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惋. 5 am r 乱 1个 诈 撒 小 气乳
j 辩陷
容 龠~
法对其进行全面研究。在本试验中采用的铝合金制品主要是强化铝合金 6 0 6 1 板材, 其焊接接头方式表现为采用的对接模式。 在进行焊接的过程中 一 还需要在焊接口添加合理 的焊丝,这对焊接 顷利进行起到非常重要的 ~ % 作- 用 。在本过程 中采用的焊丝为 5 3 5 6 焊丝。 根据本次亩 £ 验中选取的材料 进行成分深 ^ . 分析, 发现本次试验中两种材料本身化学碗 乍 常多。 具体

5 8・
科 技论 坛
瞬 号
鑫 蚰" 妯~ 、

( 中车长春轨道客 车股份有限公司 , 吉林 长春 1 3 0 0 0 0 )

要: 铝合金在人们 日常生活 中非常常见 , 采 用这种材料制作成的各种产品 由于 自身性能 良 好 而在 社会 上得 到广泛应 用。但是 这
1试验材料 及试 验方法 在对铝合金焊接中接头产生的疲劳进行分析中,可以通过试验的方
1 0 0 0 4 0 5
1 7 8. 4
耙缺 编
3 7 5 7 1 3
~ 2 6 9 0 l 2
蜥 '挪缱
晰 f烨 琏 断 于 跸 缝 断 于琳 鲢 断 于蚪 姥
雀 埘气 拽 光酶鹬 中 0 . 5 am r 乳 3 十 帅 5 a r m 气 扎 2个 M
由于铝合金 自身存在非常多的优点, 使得这种材料在 人 . 们 日常生活 中者 翻 乍 常广泛 的应用 。 而 目铝合 酶蟋 焊接的过程 中, 经常 会因为外 界因素的影响, 造成疲劳断裂的情况出现。 这种疲劳凼 客 l 在^ 体肉眼 艮

转速、焊速对6061-T6 铝合金搅拌摩擦焊性能的影响

转速、焊速对6061-T6 铝合金搅拌摩擦焊性能的影响

1 200
1 300
1 400
1 500
1 200
1 200
1 200
焊接速度对焊接接头力学性能和焊缝中“S”线缺陷的影响。研究结果表明,当搅拌头转速保持在 1 200 r ⋅ min-1时,焊接工
艺窗口较宽;当焊接速度为 700 mm ⋅ min-1 、搅拌头的旋转速度为 1 200 r ⋅ min-1时焊缝的强度最高,为 251.608 MPa,焊缝强
度达到了母材的 81.16%。焊接过程中提高搅拌头的旋转速度、减小焊接速度能够减少焊缝中“S”线缺陷的产生。
2020 年第 2 期总第 253 期
转速、焊速对 6061-T6 铝合金 搅拌摩擦焊性能的影响
康 铭,孙 巍,李鹏伟,申 智,鄂英凯
(辽宁忠旺集团有限公司,辽阳 111003)
摘要:对 3 mm 厚 6061-T6 铝合金板材的搅拌摩擦焊工艺进行试验研究,分析了在搅拌摩擦焊焊接过程中不同搅拌头转速、
1 200
2 试验结果及分析
焊速 700 mm· min-1
2.1 拉伸性能 在上述工艺参数下得到的 6061-T6 焊缝力学性



焊接工艺对铝合金焊接性能的影响发布时间:2021-12-09T10:19:54.263Z 来源:《电力设备》2021年第9期作者:李治[导读] 能实现半自动和全自动焊接,并且焊缝熔深大,强度高,工艺适应性宽等诸多优点,在工业上得到了广泛应用。

(山东电力建设第三工程有限公司山东省青岛市崂山区 266100)摘要:随着社会经济的发展,各地区建设工程逐渐增多,铝合金是建设工程的重要原材料之一,在实际工作期间,铝合金焊接头软化问题给工作人员带来了很大困扰,也是铝合金焊接结构发展的难题,在业内该问题已经引起了热议。












应力循环 次数Ⅳ
图 2 不 l司 线 能 量 下 S-N 曲 线 对 比
图 2中脉动拉 伸疲 劳试 验确 定 的指 定寿 命 为 1×10 的中值疲劳极 限 分别为 :小线能量 时 为 88 MPa,中线 能 量 时 为 92 MPa,大 线 能量 时 为
将 焊 接 后 的试 板 按 图 1的 尺 寸 进 行 机 械 加 工 ,得 到疲 劳试 件 的疲 劳 试 验 是在 PLG一100型 微 机 控制 高频 疲 劳试 验 机 上 进 行 的.试 验 采 用 的循 环 应力 比 R =0.1,指 定循 环寿命 取 1×10 次 .在 试 验过 程 中 ,当疲 劳裂 纹 尺 寸足 够 大 导 致 载 荷 加 不 上去 时 ,自动 停 振 ,并 记 录循 环 次 数 .试 验 时 各 S—N 曲线 测 定 时 均按 常规 方 法 进 行 ,即 各 s—N 曲
0 引言
近 年来 ,随着我 国轨 道车 辆 的发 展 ,对 轨道 车 辆 的用 材提 出 了越 来 越 高 的 要 求 .铝 合 金 由 于具 有 密度 小 、比强度 高 、易 于 加 工 成 型 、具 有 良好 的 耐 腐蚀 性等 诸 多优点 ,被 广泛 应 用 于城 际列 车 、地
铝合金 ,供 货状态 为 ,焊 接试板 尺寸 为 300 mlTl× 300 mm×16 I11113,焊 接材料 为 1.2 him 的 ER5356 焊丝 .6061一T6铝合 金 及 ER5356焊 丝 的化 学 成 分 及力 学性 能如 表 1和表 2所示 .
文对不同预热温度和不 同层 问温度下 的 16 nqlTl板厚 6061一T6铝合金对接接头 的疲 劳性 能 进 行 了 系统 的 研究 ,并 对其 断 口形貌 进行 了分 析 .



焊接工艺对铝合金焊接性能的影响李学成雷济旭发布时间:2021-10-13T03:57:14.570Z 来源:《中国科技信息》2021年10月中29期作者:李学成雷济旭[导读] 现如今,我国的经济在快速发展,社会在不断进步,铝合金焊接结构在轨道交通、航空航天、石油化工和船舶等领域广泛应用。




中国航发哈尔滨东安发动机有限公司李学成雷济旭黑龙江哈尔滨 150066摘要:现如今,我国的经济在快速发展,社会在不断进步,铝合金焊接结构在轨道交通、航空航天、石油化工和船舶等领域广泛应用。
















MIG焊和 TIG焊是目前铝合金最常用的焊接方法。



















( 华 中科 技 大 学 材 料 成形 及 模 具 技 术 国家 重 点 实 验 室 ,武汉 4 3 0 0 7 4)
摘 要 : 目的 研 究 6 0 6 1 . T 6铝合金激光焊接接 头的腐蚀 疲劳裂纹扩展 特性 ,并分析 裂纹扩展 的影响 因素。方
法 利 用 光 纤 激 光 器 ,焊 接 尺 寸 为 1 5 0 m l T l ×1 0 0 mm×4 mm( 焊接 方 向 、横 向 、熔 深 方 向1 的6 0 6 1 . T 6 铝合金 ,
Wu h a n 4 3 0 0 7 4 , C h i n a )
AB S T R ACT : T h e p a p e r a i ms t o s t u d y c o r r o s i o n f a t i g u e p r o p a g a t i o n c h a r a c t e i r s t i c s o f 6 0 6 1 一 T 6 a l u mi n u m a l l o y we l d i n g j o i n t
u s e d t o we l d 6 0 6 1 - T 6 a l u mi n u m a l l o y b y t h e s i z e o f 1 5 0/ D ' A n x 1 0 0 mmx 4 mm ( we l d i n g d i r e c t i o n , t r a n s v e r s e a n d p e n e t r a t i o n d i - r e c t i o n ) . T h e t h r e e p o i n t b e n d i n g c r a c k p r o p a g a t i o n t e s t o f S E( B ) s a mp l e a n d t h e me t h o d o f c o n t i n u o u s d e c r e a s e o f K w e r e u s e d





















60mm厚度6061-T6铝合金板搅拌摩擦焊接接头微观组织与力学性能贺地求;罗维;邬红光【摘要】Double-sided friction stir welding was applied to connection of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy plates, the microstructure and mechanical properties of the joints were investigated. The results show that the microstructure undergoes different changes in the through-thickness direction, the tensile strength of the joint reaches 218MPa, 70% that of the parent material. The re-solution and over-aging of the strengthening phases caused by welding thermal cycle have a great effect on the strength degradation, and the thermal mechanical affected zone of the advancing side is the welding weakness.%采用搅拌摩擦焊接方法对6061-T6铝合金板进行了60mm双面对接焊实验,研究了搅拌摩擦焊接接头的微观组织与力学性能,结果表明:焊缝区微观组织沿厚度方向发生了不同程度的改变,焊接接头强度达到218MPa,为母材强度的70%;焊接热循环引发的金属强化相“重固溶”和“过时效”是接头力学性能下降的重要原因,其中前进侧热机影响区为焊缝薄弱环节.【期刊名称】《材料工程》【年(卷),期】2011(000)009【总页数】5页(P20-24)【关键词】双面搅拌摩擦焊;6061-T6铝合金;微观组织;力学性能【作者】贺地求;罗维;邬红光【作者单位】中南大学现代复杂装备设计与极端制造教育部重点实验室,长沙410083;中南大学现代复杂装备设计与极端制造教育部重点实验室,长沙410083;中南大学现代复杂装备设计与极端制造教育部重点实验室,长沙410083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG4536061-T6铝合金属 Al-Mg-Si系可热处理强化铝合金,具有中等强度、良好的塑韧性、耐腐蚀性和挤压性等优点[1]。



Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China29(2019)2035−2046Effect of post-weld heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of welded joints of6061-T6aluminum alloyJie YI1,2,Guan WANG2,Shi-kang LI3,Zhi-wen LIU4,Yan-li GONG11.College of Mechanical Engineering,Hunan Industry Polytechnic,Changsha410208,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,Hunan University,Changsha410082,China;3.Qiuzhen College,Huzhou University,Huzhou313000,China;4.College of Mechanical Engineering,University of South China,Hengyang421001,ChinaReceived1January2019;accepted15August2019Abstract:6061aluminum alloy T-joints were welded by double-pulsed MIG welding process.Then,the post-weld heat treatment was performed on the welded T-joints.The weld microstructure under different aging temperature and time was investigated by transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.The mechanical properties were examined by hardness test and tensile test.The results showed that the micro-hardness was sensitive to heat treatment temperature and time.Increasing temperature was beneficial to the shortening of peak aging time.There were a large number of dislocations and few precipitates in the welded joints.With the increase of post-weld heat treatment temperature and time,the density of dislocation decreased.Meanwhile,the strengthening phase precipitated and grew up gradually.When the post-weld heat treatment temperature increased up to200°C, large Q'phases were observed.And they were responsible for the peak value of the micro-hardness in the welded joints.Key words:6061aluminum alloy;double-pulsed MIG welding;post-weld heat treatment;microstructure evolution;mechanical property1IntroductionAluminum alloys have many excellent properties, such as low density,high yield stress to tensile strength ratio and excellent corrosion resistance[1−3].They are widely used in the automotive and railway transportation industry for energy saving and emission reduction. However,the poor weldability of aluminum alloys,such as strong oxidation and thermal conductivity,may lead to many defects of welded joints,for example incomplete fusion,porosity and cracking[4].Pulsed MIG welding is an efficient and high quality welding method for aluminum alloys with good droplet transfer control capability[5].Double pulsed MIG welding is developed based on the pulsed MIG welding.During the welding process,the change of the welding current between the thermal pulse and the thermal matrix leads to the diversification of the weld temperature and stress. Therefore,it may lead to a typical corrugated appearance and strong stirring effect of the weld pool,which has a significant influence on the temperature and stress of the weld pool during the welding process.And it would further affect the quality of the welded joint[6,7].After MIG welding,the strength in some sub-zones (weld zone and heat affected zone)of the welded joint would decrease.Such a strength softening can be restored to a certain extent in subsequent aging treatment.Aging treatment could promote the precipitation in the weld zone and make the structure and chemical composition more uniform[8,9].And then it also could improve the mechanical properties of the welding joint.The post-weld heat treatment process of 6061aluminum alloy was studied by AHMAD and BAKAR[10].It was found that MIG welding can effectively improve the microstructure and mechanicalFoundation item:Projects(2019JJ70077,2019JJ50510)supported by the National Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China;Project(31665004) supported by Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacture for Vehicle Body,China;Projects(18B552,18B285)supported by Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department,ChinaCorresponding author:Shi-kang LI,Tel:+86-158********,E-mail:kangkangli2009@;Jie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China29(2019)2035−2046 2036properties of the welded joint.RAO et al[11]studied the effect of welding process,heat treatment and filler materials on the cracking tendency in the welding zone of6061aluminum alloy.MUOZ et al[12]found that the hardness of the joint welded by MIG was increased by nearly50MPa of Al−4.5Mg−0.26Sc alloy after the post-weld heat treatment under300°C for1h.CERRI and LEO[13]studied the effect of post-welding-heat treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of double lap FSW joints.During exposure at 200and300°C,the tensile strengths and micro-hardness in the nugget center slightly decreased with the increase of time and temperature.GÜRAL et al[14]found that the microstructure of1010steel welded under controlled atmosphere of argon was particularly more homogeneous after intermediate quenching treatment.JEON et al[15] studied the tensile behavior of an as-welded Nimonic 263specimen at room temperature and1053K.With increasing resolutionization time,the YS and UTS tended to decrease along with the increase in tensile ductility.Post-weld heat treatment was usually carried out to improve the strength and hardness of welded joints after welding.In this study,6061aluminum alloy T-joints were welded by double pulsed MIG welding.The effects of single-stage artificial aging heat treatment on mechanical properties and microstructure of the welding joints were systematically studied by means of hardness testing and microstructure observation.The research results will provide guidance for the formulation of heat treatment process for aluminium alloy welded joints.2ExperimentalThe base material under study was a2mm-thick 6061-T6Al alloy sheet and the filler wire adopted was ER5356Al−Mg alloy with a diameter of1.2mm.The chemical compositions of the base metal are given in Table1.Welding operation in this work was fully done by an automatic MIG welder at the self-made fixture. The welding power source used was DP400developed by OTC to provide DP-MIG.Table1Chemical composition of6061-T6alloy(wt.%) Mg Si Fe Cu0.8−1.20.4−0.80.700.15−0.4Cr Mn Zn Ti Al 0.04− the schematic diagram of the T-joint.The dimensions of the web and the flange were During the welding process,the arc was welded in the X direction on one side.In order to investigate the effect of welding parameters on the mechanical properties of the welded joints,hardness tests were carried out.Hardness measurements on the upper surfaces of polished samples were conducted on a HXD−1000T Vickers hardness testing machine under a load of4.9N and a duration time of10s.In order to study the tensile properties of the alloy under different aging treatments,ambient uniaxial tensile test was carried out on an Instron3369electrical testing machine.Test parameters were also defined according to ASTM:E8-M-04standard;the tensile speed was set as2mm/min.The tensile test sample and dimensions of the tensile test sample are shown in Fig.2.Fig.1Schematic diagram ofT-jointFig.2Tensile test sample(a)and its dimensions(b),and clamping apparatus for tensile tests(c)(unit:mm)The metallographic structure and precipitate morphology of the cross-section of welded joints were observed by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM)and high resolution TEM(HRTEM).Specimens for TEM were slowly sliced perpendicularly to the seam to about2mm in thickness by wire cut electrical discharge machining from different subzones of the joint, i.e.,the base metal,the weld toe(namely the fusion line), the HAZ zones.All these specimens were first mechanically ground to about100µm in thickness and then further thinned by twin-jet electro-polishing with a solution of25vol.%nitric acid and75vol.%methanol atJie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China 29(2019)2035−20462037performed on a Tecnai F20TEM system (FEI,Hillsboro,OR,USA)operated at 200kV.3Results and discussion3.1Aging hardening behaviorThe hardness of the welding zone increased with the increase post-weld heat treatment time and temperature,as shown in Fig.3.After reaching the peak value,hardness in the welding zone entered a stable stage.It can be seen that there was a remarkable difference of aging hardening at different aging temperatures.And the time reaching the peak value of the hardness shortened with the increase aging temperature.At the same time,the peak hardness increased until the temperature reached up to 200°C.At the aging temperatures of 160,180and 200°C,the time corresponding the peak hardness was 12,8and 4h,respectively.And the peak hardness values were HV 76,HV 84and HV 82,respectively.The above results showed that the precipitation hardening process in the welding zone depended on the post-weld heat treatment time and temperature.The whole precipitation process was carried out by the diffusion of the solute atoms in aluminum matrix.The diffusion coefficient (D )is a measure of the mobility of the diffusing species,which is related to the temperature,and can be written as 0exp()Q D D RT=-(1)where D 0is the diffusivity constant,Q is the activation energy for diffusion,T is the temperature,R is the gas constant (8.31J/(K·mol)).Fig.3Varation of microhardness of joint at different post-weld heat treatment temperaturesIt can be seen from Eq.(1)that the diffusion coefficient increased exponentially with the increase of temperature.Therefore,the temperature has a great influence on the whole diffusion process.Increasing the diffusion coefficient,leading to accelerating the diffusion process of the solute atoms.Thus,the time for the peak aging was shortened.However,the precipitation hindering the dislocation movement tended to aggregate and coarsen as the temperature increased,resulting in the decrease of the mechanical properties.The peak hardness decreased from HV 84at the temperature of 180°C to HV 82at the temperature of 200°C.The peak aging hardening was not achieved at 140°C for 24h.This was mainly due to the fact that decreasing the aging temperature would greatly reduce the diffusion rate and thus influence the precipitation.Therefore,the time for peak aging would be longer at lower temperature.The highest hardness was HV 84at 180°C,as shown in Fig.3.Thus,the optimum aging process for obtaining the highest mechanical property of 6061aluminum alloy welds was aged at 180°C for 8h.Figure 4shows the hardness of the weldment.It can be seen that the hardness in the welding zone increased with the increase of heat treatment temperature and time.After heat treatment at 180and 200°C,the highest hardness values in the welding zone were HV 84and HV 82,respectively.The hardness in the welding zone was far lower than that in the matrix zone.With the increase of heat treatment time,the hardness in the welding zone increased and reached stable stage after aging for 1h.The supersaturated solid solution state near the welding zone was obtained due to the high thermal cycling temperature.Thus,the hardness near the welding zone increased with the increasing aging time.The peak hardness values at 140,160,180and 200°C were HV 94,HV 95,HV 94and HV 96,respectively.Mg and Si solute precipitates from the supersaturated solid solution and forms fine dispersed phase in the aging process of Al−Mg−Si aluminum alloy [16−18].The two important parameters affecting the precipitation behavior were temperature and time in the same alloy [19].In the aging process,controlling the heat treatment temperature and time could improve the structure,quantity,size and distribution of secondary phase and the mechanical property of the alloy [20−22].Therefore,it is important to establish a reasonable aging process to improve the mechanical property of aluminum alloy.3.2Effect of aging processing on microstructureAccording to the results of the hardness,it can be seen that the weakest zone of the welded joints was located in the heat affected zone.In order to further study the microstructure of the heat affected zone,TEM was used to characterize the microstructure of the welding zone without post heat treatment and the softening zone after post-weld heat treatment at different temperatures.Jie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China29(2019)2035−2046 2038Fig.4Microhardness of joint at different post-weld heat treatment temperatures:(a)140°C;(b)160°C;(c)180°C;(d)200°CFig.5TEM image(a)and diffraction pattern(b)of joint under[001]Al zone axis in welding zone without heat treatmentdiffraction pattern in the welding zone without post-weld heat treatment.There were a large number of dislocations in the welding zone,and no precipitation was observed,as shown in Fig.5(a).Based on the electron diffraction,as shown in Fig.5(b),there were only diffraction spots of aluminum matrix,which also indicated that there was no precipitation in the welding zone.From the results of TEM,it can be concluded that aluminum matrix at the effect of high temperature welding cycle,leading to a significant decline of the mechanical properties.In addition,there were a large number of dislocations in the matrix.This was because that there was no enough time to make the dislocations completely degenerate during the rapid welding process.Figure6shows the bright field image and the high-resolution of TEM in the softening zone after post-weldJie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China29(2019)2035−20462039Fig.6Microstructures of softening zone after post-weld heat treatment at140°C for24h:(a,b)TEM images;(c)HRTEM imagenumber of dislocations in the matrix zone,and the amount of dislocations did not decrease compared with that in the matrix without post-weld heat treatment.This was due to the low temperature of140°C,which cannot make the dislocations recover and degenerate.However, it can be clearly seen that there were precipitations after heat treatment at140°C and the length of the precipitation was about100nm,as shown in Fig.6(b). High resolution observations were performed on the precipitation,as shown in Fig.6(c).It was found that the precipitation grew along the[100]direction of the aluminum matrix,and its Fourier transform was inset inFigure7shows the bright field and high resolution images of the softening zone after aging at160°C for 12h.It can be seen that there were still a few dislocations in the matrix zone.But the degradation of the dislocations was more serious than that without heat treatment or aging at140°C for24h.This indicated that there were enough energy at160°C for the recovery and degeneration of th-shaped and needle-shaped phases were observed after aging at160°C for 12h,as shown in Fig.7(b).High resolutions of the phases were performed,as shown in Fig.7(c).Lath-shaped phase grew along the[100]direction of the aluminum matrix.According to Refs.[23−25],the precipitation may be L/Q phase.Theneedle-shaped Fig.7Microstructures of softening zone after post-weld heatJie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China 29(2019)2035−20462040phases were completely coherent with the aluminum matrix,as shown in Fig.7(c).Figure 8shows the bright field and high resolution images of the softening zone after aging at 180°C for 8h.As shown in Fig.8(a),there were also a few dislocations in the matrix zone and the degradation of the dislocations was more serious.It can be seen that the size of the precipitation was much larger than that in the softening zone after aging at 160°C,as shown in Fig.8(b).High resolutions of the phases were performed,as shown in Fig.8(c).The precipitation grew along the [510]direction of the aluminum matrix.According to Refs.[23−25],the precipitation may be Q′phase.Fig.8Microstructures of softening zone after post-weld heat treatment at 180°C for 8h:(a,b)TEM images;(c)HRTEM Simultaneously,there were much larger number and bigger size of βphases.Figure 9shows the bright field TEM and high resolution images of the softening zone after aging at 200°C for 4h.As can be seen from Fig.9(a),there were a few number of dislocations in the matrix zone.Most of the dislocations have been degenerated during heat treatment,which was similar to the softening zone after heat treatment at 180°C for 8h.The size of precipitation after aging at 200°C for 4h was bigger than that in the softening zone after aging at 180°C for 8h.High resolutions of the phases were performed,as showninFig.9Microstructures of softening zone after post-weld heat treatment at 200°C for 4h:(a,b)TEM images;(c)HRTEMJie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China29(2019)2035−20462041Fig.9(c),and found that the precipitation grew along the [150]direction of the aluminum matrix.According to Refs.[23−25],the precipitation may be Q′phase.At the same time,the number of the precipitation was larger and the size was bigger.According to above analysis,the microstructure evolution at different temperatures was mainly reflected by two aspects:the precipitation evolution and the dislocation evolution.There were a large number of dislocations in the welded parts.Although the welding zone was affected by the welding thermal cycle during welding process,the dislocations did not change significantly because of the short duration of the welding heat.That is to say,the dislocations containing in the base metal were still stored in the matrix.With the increase of post-weld heat treatment temperature,the number of dislocations decreased.At the post-weld heat treatment temperature of140°C,the number of dislocations did not change significantly.However,the number of dislocations decreased significantly after post-weld heat treatment at160and180°C.After the post-weld heat treatment at160°C,the dislocations almost disappeared.There was no precipitates in the welding zone after welding process.This indicated that the precipitates existing in the base metal could be dissolved back into the matrix due to the influence of welding heat during the welding process.During the post-weld heat treatment at different temperatures,the secondary phase precipitated continuously with the decrease of dislocations and the size of secondary phase increased with the increase of heat temperature.Some lath-like L/Q″phases precipitated after heat treatment at140°C for24h.After heat treatment at160°C for12h,there were not only the L/Q″phases,but also small size,needle-like phases were observed.The needle-like phases were coherent with the matrix.During the heat treatment at180°C for8h,the number of the dislocations decreased and the precipitations grew up,forming the larger Q′phase. Increasing the heat treatment temperature up to200°C, the dislocations completely disappeared and the precipitation was mainly the Q′phase.The size of the precipitation was bigger than that heat treated at180°C for8h.The profiles after heat treatment at200°C for4h exhibited the highest micro-hardness,which was attributed to the precipitation of the Q′phase.3.3Mechanical propertiesBy means of uniaxial tensile tests at ambient temperature,the engineering stress versus displacement curves for the specimens under different heat treatment conditions were obtained,as shown in Fig.10.It can be seen that the welded alloy exhibited poor tensile After heat treatment,the engineering stress of the welded joints improves considerably with limited increase of the elongation.As aging temperature extended,the engineering stress and elongation increased.This result indicates that the aging heat treatment was beneficial to improving engineering stress of the welded joints. However,the engineering stress increased with the aging temperature increasing to200°C,while the elongation declined.The welded joints aged at180°C for8h exhibit high tensile strength and elongation.As we know, keeping large ductility at the high strength can result in a significant increase in toughness[26,27].Therefore,the welded joints aged at180°C for8h can better cover the needs for high damage tolerance and high durabilityindustry.Fig.10Ambient uniaxial tensile stress−displacement curves of welded alloy at different heat treatment temperatures3.4Fracture morphologyFigure11shows the fracture morphologies of tensile specimens of the welded alloy without heat treatment.In the low magnification image presented in Fig.11(a),the fractured cross section exhibits a planar area.The fracture surfaces of the tensile specimens are relatively smooth and have a lot of dimples with different sizes and depths on the upper surface.The average diameter of the dimples was approximately10μm,as shown in Figs.11(c)and(d).These shallow and small dimples correspond to the inferior ductility of the welded joint.While the river pattern fracture surface which indicated the brittle fracture was observed on the bottom surface.According to the fracture surface,it can be seen that the crack may originate from the upper surface of the tensile sample.After a relatively strong plastic deformation,the crack extended to the center of the fracture surface through the dimples,and finally led to the fracture of the tensile sample by brittle fracture.A detailed view of the fracture surface morphology analyzed by scanning electron microscopy is presented in2042Jie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China29(2019)2035−2046 Fig.11Tensile fracture morphologies of welded sample without aging treatmentJie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China29(2019)2035−20462043magnification image presented in Fig.12(a),the fracture surfaces of the tensile specimens are unsmooth and shear crack characteristics was observed.Closer inspection inside the fracture surface,there existed uniform rip edges and equiaxed dimples,which indicated that a large plastic deformation was achieved during the process of tensile due to the high energy characteristics of shear crack and rip edge.The average diameter of the dimples was approximately10μm,as shown in Figs.12(c)and (d).Compared with the fracture morphology of the sample without aging,the fracture morphology of the sample aged at140°C for24h was more uniform,which showed that recrystallization might occur in this alloy at this aging treatment.For the sample aged at160°C for12h,the fracture morphology is shown in Fig.13.In the low magnification image presented in Fig.13(a),the fracture surfaces of the tensile specimens are unsmooth and a fairly wide range of dimple sizes covers this surface.The diameters of the shallow dimple ranged from10to 30μm.Closer inspection inside the fracture surface, there was no rip edge,which indicated the low yield strength,as shown in Figs.13(c)and(d).Figure14shows the fracture morphology of the tensile sample aged at180°C for8h.In the low magnification image presented in Fig.14(a),the fracture morphology exhibited a markedly different fracture surface morphology in comparison to the fracture morphologies shown in Figs.11−13.The fracture surface of the tensile specimens at180°C for8h was relatively smooth.The typical intergranular fracture characteristic was observed,as shown in Fig.14(d).This intergranular character was also observed in the fracture morphology of the tensile sample aged at200°C for4h in Fig.15(d). However,a clear distinction in high magnification fracture morphologies can be found,as shown in Figs.14(d)and15(d).There are a number of fine and shallow dimples covering the intergranular fracture surfaces of the tensile sample aged at200°C for4h (Fig.15(d)),while the fracture surface of the tensile specimens aged at180°C for8h is very smooth (Fig.14(d)).This distinction is mainly attributed to the different grain boundary microstructures in two aging conditions.According to the study of WANG et al[27], the precipitate free zone as well as the continuous and coarse grain boundary precipitates weakens the grain boundary and leads to the intergranular fracture with smooth surfaces under the treatment of T6.For the over-aged specimen,micro-voids nucleate primarily at the discontinuous and coarse grain boundary precipitates during tensile test,and then grow and coalesce within the wide precipitate free zone,which form the fine and2044Jie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China29(2019)2035−2046 Fig.14Tensile fracture morphologies of sample aged at180°C for8hJie YI,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China29(2019)2035−20462045shallow dimples covering intergranular fracture surface. It can be seen from the above analyses that aging heat treatment has significant influences on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the welded joints.4Conclusions(1)In the aging heat treatment process,the micro-hardness is sensitive to post-weld heat treatment temperature and time.Increasing temperature is beneficial to the shortening of peak aging time.(2)The mechanical properties of the welded joints are greatly improved after heat treatment due to precipitates.The profiles after heat treatment at200°C for4h exhibit the highest micro-hardness,which is attributed to the precipitation of the Q′phase.(3)In the welded joints without heat treatment, there are a lot of dislocations and few precipitations in the welding zones because of the short duration of the welding heat.With the increase of post-weld heat treatment temperature and aging time,the density of the dislocation in the heat affected zone decreases. 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二、影响铝合金材料力学性能的因素1. 热处理工艺铝合金经过冷变形后,会形成母体和弥散相的组织结构。



2. 机械加工工艺铝合金材料在进行机械加工的过程中,会产生应力、氧化皮和裂纹等缺陷。


3. 焊接工艺焊接是连接铝合金材料的重要工艺之一,是铝合金产品的核心。


三、焊接工艺优化对铝合金材料力学性能的影响铝合金焊接工艺的优化需要综合考虑多个方面的因素:1. 焊接参数优化焊接参数直接影响焊缝的质量,包括焊接电流、焊接电压、焊接速度、焊接角度等。


2. 焊接材料优化不同的焊接材料具有不同的化学成分和力学性能。


Received 1 April 2019; accepted 19 August 2019
Abstract: The distribution of temperature and then the distribution of residual stress and distortion in the stiffened aluminum alloy Al6061-T6 plates under the metal inert gas (MIG) welding process were investigated by three dimensional thermo-mechanical coupled finite element model using Ansys software. The properties of materials were considered temperature-dependent and the filler metal was added to the workpiece by the element birth and death technique. In three modes of current, two differபைடு நூலகம்nt speeds and two various sequences, the distribution of residual stress and distortion were calculated and analyzed. The results showed that increase in welding speed decreased the vertical deflection in the plate, transverse shrinkage and angular distortion of plate and the lateral deflection of stiffener, but increased the maximum longitudinal tensile stress in the plate and stiffener. Furthermore, increase in current increased the residual stress and deformation in the plate and stiffener, and the change in the welding sequence changed the distribution of the distortion in the plate and the stiffener without significant change in the distribution of the longitudinal residual stress. Key words: welding parameters; welding sequence; residual stress; distortion




最后,利用Simufact Welding软件针对试验结果进行了模拟验证。








1 试验材料及方法试验材料为板厚6mm的6061-T6铝合金,化学成分如表1,实验板的尺寸为。
























焊前使用气动钢丝刷对母材表面进行打磨,使其露出金属光泽,采用福尼斯TPS 5000焊机对材料进行MIG焊接。



焊接工艺对耐候钢焊接接头疲劳性能的影响发布时间:2021-09-16T06:07:48.712Z 来源:《建筑实践》2021年5月第13期作者:范磊[导读] 焊接是当前连接不同金属材料之间经常使用的一种方式,焊接本身有着非常强的实用性,在实际使用的时候能够发挥非常大的作用,但是在长时间的焊接之后,焊接头必然会产生疲劳,范磊武汉华康世纪医疗股份有限公司湖北武汉 430000摘要:焊接是当前连接不同金属材料之间经常使用的一种方式,焊接本身有着非常强的实用性,在实际使用的时候能够发挥非常大的作用,但是在长时间的焊接之后,焊接头必然会产生疲劳,从而对焊接工作造成一定的影响,因此在当前的使用中,需要对这些影响有一定的了解,本文主要对耐候钢焊接中对焊接头疲劳性能的影响进行分析,希望对相关的从业人有一定的参考作用。












焊接缺陷对铝合金焊接接头疲劳性能的影响分析发布时间:2022-10-18T07:55:33.427Z 来源:《科学与技术》2022年第11期6月作者:岳永健李肇亮[导读] 铝合金这类材料在生活当中十分常见,因材料特性使得制造出的产品性能优越,因此得到广泛应用。












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第24卷 第3期2004年6月 航 空 材 料 学 报JOURNAL OF AERONAU TICAL MA TERIAL SVol.24,No.3J une2004焊接工艺方法对60612T6铝合金焊接接头疲劳性能的影响李敬勇,马建民(华东船舶工业学院材料科学与工程学院,江苏镇江212003)摘要:通过对6061铝合金MIG焊接头和TIG焊接头在对应的加载应力条件下疲劳寿命的测定,对比分析了两种工艺方法对铝合金焊接接头疲劳性能的影响。





关键词:铝合金;焊接接头;MIG焊;TIG焊;疲劳性能中图分类号:G405 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100525053(2004)0320052206 铝合金由于具有优越的性能特点,在各领域的应用正迎来前所未有的机遇。





铝合金焊接目前应用最广泛的是熔化极惰性气体保护焊(M IG)和钨极惰性气体保护焊(TIG)[5]。

关于铝合金M IG焊接头和TIG焊接头疲劳性能的对比,对于5000系列铝合金国外已经有研究报道,但其研究结果依然是建立在焊缝成形优劣的基础之上的,而且没有明确的结论。


本文结合应用背景的需要,针对性地测定了6061铝合金TIG焊接头和M IG焊接头的疲劳性能,并对其断裂特征进行了分析。

1 试验材料 本研究采用的试验材料为Al2Mg2Si系6061铝合金,材料状态为T6,试板厚度4mm,试板尺寸为300mm×120mm。

焊接填充材料为Al2Mg 系5356合金。


焊接采用的保护气体为He2Ar混合表1 6061铝合金及填充材料的化学成分(wt%)Table1 Chemical composition of6061aluminum and welding wire5356aluminum(wt%) Materials Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Cr Ti Al 60610.4~ 5356welding wire0.250.10.05~0.2 4.5~收稿日期:2004202218;修订日期:2004204228作者简介:李敬勇(19632),男,副教授,博士研究生。


6061铝合金母材及TIG焊接头、M IG焊接头的静载力学性能见表2。

表2 6061铝合金母材及TIG 焊接头、MIG 焊接头的静载力学性能Table 2 Mechanical properties of 6061aluminumbase material and its welded jointsTest specimens σb ΠMPaσ0.2ΠMPaδΠ%Base material 31228615MIG Welding joint 2231337.5TIG Welding joint1881287.22 试样的制备 TIG 焊、M IG 焊试板均采用平位并在工装夹具夹持下进行焊接,接头形式全部为I 型对接接头,单面焊双面成形。

焊后对焊缝进行100%的X 射线探伤检验,在此基础上进行疲劳试样的截取。




图1 疲劳试样形状尺寸Fig.1 The shape and dimensions of fatigue samples3 疲劳试验3.1 试验方案的确定 根据背景结构的受力特点,并考虑与已有研究成果相对应,本试验采用轴向加载方式进行疲劳试验。

应力比r =σmin Πσmax =0.1,加载频率f =20Hz 。






3.2 疲劳试验及其结果 疲劳试验在810型M TS 万能实验机上进行。



将加载应力提高至M IG 焊接头的70%,80%进行试验,而且两种接头采用同一加载应力(此时TIG 焊接头的加载应力已接近其自身静载抗拉强度的84%和95%),结果两者的疲劳寿命依然高于100000次。

继续将M IG 焊接头的加载应力提高到其抗拉强度的90%和95%,除个别有缺陷试样的寿命稍低外,大多试样疲劳寿命依然高于100000次。

将TIG 焊接头的加载应力提高到其自身抗拉强度的95%和98%,所有试样的寿命均低于100000次。


4 试验结果分析4.1 两种工艺方法焊接接头疲劳性能对比 从表3所列试验结果可以看出,在去除焊缝余高后,只要焊缝具有较好的内部质量,且接头区域保持较好的表面状态,M IG 焊接头和TIG 焊接接头在试验加载条件下均表现了较好的疲劳性能。

加载应力低于其各自静载抗拉强度的60%时,疲劳寿命均达500000次而不断裂,而且M IG焊接头在加载应力为静载抗拉强度的70%时,还出现1000000次不断裂的记录。


图2是根据表3试验结果绘制的两种工艺方法焊接接头的s 2N 曲线。

图2 TIG 和MIG 接头疲劳曲线Fig.2 Fatigue curves of TIG and MIG welded joints35第3期 焊接工艺方法对60612T6铝合金焊接接头疲劳性能的影响 表3 6061合金对接接头轴向疲劳性能Table3 Fatigue properties of6061aluminum welding jointsStress loaded σΠMpa Fatigue lifeNΠcycleRupturesituasionsσΠσbΠ%Welds’qualityWeldingprocess133.8500000Not broken60No weld defects156.1251439Broken at weld70<0.8,<0.6slag inclusion156.11000405Not broken70No weld defects178.4292113Broken at weld80No weld defects MIG 200.7164589Broken at weld90No weld defects200.799668Broken at weld90<0.5porosity211.9120060Broken at weld95<0.5porosity112.8500000Not broken60No weld defects150.4500000Not broken80No weld defects156.1420169Broken at weld83Dispersion porosities156.1153381Broken at weld83No weld defects156.197011Broken at weld83Dispersion porosities,<0.2slag inclusion TIG 169.2328252Broken at weld90Dispersion porosities178.6418281Broken at weld95No weld defects178.692673Broken at weld95Dispersion porosities178.683003Broken at weld95<0.5tungsten inclusion184.261885Broken at weld98Dispersion porosities 从图2中两条s2N曲线的变化趋势看,TIG 焊接头和M IG焊接头的疲劳强度均随着循环次数的增大而降低。

而TIG焊接接头疲劳曲线的斜率小于M IG焊接接头,说明随着循环次数的增加,TIG焊接接头的疲劳强度降低的程度要小于M IG焊接接头的疲劳强度降低的程度,两条曲线有相交的趋势,表明在高应力下,两种焊接方法对疲劳性能的影响有显著差异,随着应力的降低,两种焊接方法对疲劳性能的影响的差异逐渐减小。

即在加载应力较低时,M IG焊接头疲劳性能并未表现为明显好于TIG焊接头,但由于TIG焊接头静载强度较低,因此在高应力下,M IG焊接头疲劳性能要好于TIG焊接头。

对两条s2N曲线进行拟合可得,TIG焊接接头和M IG焊接接头的s2N曲线的方程分别为: M IG焊接头:lgs=2.199173-0.13391lg N TIG焊接头:lgs=2.53653-0.05987lg N 疲劳试验所得的结果往往是比较分散的,与静载拉伸试验的结果相比,其分散性要大得多。
