Fiber-optic extrinsic OL Fabry–Perot dc magnetic field sensor


Unit 7:Fiber Optic

Unit 7:Fiber Optic

Optical fiber transmission has come of age as a major innovation in telecommunications. telecommunications:电讯, 长途通讯 无线电通讯 电信学 :电讯 长途通讯, 无线电通讯, 光纤传输作为电信业一项重大变革的时代已经到来。 光纤传输作为电信业一项重大变革的时代已经到来。
Specialized English on Communication Engineering
One common example of refraction occurs when you stand at the edge of a pool and look at an object at the bottom of the pool. Unless you are directly over the object, it appears to be farther away than it really is. 当你站在湖边,看湖底的一个物体时, 当你站在湖边,看湖底的一个物体时,就会发生最普通的折 射的例子。如果你不是在物体的正上方, 射的例子。如果你不是在物体的正上方,这个物体就会看起 来比他真实的位置更远。 来比他真实的位置更远。
the angle of refraction constant refractive index of the first medium
Specialized English on Communication Engineering
A2 A 1
A2 = 90o
A 1
(a) Ray Escapes



Optical Fiber Communication TechnologyOptical fiber communication is the use of optical fiber transmission signals, the transmission of information in order to achieve a means of communication. 光导纤维通信简称光纤通信。

Referred to as optical fiber communication optical fiber communications. 可以把光纤通信看成是以光导纤维为传输媒介的“有线”光通信。

Can be based on optical fiber communication optical fiber as transmission medium for the "wired" optical communication. 光纤由内芯和包层组成,内芯一般为几十微米或几微米,比一根头发丝还细;外面层称为包层,包层的作用就是保护光纤。

Fiber from the core and cladding of the inner core is generally a few microns or tens of microns, than a human hair; outside layer called the cladding, the role of cladding is to protect the fiber. 实际上光纤通信系统使用的不是单根的光纤,而是许多光纤聚集在一起的组成的光缆。

In fact the use of optical fiber communication system is not a single fiber, but that brings together a number of fiber-optic cable componentsOptical fiber communication is the use of light for the carrier with fiber optics as a transmission medium to spread information from one another means of communication. 1966年英籍华人高锟博士发表了一篇划时代性的论文,他提出利用带有包层材料的石英玻璃光学纤维,能作为通信媒质。

Fiber laser with combined feedback of core and cladding modes assisted by an intracavity long-period

Fiber laser with combined feedback of core and cladding modes assisted by an intracavity long-period

Fiber laser with combined feedback of core and cladding modes assisted by an intracavity long-period gratingD.Sáez-Rodriguez,J.L.Cruz,*A.Díez,and M.V.AndrésDepartment of Applied Physics and Electromagnetism,University of Valencia,Dr.Moliner50,Burjassot46100,Spain*Corresponding author:cruz@uv.esReceived January27,2011;revised April18,2011;accepted April18,2011;posted April18,2011(Doc.ID141844);published May9,2011We present a fiber laser made in a single piece of conventional doped-core fiber that operates by combined feedbackof the fundamental core mode LPð0;1Þand the high-order cladding mode LPð0;10Þ.The laser is an all-fiber structure thatuses two fiber Bragg gratings and a long-period grating to select the modes circulating in the cavity;the laser emits atthe coupling wavelength between the core mode LPð0;1Þand the counterpropagating cladding mode LPð0;10Þin theBragg gratings.This work demonstrates the feasibility of high-order mode fiber lasers assisted by long-periodgratings.©2011Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes:060.3735,060.3510,140.3500.High-order modes in optical fibers have attracted consid-erable attention over the past years for applications in fiber laser technology[1].Cladding modes have special dispersion properties that are suitable to control disper-sion in mode-locked fiber lasers[2]and also have large modal areas that can be exploited in high-power fiber la-sers and amplifiers[3,4].Amplification of high-order modes in double cladding fibers has been recently re-ported in a fiber with both core and cladding doped width erbium[4].The potential of lasers based on fibers with doped claddings have been theoretically analyzed;ring doped fibers could improve the performance of clad-ding-pumped lasers emitting at975nm[5],and amplifica-tion of cladding modes could boost the power level in the single-mode output of fiber lasers[6]. Ramachandran and coworkers[6]have presented a theoretical analysis of a high-power laser in a single-mode fiber with doped cladding;the laser uses two fiber Bragg gratings(FBGs)as reflectors of the core mode and two long-period gratings(LPGs)as intracavity couplers between core and cladding modes.Suzuki et al.[7]have experimentally demonstrated a fiber laser assisted by cladding modes using a standard core-doped fiber;the laser is formed by two Bragg gratings and the Fresnel re-flection from a cleaved fiber end.The laser operates by combination of core and cladding modes,and cladding modes are excited in one of the ser emission at the Bragg wavelength of the fundamental core mode is avoided by damaging the core of the fiber in the cavity. In this Letter we report on a fiber laser made in a stan-dard doped-core fiber with combined feedback of core and cladding modes.The laser cavity consists of two Bragg gratings,and the operating cladding mode is se-lected by an intracavity long period.The laser emits at the wavelength of counterpropagating coupling of the core and the cladding modes in the Bragg gratings.This Letter demonstrates that fiber lasers based on cladding modes generated by LPGs can work,and this is an ad-vance toward the structure proposed in[6]for power scaling in doped-cladding fibers.The laser cavity is formed by two identical FBGs and an LPG inserted in the cavity as shown in Fig.1.The LPG transfers energy between the core mode LPð0;1Þand the cladding mode LPð0;mÞat the wavelengthλLPG.The FBGs reflect the fundamental core mode LPð0;1Þat the Bragg wavelengthλB and can also couple the core mode to the counterpropagating mode LPð0;mÞat the wavelength λð0;mÞ.The fraction of light coupled by the LPG from coreto cladding is partially recoupled to the core by the FBG as illustrated in Fig.1(bottom),while the fraction of light transmitted by the LPG through the core is partially re-coupled to the cladding by the FBG[8,9].The two FBGs define a resonant cavity with the core mode and a clad-ding mode circulating as indicated in Fig.1.The LPG bandwidth is much broader than the fundamental reso-nance of the FBG(as shown in the spectrum of Fig.2) and attenuates all wavelengths different thanλð0;mÞ; therefore,if the LPG introduces large attenuation at λB,the laser can emit by combination of the modes LPð0;1Þand LPð0;mÞat the wavelength of coupling between these two modes in the FBG[λð0;mÞ].Observe that light is amplified in the fiber core where dopants are confined.Observe as well that the laser emits in both the core mode and the cladding mode;the former can be guided to large distances while the latter is lost in the fibers and WDMs connected to the cavity.Alterna-tively,the cladding mode could be selected by damaging the fiber core at the laser output[7].The laser was made in a conventional erbium-doped fiber(Fibercore Ltd.,product code M5);the fiber para-meters were NA¼0:23,cutoff at965nm,absorption of 5.5and6:5dB=m at979and1531nm,respectively,and modal field diameters of3:5μm at980nm and5:9μm at1550nm.The cavity had a length of1:4m(including FBGs),and the LPG was placed at1cm from thesecondFig. 1.(Color online)(top)Laser structure and(bottom) diagram of circulating modes.May15,2011/Vol.36,No.10/OPTICS LETTERS18390146-9592/11/101839-03$15.00/0©2011Optical Society of Americagrating.The coating was stripped off the fiber to allow the cladding mode to propagate.The three gratings were fabricated in the active fiber in order to prevent mode mixing in splices.The fiber was hydrogenated before in-scription and the gratings written by a doubled argon la-ser at 244nm.After inscription,gratings were heated at 150°C for 20h to remove the remaining hydrogen.The LPG was written point-by-point focusing the beam through a 50μm wide slit;the grating period was 163μm and the length 1:1cm;Fig.2shows the grating spectrum.The resonant wavelengths of the different cladding modes were theoretically calculated as a function of the grating period solving the Maxwell equations with boundary conditions.Only modes with circular symme-try and odd order are relevant for gratings with small blaze angle and low mode order [10];these modes are labeled as LP ð0;m Þm ¼1;2;3;4…:[11].Figure 3(left)shows that the mode coupled at λLPG ¼1550:9nm is the LP ð0;10Þ.The FBGs were made scanning the UV beam through a phase mask of period of 1067nm.Each grating had a length of 4:6cm;the gratings reflected the core mode at λB ¼1547:6nm.Figure 2shows the spectrum of the set of gratings.The coupling wavelengths of the LPG and the FBGs can be distinguished;notice that the reso-nances of the two FBGs are matched without need of tun-ing.The theoretical calculation of resonances in the FBG is shown in Fig.3(center)and permits identification of the modes:the FBGs couple the LP ð0;1Þmode with the LP ð0;10Þmode at λð0;10Þ¼1542:14nm.The LPG attenuates the λB wavelength about 10dB;this energy loss is large enough to assure that the combination of LP ð0;10Þand LP ð0;1Þmodes has higher round-trip gain at 1542:14nmthan the LP ð0;1Þmode at 1547:6nm;hence,it prevents the cavity from lasing in conventional manner at λB [7].The strength of the FBGs was measured in a separate experiment with high wavelength resolution.Each single grating coupled 12:4dB between modes LP ð0;1Þand LP ð0;10Þat λð0;10Þ[coupling constant κð0;10Þ¼0:46cm −1];the transmission notch had a bandwidth of 31pm at 3dB.The effective length of each grating [12]at λð0;10Þcalculated from these numbers was 1:1cm and the effec-tive cavity length 1:33m.At the Bragg wavelength λB ,the transmission notch was 237pm wide at 10dB.The reflec-tivity was too high to be resolved;instead,the coupling constant was measured using a short piece of grating.A value of κB ¼3:2cm −1was obtained.The interferometric nature of the resonant cavity was studied in order to verify the feedback between FBGs as-sisted by a cladding mode at λð0;10Þ.The cavity was scanned in wavelength using a tunable laser,interfero-metric fringes having a free spectral range FSR ¼0:63pm were observed at λð0;10Þ,as shown in Fig.3(right).No interference was observed at wavelengths other than λð0;10Þ;fringes vanished when any part of the cavity was covered by a matched index fluid.The cavity length calculated from the FSR and from the effective in-dices of modes LP ð0;1Þand LP ð0;10Þof Fig.3(center)is 1:31m;this result agrees reasonably well with the effec-tive cavity length (1:33m).The laser was pumped with a laser diode at 980nm,the pump was coupled to the doped fiber by an input WDM,and the residual pump was separated by an output ser emission was achieved for a threshold pump of 18mW;the laser spectrum is shown in Fig.4.It can be observed that laser emits at the coupling wavelength λð0;10Þ¼1542:14nm;the spectrum also shows transmis-sion dips in the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE)floor that correspond to cladding-mode resonances and to the fundamental core-mode resonance of the FBG.The ASE spectra are different in the two WDMs because of the asymmetric position of LPG in the cavity.Again,as additional proof of the cladding assisted feedback,the laser emission was cancelled when the fiber was covered with a calibrated index liquid.The laser emits 4:2mW at the input WDM for 400mW pumping;the residual pump at the output WDM is 270mW (130mW absorbed).The polarization extinction ratio was measured to be more than 20dB.The low efficiency is due to the small erbium content of the fiber (notice that the fiber used in [7]has 80dB =m absorption at 1530nm)and also to theshortFig.2.(top)Transmission of the LPG.(bottom)Transmission of the two Bragg gratings and theLPG.Fig.3.(left)Resonant wavelengths of the LPG versus the grat-ing period (dots,experiment;lines,theory).(center)Resonant wavelengths of the FBG versus the grating period (dots,experiment;lines,theory).(right)Interferometric fringes at λð0;10Þ¼1542:14nm.1840OPTICS LETTERS /Vol.36,No.10/May 15,2011length of fiber and the lack of dopant in the cladding.Performance could be improved using a heavily doped fiber,optimizing the fiber length and the gratings reflec-tivity,or using a cladding-doped fiber.The laser linewidth was measured by heterodyne fre-quency downconversion [13,14]to be less than 0:7GHz as is shown in Fig.5;the linewidth does not vary strongly with the pump power.The linewidth is smaller than the spectral separation between the mode LP ð0;10Þand the ad-jacent modes LP ð0;9Þor LP ð0;11Þ;hence,the laser operates by only one cladding mode.A picture of the light without output WDM was taken in the cleaved end of the fiber after removing the residual pump with a long-pass filter.The image of Fig.5shows the combined structure of the LP ð0;1Þand LP ð0;10Þlasing modes.Despite the fact that the laser presented here is a low-power laser because it is made with conventional fiber,it may be used as refractive index sensor because the FBGs couple the cladding and the core modes [15];hence,the emission wavelength is sensitive to the surrounding material.It can also be used as a polarimetric sensor since the polarization state can be externally modified.Furthermore,if the structure was implemented in clad-ding-doped fibers,it would lead to Q -switched lasers with very short cavity lengths.The output mode is the core mode in the input WDM and can be the cladding mode in the dawn-stream end of the fiber substituting the out-put WDM by a core-blocked fiber.Finally,we believe this structure may be adapted to adjust dispersion in pulsed lasers [16]because core and cladding modes have differ-ent dispersion.In conclusion,a fiber laser with combined feedback of core and cladding modes has been demonstrated using fiber gratings as cavity reflectors and an LPG that deter-mines the operating cladding mode.The laser emits at the wavelength of counterpropagating coupling between the core and the cladding modes in the Bragg gratings.The experiment demonstrates the feasibility of high-order mode fiber lasers assisted by LPGs.This work was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (project TEC2008-05490)and the Generalitat Valenciana of Spain (project PROMETEO/2009/077).References1.S.Ramachandran,J.M.Fini,M.Mermelstein,J.W.Nicholson,S.Ghalmi,and M.F.Yan,Laser Photon.Rev.2,429(2008).2.M.Schultz,O.Prochnow,A.Ruehl,D.Wandt,D.Kracht,S.Ramachandran,and S.Ghalmi,Opt.Lett.32,2372(2007).3.S.Ramachandran,J.W.Nicholson,S.Ghalmi,M.F.Yan,P.Wisk,E.Monberg,and F.V.Dimarcello,Opt.Lett.31,1797(2006).4.J.W.Nicholson,J.M.Fini,A.M.DeSantolo,E.Monberg,F.DiMarcello,J.Fleming,C.Headley,D.J.DiJiovanni,S.Ghalmi,and S.Ramachandran,Opt.Express 18,17651(2010).5.J.Nilsson,J.D.Minelly,R.Paschotta,A.C.Tropper,and 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A01光学材料:A01-001 光学材料Optical MaterialsA01-002 光学玻璃Optical GlassA01-003 激光玻璃Laser GlassA01-004 声光玻璃Acousto-Optic GlassA01-005 红外线玻璃Infrared GlassA01-006 红外线材料Infrared MaterialsA01-007 紫外线材料Ultraviolet MaterialsA01-008 石英镜片Fused Silica GlassA01-009 光学陶瓷CeramicsA01-010 矽半导体材料Silicon Semiconductor MaterialsA01-011 化合物半导体材料Compound Semiconductor Materials A01-012 光纤材料Fiber Optic MaterialsA01-013 光纤预型体Fiber Optic PreformsA01-014 PLZT晶圆,钛酸锆酸铅晶圆PLZT WafersA01-015 环氧树脂EpoxiesA01-016 声光光学晶体Acousto-Optic CrystalsA01-017 双折射/偏光晶体Birefringent and Polarizing Crystals A01-018 电光光学晶体Electro-Optic CrystalsA01-019 红外线晶体Infrared CrystalsA01-020 激光晶体(YAG) YAG Laser CrystalsA01-021 激光晶体(亚历山大) Alexandrite Laser CrystalsA01-022 激光晶体(GGG) GGG Laser CrystalsA01-023 激光晶体(GSGG,GSAG) GSGG GSAG Laser Crystals A01-024 激光晶体(YLF) YLF Laser CrystalsA01-025 激光晶体(其他) Other Laser CrystalsA01-026 非线性光学晶体Nonlinear CrystalsA01-027 有机光学材料Organic Optical MaterialsA01-028 萤光放射晶体Fluorescent Emission CrystalsA01-029 结晶育成材料Crystals Growing MaterialsA01-030 镀膜材料Coating MaterialsA01-031 光罩材料Photomask MaterialsA01-032 真空蒸镀化学药品Vaccum Evaporation ChemicalsA01-033 感光剂SensitizersA01-034 影像用材料Materials for ImagingA01-035 热色材料Thermochromic MaterialsA01-036 光色材料Photochromic MaterialsA01-037 稀土族材料Rare Earth MaterialsA01-038 光碟基板,基板材料Optical Disk Substrate Materials A01-039 光碟记录材料Optical Disk Data Storage MaterialsA02加工用其他材料:A02 加工用其他材料MATERIALS FOR PROCESSINGA02-001 光学用胶合剂/接著剂Optical Cements and Adhesives A02-002 光学用气体Gases for Optical ApplicationA02-003 激光用气体Gases for LasersA02-004 光学研磨材料(研磨布纸) Optical-Coated AbrasiveA02-005 光学研磨材料(砥粒) Optical-Powder or Grin Abrasive A02-006 光学研磨材料(砥石) Optical-Wheel AbrasiveA02-007 研磨化合物Polishing CompoundsA02-008 研磨衬垫及布Polishing Pads and ClothA02-009 全像底片及感光板Holographic Films and PlatesA02-010 红外线底片及感光板Infrared Films and PlatesA02-011 相片用化学药品Photographic ChemicalsA02-012 折射率液Refractive Index LiquidsA02-013 显微镜浸液Microscope Immerison LiquidsA02-014 显微镜埋置用材料Microscope Imbedding MediaA02-015 激光用染料Laser DyesA02-016 冷媒CoolantsA02-017 拭镜纸Lens TissueA03 显示器用材料:A03 显示器用材料MATERIALS FOR DISPLAYA03-001 液晶Liquid CrystalsA03-002 导电膜玻璃基板ITO Glass SubstrateA03-003 彩色滤光片Color FilterA03-004 偏光板/相位差板Polarizer/ Phase Shift LayerA03-005 显示面板用驱动IC Driver ICA03-006 背光源BacklightA03-007 配向膜Alignment FilmA03-008 间隔物SpacerB01 透镜:B01 透镜LENSESB01-001 单透镜Simple (Single) LensesB01-002 球透镜Ball LensesB01-003 歪像透镜Anamorphic LensesB01-004 圆锥透镜Conical LensesB01-005 柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal LensesB01-006 非球面透镜Aspheric LensesB01-007 反射折射透镜Catadioptric LensesB01-008 绕射极限透镜Diffraction-Limited LensesB01-009 GRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)B01-010 微小透镜阵列Micro Lens ArraysB01-011 准直透镜Collimator LensesB01-012 聚光透镜Condenser LensesB01-013 多影像透镜Multiple Image LensesB01-014 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses B01-015 菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses B01-016 替续透镜Relay LensesB01-017 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) B01-018 复合透镜Complex LensesB01-019 红外线透镜Infrared LensesB01-020 紫外线透镜Ultraviolet LensesB01-021 激光透镜Laser LensesB01-022 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives LensesB01-023 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives LensesB01-024 接目镜Eyepieces LensesB01-025 向场透镜Field LensesB01-026 望远镜头Telephoto LensesB01-027 广角镜头Wide Angle LensesB01-028 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesB01-029 CCTV镜头CCTV LensesB01-030 影印机镜头Copy Machine LensesB01-031 传真机镜头Facsimile LensesB01-032 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner LensesB01-033 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner LensesB01-034 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesB01-035 APS相机镜头APS Camera LensesB01-036 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera LensesB01-037 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector LensesB02 镜面:B02 镜面MIRRORB02-001 平面镜Flat MirrorsB02-002 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors B02-003 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors B02-004 非球面镜Aspheric MirrorsB02-005 多面镜Polygonal MirrorsB02-006 热镜Hot MirrorsB02-007 冷镜Cold MirrorsB02-008 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic MirrorsB02-009 双色向面镜Dichroic MirrorB02-010 金属面镜Metal MirrorsB02-011 多层面镜Multilayer MirrorsB02-012 半涂银面镜Half-Silvered MirrorsB02-013 激光面镜Laser MirrorsB02-014 天文用面镜Astronomical MirrorsB02-099 其他面镜Other MirrorsB03 棱镜:B03 棱镜PRISMB03-001 Nicol棱镜Nicol PrismsB03-002 Glan-Thomson棱镜Glan-Thomson PrismsB03-003 Wollaston棱镜Wollaston PrismsB03-004 Rochon棱镜Rochon PrismsB03-005 直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular PrismsB03-006 五面棱镜Pentagonal PrismsB03-007 脊角棱镜Roof PrismsB03-008 双棱镜BiprismsB03-009 直视棱镜Direct Vision PrismsB03-010 微小棱镜Micro PrismsB03-099 其他棱镜Other PrismsB04 滤光镜:B04 滤光镜FILTERB04-001 尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) FiltersB04-002 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters B04-003 干涉滤光镜Interference FiltersB04-004 中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density FiltersB04-005 空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched FiltersB04-006 双色向滤光镜Dichroic FiltersB04-007 偏光滤光镜Polarizing FiltersB04-008 排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band FiltersB04-009 可调式滤光镜Turnable FilterB04-010 超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband FiltersB04-011 色吸收滤光镜Absorption FiltersB04-012 红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting FiltersB04-013 红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting FiltersB04-014 紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing FiltersB04-015 紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting FiltersB04-016 针孔滤光镜Pinhole FiltersB04-017 有色玻璃滤光镜Colored-Glass FiltersB04-018 塑胶滤光镜Plastic FiltersB04-019 照像用滤光镜Photographic FiltersB04-020 全像滤光镜Holographic FiltersB04-021 微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference FiltersB06 激光:LASERS B06 激光LASERSB06-100 气体激光GAS LASERSB06-101 氦氖激光He-Ne LasersB06-102 金属蒸气激光Metal Vapor LasersB06-103 氩离子激光Argon LasersB06-104 氪离子激光Krypton LasersB06-105 二氧化碳激光(气流型) CO2 (Gas Flow type) LasersB06-106 二氧化碳激光(脉冲,TEA型) CO2 (Pulsed,TEA) LasersB06-107 二氧化碳激光(密封型) CO2 (Sealed tube) LasersB06-108 二氧化碳激光(波导型) CO2 (Wave guide) LasersB06-109 一氧化碳激光CO LasersB06-110 氦镉激光He-Cd LasersB06-111 氮分子激光Nitrogen LasersB06-112 准分子激光Excimer LasersB06-113 氙分子激光Xenon LasersB06-200 固体激光SOLID STATE LASERSB06-201 红宝石激光Ruby LasersB06-202 玻璃激光Glass LasersB06-203 Nd:YAG激光(脉冲式) Nd:YAG (Pulsed) LasersB06-204 Nd:YAG激光(连续式) Nd:YAG Laser (CW) LasersB06-205 Nd:YAG激光(半导体激光激发) Nd:YAG (LD Pumped) LasersB06-206 YLF激光YLF LasersB06-207 亚历山大激光Alexanderite LasersB06-208 铒固体激光Erbium LasersB06-209 半导体激光激发式固态激光Solid State(LD pumped)LaserB06-210 其他固态激光OthersB06-300 染料激光DYE LASERSB06-301 染料激光(闪光灯激发) Dye (Flash lamp Pumped) LasersB06-302 染料激光(激光激发) Dye (Laser Pumped) LasersB06-400 半导体激光SEMICONDUCTOR LASERSB06-401 半导体激光(1.55μm带) Semiconductor (1.55μm) LasersB06-402 半导体激光(1.30μm带) Semiconductor (1.30μm) LasersB06-403 半导体激光(0.85μm带) Semiconductor (0.85μm) LasersB06-404 半导体激光(0.78μm带) Semiconductor (0.78μm) LasersB06-405 半导体激光(0.60μm带) Semiconductor (0.60μm) LasersB06-406 半导体激光(其他波长带) Other Semiconductor LasersB06-407 半导体激光模组(长波长) Semiconductor (Long Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-408 半导体激光模组(短波长) Semiconductor (Short Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-409 半导体激光模组(可见光) Semiconductor (Visible) Laser ModulesB06-501 铁离子中心激光F-Center LasersB06-502 化学激光(HF-DF) Chemical (HF-DF) LasersB06-503 平板激光Slab LasersB06-504 远红外线激光Far-Infrared LasersB06-505 真空紫外线激光Vacuum Ultraviolet LasersB06-506 多色激光Multi Colour LasersB06-507 稳频激光Frequency Stabilized LasersB06-508 自由电子激光Free Electron LasersB07 激光用元件:B07 激光用元件LASER COMPONENTSB07-001 Q 开关Laser Q-SwitchesB07-002 激光管Laser Tubes and BoresB07-003 激光棒Laser RodsB07-004 激光板Laser SlabsB07-005 气体再生设备,气体填充设备Gas Recyclers and Gas Handling EquipmentB07-006 激光控制设备Laser Control EquipmentB07-007 激光用盒Laser CellsB07-008 参数振汤器Parametric OscillatorsB07-009 光脉冲产生设备Optical Pulse GeneratorsB07-010 激光用共振腔Resonators for LasersB07-011 磁铁MagnetsB07-012 激光用冷却设备Cooling Systems for LasersB07-013 激光护眼镜Safty Equipment; Goggles Glasses and FilmsB07-014 激光光吸收体Safty Equipment; Laser AbsorbersB07-015 激光用安全设备Safty Equipment; Protective HousingsB08 发光二极体:B08 发光二极体LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES; LEDB08-001 通信用1.55μm发光二极体1.55μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-002 通信用1.30μm发光二极体1.30μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-003 通信用0.85μm发光二极体0.85μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-004 通信用长波长发光二极体模组Long Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-005 通信用短波长发光二极体模组Short Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-006 可见光发光二极体(红色) Visible (Red) LEDsB08-007 可见光发光二极体(黄色) Visible (Yellow,Orange) LEDsB08-008 可见光发光二极体(绿色,多色) Visible (Green,Multi-Color) LEDsB08-009 可见光发光二极体(蓝色) Visible (Blue) LEDsB08-010 红外线二极体(非通信用) Infrared (not for Communication) LEDsB08-011 文数字表示用发光二极体Alpha-Numeric LEDsB08-012 发光二极体晶圆(通信用) LED Wafers for CommunicationB08-013 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用) LED Wafers not for CommunicationB08-014 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) LED Chips for CommunicationB08-015 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用) LED Chips not for CommunicationB09 光源设备:B09 光源设备LIGHT SOURCESB09-001 标准光源Standard Light SourcesB09-002 安定化光源Stabilized Light SourcesB09-003 弧光灯Arc Light SourcesB09-004 氪灯Krypton Light SourcesB09-005 卤素灯Halogen Light SourcesB09-006 氙灯Xenon /Xenon Flashlamps Light SourcesB09-007 紫外线光源Ultraviolet Light SourcesB09-008 真空紫外线光源VUV Light SourcesB09-009 红外线光源Infrared Light SourcesB09-010 闪光光源Stroboscopic Light SourcesB09-011 小型光源Miniature Light SourcesB09-012 光纤光源Fiber Optic IlluminatorsB10 显示器元件:B10 显示器元件DISPLAY PANELB10-001 发光二极体显示器LED DisplaysB10-002 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)B10-003 电浆显示器Plasma Display Panels(PDP)B10-004 电激发光显示器Electroluminescence Display (ELD)B10-005 电铬显示器Electrochromic Display (ECD)B10-006 真空萤光显示器Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)B10-007 平面阴极射线管Flat CRTsB10-008 场发射显示器Field Emitter Display(FED)B10-099 其他平面显示元件Other Flat Panel DisplaysB11 检光元件及光纤混成元件:B11 检光元件及光纤混成元件DETECTORS & FIBEROPTIC HYBRID DEVICESB11-001 通信用PIN光二极体PIN Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-002 通信用崩溃光二极体Avalanche Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-003 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光元件Long-wavelength Detectors for CommunicationB11-004 通信用PIN光二极体模组PIN Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-005 通信用崩溃光二极体模组Avalanche Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-006 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光模组Long-wavelength Decector Modules for Communication B11-007 光二极体(近红外光) Near-infrafed PhotodiodesB11-008 光二极体(可见光) Visible PhotodiodesB11-009 光二极体(紫外光) Ultraviolet PhotodiodesB11-010 光电晶体PhototransistorsB11-011 光电管PhototubesB11-012 光电子增倍管(PMT) PhotomultipliersB11-013 光导电池Photoconductive CellsB11-014 热电偶检测器Thermocouple DetectorsB11-015 热堆检测器Thermopile DetectorsB11-016 微道板Microchannel PlatesB11-017 热电检测器Pyroelectroic DetectorsB11-018 辐射热测定器BolometersB11-019 其他红外线检测器Infrared DetectorsB11-020 摄像管Camera TubesB11-021 线型检光元件One Dimension Detector ArraysB11-022 面型检光元件Two Dimension Detector ArraysB11-023 光电耦合器Photo CouplerB11-024 光断续器Photo InterrupterB11-025 光反射器Photo ReflectorB11-026 光闸流晶体管PhotocyristorsB11-027 光感测元件Photosensing UnitsB11-028 内藏电路之光感测器Detectors with CircuitB11-029 民用用太阳电池Solar Cells for Consumer UseB11-030 产业用太阳电池Solar Cells for Power & Space UseB12 光纤及光缆:B12 光纤及光缆FIBER OPTIC FIBERS & CABLEB12-100 光纤FIBER OPTIC FIBERSB12-101 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Step IndexB12-102 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(50/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Graded Index,50/125B12-103 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(62.5/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,62.5/125B12-104 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(100/140) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,100/140B12-105 石英系单模态标准型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Single Mode,StandardB12-106 色散位移光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Dispersion – ShiftedB12-107 偏振恒持光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Polarization – MaintainingB12-108 其他单模态光纤Other Single Mode Optic FibersB12-109 石英系塑胶包覆光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Plastic - Clad SilicaB12-110 塑胶光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, PlasticB12-111 石英系影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Silica, ImagingB12-112 多成分影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Non-silica, ImagingB12-113 光导管Fiber Optic LightguidesB12-199 其他集束光纤Other Fiber Optic BundlesB12-200 光缆FIBER OPTIC CABLEB12-201 单模态标准型松包悬空式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, AerialB12-202 单模态标准型松包管路式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, DuctB12-203 单模态标准型松包直埋式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, Direct BuriedB12-204 单模态标准型紧包单心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, Single FiberB12-205 单模态标准型紧包多心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, MultifiberB12-206 光纤带RibbonB12-207 色散位移光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Dispersion-ShiftedB12-208 偏振恒持光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Polarization – MaintainingB12-209 其他单模态光缆Other Single Mode Fiber Optic CableB12-210 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 50/125B12-211 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 62.5/125B12-212 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 100/140B12-213 塑胶光缆Fiber Optic Cable, PlasticB12-214 石英系塑胶包覆光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Plastic-Clad SilicaB12-215 其他多模态光缆Other Multimode Fiber Optic CableB12-216 光纤保护用管Protect Tubes for Fiber Optic FiberB13 光被动元件/光控制元件:B13 光被动元件/光控制元件OPTICAL PASSIVE DEVICES/CONTROL DEVICESB13-001 单模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, STB13-002 单模态Biconic光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, BiconicB13-003 单模态FC/PC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FC/PCB13-004 单模态APC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, APCB13-005 单模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FDDIB13-006 单模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, SCB13-007 单模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, D4B13-008 单模态光纤连接器插座(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, Adapter(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) B13-009 单模态多心光纤连接器(MT) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode,Multi-Channel/MTB13-010 其他单模态光纤连接器Other Single Mode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-011 多模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, STB13-012 多模态FC/PC相容光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FC/PCB13-013 多模态SMA光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SMAB13-014 多模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FDDIB13-015 多模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SCB13-016 多模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, D4B13-017 多模态光纤连接器插座(ST,SMA,FC/PC) Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode,Adapter(ST,SMA,FC/PC)B13-018 多模态多心光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, Multi-ChannelB13-019 其他多模态光纤连接器Other Multimode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-020 套筒SleevesB13-021 金属箍(套管) Metal FerrulesB13-022 塑胶箍(套管) Plastic FerrulesB13-023 陶瓷箍(套管) Ceramic FerrulesB13-024 插座ReceptaclesB13-025 插头PlugsB13-026 光连接器(含光纤线) Optical Connectors with FiberB13-027 光纤耦合器(两分支) Optical Couplers, Tap/SplitterB13-028 光纤耦合器(树状分支) Optical Couplers, TreeB13-029 星状光纤耦合器(穿透形) Transmission Type Star Optical CouplersB13-030 星状光纤耦合器(反射形) Reflection Type Star Optical CouplersB13-031 其他光纤耦合器Other Optical CouplersB13-032 光分波合波器(两波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Dual-WavelengthB13-033 光分波合波器(多波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Over Two WavelengthB13-034 其他光分波合波器Other Optical WDM CouplersB13-035 光衰减器(固定) Fixed Optical AttenuatorsB13-036 光衰减器(可变) Adjustable Optical AttenuatorsB13-037 光隔离器(通信用) Optical Isolators for CommunicationB13-038 光隔离器(非通信用) Optical Isolators for Non-CommunicationB13-039 光环流器Optical CirculatorsB13-040 光开关(机械式) Mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-041 光开关(非机械式) Non-mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-042 光纤光栅Fiber Bragg GratingB13-043 光移相器Optical Phase ShiftersB13-044 光共振器Optical ResonatorsB13-045 空间调变元件Spatial Light ModulatorsB13-046 光影像转换元件(ITC) Incoherent to Coherent Devices(ITC)B13-047 光截波器,机械式光调变器Optical Choppers, Mechanical ModulatorsB13-048 磁光调变器Maganeto-Optic ModulatorsB13-049 声光调变器Acousto-Optic ModulatorsB13-050 电光调变器Electro-Optic ModulatorsB13-051 波导形调变器,行波形调变器Optical Waveguide,Travelling-wave ModulatorsB13-052 类比/强度调变器Analog/Intensity ModulatorsB13-053 数位调变器Digital ModulatorsB13-054 其他调变器Other ModulatorsB13-055 光弹性调变器Photoelastic ModulatorsB13-056 机械式偏折/扫瞄器(Galvanometer方式) Mechanical Optical Deflectors/Scanners(Galvanometer Mirror)B13-057 声光偏折/扫瞄器Acousto-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-058 电光偏折/扫瞄器Electro-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-059 机械式扫瞄器(回转多面镜方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Polygonal Mirrors)B13-060 机械式扫瞄器(全像方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Holographic)B13-061 光纤跳接线Fiber Optic Patchcord PigtailB13-062 光纤终端箱Fiber Optic Distribution BoxB13-063 光纤接续盒Fiber Optic ClosureB13-099 其他光被动元件/控制元件Other Optical Passive Devices/Control DevicesB14 积体光元件:B14 积体光元件INTEGRATED OPTICAL DEVICESB14-001 光IC Optical ICB14-002 OEIC Optoelectronic ICB14-099 其他光电元件Other DevicesC01 光通讯设备:C01 光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTC01-100 电信用光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPEMNT(TELECOMMUNICATION)C01-101 同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based) C01-102 同步光纤网路光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-103 同步光纤网路数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SONET-based)C01-104 同步数位阶层光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transmission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-105 同步数位阶层光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-106 同步数位阶层数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-107 光纤网路单体ONU(Optical Network Unit)C01-108 非同步光通讯设备Asynchronous Optical Communication EquipmentC01-199 其他公众用光通讯设备Other Optical Communication Equipment (Telecommunication)C01-200 数据通讯光纤网路设备OPTICAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK EQUIPMENT (PREMISES) C01-201 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备FDDI Network EquipmentC01-202 非同步传输模式网路设备ATM Network EquipmentC01-203 高速乙太网路设备Fast Ethernet Network EquipmentC01-204 光纤通道Fiber ChannelC01-299 其他用户光数据通讯设备Other Optical Data Communication Network Equipment (Premises)C01-300 特殊用途光传输设备OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT(SPECIAL PURPOSE)C01-301 有线电视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, CATVC01-302 视讯/闭路监视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Video/CCTVC01-303 量测/控制信号光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Measure/ControlC01-304 空间(无线)光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Spatial (Wireless)C01-305 光放大器Optical AmplifierC01-399 其他特殊用途光传输设备Other Optical Transmission Equipment (Special Purpose)C02 光测仪器设备:C02 光测仪器设备OPTICAL MEASURING EQUIPMENTC02-001 量测用标准光源Standard/Stabilized Light SourcesC02-002 光功率计(热转换型) Thermal Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-003 光功率计(光电转换型) Photoelectric Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-004 光谱分析仪Optical Spectrum AnalyzersC02-005 光波长计Optical Wavelength MetersC02-006 光谱幅宽量测器Spectral Width Measuring EquipmentC02-007 光时域反射计(OTDR) Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers(OTDR)C02-008 基频传输特性检测器Baseband Frequency Characteristics Evaluation EquipmentC02-009 波长色散量测器Wavelength Dispersion Measuring EquipmentC02-010 光纤测试设备Optical Fiber Test EquipmentC02-011 激光光束波形量测器Laser Beam Profile Measuring EquipmentC02-012 光纤尺寸量测器Optical Fiber Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-013 光纤模态参数测试器Optical Fiber Mode Field Parameters Test EquipmentC02-014 光纤强度测试器Optical Fiber Strength Test EquipmentC02-015 其他光纤相关量测设备Other Optical Fiber Measurement EquipmentC02-016 光连接器尺寸量测器Optical Connector Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-017 光碟测定检查设备(装置用) Optical Disk Drive Inspection EquipmentC02-018 光碟测定检查设备(碟片用) Optical Disk Inspection EquipmentC02-019 光度计PhotometersC02-020 复光束光度计,复光束量测器Double Beam PhotometersC02-021 测微光度计MicrophotometersC02-022 感光密度计DensitometersC02-023 光泽度计GrossmetersC02-024 照度计Illuminance MetersC02-025 测距仪RangefindersC02-026 曝光计Exposure MetersC02-027 辉度计Luminance MetersC02-028 比色计Comparison ColorimetersC02-029 色彩计(分光型) Spectral ColorimetersC02-030 色彩计(光电型) Photoelectric ColorimetersC02-031 积分球Integrating SpheresC02-032 折射计RefractometersC02-033 椭圆计EllipsometersC02-034 偏振光镜PolariscopesC02-035 偏振计PolarimetersC02-036 比较量测器ComparatorsC02-037 焦距仪FocometersC02-038 球径计SpheremetersC02-039 OTF(光学转换函数)设备Optical Transfer Function InstrumentationC02-040 MTF分析/量测装置Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) Analysis/Measurement EquipmentC02-041 投影检查器Profile ProjectorsC02-042 自动准直仪AutocollimatorsC02-043 光弹性机器Photoelastic InstrumentsC02-099 其他光(学)量测器Other Optical Measurement EquipmentC03 分光镜、干涉仪:C03 分光镜、干涉仪SPECTROSCOPES, INTERFEROMETERSC03-001 分光计SpectrometersC03-002 单色器MonochromatorsC03-003 分光镜,干涉分光镜,摄谱仪Spectroscopes, Interference Spectroscopes,SpectrographsC03-004 分光光度计,分光测光器SpectrophotometerC03-005 Michelson干涉仪Michelson InterferometersC03-006 Tywman Green干涉仪Tywman Green InterferometersC03-007 Mach-Zehnder干涉仪Mach-Zehnder InterferometersC03-008 Fizeau干涉仪Fizeau InterferometersC03-009 Fabry-Perot干涉仪Fabry-Perot InterferometersC04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机:C04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, CAMERASC04-001 放大镜MagnifiersC04-002 单接物镜双眼显微镜Binocular MicroscopesC04-003 双眼实体显微镜,立体显微镜Stereo MicroscopesC04-004 金属显微镜Metallurgical MicroscopesC04-005 偏光显微镜Polarizing MicroscopesC04-006 相位差显微镜Phase-Contrast MicroscpoesC04-007 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对比显微镜Interferences/Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes C04-008 萤光显微镜Fluorescence MicroscopesC04-009 激光显微镜Laser MicroscopesC04-010 量测用显微镜,工具显微镜Measurement MicroscopesC04-011 显微镜光度计Microscope PhotometersC04-012 折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean Refracting TelescopesC04-013 反射望远镜Reflecting TelescopesC04-014 反射折射望远镜Catadioptric TelescopesC04-015 35mm焦平面自动对焦相机35mm AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-016 35mm焦平面手动对焦相机35mm NON-AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-017 35mm镜头快门多焦点相机35mm Multi Focal Points Lens Shutter CamerasC04-018 35mm镜头快门单焦点相机35mm Single Focal Point Lens Shutter CamerasC04-019 中,大型照相机Medium and Large Size CamerasC04-020 VTR摄影机VTR CamerasC04-021 电视摄影机TV CamerasC04-022 高画质电视摄影机High Definition(HDTV) CamerasC04-023 CCTV摄影机CCTV CamerasC04-024 全像照像机Holographic CamerasC04-025 眼镜EyeglassesC04-026 夜视设备Night Vision EquipmentC04-027 照像机用之日期显示模组Date moduleC04-028 照像机用之底片计数器Film counterC04-029 APS相机APS CamerasC05 光感测器:C05 光感测器OPTICAL SENSORSC05-001 光电开关,光电感测器Photo Switches, Photo SensorsC05-002 标记感测器Mark Photo SensorsC05-003 色彩标记感测器Color Mark Photo SensorsC05-004 色彩感测器Color Photo SensorsC05-005 光学式编码器,角度感测器Optical Encoders, Angle SensorsC05-006 光遥控器Optical Remote Control EquipmentC05-007 影像感测器式量测设备Image Sensor Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-008 显微镜式量测设备Microscope Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-009 精密长度干涉仪Precise Length InterferometersC05-010 光波测距装置Electronic Distance MetersC05-011 三角测量法距离感测器Triangulation Distance MetersC05-012 激光调变测距方式距离感测器Laser Modulation Distance MetersC05-013 脉冲测距方式距离感测器Pulse Distance MetersC05-014 激光外径测定器Laser Outer Diameter Measuring SensorsC05-015 激光厚度计Laser Thickness GaugesC05-016 激光拉伸计Laser Extension MeterC05-017 红外线厚度计Infrared Thickness GaugesC05-018 水平仪LevelsC05-019 激光水平仪Laser LevelsC05-020 经纬仪Theodlites/TransitsC05-021 激光经纬仪Laser Theodlites/TransitsC05-022 激光标线设备Laser Marking-off EquipmentC05-023 位置光电感测器Position Sensors, Pattern Edge SensorsC05-024 半导体位置感测器Position Sensitive Devices(PSDs)C05-025 激光指示器Laser PointersC05-026 激光都卜勒测速计Laser Doppler VelocimetersC05-027 环形激光流速计,光纤陀螺仪Ring Laser Velocimeters, Optical Fiber Laser GyrosC05-028 转速仪Rotational Speed MetersC05-029 激光都卜勒转速仪Laser Doppler Rotational Speed MetersC05-030 全像方式图样量测设备Holographic Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentsC05-031 激光移位计Laser Displacement MetersC05-032 激光指纹检测器Laser Fingerprint DetectorsC05-033 光学水质污染检测设备Optical Water Pollution Measurement and Detection Equipment C05-034 光学大气污染检测设备Optical Air Pollution Measurement and Detection EquipmentC05-035 红外线气体浓度感测器Infrared Gas Density MetersC05-036 光电式烟检知器Photo Smoke DetectorsC05-037 激光粉尘监视器,粒径量测器Laser Dust MonitorsC05-038 距离测定用激光雷达Rang-finding Lidar SystemsC05-039 环境监测用激光雷达Environment Monitoring Lidar SystemsC05-040 激光表面检查设备Laser Surface Inspection EquipmentC05-041 平面度测定系统Flatness TestersC05-042 斑点图形量测设备Speckle Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-043 云纹图形量测设备Moire Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-044 影像分析仪Image AnalyzersC05-045 激光缺陷检查设备Laser Defect Inspection EquipmentC05-046 红外线辐射温度感测器Infrared ThermometersC05-047 人体检知感测器,激光保全设备Laser Security/Surveillance EquipmentsC05-048 光计数器Photo CountersC05-049 激光公害检测设备Laser Pollution Detective DevicesC05-050 激光热常数量测设备Laser Thermal Constants Measurement EquipmentC05-051 全像非破坏检查设备Holographic Nondestructive Testing EquipmentC06 光纤感测器:C06 光纤感测器FIBER OPTIC SENSORSC06-001 光纤光电开关/感测器Fiber Optic Photo Switches/ SensorsC06-002 光纤式标记感测器Fiber Optic Mark Photo SensorsC06-003 光纤式色彩标记感测器Fiber Optic Color Mark Photo SensorsC06-004 光纤温度感测器Fiber Optic Temperature SensorsC06-005 光纤压力感测器Fiber Optic Pressure SensorsC06-006 光纤声波感测器Fiber Optic Acoustic SensorsC06-007 光纤变形感测器Fiber Optic Strain SensorsC06-008 光纤振动感测器Fiber Optic Vibration SensorsC06-009 光纤移位感测器Fiber Optic Displacement SensorsC06-010 光纤陀螺仪感测器Fiber Optic Gyro SensorsC06-011 光纤速度感测器Fiber Optic Velocity SensorsC06-012 光纤磁通量感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux SensorsC06-013 光纤磁场感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Field SensorsC06-014 光纤电流感测器Fiber Optic Current SensorsC06-015 光纤电场感测器Fiber Optic Electric Field SensorsC06-016 光纤浓度、成份感测器Fiber Optic Density,Constituent SensorsC06-017 光纤油膜感测器Fiber Optic Oil Film SensorsC06-018 光纤液位感测器Fiber Optic Liquid Surface Level SensorsC06-019 光纤光分布/放射线感测器Fiber Optic Light Distribution/Radiation SensorsC06-020 光纤显微镜Fiber Optic FiberscopesC06-021 光纤光栅应变感测器Fiber Grating Strain SensorC07 光储存装置:C07 光储存装置OPTICAL STORAGE PRODUCTC07-100 消费性光碟机CONSUMER OPTICAL DISC PLAYERSC07-101 激光唱盘Compact Disc (CD) PlayersC07-102 激光音响组合Products Incorporated CD(CD-Radio-Cassette Tape Recorders)C07-103 LD 影碟机Laser Disc (LD) PlayersC07-104 影音光碟机Video CD PlayersC07-105 DVD DVD 影碟机Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) PlayersC07-106 迷你音碟机Mini Disc (MD) PlayersC07-200 资讯用仅读型光碟机READ-ONLY OPTICAL DISC DRI597VESC07-201 CD-ROMCD-ROM光碟机CD-ROM DrivesC07-202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 光碟机DVD-ROM DrivesC07-300 资讯用仅写一次型光碟机RECORDABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-301 CD-R CD-R 光碟机CD-R DrivesC07-399 其他仅写一次型光碟机Other Recordable Optical Disc DrivesC07-400 资讯用可覆写型光碟机REWRITABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-401 3.5" MO 光碟机3.5" MO Disc DrivesC07-402 5.25" MO 光碟机5.25" MO Disc DrivesC07-403 PD 光碟机PD DrivesC07-404 CD-RW光碟机CD-RW DrivesC07-499 其他可覆写型光碟机Other Rewritable Optical Disc DrivesC07-500 光碟机零组件DEVICES OF OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-501 光学头,光学读取头Optical Heads , Pick-up HeadsC07-502 光学头伺服装置,伺服用IC模组Optical Head Controllers, Control ICs/Modules C07-503 光学头驱动装置Optical Head ServomotorsC07-504 光碟匣Optical Disc CartridgesC07-505 主轴马达Spindle MotorC07-600 光碟片OPTICAL DISCSC07-601 CD 音碟片Compact DiscsC07-602 LD 影碟片Laser DiscsC07-603 影音光碟片Video CDsC07-604 DVD光碟片Digital Versatile Discs : DVDsC07-605 迷你音碟片Mini Discs : MDsC07-606 CD-ROM 光碟片CD-ROMsC07-607 DVD-ROM光碟片DVD-ROMsC07-608 CD-R 光碟片CD-RsC07-609 其他可写仅读型光碟片Other Recordable Optical DiscsC07-610 3.5" MO 光碟片3.5" MO DiscsC07-011 5.25" MO 光碟片5.25" MO DiscsC07-612 PD 光碟片PD DiscsC07-613 CD-RW 光碟片CD-RW DiscsC07-699 其他可复写型光碟片Other Rewritable Optical DiscsC08 光输出入装置:C08 光输出入装置OPTICAL INPUT &OUTPUT DEVICESC08-100 数位相机Digital Still CameraC08-200 光学印表机OPTICAL PRINTERSC08-201 彩色激光印表机Laser Color PrintersC08-202 单色激光印表机Laser Monochrome PrintersC08-203 彩色LED印表机LED Color PrintersC08-204 单色LED印表机LED Monochrome PrintersC08-299 其他光学式印表机Other Optical PrintersC08-300 影印机COPY MACHINESC08-301 彩色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Color Copy MachinesC08-302 单色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Monochrome Copy MachinesC08-400 传真机FACSIMILESC08-401 热感纸传真机Termal Paper Facsimiles。

光纤通信 半导体光源

光纤通信 半导体光源

光纤通信半导体光源英文回答:Fiber optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one place to another using light. Light is transmitted through a fiber optic cable, which is a thin, flexible strand of glass or plastic. Fiber optic communication is used in a variety of applications,including telecommunications, data transmission, andmedical imaging.Semiconductor light sources are used to generate thelight that is transmitted through fiber optic cables. Semiconductor light sources are made from materials that emit light when an electric current is applied. The most common type of semiconductor light source is the laser diode. Laser diodes are small, efficient, and reliable, and they can be used to generate light of a specific wavelength.The wavelength of light that is transmitted through afiber optic cable is important because it determines the amount of attenuation that the light will experience. Attenuation is the loss of light power as it travels through a fiber optic cable. The higher the wavelength of light, the lower the attenuation.Fiber optic communication systems are designed to minimize attenuation. This is done by using fiber optic cables that are made from materials that have a low attenuation coefficient. The attenuation coefficient is a measure of how much light power is lost per unit length of fiber optic cable.Fiber optic communication systems are also designed to minimize dispersion. Dispersion is the spreading out of light pulses as they travel through a fiber optic cable. Dispersion can cause the light pulses to overlap, which can lead to errors in data transmission.Fiber optic communication systems are capable of transmitting large amounts of data at high speeds. This makes them ideal for use in a variety of applications,including telecommunications, data transmission, andmedical imaging.中文回答:光纤通信是利用光在光纤电缆(一种由玻璃或塑料制成的细而柔韧的线束)中传输信息的方法。



光纤光缆专业常用英语名词光纤光缆专业常用英语名词一、光纤专业英语光纤 Optical Fiber/Optic fiber单模光纤 Single-mode fiber / monomode fiber多模光纤multimode fibe突变型光纤Step index fiber渐变型光纤graded index fiber紧套光纤 Tight buffered fiber光纤包层 Cladding of Fiber /Fiber Cladding包层直径 Cladding diameter一次被覆层(预涂层)primary coating /procoated衰减 Attenuation带宽 Bandwidth色散 Dispersion数值孔径 Numerical Aperture截止波长Cut-off Wavelength模场直径 Mode field diameter模场同心度 Mode field concertricity包层不圆度 Cladding non-circularity同芯度误差 Concertricity error偏振模色散,极化模色散 PMD(polarization mode dispersion) 色度色散 chromatic dispersion二、光缆专业术语光缆 Ooptical Fiber Cable /Fiber Optic Cable纤芯fiber core束管式光缆 Unitube cable层绞式光缆 Stranded loose tube cable8字缆 Figure 8 Cable光电混合缆 Optical Power Composite Cable全介质自承式光缆 All Dielectric Self-supporting Aerial Cable 铠装光缆:Armored cable非金属加强芯FRP/Fiberglass reinforce with plasticcentral strength menber填充绳 Filler剥离绳Ripcord允许拉伸力T ensile Strength允许压扁力 Crush Resistance弯曲半径 Bending Radius芳纶纱 Aramid yarn阻水凝胶Hydrophobic gel光缆油膏Fiber filling gel悬缆线, 承力吊索, 吊线(8字缆用)Messenger wire (supporting strand)三、其他光纤光缆英语光纤跳线 Optical Fiber Patch Cord光纤适配器 Optical Fiber Adapter光缆终端盒 Optical Fiber Termination Box光缆接续盒 Optical Fiber Splice Closure光纤到办公室 Fiber To The Office FTTO光纤到大楼 Fiber To The Building FTTB光纤到服务区 Fiber To The Service Area FSA光纤到家 Fiber T o The Home FTTH光纤到路边 Fiber To The Curb FTTC光纤到远端 Fiber to the Remote FTTR光纤的 Fiber-optic光纤放大器 Optical Fiber Amplifier光纤分布式数据接口 Fiber Distributed Data Interface FDDI 光纤固定衰减器 Optical Fixed Attenuator光纤管道 Fiber Conduit光纤光缆 Optical fiber cable光纤光栅 Fiber Grating光纤基带快速以太网 FastEthernet, 100baseX光纤接口 Fiber Interface FBI光纤连接器 Fiber Connector FC光纤耦合器 Fiber Coupler光纤熔接盒 Fiber splice tray光纤衰减器 Fiber Attenuator光纤同轴混合网 Hybrid Fiber and Coax Network HFC光纤尾纤 Fiber Pigtail光纤引入线 Fiber Optic Drop光纤用户环路 Fiber In The Loop光纤载波等级3 OC-3 OC-3光线路 Optical Line OL光线路板 Optical Line Board OL光线路放大器 Optical Line Amplifier OLA光线路收发板 Optical Line Transceiver Board OLT光线路终端 Optical line terminal OLT光信号 Optical Signal光学器件 Optics光学字符识别 Optical Character Recognition OCR光载波第1级 Optical Carrier Level 1 OC-1光载波第N级 Optical Carrier Level N OC-N 光栅 (fiber) grating光支路接口 optical tributary interface光支路接口单元 optical interface units高密度分波多任务 DWDM。







以下切入正题1、《Nonlinear Fiber Optics》和《Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics》Agrawl ,这2本书从书名大家应该也可以看出是偏重于光纤通信应用的,目前第一个已经到第四版,第二个为第二版了,包括中译本,论坛都有,大家可以搜索下就可以都看到了。

... =nonlinear%2Boptics... =nonlinear%2Boptics2、Boyd 的《nonlinear optics》3rdW. Boyd教授在2002年被任命为Rochester大学 M. Parker Givens Professor of Optics,lz发的应该是第二版,该书1992年第一版,第二版在第一版的基础上增加了很多新内容,并对以前的内容做了不少修订,在2008年的4月,该书又出了第三版。


今年5月份曾代表美国光学学会来南京开会下载链接:... =nonlinear%2Boptics3、华裔学者沈元镶的《非线性光学原理》沈是这方面非常牛b的,他的导师算是非线性光学方面的开创者吧,并因此获得了诺贝尔奖。





光电英语词汇(F1)f ratio f数f-band f带f-center lasers 铁离子中心雷射f-factor f因数f-number f数,光圈数f-sum rule f和数定则fabry lens 法布里透镜fabry-parot etalon 法布里-珀罗标准量具fabry-parot fringes 法布里-珀罗干涉条纹fabry-perot amplifier 法布里-珀罗放大器fabry-perot cavity 法布里-珀罗共振器fabry-perot etalon 法布立,拍若标准具fabry-perot fringes 法布立,拍若条纹fabry-perot injection laser 法布里-珀罗注入式激光器fabry-perot interferometer 法布里-珀罗干涉仪fabry-perot interferometers fabry-perot干涉仪fabry-perot laser 法布立,拍若雷射fabry-perot method 法布立,拍若法fabry-perot plates (etalons) fabry-perot标准具fabry-perot recycling spectromether 法布里-珀罗重复分光计fabry-perot resonator 法布里-珀罗共振腔fabry-perot type laser 法布里-珀罗型激光器face (1)正面(2)平面face angle 面角face cam 平面凸轮,端面凸轮face gear 平面齿轮face plate 面板face-centered 面心face-pumped laser 面抽运雷射face-pumped liquid laser device 面抽运液体激光器face-pumping 面抽逸faceplate 面板faceplates 面板facet (1)网格(2)小面facet mirror 网板反射镜,分段镜facetted eye 复眼facetted mirrors 多面体反射facial angle 面角facility (1)设备,装置(2)工具facsimile (1)传真(2)影印本facsimile camera 传真照相机facsimile chart 传真图facsimile lenses 传真机镜头facsimile radio 传真收音机facsimile receiver 传真接受器facsimile signal 传真信号facsimile synchronizing 同光传真facsimile telegraphy 传真电报factor (1)因数,系数(2)因子,因素factor of cooperation 合作系数factor of quality 品质因数factor of safety 安全因素,安全系factorial jump function 阶乘跳跃函数factorization 因子分解factted lens 多面体透镜facula 光斑fade (1)褪色(2)衷减fade-down 渐隐fade-in 渐显fade-out 渐隐fade-up 增亮fader (1)声量控制器(2)光亮调节器fading (1)褪色(2)衷落,衷退fahrenheit 华氏度fahrenheit scale 华氏温标fahrenheit thermometer 华氏温度计fail-safe performance 故障-安全特性failure (1)故障(2)损坏(3)失效failure of oscillation 停振faint haze 薄雾fall time 下降时间falling (1)下降(2)落像falling body 落体false alarm 假警报false color process 错色过程false image 误像false light 杂光false radiation 伪辐射false reflection 伪反射false-color 伪色false-color film 遮色多层彩色片family of curves 曲线族family of ellipses 椭圆族family of half-curves 半曲线族fan (1)扇,扇状物(2)鼓风机fan antenna 扇形天线fan beam 扇形光束fan dial 扇形刻度盘fan filter 扇形滤光器fan geometry mixing laser 扇形结构混合激光器fan in 扇入fan out 扇出fan test object 幻视器fan-shaped laser beam 扇形光栅fanning beam 扇徵射束fanning strip 扇形片fantascope 扇形激光束far field 远场近似far field approximation 远场结构far field construction 远场衍射far field diffraction 远场图far field pattern 远红外的far infrared 远红外far point 远点far sight (1)远视(2)远景far-infrared 远红外电子跃迁far-infrared elelctronic transition 远红外成像far-infrared grating 远红外光栅far-infrared laser pumping 远红外激光抽运far-infrared lasers 远红外线雷射far-infrared masser 远红外美射far-infrared molecular laser 远红外分子激光器far-infrared radiation 远红外辐射far-infrared region 远红外区far-infrared spectrophotomether 远红外分光光度计far-ir interferoemeter 远红外干涉仪far-off-axis anisotropic bragg diffraction 远轴外各向异性布喇格衍射far-ranging 远程的far-red light 远红光far-sightedness 远视眼far-ultraviolet 远紫外的far-ultraviolet radiation 远紫外辐射far-ultraviolet region 远紫外区farad 法拉第扇形测式物faraday cage 法拉第盒faraday cell faraday configuration 远紫外辐射faraday constant 法拉第常数faraday dark space 法拉第配置faraday driver 法拉第驱动faraday effect 法拉第效应faraday isolator 法拉第形绝缘体faraday rotation 法拉第旋体faraday shutter 法拉第快门faraday's law 法拉第定律farady, pockel cells 法拉第电池farsighted (1)远视的(2)远景的fast ethernet network equipment 高速乙太网路设备fast fourier transform (fft)快速傅里叶变换fast image intensifier 快速像增强器fast lens (1)快镜(2)强光透镜fast pulley 固定轮fast response 快速响应fast retardation axis 快速延迟轴fast-fired coatying 快速氧化膜fast-transverse-flow co2 laser 快速横流二氧化碳激光器fastening (1)连接(2)连接物(3)压固fastening screw 紧固螺钉fastie-ebert monochromator 法斯梯-艾伯特单色仪fastie-ebert spectrometer 法斯梯-艾伯特分光计fatigue 疲乏,疲劳fatigue effect 疲乏效应fatigue failure 疲乏失效fatigue fracture 疲乏断裂fatigue limit 疲乏极裂fatty oil 油脂fatty-acid layer 脂肪酸层fature 特徵,特点faucet (1)旋塞(2)龙头fault (1)故障,失效(2)失真faunhofer diffractin 夫琅和费衍射faunhofer holography 夫琅和费息全术faunhofer intensity distribution 夫琅和费光强度分布favorable interference 有利相干fbt fly back transformer 返驰变压器fddi network equipment 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备feather 滑键feathers 羽状裂缝feature extracton 特徵萃取,特徵提取featureexraction 羽饰febetron 冷阴极脉冲,β射线管fechnerratio 特徵挑选feed (1)馈电(2)进料(3)供片feed arrangement 供给装置feed spool 供片轴feedback 反馈feedback amlifier 反馈放大器feedback circuit 反馈电路feedback compensation 反馈补偿feedback control system 反馈控制系统feedback ratio 回授率,反馈比feedback-controlled optics 反馈控制光学feeder (1)馈电线(2)进料器feedthrough 馈入装置feedway 输送装置feeler 测隙规feeler lever 触杆feeler microscope 接触式测微显微镜feeler plug 测孔塞规feet 英尺feldspar 长石felt polisher 毡抛光器felt ring 毡环,毡圈felt seal 毡密封felt washer 毡垫圈felt-ring seal 毡环密封,毡圈密封female thread 阴螺纹,内螺纹femto 飞fermat principle 费马原理fermat's principle 费马原理fermi energy 费密能fermi gas 费密气体fermi level 费密能级fermi level diagram 费密能级图fermi resonance 费密共振fermi temperature 费密温度fermi-dirac distribution law 费密-狄拉克分布律fermi-dirac function 费米-狄拉克函数fermion 费密子fermion field 费密子场fermitron 场射管fermium (fm)镄ferpic (ferroelectric picture)铁电图ferric chloride 氯化铁ferric oxxide 氯化铁ferricyanide 氯铁酸盐,铁氯化物ferrimag 铁磁合金ferrite 铁氧体ferrite garnet 镱铁石榴石ferroalloy 铁合金ferroelastic effect 铁弹性效应ferroelectric 铁电的ferroelectric ceramic 铁电陶瓷ferroelectric crystal 铁电晶体ferroelectric domain 铁电畴ferroelectric film 铁电膜ferroelectric image intensifier 铁电像增强器ferroelectric ir detectro 铁电红外探测器ferroelectric phase transition 铁电相跃迁ferroelectric photoconductor 铁电光导管ferroelectricity 铁电现象ferroelectrics 铁电体,铁电材料ferromagnet 铁矶体ferromagnetic 铁磁的ferromagnetic curie point 铁磁居里点ferromagnetic curie temperature 铁磁居里温度ferromagnetic material 铁磁材料ferromagnetism 铁磁性ferrommagnetic resonance 铁磁共振ferrormagnetic substance 铁磁物质ferrosilicon 硅铁ferrous (1)亚铁的,二价铁的(2)含铁的(3)类铁的ferrous metal 黑色金属ferroxcube 立方结构铁气体ferroxphlana 六角晶格铁氧体ferrule 套管ferry-porter low 费瑞-波特原则fery glass prism 费瑞玻璃棱镜fery prism 费瑞棱镜fery spectrograph 费瑞光谱仪fetron 高压结型场效应管feussner prism 费斯纳尔棱镜fexitron 冷阴极脉冲x射线管fiber bragg grating 光纤光栅fiber channel 光纤通道fiber grating strain sensor 光纤光栅应变感测器fiber optic acoustic sensors 光纤声波感测器fiber optic bundles, non-silica, imaging 多成分影像光纤fiber optic bundles, silica, imaging 石英系影像光纤fiber optic cable 光纤fiber optic cable manufacturing equipment 光缆制造设备fiber optic cable, dispersion-shifted 色散位移光缆fiber optic cable, multimode, silica, 100/140 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆fiber optic cable, multimode, silica, 50/125 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆fiber optic cable, multimode, silica, 62.5/125 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆fiber optic cable, plastic 塑胶光缆fiber optic cable, plastic-clad silica 石英系塑胶包覆光缆fiber optic cable, polarization - maintaining 偏振恒持光缆fiber optic cable, single mode, standard, loosely buffered, aerial 单模态标准型松包fiber optic cable, single mode, standard, loosely buffered, direct buried 单模态标准fiber optic cable, single mode, standard, loosely buffered, duct 单模态标准型松包管fiber optic cable, single mode, standard, tightly buffered, multifiber 单模态标准型紧fiber optic cable, single mode, standard, tightly buffered, single fiber 单模态标准型fiber optic closure 光纤接续盒fiber optic color mark photo sensors 光纤式色彩标记感测器fiber optic connectors, multimode, adapter (st,sma,fc/pc)多模态光纤连接器插fiber optic connectors, multimode, d4 多模态d4光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, multimode, fc/pc 多模态fc/pc相容光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, multimode, fddi 多模态fddi光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, multimode, multi-channel 多模态多心光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, multimode, sc 多模态sc光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, multimode, sma 多模态sma光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, multimode, st 多模态st光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, multimode,adapter (st,sma,fc/pc)多模态光纤连接器插座(st,sma,fc/pc)fiber optic connectors, single mode, adapter (st,fc/pc, sc, biconic)单模态光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, single mode, adapter (st,fc/pc,sc,biconic)单模态光纤连接器插座(st,fc/pc,sc,biconic) fiber optic connectors, single mode, apc 单模态apc光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, single mode, biconic 单模态biconic光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, single mode, d4 单模态d4光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, single mode, fc/pc 单模态fc/pc光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, single mode, fddi 单模态fddi光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, single mode, multi-channel/mt 单模态多心光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, single mode, sc 单模态sc光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, single mode, st 单模态st光纤连接器fiber optic connectors, single mode,multi-channel/mt 单模态多心光纤连接器(mt)fiber optic current sensors 光纤电流感测器fiber optic density, constituent sensors 光纤浓度、成份感测器fiber optic density,constituent sensors 光纤浓度、成份感测器fiber optic displacement sensors 光纤移位感测器fiber optic distribution box 光纤终端箱fiber optic distribution panels 光纤分配板fiber optic electric field sensors 光纤电场感测器fiber optic faceplate 光纤面板fiber optic fibers, dispersion - shifted 色散位移光纤fiber optic fibers, plastic 塑胶光纤fiber optic fibers, plastic - clad silica 石英系塑胶包覆光纤fiber optic fibers, polarization - maintaining 偏振恒持光纤fiber optic fibers, silica, multimode, graded index,50/125 石英系多模态渐近式折射fiber optic fibers, silica, multimode, step index 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光fiber optic fibers, silica, multimode,graded index ,100/140 石英系多模态渐近式折fiber optic fibers, silica, multimode,graded index ,62.5/125 石英系多模态渐近式折fiber optic fibers, silica, single mode,standard 石英系单模态标准型光纤fiber optic fiberscopes 光纤显微镜fiber optic field flattener 光纤场平板fiber optic furnaces, spinning equipment 光纤引线炉,纺丝设备fiber optic fusion splice equipment 光纤融接设备fiber optic gyro sensors 光纤陀螺仪感测器fiber optic gyroscope 光纤回转仪fiber optic illuminators 光纤光源fiber optic light distribution/radiation sensors 光纤光分布/放射线感测器fiber optic light guide 光纤光导fiber optic lightguides 光导管fiber optic liquid surface level sensors 光纤液位感测器fiber optic magnetic field sensors 光纤磁场感测器fiber optic magnetic flux sensors 光纤磁通量感测器fiber optic mark photo sensors 光纤式标记感测器fiber optic materials 光纤材料fiber optic oil film sensors 光纤油膜感测器fiber optic patchcord pigtail 光纤跳接线fiber optic photo sensors, fiber optic photo switches 光纤光电开关,光纤光电感测fiber optic polishing machines 光纤端面研磨设备fiber optic preforms 光纤预型体fiber optic pressure sensors 光纤压力感测器fiber optic probe 光纤探头fiber optic scanner 光纤扫瞄器fiber optic strain sensors 光纤变形感测器fiber optic strippers 光纤剥线夹fiber optic temperature sensors 光纤温度感测器fiber optic velocity sensors 光纤速度感测器fiber optic vibration sensors 光纤振动感测器fiber optic window 光纤窗fiber sensor 光纤感应器fiberscope 光纤视镜fibre (fiber)(1)纤维(2)刚纸,纤维板fibre -optic roamn laser 纤维光学喇激光器fibre abundle 纤维束fibre amplifier 纤维放大器fibre beakage 纤维破损fibre commhnication 纤维通信fibre core 纤维耻fibre coupler 纤维耦合器fibre eigenvalue equation 纤维本徵值方程fibre gastroscope 纤维胃镜fibre laser 纤维激光器fibre lens couple 纤维透镜耦合器fibre light guide 纤维光导fibre optic communication information society 纤维光学通信信息协会fibre optics 纤维光学fibre pipe 纤维光管fibre profile 纤维剖面fibre ring interferometer 纤维环干涉仪fibre splicing technique 纤维连接技术fibre waveguide 纤维波导fibre-optic bundle 纤维光束fibre-optic cable 纤维光缆fibre-optic colorimeter 纤维光学色计fibre-optic communication 纤维光学通信fibre-optic coupling 纤维光学耦合fibre-optic endoscope 纤维光学内窥镜fibre-optic field flatterner 纤维光学平场器fibre-optic flying-spot scanner 纤维光学飞点扫描装置fibre-optic image scramber 纤维光学图保密器fibre-optic interferometer 纤维光学干涉仪fibre-optic light carrier 纤维光学光导管fibre-optic light guide 纤维光导fibre-optic light-transmission system 纤维光学光传输系统fibre-optic link 纤维光连接fibre-optic memory 纤维光学存储器fibre-optic plate 纤维光学板fibre-optic repeater 纤维光中继器fibre-optic scanner 纤维光学扫描装置fibre-optic shape converter 纤维光学形状变换器fibre-optic sheath 纤维光学包皮fibre-optic transmitter 纤维光学发送机fibre-optic-faced vidicon 纤维光学面光导摄像管fibre-optics image dissection camera 纤维光学析像摄象机fibre-optics scan system 纤维光学扫描系统fibre-otpic-faced tube 纤维光学面板显像fibrefrac 铝硅陶瓷鑯维fibreglass 玻璃纤维,玻璃丝fibreglass optics 玻璃纤维光学fibrescope 光学纤维观察镜fibrograph 光学纤维照相fick's law 菲克定律fictitious primary color 虚拟原色fidelity (1)保真度(2)保真性fidelity criterion 保真度判据fidelity defect 保真度不足fiducial line 基准线fiducial mark 基准符号fiducial point 基准点field (1)场(2)视场field angle (1)视场角(2)张角field annealing 场置退火field camera 外景照相机,轻便摄影机field coil 磁场激发线圈field corrector 像场校正镜field curvature 场曲率field deformation 场形变field depth 景深field diaphragm 视场光阑field distortion 场畸变field effect controlled switch 场效应控制开关field effect transistor 场效应晶体管field emission 电场放射field emission microcope 场致发射显微镜field emission microscope 场致发射显微镜field emssion 场致发射field emssion electron microscope 场致发射电子显微镜field flattener 视场致平器,平像场校正器field flattening lens 平场镜头field glass 野外镜,望远镜field glasses 轻便双筒望远镜field induced photomission 场致光发射field intensity 场强field lens 向场镜field lenses 向场透镜field mesh electrode 场网电极field number 视场直径field observation 野外观察field of view 视场field of vision 视场field pattern 场图,场分布field pick-up (1)室外照相(2)实况转播field piece 场镜field quantization 场量子化field range 视场范围field ray 轴外物点光线field repectition rate 场重复频率field repetition rate 场重覆率field scannign sensor 场扫描传感器field stop 视场光阑field sweep 场扫描field theory 场论field tile 场倾斜field view stop 视场光阑field wave 激发波,激磁波field yoke 磁轭field's discontinuity 场不连续性field-biased 场偏置的field-flattended schmidt camera 平像场斯密特照相机field-ion microscope 场离子显微镜field-ion microscopy 场离子显微术fieldistor 场控晶体管fieldtron 场效应器件figure (1)图,图形(2)数字(3)数值(4)位数figure of merit 灵敏值,优值figure tolerance 形状公差figured glass 花纹玻璃figuring 修磨figuring of surface 表面修磨filament (1)丝(2)灯丝filament activity 灯丝激活filament burn-out 灯丝烧断filament emissions 丝极发射,灯丝发射filament lamp 白炽灯filament lief 灯丝寿命filament temperature 灯丝温度filament transformer 灯丝变压器filamentation 灯丝形成filamentray structure (1)灯丝结构(2)丝状结构filametntary (1)细丝的(2)灯丝的(3)纤维丝的filar eyepiece 有刻度目镜filbtercharacteristic (1)滤波器特性(2)滤光片特性file (1)文件(2)文件存储器(3)锉刀file computer 文件计算机file drum 文件磁鼓file memory 文件存储器file processor 文件处理器filer (1)填料,衬垫(2)填充数filer axis 丝缕轴fill factor 填充因素fill optisal sensing device 软片感光装置filled band 满带filled level 满充能级,占满能级filled shell 满充壳层filleted corner 圆角filling 填料,装填filling factor 填充系数fillister (1)凹刨(2)凹槽film adhesion 膜层附着力film advance lever 输片杆film advancing whell 输片轮film badge 胶片式线计量器film base 片基film camera 电影摄影机film cartride chamber 胶片暗盒film cartridge 胶片暗盒film cassette 胶卷暗盒film clip (1)胶片夹子(2)影片剪辑film coating 镀膜film coefficient of heat transfer 薄膜导热系数film compostition 薄膜组成film contiuity 薄膜连续性film cooling 薄膜冷却film counter 照像机用之底片计数器film dosimeter 胶片剂量计film drum 输鼓轮film feed mechanism 输片机构film fogging 胶片灰雾film glass 薄膜玻璃film grain nosie 胶片颗粒噪声film granularity 胶片颗粒度film graph 胶片录声设备film holder 胶片夹film indenticication 胶片鉴定film intensity measureing device 薄膜强度测定仪film load window 装胶片窗film memory 薄膜存储器film of oxide 氧化膜film plane 软片平面film plane indicator 胶片面指示器film pressing plate 胶片压板film projector 电影放映机film radiography 射线照相法film reader 显微胶片阅读器,胶带读出器film recorder 录片机film recording (1)影片录声(2)屏幕录像film reproduceer 影片复制机film response 胶片响应性film rewind button 胶卷倒卷钮film rewind crank 胶卷倒卷手柄film rewind shaft key 胶卷倒卷轴键film ring 胶片环film scanning 软片扫描film setting 照相排字film speed 胶片感光度film speed scale 胶片感光度等级film speed set ring 胶片感光度定环film stack 薄膜叠存储器film storage 薄膜存储器film storage unit 胶片存储单元film strip (1)教育幻灯片(2)片带,片条film supply 供片盒film tansporting system 输片系统film thickness 膜厚film thickness gauge 模厚度量计film thickness measuring 膜厚测量film thickness measuring device 膜厚测定仪film thickness meter 膜计film thickness monitor 膜厚监测仪film velocity 输片速度film weld 软片接头film-metering device 薄膜测定装置film-stress interferometer 薄膜应力千涉仪filmatic bearing 油膜轴承filmentary conpling 丝状耦合filminess 薄膜状态filming (1)生膜,薄膜形成,镀膜(2)摄影filter (1)过滤(2)滤光器,滤光片,滤光镜(3)滤波器(4)过滤器filter action (1)滤光作用(2)滤波作用filter by means of vacuum 真空过滤器filter by suction 吸入过滤器filter capacity 过滤能力filter cartride 过滤盒filter circuit 滤波电路filter deffect (1)滤色效应(2)滤波效应filter discrimination (1)滤波能力(2)滤波器分辨力filter element (1)滤光元件(2)滤波元件filter factor 过滤因素filter fator 滤光系数filter gauze 滤网filter glass 滤色玻璃filter grating 滤色光栅filter ir interference-absorption type 红外干涉-吸收型滤光片filter knob 滤光镜铵钮filter lens 滤光镜,滤色镜filter liquide 过滤液体filter method (1)滤波法(2)滤光法filter mount 滤光套filter paper 过滤纸filter pass band 滤波器通带filter plate 滤光片filter spectrophotometer 滤过分光分度计filter stop band 滤波器阻带filter transformer 滤波变压器filter transmission band 滤波器通带filter wheel 滤光轮filtered air 过滤空气filtered beam 过滤光束filtered image 过滤象filtering (1)滤光(2)滤波filterscan tube 滤光扫描管filtration (1)滤波(2)滤光(3)过滤filtrator 过滤器fin 叶片final amplifier 终端放大器final assembly 总装final control elemnt 最後控制元件final coutoff 最後截止final etching 最後腐史final evaporation 最後蒸发final gettering 最後吸气final mass 最终质量final payload 净有负载final presure 最後压力,极限压强final pump-down 最後抽气final reading 最终读数final stage 末级final vacuum 最後真空度final value theorem 终值定理finder (1)取景器,录像器(2)瞄准器(3)测距仪finder aperture (1)寻像器孔径(2)瞄准器孔径finder circle 导像圈finder frame 取景框finder screen 取景器屏finder telescope (1)寻镜望远镜(2)瞄准望远镜fine 精密的,精细的fine adjustment 微调,精密校正fine balance 精密平衡,精调fine data channel 精确数据通道fine definition 高清晰度fine detail 细节fine dotted line 细虚线fine etching 精密蚀刻fine grain (1)微粒(2)细粒fine grain developer 微粒显影剂fine grating 细光栅fine grinding wheel 细砂轮fine line 细线fine measuring instrument 精密测量仪器fine oil stone 细油石fine particle 细小颗粒fine pitch 小螺距fine pumping 高真空抽气fine structure 精细细构fine thread 细牙螺纹fine thread screw 细牙螺钉fine tuning 精细调谐fine vacuum 高真空fine wheel 细砂轮fine-collimation apparatus 精细准直仪器fine-focusing knob 精调焦旋钮fine-grained 微粒的fine-range scope 精密测距镜finely-honed 精密搪磨的fineness (1)细度(2)钝度(3)光洁度(4)锐度finger (1)测厚规(2)指针(3)手指finger-impu system 键盘输入装置fingerprint 指纹fingerprint cameras 指纹照相机fingerprint indentification 指纹识别fingertip control 按钮控制,键盘控制fining 精细化finish (1)抛光(2)精加工(3)终饰(4)表面光洁度finish surface (1)精加工面(2)抛光面finished prodcut (1)成品(2)光制品finishing allowance 精加工裕量finishing polish 精饰抛光finishing size (1)精加工尺寸(2)完工尺寸finite aperture 有限孔径finite beam source 有限射束源finite linewidth 有限线宽度finite object point 有限远物点finite ray 有限远光线finsen unit 芬生单位fipping frequency 触发频率fir-laser 远红外激光器fire cracks 爆裂纹fire-control optics 射击指挥光学系统,火炮控制光学fire-proof 防火的,耐火的fireproof coating 耐火涂层,耐火敷层first angle projection 第一角投射法first approximation 初步近似,一级近似first electron lens 第一电子透镜,阴极透镜first eye lens 首侧复曲面first harmonic 基波first order aberration 初级像差first order reflection 一级反射first order spectrum 第一级光谱first principal point 第一主点first radiation constant 第一辐射常数first side toric 首侧弯月面first surface mirror 表面镀膜镜first-order 一级,初级first-scattering angle 第一散射角,最初散射角fish tail 鱼尾fish-eye camera 鱼眼照相机,水中照相机fish-eye lens 鱼眼透镜fish-eye of maxwell 麦克斯韦鱼眼fish-eye type objective lens 鱼眼型物镜fish-lens 鱼眼透镜fission 裂变,分裂fissionable fuel 可裂变燃料fissure 裂缆,道子fit 非特fit joint 套筒接合fit key 配合键fit keyway 配合键槽fit quality 配合等级fit tolerance 配合公差fit-up 配合fitting (1)装配(2)配合(3)配件fitting control 装配控制fitting joint 装配连接fitting surface 配合面fitting tight 装配紧密fitting-up 装配fix stopper 固定销,定位销fix-focus lens 定焦透镜fixation (1)固定,安装(2)定影,定像fixation device 固定装置fixed array multielment lidar 固定阵列多元激光雷达fixed axis of rotation 鱼眼透镜fixed base 固定底座fixed beam 固定光束fixed bias circuit 固定转动轴fixed block 固定件fixed condenser 固定偏压电路fixed coupling 固定联轴节fixed encoded theodolite 固定编码经纬仪fixed focus 定焦点fixed focus camera 定焦照相机fixed gauge 固定规fixed guide bar 固定导杆fixed laser bar code scanners 固定式雷射条码扫描器fixed light 固定灯光fixed mirror 固定镜fixed mounting base 固定支承座fixed optical attenuators 光衰减器(固定)fixed pattern noise 固定图形噪声fixed piovt point 固定支承点fixed prism 固定棱镜fixed resister 固定焦点fixed reticle 固定十字标线,固定调制盘fixed slit 固定狭缝fixed view shifter projector 固家影像转换放映机fixed-frequency source 固定率源fixer (1)固定器(2)定影剂fixing bath (1)定影液(2)定影槽fixing salt 定像剂fixing solution 定影液fixning (1)固定(2)定景fixture (1)夹具(2)装置fizeau fringe 斐索干涉条纹fizeau fringes 固定电阻器fizeau interferomenter 斐索干涉仪fizeau interferometer 菲佐条纹fizeau interferometersfizeau 干涉仪fizeau toothed whool 菲佐干涉计flag 菲佐齿轮flake 薄片flame 火焰flame acrc lamp 焰弧灯flame arc 焰弧flame deflector 火焰导向器flame emission deterctor 火焰发射检测器flame emission spectroscopy 旗标flame excitation 火焰激发flame holder 火焰稳定器flame laser 火焰激光器flame photmetry 火焰光度测量计flame photometer 火焰光度计flame photometric analysis 火焰光度分析flame pyrometer 火焰高温计flame shield 火焰屏蔽flame spectrometer 火焰分光计flame spectrometry 火焰光谱光度测量flame spectrophotometry 火焰分光光度学flame spectrum 火焰光谱flame spetrum 火焰光谱flame welding 熔焊,气焊flange (1)凸缘(2)镶边flange focal distance 基面载距flange focal distance (ffd)凸缘焦距flank (1)侧面(2)齿侧flannel 法兰绒flannel disk 法兰绒抛划盘flapping 摇摆运动flare (1)闪光(2)闪烁(3)照明弹flare light 闪光flare spot 耀斑flare-free telescope sight 无闪光望远镜瞄准具flash arc 闪光弧flash barrier 闪光挡板flash cooler 快速冷却器flash desorption spectroscopy 闪光解吸收光谱术flash dryer 快速乾燥器flash duration 闪光持续时间flash evaporation 快速蒸发flash evaporation technique 快速蒸发技术flash exposure 闪光曝光flash gun 闪光枪flash head 闪光灯头flash intensity 闪光强度flash lamp 闪光灯flash lamp pumped dye laser 闪光灯抽运染料激光器flash lamp pumping 闪光灯抽运flash light 闪光灯flash meter 闪光昦曝光表flash photographic density filter 闪光照相密度滤器flash photolysis 闪光光解作用flash point 闪光点flash pumped 闪光抽flash radiography 闪光射线照相术flash ranging 闪光测距flash screen 闪光灯屏flash socket 闪光灯座flash spectroscopy 闪光光谱学flash synchronzed shutter 闪光同步快门flash tube 闪光管flash unit 闪光灯部件flash-photometry 闪光光度学flash-powder 闪光粉flashback voltage 反闪电压flashbulb 闪光灯泡flashcube 闪光灯块flashed glass 闪光玻璃flasher 闪光灯flashlamp 闪光灯flashtabe 闪光管flashtube lamp 闪光灯flask 烧瓶flat (1)平的(2)平面(3)平镜flat angle 平角flat blank 平面胚件flat crts 平面阴极射线管flat inclined mirror 斜面镜flat interferometer 平面干涉仪flat key 平键flat lapping block 精研平台flat machine 平面抛光机flat mirrors 平面镜flat pack 偏平装flat plate 平板flat polisher 平面抛光机flat reflector 平反射器,平反射镜flat saddle key 平鞍形键flat spring 扁簧,片簧flat spring hinge 扁簧铰键flat surface 平面flat tool 平面磨光磨具flat topped pulse 平顶脉冲flat-bed color image scanners 平台式影像扫描器flat-field lens 平场透镜,平扫描场透镜flat-field objective 平场物镜,平扫描场物镜flat-layer powder camera 平层粉末照相机flat-roof mirror 平屋脊镜flatncess of field 像场平度,扫描场平度flatness of image plane 像面平度flatness testers 平面度测定系统flattened field (1)平像场(2)扁平场flattener (1)平像场器(2)矫平机flattening lens 平像场透镜flatter surface 高精平面flatuess 平度,平面度,平直度flatuess and straighness measuring instrument 平直度测量仪flaw 裂纹,瑕疪fleck 斑点,斑影flexibility (1)挠性(2)弹性(3)适应性(4)柔顺性flexibility factor 挠度系数flexible 挠性的flexible cord 软线flexible diagnostic fresnel lens 诊断用弹性fresnel 镜片flexible drive 挠性传动flexible fiber-optic gastroscope 挠性纤光学胃镜flexible imagescope 可弯曲视镜flexible joint 挠性连轴节。



光纤通信中需要掌握的英文单词及缩写(范文模版)第一篇:光纤通信中需要掌握的英文单词及缩写(范文模版)光纤通信中常用英文缩写acalternating current交变电流AMamplitude modulation 幅度调制APDavalanche photodiode雪崩二极管ASEamplified spontaneous emission 放大自发辐射ASKamplitudeshift keying幅移键控BERbit error rate误码率CATVcommonantennacabletelevision有线电视CDMcodedivision multiplexingCNRcarrier to noise ratio载噪比CVDchemical vapour deposition 化学汽相沉积CWcontinuous wave连续波DBRdistributed Bragg reflector分布布拉格反射DFBdistributed feedback分布反馈dcdirect current直流DCFdispersion compensating fiber 色散补偿光纤DSFdispersion shift fiber色散位移光纤DIPdual inline package双列直插EDFAdoped fiber amplifier掺铒光纤激光器FDDIfiber distributed data interface光纤数据分配接口FPFabryPerot法布里-珀罗FWHMfull width at half maximum半高全宽FWMfour-wave mixing四波混频GVDgroup-velocity dispersion群速度色散IM/DDintensity modulation with direct detection 强度调制直接探测LEDlightemitting diode发光二极管L-Ilightcurrent光电关系MCVDModified chemical vapor deposition 改进的化学汽相沉积MZmach-Zehnder马赫泽德NAnumerical aperture数值孔径NFnoise figure噪声指数NRZnon-return to zero非归零OCoptical carrier光载波OOKon-offkeying开关键控OTDMoptical time-division multiplexing光时分复用OVDoutside-vapor deposition轴外汽相沉积OXCoptical cross-connect光交叉连接PCMpulse-code modulation脉冲编码调制PDMpolarization-division multiplexing偏振复用PONpassive optical network无源光网络RZreturn-to-zero归零RAraman amplifier拉曼放大器SBSstimulated Brillouin scattering 受激布里渊散射SCMsubcarrier multiplexing副载波复用SDHsynchronous digital hierarchy同步数字体系SLA/SOAsemiconductor laser/optical amplifier半导体激光器/光放大器SLMsingle longitudinal mode单纵模SNRsignal-to-noise ratio信噪比SONETsynchronized optical network同步光网络SRSstimulated Raman scattering受激拉曼散射TCP/IPtransmission control protocol/internet protocol传输控制协议 / 互联网协议TDMtime-division multiplexing时分复用TWtraveling wave行波VADvapor-axial epitaxy轴向汽相沉积VCSELvertical-cavity surface-emitting laser垂直腔表面发射激光器VPEvapor-phase epitaxy汽相沉积WDMAwavelength-division multiple access波分复用接入系统DWDMdense wavelength division multiplexing/multiplexer密集波分复用/ 器FBGfiber-bragg grating光纤布拉格光栅AWGarrayed-waveguide grating 阵列波导光栅LDlaser diode激光二极管AOTFacoustooptic tunable filter声光调制器AR coatings antireflection coatings抗反膜SIOFstepindex optical fiber阶跃折射率分布光纤GIOFgradedindex optical fiber渐变折射率分布光纤Cross-talk串音Passive component 无源器件Active component有源器件Soliton孤子Jitter抖动Heterodyne外差Homodyne零差Transmitter发射机Receiver接收机Transceiver module收发模块Birefringence双折射Chirp啁啾Binary二进制Chromatic dispersion色度色散Cladding包层Jacket涂层Core cladding interface纤芯包层界面Gain-guided semiconductor laser 增益导引半导体激光器Index-guide semiconductor laser 折射率半导导引体激光器Threshold阈值Power penalty功率代价Dispersion色散Attenuation衰减Nonlinear optical effect非线性效应Polarization偏振Double heterojunction双异质结Electron-hole recombination电子空穴复合Linewidth线宽Preamplifer 前置放大器Inline amplifier在线放大器Power amplifier功率放大器Extinction ratio消光比Eye diagram眼图Fermi level费米能级Multimode fiber多模光纤Block diagram原理图Quantum limited量子极限Intermode dispersion模间色散Intramode dispersion模内色散Filter滤波器Directional coupler 定向耦合器Isolator隔离器Circulator环形器Detector探测器Laser激光器Polarization controller偏振控制器Attenuator衰减器Modulator调制器Optical switch光开关Lowpass filter低通滤波器Highpass filter高通滤波器Bandpass filter带通滤波器Longitudinal mode纵模Transverse mode横模Lateral mode侧模Sensitivity灵敏度Quantum efficiency量子效率White noise白噪声Responsibility响应度Waveguide dispersion 波导色散Zero-dispersion wavelength 零色散波长Free spectral range自由光谱范围Surface emitting LED表面发射 LED Edgeemitting LED边发射 LED Thermal noise热噪声Quantum limit量子极限Sensitivity degradation灵敏度劣化Intensity noise强度噪声Timing jitter时间抖动Packaging封装Maxwell’s equations麦克斯韦方程组Material dispersion材料色散Rayleigh scattering瑞利散射Nonradiative recombination Driving circuit驱动电路非辐射复合Sketch 绘图 Splice 接续refractive index折射率 cladding包层modal distortion 模式畸变GRIN fibers渐变折射率光纤 Multimode多模SI fibers阶跃折射率光纤 Spontaneous emission 自发辐射 APD 雪崩光电二极管 Sensitivity灵敏度statistical law统计规律 threshold current 阈值电流 forward biased 正向偏置reverse biased 反向偏置Edge emitting LED 边发射二极管 Surface emitting LED 面发射二极管 Lambertian pattern 朗伯型 Visible 可见 infrared 红外 ultraviolet 紫外 carrier 载波 resonant 谐振F-P Lasers 法布里-珀罗激光器longitudinal modes 纵模transverse modes 横模Population inversion 离子数反转 Stimulated emission 受激辐射 Positive feedback正反馈 excess lose 额外损耗 splice 接续depletion region 耗尽层 transit time 渡越时间 response time 响应时间 attenuation 衰减 scattering 散射 bandgap 能带间隙cutoff wavelength 截止波长 star couplers 星型耦合器fiber Bragg grating 光纤布拉格光栅 fiber optical isolator 光纤隔离器switches 光开关linearly polarized 线偏振circularly polarized 圆偏振 unpolarized 非偏振 WDM 波分复用Photodetector 光探测器 Photon 光子EDF,Erbium Doped Fiber掺铒光纤 EDFA掺铒光纤放大器 energy level diagram 能级图electroabsorption modulator 电吸收调制器external modulation 外调制internal modulation 内调制quantum efficiency 量子效率 slope efficiency 斜率效率 pump wavelength 泵浦波长 spectral width谱宽 silica fibers 石英光纤 V :归一化频率source linewidth 光源线宽 optic bandwidth 光带宽 electrical bandwidth.电带宽 chirp 啁啾analog modulation 模拟调制digital modulation 数字调制transparent windows 透光窗口attenuation coefficient 衰减系数SNR,signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比noise figure 噪声指数responsivity 响应度第二篇:常见管理类英文单词缩写释义常见管理类英文缩写单词释义★SWOT分析法S→strength→优势W→weakness→弱势O→opportunity→机会T→threat→威胁★PDCA工作循环法P→plan→计划D→Do→执行C→check→修正A→Action→再执行(修正)★6S现场管理Seiri→整理Seiton→整顿Seiso→清扫Seiketsu→清洁Shitsoke→素养Safety→安全★CIS系统CI由MI、VI、BI三个分部组成MI→mind identity→理念识别包含:企业精神,企业价值观,企业文化,企业信条,经营理念,经营方针,市场定位,产业构成,组织体制,管理原则,社会责任和发展规划等。



China &Foreign Medical Treatment中外医疗肺炎在内科临床领域中十分常见,是指终末气道、肺泡和肺间质的炎症。







[关键词]纤维支气管镜肺泡灌洗;肺炎;临床疗效[中图分类号]R725[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-0742(2020)06(b)-0035-03Observe the Therapeutic Effect of Bronchoscopic Alveolar Lavage on Children with PneumoniaJIAN Wei-hua,CHEN Yu-lan,ZHU Qiao-weiDepartment of Neonatal,Zhongshan People's Hospital,Zhongshan,Guangdong Province,528400China[Abstract]Objective The main purpose of this experiment is to explore the clinical effect of bronchofibroscopic alveolar lavage in children with pneumonia.Methods Convenient select A total of 100children with pneumonia admitted in the hospital from January 2017to June 2019were divided into two groups.50patients in the control group were treated with conventional expectoration,anti-infection and oxygen therapy,and 50children in the experimental group were treated with Fiberoptic bronchoscopic alveolar lavage for treatment,analysis of the efficacy of the children in the experimental group and the control group,evaluation of the oxygen partial pressure and blood oxygen saturation levels in the children in theexperimental group and the control group,and comparison of adverse reactions in the children in the experimental group and the control group.Results There was no statistically significant difference in the oxygen partial pressure and bloodoxygen saturation between the experimental group and the control group before treatment(P>0.05).After treatment,the aboveindexes of the experimental group were better than the control group(P<0.05);There was a statistically significant difference in the total effective rate of clinical treatment between children in the experimental group and those in the control group (χ2=14.035,P<0.05),92.0%in the experimental group and 60.00%in the control group;children in the experimental group and children in the control group of the incidence of adverse reactions was statistically significantly different (χ2=8.306,P<0.05),the experimental group was 4.00%and the control group was 24.00%.Conclusion Fiberoptic bronchoscopic alveolarlavage has a good clinical effect in children with pneumonia,can effectively improve the treatment effect of children.[Key words]Fiberbronchoscope alveolar lavage;Pneumonia;Clinical efficacy[作者简介]简伟华(1983-),男,广东中山人,本科,主治医师,研究方向:儿科重症和新生儿科。



专利名称:OPTICAL FIBER, IN PARTICULAR A LASER FIBER CONTAINING A DOPED GLASS FIBERCORE AND CLADDING AROUND THEFIBERGLASS CORE发明人:Wolfgang Hämmerle,Lothar Brehm,Matthias Auth,Elke Poppotz申请号:US13320440申请日:20100609公开号:US20120063733A1公开日:20120315专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The invention relates to an optical fiber, in particular a laser fiber, containing a doped glass fiber core () and cladding () around the latter with a refraction index profile which decreases outwards from the fiber core. The optical fiber is distinguished by at least one intermediate layer () being disposed between the glass fiber core and the cladding to reduce the mechanical tension therebetween. In one advantageous embodiment, the intermediate layer is doped in such a way as to ensure a stepped mechanical tension distribution between the glass fiber core and the cladding, and is co-doped in such a way as to reduce the refractive index and counteract the refraction index-increasing effect of the intermediate layer doping. The invention further relates to an application of at least one doped barrier layer to a core region during preparation of the preform to avoid diffusion of special core dopants from the core during the collapse process, and to allow the diffusion of special dopants between the barrier layer and the core layer.申请人:Wolfgang Hämmerle,Lothar Brehm,Matthias Auth,Elke Poppotz地址:Jena DE,Jena DE,Essen DE,Jena DE国籍:DE,DE,DE,DE更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:FIBER OPTIC DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR INFRARED LASERS发明人:GOLLIHAR, William, A.,DESHAZER, Larry,G.,BRADLEY, Scott, C.申请号:US1997006702申请日:19970424公开号:WO98/016855P1公开日:19980423专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A hand held laser device is disclosed including a hand piece (350) coupled to a source of laser energy by an optical fiber cable (130). A bias tensile stress is exerted on the fiber (110) when the fiber (110) and outer sheating or tube (100) are straight in-line. The bias tension stress reduces compressional stress on the fiber (110) when the fiber cable (100) is bent. Moreover, the fiber (110) is coupled to a disposable fiber (610) in the hand piece (350) to output light from the laser to a target area. The two fibers (110, 610) are precisely spaced close to one another to permit substantial lossless transmission of light without lenses or other focusing optics. Further precision bearing devices are provided at opposite ends of the fiber cable (130) in order to reduce torque on the fiber (110).申请人:PHAROS OPTICS, INC.地址:Suite 500 6601 Center Drive West Los Angeles, CA 90045 US国籍:US代理机构:WELCHER, Blake, A.更多信息请下载全文后查看。

光纤密封节 英语

光纤密封节 英语

光纤密封节英语Fiber optic connector1. I need to replace the fiber optic connector on this cable.我需要更换这根光纤电缆上的光纤连接器。

2. The technician tested the performance of the fiber optic connector.技术员测试了光纤连接器的性能。

3. The fiber optic connectors were securely sealed to prevent any signal loss.光纤连接器被密封以防止任何信号丢失。

4. The fiber optic connector provides a stable and reliable connection for data transmission.光纤连接器为数据传输提供了稳定可靠的连接。

5. The fiber optic connector is compatible with various types of optical fibers.光纤连接器兼容各种类型的光纤。

6. Make sure to clean the fiber optic connector before installation.安装前务必清洁光纤连接器。

7. The fiber optic connector is designed to be easily installed and removed.光纤连接器设计成易于安装和拆卸。

8. The technician is checking the alignment of the fiber optic connector to ensure optimal performance.技术员正在检查光纤连接器的对准,以确保最佳性能。

9. The fiber optic connector has a rugged design to withstand harsh environmental conditions.光纤连接器具有坚固的设计,可以承受恶劣的环境条件。

fiber units 意思

fiber units 意思

fiber units 意思英文回答:Fiber units are the smallest structural units of dietary fiber. They are composed of long chains of sugar molecules that cannot be digested by the human body. Fiber units are classified into two main types: soluble and insoluble.Soluble fiber units dissolve in water and form a gel-like substance. This gel can help to slow down the absorption of sugar and cholesterol into the bloodstream. Soluble fiber units can also help to lower blood pressure and improve blood sugar control.Insoluble fiber units do not dissolve in water and add bulk to the stool. This bulk can help to prevent constipation and improve bowel regularity. Insoluble fiber units can also help to reduce the risk of colon cancer.Fiber units are an important part of a healthy diet. They can help to improve digestive health, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Fiber units can be found in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.中文回答:纤维单位是膳食纤维的最小结构单位。



光纤环形谐振腔英文Fiber Optic Ring Resonator.Fiber optic ring resonators have emerged as a crucial component in modern optical systems, offering unique capabilities for controlling and manipulating light. These resonators consist of a closed loop of optical fiber that supports light propagation in a circular path, enabling light to build up and interfere within the cavity. This interference leads to the formation of resonant modes, which are characterized by specific wavelengths of light that experience enhanced transmission or reflection.The fundamental operation of a fiber optic ring resonator relies on the principles of waveguide optics and interference. Light introduced into the resonator couples into the closed loop and propagates around the ring, experiencing phase shifts and intensity variations as it traverses the cavity. The length of the resonator determines the resonant frequencies, and the refractiveindex of the waveguide material affects the phase velocity of the light.One of the key advantages of fiber optic ring resonators is their high sensitivity to changes in the optical path length. This sensitivity can be exploited for various applications, such as sensors and optical switches. For instance, by monitoring the resonant wavelengths of a ring resonator, one can detect minute changes in the refractive index of the surrounding medium, which can be attributed to temperature variations, pressure changes, or the presence of analytes in a sensing scenario.Another important aspect of fiber optic ring resonators is their tunability. By incorporating materials with tunable refractive indices into the resonator, one canshift the resonant wavelengths dynamically. This tunability is crucial for dynamic control of optical systems and enables applications such as wavelength-routing in optical communication networks.In addition to their sensing and tunable properties,fiber optic ring resonators also find use in optical filtering and wavelength selection. The resonant nature of these resonators allows them to select specific wavelengths from a broadband optical signal, making them useful components in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) systems.The design and fabrication of fiber optic ring resonators involve precise control over the dimensions and refractive index of the waveguide. Modern techniques, such as femtosecond laser writing and precision fiber drawing, have enabled the creation of resonators with ultra-high finesse and narrow linewidths, enhancing their performance in various applications.In conclusion, fiber optic ring resonators have emerged as versatile and powerful components in optical systems. Their unique properties, including high sensitivity, tunability, and wavelength selectivity, make them invaluable for applications ranging from sensing andoptical switching to wavelength routing and filtering. As technology continues to advance, we can expect theseresonators to play an increasingly important role in the development of next-generation optical systems.。

光纤通信 1.Fiber Optic Communications System幻灯片PPT

光纤通信 1.Fiber Optic Communications System幻灯片PPT
During the day, the sun is the source of light for this system. The information is carried from the sender to the receiver on the sun’s reflected radiation. Hand motion modifies, or modulates, the light. The eye is the message-detecting device, and the brain processes is this message.
photo-conducting selenium(硒) cell, which
converted the message to electrical current. A telephone receiver completed the system. The photophone never achieved commercial success, although it worked rather well.
How can it work in darkness?
Detecting device
Human first communicated by using hand signal .
Chapter 1
Fiber Optic Communications System
Information transfer by such a system is slow, the transmission distance is limited, and the chances for error are great.



光纤通信中常用英文缩写ac alternating current 交变电流AM amplitude modulation 幅度调制APD avalanche photodiode 雪崩二极管ASE amplified spontaneous emission 放大自发辐射ASK amplitude shift keying 幅移键控BER bit error rate 误码率CATV common antenna cable television 有线电视CDM code division multiplexing 码分复用CNR carrier to noise ratio 载噪比CVD chemical vapour deposition 化学汽相沉积CW continuous wave 连续波DBR distributed Bragg reflector 分布布拉格反射DFB distributed feedback 分布反馈dc direct current 直流DCF dispersion compensating fiber 色散补偿光纤DSF dispersion shift fiber 色散位移光纤DIP dual in line package 双列直插EDFA erbium doped fiber amplifier 掺铒光纤激光器FDDI fiber distributed data interface 光纤数据分配接口FP Fabry Perot 法布里—珀罗FWHM full width at half maximum 半高全宽FWM four-wave mixing 四波混频GVD group-velocity dispersion 群速度色散IM/DD intensity modulation with direct detection 强度调制直接探测LED light emitting diode 发光二极管L—I light current 光电关系MCVD Modified chemical vapor deposition 改进的化学汽相沉积MZ mach—Zehnder 马赫泽德NA numerical aperture 数值孔径NF noise figure 噪声指数NRZ non-return to zero 非归零OC optical carrier 光载波OOK on-off keying 开关键控OTDM optical time-division multiplexing 光时分复用OVD outside-vapor deposition 轴外汽相沉积OXC optical cross—connect 光交叉连接PCM pulse—code modulation 脉冲编码调制PDM polarization-division multiplexing 偏振复用PON passive optical network 无源光网络RZ return—to—zero 归零RA raman amplifier 拉曼放大器SBS stimulated Brillouin scattering 受激布里渊散射SCM subcarrier multiplexing 副载波复用SDH synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字体系SLA/SOA semiconductor laser/optical amplifier 半导体激光器/光放大器SLM single longitudinal mode 单纵模SNR signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比SONET synchronized optical network 同步光网络SRS stimulated Raman scattering 受激拉曼散射TCP/IP transmission control protocol/internet protocol 传输控制协议/ 互联网协议TDM time-division multiplexing 时分复用TW traveling wave 行波VAD vapor-axial epitaxy 轴向汽相沉积VCSEL vertical-cavity surface—emitting laser 垂直腔表面发射激光器VPE vapor-phase epitaxy 汽相沉积WDMA wavelength—division multiple access 波分复用接入系统DWDM dense wavelength division multiplexing/multiplexer密集波分复用/ 器FBG fiber-bragg grating 光纤布拉格光栅AWG arrayed-waveguide grating 阵列波导光栅LD laser diode 激光二极管AOTF acousto optic tunable filter 声光调制器AR coatings antireflection coatings 抗反膜SIOF step index optical fiber 阶跃折射率分布光纤GIOF graded index optical fiber 渐变折射率分布光纤Cross—talk 串音Passive component 无源器件Active component 有源器件Soliton 孤子Jitter 抖动Heterodyne 外差Homodyne 零差Transmitter 发射机Receiver 接收机Transceiver module 收发模块Birefringence 双折射Chirp 啁啾Binary 二进制Chromatic dispersion 色度色散Cladding 包层Jacket 涂层Core cladding interface 纤芯包层界面Gain—guided semiconductor laser 增益导引半导体激光器Index—guide semiconductor laser 折射率半导导引体激光器Threshold 阈值Power penalty 功率代价Dispersion 色散Attenuation 衰减Nonlinear optical effect 非线性效应Polarization 偏振Double heterojunction 双异质结Electron—hole recombination 电子空穴复合Linewidth 线宽Preamplifer 前置放大器Inline amplifier 在线放大器Power amplifier 功率放大器Extinction ratio 消光比Eye diagram 眼图Fermi level 费米能级Multimode fiber 多模光纤Block diagram 原理图Quantum limited 量子极限Intermode dispersion 模间色散Intramode dispersion 模内色散Filter 滤波器Directional coupler 定向耦合器Isolator 隔离器Circulator 环形器Detector 探测器Laser 激光器Polarization controller 偏振控制器Attenuator 衰减器Modulator 调制器Optical switch 光开关Lowpass filter 低通滤波器Highpass filter 高通滤波器Bandpass filter 带通滤波器Longitudinal mode 纵模Transverse mode 横模Lateral mode 侧模Sensitivity 灵敏度Quantum efficiency 量子效率White noise 白噪声Responsibility 响应度Waveguide dispersion 波导色散Zero-dispersion wavelength 零色散波长Free spectral range 自由光谱范围Surface emitting LED 表面发射LEDEdge emitting LED 边发射LEDThermal noise 热噪声Quantum limit 量子极限Sensitivity degradation 灵敏度劣化Intensity noise 强度噪声Timing jitter 时间抖动Packaging 封装Maxwell’s equations 麦克斯韦方程组Material dispersion 材料色散Rayleigh scattering 瑞利散射Nonradiative recombination 非辐射复合Driving circuit 驱动电路Sketch 绘图Splice 接续r efractive index 折射率cladding 包层modal distortion 模式畸变GRIN fibers 渐变折射率光纤Multimode 多模SI fibers 阶跃折射率光纤Spontaneous emission 自发辐射APD 雪崩光电二极管Sensitivity 灵敏度statistical law 统计规律threshold current 阈值电流forward biased 正向偏置reverse biased 反向偏置Edge emitting LED 边发射二极管Surface emitting LED 面发射二极管Lambertian pattern 朗伯型Visible 可见infrared 红外ultraviolet 紫外carrier 载波resonant 谐振F—P Lasers 法布里—珀罗激光器longitudinal modes 纵模transverse modes 横模Population inversion 离子数反转Stimulated emission 受激辐射Positive feedback正反馈excess lose 额外损耗splice 接续depletion region 耗尽层transit time 渡越时间response time 响应时间attenuation 衰减scattering 散射bandgap 能带间隙cutoff wavelength 截止波长star couplers 星型耦合器fiber Bragg grating 光纤布拉格光栅fiber optical isolator 光纤隔离器switches 光开关linearly polarized 线偏振circularly polarized 圆偏振unpolarized 非偏振WDM 波分复用Photodetector 光探测器Photon 光子EDF, Erbium Doped Fiber 掺铒光纤EDFA 掺铒光纤放大器energy level diagram 能级图electroabsorption modulator 电吸收调制器external modulation 外调制internal modulation 内调制quantum efficiency 量子效率slope efficiency 斜率效率pump wavelength 泵浦波长spectral width 谱宽silica fibers 石英光纤V :归一化频率source linewidth 光源线宽optic bandwidth 光带宽electrical bandwidth. 电带宽chirp 啁啾analog modulation 模拟调制digital modulation 数字调制transparent windows 透光窗口attenuation coefficient 衰减系数SNR, signal—to-noise ratio 信噪比noise figure 噪声指数responsivity 响应度。



光通信中英文对照光纤:opticalfiber;fibergrating:光栅OFC:光缆GIF:渐变型光纤SIF:阶越型光纤DSF:色散位移光纤DCF:色散补偿光纤DFF:色散平坦光纤POF:塑料光纤(PlaticOpticalFiber)PCF:光子晶体光纤PANDA光纤:偏振保持光纤HNLF:高非线性光纤HCF:密封涂层光纤CCF:碳涂层光纤MCF:金属涂层光纤ECF:偏心光纤光纤阵列:fiberarray;FA;FABU;BFA光纤阵列模块:FiberArrayBlock(FAB)AWG:阵列波导光栅FBT:熔融拉锥Coupler:耦合器平面波导型光分路器:PLCplitter熔融拉锥光纤分路器:FuedFiberSplitterCW:连续Pump:泵浦Power:电源laercrytal:激光晶体PD:光电二极管LD:半导体激光器、激光二极管ILD:注入型半导体激光器LED:发光二极管LightEmittingDiodeDBR:分布式布拉格反射DFB:分布反馈DFB-LD:分布反馈式半导体激光器FP-LD:法布里-珀罗半导体激光器DSM-LD:动态单模半导体激光器SC:超连续光源(Supercontinuum)PA:前置放大器LA:线路放大器BA、PA:功率放大器OA:光放大器LNA:低噪声放大器OFA:光纤放大器SOA:半导体光放大器SRS:受激拉曼散射SRA(RFA):拉曼光纤放大器SBS:受激布里渊散射SBA:受激布里渊散射光纤放大器BRA(BFA):布里渊光纤放大器TDFA:掺铥光纤放大器(属掺杂稀土离子)EDFA:掺饵光纤放大器PDFA:掺错光纤放大器NDFA:掺铌光纤放大器IL:插入损耗RL:回波损耗EL:附加损耗TL:传输损耗PDL:偏振相关损耗BIL:弯曲附加损耗CR:分光比ER:消光比FL:均匀性PMD:偏振模色散、单模光纤中偏振色散EMB:有效模式带宽OFL:满注入带宽OM:光模式OpticalModeMFD:模场直径Iolator:隔离器Coupler:耦合器Connector:连接器Splitter:分路器Collimator:准直器Opticalwitch:光开关Attenuator:衰减器Modulator:调制器Filter:滤波器Receive:接收器OC:光载体、光纤载波CW:载波carrierwaveOLT:光缆终端设备、局端机房设备ODN:光配线网络ONU:光节点、光网络单元ONT:光网络终端OTN:光传送网OTM:光终端复用器OUT:光转发器OTU:波长转换器OSU:光用户单元O某C:光交换节点ODF:光纤配线架DDF:数字配线架OT:输出终端PCM:电端机CO:中心局3U:超高速、超大容量、超长距离OAN:光纤接入网LAN:局域网MAN:城域网高速短距离的光纤通信系统WAN:广域网Metronetwork:地下网路Ethernet:以太网Network:网络CUN:可持续网络NGN:下一代网络NPN:新公众网UN:一体化网ASON:自动交换光网络OAN:光接入网PON:无源光网络WDMPON:波分复用型无源光网络CDMAPON:码分多址型无源光网络PSPON:功率分割型无源光网络APON:BPON:宽带无源光网络BroadbandPONEPON:以太无源光网络EthernetPONGPON:吉比特无源光网络GigabitPONTDM:时分复用OTDM:光时分复用OADM:光分插复用(OpticalAdd-DropMultiple某er)CDM:码分复用FDM:频分复用WDM:波分复用Wavelength:波长Diviion:分开Multiple某er:多路(复用)器DWDM:密集波分复用CWDM:粗波分复用FWDM:滤波片式波分复用器HWDM:高隔离度波分复用器CDMA:码分多址(Code-diviionmultipleacce) SDMA:空分多址MU某:多路复用(multiple某)DEMU某:解复用(de-multiple某)GFF:增益平坦滤波器(gainflatteningfilter) bit:二进制位、比特Byte:字节、8位元组1字节=8比特bandwidth:带宽、频宽baud:波特率bp(bitperecond):bit/DFG:差频3R再生:再放大、再整形、再定时2R再生:再整形、再定时1R再生:再放大REG:再生器某GM:交叉增益调制某PM:交叉相位调制FWM:四波混频TOBPF:带通滤波器SPN::节点共享式SPL:链路共享式RZ:归零码NRZ:不归零码ASK:幅移键控FSK:频移键控PSK:相移键控IM-DD:强度调制-直接检测PC:偏振控制器OC:光环形器PBS:偏振分束器GEQ:增益平坦器MTBF:平均无故障时间matchgel:匹配液CamSplice:光纤接续子OTDR:光时域反射器ESA:激发态吸收DGD:微分群时延FTTH:光纤至U户FiberToTheHome FTTB:光纤到大楼FTTC:光纤到路边VOD:视频点播IPTV:即交互式网络电视CATV:有线电视网(采用模拟传输方式)Adapter:适配器connector:连接器Attenuator:衰减器Iolator:隔离器Tranceive:收发器Coupler:耦合器光耦合器(OC)FIC:快速连接头fieldintallableconnectorV-groove:V型槽Source:源lamp-houe:(仪器上的)光源PowerMeter:功率计Photoelectricdetector:光电探测器opticalwitch:光开关FVW:电子显微镜Adheive:胶粘剂OpticalAdheive:光学胶黏剂Setting:测试I/O:开/关Bare:赤裸BareFiber:裸纤RibbonFiber:带状光纤Looe:宽松Tube:管LooeTube:松套管Tight:紧的Buffer:缓冲层TightBuffer:紧缓冲层ingle:单dual:双Multi-mode多模Standard:标准torage:储存temperature温度lo:损耗Fan-Out:输出端Input:输入Output:输出Special:特殊的Other:其他TLC:泰尔认证ITU-T:国际电信联盟远程通信标准化组织IEC:国际电工委员会ISO:国际标准化组织GB/T:推荐性国家标准Package:包装Dimenion:尺寸Port:端口Type:类型Length:长度None:没有Si某-a某etage六维微调架Backtop:支架Fi某ing:固定Preciion:精密opticalpart:光学零件SidePull:侧拉LSZH:聚烯烃PE:聚乙烯PVC:聚氯乙烯Metal:属Steel:钢铁StainleSteel:不锈钢Platic:塑胶PMMA:亚克力或者亚加力、有机玻璃。

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September 15,2004/Vol.29,No.18/OPTICS LETTERS 2115Fiber-optic extrinsic Fabry–Perot dc magnetic field sensorKi D.OhUnicess Networks,Inc.,Canada,Calgary,Alberta T3A 2E5,CanadaAnbo Wang and Richard O.ClausDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,Blacksburg,Virginia 24061Received April 9,2004We demonstrate a compact extrinsic Fabry –Perot interferometer-based fiber-optic sensor that uses magneto-strictive amorphous metallic wire Unitika AF-10(Fe 77.5B 15Si 7.5)as a sensor gauge for measuring dc magnetic fields.We present a theoretical model based on a Gaussian electric field distribution to analyze the sensor operation as a function of longitudinal air-gap separation.The model shows good agreement with the ex-perimental results.A resolution of 50nT over a range of 50–40,000nT with a simple passive temperature-compensation method is obtained.©2004Optical Society of America OCIS codes:060.2370,120.3180.Fiber-optic sensors based on the extrinsic Fabry–Perot interferometer demonstrate advantages with regard to compactness and polarization problems compared with the intrinsic interferometric sensors.1The con-ventional Mach–Zehnder or magnetostrictive metallic film-based magnetic field sensors show the limitations on polarization fading,temperature,and mechanical vibration.2,3In this Letter we demonstrate the measurement of dc magnetic f lux with a compact extrinsic Fabry–Perot interferometer-based fiber-optic sensor.We present a theoretical model for radiation from a fiber end face with a Gaussian electric field distribution and a simple passive temperature-compensation method to enhance the sensor system stability for the measurement.As shown in Fig.1,a single-mode fiber and a mag-netostrictive transducer (diameter 125m m)are used for the input–sensing waveguide and the magnetic field sensing gauge,respectively.After the gauge was treated with field annealing,we inserted it into a small hollow borosilicate tube that we fabricated (inner di-ameter 140m m).The gauge performs as a tempera-ture compensator and aligner so that the sensor is simple and compact.The light from a source (l ෇1310nm)propagates along the fiber to a low-finesse Fabry–Perot (FP)cavity formed by an air gap between the fiber and the sensor gauge end faces.We adjusted the air-gap separation to well within one tenth of the coherence length of the source to utilize the tempera-ture compensation and the optimal operation.An optical phase difference occurs between the first ref lection I 1at the fiber–air interface and the second ref lection I 2at the air–gauge end face because of the change in the length of the air gap,which modulates the intensity at the detector for the interference.The source laser beam profile can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution as a function of the transverse components and the field radius at a given longitu-dinal distance of the wave vector.4The electric field intensity through the optical system is given byE ෇E 0exp ∑2r 2g 2∏exp ͑2jkz ͒,(1)where r 2෇x 21y 2and k ෇2p ͞l .We assume that g ͑z ͒෇g 01z tan ͓sin 21͑NA ͞n 0͔͒,where g 0is the mode field radius of the fiber,the numerical aperture (NA)is ͑n 122n 22͒1͞2෇sin u ,n 0෇1for the air gap,E 0is the field at zero radius,and n 1and n 2are the refractive indices of core and cladding of the fiber,re-spectively.The radiation from the fiber end face into the cavity produces light spreading that is confined in a cone determined by the NA of the fiber.For a single-mode fiber,mode field radius g 0is obtained by g 0ഠa ͑0.6511.619V 23͞212.879V 26͒,5where a is the fiber core radius,and V ෇2p a 3NA ͞l .Intensity I ෇͗E 2͘෇I 0exp ͓22r 2͞g 2͑z ͔͒,where I 0is the intensity at the center of the transverse plane at distance z .The total power of the wave is the integral of the intensity over the plane and is a constant at any distance of z .Hence P 0෇R 2p 0R `0I 0exp ͓22r 2͞g 2͑z ͔͒r d r d w ෇p g 2͑z ͒I 0͞2.The circle of radius r ෇g ͑z ͒gives 1͞e 2ഠ0.135of the total power level.We use simple two-beam interference to analyze the output power of the in-terferometer for the low-finesse cavity,where the multiple ref lections are negligible compared with the first two ref lections.If the input ref lectance is R 1at the interface between the fiber end face and airgapFig.1.Schematic of an extrinsic Fabry–Perot interferometry-based dc magnetic field sensor.0146-9592/04/182115-03$15.00/0©2004Optical Society of America2116OPTICS LETTERS /Vol.29,No.18/September 15,2004and the sensing ref lectance at the sensor gauge end face is R 2,the resulting intensity of the interfering waves in the fiber as a function of z is given by I ෇2P 0R 1p g 02exp µ22r 2g 02∂12P 0R A p g 2͑z ͒exp ∑22r 2g 2͑z ͒∏1P 0R B p g 0g ͑z ͒exp ∑2r 2g 022r 2g 2͑z ͒∏cos ͑Dw ͒,(2)where R A ෇͑12R 1͒2R 2,R B ෇4͑12R 1͒pR 1R 2,Dw ෇z ͑2p ͞l ͒1p ,and the longitudinal air-gap distance z is doubled as the wave ref lects back into the fiber.Since the gauge is based on a conducting amorphous metal,the ref lected electric field that is incident upon the conducting interface experiences a p phase change,as the total electric field intensity must vanish when we apply the continuity of the tangential component of the field at the boundary of the gauge end face.From Eq.(2),we obtain thepower of interfering waves inside the fiber,P ෇R 2p 0R g 00I r d r d w .Thus we haveP ෇P 0√R 1͓12exp ͑22͔͒1R AΩ12exp ∑22g 02g 2͑z ͒∏æ1R B g 0g ͑z ͓͒f ͑z ͔͒21͕12exp ͓2f ͑z ͒g 02͔͖cos ͑Dw ͒!,(3)where f ͑z ͒෇g 0221g ͑z ͒22.In Fig.2(a)we show the power output obtained using Eq.(3).The fringe visi-bility is slightly increased as the separation is in-creased,since the larger second ref lection intensity is reduced by increasing the gap.A dimension change of the gauge that is due to the magnetic field 6is given by e ෇CH 2,where C ෇3l s ͞2H A 2,H is the applied magnetic field intensity,l s is saturation magnetostriction,and H A is an anisotropy field.The average measured magnetostriction coefficient C for the gauges was approximately 1.531026Oe 22.We obtain the air-gap change by the field,D z ෇L 1CH 2,at a distance z ,where L 1is the length of the gauge.In Fig.2(b)we show sensor output change obtained with an oscilloscope as we reduce the air-gap separation approximately from 4.9to 0m m and then increase it to 3.1m m.During the air-gap variation,the output is reduced to the minimum level because of the p phase change when the separation is reduced to zero.In Fig.2(c)we show a fringe visibility comparison obtained by applying Eq.(3)to the signal in Fig.2(b).The negative air-gap separation represents an air-gap reduction from a given position to zero air-gap pared with the plane-wave approach,7which assumes a constant intensity distribution throughout the core region that leads a sharp increase in fringe visibility,the Gaussian model shows a good correlation with the experimental results,which explains a moderate power drop as the intensity varies with the Gaussian profile.The fiber used inthe sensor system is a step-index single-mode fiberwith a core diameter of 8.3m m,an index difference of 0.36%,and a NA of 0.13at 1%power angle.TheFig.2.(a)V ariation of output power using Eq.(3)with increasing gap separation:R 1෇0.04and R 2෇0.1.(b)Time-domain trace with varying gap separation:reducing to zero and then increasing from zero.Addi-tional phase change p of second reflection gives zero power at z ෇0.(c)Fringe visibility comparison as a function of gap separation for (b).September 15,2004/Vol.29,No.18/OPTICS LETTERS2117Fig.3.Temperature-compensated outputs (a)using coef-ficients from solutions of Eq.(5)and (b)applying compen-sator length adjustment L adj in addition to (a),resulting in compensation .99%.Fig.4.System calibration curve for dc magnetic field measurement.temperature-compensation concept 8was introduced and we demonstrate an improved method.A passive temperature compensation equation based on the dif-ferences of the linear coefficients of thermal expansion of each material in this sensor is expressed as͑C m 2C f ͒L 12͑C t 2C f ͒L 2෇D L ͞D T ,(4)where C m ,C f ,and C t are the coefficients of ther-mal expansion of the gauge,fiber,and compen-sator tube,respectively,and D L ͞D T ෇0.5l 3͑fringe counts ͞temperature changes ͒.We fabricated a number of pairs of sensors with different gauge lengths and the corresponding compensator tube lengths to obtain the coefficients for this sensor config-uration,since the nominal coefficient values from the manufacturers are generic to bulk materials,which are not accurate enough to yield good temperature stability.We assume that C f ෇0.5parts in 106͞±C.For the two different sensors,Eq.(4)yields ∑A 12B 1A 22B 2∏∑C m C t∏෇∑͑D L ͞D T ͒12͑B 12A 1͒C f ͑D L ͞D T ͒22͑B 22A 2͒C f∏,(5)where A 1,2,B 1,2,and ͑D L ͞D T ͒1,2are the differentgauge lengths,compensator tube lengths,and sen-sor outputs,respectively.Once the coefficients are obtained from Eq.(5),we can fabricate the sensor with moderate temperature compensation as shown in Fig.3(a),where the output change is ϳ0.4fringes (ഠ0.262m m in air-gap change)compared with the uncompensated sensor that gives a calculated air-gap change (D L ෇C m L 1D T )of 4.393m m (ഠ6.71fringes)for C m ෇9.276parts in 106͞±C,L 1෇3.2cm,and D T ෇14.8±C.To achieve good compensation we introduce an additional method of reducing the effect of mechanical cutting errors in length on the gauge,compensator tube,and epoxy spreading so that the right-hand side of Eq.(4)is zero,with exact com-pensation achieved by assuming L exact ෇L 26L adj ,where L adj is a small adjustment length to adjust L 2to L exact .Inserting L exact into L 2in Eq.(4)gives the right-hand side zero,so the adjustment L adj ෇͑D L ͞D T ͒͑͞C t 2C f ͒is obtained.We typically achieved temperature compensation of better than 99%by use of this method as shown in Fig.3(b),where the tabs check the temperature readings and the gap change is ഠ0.0268fringes.In Fig.4we show the sensor system response for dc magnetic f lux for a range of 50–1000nT with a resolution of 50nT and obtained a similar response to 40,000nT.The lower range shows f luctuation in readings as the noise is predominant in the output.The signal-to-noise ratios were 1.58and 41.28dB at 50and 40,000nT,respec-tively.We used two small permanent magnets to bias the gauge in the range 3–4G and to determine the direction of the magnetic fields to be measured.Typi-cal sensor dimension is approximately 150m m 37cm (outer diameter 3length).We have demonstrated a compact dc magnetic field sensor with a resolution of 50nT over a range of 50–40,000nT.The sensor can be used in vector magnetic field sensing,such as sensing of the Earth ’s magnetic field f luctuation and ambient magnetic field variation by ferromagnetic objects.This work was supported financially by the U.S.Air Force under project PR FY71219503483.K.D.Oh ’s e-mail address is kdoh@.References1.R.O.Claus,M.F.Gunther,A.Wang,and 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