


Their most important goal, they say, is to create social value. They organize and support programs that _a_im__t_o_ improve conditions in communities.
• The men in the third picture are Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founders of Google Inc.
Picture Description
2. What personality traits do successful entrepreneurs have in common?
But an entrepreneurial spirit does not have to _b_e_l_im__it_e_d__to_ the business world.
To be continued
Listen to a short passage concerning entrepreneur and fill in the missing information.
There are many historical examples of people who might be called social entrepreneurs. Susan B. Anthony, for example, _fo_u_g_h__t _fo_r_ women's rights in the United States. Vinoba Bhave created the Land Gift Movement to help India's poor and _la_n_d_l_e_s_s_.


a。(only before nouns) ill or injured, esp. permanently。
He had kept house for an invalid woman for years untl she died
b。 not legally effective
Theyhaven’t been able to quantify the loss yet, as the statistics were kept a secret。
8。touch down;
(of an aircraft etc.) land on the ground
12。take/have/make a stab at sth。:
try to do sth。 even though you do not have the necessary skills or you have never done it before
I’d like to take a stab at answering that question.
1。 What do you know aboutexpresscompaniesor shippers inChina?
Shentong, Yuantong, Shunfeng, etc。
2。Whatare the benefits those companies provide you?
b。go or cause to go in different directions。



Unit 1, Book FourI. Section A: The Tail of Fame1. Teaching Objectives:λTo know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patternsλTo be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writingλTo improve Ss‟ rea ding skills by studying section BTo respond and cooperate with classmates willinglyλTo participate activelyTo read sentences and texts with proper intonationλTo write smoothly and legibly2.Time Allotment:Section A (3 periods):1st---2nd period: Pre-reading activities ( theme-related questions for warming up;)While-reading activities (cultural notes; useful words and expressions;difficult sentences)3rd period: While-reading activities (text structure; main ideas)Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; exercises)Section B(1period):4th periods: Practice of the reading skill (reading for the key idea in a sentence);T checks on Ss‟ home reading by asking questions based on the passage.T explains some difficult sentences3.Teaching Procedures:3.1 Pre-reading ActivitiesStep 1 GreetingsGreet the whole classStep 2. Warming upTeacher initiates students to talk about their special experiences during the newly-past vacationPurposes: Help students quickly adapt to the langguage-learning mode and facilitate students with English language atmosphere after a long vacation.Method: Talk in groups; communicative approach.Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for readingShow the Ss some pictures of famous people (the pictures might be the portaits of the famous people appearing in this Unit) and let Ss discuss with each other about the questions on the screen.1. For your understanding, how to define the word “fame” ?Fame refers to the state of being popular with a lot of people as a res ult of one‟s achievement.2. What do people seek fame for?High social satus; abundance of material and spiritual fulfillment …3. What negative effects might fame bring about?Loss of privacy; deprivation of freedom …4. Do you want to live a life of celebrity? Enumerate some reasons to support your idea.Purpose: Arouse the students‟ interest of study and lead Ss to Text A: The Tail of Fame.Method: Use the CAI, PPT software and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, audio-visual method and audiolingual method.Step 4. Fast readingAsk the Ss to read the passage as quickly as they can and require them to answer the questions on Page 9. Make sure Ss grasp the main idea of the text and have a relatively clear understanding of the text structure.Text structure: ( the chart below )Purpose: Improve the students‟ reading and writing ability and let students understand the general idea of the passage.Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based language teachingmethod, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.Step 5. Preparation for details of the text on the screenSs are required to look at the words and phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.Words and Phrases:Purpose:Train the Ss‟ ability of understandi ng and using foreign language.Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.1)bankrupt: adj. without enough money to pay what one owesMany state-owned enterprises have gone bankrupt. 许多国有企业都破产了。


Multimedia software, PPT software
. Pre-reading Activities
Show the Ss pictures of famouslogoand the founder of the FredEx. Let Ss discuss with each other about the questions on the screen.
nguage points:
Key words:reshuffle, disperse, exquisite, brainchild, deduce, clan, juvenile, invalid, terrain navigation, revive, charter.
Phrases and Expressions: touch down, held sb/sthin high regard, pich on sb, be onto sth, take a stab at, boil down tosth.
3. Writing skills: a narrative with biographical information
1. To grasp the main idea and structure of the text;
2.Tounderstandthe structure of“biographical information”;
3.Towrite narratives with biographical information;
3. Detailed study of the text.


1.Letting Students Know about the Background Information Related to this Passage and Learn the Structure of the Passage and Master the Important and New Words and Phrases Related to the Topic of this Passage (1st Two Periods)
Unit 1- Exercises (Vocabulary, Translation, Essay Summary in Section A)&Section B: The Obligations and Responsibilities to Marriage(2nd Two Periods)
Unit 1-Test One(自主测试)&Listening(3rd Two Periods)
3. Doing Some Relevant Listening Practice (3rd Two Periods)
1. Use of the New Words and Phases Related to CET4&6 inthis Passage and theWriting WaysMentioned in this Passage (1st Two Periods)
2. Doing Exercises, Explaining and Questioning (2nd Two Periods)
3. Discussing in Small Groups and Performing (3rd Two Periods)


III. Detailed studies of the text
New words and expressions
a.put in a new order; rearrange
Manypeople have to reshuffle their priorities in life as a result of the rising cost of health care.由于医疗保健费用不断上升,许多人不得不重新安排生活中的优先事项。
Part II:(Paras.3-11)Body: Smith’s early experiences and the key elements of his business success.
Part III:(Para.12)Conclusion: Further description of Smith’s friendly and agreeable personality and the significance of his P-S-P philosophy.
4.Tomaster the key language points andgrammaticalstructures in the text.
5. To conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the text.
nguage points:
Key words:reshuffle, disperse, exquisite, brainchild, deduce, clan, juvenile, invalid, terrain navigation, revive, charter.


task; • the ability to establish good relations with people
around; ......
Picture Description
Answer the following questions briefly based on the given pictures.
2. What are the good qualities of an entrepreneur?
• great ability to lead; • an intense level of strong determination and
willingness to work hard; • being innovative and creative; • a strong motivation towards the achievement of a
Cultural Background
1. What do you know about “the Millionaire’s Unit”?
It is the nickname for the First Yale Unit, a naval air reserve unit considered to be the first in the United States. It was started by F. Trubee Davison, a Yale sophomore at the time, in 1915. The unit had 29 members who were all wealthy and fascinated by flying. Their intention was to learn to fly airplanes so as to develop American’s military aviation.



UNIT1Shortconversations1Q:Whatadvicedoesthemangivetothewoman?DDowhatevershecantoexercise.2Q:Whatcanweknowaboutthewoman?AShemayhaves omesocialeventstoattend.3Q:WhatcanwelearnaboutthesmokingrulesinSouthAfrica?BPeoplecansmokeinthedesignatedareasofpubsandbars.4Q:Whatarethetwospeakerstalkingabout?CImpactsoffamilyviolenceonchildren.5Q:Whatisrecommendedforahealthybreakfast?CApieceofwholegrainbread. Longconversation1Q:Whathasmadethemansweatallover thefloor?CRunninginapark.2Q:Whydoesn’tthewomangotopractice t’aichiwith hermom?BBecausegettingupearlyistoodifficultforher.3Q:Whatdoesthewomannormallydoonweekends?DSittingbeforehercomputer.4Q:Whydoesthemansuggestthewomangetazoomembership?AForexercise like jogging inthezoo.Passage11Q:Whattasks doesthespeakertendtodofirsteveryday?AThequicktasks.2Q:Howtoworkmoreefficiently accordingtothespeaker?CMakeuseofyourmostproductive timeofday.3Q:Howdoesthespeakerdealwithemailsnow?DHeopenshisinboxonlywhenit ’snecessary.4Q:Whatisthepurposeofthetalk? CTogivesometipsonhowtomanage time.Passage22)distressing3)desperate4)urge5)acquire6)aretotallyunawareofareisolatedfromaffirminteractwithimpulseareconvincedofUNIT2Shortconversations1Q:Whatarethetwospeakerstalkingabout?AWhatthemanwill doafter graduation .2Q:WhatdoesthewomanthinkofLinda?DShelooksyoungerthansheis.3Q:Whatmakesthewomanafraid ofgettingold?CLackofsomeonetodependon.4Q:Whatdoesthemanlike bestaboutbeinginhisearly20s?BHavingplentyofopportunities.5Q:Whatdoesthemansayaboutagediscrimination?DPeoplemayhavedifferentopinionsonthecourtd ecisions.Longconversation1Q:Whatarethetwospeakerstalk ingabout?CWhattowishforinlife.2Q:According totheman,whyistrueloveimportantforahappylife?BItmakescouplesappreciateeach other.3Q:Whatdifficultiesdidtheman experienceinhislife?AHelost hisjobandhouseandwassick foryears.4Q:Whatisthemandoinginthetalk? DGivingthewomanadviceonimportant thingsinlife.Passage11Q:InwhatwayaretheAdventists differentfromordinarypeople? BTheylivetheirwholelivesina mountain.2Q:HowmuchlongerdoAdventistwomen expecttolivethanotherCalifornian women?CAboutthreeyears.3Q:Whatischaracteristicofthe Adventists’diet? DItishighinfruit,vegetablesand wholegrains.4Q:Whatisthemainideaofthepassage? ADietandlifestyle arecrucial togood health.Passage2proportion2)estimatedhaveprofoundimpactsonpotentialeconomicallypensionsoriginatefromresidentialposesachallengetobetransformedintoUNIT3Shortconversations1Q:Whatisthewomangoing todoover the semesterbreak? DGoingcampingwithfriends.2Q:Whydidthewomanquitherswimminglessons?DBecauseshecouldn’tfit twoprogramsintoherschedule. 3Q:Whydoesn’tthewomanwanttoleaveonFriday?CBecauseshewillhaveavisitor.4Q:Whatdoesthewomansuggestthemanbringforthecampingtriptothepark?BWarmclothes.5Q:Whatwill thewomanprobably dobeforethevacation?AConfirmherhotelreservation.Longconversation1Q:WhatmakesBigSkyParkanice vacationplaceforthecouple? DIthasnicepathsandcampingsites.2Q:Howcanthecouplegetall theircampingstuffonthebus?DByusingboththeir cart andbackpack. 3Q:Whatwill thewomanprobably dobefore theirtrip?BBakeachocolatecake.4Q:Whatdoesthecouplelong todo atthe park?CWalktogether inthebeautyofnature.Passage11Q:Whyshouldvisitors behurried if theywanttoseetheexhibitsinthenewmuseum inColombia’scapital? BBecausetheexhibitionwilllastfor nomorethanaweek..2Q:Whatareexhibitedinthenewmuseum?CBedsandsofasthatyoucantryout.3Q:Whatisthepurposeoftheexhibition?AIt provides apractical experienceforustothinkaboutlaziness.4Q:Whatdidthemuseum’sfounderadviseusto do?CSitdown,relaxandbelazyforawhile.Passage2resortssprungupdramaticallyhavinganadverseeffectoncombatwildernessunspoiledstreamsofguidelinesauctionoffUNIT4Shortconversations1Q:Whatdoesthemanthink thegovernment coulddo?C.Providefinancialhelpforhomeless people.2Q:Whatdoesthemansuggesttochangethesituation?A.Holdingsomesocialactivities. 3Q:Whatdoesthemansuggestthewomando?ethesubwaytoavoidheavytraffic.4Q:Whatdoesthemanthinkweallshould do?C.Extendahelpinghandandgivelove topoorpeople.5Q:Whatarethetwospeakerstalking about?D.Howtoreuseitemstoliveagreenlife.Longconversation1Q:Whydoesthemanlookupset?B.Becausehehastoomuchworkto complete.2Q:Howdoesthewomansayshecanhelpthe man?A.Tohelphimdohisworkinherfreetime.3Q:Whatadvicedoesthewomangivetotheman?B.Heshouldhaveconfidence inhimself. 4Q:Whyistherestaurantcalled365?D.Becauseitoffersseasonalfoods.Passage11Q:Whatnegativeeffectcanbecausedby workers’discontent?A.Lessinnovationefforts.2Q:WhatpercentageofAmericanworkersare satisfiedwiththeirjobsasfoundbythe survey?D.percent.3Q:Whyisit thatpeopleaged 25to34aremostsatisfiedwiththeirjobs?D.Becausetheyseemoreopportunitiesforpromotionasbabyboomersretire.4Q:Whatcanweconcludeaboutthereasonsb ehindjobdissatisfaction?C.Thereasonsforjobdissatisfactionarefoundt obevarious.Passage2prevalentscarybeclassifiedasepidemicratiodiagnosedkeepingtrackofwasstillassociatedwithaffirmintermsofUNIT5Shortconversations1Q:Whatdoesthemansayaboutthesinger?CHermusicstyleisunique.2Q:Whatarethetwospeakersmainlytalkingabout? DWhattodoontheirtourofRome.3Q:What’stheman’sareaofstudy?BModernopera.4Q:Howlongdoestheexhibitopenon Saturdays?C7hours.5Q:Whatisspecialaboutthemovie?DTheactorsremainsilentthroughoutit.Longconversation1Q:Whatisthewoman’simpressionofSan Francis cowhenvisitingthistime?BShefindsmanysitesstayunchanged.2Q:WhatdoesthewomansuggesttheydobeforegoingtotheGoldenGateBridge?DViewingthebridgefromahill.3Q:Whatdoesthemanwanttodo?CEatbeforecontinuingtheirtour.4Q:Whatdoesthewomanconsider tobethebestwaytoenjoyculture?ATotrulyexperienceitinnorush.Passage11Q:WhoisthepersonpaintedintheMonaLisa?CThewifeofawealthymerchant.2Q:Whatmadeit possible fortheMonaLisa tosurviveforcenturies?ATheuseofawoodpanel. 3Q:Whatismentionedasoneofthetechniques usedforpainting theMonaLisa? DDrawingthesubjectwithaccuratedetails.4Q:Whatdoesthepassagemainlydiscuss?BThereasonsforthefameoftheMonaLisa.Passage2 anticipationglamorous beconferredupon collectivenominatefor exceptionstoaccomplished absoluterecipients2)isentitledto CItisbringingfamiliescloser.Longconversation1Q:Whyisthesonrequired toturn off hiscomputerwhilehisfatherisnot? CBecausethefather ismeetingwithhis colleaguesonline.2Q:Why doesn’tthesonwanttoturnoff hiscellphone? DBecausehewantstocheckthenews aboutagolfplayer.3Q:Whatrule doesthemotherdecidetoset forthefamily? AHavingdinnerwithoutanyUNIT6Shortconversations electronics.4Q:Whatcanwelearnfromthe conversation?CElectronicssometimescausefamilyQ:Whatdoesthemanthinkoftoday’snewspapers?disagreements.BTheyaredisappointing.Passage1 Q:Whatisthewomanprobablydoing?AHostingaradioprogram.1Q:WhyiscelebritynewsprevalentinQ:Whatdoesthemansayaboutrealityourmedia? TV?BItmakesviewersfeelsuperior.DBecauseitgivesusabreakfromthe Q:Howdoyoungpeoplesocializetodayharshrealities.accordingtotheman?2Q:Whatcanwelearnaboutcelebrities DBycommunicatingontheInternet.fromtheconversation?Q:WhatdoesthemanthinkofmodernCTheydotheirutmosttogain communicationstechnology?attention.3Q:Whyarecelebrities’lifestylesattractivetopeople?DBecausetheycontainthingsdesiredbycommo npeople.4Q:Whatshouldwekeepinmindwhenwatchingorrea dingcelebritynews?BCelebrities’livesaresimilartothoseofcomm onpeople.Passage2differentiatethemselvesfromfrownuponconcisecombatsevereisgearedupforembracedcompactissupplementedwithsensationalUNIT7Shortconversations 1Q:Whatistheproblemwithdriving schools? BTheyneedmoresupervisionoverthe highchargesandbribes.2Q:Whatcanwelearnfromthe conversation?AMorefoodassistanceprogramsareneededforill nourishedpeople.3Q:Whatdoesthemanexpecthisreportonoldpeopl ewillachieve?CHelppeoplechangetheirunderstandingandfeel ingsaboutoldage.4Q:Whatcanwelearnfromthemanabouttheissueof climatechange?BGovernmentsshouldcooperatemoretosolvetheproblem.5Q:Whatisimplied inthewoman’swords?DSheoftengivesupwhatshetriestodo.Longconversation1Q:Whatwill thecoupledo toprepareforthestorm?DGotoastoretogetmoreemergencyitems.2Q:Whatthingsdotheyhaveathomeforemergencysituations?BFlashlightsandcash.3Q:Whydoesthewomansuggesttheybringcashwiththem?DBecausethecreditcardmachinesmaynotworkproperly. 4Q:What’stheir budgetfor clothing everymonth?A$200.Passage11Q:Whatproblemiscommonlyfacedbyretailbusinesses?BThestealingofretailitemsfrom theirstoresbythieves.2Q:Whatmayretailersdotocompensateforth elossescausedbyshoplifting?ASell goodsathigher prices thantheynormallydo.3Q:Accordingtothespeaker,whocanusuallybetterabsorbthelosses causedbyshoplifting?DLargerretailers.4Q:Whatpreventionmethodagainstshopliftingismentionedbythespeaker?CPutting security devicesonproducts.Passage2motivationshazarddevelopanappetiteforassociatedwithcontributetofollowsuitconsensusauthorities inadequaciesexaggerationureUNIT8Shortconversations1Q:Whatdoesthewomansayaboutgoodnovels?DTheyenablereaderstohavedifferentexperi ences.2Q:Whydoesthewomanlikegoingtoabookclub?CBecauseshecanmeetpeoplewithsimilar interests.3Q:Whatarethetwospeakerscomplaining about?BPeopletodayaretoodistractedandread little.4Q:Whatdoesthewomanimply?AShedoesn’tdomuchreadingtoherchildren.5Q:Whatisanimportantfeatureofaclassicnovelaccordingtotheman?CItremainspopularallthetime..Longconversation1Q:Whatdoesthemanwanttoknowaboutthesong “StarryStarryNight”?BThewriterofthesong.2Q:WhydidDonMcLeanwritethesong?CToshowhisrespectforVanGogh.3Q:WhatcanwelearnaboutVanGoghfromtheconversation?AHewasn’tpopularduringhis lifetime.4Q:WhatdidVanGoghandDonMcleanhaveincommon?DTheybothshowedpersistenceintheirpursuitofart.10)virtuallyPassage11Q:WhatdoestheprogramofReadingRecoveryintendtodo?ATohelpfirst-gradestudentsovercomereadingproblems.2Q:HowdoteachersintheReadingRecoveryprogramteach?CTheyhelpstudentsfindthebestwaytolearn.3Q:WhenwillstudentsstoptakingReadingRecoverylessons?BWhentheyhavereachedtheaverageleveloftheclass.4Q:Whatisconsideredbysomecriticsasadisadvantageoftheprogram?DItcostsmorethanotherprograms.Passage2refugeedesperateentitledbecameinformedofareconfrontedwithspokespersonseekoutprofiles1)stayedloyalto。



一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握本单元的生词、短语和句型;(2)理解并分析课文内容,提高阅读理解能力;(3)了解并掌握写作技巧,提高写作能力。

2. 能力目标:(1)提高学生的口语表达能力,使学生能够在日常生活中运用所学词汇和句型;(2)培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力;(3)提高学生的团队合作能力。

3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养学生热爱英语的情感;(2)使学生认识到团结协作的重要性,培养学生的团队精神。

二、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:(1)生词、短语和句型的掌握;(2)课文内容的理解与分析;(3)写作技巧的运用。

2. 教学难点:(1)复杂句型的理解和运用;(2)文章主旨和大意的把握;(3)写作思路的拓展。

三、教学过程1. 导入新课(1)通过提问、讨论等方式,引导学生回顾上一单元所学内容;(2)展示与新课主题相关的图片或视频,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 课文学习(1)学生自读课文,勾画生词、短语和句型;(2)教师讲解生词、短语和句型,并举例说明;(3)分析课文内容,引导学生理解文章主旨和大意;(4)讨论课文中的重点句子,提高学生的语言运用能力。

3. 课堂活动(1)小组讨论:针对课文内容,进行小组讨论,培养学生的团队合作能力;(2)角色扮演:选取课文中的对话,让学生进行角色扮演,提高口语表达能力;(3)翻译练习:将课文中的句子翻译成中文,加深学生对课文内容的理解。

4. 写作指导(1)教师讲解写作技巧,如段落结构、开头和结尾等;(2)学生根据所学内容,进行写作练习;(3)教师批改作文,指出学生的不足,并进行针对性指导。

5. 总结与作业布置(1)总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点;(2)布置课后作业,如阅读课文、翻译句子、写作练习等。



新视野大学英语读写教程book4 unit3教案

新视野大学英语读写教程book4 unit3教案

Book4 Unit 3I. Teaching Objectives1. To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns2. To be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writing3. To improve Ss reading skills by studying section B4. To respond and cooperate with classmates willingly5. To participate actively6. To read sentences and texts with proper intonation7. To write smoothly and legiblyII.Teaching Focus1. Useful words, phrases and sentence structures;2. Reading skill: Understanding Figurative Language;3. Writing skill: Structured Writing (P 69)III .Main Teaching Methods and TechniquesUse the CAI (PPT software) and group work; use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and audio-visual method.V. Teaching ProceduresSection A: Longing for a New Welfare System (Four Periods)Step 1: Pre-reading Activities:1.1 GreetingsGreet the whole classReview(1). Ask students some questions to review the last lesson(show them on thescreen).(2). Check the homework(get to know the social welfare system of the US and China by surfing the Internet or reading relevant books );1.2 Warming upTopics:(1). Getting to know some simple information on social welfare system.(2).ask the Ss to talk about difference between the public health, education andhousing in China and in the US.Step 2: While-reading activities:2.1. Background information:A social welfare provision refers to any program which seeks to provide a guaranteed minimum level of income, service or other support for the population of a country as a whole, or for specific groups such as the poor, elderly, and disabled people. Social welfare programs are undertaken by governments and by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Social welfare payments and services are provided at the expense of taxpayers generally or by obligatory National Insurance contributions, funded by benefactors. Welfare payments can take the form of in-kind transfers (e.g., health care services) or cash (e.g., earned income tax credit). Examples of social welfare services include the following:•Compulsory superannuation savings programs.•Compulsory social insurance programs, often based on income, to pay for the social welfare service being provided. These are often incorporated into the taxation system and may be inseparable from income tax.•Pensions, either for the entire population or for those who had lower incomes. •Financial aid, including social security and tax relief, to those with low incomes or inability to meet basic living costs, especially those who are raising children, elderly, unemployed, injured, sick or disabled.•Free or low cost nursing, medical and hospital care, antenatal and postnatal care for those who are sick, injured or unable to care for themselves. This may be available to everybody, or means tested. Services may be provided in the community or a medical facility.•Free or low-cost public education for all children, and financial aid, sometimes as a scholarship or pension, sometimes in the form of a suspensory loan, to students attending academic institutions or undertaking vocational training.•The state may also fund or operate social work and community-based organizations that provide services that benefit disadvantaged people in the community.•Welfare money paid by a government to persons who are in need of financial assistance.Purposes:1. To develop Ss’ online learning ability2.To improve Ss’ ability to retrieve the relevant informa tion3. To stimulate Ss’ psychomotor thinking4. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning the unitMethod: Talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, and audio-lingual method.2.2 Text Structure Analysis2.2.1 Fast reading:Ask the Ss to read the passage as quickly as they can and to answer the questions on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure.2.2.2 Main idea: The passage is about longing for a new welfare system.2.2.3 Text structure: (the chart below)(Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph.Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.)Step 3: Intensive reading:3.1. Ss are required to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen. 1.3. Lead-in and preparation for reading(1). What kind of person is the author?handicapped; confined to wheelchair; carrying a urine bag everyday;independent; self-respect; self-support; self-made(2). How could the writer possibly get his wheelchair repaired?the handicapped client; caseworker; medical worker; main welfare office; wheelchair repair company(3). What can you conclude from the procedure of asking for wheelchair repairs?very difficult for welfare clients to ask for extra financial help(4). How do you describe Suzanne?arrogant; suspicious; indifferent; careless; business-like; a detectivePurpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study. Bring in new subject: Why is author longing for a new welfare system?Method: Use the CAI, PPT software and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, audio-visual method and audio-lingual method.3.2. Teacher picks out some difficult sentences and language points to explain. 1) Longing for a New Welfare System (Title)long for: have an intense desire for; want very muche.g.①The children are longing for the holidays. 孩子们盼望放假。


2.Listen attentively and pay special attention to the questions.
3.Pick the correct answer and check it.
4.Listen again
5.Repeat the passage in your own words.
Step Six
1)give students some useful expressions and provide them with some sample dialogs.
①expression about length
②expression about width
2. But because of the impact of the dialects, some students are obtuse in recognizing the sound correctly which causes a misunderstanding of the meaning of a word. So it’s important to encourage the students to practice their Mandarin in their daily life and try to practice the flexibility of the facial muscles.
4.Listen attentively
5.Write down the correct words in the blank and check it.
6.Listen again
7.Retell the dialog in your own words.



新视野大学英语第三版第四册第三单元教案New Horizon College English - Unit 3: Fred Smith and FedEx: The n That Changed the WorldThe objective of this unit is to help students understand the main idea and structure of the text。

as well as the structure of graphical n。


students will learn how to write XXX n and master key language points and XXX of reading。



and writing activities related to the theme of the text。

students will develop their language skills.The text structure analysis will focus on the keywords and phrases used in the text。

such as "reshuffle," "disperse," "exquisite," "brainchild," "ce," "clan," "juvenile," "invalid," "terrain n," "revive," and "charter." Students will also learn ns like "touch down," "XXX high regard," "pick on sb," "be onto sth," "take a stab at," and "XXX."In terms of writing skills。



新视野大学英语读写教程Unit 3Being Entrepreneur^Teaching Objectives:Students will learn to use English toL To talk about the entrepreneurial spirit2.To understand the text fully3.To apply the phrases and patterns4.To master the essay writing skill*Time Allotment: each unit 8 classes1st…2nd classes: Part I Warming up1.Lead-in : Guessing activity and short answer questions2.Pre・reading activities: compound dictation3・ Cultural background: Proper names3rd-4th classes: Part II Text Study4. Reading in Depth: Structure Analysis, Summary, Difficult sentences analysis5e Language Focus: More practice in Language Points (language points explanation, Sentence Patterns, Useful Expressions)5th一6th classes: Part III Reflection6e Critical thinking: More speaking practice in discussion related to being entrepreneur.1.Writing Practice: Essay writing• Write a narrative with biographical information.7th一8th classes: Part IV Assignment7. Post-reading activities: summary of useful expressions, watching and discussing, speaking task, etc.8・ Section B: Focus on fast reading and practice in reading skillUNIT 3Section A Fred Smith and FedEx:The vision that changed the worldPart I Warming up1.Lead-in:1) Guess: Who is he/she?a. He was an American businessman, marketer and inventor. He revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing(平板电脑应用),and digital publishing. He died of cancer at the age of 56 in 2011.b- He is an American business magnate(巨头),philanthropist(慈善家),investor, computer programmer, and inventor. He has been top of the Forbes American rich list for consecutive(连续的)20 years. He was chairman of Microsoft company.c.He is an American programmer. He is best known as one of five co-founders of the world's largest social networking website. He is the chairman and chief executive of Facebook, Inc.d.He is a Chinese business magnate(大亨).He is the founder and Executive Chairman of a family of highly successful Internet-based businesses. His product is popular all around China.Tips: Steve Jobs; Bill Gates; Mark Zuckerberg; Jack Ma2)D iscussion question 1: Do you often use their products? Do their products make your life more convenient?Tips: Yes, I use their products quite often. I use various Apple electronics to work, play and socialize. I don't have to go to the library to search for information or gether materials...3) Discussion question 2: What is an entrepreneur?Tips: An entrepreneur is a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks.4)D iscussion question 3: What personal traits do successful entrepreneurs have in common?Tips: leadership, high motivation, great determination, willingness to fail, competitive spirit, budget-mindedness2.Prc-rcading activities:1) Compound dictationListen to a short passage concerning entrepreneur and fill in the missing information. The _____________ definition of an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and acceptsthe risks of a new business. Entrepreneurs may have a new product or service to____ • Or they may have ideas for new ways to do business. But an entrepreneurial spirit does not have to ________________ the business world.Lately we hear more and more about social entrepreneurs. What they do is __________ ; they might even act like business entrepreneurs. They might _____________ money in projects or get others to support them. But social entrepreneurs say they are not by a desire for profits. Their most important goal, they say, is to create social value. They organize and support programs that ______________________ improve conditions in communities. Social entrepreneurs say they look for solutions to needs without leaving them to government or industry to solve. And they say they try to _______________ the solution. In other words, to change the system, they try to get whole societies to change. There are many historical examples of people who might be called social entrepreneurs. Susan B. Anthony, for example, ________________________ women's rights in the United States. Vinoba Bhave created the Land Gift Movement to help India's poor andKeys: traditional, offer, be limited to, similar, invest, guided, aim to, spread, fought for, landless3.Cultural Background:1)the Millionaire^ UnitIt is the nickname for the First Yale Unit, a naval air reserve unit considered to be the first in the United States. It was started by F. Trubee Davison, a Yale sophomore at the time, in 1915. The unit had 29 members who were all wealthy and fascinated by flying・ Their intention was to learn to fly airplanes so as to develop Americans military aviation.2)the Marines(海军陆战队)Formerly called the United States Marine Corps, it is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for providing power projection from the sea.3)the “hub and spoke” sys tem(轴辐式空中交通系统)It is a system which makes transportation much more efficient by routing all of the traffic through one or a few central hubs. The FedEx company took advantage of this idea in the 1970s, revolutionizing the way airlines were run.4)Xerox and GoogleXerox: an American multinational document management corporation that produces and sells printers, photo copiers, etc.Google: an American corporation which provides internet-related products and services.Part II Text Study1 ・ Main idea & structure:Tips for Reading: A Good Reader should1)Try to become an active reader.2)Learn to ask more questions. ( what, why, how)3)Do the efficient reading, (key points, topic sentence, key words, locating words,necessary and sufficient)4)Develop a habit of marking during reading.Answer Oucstions1)What type of business does FedEx mainly do?Tips: overnight delivery service; door-to-door package delivery (Para. 1)2)In what way did Smith's Childhood experiences contribute to his business later in life?Tips: suffering from a disease; picked on by bullies; learned to defend himself (Para. 3)3)How did Smith put his passion in flying into real practice before he started his business?Tips: operated a crop-duster at 15; helped revive the Yale flying club as a student; ran a small charter operation in New Haven; served in the Marines during the Vietnam War and flew more the 200 missions (Para. 4-7)4)What did Smith do in his term paper for his ecomonics class? How was the paper evaluated by his professor?Tips: drafted a prototype for a transportation company; wasn't impressed (Para. 5)5)What idea did Smith learn from his military experience? How did he relate the idea to his business later?Tips: leadership; Good leadership has very measurable effects on a company f s bottom line. (Para. 7)6)Why does the author mention the words Xerox and Google in the text?Tips: To show that FedEx is so successful that the name itself defines and represents express delivery・(Para. 10)7)What does Smith consider as the key elements for a successful business?Tips: appealing product or service and a compelling strategy; efficient management system; good leadership (Para. 11)8)What does Smith's great concern for his employees illustrate?Tips: his P-S-P philosophy (Para. 12)Structure Analysis:Introduction:Basic introduction to Smith and his FedEx company. (Para. 1)Smith is "recognized as an outstanding entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality^. (Para. 2)Body:Section One: Smith's early life experiences. (Para. 3・7)Section Two: Smithes business experience. (Para・ 8-11)Conclusion:Further description of Smithes friendly and agreeable personality and the significance of his P-S-P philosophy. (Para. 12)nguage Focus:Useful expressions:1)touch down (飞机等)降落,着落尽管天气恶劣,直升机飞行员还是设法安全地着陆在航空母舰的甲板上。



Unit 1, Book FourI. Section A: The Tail of Fame1. Teaching Objectives:λTo know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patternsλTo be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writingλTo improve Ss’ rea ding skills by studying section BTo respond and cooperate with classmates willinglyλTo participate activelyTo read sentences and texts with proper intonationλTo write smoothly and legibly2.Time Allotment:Section A (3 periods):1st---2nd period: Pre-reading activities ( theme-related questions for warming up;)While-reading activities (cultural notes; useful words and expressions;difficult sentences)3rd period: While-reading activities (text structure; main ideas)Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; exercises)Section B(1period):4th periods: Practice of the reading skill (reading for the key idea in a sentence);T checks on Ss’ home reading by asking questions based on the passage.T explains some difficult sentences3.Teaching Procedures:3.1 Pre-reading ActivitiesStep 1 GreetingsGreet the whole classStep 2. Warming upTeacher initiates students to talk about their special experiences during the newly-past vacationPurposes: Help students quickly adapt to the langguage-learning mode and facilitate students with English language atmosphere after a long vacation.Method: Talk in groups; communicative approach.Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for readingShow the Ss some pictures of famous people (the pictures might be the portaits of the famous people appearing in this Unit) and let Ss discuss with each other about the questions on the screen.1. For your understanding, how to define the word “fame” ?Fame refers to the state of being popular with a lot of people as a res ult of one’s achievement.2. What do people seek fame for?High social satus; abundance of material and spiritual fulfillment …3. What negative effects might fame bring about?Loss of privacy; deprivation of freedom …4. Do you want to live a life of celebrity? Enumerate some reasons to support your idea.Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study and lead Ss to Text A: The Tail of Fame.Method: Use the CAI, PPT software and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, audio-visual method and audiolingual method.Step 4. Fast readingAsk the Ss to read the passage as quickly as they can and require them to answer the questions on Page 9. Make sure Ss grasp the main idea of the text and have a relatively clear understanding of the text structure.Text structure: ( the chart below )Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and writing ability and let students understand the general idea of the passage.Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based language teachingmethod, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.Step 5. Preparation for details of the text on the screenSs are required to look at the words and phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.Words and Phrases:Purpose:Train the Ss’ ability of understandi ng and using foreign language.Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.1)bankrupt: adj. without enough money to pay what one owesMany state-owned enterprises have gone bankrupt. 许多国有企业都破产了。



《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 4课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U6-01《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 4课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U6-02《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 4课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U6-03《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 4课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U6-04《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 4课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U6-05over their words, the autocue malfunctioning, and the wrong guest being brought into the studio for an interview.3.Watch the video clip and match the people to the blunders.4.Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks.5.Work in pairs and discuss the questions.1) Have you ever seen a newsreader make a mistake on TV? If yes, describe what it was or how it happened.Yes, I once saw a CCTV newsreader make a mistake. It happened in the evening news hour. The newsreader mispronounced a word, and she was embarrassed, but soon she became calm and continued to finish the broadcast.2)What kind of incident or error do you think is the most embarrassing for a newsreader?I think the most embarrassing incident for a newsreader might be a case when the microphone goes wrong. For example, a microphone stays on after the broadcast finishes, but the newsreader is unaware of this and thinks it has been switched off.Step Three (步骤三)Speaking for communicationRole-play1. Match the stories with the titles.e Euromillions Winnersa Scientists Find Life on Moonf Lions Save Girlc Prince Unhappy About Parking Penalty2. Listen to the conversations and underline the phrases that you hear.3. Speaking skillsAdding emphasisIn daily speech, you sometimes want to add emphasis to what you say in order to strengthen your point or draw more attention from the listener. The conversations you have just listened to provide typical examples of how to emphasize something. Here are four types of expressions and structures you can use.Rewrite the sentences to add emphasis.4. Work in pairs and role-play the following situations.Situation 1Talking about something impressive in recent newsSituation 2Being upset about a low exam scoreSituation 3Recommending an interesting campus activityGroup discussion1.Read the passage. Then work in pairs and check (✔) the true statements.2.Work with your partner and fill in the table.3.Work in groups of four and share with each other a TV program you like.4.As a group, choose a program that you would like to share with the rest of the class.5.Present the TV program you have chosen. Before you begin, refer to the checklist below to see if you are ready.Public speaking skillsAfter-dinner speechesAfter-dinner speeches are given at certain important events or celebrations to pay tribute to someone, to give thanks, or to acknowledge a special event. In giving an after-dinner speech, it is necessary to keep in mind three issues: (1) The theme or topic of the speech should be related to the event; (2) a clear point should be conveyed; and (3) the speech should be well-organized. A polished delivery with clear organization will help the audience understand the point made in the speech. Furthermore, the speaker should deliver the speech in a style he / she feels comfortable with, avoiding styles that he / she is not familiar with or not skilled at.Speaking practice:Suppose you are attending an alumni dinner. Give an after-dinner speech appropriate to the occasion. Follow the specific requirements given below:1 Choose a theme that suits the event.2 Decide on a point you want to make.3 Use adequate details to support your point, and organize them clearly.。

新视野(第三版 思政)4读写教案 第3单元

新视野(第三版 思政)4读写教案 第3单元

Unit3Being entrepreneurial1.Students should have a thorough good command of the useful and important language points in the passage,including the usages of important words and phrases and the structure of difficult sentences.2.Improve students’ability of understanding of the main idea of the text:the secret of business and entrepreneur,and then mastering the narrative essay writing skill. Key Point:Important words and phrases:touch down,hold sb./sth.in high regard,pick on sb.,be onto sth.,take/have/make a stab at(doing)sth.,boil down to sth.etc..plus complex sentences in Text ATeaching Difficulties:Structure analysis of Text A and main ideas of each partWriting devices:a narrative with biographical informationCultural background:What does FredEx it mean?The millionaires’unit,the “hub and spoke”system,Xerox,Google,the Yale university,the MississippiDelta,the Vietnam War(1965-1975),a medical and dental planLecture methodTask-based language teachingMultimedia teaching methodInteractive teaching method教学内容(Unit3Being entrepreneurial)教学方法授课时长教学目标Part I Warming upLeading in andexploring the topic小组讨论10mins应知:相关口语表达Pre-readingactivities师生回答20mins应知:听力技巧等Cultural Background重点讲解20mins应知:文化词汇表达Part IItext AFred Smithand FedEx:The visionthat changedthe worldIntensive reading(key words&PhrasesComplex Sentences)语言重点讲练110mins应知:词汇、音标、长难句应会:阅读、翻译、写作等能力培养与提升Text structure andmain idea语篇结构分析Exercises测验、讲练110minsPartIIIText B Extensive reading(reading strategy)讲练、问答30mins应会:掌握快速阅读策略Unit3Being entrepreneurialStep1.GreetingsGreet the whole class warmly.Step2.Lead-in and preparation for readingQuotes:A manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men;he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can.—Frederick W.Smith(American businessman,founder of FedEx) The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows.—Aristotle Onassis(Greek shipping magnate) Activities:(Group discussion)Let them talk to each other about the following questions:1.What do you know about Fred Smith and his companies?2.Do you often use SF-express to post parcels and envelopes?Do you think it make your life more convenient?If yes,in what way(s)?3.What personality traits do successful entrepreneurs have in common?Do you know Jack Ma and his company?4.Do you think it is possible for you to become a successful entrepreneur in the future,why or why not?Cultural background:EntrepreneurQuestions Previewing1.What is Innovation and Entrepreneurship?2.Who is Steven Paul Jobs?3.Do you know Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and his“Facebook”?Step3.Fast readingAsk the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen.Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure.Text structure:(structured writing)The passage can be divided into3 parts.Part I—(Paras.1-2)Beginning a typical scene in FedEx’s business and a basic introduction of Fred Smith,this part brings out the main topic and thesis of the essay:Smith is“recogniz ed as an outstanding Entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality”Part II—(Paras.3-11)It introduces Smith and his entrepreneurship.First it focuses mainly on Smith’s early life experience,including his school years and military days.Then,it talks about how Smith put his ideas into practice and analyzes the key elements of his business success.Part III—(Para.12)Smith’s great concern for his employees illustrates his P-S-P philosophy(People, Service,Profit),which is just like an unbroken circle or chain.Step4:While-reading ActivitiesStudents are required to look at the Words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.Words and Phrases:1.rectangular[rekˈtæŋɡjələr]adj.长方形的;矩形的a rectangular table.长方形桌子2.disperse[dɪˈspɜːs]v.(使)分散,散开;疏散;驱散;散布;散发;传播记忆技巧:dis加强+pers〔=spers〕散开+e→分散verb[V]The fog began to disperse.雾开始散了。



潍坊科技职业学院教案课程名称:大学英语授课人:Writing Job Application Letters一. New words and expressionsapplication n. 1. [C; U] 申请;申请书 2. [C; U] 应用;用途reflection n. [C] 反映;表现preferencen. [C; U] 偏爱;偏好reference n. 1. [C](书籍或地图中的)参照号 2. [C; U] 参考;查阅ensure vt. 确保;保证remedy vt. 补救;纠正introductoryadj. 介绍的;引导的salutation n. [C](书信、演讲等开头的)称呼语statementn. [C] 陈述;声明illustratevt. 说明;阐明;表明summarizevt. (summarise BrE)总结;概括;概述selectiveadj. (做事、购物等)认真选择的highlightvt. 使……突出;使注意力集中于……uniqueadj. 唯一的;独一无二的specification n. 1. [C] 具体说明;要求 2. [C] (also plural) 规格;规格说明target n. [C]目标;指标sincerely adv. 1. 谨启;敬启 2. 真诚地;真挚地;由衷地principle n. [C] 原则;原理signature n. [C] 签字;签名flow vi. (语言或文字)流畅no more than 至多;不超过;仅仅cold call (为推销商品无事先接触而给潜在主顾)冷不防地打电话go ahead 开始;继续;进行to this/that effect 有这样/那样的意思或内容wrap up 完成;结束read over 从头至尾细读;通读in turn 因此;因而;转而二.Language points1. An application letter should be brief, no more than one page in length. Meaning: An application letter should be short, at most one-page long.no more than: only; at most 至多; 不超过;仅仅No more than 3,000 college graduates are allowed to go abroad every year.每年至多允许3,000名大学毕业生出国。



潍坊科技职业学院教案课程名称:大学英语授课人:How to Write a Resume一.New words and expressionsAppropriate adj. 恰当的;合适的Environment n. [C; U] 环境;周围情况Establish vt. 订立;制定;确立self-assessment n. [U] 自我评估;自我估价prior adj. (to) 在……之前;先于elaborate v. 详述;详尽说明assist vt. 帮助;协助overload v. 使超载;使负担过重format n. [C] 设计;安排;格式chronological adj. 按时间顺序排列的reverse adj. 相反的consideration n. [C] 要考虑的事实(或因素) 2. [U] 考虑;斟酌layout n. [C] 布局;设计;安排organization n. (organisation BrE) [C] 团体;组织;机构initiative n. [U]主动性;首创精神contribution n. [C] 贡献innocent adj. 1. 无害的;没有恶意的 2. 清白无罪的;无辜的solid adj. 出色的;扎实的applicant n. [C] 申请人take the initiative采取主动;首先采取行动above all最重要的是set about开始做;着手做put one's best foot forward尽力留下好印象;尽最大努力二.Language points1. A resume is a business document that outlines your work experience, education, and skills on paper.Meaning: A resume is a business statement that gives the main points of your work experience, education and skills.on paper: written on paper; in writing 在纸上;以书面形式It's only a suggestion on paper. 这仅仅是书面形式的建议。

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教案New Horizon College English 新视野大学英语4 读写教程课程名称大学英语(4)授课专业和班级授课内容Unit 3 Fred Smith andFredEx: The vision thatchanged the world授课学时 6教学目的The teaching objective of this unit is to help students:1. To grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2. To understand the structure of “biographical information”;3. To write narratives with biographical information;4. To master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.5. To conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related tothe theme of the text.教学重点 1. Text structure analysis2. Language points:Key words: reshuffle, disperse, exquisite, brainchild, deduce, clan, juvenile,invalid, terrain navigation, revive, charter.Phrases and Expressions: touch down, held sb/sth in high regard, pich on sb, beonto sth, take a stab at, boil down to sth.3. Writing skills: a narrative with biographical information教学方法1. Communicative approach;2. Task-based teaching method;3. Audio-lingual method.4. Audio-visual method.教学过程 1. Pre-reading Activities2. Text structure analysis.3. Detailed study of the text.4. Grammar and exercises.5. Writing and reading skills practice.作业Homework:1. Recite the appointed paragraph.2.Translate sentences and write a composition with a general statement supported bydetails辅助手段Multimedia software, PPT software辅导答疑教学内容I. Pre-reading ActivitiesShow the Ss pictures of famous logo and the founder of the FredEx. Let Ss discuss with each other about the questions on the screen.1. What do you know about express companies or shippers in China?Shentong, Yuantong, Shunfeng, etc.2. What are the benefits those companies provide you?High speed, convenient shopping …3. What do you know about FredEx?4. What makes it so successful?II. Text structure analysisPurpose:By summarizing the main idea and analyzing the structure of the text to improve students’ reading and writing ability.Method: To read the text individually and discuss in groups; To use task-based teaching method, and communicative approach.Text structure:Part I: (Para.1-2) Introduction: FredEx and the founder Fred Smith.Part II: (Paras.3-11) Body: Smith’s early experiences and the key elements of his business success. Part III: (Para. 12) Conclusion: Further description of Smith’s friendly and agreeable personality and the significance of his P-S-P philosophy.III. Detailed studies of the textNew words and expressions1. reshuffle:a. put in a new order; rearrangeMany people have to reshuffle their priorities in life as a result of the rising cost of health care.由于医疗保健费用不断上升,许多人不得不重新安排生活中的优先事项。

b. change the jobs or responsibilities of the people in a particular group or organization.The PM reshuffled the cabinet and adopted a more radical policy. 首相改组了内阁,并采取了更加激进的政策2. disperse: vt.a. spread or make things spread in different directions over a wide areaAll kinds of stories were dispersed about what really had happened in the factory. 那个工厂发生了什么,有各种传闻四下蔓延。

b. go or cause to go in different directions.The PM reshuffled the cabinet and adopted a more radical policy. 首相改组了内阁,并采取了更加激进的政策3. deduce:vt. know sth. as a result of considering the information or evidence that you have From the cultural relics nearby, it is easy to deduce that there are rare treasures hidden insid the tomb. 从附近的文化遗迹可以很容易地推断,该墓穴藏有稀世珍宝。

4. invalid:n. a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury. 病弱者,伤残者adj.a. (only before nouns) ill or injured, esp. permanently.He had kept house for an invalid woman for years untl she died他给一位病弱的妇女做了好多年管家,直到她去世。

b. not legally effectiveCredit card companies allow you to cancel invalid transactions even after they’ve cleared.信用卡公司允许取消无效的交易,哪怕操作已经完成。

5. disrupt:interrupt sth. and prevent t from continuing by creating a problem.The earthquake disrupted the power supply of the whole area.地震中断了整个地区的电力供应。

6. prototype:the first form of sth. new, made before it is produced in large quantities.They continued working for 10 days and succeeded in designing a prototype for their product.他们持续工作了10天,终于成功设计出了产品的模型。

7. quantify:vt. calculate the value of sth. and express it as a number or an amountThey haven’t been able to quantify the loss yet, as the statistics were kept a secret.他们一直都不能测定损失,因为统计数据是保密的。

8. touch down;(of an aircraft etc.) land on the groundThe pilot managed to touch down the helicopter safely.飞行员设法安全着陆了直升机。

9. hold ab./sth. in high regard:admire or respect sb./sth. very muchStudents were excited that people they held in high regard agreed to act as their mentors.学生们非常兴奋,因为他们所敬重的人同意当他们的指导老师。
