轮机英语教学课件(29) control systems 2

19. Open shut-off valve(截止阀) for starting air tank, close the drain valve on the starting air manifold(管路).
打开起动空气瓶截止阀, 关闭主起动空 气管路放残阀。
油头冷却水柜加热系统投入使用, 加 热温度至60℃持续约2h。
If the engine is to be started on high viscosity fuel the temperature of the water should be raised to 77 to 82℃.
若柴油机用高黏性燃油起动, 则水温应 加热至77~ 82℃。
8. If hoppers(观察镜) or sight glasses are fitted check that there is an adequate flow of coolant through each piston, cylinder head, cylinder jacket, turbocharger casing and injector(油头).
16. All hand oil- and greaselubricated ( 油 脂 润 滑 ) bearing must be checked to see that their lubrication is correct, the control linkage (连接) is well lubricated and easily operated(操控).
4. Start up jacket water pumps and check pressures. Bring into operation the heating system of the cooling water.

精心整理轮机英语词汇1、pump 泵①Supplypump 供给泵②transferpump 输送泵③circulatingpump 循环泵④bilgepump 舱底水泵⑤ballastpump 压载水泵1、tank①draintank 泄放柜②servicetank 日用柜③settlingtank 沉淀柜④storagetank 储存柜⑤⑦⑨2、①③⑤⑦⑨2、oil①③⑤⑦3、4、flow 5、6、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、overload 过载18、no-voltage 失电19、leak/leakage 泄漏20、wrong-way 错向21、insulation(insul)绝缘22、oilmist 油雾23、viscosity 粘度24、density 浓度25、salinity 盐度26、oilcontent 油含量27、pressuredifference压差28、switch开关29、flame火焰30、automatic(auto)自动的31、emergency应急的32、standby备用的33、screw螺丝34、nut螺母35、stud螺柱36、meter仪表37、thermometer温度计38、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、Ⅱ.1、3、5、7、9、11、aircooler空气冷却器12、scanvagebox扫气箱13、oilsprayer喷油器14、oilnozzle喷油嘴15、exhaustvalve排气阀16、sealingring密封环17、cylinderliner气缸套18、pistonrod活塞杆Ⅲ.机舱布置图Engineroomarrangement1、mainengine/M.E.主机2、intermediateshaft中间轴3、bearing轴承4、propellershaft螺旋桨轴5、sterntube艉管6、aftsealheadtank后密封油箱7、FWDsealheadtank前密封油箱8、sterntubeL.O.draintank艉管滑油泄放柜9、chemicalcleaningtank化学清洗柜10、L.O.draintank11、sludgeoiltrap油渣收集柜12、rustpreventertank防锈剂柜13、oilywaterseparator油水分离器14、Lowseachest低位海水门15、L.O.transferpump16、bilgepump舱底泵17、M/Eluboilpump18、M/ES.W.coolingpump主机海水泵19、sludgepump油渣泵20、ejectorpumpforF.W.G造水装置工作水泵23、ballastpump压载泵24、bilge&G.S.pump舱底总用泵25、Fire&G.S.pump消防总用泵26、ProvisionRef.UnitS.W.pump伙食冷藏海水泵27、aux.S.W.Coolingpump辅海水泵28、L.O.purifycleaningtray滑油分油机洗池29、L.O.purify.Operatingwatertank滑油分油机工作水箱30、L.O.purify.Heater滑油分油机加热器31、dieselgenerator柴油发电机组32、D/GF.W.Cooler柴油发电机淡水冷却器33、boilerfeedwaterpump锅炉给水泵34、cascadetank热井35、aux.condenser大气冷凝器36、38、40、42、44、46、47、49、51、53、55、57、59、61、63、65、67、69、71、Ⅳ1、3、5、7、9、11、drawing图纸12、hull船外壳13、bow/stern船艏/船尾14、port/starboard左舷/右舷15、deadweight载重量16、displacement排水量17、freeboard干舷18、deck甲板19、keel龙骨20、anchor锚21、rudder舵22、bottom底23、supersrtucture上层建筑24、side25、weld焊26、painting油漆27、assemble装配28、launching29、seatrial试航30、delivery交船31、tightnesstest密性试验32、afterservice售后服务33、approval认可34、bluecollarworker蓝领35、maker36、rulesandregulations规则、规范37、chiefengineer轮机长38、chiefofficer大副39、clerk事务员40、foreigner41、forepeak艏尖舱42、aftpeak尾尖舱43、frame肋骨44、cabin舱室45、wheelhouse驾驶室46、shafttunnel轴隧47、beam横梁48、manhole人孔49、bulbousbow球鼻艏50、seachest海水门51、bulkhead隔舱壁52、drycargohold干货舱53、provisionstore食品库54、passageway走廊、通道55、1、deck3、5、7、9、11、13、15、17、19、21、Ⅵ.管系1、主机2、①3、①③⑤4、①5、Compressedairsystem①high/lowpressureair②startingair起动空气③controlair④remotecontrolair遥控空气⑤miscellanousair杂用空气6、Shipsystems①thebilgesystem舱底水②theballastsystem压载水③thewatersupplysystem供水④thesteamsystem蒸汽⑤thedrainagesystem排水⑥thefire-fightingsystem消防⑦theairmeasuringandfillingsystem空气测量注入⑧thelevelsystem液位7、filter/filtergauze(screen)8、drainagevalvesets9、pressuregauge压力表9、vacuum真空表10、thermometer温度计11、steeltube钢管12、coppertube铜管13、observationglass观察镜14、funnel漏斗15、hose软管16、inductionport吸口17、bracker支架18、shim(washer)垫片19、flange法兰20、connection接口21、stainlesssteelpipe不锈钢管22、threadedconnection螺纹接头23、sleevepipe套管24、flowmeter流量计25、radiator散热器26、pipewrench管子钳27、29、31、1、3、5、7、9、11、13、15、17、19、21、23、①④⑦Ⅷ.充电器7.rectifier整流器8.uninterruptedpowersource(UPS)不间断电源装置9.batteryorstoragebattery蓄电池或蓄电池组10.main(emergency/powersection)switchboard主(应急/电力区)配电板11.generator(feeder)panel发电机(馈电)屏12.charging&dischargingpanel充放电板13.(radio/lowvoltage/internalcommunication)powerdistributionboard无线电(低压/船内通信/电力)分电箱14.powerunitforcathodicprotection阴极保护电源箱15.testpanel电工试验板16.shoreconnectionbox岸电箱17.junctionbox(withfuse)接线箱(带熔断器)18.controlconsole(panel)控制台,集控台19.mainenginecontrolstand主机控制台20.motorstarter电动机起动器21.controlbox(panel)控制箱(板)22.mainenginesafety(airconditioning)controlbox主机安全系统(空调)控制箱23.controlboxforsingallight信号灯控制箱24.steeringgearsourcebox舵机电源箱25.contactor接触器26.relay继电器33.fuse52.washingmachine洗衣机53.freshwatersterilizer引水消毒器54.stator定子55.rotor转子56.neutralwire零线(中性线)57.winding绕组58.coil线圈Ⅸ.illuminationequipment照明设备1.port(starboard)light左右舷灯2.mast桅灯(stern艉灯/anchor锚灯/steering操舵灯/signal信号灯/flashing闪光灯/towing拖船灯/daylightsignal白昼信号灯/pendant舱顶灯/fluorescentpendant荧光舱顶灯/ceiling蓬顶灯/passagecorner走道角灯/desk台灯/wall壁灯/berth床头灯/room’snameplate舱室铭牌灯/charttable海图灯/flameproof防爆灯/flood泛光灯(强光灯)/search聚光灯(探照灯))light3.switch开关4.plug插头5.socket插座6.socketbox插座箱Ⅹ.Navigationequipment导航设备1.gyrocompass电罗径2.magneticcompass磁罗径3.feedbackunit反馈装置4.5.log6.7.8.9.机oxygenepoxyresinchockmicrometer外径千分尺verniercaliper游标卡尺spanner扳手wrench扳手screwdriver螺丝刀hammer锤子clinometer测斜仪chainblock手拉葫芦mandatory命令、强制的Chlorinator氯化器syphon=siphon弯管,存水管,虹吸管blind盲板bookletofpipingprocedure工序,过程,步骤gymnasium健身房galley船上厨房motorcyclesafetyhelmet安全帽lifebelt安全带glove手套respirator口罩overall工作服uniformelectrictorch手电筒flashlighteyeglass眼镜plankstageSlipway7.(22.horizontal水平的23.nutofsternshaft艉轴螺栓24.rudder舵25.rudderblade舵叶26.rudderstock舵杆27.rudderpintle舵销28.ruddertiller舵柄29.rudderbush舵承30.rudderhorn挂舵臂31.securingkey定位销,定位键32.protectingcover保护帽33.grease牛油34.rudderangle舵角35.fullangle满舵36.rudderblade’sstopper防跳块37.temperaturesensor温度传感器38.inletoutlet进出39.tolerance公差,允许量40.weardowngauge磨损规41.sterntubemainchamber大腔42.highpressurechamber高压腔43.lowpressurechamber低压腔1.D/G7.5.camft导流帽螺旋桨艉密封艉管衬套艉轴中间轴—intermediatebearing—flywheel(thrustshaft) 中间轴承飞轮推力轴10.couplingreamerholes联轴节铰制孔11.turninggear盘车机12.spring弹簧1.mainaircompressor主空压机2.alignmentofcouplingflange联轴节对中3.gap裂面4.sag位移1.steeringgear舵机2.ramrollerbearing舵机活塞杆轴承3.neckbush&cylinder舵机活塞颈衬套和活塞缸体4.dimensionmeasurement尺寸测量1.foredraftvalve艏吃水阀2.speedlog计程仪3.echosounder测深仪Quay、shipside、wharf、dock码头。
轮机英语教学课件(28) control systems 1

b. 本句可译为:
术语“自动化”或自动控制,通常用来指机 器通过自我调节装置来运行。此装置能感知 机器的运转状况,并通过称作反馈的过程将 其与预期的运转状况进行比较,然后,调整 机器以减小实际与预计运转状况之间的差异。
3. Remote control means that the system is being controlled by the operator who is situated remote from the system.
c. in the rooms refers to in the machinery control rooms.
5. In order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS operation,certain essential functions must be provided.
2. The term ‘automation’, or automatic control, generally is taken to mean the operation of a machine by a self-regulating mechanism that senses the performance of the machine and, using a process called feedback, compares it with the intended performance, and then adjusts the machine to reduce the difference between actual and intended performance.

The device will open on overload (过载)and (过载)and also in the event of a short circuit(短路). circuit(短路). Unlike a fuse, the circuit can be quickly remade by simply closing the switch.
A two wire system (双线制)is (双线制)is usual to provide a supply and return to each item of equipment.
An earth lead (接地线)would (接地线)would be the only electrical connection (电气连接) between any item (条款,项目) of equipment and the ship’s structure(船体). structure(船体).
The cartridge fuse is to be preferred since the fusing current value(保险丝熔断电流值) value(保险丝熔断电流值) is more reliable than for a rewirable type .
A circuit breaker(断路器) is an breaker(断路器) isolating switch(隔离开关) which switch(隔离开关) also functions as a fuse.
电涌被称为瞬态过电,是电路中出现 电涌被称为瞬态过电,是电路中出现 的通常持续约百万分之一秒
Use of the earthed system could result in(导致、引起) the loss in(导致、引起) of an essential (必要的)service (必要的)service such as the steering gear(操舵 gear(操舵 装置) as a result of an earth fault.
ppt课件-l e c t u r e e2( l e c t u r e2)

Copyright ©2010 R. R. Dickerson
k(O) ( A l l u n i t s : cm³s ¹)
Copyright ©2010 R. R. Dickerson
Correlation plot of all LIF OHd at a versus the photolysis frequency of ozone, j(O1D). (Adapted from Holland
et al., 1998).
Anderson put a scanning spectrometer on t h e nose of a rocket and measured the emission a t 308 nm due t o s o l a r excitation.
In situ resonance fluorescence with a microwave discharge lamp worked i n t h e s t r a t
LECTURE 20 Atmospheric Odd Hydrogen, HOx
AOSC 637 Spring 2010 Atmospheric Chemistry Russell R. Dickerson
Copyright ©2010 R. R. Dickerson
Odd Hydrogen: O u t l i n e

2. 译成汉语的联合复句
He made notes as he was listening to the lecture. (时间状语从句译成汉语的 并列关系)
3. 译成汉语的简单句 When I make a speech, I get nervous. 我演讲时总是有些紧张。
7. compromise n.妥协,和解
8. tractable adj.易驾驭的
9. payload n.有效载荷[负载]
10. vehicle n.车辆,运载工具
11. residual
adj. 剩余的,残留的
12. propellant adj.推进的
n. 推进物,火药
13. velocity n.速度,速率,迅速
optimal control system within limits imposed by physical constraints是并 列宾语。连词that引导的宾语从句作介 词in的宾语。
(2) In solving problems of optimal control systems, we may have the goal of finding a rule for determining the present control decision, subject to certain constraints which will minimize some measure of a deviation from ideal behavior.

1093 The gear and screw pumps are classified as ____ 齿轮泵和螺杆泵都属于容积式泵。 A. variable stroke pumps D. triple-ported pumps B. multistage pumps C. positive displacement pumps
1110 As for a hydraulic single action vane pump, the inner wall of the stator is usually of ______ shape.对于液压单作用叶片泵,静子的内壁通常是圆形。 A. circular B. elliptical C. rectangular D. hexagon
1105 The amount of fluid delivered by a positive displacement pump can be regulated by _____对于容积式泵,排量只能通过改变转子的速度来调节。 A. throttling the pressure line B. changing the speed of the driving rotor C. either A or B D. None of the above is true.
1090 B 1091 A 1092 A 1093 C
1095 A gear pump belongs to _______ according to its working principle. 根据工作原理,齿轮泵属于容积式泵。
A. reciprocating pumps
C. centrifugal pumps
1109 Throttling in the ______ line of a centrifugal pump involves the risk of the pump 1110 1111 cavitation.对于离心式泵,节流吸人管路,会产生气蚀危险。 A. suction B. exhaust C. pressure D. discharge
轮机英语 Marine Engineering English

轮机英语- 轮机工程原理(英文版)Principles of Marine Engineering2010. 10ContentsContents (2)1 Main propulsion plant (篇标题) (3)1.1 Ships and machinery (章标题) (3)1.2 Diesel engine (9)1.3 Shaft and propellers (46)2 Marine auxiliary machinery (55)2.1 boilers (55)2.2 Pumps (55)2.3 Refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation (55)2.4 Pollution prevention devices (55)2.5 Centrifugal separator and fresh water generator (55)2.6 Deck machinery (55)3 Electrical equipment and automatic control (56)3.1 Alternating current generators (56)3.2 Main switchboard and distribution system (56)3.3 Marine electrical equipment (56)3.4 Marine automatic control (56)4 Watch keeping and equipment operation (57)4.1 operation procedures (57)4.2 Safety operation (57)4.3 Stores and spare parts (57)4.4 Shipp repair and docking (57)4.5 Pollution prevention operation and Port State Control (57)5 International conventions and regulations (58)5.1 STCW (58)5.2 MAPROL (58)5.3 SOLAS (58)5.4 ISM (58)5.5 ISPS (58)6 Marine business writing (59)6.1 Engine log book (59)6.2 Repair list (59)6.3 Store order and spare parts requisition form (59)6.4 Accident report (59)6.5 Engineer’s reports, letters, faxes and emails (59)Index ............................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

In order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS (Unattended Machinery Spaces 无 人 机 舱 ) operation, certain essential functions must be provided.
Jimei university
Low pressure is monitored at the common inlet to the engine with alarm and slowdown or shut down of the main engine.
Jimei university
In some cases there may be an alarm only for low pressure on all supplies other than to the main bearings, with alarm and shut down only on these.
Jimei university
Modern engine room has machinery control rooms from where every possible operation will be performed remotely.
Jimei university
The operation state and parameters of working condition of machines can be recorded, displayed and controlled automatically or manually in the rooms.

10. For totally enclosed machines with coolers, see that the water is flowing through the cooler, and determine that there is no l e a k a g e o f w a t e r . Shut the heaters off (if furnished)
17. Be certain that the voltages of the bus and the incoming generator are still equal, and close the generator circuit breaker(合闸) just before the synchroscope pointer passes very slowly through the zero position (pointing vertically upwards).
Lesson 28
Parallel operation of generators • (发电机的并联运行)
Three phases alternators arranged for parallel operation require a considerable amount of instrumentations(仪表).
A pointer(指针) is free to rotate and is moved by the magnetic effect(磁 效应) of the two windings.
When the two voltage supplies are in phase the pointer is stationary (固定的,静止的) in the 12 o’clock position.
轮机英语教学课件(02) Diesel Engine Construction (I)

Generator 发电机
What are the main parts of a diesel engine?
A diesel engine mainly consists of two parts: the moving parts and the fixed parts.
liners bolted together? 22. Why are there some holes on each
cylinder cover?
8. What is A-shaped frame also called? 9. What is there at the top of the A-frames? 10. How is the scavenging air box built? 11. What’s the function of the chain
PC cylinder liner
5. In the part of the cylinders inside the scavenging air box, there is a series of openings (known as scavenging air ports). Theses ports are located at such a height that they are just exposed by the upper edge of the piston when the piston is in the bottom dead center position.
1. bedplate n. 机座
The main engine is fixed on the bedplate.

Emergency procedures
Familiarity with emergency procedures such as firefighting, conflict avoidance, and man overboard recovery
Ship emergency response
Safe operation
Explain the working principle of ship pipeline systems, including fluid flow, pressure transfer, etc.
Working principle
Introduce the daily maintenance and upkeep methods of ship pipeline systems, as well as the diagnosis and troubleshooting of common faults.
Working principle: Explain the working principle of ship electrical equipment, including electromagnetic induction, circuit analysis, etc.
Ship electrical equipment
Category Introduction: Introduce the types of ship pipeline systems, such as fuel pipelines, lubricating oil pipelines, cooling water pipelines, etc., as well as their characteristics and usage scenarios.
轮机英语UNIT2 how does a diesel engine work

At this low speed the engine requires no reduction gearbox between it and propeller.
The four-stroke engine (usually rotating at medium speed, between 250 to 750 rev/min) is used for alternators and sometimes for main propulsion with a gearbox to provide a propeller speed of between 90 to 120 rev/min.
The burning of the fuel adds more heat to the air charge, causing it to expand(膨胀) (膨胀) and force the engine piston to do work on the crankshaft(曲 ( 轴) which in turn drives the ship’s propeller(螺旋桨 螺旋桨). 螺旋桨
Fuel injector Cylinder Piston
Exhaust port
Scavenge port
Connecting rod Crank
Scavenge (a)
Compression (b)
Injection (c)
Exhaust (d)
The two-stroke cycle begins with the piston coming up from the bottom of its stroke, i.e. bottom dead center (BDC), with the air inlet ports or scavenge ports(扫气口 in the 扫气口) 扫气口 sides of the cylinder being opened (Fig. 1-a)).
轮机英语教学课件(22) Air Conditioning System

分析:该句主语是air circulation , 谓语是is effected , In a typical marine pattern self-contained unit是状语, by means of…为方式状语, of的宾语有两 个,“ a centrifugal fan, and a direct expansion cooler”,“ for quiet running”为目的状语, “ served by a hermetic compressor”是cooler 的后置定语。
Oily water mixture Catch plates
Filter unit
100 p.p.m or less
Fine separating compartment
Separator unit
Oil Pollution Prevention
1. The first source is reduced by the discharge of tank washings to a slop tank for settling, and discharged of the water while retaining the load on top for pumping shore to the refinery.
Oil Pollution Prevention
4.Coalescence is the breakdown of surface tension between oil droplets in an oil/water mixture, which causes them to join and increase in size.
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8. Also the bridge watchkeeper must be made aware of any machinery fault, that the fault is being attended to and that it has been rectified.
the initial movement actuating the starting sequence on air为独立主格结构, 译文为:其初始动作是按起动顺序进空气
when a pre-set r/min has been reached 为时间状语从句,译为当达到预定转数时。
4. Subsequent movement of the lever operates a servo-mechanism which adjusts the speed setting lever on the engine and which is in turn connected to the governor.
sensor, the difference between these two signals being the r/min deviation from the required.
r/min: revolution per minute每分钟转 数
desired value signals for engine r/min 作主语,柴油机每分钟转数
are transmitted为被动语态,作谓语。
from the bridge control position or engine room remote control position 介词短语作状语, 本短语译为驾驶台控制室或机舱集控室。
with the measured value signal from a propeller shaft speed sensor作状语,与螺旋 桨轴速度传感器测得的转速信号
Here “whilst” is a conjunction which connects the first two sentences with the last one.
“for unattended machinery space vessels” is an adverbial. In Chinese:至于无人机舱
sson 29
I. Phrases:
1. three-term controller 2. a load limiting device 3. control position 4. sensor 5. error signal 6. adjust the fuel racks 7. a servo-mechanism
the interlock, check circuits, a programmer三个并列,用and连接,作 by的宾语。
allows the maximum acceleration to commensurate with safe operational requirements of the engine: allow sb./sth.to do sth.
programme: Vt.为…编制程序,使按程序工 作
programmes the increase in power :使 功率的增加按程序进行。
Full Ahead:全速前进 Full Away: 定速运行
excessive power demands ,propeller cavitation, critical speed slipping为三 个并列的成分,有and 连接。
make sb.aware of / that:使某人意识到
of any machinery fault, that the fault is being attended to, that it has been rectified,这三个并列,用and连接。
attend to:照料,注意
全句译为:还必须使驾驶台值班人员意识到发 生的任何机械故障,包括正在检修的和已经 排除的故障。
3. The lever is then moved in a vertical slot, the initial movement
actuating the starting sequence on air and when a pre-set r/min has been reached the air is tripped and fuel applied.
which is in turn connected to the governor 作定语,修饰the speed setting lever,译文:
5. The starting sequence is monitored by the interlock and check circuits shown, and a programmer, this allows the maximum acceleration to commensurate with safe operational requirements of the engine whilst manoeuvring but prevents engine overloading.
2. Electronic, electro-pneumatic, electro-hydraulic and pneumatic systems may be used for signal transmission and fuel rack operation.
信号的传送及油门的操纵可用电动系统、电 气系统、电液系统以及气动系统来实现。
subsequent movement of the lever 操纵 杆的随后移动,在本句中作主语。
operate 操纵,在本句中作谓语。 a servo-mechanism 伺服机构,为宾语。
which adjusts the speed setting lever on the engine 定语修饰a servomechanism
in a vertical slot:垂直方向的槽内。在本句 中作地点状语
in a horizontal slot:水平方向的槽内
本句是并列句,中间用and 连接。第一句为 The lever is then moved in a vertical slot, the initial movement actuating the starting sequence on air ,第二句 为when a pre-set r/min has been reached the air is tripped and fuel applied.
8. a check circuit 9. programmer 10. commensurate with… 11. delay 12. direction of rotation indicator 13. be / make aware of… 14. stuff
II. Analysis of long and difficult sentences:
“independent of the bridge control system” is an attributive which modifies “an emergency stop control system”. And the Chinese translation for this subject is :
according to the desires of the ship owner and manufacturer:根据船舶主人 与制造商的要求,在本句中作状语。
The subject of the second sentence is also “bridge instrumentation”, so the full sentence is:
these two signals refers to desired value signals and the measured value signal
the difference between these two signals being the r/min deviation from the required为独立主格结构。本短 语可译为两者间的差就是与给定值的转数差。
but bridge instrumentation is required to include r/min indicator, direction of rotation indicator and starting air pressure:但驾驶台 指示仪表必须含有转数指示器、转向指示器和起动 空气压力表。
使最大加速与 柴油机安全运转的要求相适应
whilst manoeuvring:while manoeuvring, 作时间状语,在操纵时。
prevents engine overloading与allows the maximum acceleration to commensurate with safe operational requirements of the engine whilst manoeuvring 并列,用了but连 接。