ventilation and air conditiong system design for the new Astram Metro line in Hiroshima

第 23 卷第 5 期常莉 , 等 :地铁环控系统不同区域能耗分析·115·文章编号 :1671-6612(2021 05-115-04地铁环控系统不同区域能耗分析常莉冯炼李鹏(西南交通大学机械工程学院成都610031【摘要】简要介绍了三种地铁环控系统的特点 ,采用能耗分析方法对不同区域地铁环控系统的能耗进行定量比较。
对地铁公共区分别进行空调季和非空调季节通风能耗计算以及区间隧道能耗计算 ,通过分析得出屏蔽门系统在寒冷地区、温和地区的节能效果不明显的结论,为以后的地铁车站环控设计提供了参考价值。
【关键词】屏蔽门系统 ;闭式系统 ;通风空调 ;能耗分析 ;节能中图分类号 TU83文献标识码 AEnergy consumption analysis of different areas on Subway ECSChang Li Feng Lian Li Peng( School of Mechanical Engineering of Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, ChinaAbstract 】 Briefly describes the features in three kinds of SubwayEnvironmental Control System with quantitative comparison to evaluate energyconsumption in different areas of Subway ECS. By calculating ventilation energyconsumption and interzone tunnel energy consumption in air-condition and non-air-condition seasons in public area in the subway, we can conclude in PSD system energy-saving effect is not obvious in cold area and mild climates area, which provides referential value for future subway station environmental control design.Keywords 】 platform screen doors ; closed system; ventilation and air conditioning; energy consumption analysis; energy efficiency作者简介 :常莉 (1983- ,女 ,在读硕士研究生。

ZRP (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆
WELDING and Material(焊接与材料):
ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会
CB (Center of Buoyancy)浮心
CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社
CF (Center of Floatation)漂心
CFE (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备
ABS (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社
ANG (Angle Bar)角钢
BFE (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备
BG (Bulk Carrier)散货船
BHD (Bulkhead)舱壁
DK (Deck)甲板
DM (Depth Molded)型深
DNV (Det Norske Veritas)挪威船级社
DWG (Drawing)图
DWL (Design Waterline)设计水线
DWT (Deadweight)载重量
FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验
Fwd (Forward)向船艏
GL (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社
GM (Metacentric Height)初稳心高
HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢
LBP (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长
供热、供燃气、 通风及空调工程 英语

供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程英语英语1. 供热工程英语词汇1.1 Central heating system 中央供暖系统1.2 Radiator 散热器1.3 Boiler 锅炉1.4 Heat exchanger 热交换器1.5 Thermostat 温控器1.6 Heat pump 热泵1.7 Underfloor heating 地暖1.8 District heating 集中供热1.9 Heat transfer 传热1.10 Insulation isolation 绝缘隔离2. 供燃气工程英语词汇2.1 Gas pipeline 天然气管道2.2 Gas meter 燃气表2.3 Gas leak detector 燃气泄漏探测器2.4 Gas appliances 燃气器具2.5 Gas regulator 燃气调压器2.6 Gas valve 燃气阀门2.7 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 液化石油气2.8 Natural gas 天然气2.9 Gas cooktop 燃气灶台2.10 Gas safety 燃气安全3. 通风工程英语词汇3.1 Ventilation 通风3.2 Air duct 风管3.3 Air purifier 空气净化器3.4 Exhaust fan 排气扇3.5 HVAC system 暖通空调系统3.6 Fresh air 新风3.7 Air circulation 空气循环3.8 Ventilation rate 通风率3.9 Indoor air quality 室内空气质量3.10 Ventilation design 通风设计4. 空调工程英语词汇4.1 Air conditioning 空调4.2 Split system 空调分体机4.3 Ductless air conditioner 无风管空调4.4 Chiller 冷水机组4.5 Air handler 空气处理器4.6 Cooling tower 冷却塔4.7 Thermostat 温控器4.8 Refrigerant 制冷剂4.9 HVAC technician 暖通空调技师4.10 Air conditioning maintenance 空调维护保养5. 结语以上就是部分供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程的英语词汇,这些词汇在工程施工、维护以及交流中都起到了非常重要的作用。
建筑环境与设备工程专业(Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning)英语教材

Lesson 9 Boiler System (锅炉系统)I. Text[1] Boiler are used to supply steam or hot water for heating, processing, or power purposes. This chapter is primarily concerned with a description of the low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating boiler used in the heating systems of residences and small buildings.[2]The basic construction of both low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating boiler fired by fossil fuels consists of an insulated steel jacket enclosing a lower chamber in which the combustion process takes place; and an upper chamber containing cast-iron sections or steel tubes in which water is heated or converted to steam for circulation through the pipes of the heating system.Steam and Hot Water Boiler Similarities and Differences [3]Steam and hot-water space heating boiler are very similar physically, but there are sone important differences:Steam boiler operate only about three-fourths full of water, whereas hot-water boiler operate completely filled with water. Steam boilers in residential steam heating systems operate at 13.79 kPa pressure or slightly more, where as residentialhot-water boilers operate at approximately six times that pressure.Steam boilers are equipped with a low-water cutoff device to protect the appliance from burning out if it should run out of water. Only large hot-water space heating boilers with a capacity exceeding 422.04 MJ/h are presently required by code to be equipped with low-water cutoffs. (Note: Many HV AC contractors who install the smaller residential hot-water boilers strongly recommend the addition of a low-water cutoff device to these appliances to prevent burn out if the boiler loses its water.) Steam boilers require makeup feed to replace water lost through evaporation and the production of steam during normal operation. Hot-water boilers can operate with little or on need for makeup water under the same normal operating conditions.[4]The design and construction of the lower chamber depends upon the type of fuel used to fire the boiler. It serves as a combustion chamber for coal-fired and oil-fired boilers and as a compartment for housing the gas burner assembly on gas-fired boiler. These gas burner assemblies are commonly designed for easy removal so that they can be periodically cleaned or serviced.[5]Oil burners are externally mounted with the burner nozzle extending into the combustion chamber. This is also true of gas conversion burners. Gas burner assemblies, on the other hand, are located inside the lower chamber of the boiler.[6]The cast-iron sections or stell tubes in the upper chamber of the boiler contain water that circulates through the pipes in the heating system in the form of either steam or hot water.The heat from the combustion process in the lower chamber of the boiler is transferred through the metal surface of the cast-iron sections or steel tubes to the water contained in them, causing a rise temperature. The amount of water contained in these passages is one of the ways in which steam boilers and hot-water space heating boilers are distinguished from one another.In hot-water space heating boilers these passages are completely filled with water; whereas in low-pressure steam boilers only the lower two-thirds are filled. In steam boilers the water is heated very rapidly, causing steam to form in the upper one-third. The steam, under pressure, rises through the supply pipes connected to the top section of the boiler.[7]A boiler jacket contains a number of different openings for pipe connections and the mounting of accessories. The numberand type of openings on a specific boiler jacket depends upon the type of boiler (i.e. Steam or hot water ). Among the different openings to be found on a boiler jacket are the flue connections, water feed (supply )connection, inspection and cleanout tapping, blow down tapping, relief valve tapping, control tapping, drain tapping, expansion tank tapping, and return tapping. These are also gas and oil burner connections Fig.1 illustrates the arrangement of tapping in a Weil-McLain oil-fires boiler.[8]Most (but not all ) of the controls on low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating boilers fired by the same fuel are similar in design and function, but there are exceptions. For example, a few boiler controls and fittings are designed to be specifically used on steam boilers; other are found only on hot-water space heating boilers.Boiler Rating Method[9]The construction of low-pressure steel and cast-iron heating boilers is governed by the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. This is a nationally recognized code used by boiler manufacturers, and any boiler used in a heating installation should clearly display the ASME stamp. State and local codes are usually patterned after the ASME Code.[10]The location of the identification symbols used by the ASME is specified by the code and determined by the type of boiler. For example, on a water-tube boiler, it appears in a head of the steam-outlet drum near and above the manhole opening. On vertical fire-tube boilers, the stamp bearing the identification symbol should appear on the shell above the fire door and handhole opening. Other types of boilers (e.g. Scotch marine and super heaters ) have their own specified location for the identification symbol stamp.[11] The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applies only to boiler construction, specifically to maximum allowable working pressures, not to uts heating capacity. A number of different methods are used to rate the heating or operating capacity of a boiler, the boiler manufacturers have developed their own ratings, but these are generally used along with rating methods available from several professional and trade associations. [12]The Steel Boilers Institute no longer exists, but its SBI rating is still found on many existing stell boilers. The I=B=R (or IBR ) logo was created by the now defunct Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers to indicate the gross output (s) at 100 percent firing rate for most sectional cast-iron boilers. The I=B=R rating logo is now used by the Hydronic InstituteDivision of the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association (GAMA).[13]The Mechanical Contractors Association of America has devised a method for rating boilers not covered by ether the SBI or I=B=R codes. Finally, fas-fired boilers are rated in accordance with methods developed by the American Gas Association.[14]Other rating logos appearing on boilers and in their installation and operation manuals are the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and the Underwriter’s Laboratories of Canada logos.[15]In terms of its heating capacity, the rating of a boiler can be expressed on square feet of equivalent direct radiation (EDR) or thousands of Btu/h. Sometimes a boiler horsepower rating is also given, but this is has proven to be misleading.[16]For steam boilers, 0.09 m2 of equivalent direct radiation (EDR) is equal to the emission of 253.21kJ/h. For a water boiler, 0.09 m2 of EDR is considered equal to the emission of 158.26kJ/h.[17]A boiler horsepower (bhp) os the evaporation of 15.66kg of water onto dry steam from and at 100℃. For rating purposes, 1 bhp is considered as the heat equivalent of 13.02㎡of steamradiation per hour. In some cases bhp ratings are oltained by dividing steam SBI ratings by 140.[18]A boiler is rated according to its operating or heating capacity, but this rating will vary in accordance with the type of load used as the basis for the rating. The three types of connected loads used to determine the rating of a boiler are:(1)Net load(2)Design load(3)Gross load[19]Net load refers to the actual connected load of the heat-emitting units in the steam or hot-water heating system. Design load includes the met-load rating plus an allowance for piping heat loss. Finally, gross load will equal the net load and the piping heat loss, plus an additional allowance for the pickup load.Boiler Heating Surface[20]The boiler heating surface (expressed in square feet ) is that portion of the surface of the heat transfer apparatus in contact with the fluid being heated on one side and the gas or refractory being cooled in the other side. The direct or radiant hearing surface is the surface against which the fire strikes. The surface that cones in contact with the hot gases is called the indirect irconvection surface.[21]The heating capacity of any boiler is influenced by the amount and arrangement of the heating surface and the temperature on either side, the arrangement if the heating surface refers to the ratio of the diameter if each passage to its length, as well as its contour (straight or curved ), cross-sectional shape, number of passes, and other design variables.Boiler Efficiency[22]the boiler efficiency is the ratio of the heat output to the caloric value of the fuel. Boiler efficiency is determined by various factors including the type of fuel used, the method of firing, and the control settings. For example, oil-and gas-fired boilers have boiler efficiencies ranging from 70 to 80 percent. A hand-fired boiler in which anthracite coal is used will have a boiler efficiency of 60 to 75 percent.Boiler energy Efficiency[23]Two government programs have been created within the last 20 years to rate the energy efficiency of different heating appliances such as furnaces, boilers, water heaters, and heat pumps. These two programs are (1) the annual fuel utilization capacity (AFUE) programs and (2) the Energy Star Certificationprogram.[24]Annual Fuel Utilization Capacity (AFUE). The energy efficiency of an oil-, gas-, or coal-fired boiler is measured by its annual fuel utilization capacity (AFUE). The AFUE reatings for boilers manufactured today are listed in the boiler manufacturer’s literature. Look for the EnerGuide emblem for the efficiency rating of that particular model. The higher the rating, the more efficient the boiler. The government has established a minimum rating foe boilers of 78 percent. Mid-efficiency boilers have AFUE ratings ranging from 78 to 80 percent. Higher-efficiency (condensing ) boilers have AFUE ratings ranging from 88 to 97 percent. Conventional ( noncondensing ) steam and hot-water space heating boilers have AFUE ratings of approximately 60 to 65 Percent.[25]Energy Star Certification. Energy Star os an energy performance rating system created in 1992 by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to identify and certify certain energy-efficient appliances. The goal is give special recognition to companies who manufacture products that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This voluntary labeling program was expanded by 1995 to include furnaces, boiler, heat pumps, and other HV AC equipment. Both the Energy Star labeland an AFUE rating are used to identify an energy-efficient appliance.Types of Boiler[26]The boiler used in low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating systems can be classified in a number of different ways. Some of the criteria used in classifying them are:(1)Construction material(2)Construction design(3)Boiler position(4)Number of passes of the hot gases(5)Length of travel of the hot gases(6)Type of heating surface(7)Type of fuel used[27]Most boilers are constructed of either cast iron or steel. A few are constructed from nonferrous materials such as aluminum. Cast-iron boilers generally display a greater resistance to the corrosive effects of water than steel ones do, but the degree of corrosion in steel boilers can be significantly reduced by chemically treating the water. [28]The heating core of many boilers is formed by joining together a series of cast-iron sections either horizontally (so-called pancake construction ) or vertically. In the horizontalcast-iron section design, the heating surface of each cast-iron section is exposed at right angles to the rising flue gases. The water travels in a zigzag path from section to section in a manner similar to the flow of water on a steel tube boiler. [29]Steel boilers may be classified with respect to the relative position of water and hot gases in the tubular heating surface. In fire-tube boilers, for example, the hot gases pass within the boiler tube while the water being heated circulates around them. In water-tube boilers, the reverse is true. Flexible steel tubes are used in some boilers for the circulation of the water around the heat rising from the fire.[30]A hot-water (hydronic) copper-fin tube operates on a different principle from the cast-iron and steel boilers. It is designed to transfer heat almost instantly to the water. Water flows across the boiler heat exchanger, picks up heat, and then moves through the pipes to the heat convectors, radiators, or panels.Note If the water stops flowing while the burner is still running, heat will build up until the water flashes into steam and damages the boiler. This condition is similar to dry firing in cast-iron and steek boilers. It can be avoided by installing a flow switch in the path of the water. The switch turns off the burner when the waterstops flowing.[31]Boilers can also be classified according to the number of passes made by the hot gases (e.g. One pass, two passes, and three passes). The length of travel of the hot gases is another method used for classifying boilers. The efficiency of a boiler heating surface depends, in part, upon the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the passage to its length.[32]Among the various fuels used to fire boilers are oil, gas ( natural and propane),coal, and coke. Conversion kits for converting a boiler from one gas to another are available from some manufacturers. Changing from coal (or coke ) to oil or gas can be accomplished by using conversion chambers and making certain other modifications.[33]Electricity can also be used to fire boilers. One advantage in using electric-fired boilers is that the draft provisions required by boilers using combustible fuels is not necessary. Unlike the boilers fired by fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, etc.), electric boilers do not have an AFUE efficiency rating. They operate at almost 100 percent efficiency.[34]The classification criteria described above are selective and limited to the more common types in use. Considering the multiplicity of boiler types and designs available, it is extremelydifficult to establish a classification system suitable for all of them.。

water cooling condenser
air cooled condenser
condense water drip plate
冷凝水孔condensed water hole
冷凝水排出口condensed water drain
传热系数transmission factor
air handling
单体式空调器unit air conditioner
分体式空调器separate air conditioner
window type air conditioner
卧式空调器horizontal air conditioner
热风循环heated air circulation
coefficient of absorption of radiant heat
热膨胀系数coefficient of expansion by heat
通风设施ventilation installation
加湿量humidifying capacity
上送风top supply
下送风bottom supply
进水温度inlet temperature
出水温度outlet temperature
污垢系数filthy factor
水阻系数water pressure factor

空调和娱乐系统Air Conditioner and Entertainment System暖风、通风和空调Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning自动空调面板Automatic Air Conditioner Panel自动空调面板(型式一)Automatic Air Conditioner Panel (Type I)风量调节旋钮Air volume adjusting knobOFF 按键OFF buttonAC按键A/C button内循环按键Inner circulation button外循环按键Outer circulation button前除霜按键Front defrosting button后除霜按键Rear defrosting button模式按键Mode selection button1自动按键Automatic button温度调节旋钮Temperature adjusting knob按键说明Button Descriptions风量调节旋钮Air volume adjusting knob设定车内通风量,向右转加大风量,向左转降低风量。
It is used to set the internal ventilation quantity. Rotate the knob rightwards to increase the quantity and leftwards to decrease the quantity.OFF按键OFF button空调系统关闭,面板屏幕熄灭,系统自动切换为内循环,此时面板上内外循环按键不能开启空调。
It is used to turn off the air conditioning system. Press the button, and the panel screen will die out and the system will switch to inner circulation automatically, then the air conditioner cannot be turned on by pressing the inner/outer circulation buttons on the panel.“A/C”钮“A/C” button要打开空调系统时,按“A/C”钮指示器发亮,要关闭空调系统时,将钮再按一下。
暖通空调 英语

暖通空调英语English:HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) is a system used to maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. It includes technologies for heating, cooling, air purification, and controlling humidity. HVAC systems are commonly used in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings to regulate temperature, air quality, and airflow. This promotes comfort, health, and safety for building occupants. The design and installation of HVAC systems require careful consideration of factors such as building size, insulation, ventilation, and energy efficiency. Regular maintenance and servicing of HVAC systems are also essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity.中文翻译:暖通空调(供暖、通风和空调)是用于维持舒适健康的室内环境的系统。

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微信公共平台帐号:nbmsa01正文Deadweight 载重量Capacity 舱容(载重吨位)freeboard 干舷general provisions 通则(总则)general description 一般规定main dimensions and particulars主尺度trim 浮态stability 稳性model test 船模试验complements 定员rules, regulations and certificates 规范规则和认证owner’s furnished equipment 船东需提供的设备materials and equipment 材料和设备inspection and inclining test 检验和倾斜试验trials and tests at sea 海上试航试验vibration and noise 振动和噪音plans for approval 送审图纸finished drawings 完工图name plates and idetification 铭牌和标记dry docking 进坞delivery 交船hull construction 船体结构welding and construction test 焊接和结构试验deck height 甲板高sheer 脊弧camber 梁拱Main hull 主船体Bottom construction 船底结构Side Shell Structure舷侧结构Bulkheads 舱壁Deck Structure 甲板结构Engine Room Structure机舱结构Bulwark 舷墙Ship’s Ends船端Superstructure and deck house 上层建筑和甲板室miscellaneous 其它foundations 基座bulwark 舷墙bilge keel 舭龙骨Chain Lockers锚链舱Hawse Pipe 锚链管Sea Chest海水箱Bottom Plugs船底塞Fish plate挡油板(接合板,鱼尾板)Funnel & Hull Markings烟囱和船体标志Rudder set 舵corrosion protection 油漆与防腐Surface Preparation表面处理Application of Painting涂漆工作Paint Schedule油漆明细表Cathode Protection阴极保护Deck machinery 甲板机械Ship’s outfittings 外舾装设备General for deck machinery 甲板机械概述Steering gear 舵机Bow thruster首側推(船首推进器)Windlass 锚机Mooring winches 绞缆机(停泊,绞车)Anchoring and mooring outfits 锚系泊设备Anchoring System锚系统Mooring System系泊系统Lifting equipment 起升设备Hose Handling Crane(装卸吊车)软管吊Provision Hoist Davit食物吊MASTS AND POSTS桅杆ACCESS HATCHES AND MANHOLES小舱盖、人孔盖Cargo Tank Hatches货油舱盖Cargo Tank Hatches货油舱盖Wing Tank (Water Ballast) Manholes边压载舱人孔盖Small Hatches 小舱盖Manholes 人孔Tank Cleaning Hatch 洗舱舱口盖Ladders 扶梯Accommodation Ladders 舷梯Weather Ladders 室外梯(露天梯)Cargo Tank Ladders 货舱梯Wing Tanks (Ballast Tanks) Ladders 边(压载)舱扶梯Miscellaneous Ladders & Steps 其它梯、踏步handrails 栏杆,扶手storm rails 风暴扶手catwalk 步桥awning 天幕life saving appliances 救生设备Life Boat & Rescue Boat 救生艇和救助艇Life Rafts & Working Raft救生筏Life Buoys 救生圈Life Jackets 救生衣Life Saving Appliances救生装置Personnel Protection个人防护用品ship’s identification 船体标志spare parts 备件,附件Deck Machinery甲板机械Deck Department甲板部Inventory 备品,附件Boatswain’s & Carpenter’s Shop水手长储藏室及木工间Box, Board & Frame 箱、板、框ACCOMMODATION舱室设备,舱室布置Fire protection防火绝缘BULKHEAD LING & OVERHEAD CEILING舱壁衬里和天花板Deck covering甲板敷料INSULATION FOR LIVING QUARTERS居住区绝缘shelves 木搁架LADDERS & DOORS IN ACCOMMODATION室内梯及门Deck Ladder & Stairways甲板梯和楼梯Doors in Accommodation舱室门Steel Doors to Open Decks开敞甲板钢质门Wheelhouse Doors驾驶室门Locks and Keys锁和钥匙Windows and scuttles方窗和舷窗Wheel house Windows驾驶室窗Portholes 舷窗(射击孔)Galley, Pantry and Laundry Equipment厨房、配餐室及洗衣间设备Schedule of Furniture家具明细Upholstery室内装饰EQUIPMENT FOR LIQUID CARGO SYSTEM货油系统设备CARGO HANDLING SYSTEM货油装卸系统Cargo and Slop/Stripping Pumps货油泵与扫舱泵Arrangement of Loading and Discharging System货油装卸系统的布置Drip Trays集油盘Pipe Hose Support软管支架HEATING SYSTEM FOR CARGO AND SLOP TANK货油舱和污油水舱加热系统CARGO TANK GAS / VENTING SYSTEM货油舱透气系统AUXILIARY SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT FOR CARGO货油辅助系统和设备Cargo Tank Sounding System货油舱测深系统Temperature Alarm温度报警Pressure Measuring System压力测量系统Tank Cleaning System洗舱系统Valve Remote Control System阀门遥控系统Gas Detection System 货油蒸汽探测系统Cargo/Gas Sampling Device油气取样装置OIL DISCHARGE MONITORING SYSTEM排油监控系统CARGO CONTROL ROOM货油控制室HULL PIPING船舶管路Branching of Pipes支管系Pipe Bending管道弯曲Pipe Coating管道的涂镀处理Pipe Fittings and Components管路附件和元件Pipe Supports管架Pipe Insulation管道隔热BALLAST SYSTEM压载系统Water ballast pumps压载水泵Ballast piping system压载管系BILGE SYSTEM舱底水系统Oily bilge pump日用舱底泵Oily water separator油水分离器DRAINAGE SYSTEM排水系统AIR AND SOUNDING SYSTEM空气和测深系统Air Pipes空气管Sounding Pipes测深管OIL FILLING SYSTEM油注入系统Heavy Fuel Oil重燃油Lub. Oil / D.O tanks滑油/柴油舱柜FIRE FIGHTING AND DECK WASH SYSTEM消防和甲板冲洗系统Sea Water Fire and Deck Wash System水灭火和甲板冲洗系统Foam Fire Extinguishing System泡沫灭火系统CO2 Fire Extinguishing System二氧化碳灭火系统Fire and General Alarm System火灾报警系统REFRIGERATED SYSTEM冷却系统VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM通风与空调系统Ventilation and Air Conditioning System For Accommodation居住区的通风及空调系统Engine Control Room机控室Engine Room Ventilation轮机舱通风Ventilation of Spaces Other Than Accommodation居住区以外的通风布置SANITARY SYSTEM WITH DISCHARGES DRAINAGE SYSTEM卫生疏水系统Application of pipe and valves阀件与管道的使用Sanitary Supply System卫生用水供给系统Sanitary Discharge System卫生用水放泄系统FRESH WATER SYSTEM淡水系统Domestic Fresh Water System - Cold日用淡水系统–冷COMPRESSED AIR PIPE FOR DECK USE 甲板用压缩空气管PIPE INSULATION管道绝热MACHINERY DESCRIPTION机械设备说明PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS OF MACHINERY推进柴油机Main Engine主机Reduce gear box for propulsion减速齿轮箱Flexible coupling高弹性联轴器Shafting and Propeller轴系及螺旋桨Electric Generating Plant发电装置Heating Plant加热装置Air Compressors压缩空气装置Oil Purifier分油机Ventilation Fans通风风机Heater Exchangers热交换器Tanks舱柜MISCELLANEOUS MACHINERY其他机械设备Engineer’s Work Shop And Working Tools机修间及工作工具Machine Overhauling Equipment机械维修设备Ventilation of Machinery Space机舱通风Oily Water Separator油水分离器Sewage Treatment Plant生活污水处理装置Incinerator焚烧炉PIPING SYSTEM FOR MACHINERY动力管系Fuel Oil System燃油系统Lub. Oil System滑油系统Cooling Water System冷却水系统Sea Chests海水箱Valves阀件MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT其他设备Funnel And Up-take烟囱Fire Extinguishing System In Engine Room机舱消防系统Platforms, Hand Rails, Ladders and Gratings平台,栏杆扶手,梯子及格栅Engine Store机舱储藏间Painting In Engine Room机舱油漆间Name Plate铭牌PIPING MATERIALS管材INSULATION AND LAGGING绝缘包扎Piping Insulation管系的绝缘Machinery Insulation机器绝缘GAUGES 仪表AUTOMA TION AND INSTRUMENTA TION自动化Automatic Control of Aux. Machinery辅机的自动控制Steam Generating Plant蒸汽产生设备Centralised Instrumentation集中仪表Alarm System报警系统SPARE PARTS AND TOOLS备件和工具ELECTRIC PART电气CABLE电缆Cable application电缆选择Cable Installation电缆敷设PRIMARY SOURCE一次电源Generator发电机Secondary Source二次电源Operation And Control Of Generator发电机的运行及控制Generator’s Interlocking 发电机连锁SWITCHBOARDS配电板Main Switchboard主配电板Emergency Switchboard应急配电板Shore Connection Box 岸电箱DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 配电系统Electric Distribution电力分配Section And Distribution Board电力、照明分配电箱POWER SYSTEM 电力系统Motor 电动机Starters 起动器Emergency Stop Device 应急切断Important Pumps Auto-change Control重要泵自动转换控制The Control of Steering Gear 舵机控制Wheelhouse Control Console驾控台Test Switchboard 试验板Engine Control Console机舱集控台Cargo Oil Control Console货油控制台LIGHTING SYSTEM 照明系统Navigation Lights And Signal Lights 航行灯和信号灯INTERIOR COMMUNICATION, ALARM & MEASURING内部通信、报警和测量Interior Communication 内部通信Alarm System报警系统Measuring System 测量系统ELECTRIC NAUTICAL EQUIPMENT 航行设备RADIO EQUIPMENT 无线电设备Radio Console无线电台VHF Radio TelephoneVHF 无线电话INMARSAT B + C Ship Earth Station INMARSAT B+C卫星船站SAFETY EQUIPMENT 安全设备V oyage Data Recorder (VDR) 航行数据记录仪(VDR)SSAS(船舶安全报警系统)AIS(自动识别系统)Outfitting舾装engine girder 机座纵桁web 梁腹,腹板rider plate 内龙骨面板,中内龙骨面板chine bar 折角圆钢。

关键词:精密仪器厂房通风与空调节能设计中图分类号:TU83 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098x(2011)03(c)-0071-03Ventilation & Air Conditioning system Energy Saving Design for a precision instrument factory By Wang Xuejing(Tianjin Light Industry Design Institute)Abstract:To take Precision Instrument manufacturing plant as an example,this letter introduces the pre condition of setting up plant Ventilation & Air Conditioning system,system model selection and adopted energy saving measures,so that it can be the reference of ventilation & Air Conditioning system design of similar plant.Key words:Precision Instrument manufacturing plant;Ventilation & Air Conditioning;Energy saving design通常精密仪器生产厂房对环境温湿度要求较高,由于厂房面积较大、空间较高,加之某些工段生产过程中产生大量余热,致使空调能耗较大。

暖通专业英语词汇暖通Heating ventilation and air conditioning空调平面图 air handling layoutMU1~3新风系统图 MU1~3 make-up air system diagramAHU-1净化空调系统图 Air purification & air handling system diagram, AHU-1空调通风平剖面图 ventilation & air conditioning plan/section吊顶空调平剖面图 air condition ceiling plan section吊顶通风和采暖,空调用水管平面图 ventilation and heating piping plan above ceiling室内采暖空调平面图 room heating and air condition plan吊顶一下净化空调平面图 air purification & air conditioning above ceiling拉丝区+14米送风平面图 air supply plan at level of +14.00, drawing areaS-1,2 送风系统图 S-1,2 air supply system diagram室内回风口平面图 indoor air return grill plan洁净室回风平面图 air return grill plan in clean rooms空调用冷热水管平面图 A.C water piping plan空调供热流程图 A.C heating supply system diagram屋顶排风平面图 roof exhaust plan排风系统图 roof exhaust system送风系统图 air supply system diagramAHU-1 水系统图 AHU-1 water piping system diagram净化空调系统控制原理图 air purification & air conditioning system control priciple diagram AHU-15 变风量空调系统图 AHU-15 VAV system diagram冷冻水,冷却水管道系统图CHW and CW piping system diagram热水采暖系统图hot water heating system diagram 空调机房平面图air handling room plan 最冷月或最热月平均温度temperature coldest month or hottest month (mean)年,月,平均温度,最高,最低temperature, yearly, monthly, mean, highest, lowest最高或最低绝对温度absolute temperature, highest or lowest湿球温度wet bulb temperature 干球温度dry bulb temperature采暖区region with heating provision 不采暖区region without heating provision采暖室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature for heating通风冬季室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature for ventilation winter绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure 蒸发量 volume of vaporization相对湿度 relative humidity 采暖 heating热媒 heating medium 供暖管道 heating system供暖总管 heating pipe 集中供暖 central heating供暖总站 central heating plant 单管供暖系统 one-pipe heating system单管循环系统 one-pipe circuit system单管上行下给供暖系统one-pipe drop heating system单管热水供暖系统one-pipe hot water heating system单管强制循环系统one-pipe forced system蒸汽供暖 steam heating 供应方式 means of supply蒸汽压力 steam pressure 蒸汽密度 vapor density蒸汽压力势vapor pressure potential 供汽装置steam supply installation蒸汽系统 vapor system 降压站 reduction station蒸汽容量 steam capacity 蒸汽消耗量 steam consumption蒸汽盘管供暖 steam coil heated 蒸汽盘管 steam coil供热盘管 heating coil 散热盘管 panel coil排蒸汽管 steam discharge pipe 蒸汽回管 steam discharge pipe冷凝水管 condensing pipe 冷凝回水管 condensing return pipe蒸汽散热器 steam radiator 隔汽具,汽层 vapor barrier蒸汽分离器 steam separator 蒸汽调整阀 steam regulating蒸汽减压阀 steam reducing valve 蒸汽暖风机 steam unit ventilator供暖蒸汽锅炉 steam-heating boiler 电热供暖 electrical heater电热器 electrical heater 管式电热器 tubular electrical heater电热辐射器 electrical radiator 电热对流器 electrical convector热风供暖 warm air-heating 热风器 hot air generator热风烘干 hot air drying 强制对流加热器forced convection heater空气加热器 air heater 热风管道 warm-air heating压力供气 forced air supply 压力环流 forced circulation辐射式供热系统embedded panel system 双管供热系统 double pipe heating上分式双管系统double pipe dropping system 顶棚板面供暖ceiling panel heating 顶棚供暖盘 ceiling coil 片式供暖盘finned type heating coil散热器 radiator 墙挂式散热器 wall radiator单柱散热器 one column radiator 板式散热器 plate radiator圆翼形散热器circular wing radiator 长翼形散热器 long wing radiator蜂窝式散热器 honeycomb radiator 暖气管柱 column of radiator单个散热器 unit radiator 闭式散热器 closed radiator悬挂式单个散热器suspended type unit radiator管式加热器 tubular heater波纹式散热片 corrugated radiator 换热器 heat exchange散热器翘板 fin of radiator 散热器阻气板 radiator air baffle散热器外罩 enclosure of radiators 散热器阀 radiator valve穿墙管 wall pipe 穿墙套管 wall sleeve导热性 thermal conductivity 导热系数thermal coefficient of conduction供热面 heating surface 散热面 heat delivery surface热气消耗 heat consumption 热对流 thermal convection热消耗 heat dissipation 热扩散 thermal convection热膨胀 thermal diffusivity 热效率 thermal efficiency热效应 heat effect 热风循环 heated air circulation辐射热吸收系数coefficient of absorption of radiant heat热膨胀系数 coefficient of expansion by heat通风 ventilation 通风设施 ventilation installation自然通风natural draft ventilation 人工通风 artificial ventilation抽气通风 ventilation by extraction 压力通风 forced ventilation通风系统 ventilation system 鼓风系统 blower system通风管 vent pipe 圆形通风管 circular vent pipe矩形通风管 rectangular vent pipe 通风干管 main vent通风横管 vent heater 通风立管 vent stack通风道 air duct 通风井 vent shaft扁长通风孔 ventilation slot 通风窗 ventilation window通风格子窗 ventilation grill 通风百叶 ventilation louver气窗 ventilation casement 屋顶通风 roof ventilation屋顶风机 roof fan 顶棚风扇 ceiling fan换气风扇 scavenger fan 通风压差 ventilation column通风冒 ventilation cowl 通风扇 ventilation fan通风器 ventilator 卫生间通风器 toilet ventilator通风机 blower 轴流式通风机 axial flow fan玻璃钢屋顶离心通风机reinforced fiberglass centrifugal roof fan空气缓冲器 air buffer 鼓风机 air blower鼓风喷射 air blasting 排气通风机 air exhaust ventilator吸风机 suction ventilator 排风机 exhaust fan机械排风 mechanical exhaust 局部排风 local exhaust 事故排风 emergency exhaust 空气室 air chamber 空气体积 air volume 空气流量 air steam 通风面积 ventilation area 压力气流 forced draft换气次数 air change 外形尺寸 overall dimension风量 air volume热量 heat volume余压 surplus volume水量 water quantity水阻力 water resistance风压 air pressure压力露点 pressure dew point 状态点 state point工况条件 operation condition 制冷剂 refrigerant制冷量 refrigerating capacity 制热量 heating capacity加湿量 humidifying capacity上送风 top supply下送风 bottom supply正压渗风量 exfiltration进水温度 inlet temperature出水温度 outlet temperature流量 flow污垢系数 filthy factor水阻系数 water pressure factor 传热系数 transmission factor空气调节 air-conditioning air handling 单体式空调器 unit air conditioner分体式空调器 separate air conditioner 窗式空调器window type air conditioner卧式空调器 horizontal air conditioner 立式空调器 floor air conditioner组装式空调器 packaged air conditioner 风冷分体式空调器air-cooled split type air conditioner 变风量空气处理机组VAV air handling units风机盘管空调器fan coil type air conditioner墙挂式空调器wall-mounted air conditioner立式明装 floor exposed立式暗装 floor concealed 卧式明装 horizontal exposed吊顶暗装 floor concealed 矮形明装 lowboy exposed矮形暗装 lowboy concealed 天花嵌入式 cassette type设有空气调节的房屋air-conditioned building 空气冷却 air cooling蒸发空气冷却air cooling by evaporation 离心式制冷机组centrifugal refrigerating units]冷风机 air cooler 空气冷凝器 air condenser蒸发式冷凝器 evaporating condenser 水冷冷凝器water cooling condenser空气冷却冷凝器air cooled condenser 冷凝水盘condense water drip plate冷凝水孔 condensed water hole 冷凝水排出口 condensed water drain压缩制冷 compression refrigerating 旋转式压缩机 rotary compressor送风量 supply capacity 管子冷却器 pipe cooler管子冷却面 pipe cooling surface 冷却水量 cooling capacity空气加湿器 air humidifier 电极加湿器 electrode humidifier干蒸汽加湿器 dry steam humidifier 离心加湿器 centrifugal humidifier去湿 dehumidificating 水冷系统 water cooling system喷雾嘴 air cup 喷雾 water sprinkling冷媒 cooling medium 水帘 water sheet水幕 water curtain 水幕喷嘴 water spray nozzle空气洗涤 air washing 空气粗滤器 air strainer空气洗涤器 air washer 空调机组 air handling unit空气站 air bottle 气阀 air cock气闸 air brake 风机盘管 fan coil 热泵 heat pump柔性通风管道flexible ventilation pipe 面板 surface plate泄水口 drain hole 出风口 air outlet进风口 air inlet 气管 gas line混合段 mixing 风机段 fan预加热段 preheat 加热段 heating表冷器 surface cooling 表冷器挡水段surface cooling water stop中间段 middle section 蒸汽加热段 steam heating电加热段 electric heating 加湿段 humidifying水淋段 sprinkling 送风机段 air supply中效袋式过虑段medium bag filter 消声段 sound absorption二次回风 secondary return 检修段 maintenance挡水板 water buffer plate 防尘构造 dust-tight construction。

bms行业的相关术语BMS行业的相关术语一、BMS(Building Management System)BMS,即建筑管理系统,是指利用计算机技术和自动控制技术,对建筑物内部的设备、设施进行监控、控制和管理的系统。
二、SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)SCADA,即监控与数据采集系统,是一种用于监控和控制工业过程的计算机系统。
三、PLC(Programmable Logic Controller)PLC,即可编程逻辑控制器,是一种专用的工业计算机,用于控制机械和工业过程。
四、EMS(Energy Management System)EMS,即能源管理系统,是一种用于监测、控制和优化能源使用的系统。
五、HVAC(Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)HVAC,即暖通空调系统,是一种用于调节室内温度、湿度和空气质量的系统。
六、IoT(Internet of Things)IoT,即物联网,是指通过互联网将物理设备连接起来,实现设备之间的信息交流和互动。
七、DDC(Direct Digital Control)DDC,即直接数字控制,是一种用数字信号直接控制设备的技术。

WHO 937 Annex 附件2Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practices for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems for non-sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms在GMP的基础上补充指导药剂生产的供暖,通风,空调系统的指导条例。
1. Introduction 介绍2. Scope of document 文本范围3. Glossary 术语表4. Protection 保护4.1 Products and personnel 产品和人员4.2 Air filtration 空气过滤4.3 Unidirectional airflow 单向空气流4.4 Infiltration 渗透4.5 Cross-contamination 交叉污染4.6 Temperature and relative humidity 温度和相对湿度5. Dust control 固体颗粒污染物控制6. Protection of the environment 环境保护6.1 Dust in exhaust air 排气中的固体颗粒6.2 Fume removal 烟尘的祛除7. Systems and components 系统和构造7.1 General 概论7.2 Recirculation system 循环系统7.3 Full fresh air systems 送风系统8. Commissioning, qualification and maintenance 运转,资格和维护8.1 Commissioning 运转8.2 Qualification 资格8.3 Maintenance 维护References 文献451. Introduction 介绍Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) play an important role in ensuring the manufacture of quality pharmaceutical products. A well designed HV AC system will also provide comfortable conditions for operators.加热,通风,空调(HVAC)系统在保证药品质量的生产上起着至关重要的作用。

机械通风及空调调节系统英语Mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems are essential in modern buildings, ensuring a comfortable indoor environment. They regulate temperature, humidity, and airflow to provide a healthy atmosphere for occupants.When it's hot outside, the air conditioning system kicks in, cooling down the space and making it feel refreshing. You can set the desired temperature, and the system will do its job, adjusting the cooling as needed.It's like having a personal climate control center in your home or office.On the other hand, mechanical ventilation is crucialfor bringing in fresh air and removing stale air from enclosed spaces. It ensures proper air circulation, reducing the risk of mold and other indoor air quality issues. You might not notice it's working, but you'll definitely feel the difference when it's not.One thing I love about modern ventilation systems is their quietness. You barely hear them running, even though they're constantly at work. They're like the unsung heroes of indoor comfort, silently ensuring we have clean, breathable air.Maintaining these systems is important too. Regular check-ups and maintenance can catch any potential issues early on, saving you from bigger problems later. It's like taking your car for a tune-up; it keeps things running smoothly and efficiently.So whether you're looking for a cozy winter evening indoors or a refreshing summer day, remember to appreciate the hard work of your mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems. They're the reason you can enjoy your space, no matter what the weather's like outside.。

暖通专业常用术语中英文对照暖通专业常用术语中英文对照(English-Chinese Terminologies in HVAC)在建筑工程中,暖通专业负责建筑物的空气调节、采暖、通风、空调、管道等方面的设计和施工工作。
1. 空气调节(Air Conditioning)1.1 空气调节系统(Air Conditioning System)1.2 中央空调系统(Central Air Conditioning System)1.3 分体式空调(Split Air Conditioner)1.4 多联机空调(Multi-Split Air Conditioner)1.5 窗式空调(Window Air Conditioner)1.6 壁挂式空调(Wall Mounted Air Conditioner)1.7 水冷式空调(Water Cooled Air Conditioner)1.8 空气源热泵(Air Source Heat Pump)1.9 地源热泵(Ground Source Heat Pump)1.10 风柜(Air Handling Unit,AHU)1.11 风管(Air Duct)2. 采暖(Heating)2.1 输配热系统(Heat Distribution System)2.2 水暖系统(Hydronic System)2.3 电暖系统(Electric Heating System)2.4 辐射采暖器(Radiant Heater)2.5 热泵采暖(Heat Pump Heating)2.6 锅炉(Boiler)2.7 热水器(Water Heater)3. 通风(Ventilation)3.1 通风系统(Ventilation System)3.2 自然通风(Natural Ventilation)3.3 强制通风(Mechanical Ventilation)3.4 关闭式通风系统(Closed Ventilation System)4. 管道(Piping)4.1 硬质管道(Rigid Pipes)4.2 管道系统(Piping System)4.3 排水系统(Drainage System)4.4 防火管道(Fire Protection Piping)4.5 吸声管道(Silenced Piping)以上是暖通专业中常用的一些术语,但并不是全面的。

航空英语阅读材料(飞机各主要系统概述)ATA21 - Air Conditioning System(空调系统)一INTRODUCTION(介绍)This chapter covers the air conditioning, ventilation and pressurization systems.(这一章包括了空调、通风和增压系统)The basic airflow through the pressurized part of the fuselage starts with the pneumatic system. (从引气系统开始基本的气流通过了机身的增压区域)Hot, high pressure air is supplied to two packs.(热的高压力的气体提供给PACK组件)The packs are responsible for basic temperature regulation.(PACK组件负责基本的温度调节)From the packs the air is distributed throughout the aircraft.(从PACK出来的空气被分配到飞机内)The pressurization system controls the airflow overboard to maintain the cabin pressurization within safe limits.(增压系统控制排往机外的气流以保持客舱压力在安全限制内)二BASIC AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM INTRODUCTION(基本空气调节系统介绍)The pneumatic system supplies air to each pack. (引气系统给PACK组件供气)The packs are responsible for BASIC temperature regulation. (PACK组件负责基本的温度调节)Temperature regulated pack discharge air is sent to the mixer unit.(调节好温度的空气从PACK组件出来,并供往混合组件)At the mixer unit, the air is mixed with air re-circulated from the main cabin.(在混合组件内与从客舱来的再循环气体混合)This reduces the overall bleed demand and saves fuel.(这样可以减少总的引气量并节省燃油)From the mixer, the air is distributed to the cockpit and the forward and aft cabin zones.(空气从混合组件供往驾驶舱、前客舱、后客舱)Some of the air from the pneumatic system is used for the OPTIMIZED temperature regulation system. (从引气体统来的另一部分气体用于优化温度调节系统)This hot air is mixed with the air from the mixer to adjust the temperature in each zone independently.(这部分热空气与从混合组件来的空气混合来单独的调节每个区域)The air isdistributed throughout the cabin and finally discharged overboard through the outflow valve to maintain pressurization.(空气分配到客舱,最终通过外流活门排往机外以维持增压)三PACK INTRODUCTION(空调组件介绍)The Single Aisle family is equipped with two air conditioning packs located in the wing root area forward of the landing gear bay. (单通道系列的飞机在大翼根部起落架舱前部安装有两部空调组件)The packs supply dry air to the cabin for air conditioning, ventilation and pressurization.(空调组件提供干的空气用于空调、通风、增压)The main component of each pack assembly is the Air Cycle Machine.(每一个空调组件的主要部件是空气循环机)Hot air from the pneumatic system is supplied to the pack through the pack Flow Control Valve (FCV). (从引气系统来的热空气供到流量控制活门)The FCV adjusts the flow rate through the pack and is the pack shut-off valve.(流量控制活门调节通过空调组件的流量并且作为空调组件的关断活门)The pack temperature control system controls the pack outlet temperature and sets its maximum and minimum limits. (空调组件的温度控制系统控制出口温度、设定其最大和最小限制)The system includes two Pack Controllers (PCs). (系统包括两部PACK控制器)Each PC controls one pack and has two computers, one primary and one electrically independent secondary computer. (每个控制器控制一个空调组件,每个控制器都是双通道的:一个主通道和一个独立供电的次级通道)When the primary computer is operational, the system is fully functional. (主通道操作时系统有全部的功能)If the primary fails, some functions are lost as the secondary computer takes control.(主通道失效时,次级通道接替控制,但会时区一部分功能)During normal operation, the Zone Controller (ZC) sends the required pack outlet temperature to both PCs. (正常工作时,区域控制器给PACK控制器发送所需的PACK出口温度命令)To control the pack outlet temperature, the PC modulates the BYPASS VALVE and the RAM-AIR INLET doors. (PACK控制器通过调节旁通活门和冲压空气进口门来控制PACK出口的温度)For maximum cooling, the ram-air doors are fully open and the bypass valve is fully closed. (为了最大冷却冲压空气进口门全开,旁通活门全关)For maximum heating, the ram-air doors are nearly closed and the bypass valve is fully open. (为了最大制热冲压空气进口门全关,旁通活门全开)During takeoff and landing, the ram air inlet doors will be driven fully closed to stop the ingestion of foreign matter.(在起飞过程中,冲压空气进口门完全关闭以防止吸入外物)四ZONE TEMPERATURE REGULATION SYSTEM INTRODUCTION(区域温度调节系统介绍)The packs supply the mixer unit. (PACK组件给混合组件供气)Three separate aircraft zones are supplied from the mixer unit: - cockpit,- forward cabin,- aft cabin.(从混合组件给不同的三个区域供气:驾驶舱、前客舱、后客舱)Two cabin recirculation fans are installed to reduce the bleed air demand and therefore save fuel. (两个循环风扇的安装可以减少供气量并节省燃油)These fans establish a recirculation flow of air from the cabin zones to the mixer unit. (从客舱到混合组件的空气通过循环风扇形成了一个循环系统)In normal operation, there are no ECAM indications associated with the cabin fans.(正常操作时,ECAM上没有相应风扇的指示)The ZC controls and monitors the temperature regulation system for the cabin zones. (区域控制器控制并监控客舱区域)On the overhead AIR COND panel, the flight crew selects the desired individual compartment temperature.(在头顶面板的空调面板上,机组可以选择希望得到的单独舱内的温度)The hot air system for cabin temperature control has a hot air valve and three trim air valves controlled by the ZC. (客舱温度控制的热空气系统有一个热空气活门和三个配平活门,都由区域控制器控制)The ZC compares the demand to the actual temperature in each zone.(区域控制器比较在每个区域的要求温度和实际温度)The ZC then sends the pack outlet temperature demand to both PCs to satisfy the coldest demand.(然后区域控制器给两个PACK控制器发送PACK出口温度的命令以满足最低温度的要求)For the zones, which require warmer temperature, the ZC signals the TRIM VALVES to open. (对于需要加热的区域,区域控制器命令配平空气活门打开)Hot air mixes with the pack discharge air and the temperature increases.(热空气和PACK出口的空气混合同时温度上升)In the case of any duct overheat, the hot air valve and the trim air valves will automatically close to isolate the system. (如果管道超温,热空气活门和配平活门自动关闭并隔离系统)The system can be reset when the overheat disappears.(过热消失的时候系统被重置)五Ventilation System(通风系统)1 GENERAL(概述)There are two ventilation systems on the Single Aisle (SA) family, avionics ventilation and lavatory and galley ventilation.(单通道系列的飞机包含两套通风系统:电子设备通风和厕所厨房通风)The avionics ventilation system supplements the air conditioning system to supply cooling air to the avionics equipment.(电子设备冷却系统给电子设备提供冷却空气,作为空调系统的补充)This equipment includes the avionics compartment, the flight deck instruments and the circuit breaker panels.(这套系统包括电子设备舱、飞行舱设备、跳开关面板)2 AVIONICS VENTILATION(电子设备通风)A blower fan and an extraction fan circulate the air through the avionics equipment.(通过一个鼓风扇和一个抽风扇使电子设备的空气循环)Note: these fans operate continuously as long as the A/C electrical system is supplied. (注意:这两个风扇飞机一供电就持续工作)The Avionics Equipment Ventilation Computer (AEVC) controls the fans and the configuration of the skin valves in the avionics ventilation system based on flight/ground logic and fuselage skin temperature.(根据飞行或是地面逻辑和蒙皮温度,电子设备通风计算机控制电子设备通风系统的风扇和蒙皮活门的构型)There are 3 configurations for the skin air inlet and outlet valves:(对于蒙皮进口和出口活门有三种构型)- open circuit: both valves open (on ground only),(仅仅在地面的开环构型:两个活门都开)- closed circuit: both valves closed (in flight or low outside air temperature on ground).(在飞行中或者在地面高温度时的闭环构型:两个活门都关)The air is cooled in the skin heater exchanger. (空气通过蒙皮热交换器冷却)- intermediate circuit: inlet closed, outlet partially open (smoke removal in flight or low ventilation airflow condition).(在低流量或者飞行中有烟雾时的中间构型:进口全关,出口半开)3 LAVATORY AND GALLEY VENTILATION(厕所和厨房通风)The lavatory and galley ventilation system is completely automatic.(厕所和厨房通风完全自动控制)Conditioned cabin air is supplied through the lavatory and galley areas and is removed from these areas by an extraction fan. (经过调节的客舱空气供到厨房厕所后,通过抽风扇排走)The fan pulls air through the ceiling into an extraction duct. (风扇通过天花板的抽风扇管路抽走空气)The air is then discharged overboard through the outflow valve.(然后空气通过外流活门排往机外)Note: the extraction fan runs continuously, provided electrical power is available.(注意:只要有电,排风扇就持续运转)六Cargo Ventilation and Heating System(货舱通风和加热系统)On the Airbus single aisle family, the forward and aft cargo compartments can have a ventilation system.(在空客单通道系列飞机里,前后货舱都有通风系统)In addition, a heating system may be installed in either or both compartments. (此外,在一个货舱或者两个货舱内都可以安装加热系统)Note that the heating system will only be installed along with a ventilation system.(注意,加热系统只能在通风系统的基础上安装)Air from the main cabin is drawn down into the cargo compartment by the extract fan or by differential pressure in flight.(空气空过抽风扇或者是在飞行中通过压差从客舱进入到货舱)After circulating through the compartment, the air is discharged overboard.(在货舱循环后,空气排往机外)The operation of the two isolation valves and the extract fan is controlled automatically by the cargo Ventilation Controller (VC). (两个隔离活门和抽风扇都由货舱通风控制器自动控制)One VC is able to control either or both compartments.(一个控制器可以控制一个或两个舱)For the heating of the cargo compartment, the pilots select the desired compartment temp and hot bleed air is mixed with the air coming from the main cabin to increase the temperature if necessary. (驾驶员可以选择想要的货舱温度,如果有必要,从客舱来的空气和热空气混合增加温度值)The supply of hot air is controlled by the Cargo Heating Controller. (热空气由货舱加温控制器控制)Each heated compartment has a dedicated Cargo Heating Controller. (每个货舱都有专门的加热控制器)Note that there is NO direct air conditioning supply to the cargo compartments. (注意,没有直接的空调供往货舱)The pilots cannot add "cold" air to the compartments.(驾驶员不能加冷空气给货舱)七Pressurization System(增压系统)The pressurization system on the Single Aisle (SA) family normally operates automatically to adjust the cabin altitude and rate of climb to ensure maximum passenger comfort and safety.(单通道系列飞机的增压系统正常都是自动控制调节客舱高度和升降率以最大确保旅客的舒适性和安全性)The pressurized areas are:- the cockpit,- the avionics bay,- the cabin,- the cargo compartments.(增压区域包括:驾驶舱、电子舱、客舱、货舱)The concept of the system is simple.(系统的概念很简单)Air is supplied from the air conditioning packs to the pressurized areas.(空气从空调的PACK组件供往增压区域)An outflow valve is used to regulate the amount of air allowed to escape from the pressurized areas.(一个外流活门用来控制逃离增压舱的空气)Automatic control of the outflow valve is provided by two Cabin Pressure Controllers (CPCs). (两部客舱增压控制器自动控制外流活门)Each CPC controls one electric motor on the outflow valve assembly.)每一部增压控制器在活门上都有自己的一套电马达)The CPC interface with other A/C computers to optimize the pressurization/depressurization schedule.(增压控制器与飞机的其他计算机连接来优化增压或者卸压的安排)There are two automatic pressurization systems. (有两套自动的增压系统)Each CPC and its electric motor make one system.(每一部增压控制器和其电马达构成了一套系统)Only one system operates at a time with the other system acting as backup in case of a failure. (同一时间只有一套系统工作,另一套系统备份,失效时接替工作)The system in command will alternate each flight.(在飞行中系统交替工作)A third motor is installed for manual operation of the outflow valve in case both automatic systems fail.(如果两个自动控制都失效了,还有第三套人工马达可以人工操作外流活门)To protect the fuselage against excessive cabin differential pressure, safety valves are installed on the rear pressure bulkhead. The safety valves also protect against negative differential pressure.(为了保护机身过大的压差,在增压舱的后隔板上安装有两个安全活门,安全活门可以保护过大的负压差)ATA22 - Auto Flight System(自动飞行系统)GENERAL(概述)The Auto Flight System (AFS) is divided into four main parts:(自动飞行系统分为4个部分)- Flight Management (FM),(飞行管理)- Flight Guidance (FG),(飞行引导)- Flight Augmentation,(飞行增稳)- Fault Isolation and Detection System (FIDS).(故障隔离和探测系统)The first two functions are accomplished by the Flight Management and Guidance Computers (FMGCs).(前两个功能由飞行管理和引导计算机完成)The other two functions are accomplished by the Flight Augmentation Computers (FACs).(另外两个功能由飞行增稳计算机完成)The AFS calculates the position of the aircraft using several aircraft sensors.(自动飞行系统使用几个飞机的传感器计算飞机的位置)In addition, the system has the capability of storing flight plans in its memory, which are predetermined by the airline.(此外,自动飞行系统有在其内存中存储飞行计划的能力,该飞行计划由航空公司预先做好)A flight plan describes a complete flight from departure to arrival, it includes vertical information and all intermediate waypoints. (这个飞行计划描述了从离场到到场的一个完整的飞行)Knowing the position of the aircraft and the desired flight plan (chosen by the pilot), the AFS is able to compute the orders sent to the flight controls and engines so that the aircraft can follow the flight plan.(直到了飞机的位置和驾驶员预先选择的飞行计划,自动飞行系统可以计算出给飞控和发动机的命令值,保证飞机可以按飞行计划飞行)FLIGHT MANAGEMENT/FLIGHT GUIDANCE(飞行管理/飞行引导)The FM part has several functions linked to the flight plan such as lateral and vertical guidance associated with performance computation.(飞行飞行管理的几个功能与飞行计划相关联,例如:与性能计算相关的横向和纵向引导)The FG part has 3 functions:(飞行引导有3个功能)- Autopilot (AP),(自动驾驶)- Flight Director (FD),(飞行指引)- Autothrust (A/THR).(自动油门)The FMGC functions, FM and FG are controlled from the MCDUs and the Flight Control Unit (FCU).(飞行管理和引导计算机的功能:飞行管理和引导可以从多功能控制显示组件和飞行控制组件来控制)Basically, the MCDUs provide the long term interface between the crew and the FMGCs (e.g. flight plan selection and modification) (基本上多功能控制显示组件在机组和飞行管理引导计算机之间提供长期的接口,例如飞行计划的选择和更改)while the FCU provides the short term interface (e.g. engagement of the autopilot, flight director and A/THR functions).(飞行控制组件提供短期的接口,例如:自动驾驶、飞行指引、自动油门的接通)Besides the MCDUs and the FCU, the main displays presenting Flight Management and Guidance information are the EFIS displays.(而且,多功能控制显示组件和飞行控制组件的主要显示是电子飞行仪表系统上的显示,这些显示有飞行管理和引导的信息)AUTOPILOT/FLIGHT DIRECTOR(自动驾驶/飞行指引)The main AP and FD functions are:(自动驾驶和飞行指引的功能有)- stabilization of the aircraft around its center of gravity when the AP/FD system holds vertical speed or flight path angle and heading or track,(当自动驾驶飞行指引来保持垂直速度、飞行航向角度、方向或轨迹时飞机围绕重心的稳定性)- acquisition and holding of a flight path,(获得并保持飞行航线)- guidance of the aircraft at take off,(飞机起飞的指引)- automatic landing and go around.(自动着陆和复飞)The AP function gives orders to control:(自动驾驶功能发出命令控制)- the position of the control surfaces on the three axes (pitch, roll and yaw),(飞控舵面在三个方向的位置,俯仰、滚转、偏航)- the nose wheel steering.(前轮转弯)The FD function generates optimum guidance orders used in manual controls.(飞行指引的功能是产生最合适的引导命令用于人工控制)The FDis also used to monitor the AP when it is engaged.(当自动驾驶接通时,飞行指引也监控自动驾驶)The FD symbols are displayed on the PFDs.(飞行指引在主飞行显示器上显示)AUTOTHRUST(自动推力)The A/THR system fulfills the following functions through the control of the thrust:(自动推力系统通过控制推力完成以下功能)- speed or mach hold (either FMGCs computed or from throttle levers position),(根据FMGC的计算或者推力杆的位置保持速度和马赫数)- thrust hold (either FMGS computed or from throttle lever position),(根据飞行管理引导系统或者推力杆的位置保持推力)- thrust reduction during descent and during flare in final approach,(在下降和最终进近平飞时的减推力)- protection against insufficient speed linked to excessive angle of attack.(大攻角保护,以防止失速)To fulfill the A/THR functions, the FMGCs communicate with the Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) via the FCU and the Engine Interface Units (EIUs).(为了实现自动推力功能,飞行管理引导计算机通过飞行控制组件和发动机接口组件与FADEC相联)FLIGHT AUGMENTATION(飞行增稳)The flight augmentation part fulfills the following functions:(飞行增稳包含以下内容)- rudder trim,(方向舵配平)- yaw damper,(偏航阻尼)- rudder travel limitation,(方向舵行程限制)- flight envelope protection,(飞行包线保护)- FIDS.(故障隔离和探测系统)For flight envelope protection, the FAC computes:(为了飞行包线保护,飞行增稳计算机计算如下参数)- the various speeds for aircraft operation (e.g. flaps limit speed),(飞机操作时的各种速度限制)- the excessive angle of attack and windshear detection,(大攻角保护和风切变探测)- the low energy warning, indicating to the crew that the aircraft is quickly decelerating and that thrust will have to be increased to recover a positive flight path angle through pitch control.(低功率警告,给机组指示飞机正快速减速同时通过配平手轮修正飞行航向)The FIDS function is only active in FAC 1.(仅有飞行增稳计算机1号有故障隔离和探测功能)FAC 1 is connected to the BITE of all the AFS computers and communicates to the Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS).(飞行增稳计算机1号与自动飞行计算机的BITE相连,并与CFDS 系统通讯)ATA 23 - Communications System(通讯系统)GENERAL(概述)The single aisle aircraft communication system has two sub-systems:(单通道飞机的通讯系统包含2个子系统)- radio communication,(无线电通讯)- on-board communication.(机上通讯)The radio communication systems are used for communications to and from the aircraft.(无线电通讯系统用于飞机进出的通讯)The on-board internal communication system is divided into 4 functions:(机上通讯系统分为4个功能)- service interphone (on ground only) for maintenance technician communication with cockpit or cabin thanks to several jack connectors around the A/C.(由于有围绕飞机的数个插孔,因此维护技术人员可以通过勤务内话与驾驶舱和客舱通讯)- Flight interphone for cockpit internal communication and also with the ground mechanic,(飞行内话用于驾驶舱的通讯,也可以用于地面技术人员与驾驶舱的通讯)- Passenger Address (PA) from the cockpit or from cabin crew stations for passenger announcements,(旅客地址系统用于从驾驶舱或者客舱的机组区域对旅客通知)- cabin interphone for cabin crew or cabin crew/pilots communication.(客舱内话用于客舱之间或者客舱和驾驶舱的通讯)RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM(无线电通讯系统)The radio communications system lets the crew communicate with ground stations through VHF, VHF Data Radio (VDR), HF, High Frequency Data Radio (HFDR) and SATCOM if installed.(无线电通讯系统让机组与地面通过甚高频、甚高频数据的无线电、高频、高频数据的无线电、卫星进行通讯)VHF1 and VHF2 used for flight crew voice communications(VHF1号和2号用于飞行员语音通讯)VDR3 used for ACARS and as voice backup(VHF Data Radio,VHF3号的无线电数据用于ACARS和语音备份)HF used when A/C beyond VHF range(当超出VHF频段时,可以使用HF)ON-BOARD COMMUNICATIONS(机上通讯)The on-board communication system is divided into 4 functions.(机上通讯分为四个功能)Flight interphone(飞行内话)PA(passenger announcement旅客广播)Cabin interphone system(客舱内话)Service interphone(勤务内话)ATA 24 - Electrical Power System(电源系统)GENERAL(概述)There are two identical engine driven generators called Integrated Drive Generators (IDGs). (有两个整体驱动发电机称为IDG)They are used as the main power source to supply the A/C electrical network.(他们作为飞机电网的主电源)The IDG basically contains, in a common housing, a generator and a Constant Speed Drive (CSD). (IDG基本组成:一个共有的客体、一个发电机、一个恒速驱动装置)The CSD gives a constant input speed to the generator, which is required for a constant output frequency.(由于发电机需要输出恒定的频率,恒速驱动装置给发电机一个恒速输入)Each generator supplies 115V 400Hz AC to its own bus:- generator 1 supplies AC bus 1,- generator 2 supplies AC bus 2. (每一个发电机给自己的汇流条提供115伏400赫兹的交流电,1号发电机给交流1号供电,2号发电机给交流2号供电)This supply is known as split operation, which means that the AC power sources are never connected in parallel.(这种供电是分离供电,意味着交流电源绝不能并行供电)Each AC bus supplies a Transformer Rectifier (TR):- AC bus 1 supplies TR 1,- AC bus 2 supplies TR 2.(每一个交流汇流条给一个变压整流器供电)The TRs convert 115V AC into 28V DC to supply their associated DC buses, DC 1 and DC 2.(变压整流器将115伏的交流电转换成28伏的直流电供给相应的直流1号汇流条和直流2号汇流条)DC bus 1 then supplies the DC BAT bus.(直流1号汇流条给直流电瓶汇流条供电)The DC battery bus can charge the batteries or receive power from the batteries as a backup supply, if no other power sources are available.(直流电瓶汇流条可以给电瓶充电,作为备份供电同时可以从电瓶接受供电)The electrical system also includes two ESSential (ESS) Buses. (电源系统还包含两个重要汇流条)One is the AC ESS bus fed by AC bus 1 and the other is the DC ESS bus fed by DC bus 1. (一个交流重要汇流条由交流1号汇流条供电,另一个直流重要汇流条由直流汇流条1号供电)These buses are used to supply the most critical A/C systems.(这些汇流条组成了最基本的飞机电源系统)The entire electrical network can also be supplied by the APU generator.(整个飞机电网也可以通过APU的发电机供电)On the ground, the aircraft electrical network can be supplied by an external power source.(在地面飞机电网也可以用地面电源供电)Any one of the power sources can supply the entire electrical network. (任何一种电源都可以给整个的飞机电网供电)As no parallel connection is allowed on this A/C (split operation), we have to give priorities to the different power sources in supplying the bus bars.(在飞机上不允许并行供电,不通电源的供电优先顺序是)AC 1 and AC 2 buses are supplied in priority by their own side generator, then the external power, then the APU generator and then by the opposite generator.(交流汇流条1和2分别由相应侧的发电机供电,然后是地面电源,然后是APU发电机,最后是相反侧的发电机)ABNORMAL CONFIGURATION(非正常构型)The electrical system has an ESS TR, which supplies the DC ESS Bus in abnormal or emergency configuration.(电源系统有一个重要变压整流器,在非正常或者应急构型时给直流重要汇流条供电)In abnormal configuration (loss of TR1 or TR2) the ESS TR is supplied by the AC ESS Bus.(在非正常构型下,无论是失去变压整流器1还是2,重要的边压整流器都由交流重要汇流条供电)EMERGENCY CONFIGURATION(紧急构型)The hydraulic power to drive the Emergency Generator (EMER GEN) is given by a Ram Air Turbine (RAT) via the blue hydraulic system.(冲压涡轮通过蓝液压系统驱动了一个应急发电机)RAT located in belly fairing, extends automatically when AC BUS 1 and 2 are lost.(冲压涡轮位于机腹,当交流1号额2号都失去时自动放出)Then, the EMER GEN supplies the DC ESS through AC ESS directly TR. (然后通过重要的变压整流器,交流重要汇流条可以给直流重要汇流供电)BATTERY ONLY CONFIGURATION(仅有电瓶的构型)In emergency configuration with emergency generator not available, BAT 1 supplies the AC ESS BUS via the static inverter and BAT 2 supplies the DC ESS BUS.(在紧急构型下如果应急发电机不可用,电瓶1号通过静变流机给交流重要汇流条供电,电瓶2号给直流重要汇流条供电)ATA26 - Fire Protection System(防火系统)The A320 family fire protection systems have:(A320系列的防火系统包括)- fire detection and extinguishing systems for the engines and APU,(带火警探测和灭火的发动机APU系统)- smoke detection for the avionics equipment and compartment,(电子设备舱的烟雾探测系统)- smoke detection and fire extinguishing for the cargo compartments and lavatories,(对于货舱和厕所的烟雾探测和灭火系统)- portable fire extinguishers for the flight compartment and the cabin.(驾驶舱和客舱的手提灭火瓶)ENGINE FIRE PROTECTION(发动机防火系统)The engine fire protection is fulfilled by two sub-systems: the FIRE detection system and the FIRE extinguishing system.(发动机防火系统包含两个子系统:火警探测和灭火系统)The engines have individual fire detection systems.(每台发动机有独立的火警探测系统)Each system has two identical detection loops (A and B) mounted in parallel.(每个系统有并联的独立的两个探测环路A和B)Each loop is made of 3 detector elements. (每个环路有3个探测原件)Both loops are monitored by a Fire Detection Unit (FDU). (两个环路都由火警探测组件监控)The FDU sends FIREand FAULT signals to the Flight Warning Computer (FWC) for display on ECAM.(火警探测组件给飞行警告计算机传送火警和故障的信号用于ECAM的指示)The guarded FIRE P/B switches give FIRE indication and the means to isolate affected systems. (带保护盖的火警手柄可以给出火警指示同样可以隔离受影响的系统)When the FIRE P/B is released out, fuel supply, hydraulic supply, electrical power and bleed supply are cut off. (当火警手柄释放时,燃油、液压、电源、引气都被切断)This also arms the extinguishing system.(这也是让灭火系统待命)Each engine is equipped with 2 fire bottles located in the pylon.(每个发动机在吊架内都装有两个灭火瓶)Each bottle is discharged by an associated AGENT P/B switch. (每个灭火瓶都有相应的灭火剂的按钮)The P/B switches are located on the overhead FIRE panel.(这个按钮位于头顶的火警面板上)The TEST buttons are used to test the respective fire detection and extinguishing system operation.(测试按钮可以测试各自的火警探测和灭火系统)The overhead FIRE panel handles both detection and extinguishing functions. (火警面板包含了探测和灭火功能)In addition to the indications on the FIRE panel, the ENG panel located on the pedestal is equipped with a red FIRE indicator light for each engine.(除了火警面板的指示之外,在中央操纵台的发动机面板上也有火警等用于指示每台发动机的火警)APU FIRE PROTECTION(APU防火)The APU fire protection is fulfilled by two sub-systems: the FIRE detection system and the FIRE extinguishing system. (APU防火系统包含两个子系统:火警探测和灭火系统)The detection system has two identical detection loops (A and B) mounted in parallel. .(探测系统有并联的独立的两个探测环路A和B)Each loop has a single detector element. (每个环路有1个探测原件)Both loops are monitored by a FDU. (两个环路都由一个火警探测组件监控)The FDU sends FIRE and FAULT signals to the FWC for display on ECAM .(火警探测组件给飞行警告计算机传送火警和故障的信号用于ECAM的指示)The guarded FIRE P/B switches give a FIRE indication and the means to isolate affected systems. (带保护盖的火警手柄可以给出火警指示同样可以隔离受影响的系统)When the FIRE P/B is released out, fuel, electrical power and bleed supply are cut off and the APU is immediately shut down. (当火警手柄释放时,燃油、电源、引气都被切断)This also arms the extinguishing system. (这也是让灭火系统待命)For the APU, there is just one fire extinguisher bottle. (对于APU来讲只有一个灭火瓶)It is discharged bya single AGENT P/B switch. (它由一个灭火剂释放电门控制释放)On the ground, an APU FIRE will trigger an APU automatic shutdown and discharge the bottle automatically.(在地面,APU火警将触发APU的自动管段和灭火瓶的自动释放)The TEST button is used to test the fire detection and extinguishing system operation. (测试按钮可以测试各自的火警探测和灭火系统)In case of an APU FIRE detected on the ground, an auto-extinguishing system will automatically shut down the APU and discharge the fire bottle into the APU compartment.(如果APU在地面探测到火警,自动灭火系统将自动关断APU并在APU舱自动释放灭火瓶)The auto-extinguishing system can be tested through the maintenance test panel located on the overhead panel.(在头顶的维护测试面板可以测试自动灭火系统)AVIONICS COMPARTMENT SMOKE DETECTION(电子舱烟雾探测)The A320 family aircraft has a cooling system for the avionics equipment. (A320系列的飞机在电子设备舱装有冷却系统)The cooling system is controlled and monitored by the Avionics Equipment Ventilation Controller (AEVC). (由电子设备通风计算机控制并监控冷却系统)The air is circulated through the system by a blower fan (cool air supply) working together with an extraction fan (warm air removal).(通过一个鼓风扇供冷气,通过一个抽风扇排热气,达到空气循环的目的)The extraction airflow is downstream of the avionics equipment, so the avionics SMOKE detector is installed in the extraction duct and will detect smoke coming from the computers and control boxes. (由于出口气流在电子设备的下游,因此烟雾探测器安装在出口管路用于探测从计算机和控制盒出来的气体)The detector is monitored by the AEVC. (电子设备通风计算机监控探测系统)The AEVC signals the FWC to show the AVIONICS SMOKE warning in the cockpit.(电子通风计算机给飞行警告计算机电子舱烟雾的警告)CARGO COMPARTMENT SMOKE PROTECTION(货舱烟雾探测)The cargo compartments are protected by both smoke detection and fire extinguishing systems.(货舱防火包括探测和灭火两部分)Each cargo compartment has cavities, and each cavity holds 2 smoke detectors. (每个货仓都有腔室,每个腔室装有两个探测器)The cargo compartments are ventilated by an air extraction system. (货舱由一个抽风系统进行通风)Air continuously circulates through the compartment and across the。

W505 – Control of Hazardous Substany of Wollongong and BP International Limited
7. © 2008 University of Wollongong and BP International Limited W505 – Control of Hazardous Substances
Definitions 定义
• Air Density 空气密度 – The density () of air is defined as its mass per unit volume and at standard temperature and pressure is normally taken as 1.2 kg m-3. If non standard conditions exist, the density of the air can be calculated from the formula: 空气密度() 定义为在标准温度和压力下,每单位体积 的质量,通常取1.2 kg m-3。如果存在非标准条件,可以 使用下面的公式计算空气密度:
W505 – Control of Hazardous Substances
© 2008 University of Wollongong and BP International Limited
Supply Systems 供气系统
• Any complete ventilation system must consider both the supply and the exhaust functions if overall performance is to be achieved 如果要获得整体性能,任何完整的通风系统都必须同时考虑供气及 排气功能. • Supply systems generally have two purposes, ie: to create a comfortable environment by the control of factors such as temperature and humidity; or to replace air exhausted from the workplace 供气系统一般有两种作用,即:通过控制温度和湿度等因素构建舒 适环境;或替换工作场所排出的空气。 • Many extraction systems do not adequately consider the supply component of the overall system 许多抽气系统未充分考虑整体系统的供气组成

专利名称:VENTILATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM发明人:DANKURI TOMOO,FUJINO TOSHIHIRO申请号:JP22055990申请日:19900821公开号:JPH04103952A公开日:19920406专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To reduce the loss of heat by ventilation, by a method wherein an ventilation layer opened to an exterior and an indoor bottom part such as a part under a floor communicates with each other through a reversible type fan, and the outside air is sent from a ventilation layer on the side of sunshine to a ventilation layer on the side of non-sunshine in winter, and the outside air is sent in the reverse direction by the counterwise rotation of the fan is summer. CONSTITUTION:Air is sent through each of reversible fans 6a, 6b and through a heating apparatus 7a or a cooling apparatus 7b. In winter, the air for ventilation is sucked from an outdoor part on the side of sunshine and is discharged to the outdoor part on the side of non-sunshine through the route of an air vent 2a, a ventilation layer 3a, a part 4 under a floor, an air vent 4a, a part 9 in a room, an air vent 5a, a part 5 in a ceiling, a ventilation layer 3b, and air vent 2b in that order. The air for heating is circulated in the cycle of the heating apparatus 7a, the part 4 under the floor, the air vent 4a, the part 9 in the room, the air vent 5a, the part 5 in the ceiling, a vertical duct 8, and the heating apparatus 7a in that order. In summer, each of the reversible fans 6a, 6b is driven counterwise, and the air for the ventilation flows in the reverse direction of the route in winter. The air for cooling is circulated by the shift ofdampers 8a, 8b in the cycle of the cooling apparatus 7b, the part 5 in the ceiling, the air vent 5a, the part 9 in the room, the air vent 4a, the part 4 under the floor, the vertical duct 8 and the cooling apparatus 7b in that order.申请人:OSAKA GAS CO LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。

The temperature of the experimental animal facility should be regularly monitored and recorded.2.空气流通情况需要定期检查和记录。
Air circulation in the facility needs to be regularly checked and recorded.3.设施的湿度应该保持在适当的范围内。
The humidity of the facility should be maintained within an appropriate range.4.采集废弃物和排放物样本以进行检测和分析。
Collect waste and emission samples for testing and analysis.5.维持卫生和清洁以确保实验设施的良好状态。
Maintain hygiene and cleanliness to ensure the good condition of the experimental facility.6.空气质量需要定期检测以确保它符合相关标准。
Air quality needs to be regularly tested to ensure it meets relevant standards.7.设施的光照需要符合动物的生物钟。
The lighting in the facility needs to align with the animals' circadian rhythm.8.确保水质符合实验动物的需求。
Ensure the water quality meets the needs of the experimental animals.9.实验动物的饮食和饮水需要受到监控。

We plan to conduct two major maintenance on the sensor production line every year.2.我们将在春季和秋季进行大型维修。
We will conduct major maintenance in the spring and autumn.3.大型维修将包括检查所有传感器设备的性能和状态。
Major maintenance will include checking the performance and condition of all sensor equipment.4.我们会对传感器的温度测量精度进行校准。
We will calibrate the temperature measurement accuracy of the sensors.5.我们计划更换所有老化和损坏的传感器零件。
We plan to replace all aging and damaged sensor parts.6.同时更新传感器生产线的软件系统。
We will also update the software system of the sensor production line.7.我们要确保传感器生产线的稳定性和可靠性。
We want to ensure the stability and reliability of the sensor production line.8.我们将根据厂家建议进行一次全面的系统检查。
We will conduct a comprehensive system check based on the manufacturer's recommendations.9.我们会清洁和润滑所有传感器设备。

暗卫生间如何排气(中文英文双语版高分优质文档)在暗卫生间中,为了排除污浊空气和保持空气流通,可以采取以下方法进行排气:1. 通风扇:安装一个通风扇在暗卫的顶部或墙壁上,可以有效地排出污浊空气。
2. 排气管道:如果有条件,可以安装一个独立的排气管道连接到暗卫的天花板或墙壁。
3. 开窗通风:如果可能的话,可以在暗卫的顶部或墙壁上安装一个小型窗户,以提供自然通风和空气流通。
4. 防止气味传播:在暗卫使用过程中,可以采取一些措施来减少气味的传播。
How to exhaust the dark bathroom (Chinese-English bilingual version with high scores and high-quality documents)In the dark bathroom, in order to eliminate dirty air and maintain air circulation, the following methods can be used for exhaust:1. Ventilation fan: Install a ventilation fan on the top or wall of the concealed bathroom, which can effectively discharge dirty air. Ventilation fans should be connected to the outside or exhaust ducts to ensure that stale air is effectively exhausted.2. Exhaust duct: If possible, an independent exhaust duct can be installed to connect to the ceiling or wall of the concealed guard. Exhaust ducts should be directed outside, away from windows or vents, to avoid re-entry of stale air.3. Open the window for ventilation: If possible, a small window can be installed on the top or wall of the darkroom to provide natural ventilation and air circulation. Open windows for ventilation can expel stale air and bring in fresh air during use.4. Prevent the spread of odors: During the use of dark guards, some measures can be taken to reduce the spread of odors. For example, promptly clean and disinfect bathroom facilities, and use deodorants or air fresheners to mask odors.Note that the exhaust design and installation of the concealed guard should comply with localbuilding codes and sanitation standards. It is recommended to consult a professional when installing and designing a concealed guard to ensure a proper exhaust system and proper ventilation.。
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Table 1Simulation of Emergency Ventilation Systems for Underground Rapid-Transit FacilitiesVentilation and Air-Conditioning System Design for the New AstramMetro Line in Hiroshimaby Shigenobu Horita, Tsutomu Kayama and Toshifumi Nakamura*of airflow, power dissipation, thermal transfer and thermal storage. These elements can inter-act in unexpected ways, and must be understood if we are to design efficient ventilation and cool-ing systems. This knowledge is also essential to plan for emergencies such as an underground fire when exhaust fans must extract smoke and fumes from the platform and the stopped puter simulations of airflow and thermal effects offer engineers a way to model and pre-dict system behavior under various circum-stances. Mitsubishi Electric used the proven Subway Environmental Simulation (SES) soft-ware developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation to assist the design of emergency equipment and operational procedures for these situations.To use SES, we first represent the tunnels,platforms, stairways and passages as a network of pipes through which pressurized air can flow.Calculations can then be made as to how such factors as forced-air ventilation, winds caused by the passage of trains, heat dissipation by trains, temperature, humidity and the thermal transmission of walls affect each other and the station environment. Finally, how the various*Shigenobu Horita and Toshifumi Nakamura are with the Nagasaki Works and Tsutomu Kayama is with the Transportation Systems Marketing Division.Integrated design of subway station ventilation,air-conditioning and emergency equipment offers the greatest performance and safety with the minimum construction and operating costs.This article describes the use of simulation technology in the design of ventilation, air-conditioning and emergency equipment for un-derground stations in a new rapid-transit system in Hiroshima.Underground Environment of Rapid-Transit System and its Simulation by ComputerThe new Astram metro line runs 18.4km from Koiki Park on the northwest to the city center where the last three stations, Hondori,Kenchomae and Shirokita, are underground. The train makes 21 stops, and the travel time from terminal to terminal is 37 minutes. The line is the first operational new-generation rapid-transit system in Japan to employ underground stations, and the first to use an enclosed plat-form with screened doorways, which lowers air-conditioning costs and improves safety.The underground environment consists of tun-nels, stations, trains and surrounding under-ground passages, each having unique propertiesnumber of trains, and ventilation and cooling rates affect airflow volumes, velocities, tempera-tures and humidity can be determined. Table 1lists categories of emergency equipment and the content of simulation operations.The Design of Emergency Ventilation EquipmentFig. 1 shows a ventilation network model used to determine the airflows at Kenchomae Sta-tion. The model includes the two adjoining sta-tions and the tunnels that link them together.We designed the exhaust fans to operate in seven emergency ventilation modes, each in-tended to clear smoke from a specific area. We then simulated their operation to determine the equilibrium airflow volumes and velocities. We also performed three-dimensional computa-tional fluid dynamics (CFD) of specific locations and made measurements on small-scale mod-els to determine the airflow resistance of the platform doorways and evaluate the pressure effects of the exhaust fans.The thickness and the direction of the arrowsin Fig. 1b indicate the magnitude and direction of the airflows predicted with a train stopped at Kenchomae Station and fans TF-3, TF-5 and TF-6 operating.We used simulations to verify that all seven emergency ventilation modes would create the required airflows and that the exhaust fans pro-vide adequate capacity.To streetConcourse Platfor mDoorways1234ab123456TF-1Hondori StationTF-2TF-3TF-4TF-5Light accessTF-6Tunnel openingsShirokita stationKenchomae station5406m 3/min1423ab123456a) Airways through Kenchomae Stationb) Calculated airflows during a track fire at Kenchomae StationFig. 1 Modeling and simulation.Fig. 2The configuration of the environmentalcontrol system.KENCHOMAE STATION HONDORI STATION SHIROKITA STATION CRTCRTCRTPRT PRT PRTPRT OPSOPSOPSDMP DMP DMP CNS CNS CNSMCC MCCMCCMCCKeyOPS:Operator station DMP:Damper control board CNS:Control stationPRT:PrinterEnvironmental Control SystemWe set up environmental control centers for each station to control routine operation of the air-conditioning and ventilation equipment, and to activate the emergency ventilation modes. We also set up a remote control center that can op-erate the equipment at all three stations in emergency conditions.Optical-fiber cables link the stations together and join the control stations to the damper con-trol panels. Electrical wiring joins the control stations to the motor-control centers. This lay-out was chosen to provide generous informa-tion capacity and connectivity with minimum wiring requirements.Ventilation Capacity Verification TestsWe measured the various airflow velocities in all seven smoke-ventilation modes, using a pre-viously qualified hot-wire anemometer (M6611).Fig. 3 Measured airflow velocities at various cross sections.TF-1TF-2TF-3TF-4TF-5RF-21, AH-21Kenchomae StationShirokita StationHondori StationOutbound trainsInbound trains2.50(2.79)2.53(2.69)3.99(2.67)2.17(2.68)3.79(2.66)2.17(2.77)StairwayEscalatora) In tunnels (m 3/min)1,439(1,205)1.829(2,205)3,879(3,381)TF-6b) Through platform doors (m/s)Velocity (m/s)2.622.622.492.362.232.101.971.841.701.571.441.311.101.051.05Velocity (m/s)5.505.505.044.584.133,673.212.752.291.831.380.9166670.4583330.00–0.458333Light acrossFig. 4 A comparison of measured and calculated airflow velocity values for a train fire at the KenchomaeStation platform (calculated values in parentheses).a)In the Kenchomae-to-Shirokita tunnelduring a tunnel fireb)Through the platform doors during a train fire at Kenchomae Station platform.Smoke was used to determine the flow direc-tions. We measured airflow at 50 to 60 points at every tunnel cross section, and at 16 points over the platform door openings. Ten readings were sampled at each point, one per second, and the average value recorded. These measures were integrated over the effective cross section to obtain the inflow volume across boundaries. Using these values, we predicted airflow be-havior under several scenarios. Fig. 3a shows the predicted air velocities across the tunnel between Kenchomae and Shirokita in the event of a tunnel fire. Fig. 3b shows the air velocities at the platform door openings and platform stair-ways should a fire occur on the tracks in front of the platform at Kenchomae Station, and Fig.4 contrasts the air velocities in the tunnel and at the platform doors under these conditions with average values. The large amount of air leakage predicted at Hondori Station is borne out by actual measurements.We then performed airflow measurements un-der all the emergency ventilation modes and verified adequate airflow to remove smoke from the facility. Finally, we conducted a full-scale smoke test. We stopped a train at Kenchomae platform, opened the train and platform doors, started a smoke plume from the train toward the platform, and set the ventilation mode for a track fire. The exhaust fans quickly drew smoke from the platform through the space between the train and platform doors into the train land-ing area and out through the exhaust vents.A fire has the potential to turn an underground station into a death trap. Now that the technol-ogy to simulate a station's airflows exists, this risk can be greatly reduced by designing a venti-lation system that exhausts smoke away from passenger hallways and exits. u。