The Discovery of My Father


discovery of a father (3)

discovery of a father (3)

Discovery of a Father 对父亲的新认识You hear it said that fathers want their sons to be what they feel they cannot themselves be, but I tell you it also works the other way. 你应该听过,父亲们总希望他们的儿子成长为他们自己所不能成为的人,但我要告诉你,这句话反过来也一样。

A boy wants something very special from his father. 男孩们也希望他们的父亲是独一无二的。

I know that as a small boy I wanted my father to be a proud, silent, dignified man.我知道这个道理,因为当我还是个小男孩时,我希望我的父亲是个骄傲,冷静,高贵的人。

When I was with other boys and he passed along the street, I wanted to feel a flow of pride. 我希望当我和其它男孩在街上玩耍时,父亲从旁边经过,我会感到骄傲。

"There he is. That is my father." “那就是我的父亲。

”But he wasn't such a one. 但他不是这样的人。

He couldn't be.他也成不了这样的人。

It seemed to me then that he was always showing off.我觉得他总爱炫耀。

Let's say someone in our town had got up a show. 让我们来说说那次有人在我们镇上举办表演活动的事。

They were always doing it.经常有这样的活动。

discovery of a father译文

discovery of a father译文

discovery of a father译文引言概述:"Discovery of a Father"(父亲的发现)是一个令人动容的故事,讲述了一个人在他成年后发现自己的父亲的故事。


正文内容:1. 父亲的失踪(Father's Disappearance)1.1 童年时期的记忆(Childhood Memories)在儿时,主人公对父亲的记忆模糊而淡薄,只有一些零散的片段。

1.2 母亲的保密(Mother's Secrecy)主人公的母亲对父亲的消失保持沉默,不愿透露任何信息,增加了主人公对父亲的好奇心。

2. 成年后的探索(Exploration in Adulthood)2.1 想象父亲的样貌(Imagining Father's Appearance)主人公开始尝试通过想象和回忆来构建父亲的形象。

2.2 寻找亲属和线索(Searching for Relatives and Clues)主人公开始积极地寻找亲属和线索,希望能够找到关于父亲的更多信息。

3. 遇见父亲(Meeting the Father)3.1 意外的相遇(Unexpected Encounter)主人公在一次偶然的机会下,与父亲相遇,这个时刻充满了复杂的情感和震撼。

3.2 亲子关系的建立(Establishing a Parental Bond)父亲和主人公开始建立亲子关系,通过交流和了解,他们逐渐加深了对彼此的认识。

4. 情感的起伏(Emotional Rollercoaster)4.1 感激和喜悦(Gratitude and Joy)主人公对于找到父亲感到无比的感激和喜悦,他终于找到了自己的亲生父亲。

4.2 失望和困惑(Disappointment and Confusion)与父亲的相处过程中,主人公也经历了一些失望和困惑,因为他们之间存在着许多未知的事实和过去。

综英3-2 Discovery_of_a_Father

综英3-2 Discovery_of_a_Father

Copyright@2006 Xiao Jinyin All Rights Reserved
Discovery of a Father
Ideal vs. Real
What kind of a father did the author wish to have as a child? Did his father meet his requirements? What qualities did his father have made the author particularly unhappy?
the discovery of antibiotics in the 20th century the discovery of new talent in the art world
Copyright@2006 Xiao Jinyin All Rights Reserved
Discovery of a Father
Copyright@2006 Xiao Jinyin All Rights Reserved
Discovery of a Father
The Title The Author
The Elements of a Short Story ▲
The Outline
The Text Assignments
Elements of a Short Story
The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a short story. The main character is usually on one side of the central conflict. On the other side, the main character may struggle against another important character, against the forces of nature, against society, or even against something inside himself or herself (feelings, emotions, illness).

The discovery of my father

The discovery of my father

The discovery of my fatherEveryone prefers praise to criticism . Praise can encourage people to do things well while criticism can frustrate a person. This situation is very common among adults. How about kids?My father has a upright character. If there happen to him, he can tell you the truth. You must think that is very good character. But for me ,it is a bad thing. When i was young ,i never talk to my father deeply in heart. And the situation is still no change. The biggest reason is his special praise. When i watch TV for a long time so that i cannot finish my homework early ,my father would say a word to me. " if you had watch that program for a longer time, you would finish your homework in time!" whenever he said this, i would not react anything or cry. I just kept silent and went on my paperwork. I hate his words which sound like a beautiful praise.The same situation happened to different things i had ever done. I remember once i lose my money which is not much . I was very frustrated, and even thought i was a girl who can not do anything well. I drag my feet and didn't want to go back home. My mother got to knew it and asked me the reason ,tried to cheer me up. While father knew it ,he said "if you put them in your shallow pocket next time ,the money would not drop." Then i went to my own room sadly without any word again.My father's praise is unique in the world. Maybe it should be called criticism in certain. It isn't real beautiful words that can encourage you .I am a kid . How i wish i can get the real praise words from my parents! There is only one thing in my mind,which is my father didn't care about me at all!But at that night ,things had change. That is a common night. Father was invited to have supper outside. Mom was sleep already and i was surfing the Internet. Father came back with a small bottle in hand. He went straight to me ,gave it to me ,and smiled to me " this is for you to collect your small cute things". I was surprised so that cannot say anything. And there was a blast of warm stream though my heart.。

我的科学家父亲 英文作文

我的科学家父亲 英文作文

我的科学家父亲英文作文My father is a scientist. He has always been fascinated by the natural world and has spent his entire career studying it. As a child, I remember him always being in his lab, working on experiments and analyzing data. He was always so passionate about his work, and it was infectious.One thing that sets my father apart from other scientists is his creativity. He is always coming up with new ideas and approaches to problems. He is not content to simply follow established methods and techniques; he is always looking for ways to improve upon them or come up with something entirely new. This has led to some truly groundbreaking discoveries over the years.Another thing that I admire about my father is his dedication. He has spent countless hours in the lab, often working late into the night or on weekends. He is not motivated by money or fame, but by a genuine desire to understand the world around us. He truly believes that hiswork can make a difference and is willing to put in the time and effort necessary to achieve his goals.Despite his many accomplishments, my father remains humble and approachable. He is always willing to lend a listening ear or offer advice to those who seek it. He is not interested in accolades or recognition; he simply wants to do good work and contribute to the scientific community.Overall, I feel incredibly lucky to have a scientistfor a father. His passion, creativity, dedication, and humility are qualities that I strive to emulate in my own life. I am proud of all that he has accomplished and grateful for the many lessons he has taught me over the years.。

2 Discovery of a Father 教案及讲义

2 Discovery of a Father 教案及讲义

Lesson T wo Discovery of a Father1.授课时间:第4周2次课;第5周2次课2.授课类型: 理论课6课时;习题课2课时3.授课题目:Discovery of a Father4.教学目的、要求:通过讲授课文使学生了解作者如何通过语言的选择来表达对父亲态度的改变,从而理解父亲的爱;引导学生理解自己的父母,并思考怎样与自己的父母建立一种亲密的情谊。



5.教学重点及难点:1)背景知识的传授:美国内战2)文章的体裁分析,段落划分和意象的理解;3)语言点的理解:Word study: V erb: strike; remember; cover; sympathize; Noun:creditGrammar Focus: Grammatical functions of the participles (present & past); past tenses;V erb tenses; V erb forms (comprehensive)6. 教学基本内容纲要,教学方法、手段,实施步骤:A内容纲要:1)词缀un-;super-; -ize2)背景知识及作者的介绍3)文章结构和段落划分4)课文讲解B教学方法和手段:以学生为主体,教师为主导,课堂上开展以任务为中心的形式多样的教学活动,在加强基础训练的同时,采用启发式、讨论式、发现式和研究式等教学方法,充分调动学生的积极性,提高课堂学习效果。


Discovery of a Father

Discovery of a Father







舍伍德·安德森(Sherwood Anderson,1876-1941),美国小说家,生于中西部俄亥俄州克莱德镇的一个贫寒家庭。














2作品1916年,安德森发表了带有浓重自传体风格的小说《饶舌的麦克佛逊的儿子》(Windy McPherson's Son),从此一发而不可收拾。


原文Discovery of a Father

原文Discovery of a Father

Discovery of a Father_____________________________________________________________________________“Discovery of a Father”AUTHOR Anderson, SherwoodGENRE Short StoryNATIONALITY United StatesLITERARY THEMES RelationshipsGRADE/THEME9 Family Matters11 The Strength of TraditionSUBJECT LiteratureDiscovery of a FatherSherwood AndersonOne of the strangest relationships in the world is that between fatherand son. I know it now from having sons of my own.A boy wants something very special from his father. You hear itsaid that fathers want their sons to be what they feel they themselvescannot be, but I tell you it also works the other way. I know that asa small boy I wanted my father to be a certain thing he was not. Iwanted him to be a proud, silent, dignified father. When I was withthe other boys and he passed along the street, I wanted to feel aglow of pride: “There he is. That is my father.”But he wasn’t such a one. he couldn’t be. It seemed to me thenthat he was always showing off. Let’s say someone in our town hadgot up a show. They were always doing it. The druggist would be init, the shoe-store clerk, the horse doctor, and a lot of women andgirls. My father would manage to get the chief comedy part. It was,let’s say, a Civil War play and he was a comic Irish soldier. He hadto do the most absurd things. They thought he was funny, but Ididn’t.’I thought he was terrible. I didn’t see how Mother could stand it.She even laughed with the others. Maybe I would have laughed if ithadn’t been my father.Or there was a parade, the Fourth of July or Decoration Day.He’d be in that, too, right at the front of it, as Grand Marshal orsomething, on a white horse hired from a livery stable.He couldn’t ride for shucks. He fell off the horse and everyonehooted with laughter, but he didn’t care. He even seemed to like it.I remember once when he had done something ridiculous, andright out on Main Street, too. I was with some other boys and theywere laughing and shouting at him and he was shouting back andhaving as good a time as they were. I ran down an alley back ofsome stores and there in the Presbyterian church sheds I had agood long cry.________________________________________________________________________ 1© ScottForesman Custom Literature Database Sherwood Anderson, “Discovery of a Father,” fromReader’s Digest, Copyright ©1939 by the Reader’sOr I would be in bed at night and Father would come home andbring some men with him. He was a man who was never alone.Before he went broke, running a harness shop, there were always alot of men loafing in the shop. He went broke, of course, becausehe gave too much credit. He couldn’t refuse it, and I thought hewas a fool. I had got to hating him.There’d be men I didn’t think would want to be fooling aroundwith him. There might even be the superintendent of our schoolsand a quiet man who ran the hardware store. Once I rememberthere was a white-haired man who was a cashier of the bank. It wasa wonder to me they’d want to be seen with such a windbag. That’swhat I thought he was. I know now what it was that attracted them.It was because life in our town, as in all small towns, was at timespretty dull, and he livened it up. He made them laugh. He could tellstories. He’d even get them to singing.If they didn’t come to our house they’d go off, say at night, towhere there was a grassy place by a creek. They’d cook food thereand drink beer and sit about listening to his stories.He was always telling stories about himself. He’d say this or thatwonderful thing had happened to him. It might be something thatmade him look like a fool. He didn’t care.If an Irishman came to our house, right away Father would sayhe was Irish. He’d tell what county in Ireland he was born in. He’dtell things that happened there when he was a boy. He’d make itseem so real that, if I didn’t know he was born in southern Ohio,I’d have believed him myself.If it was a Scotchman the same thing happened. He’d get a burrinto his speech. Or he was a German or a Swede. he’d be anythingthe other man was. I think they all knew he was lying, but theyseemed to like him just the same. As a boy, that was what I couldn’tunderstand.And there was Mother. How could she stand it? I wanted to askbut never did. She was not the kind you asked such questions.I’d be upstairs in my bed, in my room above the porch, andFather would be telling some of his tales. A lot of Father’s storieswere about the Civil War. To hear him tell it, he’d been in aboutevery battle. He’d known Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and I don’tknow how many others. He’d been particularly intimate with________________________________________________________________________ 2© ScottForesman Custom Literature Database Sherwood Anderson, “Discovery of a Father,” fromReader’s Digest, Copyright ©1939 by the Reader’sGeneral Grant, so that when Grant went East, to take charge of allthe armies, he took Father along.“I was an orderly at headquarters, and Sam Grant said to me,‘Irve,’ he said, ‘I’m going to take you along with me.’ ”It seems he and Grant used to slip off sometimes and have aquiet drink together. That’s what my father said. He’d tell aboutthe day Lee surrendered and how, when the great moment came,they couldn’t find Grant.“You know,” my father said, “about General Grant’s book, hismemoirs. You’ve read of how he said he had a headache and how,when he got word that Lee was ready to call it quits, he wassuddenly and miraculously cured.”“Huh,” said Father. “He was in the woods with me.“I was in there with my back against a tree. I was drinking. I hadgot hold of a bottle. “They were looking for Grant. He had got offhis horse and come into the woods. he found me. He was coveredwith mud.I had the bottle in my hand. What’d I care? The war was over. Iknew we had them licked.”My father said that he was the one who told Grant about Lee. Anorderly riding by had told him, because the orderly knew how thickhe was with Grant. Grant was embarrassed.“But, Irve, look at me. I’m all covered with mud,” he said toFather.And then, my father said, he and Grant decided to have a drinktogether. They took a couple of drinks and then, because he didn’twant Grant to show up drunk before the immaculate Lee, hesmashed the bottle against the tree.“Sam Grant’s dead now, and I wouldn’t want it to get out onhim,” my father said.That’s just one of the kind of things he’d tell. Of course the menknew he was lying, but they seemed to like it just the same.When we got broke, down and out, do you think he ever broughtanything home? Not he. If there wasn’t anything to eat in thehouse, he’d go off visiting around at farmhouses. They all wantedhim. Sometimes he’d stay away for weeks, Mother working to keepus fed, and then home he’d come bringing, let’s say, a ham. He’dgot it from some farmer friend. He’d slap it on the table in the________________________________________________________________________ 3© ScottForesman Custom Literature Database Sherwood Anderson, “Discovery of a Father,” fromReader’s Digest, Copyright ©1939 by the Reader’skitchen. “You bet I’m going to see that my kids have something toeat,” he’d say, and Mother would just stand smiling at him. She’dnever say a word about all the weeks and months he’d been away,not leaving us a cent for food. Once I heard her speaking to awoman in our street. Maybe the woman had dared to sympathizewith her. “Oh,” she said, “it’s all right. He isn’t ever dull like mostof the men in this street. Life is never dull when my man is about.”But often I was filled with bitterness, and sometimes I wished hewasn’t my father. I’d even invent another man as my father. Toprotect my mother, I’d make up stories of a secret marriage that forsome strange reason never got known. As though some man, saythe president of a railroad company or maybe a Congressman, hadmarried my mother, thinking his wife was dead and then it turnedout she wasn’t .So they had to hush it up, but I got born just the same. I wasn’treally the son of my father. Somewhere in the world there was avery dignified, quite wonderful man who was really my father. Ieven made myself half believe these fancies.And then there came a certain night. Mother was away fromhome. Maybe there was church that night. Father came in. He’dbeen off somewhere for two or three weeks. He found me alone inthe house, reading by the kitchen table.It had been raining, and he was very wet. He sat and looked atme for a long time, not saying a word. I was startled, for there wason his face the saddest look I had ever seen. He sat for a time, hisclothes dripping. Then he got up.“Come on with me,” he said.I got up and went with him out of the house. I was filled withwonder, but I wasn’t afraid. We went along a dirt road that leddown into a valley, about a mile out of town, where there was apond. We walked in silence. The man who was always talking hadstopped his talking.I didn’t know what was up and had the queer feeling that I waswith a stranger. I don’t know whether my father intended it so. Idon’t think he did.The pond was quite large. It was still raining hard, and there wereflashes of lightning followed by thunder. We were on a grassy bank ________________________________________________________________________ 4© ScottForesman Custom Literature Database Sherwood Anderson, “Discovery of a Father,” fromReader’s Digest, Copyright ©1939 by the Reader’sat the pond’s edge when my father spoke, and in the darkness andrain his voice sounded strange.“Take off your clothes,” he said. Still filled with wonder, Ibegan to undress. There was a flash of lightning, and I saw that hewas already naked.Naked, we went into the pond. Taking my hand, he pulled me in.It may be that I was too frightened. too full of feeling ofstrangeness, to speak. Before that night my father had never seemedto pay any attention to me.“And what is he up to now?” I kept asking myself. I did notswim very well, but he put my hand on his shoulder and struck outinto the darkness.He was a man with big shoulders, a powerful swimmer. In thedarkness I could feel the movement of his muscles. We swam to thefar edge of the pond and then back to where we had left ourclothes. The rain continued and the wind blew. Sometimes myfather swam on his back and when he did he took my hand in hislarge powerful one and moved it over so that it rested always on hisshoulder. Sometimes there would be a flash of lightning and Icould see his face quite clearly.It was as it was earlier, in the kitchen, a face filled with sadness.There would be the momentary glimpse of his face and then againthe darkness, the wind, and the rain. In me there was a feeling I hadnever known before.It was a feeling of closeness. It was something strange. It was asthough there were only we two in the world. It was as though I hadbeen jerked suddenly out of myself, out of my world of theschoolboy, out of a world in which I was ashamed of my father.He had become blood of my blood; he the strong swimmer and Ithe boy clinging to him in the darkness. We swam in silence, and insilence we dressed in our wet clothes. and went home.There was a lamp lighted in the kitchen, and when we came in,the water dripping form us, there was my mother. She smiled at us.I remember that she called us “boys.” “What have you boys beenup to?” she asked, but my father did not answer. As he had begunthe evening’s experience with me in silence, so he ended it. Heturned and looked at me. Then he went, I thought, with a new andstrange dignity, out of the room.________________________________________________________________________ 5© ScottForesman Custom Literature Database Sherwood Anderson, “Discovery of a Father,” fromReader’s Digest, Copyright ©1939 by the Reader’sI climbed the stairs to my own room, undressed in darkness, andgot into bed. I couldn’t sleep and did not want to sleep. For thefirst time, I knew that I was the son of my father. He was astoryteller as I was to be. It may be that I even laughed a little softlythere in the darkness. If I did, I laughed knowing that I would neveragain be wanting another father.________________________________________________________________________ 6© ScottForesman Custom Literature Database Sherwood Anderson, “Discovery of a Father,” fromReader’s Digest, Copyright ©1939 by the Reader’s。

我的科学家父亲 英文作文

我的科学家父亲 英文作文

我的科学家父亲英文作文英文:My father is a scientist and has always been a huge inspiration to me. He has dedicated his life to the pursuit of knowledge and has made significant contributions to his field. Growing up, I remember him spending long hours in his lab, conducting experiments and analyzing data. He always encouraged me to ask questions and to never stop seeking answers.One of the things I admire most about my father is his relentless curiosity. He has a natural inclination to explore and understand the world around him. He often says, "The more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know." This mindset has taught me to approach life with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge.My father's passion for science has also had a profound impact on how I view the world. He once told me, "Scienceis not just a subject, it's a way of thinking." This statement has stuck with me throughout my life and has influenced the way I approach problem-solving and critical thinking.中文:我的父亲是一名科学家,他一直是我的巨大榜样。



找到我的爸爸的英语作文My dad is a hardworking man. He wakes up early every morning and goes to work to provide for our family. He never complains and always does his best to make sure we have everything we need.My dad is also a funny guy. He loves to tell jokes and make everyone laugh. Sometimes his jokes are a bit cheesy, but we all love him for it. He has a great sense of humor and always knows how to lighten the mood.My dad is a great cook. He makes the best barbecue ribs and always knows how to grill the perfect steak. Whenever we have a family gathering, everyone looks forward to his delicious meals. He takes pride in his cooking and loves to see everyone enjoying his food.My dad is a sports fanatic. He never misses a game and is always cheering on his favorite teams. Whether it's football, basketball, or baseball, he is always up to dateon the latest scores and stats. He loves to talk sports with anyone who will listen and is always excited to debate about his favorite players.My dad is my hero. He has always been there for me, supporting me in everything I do. He is my rock and I know I can always count on him. I am so grateful to have him as my dad and I love him more than words can express.。



Father's Love UnnoticedWhen you left your mother's womb and came into the world, did you hear the excited shouts outside the operating room? When you were held by a pair of broad hands, did you feel the special warmth? When you understood the emotions in the world, did you understand the unique fatherly love?On the table filled with feasts, there was a pair of chopsticks. They were so busy that they didn't even have a second to rest. They kept adding food to my sister's bowl, fearing that her bowl would be empty. Next to them, there was a bowl filled with only white rice, empty without even a vegetable. But they didn't notice me leaving the table, nor did they see the pair of helpless eyes behind me.In the haunted house full of fear, there is a pair of eyes. They are so anxious that they don't even have time to close. They are watching the timid sister closely, fearing that she will get lost. Behind them, there is a figure huddled in the corner, trembling and crying. But they didn't notice that the kind-hearted people took me out. I stared at those helpless eyes with angry eyes.When I wrote down countless words that were practiced with great sorrow, there was a mouth that kept on complaining about this manuscript. I laughed at its vulgarity and despised its existence. I stood there blankly, letting the liquid flow down my cheeks. But I didn't know that in front of the figure behind me was a look full of joy.Ah! Father. Why have I always had my own food in my bowl since I was little? I have never been given anything.Ah! Father. Why have I always played alone since I was a child? I have never had your company.Ah! Father. Why is it that my efforts since childhood have always been satisfactory to me, but I have never received your praise?The helpless look is to let me know that I need to learn to be independent and strong; the joyful look is to let me know that I need to learn to be humble and not proud.Your love bursts out in shouts; your love flows in generous hands; your love is reflected in your eyes.Father, your love has never been discovered。



Growing up, the concept of a father figure was always a bit abstract for me. My dad was a presence in my life, but not in the way you might expect. He was a man of few words, but his actions spoke volumes. This essay is about the journey of finding my dad, not in the physical sense, but in understanding the depth of his love and the sacrifices he made for our family.I remember the first time I truly saw my dad. It wasnt the day I was born,or even my first steps. It was a cold winter evening when I was about ten years old. I had been playing outside with my friends, and as the sun began to set, I noticed my dad sitting on the porch, watching us. His eyes were fixed on me, a gentle smile on his face. It was a look of pride, of love, and it was the first time I truly felt seen by him.My dad was a hard worker. He would leave the house before the sun rose and return long after it had set. He was a carpenter, a profession that required him to be on his feet all day, often in harsh weather conditions. But he never complained. He would come home with tired eyes and calloused hands, but he always had a smile for me.As I grew older, I began to understand the sacrifices my dad made for our family. He worked tirelessly to provide for us, often taking on extra jobs to ensure we had everything we needed. He never missed a school event or a sports game, even if it meant working late into the night to finish a project. He was there for every milestone, every achievement, and every heartbreak.But it wasnt just the sacrifices he made that defined my dad. It was the wayhe carried himself, the values he instilled in me. He taught me the importance of hard work, of perseverance, and of treating others with kindness and respect. He showed me that success isnt measured by wealth or status, but by the impact you have on the lives of others.One of the most significant moments in my journey to find my dad was when I realized the depth of his love for me. It was during my high school graduation. I was nervous, my heart pounding in my chest as I walked across the stage to receive my diploma. But as I looked out into the crowd, I saw my dad, tears in his eyes, beaming with pride. In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. I knew that no matter what challenges I faced in life, I had my dads unwavering support.Finding my dad wasnt just about understanding his sacrifices and the lessons he taught me. It was also about recognizing the man he was outside of his role as a father. He was a son, a brother, a friend, and a husband. He had dreams and aspirations of his own, and he faced his own struggles and challenges. But he never let those define him. He remained steadfast in his love for our family, always putting our needs before his own.As I sit here, reflecting on my journey to find my dad, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude. I am grateful for the man he is, for the sacrifices he made, and for the lessons he taught me. I am grateful for the love he showed me, even when I didnt fully understand it. And most of all, I am grateful for the opportunity to call him my dad.In conclusion, finding my dad was a journey of selfdiscovery, of understanding the depth of his love, and of recognizing the sacrifices he made for our family. It was a journey that taught me the importance of hard work, perseverance, and treating others with kindness and respect. It was a journey that showed me the true meaning of being a father, and for that, I will always be grateful.。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!I remember the day when my dad made a surprising discovery. It was a sunny afternoon, and he was cleaning out the attic, searching for old items that we could sell or donate. As he rummaged through the dusty boxes, he stumbled upon a worn-out journal. Curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to flip through its pages.In that journal, my dad found a collection of love letters written by my grandparents. The letters were filled with heartfelt emotions and tender words, expressing their deep affection for each other. It was like stepping into a time machine and witnessing their love story unfold before his eyes. The faded ink and delicate penmanship added a touch of nostalgia to the whole experience.As my dad continued reading, he discovered another surprise – a hidden treasure map! It was a crude drawing, with vague instructions leading to a mysterious location. The map seemed to have been hastily sketched, as if someonehad intended to come back for it later. The excitement in my dad's eyes was palpable as he realized that this could be a real adventure.Without wasting a moment, my dad decided to follow the map. He gathered his camping gear, packed some snacks, and set off on a journey to uncover the hidden treasure. The map led him through dense forests, across roaring rivers, and up treacherous mountain trails. It was a true test of his determination and perseverance.After days of searching, my dad finally reached the destination marked on the map. He dug into the ground, his heart pounding with anticipation. And there it was – a small chest filled with ancient coins, precious gemstones, and other valuable artifacts. My dad couldn't believe his luck. He had stumbled upon a real treasure, just like in the stories he used to read as a child.With the treasure in his hands, my dad felt a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. It wasn't just about the material value of what he had found, but also the thrill ofthe adventure and the connection to his ancestors. He knew that this discovery would become a cherished family story, passed down from generation to generation.Looking back, that day was a turning point in my dad's life. It ignited a passion for exploration and a love for uncovering hidden gems, both literally and metaphorically.It taught him the value of embracing unexpected surprises and taking risks. And most importantly, it reminded him of the power of family history and the stories that shape our identities.So, the next time you stumble upon something unexpected, remember the story of my dad's discovery. Embrace the unknown, follow the path less traveled, and who knows what treasures you might uncover along the way.。



英文作文Guessing My Dad's Mystery ItemMy dad is a man of many mysteries. He's always got something up his sleeve, and he loves to surprise us with his unique and often unexpected hobbies and interests. One day, while rummaging through his belongings, I came across a mysterious item that piqued my curiosity.It was a small, wooden box, about the size of a palm. The box was made of dark, polished wood with intricate carvings on the lid. The carvings were so intricate and detailed, they looked almost alive. I had never seen anything like it before, and I knew immediately that this was not just any ordinary box.I asked my dad about it, but he just smiled enigmatically and said, "You'll find out when the time is right." This only made me more curious. What could be inside this box that was so special? Was it a family heirloom? A valuable collector's item? Or perhaps something even more extraordinary?I decided to do some detective work. I checked online for similar boxes and carvings, but I couldn't find anything that matched my dad's box. I even asked around among his friends and colleagues, but no one seemed to know what it was.Weeks passed, and my curiosity grew with each passing day. Finally, one day, when my dad was in a good mood, I decided to broach the subject again. This time, he seemed more willing to talk."You've been pondering over that box for weeks now," he said with a chuckle. "Alright, I'll tell you. But you have to promise not to tell anyone else."I nodded eagerly, and he began to speak."This box was a gift from my grandfather. It's a traditional Chinese puzzle box, known as a 'Lu Ban Box'. The carvings on the lid represent a complex puzzle that needs to be solved to open the box. It's a test of intelligence and patience, and it's been a part of our family for generations."I was astounded. Not only was this box a family heirloom, but it was also a puzzle that had been passed down through the generations. I immediately set to work trying to solve the puzzle, and after hours of meticulous examination and trial and error, I finally succeeded in opening the box.Inside was a small, delicate jade carving of a dragon. It was beautiful and intricate, and I knew immediately that it was extremely valuable. But to me, it was more thanjust a valuable object; it was a symbol of my family's history and tradition, passed down from generation to generation.That day, I learned not only about the mystery of the box, but also about the value of family heirlooms and the importance of preserving our cultural traditions. My dad's mystery item taught me a valuable lesson about family, history, and the beauty of traditional crafts.中文作文推测爸爸的一件神秘物品我的爸爸总是充满神秘感。



我想看我爸爸英语作文Sure, here is an example of an English essay about my dad:My dad is the coolest person I know. He's always got a smile on his face and a joke ready to make everyone laugh. He's the kind of person who can light up a room just by walking in. I love how he always sees the silver lining in every situation and never lets anything bring him down.One thing I really admire about my dad is his work ethic. He's always been a hard worker and never shies away from a challenge. I remember when I was younger, he would come home from work exhausted, but still find the energy to help me with my homework or play catch in the backyard. He taught me the importance of perseverance and never giving up, no matter how tough things may seem.Another thing that sets my dad apart is his love for adventure. He's always up for trying new things andexploring new places. Whether it's hiking in the mountains, camping by the beach, or even just taking a road trip to a nearby town, my dad is always ready for an adventure. He's taught me to embrace the unknown and to never be afraid to step out of my comfort zone.My dad is also a great listener. Whenever I have a problem or need advice, I know I can always count on him to lend an ear and offer words of wisdom. He never judges or criticizes, but instead provides guidance and support. I feel lucky to have someone like him in my life who I can always turn to for help and guidance.Lastly, my dad is the ultimate family man. He always puts our family first and makes sure we feel loved and cared for. Whether it's attending my soccer games, cooking us delicious meals, or simply spending quality time together, my dad always makes an effort to create special moments that we will cherish forever. He's taught me the importance of family and how it's the foundation of our lives.In conclusion, my dad is my hero. He's not only a loving and caring father, but also a role model. His positive attitude, work ethic, sense of adventure, listening skills, and dedication to our family are just a few of the things that make him so special. I am grateful every day to have him in my life and I hope to one day be as amazing as he is.。



我的爸爸是科学家作文英文回答:My dad is a scientist. He works in a research laboratory and spends most of his time conducting experiments and analyzing data. He has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the natural world and has a deep curiosity about how things work.One of the things that I admire about my dad is his dedication and passion for his work. He is always eager to learn and explore new ideas. He often stays up late at night reading scientific journals and attending conferences to stay updated with the latest discoveries in his field. He believes that knowledge is the key to understanding and solving complex problems.My dad's work involves a lot of problem-solving. He often faces challenges and obstacles in his research, but he never gives up. He is always determined to find asolution, no matter how difficult it may seem. He once told me, "In science, there are no failures, only opportunitiesto learn and improve."In addition to his scientific skills, my dad also possesses excellent communication skills. He is able to explain complex concepts in a simple and understandable way. This is especially important when he presents his research findings to his colleagues or gives lectures to students.He believes that sharing knowledge is just as important as acquiring it.中文回答:我的爸爸是一位科学家。

现代大学英语精读3 Lesson 2 Discovery of a Father 讲解

现代大学英语精读3 Lesson 2 Discovery of a Father 讲解

Lesson 2Discovery of a FatherBy Sherwood AndersonI.background InformationSherwood Anderson was not only a great American writ er, but he was also a businessman, husband and fathe r.The WriterSherwood Anderson was a great American writer. He is the author of 27 works including Winesburg, Ohio, and seven novels that include Poor White, Many Marriages a nd Dark Laughter(see His Works for a complete list). I n the 1920s, author and social critic H. L. Mencken call ed him "America's Most Distinctive Novelist." Anderson was also a poet and a playwright, a newspaper editor a nd a political journalist.As a writer, Anderson is obscured by the generation of writers that followed him, by Hemingway and Faulkner especially, both of whom he helped to get started.The BusinessmanSherwood Anderson began his professional life as an ad vertising man with an agency in Chicago called Long-Cri tchfield. He was also president of United Factories Comp any in Cleveland and president of his own company, An derson Manufacturing Company (later American Merchan ts Corporation), in Elyria. Anderson Manufacturing was known for its paint and roofing products, notably, Roof-Fix.Anderson was representative in his efforts to realize the American dream. His emotional breakdown while presid ent of his own company, however, hastened his move f rom the business world to the world of letters because he recognized that his own personal values were superi or to "money-making as an end in itself."After his commercial success as a writer, Anderson re-e ntered the business world and combined his business an d writing talents by buying two independent newspapers in rural Virginia. For both newspapers, he operated the business side as publisher and managed the editorial si de as editor.The Husband and FatherSherwood and his wife Cornelia had three children, all b orn in Elyria, Ohio: Robert, John and Marion (called Mi mi). When Sherwood wasn't managing the affairs of his business, networking with other businessmen or playin g golf with business associates, he was sometimes seen playing charades in the yard with his children. He taug ht them to act out real-life situations, an approach he t ook to his own problem solving and his writing.In modern terms Sherwood would have called a workah olic. When he wasn't working, however, he was mostly writing. This strained his relationship with Cornelia. Whe n they parted ways in 1914, Sherwood did not forget hi s obligation to Cornelia and their children. He continued to support them financially as long as he had income. Sherwood married four times, but had no other children. He moved frequently throughout his life, eventually set tling in rural Virginia.Where is Winesburg, Ohio?Sherwood lived in many places around the United State s, but he spent nearly half of his life in Ohio. Though his boyhood home of Clyde, Ohio, served as the primary model of his fictional town Winesburg, elements of his o ther Ohio "homes" helped complete the portrait. Sherwo od also lived in the Ohio cities of Cleveland, Elyria and Springfield.His works:Sherwood Anderson is the author of 27 works including seven novels. His works are listed below along with the year each first appeared in print. A list of collected wo rks and books about Sherwood Anderson is also below. Each link provides you with a summary of the work and /or the opportunity to purchase a copy from m. Proceeds from book sales benefit The Sherwood And erson Literary Center.Books by Sherwood AndersonWindy McPherson's Son, 1916Marching Men, 1917Mid-American Chants, 1918Winesburg, Ohio, 1919Poor White, 1920The Triumph of the Egg, 1921Horses and Men, 1921Many Marriages, 1923A Story Teller's Story, 1924Dark Laughter, 1925The Modern Writer, 1925Sherwood Anderson's Notebook, 1926 Tar: A Midwest Childhood, 1926A New Testament, 1927Alice and the Lost Novel, 1929Hello Towns!, 1929Nearer the Grass Roots, 1929The American County Fair, 1930 Perhaps Women, 1931Beyond Desire, 1932Death in the Woods, 1933No Swank, 1934Puzzled America, 1935Kit Brandon, 1936Plays, Winesburg and Others 1937 Home Town, 1940Sherwood Anderson's Memoirs, 1942Collected Works and Books about Sherwood Ander sonA Storyteller and a City: Sherwood Anderson's Chicago The Sherwood Anderson Diaries, 1936-1941 Sherwood Anderson RevisitedSherwood Anderson and the American Short Story Letters to Bab: Sherwood Anderson to Marietta D. Finle y, 1916-33Certain Things LastSherwood Anderson's Secret Love LettersSouthern Odyssey: Selected WritingsThe Egg and Other StoriesCliffs Notes on Winesburg, OhioSherwood Anderson: Great American Short Stories III.Paraphrase1. You hear it said that fathers want their sons to be what they feel they cannot themselves be, but I tell you it also works the other way. (1)Fathers often want their sons to realize their unfulfilled dreams. It is also true that children have thesame demand on their fathers.2. To hear him tell it he’d been in about every battle.(11)If you have heard him tell the story you would thinkthat he has been in about every battle.3. …maybe the woman had dared to sympathize with her. (23)…m aybe the woman had been rude enough or foolish enough to express sympathy for my mother.4. … he put my hand on his shoulder and struck outin darkness. (34)Father and son struck out into the darkness together,with the boy’s hand on the father’s sho ulder. They are swimming together in the pond, but in a symbolicscene, they are also getting ready to fight against heavy odds in life together.III.word study1. strikeHe struck me with a stick.他用棍子打我。



找到我的爸爸作文英语Title: In Search of My Father。

As I embark on this introspective journey, I find myself delving into the depths of my memories, trying to piece together the fragments of a figure whose presence has been elusive yet ever-pervasive in my life. My father—a complex enigma whose essence I yearn to grasp, whose footsteps I strive to follow, and whose absence has left an indelible mark on my existence.The quest to uncover the essence of my father is a voyage through the labyrinth of time, memory, and emotion. It begins with the faint recollections of childhood, where his towering presence cast both a protective shadow and a daunting challenge. I remember his deep, resonant voice, filled with wisdom and authority, guiding me through the maze of life's uncertainties. Yet, amidst the echoes of his teachings, there lingers an unmistakable void—a void shaped by his absence, by the moments when his voice fellsilent, and his presence became a distant memory.In my pursuit, I traverse the landscape of my upbringing, where the contours of his influence are etched into the very fabric of my being. His values, his beliefs, his dreams—all intertwined with mine, shaping the person I have become. But as I navigate the terrain of my own identity, I find myself grappling with the question: who is my father beyond the roles he played, beyond the expectations he bore?To unravel this mystery, I delve into the narratives of those who have known him intimately—family, friends, acquaintances—each offering glimpses of his essence, each adding layers to the portrait I seek to paint. They speak of his resilience in the face of adversity, his unwavering commitment to his loved ones, and his quiet acts of kindness that illuminated the darkest of days. Yet, beneath the accolades and anecdotes, lies a complexity that eludes easy comprehension—a complexity mirrored in the depths of my own soul.As I sift through the memories and musings, I come to realize that the search for my father is not merely a quest for understanding him, but also a journey of self-discovery—a journey that invites me to confront my own fears, desires, and vulnerabilities. For in seeking to find him, I find myself confronting the shadows that have long haunted my path—the fear of abandonment, the longing for connection, the quest for meaning in a world fraught with uncertainty.And so, as I stand at the crossroads of past and present, memory and imagination, I am reminded that the search for my father is not a quest with a definitive end, but rather a continual unfolding—a journey of exploration, reconciliation, and ultimately, acceptance. For in embracing the enigma of his being, I come to embrace the enigma of my own—a mosaic of light and shadow, love and loss, woven together in the tapestry of existence.In the end, the search for my father is a testament to the power of connection—the bonds that bind us across time and space, across the chasms of silence and separation. Andthough he may remain elusive in his entirety, his presence endures in the echoes of memory, the whispers of the heart, guiding me ever forward on the path of self-discovery and understanding.So, as I conclude this journey, I do not find my father in any one place or time, but rather in the spaces between—between the words spoken and the unspoken, between the memories cherished and the ones forgotten, between the past that shaped me and the future that beckons me forth. And in that sacred space, I find not only my father but also myself, bound together in the infinite dance of life's unfolding.。



DiscoveryofafatherDiscovery of a fatherAs most children think, a father should be a man who is proud, silent and dignified. we children always complain why our fathers are not a leader of a country, why they are not a boss with lots of money or why the family they have build up is not as good as others. This article has told us how to discover our father themselves. We should love our fathers for what they are, not for what they are not.In this issue, the father was called windbag, fool etc by his only son. He was not as good as the son expect. He always tells stories that are not his. In the eye of the son, his father is not a responsible man that even the family had made two end meet he would not support it. He went off visiting around at farmhouses and did not come back home for weeks or maybe for months. He as a man should do more and say little, but he always talks too much. What worse is that he told others that all wonderful things had happened to he, this made him a story maker. Besides he gave the family so much credit that the son and his mother lived a much worse live. All of those things make the father a bad example to his son.But suddenly a day, he, the boring guy always tells stories entered the house from darkness with whole body wet. He said nothing this time, just invited me to swim with he. He, the pool guy who was so general andhappy, now seemed so full of sadness. He still says nothing but leaded me swam across the darkness. I could feel his strong breath, his powerful hands and his big chest. When I was tired he would encourage me to hold on and help me to finish our battle,while I had a rest I saw that he is a father as I respect, silent but full of sharp eyesight, saying nothing but protect the weaker beside he with his tired but powerful shoulder.I finally got through that father was not as easy as I have seen him before. He is full of kindness, during that difficult time he helped many person by telling stories or leading others laugh. He is a true hero. He maybe was not such a man who always wants to make stories, but to made others forget the sadness for even a short time, he choose to be a clown. So his love is great, his ability is out of my imagination and his soul is much stronger than it should be.。

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The Discovery of My Father
Father’s love seems always to be solemn and reserved, and you can never see a drop of tears filmed in his eyes. But when you keep embracing his love, which means he has to keep a rein on his feelings and words and always appears poised, you can never know who your father really is. Only through touching the weakest point in his heart can you truly discovered whom your father is.
Depressive Syndrome, a description I have never thought of, became the one used to modify my invincible father. At the age of 11, I was enjoying my chickens in KFC with my mouth watering. My sister sitting in front of me said that our father was very mentally sick. I was suddenly hit by a flash of scenes. The villain of dreading sunlight and turning down the voice of TV, finally turned out to be this hopeless psychological illness, which also made him frail and unwilling to socialize.
I felt a cold current flowing penetrating my brain and throughout my body. For that split second, my old memories of riding him on his shoulders, waiting for him after kindergarten came flooding back. How can I accept that? The one that filled with energy and humor, the one I could always count on just turned to be apathetic. How should I face him? I first convinced
myself that he would be better and could get through all of this using his firmly belief with which he had successfully imbued into me. Therefore, I never believe he needed any particular treatment. He was still my hero.
When I am not the girl only three inches taller than my writing desk, however, my illusion and expectation crumbled. It was in 2010 that he asked me to check if his eyes were covered with dust. The only thing I found was a crumple forehead, a dry mouth and hollow eyes. The face seems hardly to recognize. Is that old man my father? It struck me that he was not invincible and he suffered a lot during his depression. Moreover, I realized that he was not immortal and it was time I related to him rather than count on him like a little princess. I tried many times to persuade him to go to hospital and receive systematic treatment, but failed. Just like me, admitting this mental problem was a great challenge. But I changed. With all efforts in vain, I resorted to threaten him not to go to school and finally he surrendered.
On the way to hospital, I confirmed him the importance of taking drugs and being energetic, my arms entwisting with his. It seems that the role between father and I has changed dramatically. On hearing the news that his eyes impairment was
stemmed from high blood pressure, which was aggravated because he consistently refused to take drugs, I was black in mind feeling my heart sunk into a lifeless abyss. While I knew I must perform strong and calm, so I ran to a corner, dried my eyes, then headed for him, accompanied him, and encouraged him. I saw him stifle his cry and said: “you really grow up, my kid.”
That is why I live for and fight for.。
