High power 808 nm InGaAlAs semiconductor lasers by MBE


Giga-tronics 8500A系列峰值功率计说明书

Giga-tronics 8500A系列峰值功率计说明书

8500A SERIES PEAK POWER METERSThe Giga-tronics 8500A Series Peak Power Meters combine CW power mea-surement with the ability to make precise peak power measurements at any point on a pulsed waveform.This dual, built-in capabil-ity lets you measure and analyze pulsed waveforms with a single instrument.VITAL ST A TISTICS 8500A Series meters let you view a pulsed wave-form, along with critical parameters, on a built-in display.A reference cursor pinpoints the precise mea-surement location on the waveform with 100 ps res-olution.Precise sequential sam-pling lets you measure the same point on each pulse at over 70 measurements per second.THE ACCURACY STANDARDAt the heart of an 8500A Series meter is a built-in power sweep calibrator with NIST traceable accu-racy.The calibration system uses the inherent linearity and stability of an ovenized thermistor to accurately calibrate the high-speed diode sensors from 0 to 50°C, ambient. T his built-in capability lets you make absolute power measurements with accu-racy generally found only in thermistor power meters. And automatic self-calibra-tion take less than a minute.ONE OR TWO CHANNEL S Choose the Model 8501A meter for single-channel operation, or the Model 8502A meter for two-channel capability. For tests on pulse mod-ulators and pulsed TWTs, the 8502A can measure a CW signal on one chan-nel and a pulsed signal on the other. And the power reading from each sensor is independently corrected, automatically.BUIL T -IN FREQUENCY RESPONSE CALIBRA TION Correcting for sensor frequency response is easy and automatic. Each sensor contains an EEPROM programmed with the frequency calibra-tion factors measured at the factory, or in your cal lab.When you key in the fre-quency at which power is being measured, the meter automatically applies the correct cal factorGiga-tronics 8500A Series Peak Power Metersfrom the sensor EEPROM.Not only is this an easy way to handle cal factors, but it also avoids the chance of errors from reading a table or graph.It also saves time onGPIB systems, because you don’t have to manually enter a new set of cal factors when changing sensors.Sensor diodes and PROMS can be replaced in the field. Use the Giga-tronics PROM programmer to download new cal factor data into the replacement PROM.AUTOMA TIC SELF EXAMINA TIONAND CALIBRA TION8500A Series meters automati-cally execute a self-test routine at turn-on that performs eleven different checks on critical inter-nal circuitry.When turned on, an8500A Series meter also checks the serial number of the attached sensor and, if necessary, requests selection of the auto-matic calibration routine.MENU DRIVENOPERA TION8500A Series meters areextremely easy to use.Interactive prompts and soft-key-operated menus step youquickly and easily throughtriggering setups and measure-ments. Rise time, pulse widthand fall time can be displayedautomatically.ANAL YZE PULSEPROFILESAnalyze pulse profiles and readpeak power at any point on thepulse using the reference levelcursor.And make precise timing mea-surements, such as rise time andpulse width, using up to fourmeasurement points perchannel.GBIP OPERA TIONGPIB capability allows computercontrol of the instrument. Manyinternal high-level functions, suchas rise time and pulse width, areavailable directly over the bus,freeing you to perform othertasks.Power readings can typically bemade every 10ms,using the Fast Data mode.An optional internal MATEinterface is also available.HIGH-SPEEDDIODE SENSORSGiga-tronics uses high-speeddiode sensors, rather thanslower thermal sensors, toachieve higher sampling rates.Interchangeable sensors coverthe frequency range from 30MHz to 40 GHz.Fast rise time sensors areavailable to measure single shotor repetitive pulses as narrow as15 ns.And the same sensors measureCW signals over a wide -40 to+20 dBm dynamic range.Giga-tronics 8500A Series Peak Power Meters Sensor Selection Guide and SpecificationsMETERFrequency Range: 30 MHz to 40 GHz depending on sensors (see sensors specifications)Power Range:Pulse: -20 to +20 dBmCW: -40 to +20 dBm (see sensor specifications)ACCURACYThe uncertainty of microwave power measure-ments depends on several factors, the most impo-rant being the effective mismatch of both the power sensor and the RF source. Excluding mis-match effects, the measurement uncertainties of the instrument are:Calibration Power Uncertainty (at 0 dBm): ± 1.5% Linearity after Automatic Calibration: ± 3% (at stable temperature)T ypical T emperature Coefficient of Linearity at Ambient± 5° C, CW and Peak; typical: >-10 dBm: negligible, 0 to 50° C <-10 dBm; ± 0.5%/° C, 15 to 50° C;± 1.0%/° C, 0 to 15° C (Instrument indicates if ± 5° C calibration range is exceeded.)Uncertainty due to Zeroing and Noise: CW (Avg.=500): <± 10 nW , 15 to 50° C; <± 20 nW , 0 to 15° CPeak (Avg.=100): <± 3.5 µW , 15 to 50° C; <± 5.0 µW , 0 to 15° CSingle Pulse (typ.): <± 15 µW , 15 to 50° C; <± 30 µW , 0 to 15° C1Uncertainty + Total Calibrator/Sensor Mismatch Uncertainty + Total Linearity Uncertainty +Total Sensor/Source Mismatch Uncertainty + Total Noise UncertaintyTime Base Range: 1.2 ns/div to 20 ms/div (12 ns to 200 ms time window, using either the Data Entry Keyboard or the Control Knob.) Maximum Resolution: 0.1 nsAccuracy: 0.01% of time window, ± 1 nsT riggering Modes:Internal: -20 to + 16 dBmExternal (BNC): T TL Levels, Maximum PRF 1 MHzT rigger Delay Range: 0 to 200 ms, using either the Data Entry Keyboard or the Control Knob.Resolution: 0.1 nsAccuracy: 0.01% of delay, ± 1 nsMinimum Pulse Width: 20 ns, 15 ns rise time sensors Markers: Up to 4 markers per channel plus a Reference Power Level cursor. Markers can be positioned at any point on the pulse waveform. T ypcially they would be positioned to make rise time and pulse width measure- ments. T he markers and cursor can be positioned either at user selected delays or automatically at specifiedpercentage of amplitude for pulse parametermeasurements.Graph Display Mode: Plots the outline of the detected pulse on the front panel display, and provides read-out of amplitude and timing information.Fast Measurement Mode: Available under GPIB con- trol to provide fast data acquisition and output. For an average number = 1, typically between 70 and 120measurements per second are made. Via the rear panel analog output, swept frequency response tests can be made using a network analyzer.CALIBRA TORFrequency: 1 GHz ± 5%Power Uncertainty at 1 mW: ± 1.5% Return Loss at 1 mW: >25 dBSelf Calibration Time: <1 minute Connector: T ype N(f)GENERALStored Setups: Saves settings at power down and ten additional stored setups in non-volatile mem- ory.Self-T est: Performed automatically at turn-on and optionally at anytime. A diagnostic code indicates the cause and location of any errors.Reset Control (Rear Panel): Returns instrument to present default condition.Design and Construction: T o the intent ofMIL-T-28800C, T ype III, Class 5, Style E or F, Color R.Power Requirements: 100, 120, 220 or 240 VAC ± 10%, 48 to 480 Hz.Power Consumption: Approximately 100 VAT emperature:Operating: 0 to 50° C (32 to 122° F)Non-operating: -40 to +65° C (-40 to 149° F) Humidity (Operating w/o precipitation): 95% ±5% to 30° C; 75% ±5% to 40° C; 45%±5% to 50° CPhysical Characteristics:Size: 13.3 cm H x 42.6 cm W x 35.6 cm D(5.25 in x 16.75 in x 14 in)Weight: Model 8501A, 12 kg (26 lbs);Model 8502A, 13 kg (28 lbs) AUXILIARY OUTPUTS/INPUTS (BNC) Monitor: Provides a real time profile of the detec- ted RF envelope. Rise time is typically 20 ns, output impedance is nominally 50 Ω. V oltage output istypically 4 mV to +2 V depending on power level. T rigger Input: TTLRF Blanking: TTL open collector low during zero- ing. Used to control power source.Directly traceable to NIST.3Square root of the sum of the individual uncertainties squared (RSS).Analog Output: Provides a voltage proportionalto detected power. Scale factor is 100 mV/dB, ±0.5%,offset is <±10 mV.Voltage Proportional to Frequency (V/GHz): Allows direct entry of frequency from RF power sourcesequipped with V prop F output.GPIB INTERFACEIn accordance with IEEE STD 488-1978GPIB Indicators: REM, T LK, LSN, SRQ, LLORemote Operation: Complete setup and measurement capabilities accessible via GPIB. Reporting of errors,malfunctions, operational status and self-test diagnostics available through serial poll capability.Direct Plot Output: Outputs hardcopy pulse profile,including time, date and part identification, to a GPIBplotter.GPIB Address: Selectable from front panel.GPIB Interface Functions: SHI, A HI, T6, L4, SRI, RLI, PPO, DCI, DTI, T EO, LEOORDERING INFORMA TIONPeak Power Meters8501A Single Channel Peak Power Meter8502A Dual Channel Peak Power MeterPower Sensors16934A 30 MHz to 18.5 GHz, T ype N16935A 30 MHz to 18.5 GHz, A PC-716936A 750 MHz to 18.5 GHz, High Speed, T ype N 16937A 750 MHz to 18.5 GHz, High Speed, A PC-7 17266A 750 MHz to 26.5 GHz, High Speed Sensor, T ype K 17267A 30 MHz to 26.5 GHz, T ype K17071A 750 MHz to 40.0 GHz, High Speed Sensor, T ype K 17071/S5428 500 MHz to 40.0 GHz, High Speed, T ype K Options01 Rack Mount03 Rear Panel Sensor and Calibrator Connectors(Replaces Front Panel Connectors)04 Internal MATE Interface Accessories and Maintenance T ools16956-001 Extra Sensor Cable Assembly, 5 ft. 16956-002 Extra Sensor Calbe Assembly, 10 ft. 14052 IEEE-488 (GPIB) Cable, 2 Meter16976 Sensor PROM Programmer17075 Extender Board, Single Connector 17076 Extender Board, Dual Connector 20790 Extra 8500A Series Manual19206 8500A Series Calibration Kit: Consists of 17075, 17076, 16976 & 20790Giga-tronics Incorporated4650 Norris Canyon RoadSan Ramon, California 94583Telephone: 800 726 4442 or925 328 4650Telefax: 925 328 4700Web Site: © 2002 Giga-tronics IncorporatedGT-071-B。



Pin Assignment and Descriptions .............................................................................................. 9 2.1 2.2 Pin assignment (top view) .................................................................................................... 9 Pin descriptions .................................................................................................................... 9
Description Update TFBGA ball map and pin description Update pin-mux and strap information Update RF part description Update System overview Update RF part electrical characteristics Update analog part electrical characteristics Update RF LDO electrical characteristics Update power scheme Add RTC domain power scheme Modify according to YC Chien’s suggestion Update by JN Yang about UART baud rate and SPI/I2C clock rate Update RF related description Update system overview by Andy Lee Update host interface related description Update power scheme Update block diagram Update crystal frequency range Update external LNA related information Update power scheme diagram and EEPROM I2C interface timing diagram Update power related description Update footprint size Change minimum input power to 2.7V Sync PIN naming of DC characteristic table and change minimum input power to 2.8V Update power scheme and RF information Update description of 32K_OUT pin Add ECLK and SYNC description Add 1.2V IO characteristic for TIMER and 32K_OUT and update serial flash size to 128Mb Remove description about factory testing and internal SRAM size Remove description about strap function tcxo on/off 1. Update RTC leakage information to typ 2. Update package dimensions information Update RF related descriptions 1. Remove Vcc description in 6.3.1 2. Add strap pin tldo_sw_sel description Change MAX of VIH for TIMER and 32K_OUT to 3.6V Change description in 5.20 about CLDO off Add RF LNA MIN of VGA gain and MAX of noise figure © 2011 MediaTek Inc. Page 2 of 37

CommScope 电源优化系统说明书

CommScope 电源优化系统说明书

The patent pending PowerShift ™dynamically to match your exact RRU power requirements.Section 1: PowerShift ™Section 2: Capacitive Jumper ..................................................................................................................03Section 3: Recommended Interconnect Power Cables ........................................................................04Section 4: General Wiring Diagram ....................................................................................................05Section 5: Rack Installation ..............................................................................................................................06Section 6: Wiring of the Module ........................................................................................................................06Section 7: Capacitive Jumper Installation ..............................................................................................08Section 8: Capacitive Jumper Mounting ............................................................................................09Section 9: Splicing Capacitive Jumper to Power ................................................................................10Section 10: Module Installation ...........................................................................................................................11Section 11: Testing and Maintenance .....................................................................................................12Section 12: Output Circuit Overload Protection . .................................................................................14Section 13: Dip Switch / RJ45 Jacks / Alarm Relay . (17)Field Engineering Services (FES)Support services, such as our Field Engineering Services (FES) Group gives CommScope customers access to technical support where and when it is needed the most — in the field. The FES team is staffed by an expert team of technicians who, in turn, are supported by some of the brightest and most experienced product line managers.Customer Service CenterUnited States and Mexico 1-800-255-1479 or 1-888-235-5732 International: +1-779-435-8579For the most current, up-to-date information on all our products and product information please visit our eCatalog section at .PowerShift ® V1 DAS Installation Instructions, Rev DGUI v1.4 − Power Module Series 1:1 and newer (firmware v1.9 and newer)The Base Unit is used in conjunction with the existing DC power plant at the installation site.1. The modules are plug-and-play for easy installation and site maintenance. 2. The base unit has capacity for four modules.3. Each module has DC input and DC output for three Remote Radio Units (RRU), for a total capacity of 12 RRU sectorsper PowerShift base unit.4.Each module unit is also provided with diagnostic indicators, explained in section 12.Section 1: PowerShift ™ V1 System ComponentsThe PowerShift V1 System Consists of two components: the Base Unit and Capacitive Jumpers.Rack Part Number: PS-R-1Module Part Number: PS-1-73Note: The PowerShift base unit will not operate without the corresponding Capacitive Jumper. Each modulerequires three Capacitive Jumpers (oneper circuit)1 Per circuit; 3 circuits per module2Input/output voltage and current range are guaranteed values, typical operating values will exceed these by about 10%; examples:Typical input cutoff (minimum) voltage: 42V x 0.9 ≈ 38VTypical output maximum current: 20A x 1.1 ≈ 22A3 Turn-on voltage is higher than cut-off voltage in order to provide hysteresis protection4 Total power = power consumed by radio + power loss in trunk cable5 RRU input voltage set-point is factory programmed (not user settable). Other voltage set-point are possible, contact CommScope 6For cable lengths outside these ranges, contact CommScope for more informationThe Capacitive Jumper is a circuit at the radio input to provide the PowerShift base unit with information regarding actual line impedance. Additionally it compensates for DC inductance of the power line further reducing power loss.Section 2: Capacitive JumperGeneral SpecificationsTypePower-only Capacitive Jumper BrandHELIAX ® FiberFeed ® Conductor Gauge, singles 6-12 AWG (10 AWG typical)Conductors, quantity 2Enclosure Color Grey Jacket ColorBlackEnvironmental SpecificationsEnvironmental Space UV resistant for outdoor and/or direct burial installations Operating Temperature Maximum value based on a standard condition of 20 °C (68 °F)Safety Voltage Rating600 VDimensionsWeight 1.1 kg | 2.5 lb Diameter Over Jacket12.395 mm | 0.488 inEnclosure 304.8 mm | 12 in (length, including cable gland nuts) 76.2 mm | 3 in (width)76.2 mm | 3 in (depth)GeneralMount Tabs includedSection 3: Recommended Interconnect Power Cables(coordinate with a CommScope representative to determine popper gauge/length) ConstructionMaterials: PWRT-210-S Construction Type Conductor Material Dielectric MaterialDrain Wire MaterialFiller MaterialGround Wire Material Insulation Material, singles Jacket MaterialOuter Shield (Braid) Coverage Outer Shield (Braid) Gauge Outer Shield (Braid) Material Outer Shield (Tape) MaterialDimensionsCable WeightDiameter Over Conductor, singlesDiameter Over Dielectric Diameter Over Drain WireDiameter Over Ground Wire Diameter Over Jacket Diameter Over Shield (Braid) Jacket Thickness Electrical Specifications Conductor dc Resistance Conductor dc Resistance NoteSafety Voltage Rating Environmental Specifications Environmental Space Operating Temperature Safety Standard General Specifications ApplicationCable TypeJacket ColorConductor Gauge, singles Conductor Type, singles Conductors, quantity Construction TypeDrain Wire GaugeGround Wire Gauge Ground Wire TypeJacket Color, singles Non-armoredTinned copperPVCTinned copper PolypropyleneTinned copperPVCPVC65 %36 AWGTinned copperAluminum/Poly, nonbonded0.30 kg/m | 0.20 lb/ft3.2004 mm per 105 strand0.1260 in per 105 strand4.7244 mm | 0.1860 in1.8800 mm per 7 strand0.0740 in per 7 strand3.200 mm | 0.126 in12.395 mm | 0.488 in10.109 mm | 0.398 in1.143 mm | 0.045 in1.06 ohms/kft | 3.47 ohms/km Maximum value based on a standard condition of 20 °C (68 °F)600 VUV resistant for outdoor and/or direct burial installations-40°C to +90 °C (-40°F to+194 °F)NEC Article 336 (Type TC)IndustrialPowerBlack8 AWGStranded2Discrete power cable12 AWG10 AWGStrandedBlack | RedPWRT-210-SSection 4: General Wiring DiagramBoxSleeve/Pendant Long cable runPower-only Capacitive JumperRemotesJunction or splice box* based on the # of RRU’s on-siteSection 5: Rack InstallationDetermine the installation depth required for the base unit, attach the side flanges in the appropriate location. 3 screws are required per side.Mount the unit in a standard 19” rack near the current DC power output breaker box.Ground the unit by installing a ground wire at the base of the unit.Section 6: Wiring of the ModuleRemove 2 small screws on the back of the unit and remove the back cover to expose the terminal screws. (replace screws to keep them with the unit)The rear of the shelf is divided into 12 individual circuits each containing a DC input and a DC output. There is a positive and negative terminal strip connection for each DC input and out. The right side pair is for the DC input and the left sideRun cables from the Base Unit Output screws to the baseband Surge Protection Device / Over Voltage Protection (SPD / OVP) input if installed. Then attach the SPD / OVP outputs to the trunk cable that runs to the Remote’s.If no SPD/OVP is installed, then connect the trunk cable directly to the Base Unit Output screws.Repeat for each circuit.Re-install the back cover of the unit when complete.the expected value in micro-Farads (µF) is 1100µF +/- 25% (i.e. 825 to 1375µF). If an open or short condition is detected then there is likely a fault in the trunk cable or in the capacitive jumper.Section 8: Capacitive Jumper MountingMethod 2: Using a multi-meter, take a resistance measurement across the Base Unit Output screws. First, take a resistance measurement to confirm the circuit is open. Second, temporarily connect (short) the two conductors together at thecapacitive jumper (i.e. at the end of the capacitive jumper cable) and take a resistance measurement; the value should be less than 3 Ohms (it is dependent on the trunk cable gauge and length).Connect the other end of the capacitive jumper to the Remote Radio Unit. See section 10 for connector installation instructions.23Loosen 4 screws to remove the cover. Screws are ARE captive to the lid but can be removed if required.1Section 9: Splicing Capacitive Jumper to Power101.6 mm (4 in)6.35 mm (1/4 in)When lid is removed inspect pre-installed jumper to be sure nothing has come loose during shipping and handling.Braided ground-48VRTNRemove 101.6 mm (4 inches) of outer shielding from the power trunk cable. Remove 6.35 mm (1/4 inch) of conductor jacketing. Install power trunk into enclosure by loosening gland nut and threading into gland opening. Connect 0 Volt conductor to the corresponding 0 Volt terminal. Connect -48 Volt conductor to the corresponding -48 Volts terminal. Connect the braided ground to its terminal. Tighten cable gland and reinstall the lid. Support the power trunk cable 152 mm (6 in) from the cablegland.Braided ground-48VRTN Power from Junction BoxCable glandCompleted 4 module (12 RRU) installationdetermine the line resistance• A major alarm will be raised on the base unit alarm relay• After the 30 second interval, the module will still enable output voltage to power up the radio; a default line resistance of 0.15 Ohms is used, which should result in an output voltage sufficient to power up the radio• Troubleshoot by confirming the capacitive jumper is connected, repeat the integrity check in Section 7• Note that PowerShift can not measure a line resistance that is > 3.5 Ohms5. If any status lights are not green, refer to the alarm information below.6. Note the following:• Cycling the input power to a circuit (off and back on) will restart the 30 second measurement interval (i.e., the module will perform a new measurement of the line resistance)• After the 30 second measurement interval is complete, the module will use the measured line resistance indefinitely;it will not attempt to re-measure the line resistance unless the input power to the circuit is cycledAlarmsThere are four LED status indicators on each PowerShift Module: 1, 2, 3 and X:1. 1, 2 and 3 represent the status of each of the three power circuits in the module.2. X represents the status of the overall module.3. Intermittent or latent failures will be indicated by the X indicator even if the individual circuits are functioning correctly.Circuit LEDs (1, 2, 3)1. Solid green LED indicates the circuit is functioning properly.2. A blinking green LED indicates the circuit is performing a line resistance measurement• This occurs every time input power is applied to the circuit (including when the input power is cycled off and back on)• The circuit LED should blink green for about 30 seconds and then change to solid green• If the LED continues to blink green after 30 seconds this indicates an alarm condition (the module is unable to measure the line resistance)Module LED (“X”)1. Solid green LED indicates the module is functioning properly.2. If the X LED is not green, but 1, 2 and/or 3 are green, the indicated circuit(s) are still functioning properly and deliveringpower, but a latent failure has occurred (e.g., a temporary over-temperature condition)See the alarm table on following page for additional information on LED status and troubleshootingThe power module is designed to shut off the output from a circuit in the event the load demand exceeds the circuit maximum output capacity of 1460W total power (radio demand + power loss in the trunk cable)Under normal circumstance an output overload should not occur; the proper design and installation of the PowerShift system ensures the maximum radio load demand and the trunk cable length do not exceed the circuit capacity.However, off-nominal events such as a short in the trunk cable or a malfunctioning radio could cause the load demand to exceed the module output capacity. In this event the module functions as follows:When circuit capacity is exceeded the module will shut off its output, the GUI appears as shown below using Circuit 1 as an example Note the following: • The GUI shows Circuit 1 has input voltage but no output voltage or current (output is shut off due to the overload condition)• The LEDs and GUI icons for Circuit 1 for “X” are yellow blinking• The GUI circuit status shows red text for “off” (no output power) and out• The alarm relay on the back of the shelf is set for a critical alarm conditionSection 12: Output Circuit Overload ProtectionModule Circuit-Overload RecoveryThe module will check the condition of the circuit about every 3-5 seconds to determine if the overload condition remains or if it has cleared; each time the circuit check is performed the applicable module circuit LED will briefly flash green and the GUI status will briefly show “okay”If the overload condition clears within 20 minutes then the module will re-enable power output of the circuitIf the overload condition has not cleared, the module will continue to keep the circuit output shut off and will continue to check the circuit condition about every 3-5 secondsAfter 20 minutes, if the circuit overload condition has not cleared, the module will latch the circuit output off and will discontinue checking the circuit condition (the applicable circuit and “X” LEDs will continue to blink yellow)Once the circuit has latched off, the user must intervene as follows to re-enable the circuit:• The circuit overload condition must be cleared• The input power to the circuit must be cycled off and back on (typically by using the DC plant circuit breaker)• The circuit will re-enable its output power, the applicable circuit LED will blink green for about 30 seconds while the line resistance is measured• After about 30 seconds:• GUI Circuit number icon and the module front panel LED are both solid green• The GUI circuit status shows “okay”• The GUI “X” icon and module LED are both solid greenModule High Temperature ProtectionT he power module is designed to protect itself from an excessive temperature (overheating) condition. Under normal operating conditions the module cooling fans provide adequate cooling for the module. However in off-nominal conditions (blockage of the module’s air intake or exhaust grill, failure of the site shelter cooling) the module will shutoff output if its internal temperature rises too high. In this event the module functions as follows:• When the internal temperature rises too high the module shuts off the output of all affected circuit(s)• There are two possible operating conditions for the module once a thermal overload has occurred: Condition 1, Critical Alarm: The high temperature condition (e.g., failure of the shelter cooling) has not beenresolved and thus the module output remains shut off. The high temperature condition must be resolved and the internal module temperature allowed to drop down below threshold before the module will re-enable its output powerCondition 2, Major Alarm: The thermal overload condition has been resolved and the module output hasre-enabled. Note that the thermal overload alarm still remains active (latched) until the user intervenes to clear the alarm• Using Circuit 1 as an example, the GUI and module LEDs will appear as shown below for the two conditions:Thermal Shutdown, Condition 1, Critical Alarm (high temperature condition is not resolved, no output power)Note the following:• The GUI shows Circuit 1 has input voltage but no output voltage or current (output is shut off due to an unresolved high temperature condition)• The GUI Circuit 1 icon and the “X” icon are both highlighted red blinking• The GUI Circuit 1 status shows “temp out-I off” indicating the circuit shutoff is due to a thermal overload• The module front panel “1” and “X” LEDs are both red blinking• The alarm relays on the back of the shelf is set for a critical alarm conditionThermal Shutdown, Condition 2, Major Alarm (high temperature condition has resolved, output power in enabled)Note the following:• The GUI shows Circuit 1 has output voltage and output currentThe GUI Circuit 1 icon shows green blinking, the “X” icon shows yellow solid•• The GUI Circuit 1 status shows “temp ” indicating there is an alarm condition on the circuit (i.e., a latched alarm for the prior thermal shutdown)• The module front panel “1” LED is green blinking, and the “X” LED is yellow solid• The alarm relays on the back of the shelf is set for a major alarm conditionModule Thermal - Overload RecoveryNote the following:• If the module is still shutdown (Condition 1, critical alarm) then the high temperature condition must first be resolved(e.g., unblock the fan, restore shelter cooling) such that the module internal temperature falls below the shutdownthreshold and the module re-enables output power (it will then be in Condition 2)• Once the module has re-enabled power (Condition 2, major alarm) the user must clear the alarm by using the GUI to click the “clear” button for each circuit that has highlighted “temp” status• The applicable circuits will change back to nominal operating condition (see below):The GUI Circuit number icon and the module front panel LED are both solid greenThe GUI circuit status shows “ok”The GUI “X” icon and module LED are both solid greenDip Switch and RJ45 jacks are present on each base unit for possible attachment to an external controller such as a GE Critical Power Standard Controller.Section 14: Dip Switch / RJ45 Jacks / Alarm RelayThe Dip switch position is factory preset for no controller with both switches down. If for any reason these switches are not set accordingly, the unit will not function properly unless configured for use with a controller. Please ensure that both switches are reset to the down position as illustrated above.Dip SwitchLocated on the side of therack behind the DATA portsAlarm Relay Connections1. The alarm status of the unit is externally accessible with the screw terminal present at the rear near the RJ45 Jacks.。



1US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Superior elongation and tensilestrength help to prevent tearing in use due to mishandling. Typical properties for CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 materi-al are shown on pages 33 and 32respectively.High Shielding PerformanceCHO-SEAL 1310 material provides more than 80 dB of shielding effectiv-ness from 100 MHz to 10 GHz, while CHO-SEAL 1273 material provides more than 100 dB.Low Volume ResistivityBoth materials have exceptionally low volume resistivity, which makes them well suited for grounding appli-cations in which a flexible electrical contact is needed.Low Compression GasketSpacer gaskets are typicallydesigned to function under low deflec-tion forces. Chomerics uses design tools such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to accurately predict compres-sion-deflection behavior of various cross section options. Refer to page16.LCP Plastic SpacerLiquid crystal polymer (LCP)spacers, including those made with Vectra A130 material, provide aCHO-SEAL ®1310 or 1273Conductive ElastomersWith EMI spacer gaskets, shielding and grounding are provided by Chomerics’CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 conductive elastomers, specifi-cally formulated for custom shape molded parts. They provide excellent shielding and isolation against electro-magnetic interference (EMI), or act as a low impedance ground path between PCB traces and shielding media. Physically tough, these elas-tomers minimize the risk of gasket damage, in contrast to thin-walled extrusions or unsupported molded gaskets.Silicone-based CHO-SEAL 1310and 1273 materials offer excellent resistance to compression set over a wide temperature range, resulting in years of continuous service. CHO-SEAL 1310 material is filled with silver-plated-glass particles, while 1273 utilizes silver-plated-copper filler to provide higher levels of EMI shielding effectiveness.EMI Spacer GasketsThe unique design of Chomerics’EMI spacer gaskets features a thin plastic retainer frame onto which a conductive elastomer is molded. The elastomer can be located inside or outside the retainer frame, as well as on its top and bottom surface. EMI spacer gaskets provide a newapproach to designing EMI gaskets into handheld electronics such as dig-ital cellular phones. Board-to-board spacing is custom designed to fit broad application needs. Customized cross sections and spacer shapes allow for very low closure forcerequirements and a perfect fit in any design or device.Robotic InstallationSpacer gaskets can be installed quickly by robotic application. Integral locater pins in the plastic spacer help ensure accuratepositioning in both manual and pick-and-place assembly. Benefits include faster assembly and lower labor costs.The integrated conductive elastomer/plastic spacer gasket is a low cost,easily installed system for providing EMI shielding and grounding in small electronic enclosures.Figure 1Single Piece EMI Gasket/Locator PinsCHO-SEAL 1310 or 1273 Conductive Elastomer (Inside)Plastic Spacer Around Outsideor InsideApplications for EMI Spacer GasketsThe spacer gasket concept is especially suited to digital and dual board telephone handsets or other handheld electronic devices. It provides a low impedance path between peripheral ground traces on printed circuit boards and components such as:•the conductive coating on a plastic housing•another printed circuit board •the keypad assemblyTypical applications for EMI spacer gaskets include:•Digital cellular, handyphone and personal communications services (PCS) handsets •PCMCIA cards•Global Positioning Systems (GPS)•Radio receivers•Other handheld electronics, e.g.,personal digital assistants (PDAs)•Replacements for metal EMI shield-ing “fences” on printedcircuit boards in wireless tele-communications devicesstable platform for direct, highprecision molding of conductive elas-tomers. The Vectra A130 material described in Table 1 has excellent heat deflection temperature character-istics (489°F, 254°C). For weight con-siderations, the LCP has aspecific gravity of only 1.61. This plas-tic is also 100% recyclable.Typical EMI Spacer Gasket Design ParametersThe EMI spacer gasket concept can be considered using the design parameters shown in Table 2. Some typical spacer gasket profiles are shown below.Figure 2Typical Spacer Gasket Profiles3US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Finite Element AnalysisChomerics, a division of the Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Seal Group, is the headquarters of Parker Seal’s Elastomer Simulation Group. This unit specializes in elastomer finite element analysis (FEA) using MARC K6 series software as a foundation for FEA capability.Benefits of FEA include:•Quickly optimizing elastomer gasket designs•Allowing accurate predictions of alternate elastomer design concepts •Eliminating extensive trial and error prototype evaluationTypical use of FEA in EMI spacer gasket designs is to evaluate the force vs. deflection requirements of alternate designs.For example, onespacer design features a continuous bead of con-ductive elastomer molded onto a plastic spacer. An alternative designemploys an “interrupted bead,” where the interrup-tions (gaps left on the plastic frame) are sized to maintain the requiredlevel of EMI shielding. Figure 4illustrates these alternative designs.Gasket DeflectionFigure 5 compares the effect of continuous and interrupted elastomer gasket designs in terms of the force required to deflect the conductive elastomer. This actual cellular handset application required a spacer gasket with interrupted bead to meet desired deflection forces.Chomerics Designand Application ServicesChomerics will custom design a spacer for your application. Advice,analysis and design assistance will be provided by Chomerics Applications and Design engineers at no additional fee. Contact Chomerics directlyat the locations listed at the bottom of the page.Figure 3FEA Example of an EMISpacer Gasket Cross SectionFigure 4Continuous (top) and InterruptedElastomer GasketsFigure 5Typical Spacer Gasket Deflection。



Copyright 2005 Rev. 0, 2005-07-14
Page 12
UM4000 / UM4900
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Mounting of high power laser diodes on boron nitride heat sinks using an optimized Au-Sn metallurgy

Mounting of high power laser diodes on boron nitride heat sinks using an optimized Au-Sn metallurgy

434IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADV ANCED PACKAGING,VOL.24,NO.4,NOVEMBER 2001Mounting of High Power Laser Diodes on Boron Nitride Heat Sinks Using anOptimizedAu/Sn MetallurgyWolfgang Pittroff ,Member,IEEE ,Goetz Erbert ,Member,IEEE ,Gert Beister,Frank Bugge,Achim Klein,Arne Knauer,Juergen Maege,Peter Ressel,Juergen Sebastian,Ralf Staske,and Guenther TraenkleAbstract—High power diode lasers become more and more im-portant to industrial and medical applications.In contrast to low power applications,long cavity lasers or laser bars are used in this field and mounting quality influences considerably laser perfor-mance and life time.In this paper we focus on the solder metal-lurgy and stress-induced laser behavior after mounting.The laser chips have been bonded fluxless epi-side down on translucent cubic boron nitride (T-cBN)using Au/Sn solder.The laser behavior has been tested with different chip metallizations preserving the eutectic solder composition or forming the Aurich-phase during soldering within a wide processwindow.This procedure yields better results then using eutectic Au/Sn which has a higher hardness thanthem and an aperture of200PublPITTROFF et al.:MOUNTING OF HIGH POWER LASER DIODES435Fig.2.Metal layer structures for Au/Sn die bonding:Ti—adhesion layer,Pt—diffusion barrier,thin Au—wetting layer (a)Eutectic Au/Sn composition preserves.(b) -phase forms,additional Au on the substrate.(c) -phase forms,additional Au on the chip.Chips are mounted using an eutectic die-bonder (Weld-Equip).We used a pulse heated thermode,controlled by an Unitek Phasemaster.Fluxless bonding is performed in anopen flow of forming gas N(10)heated up to 300-phase formation during reflow an additional Au layerhas to be introduced [7].It can be placed at the substrate side [Fig.2(b)]as proposed in [4].If using a thermode for reflow soldering this layer sequence has a serious disadvantage which is related to the heat flow from the thermode upwards to the die:First the Au/Sn solder will melt,the Au will start to dissolve andthe-phase arrives one will get a poor solder joint.This is strongly dependent onthe-phase will start growing onlyafter the chip surface has reached the soldering temperature.The soldering is not sensitive anymore tothe-phase.Applying the Au layer on the chip side[Fig.2(c)]we achieved highly reproducible bonds.Poor wetting which results in voids can cause localized stress [8]and localized heating near the active layer.As a first test of successful bonding we sheared off the chip at 300C).The metallization completely remains onthe heat spreader which proves the existenceofC.Thechip metallization has remained on the heat spreader except for two regions of poorwetting.-phase.No grain structure can be found.(The poor surfacequality of the polished cross section in the lower part of the solder layer is caused by the hardness difference between BN and solder alloy.)The dimensions and the soldering parameters of this attach-ment are listed as follows:Die Material:GaAs.Die metallization Ti–Pt–Au–Au plated.Substrate material:T-cBN.Substrate metallization:Ti–Pt–Au/Sn.Die dimensions:20001201000mC.For eutectic Au/Sn attachment [according to Fig.2(a)]wealso used the die metallization of Fig.2(c)and added another Pt–Au/200–100(nm)layer sequence on the chip.Thus only the last 100nm Au wetting layer will be dissolved in the Au/Sn solder.This differs slightly from the scheme of Fig.2(a):in addition there is the3100m)from the same wafer have been mounted both p-side up on copper C-mounts using Pb/Sn solder and p-side down on T-cBN using Au/Sn solder.P-side down mounting has been performed both using eutectic Au/Sn solder andusing436IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADV ANCED PACKAGING,VOL.24,NO.4,NOVEMBER2001Fig.4.SEM cross section of Au/Sn solder joint:(a)under the chip,where excess gold causes -phase growth.(b)Unmetallized area under the chip and beside the chip,where the eutectic preserves duringsoldering.Fig.5.Power-current characteristics of diode lasers coming from the same wafer and mounted in different ways.already at low optical output power which is probably caused by unwanted ring lasing modes appearing in addition to the Fabry–Perot modes.These ring modes cannot be observed di-rectly at p-side down mounted diode lasers but they have been studied at different structures showing ring modes even at p-side up mounted laser chips.In this case the scattered light of ring modes leaving the top face of the chip can be observed (Fig.6).The power-current characteristics show the same “power satu-ration”effect as seen in Fig.5.This lasing behavior seems to be affected by the interaction of the built-in stress of the heterojunctions with the mismatch stress caused by mounting.We can proof that by the following experiment.Mismatch stress begins at the solidifying point of the solder and increases during cooling down.Thus,upon in-creasing the heat sink temperature of the soldered laser diode the mismatch stress again decreases.This can indeed be demon-strated with the eutectically mounted samples shown in Fig.5:With increasing heat sink temperature the undisturbed laser ac-tion can be extended to higher optical output levels although the laser efficiency decreases (Fig.7).In the last case,if mounting p-side downwithm and the aper-ture (stripewidthm and200-phaseattachment is used.One example of “insensitive“laser structures which can be mounted using the eutectic solder composition is shown in Fig.9.Characteristics of a laser diode emitting at 808nm at different temperatures are sers with excellent high temperature operation data can be produced if the chip structure has high heterobarriers for low leakage current to ensure high thermal stability [9].V .S TRESS M EASUREMENTThus one could conclude that the amount of mismatch stress due to mounting influences the laser behavior and that the value of stress increases depending on mounting technique in the fol-lowing order:1)p-side up (This is obvious);2)p-side downwithPITTROFF et al.:MOUNTING OF HIGH POWER LASER DIODES437Fig.6.Loop lasing modes can be observed at p-side up mounted laser chips by the scattered light leaving the top face.(a)View on to the top face.(b)The threeloop modes of(a)are highlighted by lines forming a closed figure.The view on to the top face is inverted in contrast for bettervisibility.Fig.7.Power-current characteristics of diode laser mounted p-side down on T-cBN with eutectic Au/Sn ser action improves with increasing temperature,which indicates mismatch stress between chip and heat spreader. However,direct measurements of the stress along the active stripeinof the spontaneous facet emission far below the threshold current which is mainly caused by the splitting of the heavy-and light-hole bands.This splitting depends on the size of the quantum well and on the ratio of tensile or compressive stressinandand are the stresses inthe:drivingcurrentandm which is enough to438IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADV ANCED PACKAGING,VOL.24,NO.4,NOVEMBER2001Fig.9.Power-current characteristics of a laser diodes at different heat sink temperatures.Heating up to 85m wide stripe.The results obtained for the samples shown in Figs.5and 7are demonstrated in Fig.11.The10K )on T-cBN (TEC4causes tensile stress within the chip,which reduces the built-in stress of the quantum well.This reduction is considerable if mounting the laser chips p-side down,resulting in reduced degree of polarization.Unexpectedly,contrary to our conclusion above,the highest mismatch stress corresponds tothe-phase attachmentcan easily be explained by the solidification temperature of330C (soldering temperature),which is much higher than the freezing temperature of the eutectic solder (280-phase.It may be connected to the different solidification mecha-nisms.The solidificationby-phase formationas standard technique for broad area laser diodes up to2000K/W @Wm100K/W@Wm(mounting p-side down on T-cBN and C-mount).With laser diodes emitting in the 950nm range andW m [12],we achieve 9W optical output limited by thermal roll over (Fig.12).Reliability tests of these diode lasers have been performed at constant optical power.The drivingcurrentwedefine a degradationratelower than1PITTROFF et al.:MOUNTING OF HIGH POWER LASER DIODES439Fig.12.Power–current characteristics of a diode laser mounted p-side down on T-cBN with Au/Sn solder using -phase ser action is limited by thermal rollover.Fig.13.Aging test with laser diodes emitting at 935nm over 2000h at 25C to 50C a t a n o p t i c a l o u t p u t p o w e r o f 1.5W.T h e e x a m p l e o f f i v e l a s e r d i o d e s e m i t t i n g a t 950n m (c o m p r e s s i v e l y s t r a i n e d q u a n t u m w e l l ,A l -f r e e )i s s h o w n i n F i g .15.T h r e e d i o d e s h a d s u r v i v e d w h e n t h e t e s t w a s s w i t c h e d o f f a f t e r 3000h .V I I .C O N C L U S I O N S F l u x l e s s a n d p r e -f o r m f r e e m o u n t i n g o f l a s e r d i o d e s u s i n g A u /S n s o l d e r h a s b e e n p e r f o r m e d .B o r o n n i t r i d e h a s b e e n u s e da s h e a t s p r e a d e rb e t w e e nc h i p a nd c o p pe r s u b m o u n t .F o r m a t i o n of t h eg o l d r i c hCa t s ub s e q u e n t o p t ic a l p o w e r 1.5W ,2.0W ,a nd 2.5W f o r s t r i p =100 m.F i g .15.A g i n g t e s t w i t h l a s e r d i o d e s e m i t t i n g a t 950n m o v a t s u b s e q u e n t h e a t s i n k t e m p e r a t u r e 25C ,a n d 70-p h a s e f r e e z e s i m m e d i a t e l y d u e t om e l t i ng t e m p e r a t u r e .P -s i d e d o w n m o u n t i n g o f 2d i o d e s o n T -c B N h s b e e n p e r f o r m e d w i t h h i g h r E x c e l l n t t h e r m a l s t a b i l i t y o f m o u n t e d l a s e r d a c h i e ve d :O n l y 15%d r o p i n o p t i c a l o u t p u tf r o m h a s b e e n r e c o r d e d a s h e a t s i n k t e m p e r a t u r e r i s eC .D e g r a d a t i o n t e s t s w i t h o u t p u t p o w e r u p t o 2.5Wt e m p e r a t u r e u p t o 70440IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADV ANCED PACKAGING,VOL.24,NO.4,NOVEMBER2001R EFERENCES[1] C.C.Lee,C.Y.Wang,and G.S.Matijasevic,“A new bonding tech-nology using gold and tin multilayer composite structures,”IEEE Trans.Comp.,Hybrids,Manufact.Technol.,vol.14,pp.407–412,June1991.[2]G.S.Matijasevic and C.C.Lee,“V oid-free Au–Sn eutectic bonding ofGaAs dice and its characterization using scanning acoustic microscopy,”J.Electron.Mater.,vol.18,pp.327–337,1989.[3]G.S.Matijasevic,C.Y.Wang,and C.C.Lee,“V oid free bonding oflarge silicon dice using gold–tin alloys,”IEEE 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tensilystrained810nm QW laserdiode operating at high temperatures,”in Proc.LEOS’98,Orlando,FL,1998,pp.278–279.[10]P.D.Colbourne and D.T.Cassidy,“Imaging of stresses in GaAsdiode lasers using polarization-resolved photoluminescence,”IEEE J.Quantum Electron.,vol.29,pp.62–68,Jan.1993.[11] A.A.Ptashchenko,M.V.Deych,N.B.Mironchenko,and F.A.Ptashchenko,“Polarization of the spontaneous radiation of stressedlaser heterostructures,”Solid State Electron.,vol.37,pp.1255–1258,1994.[12]G.Erbert,G.Beister,A.Knauer,J.Maege,W.Pittroff,P.Ressel,J.Se-bastian,R.Staske,H.Wenzel,M.Weyers,and G.Tränkle,“Al-free950nm BA lasers with high efficiency and reliability at50PITTROFF et al.:MOUNTING OF HIGH POWER LASER DIODES441Peter Ressel received the M.S.degree in physics from the Friedrich-Schiller University,Jena,Ger-many and the Ph.D.degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany,in1998.From1987to1991,he was working in the field of semiconductor lasers in the Academy of Sciences, GDR.In1992,he joined the Ferdinand Braun Insti-tute,Berlin,Germany,where his work concentrated on Ohmic contacts to InGaAs.Now his interests are focused on optical coatings for semiconductor lasers.Dr.Ressel is member of the Materials ResearchSociety.Juergen Sebastian was born in Dresden,Germany,in1958.He received the M.S.degree in physics fromthe Friedrich-Schiller-University,Jena,Germany,in1985and the Ph.D.degree in physics from HumboldtUniversity,Berlin,Germany,in1992.From1985to2001,he has been working in thefield of semiconductor laser technology and physics.In1986and1987,he was a Guest Scientist at the J.I.Alferov Laboratory,“Joffe-Institute,”St.Petersburg,Russia,engaged in the development and investigationof DFB-Laser for1.55 m.He is currently employed as a permanent staff member in the Optoelectronics Department,Ferdinand-Braun-Institute,Berlin,Germany,and responsible for the technology of high power semiconductor laserdiodes.Ralf Staske received the M.S.degree in physics formHumboldt University,Berlin,Germany.From1979to1989,he was dealing with pho-toluminescence investigations of semiconductormaterials.From1990to1997,he was working in thefield of sub- m movement and position detection forlaser-fiber-coupling.Since1997,his main tasks areinvestigations of optical,electrooptical,and thermalproperties of semiconductor laserdiodes.Guenther Traenkle received the M.S.degree inphysics from the Technical University of Munich(TU Munich),Germany,in1981and the Ph.D.degree in physics from the University of Stuttgart,Germany,in1988.At the University of Stuttgart,he worked onquantization and many-bode effects in III/Vquantum well structures.In1988,he joined theWalter-Schottky-Institute,TU Munich,running itsIII/V-semiconductor technology and working onfield-effect transistors and laser diodes.From1995 to1996,he was a Department Head at the Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Solid-State Physics,Freiburg,Germany,and was responsible for the devel-opment and realization of electronic and optoelectronic III–V semiconductor devices,as well as quantum well infrared detector arrays.In August1996,he became head of the Ferdinand-Braun-Institute,Berlin.Since1999,he has also become Chairman of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.His current research interests include GaAs technology,micro-wave and millimeter-wave transistors and circuits,GaN electronics,and high power diode lasers.。



Supertex inc.DN2535L = Lot NumberYY = Year Sealed WW = Week Sealed= “Green” PackagingFeatures►High input impedance ►Low input capacitance ►Fast switching speeds ►Low on-resistance►Free from secondary breakdown►Low input and output leakageApplications►Normally-on switches ►Solid state relays ►Converters►Linear amplifiers►Constant current sources ►Power supply circuits►TelecomGeneral DescriptionThe Supertex DN2535 is a low threshold depletion mode (normally-on) transistor utilizing an advanced vertical DMOS structure and Supertex’s well-proven silicon-gate manufacturing process. This combination produces a device with the power handling capabilities of bipolar transistors and with the high input impedance and positive temperature coefficient inherent in MOS devices. Characteristic of all MOS structures, this device is free from thermal runaway and thermally-induced secondary breakdown.Supertex’s vertical DMOS FETs are ideally suited to a wide range of switching and amplifying applications where high breakdown voltage, high input impedance, low input capacitance, and fast switching speeds are desired.N-Channel Depletion-Mode Vertical DMOS FETsAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied. Continuous operation of the device at the absolute rating level may affect device reliability. All voltages are referenced to device ground.Pin ConfigurationProduct Marking3-Lead TO-2203-Lead TO-92YY = Year Sealed WW = Week Sealed= “Green” PackagingSi DN 2535 Y Y W W3-Lead TO-2203-Lead TO-92Package may or may not include the following marks: Si orPackage may or may not include the following marks: Si orGATESOURCEDRAINGATESOURCEDRAINDRAIN-G denotes a lead (Pb)-free / RoHS compliant package. Contact factory for Wafer / Die availablity.Devices in Wafer / Die form are lead (Pb)-free / RoHS compliant.† I D (continuous) is limited by max rated T j .ONotes:1. All D.C. parameters 100% tested at 25O C unless otherwise stated. (Pulse test: 300µs pulse, 2% duty cycle.)2. All A.C. parameters sample tested.Switching Waveforms and Test CircuitOUTPUTINPUT OUTPUT0VVDD0V-10VTypical Performance Curves0. GS = 1.0V0.5V 0V-0.5V-1.0V0. D (a m p e r e s )G F S (s e i m e n s )V DS (volts)t p (seconds)I D (a m p e r e s )Typical Performance Curves (cont.) G (nanocoulombs)BV Variation with TemperatureB V D S S (n o r m a l i z e d )C (p i c o f a r a d s )I D (a m p e r e s )V DS (volts)JEDEC Registration TO-92.* This dimension is not specified in the JEDEC drawing.† This dimension differs from the JEDEC drawing.Drawings not to scale.Supertex Doc.#: DSPD-3TO92N3, Version E041009.Supertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http//)©2013 Supertex inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.Supertex inc.(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packaging.html .)JEDEC Registration TO-220, Variation AB, Issue K, April 2002.* This dimension is not specified in the JEDEC drawing.† This dimension differs from the JEDEC drawing.Drawings not to scale.Supertex Doc. #: DSPD-3TO220N5, Version C041009.View B。



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1 2 3
1 Bottom view
Figure 1
Seiko Instruments Inc.
Table 1
Detection voltage range (V) 0.8V±2.0% 0.9V±2.0% 1.0V±2.0% 1.1V±2.0% 1.2V±2.0% 1.3V±2.0% 1.4V±2.0% 1.5V±2.0% 1.6V±2.0% 1.7V±2.0% 1.8V±2.0% 1.9V±2.0% 2.0V±2.0% 2.1V±2.0% 2.2V±2.0% 2.3V±2.0% 2.4V±2.0% 2.5V±2.0% 2.6V±2.0% 2.7V±2.0% 2.8V±2.0% 2.9V±2.0% 3.0V±2.0% 3.1V±2.0% 3.2V±2.0% 3.3V±2.0% 3.4V±2.0% 3.5V±2.0% 3.6V±2.0% 3.7V±2.0% 3.8V±2.0% 3.9V±2.0% 4.0V±2.0% 4.1V±2.0% 4.2V±2.0% 4.3V±2.0% 4.4V±2.0% 4.5V±2.0% 4.6V±2.0% 4.7V±2.0% 4.8V±2.0% 4.9V±2.0% 5.0V±2.0% 5.1V±2.0% 5.2V±2.0% 5.3V±2.0% 5.4V±2.0% 5.5V±2.0% 5.6V±2.0% 5.7V±2.0% 5.8V±2.0% 5.9V±2.0% 6.0V±2.0% Hysteresis width VHYS typ.(V) 0.034 0.044 0.054 0.064 0.073 0.083 0.093 0.075 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.100 0.105 0.110 0.115 0.120 0.125 0.130 0.135 0.140 0.145 0.150 0.155 0.160 0.165 0.170 0.175 0.180 0.185 0.190 0.195 0.200 0.205 0.210 0.215 0.220 0.225 0.230 0.235 0.240 0.245 0.250 0.255 0.260 0.265 0.270 0.275 0.280 0.285 0.290 0.295 0.300 Nch Open Drain(Low) SC-82AB S-80808ANNP-E7Y-T2 S-80809ANNP-E7Z-T2 S-80810ANNP-E70-T2 S-80811ANNP-E71-T2 S-80812ANNP-E72-T2 S-80813ANNP-EDA-T2 S-80814ANNP-EDB-T2 S-80815ANNP-EDC-T2 S-80816ANNP-EDD-T2 S-80817ANNP-EDE-T2 S-80818ANNP-EDF-T2 S-80819ANNP-EDG-T2 S-80820ANNP-EDH-T2 S-80821ANNP-EDJ-T2 S-80822ANNP-EDK-T2 S-80823ANNP-EDL-T2 S-80824ANNP-EDM-T2 S-80825ANNP-EDN-T2 S-80826ANNP-EDP-T2 S-80827ANNP-EDQ-T2 S-80828ANNP-EDR-T2 S-80829ANNP-EDS-T2 S-80830ANNP-EDT-T2 S-80831ANNP-EDV-T2 S-80832ANNP-EDW -T2 S-80833ANNP-EDX-T2 S-80834ANNP-EDY-T2 S-80835ANNP-EDZ-T2 S-80836ANNP-ED0-T2 S-80837ANNP-ED1-T2 S-80838ANNP-ED2-T2 S-80839ANNP-ED3-T2 S-80840ANNP-ED4-T2 S-80841ANNP-ED5-T2 S-80842ANNP-ED6-T2 S-80843ANNP-ED7-T2 S-80844ANNP-ED8-T2 S-80845ANNP-ED9-T2 S-80846ANNP-EJA-T2 S-80847ANNP-EJB-T2 S-80848ANNP-EJC-T2 S-80849ANNP-EJD-T2 S-80850ANNP-EJE-T2 S-80851ANNP-EJF-T2 S-80852ANNP-EJG-T2 S-80853ANNP-EJH-T2 S-80854ANNP-EJJ-T2 S-80855ANNP-EJK-T2 S-80856ANNP-EJL-T2 S-80857ANNP-EJM-T2 S-80858ANNP-EJN-T2 S-80859ANNP-EJP-T2 S-80860ANNP-EJQ-T2 TO-92 — — — — — — — S-80815ANY S-80816ANY S-80817ANY S-80818ANY S-80819ANY S-80820ANY S-80821ANY S-80822ANY S-80823ANY S-80824ANY S-80825ANY S-80826ANY S-80827ANY S-80828ANY S-80829ANY S-80830ANY S-80831ANY S-80832ANY S-80833ANY S-80834ANY S-80835ANY S-80836ANY S-80837ANY S-80838ANY S-80839ANY S-80840ANY S-80841ANY S-80842ANY S-80843ANY S-80844ANY S-80845ANY S-80846ANY S-80847ANY S-80848ANY S-80849ANY S-80850ANY S-80851ANY — S-80853ANY — — — — — — — SOT-89-3 — — — — — — — S-80815ANUP-EDC-T2 S-80816ANUP-EDD-T2 S-80818ANUP-EDF-T2 SOT-23-5 — — — — — — — — — S-80818ANMP-EDF-T2


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An Energy-Efficient Solution by Freescale
Document Number: FXOS8700CQ Rev. 4.1, 01/2015
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FXOS8700CQ 2 Sensors Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pin Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.1 Soldering information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

RGB 激光投影光源

RGB 激光投影光源

header for SPIE useRGB lasers for laser projection displaysGünter Hollemann a , Bernd Braun a , Friedhelm Dorsch b,Petra Hennig b , Peter Heist a , Ulf Krause a , Uwe Kutschki a , Herrmann Voelckel ba JENOPTIK Laser, Optik, Systeme GmbH, Göschwitzer Str. 25, D07745 Jena (Germany)b JENOPTIK Laserdiode GmbH, Prüssingstr. 41, D-07745 Jena (Germany)ABSTRACTJENOPTIK Laser, Optik, Systeme GmbH has developed the first industrial all-solid-state Red-Green-Blue laser systemfor large image projection systems. Compact in design (0.75 m3, 180 kg, 3 kW power consumption), the system consists of a modelocked oscillator amplifier subsystem with 7 ps pulse duration and 85 MHz pulse repetitionfrequency, an optical parametric oscillator (OPO), and several non-linear stages to generate radiation at 628 nm, 532 nm and 446 nm with an average output power above 18 W. Each of the three colors is modulated with the video signal in a contrast ratio of 1000:1 and coupled into a common low order multi mode fiber. The system architecture relies on efficiently manufacturable components. With the help of FEM analysis, new engineering design principles and subsequent climatic and mechanical tests, a length stability below 50 µm and an angle stability below 10 µrad have been achieved. The design includes efficient laser diodes with integrated thermo-electric cooler and a life time above 10000 hours. The stability of the output power is better than + /- 2 % in a temperature range from 5 0C to 40 0C. The system operates reliably for more than 10,000 hours under field conditions. The design is based (among others) on work by Laser-Display-Technologie KG and the University of Kaiserslautern.Keywords:Red-Green-Blue Laser, Modelocked Laser, Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO), Laser Projection Display1.INTRODUCTIONA practically unrestricted depth of focus, excellent color saturation, high contrast ratio and high resolution in combination with various video standards are the major advantages of laser projection systems compared to conventional lamp projectors. Each individual pixel is created by collinear superposition of three collimated laser beams in the image. By consequence, the image stays also properly focused if the distance to the projector is varying or inclined or if curved surfaces are used as a projection screen. The laser wavelengths used cover more than 90 % of all colors which are perceptible by the human eye (Fig. 1).Fig. 1 Comparison of the color triangle of laser projection systems and traditional TV.This is a significant improvement compared to conventional cathode emitter tubes (cathode-ray TV tube). The laser radiation is characterized by its high spectral purity (small spectral linewidth) and its precise wavelength given by the atomic laser transition. For this reason, the color triangle remains stable without any readjustment, once generated, and white balancing can automatically be achieved by adjustment of the laser output powers for red, green and blue. Rapid advancement in the field of high power laser diodes in the 90ties has turned the idea of laser television into reality. Compared with laser projection systems for large image projection based on Argon-ion lasers which required an electrical power of more than 100 kW, solid state lasers provide higher light output with a power consumption below 3 kW.The dream of a laser television for home cinema will come true when RGB semiconductor lasers can be applied directly. The laser power required for home cinemas is in the order of several hundred mW up to one W per color. For a projection area of some tens of square meters, as required for projection in e-cinemas, planetarium or flight simulators etc., a laser power in the range of 5 to 20 W per color is required.Therefore the demand for a highly effective and power-scaleable laser architecture provided the starting point for efforts to design an all-solid-state RGB laser system. This challenge is being met under a development scheme for an RGB laser with optical parametric oscillator pursued in recent years by R. Wallenstein and coworkers at the University of Kaiserslautern1 and brought to sophistication by Laser-Display-Technologie KG (LDT) in Gera, Germany.This paper reports on some results of developing a similar system to the industry-standard level. Various system components from color generation to modulation of the laser beams are described. The essential specifications of the laser light source are listed in Table 1.Parameter SpecificationPower 446 nm 532 nm 628 nm > 4.8 W > 6.5 W > 7.0 WPulse duration< 7 psPulse repetition frequency> 80 MHz Beam quality M²< 1.5 Polarization> 100:1 (linear) Contrast ratio> 1,000 : 1Power stability Amplitude noise < +/- 2 % over 8 h < 2 % RMSModulation frequency32 MHzExpected lifetime10000 h/5 yearsElectrical requirements110 V/230 V, < 3 kW, 50 Hz/60 Hz Mechanical requirements Transportation on cars, ships and airplane Dimensions, weight1140*1150*600 mm³, 180 kgEnviromental requirements storage temperature range operating temperature range humidity - 25 °C ... + 70 °C+ 5 °C ... + 40 °C65 +/- 15 % at 25 °CStandards EN 60825-1, EN 60950, EN 50081(82)-1 class B, ISO 9000, CETable 1 Specifications of the RGB laser systemA modular structure based on individual, detachable and exchangeable subsystems is a prerequisite for serial manufacturing, testing and servicing of the complete laser system. In line with the modular structure, the modules and various subsystems are described in more detail. Besides the physical principles and main characteristics emphasis is on stability of the modules.The RGB laser system consists of a fiber coupled diode laser pump module, a power supply, a diode current supply, a diode plug-in unit with a control subsystem, a cooling unit and a laser head. The complete RGB laser system is shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 2 RGB Laser System with dimensions of 1140*1150*600 mm³The laser head consists of six stages, a diode-pumped oscillator, a diode-pumped amplifier, an optical parametric oscillator, a non-linear frequency stage, a delay unit and a modulation unit with acoustooptic modulation, white color balancing and fiber coupling (Fig. 3). Modelocked pulses with a full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of 7 ps and a wavelength of 1064 nm are amplified to an average output power of 42 W. Subsequently the pulses pass a non-linear crystal where part of the light is converted to green light (532 nm). The non-converted IR-power is partly used to synchronously pump an OPO and partly used for sum frequency mixing (SFM) with the OPO output at 1535nm. The generated red light (628 nm) is either mixed with the non-converted signal radiation to generate blue light at a wavelength of 446 nm or transmitted to yield the red output.Fig. 3 Principal schematic of the laser headA modelocked laser is used in the RGB system for two reasons: much higher peak intensities compared to continuous wave (cw) lasers are achieved, which are necessary for efficient non-linear frequency generation. Secondly, provided the pulses are short enough (= 10 ps), no speckles are visible on the screen because of a broad spectrum and hence,the short coherence length.2.FIBER COUPLED DIODE LASER PUMPING MODULEFiber coupled diode lasers are used as the pumping source for the RGB laser. By beam shaping of a diode array andthen coupling the radiation into an optical fiber a flexible pumping source can simply be adapted to the oscillator and amplifier active elements. Through collimation of the fast axis of the laser beam and rearrangement of the beam by apair of step mirrors, we coupled the emission of one high power diode laser array into an optical fiber of 600 µm core diameter and 0.22 N.A. The selected fiber coupling concept adds some important advantages to the RGB laser system. The use of micro optics and quartz-quartz fibers guarantees long term stability of the laser parameters, a high coupling efficiency and allows for the separation of the fiber at the diode mount.2.1. Beam rearrangementThe high power diode lasers for cw operation are implemented as 10 mm wide semiconductor bars that are mounted to a heat sink and emit up to 30 W of cw optical power. There are distinct emission regions, each 150 µm wide, distributed along the laser bars with a filling factor of 30 %. The divergence angle along this axis (‘slow axis’) is approximately 10° (90 % power content). The height of the emitters is approximately 1 µm, corresponding to high divergence angle (about 80° at 90 % power content) along that direction (‘fast axis’). Calculating the beam parameter products (BPP) along the two axes one obtains 0.3 to 0.5 mm*mrad for the fast axis and approximately 500 mm*mrad for the slow axis. To generate a circularly shaped beam suitable e.g. for fiber coupling, the BPP has to be made symmetrical. For rearrangement of the laser beam we apply a concept based on a pair of step mirrors2,3,4. This concept is licensed to JENOPTIK Laserdiode GmbH (JO LD) by the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology in Aachen, Germany.2.1.1. Fast axis collimationIn a first step the highly divergent radiation of the diode laser bar in the ‘fast’ direction is collimated by a cylindrical micro lens. Generally, there are no perfect lenses available that preserve the BPP. The utilization of high-refractive index aspheric lenses allow for the collimation of the fast axis to 5 mrad at a beam height of 0.6 mm with high efficiency equivalent to a BPP of 0.8 mm*mrad. The slow axis is not affected by this collimation.2.1.2. Rearranging of the laser radiationA pair of identical step mirrors with 13 steps divides the collimated radiation into 13 subbeams along the slow axis and arranges them one below the other. The BPP along the slow axis is diminished by a factor of 13 to approximately 38 mm*mrad whereas along the fast axis it is increased by the same factor to 20 mm*mrad. The rearranged beam is much more symmetric regarding the BPPs than the radiation emitted directly from the diode laser (Fig. 4).Fig. 4 Scheme of symmetrization of BPP of a diode laser bar by means of a pair of step-mirrors. The first step mirror divides the 10 mm wide emission into 13 parts and shifts these along a 45° line (lower left). The second step mirror shifts the 13 parts so they are positioned one above the other.2.1.3. Slow axis collimation and fiber couplingThe slow axis is collimated by a conventional cylindrical lens (f = 40 mm) after the reordering of the step-mirrors. The result is a collimated beam of rectangular shape that can be focused (f = 20 mm) into an uncoated optical fiber. The fiber diameter and the numerical aperture are determined by the BPP of both symmetrical axes.2.2. Diode parameters and operating characteristicsThe pumping diode was developed as a pump source for the RGB laser head. The parameters (Table 2) are adapted to the special requirements of this application, but can be modified in terms of the wavelength, output power, monitoring, cooling system etc.Center wavelength808 nm ± 1.5 nmSpectral breadth< 4 nm (90 % power content)Fiber coupling600 µm core, N.A. 0.22Fiber output power20 WattThreshold current8 ... 10 ASlope fibre output> 0.8 W/ACoupling efficiency> 75 %Monitoring inside of the housing PIN – PhotodiodeTable 2 Laser diode parameters.The laser diodes and the beam shaping optics are mounted on a copper plate and the housing is hermetically sealed. Peltier thermo electric elements are integrated into the mount. By means of pulse width modulation the temperature is stabilized to 0.1 K.The life time of the laser diode bars for cw–operation at an output power of 50 W has been investigated and determined to be > 20,000 hours (Fig. 5). In the RGB laser system the diodes are typically operated at an output power of the diode bar of 16 W. Several aspects can influence the degradation behavior. Early failures of laser diodes are regularly identified during the burn-in tests. The cooling and control system as well as the mounting technologyFig. 5 Lifetime measurement of laser diodes at 808 nm3. MODELOCKED OSCILLATORThe modelocked oscillator is pumped by a fiber coupled diode laser. The fiber core size is 600 µm and the power content is 99.6 % at a numerical aperture of 0.22. The laser crystal is longitudinally pumped to match the pump beam to the laser beam. The mode size of the fiber is focused with a 1:1.1 optics to a beam diameter of approximately 660 µm inside the laser crystal which is slightly smaller than the calculated mode size in the laser crystal.The output beam is TEM 00 with a measured M 2-value of 1.0 in both directions (Fig. 7).Fig. 7 Oscillator output power and beam qualityThe active material is a 8 mm long Nd:YVO 4 crystal with a Nd atomic concentration of 0.7 %. Nd:YVO 4 was chosenbecause of the high gain emission cross section (s = 15.6*10-19 cm 2at 1.1 atomic %, a-cut), the broad absorption bandwidth (15.7 nm) which makes it an ideal candidate for diode pumping, and the broad emission bandwidth of1.0 nm which supports pulse widths below 10 ps 15. Pulse widths in the fs-regime would be attainable with Nd:glass materials, but this would dramatically increase the demands on the stability of the length adjustments of the synchronically pumped OPO and the subsequent non-linear processes. A disadvantage of Nd:YVO 4 is the high thermal lensing coefficient h withFig. 6 Fiber coupled module with integrated TEC and the plug-in unit with 9 fiber coupled laser diodesdTdn h κα=where a is the absorption coefficient, ? the thermal conductivity, and dn/dT the change in refractive index as afunction of the temperature. With a = 31.4 cm -1(at 808 nm and 1.1 % atomic %, a-cut), ? = 5.1 W/(m*K), and dn/dT= 3*10-6 K -1 (at 808 nm and 1.1 % atomic %, a-cut), a thermal lensing coefficent of h = 1.8*10-3 W -1is obtainedwhich is theoretically four times bigger in comparison to Nd:YAG 15. For this reason, special care was taken to design the resonator to be as stable as possible against thermal lensing effects, i.e., the resonator was optimized with respect to the invariance of the mode size in the laser crystal against changes in the strength of the thermal lens. For a thermal lens between 300 and 1,100 mm effective focus length, the mode size changes by only 10 %.Passive modelocking with a semiconductor saturable absorber was chosen 5,6to guarantee the stability and robustnesswhich is necessary for industrial applications. Using enhanced spatial hole-burning 7,8a minimum pulse width of 6 ps was achieved (Fig. 8). If the laser crystal was moved away from the mirror, the pulse widths increased up to a factor of 2. Depending on the design of the saturable absorber and the mode size on the sample the modelocked Q-switching threshold was measured to be between 0.5 W and 2 W 9.Fig. 8 Autocorrelation signal of oscillator pulseThe ratio between the modelocked IR-output power (4.5 W) and the pump power at the fiber end (10 W) was 45 %.The diode was operated at 22 A and 1.9 V, i.e. the total electrical to optical efficiency was 10.8 %. Due to the broad absorption bandwidth of Nd:YVO 4 the output power of the laser was stable up to +/- 0.5 % for a realized temperature stability of ± 0,2 K.The geometrical size of the oscillator is 700 x 80 mm 2. The resonator is stabilized to < 50 µm to guarantee the length stability of the oscillator-OPO system even without an active length control.4. AMPLIFIERThe laser crystal Nd:YVO 4 has been described in the literature 10,11,12,13,14as an effective laser and amplifier laser material for continuous wave, high repetition rate Q-switched and modelocked TEM 00 laser operation. Laser designs include longitudinal pumped rods, side pumped slabs and the thin disc laser approach.The design of Nd:YVO 4 amplifiers must also consider the low thermal conductivity of Nd:YVO 4. Consequently anapproach with 4 amplifier stages has been chosen in this work. The amplifiers are longitudinally pumped .. Total optical efficiency of the amplifier stages is about 40 %.The output power of the modelocked oscillator is 4.5 W. The Faraday isolator is used to isolate the oscillator from feedback to obtain stable modelocking. The first amplifier stage has an amplification of 2.5 leading to an output power of about 12 W. The second to forth amplifier are operating in gain saturation, thus leading to additional 10 W of output power per stage, resulting in a total power of 42 W at the output beam of the amplifier system.To achieve high efficiency and beam quality simultaneously, a careful matching between the output beam waist of the oscillator and the optimum beam waist of the amplifier stages has to be considered. Additionally the intensity of the input beam of the amplifiers has to be optimized for maximum gain.The beam path in the amplifier system has been carefully modelled by using of FEM and commercial beam propagation software. Modematching is such that it leads to a waveguide structure of modematching lenses and the thermal lenses inside the laser crystals act as focusing elements. The focal length of the laser crystals is in the order of 120 mm. The beam waist of the output beam is 2ωo = 0.5 mm. The experimental beam parameters correspond to the calculated values to better than 10 %. The output beam parameters are M² = 1.2, measured with a Coherent Modemaster, the output power being 42 W. The complete amplifier system is integrated on a breadboard with a footprint of 330 x 240 mm².5. OPTICAL PARAMETRIC OSCILLATOR (OPO)The key component for generation of red and blue light is the synchronously pumped noncritically phase-matchedpotassium titanyl arsenate (KTA) optical parametric oscillator (OPO) as described in 16.The signal resonant OPO cavity is generating a signal wave at 1535 nm and an idler wave at 3470 nm. Whereas the idler wave is not used for further frequency conversion the signal output is essential to the generation of red (629nm) and blue (446 nm) light. Therefore stable operation of the OPO is an important demand. Since the OPO is synchronously pumped one has to avoid any length mismatch between the OPO and the laser resonator.The influence of OPO resonator length changes on the signal pulse power and duration is shown in Fig. 9. In this figure, the point ∆L = 0 (no length mismatch) is determined by the maximum of the signal power. The power and pulse duration are normalized to the values at this point. The behavior of the dependencies as depicted in Fig. 9 can be explained by the change of the overlap of the resonant signal pulse and the pump pulse in the KTA crystal andFig. 9 Measured signal pulse duration and power in dependence of OPO resonator length changesThe allowed resonator length change ∆L acc can be estimated by the condition that the power drop must be less than 5 % and the pulse duration increases less than 10 % which is important for the subsequent frequency mixing processes. From Fig. 9, it follows that the overall tolerable resonator length change is approximately 200 µm.Accordingly, the maximum allowed length variations of the folded resonator has to be smaller than 50 µm. To operate within the allowed length variation, a thermal stabilization of the aluminum base plate (thermal expansioncoefficient about 25*10-6) of ± 1 K is necessary.0,50,60,70,80,911,11,2-C h a n g e o f R e s o n a t o r l e n g t h /µmN o r m a l i z e d P o w e r a n d P u l s e D u r a t i o nN o r m a l i z e d P o w e r P /P m a x (0)N o r m a l i z e d P u l s e D u r a t i o n T P /T P (0)Besides stable output the goal is an OPO efficiency P(signal)/P(pump) ≥ 40 %. This value corresponds to a pump pulse duration of about 7 ps (FWHM).Use of the idler or non-converted pump wave is not possible. Due to the large wavelength difference, mode matching in the nonlinear crystal would be difficult to achieve and the temporal pulse shape of transmitted, depleted pump light is typically distorted and strongly depends on the OPO resonator length, i. e. further frequency mixing becomes unstable.6. SUM-FREQUENCY GENERATIONThe generation of the green beam is realized by single pass frequency doubling of 1.064 µm. The generation of 629nm and 446 nm is achieved by sum frequency generation (SFM) as schematically depicted in Fig. 10 and published inRef.1. Red radiation (629 nm) is generated by mixing the OPO signal (1.535 µm) with the laser radiation (1.064 µm) in a critically phase-matched KTA-crystal which has been proven to be the favorable nonlinear material (higher conversion efficiency than LBO, small walk-off angle of 0.1° which does not distort the beam profile). The blue beam (446 nm) is produced by SFM of the red light with the residual OPO signal radiation in a critically phase-matched LBO crystal which turned out to be the best material in comparison with BBO and RTA (no absorption, small walk-off angle of 0.6°).Fig. 10 Nonlinear frequency conversion unit with dimensions of 370 x 340 mm².It is reasonable to start with given RGB powers as fixed in the specs (7.0/6.5/4.8 W) and to look backwards what overall laser power is needed. This is illustrated in the 3-D-plot of Fig. 11. The surface depicts the laser power which is necessary to reach the RGB power specifications depending on the efficiency of sum frequency mixing processes “red“ (ηred ) and “blue“ (ηblue ) for a given OPO efficiency of 45 %. For small ηred , ηblue a very high value of laser power is necessary, but the slope is decreasing quickly for increasing efficiencies and running out relatively flat for efficiencies > 50 %. A pump power at the 40-W-level and below which is indicated as dark area in the surface plot of Fig. 11 is sufficient for (ηblue ,ηred ) ≥ (30 %, 50 %). Both values are realized with our crystals at optimum focussing conditions.The overall efficiency of conversion from 1.064 µm to RGB is thus nearly 50 %.Fig. 11 IR laser power for specified RGB output in dependence of efficiencies of SFM processesfor OPO efficiency of 45 %7. MODULATION UNITThe modulation of RGB light is realized by acusto-optical modulators (AOM) instead of previously used electro-optical modulators (EOM). A very high contrast ratio of better than 1:1,000 (EOM: < 1:500), a small modulation voltage of about1 V (EOM: 200 V), small dimensions of about 10 cm 3 only (EOM: 50 cm 3) and easier alignment are the advantages of AOM over EOM. The AOM has a carrier frequency of 180 MHz and a diffraction efficiency of 75 %. The red, green and blue beams are modulated with a maximum frequency of 32 MHz. Fig. 12 shows the modulation unit which includes the AOMs, the white light balancing, an active angle and position stabilization system of the three beams and the fiber coupling optics.Fig. 12 Modulation unit with dimensions of 300 x 500 mm²0.0.0.P o w e r /WE f f8.OPTO MECHANICAL DESIGN CRITERIADifferent materials have been tested with respect to angle stability as a function of temperature. The objective ofthese experiments was to find a highly mechanically and thermally stable mirror mount. Four different types of two-axis flexure mounts were tested. The first type (type I) was machined from a single piece of high-grade steel(X5CrNi18.10). Type II - IV were made from two pieces of metal, mounted together with 4 screws. Type II was made from aluminum (AlMg4,5), type III from brass (CuZn39Pb3), and type IV from high-grade steel (X5CrNi18.10).To measure the thermal stability, the mounts were exposed for several times to a temperature shift from + 25 °C to –25 °C or from + 25 °C to + 75 °C, kept at this temperature for one hour, and then heated (cooled) back to the original temperature of + 25 °C. Before and after each temperature cycle, the tilt between the mirror and a reference plane was measured with an autocollimating telescope. On average (heat and cooling exposures, x- and y-plane, different test cycles) the mean square deviation was 0.63 arc minutes for type I, 0.32 arc minutes for type IV, 0.054 arc minutes for type II and 0.022 for type II, i.e., the hysteresis effect after temperature cycles of brass and aluminum is about an order of magnitude better than with steel. Note that this is not a measure for the angle tilt in warm or cold environment, but a measure for how good the system returns its original state after exposure to cold or warm conditions (during transport or storage). The whole system is mounted on a base plate, which is temperature stabilized during operation.To determine the relationship between the mechanical stability and the stability of the lasing system we measured the stability of the output power as a function of the angle misalignment for a folding mirror. A power degradation of 5 % occured at a tilt angle of 1 arc minute. It can be concluded that hysteresis effects of the mirror mounts are well below the critical values of major changes in the laser output power.To check the mechanical stability we performed a number of vibration- and shock tests (Table 3):Shock Continuous shock Vibration Stimulation half-sinusoidal Half-sinusoidal Sinusoidal with slidingfrequency Load30 g/6 ms10 g/6 ms0.15 mm/2 gQuantity 3 per direction1000 per direction10 cycles per direction Direction 2 (+/- position of use) 2 (+/- position of use) 1 (position of use)Rate 1 octave/minFrequency10 Hz – 2000 Hz – 10Hz(1 cycle)Table 3: Tests for mechanical stability.All types showed comparably good results: type I – 0.13 to 0.32 arc minutes, type II – 0 to 0.067 arc minutes, type III – 0.067 to 0.13 arc minutes and type IV – 0.13 arc minutes. In general, the effects due to mechanical stress were by an order of magnitude smaller than thermal effects. Again, aluminum and brass showed slightly better results, compared to steel.9.SUMMARYAn industrial all-solid state Red-Green-Blue laser system for large image projection systems is presented. The start of serial production is scheduled for the summer of 2000.10.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was carried out by a contract with Laser-Display-Technologie GmbH and supported by the Ministry of Economy of the German State of Thuringia. The authors gratefully acknowledge fundamental work by R. Wallenstein and his colleagues and the helpful discussions with C. Deter and J. Kraenert.REFERENCES1. A. Nebel, B. Ruffing, R. Wallenstein, “A high power diode-pumped all-solid-state RGB laser source”, inConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Vol. 6, 1998 OSA Technical Papers Series (Optical Society of America, Washington D.C., 1998), Postdeadline Papers CPD3.2.K. Du, M. Baumann, B. Ehlers, H.G. Treusch, P. Loosen: "Fiber-coupling technique with micro step-mirrors forhigh-power diode lasers bars", OSA TOPS Vol. 10 (C.R. Pollack, W.R. Bosenberg, eds.), pp. 390-393, 1997.3.M. Baumann, B. Ehlers, M. Quade, K. Du, H.G. Treusch, P. Loosen, R. Poprawe: "Compact fibre-coupled high-power diode-laser unit", SPIE Vol. 3097 (L.H.J.F. Beckmann, ed.), pp. 712-716, 1997.4.Patent no. DE 44 38 368 (1996) and international applications.5.U. Keller, D. A. ler, G. D. Boyd, T. H. Chiu, J. F. Ferguson, M. T. Asom, “Solid-state low-loss intracavitysaturable absorber for Nd:YLF lasers: an antiresonant semiconductor Fabry-Perot saturable absorber,“ Optics Lett.,vol. 17, pp. 505-507, 1992.6.L. R. Brovelli, I. D. Jung, D. Kopf, M. Kamp, M. Moser, F. X. Kärtner, U. Keller, …Self-starting soliton modelockedTi:sapphire laser using a thin semiconductor saturable absorber,“ Electronics Lett., vol. 31, pp. 287-289, 1995.7. B. Braun, K. J. Weingarten, F. X. Kärtner, and U. Keller, “Continuous-wave modelocked solid-state lasers withenhanced spatial hole-burning, Part I: Experiments,“ Applied Physics B, vol. 61, pp. 429-437, 1995.8. F. X. Kärtner, B. Braun, and U. Keller, “Continuous-wave modelocked solid-state lasers with enhanced spatialhole-burning, Part II: Theory,“ Applied Physics B, vol. 61, pp. 569-579, 1995.9. F. X. Kärtner, L. R. Brovelli, D. Kopf, M. Kamp, I. Calasso, U. Keller, “Control of solid-state laser dynamics bysemiconductor devices,“ Optical Engineering, vol. 34, pp. 2024-2036, 1995.10.W.L. Nighan, Jr., N. Hodgson, “Quantum-limited 35 W, TEM00, Nd:YVO4laser“, in Conference on Lasers andElectro-Optics, OSA Technical Papers Series (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1999), p.111.L.Gonzales, K.Kleine, L.Marshall, “High Brightness MOPA“, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSATechnical Papers Series (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1999), pp.1-2.12.G. Hollemann, H. Zimer, A.Hirt, “Pulsed-mode operation of a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 thin disc laser“, inConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Vol. 6, 1998 OSA Technical Papers Series (Optical Society of America, Washington D.C., 1998), pp. 543-544.13.K.J.Snell, D. Lee, J.G. Manni, “High-Average Power, High-Repetition Rate, Side-Pumped Nd:YVO4 Slab LaserMOPA System“, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Papers Series (Optical Society ofAmerica, Washington DC, 1999), Postdeadline Papers CPD1.14.J.E.Bernard, A.J.Alcock, “High-repetition-rate diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 slab laser“, Optics Letters 19, 1861(1994).15.W.Koechner, “Solid State Laser Engineering“, Springer Series in Optical Siences, A.L. Schawlow, A.E. Siegman,T.Tamir, edts., Fifth Edition, Springer Berlin, 1999, pp. 48-61.16. B. Ruffing, A. Nebel, R. Wallenstein, Paper MF3-1,”High-Power all-solid-state cw mode-locked picosecond KTAoptical parametric oscillator”, Advanced Solid-State Lasers, 12th Topical Meeting, Jan. 27-29, 1997, Orlando, Florida.。

基于GaN HEMT的S波段小型化内匹配功率管设计

基于GaN HEMT的S波段小型化内匹配功率管设计

基于GaN HEMT的S波段小型化内匹配功率管设计作者:王晓龙张磊来源:《现代信息科技》2022年第02期摘要:采用总栅宽36 mm的0.5 um工艺GaN HEMT功率管芯,通过合理选择目标阻抗、优化匹配网络,设计了一款包含扼流电路的S波段小型化内匹配功率管。

在+48 V、-3.1 V 工作电压下,2.7~3.4 GHz内,功率管输出功率≥250 W,功率增益≥12 dB,功率附加效率≥60%,尺寸仅为15 mm×6.6 mm×1.5 mm,重量仅为0.6 g,显示出卓越的性能,具有广泛的工程应用前景。

关键词:功率管;GaN;内匹配;S波段;小型化中图分类号:TN12 文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-4706(2022)02-0052-04Abstract: Using a 0.5 um process GaN HEMT power tube core with a total gate width of 36 mm, an S-band miniaturized internal matched power tube including choke circuit is designed by reasonably selecting the target impedance and optimizing the matching network. Under the working voltage of+48 V,-3.1 V and within 2.7~3.4 GHz, the output power of power tube is greater than or equal to 250 W, the power gain is greater than or equal to 12 dB, the power added efficiency is greater than or equal to 60%,and the size is only 15 mm×6.6 mm×1.5 mm, weight is only 0.6 g,shows excellent performance and has broad engineering application prospectsKeywords: power tube; GaN; internal matched; S-band; miniaturized0 引言近年来,随着相控阵雷达快速发展、列装以及民用5G无线通信网络的建设,对微波功率器件的小型化、高效率提出了更高的要求。

Antari DarkFX Spot 510 IP用户手册说明书

Antari DarkFX Spot 510 IP用户手册说明书
Mounting Use screws for surface mounting or clamps for truss mounting.
For surface mounting
For truss mounting
Service and Maintenance
Important! Smoke fluid residue, dust and any excessive particle residue will degrade product performance, cause overheating and damage fixture. Damages
DarkFX Spot 510 IP is wired to output terminal of DarkFX Drive 4. Each output terminal can connect one DarkFX Spot 510 IP fixture.
Physical Installation Important
weight of fixture. ․ Make sure fixture installed in a well ventilated area. ․ Consider lamp replacement and routine maintenance access when selecting installation
caused by inadequate cleaning or maintenance are not covered by product warranty.
Cleaning ․ Unplug fixture from DarkFX Drive 4 before starting. ․ Use vacuum or air compressor and soft brush to remove dust on components




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Elite Semiconductor EMP8020 产品说明书

Elite Semiconductor EMP8020 产品说明书

Fast Ultra High-PSRR, Low-Noise, Low-Dropout, 300mA CMOS Linear RegulatorGeneral DescriptionThe EMP8020 low-dropout (LDO) CMOS linear regulator features an ultra-high power supply rejection ratio (78dB at 1kHz), low output voltage noise (48µV), low dropout voltage, low quiescent current (50µA), and fast transient response. It guarantees a delivery of 300mA output current, and supports preset output voltages ranging from 0.8V to 4.75V with 0.05V increments.The EMP8020 is ideal for battery-powered applications because of its low quiescent current consumption and its 1nA shutdown mode. The regulator provides fast turn-on and start-up time by using dedicated circuitry to pre-charge an optional external bypass capacitor. This bypass capacitor is used to reduce the output voltage noise without adversely affecting the load transient response. The high power supply rejection ratio of the EMP8020 holds well for low input voltages typically encountered in battery operated systems. The regulatoris stable with small ceramic capacitive loads (2.2µF typical).Additional features include bandgap voltage reference, constant current limiting, and thermal overload protection. Miniature 5-pin SC-70-5, SOT-23-5 and 4-pin SC-82-4 package options are offered to provide flexibility for different applications. Applications⏹Wireless handsets⏹PCMCIA cards⏹DSP core power⏹Hand-held instruments⏹Battery-powered systems⏹Portable information appliancesFeatures⏹Supports of miniature SC-70-5, SOT-23-5 andSC-82-4 packages⏹300mA guaranteed output current⏹PSRR 78dB typical at 1kHz70dB typical at 10kHz⏹48µV RMS output voltage noise (10Hz to 100kHz)(Vout=2.8V, Cbypass=10nF)⏹305mV typical dropout at 300mA (Vout=2.8V)⏹50µA typical quiescent current⏹1nA typical shutdown mode⏹Fast line and load transient response⏹140µs typical fast turn-on time (Vout=2.8V,Cbypass=10nF)⏹ 2.2V to 5.5V input range⏹Stable with small ceramic output capacitors⏹Over-temperature and over-current protection⏹±2% output voltage toleranceTypical ApplicationVIN VOUTConnection DiagramsVOUTCCOrder informationEMP8020-XXVI05NRR XX Output voltage VI05 SC-70-5 PackageNRR RoHS & Halogen free packageRating: -40 to 85°CPackage in Tape & ReelEMP8020-XXVF05NRR XX Output voltage VF05 SOT-23-5 PackageNRR RoHS & Halogen free packageRating: -40 to 85°CPackage in Tape & ReelEMP8020-XXVJ04NRR XX Output voltage VJ04 SC-82-4 PackageNRR RoHS & Halogen free packageRating: -40 to 85°CPackage in Tape & ReelOrder, Marking, and Packing InformationPackageVout 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8SC-70-54 Y NPin FunctionsName SC-70-5 SOT-23-5 SC-82-4FunctionVOUT553Output Voltage Feedback VIN 1 1 4 Supply Voltage InputRequire a minimum input capacitor around 1µF to ensure stability andsufficient decoupling from the ground pin.GND 222 Ground PinCC (NC)44N/ACompensation Capacitor (Soft Start)Connect an optimum 10nF noise bypass capacitor between the CC and the ground pins to reduce noise in VOUT.(Note. It can be floated, but don’t connect the CC pin to any DC voltage.) EN3 3 1Shutdown InputSet the regulator into disable mode by pulling the EN pin low. To keep theregulator on during normal operation, connect the EN pin to VIN. The EN pinmust not exceed VIN under all operating conditions.Functional Block DiagramVINENVOUTCC (NC)FIG .1. Functional Block Diagram of EMP8020Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 1, 2)VIN, VOUT, VEN -0.3V to 6.0V Power Dissipation (Note 4) Storage Temperature Range -65°C to 150°C Junction Temperature (T J ) 150°CLead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 260°C ESD RatingHuman Body Model (Note 6) 2KV MM 200VOperating Ratings (Note 1, 2)Supply Voltage 2.2V to 5.5V Storage Temperature Range -40°C to 85°CThermal Resistance ( JA )) SC-70-5 331°C /W (Note. 3)SOT-23-5124°C /W (Note. 3)Electrical CharacteristicsUnless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for V IN = V OUT +1V (Note 7), VEN = V IN , C IN = C OUT = 2.2µF, C CC = 33nF, T J = 25°C. Boldface limits apply for the operating temperature extremes: -40°C and 85°C.SymbolParameterConditionsMin Typ (Note 5)Max UnitsVout ≧1.3V2.25.5V IN Input VoltageVout<1.3V3.05.5V -2 +2ΔV OTL Output Voltage Tolerance I OUT = 10mA (Note 7)-3+3 % of V OUT (NOM)I OUT Maximum Output Current Average DC Current Rating 300mA I LIMITOutput Current Limit358 489 622 mAI OUT = 0mA50 Supply CurrentI OUT = 300mA 120 I QShutdown Supply CurrentV OUT = 0V, EN = GND0.0011µAVout =1.0V 700Vout =1.3V 600 Vout =1.8V 395Vout=2.5V310Vout =2.8V 305V DODropout Voltage(Note 8)Vout=3.0VI OUT =300mA 297mVVout=3.1V274 Vout=3.3V267Line Regulation I OUT = 1mA, (V OUT + 0.5V) ≤ V IN≤ 5.5V(Note 7)-0.1 0.02 0.1 %/VΔV OUTLoad Regulation 100µA ≤ I OUT≤300mA 0.001 %/mAI OUT=10mA,10Hz ≤ f ≤ 100kHzCbypass = 10nF45e n OutputVoltageNoiseI OUT=10mA,10Hz ≤ f ≤ 100kHz Cbypass = float 145µV RMSV IH, (V OUT + 0.5V) ≤V IN≤ 5.5V(Note 7)1.2 VEN ENInputThresholdV IL, (V OUT + 0.5V) ≤V IN≤ 5.5V (Note 7) 0.4VIEN EN Input Bias Current EN = GND or VIN 0.1 100 nAThermal ShutdownTemperature167T SDThermal ShutdownHysteresis 30℃T ON Start-UpTime C OUT = 10µF, V OUT at 90% ofFinal Value140 µsNote 1: Absolute Maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage may occur. Electrical specifications do notapply when operating the device outside of its rated operating conditions.Note 2: All voltages are with respect to the potential at the ground pin.Note 3: θJA is measured in the natural convection at T A =25℃ on a high effective thermal conductivity test board (2 layers , 2S0P ) of JEDEC 51-7 thermal measurement standard.Note 4: Maximum Power dissipation for the device is calculated using the following equation:JAθAT - J(MAX)TD P =Where TJ(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, TA is the ambient temperature, and θJA is thejunction-to-ambient thermal resistance. E.g. for the SOT-23-5 package θJA = 250°C/W, T J (MAX) = 150°C and using TA = 25°C, the maximum power dissipation is found to be 500mW. The derating factor (-1/θJA ) = -4.0mW/°C, thus below 25°C the power dissipation figure can be increased by 4.0mW per degree, and similarity decreased by this factor for temperatures above 25°C.Note 5: Typical Values represent the most likely parametric norm.Note 6: Human body model: 1.5k Ω in series with 100pF.Note 7: Condition does not apply to input voltages below 2.2V since this is the minimum input operating voltage.Note 8: Dropout voltage is measured by reducing V IN until V OUT drops 100mV from its nominal value. Dropout voltagedoes not apply to the regulator versions with V OUT less than 1.8V.Typical Performance CharacteristicsUnless otherwise specified, VIN = V OUT (NOM) + 1V, C IN = C OUT = 2.2µF, C CC = 10nF, T A = 25°C, VEN = VIN.Dropout Voltage vs. Load Current (VOUT=2.8V)Ground Current vs. VIN (VOUT=2.8V)50100150200250300D r o p o u t V o l t a g e (m V )-40℃25℃85℃203040506070I n p u t C u r r e n t (u A )-40℃25℃85℃Typical Performance Characteristics (cont.)Unless otherwise specified, VIN = V OUT (NOM) + 1V, C IN = C OUT = 2.2µF, C CC = 10nF, T A = 25°C, VEN = VIN.Load Transient (VIN=3.0V, VOUT=1V, IOUT=10~100mA ) Load Transient ( VIN=3.0V, VOUT=1V, IOUT=200~300mA) VoutIoutIo u t=10m A~100m AVoutIoutIo u t=200m A~300m AEnable Response (VOUT=2.5V, IOUT=0mA,Cout=10uF) Enable Response (VOUT=2.5V, IOUT=50mA,Cout=10uF) Current Limit (VOUT=2.8V) Noise Level (VOUT=2.8V, IOUT=10mA)ESMT EMP8020 Application InformationGeneral DescriptionReferring to Fig.1as shown in the Functional Block Diagram section, the EMP8020 adopts the classical regulator topology in which negative feedback control is used to perform the desired voltage regulating function. Resistors (R1,R2) form the feedback circuit which samples the output voltage for the error amplifier’s non-inverting input. The inverting input is set to the bandgap reference voltage. Due to its high open-loop gain, the error amplifier ensures that the sampled output feedback voltage at its non-inverting input is virtually equal to the preset bandgap reference voltage.The error amplifier compares the voltage difference at its inputs and produces an appropriate driving voltage to theP-channel MOS pass transistor, which controls the amount of current reaching the output. If there are changes in the output voltage due to load changes, the feedback resistors register these changes to the non-inverting input of the error amplifier. The error amplifier then adjusts its driving voltage to maintain virtual short between its two input nodes under all loading conditions. The regulation of the output voltage is achieved as a direct result of the error amplifier keeping its input voltages equal. This negative feedback control topology is further augmented by the shutdown, the fault detection, and the temperature and current protection circuitry.Output CapacitorThe EMP8020 is specially designed for use with ceramic output capacitors of as low as 2.2µF to take advantage of the savings in cost and space, as well as the superior filtering of high frequency noise. Capacitors of higher value or other types may be used, but it is important to make sure its equivalent series resistance (ESR) be restricted to less than 0.5Ω. The use of larger capacitors with smaller ESR values is desirable for applications involving large and fast input or output transients, as well as situations where the application systems are not physically located immediately adjacent to the battery power source. Typical ceramic capacitors suitable for use with the EMP8020 are X5R and X7R. The X5R and theX7R capacitors are able to maintain their capacitance values to within ±20% and ±10%, respectively, as the temperature increases.No-Load StabilityThe EMP8020 is capable of stable operation during no-load conditions, a mandatory feature for some applications such as CMOS RAM keep-alive operations.Input CapacitorA minimum input capacitance of 1µF is required for EMP8020. The capacitor value may be increased without limit. Improper workbench set-ups may have adverse effects on the normal operation of the regulator. A case in point isthe instability that may result from long supply lead inductance coupling to the output through the gate capacitanceof the pass transistor. This will establish a pseudo LCR network, and is likely to happen under high current conditions or near dropout. A 10µF tantalum input capacitor will dampen the parasitic LCR action due to its high ESR. However, cautions should be exercised to avoid regulator short-circuit damage when tantalum capacitors are used sincetheyare prone to fail in short-circuit operating conditions.ESMT EMP8020Compensation (Noise Bypass) CapacitorSubstantial reduction in the output voltage noise of the EMP8020 is accomplished by connecting the noise bypass capacitor CC (10nF optimum) between pin 4 and the ground. Because pin 4 connects directly to the highimpedance output of the bandgap reference circuit, the level of the DC leakage currents in the CC capacitors used will adversely reduce the regulator output voltage. This sets the DC leakage level as the key selection criterion of the CC capacitor types for use with the EMP8020. NPO and COG ceramic capacitors typically offer very low leakage. Although the use of the CC capacitors does not affect the transient response, it does affect the turn-on time of the regulator. Trade off exists between output noise level and turn-on time when selecting the CC capacitor value.Power Dissipation and Thermal ShutdownThermal overload is caused by excessive power dissipation, which raises the IC junction temperature beyond a safe operating level. The EMP8020 relies on dedicated thermal shutdown circuitry to limit its total power dissipation. An IC junction temperature TJ exceeding 167°C will trigger the thermal shutdown logic, turning off the P-channel MOS pass transistor. The pass transistor turns on again after the junction cools down around 30°C. When continuous thermal overload conditions persist, the thermal shutdown action results in a pulsed waveform generated at the output of the regulator. An IC junction with a low thermal resistance θJA(°C/W) is preferred because the IC will be relatively effective in dissipating its thermal energy to its ambient. The relationship between θJA and T J is as follows:T J =θJA (PD) + T AWhere T A is the ambient temperature.P D is the power generated by the IC and can be written as:P D = I OUT (V IN - V OUT)As the equations show, it is desirable to work with ICs whose θJA values are small so T J does not increase rapidly withP D. To avoid thermal overloading do not exceed the absolute maximum junction temperature rating of 150°C under continuous operating conditions. Overstressing the regulator with high loading currents and elevated input-to-output differential voltages can increase the IC die temperature significantly.ShutdownThe EMP8020 enters sleep mode when the EN pin is low. When this occurs, the pass transistor, the error amplifier, andthe biasing circuits, including the bandgap reference, are turned off, thus reducing the supply current to typically 1nA. The low supply current makes the EMP8020 best suited for battery-powered applications. The maximum guaranteed voltage at the EN pin to enter sleep mode is 0.4V. A minimum guaranteed voltage of 1.2V at the EN pin will activatethe EMP8020. To constantly keep the regulator on, direct connection of the EN pin to the VIN pin is allowed.Fast Start-UpFast start-up time is important for overall system efficiency improvement. The EMP8020 assures fast start-up speedwhen using the optional noise bypass capacitor (CC). To shorten start-up time, the EMP8020 internally supplies a current to charge up the capacitor until it reaches about 90% of its final value.Package Outline Drawing SC-70-5TOP VIEWE1DETAIL ASIDE VIEWA1* This drawing includes SC70 5&6 lead.For 5 lead packages, the No.5 was removed.Package Outline Drawing SOT-23-5TOP VIEWSIDE VIEWMARKDETAIL AAPackage Outline DrawingSC-82-4Min.0.800.000.150.300.081.85Dimension in mmRevision HistoryRevisionDateDescription0.1 2009.07.09 Original0.2 2010.03.181) Added 3.1V and 3.3V option.2) Added “Soft Start” for the pin description. 3) Remove “GRR” order information 0.3 2010.07.28 1) Added 1.8V Vout version.2) Modified SOT-25 → SOT-23-5 (let package name uniform in BU2).3) Modified package thermal resistance ( JA )) data.4) Added Dropout voltage for Vout=3.3V, Vout=3.1V and Vout=1.8V.5) Node. 7 item revised.0.4 2010.08.261) Modified dropout voltage for Vout=2.8V 2) Added 3.0V Vout version. 3) Added Dropout voltage for Vout=3.0V0.5 2010.10.21 1)Add 1.5V/1.8V/2.5V/3.0V/3.3V option for SC-70-5package2)Modified Note item number0.6 2011.01.061)Added Dropout voltage for Vout=2.5V2)Added Vout=2.5V Voltage option for SOT-25 0.7 2011.03.221)Added 3.1V option for SC-70-52)Added 3.1V option for SC-82-4 0.8 2011.05.241)Added 1.3/1.5V option for SOT232)Added 1.3V option for SC-70 0.9 2011.08.16 Modify Output Voltage Tolerance (page 5) 1.0 2011.12.13 Added Vout = 1.2V option into this datasheet1.1 2013.01.07 1)Added Vout=1.2V option for SC-70-5 (page 2) 2)Modify outline drawing of SC-70-5 and SOT-23-5 andSC-82-4 package (page 11/12/13) 1.2 2014.08.27 1)Added Vout=1.0V option for SOT-23-5 (page 3)2)Add Electrical Characteristics V DO for Vout=1.3V and1.0V3) Modify Typical Performance Characteristics for Load Transient.Important NoticeAll rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means without the prior permission of ESMT.The contents contained in this document are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. ESMT assumes no responsibility for any error in this document, and reserves the right to change the products or specification in this document without notice.The information contained herein is presented only as a guide or examples for the application of our products. No responsibility is assumed by ESMT for any infringement of patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license, either express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of ESMT or others.Any semiconductor devices may have inherently a certain rate of failure. To minimize risks associated with customer's application, adequate design and operating safeguards against injury, damage, or loss from such failure, should be provided by the customer when making application designs. ESMT's products are not authorized for use in critical applications such as, but not limited to, life support devices or system, where failure or abnormal operation may directly affect human lives or cause physical injury or property damage. If products described here are to be used for such kinds of application, purchaser must do its own quality assurance testing appropriate to such applications.。

Keysight 81602A Extra High Power Tunable Laser Sou

Keysight 81602A Extra High Power Tunable Laser Sou

81602A Extra High Power Tunable LaserIntroductionThe new Keysight Technologies, Inc. 81602A Tunable Laser Source has been designed to explore new application areas in photonic device testing: it combines output power levels beyond +18 dBm with the excellent power flatness, repeatability and stability, the outstanding wavelength accuracy and the fast repetition rate of the 8160xA Family of Tunable Laser Sources. For maximum flexibility, all 8160xA tunable laser modules fit into the bottom slot of the Keysight 8164B Lightwave Measurement System Mainframe.O-Band Tunable Laser Source Exceeding 63 mW Output PowerThe 81602A Tunable Laser Source reaches an optical power level of over +18 dBm. The high output power helps compensate for the coupling loss of optical surface probes or the insertion loss of external modulators during the verification of integrated photonic designs. This allows testing photonic devicesat relevant signal levels and wavelengths. With a tuning range of 1250 nm to 1370 nm, the laser addresses the latest Silicon Photonics research.The extra high power tunable laser model extends power budget limits in test setups and speeds fiber or probe alignment by getting first light faster: +18 dBm output power help overcome the limitations of probe coupling efficiency, particularly where surface probes need to operate over a broad wavelength range.Photonic devices can be tested at relevant signal levels, even with probe coupling or external modulation: with +16 dBm output power across the 100GBASE-LR4 wavelength range (1290 nm - 1315 nm), the new laser helps advance Silicon Photonics for the latest data center standards. Even at the more distant CWDM channels used by 100GBASE-CLR4 or CWDM4 (1271/1291/1311/1331 nm), the new laser provides +12 dBm output power. Combined with an external modulator, a waveform generator, and an optical attenuator, it enables the test of receivers for 100G Ethernet or the next generation of PON standards. The laser’s tuning capability allows for corner case testing and ensuresit is ready for arbitrary wavelength plans.For the evaluation of passive components like optical filters or demultiplexers the 81606A tunable laser and its sister models 81607A, 81608A and 81609A provide even lower spontaneous emission levels, better than 80 dB/nm signal-to-SSE ratio. This and a signal power above +12 dBm permit measurements of wavelength isolation to 100 dB, most often limited by power meter sensitivity. Please refer to the8160xx tunable laser family data sheet for further details (publication no. 5989-7321EN).Built-in wavelength meter for optimum tuning precisionAll Keysight 8160xA Tunable Laser Sources include a built-in real time wavelength meter which realizes the family’s excellent absolute and relative wavelength accuracy and delivers wavelength logging data after each sweep. The wavelength reference unit includes a gas cell for long-term stability and absolute referencing. Its fast response and fine wavelength resolution enable the 81602A to sweep withsub-picometer repeatability. Originally introduced with the 81606A top line model, it is the key to the 81602A’s superior accu racy and temperature stability, and it enables a greater degree of self-diagnosis than previously possible.Specified performance in the continuous sweep modeAs manufacturing yield expectations become more and more stringent, it is important that all instruments deliver optimum performance under all measurement conditions. The built-in wavelength reference unit delivers real-time wavelength readings with sub-picometer resolution, and at a very high update rate. As a result, the dynamic specifications for swept operation apply in both directions, at all sweep speeds up to 200 nm/s.Polarization maintaining fiber for the test of integrated optical devicesThe 8160xA Family of Tunable Laser Sources is ideal for characterizing integrated optical devices.The PMF output port provides a well-defined state of polarization to ensure constant measurement conditions for waveguide devices. A PMF cable easily connects to an external optical modulator.Certified qualityThe 8160xA Family of Tunable Laser Sources are produced to the ISO 9001 international quality system standard as part of Keysight’s commitment to continually increasing customer satisfaction through improved quality control.Specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance. They are verifi ed at the end of a2-meter-long patch cord and are valid after warm-up, and for the stated output power and wavelength ranges.Each specification is assured by thoroughly analyzing all measurement uncertainties. Supplementary performance characteristics de scribe the instrument’s non-warranted typical performance.Every instrument is delivered with a commercial certificate of calibration and a detailed test report. For further details on specifications, refer to Chapter 3 in the Keysight 81602A Tunable Laser User’s Guide (publication number 81602-90B01).Laser safety informationOption 013 tunable laser sources specified by this data sheet are classified as Class 3B according to IEC 60825-1. All laser sources complywith 21 CFR 1040.10 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated 2007, June 24. Operating the 81602A Option 013 O-band Extra High-Power Tunable Laser Source requires implementing and registering a Laser Class 3B compliant workspace. If you are uncertain about applicable laser safety regulations, consult a certified Laser Safety Officer or contact your local environmental health and safety department. The Keysight 81602A Tunable Laser Source is equipped with a separate, bright red warning LED that indicates when the laser unit is active. The 8164B Lightwave Measurement System mainframe offers a remote interlock connector to ease the implementation of automatic safety measures. A passkey is required to boot the laser module. WarningInvisible Laser Radiation avoid exposure to Beam Class 3B Laser Product (IEC 60825-1)81602A Extra High-Power Tunable Laser Source1. Valid for 24 hours after lambda zeroing, within a ±5 K temperature range.2. At maximum output power, between 1320 nm and 1350 nm.3. At constant temperature ±1 K.4. Full wavelength range for swe ep speeds ≤ 50 nm/s.Full wavelength range reduced by 0.5 nm on both ends for 80 nm/s sweep speed.Full wavelength range reduced by 3 nm on both ends for sweep speeds ≥ 100 nm/s and ≤ 150 nm/s.Full wavelength range reduced by 5 nm on both ends for ≥160 nm/s sweep speed.Mode-hop free tunable across the full wavelength range. Stop wavelength below 1345 nm.5. Add ±0.01 dB for sweep speeds > 80 nm/s.6. At maximum output power.ConditionsGeneral Specifications and Supplementary Characteristics Supplementary performance characteristicsGeneral specificationsLearn more at: For more information on Keysight Technologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at: /find/contactusOrdering InformationLightwave Measurement System mainframe 8164BTunable Laser Module: 81602A top line, ±1.5 pm typical wavelength accuracy 81602A Option 013 Extra high-power tunable laser source 1250 nm to 1370 nm, top lineMainframe compatibility8164B Lightwave Measurement System mainframe. Connection optionThe module comes with PMF, angled contact output connector. Connector interfaceOne 81000xI-series connector interface is required for 81602A.。

RFL-P20Q 激光器英文说明书

RFL-P20Q 激光器英文说明书

User Instruction RFL-P20QWuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies CO., Ltd.2021Safety InformationPlease read this instruction carefully and familiarize yourself with the information we have provided before you use the product. In this brochure, important operation procedures, safety and other information are provided for you and all future users. In order to ensure operating safely and optimal performance of the product, please do according to following warnings, cautions and other information.a)Raycus pulsed fiber laser is classified as a high power Class IV laser device. Beforesupplying the power to the device, please make sure that the correct voltage of 24VDC power source is connected and the anode and cathode are right. Failure to connectpower source correctly will cause damage to the device.b)The device emits invisible 1060~1085nm wavelength light with average power 20W.Do not expose your eyes or skin to the radiation of the laser.c)Do not take apart the device, because there are no replaceable accessories available forusers to use. Any maintenance can only be proceeded in Raycus.d)Do not look into the light output end directly. Use appropriate laser safety eyewearwhen operating the device.Safety labels and locationsThe two labels above is located on the top of the cover of the device, representing laser radicalization.Content1.Description (1)1.1.Product description (1)1.2.Actual configuration list (1)1.3.Environmental requirements and cautions (1)1.4.Specifications (2)2.Mounting (3)2.1Mounting dimensions (3)2.2Method of installation (3)3.Control Interface (4)4.Operation Regulations (7)4.1Pre-inspection (7)4.2Operation procedures (7)4.3Cautions (7)5.Instructions for warranty, return and maintenance (8)5.1General warranty (8)5.2Limitations of warranty (8)5.3Service and repairs (8)1.Description1.1.Product descriptionRaycus pulsed laser is an ideal high power laser source with high speed and high efficiency. It is specially designed for industrial laser making system and other applications.Compared with traditional lasers, pulsed laser has some unique advantages in increasing the conversion efficiency of the pump light 10 times higher.Its low power consumption and automotive design make it appropriate for operating both in and outside the lab. Besides, it is exquisite and convenient for its independence in placement, free time in using and facility in connecting to equipment directly.The device can emit 1060~1085nm wavelength pulsed light under the control of industrial laser’s standard interface driven by 24V DC power source.1.2.Actual configuration listTable 1. Configuration list1.3.Environmental requirements and cautionsPulsed laser should be driven by 24V DC±1V power source.a)Caution: Make sure the corresponding wires of the device are properly grounded.b)All the maintenance to the device should only be done by Raycus, because there is noreplacement or accessory provided with the device. Please do not try to damage thelabels or open the cover in order to prevent against electric shock, or the warranty willbe invalid.c)The output head of the product is connected with an optical cable. Please be carefulhandling the output head. Avoid dirt and any other contaminations. Please use thespecialized lens paper when cleaning the lens. Please lid the laser with protective coverof the light isolator to be against dirt only when the laser is not installed in the deviceor not in working.d)If the operating the device fails to follow this instruction, the protective function willbe weakened. Therefore, it should be used under normal conditions.e)Do not install the collimating device into the output head when the laser device is inworking.f)The device has three cooling fans at the rear panel to dissipate heat. In order toguarantee enough airflow to help giving heat off, there must be a space of at least10cm’s width for airflow in front and rear side of the device. As the cooling fans areworking at blow condition, if laser is mounted in a cabinet with fans, the directionshould be same as laser’s fans.g)Do not look into the output head of the device directly. Please do wear appropriatelaser safety eyewear during the time when operating the device.h)Make sure the pulse repetition rate higher than 20kHz.i)For the longest time without pulse is only 50 x 10-6s. If there is no pulse output, pleasestopmarking at once, to avoid further damage of the device.j)Power source sudden interruption will do great harm to the laser device. Please make sure the power supply works continuously.1.4.SpecificationsTable 2.pulsed fiber laser specifications2.Mounting2.1Mounting dimensionsa)Fiber Laser module dimensions (As shown in Fig. 1).Figure 1. Dimension drawing of laser module(Unit: mm).b)Isolated output head dimensions (As shown in Fig. 2).Figure 2. Dimension drawing of output isolator (Unit: mm).2.2Method of installationa)Fix the module stable to the bracket and keep the laser in good ventilation.b)Connect the power line to 24V DC power and ensure enough DC output power.Keep itclear to the polarity of the electric current: anode-brown; cathode-blue; PE-yellow andgreen. The definition figure is shown in Fig. 3.Figure 3. Definition of power line wiresc) Make sure that the interface of the external controllermatches the laser and the controlcable is well connected to the laser ’s interface. The recommended electrical connection is shown in Fig. 4.L N Figure 4. Schematic of recommended electrical connectiond) The bending radius of the delivery fiber should not exceed 15cm.3. Control InterfaceThere are DB9 and DB25 interfaces at the rear of the laser. The DB9 is a RS232 interface only used for debugging, no needs to connect. And DB25 is the joint interface connecting control system with laser system, please make sure the connection is reliable before operation. Feet of the DB25 are defined as follows in Fig. 5.24V+GND24V-Figure 5. Connect port of controllerTable 3Definition of connect ports of controllera)The pump current of diode laser and the laser output power are controlled by settingthe value of PIN1-PIN8 (TTL level). PIN1-PIN8 can be set from 0~255,corresponding to the laser output power from 0~100%(the actual laser power may not be strictly linear with the setting value). The relationship between PIN value and output power is shown in Table 4:b)PIN 10,13,14,15,24,25 are all digital GND.c)PIN 17 is the external 5V DC input, providing power for inside chips of alarm signal toensure that alarm signals are valid.d)PIN 18 is the start signal of the MO. PIN19 is the input for the optical output signal.The electrical level for both PIN18 and PIN19 are 5V. Before turning on PIN 19, MO signal must be switched ON, in other word, the signal of PIN 18 must be ahead of PIN19 at least 5 ms, and otherwise the laser machine may be damaged.Table 4 Definition of power control PIN valuee)20kHz~60kHz, depends on the varying power levels of different laser machines. ATTENTION: The frequency signal must be ahead of the EM signal at least 5 ms, otherwise the laser machine may be damaged.f)Definition of alarm signalTable 5 Definition of warning signalg)Internal circuit of input/output signalInternal circuit of input signal:(current of input signal must be greater than 7mA)Figure 6. Internal circuit of input signalInternal circuit of output signal:Figure 7. Internal circuit of output signal4.Operation Regulations4.1Pre-inspectiona)Make sure the device appearance is in good condition and the output fiber isneitherexcessively bended nor broken.b)Make sure signal line of laser and marking system are properly connected.4.2Operation proceduresa)Starting proceduresPlease make sure the control system is on before you turn on the fiber laser. Only afterat least 1 minute since the power turned on, the subsequent operations can be preceded.b)Frequency set introductionsFor modelP20Q, the frequency setting range is from 20kHz to 60kHz.c)Laser marking checkingd)For the device initial testing, firstturn the power down to zero without turning on themarking system after the device is successfully started. Then draw a quadrate, markingcontinuously whileslowly increasing the power from zero to 100% at the same time.Meanwhile, use a ceramic material to observe the laser and the laser should becomestronger, otherwise shut down the device and check. If operating normally, themarking system can be used in common order afterwards.4.3Cautionsa)Marking frequency must be in the range of20~60 kHz.b)It should not modulate the frequency while marking.c)Stop marking first before shutting down the device, then turn the power down to zeroand cut the power off.5.Instructions for warranty, return and maintenance5.1General warrantyAll products are warranted by Raycus against defects and problems in materials and workmanship during the warranty period according to the purchase order or specifications and we guarantee the product will accord with the specification under normal use.Raycus has the right to choose to repair or replace any product that proves to be defective in materials and workmanship selectively during the warranty period. Only products with particular defects are under warranty. Raycus reserves the right to issue a credit note for any defective products produced in normal conditions.5.2Limitations of warrantyThe warranty does not cover the maintenance or reimbursement of our product of which the problem results from tampering, disassembling, misuse, accident, modification, unsuitable physical or operating environment, improper maintenance, damages due to excessive use or not following the instructions caused by those who are not from Raycus. Customer has the responsibility to understand and follow this instruction to use the device. Any damage caused by fault operating is not warranted. Accessories and fiber connectors are excluded in this warranty.According to the warranty, client should write to us within 31days since the defect is discovered. This warranty does not involve any other party, including specified buyer, end-user or customer and any parts, equipment or other products produced by other companies.5.3Service and repairsRaycus is responsible for all the maintenance, for there is no accessory available inside for users to use. Please contact Raycus as soon as possible when problems under warranty about maintenance happen to the product. The product returned with permission should be placed in a suitable container. If any damage happens to the product, please notify the carrier in document immediately.All the items about warranty and service above provided by Raycus are only for reference; formal contents about warranty and service are subject to the contract.© 2021Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co. Ltd.All Rights Recerved.。

Cellpro PowerLab 8充电器中文说明书

Cellpro PowerLab 8充电器中文说明书

PL8大功率充电器中文使用说明,使用教程!发布日期:2011-11-18 22:09:41 **** PowerLab 8 快速使用 ***[1]接上电源供应器(或电瓶/充电站/...)使用DC24~32V输出功率可达1008W.8S满载使用时,供应器必须能提供最大1200W的功率.使用DC12V则最大输出功率为516W.8S满载使用时,供应器必须能提供最大600W的功率.不管充3S还是8S,最大充电流为40A.[2]按任意键后,会出现Power Source? (使用那种电源),使用[INC]或[DEC]切换,有两种选择Battery(电瓶或充电站)DC Power Supply(电源供应器)请正确选择,电源种类.[3]开始充电:使用[INC]或[DEC]键可选择充电模式,若没使用电脑更改,会发现有25个预设充电模式,其中第3个(HIGH POWER)可以用最大电流(40A)充电.*请选择任一模式(例如 3 HIGH POWER)*接上电池:#如果要同时充两个,每一片分压板就插一个电池的分压线,如果要同时充9个必须有9片分压板.香蕉插也是一个对一个.同时充多个电池必须CELL数相同(C数/容量/趟数不限),且不能混用电池(例如把Lipo跟A123插在一起).使用T插或XT60请小心,最好用色笔做个记号,因为T插若插反无法插上没错,但用力插的时候电极却可能碰在一起,这样会把充电器保险丝烧断.同时充电的电池也尽量压差不要太大,最好在0.2V以内,例如一个3.80V另一个就不要高于4.00V.否则分压板可能进入保护状态.如果不想使用平衡功能可将平衡关掉,但分压线还是要接,平衡关掉时PL8只用来侦测,以免有人把6S当7S充或某片CELL有问题造成其他CELL过充而发生危险.按下[ENTER]键会依序询问底下问题.也可长按[ENTER]跳过询问直接充电(必须用电脑将QUICK START选项打勾才能长按,这一台对安全实在有点龟毛) Parallel Packs?(同时充几个电池?):请回答电池数量(N=1个,或2~9P),这样有关的数据会自动换算,例如:mAh/内阻/电流/...Set Charge Rate?(设定充电率):可以选择100mA~40A之间的充电电流,也可以选择1C,2C,3C这台会自动侦测容量及可能C数以自动处理,不过速度没有直接设电流这么快(因为侦测要时间).Set Dsch. Rate?(设定放电电流):如果要放电时才要准确设定,否则不必理它.START? (开始吗?):会有底下几种选择,选好后按下[ENTER]CHARGE ONLY(只要充电)DISCHARGE ONLY(只要放电)Reg DISCHARGE(将电池的电回存到电瓶),此选项只在选择电池为电源才会出现.MONITOR(充电器不会运作,只显示电池状态在LCD面板而已)n CYCLE(跑n次循环,那个n可设定)Use Banana Jacks? (有插香蕉插吗?):如果没插的话只会用分压线来做平衡充电,电流范围只能100mA~3A之间.设很大也不会超过3A.因为分压头的线太细,无法大电流.接下来PL8会出现CHECKING PACK(检查电池),然后出现电池CELL数及种类(LIPO/A123/...),若都没问题按[ENTER]就开始充电了.若要停止充电,可按着[ENTER]不放就会停止按下[BACK]可回到上一页,长按[BACK]会返回上一个主选项.[INC]或[DEC]用来选择显示的数据,若觉得画面太复杂或页次太多,可用电脑自订显示方式及页面.注:出厂预设的充电模式1 Lipo Accurate Charge :一般充电(很准确)2 Lipo Faster Charge :快速充电3 Lipo High Power:高功率充电4 Lipo Long Life (4.1v):长寿命充电(电池可以用比较久,但没完全充饱,速度慢)5 Lipo Small Balanced:小电流平衡模式6 Lipo 1s/2s Small Non Balanced:1S或2S不接平衡分压线充电7 Lipo All Brands Storage Charge:储存模式8 A123 2300 mAh Accurate Charge:A123 一般充电(很准确)9 A123 2300 mAh Faster Charge:A123 快速充电10 A123 2300 mAh High Power :A123 高功率充电11 A123 2300 mAh Non Bal. 1-5S:A123 1~5S不接平衡分压线充电12 A123 2300 mAh Non Bal 8s:A123 8S不接平衡分压线充电13 A123 1100 mAh Accurate Charge:A123 一般充电(很准确)14 A123 1100 mAh Faster Charge:A123 快速充电15 A123 1100 mAh Non Bal. 1-5S:A123 1~5S不接平衡分压线充电16 A123 1100 mAh Non Bal 8s:A123 8S不接平衡分压线充电17 A123 All Cpcty Storage Charge:A123 储存模式18 A123 Store Non Bal. 1-5S:A123 储存模式(1~5S不接平衡分压线)19 A123 Store Non Bal 8s Fixed:A123 储存模式(8S不接平衡分压线)20 NiCd Fast Charge with Trickle:NiCd充电21 NiMH Fast Charge with Trickle:NiMH充电22 NiCd/NiMH 24 Hr Trickle Charge :NiCd/NiMH充电23 Lead 12v SLA or Gel Cell:汽车电瓶充电24 空的(自行运用,若使用充电站的人会给一个档案,针对该电池特性的充电,名为Charge Station)25 空的(自行运用,建议Copy模式3到此位置,并改名RESTORE 3.860V,大电流储存模式)26~76是Library(充电模式库,用来存放别人建立或厂商提供的模式库,可以依需要搬来搬去,或存在电脑内)此台充电器可针对电池特性,建立不同的模式库,只要会下载来用就可以了.**** PowerLab 8 进阶使用 ***[1]电源管理设定同时按着[INC]+[DEC],画面出现Choose TASK? (选择功能)利用[INC]或[DEC]找到Charger Options(充电器设定) 这个项目,按[ENTER]进入出现Power Source? 再选择DC Power Supply以设定电源供应器管理,会依序询问如下问题:*Supply Current Limit(电源供应器的最大电流):如果是24V 1000W则选择40A(1000W/24V=40A)*Low Sply Limit? (供应器最低电压) :当电源供应器的电压低于此设定,充电器会自动断电.*Use Regenerative Discharge? (再生放电):电源供应器无此功能(不能设定)*Decimal Places for Cells? (电压显示小数点的位数,可以2或3位) *Quiet Charging? (安静模式,不会发出哔声)*Speaker Volume? (音量大小)*Sound Button Clicks? (按按键是否要发出哔声)*Charge Complete Beeps? (充电完成时要哔几声)*Preset Charges Always Save? (充电时修改的数据是否要储存)按着[BACK]回到一般选单.重覆上一次[3]的过程,出现Power Source? 改选择Battery以设定电池管理,会依序询问如下问题:*Battery Current Limit? (电池供应的最大电流):充电站请输入最大值,其他电池请查规格.*Bat. Low Cutoff? (电池最低截止电压):充电站请输入最小值,充电器会自动换算,若输入11V当电池为24V以上,会自动*2(22V截止放电)*Use Regenerative Discharge? (使用再生放电):是否可将用不完的电回充到电池,充电站请回答Y*后面的问题跟DC Power Supply的选项一样,请看前项.按着[BACK]回到一般选单.[2]充电模式设定:每个充电模式都可以独立设定/更改/备份/复制/贴上.连接电脑时会有更多的细项可修改(进阶玩家用).先选充电模式(例如更改3 HIGH POWER),同时按着[INC]+[DEC],画面出现Choose TASK?(选择功能)找到Preset Settings(充电模式设定)这个项目,按[ENTER]进入,会依序询问如下问题:Set Amps at 5mA Increments? 用来鉴别充电完成用(小容量<2000mAh请回答Y,大容量>2000mAh请回答N)Set Charge Rate? 最大充电电流设定,每个模式可设定的电流上限皆不同(请依需求设定)Cell Level Chg Voltage? 充电截止电压,以0.005为刻度(通常回答4.200V)Sound 3 Beeps at Fuel Level? 充电进度达多少%会哔三声(通常回答90%). Balance Entire Charge? 是否要平衡充电(通常回答Y)Cold Weather Set Point? 几度算寒冷天气下充电(通常回答10度C)Set Dsch. Rate? 最大放电电流设定(请依需求设定)Cell Level Disch Voltage? 放电截止电压,以0.005为刻度(通常回答3.700V)Set Cycles? 充电->放电的循环次数End Cycling with? 当循环完成的时候,接下来要做什么? (Charge=充电,Discharge=放电)[3]充电模式管理:同时按着[INC]+[DEC],画面出现Choose TASK?(选择功能)找到Manage Presets(模式管理)这个项目,按[ENTER]进入,会依序询问如下问题:Clear Current Preset? 是否要把当前的充电模式清空? (例如把没用到的模式清掉,自己建一个来用)Copy Preset From Library? 复制一个模式,覆盖当前的充电模式.(按Y后会出现模式,选一个Copy过来)例如记忆位置25是空的,我们要建立一个大电流储存模式,操作如下:a.先选择Y,再选 3HIGH POWERb.这样第25就变 25 HIGH POWER一模一样c.将25 HIGH POWER的Cell Level Chg Voltage设为3.85Vd.这样以后要储存可以用25 HIGH POWER即可.(当然HIGH POWER这些字是可以改的,可以改成RESTORE之类自己看得懂的)*** 如何挑选电源供应器 ***这一台可做精确的电源管理,只要输入正确的规格,充电器只会在可用范围内运作.需要多大的电源取决于你要用多大的电流来充电.例如以5C同时充2个3S 2200mAh,那表示充电电流为22A(5*2.2*2),换算成瓦数为245W(3S*3.7V*22A),加计供应器及充电器损秏及额定80 %运作,则至少需要423W(245W*1.2*1.2*1.2)所以供应器可以使用12V 500W(额定40A)或建议24V 500W(额定20A),如果只用6S电池又要40A(1300W)充电,必须1500W的供应(当然前提是不能虚标).*** 电源管理设定表 ***PL8电源管理最好正确设定,我知道很多人下限电压都设最低(10V),输入最大电流都设最高(60A),不管用什么当电源都选DC Power Supply,这样用起来很方便没错,不会常常跳出错误讯息或被限流,但那是不对的,请参照下表设定.DC Power Supply(或发电机)MW 1500W 24V: 下限电压22V,上限电流60A.MW 1000W 24V: 下限电压22V,上限电流40A.MW 1000W 12V: 下限电压10V,上限电流60A.MW 600W 24V: 下限电压22V,上限电流25A.MW 600W 12V: 下限电压10V,上限电流50A.非工业用电源,上限电流请照上表打8折.Battery(或充电站)7S 70Ah充电站:下限电压11V,上限电流50A. 约1300W7S 50Ah充电站:下限电压11V,上限电流40A. 约1000W6S 70Ah充电站:下限电压10V,上限电流40A. 约880W6S 50Ah充电站:下限电压10V,上限电流30A. 约660W若使用C数较大的动力LIPO,下限电压上调1V.电流可上调30%.24V 100Ah汽车电瓶:下限电压10V,上限电流30A. 约660W24V 60Ah汽车电瓶:下限电压10V,上限电流18A. 约390W24V 40Ah汽车电瓶:下限电压10V,上限电流12A. 约260W12V 100Ah汽车电瓶:下限电压10V,上限电流30A. 约330W12V 60Ah汽车电瓶:下限电压10V,上限电流18A. 约190W12V 40Ah汽车电瓶:下限电压10V,上限电流12A. 约130W如何计算充电电流:其实只要电源管理正确设定,充电电流乱设没关系,PL8会自动限流,如果能事先计算是最好.(供应W*0.85)/充电电压V=可用充电电流A例如使用MW1000-24充6S电池,(1000W*0.85)/25.2=33.5A例如使用7S 70Ah充电站充6S电池,(1300W*0.85)/25.2=40A例如使用24V 100Ah汽车电瓶充6S电池,(660W*0.85)/25.2=22.2A例如使用12V 60Ah汽车电瓶充6S电池,(190W*0.85)/25.2=6.4A就是说,用12V汽车电瓶(或汽车发动)来充电,只能6.4A充6S电池,否则不是电瓶很快就挂了,要不然就是PL8挂.如果要以10A以上充电且不使用充电站,最好不要使用汽车电瓶,直接用小型发电机比较好,随便一台600W发电机都比PB强,汽车电瓶顶多200W可用.。

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