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环 境 科 学 学 报 Acta Scientiae Circu m stantiae
Vol .30,No .2Feb .,2010
基金项目:中国科学院创新工程重要方向项目(No .kzcx22y w 2102);国家自然科学基金项目(No .40525011,40632011)
Supported by the I nnovative Pr ogram of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No .kzcx22y w 2102)and the Nati onal Natural Science Foundati on of China (No .40525011,40632011)
作者简介:朱静(1972—),女,博士研究生,E 2mail:gyzhujing@;3通讯作者(责任作者),E 2mail:wufengchang@
B i ography:ZHU J ing (1972—),fe male,Ph . D.candidate,E 2mail:gyzhujing@;3Correspond i n g author ,E 2mail:wufengchang @
朱静,吴丰昌.2010.改性粉煤灰在处理锑矿选矿废水中的应用[J ].环境科学学报,30(2):361-367
Zhu J,W u F C .2010.Treat m ent of wastewater released fr om anti m ony ore p r ocessing using acidified coal fly ash[J ].Acta Scientiae Circum stantiae,30(2):361-367
收稿日期:2009205225 修回日期:2009207220 录用日期:2009211222
摘要:针对锑矿选矿废水中锑和丁基黄原酸钠严重超标的问题,用酸改性粉煤灰对其进行吸附处理.试验结果表明,当改性粉煤灰处理选矿废水的最佳质量体积比(g ・mL -1)为1∶100,pH 值为3,静置时间为4h 时,可以将选矿废水中的锑浓度从28.611mg ・L -1降到0.05mg ・L -1以下,去除率达99.8%以上;废水中的丁基黄原酸钠浓度可从0.373mg ・L -1降到0.02mg ・L -1以下,去除率达95.0%以上.处理废水后的改性粉煤灰用硫酸-硝酸浸提,浸出液中重金属离子浓度均低于国家浸出毒性标准,表明改性粉煤灰是一种很好的锑矿选矿废水处理剂.关键词:改性粉煤灰;选矿废水;锑;丁基黄原酸钠;浸出毒性
文章编号:025322468(2010)022361207 中图分类号:X703 文献标识码:A
Trea t m en t of wa stewa ter relea sed fro m an ti m ony ore processi n g usi n g ac i d i f i ed
coa l fly a sh
ZHU J ing
,WU Fengchang
1.State Key Laborat ory of Envir onmental Geoche m istry,I nstitute of Geoche m istry,Chinese Acade my of Sciences,Guiyang 550002
2.Graduate School,Chinese Acade my of Sciences,Beijing 100039
3.The college of Chem ical Engineering,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550003
4.State Envir onmental Pr otecti on Key Laborat ory f or Lake Polluti on Contr ol,Chinese Research Academy of Envir onmental Sciences,Beijing 100012Rece i ved 25May 2009; rece i ved in revised for m 20July 2009; accepted 22Nove mber 2009
Abstract:The re moval of anti m ony and s odium butyl xanthate fr om anti m ony ore waste water using acidified coal fly ash were investigated under vari ous conditi ons of dosage,pH and standing ti m e .The results de monstrated that at a dosage of 1∶100and pH 3,the concentrati on of anti m ony decreased fr om 28.611mg ・L -1t o 0.05mg ・L -1(up t o 99.8%)and the concentrati on of s odium butyl xanthate decreased fr om 0.373mg ・L -1t o 0.02mg ・L -1(up t o 95.0%)over a 4h peri od .After use,the acidified coal fly ash was leached with sul phuric and nitric acids and the contents of heavy metals detected in the leaching liquid were bel ow the nati onal standard,indicating a l ow t oxicity of the s olid fly ash waste .This result indicates that acidified coal fly ash can be useful as an abs orbent t o treat waste water fr om anti m ony ore p r ocessing .
Keywords:acidified coal fly ash;anti m ony ore p r ocessed waste water;anti m ony;s odium butyl xanthate;leaching t oxicity
1 引言(I ntr oducti on )
锑是地球表面的一种微量元素,主要以Sb (Ⅲ)和Sb (Ⅴ)形式存在于环境、生物和地球化学样品中.同时,锑也是一种对人体有毒的元素,随着锑产
然环境和人体健康产生危害.研究发现,大量锑吸入体内,会刺激呼吸道、食道粘膜和皮肤,导致肺水肿或肝肿大,甚至导致癌症的发生(A ins worth et al .,1991),一些动物试验也证实了锑的毒性