A simple and efficient method for accurate collision detection among deformable polyhedral


VOF模型A fractional volume of fluid method for free boundary dynamics

VOF模型A fractional volume of fluid method for free boundary dynamics

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中文 弓l用格 式 :杨玉 基,许斌 ,胡 家威 ,仝 美涵 ,张鹏 ,郑 莉.一种 准 确而 高 效 的领域 知 识 图谱 构建 方法 .软 件 学报 ,2018,29(10): 2931-2947.http://www.jos.org.en/1000-9825/5552.htm 英文 引用格 式:Yang YJ,Xu B,Hu JW,Tong MH,Zhang P,Zheng L.Accurate and efficient method for constructing domain knowledge graph.Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Joumal of Software,2018,29(1 o):2931-2947 (in Chinese).http:#www.jos.org.cn/lO00-
摘 要 : 作 为语 义 网的数据 支撑,知识 图谱 在知识 问答 、语 义搜 索等领 域起着 至关重要 的作 用,一直以来也是研 究领域和 工程领 域的一个热点 问题 ,但 是,构建 一个质量较 高、规模较 大的知识 图谱往往 需要 花 费 巨大的人 力和时 间成本.如何 平衡 准确率和效率 、快速地构建 出一个 高质 量的领域知识 图谱,是知 识工程 领域 的一个重要挑 战.对领 域知识 图谱 构建方法进行 了系统研 究,提 出 了一种准确 、高效的领域知识 图谱 构建方法 一一“四步法”,将该 方法应 用到 中国基础教 育九 门学科知识 图谱 的构建 中,在较短 时 间内构建 出 了准确率较 高的学科知 识图谱,证 明了该 方法 构建领域知识 图谱 的有效性 .以地理学科知识 图谱为例,使 用“四步法”共得到 67万个 实例、1 421万条三元组,其 中, 标注数据 的学科知识覆盖率和知识 准确 率均在 99%以上. 关键词 : 语 义网;知识 图谱;本体 ;语义标注;实体集扩充;关 系抽取 中图法分 类号:TP18

Accurev Vendor Code Customizations管理第三方源代码自定义说明书

Accurev Vendor Code Customizations管理第三方源代码自定义说明书

Managing Vendor Code Customizationswith Stream-based SCMWhy Streams Are Easier than Traditional BranchesDavid P Thomas****************SummaryCustomizing or extending third party “vendor” source code is becoming increasingly common especially with the availability of open-source software. Building upon existing code increases your time to market and lets a group of experts elsewhere develop the foundation. Vendors typically provide frequent patches and new features in the form of vendor releases. Managing the incorporation of vendor releases alongside customizations requires an additional layer of configuration management. Traditional branch-based software configuration management (SCM) tools require an unnecessarily complex branch and merge process. This article describes how stream-based SCM provides a more intuitive and efficient parallel development model for managing customizations to vendor code.The ChallengeManaging customizations to vendor code requires an additional layer of configuration management to integrate subsequent vendor releases. Vendor code must be imported, merged with the previously imported vendor release1, merged with a selected set of compatible customizations, and finally merged with one or more active codelines. The challenge is to independently track vendor code and orchestrate selective merging and releasing of custom features with vendor upgrades without jeopardizing or disrupting active codelines.Why Traditional Branch Models Are DifficultTraditional branch-based SCM models utilize numerous branches to track in parallel both vendor source and custom modifications. In a typical branch model, mainline represents the centralized development codeline2, a single vendor branch off of mainline isolates and tracks vendor code, feature branches off mainline isolate custom development work, and releases branches off mainline isolate custom releases. A strict coordination of branch-to-branch merges is required to propagate changes between various combinations of branches without violating branch integrity.1Vendor merge: Not necessarily the most recent version of the vendor release.2Central codeline: mainline is the source of all branches and the destination of all merges. This prevents creating a difficult to manage staircase model of branching where each subsequent release branch is based of the previous.Figure 1 – Traditional branch model for vendor-based custom 1.0 releaseThe diagram in figure 1shows a branch model for a new project tracking a custom release based on vendor code. The project in this example is initialized by importing 6.0 vendor code into the mainline3. The vendor code is tracked independently on a vendor branch (label a). Custom features are developed on dedicated feature branches (label b) and eventually merged into the mainline (label c). The custom 1.0 release branch (label d) is used to prepare the release (e.g. environment configurations, patches, official testing), provide isolation for release specific customizations, label release candidates, and permit uninterrupted merging of parallel future development onto mainline. Once the custom release branch is tested to satisfaction, it is labeled as “1.0” and merged into the mainline (label e). The custom 1.0 release branch tracks two custom features based on vendor 6.0 code independent of the unmodified vendor code isolated on the vendor branch.The diagram in figure 2is a continuation of the previous branch model highlighting a vendor upgrade, a patch, and a new custom release. Upgrading the vendor code requires importing and merging the 6.1 vendor release into the vendor branch, also known as a “vendor drop” (label f). A vendor-merge branch is created to merge between the upgraded vendor code and mainline containing all current customizations (label g). This branch isolates the mainline from any merge-specific problems such as custom feature incompatibility or file namespace collisions4. When the merge is successful, the vendor-merge branch itself is merged into the mainline (label h). A custom release branch is then created to prepare the 2.0 release (label m). 3Vendor import: Some SCM systems (e.g. CVS) have a built-in facility for handling vendor branches. Alternatively, first importing the vendor code to a separate branch and then merging into mainline is sufficient.4Namespace collision: The upgraded vendor code may have a new file with the same name as a customized file.Figure 2 – Traditional branch model for vendor-based custom 2.0 releaseIn the meantime, a defect is patched on the custom 1.0 release resulting in a custom 1.1 release (label i). This patch is also merged into both mainline and custom 2.0 release branch to prevent regressions (label k). After preparing and labeling the custom 2.0 release, all changes are then merged onto mainline (label n). The custom 2.0 release branch tracks two (previous) custom features and a new patch all integrated with the recently upgraded vendor 6.1 code.One serious caveat with the above vendor upgrade is that all custom features present in the mainline are merged with the vendor 6.1 code in the vendor-merge branch (label g). Integrating only a subset of features with a vendor upgrade requires un-merging custom features! In fact, this is what will need to be done in order to preserve mainline as the central development codeline. Taking a step back, figure 3shows a highly undesirable branch model to support feature-by-feature vendor upgrade releases. To merge select features with the vendor upgrade, a custom release branch is based off the vendor branch (label p) and merged with selected feature branches (label r). In this scenario, Feature-2 and Patch-1 are merged, but not Feature-1. However, this violates the policy and SCM best practice of mainline being the central development codeline and causes a decentralization of release branches! Creating custom release branches off of both mainline and the vendor branch quickly turns into an unnecessarilycomplex web of branching and merging.Figure 3 – Traditional branch model for managing feature-by-feature vendor upgrades Relying on branch-based SCM models to manage customizations to vendor releases requires a complicated orchestration of merges between numerous branches. While this example highlighted only two custom releases, a single patch, and a single vendor upgrade, the situation quickly becomes overwhelming when considering multiple vendor upgrades and multiple custom releases. Lastly, additional complexity arises when considering the propagating of patches between mainline, compatible feature branches, vendor merge branches, custom release branches, or all of the above. It should be clear from this example that the traditional branch based solution quickly becomes unwieldy.How Streams Make It EasyImagine rotating the branch model in figure 2clockwise 90 degrees, and allowing automatic inheritance of changes between adjacent branches. Now you are starting to think in streams. A stream based SCM architecture intuitively models parallel development with independent, customizable workflows that make merging simpler with automatic inheritance of changes.Streams can be thought of as “intelligent” branches individually representing a specific configuration of source code. In more detail, a stream contains a specific version of each and every file visible to the stream. When a developer needs to modify code, they simply create a workspace stream from any stream and instantly have writable access the all the files for that specific configuration. Likewise, when code needs to be deployed, it is simply extracted from astream to a local directory and packaged.Streams are organized in a parent-child hierarchy, also called a “stream hierarchy”. A stream hierarchy is a tree of streams that intuitively defines a promotion-based software development workflow. Each stream in the workflow represents a stage in the process such as development, integration, QA testing, or SOX auditing. Changes move up the hierarchy by being promoted. To control promotions, streams can be locked by user or role. For example, only members of the release engineer group can promote to or from the QA stream. Streams also have a unique, built-in feature that allows configurations to be automatically inherited down the entire hierarchy from parent to child. This inheritance allows newer file versions higher up in the hierarchy to become automatically available (for update) lower in the hierarchy. Imagine fixing a defect in your 6.1 QA stream and having the patch automatically available to all 50 developer streams everywhere in the sub-hierarchy.Figure 4 - Stream model overview for vendor-based custom releases The diagram in figure 4 shows a stream hierarchy that models the parallel development of custom features based on vendor code. Vendor code is imported and independently managed in the base stream Vendor. Snapshot streams off the base stream are immutable labels that capture the configuration of each vendor release (label a) and serve as named stable bases for version-specific custom development codelines (label b). Each development codeline in this example creates workflow streams named Integration(Int), QA, and Custom to model the development process (label c). New development occurs in workspace streams off the Integration hierarchy (not shown) and is eventually promoted, merged, and tested through both the Integration and QA streams (label c). Finally, the changes are promoted to the Custom stream (i.e. production) where a snapshot stream is created to label the official custom release (label d). The green box below a stream indicates that changes are present and inherited downstream. The lock icon signifies that promotions are controlled by user or group. Compared to the branch model, the stream-based model is a more natural organization of vendor releases, custom releases, and custom development workflows.Figure 5 - Stream model for vendor-based custom 1.0 release Starting a new project based on vendor code requires simply importing the vendor code, creating a vendor release snapshot stream, and setting up a development codeline with streams. The diagram in figure 5 is a stream structure for a new project tracking vendor code and creating a custom release. The vendor 6.0 source code is imported into the base stream from a workspace stream and a vendor release snapshot stream is created (label a). This snapshot stream serves as a stable basis for the 6.0-based custom development codeline. Custom features are developed in workspace streams and eventually promoted to respective feature streams (label b). Individual feature streams support collaborative development between team members and can also be used for user acceptance testing (UAT). As features become mature, their changes are promoted to Integration to be merged with other features (label c). Keep in mind that features can be promoted when they are either fully or partially complete. The frequency of promotion is directly proportional to the level of continuous integration as promoted changes are immediately inherited by other developers down stream5. Inheritance is the key to simplified merging because developers have the option to integrate with other (promoted) features before their own work is completed. Gone are the days of complicated “big-bang” merges at the end of feature development! After smoke testing in Integration, the changes are promoted to QA and subjected to black-box regression testing (label c). Optionally, immutable snapshot streams off of QA can be used to label tested configurations providing full 100% reproducibility of test builds. When testing in QA is complete and the release is scheduled, the changes are promoted to Custom (i.e. production) and a snapshot stream is created capturing the custom 1.0 release (label d). So far, the stream hierarchy has organized vendor code independent of a custom release and provided an intuitive workflow for developing, testing, and releasing customizations.5Inheritance Model: inheritance is calculated automatically but updating a stream to retrieve the inherited changes is manual. The developer decides when to physically incorporate external changes to their workspace stream.Figure 6 - Stream model for vendor-based custom 2.0 release The power of this stream model becomes further evident just after the first vendor upgrade. Figure 6is a continuation of the previous stream structure highlighting a vendor upgrade, a new custom release, and a feature-by-feature merge. The upgraded vendor 6.1 source code is imported and merged into the base stream from a workspace stream and a 6.1 vendor release snapshot stream is created (label f). This snapshot stream serves as a stable basis for the 6.1-based custom development codeline. Meanwhile, in parallel, a custom patch to the 6.0-based codeline is developed, promoted, and captured in a custom 1.1 release (label i). Now it’s time to consider migrating customizations to the 6.1-based development codeline. At this point, all tested and released 1.x customizations are located in the 6.0 “Custom” stream. Which features should be migrated? Stream-based SCM can support promoting changes at either the file level or the feature level using change packages6. Promoting by feature makes it very easy to pick and choose features without concerning over which specific files were involved in a given feature development. In this example, Feature-2 and Patch-1 are migrated across codelines by promoting to a workspace stream (label h). Upon promotion, the migrated features will be merged with vendor 6.1 code and tested for compatibility (label k). Performing this merge in a workspace stream prevents conflicts from being inherited and available for update by other developers.6Change Packages: using change packages allows developers to contextually group changed files as a single “feature” set. Developers can be prompted to make the association when promoting file from their private stream. In the development workflow, using change packages supports promoting or migrating “by feature” rather than file-by-file.When the merge is successful, everything is (eventually) promoted to 6.1 Integration, QA, and Custom (label n). A custom 2.0 release snapshot stream is created capturing a feature and patch merge with the upgraded 6.1 vendor code. After removing unused streams, figure 7 shows the final stream structure modeling two vendor upgrades and three custom releases.Figure 7 – Final stream model organizing two vendor upgrades and three custom releases ConclusionManaging third-party “vendor” based customizations requires an additional layer of configuration management to track vendor upgrades alongside custom releases. To be successful, vendor code must be tracked independent of the dedicated codelines used to develop custom releases. The challenge is to independently track vendor code and integrate vendor upgrades with select customizations while preserving the integrity of the active development codelines. Branch based models utilize numerous branches and require a cumbersome orchestration of merging to be successful. A stream-based model provides a more intuitive solution by using parallel codelines, stream inheritance, feature merging, and a promotion-based workflow. In general, the quality of software progresses from an immature state during development to a mature (tested) state in the release. A stream based model supports defining a methodical workflow that models the natural evolution of software from development to release. Compared to traditional branches, the stream-based model presented in this article provides a more natural way to manage vendor based customizations.ReferencesBerczuk, Stephen. Software Configuration Management Patterns. Addison-Wesley, 2004. “CVS Vendor Branches”. /cvs/manual/cvs-1.11.22/cvs_13.html. July 1 2006. “Subversion Vendor Branches”. /en/1.1/ch07s05.html. July 1 2006. Perforce Vendor Branches”. /perforce/technotes/note015.html. July 1 2006.。

CPVR 2012 A Simple Prior-free Method for Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion Factorization

CPVR 2012 A Simple Prior-free Method for Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion Factorization

1.1. Related work
Ever since Bregler’s seminal work [7] in 2000, researchers have been actively applying the factorization framework to various nonrigid problems. However, they soon noticed that, different from its rigid counterpart, the non-rigid factorization appeared to be much more difficult. In a 2004 paper, Xiao et al. proved that the problem itself is indeed ill-posed or under-constrained, in the sense that, based on the orthonormality constraint alone, one cannot recover the non-rigid shape bases and the corresponding shape coefficients uniquely [26]. There is always a fundamental ambiguity between the shape bases and the shape coefficients. To resolve this ambiguity, Xiao et al. suggested to add extraneous “basis constraints” so as to make the system well-constrained. In the same spirit of adding extra priors to regularize an otherwise under-constrained problem, Torresani et al. [25] introduced Gaussian prior on the shape

Instant Pot电子压力锅说明书

Instant Pot电子压力锅说明书

How Instant Pot® is Changing the Way We Eat Ottawa, Ontario –The game-changing multi-functional electric pressure cookers by the Instant Pot®Company were invented with the objectives of being safe, convenient and dependable. Designed with a microprocessor and a series of sensors, these programmable, intelligent multi-cookers are capable of replacing many cumbersome appliances, including the stove-top pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, sauté pan, steamer, yogurt maker and stockpot warmer. Most importantly, Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cookers are extremely energy-efficient and convenient, all while preserving nutrients and cooking tasty foods. Plus, Instant Pot® offers various models and sizes, therefore, providing consumers a choice suitable for their personal needs. Whether used to serve one’s fast-paced, health-oriented and green-conscious lifestyle or purchased by a curious shopper looking to try the best selling brand on , the Instant Pot®Electric Pressure Cookers are designed to satisfy everyone! Benefits of the Instant Pot® Electric Pressure CookersThe Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cookers achieve optimal cooking results by perfecting the functions of both the electric pressure cooker and the slow cooker with a set of smart cooking programs. This series of multi-functional electric cookers changes the way we eat with the following standout aspects:1. Convenient with Intelligent ProgrammingThe Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cookers have up to 14 function keys for the mostcommon cooking tasks: “soup,” “meat/stew,” “beans/chili,” “poultry,” “rice,” “multigrain,”“porridge,” “steam,” “slow cook,” “yogurt,” “sauté,” “manual,” “delay start,” and “keepwarm/cancel.” The microprocessor inside each cooker carefully controls the time,cooking pressure and temperature to ensure consistent cooking results. Users can also customize these settings with the 4 operations keys—“+,” “-,” “pressure,” and “adjust”—to achieve preferred cooking results. For example, the “meat/stew” key is programmedto prepare perfectly tender, thoroughly heated meat dishes; however, users can attainfall-off-the-bone results by increasing the cooking time with the “adjust” and “+” keys.The Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cookers make cooking as easy as pressing a button!2. Preserves Nutrients and Cooks Tasty FoodThe Instant Pot® microprocessor optimizes pressure-cooking to produce whollynutritious, flavorful, tender meals in a consistent fashion. The tight lid and fully sealedenvironment of each device traps the flavor, nutrients and aroma within the food instead of releasing them throughout the home. During pressure-cooking, heat is distributedevenly, deeply and quickly once pressure is built up. Also, not much water is required for steaming, so vitamins and minerals are not leached or dissolved. As a result, greensretain their bright colors and phytochemicals, meats and bones are thoroughly cookedyet tender, and whole grains and beans are soft and delicious, all with remarkableconsistency.3.Energy-EfficientThe Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cookers are highly energy-efficient. Unlike other cooking appliances, these intelligent multi-cookers save up to 70% electricity. Plus, as each device is fully sealed during cooking, less steam is dispersed, thus, preserving water and reducing energy consumption.4. User-Friendly and Hassle-FreeThe Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cookers allow users to whip up quick dishes or plan meals ahead of time with its automatic cooking processes. Unlike conventional pressure cookers, each model carefully times every cooking task and automatically switches to the keep-warm function once the food is prepared. In addition, the delayed cooking feature allows users to postpone cooking for up to 24 hours. Users can also save their customized cooking settings with the LUX and DUO models, which can memorizeprogram settings per cooking program button once defined. This enables users toexperiment and achieve optimal cooking results, and store them for future dishes.5. Clean and PleasantDuring operation, Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cookers are absolutely quiet. Each device is fully sealed when pressure builds up in the inner pot. Therefore, no hot steam escapes from the pot and no cooking odors emanate throughout the kitchen or thehome. Also, there are no messy spills, splashes or spatters and no boiled over foods to clean up. Due to their multi-functional features, Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cookers can reduce the number of cooking appliances in the kitchen, which helps save money, minimize clutter and keep the kitchen organized.6. Safe and DependableThe Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cookers are carefully designed to eliminate many common errors from causing harm or spoiling food. Each model has passed thestringent UL & ULC certification, giving users uncompromised safety and peace of mind.The Instant Pot® brand protects users with 10 proven safety mechanisms and patented technologies.ü Bluetooth capability and free iOS/Android app allows users tomonitor cooking progress and create, share and download recipes onlineü 7-in-1 multi-functional cooker: electric pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, yogurt maker, sauté/browning pan,steamer, and warming potü 14 built-in micro-processor controlled programs ü Dual pressure settings for fast and flexible cookingü Slow Cooker settings from 0.5 to 20 hours ü Manual keep-warm setting for up to 99 hours and 50 minutes ü 3 temperature settings for Sauté, Slow Cook and 3 Keep-warmfunctions ü Accessories included: stainless steel inner pot, stainless steel steam rack with handles, silicone mini mitts, condensationcollector, rice paddle, soup spoon and measuring cup ü Available as 6qt cooking pot with 1000W heating elementInstant Pot ® IP-Duo Seriesü 7-in-1 multi-functional cooker: electric pressure cooker, slow cooker,rice cooker, yogurt maker, sauté/browning pan, steamer, and warming pot ü Dual pressure settings for fast and flexible cookingü 14 built-in micro-processor controlled programs ü Can pressure cook for up to 4 hours ü Slow Cooker settings for 0.5 to 20 hours ü 3 temperature settings for sauté and slow cook functions ü Manual keep-warm setting for up to 99 hours and 50 minutes ü Memorizes user customizations on all cooking program buttons ü Automatic keep-warm for up to 10 hours ü Accessories included: stainless steel inner pot, stainless steel steam rack with handles, condensation collector, rice paddle, soup spoon and measuring cup ü IP-DUO series available in two models: o IP-DUO60: 6qt cooking pot and 1000W heating element o IP-DUO80: 8qt cooking pot and 1200W heating element Following is an overview of the Instant Pot ® family of products, including features unique to each model:Instant Pot ® SmartInstant Pot ®IP-LUX• Converts Instant Pot® electric pressure cooker to a precision sous vide cooker to make high-end restaurant quality food at home • Touch-screen digital controls, stainless steel and rubber coating on handle • 120V/800W • Attaches securely to the 6Qt or 8Qt inner pot either in or out of Instant Pot® with the adjustable stainless steel clamp that has maximum clamp height of about 8". • Sous vide cooks easily and with absolute accuracy for upto 72 hours to +/- 1°F between 104-194° F/40-90° C innear silenceü 6-in-1 multi-functional cooker: pressure cooker,slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, sauté &warmerü Single pressure setting for fast cooking,cooking with pressure reduces cooking time upto 70%ü 10 built-in micro-processor controlled programsü Can pressure cook for up to 4 hoursü Memorizes user customizations on all cookingprogram buttonsü Accessories included: stainless steel inner pot,stainless steel steam rack with handles, ricepaddle, soupspoon, measuring cup, andcondensation cupü Available as a 6qt cooking pot and 1000Wheating element Instant Pot ®Accu SV800 Immersion Circulator Sous Vide“I LOVE My Instant Pot®!”*Quote from Amazon reviewA Look at the Company Behind the Revolutionary Cooking ApplianceInstant Pot® is currently the number one selling brand on with one of the highest overall customer ratings. An Instant Pot® Community on Facebook boasts over 350,000 highly engaged members and is rapidly growing as a resource for Instant Pot® Electric Pressure Cooker users to share recipes, ask questions and offer usage tips and product suggestions. It’s no surprise that thousands of positive online customer reviews exclaim sheer enthusiasm, excitement and praise for the product, along the lines of: “I LOVE my Instant Pot®!”; “Game changer for food prep” and “An absolute godsend…” Today, Instant Pot® models are available at Target and Walmart in addition to . All this is just the beginning for a company that set out to develop a brand that meets the needs of consumers with active, busy, healthy and environmentally conscious lifestyles.The Instant Pot® Company was founded in 2009 by a team of Canadian technology veterans who set out to explore the food preparation category based on their own personal life experiences. Their objective was to find solutions that would enable busy families and professionals to prepare quality food in less time, promoting better eating and reducing the consumption of fast food.In late 2010, after eighteen grueling months of research, design and development they introduced the Instant Pot® CSG60, the company’s first multi-programmable electric cooker. The product was developed with an advanced microprocessor and incorporated the functions of five different cooking tools into one: pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer and warmer. This introduction was greatly successful, propelling the team to continue to develop even more versatile products to meet the growing needs of their target audiences.Each subsequent Instant Pot® product introduction has raised the bar on functionality, user-friendliness and safety. In 2012 the company launched the Instant Pot® Lux60 6-in-1 – a six quart, programmable electric pressure cooker – which was the most advanced pressure cooker available on the market at the time. The Lux60 quickly became the category best seller on Amazon, leading the company to introduce the Lux50, a five-quart version of the product, and later the Instant Pot® Duo, a 7-in-1 multifunctional cooker. Serving as an electric pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, yogurt maker, sauté/browning pan, steamer and warming potall in one convenient small electric appliance, the Instant Pot® Duo catapulted to the top as the best seller across all categories on and remains the number one selling product by the Instant Pot® Company.In 2014 the Instant Pot® Company followed up with the Instant Pot® Smart Multi-Cooker, equipped with microprocessors and Bluetooth® technology that wirelessly connects, allowing users to program and monitor their cooking from mobile devices via an iOS or Android app. This advancement was a first in the electric pressure cooker category and marked the beginning of a new smart-cooking era. This introduction represented the Instant Pot® Company’s technology leadership into the next-level of consumer experience for the Instant Pot® communities.The Instant Pot® line of products are truly tools for a new lifestyle and especially cater to the needs of health-minded individuals, those with special dietary restrictions, the do-it-yourself food enthusiasts and anyone looking to save time in the kitchen while providing nutritious, well-balance meals. Today, the Instant Pot® product line-up includes the best-selling IP-DUO along with the IP-SMART, IP-LUX and the recently introduced IP-ACCU SV800 Immersion Circulator Sous Vide.According to Dr. Robert Wang, founder and CEO of the Instant® Pot Company, the company’s main goal is to make the Instant Pot® an acronym for the best kitchen experiences ever by offering unsurpassed user interface design and connected technologies. As the company continues to develop and design new products, the world awaits the next advancements in home cooking, brought to you by Instant Pot®.。



Heteropore covalent organic framework for solid phase extraction of 16PAHs from waterLU Qiuyu 1,2,LI Mingtang 1,HE Peiqiao 2,ZHANG Danyang 2,JIANG Hongxin 2*,LIU Xiaowei 2*(1.School of Resources and Environment,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun 130012,China;2.Key Laboratory of Environmental Factor Control for Agro-product Safety,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs /Agro-Environmental Protection Institute,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Tianjin 300191,China )Abstract :To provide a simple and efficient method to adsorb trace polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs )from complex,real samples,heteropore covalent organic frameworks (HCOFs )crystalline porous material with two different kinds of pores was prepared through a solvothermal method.The HCOFs structure and morphologies were characterized by scanning electron microscopy,powder X-ray diffraction analysis,Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy,and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis.The ability of the HCOFs as a solidadsorbent for 16PAHs from real water samples was investigated.Based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis,the contents of 16PAHs were detected after treatment with HCOFs.The experimental results indicated that the prepared HCOFs displayed intriguing properties such as high crystallinity,large surface area,and high porosity,bearing both micro-pores (hexagonal )and mesopores (trigonal ).This HCOFs can be used as an adsorbent for the rapid adsorption of 16PAHs in environmental water samples.The absorption equilibrium was achieved after only 15min oscillation,while that of the enrichment factor can be up to 40times more.The method presented suitablelinearity in the range of 0.25~50μg·L -1for the 16PAHs with a satisfactory regression coefficient (R 2>0.99).The detection limits for the method based on a signal-to-noise ratio of 3were in the range of 0.04~0.08μg·L -1.For the actual water samples,the recoveries of 16PAHs ranged from 82.3%to 110.1%.These results demonstrated this method has advantages such as its simplicity,speed,cost-双孔COF 材料用于固相萃取水体中16种多环芳烃鲁秋玉1,2,李明堂1,何沛桥2,张丹阳2,姜红新2*,刘潇威2*(1.吉林农业大学资源与环境学院,长春130012;2.农业农村部农产品质量安全环境因子控制重点实验室/农业农村部环境保护科研监测所,天津300191)收稿日期:2021-01-12录用日期:2021-03-19作者简介:鲁秋玉(1996—),女,吉林长春人,硕士研究生,从事纳米材料的开发及其在污染物吸附富集方面的应用研究。

美国ACCU-CHARGER 恒流恒压充电器 12-24V 70AH 40A 充电器 说明书

美国ACCU-CHARGER 恒流恒压充电器 12-24V 70AH 40A 充电器 说明书

ACCU-CHARGER®Ferroresonant Industrial Battery Chargers ArraySetting the industry standard for maximumperformancej A choice of 3 interchangeable controls foradded flexibliltyj Quality-built for years of trouble-free servicej Fail-safe design protects batteriesj 100% rated to recharge fully discharged batteriesin 8 hours or lessj Ten-year transformer and diode warrantyj CDAC compatible–applied technology to controlmaterial handling costsj UL listed, CSA certifiedj Designed for maximum performanceThe Accu-Charger sets the industry standard for accuracy, efficiency, flexibility andreliability. Designed to recharge any 100%discharged lead-acid battery in its ampere-hour rating within 8 hours, the Accu-Charger is engineered to provide the maximum in charging performance. The charger uses ferroresonant power conversion circuitry,which is virtually maintenance-free, to provide years of dependable service. The power conversion circuitry maximizes battery life by using a constantly tapering charge which is automatically regulated by the “On Charge”battery voltage. The output current of the Accu-Charger is determined by the state of discharge of the battery. The battery is precisely charged, based on its depth of discharge.j Control optionsDepending on your charging requirements,the Accu-Charger can be controlled by any one of the following controls: AC500, AC1000and AC2000.j Battery/charger safeguardsThe Accu-Charger is internally protected against overload, short circuit, incorrect battery connection and voltage transients.Shorting of the DC output will not damage the charger or cause fuses to blow. Plus, in the event of a component failure, the charging rate will automatically go to “minimum,” thus protecting the battery from damage.j RegulationAccu-Chargers will hold the finish rate of the charge within ±1%, even with line voltage variations as high as ±10%. This protects,and properly charges the battery, even when severe input voltage variations exist.j Single and three phase serviceThe Accu-Charger is available in a variety of single and three phase models, providing multiple AC input voltages as standard. Most models are UL listed, CSA certified, and meet BCI requirements.j RatingThe Accu-Charger is rated to recharge a 100% discharged battery in its ampere-hour rating within eight hours.j Easy to change AC input voltageAC input voltage change-overs take just minutes because of conveniently located taps and quick-connect jumpers.j Adjustable DC outputIn rare instances where changes to the DC output might be required, necessary adjustments are made simple withconveniently located quick-connect jumpers.j WarrantyMinimize repair costs with ten-year original purchaser warranty on power transformer and silicon diodes, plus one-year warranty on other components.j Convection cooled, quietThe Accu-Charger uses no fans to draw in dirty air and has low sound levels for quiet operation.Baked powdered polyester finish Quick connect primary voltage change-over 120/208/240 or 208/240/480, 575Modular designed controls forincreased flexibility Quick connect output voltage tap adjustments UL listed,CSA certifiedColor coded charging cablesWide, hinged door for easy accessOperating and troubleshootingmanualProminently displayed labels• Voltage change-over • Fuse sizes • Charging rateadjustmentnd efficient charging every time!j Automatic operationAfter the battery is connected and the control is initiated, the Accu-Charger will automatically start the charging operation. It will continue to charge the battery until the battery is fully charged at which time the Accu-Charger will automatically terminate the operation.j Interchangeable control design The Accu-Charger is designed to allow the quick and easy installation or removal of the controls. Unmatched in the industry, this design allows controls to be interchanged in minutes for greater control, flexibility and automation of any battery charging operation.j Functional cabinet designThe cabinet is constructed with heavy-gauge sheet metal and finished with a durable, long-lasting powdered polyester baked finish. The cabinet is designed to provide direct access to the AC power connection points and conveniently facilitates any required service.j Flexible cabinet mountingAll case styles can be wall, bench or floor mounted and the B and C cases are stackable to save floor space.j Efficient, low cost operationThe copper-wound, ferroresonant transformer design of the Accu-Charger is extremely efficient, converting AC input power to useable DC output power.j Quality-built for years of trouble- free serviceQuality is the driving force behind the Accu-Charger. Its design allows it to meet the many challenges associated with charging batteries. Unmatched in construction, reliability and value, each Accu-Charger is subject to intensive quality control and test procedures to ensure many years of trouble-free service.“A” Case “B” Case “C” Casej Accu-Charger charging characteristicsThe graph shows recharge data for a complete charge cycle. Notice that as the ampere-hours (A-H) returned to the battery increase, the battery voltage increases and the charging current gradually tapers to a safe finish rate. The recharge rate starts at approximately 20 amperes per 100 ampere-hours of battery capacity at 2.13 volts per cell, then tapers to approximately 4.5 amperes per 100 ampere-hours at about 2.55 volts per cell. To assure complete recharge of a fully discharged battery, the total ampere-hours returned to the battery is a minimum of 107%.j001 extra length charging cable:Permits the charger to be installed up to 20 ft. from the battery location. See data sheet 1311.j002 parallel charging cable with SBX connector: For the simultaneous charging of two batteries, identical in cell size but having different depths of discharge, with one charger. j003 series charging cable:For the simultaneous charging of two batteries, identical in cell size, ampere-hour rating, and depth of discharge, with one charger.j010 wall mounting bracket:For B and C case chargers.j101 remote charger control box:Allows the control to be located up to 20 ft. from the charger, i.e., mezzanine or wall mounted. Note: Wiring connecting control and charger not included.j500 flange mounted fusible disconnect switch: Disconnects power to the charger before door can be opened. For B and C case chargers and 480 volt operation only. Mounted beside door.j512 single point wiring, 2 circuitj513 single point wiring, 3 circuit:Chargers are stacked two or three high, wired for single pointAC connection.Accu-Charger accommodates interchangeable control designDISTRIBUTED BY:jstart/stop control utilizing the patented PT/DV/DT charge termination technique, or rate of change of battery voltage with respect to time. This proprietary technique used in conjunction with the tapered curve of the charger ensures that the battery is precisely charged, never over or under charged. The AC1000 stores 9 items of information for the most recent charge cycle that can be reviewed at the touch of a single button. Other features include digital display,battery/charger mismatch protection, dual back-up timers, delayed start, cool down, refresh charge, forming cycles, extended run time, auto equalize, selectable VT termination, push-to-start and fault lockout operation. The AC1000 uses the combination of the digital ammeter and 4 status LED’s to indicate V/C, Amps and charge status of the charge cycle. See data sheet 1322 for more information.features including a sealed-membrane keypad, refresh charge, extended run time, high-current shutdown, battery/charger mismatch discrimination, new battery recognition after AC fail, automatic or manual equalize operation, and cool down. It uses a PT/DV/DT charge termination technique to ensure that the rate of change for both battery voltage and current always provides an efficient and accurate termination of charge. See data sheet 1320 for more information.jstart/stop control that uses thepatented PT/DV/DT chargetermination technique, or rate ofchange of battery voltage with respectto time. This technique provides anefficient charge every time andprotects the battery from being overor under charged. The AC500features include 72 hour refresh,manual and auto equalize, andprovides safety features such asAC fail recovery, battery/chargerdisconnect shutdown and backup timer protection. Availablewith or without analog ammeter. See data sheet 1323 formore information.With the addition of an optional expansion board, the AC2000Because we continually improve our products,specifications are subject to change without notice.©2000, AMETEK, Inc. Prestolite Power, Troy, OhioData Sheet: 1305 11/00 5M Printed in U.S.A.Replaces: 11/99*Not UL or CSA listed and not available in 50 Hz.NOTE 1: Single phase chargers can be connected to one phase of a three-phase power system.NOTE 2: Contact factory for availability on non-standard voltages, non-standard cell sizes, 50 Hertz chargers, or special applications.NOTE 3: All chargers are furnished with standard nonexplosive-proof battery charging connector and 8 ft. (A case) or 10 ft. (B and C case) output cable.NOTE 4: Standard voltages for single and three phase models are 208/240/480. Alternate voltage configuration 240/480/575.NOTE 5: Not all options are available for models listed, contact factory for availability.Accu-Charger modelsApplicationOutputModel NumberAC Input, AmperesWeight, lbs.No.battery cells 666666666912121212121212121212161818181818181818181818181824242424242424242424243636363636363640404040Recommended battery ampere-hour range for8 hour charge0-180181-250251-380381-450451-510511-600601-750751-880881-1050381-4500-250251-380381-450451-510511-600601-750751-880881-10501051-12001201-1400751-8800-250251-380381-450451-510511-600601-750751-880881-965661-1020966-10501051-12001201-14001401-1600181-2500-380181-250381-450451-600601-750751-880881-965881-10501051-12001201-14000-250251-380381-450451-600601-750751-880881-965451-550511-600601-725751-880DC output amperes 2.13 v/cell 365076901021201501762109050769010212015017621024028017650769010212015017619320421024028032050765090120150176193210240280507690120150176193110120750176A case 180A1-6250A1-6380A1-6450A1-6250A1-12380A1-12250A1-18 B case510B1-6600B1-6750B1-6880B1-6450B1-12510B1-12600B1-12750B1-12880B1-12380B1-18450B1-18510B1-18600B1-18*750B1-18250B1-24380B1-24450B1-24C case600C3-6750C3-6880C3-61050C3-6450C3-9450C3-12510C3-12600C3-12750C3-12880C3-121050C3-121200C3-121400C3-12880C3-16380C3-18450C3-18510C3-18600C3-18750C3-18880C3-18965C3-181020C1-181050C3-181200C3-181400C3-181600C3-18250C3-24450C3-24600C3-24750C3-24880C3-24965C3-241050C3-241200C3-241400C3-24250C3-36380C3-36450C3-36600C3-36750C3-36880C3-36965C3-36550C1-40600C3-40725C3-40880C3-401-phase 120/208/240volts 6.0/3.5/3.08.1/4.7/4.113.2/7.6/6.615.0/8.7/7.616.7/9.6/8.41-phase 208/240/480, 575volts (see notes)3.5/3.0/1.5, 1.04.7/4.1/2.0, 1.57.6/6.6/3.3, 2.88.7/7.6/3.8, 3.110.6/9.2/4.6, 3.811.5/10.0/5.0, 4.215.2/13.2/6.6, 5.517.0/15.0/7.5, 6.59.6/8.4/4.2, 3.514.5/12.6/6.3, 5.216.8/14.6/7.3, 6.118.5/16.1/8.1, 6.722.7/19.8/9.9, 8.229.1/25.3/12.7, 10.534.3/29.9/14.9, 12.412.8/11.1/5.6, 4.620.0/17.4/8.7, 7.224.5/21.4/10.7, 8.926.7/23.3/11.6, 9.731.1/27.1/13.5, 11.342.9/37.4/18.7, 15.553.4/46.6/23.3, 19.417.4/15.2/7.6, 6.325.1/21.9/10.9, 9.131.5/27.5/13.7, 11.462.2/54.2/27.1, 22.63-phase 208/240/480, 575volts (see notes)6.1/5.3/2.6, 2.29.0/8.0/4.0, 3.310.5/9.0/4.5, 3.710.7/9.2/4.6, 3.86.7/6/3, 2.58.2/7.1/3.6, 3.09.4/8.2/4.1, 3.411.2/9.7/4.9, 4.114.7/12.9/6.4, 5.317.7/15.5/7.7, 6.421.3/18.6/9.3, 7.723.2/20.1/10.0, 8.528.0/25.0/12.5, 10.523.3/20.3/10.2, 8.511.0/10.0/5.0, 4.013.3/11.6/5.8, 4.815.7/13.7/6.9, 5.717.3/15.1/7.6, 6.322.9/19.9/10.0, 8.324.2/21.1/10.5, 8.825.8/22.5/11.2, 9.329.0/25.2/12.6, 10.533.6/29.3/14.7, 12.237.2/32.4/16.2, 13.548.6/42.4/21.2, 17.68.9/7.7/3.9, 3.217.0/14.8/7.4, 6.222.5/19.6/9.8, 8.228.1/24.5/12.2, 10.235.3/30.8/15.4, 12.836.6/31.9/15.9, 13.241.1/35.8/17.9, 14.943.4/37.8/18.9, 15.755.5/48.4/24.2, 20.112.5/11.0/5.5, 4.520.5/18.0/9.0, 7.527.5/24.0/12.0, 10.032.2/28.1/14.0, 11.743.6/38.0/19.0, 15.8NA/43.0/21.5, 17.9NA/48/24, 2036.6/31.9/16, 13.341.4/36/18, 15NA/47/23.5, 19.6Approx.shipping weight 758595110120185/225190/290205/28529022095105190/280195/283205/285230/295235/310330370410320110190/290205/295215/300225/310290/320370380335385425450550195219285225/2903203803753804504705103103253653904154854903754654905152220 Corporate Drive j Troy, Ohio j 45373-1099 j 800 367 2002。



学好英语的有效方法英语作文大学生Studying English effectively is crucial for college students as it opens up many opportunities for their future careers and personal growth. 学习英语对大学生非常重要,因为它为他们未来的职业和个人成长打开了许多机会。

One effective way for college students to improve their English skills is to immerse themselves in the language as much as possible. This can be achieved through activities such as watching English movies and TV shows, listening to English music, and reading English books and articles. By surrounding themselves with English, students can naturally pick up vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.大学生提高英语水平的有效方法之一是尽可能地沉浸在语言环境中。



Another approach to improving English proficiency is to practice speaking and writing regularly. College students can engage in conversations with native English speakers, participate in languageexchange programs, or join English-speaking clubs or communities. Additionally, maintaining a journal or regularly writing essays in English can help students become more fluent and articulate in the language.提高英语水平的另一种方法是定期练习口语和写作。



基于CFD技术的管内流动精细仿真方法孙致月;陈翾;赵世明【摘要】利用数值仿真方法模拟管内流动具有适应性好、高效方便的优势.充分考虑到管道壁面对管内流动的作用,引入湍流双层流动模型分别对近壁面和管道中心流场进行求解.采用增强壁面处理方法描述壁面对流场参数的影响关系,选取了合理的边界条件和计算区域以消除管道物理模型对流场边界的反作用,基于CFD技术发展了一种可对管内流动进行精细模拟的数值方法.通过对典型直管和三维细长管道的计算结果的分析,表明所建立的数值方法准确模拟了管道入口处流场的发展过程,通过对数值计算结果与理论计算结果的对比分析,表明所建立的数值方法正确、模拟精度较高.%Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)is considered as a robust,efficient and convenient meth-od to solve the internal flow field of pipe.In order to simulate the impacts of presence of pipe walls,the two-layer turbulent model was employed to define the near-wall region and fully-turbulent region's flow respectively.The enhanced wall treatment was used to calculate flow field in near-wall region.Proper boundary conditions and simulation region were selected to prevent pipe's structure affecting the bounda-ry conditions reversely,also to achieve more accurate simulation ed these models,an accu-rate computational method of pipe flow was built based on CFD technique.The internal flow field of two kinds of typical pipes,straight pipe and 3D curving pipe,were solved to use the built computational method.The flow field is quantitatively described well,such as the developing process when the fluid j ust flows into pipe.Parts of results can be attained numerically aswell as analytically were compared, and the validity and accuracy of the computational method are proved.【期刊名称】《中北大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(038)005【总页数】6页(P599-604)【关键词】管内流动;数值仿真;CFD;精细模拟【作者】孙致月;陈翾;赵世明【作者单位】中国人民解放军 91336 部队,河北秦皇岛 066001;中国人民解放军91336 部队,河北秦皇岛 066001;中国人民解放军 91336 部队,河北秦皇岛066001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O368管内流动是一类重要的流动形态,它广泛存在于机械、能源、化工、航空航天、船舶等实际工程应用中[1-5]. 管内流动的正向问题是充分了解已有管道的流动及压力损失状态,为管道流动驱动等机构提供设计依据;反向问题则是在已存外部条件下,优化管道结构而获得期望的流动状态和压力损失.研究管内流动的方法主要有理论分析、实验方法和仿真方法. 理论方法基于流动遵循的一般规律求解流动状态,由于求解方程复杂、流动状态多样性致使获得方程解析解较为困难,理论方法求解中往往需要做简化假设,仅能求解简单形状管道如圆管、充分发展流动、粘性作用适中等特殊条件下的管内流动状态,在求解管道能量损失时,仅能在缓变流假设条件下计算管道沿程损失和简单形状的局部损失,对于其它更多的复杂情况则无能为力. 实验方法虽能弥补理论方法的部分劣势,却也存在管内流动参数测量困难、无法测量管内全流场参数等不足,同时还存在实验实施周期长、成本高等显著缺点. 计算流体力学(CFD)技术将求解流动区域采用有限体积或有限元方法网格化处理,并对流动控制方程在各网格上进行差分,采用求解偏微分方程的数值方法求解各控制方程. 相比实验方法,数值仿真方法可以获得全流场参数,并具有理论方法所缺失的适应性强、求解方便等优势,已成为研究流场状态的重要方法,获得了广泛的工程应用. 管内流动的特点是受管道的约束,精细仿真的关键是充分考虑管道壁面对流动的影响. 文献[6]采用简化的代数应力模式代替雷诺应力模式对典型的管道内流动进行了计算和分析,在一定程度上模拟了部分流动特性,但在管道外壁附近计算精度不足. 文献[7-9]针对工程实际问题进行了管道内或类似模型流动的数值计算,侧重于问题本身,没有对管内流动数值方法进行专门研究和验证,并认为管内流场数值模拟面临着严峻的挑战[7].本文在详细研究不同管内流动形态和特点的基础上,建立不同流动形态下管道流动的数学模型和仿真方法,并验证仿真方法的准确性.管内流动作为一种流动形态,满足描述流场状态的一般控制方程,考虑到数值求解的方便,采用守恒型的雷诺平均N-S方程描述管内流动(ρui)+(ρuiuj)=式中:下标i和j分别代表坐标方向;ρ为流动介质密度;u为速度;p为压力;μ+μt为等效粘性系数;μ为分子粘性系数;μt为Boussinesq湍流粘性系数.为了闭合控制方程,需要引入湍流模型计算μt. 湍流模型须与流场的特征密切相关,管内流动受管道壁面的影响十分显著,且流场一般具有细长非对称几何特征. 为充分地模拟管道壁面附近粘性起主导作用区域及湍流区域的流动特征,一种易想见的方法是对管道近壁面区域A和其它区域B分别采用不同的湍流模型.在区域A采用具有广泛适应性的k-ε湍流模型,输运方程为(ρε)+(ρεuj)=ρ.区域A湍流粘度μt,A的计算公式为以上各式中, Gk是速度梯度引起的湍流动能,σk,σε是普朗特数,C1ε, C2ε, Cμ是常数.区域B内也采用k-ε湍流模型,并将ε输运方程修正为区域B内湍流粘度μt,B的计算公式为式中:lε, lμ均与湍流雷诺数Rey相关. 定义式中: k为湍流动能; y为数值计算网格中心与壁面之间距离. Rey能反映计算网格与壁面的距离,可作为区域A、 B的区分参数,即式中是两区域的临界常数,定义由以上湍流输运方程可分别获得区域A、 B的湍流粘度,但存在一个问题,即两区域临界处湍流粘度不光滑,这与实际情况不符. 为改进这一问题,对区域A、B湍流粘度进行处理,根据计算网格处的Rey值对μt,A和μt,B值进行加权平均,得到式中:λε是Rey的函数.以典型三维细长管道为例描述管内流动仿真模型的建立方法. 管内流动仿真物理模型如图 1 所示.物理模型由3段截面直径不同的直管和两个不同形状的弯角组成,沿着直角坐标系z轴负方向,将3段直管分别标示为Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ,直管Ⅰ和直管Ⅱ之间采用变直径的90°拐角连接,直管Ⅱ和直管Ⅲ之间采用渐变直径的相切圆弧拐角连接. 各直管截面直径不同,直管尺寸分别为:直管Ⅰ截面直径为14 mm,长度为372 mm;直管Ⅱ截面直径为19 mm,长度为450 mm;直管Ⅲ截面直径为24mm,长度为600 mm.当管道入口总压和出口压力确定并存在压差的情况下,流体在管内产生流动,本文仿真中取流体为20 ℃的水,其物理性质见参考文献[10]. 求解计算域为管道出口、入口边界和壁面所围成的内部流动空间. 在计算域内分布六面体网格,为了提高计算精度减少网格数量,在计算域流场参数变化剧烈的位置对网格进行适当加密,整个计算域网格数量为1.11×106. 为了精确描述管道壁面对流动的影响,采用增强壁面函数处理方法,需要在流动粘性底层内(y+<5)分布足够数量的网格,如图 2(b)~(d)所示分别为管道截面和两拐角位置处网格分布.设定管道左端为压力入口边界,右端为压力出口边界,管道壁面为无滑移壁面边界. 采用有限体积法,在各网格点上用二阶迎风格式离散控制方程. 采用基于压力的隐式方法求解数值模型,用SIMPLE方法耦合速度和压力. 为了提高计算精度及收敛速度,用双精度储存及处理数据,并采用了多重网格方法求解方程.基于所建立仿真模型,对上文所述管内流动进行计算. 管内流动边界条件见表 1.流体流入管道后,在管道壁面的影响下,流场状态参数经历一个渐变发展的过程,并最终达到充分发展状态,此过程称为管内流动的发展过程. 为了使管内流动能达到充分发展流动状态,采用直径d=20 mm,总长度l=2 000 mm的细长直管进行计算. 如图 3 所示为管内流动达到充分发展状态后速度沿管道径向变化曲线.图 3 中,纵坐标为管道半径,由中心指向壁面,横坐标为无量纲速度,表示速度与管道中心速度之比. 由图可见,当管内流动充分发展后,管内流动速度沿径向分布较为平坦,这是典型的湍流流动速度分布特征. 经与管道径向速度幂次规律分布[10]对比,可见仿真计算结果与理论计算结果吻合较好. 在此种情况下,管道流动雷诺数Re=ρdv/μ=2×105,远远大于管道流动中层流向湍流转捩的临界雷诺数2 300,与图 3 所体现的速度分布特征相对应. 表明所建立的数值方法很好地模拟了管内流动参数径向分布特征.对于直径不变的圆管,由于管内各截面上速度相同,则管道壁面摩擦力相同,因此沿轴向管内流动静压呈线性关系降低. 如图 4 所示为仿真计算所得静压沿管道轴向变化的关系曲线,所得结果与理论分析相符.在不同工况下计算管道壁面摩擦系数f,并与普朗特公式[11]计算结果进行对比.对比结果如表 2 所示,可见所建立的数值仿真方法能较精确地得到管道壁面摩擦系数.采用所建立的数值方法对前文所述三维管道内流动进行计算. 在管道不同位置处设置观测面以显示管道流动状态,如图 5 所示,由管道入口向后分别编号:面1~面6,其中面1为管道入口,面6为管道出口. 面4位于直角坐标系XOY平面内,面1, 2, 3位于Z轴正方向上,面5, 6位于Z轴负方向上.图 6 所示为三维管道各观测面上压力变化对比关系图,纵坐标为各观测面上静压均值,横坐标为各观测面所在Z轴坐标. 由前述分析过程可知,水流进入管道后,经过充分发展过程后流动沿管道径向分布达到稳定. 三维管道直管Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ处直径逐渐增大,则其速度呈现逐渐降低的趋势. 由图 6 可见,沿管内流体流动方向,管道内压力总体呈下降趋势,这是由于管道截面积变化不大的情况下,管内压力损失主要反映为静压的降低. 面5处由于管道直径增大,管内流速降低显著,管道对流体产生扩压作用,静压的增大抵消了水力损失作用,压力总体表现为增大. 而面3处虽然管道直径增大,但是由于直角拐弯产生巨大水力损失,因此压力总体依然降低.管道内水力损失主要包括沿程损失和局部损失,流线曲折是引起管道内水力损失的重要因素. 如图7(a)所示为三维管道内流线图,由图可见均匀缓变流经过第一个直角拐弯后流体质点相互掺混、流线弯曲扭转,伴随分离、漩涡,管内流场突变为急变流,由于惯性作用甚至当流体重新进入直管内仍无法达到均匀.图7(b),(c)所示为直角拐弯处流线图. 由图7(b) 可见,流体流过弯管时,在弯管内侧形成分离区,产生漩涡. 由于流体质点离心力的不平衡,在弯管横截面上造成一个双漩涡形的二次流动,如图7(c),与沿轴线的主流流动叠加后,流体质点运动呈螺旋形状,管道内流动更加复杂. 这也正是制约理论方法与实验方法精确预测管道流场、准确计算其水力损失的重要原因.相比而言,由于流场的极度紊乱,直角拐弯处局部能量损失系数较大,直角拐弯在管道设计中应尽量加以避免. 如图 7(d)所示为直管Ⅱ和直管Ⅲ之间渐变直径的相切圆弧拐角处流线图,可见虽然此处流线也有相互扭曲的现象,较之直角拐弯处漩涡等极端混乱的运动现象并未出现,可以预见其局部阻力损失系数较小.图 8 所示为三维管道各观测面上总压变化对比关系曲线,纵坐标为各观测面上总压均值,横坐标为各观测面所在Z轴坐标. 观测面2和3之间总压降低量为直角拐弯处压力损失,观测面4和5之间总压降低量为相切圆弧拐角处压力损失,可见直角拐弯处局部损失远大于后者,并在整个管道压力损失中贡献较大比例. 比较3段直管,其压力损失为沿程损失,斜率依次降低,这是流动速度降低和管道摩擦力相应变化后的综合反映.在充分考虑管道壁面这一影响管内流动的主要因素的情况下,应用特殊的湍流模型和增强的壁面处理方法模拟了壁面对管内流动的影响,采用CFD技术建立了一种通用的管内流动仿真方法. 采用该方法对圆直管道流场进行求解,并与特殊典型流态下的理论值进行了对比,该方法精确模拟了充分发展流动的速度径向分布,壁面摩擦系数仿真结果与理论值最大误差为5.1%;该方法很好地模拟了三维管道内复杂流场分布,尤其是直角拐弯和相切圆弧拐弯的流动特性和水力损失.应用数值仿真方法可以获得复杂管道的全流场、全参数的仿真结果,本文所建立精细仿真方法能用于描述和预测复杂管道流场状态和管道水力损失的计算,可用于对管道进行结构优化和辅助设计. 将本文所建立的数值方法应用于金属/水冲压发动机进水管道水动力预测,经与自由航行试验测量值对比,已印证该数值方法具有较高的精度.【相关文献】[1] 邓冬. 回转弯道对竖直U型管内液氮流动与传热的影响研究[D]. 上海:上海交通大学, 2014.[2] 王广飞,阎昌琪,孙立成,等. 窄矩形通道内两相流动压降特性研究[J]. 原子能科学技术,2011, 45(6): 677-681.Wang Guangfei, Yan Changqi, Sun Licheng, et al. 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Use word cards for memorization and reinforce memory through repeated review.
Making word cards is a simple and effective memory method. Write the newly learned words on one side of the card and their meanings on the other side, and then reinforce your memory by reviewing these cards repeatedly. This method can help learners systematically review and consolidate the words they have learned.
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Memorizing English words is a necessary condition for passing English exams Different exams have different requirements for vocabulary, and knowing more words can help learners better understand exam questions and increase their scores



默写英语作文科学方法The Scientific Method of Writing an English EssayThe process of writing an effective English essay follows a systematic approach similar to the scientific method. Just as scientists employ a structured methodology to investigate the natural world, writers can adopt a comparable framework to produce well-organized and persuasive academic compositions. By applying the principles of the scientific method, students can enhance their critical thinking skills, develop coherent arguments, and craft essays that engage and enlighten their readers.The first step in the scientific method is to identify a research question or problem that warrants investigation. Likewise, the initial stage of the essay-writing process involves selecting a topic that is sufficiently focused and thought-provoking. A good essay topic should be narrow enough to allow for in-depth exploration, yet broad enough to accommodate a comprehensive analysis. It should also be a subject that the writer finds genuinely interesting and is motivated to explore further.Once the topic has been chosen, the next phase entails conducting thorough research to gather relevant information and evidence. This may involve consulting scholarly sources such as academic journals, books, and databases, as well as considering diverse perspectives and counterarguments. Just as scientists must meticulously collect data to support their hypotheses, essayists must amass a wealth of credible information to substantiate their claims.After the research phase, the writer must organize and synthesize the collected material in a logical and coherent manner. This is akin to the "hypothesis" stage of the scientific method, where researchers formulate a tentative explanation for the phenomenon under study. In the context of essay writing, this involves developing a clear thesis statement that outlines the essay's central argument or claim.With the thesis statement in place, the writer can then proceed to construct the body of the essay, much like scientists design and execute experiments to test their hypotheses. Each body paragraph should introduce a distinct piece of evidence or supporting point that directly relates to and reinforces the overall thesis. Just as scientific experiments must be carefully designed and executed, each body paragraph should flow seamlessly from the previous one, creating a cohesive and well-structured argument.Throughout the writing process, the essayist must continuously evaluate and refine their work, much like scientists analyze their experimental data and adjust their hypotheses accordingly. This involves carefully reviewing the essay for logical coherence, grammatical accuracy, and the strength of the supporting evidence. The writer may also solicit feedback from peers or instructors, akin to the peer review process in scientific research, to identify areas for improvement and ensure the essay meets the desired standards of academic rigor.Finally, the writer must effectively communicate their findings and conclusions to the reader, just as scientists present their research findings through scholarly publications and conference presentations. The essay's conclusion should succinctly restate the thesis, summarize the key points, and leave the reader with a clear understanding of the essay's significance and implications.By adopting the principles of the scientific method, writers can approach the essay-writing process with a greater sense of structure, organization, and intellectual rigor. This systematic approach not only helps to ensure the production of well-crafted and persuasive essays but also fosters the development of critical thinking skills that are invaluable in academic and professional settings.In the same way that scientists must constantly refine theirhypotheses and experimental designs, essayists must be willing to engage in an iterative process of writing, revising, and refining their work. This iterative approach allows writers to identify and address weaknesses in their arguments, incorporate new evidence and perspectives, and ultimately produce essays that are both intellectually compelling and rhetorically effective.Moreover, the application of the scientific method to essay writing encourages writers to approach their topics with an open and inquiring mindset. Just as scientists must be willing to challenge their own assumptions and consider alternative explanations, essayists must be prepared to engage with diverse viewpoints and consider counterarguments to their own positions. This openness to new ideas and perspectives not only strengthens the essay's overall argument but also enhances the writer's critical thinking skills and intellectual growth.In conclusion, the scientific method provides a valuable framework for the essay-writing process, allowing writers to approach their work with a systematic and rigorous approach. By adopting the principles of hypothesis formulation, evidence gathering, logical reasoning, and iterative refinement, essayists can craft compositions that are not only well-structured and persuasive but also intellectually engaging and academically sound. Through the application of the scientific method, the art of essay writing can be transformed into a moresystematic and analytical pursuit, ultimately leading to the production of essays that are both intellectually compelling and rhetorically effective.。



关于学习的方法英语作文Title: Effective Methods for Learning。

Learning is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and the use of effective methods. In this essay, we will explore various strategies and techniquesthat can enhance the process of learning.First and foremost, setting clear goals is essentialfor effective learning. By establishing specific, measurable objectives, learners can focus their efforts and track their progress. Whether the goal is to master a new language, acquire a new skill, or excel in academics,having a clear sense of direction provides motivation and guidance.Secondly, active engagement is crucial for effective learning. Instead of passively consuming information, learners should actively participate in the learning process. This can be achieved through various methods suchas asking questions, discussing concepts with peers, and applying newly acquired knowledge in real-world situations. By actively engaging with the material, learners deepen their understanding and retention.Furthermore, utilizing a variety of resources can enhance learning outcomes. In today's digital age, there is a wealth of information available through books, online courses, videos, and interactive tutorials. By diversifying their sources of information, learners can gain different perspectives and insights, which enrich their learning experience.Moreover, regular practice is key to mastery. Repetition and rehearsal help solidify new information and skills in memory. Whether it's practicing mathematical equations, rehearsing language exercises, or honing a musical instrument, consistent practice reinforces learning and leads to proficiency.In addition, effective time management is essential for maximizing learning efficiency. By prioritizing tasks,breaking them down into manageable chunks, and allocating time effectively, learners can make the most of their study sessions. This includes setting aside dedicated study time, minimizing distractions, and taking regular breaks to recharge.Furthermore, seeking feedback is valuable forcontinuous improvement. Whether it's from teachers, mentors, or peers, constructive feedback provides valuable insights into areas for improvement and helps learners refine their skills. By being open to feedback and willing to learn from mistakes, individuals can grow and develop their abilities.Additionally, fostering a positive mindset is crucialfor overcoming challenges and setbacks. Learning can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating process, but maintaining a positive attitude can help individuals persevere in the face of difficulties. By cultivating resilience, optimism, and a growth mindset, learners can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.In conclusion, effective learning requires acombination of clear goals, active engagement, diverse resources, regular practice, efficient time management, feedback, and a positive mindset. By employing these strategies and techniques, individuals can enhance their learning experience and unlock their full potential. Learning is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about embracing curiosity, embracing challenges, and embracing growth.。



验组患者的心理状态以及身体机能评分显著优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂由此可见,综合护理可以提高患者生活质量㊂在满意度上对比,实验组患者的总满意度为96.88%,对照组患者总满意度为75.00%,组间对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂能够发现,对晚期肺癌合并深静脉血栓的患者实施综合护理可以加强患者对护理人员的满意度,其原因在于实施综合护理后,医护人员对患者心理状态等方面观察疏导,并对其进行专业护理,有效降低患者不适,增加患者满意度㊂综上所述,对晚期肺癌合并深静脉血栓患者实施综合护理效果显著,在改善患者生活质量的同时,还能够提高患者满意度,值得临床推广㊂参考文献[1]戴洁萍,张松林,汪海慧.综合护理在老年晚期肺癌合并深静脉血栓患者中的应用效果[J].医疗装备,2018,31(17):168-169. [2]谭冬梅.老年晚期肺癌合并深静脉血栓的临床分析及护理[J].血栓与止血学,2017,23(2):352-354.[3]李丹凤,苏丹,马晶晶.C O P D合并肺癌患者术后深静脉血栓形成相关危险因素分析[J].中国医学前沿杂志:电子版,2018,10(1): 71-74.㊃论著㊃心肌酶谱检测在急诊检验中的应用价值分析孙翊澄(上海市静安区市北医院200436)摘要:目的通过对急性冠脉综合征患者和体检健康人群中心肌酶谱检测值的差异对比,从而明确急诊心肌酶谱检测在临床心血管疾病中的应用价值,特别是对早期诊断的指导意义㊂方法选取该院所收治的急性心肌梗死患者45例设定为观察组,同时取同期体检健康者45例设定为对照组,对两组研究群体都进行心肌酶谱检测㊂结果对照组肌酸激酶同工酶(C K-M B)㊁肌酸激酶(C K)㊁乳酸脱氢酶(L D H)和天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(A S T)水平明显要比观察组更低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),具备判断与诊断的灵敏度㊂结论临床急性心肌梗死进行急诊检验的过程中,通过心肌酶谱检测能够敏感的进行辨别与诊断,效果明显且针对性较强,高效准确㊂关键词:心肌酶谱;急性冠脉综合征;早期诊断A p p l i c a t i o n v a l u e a n a l y s i s o f m y o c a r d i a l e n z y m e s p e c t r u m d e t e c t i o n i n e m e r g e n c y e x a m i n a t i o nS U N Y i c h e n g(S h a n g h a i J i n g'a n S h i b e i h o s p i t a l,S h a n h a i200436,C h i n a)A b s t r a c t:O b j e c t i v e T o c o m p a r e t h e d i f f e r e n c e o f m y o c a r d i a l e n z y m e s p e c t r u m b e t w e e n p a t i e n t s w i t h a-c u t e c o r o n a r y s y n d r o m e a n d h e a l t h y p e o p l e,s o a s t o c l a r i f y t h e a p p l i c a t i o n v a l u e o f m y o c a r d i a l e n z y m e s p e c-t r u m d e t e c t i o n i n c l i n i c a l c a r d i o v a s c u l a r d i s e a s e,e s p e c i a l l y t h e g u i d i n g s i g n i f i c a n c e f o r e a r l y d i a g n o s i s.M e t h o d s F o r t y-f i v e p a t i e n t s w i t h a c u t e m y o c a r d i a l i n f a r c t i o n i n o u r h o s p i t a l w e r e s e l e c t e d a s t h e o b s e r v a t i o n g r o u p, a n d45h e a l t h y p e o p l e i n t h e s a m e p e r i o d w e r e s e l e c t e d a s t h e c o n t r o l g r o u p.M y o c a r d i a l e n z y m e s w e r e d e t e c t e d i n b o t h g r o u p s.R e s u l t s T h e l e v e l s o f C K-M B,C K,L D H a n d A S T i n t h e c o n t r o l g r o u p w e r e s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w-e r t h a n t h o s e i n t h e o b s e r v a t i o n g r o u p,t h e d i f f e r e n c e w a s s t a t i s t i c a l l y s i g n i f i c a n t(P<0.05).C o n c l u s i o n I n t h e p r o c e s s o f e m e r g e n c y e x a m i n a t i o n o f c l i n i c a l a c u t e m y o c a r d i a l i n f a r c t i o n,m y o c a r d i a l e n z y m e s p e c t r u m d e-t e c t i o n c a n b e s e n s i t i v e f o r i d e n t i f i c a t i o n a n d d i a g n o s i s,t h e e f f e c t i s o b v i o u s a n d t a r g e t e d,e f f i c i e n t a n d a c c u-r a t e.K e y w o r d s:m y o c a r d i a l z y m o g r a m;a c u t e c o r o n a r y s y n d r o m e;e a r l y d i a g n o s i s心肌酶谱检测是临床医疗中广泛开展的一类检测项目,其原理基于心肌内富含多种酶类,一旦因器质性疾病引起急性心肌损伤,这些酶即释放入血从而使血标本中酶活性升高㊂因此,对心肌酶谱的检测可以直观反映心肌损伤的有无及程度,特别是对于急性冠状动脉综合征(包括急性S T段抬高型心肌梗死㊁急性非S T段抬高型心肌梗死和不稳定型心绞痛)患者的诊断和治疗具有一定意义㊂1资料与方法1.1一般资料选择2019年7月1日至2019年12月31日期间在本院急诊内科或抢救室就诊后收治的急性冠状动脉综合征患者36例为观察组,其中男18例,女18例,年龄39~72岁,平均(53.16ʃ3.40)岁;选择同期体检健康者36例为对照组,其中男18例,女18例,年龄33~70岁,平均(52.29ʃ3.31)岁㊂两组一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),具有可比性㊂1.2 方法 观察组患者急诊内科或抢救室就诊即刻开展约3m L 肘部静脉采血,对照组常规空腹肘部静脉采血,两组血标本均严格依照实验室规章流程经离心后由全自动化生化分析仪及配套试剂进行心肌酶谱检测㊂1.3 观察指标 观察并记录两组血标本心肌酶谱检测结果,包括肌酸激酶(C K )㊁酸激酶同工酶(C K -M B )㊁天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(A S T )㊁乳酸脱氢酶(L D H )㊂1.4 统计学处理 所有数据使用S P S S 20.0统计学软件进行统计学数据处理㊂计数资料以例数或百分率表示,组间比较进行χ2检验,计量资料采用x ʃs 表示,组间比较进行t 检验,以P <0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2 结 果2.1 观察组和对照组心肌酶谱检测结果比较,观察组各项心肌酶谱数值均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)㊂见表1㊂表1 观察组和对照组心肌酶谱检测结果(x ʃs )组别nC K(u /L )C K -M B(n g /m L )A S T(u /L )L D H(u /L )观察组36342.80ʃ65.909.43ʃ2.5762.30ʃ5.70697.40ʃ36.80对照组36120.50ʃ30.702.13ʃ1.8638.10ʃ5.40453.20ʃ31.50t 3.962.172.482.33P0. 讨 论随着人民生活水平的提高和生活节奏的加快,不良的饮食习惯和作息规律㊁疲劳熬夜㊁工作压力增大等等因素均导致心血管疾病高发,特别是急性冠状动脉综合征(A C S)的发病率呈逐年上升的趋势[1],对生命和健康产生严重威胁,如何早期诊断㊁早治疗便成为重中之重㊂由于A C S 患者常发病突然㊁病情重且易恶化,因此多数首诊于急诊科(胸痛中心),急诊检验和心电图检查便成为快速诊断的利器,其中心肌酶谱作为最常用的检测指标之一,始终是临床医师判断患者病情严重程度及预后的根本依据㊂就A C S 自身特点而言,此类疾病为一组以冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块破裂或产生侵袭,继发完全或不完全的闭塞性血栓形成为病理基础的临床综合征,其中包括急性S T 段抬高型心肌梗死㊁急性非S T 段抬高型心肌梗死和不稳定型心绞痛[2]㊂此类疾病原多发于40岁以上的中老年群体,但近年来愈发出现年轻化发病趋势,同时吸烟㊁肥胖㊁合并原发性高血压㊁高脂血症㊁糖尿病及冠心病家族史等均为其危险因素㊂A C S 作为冠状动脉心脏病的一种严重类型,患者大多会出现突发性胸闷胸痛,伴心悸㊁气短甚至呼吸困难㊁晕厥等临床表现,主观可自觉胸骨后或心前区压榨感㊁紧迫感,甚至濒死感,服用硝酸甘油后不易缓解,如不能及时得到诊断救治,会很快出现恶性心律失常㊁心力衰竭㊁心源性休克甚至心源性猝死,严重危及患者生命安全㊂从病因角度来看,大部分A C S 患者是由于冠状动脉粥样斑块不稳定所致,余下少数患者由非动脉粥样硬化性疾病如:动脉炎㊁外伤㊁夹层㊁栓塞等㊂一旦冠状动脉供血与心肌需血发生矛盾,则立即产生心绞痛症状;若持续时间过长,超过20m i n 以上便会发生急性心肌梗死(AM I )㊂所以当心肌长时间缺血缺氧后就会导致患者现有的心肌功能受到严重影响,心肌酶谱指标也相应地发生病理性改变,因此心肌酶谱检测在上述疾病诊断中具备较大优势,通过对敏感指标的观察以及结合心电图检查结果,能充分在急诊患者中发现问题,为后续疾病诊断和治疗提供依据㊂临床常用的心肌酶谱包括5项:C K ㊁C K -M B ㊁A S T ㊁L D H ㊁羟丁酸脱氢酶(HB D H ),本院检验科开展前4项指标的检测㊂急性冠状动脉综合征㊁稳定型心绞痛㊁病毒性心肌炎[3]㊁心包炎㊁心房颤动等疾病由于心肌细胞受损后活性酶释放入血,均可引起血标本中心肌酶谱升高,特别是C K -M B 的变化具有重要意义㊂在急性心肌梗死患者中,C K -M B 值多于发病3~6h后开始升高,12~24h 内达到峰值,结合肌钙蛋白㊁肌红蛋白数值和心电图表现常可做出准确诊断[4],以最快地速度制订治疗方案,挽救病患者生命㊂并且心肌酶谱指标具备很高的灵敏度,心肌细胞受损之后这些活性酶常显著升高,通过血标本的定量检测可一目了然,填补了部分心电图表现不典型的A C S 患者诊治盲区;而且不同的活性酶之间存在高峰值差异,也可以辅助后续进行损伤程度的判断[5]㊂通过不断追踪心肌酶谱指标和心电图的动态改变,可以更好地评估不典型临床表现的A C S 患者,提高判断时效和准确程度[6]㊂由此可见这一措施在理论上具备较为明确的价值和意义,效果也相对可观㊁可靠,在实践应用过程中能够取得很好的成果㊂文中结果表明,观察组C K ㊁C K -M B ㊁A S T ㊁L D H均显著高于对照组,显示心肌酶谱检测在区分人群患病与否㊁病情轻重缓急㊁预后质量优劣等方面均具有指导价值㊂鉴于其采血少量㊁灵敏度高㊁检测方便㊁费用低廉且报告迅速[7],为临床医师在诊治急性心血管疾病特别是危重的A C S 患者过程中可提供重要帮助,早期诊断,早期治疗,为患者的生命和健康保驾护航㊂参考文献[1]马珍妮.急性冠状动脉综合征患者危险因素的相关分析[J].心血管病防治知识,2016,15(5):63-65.[2]唐锋,李曙光,王湄川.急性病毒性心肌炎108例临床分析[J].临床医学,2010,30(3):8-10.[3]张代春.心肌梗死三合一与心肌酶谱联合检测在心肌梗死诊断中的作用[J].临床和实验医学杂志,2009,8(3):37-38. [4]王宇.心肌标志物检测对急性心肌梗死的快速诊断价值[J].中国现代药物应用,2015,9(24):17-18.[5]孙静静,秦明,郎立娟,等.急诊检验中心肌酶谱检测的临床意义及必要性分析[J/C D].临床医药文献电子杂志,2017,4(61): 11989-11990.[6]王小梅.对急性心肌梗死患者进行心肌酶谱检测的效果分析[J].当代医药论丛,2019,17(14):177-178.[7]曾涛.老年慢性肺心病急性加重期患者心肌酶谱检测结果探究[J].家庭医药,2017,16(10):72-73.㊃论著㊃个体化健康教育在体检中心护理工作中的效果分析吕娜(首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院,北京100026)摘要:目的分析体检护理工作中采用个体化健康教育方式的临床疗效㊂方法选取该院体检中心2019年1-9月期间接受体检的120例患者作为本次研究对象㊂按照随机原则将患者分为观察组和对照组㊂对照组患者采用常规的健康教育方式㊂观察组患者实施个体化健康教育方式㊂对比两组患者对疾病知识的知晓率与护理满意度㊂结果观察组患者疾病知识知晓率为95%左右㊂而对照组患者对疾病知识知晓率为80%左右㊂同时观察组患者在有效遵医率和对护理工作满意度方面均高于对照组㊂结论个体化健康教育方式应用于体检护理工作中,是一种非常适宜的健康教育方式,且护理效果非常明显,而且应用价值高,值得临床推广和应用㊂关键词:个体化健康教育;体检;护理;效果A n a l y s i s o f e f f e c t o f i n d i v i d u a l i z e d h e a l t h e d u c a t i o n i n n u r s i n g w o r k o f m e d i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n c e n t e rL U N a(B e i j i n g O b s t e t r i c s a n d G y n e c o l o g y H o s p i t a l,C a p i t a l M e d i c a l U n i v e r s i t y,B e i j i n g100026,C h i n a) A b s t r a c t:O b j e c t i v e T o a n a l y z e t h e c l i n i c a l e f f i c a c y o f i n d i v i d u a l i z e d h e a l t h e d u c a t i o n i n p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a-t i o n a n d n u r s i n g w o r k.M e t h o d s A t o t a l o f120p a t i e n t s w h o u n d e r w e n t a p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n a t a h o s p i t a l p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n c e n t e r f r o m J a n u a r y2019t o S e p t e m b e r2019w e r e s e l e c t e d a s t h e s u b j e c t s o f t h i s s t u d y. P a t i e n t s w e r e d i v i d e d i n t o o b s e r v a t i o n g r o u p a n d c o n t r o l g r o u p a c c o r d i n g t o t h e r a n d o m p r i n c i p l e.P a t i e n t s i n t h e c o n t r o l g r o u p r e c e i v e d c o n v e n t i o n a l h e a l t h e d u c a t i o n.P a t i e n t s i n t h e o b s e r v a t i o n g r o u p i m p l e m e n t e d i n d i-v i d u a l i z e d h e a l t h e d u c a t i o n.T h e a w a r e n e s s r a t e a n d n u r s i n g s a t i s f a c t i o n o f t h e t w o g r o u p s o f p a t i e n t s w e r e c o m p a r e d.R e s u l t s T h e a w a r e n e s s r a t e o f d i s e a s e k n o w l e d g e i n t h e o b s e r v a t i o n g r o u p w a s a b o u t95%.T h e c o n t r o l g r o u p's a w a r e n e s s r a t e o f d i s e a s e k n o w l e d g e w a s a b o u t80%.A t t h e s a m e t i m e,t h e o b s e r v a t i o n g r o u p p a t i e n t s w e r e h i g h e r t h a n t h e c o n t r o l g r o u p i n t e r m s o f e f f e c t i v e c o m p l i a n c e r a t e a n d s a t i s f a c t i o n w i t h n u r s i n g w o r k.C o n c l u s i o n T h e i n d i v i d u a l i z e d h e a l t h e d u c a t i o n m e t h o d i s a v e r y s u i t a b l e h e a l t h e d u c a t i o n m e t h o d f o r p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n a n d n u r s i n g w o r k,a n d t h e n u r s i n g e f f e c t i s v e r y o b v i o u s,a n d t h e a p p l i c a t i o n v a l u e i s h i g h,w h i c h i s w o r t h y o f c l i n i c a l p r o m o t i o n a n d a p p l i c a t i o n.K e y w o r d s:i n d i v i d u a l i z e d h e a l t h e d u c a t i o n;p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n;n u r s i n g;e f f e c t随着人民生活质量的提高,对护理服务提出的要求越来越高㊂使得临床护理服务逐步向全面㊁个体化发展方向发展㊂因此应为患者提供更加高效优质的护理服务㊂尤其对于慢性疾病在临床上属于一种 顽疾 ,虽然不会给患者带来生命危险,但是它会增加患者的精神压力和心理障碍,严重影响了患者的幸福健康指数㊂由于来本院就诊患者病情和心理素质各不相同,所以在临床护理中,健康教育显得尤为重要[1-3]㊂个体化健康教育方式注重从全面㊁综合角度看待患者,有助于临床护理工作的有效开展,以期达到较为理想的护理效果㊂而不容忽视的是,很多患者从一定层面上存在严重的心理和精神压力㊂为此在。



英语作文-提高学习效率的方法In the pursuit of academic excellence, the quest to enhance learning efficiency is paramount. It is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a strategic approach, encompassing various techniques that cater to individual learning styles and preferences. The following essay delves into methods that can significantly improve one's learning efficiency.Active Engagement in Learning。

The cornerstone of effective learning is active engagement. This involves interacting with the material in a meaningful way, such as through questioning, discussion, and application of concepts. By doing so, learners can deepen their understanding and retention of information. Techniques such as the Feynman Technique, which encourages explaining concepts in simple terms, can be particularly beneficial.Optimized Study Environment。



英语作文好方法如下Sure, here's an outline for an English essay on effective methods for writing essays:Title: Effective Methods for Writing English Essays。

Introduction:Writing essays in English can be challenging, but with the right approach, it becomes manageable. In this essay, we will explore several effective methods to improve your English essay writing skills.1. Understanding the Prompt:Before starting to write, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the essay prompt. Break down the prompt into key components and identify the main objectives or questions it is asking.2. Brainstorming:Once you understand the prompt, brainstorming ideas is essential. Jot down any relevant thoughts, examples, or arguments that come to mind. This will help you organize your thoughts and develop a coherent essay structure.3. Outline:Creating an outline provides a roadmap for your essay. Divide your essay into introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section should have a clear purpose and main points that support your thesis statement.4. Thesis Statement:Craft a concise and focused thesis statement that outlines the main argument or purpose of your essay. This statement should guide the direction of your writing and provide a clear focus for your readers.5. Introduction:The introduction should grab the reader's attention and provide background information on the topic. It should also contain your thesis statement and outline the main points you will discuss in the body paragraphs.6. Body Paragraphs:Each body paragraph should focus on a single main ideaor argument that supports your thesis statement. Use evidence, examples, and analysis to support your claims,and ensure that each paragraph flows logically into the next.7. Use of Evidence:Incorporate relevant evidence to support your arguments. This can include quotations, statistics, expert opinions,or real-life examples. Make sure to cite your sources properly according to the required citation style.8. Critical Thinking:Engage in critical thinking throughout your essay. Analyze the evidence, evaluate different perspectives, and consider counterarguments. This demonstrates depth of thought and strengthens your overall argument.9. Clarity and Cohesion:Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and well-organized. Use transition words and phrases to connect ideas between paragraphs and ensure a smooth flow of information.10. Conclusion:The conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion, but instead, leave the reader with a thought-provoking closing statement.11. Revision and Proofreading:After completing your first draft, take the time to revise and proofread your essay. Check for grammar and spelling errors, clarify any ambiguous statements, and refine your arguments for clarity and coherence.Conclusion:By following these effective methods, you can enhance your English essay writing skills and produce well-structured and compelling essays. Practice regularly and seek feedback from peers or instructors to further improve your writing proficiency. With dedication and perseverance, you can become a proficient English essay writer.。



Unit 5 Canada The True North Writing第 1 页学 案 内 容阅读记录编制人 课题Unit5 Canada—“The True North” Writing审核人自 学 质 疑 学 案目标及要求是否达标识记理解应用1.进行话题阅读,总结精彩句式或短语。


目标导学 3.运用佳句进行写作训练,提高英语写作能力。

重点难点重点单词短语的记忆和运用本单元所学知识进行写作阅读记录学 案 内 容I.话题阅读Peking University is a comprehensive and National key university. The campus, known as "Yan Yuan"-- the gardens of Yan, is situated at the northeast of the Haidian District at the western suburbs of Beijing. It stands near the Yuan Ming Gardens and the Summer Palace.The University consists of 30 colleges and 12 departments, with 93 specialties for undergraduates,2 specialties for the second Bachelor's degree, 199 specialties for Master candidates and 173 specialties for Doctoral candidates. While still laying stress on basic sciences, the university has paid special attention to thedevelopment of applied sciences.At present, Peking University has 216 research institutes and research centers, and there are 2 national engineering research centers, 81 key national disciplines, 12 national key laboratories.The university has made an effective combination of the research on important scientific issues with the training of personnel with high level specialized knowledgeand professional skill as demanded by the country's socialist modernization. Itstrives not only for the simultaneous improvements in teaching and research work,but also for the promotion of interaction and mutual promotion among various subjects.Thus Peking University has become a center for teaching and research and a university of the new type, consisting of diverse branches of learning such as pure and applied sciences, social sciences and the humanities, and sciences of management and education. Its aim is to rank among the world's best universities at the beginning of the next century.阅读反馈优美句型摘选II. 佳句赏析1.Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouverand then take the train west to east across Canada.她们不想一路乘飞机,而决定先飞到温哥华,再从西海岸乘火车横穿加拿大到达东海岸。



学习好的方法英语作文Title: Effective Methods for Improving English Writing Skills。

Improving English writing skills is a crucial aspect of language acquisition for many learners. Whether you're a student aiming for academic success, a professional seeking career advancement, or simply someone who wants to communicate more effectively, mastering English writing is invaluable. Here are some effective methods to enhance your English writing skills:1. Read Extensively: Reading is the foundation of good writing. Expose yourself to a wide range of English texts, including novels, essays, articles, and newspapers. Pay attention to the writing style, vocabulary usage, sentence structures, and organization of ideas. This exposure helps you internalize linguistic patterns and develop a sense of what constitutes good writing.2. Analyze Writing: When reading, don't just skim through the text. Take the time to analyze the writing critically. Identify the author's main arguments, how they support them with evidence, and the techniques they use to engage the reader. Understanding these aspects helps you learn from successful writing examples and apply similar strategies in your own compositions.3. Build Vocabulary: A rich vocabulary is essential for expressing yourself clearly and precisely. Make a habit of learning new words regularly. Use vocabulary-building techniques such as flashcards, word games, and contextual learning. Additionally, pay attention to synonyms, antonyms, and word collocations to expand your lexical repertoire.4. Practice Writing Regularly: Like any skill, writing improves with practice. Set aside dedicated time forwriting practice, whether it's daily journaling, blog writing, or completing writing prompts. Start with short pieces and gradually increase the complexity as you become more confident. Don't be afraid to experiment withdifferent genres and styles to find your voice as a writer.5. Seek Feedback: Feedback is invaluable foridentifying areas of improvement in your writing. Share your compositions with peers, teachers, or online writing communities for constructive criticism. Pay attention to feedback regarding grammar, punctuation, coherence, and clarity of ideas. Use this feedback to refine your writing skills and address any weaknesses.6. Study Grammar and Syntax: While creativity is important in writing, a solid understanding of grammar and syntax is equally crucial. Invest time in studying English grammar rules, sentence structures, and punctuation conventions. Practice grammar exercises and analyze how sentences are constructed in different contexts. Mastery of grammar enhances your writing clarity and fluency.7. Revision and Editing: Good writing is often the result of multiple revisions and edits. After completing a draft, take a break before revisiting it with fresh eyes. Look for areas where you can improve clarity, coherence, and organization. Pay attention to sentence-level issuessuch as grammar errors, word choice, and sentence fluency. Editing your work helps polish your writing to a professional standard.8. Immerse Yourself in English: Surround yourself with English language input as much as possible. Watch English-language movies and TV shows, listen to podcasts or audiobooks, and engage with English-speaking communities online. Immersion accelerates language learning by exposing you to authentic language use and cultural nuances.9. Set Realistic Goals: Progress in writing takes time and effort, so set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. Whether it's completing a certain number of writing exercises per week or aiming to write a longer piece by a specific deadline, setting goals helps you stay motivated and focused on improvement.10. Stay Persistent and Patient: Improving English writing skills is a gradual process that requires persistence and patience. Don't be discouraged by setbacks or initial difficulties. Celebrate your progress along theway and stay committed to your learning journey.In conclusion, improving English writing skills requires a combination of dedication, practice, and effective strategies. By incorporating these methods into your learning routine and staying committed to your goals, you can develop strong writing abilities that will serve you well in various personal, academic, and professional contexts.。



In addition, profitability in scientific English can enhance career prospects, as it is highly valued by employees in the scientific, technological, and academic sectorsΒιβλιοθήκη Sense structure
Sentence structure in scientific English writing tens to be complex, often containing multiple sub border clauses and embedding one presence within another
The author should familiarize themselves with the relevant field's terminology and use it consistently throughout the text
Terminology should be defined clearly when first introduced to avoid fusion for the reader
Key points of scientific and technological English writing
• Introduction • The Language Characteristics of Scientific
English Writing • The Structure of Scientific English Writing
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Fumio Kishino
ATR Communication Systems Research Laboratories 2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto, 619-02, Japan
asmith, kitamura, kishino
Much research on collision detection for polyhedra aims to drastically reduce the number of edge-face pairs that need to be checked for intersection. A common rst step in many collision detection routines is an approximate bounding region (usually an axis-aligned box or a sphere) overlap test to quickly eliminate many objects as not interfering. An extension of this idea is to use a hierarchy of bounding regions to localize collision regions quickly [2]. Related methods use octrees and voxel sets. [4] stores a voxel data structure with each object, with pointers from voxels to polyhedra faces that intersect them. Collision is localized by testing for intersection of voxels between two objects. [5] stores an octree for each object and, at each time instant, checks the interference of objects' updated octrees; face pairs from inside of interfering octree nodes are then checked for collision. Other voxel and octree methods include [6{10]. Another method for collision detection involves keeping track of the distance between each pair of objects in the world; if the distance between a pair goes below some small threshold then the pair has collided. A noteworthy use of this idea for collision detection of rigid, convex objects is [11], where coherence of objects between time instants (i.e., object positions change only slightly) and the property of convex polyhedra are used to detect collisions among objects in roughly constant time per object pair. Other research which uses this distance based approach include [12, 13]. Brie y, some other approaches to collision detection are as follows. [14] uses a data structure called a "BRep-Index" (an extension of the well-known BSP tree) for quick spatial access of a polyhedron in order to localize contact regions between two objects. [15] nds separating planes for pairs of objects; using object coherence, these separating planes are cached and then checked at succeeding time instants to yield a quick reply of non-collision most of the time. [16] uses ideas from the z-bu er visible surface algorithm to perform interference detection through rasterization. [17] uses back-face culling to remove roughly half of the faces of objects from being checked for detailed interference; the basic idea is that polygons of a moving object which do not face in the general direction of motion cannot possibly collide. [18] uses a scheduling scheme, whereby object pairs are sorted by distance and only close objects are checked at each time instance. [19] uses four dimensional space-time bounds to determine the earliest time that each pair of objects could collide and does not check the pair until then. [1] models objects as superquadrics and shows how collision detection can be done eciently using the inside/outside function of a superquadric. For coarse collision detection, [20] stores bounding regions of objects in a stack of 2D structures similar to quadtrees (to reduce memory use) and uses only bit manipulations to add or delete objects to this (to reduce computation).
We propose an accurate collision detection algorithm for use in virtual reality applications. The algorithm works for three-dimensional graphical environments where multiple objects, represented as polyhedra (boundary representation), are undergoing arbitrary motion (translation and rotation). The algorithm can be used directly for both convex and concave objects and objects can be deformed (non-rigid) during motion. The algorithm works eciently by rst reducing the number of face pairs that need to be checked accurately for interference by rst localizing possible collision regions using bounding box and spatial subdivision techniques; face pairs that remain after this pruning stage are then accurately checked for interference. The algorithm is ecient, simple to implement, and does not require any memory intensive auxiliary data structures to be precomputed and updated. Since polyhedral shape representation is one of the most common shape representation schemes, this algorithm should be useful to a wide audience. Performance results are given to show the eciency of the proposed method.
3 Currently with the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan (takemura@is.aist-nara.ac.jp)