

中医英语 重点

中医英语 重点

1.A hospital usually has two main departments: the outpatient department and the inpatient department.医院通常有两个主要的部门:门诊和住院部门。

2.The herb medicines are used in combination with western medicines in the treatment of a number of diseases, such as acute abdominal conditions, bone fractures, coronary heart diseases, and so on.草本药物是用来结合西药治疗一系列的疾病,例如急性腹部的条件下,骨折,冠状动脉心脏病,等等3.Traditional Chinese Medicine is a discipline dealing with human physiology and pathology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.中国传统医学是一门学科处理人类生理、病理、诊断、治疗和预防疾病。

4.It is a theoretical system much influenced by ancient materialism and dialectics, with the doctrine on yin-yang and the concept of holism as its guiding principles, the physiology and pathology of the Zang-fu organs and meridians as its bases, and treatment by differentiation of syndromes (Bianzheng-Lunzhi) as its diagnostic and therapeutic features.这是一个理论体系深受古代唯物主义和辩证法,阴阳学说和整体论的概念作为其指导原则、生理、病理的脏腑、经络为基地,和治疗由分化综合征(Bianzheng-Lunzhi)作为其诊断和治疗功能。



中草药Chinese medicinal herbs炮制processing四气五味four properties and five tastes清除杂质eliminating impurity入药部分the part used for medical purpose作用和缓mild effect药物采集collection of herbs发散解表relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion收敛astringency方剂学science of prescriptions软坚散结softening hardness to dissipate stagnation配伍关系compatibility燥湿健脾drying dampness and strengthening the spleen 组成规律prescription-formulating principle升降沉浮ascending, descending, sinking and floating 方剂的加减modification of prescriptions归经meridian tropism剂型和剂量drug form and dosage用药禁忌contraindication in using herbs君臣佐使monarch, minister, assistant and guide药物用量dosage药物毒性toxicity of medicinal herbs辛温解表药relieving exterior syndrome with herbs pungent in taste and warm in nature 十八反与十九畏eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism 袪风湿药herbs for expelling wind and dampness调和诸药moderating the property of herbs胸痛彻背thoracic pain involving the back温经散寒warming meridians to dissipate cold清热凉血药herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood宣肺平喘disperse lung qi to stop asthma引经报使guiding action灵活化裁flexible modification针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, acumox清散郁热clearing away and dispersing stagnant heat针刺补泻reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling随症加减modification according to symptoms针刺手法needling techniques, manipulation药物饮片processed herbs进针手法methods for inserting the needle内服散剂powder for oral taking针刺止痛alleviating pain with acupuncture外用膏剂medicinal extract for exterior application针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia, acu-anesthesia开水冲服mixing in boiled water for oral taking针感needling sensation浓缩浸膏condensed extract皮内针intradermal needle耳针疗法ear acupuncture treatment针刺的角度与深度angle and depth of needling提插捻转lifting, thrusting, swirling and rotating双手进针法insertion of needle with double hands水针疗法hydro-acupuncture therapy行针manipulating the needle头针疗法scalp-acupuncture therapy化脓灸blistering moxibustion推拿手法manipulations for tuina, manipulating techniques 瘢痕灸scarring moxibustion减轻疼痛alleviating pain艾炷灸moxibustion with moxa cone功法训练exercise for practicing tuina灯火灸lamp moxibustion放松肌肉relaxing muscles温针灸warm needling method解除肌肉紧张relieving muscular tension一指禅推法pushing manipulation with one finger活动受限confined activity点按法point-pressing manipulation关节脱位dislocation of joint大鱼际揉法kneading manipulation with the large thenar医.学全.在.线网站 腰椎间盘突出protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc交替搓揉alternative rubbing and kneading旋转复位rotating reduction腰肌劳损injury of lumbar muscles软组织损伤injury of soft tissues解除痉挛relieving spasm关节粘连僵硬adhesion and stiffness of joint外感发热exogenous fever滑利关节lubricating joint脉象浮紧floating and tense pulse手法补泻reinforcing and reducing manipulations寒邪束表pathogenic cold hampering the exterior拇指平推法horizontal pushing with the thumb邪热入里interior invasion of pathogenic heat午后潮热afternoon tidal fever四肢厥冷cold limbs热扰神明heat disturbing mind阳气不振inactivation of yang-qi形体消瘦emaciation少气懒言lack of qi and no desire to speak祛痰止咳药herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough中国医药学Traditional Chinese Medicine治未病prevention of disease中医基础理论Basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 脏腑zang-organs and fu-organs, viscera临床经验clinical experience功能活动functional activities辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation形神统一unity of the body and spirit本草materia medica, herbs阴阳失调imbalance of yin and yang中药Chinese materia medica, Chinese medicinal herbs条达舒畅free development四气五味four properties and five tastes延年益寿prolonging life, promising longevity针灸acupuncture and moxibustion, acumox养生防病cultivating health to prevent disease各家学说theories of different schools正气healthy qi, vital qi汗法diaphoresis, sweating therapy病邪pathogenic factor下法purgative therapy, purgation整体观念concept of holism吐法emetic therapy, vomiting therapy疾病的本质与现象nature and manifestations of disease补土派school of invigorating the earth阴阳的相对平衡relative balance between yin and yang病因学说etiology疾病的发生与发展occurrence and development of disease 养生health-cultivation,同病异治treating the same disease with different therapies医疗实践medical practice异病同治treating different diseases with the same therapy 治疗原则therapeutic principles五脏five zang-organs, five zang-viscera寒凉药物herbs of cold and cool nature, cold-natured herbs 六腑six fu-organs, six fu-viscera滋阴降火nourishing yin to lower/reduce fire经络系统system of meridians and collaterals滋水涵木enriching water to nourish wood余热未尽incomplete abatement of heat瘀血致泻disease caused by blood stasis有机整体organic wholeness/integrity先天之精congenital essence表里关系exterior and interior relation形与神俱inseparability of the body and spirit开窍opening into开胃promoting appetite自然现象natural phenomena脉象pulse conditions, pulse pattern哲学概念philosophical concept邪正关系states of pathogenic factors and healthy qi对立统一unity of opposites发热恶寒fever and aversion to cold相互消长mutual waning and waxing头身疼痛headache and body pain相互转化mutual transformation久痢脱肛proctoptosis due to prolonged dysentery阴阳属性nature of yin and yang养阴清热nourishing yin and clearing away heat相互联系interrelation清肺热clear away lung-heat相互制约mutual restraint, mutual restriction/interaction 湿邪犯肺pathogenic dampness invading the lung动态平衡dynamic equilibrium清热泻火clearing away heat and reducing fire阴平阳秘yin and yang in equilibrium腠理muscular interstices, striae, interstitial space阴阳的互根互用interdependence of yin and yang水湿停滞retention of water and dampness, water retention 相互依存interdependence癃闭retention of urine阴阳离绝separation of yin and yang气血运行circulation/flow of qi and blood相反相成opposite and supplementary to each阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang生理功能physiological functions阳消阴长yang waning and yin waxing病理变化pathological changes阴胜则阳病predominance of yin leading to disorder of yang 临床诊断clinical diagnosis阴胜则阳病an excess of yin leads to deficiency of yang阳胜生外热exuberance of yang leading to exterior heat阳胜则热predominance of yang generating heat阳中求阴obtaining yang from yin寒极生热extreme cold generating heat绝对偏盛absolute predominance热极生寒extreme heat generating cold阳虚则寒yang deficiency leading to cold阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin阴阳俱损simultaneous consumption of yin and yang阴液不足insufficiency of yin-fluid阴阳两虚simultaneous deficiency of both yin and yang病机总纲general principle of pathogenesis阳虚发热fever due to yang deficiency病机pathomechanism, pathological mechanism阴阳自和natural harmony between yin and yang阴阳胜复alternative predominance of yin and yang木乘土the wood over-restrains the earth虚寒证deficiency-cold syndrome木火刑金wood-fire impairs the metal扶阳退阴strengthening yang to reduce yin金水相生generation between the metal and water祛风散寒expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold生克制化interrelationship between generation and restriction消导积滞promoting digestion and removing food retention制则生化restriction ensuring generation潜阳熄风suppressing yang to quench wind母病及子disease of the mother-organ affecting the child-organ五行学说theory of five elements传变transmission of disease, progress of disease运动变化motion and variation子病犯母disease of the child-organ affecting the mother-organ正邪相争struggle/combat between healthy qi and pathogenic factors 肝肾精血不足insufficiency of liver and kidney essence and blood 相生相克mutual generation and restriction肝阳上亢hyperactivity of liver yang生我,我生to be generated and to generate心肝血虚asthenia / deficiency of heart and liver blood克我,我克to be restricted and to restrict心肝火旺exuberance of heart and liver fire生中有制restriction within generation心火亢盛hyperactivity/exuberance of heart fire克中有生generation within restriction滋肾养肝nourishing the kidney and liver木曰曲直wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally 方位配五行correspondence of the directions to the five elements 火曰炎上fire is characterized by flaming up温肾健脾warming the kidney and strengthening the spleen土爰稼穑earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping肾阳式微declination of kidney yang金曰从革metal is characterized by change脾阳不振inactivation of spleen yang病缓起gradual onset of disease脾胃虚弱hypofunction/weakness of the spleen and stomach肝阴不足insufficiency of liver yin地道不通menopause相乘相侮over-restriction and reverse restriction平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach水湿停聚retention of water-dampness水火不济discordance between water and fire肾阴不足insufficiency of kidney yin藏象学说theory of visceral manifestations心肾不交disharmony between the heart and kidney奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs宣通水道dredging water passage水谷精微cereal nutrients, essence of water and food通调水道dredging and regulating water passage传化水谷transmission and transformation of food行气利水activating qi to excrete water贮藏精气storage of essence水液停滞retention of fluid治疗效果curative / therapeutic effect后天之本postnatal / acquired base of life藏而不泻storage without excretion调畅气机regulating qi activity泻而不藏excretion without storage肝气上逆upward flow of liver qi表热里寒exterior heat and interior cold水曰润下water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing肝旺脾虚hyperfunction of the liver and weakness of the spleen医.学.全.在线.网.站.提供脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation大肉陷下obvious emaciation and muscular atrophy, extreme emaciation肝气郁结stagnation of liver qi面色红润ruddy complexion, rosy cheeks胆虚证gallbladder deficiency syndrome胆虚不得眠insomnia due to gallbladder asthenia腐熟水谷digesting food导便法laxation食欲不振poor appetite跌打损伤traumatic injury脘腹胀闷epigastric distension and depression动静结合integration of motion and quietness/stillness嗳气酸腐eructation with fetid odor定喘relieving asthma泌别清浊separating the clear from the turbid心主血脉the heart controlling blood and vessels食物残渣residue of food心气充沛abundance of heart qi大肠主传导the large intestine governing transmission and transportation 防御外邪入侵preventing the invasion of exogenous pathogenic factor 癃闭dysuria, retention of urine, anuria and dysuria血液充盈plenty of blood面黄肌瘦emaciation with sallow complexion脉道不利unsmoothness of vessels止珠偏斜strabismus, squint, ocular deviation面色无华lusterless complexion调节水液regulation of water脉象细弱thin and weak pulse排泄糟粕excretion of waste material面色萎黄sallow complexion髓海不足insufficiency of marrow-sea汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin精神委靡dispiritedness, listlessness, lower spirit升降出入ascending, descending, coming in and going out 月经不调irregular menstruation气为血帅qi serves as the commander of the blood冲任不固weakness of thoroughfare and conception vessels 气血凝滞stagnation of qi and blood经期延长prolonged menstruation血瘀blood stasis小肠实热sthenia-heat in the small intestine气滞腰痛lumbago due to qi stagnation气机调畅smooth activity of qi气虚滑胎habitual abortion due to qi asthenia中医的基本特点The Basic Characteristics of TCM中医以整体观念和阴阳五行学说为指导思想和理论方法,以脏腑经络学说为理论核心,以辨证论治为诊疗方法。



U1 Traditional Chinese Medicine:History and Development1.四大经典:黄帝内经:Huangdi`s Cannon of Medicine难经:Classic of Difficulties伤寒杂病论:Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases神农本草经:Shengnong`s Classic of Materia Medica2.金元四大家(four great medical schools in the Jin and Y uan Dynasties)及学术观点、学派刘完素——School of Cold and Cool。

believed that “fire—heat”was the main cause of a variety of diseases and these diseases should be treated with drugs cold and cool in nature。

张从正——School of Purgation。

believed that all diseases were caused by exogenous pathogenic factors and advocated that pathogenic factors should be driven out by means of diaphoresis,emesis and purgation。

李杲——School of Reinforcing the Earth。

held that “internal impairment of the spleen and stomach would bring about various diseases”and emphasized that the most important thing in clinical treatment was to warm and invigorate the spleen and stomach。



中医英文词汇1. 中医学(Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM)2. 经络学(Meridianology)3. 气(Qi)4. 血(Xue)5. 阴阳(Yin-Yang)6. 五行(Five Elements)7. 经络(Meridian)8. 穴位(Acupoint)9. 针灸(Acupuncture)10. 拔罐疗法(Cupping Therapy)11. 刮痧疗法(Gua Sha Therapy)12. 中草药(Chinese Herbal Medicine)13. 草药学(Herbology)14. 方剂(Prescription)15. 药膳(Medicated Diet)16. 气功(Qigong)17. 太极拳(Tai Chi)18. 推拿按摩(Tui Na Massage)19. 中医诊断(TCM Diagnosis)20. 脉诊(Pulse Diagnosis)21. 舌诊(Tongue Diagnosis)22. 中医治疗(TCM Treatment)23. 经络按摩(Meridian Massage)24. 中医保健(TCM Wellness)25. 中医病因学(TCM Pathology)26. 中风(Stroke)27. 心血管疾病(Cardiovascular Disease)28. 消化系统疾病(Digestive System Disorders)29. 呼吸系统疾病(Respiratory System Disorders)30. 神经系统疾病(Neurological Disorders)31. 内分泌系统疾病(Endocrine Disorders)32. 妇科疾病(Gynecological Disorders)33. 男科疾病(Andrology)34. 儿科疾病(Pediatrics)35. 皮肤病(Dermatological Disorders)36. 风湿病(Rheumatological Disorders)37. 肿瘤学(Oncology)38. 精神疾病(Psychiatric Disorders)39. 疼痛管理(Pain Management)40. 康复医学(Rehabilitation Medicine)41. 中医养生(TCM Health Preservation)42. 养生学(Health Cultivation)43. 中医美容(TCM Beauty Therapy)44. 中医理疗(TCM Physical Therapy)45. 中医药化学(TCM Medicinal Chemistry)46. 中医药制剂学(TCM Pharmaceutical Preparations)47. 中医药法学(TCM Jurisprudence)48. 中医药教育(TCM Education)49. 中医药研究(TCM Research)50. 中医药文化(TCM Culture)。



中医英语复习整理Unit 11.整体医学 Holistic medicine2.整体观念Holistic concept or Holism3.诊断与保健体系a system of diagnosis and health-care approaches4.一套非常成熟的治疗及保健方法A highly sophisticated set of practices designed to cure illness and to maintain health and wellbeing5.草药Herbal remedies6.阴阳平衡:balance of yin and yang; Yin-yang balance; balance between yin and yang7.阴平阳秘:Yin is even (steady) and yang is sound (firm).8.阴阳失调:disharmony of yin and yang; imbalance of yin and yang9.阴阳调和:Harmony of yin and yang10.调和肝胃:Harmonizing the liver and stomach11.中医学Chinese Medicine12针灸Acupuncture13.血汗同源The blood and sweat share the same source.14.中医师Practitioner of Chinese Medicine15.症状和体征Symptoms and (physical) signs16.为每一个体重建和谐与平衡To reestablish harmony and equilibrium for each individual17.宇宙中的万物都是相互依赖、相互作用的Everything in the universe is interdependent and interactive18.将细小的针插入身体的不同穴位The insertion of fine needles into a variety of points in the body19.中医理论 Chinese medical theory20.中医基础理论The fundamental (basic) theories of Chinese medicine21.中医理论体系The theoretical system of Chinese medicine22.神经系统The nervous system23.内分泌系统The endocrine system24.内分泌失调The endocrine disorder25.肺炎的病因Pathological cause of pneumonia26.风、寒、暑、湿、躁、火Wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness, and fire风邪Wind evil, pathogenic wind27.肝风上头The liver wind going to the head28.病原体Agent of disease29.精确的诊断Precise diagnosis30.失调的证Pattern of disharmony31.临床研究Clinical study32.使证恢复平衡,使个体恢复协调To bring the configuration into balance, to restore harmony to the individual 33.诊断六名胃痛患者患有消化道溃疡病To diagnose six patients with stomach pain as having peptic ulcer disease 34.所有患者患有相同疾病。



翻译短语1.中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM2.中医基础理论basic theory of TCM3.临床经验clinical experience4.辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation5.中药学Chinese pharmacy6.针灸acupuncture and moxibustion7.病因学etiology8.方剂prescription; formula9.滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire10.六腑six fu-organs11.整体观念holism12.社会属性social attribute13.诊断学diagnostics14.邪正关系relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi 15.治疗学therapeutics16.风寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold17.同病异治treatment of the same disease with different remedies 18.异病同治treatment of different diseases with the same remedy 19.疾病本质nature of disease20.相互转化mutual transformation21.寒极生热extreme cold turning into heat22.相互消长mutual wane-wax23.相互制约mutual restriction24.相互依存interdependence25.五行学说the doctrine of five elements26.相乘相侮subjugation and counter-restriction27.土虚木乘deficient earth being subjugated by wood28.生克制化inhibition-development with generation and restriction 29.母病及子involvement of a child- organ by its mother-organ disorder 30.藏象学说doctrine of visceral manifestations31.奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs32.水谷精微essence of water and food33.临床实践clinical practice34.藏而不泻storage without discharge/excretion35.心气充沛sufficiency of heart qi36.血液充盈sufficiency of blood37.汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin38.脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation 39.后天之本origin of acquired constitution40.奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs41.上焦upper energizer42.泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid43.初步消化primary digestion44.月经来潮occurrence of menstruation45.先天禀赋innateness46.水液代谢water metabolism47.气机调畅smoothness of qi movement48.气机qi movement49.气化qi transformation50.先天之气innate qi51.后天之气acquired qi52.气生血qi generating blood53.气行血qi propelling blood54.津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin55.气为血帅,血为气母Qi serves as commander of blood and blood does as mother of qi 56.益气固脱nourishing qi to stop collapse57.经络学说meridian theory58.经络系统meridian system59.十二正经twelve regular meridians60.奇经八脉eight extraordinary meridians61.十二经别twelve meridians’divergences62.外感六淫six exogenous pathogenic factors63.风邪外袭pathogenic wind attacking the exterior64.感受寒邪attack/invade by pathogenic cold65.阴虚生内热production of endogenous heat due to yin deficiency66.七情内伤internal impairment due to seven emotions67.体质强弱(body )constitutional state68.五心烦热feverish sensation in the five centers (palms, soles, and chest)69.五志过极extreme changes of five emotions70.阴阳互损mutual involvement of yin and yang71.精充气足sufficient essence and abundant qi72.肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin73.预后良好favorable prognosis74.脉象pulse conations75.表里同病disease involving both exterior and interior76.寒热错杂co-existence of cold and heat/ mixture of cold and heat 77.真寒假热true cold with false heat78.寒证化热cold syndrome transforming into heat one79.热证转寒transformation of heat syndrome into cold one 80.潮热盗汗tidal fever and night sweating81.中草药Chinese medicinal herbs82.四气五味four properties and five flavors83.燥湿健脾drying dampness to invigorate the spleen84.升降沉浮ascending, descending, sinking and floating85.归经channel tropism of medicines86.用药禁忌medication contraindication87.方剂学science of prescription88.方剂的加减modification of a prescription89.剂型与剂量drug form and dosage90.药物毒性toxicity of medicinal herb91.引经报使guiding action92.药物饮片herbal slice93.针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion (therapy)94.针刺补泻reinforcing and reducing95针刺止痛analgesia by acupuncture96.针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia97.耳针疗法ear acupuncture (therapy)98.提插捻转lifting, thrusting, twisting and rotating (techniques)翻译句子1.中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。



一、A词译1.tumor:a mass ofdiseased cells in thebody which divide andincrease too quickly肿瘤,肿块2.anesthesia:the state ofbeing unable to feelpain麻醉3.formula:a prescriptionof ingredients in fixedproportion配方,组方4.pharmacological:related to the scientific studyof drugs and medicines药理的1.Ophthalmology:medical science dealing withdiseases of the eye眼科学2.Aromatic:having apleasant noticeablesmell芳香的xative: a drugtending to stimulateevacuation of thebowels通便的4.Alimentary:of food anddigestion食物及消化的5.Paediatrics:thebranch of medicineconcerned withchildren and theirdieases儿科学6.Phytotherapy:the useof vegetable drugs inmedicine 植物治疗法,本草疗法二、1.chronic:recurringconstantly慢性的2.anatomy:scientificstudy of the structure ofanimal bodies解剖结构3.assimilation:theconversion ofnutriments into livingtissue吸收,消化4.pathogen:somethingthat causes disease inyour body病原体5.syndrome:an illnesswhich consists of a setof physical or mentalproblems综合征1.stamina:physical ormental strength毅力,持久力2.constitution:conditionof a person’s body withregard tohealth,strength,ect. 体格,体质3.dehydration: loss ofwater from the body orfrom an organ or a bodypart脱水4.hyperactive:abnormallyor extremely active活动过度的,机能亢进的三、1.physiology:the branchof biology that dealswith the normalfunctions of livingorganisms and theirparts生理学2.excretion:the process ofeliminating or expellingwaste matter(生物体和细胞中)排泄,分泌3.nausea:feeling ofsickness with aninclination to vomit恶心,作呕4.palpitation:a noticeablyrapaid,strong,orirregular heartbeat dueto agitation,exertion,orillness 心悸5.irritability:having orshowing a tendency tobe easily annoyed ormade angry易怒,烦躁1.deficiency:a lack orshortage缺乏,不足2.retention:the continuedpossession,use,orcontrol of sth保留,保持3.groan:make a deepinarticulate sound inresponse to pain ordespair呻吟4.subdue:overcome,quieten,or bring undercontrol(a feeling orperson)克制,抑制四、1.ambience:the specialatmosphere or moodcreated by a particularenvironment环境,气氛2.inhalation:breathe inair,smoke,or gas吸入3.volition:the power tochoose or decidesomething withoutbeing forced to do it意志力,自愿选择4.disposition:particulartype of character性情脾气1.lethargy:feeling as ifone has no energy andno interest in doinganything无精打采,瞌睡2.distention:swelling orbeing swollen腹胀3.syndrome:an illnesswhich consists of a setof physical or mentalproblems综合征plexion:the naturalcolour or appearance ofthe skin on face面色五、1.stagnate:not circularingor flowing停滞,瘀滞2.abdomen:a part of thebody below the chestthat includes thestomach and bowels腹部3.excrete:eliminate by anormal discharge分泌,排泄4.expulsion:the act ofsending or driving asubstanse out of bodyor a container排出5.diarrhea:abdominalfrequence and liquidityof fecal discharges.腹泻1.extremities:the part ofthe body that arefarthest from thecentre,especially thehands and feet(人体的)末端,四肢,手足2.pathogenic:able tocause disease致病的3.pectoral:relating to orconnecting with thechest胸部的4.pore:holes in the skinthat sweat can passthrough毛孔,气孔六、1.acupunture:method ofpricking the tissues ofthe human body withfine needles in order tocure disease,to relievepain or as a localanesthetic针刺疗法,针治2.cutaneous:of,relating ,to,or affecting the skin皮肤的3.acupoint:locations onthe body that are thefocus of acupuncture腧穴?4.congestion:excessiveaccumulation of bloodor qther fluid in a bodypart充血5.homeostasis:the abilityor tendency of anorganism or a cell tomaintain internalequilibrium by adjustingits physiologicalprocesses.内环境稳定,体液平衡1.meridian:any of thechannels through whichvital energy is believedto circulate round thebody经脉2.metabolism:thecomplex of physical andchemical processesoccuring within a livingcell or organism that arenecessary for themaintenance of life新陈代谢plication:anydisease or disorder thatoccurs during thecourse of (or because of)another disease并发症4.replenish:make full orcomplete again bysupplying what hasbeen used up or islacking5.补充6.dyspepsia:a disorder ofdigestive functioncharacterized bydiscomfort or heartburnor nausea消化不良七、1.pathogenesis:theoccurrence,development of a2.disease致病原因,发病3.exogenous:derived ororiginating externally外生的(外界产生的,由外生长的)4.hematuria:the presenceof blood in urine血尿5.phlegm:abnormal thickmucus secreted by themucosa of therespiratory passagesduring certain infectionsprocesses痰6.ulcer:open sorecontaining poisonousmatter on the outsideof the body or on thesurface of an internalorgan溃疡1.anorexia:loss ofappetite,especially as aresult of a disease厌食,食欲不振2.psoriasis:an abnormallylow level of glucose inthe blood低血糖症八、1.insomnia:inability tosleep失眠2.grumpy:bad-tempered脾气坏的3.prolapse:a condition inwhich an organ of thebody has slippedforward or down脱垂,脱出1.disrupt:cause disorderin sth将某事物弄乱,扰乱2.pensiveness:deeoserious thoughtfulness冥想的,忧虑的3.melancholy:deepsadness which lasts forsome tim悲伤,忧郁,忧伤e九、1.detrimental:causingharm or injury有害的,不利的2.alleviate:providephysical relief,as frompain减轻,缓和1.meditation:contemplation of spiritual matters沉思,坐禅2.premenstrual:of orrelating to or occuringduring the period justbefore menstruation经期前3.ailment:illness,esp aslight one疾病填空1.Hua Tuo is credited withbeing the first surgeonin the world to developand useanesthesia ,alsofurthering the limitedChinese knowledge ofanatomy.2.Acupuncture is one ofthe most effecitiveforms of alternativetherapy ,which helpstreat many types ofdebilitating conditionsand a variety ofailments.使虚弱3.It has been assumedthat various disorders inthe autonomic nervoussystem ,such ashormonaldisturbances ,may benormalized duringauricular acupuncture.标准化4.The incidence ofadhesions followingabdominal surgery iscumulative withmultiple surgeries andfemale gynecologicalsurgeries give aparticularly high rate ofadhesions.腹部的5.TCM has a lot oftherapeutic methods inthe treatment ofhypertension,includingmedication,acupuncture,etc.治疗的1.In china ,Westernmedicine is oftenregarded as moreeffective in acutesituations or where theaetiology isknown,while TCM ismore effective forimmune conditions orchornic illness.病因学2.It was said that by theuse of pulsology achinese practitionercould describe thesymptoms and pasthistory of a patientwithout even seeingthe patient. 脉学3.The ophthalmology ofTCM features a longhistory evidences bymultiple records,suchas the “eye diseases”recorded in oraclebone inascriptionsfound in Yin ruins. 眼科学4.Herbalism,also knownas phytotherapy is thefoik and traditionalmedicinal practicebased on the use ofplants and plantextracts. 植物治疗法,本草疗法5.Semiology is thescience of the signs orsymptoms of disease.符号学,症状学1.When we expand andfill out chests withair,we are in the yangphase ofrespiration,when weexhale and empty ourlungs,we are in thecontractive yin phase.呼吸作用2.Our personalities resultfrom the complexinterplay between ourenvironment.相互影响3.Tourists are morevulnerable toattack,because they donot know which areasof the city to avoid.易受伤害的,脆弱的4.The symptoms areexcessive fatigue,eitherin the form of chronic oracute attacks.急性的5.The findings show ingeneral terms thatcontraction of the brainbegins sooner in peopleIn the country than inthe town.收缩1.This traditional chineseherbal medicinemodulates eatingbehavior and themalresponse induced bytumor necrosis factor inrats.调节,调整2.The limitationa ofcognitive functioningwill cause a child withmental retardation tolearn and develop moreslowly than a typicalchild.妨碍,延迟3.Summer heat deriveafrom overabundantyang heat in summer,sowhen it attacks thebody,yang qi of thebody will be extremelyexuberant(活跃).太丰富的,亢盛4.The new initiative isexpected to stimulateadditional scientificexchange andcollaboration on TCMbetween individualscientists and researchinstitutions in bothcountries.刺激,激发促使5.Hyperactivity,orexcessive stirring mostlyis the result of an excessof yang qi,whether thatexcess be a true excessor only a relative excess.活动过度的,机能亢进的1.If the spleen dose notmake enough blood,theheart will suffer andpalpitations,insomnia,poor memory and slightdepression will ensue.失眠2.It is only when thecontrolling function getsout of hand(in whichcase it is called“over-acting”)that theliver can actuallyinterfere with andimpair the stomach andspleen functions. 损害,削弱,减少3.The slpeen activity intrangforming andtransporting fluids isessential to the kidneys’transformation andexcretion of fluids. (生物体和细胞中)排泄,分泌4.The spleen (representedby the earth element)transforms andtransports the essentialnutrients to replenishthe lungs.补足1.If a patient is sufferingfrom heart trouble andhas a darkcomplexion,it may beexplained as watersubjugating fire.面色,肤色2.The transportation andtransformation of thespleen is able to subduethe qverflowing ofkidney water.3.Normal humanphysiological activitiesare understood as therelative balance andharmonization betweenyin and yang.和睦4.Urinary retention ischaracterised by poorurinary stream withintermittentflow,straining,a sense ofincomplete voiding andhesitancy.1.The film is not suitablefor people of a nervousdisposition.2.In a humanpharmaceutical(制药的)factory the synthesis ofa useful chemical needsa production line.合成,生成1.Pernicious anemia(贫血)is a severe form ofanemia that issomething fatal.有害的,致命的2.The swop(交换) did notcome to light untilarlena,who sufferedfrom a congenital heartdefect,had to undergosurgery先天的,天生的3. A pediatrician said thebruising would havecaused a degree ofdistress wheninflicted,but it wouldhave been temporaty.瘀伤,擦伤4.Of 225 new patientsattending ouradolescent gynecology(妇科)clinic in1992,167 presentedwith menstrualdisturbances.月经的5.When she wasthirty-six,she had hadan operation to repair auterine prolapse. 脱垂,脱出1.Vitamins and mineralsare essential for theproper growth andmetabolism of a livingorganism.新陈代谢2.Gradual deterioration ofspecific tissues,cells, ororgans withcorrespondingimpairment or loss offunction are caused byinjury,disease,or aging.损伤3.Angina pectoris due tostagnation of qi andblood stasis can betrested by herbalpreparations. 停滞,瘀滞4.Blood disorders aregenerally divided intohemorrhage,bloodstasis and deficiency.血行停滞5.Phlegm accumulateswhen the lungs areirritated,and when themoisture of the body isoverheated bypathogenic qi.积累,积聚1.Local factors in the skinunrelated to allergysuch as sweating andoverhydration tend toaggravate eczema.湿疹2.Burning pain is oftenapplied to the sensationof active pepticulceration.溃疡3.This class of medicine isconsidered first-linetherapy when nasalcongestion is primarysymptom of thepatient’s rhinitis.充血1.Acupuncture forfunctional dyspepsiahas been proved to beeffective in clinics,butits benefit is lack ofstrong evidence.消化不良2.Pneumonia is one of thecommom complicationsfaced by bed-riddenpatients.并发症3. A foot massage is goodfor stimulating bloodcirculation.按摩,推拿4.Persistent gastritis canbe a symptom of agastric ulcer orpernicious anemia orstomach cancer orother disorders.有害的,恶性的5.He presented withstiffness,severe musclepain and swelling of allof his extremities,withnumbness and tinglingin his distal extremities.远端的1.Those who suffer fromParkinson’s Disease orsimilar disorders can’tmaintain enoughequilibrium to ride abike.平衡2.Patients withpulmonary congestionoften experienceincreasing shortness ofbreath,most oftenduring exertion or whilelying down.充血3.Gout(痛风)has beenreferred to as the richman’s disease;it isthought thatoverindulgence inalcohol and rich foodsattribute to this painfulcondition. 过度沉溺,嗜好4.If the patient developssuch symptoms asnausea,vomiting anddizziness,the use of thisdrug should beabandoned.发展5. A person with severedepression has little orno interest in work orhobbies,and may evenhave trouble getting outof bed.抑郁1.The report ascribes therise in childhoodasthma to the increasein pollution.把…归因于2.Frequent bowelmovement is a sign ofdisturbance of thestomach and intestines.中断,打扰,干扰3.Drug residues inanimal-derived foodproducts are animportant considerationfor consumers.残渣4.Venous blood isdepleted of oxygen bythe tissues and returnsto the lungs foroxygenation.耗空1.Atherosclerosis is thenarrowing of thearteries due to thehardening of the bloodvesseles and deposit offatty tissue.沉淀物2.Coronary heartdisease,including anginapectoris,is thedisturbance of bloodsupply to the heart.中断,打搅,打扰3.When qi is deficient andunable to maintainsufficient and smoothblood circulation,thepatient will havepalpitations,oppressionof thechest,spontaneoussweating and shortnessof breath.自发的,自然产生的4.The exuberance ofpathogens results in anexcess syndrome,whilethe depletion ofessence qi may bring ona deficiency syndrome.弄空,竭尽5.Ascending,descending,exiting and entering arethe basic forms of qimovement.降6.Deficiency of yang leadsto exogenous cold,whiledeficiency of yin causesendogenous heat.内生的,内源的1.In the refugee centerswe saw many chilerenwhose stomachs weredistended because oflack of food.膨胀2.Heretofore,doctors havetried low fatsdiets toreduce the cholesterolin the blood.胆固醇1.For thousands ofyears,a healthy diet wasconsidered as thecrucial approch tolongevity.长寿,长命2.Tcm intervention couldeffectively control andalleviate the symptomsand prevent the diseasefrom exacerbation.减轻,缓和3.Massage can dilateblood vessels,raise skintempersture and relaxthe mind and body.扩大,膨胀4.Ifyou are hungry,eat alight meal or snack ahalf hour beforepractice,but ifpossible,abstain fromeating.戒酒,戒除1.Red tea contains nocaffeine and has beenshown to help easecases of hypertension.高血压ing qigong therapy orteaching qigongpractice can alleviatesome of the symptomsof an ailment.疾病3.Asthma is acommon,chronicdisorder of therespiratory system thatcan cause dangerousattacks that makebreathing difficult.气喘,哮喘4.in traditional chinesemedicine,meditationmay be practiced as astill form with nophysical movement andas a moving form,suchas in qigong and taijiquan. 沉思,坐禅5.Clinical evidence hassuggested that theappropriate use of TCMwith mpdernantidiabetic drugs canprevent or amelioratethe development ofdiabetic complications.改善,改良翻译术语1.阴阳转化conversion ofyin anf yang2.阳中之阳yang withinyang3.阴阳对立opposition ofyin and yang4.代谢活动metabolicactivity虚证deficiency syndrome实证excess syndrome1.相生顺序thegenerating sequence2.相克顺序thecontrolling sequence3.肾阴虚kidney yindeficiency4.纳呆poor appetite5.肾病传肝thekidney(mother)affectsthe liver(child)1.脾主运化the spleenrules transpormationand transportation2.气为血之帅qi is thecommander of blood3.肝主疏泄the liver rulesflowing and spreading4.肾主纳气the kidneysrules the grasping of qi5.藏象visceral state1.外邪exterior perniciousinfluences2.自汗spontaneoussweating3.五心烦热five centersheat4.便溏loose stools5.形寒肢冷coldextremities and body6.渴不欲饮thirstwithout the desire todrink1.水谷精微essence ofdrink and food2.气滞血瘀qi stagnationleading to blood stasis3.气不摄血qi fails toconsolidate blood4.水停气滞waterstopping causing qiblockage1.元气original qi2.宗气pectoral qi3.卫气defensive qi4.营气nutritive qi1.经络学说channeltheory2.十二正经twelveregular channels3.奇经八脉eightextraordinary channels1.经脉循行the runningcourse of the meridians2.六经辨证syndromedifferentiationaccording to the sixmeridian theory3.经络辩证syndrome thedifferentiation4.according to themeridian theory5.循经取穴selectingacupoints along thecourse of a meridian1.发病机制pathogenesis2.外感六淫attacked bysix exogenouspathogenic factors3.七情内伤internalimpairment due toseven abnormalemotions4.瘀血痰饮stagnatedblood and phlegmretention5.下利清谷diarrhea withundigested food1.月经不调menstrualirregularities2.惊悸不安palpitationsand insecurity3.饮食不节improper diet1.病机diseasemechanism2.脏器下垂prolapse ofan organ3.病理产物pathologicalproducts1.脓血便stoolscontaining mucus andeven blood2.大便粘腻不爽hesitantand viscous stools1.养生health cultivation2.饮食偏嗜dietpreference。



20XX年中医英语词汇①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。


中医学traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。

中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医与中药的合称。

中医药学traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药两者共同发展,密不可分。

中药Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。


中药学Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。


中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine 现代医学等现代科学知识及手段来继承和发展中医药,中西医学相互补充,取长补短,诊治疾病的医学形式。

1/ 8中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 研究和阐明中医学的基本概念、基本理论、基本规律、基本原则的学科。

中医诊断学diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 根据中医学的理论体系,研究诊察病情、判断病种、辨别证候的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能的学科。

方剂学prescriptions of Chinese materia medica 研究治法与方剂配伍规律及其临床运用的学科。

中医内科学internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine 研究外感温病、内伤杂病等内科疾病诊治与预防的临床中医学。



Lesson14.辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation7.四气五味four properties and five tastes8.针灸acupuncture and moxibustion9.古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy13.补土派School of Reinforcing the Earth寒凉派school of cold and cool攻下派school of purgation滋阴派school of nourishing yin17.治疗原则therapeutic principle18.寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature4.《黄帝内经》为中医学理论体系的形成奠定了基础。

Huangdi’s Inner Canon of Medicine has laid a foundation for the formation of theoretical system of TCM.7.阳常有余,阴常不足。

Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient.13.刘完素认为“火热”为主要病因,用药以寒凉为主。

Liu Wansu believed that “fire-heat” was the main cause of diseases and the drugs he used were mainly those cold and cool in nature.Lesson24.整体观念holism 5.有机整体organic whole12.风寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold13.同病异治treatment of the same disease with different remedies14.异病同治treatment of different diseases with the same remedy15.水液代谢平衡balance of water metabolism1.中医理论体系有两个基本特点:一是整体观念,二是辨证论治。



《基础中医英语》复习要点Unit One A History of TCMI.在终绢上的旮关医药的记载闹释了早期的屮医药历史。

The medical texts written on silk shed light on the early history of TCM. 2. 为了向大众传播针灸知识,葛洪写了《肘后备急方)。

Ge Hong wrote A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies in order to spread the knowledge of acupuncture and moxibustion to the masses.3. 《内经》记载,邂病耑要热药來治,热病耑要洚药米氏,这个原则在临床屮沿用至今。

Canon of Medicine states that cold diseases should be treated with hot herbs, and hot diseases should be treated with cold herbs. This principle is still followed in clinical practice.4. 《针灸资企经》足宋代敁車:要的民7:著作之一,书中王执中融入了民间厌生的行氏经验。

One of the important books in the Song dynasty was Classic of Nourishing Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion, in which Wang Zhizhong incorporated the clinical experiences of the practitioners of folk medicine.5.布中国许多受两民教育的民生和科学家开始进行针刺,艾灸,屮苹药的研宄,屮两民两个系统逐步融合开始。



中医英语复习整理八页Unit 11.整体医学 Holistic medicine2.整体观念Holistic concept or Holism3.诊断与保健体系a system of diagnosis and health-care approaches4.一套非常成熟的治疗及保健方法A highly sophisticated set of practices designed to cure illness and to maintain health and wellbeing5.草药Herbal remedies6.阴阳平衡: balance of yin and yang; Yin-yang balance; balance between yin and yang7.阴平阳秘:Yin is even (steady) and yang is sound (firm).8.阴阳失调:disharmony of yin and yang; imbalance of yin and yang9.阴阳调和:Harmony of yin and yang10.调和肝胃:Harmonizing the liver and stomach11.中医学Chinese Medicine12针灸Acupuncture13.血汗同源The blood and sweat share the same source.14.中医师Practitioner of Chinese Medicine15.症状和体征Symptoms and (physical) signs16.为每一个体重建和谐与平衡To reestablish harmony and equilibrium for each individual17.宇宙中的万物都是相互依赖、相互作用的Everything in the universe is interdependent and interactive18.将细小的针插入身体的不同穴位The insertion of fine needles into a variety of points in the body19.中医理论 Chinese medical theory20.中医基础理论The fundamental (basic) theories of Chinese medicine21.中医理论体系The theoretical system of Chinese medicine22.神经系统The nervous system23.内分泌系统The endocrine system24.内分泌失调The endocrine disorder25.肺炎的病因Pathological cause of pneumonia26.风、寒、暑、湿、躁、火Wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness, and fire风邪Wind evil, pathogenic wind27.肝风上头 The liver wind going to the head28.病原体Agent of disease29.精确的诊断Precise diagnosis30.失调的证Pattern of disharmony31.临床研究Clinical study32.使证恢复平衡,使个体恢复协调To bring the configuration into balance, to restore harmony to the individual 33.诊断六名胃痛患者患有消化道溃疡病To diagnose six patients with stomach pain as having peptic ulcer disease 34.所有患者患有相同疾病。



1 .中国医药学 traditional Chinese medicine; TCM2 .中医基础理论 basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3 .临床经验 clinical experience4 .辨证论治 treatment based on syndrome differentiation5 .本草 materia medica16 .医疗实践 medical practice17 .治疗原则 therapeutic principles18 .寒凉药物 herbs cold and cool in nature19 .滋阴降火 nourishing yin to reduce fire20 .瘀血致病 diseases caused by blood stagnation1 .中国医药学有数前年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。

TCM, a medical system with a history of thousands of years is the summary of the experience of the Chinese people accumulating in their struggle against disease.2.中医学在古代唯物论和辩证法思想的影响和指导下,通过长期的医疗实践,逐步形成并发展成为独特的医学理论体系。

Under the guidance of classic materialism and dialectics, TCM has eventually evolved into a unique medical system through long term medical practice.3 .中医学是研究人体生理、病理以及疾病的诊断和防治的一门科学。

TCM is a science focusingon the study of physiology andpathology as well as diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases.4.《黄帝内经》总结了春秋战国以来的医疗成就和治疗经验,确立了中医学的独特的理论体系,成为中医药学发展的基础。



Lesson11.中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM 2.中医基础理论basic theory of TCM 3.临床经验clinical experience 4.辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation 8.针灸acupuncture and moxibustion 14.病因学etiology19.滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire1. 中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。

TCM has a history of thousands of years and is a summary of the Chinese people’s experience in t heir struggle against diseases.2. 中医学有完整独特的理论体系。

TCM has a unique and integrative theoretical system.4.《黄帝内经》为中医学理论体系的形成奠定了基础。

Huangdi’s Inner Canon of Medicine has laid a foundation for the formation of theoretical system of TCM.7.阳常有余,阴常不足。

Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient.8.内伤脾胃,百病由生。

Internal impairment of the spleen and stomach causes various diseases.11.金元时期出现了后世称为“金元四大家”的医学流派。

In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, there appeared the so-called “four great physicians” in medical s chool.12.张从正认为病由邪生,提倡汗、吐、下三法祛邪治病。

基础中医英语复习要点 (2)

基础中医英语复习要点 (2)

《基础中医英语》复习要点Unit One A History of TCMI Vocabularyailment 失调therapeutic 治疗的pharmacological 药理的arthritis 关节炎manipulation 手法inflammatory 发炎的anesthesis 麻醉prescription 处方debilitate 虚弱appendicitis 阑尾炎stagnation 停滞treatise 论著revival 复兴formula 配方well-deserved 当之无愧的Canon of Medicine 《内经》Huangdi's Canon of Medicine 《黄帝内经》《伤寒杂病论》Compendium of Materia Medica 《本草纲目》Treatise on Cold-Induced and MiscellaneousDiseaseII Termsclinical practice 临床经验press on the affected area 挤压病变部位oral record 口头记载Archaeological excavation 考古挖掘trail and error 反复试验acupuncture and moxibustion 针灸dietary therapy 食疗pharmacological effect 药理作用cold damp ailments 寒湿病form the foundation for 形成...的基础herbal anesthesia 草药麻醉advance in medicine 中医的进步maintain wellness 保健western-trained physician 西医court physician 御医integration of TCM and western medicine 中西医结合abdominal pain 腹痛attach importance to 重视take hold 生根immune system 免疫系统basic survival 基本生存III Key Sentences1. 在丝绢上的有关医药的记载阐释了早期的中医药历史。



基础中医英语汇总-精品2020-12-12【关键字】英语、情况、设想、动力、地方、机制、充分、整体、平衡、健康、统一、规律、特点、局面、准则、意识、根本、精神、基础、需要、环境、活力、途径、倾向、作用、标准、秩序、关系、调节、规划、优先、发挥、宣传、协调、减轻、关心、正常化tumor:肿瘤;肿块;赘生物a mass of diseased cells in the body which divide and increased tooquiklyailment:小病,不安an illness that is not very serious revival:恢复精神;苏醒;再生效a process in which something becomes active or strong again integration:综合;集成the combining of two or more things so that they work effectively normalize:使正常化;使规格化,使标准化standardizewell-deserved :;理应的;当之无愧的well-earned because of good or bad behavior, skill, work, anesthesia:麻醉;麻木the state of unable to feel paintherapeutic:治疗的;治疗学的;有益于健康的relating to the treatment or cure of an illness debilitate:使衰弱;使虚弱make one ill or weakformula:公式,准则;配方;婴儿食品a prescription of ingredients in fixed proportion turmoil:混乱,骚动a state of confusion, excitement of anxietyderide:嘲笑;嘲弄treat sb. Or sth. As funny and not worthy of serious attention pharmacological:药理学的related to the scientific study of drugs and medicines treatise:论文;论述;专著a serious of book or article about a particular subject nontoxic:无毒的not poisonous to one’s healthstagnation:停滞;滞止a state of in activeforebear:祖先;祖宗ancestorinscribe:题写;题献;铭记;雕careful cut, print, or write on sht. Esp on the surface of a stone or cointextBaetiology:病因学;[基医] 病原学;原因论the scientific study of the causes o fdisease ophthalmology:[眼科] 眼科学medicine science dealing with disease illness of the eye beneficiary:受益人,受惠者;封臣a person who gains as a result of sth. aromatic:芳香的,芬芳的;芳香族的having a pleasant noticeable smellodour:气味;声誉smelllaxative:泻药;缓泻药,通便的a drug tending to stimulate evacuation of the bowels alimentary:of food and digestionmedicinal:药的;药用的;有益的;治疗的helpful in the process of healing in illness semiology:记号学;记号语言;[临床] 症状学symptomatologytyphoid:伤寒的;斑疹伤寒症的a serious infections disease that cause fever, red spots on the chest and severe pain in the bowels and sometimes causes deathbotanical:植物学的relating to botanypaediatrics:[儿科] 儿科的;儿科学的the branch of medicine concerned with children and their diseaseotorhinolaryngology:耳鼻喉科学the study of disease of ear, nose, and throat phytotherapy:本草疗法;植物疗法the use of vegetable drugs in medicine pharmacopoeia:药典,处方书;一批备用药品an official book containing a list of medicines and drugs and instructions for their useunit2holistic :整体的;全盘的consider a whole thing or being to be a collections of parts chronic:慢性的;长期的;习惯性的recurring constantlyconception:概念;设想;怀孕;开始the action of conceiving a child of one being conceived excess:无节制;过度,过量;超过,超额an amount of sth that is more than nesessary contract:感染;订约;收缩become less or smallerovum:[细胞][组织] 卵;卵子;卵形装饰female egg-cellphysiology:生理学;生理机能the way the body of a person or an animal works practitioner:开业者,从业者a person who woks in medicineanatomy:解剖学;剖析;[医]解剖;骨骼scienctific study of the structure of animals bodies elimination:. 除去;消除;淘汰getting grid of substances that one ‘s body no longer needs assimilation:吸收;[社会学]同化;[生理]同化作用a conversion of nutriments into living tissue pathogen:病原体;病菌something that causes disease in your bodypsyche:物理层;物理层协议soul and mindextremity:极端;绝境;非常手段;手足limpssyndrome:[临床] 综合征;综合症状;并发症状;校验子;并发位an illness which consists of a set of physical or mental problemstextBstamina:精力;活力;毅力;持久力physical or mental strenthsinewy:多腱的;有力的;肌肉发达的lean and muscularconstitution:宪法;体质;章程;构造condition of a person’s body with regard to health, strength, etc.immunity:免疫力;免除;豁免an organism’s ability to resist a particular infection symptom:征兆;症状a change in one’s body or mind showing that one is not healthymoisture:潮湿;水分;降雨量;湿度water or other liquid diffused in a small infectionphysique:体格,体形the form, size, and development of a person’s bodycirculation:流通,传播;循环;发行量the movement of blood around the bodydehydration:脱水loss of water from the body or from an organ or body partinfection:感染;传染;传染病;影响being ill through contact with bacteriadigestion:消化;领悟the process of digesting foodhyperactive:极度活跃的;活动过度的abnormally or extremely activeinadequacy:state of lacking the quality or quantity required stressful:紧张的;有压力的causing mental or emotional stresslibido:性欲;生命力emotional energy or urge, esp sexualunit3physiology:生理学;生理机能the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organism and their partsinduce:引诱;[电]感应;[医]诱导;引起bring about or giving rise tointerfere:干涉;打扰;妨碍prevent continuing or being carried out properlyfluid:流动的;不固定的;流畅的substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressureascending:上升;登高;追溯sloping or leading upwardsimpair:削弱;损害;减少weaken or damageexcretion: 排泄,排泄物;分泌,分泌物the process of eliminating or expelling waste water rot:腐烂;腐败;堕落cause to decaynausea:恶心,晕船;极端的憎恶feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomitpalpitation:可触知性;明白a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion, or illnesstrait:特性,特点;品质;少许distinguish quality or characteristictimidity:胆怯,胆小;羞怯showing a lack of courage or confidence amenorrhoea: an abnormal absence of menstruationtinnitus: ringing r buzzing in the earsirritability:兴奋性;易怒;过敏性having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or made angrytextBcorrespondence:一致;相当;通信a close similarity, connection, or equivalence deficiency:缺乏;不足的数额;缺陷,缺点a lack of shortageprevalence: . 流行;普遍;广泛being widespread in a particular area or at a particular time pallid:苍白的;暗淡的;无生气的pale, typically because of poor healthretention:扣留,滞留;保留;记忆力;[医]闭尿the continued possession, use, or control of poor healthgroan:呻吟;抱怨;发吱嘎声make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain despair husky:声音沙哑的;有壳的;强壮的sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarserancid:腐臭的;令人作呕的,讨厌的smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale fragrant:芳香的;愉快的having a pleasant or sweet smellsubdue:征服;抑制;减轻overcome. Quieten, or bring under controlrepressed:被抑制的;被压抑的restrained, inhibited, or oppressedatrophy:萎缩,萎缩症;发育停止(of body tissue or an organ)wasting awaytrigger:触发;引发,引起cause to happen or existpurplish: rather purple in colortinge:淡色;些许味道;风味, 微染;使带气息a tendency towards or trace of some colorunit4essence:本质,实质;精华;香精the most basic and important quality of something transmute:使变形;使变质change one substance or type of thing into another sufficient:足够的;充分的as much as needed for a particular purposetemper: make something less sever or extremedynamic:动力的;动力学的;动态的;有活力的force that produces change, action, or effect ambience:气氛,布景;周围环境the special atmosphere or mood created by particular environmentunfolding:伸展;解折叠;演变spreading outprimordial:原始的;根本的;[生]原生的being or happening first in sequence of time bestow:授予;使用;放置;留宿give someone something of great value or important underlying:在下面的;优先的;根本的;潜在的basicepisode:插曲;插话;一段情节;有趣的事件an event or short period of time during which something happensinhalation:吸入;吸入药剂breathe in air, smoke, or gasvolition: 意志,意志力;决断力the power to choose or decide something without being forced to do itthrive:繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长become and continue to be, successful, strong , heathy,etc. disseminate:散布;宣传,传播scatter widelydisposition:性情;倾向;处置;部署particular type of charactertextBchoke:使窒息;呛;阻塞;扑灭;抑制be unable to breathe proper because sth. Is in throat or there Is not enough airlethargy:死气沉沉;昏睡;嗜眠(症)felling as if one has no energy and no interest in doing anything distention:膨胀,扩张swelling or being swollenwade:跋涉;可涉水而过的地方walk through water that is not deepscanty:缺乏的;吝啬的;仅有的;稀疏的not enoughretention:扣留,滞留;保留;记忆力;[医]闭尿action of holding sth in position or containing it wheeze:喘息;呼哧呼哧地响breathe with difficultysyndrome:医]综合征;[医]综合症状;[医]并发症状;[计]校验子;[计]并发位an illness which consist of a set of physical or mental problemsexertion:努力;发挥;运用a lot of physical or mental effortcomplexion:面色;肤色;情况;局面the nature color or appearance of the skin on face coarse:粗糙的;下等的;粗俗的having a rough surface that feels slightly hard not smoothunit5physiology:生理学;生理机能the branch of biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organsdeficient:不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的inadequate in amount ordegreestagnant:停滞的;污浊的;不景气的;迟钝的nor circulating or floatingstasis:郁积,停滞;血行停滞a stoppage of the flow of the blood or body fluids in any part abdomen:腹部;下腹;腹腔a part of the body below the chest that includes the stomach and bows bleed:流血;渗出;悲痛loose blood from one’s bodyfeeble:微弱的,无力的;虚弱的;薄弱的very weakimpair:削弱;损害;减少make worse or less effectivesecrete:藏匿;私下侵吞;[生]分泌produce a liquid substance either as a waste mateialor for use within the bodyexcrete:分泌;排泄eliminate by a normal dischargedisperse:使散开;分散;传播separate and fo in different directionsexpulsion:开除;驱逐the act of sending or driving a substance out of body and bowels occlude:使闭塞;封闭;挡住obstructsuffuse:充满;弥漫spread all over or through sthdiarrhea:腹泻,痢疾abdominal frequency and liquidity of fecal dischargesimpede:阻止;妨碍;阻碍delay or stop the progress of sthquote:引述;举证;报价a passage or expression that is citedtextBtenuous:纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的extremely thinrarefield:稀薄的;纯化的subtle and refinedextremities:四肢,骨端;末端,极限(extremity复数形式);手足the parts of the body that is farthest from the centre, esp the hands and feetgauge:计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格make a judgment about sthcatalytic:接触反应的;起催化作用的, 催化剂;刺激因素causing the process of speeding up a chemical reaction with a catalystpathogenic:致病的;病原的;发病的able to cause diseasediffuse:散开的;弥漫的spread sth in all directionsspontaneous:自发的;自然的;无意识的happening naturally, without being made happen prone:有…倾向的,易于…的;俯卧的likely to do sthnourish:滋养;怀有;使健壮keep a person an animal or a plantpectoral: relating to or connecting with chest simultaneously: at the same timedefensive:自卫的;防御用的projectivepore:细想;凝视;熟读hole in the skin that sweat can pass throughassume:假定;承担;呈现;采取take on a certain form, attribute or aspectunit6acupuncture:针刺疗法;针刺method of pricking the tissues of human body with fine needles in order to cure disease, to relieve pain or as a local anestheticcutaneous:皮肤的;侵犯皮肤的of or relating to or affecting the skinacupoint:穴道,[中医] 穴位locations on the body that are the focus of acupuncture tendon:腱a band of tough, inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bone attachment superficial:表面的;肤浅的being on or near the surfacesymmetrical:匀称的,对称的having similarity in size, shape, and elative position or corresponding partsscapular:肩胛的;肩胛骨的of or relating to the shoulder or scapulavertex:顶点;头顶;天顶the top of the headdorsal:背的,背侧的;背部的of, toward on, in , or near the back or upper surface of an organ, a part or an organismmalleolus:解剖] 踝either of the two rounded protuberances on each side to the ankle by recurring inner formed by a projection of the tibia and the outer by a projection of the fibulaventral:腹部的;腹侧的relating to or situated on or close to the abdomen congestion:充血;拥塞;拥挤excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part psoriasis:[皮肤] 牛皮癣;银屑癣a noncontagious in flammatory skin disease characterized by recurring reddish patches covered with silvery scalesfossa: [解剖] 凹;小窝a small cavity of depression , as in a boneocciput:枕骨部;后头部the back part of the head or skulleczema: [医]湿疹a noncontagious inflammation of the skin, characterized chiefly by redness itching and the outbreak or lesions that may discharge serous matter and become encrusted and scalyhomeostasis:[生理] 体内平衡;[自] 内稳态the ability or tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processaxilla: [解剖] 腋窝,[解剖] 腋下;咯肢窝the armpitmeridian:子午线,经线;顶点any of the channels through which vital energy is believed to circulate round the bodymetabolism:新陈代谢the complex of physical and chemical process accruing within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of lifepernicious:有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的exceeding harmful causing grave harm complication:混乱;复杂;复杂化;[医]并发症any disease or disorder that occurs during the course of another diseaseresume: . 再开始return to previous location or conditionreplenish:把…装满;补充,再装满;给…添加燃料make full of complete again by suppling what has been used up or is lackingproximal:最接近的,邻近的;近身体中央的situated close to centre , median line, or joint of attachment or origininfluenza: [医]流行性感冒(简写flu);[兽医]家畜流行性感冒an acute febrile highly contagious viral diseasedyspepsia: . [内科] 消化不良;胃弱a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nauseadorsum:腹股沟;交叉拱the posterior part of a human body from the neck to the end of the spine moxibustion:艾灸a method of treatment, originally I Chinese medicine in which a moxa is burned on the skinformulation:公式化;简洁陈述;构想,规划list of ingredient of sets of instructions for making sth esp medicines and fuelsgroin:腹股沟;交叉拱the depression or fold where the legs join the abdomen the genital esp the testiclestibia:解]胫骨;胫节(昆虫)the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human legs between the knee and the anklemassage:按摩;揉kneading and rubbing parts of the body to increase circulation and promote relaxationtextBetiology: [病理] 病因学;[基医] 病原学;致病源the study of what causes the disease pathogenesis:发病机理;发病原the occurrence development of a disease exogenous:外生的;外因的;外成的derived or originating externally hemorrhoids:痔疮;痔疾swollen veins in the anorectal passagespasm:痉挛;抽搐;一阵发作a painful and involuntary muscular contraction hematuria:泌尿] 血尿;血尿症the presence of blood in urinemenorrhagia:妇产] 月经过多abnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation hypochondrium:季肋部;忧郁症;疑病症the upper region of the abcomen just below the lowest ribs on either side of the epigastriumregurgitation:回流;反刍;流回gushing backcarbuncle: [中医] 痈;红宝石a large inflamed swelling under skindizziness:头晕;头昏眼花a feeling of one is about to fallgum:使…有粘性;用胶粘,涂以树胶the tissue of the jaws that surrounds the bases of the teeth palpitation: [内科] 心悸;跳动;颤动a rapid and irregular heart beatmalnutrition:营养失调,营养不良a state of poor nutritionpuffiness:虚胖,虚肿abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement congestion:充血;拥塞;拥挤excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part suffocate:窒息;受阻,受扼制impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of phlegm: . 痰;粘液;粘液质abnormal thick mucus secreted by the mucosa of the respiratory passages during certain infectious prcesstendon: . 腱a thick strong string-like part of your body that connects a muscle to boneulcer: 溃疡;腐烂物;道德败坏open sore containing poisonous matter on the outside of the body or on he surface of an internal organtextBendogenous: [生物] 内生的;内因性的derived or originating internallyblotch:污点;疙瘩;斑点an irregular shaped spotpallor:青白;灰白;苍白(尤指脸色)unnatural lack of color in skinlump:块,块状;肿块;瘤;很多;笨人abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement menstruation:生理] 月经;月经期间;有月经the discharge of the menses breathlessness:呼吸急促,气喘吁吁breathing with difficultyincontinence:失禁;无节制;不能自制involuntary urination or defecation feebleness:微弱的,无力的;虚弱的;薄弱的the state of being weak in health or body cystitis: [泌尿] 膀胱炎inflammation of the urinary bladderanorexia:厌食;神经性厌食症loss of appetite esp as a result of disease hypoglycemia:低血糖症;血糖过低an abnormal low level of glucose in the blood psoriasis:皮肤] 牛皮癣;银屑癣a chronic skin disease marked by dry red patches covered with scalesfatigue:疲劳,疲乏;杂役physical or mental weariness resulting from exertion listlessness:精神萎靡;无精打采the state of lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort emaciation:憔悴;消瘦,瘦弱a waste condition of the bodytinnitus: [耳鼻喉] 耳鸣a nonspecific symptom of hearting disorder characterized bu the sensation of buzzing ringing and other noises in the earsolitude:孤独;隐居;荒僻的地方the state of quality of being alone or remote from otherslethargy:死气沉沉;昏睡;嗜眠(症)extreme lack of energy or vitality hypotension:低血压,血压过低low blood pressurechaotic:混乱的,无秩序的;混沌的complete unordered and unpredictable and confusingunit8discriminate:区别;辨别;歧视make a differenceinsomnia:失眠症,失眠inability to sleepdullness:迟钝,钝度mental slownesscorporal:肉体的,身体的of the human bodyblue:蓝色的;忧郁的,沮丧的;下流的feeling of deep sadness or depressiongrumpy:脾气暴躁的;性情乖戾的bad-temperedmechanism:机械装置;机制;技巧;原理,途径;进程the way that something works pinpoint:查明;精确地找到;准确描述locate or identify with precisionpool:联营;水塘;撞球;共同资金combine intofull-blown:花)盛开的;成熟的;(帆等)张满的fully deveopedprolapse: a condition in which an organ of the body has slipped forward or downstamina:精力;活力;毅力;持久力ability to endure much physical or mental strain scarlet:罪孽深重的;淫荡的;鲜红色的;深红的bright redafflict:折磨;使痛苦;使苦恼cause trouble, pain or distress to sb. Or sthapathy:冷漠,无兴趣,漠不关心;无感情lack of interestirritability:兴奋性;易怒;过敏性the state of becoming annoyed very easily rebellious:反抗的;造反的;难控制的showing a desire to rebelimbibe:喝;吸收,接受;吸入drinktextBstifling:沉闷的;令人窒息的very hot or stuffy almost to the point of being suffocating disrupt:使分裂;使瓦解;使中断;使陷于混乱;破坏cause disorder in sthpurulent:脓;化脓;含脓;流脓containing pusviscous:粘性的;黏的thick and stickyaberration:离开正路,越轨;失常deviation from what is accepted as normal or right pensiveness:沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的deep serious thoughtfulness scrofula: [内科] 淋巴结核a disease causing swelling of the glands, probably a form of tuberculosis puffy:一阵阵吹的;胀大的;喘气的looking swollenintractable:倔强的;棘手的;不听话的;[医]难治的very difficult to deal with congeal:凝结;凝固become thick or solid esp by coolingeffusion:泻出;渗出;[医]渗漏物pouring out esp of liquidhumidity:湿度;湿气the amount of water in the airadrenal:肾上腺的at, near, or on the kidneysmelancholy:忧郁的;使人悲伤的deep sadness which last for some timegreasy:油腻的;含脂肪多的;谄媚的covered in grease or oilunit1食疗:dietary therapy湿病:damp ailment保健:maintain wellness/ keep fit民间医药:folk medicine中西医结合:integration of TCM and western medicine内经记载,寒病需热药来医。






中医专业英语基础1. 医学基础(Medical foundation)- Human anatomy: The study of the structure and organs of the human body.- Physiology: The study of how the body functions and its various systems.- Pathology: The study of diseases, their causes, and progression. - Pharmacology: The study of drugs and their effects on the body. - Biochemistry: The study of chemical processes and substances in living organisms.- Microbiology: The study of microorganisms and their effects on health.- Immunology: The study of the immune system and its response to diseases.- Genetics: The study of genes and heredity.2. 中医理论(Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine)- Yin and Yang: The concept of opposing yet complementary forces in the body.- Qi (Chi): The vital energy that flows through the body and maintains health.- Meridians: The channels through which Qi flows in the body.- Five Elements Theory: The belief that the body is made up of the five elements - wood, fire, earth, metal, and water - which are interconnected and influence health.- Zang-Fu Organs: The system of organs in traditional Chinese medicine, including the Yin and Yang organs.- Eight Principles: The classification of diseases according to four pairs of opposites - Yin/Yang, Cold/Heat, Deficiency/Excess, andInterior/Exterior.- Syndromes: The patterns in which symptoms present in traditional Chinese medicine, used for diagnosing and treating diseases.3. 中药学(Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine)- Traditional Chinese herbs: The various plants, minerals, and animal substances used in traditional Chinese medicine.- Herbal formulas: The combinations of herbs used to treat specific diseases or conditions.- Herbal identification and processing: The methods used to identify and prepare herbs for medicinal use.- Prescription and dosage: The principles and guidelines for prescribing and administering herbal treatments.- Toxicology: The study of the potential toxicity and side effects of traditional Chinese herbs.4. 中医诊断(Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine)- Observation: The examination of a patient's physical appearance, including the tongue, face, and body.- Listening and smelling: The assessment of a patient's voice, breath, and body odors.- Inquiry: The gathering of information about a patient's medical history, symptoms, and lifestyle.- Palpation: The use of touch to assess pulse, acupuncture points, and areas of tenderness.- Diagnosis methods: The different approaches used to diagnose diseases in traditional Chinese medicine, such as the Eight Principles, Five Elements, and Zang-Fu organs.5. 中医治疗(Treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine)- Acupuncture: The insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate Qi flow and balance Yin and Yang.- Herbal medicine: The use of traditional Chinese herbs in various forms, such as decoctions, powders, or pills, to treat diseases.- Tuina (Chinese massage): The manipulation of the body's muscles and soft tissues to promote circulation and relieve pain.- Cupping: The application of heated cups to the skin to create suction and promote blood flow.- Moxibustion: The burning of dried herbs (usually Artemisia vulgaris) near the skin to warm and stimulate acupuncture points. - Qigong: A combination of physical exercises, breathing techniques, and meditation aimed at cultivating Qi and improving overall health.6. 中医研究方法(Research Methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine)- Clinical trials: The systematic study of the safety and effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine treatments in humans. - Pharmacological research: The investigation of the active components and mechanisms of action of traditional Chinese herbs. - Epidemiological studies: The analysis of disease patterns and risk factors in specific populations.- Case studies: The examination of individual patients' experiences and responses to traditional Chinese medicine treatments.- Experimental studies: The use of laboratory or animal models to investigate the effects of traditional Chinese medicine interventions.- Systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The synthesis of multiplestudies to evaluate the overall effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine treatments.。



中医英语考试总结140528-AllenLew2013级生药学Allen Lew总结中医英语考试重点1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 16, 17章的答案(红色部分为重点)第一课一.术语翻译1.traditional Chinese medicine; TCM 中医药学2.basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论3.clinical experience 临床经验4.treatment based on syndrome differentiation 辩证论》台5.miscellaneous diseases 杂病6.Chinese pharmacy 中药(学)Chinese materia medica7.four properties and five tastes/flavors 四气五味(cold;hot;warm;coolsour;bitter;sweet;pungent;salty)五彳亍five elements 四气four properties 五味five flavors 七f青seven emotions 相须mutual reinforcement 相使mutual assistance 相畏mutual restraint 相恶mutual inhibition 相反antagonism 相杀mutual suppression8.acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox 名十灸9.classical Chinese philosophy 古代中国哲学therapy; diaphoresis 汗法11.purgation 下法12.vomiting therapy; emetic therapy 吐法13.the School of Reinforcing the Earth 补土派14.etiology 病因学15.prescription; formula 方齐!J16.medical practice 医疗实践17.therapeutic principles 治疗原则1& herbs cold and cool in nature 寒凉药物19.nourishing yin and reducing fire 滋阴降火20.diseases caused by blood stagnation 淤血致病中医诊断学diagnostics of Chinese medicine 治未病treating disease before its onset 月永诊pulse diagnosis 本草(学)materia medica 伤寒论Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases 症候syndrome and sign 药性medicinal property 滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire 滋阴清热nourishing yin and clearing away fire 血瘀blood stasis 攻下》氏school of purgation 温补脾胃warming and tonifying spleen and stomach天人相应一coirespondence between man and nature阳常有余;阴常不足—Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficiency・内伤脾胃,百病由生一internal impairment of the spleenand stomach would bring about various diseases・二.句子翻译1.TCM has a history of thousands of years and is a summary of the Chinese people' s experience in their struggle against diseases.中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。

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Unit 11.整体医学Holistic medicine2.整体观念Holistic concept or Holism3.诊断与保健体系a system of diagnosis and health-care approaches4.一套非常成熟的治疗及保健方法A highly sophisticated set of practices designed to cure illness and to maintain health and wellbeing5.草药Herbal remedies6.阴阳平衡: balance of yin and yang; Yin-yang balance; balance between yin and yang7.阴平阳秘:Yin is even (steady) and yang is sound (firm).8.阴阳失调:disharmony of yin and yang; imbalance of yin and yang9.阴阳调和:Harmony of yin and yang10.调和肝胃:Harmonizing the liver and stomach11.中医学Chinese Medicine12针灸Acupuncture13.血汗同源The blood and sweat share the same source.14.中医师Practitioner of Chinese Medicine15.症状和体征Symptoms and (physical) signs16.为每一个体重建和谐与平衡To reestablish harmony and equilibrium for each individual17.宇宙中的万物都是相互依赖、相互作用的Everything in the universe is interdependent and interactive18.将细小的针插入身体的不同穴位The insertion of fine needles into a variety of points in the body19.中医理论Chinese medical theory20.中医基础理论The fundamental (basic) theories of Chinese medicine21.中医理论体系The theoretical system of Chinese medicine22.神经系统The nervous system23.内分泌系统The endocrine system24.内分泌失调The endocrine disorder25.肺炎的病因Pathological cause of pneumonia26.风、寒、暑、湿、躁、火Wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness, and fire风邪Wind evil, pathogenic wind27.肝风上头The liver wind going to the head28.病原体Agent of disease29.精确的诊断Precise diagnosis30.失调的证Pattern of disharmony31.临床研究Clinical study32.使证恢复平衡,使个体恢复协调To bring the configuration into balance, to restore harmony to the individual 33.诊断六名胃痛患者患有消化道溃疡病To diagnose six patients with stomach pain as having peptic ulcer disease 34.所有患者患有相同疾病。

All the patients suffer from the same disorder.35.腹痛拒按,冷敷则减。

The abdominal pain increases at touch (by palpation) but diminishes with the application of cold compresses.36.体质强壮Robust constitution37.面赤Reddish complexion38.患者便秘、小便黄赤The patient is constipated and has dark yellow urine.39.舌苔黄腻A greasy yellow tongue coating40.脉弦而有力Wiry and full pulse41.湿热困脾Damp-heat affecting the spleenUNIT TWO1.阴阳学说The Theory of Yin and Yang; The Yin-Yang theory; The Yin-Yang Doctrine 阴阳对立Opposition of yin and yang阴阳制约restriction of yin and yang阴阳互根Interdependence of Yin and YangYin and yang depend on/upon each other 阴阳消长Waxing and waning of yin and yang阴阳转化Inter-transformation of yin and yang阴阳调和Harmony of yin and yang阴阳平衡balance of yin and yang阴阳失调disharmony of yin and yang; imbalance of yin and yang2.天气轻清,故属阳;地气重浊,故属阴。

The celestial qi is light and lucid, thus pertaining to yang; while terrestrial qi is heavy and turbid, therefore pertaining to yin.3.阳化气,阴成形Yang transforms into qi while yin shapes into configuration.Yang gives rise to activity, and yin makes the configuration.4.阴阳离绝,精气乃竭。

The separation of yin and yang will result in the exhaustion of essence.If one’s yin and yang fail to communicate, his essential qi will be exhausted.阴在内,阳之守也;阳在外,阴之使也。

Yin is in the inner body and protects yang; yang is in the outer body and moves yin. The interdependence of yin and yang is reflected in all things in the universe and cannot be separated.6.阴中有阴,阳中有阳。


In yin is yin; in yang is yang.From down to noon, this is the yang of heaven;it is the yang in the yang.From noon to dusk, this is the yang of heaven;it is the yin in the yang.From the early evening to the crowing of the cocks, this is the yin of heaven; it is the yin in the yin.From the crowing of the cocks to dawn, this is the yin of heaven;it is the yang in the yin.7.夫言人之阴阳,则外为阳,内为阴;言人身之阴阳,则背为阳,腹为阴;言人身之藏府中阴阳,则藏者为阴,府者为阳,肝、心、脾、肺、肾五藏皆为阴,胆、胃、大肠、小肠、膀胱、三焦六府皆为阳。

As to the yin and yang of the human body, the outer part is yang and the inner part is yin. As to the trunk, the back is yang and the abdomen is yin. As to the organs, the zang organs are yin whereas the fu organs are yang. The liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney (as opposed to lungs and kidneys, here regarded as single functional entities) are yin; the gallbladder, stomach, intestines, bladder, and triple burner (triple energizer) are yang.8.阴阳者,数之可十,推之可百,数之可千,推之可万,万之大不可胜数,然其要一也Yin and yang can be divided down to ten, and then further down to one hundred, to a thousand, to ten thousand, and to a number so great as defies calculations; yet in essence all these are but one9.阴胜则寒,阳胜则热。

when yin prevails there is cold, when yang prevails there is heat.10.阳虚则寒,阴虚则热。

when yang is deficient there is cold, when yin is deficient there is heat UNIT FOUR 1.脏腑: a collective term for all the internal organs or viscera.藏/脏:solid organs, viscera/depots (a storehouse for goods )/zang organs yin organs府/腑:hollow organs, bowels (the intestines), palaces, fu organs, yang organs 五脏:five viscera, five zang organs, the yin organsHeart, liver, spleen, lung(s), kidney(s), (pericardium)六腑:six bowels, six fu organs, the yang organsGallbladder, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, (urinary) bladder, triple energizer /triple burner:upper energizer/burner,middle energizer/burner,lower energizer/burner奇恒之腑 traordinary fu organsBrain, marrow, bone, vessel, gallbladder, uterus脑、髓、骨、脉、胆、女子胞2.肝:肝主疏泄The liver governs free coursing (flowing rapidly). (spreading and dispersing, maintaining smooth flow of qi.)肝藏血。
