Energy density bounds for black strings


Dark Energy Density in Brane World

Dark Energy Density in Brane World

Λ (Λ < 0) and M are respectively the bulk cosmological constant and funM3 damental energy scale of five-dimensional gravity. According to the assumption, the metric on the brane world can be written as follows (here five-dimensional suffices are denoted by capital Latin and the four-dimensional suffices by the Greek ones), ds2 = e2A(y) gµν dxµ dxν − dy 2 , where gµν is the metric on the brane and gµν = diag 1, − e2 Here √
energy density times the radius of the extra dimension. In supersymmetric grand unified theories (GUT), for instance, in supersymmetric SO(10) model, all of the gauge field coupling constants can be unified. To realize the unification of gravitation with other gauge fields, the fundamental energy scale of five-dimensional gravity should be the same as the supersymmetric GUT energy scale. When we select the supersymmetric GUT energy scale MG as the fundamental energy scale of five-dimensional gravity, simultaneously the radius of the AdS5 space-time is admitted by the astronomical observations, the tiny but nonzero four-dimensional cosmological constant can be acquired, which is slightly smaller than the value given by modern astronomical observations.[3, 4] The possible reasons leading to this smallness are also discussed at the end of this paper.



半导体一些术语的中英文对照离子注入机ion implanterLSS理论Lindhand Scharff and Schiott theory 又称“林汉德-斯卡夫-斯高特理论”。

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负性光刻胶negative photoresist正性光刻胶positive photoresist无机光刻胶inorganic resist多层光刻胶multilevel resist电子束光刻胶electron beam resistX射线光刻胶X-ray resist刷洗scrubbing甩胶spinning涂胶photoresist coating后烘postbaking光刻photolithographyX射线光刻X-ray lithography电子束光刻electron beam lithography离子束光刻ion beam lithography深紫外光刻deep-UV lithography光刻机mask aligner投影光刻机projection mask aligner曝光exposure接触式曝光法contact exposure method接近式曝光法proximity exposure method光学投影曝光法optical projection exposure method 电子束曝光系统electron beam exposure system分步重复系统step-and-repeat system显影development线宽linewidth去胶stripping of photoresist氧化去胶removing of photoresist by oxidation等离子[体]去胶removing of photoresist by plasma 刻蚀etching干法刻蚀dry etching反应离子刻蚀reactive ion etching, RIE各向同性刻蚀isotropic etching各向异性刻蚀anisotropic etching反应溅射刻蚀reactive sputter etching离子铣ion beam milling又称“离子磨削”。

On the Difference of Energy between the Einstein and M{o}ller Prescription

On the Difference of Energy between the Einstein and M{o}ller Prescription

a r X i v :g r -q c /0212099v 1 24 D e c 2002On the Difference of Energy between the Einsteinand Møller PrescriptionI-Ching Yang †1and Irina Radinschi ‡2†Department of Natural Science Education andAdvanced Science and Technology Research Center,National Taitung Teachers College,Taitung,Taiwan 950,Republic of Chinaand‡Department of Physics,“Gh.Asachi”Technical University,Iasi,6600,RomaniaABSTRACTIn some black hole solutions,these do not exist the same energy-momentum complexes associated with using definition of Einstein and Møller in given coordinates.Here,we consider the difference of energy between the Einstein and Møller prescription,and compare it with the energy density of those black hole solutions.We found out a special relation between the difference of energy between the Einstein and Møller prescription and the energy density for considered black hole solutions.PACS No.:04.20.-q,04.50.+hIn the theory of general relativity,many physicists,like Einstein[1],Lan-dau and Lifshitz[2],Tolman[3],Papapetrou[4],Møller[5],and Weinberg[6], had given different definitions for the energy-momentum complex.Specifi-cally,the Møller energy-momentum complex allows to compute the energy in any spatial coordinate system.Some results recently obtained[7,8,9,10] sustain that the Møller energy-momentum complex is a good tool for obtain-ing the energy distribution in a given space-time.Also,in his recent paper, Lessner[11]gave his opinion that the Møller definition is a powerful concept of energy and momentum in general relativity.In his paper Virbhadra[12] point out that several energy-momentum complexes(ELLPW)give the same result for a general non-static spherically symmetric space-time of the Kerr-Schild class.In particular,whatever coordinates do not exist the same energy com-plexes associated with using definitions of Einstein and Møller in some space-time solutions[7,13].According to the definition,the Einstein energy com-plex is[1]E Ein=1∂x ld3x,(1)whereH0l0=g00−g∂8π ∂χ0l0−gg0βg lα ∂g0α∂xα .(4) Where the Latin indices take values from1to3,and the Greek indices run from0to3.Let us look into the difference of energy between the Einstein and Møller prescription,which be defined as∆E=E Ein−E Møl(5) In this article,we would discuss the problem within the difference between Einstein and Møller energy-momentum complexes.In thefirst case,we think of two solutions of Einstein vacuumfield equa-tion:(i)Schwarzschild space-timeThe metric form of Schwarzschild space-time isds2=fdt2−f−1dr2−r2dθ2−r2sin2θdϕ2,(6) where f=1−2M/r.It is a well-known results that the energy complexes of Einstein and Møller of Schwarzschild space-time areE Ein=M,(7)E Møl=M,(8)and the difference is∆E=0.(9) (ii)Kerr solutionThe metric form of Kerr solution is considered asds2=αdt2−βdr2−γdθ2−δdφ2−2σdtdϕ,(10) whereα=1−2Mr/Σ,β=Σ/∆,γ=Σ,δ=r2+a2+2Ma2r sin2θ/Σandσ=2Mar sin2θ/Σ.HereΣ≡r2+a2cos2θand∆≡r2−2Mr+a2.To use the results in the Virbhadra articles[14]and to set these Q=0,we could obtain the enrgy-momentum complexes of Einstein and Møller of Kerr space-time areE Ein=M,(11)E Møl=M,(12) and the difference is∆E=0.(13) For Einstein’s vacuumfield equation,the energy density isT00=0.(14) We wouldfind that∆E equal to the value of T00.Next,we consider two case of the coupled system of the Einsteinfield and electromagneticfield:(iii)Reissner-Nordstr¨o m space-timeThe metric form of Reissner-Nordstr¨o m space-time isds2=fdt2−f−1dr2−r2dθ2−r2sin2θdϕ2,(15) where f=1−2M/r+Q2/r2.Previously,the energy-momentum complexes of Einstein and Møller of Reissner-Nordstr¨o m space-time had been calculated withE Ein=M−Q2r,(17)and the difference is∆E=Q2r4.(19)(iv)charged regular black holeThe metric form of charged regular black hole is[15]ds2=fdt2−f−1dr2−r2dθ2−r2sin2θdϕ2,(20)where f=1−2M2Mr)).Using the results of Radinschi’s arti-cles[10],the energy-momentum complexes of Einstein and Møller of charged regular black hole areE Ein=M 1−tanh(Q22Mr) −Q22Mr) ,(22) and the difference is∆E=Q22Mr) .(23)However,the energy density of the coupled system of the Einsteinfield and nonlinear electrodynamicsfield isT00=Q22Mr) .(24)Here the relation between∆E and the energy density is written as∆E=T00×(r38πε0.According to the results of our articles[17],the energy-momentum complexes of Einstein and Møller of the static spherically symmetric nonsin-gular black hole areE Ein=M−M exp(−r3r3∗)−3r3r3∗),(28)and the difference is∆E=3r3r3∗).(29)Notice that the energy density of the static spherically symmetric nonsingular black hole be assumed asT00=3r3∗).(30)The relation between∆E and the energy density is written as∆E=T00×r3.(31) Although,we could summarize that the general relation between∆E and the energy density T00be written as∆E=T00×(kr3),(32) with k=1/2and k=1.But,it is still an open question why the special rela-tion has between∆E and the energy density T00.Further study is needed to understand the difference between the Einstein and Møller energy complexes of more varied black hole solutions.AcknowledgementsI.-C.Yang thanks the National Science Council of the Republic of China for financial support under the contract number NSC90-2112-M-143-003.References[1]A.Trautman,in Gravitation:an Introduction to Current Research,edited by L.Witten(Wiley,New York,1962),pp169-198.[2]ndau and E.M.Lifshitz,The Classical Theory of Fields(Addison-Wesley,Reading,MA,1962),2nd ed.[3]R.C.Tolman,Phys.Rev.35,875(1930).[4]A.Papapetrou,Proc.R.Ir.Acad.A52,11(1948);S.N.Gupta,Phys.Rev.96,1683(1954);D.Bak,D.Cangemi,and R.Jackiw,Phys.Rev.D49,5173(1994).[5]C.Møller,Ann.Phys.(NY)4,347(1958).[6]S.Weinberg,Gravitation and Cosmology(Wiley,New York,1972).[7]I-Ching Yang,Wei-Fui Lin and Rue-Ron Hsu,Chin.J.Phys.37,113(1999).[8]S.S.Xulu,gr-qc/0010062.[9]I.Radinschi,gr-qc/0110058.[10]I.Radinschi,Mod.Phys.Lett.A16,673(2001).[11]G.Lessner,Gen.Relativ.Gravit.28,527(1996).[12]K.S.Virbhadra,Phys.Rev.D60,104041(1999).[13]I.-C.Yang,R.-R.Hsu,C.-T.Yeh and C.-R.Lee,Int.J.Mod.Phys.D5,251(1997).[14]K.S.Virbhadra,Phys.Rev.D42,2919(1990).[15]E.Ay´o n-Beato and A.Garica,Phys.Lett.B464,25(1999).[16]I.G.Dymnikova,Gen.Rel.Grav.24,235(1992).[17]I.-C.Yang,Chin.J.Phys.38,1040(2000);I.Radinschi,Mod.Phys.Lett.A15,803(2000).。


这些动态的结构变化使金属处于不稳定的状态,并为变形后 发生的静态回复和静态再结晶提供驱动力。如果温度足够高, 静态再结晶之后可能出现随后晶粒长大。
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In order to be able to apply these principles to commercial working processes, we require answers to two main questions: (a) how long does recrystallization take place after a deformation pass; and (b) what grain size is produced by recrystallization and grain growth?
▪Translation Skill — Semantic Extension
▪ 长句常见的翻译方法主要有以下四种:
➢ 化整为零,分译法; ➢ 纲举目张,变序法; ➢ 逆流而上,逆序法; ➢ 逆序而下,顺序法。
▪原句包含多层意思,而汉语习惯一个小句表达一层意思。为 了使行文简洁,将整个长句译成几个独立的句子,顺序基本 不变,保持前后的连贯。
▪[初译] 通常在炼铁的地方就炼钢,所以现代炼钢厂从运进原材料到 生产供送往其他工厂进一步加工处理并制成如工字钢及其他商品钢材 的成品而形成一整套的联合企业。
▪[改译] 通常在炼铁的地方也炼钢。因此,现代炼钢厂是一个配套的 整体,从步加工处理,有的就制成成品,如工字钢及其他一些型材。
这些问题的答案决定了材料在进入下一个和随后的加工过程 时的结构,从而影响材料的流动应力和所需要的作用力。并 最终确定的热加工产品的结构和性能。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:纳米技术总分结构英语作文150字左右全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Nanotechnology: A Microscopic Marvel (150 words)Nanotechnology is a field that never fails to fascinate me. It's like stepping into a miniature world where the boundaries of science blur, and the impossible becomes reality. At thenanoscale, materials exhibit extraordinary properties, defying the laws we know and love. Imagine structures so tiny that they can seamlessly interact with individual cells or molecules, opening up a realm of possibilities in medicine, electronics, and beyond.What captivates me the most is the interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology. It's a symphony of physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering, all harmonizing to create something greater than the sum of its parts. As a student, delving into this field feels like embarking on an adventure, where each discovery leads to a thousand more questions, fueling an insatiable curiosity that knows no bounds.The Depth of Nanotechnology: Exploring the Intricacies (Around 2000 words)Nanotechnology is a field that has captured the imagination of scientists and researchers worldwide, promising to revolutionize virtually every aspect of our lives. At its core, nanotechnology deals with the manipulation and control of matter at the atomic and molecular scale, where the properties of materials can differ significantly from their bulk counterparts.One of the most fascinating aspects of nanotechnology is the sheer vastness of its applications. From medicine to electronics, energy to environmental remediation, the potentialof this field knows no bounds. In the realm of healthcare, for instance, nanotechnology has paved the way for targeted drug delivery systems, regenerative medicine, and early disease detection mechanisms.Imagine tiny nanoparticles designed to seek out and destroy cancer cells while leaving healthy tissues unharmed. Or nanobots capable of traversing the intricate pathways of the human body, repairing damaged tissues and delivering precise doses of medication. These are not mere flights of fancy; they are tangible realities that researchers are actively pursuing.Moreover, nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize the electronics industry. By harnessing the unique properties of materials at the nanoscale, we can create faster, more efficient, and more compact electronic devices. Silicon, the backbone of modern electronics, is rapidly approaching its physical limits, and nanotechnology offers a promising solution in the form of carbon nanotubes, graphene, and other nanomaterials.Another area where nanotechnology is making significant strides is in the field of energy. Imagine solar cells that can capture and convert energy with unprecedented efficiency, or batteries that can store vast amounts of energy in a fraction ofthe current size. Nanotechnology holds the key to unlocking these possibilities, paving the way for a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.However, nanotechnology is not without its challenges. As we delve deeper into the realm of the infinitesimally small, we encounter unique ethical and safety concerns. The potential toxicity of nanomaterials and their impact on the environment and human health are areas that require rigorous research and regulation.Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology demands a collaborative approach, bringing together experts from diverse fields to tackle complex problems. This convergence of disciplines not only fosters innovation but also presents challenges in communication and collaboration across traditional academic boundaries.Despite these challenges, the rewards of nanotechnology are undeniable. As a student, immersing myself in this field is like embarking on an intellectual odyssey, where each discovery unveils a universe of possibilities. The thrill of contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the potential to positively impact millions of lives is a driving force that fuels my passion for this subject.One of the most captivating aspects of nanotechnology is its ability to challenge our preconceived notions of reality. At the nanoscale, the laws of physics and chemistry take on a different hue, and materials exhibit properties that defy our conventional understanding. This realm of the ultra-small is a playground for the mind, where imagination and scientific rigor collide, giving birth to groundbreaking discoveries and paradigm-shifting innovations.As I delve deeper into the intricacies of nanotechnology, I find myself constantly in awe of the ingenuity and perseverance of the researchers who have paved the way. From the pioneering work of Richard Feynman's visionary lecture "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" in 1959, to the Nobel Prize-winning discoveries of fullerenes and graphene, the history of nanotechnology is a tapestry woven with tales of human curiosity and scientific brilliance.In the realm of materials science, nanotechnology has ushered in a new era of exploration. By manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular level, researchers have unlocked the ability to create materials with extraordinary properties. Imagine lightweight yet incredibly strong composites, self-cleaningsurfaces, or materials that can adapt their properties based on external stimuli.The applications of these advanced materials span virtually every industry, from aerospace and construction to textiles and consumer goods. For instance, the incorporation of carbon nanotubes into composite materials has the potential to create aircraft components that are both lighter and stronger, leading to improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.Meanwhile, in the field of electronics, nanotechnology is pushing the boundaries of what was once thought possible. The advent of quantum dots, nanowires, and other nanostructures has opened the door to developing ultra-high-density data storage devices, faster and more efficient processors, and flexible electronics that can be seamlessly integrated into our daily lives.Beyond the realm of materials and electronics, nanotechnology has also made significant strides in the field of biotechnology. Nanobiosensors, for instance, can detect minute quantities of biological molecules, enabling early diagnosis and monitoring of diseases. Furthermore, nanoparticles can be engineered to deliver drugs directly to targeted sites within the body, minimizing adverse side effects and improving treatment efficacy.As we delve deeper into the world of nanotechnology, we are confronted with ethical and safety considerations that cannot be ignored. The potential toxicity of nanomaterials and their impact on human health and the environment are areas of active research and debate. It is imperative that we approach this technology with a responsible and cautious mindset, ensuring that the benefits outweigh the risks.Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology demands a collaborative approach that transcends traditional academic boundaries. Physicists, chemists, biologists, engineers, and researchers from various disciplines must work in harmony, sharing knowledge and insights to tackle the complex challenges that arise in this field.Despite these challenges, the rewards of nanotechnology are undeniable. As a student, I am constantly inspired by the potential of this field to solve some of the world's most pressing problems. From developing more efficient energy solutions to revolutionizing healthcare and environmental remediation, nanotechnology holds the key to a better, more sustainable future.As I continue to learn and grow in this field, I am filled with a sense of wonder and excitement. Each new discovery, eachbreakthrough, serves as a reminder that the boundaries of human ingenuity are constantly being pushed, and that the realm of the infinitesimally small holds secrets waiting to be unlocked.In conclusion, nanotechnology is a field that transcends mere scientific curiosity; it is a testament to the boundless potential of human innovation and perseverance. As we venture deeper into this microscopic realm, we are not only expanding the frontiers of knowledge but also reshaping the very fabric of our world. The future belongs to those who dare to dream, and nanotechnology is a canvas upon which those dreams can be painted in vivid, atomic detail.篇2The Overall Structure of NanotechnologyNanotechnology, a field that delves into the manipulation of matter at the nanoscale, has captivated the scientific community with its boundless potential. At the heart of this revolutionary discipline lies a intricate structural framework that governs its principles and applications.The foundation of nanotechnology is built upon the understanding of nanoscale materials, which exhibit uniquephysical, chemical, and biological properties distinct from their bulk counterparts. These properties arise from the quantum effects that become prominent at such minute dimensions, leading to fascinating phenomena and novel applications.One of the key structural elements of nanotechnology is the concept of nanostructures. These are materials or devices with at least one dimension in the nanometer range, typically between 1 and 100 nanometers. Nanostructures can take various forms, including nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires, and nanofilms, each with its own unique characteristics and potential applications.Nanoparticles, for instance, are tiny particles with dimensions less than 100 nanometers. They possess a high surface-to-volume ratio, which endows them with remarkable properties in fields such as catalysis, drug delivery, and optoelectronics. Nanotubes, on the other hand, are cylindrical structures formed by rolling up sheets of graphene or other materials. Their exceptional strength, electrical conductivity, and thermal stability make them promising candidates for use in electronics, energy storage, and composite materials.Nanowires, as the name suggests, are wire-like structures with diameters in the nanometer range. These structures havepotential applications in electronics, optoelectronics, and sensing devices due to their unique electronic and optical properties. Nanofilms, which are thin layers of material with thicknesses in the nanometer range, find applications in coatings, membranes, and thin-film devices.Another crucial aspect of nanotechnology's structure is the concept of self-assembly. Self-assembly is the spontaneous organization of molecules or nanostructures into ordered patterns or structures without external intervention. This process is inspired by natural phenomena, such as the formation of biological structures like DNA and proteins. Self-assembly offers a bottom-up approach to creating complex nanostructures with precise control over their size, shape, and functionality.The structural framework of nanotechnology also encompasses various characterization techniques and instrumentation. Powerful tools like scanning probe microscopes, electron microscopes, and spectroscopic techniques are employed to visualize, manipulate, and analyze nanostructures and nanomaterials. These instruments provide invaluable insights into the properties and behavior of matter at the nanoscale, enabling researchers to explore new frontiers and develop innovative applications.Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology necessitates a collaborative approach among various fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and materials science. This cross-pollination of knowledge and expertise has led to the emergence of new research areas, such as nanomedicine, nanoelectronics, and nanobiotechnology, each with its own unique structural components and applications.In conclusion, the overall structure of nanotechnology encompasses a multifaceted framework that integrates nanoscale materials, nanostructures, self-assembly processes, characterization techniques, and interdisciplinary collaboration. This intricate structure serves as the foundation for unlocking the vast potential of nanotechnology, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and innovations that could revolutionize numerous fields and reshape our world.篇3Nanotechnology is a revolutionary field that deals with manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular scale. As a student, I'm fascinated by its vast potential applications across various disciplines. In medicine, nanoparticles could precisely target and destroy cancer cells. Nanomaterials may lead to stronger, lighter materials for construction and aerospace.Nano-filters could provide affordable clean water solutions. Naanoelectronics could pave the way for faster, moreenergy-efficient devices. However, concerns about nanoparticle toxicity and environmental impact need to be addressed through rigorous research and regulation. Overall, nanotechnology holds immense promise for tackling global challenges if developed responsibly.Nanotechnology: Unlocking the Potential of the Infinitesimally SmallAs a student of science, I have always been intrigued by the wonders of the natural world and the remarkable advancements that human ingenuity has achieved in unraveling its mysteries. Among the many cutting-edge fields of study that have captured my imagination, nanotechnology stands out as a realm of boundless possibilities, poised to revolutionize various aspects of our lives.At its core, nanotechnology is the study and manipulation of matter at the nanoscale, a realm where the properties of materials can exhibit remarkable and often counterintuitive behaviors. A nanometer, a billionth of a meter, is a scale so small that it defies our conventional understanding of the world around us. Yet, it is precisely at this infinitesimal level thatnanotechnology operates, harnessing the unique properties that emerge when matter is reduced to such minuscule dimensions.One of the most exciting applications of nanotechnology lies in the field of medicine. Imagine a future where tiny nanoparticles, engineered with precision, could navigate the intricate pathways of the human body and deliver targeted therapies directly to diseased cells. This approach could potentially revolutionize cancer treatment, minimizing the devastating side effects that often accompany conventional chemotherapy. Nanoparticles could be designed to selectively bind to tumor cells, releasing their therapeutic payload with pinpoint accuracy, sparing healthy tissues from harm.Moreover, nanotechnology holds immense potential in the development of advanced diagnostic tools. Nanobiosensors could detect the earliest signs of disease by monitoring minute changes in biological markers, enabling earlier intervention and better treatment outcomes. Imagine a world where a simple blood test could screen for a wide range of diseases, empowering individuals to take proactive steps towards maintaining their well-being.Beyond healthcare, nanotechnology promises to reshape the materials science landscape. By manipulating matter at thenanoscale, scientists can engineer materials with unprecedented strength, durability, and functionality. Imagine buildings and infrastructure constructed with ultra-strong yet lightweight nanomaterials, capable of withstanding extreme conditions and natural disasters. Envision a future where nanocomposites revolutionize the aerospace industry, enabling the creation of more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly aircraft.In the realm of energy, nanotechnology offers exciting avenues for developing more efficient and sustainable solutions. Nanostructured solar cells could dramatically increase the efficiency of photovoltaic systems, making renewable energy more accessible and cost-effective. Meanwhile, nanoengineered catalysts could enhance the performance of fuel cells, facilitating the transition towards a hydrogen-based economy and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.Nanotechnology's potential extends far beyond these examples, encompassing fields as diverse as electronics, environmental remediation, and agricultural productivity. However, as with any transformative technology, it is crucial to address the potential risks and ethical considerations associated with its development and application.One significant concern revolves around the potential toxicity of nanoparticles and their impact on human health and the environment. While their minuscule size allows them to interact with biological systems in unprecedented ways, it is essential to thoroughly investigate their long-term effects and implement rigorous safety protocols to mitigate any potential harm.Additionally, the ethical implications of nanotechnology must be carefully examined. As we develop increasingly sophisticated nanodevices and materials, we must grapple with questions of privacy, security, and the responsible use of these powerful technologies. Robust regulatory frameworks and public discourse will be crucial to ensure that nanotechnology is harnessed for the greater good of humanity while safeguarding against misuse or unintended consequences.Despite these challenges, the immense potential of nanotechnology is undeniable. As a student, I am inspired by the prospect of being part of a generation that will witness and contribute to the development of this transformative field. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, rigorous research, and a commitment to ethical practices, we can unlock the boundless possibilities that nanotechnology holds, ushering in a futurewhere innovative solutions address some of the world's most pressing challenges.In conclusion, nanotechnology represents a frontier of scientific exploration and innovation that promises to reshape our world in profound ways. By harnessing the unique properties of matter at the nanoscale, we can envision a future where advanced medical treatments save countless lives, sustainable energy solutions mitigate the impact of climate change, and revolutionary materials redefine the boundaries of what is possible. As students and stewards of this technology, it is our responsibility to approach this field with curiosity, diligence, and a deep commitment to ethical practices, ensuring that the infinitesimally small paves the way for a brighter, more sustainable, and more equitable future for all.。



打破了时空的界限英语作文Title: Breaking the Boundaries of Space and Time。

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, humanity has always been fascinated by the mysteries that lie beyond our reach. Our curiosity knows no bounds, pushing us to explore the furthest reaches of space and time. Yet, what if I told you that the boundaries we perceive as immutable—those of space and time—could be shattered?The concept of breaking the boundaries of space and time has long been a staple in science fiction literature and films. However, recent advancements in theoretical physics have suggested that such a feat may not be as far-fetched as once believed. From the mind-bending theories of relativity to the tantalizing possibilities of wormholes and warp drives, the notion of traversing the fabric of spacetime has captured the imaginations of scientists and dreamers alike.One avenue through which we may one day transcend the limitations of space and time is through the theoretical construct known as a wormhole. Wormholes, also referred to as Einstein-Rosen bridges, are hypothetical tunnels in spacetime that could potentially connect distant regions of the universe. While no direct evidence of wormholes has yet been found, their existence remains a tantalizingpossibility within the framework of general relativity.Imagine a scenario where a spacecraft could traverse through a wormhole, emerging at a distant point in spacetime almost instantaneously. Such a journey would effectively circumvent the vast distances that separate celestial bodies, allowing for rapid interstellar travel on a scale previously thought impossible. However, the practicalities of harnessing and stabilizing a wormhole remain significant hurdles to overcome.Another concept that holds promise for breaking the boundaries of space and time is the notion of warp drives. Popularized by science fiction, warp drives involve the manipulation of spacetime itself to propel a spacecraftfaster than the speed of light. While the idea may seem outlandish, it is rooted in the principles of theoretical physics.Theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre proposed a theoretical solution that involves contracting spacetime in front of a spacecraft while expanding it behind,effectively creating a bubble of distorted spacetime that propels the vessel forward. While the concept is mathematically sound, the practical implementation of such a warp drive presents immense challenges, including the requirement of exotic matter with negative energy density.Despite the formidable obstacles that stand in the way of breaking the boundaries of space and time, the quest to do so continues to drive scientific inquiry forward. From the research labs of universities to the cutting-edge facilities of organizations such as NASA and ESA,scientists are actively exploring the theoretical underpinnings of faster-than-light travel and interdimensional travel.Furthermore, recent breakthroughs in quantum mechanics, such as the phenomenon of quantum entanglement and the concept of quantum teleportation, hint at the possibility of instantaneous communication and transportation across vast distances. While these phenomena are still in the realm of theoretical speculation, they offer tantalizing glimpses into the potential future of space travel and exploration.In conclusion, while the boundaries of space and time may seem immutable, the human spirit of exploration and innovation knows no bounds. Through the relentless pursuit of knowledge and the tireless efforts of visionary scientists, we may one day unlock the secrets of traversing the cosmos in ways that were once thought impossible. Whether through the discovery of wormholes, the realization of warp drives, or the harnessing of quantum phenomena, the dream of breaking the boundaries of space and time remains within the realm of possibility.。



《IEEEsignalprocessingletters》期刊第19页50条数据《IEEE signal processing letters》期刊第19页50条数据https:///doc/f83f6c1c4ad7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de800787.html academic-journal-foreign_ieee-signal-processing-letters_info_57_1/1.《Robust Video Hashing Based on Double-Layer Embedding》原⽂链接:https:///doc/f83f6c1c4ad7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de800787.html /academic-journal-foreign_ieee-signal-processing-letters_thesis/020*********.html2.《Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise Through Modified Decision Based Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter》原⽂链接:https:///doc/f83f6c1c4ad7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de800787.html /academic-journal-foreign_ieee-signal-processing-letters_thesis/020*********.html3.《Performance Comparison of Feature-Based Detectors for Spectrum Sensing in the Presence of Primary User Traffic》原⽂链接:https:///doc/f83f6c1c4ad7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de800787.html /academic-journal-foreign_ieee-signal-processing-letters_thesis/020*********.html4.《An Optimal FIR Filter With Fading 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/academic-journal-foreign_ieee-signal-processing-letters_thesis/020*********.html9.《A Method For Fine Resolution Frequency Estimation From Three DFT Samples》原⽂链接:https:///doc/f83f6c1c4ad7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de800787.html /academic-journal-foreign_ieee-signal-processing-letters_thesis/020*********.html10.《Position-Patch Based Face Hallucination Using Convex Optimization》原⽂链接:https:///doc/f83f6c1c4ad7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de800787.html /academic-journal-foreign_ieee-signal-processing-letters_thesis/020*********.html11.《Signal Fitting With Uncertain Basis Functions》原⽂链接:https:///doc/f83f6c1c4ad7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de800787.html /academic-journal-foreign_ieee-signal-processing-letters_thesis/020*********.html12.《Optimal Filtering Over Uncertain Wireless Communication Channels》原⽂链接:https:///doc/f83f6c1c4ad7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de800787.html /academic-journal-foreign_ieee-signal-processing-letters_thesis/020*********.html13.《The Student's -Hidden Markov Model With Truncated Stick-Breaking 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成都理工大学学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文极,(b)光电子是后来ηNph,(c)这些∝ηNph电子在第一倍增极和到达(d)倍增极的k(k = 1,2…)放大后为δk 并且我们假设δ1=δ2=δ3=δk=δ的,并且δ/δ1≈1的。

我们可以得出:R2=Rlid2=5.56δ/[∝ηNph(δ-1)] ≈5.56/Nel (3)Nel表示第一次到达光电倍增管的数目。




在物质不均匀,光收集不完整,不相称和偏差的影响从光电子生产过程中的二项式分布及电子收集在第一倍增极不理想的情况下,例如由于阴极不均匀性和不完善的重点,我们有:R2=Rsci2+Rlid2≈5.56[(νN-1/Nel)+1/Nel] (4)νN光子的产生包括所有非理想情况下的收集和1/Nel的理想情况。










这是很难达到的,因为光额产量已经很高了(见表1)在能量E>300Kev时,Rsci主要由能量支配其能量分辨率,这是没办法减小Rsci 的。


Cosmological perturbations on a magnetised Bianchi I background

Cosmological perturbations on a magnetised Bianchi I background

Abstract Motivated by the isotropy of the CMB spectrum, all existing studies of magnetised cosmological perturbations employ FRW backgrounds. However, it is important, to know the limits of this approximation and the effects one loses by neglecting the anisotropy of the background magnetic field. We develop a new treatment, which fully incorporates the anisotropic magnetic effects by allowing for a Bianchi I background universe. The anisotropy of the unperturbed model facilitates the closer study of the coupling between magnetism and geometry. The latter leads to a curvature stress, which accelerates positively curved perturbed regions and balances the effect of magnetic pressure gradients on matter condensations. We argue that the tension carried along the magnetic force-lines is the reason behind these magneto-curvature effects. For a relatively weak field, we also compare to the results of the almost-FRW approach. We find that some of the effects identified by the FRW treatment are in fact direction dependent, where the key direction is that of the background magnetic field vector. Nevertheless, the FRW-based approach to magnetised cosmological perturbations remains an accurate approximation, particularly on large scales, when one looks at the lowest order magnetic impact on gravitational collapse. On small scales however, the accuracy of the perturbed Friedmann framework may be compromised by extra shear effects. PACS numbers: 9880H, 0440N, 4775, 9530Q, 9862E, 0420

Glider Flying Handbook说明书

Glider Flying Handbook说明书

Glider Flying Handbook2013U.S. Department of TransportationFEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATIONFlight Standards Servicei iPrefaceThe Glider Flying Handbook is designed as a technical manual for applicants who are preparing for glider category rating and for currently certificated glider pilots who wish to improve their knowledge. Certificated flight instructors will find this handbook a valuable training aid, since detailed coverage of aeronautical decision-making, components and systems, aerodynamics, flight instruments, performance limitations, ground operations, flight maneuvers, traffic patterns, emergencies, soaring weather, soaring techniques, and cross-country flight is included. Topics such as radio navigation and communication, use of flight information publications, and regulations are available in other Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) publications.The discussion and explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles. Occasionally, the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). Persons working towards a glider rating are advised to review the references from the applicable practical test standards (FAA-G-8082-4, Sport Pilot and Flight Instructor with a Sport Pilot Rating Knowledge Test Guide, FAA-G-8082-5, Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test Guide, and FAA-G-8082-17, Recreational Pilot and Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide). Resources for study include FAA-H-8083-25, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, FAA-H-8083-2, Risk Management Handbook, and Advisory Circular (AC) 00-6, Aviation Weather For Pilots and Flight Operations Personnel, AC 00-45, Aviation Weather Services, as these documents contain basic material not duplicated herein. All beginning applicants should refer to FAA-H-8083-25, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, for study and basic library reference.It is essential for persons using this handbook to become familiar with and apply the pertinent parts of 14 CFR and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). The AIM is available online at . The current Flight Standards Service airman training and testing material and learning statements for all airman certificates and ratings can be obtained from .This handbook supersedes FAA-H-8083-13, Glider Flying Handbook, dated 2003. Always select the latest edition of any publication and check the website for errata pages and listing of changes to FAA educational publications developed by the FAA’s Airman Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630.This handbook is available for download, in PDF format, from .This handbook is published by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125.Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address:********************************************John M. AllenDirector, Flight Standards Serviceiiii vAcknowledgmentsThe Glider Flying Handbook was produced by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with the assistance of Safety Research Corporation of America (SRCA). The FAA wishes to acknowledge the following contributors: Sue Telford of Telford Fishing & Hunting Services for images used in Chapter 1JerryZieba () for images used in Chapter 2Tim Mara () for images used in Chapters 2 and 12Uli Kremer of Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co for images used in Chapter 2Richard Lancaster () for images and content used in Chapter 3Dave Nadler of Nadler & Associates for images used in Chapter 6Dave McConeghey for images used in Chapter 6John Brandon ( for images and content used in Chapter 7Patrick Panzera () for images used in Chapter 8Jeff Haby (www.theweatherprediction) for images used in Chapter 8National Soaring Museum () for content used in Chapter 9Bill Elliot () for images used in Chapter 12.Tiffany Fidler for images used in Chapter 12.Additional appreciation is extended to the Soaring Society of America, Inc. (), the Soaring Safety Foundation, and Mr. Brad Temeyer and Mr. Bill Martin from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for their technical support and input.vv iPreface (iii)Acknowledgments (v)Table of Contents (vii)Chapter 1Gliders and Sailplanes ........................................1-1 Introduction....................................................................1-1 Gliders—The Early Years ..............................................1-2 Glider or Sailplane? .......................................................1-3 Glider Pilot Schools ......................................................1-4 14 CFR Part 141 Pilot Schools ...................................1-5 14 CFR Part 61 Instruction ........................................1-5 Glider Certificate Eligibility Requirements ...................1-5 Common Glider Concepts ..............................................1-6 Terminology...............................................................1-6 Converting Metric Distance to Feet ...........................1-6 Chapter 2Components and Systems .................................2-1 Introduction....................................................................2-1 Glider Design .................................................................2-2 The Fuselage ..................................................................2-4 Wings and Components .............................................2-4 Lift/Drag Devices ...........................................................2-5 Empennage .....................................................................2-6 Towhook Devices .......................................................2-7 Powerplant .....................................................................2-7 Self-Launching Gliders .............................................2-7 Sustainer Engines .......................................................2-8 Landing Gear .................................................................2-8 Wheel Brakes .............................................................2-8 Chapter 3Aerodynamics of Flight .......................................3-1 Introduction....................................................................3-1 Forces of Flight..............................................................3-2 Newton’s Third Law of Motion .................................3-2 Lift ..............................................................................3-2The Effects of Drag on a Glider .....................................3-3 Parasite Drag ..............................................................3-3 Form Drag ...............................................................3-3 Skin Friction Drag ..................................................3-3 Interference Drag ....................................................3-5 Total Drag...................................................................3-6 Wing Planform ...........................................................3-6 Elliptical Wing ........................................................3-6 Rectangular Wing ...................................................3-7 Tapered Wing .........................................................3-7 Swept-Forward Wing ..............................................3-7 Washout ..................................................................3-7 Glide Ratio .................................................................3-8 Aspect Ratio ............................................................3-9 Weight ........................................................................3-9 Thrust .........................................................................3-9 Three Axes of Rotation ..................................................3-9 Stability ........................................................................3-10 Flutter .......................................................................3-11 Lateral Stability ........................................................3-12 Turning Flight ..............................................................3-13 Load Factors .................................................................3-13 Radius of Turn ..........................................................3-14 Turn Coordination ....................................................3-15 Slips ..........................................................................3-15 Forward Slip .........................................................3-16 Sideslip .................................................................3-17 Spins .........................................................................3-17 Ground Effect ...............................................................3-19 Chapter 4Flight Instruments ...............................................4-1 Introduction....................................................................4-1 Pitot-Static Instruments ..................................................4-2 Impact and Static Pressure Lines................................4-2 Airspeed Indicator ......................................................4-2 The Effects of Altitude on the AirspeedIndicator..................................................................4-3 Types of Airspeed ...................................................4-3Table of ContentsviiAirspeed Indicator Markings ......................................4-5 Other Airspeed Limitations ........................................4-6 Altimeter .....................................................................4-6 Principles of Operation ...........................................4-6 Effect of Nonstandard Pressure andTemperature............................................................4-7 Setting the Altimeter (Kollsman Window) .............4-9 Types of Altitude ......................................................4-10 Variometer................................................................4-11 Total Energy System .............................................4-14 Netto .....................................................................4-14 Electronic Flight Computers ....................................4-15 Magnetic Compass .......................................................4-16 Yaw String ................................................................4-16 Inclinometer..............................................................4-16 Gyroscopic Instruments ...............................................4-17 G-Meter ........................................................................4-17 FLARM Collision Avoidance System .........................4-18 Chapter 5Glider Performance .............................................5-1 Introduction....................................................................5-1 Factors Affecting Performance ......................................5-2 High and Low Density Altitude Conditions ...........5-2 Atmospheric Pressure .............................................5-2 Altitude ...................................................................5-3 Temperature............................................................5-3 Wind ...........................................................................5-3 Weight ........................................................................5-5 Rate of Climb .................................................................5-7 Flight Manuals and Placards ..........................................5-8 Placards ......................................................................5-8 Performance Information ...........................................5-8 Glider Polars ...............................................................5-8 Weight and Balance Information .............................5-10 Limitations ...............................................................5-10 Weight and Balance .....................................................5-12 Center of Gravity ......................................................5-12 Problems Associated With CG Forward ofForward Limit .......................................................5-12 Problems Associated With CG Aft of Aft Limit ..5-13 Sample Weight and Balance Problems ....................5-13 Ballast ..........................................................................5-14 Chapter 6Preflight and Ground Operations .......................6-1 Introduction....................................................................6-1 Assembly and Storage Techniques ................................6-2 Trailering....................................................................6-3 Tiedown and Securing ................................................6-4Water Ballast ..............................................................6-4 Ground Handling........................................................6-4 Launch Equipment Inspection ....................................6-5 Glider Preflight Inspection .........................................6-6 Prelaunch Checklist ....................................................6-7 Glider Care .....................................................................6-7 Preventive Maintenance .............................................6-8 Chapter 7Launch and Recovery Procedures and Flight Maneuvers ............................................................7-1 Introduction....................................................................7-1 Aerotow Takeoff Procedures .........................................7-2 Signals ........................................................................7-2 Prelaunch Signals ....................................................7-2 Inflight Signals ........................................................7-3 Takeoff Procedures and Techniques ..........................7-3 Normal Assisted Takeoff............................................7-4 Unassisted Takeoff.....................................................7-5 Crosswind Takeoff .....................................................7-5 Assisted ...................................................................7-5 Unassisted...............................................................7-6 Aerotow Climb-Out ....................................................7-6 Aerotow Release.........................................................7-8 Slack Line ...................................................................7-9 Boxing the Wake ......................................................7-10 Ground Launch Takeoff Procedures ............................7-11 CG Hooks .................................................................7-11 Signals ......................................................................7-11 Prelaunch Signals (Winch/Automobile) ...............7-11 Inflight Signals ......................................................7-12 Tow Speeds ..............................................................7-12 Automobile Launch ..................................................7-14 Crosswind Takeoff and Climb .................................7-14 Normal Into-the-Wind Launch .................................7-15 Climb-Out and Release Procedures ..........................7-16 Self-Launch Takeoff Procedures ..............................7-17 Preparation and Engine Start ....................................7-17 Taxiing .....................................................................7-18 Pretakeoff Check ......................................................7-18 Normal Takeoff ........................................................7-19 Crosswind Takeoff ...................................................7-19 Climb-Out and Shutdown Procedures ......................7-19 Landing .....................................................................7-21 Gliderport/Airport Traffic Patterns and Operations .....7-22 Normal Approach and Landing ................................7-22 Crosswind Landing ..................................................7-25 Slips ..........................................................................7-25 Downwind Landing ..................................................7-27 After Landing and Securing .....................................7-27viiiPerformance Maneuvers ..............................................7-27 Straight Glides ..........................................................7-27 Turns.........................................................................7-28 Roll-In ...................................................................7-29 Roll-Out ................................................................7-30 Steep Turns ...........................................................7-31 Maneuvering at Minimum Controllable Airspeed ...7-31 Stall Recognition and Recovery ...............................7-32 Secondary Stalls ....................................................7-34 Accelerated Stalls .................................................7-34 Crossed-Control Stalls ..........................................7-35 Operating Airspeeds .....................................................7-36 Minimum Sink Airspeed ..........................................7-36 Best Glide Airspeed..................................................7-37 Speed to Fly ..............................................................7-37 Chapter 8Abnormal and Emergency Procedures .............8-1 Introduction....................................................................8-1 Porpoising ......................................................................8-2 Pilot-Induced Oscillations (PIOs) ..............................8-2 PIOs During Launch ...................................................8-2 Factors Influencing PIOs ........................................8-2 Improper Elevator Trim Setting ..............................8-3 Improper Wing Flaps Setting ..................................8-3 Pilot-Induced Roll Oscillations During Launch .........8-3 Pilot-Induced Yaw Oscillations During Launch ........8-4 Gust-Induced Oscillations ..............................................8-5 Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise .................8-5 Pilot-Induced Pitch Oscillations During Landing ......8-6 Glider-Induced Oscillations ...........................................8-6 Pitch Influence of the Glider Towhook Position ........8-6 Self-Launching Glider Oscillations During Powered Flight ...........................................................8-7 Nosewheel Glider Oscillations During Launchesand Landings ..............................................................8-7 Tailwheel/Tailskid Equipped Glider Oscillations During Launches and Landings ..................................8-8 Aerotow Abnormal and Emergency Procedures ............8-8 Abnormal Procedures .................................................8-8 Towing Failures........................................................8-10 Tow Failure With Runway To Land and Stop ......8-11 Tow Failure Without Runway To Land BelowReturning Altitude ................................................8-11 Tow Failure Above Return to Runway Altitude ...8-11 Tow Failure Above 800' AGL ..............................8-12 Tow Failure Above Traffic Pattern Altitude .........8-13 Slack Line .................................................................8-13 Ground Launch Abnormal and Emergency Procedures ....................................................................8-14 Abnormal Procedures ...............................................8-14 Emergency Procedures .............................................8-14 Self-Launch Takeoff Emergency Procedures ..............8-15 Emergency Procedures .............................................8-15 Spiral Dives ..................................................................8-15 Spins .............................................................................8-15 Entry Phase ...............................................................8-17 Incipient Phase .........................................................8-17 Developed Phase ......................................................8-17 Recovery Phase ........................................................8-17 Off-Field Landing Procedures .....................................8-18 Afterlanding Off Field .............................................8-20 Off-Field Landing Without Injury ........................8-20 Off-Field Landing With Injury .............................8-20 System and Equipment Malfunctions ..........................8-20 Flight Instrument Malfunctions ................................8-20 Airspeed Indicator Malfunctions ..........................8-21 Altimeter Malfunctions .........................................8-21 Variometer Malfunctions ......................................8-21 Compass Malfunctions .........................................8-21 Glider Canopy Malfunctions ....................................8-21 Broken Glider Canopy ..........................................8-22 Frosted Glider Canopy ..........................................8-22 Water Ballast Malfunctions ......................................8-22 Retractable Landing Gear Malfunctions ..................8-22 Primary Flight Control Systems ...............................8-22 Elevator Malfunctions ..........................................8-22 Aileron Malfunctions ............................................8-23 Rudder Malfunctions ............................................8-24 Secondary Flight Controls Systems .........................8-24 Elevator Trim Malfunctions .................................8-24 Spoiler/Dive Brake Malfunctions .........................8-24 Miscellaneous Flight System Malfunctions .................8-25 Towhook Malfunctions ............................................8-25 Oxygen System Malfunctions ..................................8-25 Drogue Chute Malfunctions .....................................8-25 Self-Launching Gliders ................................................8-26 Self-Launching/Sustainer Glider Engine Failure During Takeoff or Climb ..........................................8-26 Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/SustainerGlider Engine While Airborne .................................8-27 Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions ........8-27 Self-Launching Glider Electrical System Malfunctions .............................................................8-27 In-flight Fire .............................................................8-28 Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear ...................8-28 Survival Gear Checklists ..........................................8-28 Food and Water ........................................................8-28ixClothing ....................................................................8-28 Communication ........................................................8-29 Navigation Equipment ..............................................8-29 Medical Equipment ..................................................8-29 Stowage ....................................................................8-30 Parachute ..................................................................8-30 Oxygen System Malfunctions ..................................8-30 Accident Prevention .....................................................8-30 Chapter 9Soaring Weather ..................................................9-1 Introduction....................................................................9-1 The Atmosphere .............................................................9-2 Composition ...............................................................9-2 Properties ....................................................................9-2 Temperature............................................................9-2 Density ....................................................................9-2 Pressure ...................................................................9-2 Standard Atmosphere .................................................9-3 Layers of the Atmosphere ..........................................9-4 Scale of Weather Events ................................................9-4 Thermal Soaring Weather ..............................................9-6 Thermal Shape and Structure .....................................9-6 Atmospheric Stability .................................................9-7 Air Masses Conducive to Thermal Soaring ...................9-9 Cloud Streets ..............................................................9-9 Thermal Waves...........................................................9-9 Thunderstorms..........................................................9-10 Lifted Index ..........................................................9-12 K-Index .................................................................9-12 Weather for Slope Soaring .......................................9-14 Mechanism for Wave Formation ..............................9-16 Lift Due to Convergence ..........................................9-19 Obtaining Weather Information ...................................9-21 Preflight Weather Briefing........................................9-21 Weather-ReIated Information ..................................9-21 Interpreting Weather Charts, Reports, andForecasts ......................................................................9-23 Graphic Weather Charts ...........................................9-23 Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast ..............9-23 Composite Moisture Stability Chart .....................9-24 Chapter 10Soaring Techniques ..........................................10-1 Introduction..................................................................10-1 Thermal Soaring ...........................................................10-2 Locating Thermals ....................................................10-2 Cumulus Clouds ...................................................10-2 Other Indicators of Thermals ................................10-3 Wind .....................................................................10-4 The Big Picture .....................................................10-5Entering a Thermal ..............................................10-5 Inside a Thermal.......................................................10-6 Bank Angle ...........................................................10-6 Speed .....................................................................10-6 Centering ...............................................................10-7 Collision Avoidance ................................................10-9 Exiting a Thermal .....................................................10-9 Atypical Thermals ..................................................10-10 Ridge/Slope Soaring ..................................................10-10 Traps ......................................................................10-10 Procedures for Safe Flying .....................................10-12 Bowls and Spurs .....................................................10-13 Slope Lift ................................................................10-13 Obstructions ...........................................................10-14 Tips and Techniques ...............................................10-15 Wave Soaring .............................................................10-16 Preflight Preparation ...............................................10-17 Getting Into the Wave ............................................10-18 Flying in the Wave .................................................10-20 Soaring Convergence Zones ...................................10-23 Combined Sources of Updrafts ..............................10-24 Chapter 11Cross-Country Soaring .....................................11-1 Introduction..................................................................11-1 Flight Preparation and Planning ...................................11-2 Personal and Special Equipment ..................................11-3 Navigation ....................................................................11-5 Using the Plotter .......................................................11-5 A Sample Cross-Country Flight ...............................11-5 Navigation Using GPS .............................................11-8 Cross-Country Techniques ...........................................11-9 Soaring Faster and Farther .........................................11-11 Height Bands ..........................................................11-11 Tips and Techniques ...............................................11-12 Special Situations .......................................................11-14 Course Deviations ..................................................11-14 Lost Procedures ......................................................11-14 Cross-Country Flight in a Self-Launching Glider .....11-15 High-Performance Glider Operations and Considerations ............................................................11-16 Glider Complexity ..................................................11-16 Water Ballast ..........................................................11-17 Cross-Country Flight Using Other Lift Sources ........11-17 Chapter 12Towing ................................................................12-1 Introduction..................................................................12-1 Equipment Inspections and Operational Checks .........12-2 Tow Hook ................................................................12-2 Schweizer Tow Hook ...........................................12-2x。



原子核物理专业词汇中英文对照表absorption cross-section吸收截面activity radioactivity放射性活度activity活度adiabatic approximation浸渐近似allowed transition容许跃迁angular correlation角关联angular distribution角分布angular-momentum conservation角动量守恒anisotropy各项异性度annihilation radiation湮没辐射anomalous magnetic moment反常极矩anti neutrino反中微子antiparticle反粒子artificial radioactivity人工放射性atomic mass unit原子质量单位atomic mass原子质量atomic nucleus原子核Auger electron俄歇电子backbending回弯bag model口袋模型baryon number重子数baryon重子binary fission二分裂变binging energy结合能black hole黑洞bombarding particle轰击粒子bottom quark底夸克branching ration 分支比bremsstrahlung轫致辐射cascade radiation级联辐射cascade transition级联跃迁centrifugal barrier离心势垒chain reaction链式反应characteristic X-ray特征X射线Cherenkov counter切连科夫计数器coincidence measurement符合剂量collective model集体模型collective rotation 集体转动collective vibration集体震动color charge色荷complete fusion reaction全熔合反应complex potential复势compound-nucleus decay复合核衰变compound-nucleus model复合核模型compound nucleus复合核Compton effect康普顿效应Compton electron康普顿电子Compton scattering康普顿散射cone effect圆锥效应conservation law守恒定律controlled thermonuclear fusion受控热核聚变cosmic ray宇宙射线Coulomb barrier库仑势垒Coulomb energy库伦能Coulomb excitation库仑激发CPT theorem CPT定理critical angular momentum临界角动量critical distance临界距离critical mass临界质量critical volume临界体积daily fuel consumption 燃料日消耗量dalitz pair 达立兹对damage criteria 危害判断准则damage 损伤damped oscillations 阻尼震荡damped vibration 阻尼震荡damped wave 阻尼波damper 减震器damping factor 衰减系数damping 衰减的damp proof 防潮的damp 湿气danger coefficient 危险系数danger dose 危险剂量danger range 危险距离danger signal 危险信号dark current pulse 暗电瘤冲dark current 暗电流data acquisition and processing system 数据获得和处理系统data base 数据库data communication 数据通信data processing 数据处理data reduction equipment 数据简化设备data 数据dating 测定年代daughter atom 子体原子daughter element 子体元素daughter nuclear子核daughter nucleus 子体核daughter nuclide 子体核素daughter 蜕变产物dd reaction dd反应dd reactor dd反应器deactivation 去活化dead ash 死灰尘dead band 不灵敏区dead space 死区dead time correction 死时间校正dead time 失灵时间deaerate 除气deaeration 除气deaerator 除气器空气分离器deaquation 脱水debris activity 碎片放射性debris 碎片de broglie equation 德布罗意方程de broglie frequency 德布罗意频率de broglie relation 德布罗意方程de broglie wavelength 德布罗意波长de broglie wave 德布罗意波debuncher 散束器debye radius 德拜半径debye scherrer method 德拜谢乐法debye temperature 德拜温度decade counter tube 十进计数管decade counting circuit 十进制计数电路decade counting tube 十进管decade scaler 十进位定标器decagram 十克decalescence 相变吸热decalescent point 金属突然吸热温度decanning plant 去包壳装置decanning 去包壳decantation 倾析decanter 倾析器decanting vessel 倾析器decan 去掉外壳decarburization 脱碳decascaler 十进制定标器decatron 十进计数管decay chain衰变链decay coefficient 衰变常数decay constant 衰变常数decay constant衰变常量decay energy衰变能decay factor 衰变常数decay fraction衰变分支比decay heat removal system 衰变热去除系统decay heat 衰变热decay kinematics 衰变运动学decay out 完全衰变decay period 冷却周期decay power 衰减功率decay rate 衰变速度decay scheme衰变纲图decay series 放射系decay storage 衰变贮存decay table 衰变表decay time 衰变时间decay 衰减decelerate 减速deceleration 减速decigram 分克decimeter wave 分米波decladding plant 去包壳装置decladding 去包壳decommissioning 退役decompose 分解decomposition temperature 分解温度decomposition 化学分解decontaminability 可去污性decontamination area 去污区decontamination factor 去污因子decontamination index 去污指数decontamination plant 去污装置decontamination reagent 去污试剂decontamination room 去污室decontamination 净化decoupled band 分离带decoupling 去耦解开decrease 衰减decrement 减少率deep dose equivalent index 深部剂量当量指标deep inelastic reaction深度非弹性反应deep irradiation 深部辐照deep therapy 深部疗deep underwater nuclear counter 深水放射性计数器deep water isotopic current analyzer 深海水连位素分析器de excitation 去激发de exemption 去免除defecation 澄清defective fuel canning 破损燃料封装defective fuel element 破损元件defect level 缺陷程度defectoscope 探伤仪defect 缺陷defence 防护deficiency 不足define 定义definite 确定的definition 分辨deflagration 爆燃deflecting coil 偏转线圈deflecting electrode 偏转电极deflecting field 偏转场deflecting plate 偏转板deflecting system 偏转系统deflecting voltage 偏转电压deflection angle 偏转角deflection plate 偏转板deflection system 偏转系统deflection 负载弯曲deflector coil 偏转线圈deflector field 致偏场deflector plate 偏转板deflector 偏转装置deflocculation 解凝defoamer 去沫剂defoaming agent 去沫剂defocusing 散焦deformation bands 变形带deformation energy 变形能deformation of irradiated graphite 辐照过石墨变形deformation parameter形变参量deformation 变形deformed nucleus 变形核deformed region 变形区域deform 变形degassing 脱气degas 除气degeneracy 简并degenerate configuration 退化位形degenerate gas 简并气体degenerate level 简并能级degenerate state 简并态degeneration 简并degradation of energy 能量散逸degradation 软化degraded spectrum 软化谱degree of acidity 酸度degree of anisotropic reflectance 蛤异性反射率degree of burn up 燃耗度degree of cross linking 交联度degree of crystallinity 结晶度degree of degeneration 退化度degree of dispersion 分散度degree of dissociation 离解度degree of enrichment 浓缩度degree of freedom 自由度degree of hardness 硬度degree of ionization 电离度degree of moderation 慢化度degree of polymerization 聚合度degree of purity 纯度dehumidify 减湿dehydrating agent 脱水剂dehydration 脱水deionization rate 消电离率deionization time 消电离时间deionization 消电离dejacketing 去包壳delay circuit 延迟电路delayed alpha particles 缓发粒子delayed automatic gain control 延迟自动增益控制delayed coincidence circuit 延迟符合电路delayed coincidence counting 延迟符合计数delayed coincidence method 延迟符合法delayed coincidence unit 延迟符合单元delayed coincidence 延迟符合delayed criticality 缓发临界delayed critical 缓发临界的delayed fallout 延迟沉降物delayed fission neutron 缓发中子delayed gamma 延迟性射线delayed neutron detector 缓发中子探测器delayed neutron emitter 缓发中子发射体delayed neutron failed element monitor 缓发中子破损燃料元件监测器delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额delayed neutron method 缓发中子法delayed neutron monitor 缓发中子监测器delayed neutron precursor 缓发中子发射体delayed neutron 缓发中子delayed proton缓发质子delayed reactivity 缓发反应性delay line storage 延迟线存储器delay line 延迟线delay system 延迟系统delay tank 滞留槽delay time 延迟时间delay unit 延迟单元delay 延迟delineation of fall out contours 放射性沉降物轮廓图deliquescence 潮解deliquescent 潮解的delivery dosedose 引出端delta electron 电子delta metal 合金delta plutonium 钚delta ray 电子demagnetization 去磁demagnetize 去磁dematerialization 湮没demineralization of water 水软化demineralization 脱盐demonstration reactor 示范反应堆demonstration 示范dempster mass spectrograph 登普斯特质谱仪denaturalization 变性denaturant 变性剂denaturation of nuclear fuel 核燃料变性denaturation 变性denature 变性denaturize 变性denitration 脱硝dense plasma focus 稠密等离子体聚焦dense 稠密的densimeter 光密度计densimetry 密度测定densitometer 光密度计densitometry 密度计量学density analog method 密度模拟法density bottle 密度瓶density effect 密度效应density gradient instability 密度梯度不稳定性density of electrons 电子密度deoxidation 脱氧deoxidization 脱氧departure from nucleate boiling ratio 偏离泡核沸腾比departure from nucleate boiling 偏离泡核沸腾dependability 可靠性dependence 相依dependency 相依dephlegmation 分凝酌dephlegmator 分馏塔depilation dose 脱毛剂量depilation 脱毛depleted fraction 贫化馏分depleted fuel 贫化燃料depleted material 贫化材料depleted uranium shielding 贫铀屏蔽depleted uranium 贫化铀depleted water 贫化水depleted zone 贫化区域deplete uranium tail storage 贫化铀尾料储存depletion layer 耗尽层depletion 贫化;消耗depolarization 去极化depolymerization 解聚合deposit dose 地面沉降物剂量deposited activity 沉积的放射性deposition 沉积deposit 沉淀depression 减压depressurization accident 失压事故depressurizing system 降压系统depth dose 深部剂量depth gauge 测深计depth of focus 焦点深度depthometer 测深计derby 粗锭derivant 衍生物derivate 衍生物derivative 衍生物derived estimate 导出估价值derived unit 导出单位derived working limit 导出工撰限desalinization 脱盐desalting 脱盐descendant 后代desensitization 脱敏desensitizer 脱敏剂desiccation 干燥desiccator 干燥器防潮器design basis accident 设计依据事故design basis depressurization accident 设计依据卸压事故design basis earthquake 设计依据地震design dose rate 设计剂量率design of the safeguards approach 保障监督方法设计design power 设计功率design pressure 设计压力design safety limit 设计安全限design temperature rise 设计温度上升design transition temperature 设计转变温度design 设计desmotropism 稳变异构desmotropy 稳变异构desorption 解吸desquamation 脱皮destruction test 破坏性试验destructive distillation 干馏detailed balance principle细致平衡原理detailed decontamination 细部去污detectable activity 可探测的放射性detectable 可检测的detection efficiency 探测效率detection efficiency探测效率detection limit 探测限detection of neutrons from spontaneous fission 自发裂变中子探测detection of radiation 辐射线的探测detection probability 探测概率detection time 探测时间detection 探测detector 1/v 1/v探测器detector efficiency 探测僻率detector foil 探测骗detector noise 探测齐声detector shield 探测屏蔽detector tube 检波管detector with internal gas source 内气源探测器detector 探测器敏感元件detect 探测;检波detergent 洗涤剂determination 确定deterrence of diversion 转用制止detonating gas 爆鸣气detonation altitude 爆炸高度detonation point 爆炸点detonation yield 核爆炸威力detonation 爆炸detoxifying 净化detriment 损害detted line 点线deuteride 氘化物deuterium alpha reaction 氘反应deuterium critical assembly 重水临界装置deuterium leak detector 重水检漏器deuterium moderated pile low energy 低功率重水慢化反应堆deuterium oxide moderated reactor 重水慢化反应堆deuterium oxide 重水deuterium pile 重水反应堆deuterium sodium reactor 重水钠反应堆deuterium target 氘靶deuterium tritium fuel 氘氚燃料deuterium tritium reaction 氘氚反应deuterium 重氢deuteron alpha reaction 氘核反应deuteron binding energy 氘核结合能deuteron induced fission 氘核诱发裂变deuteron neutron reaction 氘核中子反应deuteron proton reaction 氘核质子反应deuteron stripping 氘核涎deuterum moderated pile 重水反应堆deuton 氘核development of uranium mine 铀矿开发development 发展deviation from the desired value 期望值偏差deviation from the index value 给定值偏差deviation 偏差dewatering 脱水dewindtite 水磷铅铀矿dew point 露点dextro rotatory 右旋的diagnostic radiology 诊断放射学diagnostics 诊断diagram 线图dialkyl phosphoric acid process 磷酸二烷基酯萃取法dialysis 渗析dial 度盘diamagnetic effect 抗磁效应diamagnetic loop 抗磁圈diamagnetic substance 抗磁体diamagnetic susceptibility 抗磁化率diamagnetism of the plasma particles 等离子体粒子反磁性diamagnetism 反磁性diamagnet 抗磁体diameter 直径diamond 稳定区;金刚石diaphragm gauge 膜式压力计diaphragm type pressure gauge 膜式压力计diaphragm 薄膜diapositive 透谬片diascope 投影放影器投影仪diathermance 透热性diathermancy 透热性diatomic gas 双原子气体diatomic molecule 二原子分子dibaryon 双重子diderichite 水菱铀矿dido type heavy water research reactor 迪多型重水研究用反应堆dido 重水慢化反应堆dielectric after effect 电介质后效dielectric constant 介电常数dielectric hysteresis 电介质滞后dielectric polarization 电介质极化dielectric strain 电介质变形dielectric strength 绝缘强度dielectric 电介质diesel engine 柴油机diesel oil 柴油difference ionization chamber 差分电离室difference linear ratemeter 差分线性计数率计difference number 中子过剩difference of potential 电压difference scaler 差分定标器differential absorption coefficient 微分吸收系数differential absorption ratio 微分吸收系数differential albedo 微分反照率differential control rod worth 控制棒微分价值differential cross section 微分截面differential cross-section微分截面differential discriminator 单道脉冲幅度分析器differential dose albedo 微分剂量反照率differential energy flux density 微分能通量密度differential particle flux density 粒子微分通量密度differential pressure 压差differential range spectrum 射程微分谱differential reactivity 微分反应性differential recovery rate 微分恢复率differential scattering cross section 微分散射截面differentiator 微分器diffraction absorption 衍射吸收diffraction analysis 衍射分析diffraction angle 衍射角diffraction grating 衍射光栅diffraction instrument 衍射仪diffraction pattern 衍射图diffraction peak 衍射峰值diffraction scattering 衍射散射diffraction spectrometer 衍射谱仪diffraction spectrum 衍射光谱diffraction 衍射diffractometer 衍射仪diffusate 扩散物diffuse band 扩散带diffused junction semiconductor detector 扩散结半导体探测器diffused 散射的diffuseness parameter 扩散性参数diffuse reflection 漫反射diffuser 扩散器diffuse scattering 漫散射diffuse 扩散diffusion approximation 扩散近似diffusion area 扩散面积diffusion barrier 扩散膜diffusion cascade 扩散级联diffusion chamber 扩散云室diffusion coefficient for neutron flux density 中子通量密度扩散系数diffusion coefficient for neutron number density 中子数密度扩散系数diffusion coefficient 扩散系数diffusion column 扩散塔diffusion constant 扩散常数diffusion cooling effect 扩散冷却效应diffusion cooling 扩散冷却diffusion cross section 扩散截面diffusion current density 扩散淋度diffusion current 扩散电流diffusion energy 扩散能diffusion equation 扩散方程diffusion factory 扩散工厂diffusion kernel 扩散核diffusion layer 扩散层diffusion length 扩散长度diffusion length扩散长度diffusion mean free path 扩散平均自由程diffusion plant 扩散工厂diffusion pump 扩散泵diffusion rate 扩散速率diffusion stack 务马堆diffusion theory 扩散理论diffusion time 扩散时间diffusion 扩散diffusivity 扩散系数digital analog converter 数模转换器digital computer 数字计算机digital data acquisition and processing system 数字数据获取与处理系统digital data handling and display system 数字数据处理和显示系统digital recorder 数字记录器digital time converter 数字时间变换器dilation 扩胀dilatometer 膨胀计diluent 稀释剂dilute solution 稀溶液dilute 冲淡dilution analysis 稀释分析dilution effect 稀释效应dilution method 稀释法dilution ratio 稀释比dilution 稀释dimensional change 尺寸变化dimension 尺寸diminishing 衰减dimorphism 双晶现象di neutron 双中子dineutron 双中子dingot 直接铸锭dip counter tube 浸入式计数管dipelt 双重线dipole dipole interaction 偶极子与偶极子相互酌dipole layer 偶极子层dipole momentum 偶极矩dipole moment 偶极矩dipole radiation 偶极辐射dipole transition 偶极跃迁dipole 偶极子di proton 双质子dirac electron 狄拉克电子dirac equation 狄拉克方程dirac quantization 狄拉克量子化dirac theory of electron 狄拉克电子论direct and indirect energy conversion 直接和间接能量转换direct contact heat exchanger 直接接触式换热器direct conversion reactor study 直接转换反应堆研究direct conversion reactor 直接转换反应堆direct current 直流direct cycle integral boiling reactor 直接循环一体化沸水堆direct cycle reactor 直接循环反应堆direct cycle 直接循环direct digital control 直接数字控制direct energy conversion 能量直接转换direct exchange interaction 直接交换相互酌direct exposure 直接辐照direct fission yield 原始裂变产额direct interaction 直接相互酌directional correlation of successive gamma rays 连续射线方向相关directional counter 定向计数器directional distribution 方向分布directional focusing 方向聚焦directional 定向的direction 方向direct isotopic dilution analysis 直接同位素稀释分析directly ionizing particles 直接电离粒子directly ionizing radiation 直接电离辐射direct measurement 直接测量direct radiant energy 直接辐射能direct radiation proximity indicator 直接辐射接近指示器direct radiation 直接辐射direct reaction 直接反应direct reaction直接反应direct use material 直接利用物质direct voltage 直羚压direct x ray analysis 直接x射线分析dirft tube 飞行管道dirt column 尘土柱dirty bomb 脏炸弹disadvantage factor 不利因子disagreement 不一致disappearence 消失discharge chamber 放电室discharge current 放电电流discharge in vacuo 真空放电discharge potential 放电电压discharge tube 放电管discharge voltage 放电电压discharge 放电discomposition 原子位移discontinuity 非连续性discontinuous 不连续的disc operating system 磁盘操椎统discrepancy 差异discrete energy level 不连续能级discrete spectrum 不连续光谱discrete state 不连续态discrete 离散的discrimination coefficient 甄别系数discriminator 鉴别器disinfectant 杀菌剂disintegrate 蜕衰disintegration chain 放射系disintegration constant 衰变常数disintegration curve 衰变曲线disintegration energy 衰变能disintegration heat 衰变热disintegration of elementary particles 基本粒子衰变disintegration particle 衰变粒子disintegration probability 衰变概率disintegration product 蜕变产物disintegration rate 衰变速度disintegration scheme 蜕变图disintegration series 蜕变系disintegrations per minute 衰变/分disintegrations per second 衰变/秒disintegration 蜕变disk source 圆盘放射源dislocation edge 位错边缘dislocation line 位错线dislocation 位错dismantling 解体disorder scattering 无序散射disorder 无序dispersal effect 分散效应dispersal 分散disperser 分散剂dispersing agent 分散剂dispersion fuel element 弥散体燃料元件dispersion fuel 弥散体燃料dispersion 分散dispersive medium 色散媒质displacement current 位移电流displacement kernel 位移核displacement law of radionuclide 放射性核素位移定律displacement law 位移定律displacement spike 离位峰displacement 替换displace 位移;代替disposal of radioactive effluents 放射性瘤液处置disposition 配置disproportionation 不均disruption 破坏disruptive instability 破裂不稳定性disruptive voltage 哗电压dissipation of energy 能消散dissipation 耗散dissociation constant 离解常数dissociation energy 离解能dissociation pressure 离解压dissociation 离解dissociative ionization 离解电离dissolution 溶解dissolver gas 溶解气体dissolver heel 溶解泣滓dissolver 溶解器distance control 遥控distant collision 远距离碰撞distillate 蒸馏液distillation column 蒸馏塔distillation method 蒸馏法distillation tower 蒸馏塔distillation 蒸馏distilled water 蒸馏水distiller 蒸馏器distilling apparatus 蒸馏器distilling flask 蒸馏瓶distorted wave Born approximation,DWBA扭曲波波恩近似distorted wave impulse approximation 畸变波冲动近似distorted wave theory 畸变波理论distorted wave 畸变波distortionless 不失真的distortion 畸变distributed ion pump 分布式离子泵distributed processing 分布式处理distributed source 分布源distribution coefficient 分配系数distribution factor 分布因子distribution function 分布函数distribution law 分配定律distribution of dose 剂量分布distribution of radionuclides 放射性核素分布distribution of residence time 停留时间分布distribution ratio 分配系数distribution 分布distrubited constant 分布常数disturbance 扰动disturbation 扰动diuranium pentoxide 五氧化二铀divergence of ion beam 离子束发散divergence problem 发散问题divergence 发散divergent lens 发射透镜divergent reaction 发散反应diversing lens 发射透镜diversion assumption 转用假定diversion box 转换箱diversion hypothesis 转用假设diversion path 转用路径diversion strategy 转用战略diversion 转向divertor 收集器divider 分配器division of operating reactors 反应堆运行部division 刻度djalmaite 钽钛铀矿document information system 文献情报体系doerner hoskins distribution law 德尔纳霍斯金斯分配定律dollar 元domain 磁畴dome 圆顶水柱dominant mutation 显性突变donut 环形室doping control of semiconductors 半导体掺杂物第Dopper effect多普勒效应doppler averaged cross section 多普勒平均截面doppler broadening 多普勒展宽doppler coefficient 多普勒系数doppler effect 多普勒效应doppler free laser spectroscopy 无多普勒激光光谱学doppler shift method 多普勒频移法doppler width 多普勒宽度dosage measurement 剂量测定dosage meter 剂量计dosage 剂量dose albedo 剂量反照率dose build up factor 剂量积累因子dose commitment 剂量负担dose effect curve 剂量效应曲线dose effect relationship 剂量效应关系dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担dose equivalent index 剂量当量指标dose equivalent limit 剂量当量极限dose equivalent rate 剂量当量率dose equivalent 剂量当量dose equivalent剂量当量dose fractionation 剂量分割dose limit 剂量极限dose measurement 剂量测量dose meter 剂量计dose modifying factor 剂量改变系数dose of an isotope 同位素用量dose prediction technique 剂量预报技术dose protraction 剂量迁延dose rate meter 剂量率测量计dose ratemeter 剂量率表dose rate 剂量率dose reduction factor 剂量减低系数dose response correlation 剂量响应相关dose unit 剂量单位dose 剂量dosifilm 胶片剂量计dosimeter charger 剂量计充电器dosimeter 剂量计dosimetry applications research facility 剂量测定法应用研究设施dosimetry 剂量测定法dotted line 点线double beam 双射束double beta decay 双衰变double bond 双键double charged 双电荷的double clad vessel 双层覆盖容器double compton scattering 双康普顿散射double container 双层容器double contingency principle 双偶然性原理double decomposition 复分解double differential cross section 二重微分截面double focusing mass spectrometer 双聚焦质谱仪double focusing 双聚焦double-humped barrier双峰势垒double ionization chamber 双电离室double precision 双倍精度double probe 双探针double pulse 双脉冲double resonance spectroscopy 双共振光谱学double resonance 双共振double scattering method 双散射法doublet splitting 双重线分裂doublet 电子对double walled heat exchanger 双层壁换热器doubling dose 加倍剂量doubling time meter 倍增时间测量计doubling time 燃料倍增时间doubly charged 双电荷的doubly closed shell nuclei 双闭合壳层核doughnut 环形室downcomer 下降管down quark下夸克down time 停机时间downwards coolant flow 下行冷却剂流downwind fall out 下风放射性沉降物draft 通风drain tank 排水槽draught 通风drell ratio 多列尔比dressing of uranium ore 铀矿石选矿dressing 选矿drier 干燥器drift instability 漂移不稳定性drift mobility 漂移率drift speed 漂移速度drift transistor 漂移晶体管drift velocity 漂移速度driven magnetic fusion reactor 从动磁核聚变反应堆driver fuel 驱动燃料drive voltage 控制电压drop reaction 点滴反应drop 点滴dry active waste 干放射性废物dry analysis 干法分析dry box 干箱dry criticality 干临界dry distillation 干馏dryer 干燥器dry friction 干摩擦dry ice 干冰drying oil 干性油drying oven 烘干炉drying 干燥dry out 烧干dry reprocessing 干法再处理dry way process 干法过程dry well 干井dt fuel cycle dt燃料循环dt reactor dt反应堆dual cycle boiling water reactor system 双循环沸水反应堆系统dual cycle reactor 双循环反应堆dual decay 双重放射性衰变dual energy use system 能量双重利用系统duality 二重性dual purpose nuclear power station 两用核电站dual purpose reactor 两用反应堆dual temperature exchange separation process 双温度交换分离法dual temperature exchange 双温度交换duant d形盒ductile brittle transition temperature 延性脆性转变温度ductility 延伸性duct 管dummy load 仿真负载dumontite 水磷铀铅矿dump condenser 事故凝汽器dump tank 接受槽dump valve 事故排放阀dump 烧毁元件存放处dunkometer 燃料元件包壳破损探测器duplet 电子对duration of a scintillation 闪烁持续时间duration 持续时间dust chamber 集尘室dust cloud 尘埃云dust collector 集尘器dust cooled reactor 粉尘冷却反应堆dust monitor 灰尘监测器dust sampler 灰尘取样器dust trap 集尘器dye laser 染料激光器dynamical friction 动摩擦dynamic behaviour 动态dynamic characteristic 动特性dynamic equilibrium ratio 动态平衡比dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡dynamic pressure 动压dynamic process inventory determination 动态过程投料量测定dynamic stabilization 动力稳定dynamic viscosity 动力粘滞系数dynamitron 地那米加速器并激式高频高压加速器dynamometer 测力计dynamo 发电机dyne 达因dynode 倍增电极dysprosium 镝dystectic mixture 高熔点混合物elastic scattering cross-section弹性散射截面elastic scattering弹性散射electronic stopping电子阻止elementary particle基本粒子EMC effect EMC效应endothermic reaction吸能反应energy conservation能量守恒energy loss能量损失energy resolution能量分辨率evaporation model蒸发模型even-even nucleus偶偶核exchange force交换力excitation curve激发曲线excitation function 激发函数excited state激发态exothermic reaction放能反应experimental Q-wave实验Q值exposure照射量fabrication 制造facility attachment 设施附属文件facility practice 设施实行facility safeguards approach 设施的保障监督方法facility 设施factor of porosity 孔隙率factor of stress concentration 应力集中因数factor 系数fading 阻尼failed can detection 破损燃料探测failed element indicator 破损元件指示器failed element monitor 破损元件监测器failed element 破损元件failed fuel detection and location 破损燃料探测和定位failed fuel detection 破损燃料探测failed fuel detector 破损燃料探测器fail safe instrument 故障时安全运行的仪器fail safe operation 安全运行failsafe 故障自动保险的failure checking 故障检查failure free operation 无故障运行failure mode 故障种类failure of parity conservation 宇称守恒的破坏failure prediction 故障预测fall back 回落falling stream method 降哩fallout density 放射性沉降物密度fallout monitoring 沉降物监测fallout particle 沉降粒子fallout pattern 沉降物分布型式fallout radioactive material 放射性沉降物fallout sampling network 沉降物取样网fallout shelter 沉降物掩蔽所fall out 放射性沉降fall time 下降时间false alarm probability 假报警几率false curvature 假曲率false scram 错误信号紧急停堆family 系fano's theorem 法诺定理faraday cage 法拉第笼faraday constant 法拉第常数faraday cup 法拉第笼farad 法拉far field 远场far infra red radiation 远红外辐射far ultraviolet radiation 远紫外辐射farvitron 线振质谱仪fast acting control rod 快动棕制棒fast advantage factor 快中子有利因子fast amplifier 宽频带放大器fast and thermal reactor burnup computer code 快和热反应堆燃耗计算机代码fast breeder reactor 快中子增殖反应堆fast breeder 快中子增殖反应堆fast burst reactor facility 快中子脉冲反应堆装置fast burst reactor 快中子脉冲反应堆fast ceramic reactor 陶瓷燃料快堆fast chamber 快速电离室fast chopper 快中子选择器fast coincidence unit 快符合单元fast coincidence 快符合fast compression cloud chamber 快压缩云室fast conversion 快中子转换fast cosmic ray neutron 宇宙射线的快中子fast critical assembly 快中子临界装置fast cross section 快中子截面fast detector 快速探测器fast effect 快中子倍增效应fast electron 快电子fast exponential experiment 快中子指数实验装置fast fissionability 快中子致裂变性fast fission effect factor 快中子裂变效应系数fast fission region 快中子裂变区fast fission 快中子裂变fast flux test facility 快中子通量试验装置fast flux 快中子通量fast fragment 快碎片fast killing dose 快速杀伤剂量fast leakage factor 快中子泄漏因子fast mean free path 快中子平均自由程fast medium 快中子介质fast multiplication effect 快中子倍增效应fast multiplication factor 快中子倍增因子fast neutron activation method 快中子活化法fast neutron breeder reactor 快中子增殖反应堆fast neutron breeding 快中子增殖fast neutron calibration 快中子刻度fast neutron collimator 快中子准直器fast neutron counter tube 快中子计数管fast neutron cycle 快中子增殖循环fast neutron detector 快中子探测器fast neutron diffusion length 快中子扩散长度fast neutron dose equivalent 快中子剂量当量fast neutron dosimeter 快中子剂量计fast neutron fission cross section 快中子裂变截面fast neutron fission increase rate 快中子裂变增加率fast neutron fluence 快中子积分通量fast neutron generator 快中子发生器fast neutron non leakage probability 快中子不泄漏几率fast neutron range 快中子区fast neutron reaction 快中子反应fast neutron reactor 快中子裂变反应堆fast neutron selector 快中子选择器fast neutron spectrometer 快中子谱仪fast neutron 快中子fast plutonium reactor 快中子钚反应堆fast radiochemistry 快速放射化学fast reaction 快速核反应fast reactor core test facility 快堆堆芯试验装置fast reactor physics 快速反应堆物理学fast reactor test assembly 快堆试验装置fast reactor thermal engineering facility 快堆热工程研究设施fast reactor 快中子裂变反应堆fast region 快中子区fast setback 迅速下降fast slow coincidence circuit 快慢符合电路fast sub critical assembly 快中子次临界装置fast test reactor 快中子试验反应堆fast thermal coupled reactor 快热耦合反应堆fast zero power reactor 快中子零功率反应堆fatal dose 致命剂量fatalities 死亡事故fatigue fracture 疲劳断裂fatigue limit 疲劳极限fatigue test 疲劳试验fatigue 疲劳faulted condition 损伤状态faulty fuel assembly 破损燃料组件fault 故障favorable geometry 有利几何条件fb 快中子增殖反应堆fcc 核燃料循环成本fcf 核燃料循环设施feather analysis 费塞分析feather's empirical formula 费瑟经验公式feather's rule 费瑟规则feed adjustment tank 进料蝶槽feedback circuit 反馈回路feedback control 反馈控制feedback loop 反馈回路feedback ratio 反馈比feedback signal 反馈信号feedback 反馈feed end 加料端feed material 给料物质feed plant 核燃料生产工厂feed pump 给水泵feed stage 给料段feed water control system 给水控制系统feedwater equipment 给水设备feedwater flow control 给水量控制feed water 给水feed 供给ferganite 水钒铀矿fermat's principle 费马原理fermi acceleration 费米加速fermi age equation 费米年龄方程fermi age theory 费米年龄理论fermi age 费米年龄fermi beta decay theory 费米衰变理论fermi characteristic energy level 费米能级fermi constant 费米常数fermi dirac gas 费米狄拉克气体fermi dirac statistics 费米狄拉克统计学fermi distribution function 费米狄拉克分布函数fermi distribution 费米分布fermi energy 费米能级fermi function 费米函数Fermi function费米函数fermi gas model 费米气体模型fermi gas 费米气体Fermi interaction F相互作用fermi interaction 费米相互酌fermi intercept 散射长度fermi level 费米能级fermi limit 费米能级fermion 费米子fermi particle 费米子fermi perturbation 费米微扰fermi plot 费米线图fermi potential 费米势fermi reactor 费米中子反应堆fermi resonance 费米共振fermi selection rules 费米选择定则fermi's golden rule 费米黄金法则fermi spectrum 费米谱fermi statistics 费米统计fermi surface 费米面fermi temperature 费米温度fermi theory of cosmic ray acceleration 费米宇宙射线加速理论fermi transition 费米跃迁fermium 镄fermi 费米。



材料科学中能量密度极限Energy density is a crucial concept in the field of materials science, as it refers to the amount of energy that can be stored in a given volume or mass of a material. In practical terms, having materials with high energy density is essential for many contemporary applications, such as batteries, fuel cells, and capacitors. These materials store energy and release it when needed, allowing for a wide range of technological advancements. The pursuit of materials with higher energy density has become a significant focus for researchers and engineers worldwide, as it promises to revolutionize energy storage and utilization.能量密度是材料科学领域的一个重要概念,它指的是一种材料在一定体积或质量内所能储存的能量量。






新能源汽车技术作文英文The Evolution and Prospects of New Energy Vehicle Technology.The automotive industry has undergone significant transformations in recent decades, with the emergence of new energy vehicles (NEVs) marking a pivotal moment in this evolution. NEVs, which encompass electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrids, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and more, are rapidly gaining popularity worldwide due to their environmental friendliness, cost-efficiency, and technological advancements.The need for sustainable transportation solutions has become increasingly urgent in the face of climate change and environmental degradation. NEVs offer a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuel-powered vehicles, as they significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. EVs, for instance, rely solely on rechargeable batteries to power their motors, eliminating the need forcombustion engines and their associated emissions.The technology behind NEVs has seen rapid advancements in recent years. Battery technology, in particular, has made leaps and bounds, with improved energy density, charging speeds, and durability. This has made EVs more practical and appealing to consumers, as they can nowtravel longer distances without having to recharge frequently.Advancements in charging infrastructure have also played a crucial role in the adoption of NEVs. Public charging stations are becoming increasingly common, and many cities are investing in creating a dense network of charging points to cater to the growing demand. Additionally, private charging options, such as home charging stations and workplace charging pods, are becoming more widespread, providing convenient charging solutionsfor NEV owners.Another significant aspect of NEV technology is the integration of smart and connected features. NEVs areincreasingly being equipped with advanced sensors, connectivity solutions, and autonomous driving capabilities. These features not only enhance the driving experience but also contribute to safer and more efficient road traffic. For instance, autonomous driving features can help reduce accidents by improving decision-making and reaction times, while connectivity solutions enable real-time traffic updates and optimized routing.The future of NEV technology looks promising. With ongoing research and development, we can expect further improvements in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and smart features. Innovations such as solid-state batteries, wireless charging, and advanced materials could revolutionize NEV performance and accessibility.Moreover, governments and private sector organizations are increasingly investing in NEV technology, recognizingits potential to drive sustainable economic growth and environmental protection. Policies such as subsidies, tax incentives, and research grants are being implemented to encourage the development and adoption of NEVs.In conclusion, new energy vehicle technology represents a crucial step towards achieving sustainable transportation. Its environmental benefits, technological advancements, and potential for further innovation make it a compellingchoice for the future of mobility. As we move towards amore sustainable and connected world, NEVs will play a pivotal role in shaping our transportation landscape.。



Smart String Energy Storage SystemMore Usable Energy100% Depth of Discharge Pack Level Energy OptimizationSafe &ReliableLFP Cell4-layer Safety ProtectionPerfect CompatibilityCompatible to Both ResidentialSingle & Three Phase Inverter Quick CommissioningAutomatically Detected in AppEasy Installation12 kg Power Module50 kg Battery ModuleFlexible Investment5kWh Modular Design,Scalable from 5 to 30kWh Power ModuleBattery Module(Energy OptimizerIncluded)Technical SpecificationLUNA2000-5-S0LUNA2000-10-S0LUNA2000-15-S0PerformancePower moduleLUNA2000-5KW-C0Number of power modules 1Battery moduleLUNA2000-5-E0Battery module energy 5kWhNumber of batteryModules 123Battery usable energy 15kWh 10kWh 15kWh Max. output power 2.5kW 5kW 5kW Peak output power3.5 kW, 10s7 kW, 10s 7 kW, 10sNominal voltage (single phasesystem)450V Operating voltage range (single phase system)350 –560V Nominal voltage (three phasesystem)600V Operating voltagerange (three phase system)600 –980VCommunicationDisplay SOC status indicator, LED indicator CommunicationRS485/CAN (only for parallel operation)General SpecificationDimension (W*D*H)670*150*600mm (26.4*5.9*23.6inch)670*150*960mm (26.4*5.9*37.8inch)670*150*1320mm (26.4*5.9*60.0inch)Weight (Floor stand toolkitincluded)63.8 kg (140.7lb)113.8 kg (250.9lb)163.8 kg (361.1lb)Power module dimension (W*D*H)670*150 *240mm (26.4*5.9*9.4inch)Power module weight12 kg (26.5lb)Battery module dimension(W*D*H)670*150 *360mm (26.4*5.9*14.0inch)Battery module weight 50 kg (110.2 lb)2InstallationFloor stand (standard),Wall mount (optional)Operating temperature -20℃~+ 55℃ (-4℉~131℉) 3Max. operating altitude 4,000m (13,123ft.)(Derating above 2,000m)Environment Outdoor 4(*Please refer to the user manual for installationcondition)Relative humidity 5%~95%CoolingNatural convectionProtection rating IP 66Noise emission <29dBCell technology Lithium-iron phosphate (LiFePO4)ScalabilityMax. 2 systems in paralleloperationCompatibleinvertersSUN2000-2/3/3.68/4/4.6/5/6KTL-L1,SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M0 5,SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M1Standard Compliance (more availableupon request)CertificatesCE,RCM,CEC,VDE2510-50,IEC62619,IEC 60730,UN38.3LUNA2000-5/10/15-S0Technical Specification1.Test conditions:100%depth of discharge (DoD), 0.2C rate charge &dischargeat 25℃,at the beginning of life.If no PV modules are installed or the system has not detected sunlight for at least 24hours, the minimum end of discharge SOC is15%.2.The weight of the battery module is subject to the actual product,with a tolerance of ±3%3.Refer to battery warranty letter for conditionalapplication.4.Improper storage system installation may compromise product warranty and operation safety.Please follow the user manual during the installation,use,and maintenance of the storage system.5.Please contact local engineer for the compatibility betweenthe SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M0with the LUNA2000.6.Storage system is ordered and delivered in the form of power module and battery module separately with corresponding quantity.Ordering and DeliverablePartProduct ordering model 6LUNA2000-5KW-C0, LUNA2000-5-E0, LUNA2000 Wall Mounting Bracket。



能量密度和物态方程英文回答:Energy density refers to the amount of energy stored in a given volume or mass of a substance. It is a measure of how much energy can be extracted from a particular material. Energy density is an important concept in various fields, including physics, chemistry, and engineering.In physics, energy density is often used to describethe amount of energy stored in a specific region of space. For example, in the field of electromagnetism, energydensity is used to describe the amount of energy stored in an electric or magnetic field. This concept is particularly useful in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic waves, such as light.In chemistry, energy density is often used to describe the amount of energy stored in a substance. For example,the energy density of a fuel is a crucial factor indetermining its efficiency as a source of energy. Fuelswith higher energy density can provide more energy per unit of volume or mass, making them more efficient for use in vehicles or power generation.The concept of energy density is also important in engineering, especially in the design and optimization of energy storage systems. For example, batteries with higher energy density can store more energy in a smaller volume, making them more suitable for portable electronic devices. Similarly, energy density plays a crucial role in the development of renewable energy technologies, such as solar cells and wind turbines, as higher energy density materials can lead to more efficient and compact devices.物态方程是描述物质状态的数学关系。



固体物理紧束缚态密度英文回答:Solid state physics is a branch of physics that focuses on the study of the physical properties of solid materials, such as metals, semiconductors, and insulators. One important concept in solid state physics is the density of states (DOS), which describes the number of energy states available to particles in a solid material.The DOS is a fundamental quantity that characterizes the electronic structure of a solid. It provides information about the energy levels and the distribution of electrons in a material. The DOS is typically represented as a function of energy and is often plotted as a graph, with energy on the x-axis and the density of states on the y-axis.The DOS can be divided into two types: the bulk DOS and the surface DOS. The bulk DOS describes the energy statesavailable to particles in the bulk of the material, whilethe surface DOS describes the energy states available to particles near the surface of the material. The surface DOS is often different from the bulk DOS due to the presence of surface effects.The DOS plays a crucial role in many physical phenomena and properties of solid materials. For example, it isclosely related to the electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of a material. In metals, the DOS at the Fermi level determines the electrical conductivity, while in insulators, the absence of states at the Fermi level leadsto a large energy gap and a lack of conductivity. In semiconductors, the DOS at the Fermi level determines whether the material behaves as a conductor or an insulator.In addition, the DOS is also important in understanding the optical properties of materials. For instance, the absorption and emission of light in a material are determined by the density of states and the energy levels available to electrons.中文回答:固体物理是物理学的一个分支,专注于研究固体材料(如金属、半导体和绝缘体)的物理性质。



假如我是纳米技术科学家英语作文If I Were a Nanoscientist.In the realm of scientific exploration, where the boundaries of human knowledge are constantly pushed, nanoscience emerges as a captivating and promising frontier. As a nanoscientist, I would embark on an extraordinary journey into the enigmatic world of the infinitesimally small, where the laws of nature take on a different dimension and the potential for transformative applications knows no bounds.Nanoscience delves into the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular scale, enabling the creation of materials and devices with unprecedented properties. As a nanoscientist, I would have the opportunity to unlock the mysteries of these microscopic building blocks and harness their unique characteristics to address some of the world's most pressing challenges.One area of particular interest to me is the development of advanced medical technologies. By manipulating nanoparticles, I could design targeted drug delivery systems that deliver therapeutic agents directly to diseased cells, minimizing side effects and maximizing treatment efficacy. Such advancements could revolutionize the treatment of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's, offering hope to millions of patients.Another promising application of nanoscience lies in the field of energy storage. The world is facing an urgent need for sustainable and efficient energy solutions. As a nanoscientist, I would strive to create high-performance batteries and fuel cells by engineering new nanomaterials with enhanced energy density and lifespan. These innovations could pave the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future.Nanoscience also has the potential to transform the electronics industry. By miniaturizing electronic devices to the nanoscale, I could create ultra-fast and energy-efficient computers, sensors, and communication devices.These miniaturized technologies would enable us to push the limits of computation, connect devices seamlessly, and enhance human-machine interaction in unprecedented ways.Beyond these tangible applications, nanoscience also holds immense potential for fundamental scientific discoveries. By exploring the behavior of matter at the nanoscale, I could contribute to our understanding of the basic laws of physics and chemistry. Such discoveries could lead to breakthroughs in fields ranging from cosmology to quantum computing.The path of a nanoscientist is not without its challenges. The tiny dimensions with which we work demand precision and ingenuity. But it is in overcoming these challenges that the greatest rewards lie. The ability to manipulate and understand the world at the nanoscale empowers us to create technologies that will shape the future of humanity.As a nanoscientist, I would be driven by a deep-seated curiosity and an unyielding passion for pushing theboundaries of human knowledge. I would embrace the opportunity to work alongside brilliant minds from diverse backgrounds, collaborating to solve complex problems and create solutions that will benefit society.The field of nanoscience is a testament to thelimitless potential of human ingenuity. As I embark on this extraordinary journey, I am filled with both excitement and trepidation. I am eager to explore the unknown, to make meaningful contributions to the scientific community, and to play a part in shaping a better future for all.In the words of the renowned physicist Richard Feynman, "There's plenty of room at the bottom." As a nanoscientist, I am eager to venture into this vast and uncharted realm, where the smallest of things hold the promise of transformative discoveries and the potential to change the world for the better.。

Metalphoto Processing Guiding Principles说明书

Metalphoto Processing Guiding Principles说明书

Metalphoto ProcessingGuiding PrinciplesOverview:A durable, black Metalphoto image is the result of a number of interrelated processing steps. Because there is a degree of “forgiveness” within each step, and because Metalphoto has a track record that spans decades, it is easy to underestimate the fact that when running Metalphoto, converters are engaged in and responsible for an industrial, photochemical process. The process is not difficult. Neither, however, can it be underestimated.Beginning with exposure and concluding with sealing, each of the processing steps is critical and each must be monitored, maintained and controlled in order to achieve the quality and durability characteristics for which Metalphoto is known.The sections that follow are presented for the purpose of focusing attention on the guiding principles of Metalphoto processing. They are intended to be straightforward supplements to information contained in the Metalphoto Imaging Guide. Please think of this as a tool to be used for reference, for training or as a checklist of sorts. Our ultimate objective is to provide your organization with more complete understanding of what is happening within each step of the Metalphoto manufacturing process. With improved knowledge comes a real opportunity for you to improve quality, increase productivity and enjoy a generally improved Metalphoto processing experience!Exposure:Selective exposure to light is the foundation upon which durable Metalphoto images are created. When a Metalphoto plate is exposed to light, what is actually occurring is the activation of light-sensitive material contained within the pores of the aluminum. To visualize this, think of the latent image that one often sees on a Metalphoto plate after it has been exposed but before it has been developed. The fact that the plate has been activated is what allows the latent image to be seen.Within limits, it is true that greater exposure results in greater or more complete activation. The reverse is also true. That is, less exposure results in less complete activation. The extension of this is the following:1.Metalphoto plates that have been fully exposed can be thought of as being fully activated.With full activation comes maximum potential for the converter to achieve dark and durable Metalphoto images.2.Metalphoto plates that receive less exposure are relatively less activated. It follows thatless activated plates have relatively less potential for dark and durable images.The following table indicates typically required exposure recommendations for Metalphoto line shots depending on light source:Exposure Guide for Metalphoto Line Shots by Light TypeBME Series Vacuum Frames (BME-3; BMFS-6)MetalphotoProduct650W Quartz 1000W Quartz NuArc 26-1K (Mercury Vapor w/Filter)NuArc 26-1KS (Metal Halide w/Filter)MetalphotoSilver Background 15 sec 10 sec 0.8 Light Units 0.8 Light Units MetalphotoBlack Background 30 sec 20 sec 1.5 Light Units 1.5 Light Units Metalphoto Plus Sunfast/Classic Gold Gold Background 60 sec 40 sec 1.5 Light Units 1.5 Light Units Metalphoto Plus Sunfast/Classic Gold Black Background 120 sec 80 sec 3.0 Light Units 3.0 Light Units Metalphoto Plus – Red Red Background90 sec 60 sec 2.0 Light Units 2.0 Light Units Metalphoto Plus – Red Black Background150 sec 100 sec 4.0 Light Units 4.0 Light Units Metalphoto Plus – Other Pre-colored Background 30 sec 20 sec 1.5 Light Units 1.5 Light Units Metalphoto Plus – Other Black Background60 sec40 sec3.0 Light Units3.0 Light UnitsWith respect to the above, please note the following:1. The recommendations assume suitable film quality in terms of density, cleanliness and overall condition.2. The recommendations assume cleanliness and good working condition of your light bulb,your light source in general, the glass plate of your vacuum frame and your vacuum frame in general.3. The recommendations assume a distance of 24 inches from the light to the exposure plane. Exposure effectiveness is significantly reduced as the distance from the light to the exposure plane increases beyond 24 inches.4. The recommendations apply to Metalphoto line shots only. Metalphoto bar codes and halftones are to be treated separately.5. The recommendations are guidelines from which you may need to deviate in that as with all raw materials, Metalphoto plates are variable from batch to batch (with respect to photographic sensitivity). In addition, of course, it is impossible to account the array of exposure devices actually in use.Zip Processing:After a Metalphoto plate has been exposed or activated, the image is developed and fixed by means of Zip Processing. Image development occurs when the rolls of a Zip Processor apply developer to an active Metalphoto plate. Image fixing occurs when the rolls of the Zip Processor apply fixer to the plate.Image development refers to the blackening of a Metalphoto plate in an area that has been previously exposed to light. When processing exposed plates through a Zip Processor, converters need always to be aware that the fresher the chemistry, the blacker the image. Using weak or depleted developing fluid automatically limits the level of blackness one can achieve. With that in mind, converters are wise to consider the following:1.Zip Developer begins to oxidize when it is poured from its container. For that reason, it isrecommended that converters begin each week with a clean Zip Processor and fresh chemistry. Depending on the number of plates processed, in fact, it may be that chemistry should be changed even more frequently. The rule of thumb is that any doubt about the status or strength of developer is a reason to change. In the scheme of things, developer is inexpensive and it rarely pays to stretch.2.High volume converters should attempt to monitor the number of plates being put througha given loading of chemistry. The reason for this is that Zip Developer depletes orweakens with use. If it weakens beyond a certain point, the ability to produce a strong and long lasting black image becomes compromised. The 14-7 Zip Processor, for example, holds one quart of developer. At the time that fresh chemistry is put into the unit, therefore, the number of plates should be tracked such that not more than the equivalent of approximately fifty 12” x 20" plates are processed. When that number is reached, and possibly even sooner, the chemistry should be changed out.3.Immediately after a plate exits the Zip Processor, normal operating procedure should beto wash the plate with clean water and a clean, soft sponge. Make sure the entire plate gets sponged and make sure that both sides are thoroughly rinsed. Washing the plate in this manner insures that you have taken steps to remove fixer, of course, but also trace amounts of silver that may remain on the plate. The need for complete and thorough rinsing is important. Fixer that remains on a plate can not only bleach a Metalphoto image; it may also contaminate and compromise the effectiveness of your sealing bath. Finally, with respect to Zip Processing, it is imperative that the rolls of your Zip Processor be kept clean. Standard practice, depending on use, should be to remove the rolls once a week for the purpose of scrubbing them with hot water and a clean Scotch-Brite pad. It is important that the pad be clean, and not contaminated from previous use. In scrubbing, the objective is to remove silver particles and residue that build naturally on the rolls through use. If silver and/or chemical residue is allowed to build (on the rolls), it is well known that the appearance of a plate can suffer. Symptoms that one might see include small black spots or trails in the aluminum background, background fog and the appearance of roll marks on the plates.Image Intensification:Image intensification is an optional step within the Metalphoto production process. The function of image intensification is to enhance the heat and UV fade resistance of a (black) Metalphoto image. In addition, image intensification enhances the performance and readability of Metalphoto bar codes in both the short and long term.As is the case with Zip Developer, it is important to note that image intensifier depletes with use. That being the case, immersion time for effective intensification is variable and attention must be paid to the number of plates going through a bath as well as the amount of black area on a plate. Please refer to pages 4.6 and 4.7 of the Metalphoto Imaging Guide for details.Sealing:The final step in the Metalphoto production process is perhaps the most crucial in terms of creating a long lasting and durable plate. Before proceeding, one should note that the objective of sealing is to quickly and completely close the pores of the anodized aluminum such that the image is sub-surface and truly trapped within the aluminum. With that in mind, the following may be said:1. As a matter of practice, plates should be sealed on the same day they are imaged. Plates that are imaged, but not sealed until the following day, may suffer from (black) image fade due to the presence of atmospheric oxidizing agents.2. Plates that are ineffectively or only partially sealed may suffer from (black) image fade due to UV attack, chemical attack or exposure to heat or airborne oxidizers. Factors or process conditions that might lead to a situation in which plates are not fully sealed include the following:A) Insufficient time at rolling boil:When using nickel acetate sealing concentrate additive, complete sealing is achieved when plates are immersed for 10-15 minutes at a rolling boil. With non-nickel concentrate, sealing time must be extended to a minimum of 15 minutes at a rolling boil. Regardless of which additive you are using, the key to proper sealing is time at rolling boil. When plates are immersed in a boiling tank, the mass of metal going in serves to cool the bath. The temperature of a bath that was boiling beforehand, for example, may be reduced to less than boiling when plates are added. When that happens, it takes time, naturally, for the bath temperature to recover. It is also true that the greater the mass (i.e. more or thicker plates), the longer the recovery time.When we say ten or fifteen minutes at a rolling boil, please note that we are referring to the time after which a bath has returned to boil. In other words, if your target has been to boil plates for twelve minutes, and if the bath temperature falls beneath boiling for three minutes when plates are immersed, your total sealing time should be fifteen minutes (three minutes of recovery time and twelve minutes at rolling boil).B) Sealing Bath Depletion:Metalphoto sealing baths consist of deionized or distilled water and sealing concentrate additive. The function of the sealing concentrate additive is to promote more rapid sealing. Sealing baths, however, weaken with use. That is to say that a bath weakens, depletes or is used with every plate sealed. In our experience, for example, a twenty-five gallon nickel acetate sealing bath will effectively seal approximately 600 12" x 20" Metalphoto (black/aluminum) plates. Because the effective life of a bath is limited in this way, it is important to monitor the number of plates going through a bath.The numbers change if you are using non-nickel sealing additive. Because the non-nickel additive depletes more quickly (than nickel acetate additive), you will be able to safely and effectively seal only about 300 12” x 20" Metalphoto (black/aluminum) plates.If a sealing bath is pushed beyond the point of depletion, the resulting plates will be partially sealed or, in the worst case, not at all sealed. In that event, the black image that was obtained as a result of exposure, developing and fixing will be susceptible to image fade due to oxidation, UV exposure, chemical attack, etc.C) Sealing Bath Contamination:As was mentioned above, a Metalphoto sealing bath consists of deionized or distilled water and sealing concentrate additive. Deionized water is purified water in the sense that minerals and chemicals, which occur naturally or which have been added to ground or tap water, have been removed. If a sealing bath is made with something other than deionized water, the potential for contamination is great. And if a bath does, in fact, become contaminated due to mineral or chemical concentration, sealing effectiveness can be severely limited and the problem of only partially sealed plates will begin to affect your operation.To close this section, it should be well understood that complete and proper sealing is critical if one is to achieve the outstanding durability characteristics for which Metalphoto is known.Summary:•The Metalphoto production process consists of a number of interrelated steps. Each is important and each must be controlled in order to achieve the quality and durability characteristics for which Metalphoto is known.•This document was created for the purpose of communicating the guiding principles of Metalphoto processing to our converting customers. The information contained is supplemental to the Metalphoto Imaging Guide, which continues to be our primary technical document.•Adherence to these principles provides the converter with an opportunity to improve quality, increase productivity and enjoy a generally improved Metalphoto processing experience.。



磁场强度的英文Title: The Concept of Magnetic Field StrengthIn the realm of physics, the magnetic field strength, often denoted as 'H', emerges as a fundamental quantity that plays a pivotal role in characterizing the magnetic influence exerted by electric currents. It is a vector field that describes the magnetic force experienced by a unit positive test charge and is distinct from the magnetic flux density or induction ('B'), which measures the density of magnetic flux lines through a surface.The SI unit for magnetic field strength is the ampere per meter (A/m), reflecting its direct proportionality to the electric current producing it, according to Ampère's law. This relationship underscores the intimate connection between electricity and magnetism, two pillars of electromagnetism. Unlike the magnetic flux density, magnetic field strength does not account for the presence of magnetic materials, making it an extrinsic property that solely depends on the distribution and magnitude of electric currents.One might wonder why both 'H' and 'B' are used if they seemingly describe similar phenomena. The rationale lies in their differing responses to materials placed within a magneticfield. While 'B' takes into consideration the susceptibility of materials—quantified by their relative permeability—'H' remains unaffected, thereby offering a more universal measure of the magnetic force generated by currents. In vacuum or air, where relative permeability approximates unity, 'H' and 'B' numerically coincide, but diverge significantly in magnetic substances due to polarization effects.To illustrate, consider the core of an electromagnet. When a current flows through its coil, it generates a magnetic field characterized by 'H'. However, the insertion of a ferromagnetic core amplifies the field inside the core, a phenomenon captured by an increase in 'B' due to the core's high permeability, while 'H' remains consistent, illustrating the material-independent nature of this field strength.In practical applications, understanding magnetic field strength is imperative for designing electrical devices, such as transformers and motors, where controlling the magnetic environment ensures efficient energy conversion and transmission. Engineers manipulate 'H' through adjusting current flows, coil configurations, and material selection to optimize device performance. Moreover, in research, measuring 'H' provides insights into material properties,particularly in exploring magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologies and developing novel magnetic materials for data storage.In summary, the concept of magnetic field strength encapsulates the fundamental aspect of how electric currents shape our magnetic world. Its unique position as a bridge between electricity and magnetism, coupled with its material-agnostic characteristic, renders it an invaluable tool in both theoretical explorations and practical engineering endeavors. By grasping the essence of 'H', we unlock a deeper understanding of the magnetic phenomena that pervade our universe, from the microscale of atomic particles to the macroscale of power grids and beyond.。

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a r X i v :h e p -t h /0506060v 1 7 J u n 2005Energy density bounds for black stringsShinya Tomizawa ∗Department of Physics,Osaka City University,3-3-138,Sugimoto,Sumiyoshiku,Osaka City,Osaka,113-0033,Japan(Dated:February 1,2008)The conserved charge called Y-ADM mass density associated with asymptotically translational Killing-Yano tensor gives us an appropriate physical meaning about the energy density of p brane spacetimes or black strings.We investigated the positivity of energy density in black string space-times,using the spinorial technique introduced by Witten.Recently,the positivity of Y-ADM mass density in p brane spacetimes was discussed.In this paper,we will extend this discussion to the transversely asymptotically flat black string spacetimes containing an apparent horizon.We will give the sufficient conditions for the Y-ADM mass density to become positive in such spacetimes.PACS numbers:04.50.+h 04.70.BwI.INTRODUCTIONOne of most important and interesting properties of black strings is the classical instability which was discov-ered by Gregory and Laflamme [17].However,at this stage,we have not obtain the clear answers for what is the final state of the instability.However,the posi-tivity of the energy of the spacetimes,that is,whether there is the lower bound of the energy of the spacetimes,or not,might give us the information about the stabil-ity of them or the final states.For an example,the Schwarzschild black hole with negative mass is unsta-ble under the metric perturbation,and if the positivity of the energy holds,then the spacetimes with negative mass would have naked singularity somewhere.A suffi-cient condition for the stability of spacetimes is that its energy saturates a lower bound on the energy of all field configurations satisfying the same boundary conditions.It is known that some charged extreme black hole solu-tions saturate a lower bound such a bound,which is the Bogomol’nyi-type bound [12].In a class of four dimensional asymptotically flat space-times,the trial to show the positivity of the ADM energy had been made of by a lot of authors.However,they proved it in the only special cases.Finally,Shoen and Yau [4]succeeded in giving a complete proof on the pos-itivity of the ADM energy in asymptotically flat space-times,which can be applied whether there is a black hole or not.The more elegant and simpler proof was given by Witten and Nester [5,6],who used the spinorial method,when there is no horizon.The introduced spinor is the solution of Dirac-Witten equation and is asymptotically constant at spatial infinity.Gibbons[13]extended Witten’s arguments to black hole spacetimes containing an apparent horizon without assuming anything about the interior region of a black hole.They integrated the Dirac-Witten equation over a sapcelike hypersurface with the boundaries the spatial inifinity and the horizon and2 term to vanish,which is the cases where(A)the appar-ent horizon becomes null.Therefore,if at least,the blackstring spacetimes satisfy the conditions either(a),or(b)and(A),then the positivity of Y-ADM mass density isassured.This paper is organized as follows.In section II,we will show that the spinorial boundary term over the cross section of a black string and the transverse space becomes proportional to the expansion of the cross section rather than the horizon,unlike the proof of Gibbons[13].In section III,we give the sufficient conditions for this surface term to vanish on the apparent horizon.In section??,we will summarize the results.II.POSITIVITY BOUNDS OF Y-ADM MASSDENSITYWe assume that the black string spacetime(M,g ab) containing an apparent horizon is D(≥5)dimensions and transverse asymptoticallyflat,which means asymp-toticallyflat in the direction transverse to the black string but always not in the direction parallel to it.We also as-sume that the spacetime is foliated by time slices V t with normal timelike vectorfield t a,and that each timeslice V t is foliated by the submanifolds V tx binormal to vec-tors t a and x a,where x a is the vectorfield pallarel to the black string,satisfying the normalization x a x a=1and t a x a=0.Let us assume the codimension two surface V tx which is the transverse space to the black sting)is foliated by the codimension three surface V txr normal to the transverse radial directional vectorfield r a satisfying the r a r a=1and r a t a=r a x a=0.At transverse spatial infinity we take t a=(∂/∂x0)a,x a=(∂/∂x1)a.In this spacetime,there exists the asymptotic Killing-Yano ten-sor f(01)=dx0∧dx1,by which we can define the Y-ADM mass density as the surface integral over the transverse spatial infinity S∞[1,14],as seen in FIG.1.The full spacetime metric can be written in the formg ab=−t a t b+h ab=−t a t b+x a x b+q ab=−t a t b+x a x b+r a r b+r ab,(1) where h ab,q ab and r ab are the induced metrics on the submanifolds V t,V tx and V txr,respectively.In this paper, we use the quantitiesγˆ0=−γa t a,γˆ1=γa x a,γˆ2=γa r a. To prove the positivity of the ADM energy,Witten [5]used the spinorial method,which consists of the two steps.As thefirst step,he showed that the surface in-tegral of so-called Nester2form E ab=ψ†γˆ0γabc∇cψover the spatial infinity(codimension two surface)coin-cides with the ADM mass(exactly speaking,ADM4-momentum).The following step is to transform this sur-face integral into the volume integral,using Stokes’theo-rem,and to relate it to Eintein tensor equal to the energy*FIG.1:V tx is the transverse space which has the boundary ∂V tx=H∪S∞,where H and S∞denote the cross section of the black string and transverse space V tx and the trans-verse spatial infinity,respectively.V tx is foliated by codimen-sion three surfaces V txr which coincide with S∞on the inner boundary and H on the outer boundary.The transverse space V tx is assumed to be asymptoticallyflat at the transverse spa-tial infinity S∞.momentum tensor satisfying the dominant energy condi-tion.To discuss the positivity of Y-ADM mass density, let us introduce the Nester3-form[1]defined asB abc=ψ†γˆ0ˆ1γabcd∇dψ(2) in analogy with the Nester2form in the proof of thepositive energy theorem[5],whereψis asymptotically constant spinor in the transverse direction and satisfiesthe Dirac-Witten equation q a bγb∇aψ=0.However,in the reference[1],we dealt with the transversely asymp-toticallyflat1brane spacetimes with no horizon since the in general,in the case with a horizon there exists singularity in the interior region and so the discussion in the reference[1]cannot be applied to the spacetimes with horizons,such as,black string.In the latter case, we need add the surface integral over the cross section H of horizon and transverse space as the inner boundary to the surface integral over the transverse spatial infin-ity.To explain this,let us begin with the volume integral over the transverse space V tx(See the equation(19)in the reference[1]),18πV tx[(G ab t a t b −R abcd x a x c q bd)ψ†ψ+2(∇aψ†)q ab(∇bψ)].(3) If we choose the cross section of the horizon and the transverse space as an inner boundary in analogy with the reference[13],then as the result of applying Stokes’theorem to the left hand side in the above eqaution,we obtain the following eqaution,18πHdS abc(B abc+B∗abc)=18πHdS abc(B abc+B∗abc)=12KAˆiγˆiγˆ0ψ=(D−2)∇ˆAψ+12K Aˆiγˆiγˆ0ψ=(D−3)∇ˆAψ+12JˆAˆnγˆnγˆ1ψ+18πHdS abc(B abc+B∗abc)=1=12(Kˆiˆi−Kˆ1ˆ1−Kˆ2ˆ2+kˆAˆA),(12)where l a=12(t a+r a)is outgoing null vector.Therefore,we observe that when this expansion of the cross section H of the horizon and the transverse space V tx,the sur-face term on the cross section of the horizon vanishes. We should note that unlike the proof in the references [13,15],in general,this term does not vanishes on the apparent horizon,sinceθ+is not expansion of horizon but that of the cross section of the horizon and the transverse space.III.SUF ACE TERM OVER A HORIZONAs mentioned in the previous section,the surface inte-gral over the cross section of the horizon and the trans-verse space generally does not vanish on an apparent hori-zon unlike the proof of Gibbons[13].As seen in the below,a sufficient for this surface term to vanish is the cases where the apparent horizon becomes null surface. In this section,we will show that the above surface term vanishes on an apparent horizon in the above conditions.A.Cases where an apparent horizon is nullFollowing Hayward’s discussion[16],an apparent hori-zon is null if and only if null energy condition hold,the shear and the normal energy density vanishes[16](ex-actly speaking,this is a necessary and sufficient condition for a so-called trapping horizon defined by the closure of a D−1dimensional surface foliated by marginal surfaces on whichΘ+=0,Θ−=0and L−Θ+=0,where L−de-notes the Lie derivative along the ingoing null direction andΘ−is the expansion of the ingoing null geodesics, becomes null surface.In this paper,the apparent hori-zon means this trapping horizon.).We can show that if an apparent horizon is null surface,the above surface term vanishes.The expansion of out going null geodesics on the apparent horizon is defied asΘ+=s ab∇a l b=x a x b∇a l b+θ+=0(13) On the other hand,the shear of the horizon can be ex-pressed in the formσab=s c(a s d b)∇a l b−15Phys.65,45(1979).[5]E.Witten,“A Simple Proof Of the Positive Energy The-orem,”Commun.Math.Phys.80,381(1981).[6]J.Nester,Phys.Lett.83A,241(1981).[7]P.K.Townsend and M.Zamaklar,“Thefirst law of blackbrane mechanics,”Class.Quant.Grav.18,5269(2001) [arXiv:hep-th/0107228].[8]J.H.Traschen,“A positivity theorem for gravitationaltension in brane spacetimes,”Class.Quant.Grav.21, 1343(2004)[arXiv:hep-th/0308173].[9]J.H.Traschen and D.Fox,“Tension perturbations ofblack brane spacetimes,”Class.Quant.Grav.21,289 (2004)[arXiv:gr-qc/0103106].[10]S.W.Hawking and G.T.Horowitz,“The GravitationalHamiltonian,action,entropy and surface terms,”Class.Quant.Grav.13,1487(1996)[arXiv:gr-qc/9501014]. 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