
全国2009年4月高等教育自学考试国际商务英语试题课程代码:05844I. Translate the following words and expressions: (10%)(i) From English into Chinese:1. usance credit2. certificate of origin3. intermediate products4. compensation trade5. securities(ii) From Chinese into English:6.经济一体化7.母公司8.还盘9.保兑行10.充分就业II. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right: (5%)()11. preference a. a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports orexports of a commodity()12. mandate b. a practical advantage given to one over others ()13. quota c. social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of acontracting party()14. affiliate d. authority given to perform a duty()15. force majeure e. a business concern owned or controlledin whole or in part byanother concernIII. Make brief explanations of the following terms and give thefull name of the abbreviation in English: (20%)16. gross domestic product (GDP)17. direct exchange rate18. bill of exchange19. insurable interest20. ICCIV. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list (You can only choose 10 from the following 12 words in the square): (10%)Historically, counter trade was mainly conducted in the form of (21) ________, which is a direct exchange of goods of approximately(22)________ value between parties, with no (23) ________ involved. Such transactions were the very essence of business at times during which no money — that is, no common medium of (24)________ —existed or was available. Over time, money emerged as a convenient (25)________ that unlinked transactions from individual parties and their joint timing and (26)________ permitted greater flexibility in trading activities. Repeatedly, however, we can see returns to the barter system as a (27)________ of environment circumstances. Conditions that encourage such business activities are (28) of money, lack of value of or faith (29) ________ money, lack of acceptability of money as an exchange medium, or greater ease of transaction(30)________ using goods.V. Translate the following into English: (25%)31. 就出口商的利益而言,即期付款交单比远期付款交单有利。

《英语国家概况》考试及答案《英语国家概况》考试及答案————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————⽇期:I. Choose the correct answer from the options given: (20 points, 1 point each)1. Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London ?A. The cultural centre.B. The business centre.C. The financial centre.D. The sports centre.2. Which of the following is NOT true about the characteristics of Britain ?A. Economic differences between north and south.B. Differences of social systems between Scotland and Wales.C. Class differences between a white-collar worker and a blue-collar worker.D. Cultural differences between immigrants and the British.3. In 1969, the first British soldiers were seen on Northern Ireland Street They came first _______.A. to maintain traffic order in Northern IrelandB. to protect the Catholic peopleC. to protect the Protestant peopleD. to replace the Royal Ulster Constabulary since they were unable to keep social Order4. In the early 1970s, the IRA _________.A. killed many Protestants and CatholicsB. burned down the houses of Catholics’C. murdered individuals at randomD. carried out a series of bombing and shooting and attacked the security forces as their main target5. Why did the British government decide to replace the Power-Sharing policy with “direct-rule” from London ?A. The Power-Sharing policy was not accepted by the majority of Protestants.B. The Northern Irish Parliament could not govern the province effectively.C. The Power-Sharing policy couldn’t be carried out.D. All the above.6. Which group of people can NOT vote in the general election ?A. Members in the House of Commons.B. Lords in the House of Lords.C. The major parties.D. The UK resident citizens of the Irish Republic.7. How many seats in the House of Commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election ?A. 651B. 326C. 626D. 3518. Which government lost a vote of no confidence and was forced to resign in 1979 ?A. The Conservative government.B. The Liberal government.C. The Labour government.D. The radical government.9. Which of the following books is written by Geoffrey Chaucer ?A. The Canterbury Tales.B. Beowulf.C. The Ulster Cycle.D. Morte D’Arthur.10. Among the following writers, who was NOT one of the great trio ?A. Ben Johnson.B. Geoffrey Chaucer.C. William Shakespeare.D. Christopher Marlowe.11. Which of the following was the most famous Scottish novelist ?A. D.H. Lawrence.B. Charles Dickens.C. Robert L. Stevenson.D. Walter Scott.12. Which of the following has nothing to do with Easter ?A. Rabbits.B. Haggis.C. Chicks.D. Eggs.13. Which of the following is true about the Guy Fawkes Night ?A. It is celebrated by Scottish people in November.B. It is celebrated by English people in November.C. It is celebrated by Scottish people in August.D. It is celebrated by English people in August.14. Which of the following is true about the Gunpowder Plot ?A. It was planned to kill the Protestant king and replace him with a Catholic king.B. It was planned to kill the Catholic king and replace him with a Protestant king.C. It was planned to kill King Billy and replace him with King James II.D. It was planned to kill King James II and replace him with King Billy.15. Which of the following is true under Thatcher’s administration ?A. The proportion of owner-occupation decreased.B. Public housing became more important.C. Many public houses were sold to the people.D. The UK became more European-like in its housing arrangements.16. Which of the following about class system in the UK is NOT true ?A. People of different classes tend to read different kinds of newspaper.B. Class-division is only decided by people’s income.C. Though social advancement is possible, class affects a person’s life-chances.D. The way people speak identifies themselves to particular class.17. The British media have many important functions. Which of the following is an exception ?A. They supply people with news, keeping them informed about what is happening in the world.B. They make huge profit by publishing advertisements.C. They promote culture and education.D. They provide entertainment.18. A free press is considered very important to the functioning of parliamentary democracy because _________.A. it plays a watchdog function, keeping an eye on the governmentB. it informs people about current affairs in the worldC. it provides people with subjective reportsD. it publishes short pamphlets for Parliament19. The state that had the first British settlement is __________.A. QueenslandB. New south WalesC. Western AustraliaD. Victoria20. The federal government and the state governments are formed by ________.A. the party chosen by the Governor-GeneralB. the party that has the most votesC. the party that has the majority of the House of RepresentativesD. the party that has the majority of the SenateII. True or false: (20 points, 1 point each) (A = T; B = F)21. London is not only the largest city in Britain, but also the largest in the world.22. The Tower of London, a historical sight, located in the centre of London, was builtby King Harold.23. Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland.24. British government offers the Queen high political status and supreme power.25. British government is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.26. Britain has no written form of Constitution.27. In 1215, King Egbert united England under his rule.28. By the 1880s the British economy was dominant in the world.29. The UK economy is thought of as one of decline because Britain is poorer and producing less than it was in 1945.30. In Britain, "Football hooligans" sometimes have violent clashes.31. Attending the Grand National was an activity in Shakespeare's time.32. Football was invented by Scottish people.33. In Britain people can go to the open university without having any formal educational qualifications.34. The University of Edinburgh is a privately funded university in Britain.35. The main government department such as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office also involves in making Britain's foreign policy.36. According to the author, Britain is a parliamentary democracy, so the government's foreign policy in theory represents the desires of its electorate.37. Australia is the world’s smallest continent and largest island.38. Green and gold became the national colors formally in 1984.39. The famous thermal region is on the North Island.40. In 1975, the Waitangi Tribunal was set up to receive complaints from Maoripeople and to address the mistakes made in the past by the European settlers.英语国家概况(1)试题答案第⼀卷I. Choose the best answer: (20 分,每⼩题1 分)1. (A)2. (D)3. (C)4. (D)5. (B)6. (A)7. (B)8. (B)9. (C) 10. (A)11.(A) 12.(C) 13. (D) 14. (A) 15. (C) 16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (B) 20.(A)II. True or false: (20 分,每⼩题1 分)21.(B) 22.(B) 23.(A) 24.(B) 25.(A) 26. (A) 27. (B) 28. (A) 29. (B) 30. (A)31.(B) 32.(B) 33.(A) 34.(B) 35.(A) 36. (A) 37.(A) 38. (A) 39.(A) 40. (A)第⼆卷I. Fill in the blanks: (22 分,每空2 分)1. (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)2. (overrule the parliament)3. (Prime Minister)4. (The National Health Service)5. (Football Association Cup)6. (Guy Fawkes Night)7. (the UN Security Council)8. (Reading news papers, listening to radio)9. (God Save the Queen)10. (the House of Representatives)11. (New Zealanders having European ancestry)II. Answer the following questions: (18 分,每题2 分)1. The Normans under William of Normandy conquered England.2. It consists of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.3. They are Conservative party, Labor party and the Liberal Democrats.4. They are primary industries, secondary industries and tertiary industries.5. Because they hope their children can receive better education so that they can get intobetter universities or find a better job.6. It is influenced by its imperial history, its geopolitical traits and its relationship with theUS.7. It stands for the British Broadcasting Corporation.8. Because Britain needed new places to transform its criminals.9. They are Britain and other European countries and the US..III. Explain the following in English: (20 分,每⼩题4 分)1. They were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5thcentury. They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders ofEngland.2. It’s a statement put forward by an MP for the House of Commons to vote on saying that “This house no longer has confidence in the Government”. If the government loses a “vote of no confidence” it is forced to resign and call a general election.3. The Romantic Movement started at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the19th century. The spirit of Romanism places emphasis on nature, originality, theemotional and personal. The great poets then are Keats, Shelley and Wordsworth.4. Comprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools in Britain today. Suchschools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education.5. The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up of mostly offormer British colonies. It was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sortof support network.。

I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For ea chunfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C andD are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1. The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based o nthe theory of ____.A. Adam Smith A. Adam Smith B B . John Maynard KeynesC. Margaret ThatcherD. Karl Marx2. In the 1970s Britain maintained the _____ growth rate and the _____ inflation 通货膨胀通货膨胀 rate among the developed countries. rate among the developed countries.A. lowest/lowestB. highest/highestC. lowest/highestD. highest/lowest3. Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experienced _______.A. economic recession A. economic recession B B . economic expansionC. economic declineD. economic depression4. In Britain service industries account for about ____ of its gross domes tic product (GDP).tic product (GDP).国内生产总值国内生产总值国内生产总值A. one-third A. one-third B B . two-thirdsC. three-fifthsD. four-fifths5. The following are the reasons why British coal mining is today called a"sick" industry except _____.存款,定金A. Britain has used up almost all coal depositsBritain has used up almost all coal deposits 存款,定金存款,定金B. the demand for British coal has declinedC. petroleum, water power, and electric power are replacing coal formany purposesD. the old British mines are narrow and deep, making it difficult tosue machines fro mining.6. Which of the following is not true of British iron and steel industry?A. Britain's steel industry is declining.B. No more new discoveries of iron ore have been found in Britain.C. Supplies of iron ore are now mostly foreign.D. Compared with newer plants in the world, Britain's steelworks arenot efficient.is world famous for _____.劳斯莱斯 is world famous for _____.7. Rolls-Royce劳斯莱斯A. machine toolsB. household appliances昂贵的汽车C. luxury automobilesluxury automobiles 昂贵的汽车昂贵的汽车D. high-quality knives and hand tools8. Why is it that Britain today imports more clothing than it exports?A. British clothing is of poor quality.B. Britain does not grow cotton.C. Many countries with lower costs can produce clothing more cheaply than the British can.D. Britain has a highly developed transportation system.9. The area between _____ and ______ is now often referred to as the "Silicon Glen". "Silicon Glen". 硅谷硅谷硅谷A. London/South WalesB. the Oxford/the CambridgeC. London/the Cambridge C. London/the CambridgeD.D. Glasgow 格拉斯哥格拉斯哥/Edinburgh /Edinburgh /Edinburgh 爱丁堡爱丁堡爱丁堡10. Which of the following is not true of Britain's agriculture?A. British farming is highly mechanized.B. Agriculture in Britain is intensive.C. British farming is very efficient.D. Britain's agriculture can produce enough food for its people.11. Which area is called the Garden of England and is famous for beautifu l blossoms in spring?A . The county of Kent 肯特英国东南部肯特英国东南部 in southeastern England. in southeastern England.B. The county of East Sussex in southern England.C. The county of West Sussex in southern England.D. The county of Essex in eastern England.12. Britain once imported chiefly _____ and exported mostly ______.A. manufactured products/raw materialsB. raw materials/manufactured products raw materials/manufactured products 工业产品工业产品工业产品C. foods/mineralsD. minerals/foods13. Britain's leading customers and suppliers are France, Germany and _____.A. JapanB. BelgiumC. the Netherlands C. the NetherlandsD.D. the United States14. Which of the following is not true of Britain's foreign trade?A. The value of Britain's exports of goods usually exceeds the value of its imports.B. The value of Britain's imports of goods usually exceeds B. The value of Britain's imports of goods usually exceeds 超出超出the value of its exports.C. Manufactured goods now account for about 85% of British imports and about 80% of its exports.D. Most of the United Kingdom's trade is with other developedcountries,especially other members of the European union .15. The European union (EU) is an organization of 15 _____ that promote scooperation among its members.A. European countriesB. developed countriesC. Western European countriesD. Southern European countries16. Which of the following is not true of the European union ?A. The United States is also a member of the EU.B. The members of the EU cooperate in many areas, including politics and economics.C. The EU is a major economic unit.D. The combined value of the union 's imports and exports is greater than that of any single country in the world.17. Headquarters of the European union are in ______.A. Paris, FranceB. London, BritainC. Berlin, Germany C. Berlin, GermanyD.D. Brussels, Brussels,布鲁塞尔布鲁塞尔布鲁塞尔 Belgium Belgium Belgium 比利时比利时比利时18. _____ started as a trading post of the Roman Empire about AD 43.A. The City of Westminster A. The City of Westminster B B . The City of LondonC. West End of LondonD. East End of London19. Today, the City of London is the business center of London where _____are located.A. big supermarketsB. theatres and cinemasC. large financial organizationsD. restaurants and cafes20. What is Lloyd'20. What is Lloyd'劳合社劳合社s?A. It is a famous bank.B. It is a big department store.C. It is a famous insurance company.D. It is a large hotel.1.B2.C3.B4.B5.A6.B7.C8.C9.D 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.CI. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For e achunfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C andD are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1. Traditional farming involved the open field village, a system that date d back to the ____century.A. 4th A. 4th B B . 5thC. 6thD. 7th2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The open field system provided a good opportunity to experiment.B. The open field system wasted land.C. The open field system was wasteful of labor and time.D. The open field system made livestock farming difficult.3. Which of the following statements is NOT considered a characteristic o f farming in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?A. Use of artificial fertilizer.B. Introduction of new agricultural machinery.C. The 'Open-field' system.D. A system of crop rotation.4. Land enclosure 圈地圈地 was a disaster for the ____evicted was a disaster for the ____evicted 收回财产收回财产 from thei from thei r land by the enclosures.A. landlords A. landlordsB. B. tenants tenants 承租人承租人承租人C. farmersD. wage laborers5. In Ireland and Scottish Highlands land enclosure led to mass emigratio n, particularly to ____.A. AfricaB. Eastern EuropeC. Asia C. AsiaD.D. The New World6. By the early 19th century, Britain had a road network of some ____mile s. s. 英里英里英里A. 115,000B. 120,000C . 125,000 D. 130,0007. In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections befor e____.A . 1918 B. 1920C. 1928D. 19458. In 1836 a group of ____and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men's Association.A. householdersB. tenantsC. skilled workersD. office workers9. The six points of the People's Charter 人民宪章人民宪章 were achieved graduall were achieved graduall y over the period of ____, although the sixth has never been practical. y over the period of ____, although the sixth has never been practical. 可实施可实施的A. 1836-1848B. 1842-1848C. 1848-1908C. 1848-1908D. D. 1858-191810. Parliament passed the Combination Acts 联盟行动联盟行动 of 1799-1800 to forbi of 1799-1800 to forbi d the formation d the formation 形成形成of ____.A. a new governmentB. societiesC. communes C. communes D D . union s11. The Labor Party 劳动党劳动党 had its origins in the ____, which was formed i had its origins in the ____, which was formed i n January,1893.A. Independent Labor PartyB. Grand National Consolidated Trade unionC. Amalgamated Society of EngineersD. Trade union Congress12. Thanks to the militant feminist movement 基金女权主义运动基金女权主义运动 of the ____le of the ____le d by Mrs. Pankhurst before the First World War, votes were granted to women ove r 30 in 1918.A. LudditesB. Suffragettes Suffragettes 男女平等主义者男女平等主义者男女平等主义者C. ChartistsD. Levellers13. The spark of the First World War was struck at Sarajevo 13. The spark of the First World War was struck at Sarajevo 萨拉热窝萨拉热窝on Jun e 28, ____, when the Austrian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand 弗朗茨·费迪南德 wa s assassinated by 暗杀暗杀 a Serbian nationalist. a Serbian nationalist. a Serbian nationalist. 塞尔维亚民族主义者塞尔维亚民族主义者塞尔维亚民族主义者A. 1913B. 1914C. 1915D. 191614. As a result of the First World War settlement the ____was establishe d in 1920.A. League of Nations 国际联盟国际联盟B. British CommonwealthC. British East India CompanyD. United Nations15. After World War I political unrest 15. After World War I political unrest 不安不安in Britain led to ____general elections elections 大选大选in just over 5 years.A. 2B. 3C . 4 D. 516. The Blitz 闪电战闪电战 radically radically 根本上根本上 changed the face of London for the fir changed the face of London for the fir st time since ____nearly 3 centuries earlier.A. the Black Death A. the Black Death B B . the Great FireC. the Civil WarD. the Great Plague17. The foundations of ____was laid in the late 1940s, providing free medi cal care for everyone and financial help for the old, the sick and the unemployed.A . the welfare state . the welfare state 福利国家福利国家福利国家B. the National Health ServiceC. the compulsory educationD. the Women's Liberation Movement18. In the 1960s Pop music underwent a revolution when the Beatles became world famous and turned their hometown of ____into a place of pilgrimage. world famous and turned their hometown of ____into a place of pilgrimage. 圣地圣地圣地A. ManchesterB. BlackpoolC. Liverpool 利物浦利物浦D. Sheffield D. Sheffield19. The 1970s saw the growth of ___in Wales and Scotland.A. liberalismB. MarxismC. chauvinismD. nationalism20. Margaret Thatcher玛格丽特·撒切尔believed in the following except___ _.A. self-relianceB. the strengthening of trade union sthe strengthening of trade union s 公会公会公会C. privatizationD. the use of monetary policies to control inflation1.B2.A3.C4.B5.D6.C7. A8.C9. D 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B1. There are some ____ universities, including the Open University in Britain.A. 70B. 80C. 90D. 1002. Some _____ per cent of secondary schools in England are grant-maintained(GM) self-governing schools.A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 253. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the ____ centuries.A. 12th and 13thB. 13th and 14thC. 14th and 15thD. 15th and 16th4. Over ____ science parks have been set up by higher education institutio nsin conjunction with industrial scientists and technologists.A. 10B. 20C. 30D. 405. With about _____ daily and Sunday newspapers published nationwide, the British public reads more newspapers than virtually any other country inthe world.A. 110B. 120C. 130D. 1406. The BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide, using English and ____ other languages.A. 37B. 38C. 39D. 407. In summer there are open-air theatres, including one in London's Regent 'sPark, where ____ are performed, and the Minack Theatre, which is an open cliffside near Land's End in Cornwall.A. William Shakespeare's playsB. Christopher Marlowe's playsC. Ben Johnson's playsD. George Bernard Shaw's plays8. Pantomime is a kind of play based on a traditional fairy tale and per- formed ____.A. at EasterB. on New Year's DayC. on St. Patrick's DayD. at Christmas time9. Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Drama takes place for a period of 3 to 4 weeks between ____ when Edinburgh becomes a center ofcultural activity.A. July and AugustB. August and SeptemberC. September and OctoberD. October and November10. In ____ each year the National Film Theatre hosts the London Film Fes -tival, at which some 250 new films from all over the world are screened.A. SeptemberB. OctoberC. NovemberD. December1. C2. B3. A4. D5. C6. B7. A8. D9. B 10. C1. The National Health Service was established in the United Kingdom in_____.A. 1946B. 1947C. 1948D. 19492. Prescription charges do not apply to the following people except ____.A. self-employed peopleB. child under 16C. war and armed forces disablement pensionersD. women aged 60 and over and men aged 65 and over3. NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades, as a result of which many ______ people have been turning to private medical health care. A. working class B. elderlyC. educatedD. better-off4. Britain ahs about ______ million adults with one or more disabilities, ofwhom around 7 percent live in communal establishments.A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 75. Most pregnant working women receive their statutory maternity pay direc tlyfrom their employer for a maximum of _____ weeks.A. 17B. 18C. 19D. 206. The Church of England is not free to change its form of worship, as laiddown in _____ without the consent of Parliament.A. the Bill of RightsB. the Provisions of OxfordC. the Constitutions of ClarendonD. the Book of Common Prayer7. The position of the Church of Scotland was defined in the Treaty of uni on ,1707, and further safeguarded by the Church of Scotland Act, ______.A. 1921B. 1922C. 1923D. 19248. The Salvation Army is served by 1,800 officers (ordained ministers) andruns more than _____ worship centers.A. 500B. 1,000C. 1,500D. 2,0009. At Christmas, the home is decorated with the following except _____.A. colorful paper chainsB. leaves of holly and mistletoeC. a young fir-treeD. firecrackers10. Easter is traditionally associated with the following except ____.A. the resurrection of ChristB. the eating of Easter eggsC. the custom of giving presentsD. the coming of spring1. C2. A3. D4. C5. B6. D7. A8. B9. D 10. CI. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For ea chunfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C andD are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements oranswers the question.1. The first known settlers of Britain were the ____.A. CeltsB. IberiansC. Beaker FolkD. Romans2. The Celts' religion was ____.A. BuddhismB. IslamC. DruidismD. Christianity3. Roman control was only effective in ____.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. LondonD. The southeast of Britain4. Christianity was first brought to England by the ____.A. RomansB. CeltsC. Anglo-SaxonsD. Danes5. The Romans remained in control of Britain for nearly 400 years and theypulled out in ____.A. 306 ADB. 410 ADC. 446 ADD. 1066 AD6. Which of the following tribes came to Britain first?A. The Angles.B. The Saxons.C. The Gaels.D. The Jutes.7. ____ became the first real king of England, though he did not assume thatstyle.A. OffaB. EgbertC. VortigernD. Hengist8. ____ became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.A. ColumbaB. EthelbertC. St. AugustineD. Egbert9. The Vikings began to attack various parts of England from the end of the____century.A. 7thB. 8thC. 9thD.10th10. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?A. The Anglo-Saxons.B. The Normans.C. The Vikings.D. The Romans11. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Alfred the Great started the English navy.B. Alfred the Great reorganized the Saxon any, making it moreefficient.C. Alfred the Great established schools and formulated a legal System.D. Alfred the Great impose a tax, called the Danegeld, on the Saxons.12. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Canute was chosen by the Witan as king of England.B. Canute was a warrior king and fought many battles against theNormans.C. Canute divided power between Danes and Saxons.D. Canute forced Malcolm II, king of the Scots, to recognize him asoverlord.13. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Edward the Confessor was more French than English.B. Edward the Confessor filled his court with 'foreign' favorites.C. Edward the Confessor was on very good terms with his father-in-law,Earl Godwin.D. Edward the Confessor appointed a Norman priest Archbishop ofCanterbury.14. When Edward the Confessor died, ____was chosen by the Witan as king OfEngland.A. the king of NorwayB. Harold Godwinson, Earl of WessexC. Edgar, Edward's nephewD. Tostig, the deposed Earl of Northumbria15. Tostig, Harold's brother, joined____, and made an attempt to recover hislost earldom of Northumbria.A. Harold Hardrada, King of NorwayB. Edgar, Edward's nephewC. Malcolm II, King of the ScotsD. Hardicanute16. William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle ofHastings in____.A. 1086B. 1066C. 1035D. 138117. William won the Battle of Hastings. Later, on____, he was crowned king ofEngland.A. Easter DayB. St. Andrew's DayC. Christmas DayD. Boxing Day18. William, Duke of Normandy, is now known as____.A. William the ConfessorB. William Lion-HeartC. the father of the British navyD. William the Conqueror19. Most of the land belonging to the Saxons was confiscated by William andgiven to____.A. the Norman baronsB. the DanesC. the IrishD. the Scots20. The Norman Conquest is perhaps ____event in English history.A. a triflingB. the best-knownC. a horrifyingD. a sensational1. B2. C3. D4. A5. B6. C7. B8. C9. B l0.A 11. D 12.B l3.C l4. B l5. A 16. B 17. C l8.D 19. A 20. BPart of BritainI. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each un finished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C andD are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1. The United Kingdom is located in ____.A. northern EuropeB. western EuropeC. northwestern EuropeD. southeastern Europe2. The two large islands that make up the British Isles are ____.A. Scotland and IrelandB. Britain and ScotlandC. Great Britain and Northern IrelandD. Great Britain and Ireland3. The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or theCommonwealth of Nations in ____.A. 1921B. 1931C. 1945D. 19504. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries____.A. that were once colonies of BritainB. that have a large number of British immigrantsC. that have close relations with BritainD. that have fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars5. The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from ____.A. DenmarkB. BelgiumC. FranceD. the Netherlands6. England has three main land regions. They are the Southwestern Plateau,the Pennines, and ___.A. the Eastern PlainB. the HighlandC. the Central LowlandsD. the Southern Uplands7. Scotland occupies the ____ third of the island of Great Britain in the British Isles.A. southernB. northernC. easternD. western8. Northern Ireland, which takes up the northern fifth of Ireland, is a fourth political division of ____.A. the United KingdomB. IrelandC. ScotlandD. Wales9. Britain’s longest rivers are ____. 9. Britain’s longest rivers are ____.A. the Severn and the ClydeB. the Thames and the ClydeC. the Clyde and the HumberD. the Severn and the Thames10. The largest lake in the British Isles is ____.A. Loch LomondB. Loch NeaghC. WindermereD. Ullswater11. Britain’s climate is influenced by____, a warm o 11. Britain’s climate is influenced by____, a warm ocean current that passes cean current that passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.A. the North Atlantic DriftB. the Brazil CurrentC. the Labrador CurrentD. the Falkland Current12. The English people and the English language were born from the unionof ____.A. the Angles and the SaxonsB. Germanic conquerors and the Norman FrenchC. Danes or Vikings and the Norman FrenchD. Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons13. Generally speaking the English southerners speak the type of Englishcloser to ____.B. the Queen’s EnglishA. the CockneyB. the Queen’s EnglishC. the GaelicD. the BBC English14. Although Wales has been united with England for more than 400 years, theWelsh has kept alive ____.A. their own languageB. their own literatureC. their own traditionD. All of the above15. The Eisteddfod is a(n) ____ festival of poetry, music and other arts.A. EnglishB. ScottishC. WelshD. Irish16. Nowadays the Gaelic language, which is an ancient____, is still heard inthe Highlands and the Western Isles.A. Scottish languageB. English languageC. Irish languageD. Celtic language17. Many Scottish names begin w 17. Many Scottish names begin with M’, Mc or Mac, which means__ ith M’, Mc or Mac, which means__ ith M’, Mc or Mac, which means__A. father ofB. sun ofC. son ofD. some of18. In Northern Ireland ____ make up the dominant group.A. Roman CatholicsB. English ProtestantsC. non-religious peopleD. Jewish people19. Northern Ireland is small, but it is significant because of the__A. the economic problemsB. the political troublesC. the immigration issuesD. the national identity20. About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War ll. They are mainly from the West Indies, India and____.A. IndonesiaB. SingaporeC. Hong KongD. Pakistankey 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B1l.A 12.D 13.D l4.D 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.D。

英语国家概况试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语作为官方语言的国家不包括以下哪个国家?A. 美国B. 澳大利亚C. 法国D. 英国答案:C2. 英语国家中,哪个国家的首都是渥太华?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:B3. 英语国家中,哪个国家的国旗是米字旗?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:C4. 英语国家中,哪个国家被称为“枫叶之国”?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚5. 英语国家中,哪个国家的人口数量最多?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:A6. 英语国家中,哪个国家是英联邦成员国?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:B7. 英语国家中,哪个国家是联合国安全理事会常任理事国之一?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:C8. 英语国家中,哪个国家的货币单位是美元?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:A9. 英语国家中,哪个国家的国歌是《天佑女王》?B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:C10. 英语国家中,哪个国家是世界面积第二大的国家?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语国家中,______的国花是玫瑰。
答案:英国2. 英语国家中,______的国鸟是鸸鹋。
答案:澳大利亚3. 英语国家中,______的国石是钻石。
答案:加拿大4. 英语国家中,______的国树是橡树。
答案:美国5. 英语国家中,______的国花是枫叶。
答案:加拿大6. 英语国家中,______的国花是玫瑰。
答案:英国7. 英语国家中,______的国鸟是鹰。
答案:美国8. 英语国家中,______的国石是蓝宝石。
答案:英国9. 英语国家中,______的国树是雪松。
答案:澳大利亚10. 英语国家中,______的国花是玫瑰。
答案:英国三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 简述英语国家中,美国的文化特点。

全国2009年4月自学考试英语国家概况试题(总分:100.00,做题时间:150分钟)一、课程代码:00522 (总题数:50,分数:50.00)1.Strictly speaking, “the British Isles” refers to_______.(分数:1.00)A.Great BritainB.IrelandC.the United Kingdom √D.Great Britain and Ireland解析:D为错误答案,A为geographical name ,因为 the Brithish Isles 包含了Great Britain andIreland,as well as hundreds of small ones.所以正确答案是C the United Kingdom(联合王国).2.Which of the following kings was responsible for the complete establishment of the feudal system in England?(分数:1.00)A.Edward IB.Henry IIC.Alfred the GreatD.William the Conqueror √解析:3.The spirit of the Great Charter was ______.(分数:1.00)A.a limitation of the powers of the king √B.a guarantee of the freedom of the serfsC.a limitation of the powers of the ChurchD.a declaration of equality among all people解析:4.Which of the following is NOT true about the result of the Black Death?(分数:1.00)A.Much land was left untended.B.There was a terrible shortage of labour.C.The surviving peasants had lost their power of bargaining. √ndowners tended to change from arable to sheep-farming.解析:5.The War of Roses that took place from 1455 to 1485 was fought between ______.(分数:1.00)A.Britain and FranceB.the Parliament and the CrownC.the working people and the aristocratsD.two branches of the Plantagenet family √解析:6.The English Renaissance was largely literary, and it achieved its finest expression in the so-called ______.(分数:1.00)A.Romantic poetryB.Romantic fictionC.Elizabethan poetryD.Elizabethan drama √解析:7. British constitutional monarchy is a system under which the powersof the ______ are limited by Parliament or the constitution.(分数:1.00)A.churchB.king or queen √ernment ministersD.Bishop’s court解析:8. The Tories in Britain were the forerunners of ______, which still bears this nickname today. (分数:1.00)A.the Labor PartyB.the Liberal PartyC.the Conservative Party √D.the Social Democratic Party解析:9.Which of the following was NOT included in the six-point demand of the Chartist Movement? (分数:1.00)A.Equal electoral districtsB.Voting by secret ballotC.The vote for all adult malesD.The vote for all adult females √解析:这里考关于People's Charter,正确答案应该是the vote for all adult males.10.During the First World War, Britain was allied with ______.(分数:1.00)A.TurkeyB.the Central PowersC.France and Russia √D.Germany and Austria-Hungary解析:BD是一个意思the Central Powers=Germany and Austria-Hungary,A是错误答案.记不起来的话用排除法就可以做对.11.Who was the man that led Britain in the crisis of the Second World War?(分数:1.00)A.George VIB.Theodore RooseveltC.Neville ChamberlainD.Sir Winston Churchill √解析:12.The new policies adopted by Mrs. Thatcher and Conservative Government after the 1979 election was known as ______.(分数:1.00)A.Thatcherism √B.the New DealC.New FrontierD.Keynesianism解析:13.Over the past one thousand years, the British ______ has been broken only once between 1649 and 1660.(分数:1.00)A.CabinetB.ParliamentC.Monarchy √D.Privy Council解析:14.Who has the power to appoint the Prime Minister in Britain?(分数:1.00)A.The Queen √B.The ParliamentC.The House of LordsD.The Church of England解析:15. In Britain, a full meeting of ______ is called only when a Sovereign dies or announces his or her intention to marry.(分数:1.00)A.the Privy Council √B.the ParliamentC.the House of CommonsD.the House of Lords解析:16.Which of the following is NOT involved in the British judicial responsibilities?(分数:1.00)A.Attorney GeneralB.Ministry of Justice √C.The Lord ChancellorD.The Home Secretary解析:17.Bank holidays in Britain refer to ______.(分数:1.00)A.official public holidays √B.holidays for the banks onlyC.public holidays except for the banksD.holidays for the financial institutions only解析:18. Which statement about the British universities is NOT true?(分数:1.00)A.They enjoy academic freedom.B.They cannot appoint their own staff. √C.They are governed by royal charters.D.They provide their own courses and award their own degrees.解析:19.______, the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe, hasits traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19thcentury.(分数:1.00)A.BasketballB.TennisC.Football √D.Baseball解析:20.London’s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of _______.(分数:1.00)A.the Prime MinisterB.the Lord ChancellorC.the Home Secretary √D.the Attorney General解析:21.Which statement about the Puritans is NOT true?(分数:1.00)A.The Puritans did not allow religious dissent.B.The Puritans were poor artisans and unskilled peasants. √C.They were dissatisfied with the political corruption in England.D.They went to the United States to establish what they considered the true church.解析:22.The largest racial and ethnic minority in the U.S. is the ______, which accounts over 12.1% of the population.(分数:1.00)A.blacks √nsC.IndiansD.Hispanics解析:23. The three well-known authors who penned the Federalist Papers are ______.(分数:1.00)A.Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John JayB.George Washington, James Madison and John JayC.Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay √D.Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Adams解析:24.When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the southern states broke away and formed a new nation called ______.(分数:1.00)A.the Southern States of AmericaB.the Federalist States of AmericaC.the Confederate States of America √D.the Anti-confederate States of America解析:25.With the development of industry and extension of railroad networkin the early 20th century in the U.S.A., there appeared ______.(分数:1.00)A.a rapid growth of cities √B.an influx of foreign goodsC.an increase of urban ghettosD.a great increase in the number of farms解析:26. In the early 19th century, ______ actively used the ShermanAntitrust Act to stop monopolistic business mergers in the UnitedStates.(分数:1.00)A.J.P. MorganB.Woodrow WilsonC.Henry RockefellerD.Theodore Roosevelt √解析:27. The Red Scare in 1919 and 1920 was a typical example of American ______.(分数:1.00)A.religious intoleranceB.intolerant nationalism √C.Progressive MovementD.deregulation of big trusts解析:28.In the early 1930s, the American foreign policy was isolationist,but the ______ suddenly changed the whole situation, which propelledthe U.S. into the Second World War.(分数:1.00)A.Pearl Harbor attack √B.bombing of Guam islandC.seizing of American merchant shipsD.sinking of American passenger ships解析:29. In 1962, President ______ finally decided on the use of naval forceto prevent military material and arms from entering Cuba and demandedSoviet removal of the missiles there.(分数:1.00)A.NixonB.TrumanC.JohnsonD.Kennedy √解析:30.In 1853, in the ______, another 30,000 square miles of Mexican land were added to the territory of the U.S.A.(分数:1.00)A.Atlantic PurchaseB.Mexican PurchaseC.Gadsden Purchase √D.Louisiana Purchase解析:31.The four problems that face the economy of the United States are______.(分数:1.00)A.unemployment, inflation, financial crisis and trade deficitB.unemployment, inflation, financial deficit and trade deficit √C.mortgage losses, inflation, financial deficit and trade deficitD.unemployment, market failures, financial deficit and trade deficit解析:32.Which statement about the U.S. Constitution is NOT true?(分数:1.00)A.It is the supreme law of the land.B.It is the oldest written constitution in the world.C.It was adopted in 1781 at the Second Continental Congress. √D.It provides the basis for political stability, economic growth and social progress.解析:33.The American President usually takes an oath of office, administered by the ______ of the United States in January.(分数:1.00)A.Chief Justice √B.House SpeakerC.Secretary of StateD.Senate Majority Leader解析:34. The U.S. Constitution provides that the ______ shall be President of the Senate.(分数:1.00)A.Vice President √B.Secretary of StateC.Senate Majority LeaderD.Senate Minority Leader解析:35. Which one of the following is NOT government-run at the U.S. federal level?(分数:1.00)A.Motor vehicle √B.The road systemC.National defenseD.The postal service解析:36.It is generally agreed that U.S. higher education began with the______.(分数:1.00)A.Civil WarB.Independence WarC.founding of Harvard College √D.founding of Princeton University解析:37. Formal education in the United States consists of ______.(分数:1.00)A.kindergarten, junior and senior educationB.junior, elementary and secondary educationC.elementary, secondary and higher education √D.kindergarten, secondary and higher education解析:38. In his Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway ______.(分数:1.00)A.expresses the idea of facing defeat courageously √B.shows the basic goodness and wisdom of ordinary peopleC.praises the ideas of equality and democracy and the joy of common peopleD.describes the sharp contrast of wealth and poverty in Chicago and New York解析:39. In the early part of the 19th century, ______ was the center of American writing.(分数:1.00)A.BostonB.DetroitC.New York City √D.Philadelphia解析:40. The most important patriotic holiday in the U.S. is ______.(分数:1.00)A.HalloweenB.Veterans’ DayC.Thanksgiving DayD.Independence Day √解析:41.The capital city of Ireland is ______.(分数:1.00)A.CorkB.Dublin √C.GalwayD.Waterford解析:42.Historically, Ireland has been free of ethnic conflicts because of its ______.(分数:1.00)A.racial unityB.racial homogeneity √C.multi-culturalismD.high rate of emigration解析:43. Ireland has the following demographic features EXCEPT ______.(分数:1.00)A.a late marriage ageB.an excess of females in the population √C.a high proportion of bachelors and spinsters of all agesD.a low birthrate compounded by a century of emigration解析:females应该改为males.44.Which of the following is a typical bilingual city in Canada?(分数:1.00)A.Ottawa √B.CalgaryC.TorontoD.Vancouver解析:45.Which of the following statements about immigration in Canada is NOT true?(分数:1.00)A.It is estimated that one-third of Canadians were born in other countries. √B.Immigration has always been an important source of its population growth.C.Immigration has played an important role in the development of its economy.D.in the past Britain and Western Europe were the principal sources of Canadian immigration. 解析:数字不是1/3,而是1/6.46.In terms of land area, Canada is the ______ largest country in the world.(分数:1.00)A.second √B.thirdC.fourthD.fifth解析:这是常识,在世界版图上面积名第二在俄罗斯后面.47.The head of state of Australia is ______.(分数:1.00)A.the GovernorB.the PresidentC.the Prime MinisterD.the Queen of England √解析:因为澳大利亚是英联邦的一部分,以女王的名义,由总督来管理,因为真正的同志者还是英国国君,如果熟悉教材第7章,自然就能推理出来.48.______ is the only city on the western coast of Australia with a population of over one million. (分数:1.00)A.Perth √B.SydneyC.BrisbaneD.Melbourne解析:49.A ______, where two parts of the earth’s crust meet, runs the length of New Zealand.(分数:1.00)A.fault line √B.built areaC.dormant volcanoD.geothermal area解析:50. The Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 was an agreement between ______.(分数:1.00)A.the Maori whalers and the British CrownB.the Maori people and the British missionariesC.the Maori traders and the British missionariesD.the chiefs of the Maori people and the British Crown √解析:二、II. Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (30 points, 3 points for each)(总题数:10,分数:30.00)51.What are the main functions of the British Parliament?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(there are law-making,authorizing taxation and public expenditures,eamining the actions of the government. )解析:52.What were the two countries Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(France and Spain)解析:53.What was the outcome of the English Civil War?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:( King Charles was defeated,a Commonwealth was declared by Oliver Cromwell,and he became the Lord Protector. )解析:54.What are the three main Christian festivals in the U.K.?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(They are Christmas,Easter and Whit Sunday. )解析:55.What were the three cornerstones of American postwar economic boom?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(They are the automobile,housing and defense industries. )解析:56.What was the most important document produced between China and theUnited States when President Nixon visited China in 1972?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(It was the Shanghai Communique.)解析:57.What is the most central function of the U.S. Congress?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(It is the pass of the law. )解析:58.What are the two major parties that dominate American politics at the federal, state and local levels?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(The Democratic Party and the Republican Party. )解析:59.What are the two official languages used in Ireland?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(Irish (or the Gaelic) and English. )解析:60.Who are the native people living in Australia?(分数:3.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(The Aboriginals. )解析:三、III. Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points for each)(总题数:4,分数:20.00)61.Open University(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(The Open University is a non-residential university.It is so namedbecause it is opento all to become students.The University was foundedin 1969 and began its first courses in 1970.The University offersdegree and other courses for adult students of all ages in Britain andthe other member countries of the European Union.It uses a combinationof specially produced printed texts,correspondence tuition,televisionand radio broadcasts and audio/video cassettes.)解析:62.The Speaker (of the House of Commons in Britain)(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(The Speaker is a member who is acceptable to all shades of opinion inthe House.In carrying out his or her duties the Speaker is required tobe impartial;he or she cannot debate or,as a general rule,vote on ameasure,and it it his or her duty to see that all points of views havea fair hearing.)解析:63.Muckrakers(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(At the turn of the 20th century,there emerged a group of reform-mindedjournalists,who made investigations and exposed various dark sides ofthe seemingly prosperous society.President Theodore Roosevelt calledthem Muckrakers.)解析:64.The stock market crash of 1929(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(On October 24,1929,the New York stock market crashed.It was calledBlack Thursday,because it was the beginning of a long economicdepression.the Great Depression had far-reaching consequences.It sweptthrough the globe quickly.The rate of unemployment increased rapidly.Agreat deal of companies and businesses closed and went into bankruptcy.American economy didn't recover untill the New Deal was put forward.)解析:。

British Survey TestPart I Geography2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K.A. northernB. easternC. southern D . western3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____.A. Northern IrelandB. EnglandC. ScotlandD. Welsh12. London is situated on the River of _____.A. ParretB. ThamesC. SpeyD. Severn43. _____ includes London, the centre of government for the whole nation.A. ScotlandB. Northern IrelandC. WalesD. Englandcapital of Australia is( ).D.MelbourneThe English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from _______A. DenmarkB. BelgiumC. The Netherlands3. Australia’s National Day falls on( ), the date of the first European settlement in Australia.26154116.( )granted Canada full legislative authority in domestic and external affairs. TreatyAmerican Actof Unionof Westminster8. General elections are held about every( )years in New Zealand with two main parties competing with each other.9. Most of Canada’s French Canadians live in the Province of( )Scotia14. Education in Britain is generally supported by( ).themselvessourcesfunds19. Abraham Lincoln belonged to( ).Federalist PartyRepublican PartyWhig PartyDemocratic Party20. Among the following,( )does not belong to New England, the birthplace of America.HampshireIslandUnion Jack refers to the National Flag of ________.A. the .B. the .C. AustraliaD. CanadaCBBDDADAACBBA1. The . is situated in _____ Europe.2. The full title of the . is the United Kingdom of _____ _____ and _____ _____.3. The . consists of England, _____, _____ and Northern Ireland.4. The largest part of . is _____.5. The capital of England and of Great Britain is _____.6. _____ _____ is composed of six Irish counties that elected to remain in the union with Great Britain.7. The name United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was replaced by the present name after the 26 counties of Ireland obtained autonomy in _____.8. The highest mountain in Britain is _____ _____.9. The “Backbone of England” refers to the _____.10. Natural gas was discovered in Britain in the _____ _____.11. The most important river is the River of _____.12. The political centre of the Commonwealth is _____.13. Belfast Lough and Lough Neagh lie in _____ _____.14. The climate of Britain is moderated by the _____ _____ _____ and is much milder than that of many places in the same latitude.15. Britain’s Industrial Revolution took place between _____ and _____.16. The Bank of England was founded in _____.17. The population of the . is more than _____ million.18. Britain is basically an exporter of _____.19. The population of the . consists of the English, the Welsh, the Scottish and the _____.20. In Wales many people speak _____.21. People sing the national anthem in _____.22. The earliest invasion is that by the _____-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians.23. The modern _____ and _____ are the descendants of the Gaels of the Celtic tribes.24. The Britons of the Celtic tribes were the forefathers of the modern _____.25. Greater London is made up of 12 _____ London boroughs and _____ Outer London boroughs.26. The International festival of music and the arts is held every year in the city of _____.27. The British national anthem is _____ _____ _____ _____.28. The . lies to the _____ of France.29. Westminster, the area of central government administration is situated in the_____ End.30. River _____ flows through Glasgow.31. Mt. Seafell stands in _____.32. The source of the River _____ is in the Cotswolds.33. The capital city of Wales is _____.34. The United Kingdom is rich in _____, iron, tin, copper, lead and silver.35. Define the Following Terms36. “Backbone of England”37. Greater London38. Celts39. The “Irish Question”I. Answer the Following Questions1. What are the major factors influencing the British weather characterized by a moderate temperature and plenty of rainfall2. Why is United Kingdom said to be a trading nation3. What are the general characteristics of the British economy英美概况一答案Part II.DCBAA CAAAB ABBBB ABABD ACACB CBBCD BADAA CBABA CBDII.Northwestern Great Britain, Northern Ireland Scottish, Welsh EnglandLondon Northern Ireland 1921 Ben Nevis Pennines North Sea Thames London Northern Ireland Atlantic Gulf Stream 1750, 1850 1694 57 manufacture Irish Welsh English dark Scots, Irish Welsh Inner, 20 Edinburgh God Save the Queen North West Clyde England Thames Cardiff coal英美概况英国历史部分History1. Julius Caesar invaded Britain _____.A. onceB. twiceC. three timesD. four times2. King Arthur was the king of _____.A. PictsB. CeltsC. ScotsD. Jutes3. The first “King of the English” was _____.A. AlfredB. EgbertC. BedeD. Ethelred4. Christianity was introduced into England in the late _____ century.A. 14thB. 8thC. 6th5. In 1653 _____ was made Lord Protector for life.A. Oliver CromwellB. Charles IC. William IID. James I6. The three great Germanic tribes: the Anglos, the _____ and the Jutes which invaded Britain form the basis of the modern British people.A. SaxonsB. ScotsC. WelshD. Wessex7. The head of the church in Anglo-Saxon times was _____.A. the King of Denmark and NorwayB. the king of EnglandC. Julius CaesarD. the Archbishop of Canterbury8. The _____ invaded England in the earliest time.A. DanesB. IberiansC. RomansD. Celts9. The Vikings who invaded England at the turn of the 8th century came from _____.A. NorwayB. DenmarkC. FranceD. both A and B10. Edward was known as the “_____” because of his reputation for saintliness.]A. ConfessorB. ConquerorC. Protector11. Norman Conquest began in _____.A. 1016B. 1066C. 1035D. 110612. In history _____ was nicknamed “King of Lackland”.A. JohnB. Henry IC. Henry II13. In 1181 Henry II issued the _____ which made it compulsory for every freeman in England to be provided with arms.A. Inquest of SheriffsB. Assize of ArmsC. Doomsday Book14. Henry Plantagenet, in 1154, established the House of Angevin as _____.A. Henry IB. Henry IIC. Henry III15. Henry II appointed in 1162 _____ Archbishop of Canterbury.A. Thomas BecketB. Stephen LangtonC. Simon de Mortfort16. Charles I was beheaded in _____.A. 1649B. 1648C. 165317. It was _____ who summoned Model Parliament in 1295.A. Edward IB. Henry IVC. Simon de Montfort18. The Great Charter contained _____ sets of provisions.A. twoB. fourC. three19. The Peasants Uprising in 1381 was led by _____.A. Henry TurnerB. Watt TylerC. Richard20. The English Church was strictly _____.A. nationalB. internationalC. regional21. The Glorious Revolution in 1688 was in nature a _____.A. coup d’etatB. racial slaughterC. peasant rising22. The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the _____.A. factory of the worldB. expansion of marketsC. social upheaval23. The American Revolution (the American War of Independence) broke out in _____ and ended in _____.A. 1775, 1783B. 1774, 1782C. 1786, 1784 , 178924. The Battle of Hastings took place in _____.A. 1606B. 1042C. 106625. The Great Charter was signed by _____ in 1215.A. King Henry IIB. King RichardC. King John26. In the early 14th century feudalism began to _____ in England.A. growB. flourishC. declineD. end27. It was _____ who published the book “The Rights of Man”.A. Thomas MoreB. Thomas PaineC. Thomas Jefferson28. The first Prime Minister was _____.A. WilmintonB. George GrenvilleC. Robert Walpole29. The Parliament of 1265 which is known as the “_____” is considered the “beginning of parliament”.A. All Estates ParliamentB. Model ParliamentC. Long Parliament30. The Anglo-French hostility which began in 1337 and ended in 1453 was known as _____.A. the Wars of RosesB. the Hundred Years’ WarC. Peasant Uprising31. In the first half of 17th century _____ grow rapidly in England.A. feudalismB. capitalismC. Catholicism32. Prime Minister _____ resisted any reform that could be resisted.A. PalmerstonB. Robert PeelC. Gladstone33. By the end of the Hundred Years’ War only the port of _____ remained under English rule.A. TroyesB. GasconC. Calais34. In the 14th century took place the _____, the severest of many plagues in the middle ages.A. EarthquakeB. Black DeathC. Drought35. _____ and his followers, known as Lollards, provided ideological preparation for the labour movement of the 14th century.A. John WycliffeB. Watt TylerC. Somerset36. By the end of the Wars of the Roses the House of _____ began.A. TudorB. LancasterC. Plantagenet37. In the “_____” of 1388 five lords accused the King’s friends of treason undera very expansive definition of crime.A. All Estates parliamentB. Merciless ParliamentC. Model Parliament38. In the Wars of the Roses the Lancastrians wire badges of _____ rose.A. whiteB. redC. pinkD. yellow39. The first Civil War in Britain lasted from _____ to _____.A. 1600, 1604B. 1640, 1644C. 1642, 164640. William Shakespeare is mainly a _____.A. novelistB. dramatistC. poetD. composer41. In 1689 the “Bill of Rights” was passed. _____ began in England.A. The Constitutional MonarchyB. All Estates ParliamentC. House of Lancaster42. The _____ carried on trade relations with Russia and central Asian countries.A. Moscow CompanyB. Eastland CompanyC. East India Company43. _____ started the slave trade in the second part of the 16th century.A. John HawkinsB. Francis DrakeC. Diaz44. In 1534 Parliament passed the “_____”, according to which Henry VIII was declared the head of the English Church.A. the Bill of RightsB. Act of SupremacyC. Act of Settlement45. Under Elizabeth I _____ was restored, and she was declared “governor” of the church.A. the Roman ChurchB. the Catholic ChurchC. the Anglican Church46. In 1337 the hostility between England and _____ resulted in the Hundred Years’ War.A. FranceB. SpainC. Russia47. The religious persecution mainly existed during the reign of _____.A. CromwellB. Charles IC. Henry VIII48. England first became a sea power in the time of _____.A. Henry VIIB. Elizabeth IC. Victoria49. The Industrial Revolution first started in _____.A. the iron industryB. the textile industryC. the coal industry50. From 1688 to 1783 English Parliament was mainly controlled by the party of _____.A. ToryB. WhigC. Labour51. The English Prime Minister during the Second World War was _____.A. ChurchillB. ChamberlainC. Baldwin52. At the End of _____ century, the East India Company was formed.A. 15thB. 16thC. 14th53. The Seven Years War between England and France lasted from _____ to _____.A. 1756, 1763B. 1713, 1720C. 1754, 176154. In 1689 Parliament passed “_____”, limiting the po wers of the crown.A. Habeas Corpus ActB. the Bill of RightsC. Navigation Act55. _____ contrasted the first successful steam locomotive.A. George StephensonB. Samuel CromptonC. James Hargreaves56. The “Peterloo Massacre” took place in _____.A. BirminghamB. LiverpoolC. Manchester57. Between 1911 and 1914 took place the following strikes except _____.A. railway strikeB. strike of the postmenC. coal strikeD. strike of the transport58. The Victorian Age was over the _____ began.A. Edwardian AgeB. Georgian AgeC. Elizabethan Age59. The _____ government surrendered to the British invaders and was forced to sign the first unequal Treaty of Nanjing in 1842.A. IndianB. QingC. IrishD. Spanish60. The Great Charter was essentially a _____.A. Culture MovementB. colonial documentC. feudal document61. _____ broke out two years after the Hundred Years’ War with France.A. The Bore WarB. The Wars of the RosesC. Queen Annes’ War62. The Reformation was a product of _____.A. the RenaissanceB. the Chartist MovementC. the Hundred Years’ War63. The greatest dramatist of the English Renaissance was _____.A. ShakespeareB. MiltonC. ChaucerD. Bacon64. The English Revolution marks the beginning of the _____ period of capitalism.A. feudalB. modernC. colonialD. medieval65. By the _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.A. Declaratory ActB. Treaty of ParisC. Treaty of MontgomeryD. Statue of Westminster66. The Chartist Movement began in _____ and reached its height in _____.A. 1845, 1858B. 1828, 1835C. 1839, 184867. In 1840 Britain launched an aggressive war against _____.A. FranceB. IndiaC. ChinaD. America68. _____ formed a coalition government in 1940.A. Winston ChurchillB. Lloyd GeorgeC. Neville Chamberlain69. By the _____ the British dominions became independent states in all but name.A. Statue of WestminsterB. Locarno TreatyC. Disputes Act70. The Fabians Society was founded in 1883, including intellectuals such as _____.A. William Shakespeare & Ben JonsonB. Christopher Marlowe & John MiltonC. G. B. Shaw & H. G. Wells71. Before WWII _____ relied on appeasement of the European dictators to reduce tensions that might lead to war.A. Neville Chamberlain A. Stanley BaldwinC. Winston Churchill72. During WWII, Britain, America, France, Soviet Union and other antifascist countries formed a united international alliance which was called _____.A. Locarno TreatyB. Grand AllianceC. Statute of Westminster73. The first coalition government during WWI was organized when _____ was the Prime Minister.A. Lloyd GeorgeB. Herbert AsquithC. Stanley Baldwin74. When Germany invaded _____ which was neutral, Britain declared war on Germany on 4 August, 1914.A. AustriaB. RussiaC. BelgiumD. Poland1. At about 3000 BC, some of the _____ settled in Britain.2. About 122 AD, in order to keep back the Picts and Scots, the _____ built Hadrian’s Wall.3. The real Roman conquest began in _____.4. _____ _____’s “Paradise Lost” was published in 1667.5. Beowulf, considered the greatest Old English poem, is assigned to _____ Times.6. _____ was considered the first national hero.7. On Christmas Day 1066 Duke _____ was crowned in Westminster Abbey.8. In history John was nicknamed King of _____.9. John signed the document in 1215, which in history was called the Great Charter or _____ _____.10. In 1086 William had his official to make a general survey of the land, known as _____ Book.11. The most famous scholar during Anglo-Saxon Times was _____.12. The Battle of _____ paved the way for the Norman Conquest to England.13. The Norman Conquest increased the process of _____ which had begun during the Anglo-Saxon Times.14. Duke William was known in history as William the _____.15. Along with the Normans came the _____ language.16. The English parliament originated in the _____ _____.17. The head of the _____ was Archbishop of _____.18. The _____ _____ in 1688 was in nature a coup d’etat.19. The People’s Charter included _____ points such as universal male suffrage.20. The corrupt Qing government surrendered to Britain and was forced to sign the first unequal Treaty of _____ in 1842.21. After the Crimean War _____ was forced not to fortify Sebastopol.22. The third collection of the poll tax in the early part of 1381 became the fuse of _____ _____ rising.23. The Wars of the Roses broke out between the _____ and the _____.24. The Enclosure Movement began in the _____ century.25. By the treaty of _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.26. In _____ Britain launched the Opium War against China.27. The East India Company formed at the end of the 16th century was one of _____ companies.28. After the Reformation the Roman Catholic Church was _____, the English Church was strictly _____.29. Mary I re-established Catholicism and burnt three hundred Protestants, for which she was called “_____” Mary.30. “Renaissance” means “_____”, . Europe rediscovering its origins in the cultures of ancient Greek and Rome.31. During the Renaissance, the thinkers who worked for freedom and enlightenment were called “_____”.32. The nature of the Wars of the Roses was a _____ _____ war.33. By the beginning of the Tudor reign the manor system was replaced by the _____ system.34. In the summer of 1588 the Spanish ships, the _____ _____ was defeated by English ships.35. The greatest English humanist was Sir _____ _____ whose work _____ became a humanistic classic in the world literature.36. English Renaissance began in _____ century.37. The House of _____ was notorious for its absolutist rule.38. During the Civil Wars (1642 – 1648) the supporters of Parliament were called _____ while the supporters of the King Charles I were called _____.39. In 1653 Cromwell was made _____ _____ for life and started his military dictatorship openly.40. The Seven Years War was ended by the Treaty of _____.41. The first two parties appeared in England were the _____ and the _____.42. The basic point of the People’s Charter is _____ _____.43. In 1764 James Hargreaves invented the _____ _____.44. From 1863 to the end of the century Britain had been carrying a foreign policy of _____ _____.45. The Parliament passed the Act of _____ in 1701, excluding James Catholic son from the succession.46. After Charles I was beheaded in 1649 England was declared a _____.47. In September 1939 Germany invaded _____, thus Britain and France declared war on Germany.48. The Industrial Revolution started during the last part of the _____ century.49. The steam engine was invented by _____ _____ in 1769.50. Samuel Crompton invented the _____ _____ in 1779.51. Edmund Cartwright invented the _____ _____ in 1785.52. Upon the completion of the _____ _____ by 1850 England became the workshop of the world.53. In 1868 the first Trade Union Congress met in _____.54. In 1534 Parliament passed the “_____ _____ _____”.55. On the eve of WWI the Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and _____ was formed.56. The First World War was an imperialist war as well as a _____ war because itwas not confined only to Europe. It lasted _____ years.57. At the _____ _____ _____, the League of Nations was established and the Treaty of Versailles was signed.58. The _____ _____ of 1926 was Austen chamberlain’s chief claim to fame as foreign secretary.59. On May 7, 1945, _____ surrendered unconditionally.60. It was _____ _____ who led the country during the “miracle of Dunkirk”.61. When George I began the Houses of Hanover in 1714, the _____ system was established.Explain the Following Terms1. The Norman Conquest2. The Glorious Revolution3. The Chartist Movement4. The Opium War5. The Hundred Years’ War6. Black DeathAnswer the Following Questions1. What, in your opinion, are the main causes for the slow growth of Britain’s economy since the Second World War2. What is the importance Simon de Mortfort hold in British history (with special reference to his role in the creation of the Parliament system)What importance did King Alfred hold in British historyBBBAB DBACB BABBC C英美概况自测题(二)英国历史部分答案I. BBBCA ADBDA BABBA AACBA AAACC CBAAB BACBA ABBCB AAABC ABBBB ABABA CBABC BAABB CCAAC ABBC1. II. Iberians Romans 43 A.D John Milton Anglo-Saxon Alfred William Lackland Magna Carta Domesday Bede Hastings feudalism Conqueror French Great Council Church Glorious Revolution 6 Nanjing Russia Watt Tyler’s2. Lancasterians, Yorkists 15th Paris 1840 Chartered international, national Bloody rebirth humanists feudal civil money Invincible Armada Thomas More, Utopia 16th Stuart Roundheads, Cavaliers Lord Protector Paris Tory, Whig universal suffrage Spinning Jenny splendid isolation Settlement Commonwealth Poland18th James Watt Spinning Mule Power Loom Industrial Revolution Manchester Act of Supremacy Italy world, 4 Paris Peace Conference Locarno Treaty Germany Winston Churchill cabinet英语考研英美概况模拟题(三)英国文化部分CultureMultiple Choice1. All children in the UK must, by law, receive a full-time education from the ageof _____ to _____.A. 5, 16B. 6, 17C. 7, 18 D 8, 192. In state schools the letters A, B and C are often used to describe “_____” or parallel classes.A. gradeB. formC. streams3. Public schools belong to the category of the _____ schools.A. stateB. independentC. local4. The pupils who had got the highest marks in the “eleven plus” examination would go to _____ school.A. grammarB. technicalC. secondary modern5. Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities dating from _____ and _____.A. 1167, 1284B. 1234, 1325C. 1335, 14276. There are over _____ universities in Britain.A. thirtyB. fortyC. fifty7. The two features of Oxford and Cambridge are the college system and the _____.A. records of attendanceB. governing councilC. tutorial system8. The universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh are called the four _____ universities.A. oldB. newC. Scottish9. The _____ university offers courses through one of BBC’s television chann els and by radio.A. openB. newC. middle aged10. Buckingham University is and _____ university which was established in 1973.A. independentB. openC. old11. The second centre of the British press is in _____.A. LondonB. the Fleet StreetC. Manchester12. In Britain great majority of children attend _____ schools.A. stateB. independentC. religious13. In Britain education at the age from 5 to 16 is _____.A. optionalB. compulsoryC. self-taught14. The oldest university in Britain is _____.A. CambridgeB. EdinburghC. Oxford15. British newspapers possess the following features except _____.A. freedom of speechB. fast deliveryC. monoplied by one of the five large organizationD. no difficulty for independent newspapers to survive16. The earliest newspaper in Britain is _____.A. Daily MailB. Daily TelegraphsC. The TimesD. Guardian17. _____ is the oldest Sunday newspaper in Britain.A. Sunday TimesB. The ObserverC. The peopleD. News of the World18. The most humorous magazine is _____.A. New SocietyB. Private EyeC. PunchD. Spectator19. In the UK there are about _____ dailies and over _____ weeklies.A. 130, 1000B. 200, 800C. 160, 120020. There are _____ national daily newspapers which appear every morning except on Sundays.A. nineB. sevenC. eight21. The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph support the _____.A. Liberal PartyB. Labour PartyC. Conservative Party22. The Economist, New Statesman, Spectator are _____.A. journalsB. daily newspapersC. local papers23. BBC was founded in _____ and chartered in _____ as an independent public corporation.A. 1922, 1927B. 1292, 1297C. 1822, 182724. The Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd. is a _____ news agency.A. publicB. governmentalC. localD. private25. The BBC is mainly financed by _____.A. payment from all people who possess TV setsB. the income from advertisementsC. some large corporationsD. British government26. The most famous broadcasting company in Britain is _____.A. British Broadcasting CorporationB. Independent Broadcasting AuthorityC. Reuters27. Reuters was founded in the year of _____.A. 1518B. 1815C. 185128. The new headquarters’ building of _____ is at 85 Fleet Street, London.A. BBCB. the Press Association Ltd.C. the Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd.29. _____ is regarded as the most English of games.A. CricketB. SoccerC. Rugger30. _____ claims the highest popular attendance in Britain.A. Rugby footballB. Association footballC. Baseball31. _____ “pools” provide amusement for millions of people who bet on the results of matches.A. Association footballB. BaseballC. Cricket32. The annual _____ championships at Wimbledon, in London, are the most famous in the world.A. hockeyB. tennisC. netball33. _____ racing is chiefly a betting sport.A. HorseB. BoatC. Dog34. Hurdle or steeplechase racing takes up the winter months, leading to its climax in the Grand National Steeplechase at _____ in March.A. LondonB. EdinburghC. Liverpool35. It was _____ who first revolutionized scientific thought in Britain.A. Francis BaconB. Thomas NewcomerC. James Watt36. _____ discovered the circulation of food.A. Francis GlissonB. William HarveyC. George Stephenson37. The Royal Society was founded in _____ in _____.A. London, 1660B. Liverpool, 1660C. London, 176038. The Royal Society reached the summit of its prestige in 1703, when _____ became its president.A. Robert BoyleB. Issae NewtonC. Francis Bacon39. James Watt was a great _____ engineer and inventor.A. IrishB. ScottishC. English40. _____ developed atomic theory in the 18th century.A. John DaltonB. Francis GlissonC. Robert Boyle41. The minor’s safety lamp was invented by _____.A. Francis BaconB. William HarveyC. Humphy Davy42. Charles Robert Darwin Developed the theory of _____.A. evolutionB. immunologyC. virology43. _____ is considered the father of English poetry.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. John MiltonC. John Donne44. Big Ben is the nickname of _____.A. Benjamin FranklinB. Sir Benjamin HallC. the 315-foot Clock TowerD. the QueenB45. The British Museum was founded in _____.A. 1659B. 1763C. 175346. The British Museum is financed by _____ funds and is managed by a board of 25 trustees.A. GovernmentB. individualC. local47. You could find the world-famous Speakers’ Corner in _____.A. Great RussellB. Hyde ParkC. Westminster Abbey48. _____ is the biggest and most well-known church in London.A. Whit ehallB. St. Paul’s CathedralC. Westminster Abbey49. _____ is the monarch’s present London home.A. Westminster PalaceB. Buckingham PalaceC. Whitehall Palace50. Stratford-on-Avon is the place where _____ was born in 1564.A. William ShakespeareB. Charles DickensC. Samuel ButlerFill in the Blanks1. There are two systems of primary and secondary education in Britain. They are the _____ school and the _____ school.2. The independent school or “_____” school is few in number but of grea t influence.3. The four types of state schools in the secondary education are the _____ schools,。

答案:C 7. When you _____ know Bob better, you will like him.
A. go to B. got to C. went to D. get to 答案:D 8. Ive got the order from the boss that the work ______ finished before 5p.m. today. A. would be B. be C. will have been D. could be 答案:B 9. ______Tom has done really amazed everyone in his class. A. What B. Which C. That D. Who 答案:A 10. It is not decided _____ the conference will be held. A. what B. which C. when D. that 答案:C
答案:A 2. This is the first time that a woman has been _____ to the post.
A. granted B. praised C. pointed D. appointed 答案:D 3. If payment is not received, legal action will be our only_____ . A. aggression B. advantage C. alternative D. ambition 答案:C 4. Dont trust everything______ you have read in the newspapers. A. which B. that C. as D. what 答案:B 5. The conclusion from the study is not definite; it is just_____ . A. tentative B. valid C. technical D. thorough 答案:A 6. She _____ everything else and concentrated on the task before her. A. set off B. set back C. set aside D. set up

《英语国家概况》自考真题及答案解析卷面总分:80分答题时间:70分钟试卷题量:40题一、单选题(共40题,共0分)1.Britain has, for centuries, been slowly tilting with ________.• A.the North-West slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinking• B.the North-East slowly rising and the South-West slowly sinking• C.the South-East slowly rising and the South-West slowly sinking• D.the South-West slowly rising and the North-East slowly sinking 正确答案:A2.Which often following statements is not true about British coal mining?• A.Brition has used up almost all coal deposits• B.The demand for British coal has declined.• C.Petroleum, water power, and electric power replacing coal for many purposes.• D.The old British mines are narrow and deep, making it difficult to use machines正确答案:A3.For electoral purposes Britain is divided into 659 constituencies, eachof whichreturns ________to the House of Commons.• A.one member• B.two members• C.three members• D.four members正确答案:A4.In the 1970s oil was discovered in ________, but the revenue from oil didnot create an economic for Britain.• A.the English Channel• B.the Irish Sea• C.St. George's Channel• D.the North Sea正确答案:D5.In Britain, ministers are appointed by the Queen on therecommendation of ________.• A.the Lord Chancellor• B.the Prime Minister• C.the Speaker• D.the Parliamentary Commissioner正确答案:B6.Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the suffragettes beforethe First World War, votes were granted to women over the age of________ in 1918.• A.18• B.20• C.30• D.35正确答案:C7.The objective of the Chartist Movement was democratic rights for allmen, and it took its name from “________ ”.• A.The Bill of Rights• B.The Agreement of the People• C.The People's Charter• D.The Great Charter正确答案:C8.In the 1960s pop music underwent a revolution when ________ becameworld famous and turned their home town of Liverpool into a place of pilgrimage.• A.teh Beach Boys• B.the Rolling Stone• C.the Animals• D.the Beatles正确答案:D9.The Tories were the forerunners of ________, which still bears thisnickname today• A.the Labour Party• B.the Conservative Party• C.the Liberal Party• D.the Social Democratic Party正确答案:B10.In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the ________ number ofseats in the House of Commons becomes the official Opposition.• rgest• B.second largest• C.third largest• D.fourth largest正确答案:B11.In the United Kingdom,police officers are not allowed to join ________or to go on strike.• A.a trade union• B.a choir• C.apolitical party• D.a club正确答案:A12.Agricltural changes in the late 18th and early 19th centuries inEngland were so great that they were worthy of the term “________ ”.• A.reform• B.evolution• C.revolution• D.reformation正确答案:C13.The Mississippi, which is sometimes called ________, has played a vitalrole in the history of the United States.• A.“Old Man River ”• B.“Moon River ”• C.“Old Father River ”• D.“Mother of the United States ”正确答案:A14.The largest and smallest states of the United States are ________.• A.Alaska and Rhode Island• B.Texas and Maine• C.Texas and Rhode Island• D.Alaska and Maine正确答案:A15.A trend that occurs at the same time with the movement to the Southand the Weast of the United States is ________.• A.the flow of people to sunbelt area• B.the flow of peole from small cities to big cities• C.the growth of small towns• D.the outflow of city residents from the core cities to the suburbs 正确答案:D16.The average life expectancy of the Red Indians is ________.• A.higher than the national average• B.lower than the national average• C.about the same with the national average• D.none of the above正确答案:B17.The three Puritan traditions are ________.• A.religious tolerance, respect for achievement and respect for learning • B.religious dissent aggressiveness and respect for learning• C.religious intolerance, respect for achievement and respect for learning • D.religious intolerance, aggressiveness, respect for achievement 正确答案:C18.In 1900, the United States ranked first in the world in the productionof ________.• A.coal• B.electricity• C.oil• D.wheat正确答案:A19.During the Second World War, Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill met at________.• A.Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam• B.Teheran and Yalta• C.Yalta, Potsdam and Berlin• D.Teheran and Potsdam正确答案:B20.The New Frontier and War on Poverty were put forward respectivelyby ________.• A.Eisenhower and Kennedy• B.Johnson and Nixon• C.Johnson and Kennedy• D.Kennedy and Johnson正确答案:D21.The origin of the American party system can be traced to ________.• A.the struggle between the Royalists and revolutionaries in the War of Independence• B.the constitutional debate between the Federalists and the anti--Federalists• C.the struggle between those who upheld slavery and those who opposed slavery• D.none of the above正确答案:B22.The functions of institutions of higher education in the U.S. are________.• A.research and teaching• B.teaching and degree awarding• C.professional training, teaching and public service• D.teaching, research and public service正确答案:D23.In “Song of Myself ”, Whitman writes that ________.• A.woman is not worth mentioning• B.woman is not as great as man• C.woman as the mother of human beings is the greatest• D.none of the above正确答案:C24.The theme of Thanksgiving has always been ________.• A.friendship and happiness• B.peace and plenty• C.cooperation and rich reward• D.love and happiness正确答案:B25.Australia is located between ________ and the Indian Ocean.• A.the South Pacific Ocean• B.the Atlantic Ocean• C.the North Sea• D.the Arctic正确答案:A26.Australia, which is one of the world's developed countries, hasbecome rich through ________.• A.manufacturing industries• B.farming and mining• C.service industries• D.forestry and fishing正确答案:B27.Australian Aborigines believed in a creative period, usually referred toin English as ________.• A.teh Dreamland• B.the Dreaming• C.the Beginning of the World• D.the Beginning of the Universe正确答案:B28.As far as Australian culture is concerned, the history of Australia canbe divided into the following phases with the exception of ________.• A.the period of the original culture of Aboriginal people• B.the period of the dominant British culture• C.teh period of Asian culture• D.the period of a multicultural society正确答案:C29.The Mabo Judgement passed by Australia's High Court in June 1992overturned the concept of terra nullius, which means ________.• A.“land belonging to no one ”• B.“land unknown to everyone ”• C.“Wonderland ”• D.“Dreamtime ”正确答案:A30.During the 1990s many Australians called for their nation to become arepublic with ________.• A.a president replacing the British monarch as head of state• B.a prime minister replacing the governor--general as head of government• C.a governor-general replacing the British monarch as head of state• D.a president replacing the governor- general as head of government 正确答案:A31.The longest river in Canada is ________.• A.the Mackenzie• B.the St. Lawrence• C.teh Severn• D.the Yukon正确答案:A32.Why were the French troops in Canada defeated by the British duringthe Seven Years' War?• A.Because they were not used to the weather in Cananda.• B.Because they did not get support from the local people.• C.Because they did not receive the supplies they needed so badly.• D.Because the British had larger and better settlements in Canada.正确答案:C33.Which of the following is not true about Canada's manufacturingtoday?• A.Manufacturing is the most important economic activity in Canada.• B.Transportation equipment ranks as the nation's leading manufactured product.• C.Food processing is still important but it is no longer Canada's chief man ufacturing industry• D.The production of paper and paper related products is no longer important in Canada's manufacturing.正确答案:D34.When was the referendum on Quebec's future status held in Canada?• A.1994• B.1995• C.1996• D.1997正确答案:B35.Since 1971 the Canadian government has adopted a policy of ________,recognizing that cultural pluralism within a bilingual framework is the essence of the Canadian identity.• A.assimilation• B.integration• C.multiculturalism• D.gender equality正确答案:C36.In Canada the federal governments have always been formed by________.• A.the Liberal Party• B.the Progressive Conservative Party• C.either the Liberal Party or the Progressive Conservative Party• D.both the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservation Party 正确答案:C37.What is Ireland called in Irish?• A.Irea• B.Aire• C.Eare• D.Eire正确答案:D38.What are Ireland's chief exports?• A.Foodstuffs(especially beef), electrical machinery, and chemicals.• B.Wool, dairy products and fruit.• C.Motor vehicles, electrical machinery and petroleum.• D.Coal, mining equipment and textiles.正确答案:A39.A fault line runs the length of New Zealand, which means that it oftenhas________.• A.floods• B.volcanic eruptions• C.earthquakes• D.droughts正确答案:C40.Which of the following is not true about the political system of NewZealand?• A.New Zealand has a written constitution.• B.New Zealand has a parliamentary government and a constitutional monarchy.• C.New Zealand follows the British parliamentary system with some variations.• D.New Zealand Parliament has only one chamber.正确答案:C。

英语国家概况课程习题英语国家概况(1)模拟试题1I. Fill in the blanks:1.Britain consists of _4___ nations, including England,_Scotland____,_Wales______ and Northern Ireland______.2.The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in __5th______ century.3.The capital of Britain is ___London___ which has great influence on the UK inall fields including______government_, _finance______and __culture_____ 4.The capital of Scotland is _Edinburgh_____, which is well-known for itsnatural5._Egbert______, the ancestor of the present Queen, Elizabeth 11, united Englandunder his rule in 829.6.In Britain, the official head of state is the Queen_______ while the real centre ofpolitical life is in the House of Commoms______7.The British Constitution consists of _statute law______, __common law_____,and ___conventions____.8.The most important function of the Parliament is to ___pass laws____._______,9.Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of the Queen _______, theHouse of Lords_______and the House of Commons_______.10.Life peers should be nominated by _the Prime Minister______ and appointedby _the sovereign______.11.The UK is divided into __651_____ constituencies with each of themrepresented by a member in _the parliment________12.The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms _thegoverment______and its party leader becomes _prime minister________13.Normally, a government can be in power for __5_____ years, and then it has toresign and hold a general election.14.There are three major parties in the UK: _the Conservative__Party____ theLiberal ANDDemocratic party_______ and the LabourParty_______.15.From 1979 to 1997, ___the _Conservatuve Party___ won 4 consecutiveelections and was in power for quite a long time.16.The two oldest universities in Britain are__Cambridge_____ and _Oxford______.17.Australia, as the World's _SMALLEST______ continent and .largest_______island, has a population which is__small_____ in relation to its size.18.Geologically, Australia can be divided into three parts: _the Easternhighlands______ , which is also know as the_Great DividingRange______ , and which runs almost parallel to the eastern coast from northern Queens land to southern Tasmania; the Central Eaetern lowlands_______, which extends from the Gulf of Carpentries in the north to _Eastern SouthArstralia______ and the western Victorian coast; and the Great Western Plateau, which covers most of Western Australia_______, much of the Northern Territory_______ and South Australia, and part of __Western Queenlands_____.19.New Zealand is in the ____south-west Pacific___ Ocean. ___Australia____ is itsnearest neighbour. The __North Island_____ and the __South Island_____ are its two main land masses. They are separated by __Cook Strait_____20.The Head of State of New Zealand is _Queen Elizabeth 2______. She isrepresented in New Zealand by a __Covernor-General_____ whose most important task is to call upon the leader of the _majority_party_____ to form a government after an election.21.Columbus discovered the New World in the year of _1492_______22.The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today'sVirginia_______ in the year of ___1607____23. A federal system is one in which _power______ is shared between __a centralauthority_____and its constituent parts _______with some rights reserved to each.24.The U.S. federal government consists of the following three branches: theexecutive_______, __the legislative_____ and __the judiciary_____25.The Congress is divided into the House of representatives_______ with_435______ members who serve two-year terms, _the senate_______ with_100_ lawmakers who serve six-year terms.26.Groups who try to persuade Congressmen to vote for or against a bill are knownas __lobbies_____27.The Supreme Court is composed of _one______ chief justice and 8~ associatejustices.28."WASP, stands for _White Anglo Saxon__Protesant____.29.In area, Canada is the _second_______ country on earth.30.Canada consists of ___10_______ provinces and ____3____territories.第一卷选择题答案BDACA BBCDD ACBCB ADACA BAABA DCCBC BBDAD BCDCC BDABB D。

英语国家概况课程习题(附答案)英语国家概况课程习题英语国家概况(1)模拟试题1I. Fill in the blanks:1. Britain consists of _4___ nations, including England,_Scotland____,_Wales______ and Northern Ireland______.2. The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in __5th______ century.3. The capital of Britain is ___London___ which has great influence on the UK inall fields including______government_, _finance______ and __culture_____4. The capital of Scotland is _Edinburgh_____, which is well-known for itsnatural5. _Egbert______, the ancestor of the present Queen, Elizabeth 11, united Englandunder his rule in 829.6. In Britain, the official head of state is the Queen_______ while the real centre ofpolitical life is in the House of Commoms______7. The British Constitution consists of _statute law______, __common law_____,and ___conventions____.8. The most important function of the Parliament is to ___pass laws____._______,9. Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of the Queen _______, theHouse of Lords_______and the House of Commons_______.10. Life peers should be nominated by _the Prime Minister______ and appointedby _the sovereign______.11. The UK is divided into __651_____ constituencies with each of themrepresented by a member in _the parliment________12. The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms _thegoverment______and its party leader becomes _prime minister________13. Normally, a government can be in power for __5_____ years, and then it has toresign and hold a general election.14. There are three major parties in the UK: _the Conservative__Party____ theLiberal ANDDemocratic party_______ and the LabourParty_______.15. From 1979 to 1997, ___the _Conservatuve Party___ won 4 consecutiveelections and was in power for quite a long time.16. The two oldest universities in Britain are__Cambridge_____ and_Oxford______.17. Australia, as the World's _*****T______ continent and .largest_______island, has a population which is__small_____ in relation to its size.18. Geologically, Australia can be divided into three parts: _the Easternhighlands______ , which is also know as the_Great DividingRange______ , and which runs almost parallel to the eastern coast from northern Queens land to southern Tasmania; the Central Eaetern lowlands_______, which extends from the Gulf of Carpentries in the north to _Eastern SouthArstralia______ and the western Victorian coast; and the Great Western Plateau, which covers most of Western Australia_______, much of the Northern Territory_______ and South Australia, and part of __Western Queenlands_____.19. New Zealand is in the ____south-west Pacific___ Ocean. ___Australia____ is itsnearest neighbour. The __North Island_____ and the __South Island_____ are its two main land masses. They are separated by __Cook Strait_____20. The Head of State of New Zealand is _Queen Elizabeth 2______. She isrepresented in New Zealand by a __Covernor-General_____ whose most important task is to call upon the leader of the _majority_party_____ to form a government after an election.21. Columbus discovered the New World in the year of _1492_______22. The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today'sVirginia_______ in the year of ___1607____23. A federal system is one in which _power______ is shared between __a centralauthority_____and its constituent parts _______with some rights reserved to each.24. The U.S. federal government consists of the following three branches: theexecutive_______, __the legislative_____ and __the judiciary_____25. The Congress is divided into the House of representatives_______ with_435______ members who serve two-year terms, _the senate_______ with_100_ lawmakers who serve six-year terms.26. Groups who try to persuade Congressmen to vote for or against a bill are knownas __lobbies_____27. The Supreme Court is composed of _one______ chief justice and 8~ associatejustices.28. "WASP, stands for _White Anglo Saxon__Protesant____.29. In area, Canada is the _second_______ country on earth.30. Canada consists of ___10_______ provinces and ____3____territories. 第一卷选择题答案BDACA BBCDD ACBCB ADACA BAABA DCCBC BBDAD BCDCC BDABB D。

英语国家概况自考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语作为官方语言的国家数量是:A. 5个B. 6个C. 7个D. 8个答案:C2. 美国的首都是:A. 纽约B. 华盛顿特区C. 洛杉矶D. 芝加哥答案:B3. 英国的货币单位是:A. 欧元B. 英镑C. 美元D. 日元答案:B4. 澳大利亚的国庆日是哪一天?A. 1月1日B. 7月4日C. 12月25日D. 1月26日答案:D5. 加拿大的官方语言包括:A. 英语和法语B. 英语和西班牙语C. 法语和德语D. 英语和德语答案:A6. 新西兰的首都是:A. 奥克兰B. 惠灵顿C. 基督城D. 但尼丁答案:B7. 英语中“Thanksgiving Day”指的是:A. 感恩节B. 圣诞节C. 万圣节D. 复活节答案:A8. 英国的哪个城市被称为“大学城”?A. 牛津B. 剑桥C. 爱丁堡D. 曼彻斯特答案:A9. 美国独立日是哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 7月14日C. 4月17日D. 10月12日答案:A10. 英语中“Big Ben”是指:A. 一个著名的运动员B. 伦敦的一座钟楼C. 一个著名的电影D. 一个著名的乐队答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 英语中“Black Friday”通常指的是感恩节之后的_________天,这一天标志着圣诞购物季的开始。
答案:第二天12. 英语中“Red Cross”是指国际性的志愿援助组织,其标志为_________十字。
答案:红13. 英语国家中,_________是唯一一个以英语为主要语言的亚洲国家。
答案:菲律宾14. 美国的自由女神像位于_________市。
答案:纽约15. 英语中“Easter”指的是_________节,是基督教的重要节日之一。
答案:复活16. 英语中“St. Patrick's Day”是_________的国庆日。
答案:爱尔兰17. 英语中“Commonwealth”指的是英联邦,它是一个由_________国家组成的国际组织。

石河子大学 2008-2009 学年第二学期英语国家概况考试试卷注意:请将所有试题答案做在试卷二上,做在试卷一上不得分试卷一Part I Choose the correct answer. (1 ’×50=50’)1.The British Isles are made up of ________A. two large islands and hundreds of small onesB. two large islands and Northern IrelandC.three large islands and hundreds of small onesD.three large islands and Northern Ireland2.There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain.They are_____A. Britain, Scotland and WalesB. England, Scotland and WalesC. Britain, Scotland and IrelandD. England, Scotland and Ireland3.In British history, both Saxons and Angels came from ________A. northern EuropeB. northern GermanyC. southern EuropeD. southern Germany4.It was _________ who laid the foundations of the English state.A. the VikingsB. the DanesC. the CeltsD. the Anglo-Saxons5._________ is perhaps the best-known event in English history.A. The Norman Conquest of 1066B. The Great Charter of 1215C. The Hundred Years’War with FranceD. The English Renaissance6. In the reign of the Norman kings ___________ flowered on the English soil.A. the German cultureB. the British cultureC. the Danish cultureD. the Norman culture 7. Black Death, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas, spread through Europe in the ____centuryA.13thB. 14thC. 15thD. 16th8.The English Renaissance achieved its finest expression in __________A. Elizabethan dramaB. Leonardo Da Vinci’s work sC. Thomas Moor’s worksD. Thomas Wyatt’s poems9. The English Civil War had been seen as a conflict between ________A. the Commons and the LordsB. the King and the BaronsC. Parliament and the KingD. the Crown and the Church10.Two of the most famous literary works of late 17th century England were John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and _________A. William Shakespeare ’s HamletB. Francis Bacon’s Essay sC. John Milton’s Paradise LostD. Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine11. In Britain, ________ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.A. the ToriesB. the PuritainsC. the WhigsD. the Anglo-Americans12. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, Britain became ________A.“the shop of the world”B.“the workshop of the world ”C.“the centre of the world ”D.“the leader of the worl d”13.________is generally regarded as the greatest writer in the English languageA. Christopher MarloweB. William ShakespeareC. Edmund SpenserD. Charles Dickens14.In Britain,the prime minister is the leader of the party that holds the most seats in___A. the House of LordsB. the House of CommonsC. the SenateD. the House of Representatives15. In Britain, private schools or independent schools are called __________A. grammar schoolsB. high schoolsC. public schoolsD. state schools16. In American, the first English colony was founded at _______ in 1607.A. Jamestown, VirginiaB. Plymouth, MassachusettsC. New AmsterdamD. Boston, Massachusetts17. The first immigrants in American history came from _______ and _________A. Ireland/FranceB. England / China命题组组长签字:第 1 页(本试卷共 5 页 ) I II IIIC. Scotland / EnglandD. England / the Netherlands18. The British established 13 colonies along ___________A. the west coast of North AmericaB. the west coast of South AmericaC. the east coast of North AmericaD. the east coast of South America 19. The American War of Independence began with ________A. the battles of TrentonB. the Boston Tea PartyC. the battles of Lexington and ConcordD. the battles of Gettysburg 20. The declaration of Independence was drafted by ________ A. Abraham Lincoln B. John Adams C. Benjamin Franklin D. Thomas Jefferson 21. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by _______ during the Civil War A. George Washington B. Abraham Lincoln C. Thomas Jefferson D. Franklin Roosevelt 22. The 1920s in the U.S. has been described as a period of __________ A. cultural revival B. loss of purpose C. development in science and technology D. material success and spiritual frustration23. McCarthyism refers to the anti-Communist hysteria whipped up by senator McCarthy ______ A. after world war I B. during world war II C. in the early 1950s D. in the 1960s24. The famous leader of black movements in the U.S. in the 60s is _________ A. Abraham Lincoln B. George Garrison C. Douglas Moor D. Martin Luther King 25. The functions of institutions of higher education in the U.S. are _______ A. research and teaching B. teaching and degree awardingC. professional training, teaching and public serviceD. teaching, research and public service 26. Walt Whitman’s masterpiece is ________B. Song of MyselfD. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer27. The_____, the backbone of the North American continent, is also known as the Continental Divide. A. Appalachians B. Rockies C. Blue Ridge Mountains D. Great Smokies 28. The American Constitution was drawn up in 1787 when _________A. the War of Independence was startedB. the War of Independence was wonC. the American Civil War was startedD. the American Civil War was won 29. 2. The general election in America is held every _____ years. A. 5 B. 4 C. 6 D. 330. Among the following authors, the one who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, is __ A. T. S. Eliot B. Emily Dickenson C. Walt Whitman D. Richard Wright31. The legal holiday observed annually in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday of November is _____ A. Independence Day B. Thanksgiving Day C. Washington ’s Birthday D. Halloween 32. The theme of Thanksgiving has always been ____________. A. friendship and happiness B. peace and plenty C. cooperation and rich reward D. love and happiness33. By long custom, nationally observed holidays in the U.S. include the following except ______ A. Christmas B. Valentine’s Day C. Lincoln’s Birthday D. Mid -Summer’s Day 34. In terms of area Canada is the ________ country in the world.A. largestB. second largestC. third largestD. fourth largest35. The first British settlers in Canada were _______ who refused to fight against the British army the War of American Independence.A. French refugeesB. British merchantsC. American refugeesD. French reformers 36. Australia was originally inhabited by ________.第 2 页(本试卷共 5 页 )A. Leaves of GrassC. A tramp AbroadA. IndiansB. EskimosC. MaorisD. Aborigines37._______is the oldest of the Australian states because it was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.A. VictoriaB. New South WalesC. South AustraliaD. Queensland38._________is an integral and pervasive influence on national life and culture of Ireland.A. ProtestantismB. CatholicismC. Calvinist doctrineD. Idealism39.In Ireland,the constitution provides for both________as official languages.A. Irish and EnglishB. English and FrenchC. Irish and FrenchD. English and Welsh40. The capital of New Zealand is __________.A. WellingtonB. ChristchurchC. HamiltonD. Auckland41. The original inhabitants of New Zealand are called ________.A. EskimosB. AboriginesC. IndiansD. Maoris42.The largest city in Australia is_______.A.CanberraB.MelbourneC.SydneyD.Perth43.The climate in New Zealand is ________.A.subtropicalB.arcticC.temperateD.tropical44._______is/are mainly responsible for education in Australia.A.Federal governmentB.State governmentC.Territory assembliesD.Municipal government45.Of the following,____ is not among the 3 major Australian Parties.A.The Labor PartyB.The National PartyC.The Liberal PartyD.The Australian Democrats46.The Commonwealth of Australia was established in ______.A.1847B.1885C.1900D.190147.Franklin Roosevelt’s program for the depressio n was called.A. ProgressivismB. laissez faireC. New FreedomD. New Deal48._______is celebrated as New Zealand‘s National Day.A.February 6B.July 4thC.June 14thD.June 4th49.The most well-known Irish writer is _____. He introduces the stream of consciousness technique.A. Mark TwainB.Emily DickinsonC. James JoyceD.Charles Dickens50.In Ireland the head of state is the______.A.Prime MinisterB.PresidentC.British monarchD.General GovernorPart II Give one-sentence answer to the following questions. (3 ’×10=30’)1.What is the official name of Great Britain?2. In the election of 1979, who became the first woman prime minister in Britain?3. In Britain, what does BBC stand for?4.What are the two major political parties in the United States?5.What is the principal river in the United States?6. Why is Australia a dry land?7.When did Ireland declare itself a republic?8. What animal is regarded as a national symbol of New Zealand?9. How many large cities do you know in Canada ?10. In New Zealand what is the Treaty ofWaittangi ?PartIII Explain the following items either in English or in Chinese. (5 ’×4=20’)1. The Industrial Revolution2. English Renaissance3. The Declaration of Independence4. Separation of powers第 3 页(本试卷共 5 页 )石河子大学 2007-2008 学年第二学期英语国家概况考试试卷学院:专业:班级:姓名:学号:授课教师:试卷二Part I Choose the correct answer. (1 ×50=50)1.[A][B][C][D] 2.[A][B][C][D] 3.[A][B][C][D] 4.[A][B][C][D] 5.[A][B][C][D]6. [A][B][C][D] 7. [A][B][C][D] 8. [A][B][C][D] 9. [A][B][C][D] 10 [A][B][C][D]11. [A][B][C][D]12. [A][B][C][D]13. [A][B][C][D]14. [A][B][C][D]15 [A][B][C][D] 16. [A][B][C][D]17. [A][B][C][D]18. [A][B][C][D]19. [A][B][C][D]20. [A][B][C][D]21. [A][B][C][D]22. [A][B][C][D]23. [A][B][C][D]24. [A][B][C][D]25. [A][B][C][D]26. [A][B][C][D]27. [A][B][C][D]28. [A][B][C][D]29. [A][B][C][D]30. [A][B][C][D]31. [A][B][C][D]32. [A][B][C][D]33. [A][B][C][D]34. [A][B][C][D]35. [A][B][C][D]36. [A][B][C][D]37. [A][B][C][D]38. [A][B][C][D]39. [A][B][C][D]40. [A][B][C][D]41. [A][B][C][D]42. [A][B][C][D]43. [A][B][C][D]44. [A][B][C][D]45. [A][B][C][D]46. [A][B][C][D]47. [A][B][C][D]48. [A][B][C][D]49. [A][B][C][D]50. [A][B][C][D]Part II Give one-sentence answer to the following questions. (3 ×10=30) 1.What is the official name of Great Britain?2. In the election of 1979, who became the first woman prime minister in Britain?3. In Britain, what does BBC stand for?4.What are the two major political parties in the United States?5.What is the principal river in the United States?6. Why is Australia a dry land?7.When did Ireland declare itself a republic?8. What animal is regarded as a national symbol of New Zealand?9. How many large cities do you know in Canada ?10. In New Zealand what is the Treaty ofWaittangiPartIII Explain the following items either in English or in Chinese. (5 ×4=20) 1. The Industrial Revolution2. English Renaissance3. The Declaration of Independence4. Separation of powers第 4 页(本试卷共 5 页 )石河子大学 2007-2008 学年第二学期英语国家概况考试试卷 (答案)Part I: Choose the correct answer. (1 ×50=50)6-10: D B A C C 16- 20: A D C C D 26-30: A B B B A 36-40: D B B A A 46-50: D D A C BPart II Give one-sentence answer to the following questions. (3 ×10=30)1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2. Margaret Thatcher3. British Broadcasting Corporation4. The Republic Party and the Democratic Party. 5. The Mississippi6. Because more than half of Australia is covered by dry lands. 7. In 1949 8. The Kiwi.9. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver .Part Ⅲ Explain the following items either in English or in Chinese. (5 ’×4=20’)1. The Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanizaton ofindustry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and 19th centuries.2. English Renaissance: Politically, the English Renaissance marks the end of the period ofcivil war among the old feudal aristocracy in mid-15th century, and the establishment of a modern, efficient, centralized state. Technically, the date is close to that of the introduction of printing into England. And culturally, the first important period in England was the reign of the second Tudor monarch, Henry VIII.3. It it an important document in the war of Independence. Thomas Jefferson drafted theDeclaration of Independence. On July 4,1776, the Congress adopted the declaration. It marked the indepencence of the United States.4. Separation of powers is the concept thought to be the safeguards of the U.S. government.The government is divided into three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial. Each branch has part of the powers but not all the power. And each branch of government can check or block the actions of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. This is called“caecks and balances ”10.It ’s an agreement between the chiefs of the Maori people and the Brithish Crown.第 5 页(本试卷共 5 页 )1-5: A B B D A 11- 15: A B B B C 21-25: B D C D D 31-35: B B D B C 41-45: B C C B D。

英语国家概况试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语是以下哪个国家的官方语言?A. 中国B. 法国C. 美国D. 巴西答案:C2. 英国的首都是哪里?A. 伦敦B. 巴黎C. 柏林D. 罗马答案:A3. 英语国家中,哪个国家是英联邦的创始成员?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 澳大利亚D. 新西兰答案:B4. 英语中“Thank you”的意思是:A. 不客气B. 你好C. 谢谢D. 对不起答案:C5. 英语中“Good morning”通常用于:A. 晚上B. 早上C. 中午D. 下午答案:B6. 英语国家中,哪个国家以英语为第二语言?A. 印度B. 中国C. 法国D. 德国答案:A7. 英语中“Please”的意思是:A. 谢谢B. 请C. 对不起D. 再见答案:B8. 英语国家中,哪个国家位于南半球?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 澳大利亚D. 英国答案:C9. 英语中“Excuse me”通常用于:A. 问路B. 打招呼C. 道歉D. 道别答案:A10. 英语国家中,哪个国家以英语为母语?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 澳大利亚D. 所有选项答案:D二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. 英语国家中,_______(美国)是最大的英语使用国。
2. 英语是_______(联合国)的工作语言之一。
3. 英语国家中,_______(英国)是英语的发源地。
4. 英语国家中,_______(加拿大)的官方语言包括英语和法语。
5. 英语中,表示“再见”的常用语是_______(Goodbye)。
6. 英语国家中,_______(澳大利亚)的首都是堪培拉。
7. 英语国家中,_______(新西兰)位于太平洋地区。
8. 英语中,表示“不用谢”的常用语是_______(You're welcome)。
9. 英语国家中,_______(南非)是非洲唯一以英语为官方语言的国家。
10. 英语中,表示“请稍等”的常用语是_______(Just a moment)。

自考课程综合测验英语国家概况 试卷 (课程代码 00522 )一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共40分) 1. is the largest island in Europe.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. IrelandD. Great Britain 2. The UK is bordered on the south by . A. the North Sea B. the English Channel C. the Irish Sea D. the Atlantic Ocean 3. The capital of the UK is .A. EdinburghB. LondonC. LiverpoolD. Birmingham 4. The longest rivers in Britain are the Thames and .A. the MerseyB. the River HumberC. the SevernD. the Tyne River 5. The first known settlers of Britain were the .A. CeltsB. Anglo-SaxonsC. RomansD. Iberians 6. It is that brought the new religion, Christianity, to Britain.A. the RomansB. the CeltsC. the Anglo-SaxonsD. the Viking and Danish Invasions 7. Among the following groups of people, the came to Britain first. A. Jutes B. Angles C. Saxons D. Normans8. The Conquest in 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. A. Roman B. Viking C. Anglo-Saxon D. Norman9. Under , the feudal system in England was completely established. A. Edward I B. Henry II C. King Alfred D. William the Conqueror 10. The Magna Carta was a statement of the feudal and legal relationship between .A. the Crown and the BaronsB. the king and the parliamentC. the aristocrats and the middle classD. the monarch and the working people 11. The name of the Hundr ed Years’ War is given to the intermittent war between .A. France and EnglandB. Spain and EnglandC. Germany and EnglandD. America and England12. in the 14th century was the modern name given to the plague, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas.A. Brid FluB. Black DeathC. Yellow FeverD. Scarlet Fever 13. was above all responsible for the religious reform in England.A. Alfred the GreatB. Edward IC. Henry VIIID. William the Conqueror 14. declared that he, and not the Pope, was the Supreme Head of the Church of England in 1535. A. James I B. Charles I C. James II D. Henry VIII 15. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, was Elizabeth I ’s . A. sister B. daughter C. cousin D. half-sister 16. The English Renaissance was largely .A. literaryB. politicalC. religiousD. philosophical 17. The Chartist movement was the first nationwide movement.A. working classB. lower middle classC. upper middle classD. upper class18. The Seven Years’ War was fought between Britain and for the colonization in North America. A. Spain B. Russia C. Holland D. France19. During the late 18th and early 19th centuries the system ended when the Enclosure Acts were introduced. A. tenant B. feudal C. open-field D. enclosed field 20. modified and improved the design of the steam engine in 1765.A. James WattB. Abraham DarbyC. Richard ArkwrightD. Henry Court二、论述题(15分)Describe the geographical position of the UK.三、论述题(15分)What do you know about King Alfred? What makes him worthy of the title of “Alfred the Great?年级 班级 准考证号 姓名四、论述题(15分)What were the contents and the significance of the Great Charter?五、论述题(15分)What do you know about land enclosures in Britain?答案:。

2009级《英语国家概况》期末考试部分题目及参考答案III. Define the following terms using either the exact words from the text or in your own words.(本题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)31. TAFE32. Abraham Lincoln33. Windsor Castle34. Franklin Roosevelt35. Golden Gate BridgeIV. Give brief answers to the following questions. (本题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分)36.On what basis are applicants chosen by American universities?37.What do the Americans think of education?38.How big is the tourist industry in the United States?39.What traditional festivals do the Americans celebrate?40.What did Margaret Thatcher do to the British economy?V. State your understanding of the following questions in about 100 words? (本题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)41. What are the reasons for the remarkable economic achievements made in the USA?三、本题共5 小题,每小题4分,满分20 分。
31. Technical and Further Education institutions provide a wide range of predominantly vocational tertiary education courses in Australia. Fields covered include hospitality, tourism, construction, engineering, secretarial skills, visual arts, computer programming and community work..32. The 16th President of the United States, who guided his country through the most devastating experience in its national history---the Civil War .33. The largest inhabited castle in the world dates back to the time of William the Conqueror. It is the oldest in continuous occupation. It may be the most famous castle in the world. Together with Buckingham Palace in London and Holyrood in Edinburgh, it is one of the principal official residences of the British monarchs.34. He is often referred to by his initials FDR. He was the 32nd President of the United States. As a central figure of the 20th century during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war, he has consistently been ranked as one of the three greatest US presidents in scholarly surveys.35. A suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay onto the Pacific Ocean. It had the longest suspension bridge span in the world when it was completed in 1937 and has been an internationally recognized symbol of San Francisco and California.四、本题共5 小题,每小题6分,满分30 分。

英语国家概况试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语作为官方语言的国家不包括以下哪一个?A. 美国B. 英国C. 法国D. 加拿大2. 以下哪个国家不是英语国家?A. 澳大利亚B. 新西兰C. 印度D. 巴西3. 英语的发源地是:A. 美国B. 英国C. 澳大利亚D. 加拿大4. 英语中“Hello”一词的意思是:A. 再见B. 你好C. 谢谢D. 对不起5. 英语国家中,哪个国家有“枫叶国”之称?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚6. 英语国家中,以下哪个国家是君主立宪制?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚7. 英语国家中,哪个国家是联邦制国家?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚8. 英语国家中,以下哪个国家是双语国家?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚9. 英语国家中,以下哪个国家是英联邦成员国?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 所有选项10. 英语国家中,以下哪个国家是联合国安全理事会常任理事国?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的亚洲国家。
2. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的南美国家。
3. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的非洲国家。
4. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的大洋洲国家。
5. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的欧洲国家。
三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 请简述英语国家中,英国的地理位置及其主要特点。
2. 请简述英语国家中,美国的国家体制及其主要特点。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述英语国家中,加拿大的多元文化政策及其对世界的影响。
2. 论述英语国家中,澳大利亚的自然环境和经济发展。
五、翻译题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文:“English is the most widely spoken second language in the world.”2. 请将以下中文句子翻译成英文:“英语是世界使用最广泛的第二语言。

全国2009年4月高等教育自学考试英美文学选读试题I.Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each)Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement and write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.1.In Renaissance, the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to do the following EXCEPT ______.A.getting rid of those old feudalist ideasB. getting control of the parliament and governmentC.introducing new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisieD.recovering the purity of the early church, from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church2.The Petrarchan sonnet was first introduced into England by ______. A.SurreyB. WyattC.SidneyD.Shakespeare3.As the best of Shakespeare's final romances,______ is a typicalexample of his pessimistic view towards human life and society in his late years.A.The Tempest 暴风雨B. The Winter's Tale冬天的故事C.Cymbeline 辛白林D.The Rape of Lucrece 露易丝受辱记4.John Milton's greatest poetical work ______ is the only generally acknowledged epic in English literarure since Beowulf. A.AreopagiticaB. Paradise LostC.LycidasD.Samson Agonistes5.The British bourgeois or middle class believed in the following notions EXCEPT ______.A.self - esteem 自尊B. self – reliance自力更生C.self - restraint 自制D.hard work6.“Graveyard School”writers are the following sentimentalists EXCEPTA.James ThomsonB. William CollinsC.William CowperD.Thomas Jackson7.The best model of satire in the whole English literary history is Jonathan Swift's ______.A.A Modest ProposalB. A Tale of a TubC.Gulliver's TravelsD.The Battle of the Books8.As a representative of the Enlightenment,______ was one of the first to introduce rationalism to England.A.John BunyanB. Daniel DefoeC.Alexander PopeD.Jonathan Swift9.For his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel,______ has been regarded by some as “Father of the EnglishA.Daniel DefoeB. Henry FieldingC.Jonathan SwiftD.Samuel Richardson10.Which of the following descriptions of Gothic Novels is NOT correct?A.It predominated in the early eighteenth century.B. It was one phase of the Romantic movement.C.Its principal elements are violence, horror and the supernatural. D.Works like The Mysteries of Udolpho and Frankenstein are typical Gothic romance.11.“Byronic hero”is a figure of the following traits EXCEPT ______.A. being proudB. being of humble 卑微的originC. being rebelliousD.being mysterious12.Robert Browning created ______ by adopting the novelistic presentation of characters.A.the verse novelB. the blank verseC.the heroic coupletD.the dramatic poetry13.Charles Dickens' novel ______ is famous for its vivid descriptions of the workhouse and life of the underworld in the nineteenth- century London.A.The Pickwick PaperB. Oliver TwistC.David CopperfieldD.Nicholas Nickleby14.Charlotte Bronte's works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards ______, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.A.self - relianceB. self - realizationC.self - esteemD.self - consciousness15.The symbolic meaning of “Book”in Robert Browning's long poem The Ring and the Book is ______.A.the common senseB. the hard truthC.the comprehensive knowledgeD.the dead truth16.Thomas Hardy's pessimistic view of life predominated most of his later works and earns him a reputation as a ______ writer.A.realisticB. naturalisticC.romanticD.stylistic17.After the First World War, there appeared the following literary trends of modernism EXCEPT ______.A.expressionismB. surrealismC.stream of consciousnessD.black humour18.The masterpieces of critical realism in the early 20th century are thethree trilogies of ______.A.Galsworthy's Forsyte novelsB. Hardy' s Wessex novelsC.Greene's Catholic novelsD.Woolf's stream-of-consciousness novels19.In the mid - 1950s and early 1960s, there appeared “______”who demonstrated a particular disillusion over the depressing situation in Britain and launched a bitter protest.against the outmoded social and political values in their society.A.The Beat GenerationB. The Lost GenerationC.The Angry Young MenD.Black Mountain Poets20.The following are English stream-of-consciousness novels EXCEPT ______.A. PilgrimageB. UlyssesC. Mrs.DallowayD.A Passage to Inida21.The leader of the Irish National Theater Movement in the early 20thcentury was ______.A.W.B.YeatsB. Lady GregoryC.J.M.SyngeD.John Galworthy22.T.S.Eliot's most popular verse play is ______.A.Murder in the CathedralB. The Cocktail PartyC.The Family ReunionD.The Waste Land23.The American writer ______ was awarded the Nobel Prize for the anti-racist In-truder in the Dust in 1950.A.Ernest HemingwayB. Gertrude SteinC.William Faulkner D. T.S.Eliot24.Hemingway's second big success is ______ , which wrote the epitaph to a decade and to the whole generation in the 1920s, in order to tell us a story about the tragic love affair of a wounded American soldier with a British nurse.A.For Whom the Bell TollsB. A Farewell to ArmsC.The Sun Also RisesD.The Old Man and the Sea25.With the publication of ______ , Dreiser was launching himself upon a long career that would ultimately make him one of the most significant American writers of the school later known as literary naturalism. A.Sister CarrieB. The TitanC.The GeniusD.The Stoic26.Henry James is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th -century “stream -of-consciousness”novels and the founder of ______. A.neoclassicismB. psychological心理的realismC.psychoanalytical精神分析criticismD.surrealism27.In 1849, Herman Melville published ______ ,a semi-autobiographical novel, con- cerning the sufferings of a genteel youth among brutal sailors.A.OmooB. MardiC.RedburnD.Typee28.As a sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,______ marks the climax of Mark Twain's literary activity.A.The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnB. Life on the MississippiC.The Gilded AgeD.Roughing It29.Realism was a reaction against ______ or a move away from the bias towards romance and self- creating fictions, and paved the way to Modernism.A.RomanticismB. RationalismC.Post-modernismD.Cynicism30.When World War II broke out,______ began working for the Italian government, engaged in some radio broadcasts of anti- Semitism and pro-Fascism.A.Ezra Pound B. T.S.EliotC.Henry James D.Robert Frost31.In 1915 ______ became a naturalized British citizen, largely in protest against America's failure to join England in the First World War. A.Henry James B. T.S.EliotC.W.D.Howells D.Ezra Pound32.What Whitman prefers for his new subject and new poetic feelings is “______ ,”that is, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. A.blank verseB. free rhythmC.balanced structureD.free verse33.The American woman poet ______ wanted to live simply as a complete independent being, and so she did, as a spinster.A.Emily ShawB. Anna DickinsonC.Emily DickinsonD.Anne Bret34.The Birthmark drives home symbolically ______ point that evil is a man's birthmark, something he was born with.A.Whitman'sB. Melville'sC.Hawthorne'sD.Emerson's35.The Financier ,The Titan and The Stoic written by ______ are called his “Trilogy of Desire”.A.Henry JamesB. Theodore DreiserC.Mark TwainD.Herman Melville36.Disregarding grammar and punctuation,______ always used “i”instead of “I”in his poems to show his protest against self-importance. A.Wallace StevensB. Ezra PoundC.Robert FrostD.E.E.Cummings37.Though Robert Frost is generally considered a regional poet whose subject matters mainly focus on the landscape and people in ______ , he wrote many poems that investigate the basic themes of man's life in his long poetic career.A.the westB. the southC.New EnglandD.Alaska38.Most critics have agreed that Fitzgerald is both an insider and an outsider of ______ with a double vision.A.the Gilded AgeB. the Rational AgeC.the Jazz AgeD.the Magic Age39.In the American Romantic writings,______ came to function almost as a dramatic character that symbolized moral law.A.fireB. waterC.treesD.wilderness40.The desire for an escape from society and a return to ______ became a permanent convention of the American literature.A.the family lifeB. natureC.the ancient timeD.fantasy of loveII.Reading Comprehension (16 points in all, 4 for each)Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English.Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.41.Wherefore feed and clothe and saveFrom the cradle to the graveThose ungrateful drones who wouldDrain your sweat- nay, drink your blood?Questions:A.Identify the poet and the title of the poem from which the stanza is taken. from percy shelley’s “men of England”B.What figure of speech is used in Line 2?metonymyC.Whom does “drones”refer to?Here “drones” refers to the parasitic class in human socity.42.The following quotation is from one of the poems by T.S.Eliot: No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be;Am an attendant lord, one that will doTo swell a progress, start a scene or twoAdvise the prince; no doubt, an easy tool,Deferential, glad to be of use,Politic, cautious, and meticulous,Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;Questions:A.Identify the title of the poem from which the quoted part is taken.The love song of J.Alfred PrufrockB.Who's the speaker of the quoted lines?J.Alfred PrufrockC.What does the first line show about the speaker?Prufrock is conscious of the fact that he is like hamlet in some respect. But he is sensible enough that he cant be compared with hamlet. 43.There was a child went forth every day,And the first object he look'd upon, that object he became,And that object became part of him for the day or a certain part of the day,Or for many years or stretching cycles of years.Questions:A.Identify the poet. Walt WhitmanB.From which poem and which collection of the poet are these lines taken?“ there was a child went forth” from “ leaves of grass”C.What does the poet describe in the poem?The poem describes the growth of a child who learned about the world around him and improved himself accordingly. In the poem, Whitman’s own early experience may well be identified with the childhood of a young, growing American.44.I heard a Fly buzz- when I died-The Stillness in the RoomWas like the Stillness in the Air-Between the Heaves of Storm-The Eyes around- had wrung them dry-And Breaths were gathering firmFor that last Onset- when the KingBe witnessed - in the Room-Questions:A.Identify the poet. Emily DickinsonB.What does “the King” refer to?The god of deathC.What moment is the poem trying to describe?The poem is trying to describe the moment of death.III.Questions and Answers (24 points in all, 6 for each)Give brief answers to each of the following questions in English.Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.45.List at least two leading neoclassicists in England.What did Neoclassicists celebrate in literary creation?A. Alexander pope, John Dryden, Samuel JohndonB. they believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy and that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity. They seek proportion, unity, harmony and grace in literacy expression, in an effort to delight, instruct and correct human beings. Thus a polite, elegant, witty and intellectual art developed. 46.Jane Eyre is one of the most popular and important novels of the Victorian Age.Why is Jane Eyre such a successful novel?A. it is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing socity.B. it is an intense moral fable.C. the success of the novel is also due to its introduction to the English novel the first governess heroine.47.Who are the three dominant figures of the American Age of Realism and what are the differences in their understanding of the “truth”?A. William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, Henry James.B. Mark Twain and Howells seemed to have paid more attention to the“life”of the Ameicans. Howells focused his discussion on the rising middle class and the way they lived: Mark Twain preferred to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories; Henry James had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the “ inner world” of man. 48.What's Dreiser' s naturalistic belief? Please discuss the question with Carrie, a character in Sister Carrie as an example.A. Dreiser believes that while men are controlled and conditioned by heredity, instinct and chance, a few extraordinary and unsophisticated human beings refuse to accept their fate wordlessly and instead strive, unsuccessfully, to find meaning and purpose for their existence.B. Carrie, as one of such, senses that she is merely a cipher in an uncaring world yet seeks to grasp the mysteries of life and thereby satisfies her desires for social status and material comfort, but in spite of her success, she is lonely and dissatisfied.IV.Topic Discussion(20 points in all, 10 for each)Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.49.Briefly discuss William Shakespeare's artistic achievements in characterization, plot construction and language.A. shakespeare’s major characters are neither merely individual ones nor type ones; they represent certain types; they are individuals representingcertain types. By employing a psychoanalytical approach, Shakespeare succeeds in exploring the characters’inner world. Shakespeare also portrays his characters in pairs. Contrasts are frequently used to bring vividness to his characters.B. Shakespeare seldom invents his own plot; instead, he borrows them from old plays or storybook, fron ancient Greek or Roman sources. In order to make the play more lively and compact, he would shorten the time and intensify the story. There are usually several clues running through the play, thus providing the story with the suspense and apprehension.C. Shakespeare can write skillfully in different poetic forms, such as the sonnet, the blank verse and the rhymed couplet. He has an amazing wealth of vocabulary and idiom. His coinage of new words and distortion of the meaning of the old words also creates striking effects on the readers.50.Briefly discuss Mark Twain's art of fiction in terms of the setting,the language, and the characters, etc.,based on his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.A. Mark Twain uses the Mississippi V ally as his fictional kingdom, Writing about the landscape and people, the customs and the dialects of one particular region, and is therefore known as a local colorist.B. he creates life-like characters, especially the conventional HuckleberryFinn, who runs away from civilization and stands opposite to conventional morality.C. He uses a simple, direct vernacular language, totally different from any previous literary language. It is the kind of colloquial language belonging to the lower class, the living local American English.D. he has created a special humor to satirize social injustices and the decayed convention.。

英语国家概况(课后问答题)第一部分英国概况1 What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth?Britain is the shortened form of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland while the British Isles is a geographical name.2 What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain?They are England, Scotland and Wales 3. What is the official name of Great Britain?The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland4. Where did the King Harold defeat Tostig and Harold Hardrada?( At Stanford Bridge)5.What did William do after he suppressed镇压the Saxon risings in the north?(He built a string of defense防卫castles to ensure his military control of the whole country.)6. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation?( For nearly 400 years)7 What was the peculiar features of the feudal system of England?(All landowners, whether the tenants-in-chief or subtenants, took the oath of allegiance for the land they held, not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.)8 What did Willliam I leave to his sons after he died?( He left Normandy to his eldest son, Robert, and England to his second son William, and a large sum of money to his third son, Henry.) 9 What was William I’s policytowards the church?(He wanted to keep it completely underhis control, but at the same time toupload its power.)10 When was the Domesday Bookcompleted?( In 1086)11 What was the consequence of theHundred Years’ War?(The French drove the English out oftheir land. By 1453, Calais was theonly part of France that was still in thehands of English)12 What did the Lollards preach?(The Lollards preached the equality ofmen before God)13 What were the two countriesElizabeth I successfully played offagainst each other for nearly 30years?( France and Spain were the twocountries that Elizabeth I successfullyplayed off against each other for nearly30 years)14 What was the outcome结果ofthe English Civil War?(It not only overthrew feudal system inEngland but also shook the foundationof the feudal rule in Europe. It isgenerally regarded as the beginning ofmodern world history.)15 What were the three main causesof Henry VIII’s religious reform ofthe Church?( The three main causes were: a desirefor change and reform in the Churchhad been growing for many years andnow, encouraged by the success ofMarin Luther, many people believed itstime had come; the privilege andwealth of the clergy were also resented;and Henry needed money)16 Which party did MargaretThatcher represent in the 1970s?(She represented the ConservativeParty)17 What did the Whigs stand for inthe early 19th century?Whigs stood for a reduction in Crownpatronage, sympathy towardsNonconformists, and care for theinterests of merchants and bankers.18 Why did changes in farmingmethods改变耕作方式affect lives ofmillions in the 18th century?(Because village and agriculture werethe backbone of England at that time.)19 When did Britain finally becomea full member of the EuropeanEconomic Community?(Britain finally became a full memberof the European Economic Communityin January, 1973)没背20 Why was Mrs. Thatcherremoved from office in 1990?(It was because of her opposition toEuropean Union and her imposition ofan extremely unpopular flatrate ‘polltax’ in place of property taxes to payfor local government service.21 What were the two groups of theChartiests? What was theirdifference?(The Chartists could be divided intotwo groups: the Moral Force Chartistsand the Physical Force Chartists. Theformer wanted to realize their aims bypeaceful means while the latter wantedto achieve their purpose by violence)22 What was the goal of the LondonWorking Men’s Association in itsstruggle?(It aimed to ‘ to seek by every legalmeans to place all classes of society inpossession of equal political and socialrights)精品文库23 Why was Britain known as the factory of the world in the mid-19th century?(Because the British economy was among the strongest in the world)24 Who has the power to declare war and make peace in the UK?(The Queen)25 How many members of Parliament does the House of Commons in the UK consist of ? (651Members of Parliament)26 What does the British Parliament consist of ?(It consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons) 27 What did the term ‘parliament’ originally mean?( It originally meant a meeting for parley or discussion)28 Where does the Sovereign’s coronation take place?(It takes place at Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特教堂in London)29Where does the Queen’s expenditure arising from支出所产生的public duties come from?( The Queen’s expenditure arising from public duties comes from the Civil List and government departments)30 How is the British House of Commons elected?The House of Commons is elected by universal adult suffrage.31 What is a ‘shadow cabinet’ 影子内阁in Britain?( The party which wins the second largest number of seats in parliament becomes the Official Opposition and it forms its own ‘cabinet’ known as ‘shadow cabinet’32 What are the three main Christian festivals in Britain? (The three main Christian festivals inBritain are Christmas. Easter, and WhitSunday.)33 Who is directly responsible for theNHS in Britain?谁直接负责国民保健制度在英国(Central government is directlyresponsible for the NHS in Britain)34 What are the two establishedchurches in Britain?(They are the Church of England andthe Church of Scotland in Scotland)35 How many provinces does theChurch of England have?(The Church of England has twoprovinces: Canterbury and York)36What is the National Day inBritain?(The birthday of the British Monarch isa National Day in Britain)37 What does ‘Oxbridge’ refer to inGreat Britain?(It refers to the Universities of Oxfordand Cambridge)没背38 What kind of schools are theindependent schools in Britain?(The independent schools are thosesupported entirely by fees and privatefuns)39What are the three groups ofnation newspapers?(They are quality, popular andmid-market papers.)40 Which religion in Ireland is thelargest non-Catholic denomination?(The Anglican Church圣公会ofIreland is the largest non-Catholicdenomination.)没背41 What was the consequence ofthe Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921?什么是后果,英爱条约1921?(Violentopposition to the treaty byultranationalists led to a civil war.)没背42 What was the result ofgrowing Irish nationalism in theearly decades of the 20th century?(Irish nationalism became stronger andeven more violent in the early decadesof the 20th century and climaxed in theEastern Uprising of 1916 in which anIrish Republic was proclaimed.)没背43 Wht happened after theEnglish king was declared the headof the Church of Ireland replaceingthe Pope?英国国王宣布爱尔兰教会领袖代替教皇(There followed centuries of religiousas well as political persecution政治迫害, which helped to strengthen anddeepen Ireland’s Catholic spirit.)第二部分美国部分1What are the two novels giving avivid description of the miserable lifeof the black slaves?(Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Roots)2 What is the reason for the growthof population in Florida?(Florida’s population growth owesmuch to its attractiveness both as aplace to retire and as a convenientplace for business with and travel toCentral and South America)3 When did the higher birth rateappear in the United States?(The birth rate appeared during ‘thebaby boom’[1946-1964]) ??4 When was the Declaration ofIndependence adopted?(It was adopted on July4,1776)没背5Please write any three of the13 colonies the British establishedalong the east coast of NorthAmerica between 1607 and1733.(Virginia, Maine, New精品文库Hampshire)6What are the implications of the ‘Manifest Destiny’?The implications of ‘manifest Destiny’ are three fold(1)the inevitability of the founding of the United States of America;是必然的(2)the legitimacy 合法的of the expansion of America Territory美国领土; (3) the spread of American democracy美国民主being the task任务of American people who were cho sen to do the Lord’s work.没背7 What were the two serious weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?邦联条款They were:(1)There was no national executive or law-enforcing branch;没有执行或执法部门(2)Congress国会was too large a body to function功能as government. And Congress had no power to raise taxes.国会无权征税8What agreement did America and Britain sign in 1783 by which Britain recognized the independence of the United States? The Treaty of Paris9 What were the features in the colonial period which had influence on later American development?They were representive form of government, rule of law, respect of individual rights, religious tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise.。

2009年4月全国自考英语(一)真题参考答案卷面总分:100分答题时间:90分钟试卷题量:25题一、单选题(共10题,共40分)1.I _____him 150 dollars and must pay him back tomorrow.• A.lend• B.borrow• C.owe• D.own正确答案:C2.We all know about the_____ that smoking can do to our health.• A.hurt• B.injury• C.harm• D.wound正确答案:C3.The house consisted _____ three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom.• A.by• B.in• C.about• D.of正确答案:D4.Jane is restless; she is _____ an important phone call from her parents.• A.waiting• B.expecting• C.hoping• D.wishing正确答案:B5.Round the corner was a building _____ windows were all broken.• A.with its• B.whose• C.which• D.those正确答案:B6.We______to go to the supermarket because we had plenty of food.• A.needn‘t• B.don‘t need• C.needed not• D.didn ‘t need正确答案:D7.Thereis no point______ taking French lessons if you dont want to learnthe language.• A.at• B.in• C.on• D.of正确答案:B8.Finding Harriets house ______ to be more difficult than Nick hadexpected.• A.turned in• B.turned up• C.turned over• D.turned out正确答案:D9.When we returned from our vacation, our nextdoor neighbors were______ a new garage built.• A.having• B.going• C.making• D.putting正确答案:A10.I would very much ______ to visit some of the places that I have beenreading about.• A.like• B.enjoy• C.delight• D.appreciate正确答案:A二、填空题(共10题,共40分)11.Can you tell us more ___ (precise)what happened last night?正确答案:12.Mary accepted Davids ___(invite)to join him for lunch.正确答案:invitation13.The twins are so alike that its almost___ (possible)to tell them apart.正确答案:impossible14.The plants need sand with a___ (deep) of at least 10 to 15 cm to grow.正确答案:depth15.The goal of the course is to ___(rich)our understanding of other cultures.正确答案:enrich16.People today are highly concerned about the quality of the airthey___(breath).正确答案:17.Before the Smiths moved to New York, they lived in a quiet___(neighbor)of Boston.正确答案:neighbo(u)rhood18.I thought her request for financial aid was ___(reason), but somehow it was refused.正确答案:reasonable19.Each student is to give a short___ (speak)to the rest of the class at the end of the semester.正确答案:speech20.Any policy that may lead to the rise in unemployment is likely to meet with strong___ (resist)正确答案:resistance三、问答题(共5题,共20分)21.我想见的是你们的经理。
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课程代码:00522I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50 points, 1 point for each)1. Strictly speaking, “the British Isles” refers to__D_____.A. Great BritainB. IrelandC. the United KingdomD. Great Britain and Ireland2. Which of the following kings was responsible for the complete establishment of the feudal system in England?DA. Edward IB. Henry IIC. Alfred the GreatD. William the Conqueror3. The spirit of the Great Charter was __A____.A. a limitation of the powers of the kingB. a guarantee of the freedom of the serfsC. a limitation of the powers of the ChurchD. a declaration of equality among all people4. Which of the following is NOT true about the result of the Black Death? CA. Much land was left untended.B. There was a terrible shortage of labour.C. The surviving peasants had lost their power of bargaining.D. Landowners tended to change from arable to sheep-farming.5. The War of Roses that took place from 1455 to 1485 was fought between _D_____.A. Britain and FranceB. the Parliament and the CrownC. the working people and the aristocratsD. two branches of the Plantagenet family6. The English Renaissance was largely literary, and it achieved its finest expression in the so-called _D_____.A. Romantic poetryB. Romantic fictionC. Elizabethan poetryD. Elizabethan drama7. British constitutional monarchy is a system under which the powers of the ___B___ are limited by Parliament or the constitution.A. churchB. king or queenC. government ministersD. Bishop’s court8. The Tories in Britain were the forerunners of __C____, which still bears this nickname today.A. the Labor PartyB. the Liberal PartyC. the Conservative PartyD. the Social Democratic Party9. Which of the following was NOT included in the six-point demand of the Chartist Movement? DA. Equal electoral districtsB. Voting by secret ballotC. The vote for all adult malesD. The vote for all adult females10. During the First World War, Britain was allied with ___C___.A. TurkeyB. the Central PowersC. France and RussiaD. Germany and Austria-Hungary11. Who was the man that led Britain in the crisis of the Second World War?DA. George VIB. Theodore RooseveltC. Neville ChamberlainD. Sir Winston Churchill12. The new policies adopted by Mrs. Thatcher and Conservative Government after the 1979 election was known as ___A___.A. ThatcherismB. the New DealC. New FrontierD. Keynesianism13. Over the past one thousand years, the British ____C has been broken only once between 1649 and 1660.A. CabinetB. ParliamentC. MonarchyD. Privy Council14. Who has the power to appoint the Prime Minister in Britain?AA. The QueenB. The ParliamentC. The House of LordsD. The Church of England15. In Britain, a full meeting of ___A___ is called only when a Sovereign dies or announces his or her intention to marry.A. the Privy CouncilB. the ParliamentC. the House of CommonsD. the House of Lords16. Which of the following is NOT involved in the British judicial responsibilities?BA. Attorney GeneralB. Ministry of JusticeC. The Lord ChancellorD. The Home Secretary17. Bank holidays in Britain refer to __A____.A. official public holidaysB. holidays for the banks onlyC. public holidays except for the banksD. holidays for the financial institutions only18. Which statement about the British universities is NOT true?BA. They enjoy academic freedom.B. They cannot appoint their own staff.C. They are governed by royal charters.D. They provide their own courses and award their own degrees.19. _____C_, the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe, has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19th century.A. BasketballB. TennisC. FootballD. Baseball20. London’s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of __C_____.A. the Prime MinisterB. the Lord ChancellorC. the Home SecretaryD. the Attorney General21. Which statement about the Puritans is NOT true? BA. The Puritans did not allow religious dissent.B. The Puritans were poor artisans and unskilled peasants.C. They were dissatisfied with the political corruption in England.D. They went to the United States to establish what they considered the true church.22. The largest racial and ethnic minority in the U.S. is the ___A___, which accounts over12.1% of the population.A. blacksB. AsiansC. IndiansD. Hispanics23. The three well-known authors who penned the Federalist Papers are _CA. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John JayB. George Washington, James Madison and John JayC. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John JayD. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Adams24. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the southern states broke away and formed a new nation called _CA. the Southern States of AmericaB. the Federalist States of AmericaC. the Confederate States of AmericaD. the Anti-confederate States of America25. With the development of industry and extension of railroad network in the early 20th century in the U.S.A., there appeared __A____.A. a rapid growth of citiesB. an influx of foreign goodsC. an increase of urban ghettosD. a great increase in the number of farms26. In the early 19th century, _D_____ actively used the Sherman Antitrust Act to stop monopolistic business mergers in the United States.A. J.P. MorganB. Woodrow WilsonC. Henry RockefellerD. Theodore Roosevelt27. The Red Scare in 1919 and 1920 was a typical example of American _B_____.A. religious intoleranceB. intolerant nationalismC. Progressive MovementD. deregulation of big trusts28. In the early 1930s, the American foreign policy was isolationist, but the _____A_ suddenly changed the whole situation, which propelled the U.S. into the Second World War.A. Pearl Harbor attackB. bombing of Guam islandC. seizing of American merchant shipsD. sinking of American passenger ships29. In 1962, President __D____ finally decided on the use of naval force to prevent military material and arms from entering Cuba and demanded Soviet removal of the missiles there.A. NixonB. TrumanC. JohnsonD. Kennedy30. In 1853, in the ___C another 30,000 square miles of Mexican land were added to the territory of the U.S.A.A. Atlantic PurchaseB. Mexican PurchaseC. Gadsden PurchaseD. Louisiana Purchase31. The four problems that face the economy of the United States are__B____.A. unemployment, inflation, financial crisis and trade deficitB. unemployment, inflation, financial deficit and trade deficitC. mortgage losses, inflation, financial deficit and trade deficitD. unemployment, market failures, financial deficit and trade deficit32. Which statement about the U.S. Constitution is NOT true? CA. It is the supreme law of the land.B. It is the oldest written constitution in the world.C. It was adopted in 1781 at the Second Continental Congress.D. It provides the basis for political stability, economic growth and social progress.33. The American President usually takes an oath of office, administered by the __A____ of the United States in January.A. Chief JusticeB. House SpeakerC. Secretary of StateD. Senate Majority Leader34. The U.S. Constitution provides that the ____A__ shall be President of the Senate.A. Vice PresidentB. Secretary of StateC. Senate Majority LeaderD. Senate Minority Leader35. Which one of the following is NOT government-run at the U.S. federal level? AA. Motor vehicleB. The road systemC. National defenseD. The postal service36. It is generally agreed that U.S. higher education began with the__C____.A. Civil WarB. Independence WarC. founding of Harvard CollegeD. founding of Princeton University37. Formal education in the United States consists of _C_____.A. kindergarten, junior and senior educationB. junior, elementary and secondary educationC. elementary, secondary and higher educationD. kindergarten, secondary and higher education38. In his Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway ___A___.A. expresses the idea of facing defeat courageouslyB. shows the basic goodness and wisdom of ordinary peopleC. praises the ideas of equality and democracy and the joy of common peopleD. describes the sharp contrast of wealth and poverty in Chicago and New York39. In the early part of the 19th century, ___C___ was the center of American writing.A. BostonB. DetroitC. New York CityD. Philadelphia40. The most important patriotic holiday in the U.S. is ___D___.A. HalloweenB. Veterans’ DayC. Thanksgiving DayD. Independence Day41. The capital city of Ireland is ____B__.A. CorkB. DublinC. GalwayD. Waterford42. Historically, Ireland has been free of ethnic conflicts because of its ___B___.A. racial unityB. racial homogeneityC. multi-culturalismD. high rate of emigration43. Ireland has the following demographic features EXCEPT ___B___.A. a late marriage ageB. an excess of females in the populationC. a high proportion of bachelors and spinsters of all agesD. a low birthrate compounded by a century of emigration44. Which of the following is a typical bilingual city in Canada? AA. OttawaB. CalgaryC. TorontoD. Vancouver45. Which of the following statements about immigration in Canada is NOT true? AA. It is estimated that one-third of Canadians were born in other countries.B. Immigration has always been an important source of its population growth.C. Immigration has played an important role in the development of its economy.D. in the past Britain and Western Europe were the principal sources of Canadian immigration.46. In terms of land area, Canada is the ____A__ largest country in the world.A. secondB. thirdC. fourthD. fifth47. The head of state of Australia is ___D___.A. the GovernorB. the PresidentC. the Prime MinisterD. the Queen of England48. ___A___ is the only city on the western coast of Australia with a population of over one million.A. PerthB. SydneyC. BrisbaneD. Melbourne49. A ___A___, where two parts of the earth’s crust meet, runs the length of New Zealand.A. fault lineB. built areaC. dormant volcanoD. geothermal area50. The Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 was an agreement between ___D___.A. the Maori whalers and the British CrownB. the Maori people and the British missionariesC. the Maori traders and the British missionariesD. the chiefs of the Maori people and the British CrownII. Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (30 points, 3 points for each)51. What are the main functions of the British Parliament?The functions of the British Parliament are lawmaking, authorizing taxation and public expenditure, and examing the actions of the government.52. What were the two countries Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years?France and Spain were the two countries that Elizabeth I successfully played of against each other for nearly 30 years.53. What was the outcome of the English Civil War?It not only overthrew feudal systerm in England but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Euprope. It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.54. What are the three main Christian festivals in the U.K.?The three main Christian festivals in the U.K. are Christmas, Easter, and Whit Sunday.55. What were the three cornerstones of American postwar economic boom?They were the automobile, housing and defense industries.56. What was the most important document produced between China and the United States when President Nixon visited China in 1972?It was the Shanghai Communique.57. What is the most central function of the U.S. Congress?The most central function of U.S. Congress is the passage of laws.58. What are the two major parties that dominate American politics at the federal, state and local levels?They are the Democrats and the Republicans.59. What are the two official languages used in Ireland?They are the Irish (or Gaelic) and English.60. Who are the native people living in Australia?They are the Aboriginals.III. Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points for each)61. Open UniversityThe Opena University is a non-residential university which is "open" to all people. The university was founded in 1969 and began its first courses in 1970. If offers degress and other courses for adult students of all ages in Britian and the other member countries of the European Union.62. The Speaker (of the House of Commons in Britain)The speaker of the House of Commons in Britain is elected at the beginning of each new Parliament to preside over the House and enforce the rules of order, and he is acceptable to all shades of opinion in the House of Commons.63. MuckrakersAt the turn of the 20th century in the United States, there were a group ofreform-minded journalists, who made investigations and exposd various dark sides of teh seemingly prosperous American society.64. The stock market crash of 1929On Oct.24,1929 tens of millions of shares were dumped on the stock market, driving down the share prices and wiping out billions of dollars of paper profits.The stock market crash was the beginning of a long economic depression.。