fahrenheit?A.To suggest the storage temperature for most foodsB.To identify the freezing point of waterC.To state the correct setting for a freezerD.To give the temperature for blanching2.Why does the author use the term expensive mistake in discussing blanching?A.To state that blanching is expensive but very effectiveB.To warn that not blanching will harm the food’s nutritional valueC.To emphasize the importance of blanching only a few items at a timeD.To show that many people waste food by blanching improperly答案:1.B2.B模拟试题二:The United States dancer Loie Fuller (1862–1928) found theatrical dance in the late nineteenthcentury artistically unfulfilling. She considered herself an artist rather than a mere entertainer,and she, in turn, attracted the notice of other artists. Fuller devised a type of dance that focused on the shifting play of lights and colors on thevoluminous skirts or draperies she wore, which she kept in constant motion principallythrough movements of her arms, sometimes extended with wands concealed under hercostumes. She rejected the technical virtuosity of movement in ballet, the most prestigiousform of theatrical dance at that time, perhaps because her formal dance training was minimal.Although her early theatrical career had included stints as an actress, she was not primarilyinterested in storytelling or expressing emotions through dance; the drama of her dancingemanated from her visual effects. Although she discovered and introduced her art in the United States, she achieved her greatestglory in Paris, where she wasengaged by the Folies Bergère in 1892 and soon became “LaLoie,”the darling of Parisian audiences. Many of her dances represented elements or naturalobjects—Fire, the Lily, the Butterfly, and so on—and thus accorded well with the fashionableArt Nouveau style, which emphasized nature imagery and fluid, sinuous lines. Her dancing alsoattracted the attention of French poets and painters of the period, for it appealed to their likingfor mystery, their belief in art for art”s sake, a nineteenth-century idea that art is valuable initself rather than because it may have some moral or educational benefit, and their efforts tosynthesize form and content.Fuller had scientific leanings and constantly experimented with electrical lighting (which wasthen in its infancy), colored gels, slide projections, and other aspects of stage technology. Sheinvented and patented special arrangements of mirrors and concocted chemical dyes for herdraperies. Her interest in color and light paralleled the research of several artists of the period,notably the painter Seurat, famed for his Pointillist technique of creating a sense of shapes andlight on canvas by applying extremely small dots of color rather than by painting lines.One ofFuller”s major inventions was underlighting, in which she stood on a pane of frosted glassilluminated from underneath. This was particularly effective in her Fire Dance (1895), performedto the music of Richard Wagner”s “Ride of the Valkyries.” The dance caught the eye of artistHenri de Toulouse-Lautrec, who depicted it in a lithograph.As her technological expertise grew more sophisticated, so did the other aspects of herdances. Although she gave little thought to music in her earliest dances, she later used scoresby Gluck, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, and Wagner, eventually graduating to Stravinsky,Fauré, Debussy, and Mussorgsky, composers who were then considered progressive. Shebegan to address more ambitious themes in her dances such as The Sea, in which her dancersinvisibly agitated a huge expanse of silk, played upon by colored lights. Always open toscientific and technological innovations, she befriended the scientists Marie and Pierre Curieupon their discovery of radium and created a Radium Dance, which simulated thephosphorescence of that element. She both appeared in films —then in an early stage ofdevelopment—and made them herself; the hero of her fairy-tale film Le Lys de la Vie (1919) wasplayed byRené Clair, later a leading French film director.At the Paris Exposition in 1900, she had her own theater, where,in addition to her owndances, she presented pantomimes by the Japanese actress Sada Yocco. She assembled an all-female company at this time and established a school around 1908, but neither survived her.Although she is remembered today chiefly for her innovations in stage lighting, her activitiesalso touched Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis, two other United States dancers who wereexperimenting with new types of dance. She sponsored Duncan”s first appearance in Europe.Her theater at the Paris Exposition was visited by St. Denis, who found new ideas aboutstagecraft in Fuller”s work and fresh sources for her art in Sada Yocco”s plays. In 1924 St.Denis paid tribute to Fuller with the duet Valse à la Loie.Paragraph 1: The United States dancer Loie Fuller (1862–1928) found theatrical dance in thelate nineteenth century artistically unfulfilling. She considered herself an artist rather than amere entertainer, and she, in turn, attracted the notice of other artists.1. What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about theatrical dancein the late nineteenthcentury?○It influenced many artists outside of the field of dance.○It was very similar to theatrical dance of the early nineteenth century.○It was more a form of entertainment than a form of serious art.○It was a relatively new art form in the United States.Paragraph 2: Fuller devised a type of dance that focused on the shifting play of lights andcolors on the voluminous skirts or draperies she wore, which she kept in constant motionprincipally through movements of her arms, sometimes extended with wands concealed underher costumes. She rejected the technical virtuosity of movement in ballet, the mostprestigious form of theatrical dance at that time, perhaps because her formal dance trainingwas minimal. Although her early theatrical career had included stints as an actress, she wasnot primarily interested in storytelling or expressing emotions through dance; the drama of herdancing emanated from her visual effects.2. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are characteristic of Fuller”s type of danceEXCEPT○experimentation using color○large and full costumes○continuous movement of her costumes○ technical virtuosity of movement3. The word prestigious in the passage is closest in meaning to○highly regarded○financially rewarding○demanding○serious4. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlightedsentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave outessential information.○Fuller was more interested in dance”s visual impact than in its narrative or emotionalpossibilities.○Fuller used visual effects to dramatize the stories and emotions expressed in her work.○Fuller believed that the drama of her dancing sprang from her emotional style of storytelling.○Fuller”s focus on the visual effects of dance resulted fromher early theatrical training as anactress.Paragraph 3: Although she discovered and introduced her art in the United States, she achievedher greatest glory in Paris, where she was engaged by the Folies Bergère in 1892 and soonbecame “La Loie,” the darling of Parisian audiences. Many of her dances represented elements ornatural objects—Fire, the Lily, the Butterfly, and so on—and thus accorded well with thefashionable Art Nouveau style, which emphasized nature imagery and fluid, sinuous lines. Herdancing also attracted the attention of French poets and painters of the period, for it appealedto their liking for mystery, their belief in art for art”s sake, a nineteenth-century idea that art isvaluable in itself rather than because it may have some moral or educational benefit, and theirefforts to synthesize form and content.5. The word engaged in the passage is closest in meaning to○noticed○praised○hired○attracted6. The word synthesize in the passage is closest in meaning to○improve○define○simplify○integrate7. According to paragraph 3, why was Fuller”s work well received in Paris?○Parisian audiences were particularly interested in artists and artistic movements from theUnited States.○Influential poets tried to interest dancers in Fuller”s work when she arrived in Paris.○Fuller”s work at this time borrowed directly from French artists working in other media.○Fuller”s dances were in harmony with the artistic values already present in Paris.Paragraph 4: Fuller had scientific leanings and constantly experimented with electrical lighting(which was then in its infancy), colored gels, slide projections, and other aspects of stagetechnology. She invented and patented special arrangements of mirrors and concocted chemicaldyes for her draperies. Her interest in color and light paralleled the research of several artists oftheperiod, notably the painter Seurat, famed for his Pointillist technique of creating a sense ofshapes and light on canvas by applying extremely small dots of color rather than by paintinglines. One of Fuller”s major inventions was underlighting, in which she stood on a pane offrosted glass illuminated from underneath. This was particularly effective in her Fire Dance(1895), performed to the music of Richard Wagner”s “Ride of the Valkyries.” The dance caughtthe eye of artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, who depicted it in a lithograph.8. According to paragraph 4, Fuller”s Fire Dance was notable in part for its○use of colored gels to illuminate glass○use of dyes and paints to create an image of fire○technique of lighting the dancer from beneath○draperies with small dots resembling the Pointillist technique of SeuratParagraph 5: As her technological expertise grew more sophisticated, so did the otheraspects of her dances. Although she gave little thought to music in her earliest dances, shelater used scores by Gluck, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, and Wagner,eventually graduatingto Stravinsky, Fauré, Debussy, and Mussorgsky, composers who were then consideredprogressive. She began to address more ambitious themes in her dances such as The Sea,in which her dancers invisibly agitated a huge expanse of silk, played upon by colored lights.Always open to scientific and technological innovations, she befriended the scientists Marie andPierre Curie upon their discovery of radium and created a Radium Dance, which simulated thephosphorescence of that element. She both appeared in films—then in an early stage ofdevelopment—and made them herself; the hero of her fairy-tale film Le Lys de la Vie (1919) wasplayed by René Clair, later a leading French film director.9. Why does the author mention Fuller”s The Sea?○To point out a dance of Fuller”s in which music did not play an important role○ To explain why Fuller sometimes used music by progressive composers○To illustrate a particular way in which Fuller developed as an artist○To illustrate how Fuller”s interest in science was reflected in her work10. The word agitated in the passage is closest in meaning to○emerged from beneath○created movement in○arranged themselves in○pretended to beParagraph 6: At the Paris Exposition in 1900, she had her own theater, where, in addition toher own dances, she presented pantomimes by the Japanese actress Sada Yocco. Sheassembled an all-female company at this time and established a school around 1908, butneither survived her. Although she is remembered today chiefly for her innovations in stagelighting, her activities also touched Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis, two other UnitedStates dancers who were experimenting with new types of dance. She sponsored Duncan”s firstappearance in Europe. Her theater at the Paris Exposition was visited by St. Denis, who foundnew ideas about stagecraft in Fuller”s work and fresh sources for her art in Sada Yocco”s plays.In 1924 St. Denis paid tribute to Fuller with the duet Valse à la Loie.11. According to paragraph 6, what was true of Fuller”s theater at the Paris Exposition?○It presented some works that were not by Fuller.○It featured performances by prominent male as well as female dancers.○It became a famous school that is still named in honor of Fuller.○It continued to operate as a theater after Fuller died.12. The passage mentions which of the following as a dance of Fuller”s that was set to music?○Fire Dance○Radium Dance○Le Lys de la Vie○Valse à la LoieParagraph 5: As her technological expertise grew more sophisticated, so did the otheraspects of her dances. Although she gave little thought to music in her earliest dances, shelater used scores by Gluck, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, and Wagner, eventually graduatingto Stravinsky, Fauré, Debussy, and Mussorgsky, composers who were then consideredprogressive. She began to address more ambitious themes in her dances such as The Sea,in which her dancers invisibly agitated a huge expanse of silk, played upon by colored lights.Always open to scientific andtechnological innovations, she befriended the scientists Marie andPierre Curie upon their discovery of radium and created a Radium Dance, which simulated thephosphorescence of that element. She both appeared in films—then in an early stage ofdevelopment—and made them herself; the hero of her fairy-tale film Le Lys de la Vie (1919) wasplayed by René Clair, later a leading French film director.13. Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added tothe passage.For all her originality in dance, her interests expanded beyond it into newly emerging artisticmedia.Where would the sentence best fit?14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided plete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the mostimportant ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because theyexpress ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. Thisquestion is worth 2 points.Loie Fuller was an important and innovative dancer.Answer Choices1. Fuller believed that audiences in the late nineteenthcentury had lost interest in mosttheatrical dance.2. Fuller transformed dance in part by creating dance interpretations of works by poets andpainters.3. Fuller”s work influenced a number of other dancers who were interested in experimentaldance.4. Fuller introduced many technical innovations to the staging of theatrical dance.5. Fuller continued to develop throughout her career, creating more complex works andexploring new artistic media.6. By the 1920”s, Fuller”s theater at the Paris Exhibition had become the world center forinnovative dance.。



奎尼丁 利多卡因 苯妥英钠 普罗帕酮
普萘洛尔 胺碘酮 维拉帕米
第二节 常用抗心律失常药
一、I类——钠通道阻滞药(一) NhomakorabeaA类药物 奎尼丁(quinidine)
奎尼丁为茜草科植物金鸡纳树皮中所含的 一种生物碱,为右旋体(奎宁为左旋体) 。
可与细胞膜上的离子通道蛋白结合。降低离子 通道对K+、Na+的通透性,抑制Na+内流强于抑 制K-外流。
1.降低自律性 主要抑制4相Na+内流,降低心 房、心室、浦肯耶纤维的自律性,对窦房结影 响小。
2.减慢传导 抑制0相的Na+内流,降低0相上 升速度,膜反应性降低,减慢传导,使单向阻 滞变为双向阻滞,消除折返。
快反应细胞:正常心脏工作肌和房室传 导系统的细胞,膜电位大,除极主要由Na+ 内流所致,除极速度和传导速度快,表现 为快反应电活动,称快反应细胞。
慢反应细胞:窦房结和房室结膜电位小, 除极由Ca2+内流所致,除极速度和传导速 度慢,动作电位幅度小,表现为慢反应电 活动,称慢反应细胞。
③阈电位水平。若自律细胞4相自动除极 速度加快,从舒张期电位达到阈电位的时间 缩短,自律性增高。4相除极速度在快反应 自律细胞取决于Na+内流超过K+外流的速度, 在慢反应自律细胞取决于Ca2+内流的速度。 最大舒张电位减小或阈电位下移(负值增大) ,可使自律细胞兴奋所需的刺激减小,到达 阈电位的时间缩短,均可使自律性增高,反 之,自律性降低。



The Debate on Whether Prefabricated Food Should Enter CampusesIn recent years, the rise of prefabricated food, often known as ready-to-eat meals, has sparked a heated debate about its appropriateness in school environments. This debate cuts across cultural, nutritional, and logistical lines, with proponents and opponents alike voicing their opinions passionately. This essay aims to explore the pros and cons of prefabricated food in school settings, weighing in on the larger discussion about its potential impact on student health, education, and sustainability.**The Convenience Factor**One of the primary arguments in favor of prefabricated food entering campuses is convenience. In a fast-paced world where time is often a scarce commodity, prefabricated meals offer a quick and efficient way to feed students. They require minimal preparation time, saving both students and cafeteria staff from the hassles of cooking from scratch. This convenience extends to meal planning and inventory management, as prefabricated foods come in pre-measured portions, reducing waste and ensuring consistent serving sizes.**Nutritional Concerns**However, the convenience of prefabricated food comes at a cost. Many critics argue that these meals often lack the nutritional value of fresh, home-cooked food. They may be high in preservatives, salt, and unhealthy fats, leading to concerns about their long-term impact on student health. Additionally, the nutritional content of prefabricated foods is often difficult to assess, as labels can be misleading, and the nutritional value of processed foods can vary widely.**Environmental Impact**Another concern raised about prefabricated food is its environmental impact. The production and packaging of these meals often involve significant carbon emissions and waste generation. This contradicts the sustainability goals of many modern campuses, which aim to reduce their environmental footprint through sustainable practices. Proponents of prefabricated food argue that with properwaste management and sustainable packaging options, these environmental concerns can be mitigated.**Cultural and Social Aspects**Beyond nutritional and environmental considerations,the cultural and social implications of prefabricated foodin school settings are also worth noting. For many students, school cafeterias are a place where they can sample and appreciate diverse cuisines. The availability of prefabricated food may limit this cultural exchange, replacing it with a more homogenous menu of processed meals. This could potentially erode the social fabric of school communities, reducing the variety of experiences and perspectives that make campuses vibrant and diverse.**Cost Considerations**Lastly, the cost of prefabricated food is anotherfactor that needs to be considered. While these meals maybe cheaper to produce and distribute in bulk, they may also come with higher upfront costs for schools. This could lead to increased financial burdens on students and their families, particularly in low-income communities whereevery penny counts. On the other hand, some argue that thelong-term savings in labor and infrastructure costs may justify the initial investment.**The Way Forward**In conclusion, the debate on whether prefabricated food should enter campuses is complex and multifaceted. It involves considerations of convenience, nutrition, environmental impact, culture, social dynamics, and cost. While there are clear benefits to be gained from the adoption of prefabricated food, these must be balanced against its potential downsides. To move forward, schools and policymakers must engage in a thorough assessment of their specific needs and goals, taking into account the unique challenges and opportunities faced by their communities. By doing so, they can create a more balanced and inclusive school environment that meets the diverse needs of all students.。



2022年考研考博-考博英语-首都经济贸易大学考试预测题精选专练VII(附带答案)第1套一.综合题(共25题)1.单选题The innocent child objected to() like this.问题1选项 treatedC.have been treatedD.being treated【答案】D【解析】考察固定搭配。

object to 后面要接doing,因此to在这里是介词。



2.单选题Writing is a slow process, requiring()thought, time, and effort.问题1选项A.significantB.enormousC.considerableD.numerous【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。

significant “有重大意义的,显著的”; enormous “巨大的, 庞大的”;considerable “相当多(或大、重要等)的”;numerous “众多的,许多的” 一般用来修饰可数名词。


根据题干中的“thought, time, and effort”可知C项符合题意。


3.单选题This ticket()you to a free meal in our new restaurant.问题1选项A.givesB.grantsC.entitlesD.credits【答案】C【解析】动词辨析题。


C选项entitle“使某人有...权利或资格”,后常接介词to意为“拥有...的权利”,符合语境;A选项give和B选项grant都有“授予”的意思,但接sb.的时候后不接介词,而是give/grant sb.sth.,所以均不正确;D选项credit做动词意为“相信,把...归给”,不符合语境。

2020版高考英语新课标大二轮专题辅导与增分攻略专题强化训练 专题三 阅读理解3-3第三讲概括细节

2020版高考英语新课标大二轮专题辅导与增分攻略专题强化训练 专题三 阅读理解3-3第三讲概括细节

姓名,年级:时间:第三讲概括细节理解题Step1 典题感悟·高考名题这样考(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)For Canaan Elementary’s second grade in Patchogue, N.Y., today is speech day ,and right now it’s Chris Palaez's turn. The 8。


old is the joker of the class。

With shining dark eyes, he seems like the kind of kid who would enjoy public speaking。

But he’s nervous。

“I’m here to tell you today why you should。


.”Chris trips on the“.ld,”a pronunciation difficulty for many non。

native English speakers。

His teacher ,Thomas Whaley ,is next to him, whispering support.“。

Vote for.。

. me。

..”Except for some _stumbles , Chris is doing amazingly well. When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion ,Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him。

A son of immigrants, Chris started learning English a little over three years ago. Whaley recalls(回想起) how at the beginning of the year, when called upon to read, Chris would excuse himself to go to the bathroom.Learning English as a second language can be a painful experience。



生理学基本概念的中英文名词解释绝对不应期absolute refractory periodThe time interval during which a cell is incapable of initiating a second action potential.动作电位action potentialAn action potential is a rapid change in the membrane potential. Each action potential begins with a sudden change from the normal resting negative potential to a positive membrane potential (depolarization) and then ends with an almost equally rapid change back to the negative potential (repolarization).主动转运active transportThe movement of substances across the membrane occurs against the electrochemical gradient with the necessity of consumption of metabolic energy后负荷afterloadAfterload is the load that is given to the muscle after the beginning of the contraction.自身调节autoregulationIn certain cases, a tissue or organ can respond directly to the environmental changes, depending neither on nervous nor on humoral control. This form of regulation is called auto-regulation.完全强直收缩complete tetanusWhen the frequency of stimulation reaches a critical level, the successive contractions are so rapid that they literally fused together, and the contraction appears to be completely smooth and continuous. This is called completely tetanus.去极化depolarizationThe change in membrane potential away from the resting potential and toward the sodium equilibrium.入胞endocytosisVery large particles enter the cell by a specialized function of the cell membrane called endocytosis. The principle forms of endocytosis are pinocytosis and phagocytosis.平衡电位equilibrium potentialElectrochemical equilibrium is a steady state, as in the resting membrane potential of a cell ,in which an electrical potential and chemical potential gradient are in balance and no net movement of charged particles occurs.兴奋性excitabilityExcitability is the ability of certain kinds of cells (excitable cell) to generate active changes in their membrane potential. Excitability is a fundamental property common to all tissues and cells.兴奋excitationExcitation signifies and increases in activity, such as contraction of a muscle, acceleration of the heart beat.出胞exocytosisA stimulus to secrete causes the intracellular vesicles to fuse with the plasma membrane and to release the vesicles contents is called exocytosis.易化扩散facilitated diffusionIn facilitated diffusion, transport proteins (carrier and channel proteins) hasten the movement of certain substances across a membrane down their concentration gradients.以通道为中介的转运facilitated diffusion via ion channelChannels are membrane proteins that contain small, highly selective aqueous pores. Channels usually allow specific ion, eg ,Na+,K+,Ca2+ or Cl- to move down their electrochemical gradients across the membrane.反馈feedbackFeedback is a flow of information along a closed loop. Usually, a constancy of physiological variable requires a feedback mechanism that feeds the output information back to the control system so as to modify the nature of control.稳态HomeostasisHomeostasis is the maintenance of a constant state with special reference to the internal medium.体内in vivoExperiments performed on the whole body.内环境internal environmentAll cells of the body live in the extracellular fluid, extracellular fluid is called the internal environment of the body.等长收缩isometric contractionTension increases but the length of the muscle does not change when a muscle contracts.等张收缩isotonic contractionTension remains constant but the muscle shortens when a muscle contracts.负反馈negative feedbackA regulated variable is sensed, information is sent to a controller, and action is taken to oppose change from the desire value.神经肌肉接头neuromuscular junctionThe complex structure responsible for signal transmission from nerve to skeletal muscle.正反馈positive feedbackWith positive feedback, a variable is sensed and action is taken to reinforce change of the variable, so it promotes a change in one direction.前负荷preloadPreload is the load that is given to the muscle prior to its contraction.相对不应期relative refractory periodA period follows the end of the absolute refractory period, during which it is possible to elicit a second action potential, but the threshold stimulus intensity is higher than usual.复极化repolarizationShortly after depolarization, the sodium channels begin to close and the potassium channels open more than they normally do. Then, rapid diffusion of potassium ions to the exterior re-establishes the normal resting potential. This is called repolarization of the membrane.静息电位resting potentialThe difference in electrical potential across the membrane of an undisturbed cell, having a positive sign on the outside surface and a negative sign in the interior.跳跃传导salutatory conductionConduction of a nerve impulse down a myelinated nerve fiber by skipping from node to node.单纯扩散simple diffusionDiffusion means simply movement through the membrane caused by random motion of the molecules of the substances, moving either through cell membrane pores or through the lipid matrix of the membrane.钠-钾泵sodium-potassium pumpThe sodium-potassium pump is responsible for the coupled active transport of Naせout of cells and Kせinto cells. Sodium-potassium pump is also an adenosine triphosphatase, an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP to adenosine diphosphate (ADP).凝集agglutinationDuring blood transfusion, the red blood cells aggregated together in clumps which were sufficiently large to block minor blood vessels. This clumping is known as agglutination.血液凝固blood coagulationThe coagulation system consists of cofactors and a series of zymogens which sequentially activate one another, leading to formation of fibrin at a site of vascular injury.血型blood groupBlood groups are system of genetically determined antigenic substances on the membrane of red blood cells.血压blood pressureBlood pressure means the force exerted by the blood against any unit area of the vessel wall.交叉配血cross-match testSerum from recipient is tested against the donor's cells, and serum from donor is tested against the recipient's cells, this test is called cross-matching test.红细胞沉降率erythrocyte sedimentation rateWhen blood to which an anticoagulant has been added stands in a narrow tube, the red cells gradually sediment, leaving a clear zone of plasma above. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is measured as the length to column of clear plasma after one hour.红细胞生成素erythropoietinErythropoietin is a hormone secreted by the kidneys which stimulates hemoglobin synthesis and erythropoiesis.纤维蛋白溶解fibrinolysisIn many cases fibrin within blood vessels is rapidly dissolved to restore the fluidity of the blood, and in others the fibrin becomes hyalinized or is removed by phagocytes and replaced by connective tissue. The process of liquefaction of fibrin is known as fibrinolysis.血红蛋白hemoglobinHemoglobin is a chromoprotein found in the red blood cells and having a great affinity for oxygen.自动节律性autorhythmicityAutorhythmicity is the ability to initiate its own beat. Many cardiac tissues are found to have autorhythmicity, for example sinoatrial node, intraventricular tracts and Purkinje cells. In addition to the cardiac tissue, the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract has also autorhythmicity.容量血管capacitance vesselsThe veins have wide lumen and contain a greater volume of blood than any other section of the circulation does, thus the veins are referred to as the capacitance vessels.心动周期cardiac cycleThe cardiac events that occur from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next are called a cardiac cycle . Cardiac cycle is composed of two periods: systole and diastole.心指数cardiac indexCardiac index is the cardiac output per square meter of body surface area.心输出量cardiac outputThe product of the frequency of pumping (heart rate) and the stroke volume is the cardiac output; it is also called minute volume.心力储备cardiac reserveThe ability of the heart to adapt need of organism for expelling a largerquantity of blood above the basal level.心血管中枢cardiovascular centerThe cardiovascular centers are responsible for integration of sensory information and subsequent modification of efferent autonomic nerve activity to the heart and blood vessels.中心静脉压central venous pressureThe venous pressure as measured at the right atrium.代偿间歇compensatory pauseThe pause between the extra beat and the next normal beat is slightly longer than the usual beat interval, which is called compensatory pause.舒张压diastolic pressureDiastolic pressure is the lowest blood pressure in an artery during the diastole of the heart.有效不应期effective refractory periodThe duration from the beginning of phase 0 to -60mV of repolarization fails to produce action potential to any stimulus, no matter how strong. This duration is called ERP. In the ERP, the excitability is almost zero.射血分数ejection fractionThe proportion of the end-diastolic volume that is ejected (i.e. stroke volume/end diastolic volume).心电图electrocardiogramThe synchronized depolarizations spreading through the heart cause currents that establish field potential, whose differences can be amplified and detected by electrodes placed on the body surface. The record produced is called electrocardiogram.交换血管exchange vesselThe capillaries are tubes formed by a single layer of endothelial cells,. They create a very large area where the material exchanges between blood and the tissue cells take place.心音heart soundWhen the valves close, the vanes of the valves and the surrounding fluids vibrate under the influence of the sudden pressure differentials that develop, giving off sound that travels in all directions through the chest. These sounds are called heart sounds.异常自身调节heterometric autoregulationRegulation of cardiac output as a result of changes in cardiac muscle fiber length is called heterometric regulation.平均动脉压mean arterial pressureThe mean arterial blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries, average over time.微循环microcirculationMicrocirculation is the circulation between arterioles and venules. In the microcirculation, the most purposeful function of the circulation occurs: transport of nutrients to the tissues and removal of cellular excreta.起搏点pacemakerThe automatic cells that ordinarily fire at the highest frequency which are located in the sinoatrial node, excitation of the heart normally begins in the sinoatrial (SA) node.期前收缩premature systoleWhen a second action potential is triggered at the very start of the relative refractory period, the second contraction is superimposed on the semirelaxed phase of the first contraction. This phenomenon is called premature systole.脉压pulse pressureThe pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.每搏输出量stroke volumeStroke volume is referred to the volume ejected at each contraction by one side of the heart.每搏功stroke workThe stroke work of the heart is the amount of energy that the heart converts to work during each heart beat while pumping blood into arteries.收缩压systolic pressureThe pressure rises during cardiac systole and falls during diastole. The peak pressure value reached during systole is termed the systole pressure. Usually, at rest systolic pressure of the healthy young adult is 100~120mmHg.肺泡通气量alveolar ventilationThe amount of air reaching the alveoli per minute, at rest it generally amounts to 4.2L/min.解剖无效腔anatomic dead spaceThe space in the conducing zone of the airways occupied by gas that does not exchange with blood in the pulmonary vessels, such as in the nose, pharynx, and trachea since these area is not useful the gas exchange process but instead goes to fill respiratory passages.波尔效应Bohr effectThe increased oxygen release by hemoglobin in the presence of elevated carbon dioxide levels (the effects shift the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left and upward). By forming hydrogen ions, carbon dioxide loading facilitates oxygen unloading, i.e., the decrease in O2 affinity of hemoglobin when the pH of blood falls, which is closely related to the fact that deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxyhemoglobin) binds H+ more actively than does oxyhemoglobin.顺应性complianceDistensibility, the ability of the lungs to tolerate changes in volume, a property that reflects the presence of elastic fibers. It is defined as the change in volume per unit change in pressure (△V/△P), the reciprocal of the compliance.弹性阻力elastic resistanceA term used to describe the elastic properties of the lung and chest wall;the resistance or elastance (△V/△P),the reciprocal of the compliance.机能余气量functional residual capacityIt equals to the expiratory reserve volume plus the residual volume. This is the amount of air that remains in the lungs at the end of normal expiration (about 2300ml).何尔登效应Haldane effectThe increase in carbon dioxide unloading from hemoglobin in response to the combination of oxygen with hemoglobin, i.e., when oxygen binds with hemoglobin, carbon dioxide is released.补吸气量inspiratoy reserve volumeThe air inspired with a maximal inspiratoy effort in excess of the volume.i.e., the maximum extra volume of air that be inspired over and above the normal tidal volume, it is usually equal to about 3000ml.胸内压intrapleural pressureThe pressure within the pleural cavity is called intrapleural pressure.肺内压intrapulmonary pressureThe pressure within the alveoli of the lungs, also called intrapulmonary pressure.氧含量oxygen contentThe oxygen content is used to indicate how much O2 per liter of blood is attached to the hemoglobin in normal arterial blood, described as percent saturated.氧离曲线oxygen dissociation curveThe graph of the relationship between the partial pressure of oxygen and the degree of hemoglobin saturation with oxygen, which has a characteristic sigmoid shape表面活性物质pulmonary surfactantA detergent-like mixture of phospholipids and lipoproteins that lowers the surface tension of water, produced by surfactant-secreting (Type-II) cells. It isa mixture of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC), other lipids, and proteins.肺通气pulmonary ventilationThe total amount of new air moved into the respiratory passages each minute; equal to the tidal volume times the respiratory rate. The minute respiratory volume generally amounts to 6L/min.余气量residual volumeThe air left in the lungs after a maximal expiratory effort. This volume averages about 1200 milliliters.潮气量tidal volumeThe amount of air that moves into the lungs with each inspiration (or the amount that moves out with each expiration) i.e., the volume of air inspired or expired with each normal breath; it amounts to about 500ml.肺总容量total lung capacityThe maximum volume to which the lungs can be expanded with the greatest possible effort (about 5800ml); it is equal to the vital capacity plus the residual volume.通气-血流比ventilation /perfusion ratioThe ratio of pulmonary ventilation to pulmonary blood flow for the whole lung, at rest about 0.8 (4.2 L/min ventilation divided by 5.5 L/min blood flow).吸收absorptionAbsorption is the process of transporting small molecules from the lumen of the gut into blood stream.基础代谢率basal metabolic rateThe basal metabolic rate is the metabolic rate determined under basal conditions which includes complete mental and physical relaxation in a room or a comfortable temperature and 12~14 hours after the last meal.体温body temperatureThe body temperature is often referred to core temperature. The core refers to the central area of the body, including the brain and viscera, whichare maintained at a constant temperature.消化digestionDigestion is a process essential for the conversion of food into a small and simple form.能量代谢energy metabolismThe energy metabolism means the liberation, transformation and utilization of energy produced by the material metabolism in the body.胃排空gastric emptyingGastric emptying is promoted by the intense peristaltic contractions in the stomach antrum. At the same time, emptying is opposed by varying degrees of resistance to the passage of chyme at the pylorus.胃泌素gastrinGastrin is a gut hormone secreted by the endocrine G cells in the gastric pyloric mucosa and duodenum mucosa. Gastrin is secreted in two forms, a large form called G-34, and a smaller form, G-17.调定点set pointAt a critical body core temperature, drastic changes occur in the rate of both heat loss and heat production. That is, all the temperature control mechanisms continually attempt to bring the body temperature back to this set-point level.慢波slow waveIf an electrode is inserted into a smooth muscle, it records a recurring depolarization, they are called slow waves or basic electrical rhythm (BER). Slow waves are not action potential, but show undulating changes in the resting membrane potential.出汗sweatingSweating is an active secretory process from eccrine sweat glands which are widely distributed over the surface of body.醛固酮aldosteroneAldosterone is a sodium-retaining hormone of the adrenal cortex.Aldosterone reduces sodium excretion and increases potassium excretion by the kidneys, this increasing sodium and decreasing potassium in the body.抗利尿激素antidiuretic hormoneA product of neurohypophyseal which, through its action on kidneys, promotes the conservation of body water.皮质肾单位cortical nephronThe nephrons have their glomerular located in the outer and middle portion of the renal cortex are called cortical nephrons.肾小球有效滤过压glomerular effective filtration pressureThe effective filtration pressure of glomerular represents the sum of the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces that either favor or oppose filtration across the glomerular capillaries.肾小球滤过分数glomerular filtration fractionThe glomerular filtration fraction is the filtration rate as percentage of the total renal plasma flow that passes through both kidneys.球管平衡glomerulotubular balanceOne of the most basic mechanisms for controlling tubular reabsorption is the intrinsic ability of the tubules to increase their reabsorption rate in response to increased tubular inflow. This phenomenon is referred to asglomerular-tubular balance.渗透性利尿osmotic diuresisAn increase in urine flow due to excretion of an osmotic active solute.肾糖阈renal glucose thresholdWhen the plasma glucose concentration increases up to a value about 180 to 200 mg per deciliter, glucose can first be detected in the urine, this value is called the renal glucose threshold.肾素reninAn enzyme of renal origin that catalyzes the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I.水利尿water diuresisThe volume of urine increases when water intake exceeds body needs, it is resulted from suppression of ADH secretion适应adaptationWhen a maintained stimulus of constant strength is applied to a receptor, the frequency of the action potential in its sensory nerve deadens over time. This phenomenon is known as adaptation.适宜刺激adequate stimulusThe stimulus that a receptor is specialized to receive and transduce. In the case of the eye, the adequate stimulus would be visible light, in the ear it would be sound waves, and so on.暗适应dark adaptationOn going from a light environment into a darker one, there is a gradual increase in sensitivity allowing dimmer lights to be seen, a mechanism known as dark adaptation.简化眼reduced eyeIf all the refractive surfaces of the eye are algebraically added together and then considered to be one single lens, the optics of the normal eye may be simplified and represented schematically as a "reduced eye".视敏度visual acuityVisual acuity is defined as the ratio of the distance of the individual from the chart to the distance at which the details of the correctly read line subtend 1'of arc.视野visual fieldThe field of vision is the area seen by an eye at a given instant. The area seen to nasal side is called the nasal field of vision, and the area seen to lateral side is called the temporal field of vision.胆碱能神经纤维cholinergic fiberA kind of neuron that liberates acetylcholine at its synaptic knobs with activity.条件反射conditioned reflexA conditioned reflex is a reflex response to a stimulus that previously elicited little or no response, acquired by repeatedly pairing to stimulate with another stimulus that normally does produce the response.去大脑僵直decerebrate rigidityWhen the brain stem is sectioned below the midlevel of the mesencephalon, the rigidity occurs in the antigravity muscles. This phenomenon is called decerebrate rigidity.脑电图electroencephalogramThe minute electrical currents spontaneously generated by neuronal activity which recorded from the scalp or directly from the cortical surface.诱发电位evoked potentialThe various discrete electrical changes in the encephalon or the spinal cord which can be produced by stimulation of sense organs or of some point along the ascending pathways to it.兴奋性突触后电位. excitatory postsynaptic potentialThe excitatory postsynaptic potential is the local postsynaptic depolarization due to release of excitatory transmitter from presynaptic terminals. EPSP brings the membrane closer to threshold and makes it more likely that an action potential will be triggered.抑制性突触后电位inhibitory postsynaptic potentialA hyperpolarizing potential at a synapse that reduced the excitability of the postsynaptic cell.运动单位motor unitA motor axon, together with all of the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates.非特异性传导系统nonspecific projection systemDiffuse projections from the nonspecific thalamic nuclei connecting the ascending reticular activating system to widespread areas of cortex have a role in modifying the states of consciousness which is called nonspecific projection system.突触后抑制postsynaptic inhibitionThe presynaptic neuron liberates an inhibitory transmitter increasing the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to potassium ions and /or chloride ions thereby increasing the negativity of the postsynaptic membrane potential. In this hyperpolarized state it is difficult to stimulate.突触前抑制presynaptic inhibitionA process which reduces the amount of synaptic transmitter liberated by action potentials arriving at excitatory synaptic knobs. The neuron producing presynaptic inhibition ends on an excitatory synaptic knob.牵涉痛referred painDamage to an internal organ is commonly associated with pain or tenderness not in the organ but in some skin region sharing the same segmental innervation. This phenomenon is called referred pain.第二信使second messengerA small, diffusible molecule produced when a hormone combines with a cell membrane receptor and which carries the message to the inside of the cell.特异性传导系统specific projection systemThe specific sensory projection system uses relatively direct pathways through specific thalamic nuclei to restricted cortical regions.脊休克spinal shockComplete transection of the spinal cord results in the immediate paralysis and loss of sensation in all body regions innervated by spinal cord segments below the lesion, this phenomenon is called spinal shock.牵张反射stretch reflexWhen a skeletal muscle with an intact nerve supply is stretched, the muscle being stretched contracts. This is a monosynaptic reflex called the stretch reflex.非条件反射unconditioned reflexA fixed reflex whose mechanism may be supposed to be inherited as itsfunctioning does not depend on previous experience.激素hormoneA hormone can be defined as a chemical substance (a compound), which is synthesized and secreted by a specific cell type. It is generally transported in the circulation and at very low concentrations elicits a specific response in target tissues affecting the activities of cells in another portion of the body.胰岛素insulinA hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreatic islets; causes a reduction in plasma glucose concentrations. Insulin lowers blood glucose mainly by facilitating glucose uptake in muscle and adipose tissue and by inhibiting hepatic glucose output.甲状腺激素thyroid hormoneThe thyroid hormone is referred to thyroxine and triiodothyronine which increase the rate of chemical reactions in almost all cells of the body, thus increasing the general level of body metabolism.。




并且,检测已知导致QT间期延长的E4031, Cispride对HERG通道电流的影响,进一步明确该通道的特性,以验证体系,方法的正确性。








ABSTRACTThe complex gating of the hERG channel makes it ideally suited to its principal role in controlling phase 3 repolarization of the cardiac ventricular action potential. Any abnormal delay in repolarization can lead to the re-activation of k+ channels,giving rise to early after-depolarizations, and coupled with increased cardiac dispersion, typically associated with these delays, provides respectively both the trigger and substrate for the potentially life threatening arrhythmia Torsardes de Pointes (TdP).Owing to the fundamental role of hERG in controlling the duration of the cardiac action potential, it is not surprising that any drugs that potently and selectively block this channel are liable to have these effects. Consequently, much effort has been expended in developing standard voltage protocols to reliably assess the effects of compounds on hERG currents in vitro.Patch clamp remains a gold standard for ion channel study. Our study focus on how to record hERG currents in a recombinant cell line using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique and to establish the hERG safety evaluation system.KEY WORDS:HERG gene;Patch clamp; Ion channel; Potassium channel; Human embryonic kidney (HEK293)cells E4031, Cispride.目录1引言 (4)1.1药安全的发展 (4)1.2本实验研究方向及意义 (5)2正文---实验材料与方法 (7)2.1 细胞培养实验 (7)2.1.1细胞培养所需实验器材: (7)2.1.2试验步骤 (8)细胞来源: (8)试剂制备:- (8)细胞培育、传代: (8)细胞冻存与复苏: (9)2.2 膜片钳实验 (10)2.2.1细胞电生理实验所需实验器材 (10)2.2.2 膜片钳实验步骤 (11)电极制备 (11)全细胞膜片钳记录 (11)结论 (13)参考文献 (21)1引言1.1药安全的发展为了指导新药研发、保证用药安全,早在1997年,欧洲知识产权药品委员会(CpMp)发布了“pointstoConsider”文件,推荐了一系列临床或非临床方法评价非心脏作用药物引起QT间期延长和尖端扭转型室性心动过速的危险。



When it comes to discussing food preferences,its essential to consider the variety of tastes and dietary habits that people around the world enjoy.Heres an essay that delves into the topic of dietary preferences and how they can reflect cultural and personal tastes.Title:Exploring Dietary Preferences:A Culinary JourneyIntroductionFood is not just a necessity for survival it is a reflection of culture,tradition,and personal taste.Peoples dietary preferences are as diverse as the flavors they savor.This essay aims to explore the factors that influence these preferences and how they shape our culinary experiences.Cultural InfluencesCultural background plays a significant role in shaping an individuals dietary habits.For instance,the Mediterranean diet,rich in olive oil,fresh vegetables,and fish,is deeply rooted in the history and lifestyle of Mediterranean countries.Similarly,the spicy and flavorful cuisine of India is a testament to the countrys diverse culinary traditions.Personal TastesBeyond cultural influences,personal tastes also dictate dietary preferences.Some individuals are drawn to sweet flavors,while others prefer the tang of sour or the heat of spicy food.These preferences can be influenced by early childhood experiences, exposure to different cuisines,and even genetic factors.Health ConsiderationsHealth is another critical factor that affects dietary choices.Many people opt for balanced diets rich in fruits,vegetables,and lean proteins to maintain good health.Others may follow specific diets,such as veganism or glutenfree,due to allergies,intolerances,or ethical reasons.Economic FactorsEconomic status can also impact what and how people eat.In some regions,access to fresh produce may be limited,leading to a reliance on staple foods that are moreaffordable and readily available.Conversely,in wealthier areas,a wider variety of ingredients allows for more diverse and adventurous culinary explorations.The Role of TechnologyTechnology has revolutionized the way we approach food.With the advent of food delivery apps and online recipes,people can now experiment with cuisines from around the world without leaving their homes.This has led to a greater appreciation for global flavors and a more inclusive approach to dietary preferences.ConclusionIn conclusion,dietary preferences are a complex interplay of cultural,personal,health, economic,and technological factors.Understanding these influences can help us appreciate the rich tapestry of flavors that make up the worlds culinary landscape.As we continue to explore and embrace diverse food cultures,our palates expand,and our appreciation for the art of cooking deepens.This essay provides a comprehensive look at the various elements that contribute to an individuals dietary preferences,offering insight into the broader implications of food choices on a global scale.。



When it comes to discussing food preferences and habits,its a topic that can be as diverse as the cuisines of the world.People have different tastes,dietary needs,and cultural influences that shape their eating habits.Heres an essay that delves into the subject of dietary preferences and how they can be a reflection of ones lifestyle and cultural background.Title:My Dietary Preferences and How They Reflect My LifestyleIn the tapestry of life,food is not just sustenance it is a thread that weaves through the fabric of our existence,connecting us to our past,present,and future.My dietary preferences are a testament to this,reflecting my lifestyle,cultural background,and personal health choices.Cultural InfluencesGrowing up in a family that values traditional cuisine,my palate was shaped by the rich flavors of homecooked meals.The aroma of spices wafting through the kitchen,the hearty warmth of stews,and the delicate balance of flavors in our regional dishes have all contributed to my love for food that is both comforting and familiar.This cultural influence has instilled in me a preference for meals that are not only nutritious but also deeply rooted in the culinary heritage of my ancestors.Lifestyle ChoicesAs an active individual,my dietary preferences are also influenced by my need for energy and nutrition to fuel my daily activities.I lean towards a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits,vegetables,lean proteins,and whole grains.This choice is not just about taste but also about the need for a diet that supports my physical wellbeing and helps me maintain a healthy weight.My preference for fresh,organic produce is a reflection of my commitment to a sustainable lifestyle and my desire to minimize the environmental impact of my food choices.Health ConsiderationsOver the years,I have become more conscious of the impact of my diet on my overall health.This awareness has led me to adopt a diet that is low in processed foods and high in natural,nutrientdense ingredients.I have a particular fondness for plantbased meals, which I believe offer a wealth of health benefits,including a lower risk of chronicdiseases and a more balanced intake of essential nutrients.My dietary choices are a reflection of my personal health journey and my ongoing quest for a healthier lifestyle.AdaptabilityWhile I have certain dietary preferences,I also recognize the importance of adaptability. Traveling has exposed me to a myriad of culinary experiences,and I have learned to appreciate the diversity of flavors and food preparation methods from around the world. This adaptability has not only enriched my culinary horizons but has also taught me the value of being open to new experiences and the joy of discovering new flavors. ConclusionIn conclusion,my dietary preferences are a complex interplay of cultural influences, lifestyle choices,health considerations,and adaptability.They are a reflection of who I am and the values that guide my life.As I continue to evolve and grow,so too will my relationship with food,always a journey of discovery and a celebration of lifes many flavors.This essay provides a personal perspective on how ones dietary preferences can be influenced by various factors and how they can serve as a window into ones lifestyle and values.Its a reminder that food is more than just a necessity its a part of our identity and a way to connect with the world around us.。



2022年考研考博-考博英语-西南财经大学考试全真模拟全知识点汇编押题第五期(含答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题A great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the () of becoming white collar workers.问题1选项A.privilegeB.advantageC.profitD.preference【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。

privilege “特权”;advantage “优势”;profit “利润,利益”;preference “偏爱,倾向”。



2.单选题He is a promising young man who is now studying at our graduate school. As his supervisor,I would like to ()him to your notice.问题1选项mendB.decreeC.presumeD.articulate【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。

commend “推荐,称赞”;decree “命令,颁布,判决”;presume “假定,推测”;articulate “发音,清楚地讲话”。



3.单选题The advertisement says this material doesn’t in t he wash, but it has ().问题1选项A.contractB.shrinkC.slimD.dissolve【答案】B【解析】动词辨析题。




2022年考研考博-考博英语-电子科技大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析B卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题The()from Africa’s booming oil sales rarely reaches the people who live where the oil is produced..问题1选项【答案】B【解析】句意:非洲蓬勃发展的石油销售收入很少到达在石油生产地生活的人的手中。


Currency通货,货币,通用,流行; revenue财政收入,税收收入,收益; tariff关税,(旅馆、饭店或服务公司的)价目表,收费表; exchange交流,兑换。


2.单选题The thieves fled with the local police close on their().问题1选项A.backsB.necksC.toesD.heels 【答案】D【解析】句意:逃跑的小偷后面紧跟着当地的警察。


on (at) one's heels 紧跟某人后面。

3.单选题The two countries have()friendly relations for many years.问题1选项A.retainedB.sustainedC.maintainedD.remained【答案】C【解析】句意:这两个国家多年来保持着友好关系。



Retain持有,保留; sustain维持(生命、生存),使稳定持续,遭受; maintain维持,保持,维修; remain仍然是,保持不变,剩余,遗留,续存在。


4.单选题The government()to approve the use of wide-spread surveillance when the Justice Department took objections.问题1选项 goingB.had beenC.was coming【答案】C【解析】句意:政府即将同意采取广泛监督的手段吋,却遭到了司法部的反对。

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The thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) method is known to be a powerful tool for studying relaxation processes in polymer electrets [1] Although the theory of the TSD currents has been developed mainly for the thermally frozen dipole polarization, it has been widely used to study molecular mobility and relaxation processes in ferroelectric polymers like PVDF and its copolymers [2-6]. Two TSDC peaks in these materials are of the main importance. One related to the glass transition in amorphous phase is observed at about –45 ° C [5,6]. The origin of another peak seen in the range of 50-80 ° C is not definitely known, although it is clear that several processes can contribute to its formation, such as reorientation of aligned dipoles in amorphous phase, relaxation of the ferroelectric polarization, migration of the space charge, interfacial and near-to-electrode processes [4]. Ferroelectric polymers, apart from their ferroelectricity caused by spontaneous switchable polarization in crystalline phase, posses properties of conventional polar electrets. Therefore, existence of two components of the remnant polarization can be expected, one related to ferroelectricity in crystalline phase, and another to aligned dipoles in amorphous phase, although there is no direct experimental evidence to show this. Besides, injected real charge has been shown to be important in ferroelectric polymers [7-9]. Thus, it is expected that three depolarization currents are superimposed in observed TSDC peaks in ferroelectric polymers, two caused by relaxation of electret and ferroelectric components of the remnant polarization and one related to the space charge. Here we distinguish between these three processes by analyzing short-circuit and open-circuit TSD currents in corona poled films of the copolymer of vinylidene fluoride and tetrafluoroethylene. P(VDF-TFE) has been chosen as a typical ferroelectric polymer, but the least studied one. The study was performed on extruded and uniaxially stretched P(VDF-TFE) copolymer films of 20 µm thickness composed of 95 mol % VDF and 5 mol % TFE. The crystalline part of the polymer contained about 90% of the ferroelectric β phase according to the infrared spectroscopy data. All films were electroded from one side by evaporation of aluminum in vacuum and poled in a corona triode [7, 8] at a constant grid voltage of -4 kV. The samples were cooled down from 85 oC to room temperature without removal of the field. Poled samples were subjected to a linear temperature ramp of rate 4 K min-1 either in the short-circuit (SC), or in the open-circuit (OC) mode [1]. In the SC mode samples were short-circuited between two electrodes, while in the OC mode a 25 µm-thick FEP-Teflon spacer was used as a dielectric gap between free surface of the sample and one of the electrodes. The storage time between poling and measurement was either one day, or 16
Department of Physics, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa, Ukraine Using short circuit and open circuit modifications of the thermally stimulated depolarization current technique, relaxation currents have been measured in corona poled P(VDF-TFE) copolymers over the temperature range of 10–120 oC in samples stored after poling for either 1 day, or 16 month. Two well structured peaks observed in aged samples at 23 and 90 oC were attributed to relaxation of electret and ferroelectric components of the remnant polarization. In fresh samples the two components were mixed forming a broad peak at 71 oC. Relaxation of the space charge caused inversion of the current in the open circuit mode both in fresh and aged samples. The space charge peaks have been extracted from the total current by appropriate calculations. High stability of the trapped charges has been confirmed. It was suggested that both the electret and the ferroelectric components of the remnant polarization were accompanied by space or surface charges.
months. The samples are here referred to as “fresh” and “aged” ones correspondingly. Similarly to results reported by other workers on PVDF and P(VDF-TrTE) copolymers, [3– 6] we observed one broad peak in the SC mode on fresh P(VDF-TFE) samples, as shown in Fig. 1. Direction of the current in this peak corresponds to relaxation of the remnant polarization. Since crystallinity of P(VDF-TFE) is about 50% and most of the molecular dipoles in the crystalline region are in the ferroelectric β phase, contributions of the electret and the ferroelectric components to formation of this peak in fresh samples seem to be comparable.