Cisco VoiceIE资料
思科 语音 voice

用思科的模拟器Packet T racer5.3模拟了IP电话的通信.@1:Packet T racer模拟的是Cisco 7960 IP Phone@2:该模拟器仅仅是3560支持PoE,因此实验的时候交换机选着3560,我用2960做的时候IP电话获取不了IP地址和电话号码@3:该模拟器模拟的IP电话只支持动态获取IP地址(DHCP)和电话号码实验拓扑:1.将交换机所连接IP Phone的接口加入vioce vlan中Switch#conf tSwitch(config)#interface range f0/1 – 3Switch(config-if-range)#switchport voice vlan 12.配置DHCP,为IP Phone动态分配地址Router(config)#ip dhcp pool Router(dhcp-config)#network 150 ip配置路由器的电话服务功能,并配置一些参数Router(config)#telephony-serviceRouter(config-telephony)#auto assign 1 to 5Router(config-telephony)#max-ephones 5Router(config-telephony)#max-dn 5Router(config-telephony)#ip source-address port 20004.配置IP电话号码Router(config)#ephone-dn 1Router(config-ephone-dn)#number 5201314Router(config)#ephone-dn 2Router(config-ephone-dn)#number 52013155.为IP电话连接上电源线,两个IP电话都连接好电源。

一、组成部分:1. 企业通信服务器:思科提供了一系列的企业通信服务器,包括Cisco Unified Communications Manager(CUCM)、Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express(CUCME)和Cisco Business Edition(CBE)。
2. 语音网关:语音网关是连接企业内部电话网络和公共电话网(PSTN)的关键设备。
思科提供了一系列的语音网关产品,包括Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE)和Cisco Voice Gateway。
3. 语音终端:思科的语音终端产品包括IP电话、软电话和语音会议终端。
4. 语音应用:思科的语音应用包括Cisco Unity Connection、Cisco Unified Contact Center Express(UCCX)和Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service(CUCM IM&P)等。
5. 视频通信:思科的视频通信解决方案包括Cisco TelePresence和Cisco Webex。

CCIE VOICE模块知识汇总PVDM(全称是packet voice dsp module)代表分组话音DSP模块;它是思科为一种可以向系统提供数字信号处理资源的模块所取的产品名称。
PVDM2-16 or 8.jpg (96.14 KB)其实很象我们平时见到的内存条。
每个PVDM2包括一下DSP:PVDM2-88通道分组传真/话音DSP模块 1 DSP(TI 2505)PVDM2-1616通道分组传真/话音DSP模块 1 DSP(TI 2510)PVDM2-3232通道分组传真/话音DSP模块 2 DSP(TI 2510)PVDM2-4848通道分组传真/话音DSP模块 3 DSP(TI 2510)PVDM2-6464通道分组传真/话音DSP模块 4 DSP(TI 2510)基于上表,其实我们可以看成,上面图上的一个黑色的芯片就叫一个DSP。
在老一点的还有PVDM,他们的区别如下:PVDM2PVDM80针SIMM接口72针SIMM接口T1 TNETV2505GGW或者TNETV2510GGW T1 549或者542 DSP每个DSP均为200Mhz、200MIPs每个DSP均为100Mhz、100MIPs每个DSP配有8M×16外置SDRAM每个DSP配有256K×16外置SDRAM所以他们不能兼容。

思科语音配置工具(Cisco Voice Provisiong Tool)思科语音配置工具 (VPT)是一套统一的配置界面和服务,可使Cisco CallManager和Cisco Unity的初始化设置和后续管理更为快捷、简便和高效。
思科VPT结合了多种Cisco CallManager和Cisco Unity服务器的大多数通用用户特性,为电话管理提供了系统级的方法。
通过为管理员提供单一切入点,思科VPT创建了一个简单的、基于工作流的环境,使得对IP 通信部署的管理更加直观。
概述思科语音配置工具(Cisco Voice Provisiong Tool)思科语音配置工具(Cisco Voice Provisiong Tool) 概述思科® IP通信解决方案是一个范围全面的产品系列,可满足大型企业和中型市场的客户需求,它包括全面集成的IP电话;统一消息;语音、视频和Web会议;此外,IP客户联系解决方案也显著改进了运营效率,提高了生产率和客户满意度,从而实现了可观的投资回报(ROI)。
思科语音配置工具 (VPT)是一套统一的配置界面和服务,可使Cisco CallManager 和Cisco Unity的初始化设置和后续管理更为快捷、简便和高效。

思科语音配置工具(Cisco Voice Provisiong Tool)思科语音配置工具 (VPT)是一套统一的配置界面和服务,可使Cisco CallManager和Cisco Unity的初始化设置和后续管理更为快捷、简便和高效。
思科VPT结合了多种Cisco CallManager和Cisco Unity服务器的大多数通用用户特性,为电话管理提供了系统级的方法。
通过为管理员提供单一切入点,思科VPT创建了一个简单的、基于工作流的环境,使得对IP 通信部署的管理更加直观。
概述思科语音配置工具(Cisco Voice Provisiong Tool)思科语音配置工具(Cisco Voice Provisiong Tool) 概述思科® IP通信解决方案是一个范围全面的产品系列,可满足大型企业和中型市场的客户需求,它包括全面集成的IP电话;统一消息;语音、视频和Web会议;此外,IP客户联系解决方案也显著改进了运营效率,提高了生产率和客户满意度,从而实现了可观的投资回报(ROI)。
思科语音配置工具 (VPT)是一套统一的配置界面和服务,可使Cisco CallManager 和Cisco Unity的初始化设置和后续管理更为快捷、简便和高效。
Cisco CCNP Switch 专业学习路径单位115教程说明书

Aim and purposeThis unit covers the advanced deployment of switched VLAN, VTP and DOT1Q technologies in a multilayer switched environment. By enabling the learner to develop their network management skills in supporting STP , RSTP , PVSTP and integrating router redundancy via VRRP and HSRP and bandwidth loading on Etherchannel. The learner will address the systems security, wireless infrastructure, voice and data contention requirement of a campus based switched infrastructure.Unit introductionThis unit is a comprehensive exploration of the core principles of multilayer networking. This is one of the three units in the professional study pathway, leading to the Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP) qualification. This unit focuses on Gateway Redundancy, voice over internet Protocol, Spanning T ree, Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and trunking.The unit covers networking sector skills and knowledge that an ICT networking expert would need to successfully complete their work. In particular, learners will be taught how to plan and deploy a complex network infrastructure using more than one switching technology in unison with a routing protocol. This unit involves hands-on, lab-oriented activities that stresses laboratory safety and working effectively in a group environment. Theory aspects are studied and tested online using Cisco’s own electronic curriculum which learners may also access from home. The unit is delivered through a blended learning approach where tutor-led teaching is combined with the electronic materials and testing.This unit is assessed via the Cisco CCNP Switch (CCNP2) online examination. There are further criteria for merit and distinction grades.Learning outcomesOn completion of this unit a learner should:1Understand the analysis of an Enterprise Campus Architecture 2Be able to Implement VLANs in Campus Networks 3Be able to implement Spanning T ree 4Be able to implement inter-VLAN Routing 5Understand High Availability and Redundancy in a Campus Network 6Understand Campus Infrastructure Security 7 Understand the preparation of the Campus Infrastructure for Advanced Services.Unit content in relation to the Merit and Distinction Criteria Switched Network: four or more switches in a mesh with two or more VLANS running trunking and a routing protocolRedundancy: types eg HSRP, VSRP, cable mesh, ether-channelSwitched T echnology: types eg STP, PV-STP, VLAN, dot1q, trunking, VTP, VACL’sBenchmark data: types eg current system throughput, switching table size, switching performance Current standards: types eg quality of service, campus design, address space allocation, vlan sizeAssessment and grading criteriaIn order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit.Assessment and grading criteriaTo achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:To achieve a merit grade theevidence must show that, inaddition to the pass criteria,the learner is able to:To achieve a distinction gradethe evidence must show that,in addition to the pass andmerit criteria, the learner isable to:Pass CCNP Switch (CCNP2) academy examination.The centre will evidence this with a copy of the learner’s class grade book from the assessment system on completion of the course (this must be listed by learner name).A pass grade is a score of 70% or more in the final examination.M1research an existing networkinfrastructure and evaluatecurrent performanceD1justify network design againstcurrent standardsM2plan a switched networkinfrastructure usingredundancy and switchedtechnologyD2research performance ofnetwork design and providebenchmark data.M3manage the deploymentof the planned switchednetwork.PLTS: This summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal, learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate effective application of the referenced elements of the skills.Key IE – independent enquirersCT – creative thinkers RL – reflective learnersTW – team workersSM – self-managersEP – effective participatorsEssential guidance for tutorsDeliveryCisco CCNP Switch is a proprietary unit within the Cisco Networking Academy program. The curriculum, assessment and support materials are available only to institutions participating in the program.Cisco Systems makes these available at no cost for any non-profit institution; there are some costs for instructor training and support. For detailed information please consult this web link:/web/learning/netacad/get_involved/BecomeAnAcademy.html.If learners are following the Cisco unit in parallel with a BTEC National or Higher National unit then it is recommended that the two aspects of the assessment are integrated. T asks being completed as part of the practical preparation for Cisco Skills Based Exams can then be used to support the BTEC assessment for the merit and distinction criteria.T o view general information about the Cisco CCNP Switch objectives please visit: /web/learning/netacad/course_catalog/CCNP .html. The detailed scope and sequence documents are available to academies on the Cisco internal site.Links to National Occupational Standards, other BTEC units, other BTEC qualifi cations and other relevant units and qualifi cations The learning outcomes associated with this unit are closely linked with:Level 3Level 4Level 5Unit 5: Managing NetworksUnit 2: Computer Systems Unit 43: Networking Infrastructure Unit 9: Computer Networks Unit 24: Networking T echnologies Unit 44: Local Area Network T echnologiesUnit 32: Network Systems Security Unit 25: Routing Concepts Unit 45: Wide Area Network T echnologiesAll Cisco Discovery and Exploration UnitsAll Cisco CCNP Units Unit 46: Network Security This unit has links to the Level 4 and Level 5 National Occupational Standards for IT and T elecoms Professionals, particularly the areas of competence of:IT/T echnology Infrastructure Design and Planning Systems Development IT/T echnology Service Operations and Event Management IT/T echnology Management and Support Change and Release Management.●●●●●Essential RequirementsLearners must have access to a live or ‘detached’ network environment to create the network infrastructure and develop their skills; this may be successfully accomplished using virtual machines.Learners must have access to facilities, which allow them the opportunity to fully evidence all the criteria of the unit. If this cannot be guaranteed then centres should not attempt to deliver this unit.Evaluation of current systems and solutions, commercial practices, social conditions and the culture surrounding the system in use is of as much importance as delivering work supporting potential understanding of the technological systems and the services they offer.Learners must have access to a range of suitable routing hardware as it is important to undertake as many practical activities as possible to reinforce theoretical learning. There are many virtual, emulated and simulated systems that now support delivery.ResourcesFor a list of Cisco resources to assist with this unit, including exam preparation materials, see:/web/learning/netacad/course_catalog/CCNP.htmlBooksMacfarlane J – Network Routing Basics: Understanding IP Routing in Cisco Systems (Wiley, 2006) ISBN-10: 0471772739Xiao Y, Li J, Pan Y – Security and Routing in Wireless Networks: Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing v. 3 (Nova Science, 2005) ISBN-10: 159454316XFroom, R et al, Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH) Foundation Learning Guide: Foundation learning for the ROUTE 642-813 Exam (Cisco Press 2010) ISBN-10: 1-58705-884-7 WebsitesEmployer engagement and vocational contextsThe Cisco CCNA certification is internationally recognized by a diverse range of employers (from SME’s to large corporations) as one of the principal certifications in networking and telecommunications.。
Cisco voice硬件兼容性矩阵说明书

There are no specific requirements for this document.
Components Used
q To compare many of the network modules and interface cards, refer to the document Release Notes for the Cisco 3700 Series Modular Access Routers for Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)XD. q Make certain that the version of Cisco IOS® System Software that you run supports the network module and interface card combination that you want to use. You can check Cisco IOS Software
Cards (VWICs) without Network
Yes No Yes
No Yes2 Yes2 Yes2 Yes Yes Yes No No
No Yes2 Yes
VICs without Network Modules
Yes Yes
No No No
No Yes Yes Yes No No
q 6These products have reached end of sale. Refer to the End-of-Sale Announcement for the Cisco VG200 Access Gateway. q 7Only the Cisco 2821 and 2851 models support the EVM-HD-8FXS/DID. The tables below show the router or gateway models that support the voice network modules and the VICs. For more information on the modules and cards, which includes Cisco IOS Software support, click the link for the appropriate module or card.
4.Voice VLAN

当交换机连接到思科IP电话(例如Cisco 7960 IP电话)IP电从而保证语音的质量。
思科IP电话中集成一个3口的交换机,如下图所示:其中端口P1连接到交换机、P2是一个内部的接口来承载IP电话的流量、P3(Access口)连接到PC思科IP电话的语音流量:你可以在交换机Access端口配置一个Voice VLAN来承载语音流量和另一个VLAN来承载数据流量。
你可以设置交换机的Access口使之发送CDP报文来指示IP电话以哪种方式向交换机发送语音流量:∙通过Voice VLAN发送,带有Voice VLAN的标签以及二层CoS优先级值∙通过Access VLAN发送,带有Access VLAN的标签以及二层CoS优先级值∙优先级值)5,而语音控制流量为3)思科IP电话的数据流量:交换机可以处理IP电话下挂主机发送的带有VLAN标签的数据流量。
你可以配置交换机的Access口使之发送CDP报文来指示IP电话将下挂【配置】Voice VLAN配置指南:∙Voice VLAN配置只在交换机的Access口上支持,不能配置在Trunk口当配置Voice VLAN后,端口的PortFast特性自动启用;当你禁用Voice VLAN时,端口的PortFast没有自动禁用∙不能在Voice VLAN中配置静态的安全MAC地址-------mls qos 在交换机上全局启用QoS功能以下用于设置边界交换机对于COS值的承认方式:interface f0/1mls qos trust cos 设置此端口信任收到的数据帧中携带的CoS与mls qos trust cos将PC连接到交换机的端口,从而导致交换机错误地信任来自PC的数据帧中携带的CoS值。
switchport priority extend cos [0~7] 设置从IP电话的Access口(即P3口)收到的数据流量的CoS值,默认为0Access口(即P3口)收到的数据流量的CoS值。
思科 Cisco Voice Gateways

2 - Transcoding
• After a WAN-enabled network is implemented, voice compression between sites represents the recommended design choice to save WAN bandwidth. • This choice presents the question of how WAN users IP-enabled applications, which support only G.711 voice connections. • Using hardware-based transcoding services to convert the compressed voice streams into G.711 provides the solution.
Voice Gateway
• Interfaces IP and PSTN networks • Performs call setup and teardown between IP and PSTN • Relays DTMF tones • Supports IP and TDM control protocols • Supports analogue FAX machines
1- Voice Termination
• Voice termination applies to a call that has two call legs, one leg on a time-division multiplexing (TDM) interface and the second leg on a Voice over IP (VoIP) connection. • This termination function is performed by digital signal processor (DSP) resources.

CiscoIE3000提供相关资料(doc15页)(精美版)商品详细情况IE-3000-8TCCisco IE 3000 Switch, 8 10/100 + 2 T/SFP思科工业以太网交换机Industrial Ethernet 3000 (IE3000)系列交换机是一个全新的交换机系列,提供了坚固、易用、安全的交换基础设施,适用于恶劣环境。
Cisco IE3000系列采用了工业设计,符合工业规范;其工具简化了工业网络的部署、管理和更换;且在开放标准的基础上提供了很好的网络安全性。
Cisco IE3000是支持工业以太网应用的理想产品,这其中包括工厂自动化、智能交通运输系统(ITS)、变电站和其他恶劣环境中的部署。
Cisco IE3000提供:面向工业以太网应用的设计,包括扩展的环境参数、冲击/振动和电击;全面的电源输入选项;对流冷却;以及DIN轨或19”机架安装支持300种不同的硬件配置能使用思科设备管理器Web界面,以及思科网络助理和CiscoWorks等支持工具,方便地设置和管理使用可拆除内存,简化了交换机更换,使用户无需重新配置,即能更换交换机通过Cisco IOS?软件提供高可用性、关键数据传输保证和可靠安全性只需按下一个按键,即能获得针对工业应用的建议软件配置符合广泛的工业以太网规范,适用于工业自动化、ITS、变电站、铁路和其他市场?支持IEEE1588v2,这一计时协议为高性能应用提供了纳秒级精确度配置Cisco IE3000系列包括以下产品(参见表1):Cisco IE3000-4TC:工业以太网交换机,带4个10/100以太网端口和2个双重用途上行链路端口(每个双重用途上行链路端口都有一个10/100/1000 BaseTX端口和一个SFP端口,一次激活一个端口)Cisco IE3000-8TC:工业以太网交换机,带8个10/100以太网端口和2个双重用途上行链路端口Cisco IEM-3000-8TM=:用于Cisco IE3000-4TC和Cisco IE3000-8TC的扩展模块,带8个10/100以太网端口Cisco IEM-3000-8FM=:用于Cisco IE3000-4TC和Cisco IE3000-8TC的扩展模块,带8个100BaseFX端口Cisco PWR-IE3000-AC=:支持交流和扩展直流电源输入的扩展模块解决方案规格基于Cisco IOS软件的Cisco IE3000系列软件,提供了一套丰富的智能服务,支持高可用性、服务质量(QoS)和安全特性。

cisco2811语音网关+callmanager拨打外线,外线拨入详解配置——————包括AA和连接PBX的配置A.首先要在callmanager上进行h.323和router pattern的简单配置B.下面是在CISCO2811路由器上的配置----此路由上安装了一个4FXO口的语音模块1.下面是AA的配置:applicationservice aa flash:its-CISCO. //调用TCL脚本,定义服务名字为aa(Auto Attendant)paramspace english language en/定义语言为英文,这个无所谓,反正你播放的是中文的welcome.au就可以了paramspace english index 1//定义索引位置param operator 888 //设置人工总机为888paramspace english location flash:param aa-pilot 678 //设置自动话务员的号码,这个随便设param welcome-prompt //设置提示音,自己录制时注意格式.au,8-bit,8kHZ,u-law 各音频文件名与系统自带的文件名一致,重启路由器2.在接口上的配置:interface Loopback0 //为了使本地可以拨打AA自动话务员,需要配置这个地址ip address //此地址随意!interface FastEthernet0/0ip address nat outsideip virtual-reassemblyduplex autospeed autocrypto map mymap //将保密映射应用到接口上,指定要使用的加密图!interface FastEthernet0/1ip address nbar protocol-discoveryip nat insideip virtual-reassemblyduplex autospeed autoh323-gateway voip interface3.voice-port的配置:voice-port 0/0/0 //进入语音端口FXO配置模式cptone CN //配置铃音使用中国制式timeouts call-disconnect 1timeouts wait-release 1 //定义呼叫、等待时间!voice-port 0/0/1 //此端口连接PSTNsupervisory disconnect dualtone mid-callcptone CNtimeouts call-disconnect 1timeouts wait-release 1caller-id enable!voice-port 0/0/2 //此端口连接PSTNsupervisory disconnect dualtone mid-call//配置Tone管理断开——主要是外线拨打IP 电话时,不能及时挂断的方法cptone CNtimeouts call-disconnect 1//呼叫中断的超时设定timeouts wait-release 1//等待释放的超时设定!voice-port 0/0/3 //此端口连接PBX的FXS口supervisory disconnect dualtone mid-callcptone CNtimeouts call-disconnect 1timeouts wait-release 14.拨打外线的配置:dial-peer voice 2 pots //配置一个POTS拨号对等体(和配置静态路由时的ip route命令类似)service aadestination-pattern 9T//表示9+电话号码,即拨出的电话号码,表示号码前加入9才能通过这个端口出局incoming called-number .port 0/0/1 ////指定端口(FXO口0/0/1)!dial-peer voice 4 potsservice aadestination-pattern 9Tincoming called-number .port 0/0/2!dial-peer voice 200 potsservice aadestination-pattern .T //.表示一个任意数字,T表示多个任意数字port 0/0/35.外线拨入和PBX上模拟电话拨打IP电话的配置:dial-peer voice 344 voip//配置一个VOIP拨号对等体destination-pattern 6..//内部IP分机session target ipv4:会话目标IP(和配置静态路由时的下一跳地址类似)dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric//DTMF使用h245-alphanumeric,写错了就无法输入分机号码了codec g711ulaw //强制使用G.711ulaw,否则容易因为codec出问题no vad //关闭VAD,否则容易出毛病!dial-peer voice 345 voipdestination-pattern 5..session target ipv4: h245-alphanumericcodec g711ulawno vad!dial-peer voice 300 voip //配置与实验室2811CME的电话互通destination-pattern 4..session target ipv4: //实验室2811的F0/1接口地址!dial-peer voice 10 voipservice aadestination-pattern 678 //使本地可以拨打自动话务员,必须配合下面的session session target ipv4: called-number 678 //配置拨入的电话为678的时候,才调用server aa dtmf-relay h245-alphanumericcodec g711ulawno vad。

Hoofdkantoor Amerika:2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 V.S.Cisco Unity Express 语音邮件系统高级功能的用户指南修订:2008 年 3 月18 日, OL-16868-01首次发行日期:2007 年11 月 5 日上次更新日期:2008 年 3 月18 日本指南提供有关使用Cisco Unity Express 语音邮件系统的一些高级语音邮件功能的信息。
本指南介绍如何通过您的Cisco Unified IP 电话拨入Cisco Unity Express 系统以使用这些功能,同时提供有关Cisco VoiceView Express 的使用信息。
请将本指南与―相关文件‖部分(见第 3 页)中列出的文档结合使用。
目录限制(见第2 页)相关文件(见第3 页)第I 部分— Cisco Unity Express 语音邮件系统(呼入)由电话访问Cisco Unity Express (见第4 页)不需输入个人识别码的登录(见第4 页)语音邮件选项(见第4 页)使用实时回复呼叫留言发件人(见第5 页)管理传真信息(见第5 页)发送非注册用户留言(见第7 页)使用设置选项(见第8 页)管理问候语(见第8 页)设置留言通知(见第10 页)设置分层通知(见第15 页)使用分发名单(见第17 页)更改密码(见第23 页)7.02Cisco Unity Express 3.2 语音邮件系统高级功能的用户指南OL-16868-01限制更改您的名字录音(见第23 页)通过电话收到通知后应如何操作(见第24 页)录制实时对话(见第24 页)在电子邮件中接收语音邮件留言(见第25 页)第II 部分— Cisco Unity Express 语音邮件系统(VoiceView Express) 使用Cisco Unified IP 电话和VoiceView Express 访问Cisco UnityExpress (见第26 页)登录VoiceView Express (见第28 页)在VoiceView Express 中检索和发送留言(见第29 页)打印传真(见第31 页)使用VoiceView Express 内的实时回复(见第31 页)设置非注册用户留言传送(见第34 页)管理收件箱(见第35 页)个性化设置(见第36 页)登录一般留言传递信箱(见第40 页)管理广播留言(见第40 页)限制您的系统管理员须启用本指南中所述的某些功能(例如,使用电子邮件检索语音邮件、配置语音邮件留言通知以及使用实时回复)。
Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution Voicemail快速指南(

Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution from AT&T④Logging into your Voice mailbox whenusing your own extension1. Press the Messages button.2. Enter your PIN, then press #.④Logging into your Voice mailbox fromanother internal extension1. Press the Messages button.2. Press .3. Enter your mailbox ID number (site code +extension), then press #.4. Enter your PIN, then press #.④Logging into your Voice mailbox from anoutside line1. Dial the Voicemail pilot number provided byyour System Administrator.2. Enter your mailbox ID number (site code +extension), then press #.3. Enter your PIN, then press #.Shortcut keysCancels or backs up to a previous menu.# Bypasses a user's greeting.## Switches between alphabetic and numericcharacters on your telephone’s keypad.Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution from AT&TPlay messages④Listening to new or old messages1.Log into your Voice mailbox.2.Pressing:1Plays the New messages3 Plays the Old messages(or pressing 3 may delete a newmessage if pressed at the wrong time)④While listening to the current message1.Pressing:4 Slows down the message5 Changes the Volume6Speeds up the message7 Backs up the current message 7seconds8 Pauses the message or Resumes itafter a pause9 Fast-Forwards the current message 7seconds④After hearing the current message1.Pressing:1 Repeats the message2 Saves the message3 Deletes the message4 Replies to the message5 Forwards the message6 Marks as a New message7 Repeats the last 7 seconds of themessage9 Plays a summary of messageproperties Compose a message④Recording a message1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 2 to create a message.3. Record your message.NOTE: Press 8 to pause or resume therecording.4. Press # to end the recording.5. Enter the name, extension number, ordistribution list that you want to send themessage to, then press #. Repeat this stepto add more names, extension numbers, or lists.NOTE: Press ## to switch between numeric and alphabetic keypad entries.6. Select the appropriate option:# Sends the message1Marks the message Urgent2Causes an Acknowledgment to be sent to you when the message has beenreceived3Marks the message Private4 Saves message for Future Delivery5Reviews the message6Re-records the message7Adds to the message9 1Adds a name to the distribution list9 2Reviews all names or deletes names9 5Sends you a copy of the messageCancels the messageCisco Hosted Collaboration Solution from AT&TTransfer a call to voicemailSends a call to your Voice mailbox after you have spoken with the caller.④If your phone displays a Divert softkeyafter you answer a call:1. Press the Divert softkey.④If your phone displays a Transfer softkeyafter you answer a call:1. Press the Transfer softkey.2. Enter your mailbox ID number (site code +extension).3. Press the Transfer softkey.Forward all calls to voicemail Immediately sends all calls to your Voice mailbox without ringing your phone.④Activating call forward1. Without lifting the handset, press theCFwdALL or Forward All softkey. You willhear two beeps.2. Press the Messages button. You will hearone beep, then “Forwarded to Voicemail”displays.④Canceling call forward1.Press the CFwdALL or Forward Off softkey. Modify personal settings and greetings④Changing your Voicemail PIN1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 4 3 1.3. Enter your new password.4. Press #.5. Enter your new password again to confirm.6. Press #.④Re-recording available greetings1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 4 1 1.3. Record (speak) your new greeting.4. Press # to end recording.5. Listen to new greeting.6. Pressing:1Re-records your current greeting2Turns your alternate greeting on or off3Edits other greetings4 Reviews all of your greetings④Enabling/disabling or changing a greeting1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 4 1.3. Press 3.4. Choose one of the following greetings:1Standard greeting2Closed (after hours) greeting3 Alternate greeting4Busy (when on another call) greeting5Internal greeting6Holiday greeting5. You will hear the greeting.6. Pressing:1Re-records the greeting2Turns on the Standard greeting3Turns on the greeting you just heard7. Press to exit.④Changing your recorded name1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 4 3 2.3. Record (speak) your name.4. Press # to end recording.5. Listen to your new recorded name.6. Press to save the new recorded name orre-record a new name.④Changing your directory listing status1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 4 33.3. Pressing:1 Changes your listing status#Keeps your current listing statusCisco Hosted Collaboration Solution from AT&T④Changing the style of menus1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 4 23.3. Pressing:1 Toggles between full and brief menusKeeps the same menu style Private lists④Creating a private list1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 4 2 4 2.3. Choose a number for the Private List (1 –25).4. Press 1 to add an entry to the Private List.5. Enter the name, extension number, ordistribution list, then press #. Do this foreach entry you wish to add to the list.NOTE: Press ## to switch between numeric and alphabetic keypad entries.6. Press to stop adding to the Private list.7. Press 3 to record (speak) the name of thePrivate List (for example, Sales Dept.).8. Record the name at the tone.9. Press # to end the recording.10. Listen to the recorded name.11. Press to keep the list name.12. Press to exit to the main menu.④Changing the members of a private list1. Log into your voice mailbox.2. Press 4 2 4 2.3. Enter the number of the Private List youwish to change (1-25). The system will play the name of the Private List.4. Pressing:1Adds a name, extension number, ordistribution list2Reviews and can delete names in the Private List3Re-records the name of the Private List 5. Press to exit to the main menu.④Changing the private list recorded name1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 4 2 4 2.3. Enter the number of the Private List whosename you wish to change (1-25).4. Press 3 to change the name of the PrivateList (for example, Sales Dept.).5. Record (speak) the new name at the tone.6. Press # to end the recording.7. Listen to new name.8. Press to keep the name you justrecorded.9. Press to exit to the main menu. Compose a message to a private list1. Log into your Voice mailbox.2. Press 2 to create a message.3. Record your message.NOTE: Press 8 to pause or resume therecording.4. Press # to end the recording.5. Press ##.6. Enter the Private List number (whenprompted to enter a name or distributionlist).7. Press #after entering the Private Listnumber.8. Press #to accept the number you justentered.9. Press#to send the message to everyone inthe Private List.10. Press to exit to the main menu.。
Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series 数据册说明书

Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged SeriesData sheet Cisco publicContentsProduct overview 3 Features and benefits 4 Products overview 4 Product specifications 5 System dimensions 7 Ordering information 17 Warranty 18 Cisco environmental sustainability 18 Cisco Services 19 Cisco Capital 19 Document history 20The Cisco Catalyst® IE3300 Rugged Series ushers in mainstream adoption of Gigabit Ethernet connectivity in a compact, form-factor, modular switch that is purpose-built for a wide variety of extended enterprise and industrial applications.Product overviewCisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches deliver high-speed Gigabit Ethernet connectivity in a compact form factor, and are designed for a wide range of industrial applications where hardened products are required. The modular design of the Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series offers the flexibility to expand to up to 26 ports of Gigabit Ethernet with a range of expansion module options. The platform is built to withstand harsh environments in manufacturing, energy, transportation, mining, smart cities, and oil and gas. The IE3300 platform is also ideal for extended enterprise deployments in outdoor spaces, warehouses, and distribution centers.These switches run Cisco IOS® XE, a next-generation operating system with built-in security and trust, featuring secure boot, image signing, and the Cisco® Trust anchor module. Cisco IOS XE also provides API-driven configuration with open APIs and data models.The Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series can be managed with powerful management tools such as Cisco DNA Center and Cisco Industrial Network Director, and can be easily set up with a completely redesigned user-friendly modern GUI tool called WebUI. The platform also supports Full Flexible NetFlow (FNF) for real-time visibility into traffic patterns and threat analysis with Cisco Stealthwatch®.The IE3300 series (with expansion module) supports power budget of up to 360W for PoE/PoE+, shared across 24 ports, and is ideal for connecting PoE-powered end devices such as IP cameras, phones, wireless access points, sensors, and more.Figure 1.Features and benefitsTable 1.IE3300 features and benefitsProducts overviewTable 2.Product feature sets1The Hardware PID with “-E” suffix is Network Essentials and with “-A” suffix is Network Advantage.Product specificationsTable 3 highlights the hardware configuration for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches and the supported modules with these switches.Table 3.IE3300 Hardware configurations (incl. IE3300 modules)*PoE modules can only be plugged with PoE base switch. IE3300 expansion modules can also be plugged with IE3400 base switch. However, this combination prevents support for advanced security feature such as SGT/SGACL on the IE3400 base switch. Table 4 highlights the hardware specifications for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches.Table 4.IE3300 hardware specifications1 In order to achieve 360W power budget, the minimum power requirements as specified in Table 8 for the switch need to be considered when selecting the power supply.2 The SD card and USB are optional and are not shipped by default with the switch.Figure 2.Expansion modulesTable 5 highlights the hardware configuration for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series modules. Table 5.Hardware configuration for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series modulesTable 6 highlights the physical configuration for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches and modules.Table 6.IE3300 physical configurationsSystem dimensionsFront viewModule dimensions – Front viewTop viewTable 7 highlights the performance and scalability features for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches.Table 7.IE3300 performance and scalability features1 Supported with -A SKUs or -E SKUs (with Network Advantage license)2The SD card is optional and is not shipped by default with the switch.Table 8 highlights the power specifications for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches.Table 8.IE3300 power specifications1 Power consumption for non PoE supported model is measured at 12V and for the PoE supported model is measured at 54V. Power consumption does not include PoE power.Table 9 highlights the power specifications for supported expansion modules in Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches.Table 9.IEM3300 modules power consumption1 Power consumption for non PoE supported model is measured at 12V and for the PoE supported model is measured at 54V. Table 10 highlights the power supply options for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches.Table 10.Power supply options1 The entire power budget for the switch and PoE ports must stay within the power supply wattage.2 The power supplies are not certified for smart grid and hazardous locations. These power supplies are IP20 rated. Table 11 and 12 highlight the supported software features for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches.Table 11.Key supported software features (Network Essentials License)1 Supported on Uplink portsTable 12.Key supported software features (Network Advantage License)Table 13 highlights the details on Cisco DNA Essentials and Cisco DNA Advantage License forCisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches.Table 13.Cisco IE3300 Cisco DNA Essentials and Cisco DNA Advantage licenseCisco DNA licenses for Industrial Ethernet switches are add-on/optional and not mandatory. These do not include Network Tier features.Table 14 highlights the compliance specifications for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches. Table pliance Specifications11 For more detailed information on safety approved power/thermal ratings refer the Hardware Installation Guide.2 Test in progress.Table 15 highlights Mean-Time-Between-Failures (MTBF) for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches.Table 15.MTBF InformationTable 16 highlights information about management and standards for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches.Table 16.Management and StandardsRFC 1166: IP AddressesRFC 1256: ICMP Router Discovery RFC 1305: NTPRFC 951: BootP RFC 3580: 802.1x RADIUSRFC 4250-4252 SSH ProtocolRFC 5460: DHCPv6 bulk lease querySNMP MIB objects 802.1X MIBCISCO-DHCP-SNOOPING-MIBCISCO-UDLDP-MIBCISCO-ENVMON-MIBCISCO-PRIVATE-VLAN-MIBCISCO-PAE-MIBCisco-Port-QoS-MIBCISCO-ERR-DISABLE-MIBCISCO- PROCESS-MIBLLDP-MIBCiscoMACNotification-MIBCISCO-CONFIG-COPY-MIBLLDP-MED-MIBBridge-MIBCISCO-CAR-MIBCISCO-LAG-MIBCISCO-SYSLOG-MIBCISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIBCISCO-VLAN-IFTABLE-RELATIONSHIP-MIBCISCO-VLAN-MEMBERSHIP-MIBCisco-REP-MIBCISCO-PORT-STORM-CONTROL-MIBCISCO-CDP-MIBCISCO-IP-STAT-MIBCISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIBCISCO-STP-EXTN-MIBCISCO-VTP-MIBIEEE8023-LAG-MIBSMON-MIBCISCO-ACCESS-ENVMON-MIBCISCO-CALLHOME-MIBCISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIBCISCO-FLASH-MIB CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIBCISCO-IMAGE-MIBCISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIBCISCO-PING-MIBSNMP-TARGET-EXT-MIBIF_MIBENTITY-MIBLLDP-EXT-PNO-MIB NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIBOLD-CISCO-CPU-MIBETHERLIKE-MIBOLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIBOLD-CISCO-MEMORY-MIBRMON-MIBSNMP-COMMUNITY-MIBSNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIBSNMP-PROXY-MIBSNMP-MPD-MIBSNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIBSNMP-TARGET-MIBSNMP-USM-MIBCISCO-DATACOLLECTION-MIB CISCO-CABLE-DIAG-MIBCISCO -PORT-SECURITY-MIBBULK_FILE_MIBNAC-NAD-MIBCISCO-ENTITY-ALARAM-MIBSNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB CISCO-MAC-AUTH-BYPASS-MIB CISCO-AUTH-FRAMEWORK-MIB CISCO-BRIDGE-Ext-MIBSNMPv2-MIBCISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIBTable 17 highlights information about supported SFPs for Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series switches. Table 17.SFP Support1 If non-industrial SFPs (EXT, COM) are used, the switch operating temperature must be derated.Ordering informationTable 18 lists the ordering information for fixed system, expansion modules and memory that are commonly used with the Cisco Catalyst IE3300 switches.Table 18.Ordering informationWarrantyFive-year limited HW warranty on all IE3300 PIDs and all IE Power Supplies (see table 10 above)See link below for more details on warrantyhttps:///c/en/us/products/warranties/warranty-doc-c99-740591.html.Cisco environmental sustainabilityInformation about Cisco’s environmental sustainability policies and initiatives for our products, solutions, operations, and extended operations or supply chain is provided in the “Environment Sustainability” section of Cisco’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report.Reference links to information about key environmental sustainability topics (mentioned in the “Environment Sustainability” section of the CSR Report) are provided in the following table:Cisco makes the packaging data available for informational purposes only. It may not reflect the most current legal developments, and Cisco does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that it is complete, accurate, or up to date. This information is subject to change without notice.Cisco Serviceshttps:///web/services/.Cisco CapitalFlexible payment solutions to help you achieve your objectivesCisco Capital makes it easier to get the right technology to achieve your objectives, enable business transformation and help you stay competitive. We can help you reduce the total cost of ownership, conserve capital, and accelerate growth. In more than 100 countries, our flexible payment solutions can help you acquire hardware, software, services and complementary third-party equipment in easy, predictable payments. Learn more.Document historyPrinted in USA C78-741759-03 01/20。
voice vlan

如何在Cisco交换机上配置语音VLAN网友:benxiong 发布于:2008.03.01 12:18(共有条评论) 查看评论| 我要评论在Cisco交换机上配置两个VLAN(Virtual Local Area Networks),一个用于语音,一个用于数据。
使用Cisco IOS命令来配置交换机配置两个VLAN,一个用于语音,一个用于数据,并在Cisco Unified CME路由器(Cisco 3825 router)和交换机(Cisco catalyst 3560)之间建立一个trunk,在Cisco Catalyst Switch的一个外部接口上配置Cisco IOS Quality-of-Service(QoS)主要步骤:1. enable2. vlan database3. vlan vlan-number name vlan-name4. vlan vlan-number name vlan-name5. exit6. wr7. configure terminal8. macro global apply cisco-global9. interface s lot-number/port-number10. macro apply cisco-phone $AVID number $VVID number11. interface slot-number/port-number12. macro apply cisco-router $NVID number13. end14. wr详细步骤:Enters global configuration mode.Command or ActionPurposeStep 1enableExample:Switch> enableStep 2vlan databaseExample:Switch# vlan databaseStep 3vlan vlan-number name vlan-nameExample:Switch(vlan)# vlan 10 name dataVLAN 10 modifiedName: DATASpecifies the number and name of the VLAN being configured. •vlan-number—Unique value that you assign to the dial-peer being configured. Range: 2 to 1004.•name—Name of the VLAN to associate to the vlan-number being configured.Step 4vlan vlan-number name vlan-nameExample:Switch(vlan)# vlan 100 name voiceVLAN 100 modifiedName: VOICESpecifies the number and name of the VLAN being configured.Step 5exitExample:Switch(vlan)# ex itExits this configuration mode.Step 6wrExample:Switch# wrWrites the modifications to the configuration file.Step 7configure terminalExample:Switch# configure terminalEnters global configuration mode.Step 8macro global apply cisco-globalExample:Switch (config)# macro global apply cisco-globalApplies the Smartports global configuration macro for QoS.Step 9interface slot-number/port-numberExample:Switch (config)# interface fastEthernet 0/1Specifies interface to be configured while in the interface configuration mode.•slot-number/port-number—Slot and port of interface to which Cisco IP phones or PCs are connected.NoteThe slash must be entered between the slot and port numbers.Step 10macro apply cisco-phone $AVID number $VVID numberExample:Switch (config-if)# macro apply cisco-phone $AVID 10 $VVID 100Applies VLAN and QoS settings in Smartports macro to the port being configured.•$AVID number—Data VLAN configured in earlier step.•$VVID number—Voice VLAN configured in earlier step.Step 11interface slot-number/port-numberExample:Switch (config-if)# interface fastEthernet 0/24Specifies interface to be configured while in the interface configuration mode.•slot-number/port-number—Slot and port of interface to which the Cisco router is connected. NoteThe slash must be entered between the slot and port numbers.Step 12macro apply cisco-router $NVID numberExample:Switch (config-if)# macro apply cisco-router $NVID 10Applies the VLAN and QoS settings in Smartports macro to the port being configured. •$NVID number—Data VLAN configured in earlier step.Step 13endExample:Switch(config-if)# endExits to privileged EXEC configuration mode.Step 14wrExample:Switch# wrWrites the modifications to the configuration file.。

CCIEVoice认证培训推荐语音书籍教材6本CCIE Voice认证培训推荐语音书籍教材6本【CCNA语音+CCNP 语音】思科语音CCNA与语音CCNP认证培训自学教材2012年的教材版本为8.0:Cvoice8.0等;首屈一指的就是cisco 原版官方教材,就是咱们常说的SG。
CCNA语音:《CCIE语音培训:CCNA语音培训教材》2012年新版新版UC8.0官方教材640-461 ICOMM Exam TopicsRecommended TrainingThe following course is the recommended training for this exam:Introducing Cisco Voice and Unified Communications Administration (ICOMM) v8.0The course listed is offered by Cisco Learning Partners, the only authorized source for Cisco IT training delivered exclusively by Certified Cisco Instructors. Check the Global Learning Partner Locator for a Cisco Learning Partner near you.Additional ResourcesA variety of Cisco Press titles may be available for this exam. These titles can be purchased through the Cisco Marketplace Bookstore,or directly from Cisco PressCCNP语音 5门课介绍:642-437 CVOICE v8.0 Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Voice over IP and QoS v8.0642-447 CIPT1 v8.0 Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 1 v8.0642-457 CIPT2 v8.0 Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 2 v8.0642-427 TVOICE v8.0 Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications v8.0642-467 CAPPS v8.0 Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Applications v8.0入门和提高篇-自学教材第一本:Cisco Press CCNA Voice 640-461 Official Cert Guide 第二本:Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Voice over IP and QoS (Cvoice) Foundation Learning Guide: (CCNP Voice CVoice 642-437), 4th Edition第三本:CIPT1 8.0 Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 1 (CIPT1) Foundation Learning Guide: (CCNP Voice CIPT1 642-447), 2nd Edition第四本:CIPT2 8.0 Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 2 (CIPT2) Foundation Learning Guide: (CCNP Voice CIPT2 642-457), 2nd Edition第五本:Unity Connection Cisco Unity Connection第六本:CUP Cisco Unified Presence Fundamentals。

思科交换Voice VLAN怎么设置推荐文章怎么恢复思科路由器的密码热度:思科ACS+AAA怎么配置热度:思科Video Over IP QoS怎么配置热度:怎么配置思科路由器的ISDN 热度:思科3640怎么配置VoIP 热度:思科cisco制造的路由器、交换机和其他设备承载了全世界80%的互联网通信,成为硅谷中新经济的传奇,那么你知道思科交换Voice VLAN怎么设置吗?下面是店铺整理的一些关于思科交换Voice VLAN 怎么设置的相关资料,供你参考。
思科交换Voice VLAN设置的方法IP电话网络设计* 为IP电话组件(如cisco IP电话、cisco CallManager、Cisco IP Softphone客户端、IP网关等)实现Qos分类、标记和拥塞管理。
Qos 要将VoIP通信流设置为高优先级,并优先传输高优先级队列中的通信流。
为给Cisco IP电话部署一个独立的VLAN,一种简单的方法是使用语音VLAN(辅助VLAN)。
*考虑使用线上供电(inline power)给Cisco IP电话供电。
Cisco IP 电话要求由交换机电源或线上供电。
Vo IP电话推荐特性1. QosVoIP通信流对延迟和抖动(数据包延迟的变化)有严格要求。
为满足IP电话的要求,Cisco使用大量的IP Qos特性,对通信流进行分类、排队、拥塞监测和流量整形和压缩保障最大限度地降低数据包丢失、延迟和抖动。
2.语音VLAN(辅助VLAN)Cisco IP电话有一个用于连接PC的端口,因此很多Cisco IP电话配置都让cisco IP电话串连一台PC。
由于Cisco IP电话和工作站连接的是同一个交换机接口,因此将该接口加入VLAN中后,相应的Cisco IP电话和工作站将位于同一个VLAN中。
Cisco路由器VOIP 配置解析

H.323关守在局域网和广域网上均可实现对基于H.323的语音、视频及数据会议话务流量的策略管理功能.本文介绍的是一次利用Cisco 2600路由器,通过 E&M 干线连接PBX 用户,实现了 Voice over IP功能的过程。
某公司计划连接两个办公室:一个位于加利弗尼亚的San Jose,另一个位于盐湖城。
该公司在其两个远程办公室之间已经建立了可工作的IP 连接。
盐湖城和San Jose 办公室都使用E&M 端口类型。
每个 E&M 接口连接到路由器的两个语音接口连接端。
在San Jose 的用户拨“8-111” 这一扩展号可接通盐湖城目标。
在盐湖城的用户拨“4-111”扩展号可接通San Jose目标。
图1是本连接示例的拓扑首先应配置好PBX ,使所有的DTMF 信号能通到路由器。
若修改增益或端口,应确认端口仍然能接受DTMF 信号。
然后对图中路由器 SJ 配置,第一步配置 pots 拨号对等 1:hostname sanjosedial-peer voice 1 potsdestination-pattern +111....ort 1/0/0配置 pots 拨号对等 2:dial-peer voice 2 pots destination-pattern +111....ort 1/0/1配置 voip 拨号对等 3:dial-peer voice 3 voip destination-pattern +111.... ession target ipv4: 配置E&M 端口:voice-port 1/0/0ignal immediateoperation 4-wiretype 2voice-port 1/0/1ignal immediateoperation 4-wiretype 2配置串行端口:interface serial 0/0description serial interface type dce (provides clock) clock rate 2021000ip address shutdown接下来配置路由器 SLC,步骤与配置SJ类似。

思科语音解决方案1. 引言在现代社会中,语音通信是人与人之间沟通交流的重要方式。
2. 思科语音解决方案的基本原理思科语音解决方案基于IP网络技术,采用集成的语音传输协议,可以将语音信号转换成数字数据并通过网络传输。
3. 思科语音解决方案的主要特点思科语音解决方案具有以下主要特点:3.1 网络集成思科语音解决方案基于IP网络技术,可以与企业现有的网络基础设施无缝集成。
3.2 可扩展性思科语音解决方案采用模块化设计,可以根据用户的需求进行灵活的扩展和升级。
3.3 高可靠性思科语音解决方案采用分布式架构和冗余设计,具有高可靠性和稳定性。
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1 Lab Topology :1.1 Lab Dial Plan and Addressing:!Tip -All Sub-interface and L3 VLAN interface for server, voice and data are assigned ip address .254 from the respective subnet.!Tip –R2 and R3 routers have HWIC-4ESW for connecting IP Phone.2 Basic Campus Design2.1Voice and Data VLANs (2 points)Configure Voice VLANs for switch ports connecting to IP Phones at HQ, SiteBandSiteC.Voice VLAN IDs for HQ, SiteB and SiteC are 102 302 and 502 respectively.There is a machine connected to each switch port. Configure switch ports such that machine will be placedin an appropriate data VLAN. Data VLAN IDs for HQ, SiteB and SiteC are 202, 402 and 602 respectively.Refer to port assignment and VLAN Detail tables for more information.SB SC 4ESWRack06R1vlan 100 en 6 int f0/0.100 f0/0.6 server interface ip 106 en 106 int f0/0.106 hq voice 206 en 206 int f0/0.206 hq data loo 0 24int s02/0R1-R2 s0/2/0.102 p to p dlci 102R1-R3 s0/2/0.103 p to p dlci 103R1-TO-RACK0506BB如果用BBint f0/0.156 en 156不用BBint loo 157interface FastEthernet1/0/2description To-Rack03R1-Phone switchport access vlan 203switchport mode accessswitchport voice vlan 103spanning-treeportfastR2vlan 306 en 306 int f0/0.306 sb voice vlan 406 en 406 int f0/0.406 sb dataint loo 0 databasevlan 306 name sb-voicevlan 406 name sb-dataintvlan 306ip add FastEthernet0/3/3switchport trunk native vlan 403 switchport mode trunkswitchport voice vlan 303interface FastEthernet0/3/3switchport trunk native vlan 403 switchport mode trunkswitchport voice vlan 303s0/2/0R2-R1int s0/2/0.201 p to p dlci 201 R3vlan 506 en 506 int f0/0.506 sc voice vlan 606 en 606 int f0/0.606 sc dateint loo 0 s0/2/0.301 p to p dlci 301 noteR1 R2 R31. R1#show vlan-switch2. show run int s0/2/0.102R1(config-subif)#ippim sparse-dense-mode3 R2 R3 4ESWswitch 37501. check interface to phone vlan information2. cdp advertise-v23. interface to ccm, duplex half2.2DHCP Service (2 points)Configure CUCM Publisher as DHCP server to provide lP Addresses for lPPhones at HQ and SiteB from their respective Voice subnets.For HQ, use lP address range from to For SiteB, use lP address rangefrom to Option 150 ip local Cisco 2811 router as DHCP server to provide IP addresses for SiteClP Phones from localVoice subnet.Use IP address range from to SC Option 150 ip PUB DHCP SERVER voice subnet142.102.64.10 150 voice142.102.65.10 150 voice142.102.66.10 150 inite1. check service2. rename ccm for name to ip3.Cisco Unified CM Group Configuration pub behind sub4.Enterprise Parameters Configurationnote1. gateway2. ip helper3. dhcp service .restart dhcp service4. inite all phone2.3 NTP (2 points)HQ PST -8SB CST -6SC CCT +8CCM ,UNITYCN,Presence ServerSynchronize HQ router with external NTP source at This External NTP server is in UTC time zone.Configure HQ router in PST time zone which is 8 hours behind UTC. Synchronize CUCM Publisher with loopback interface of HQ router.SiteB is in CST time zone which is 2 hours ahead of PST.SiteC is in Hong Kong time zone which is 8 hours ahead of UTC.Configure CUCM such that IP phones display appropriate time according to the time zone to which theybelong.Phones should display 12hours time format. Date displayed should be in the format mm-dd-yy.hq route NTP server route ntp server route ntp server PUB ntp server SUB ntp server CCM pubUNITY EXPRESS v9 v10 看题2.4 Note1.Check service2.NTP3.HOST -> IP4.企业参数M Group3Cisco U nified Communication Manager3.11CUCM IP Phones registration (3points)Register IP phones at HQ, SiteB and SiteC to CUCM and assign extension numbers as specified in theabove table.Extension-to-extension calling should use 4-digit dialing and should also deliver calling name.You can use any trivial names such as HQ Phone 1. SiteB Phone I etc. IP Phones should display globalizeddialing number at the right hand corner e.gH Q? Phone I should display+14082022001, SiteB Phone Ishould display +19723033001SiteC Phone I should display +852********.Phones should display 12hours time format. Date displayed should be in the format mm-dd-yy.3.2Change background (2points)HQ Phone 1/2/3 SiteB Phone 1/2Can change the default background to that on the lab PC7975 : Desktops/320x216x16/7965:Desktops/320x212x167971 :Desktops/320x212x127961& 7942: Desktops/320x196x4CIPC: Desktops/320x212x12<CiscoIPPhoneImageList><ImageItem Image="TFTP:Desktops/320x216x16/small.png"URL="TFTP:Desktops/320x216x16/large.png"/></CiscoIPPhoneImageList>3.3CUCME IP Phones registration (3points)4001 4002 register to SiteC routerProvide a share line instance with DN number of 4003 on the second line of each of the SiteC Phone.3.4CUCME IP Phones Feature (3points)configuration the CUCME such that the two SiteC phones can accommodate up to 5 inbound to this share number,howeverSiteC phone 1 can only answer a more than of 2 inbound call.On its shard line and SiteC phone 2 can answer up to 4 on its share line.SCphone 1 & 2recieve more than two callsAll allow with phone to display calling information (calling number and name ) for active call on the share linehowever configuration a private button on the third line SiteC phone 1Which the phone user configuration, Press to enable or disable other this share line, phones to display thecoun?? Information for active call SiteC phone's share line.ephone-dn 1octo-linenumber 4001 no-reg primarydescription +852********name SC Phone 1ephone-dn 2octo-linenumber 4002 no-reg primary name SC Phone 2!!ephone-dn 3octo-line number 4003 no-reg primary huntstop channel 5!!ephone 1privacy offprivacy-buttonmac-address 001E.378A.F741 busy-trigger-per-button 2 type CIPCbutton 1:1 2:3ephone 2privacy offmac-address 0017.E0AE.5001 busy-trigger-per-button 4 type 7961button 1:2 2:3!4Voice Gateways and Signaling4.1HQ lOS MGCP TI-PRI gateway (2 points)Configure CUCM to register HQ Router controller TI 0/0/0 as lOS MGCP T1 PRI gateway.Make sure that all inbound and outbound MGCP traffic is sourced from the local interface is sending 10-digits Direct-Inward-Dial (DID) for inbound PSTN calls.Test the inbound calls to HQ IP Phones 408202xxxx where xxxx is extension range of HQ IP Phones.Verify the gateway functionality by making outgoing calls to 911 emergency numbers.Calls made to this number should display 10-digit caller ID as 408202xxxx. There is no need to test 9911Calling.ccm-managerconfig server ccm-managerconfignoccm-manager configR1(config)#voice-port 0/0/0:23R1(config-voiceport)#shutdownR1(config-voiceport)#int s0/0/0:23R1(config-if)#shR1(config-if)#no isdn bind-l3 ccm-managerR1(config)#controller t1 0/0/0R1(config-controller)#shR1(config-controller)#no pri-group timeslots 1-23R1(config-controller)#pri-group timeslots 1-3 service mgcpR1(config-controller)#R1(config-controller)#no shR1(config-controller)#int s0/0/0:23R1(config-if)#isdn bind-l3 ccm-managerR1(config-if)#isdn outgoing display-ieR1(config-if)#isdn send-alertingR1(config-if)#isdn bchan-number-order ascendingR1(config)#voice-port 0/0/0:23R1(config-voiceport)#no shR1(config)#mgcp bind media source-interface f0/0.103R1(config)#mgcp bind control source-interface f0/0.103card type T1 0 34.2SiteBlOS H.323 TI-PRI gateway (2 points)Configure CUCM to register SiteB Router controller TI 0/0/0 as lOSh323TI PRI gateway.Make sure that all inbound and outbound h323 traffic is sourced from the local interface is sending 10-digits Direct-Inward-Dial (DID) for inbound PSTN calls.Test the inbound calls to SiteB IP Phones 972303xxxx where xxxx is extension range of SiteB IP Phones.Verify the gateway functionality by making outgoing calls to 911 emergency numbers.Calls made to this number should display 10-digit caller ID as 972303xxxx. There is no need to test 9911 calling.interface Vlan303ip address interfaceh323-gatewayvoip bind srcaddr!4.3SiteClOS H323 gateway (2 points)Configure SiteC router as H323 gateway and register the same to CUCM. Use only 12 channels of El PRI.Make sure that all inbound and outbound H323 traffic is sourced from the local interface is sending 8-digits Direct-Inward-Dial (DID) for inbound PSTN calls.Test the inbound calls to SiteC IP Phones 2404xxxx where xxxx is extension999 no need 99994.4 Gatekeeper Request (3 points)Configuration R1 as a GK, domain name Do not register any E.164 number.R1#show gatekeeper endpointsGATEKEEPER ENDPOINT REGISTRATIONCallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port Zone Name Type Flags 1720 GK VOIP-GWH323-ID: HQ-Trunk IVoice Capacity Max.= Avail.= Current.= 0142.100.64.12 1720 32785 GK VOIP-GWH323-ID: HQ-Trunk 2Voice Capacity Max.= Avail.= Current.= 0GATEKEEPER ENDPOINT REGISTRATIONCallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port Zone Name Type Flags 1720 GK VOIP-GWH323-ID: HQ-Trunk IVoice Capacity Max.= Avail.= Current.= 0142.100.64.12 1720 32785 GK VOIP-GW H323-ID: HQ-Trunk 2Voice Capacity Max.= Avail.= Current.= 0142.102.66.254 1720 53256GK h323-GW H323-ID: CME-HKGVoice Capacity Max.= Avail.= Current.= 0Total number of active registrations = 3R1#show gatekeeper gw-type-prefixGATEWAY TYPE PREFIX TABLEPrefix: 852*Zone GK master gateway list: CME-HKG Prefix: 1*Zone GK master gateway list: HQ-Trunk 1142.100.64.12:1720 HQ Trunk 2Section 4: CUCM Call RoutingPSTN access code for all IP phones- 9Country code for US — 1142.102.66.254:1720 CME-HKG Prefix: 1*Zone GK master gateway list: HQ-Trunk 1142.100.64.12:1720 HQ Trunk 2Section 4: CUCM Call RoutingPSTN access code for all IP phones- 9Country code for US — 1Country code for Hong Kong - 852National code for HQ and SiteB IP phones — 1International code for HQ and SiteB IP Phones — 011 International code for SiteC IP Phones — 00Note:5Call Routing5.1CUCM Call Routing — HQ Gateway (3 points)HQ PSTN provider specifications are as follows,I) HQ PSTN provider expects proper information in “called party number” and “called party number type”fields.2) “Called party number” and “called party number type” information must be set in ISDN setup messages.(Subscriber for local calls, National for long distance calls, and International for International calls. )3) You MUST not use leading digit information to signal national (1) or international (011) calls.4) If HQ Phone 1 makes international call to SiteC Phone 1 901185224044001. Service provider expects“852********” in called party number field and “international” in “called party number type” field to route this call properly.5) Unknown “Called party number type” field is only accepted for 911 emergency calls.By considering the above specifications, configure following requirements,All HQ IP phones can make local PSTN calls by dialing 9 followed by 7 digit PSTN number.Calls 911 by dialing 10 digit.1)Second digit after the access code can be anything between 2 to 9.Rest of the digits can be anything between 0 to 9. For such local calls,PSTN should send 7 digits calling number 202xxxx along with calling name. Also, “called party number type” should be set to subscriber for these calls.Only HQ gateway should be selected and no redundancy is required.2) All HQ IP phones can make International calls by dialing 9 followed by011 then country code and variable length dialing digits. (Calling number for such calls should be US country code leading “+“ i.e. - +1408202xxxx.)International calls should use only HQ gateway and no redundancy is required. Also,“called party number type” should be set to international for these calls.3) If HQ IP Phone makes national call to numbers in 972 area code, SiteB Gateway should be selected first to route these calls. 10-digit Calling number 408202xxxx should be sent out to PSTN along with calling name.If SiteB gateway is not available, it should use local HQ gateway to route these calls.10-digit Calling number 408202xxxx should be sent out to PSTN along with calling name.4) Configure local route group for both the type of calls mentioned above so that it uses onlyHQ gateway for call routing.5.2CUCM Call Routing — SiteB Gateway (3 points)siteb calling + HQ Site B PSTN providerspecifications are as follows,1) Site B PSTN provider uses leading digits in the called number to signalnon-local calls. 1 for national and 011 for international calls.2) “Called party number” and “called party number type” information must be set in ISDN setupmessages.(Subscriber for local calls, National for long distance calls, and International for International calls).3) If SiteB Phone I makes international call to SiteC Phone 1, 901185224044001service provider expects “01185224044001” in called party number field and to route this call properly.4) Unknown “Called party number type” field is only accepted for 911 emergency calls.By considering the above specifications, configure following requirements,1) All SiteB IP phones can make local PSTN calls by dialing 9 followed by 7 digit PSTN number.For such local calls, PSTN should send 7-digit calling number 303xxxx along with calling name.Only SiteB gateway should be selected and no redundancy is required. Calls 911 by dialing 10 digit.2) Local and international calls should use SiteB gateway first and then HQ gateway if local SB gatewayis unavailable.When making the local call uses the HQ GW, the calling number should be 10-digits.International call should send calling number +1972303xxxx5.3CMECall Routing - SiteC Gateway (4 points)SiteC PSTN provider specifications are as follows1) SiteC PSTN provider expects proper information in “called party number” and “called party number type” fields.2) “Called party number” and “called party number type” information must be set in ISDN setupmessages.(Subscriber for local, National for long distance and International for International calls).3) If SiteC Phone 1 makes international call to HQ Phone 190014082022001 ,service provider expects “14082022001” in called partynumber field and “international” in “called party number type” field to route this call properly.4) Unknown “Called party number type” field is only accepted for 999 emergency calls. Calling display 8 digit number.By considering the above specifications, configure following requirements,1) All SiteC IP phones can make local PSTN calls by dialing 9 followed by 8-digit PSTN number. For such local calls. PSTN should send 8-diciit callinq number2404xxxx along with calling name. Also, “called party number type” should be set to subscriber for thesecalls. Only SiteC gateway should be selected and no redundancy is required.2) All SiteC IP phones can make International calls by dialing 9 followed by 00 then country code andvariable length dialing digits. Calling number for such calls should be Hong Kong country code and.Example: 8522404xxxx.International calls should use only SiteC gateway and no redundancy is required.Also, “called party number type” should be set to international for these calls.3) Configure local route group for both the type of calls mentioned above so that gateway for call routing.4) International calls from SiteC IP phones should be routed via SiteC gateway first as local calls.If SiteC gateway is not available, it should use SiteB gateway. (Example 442085554444 -international call need backup)5.4Gatekeeper Routing (4 points)Do not use any default technology prefix aliase or banil statement to muniment the gatekeepr’s channelselectionReference out from Gakekeeper 4.3 for zone prefix and technology prefix informationUse 4-digit dial between the HQ site and SiteC users dial four digit with altering digit “4”, reversedirection users also dial 4 digit string with the first digit begin “2 for now you are not required toconfiguration 4-digit call between SiteB and SiteC.if a 4 digit call (Between the HQ and SiteC) is reject by gatekeeper for any reason it should still routeas international call via pstn.5.5Gatekeeper Routing Troubleshooting (5 points)The HQ user makes frequent internal call to very import U.K.Customers want to reduce the cost of these international calls.The company has signed a contract with a VoIP service provide to route all U.K.Boundary international calls via the provider's h323 network using RAS The CUCM must send all HQ original boundary intermational (Country Code 44) to the local Gatekeeper (Configuration on RI)RI will then forward these calls to the service provider's gatekeeper. Which match the North America internationalaclts?? Code plus the U.K country code (01144) and router the call.Here are same informational regard the service provider's Gatekeeper: Gatekeeper lD:BBGKGatekeeper Domain Name:Gatekeeper IP:157.26.1 .253Your colleague had configuration the solution but could not get it to work. The removed theseconfiguration escalated to you Reconfigure the Gatekeeper Routing on CUCM and Ri .Gath andanalyzer debugs and troubleshooting this issue. Lastly write a short(up to 50 word) to summarize.You finding use “Notepad” on your pc to document your finding as to why is call failing.5.6CUCM Call Routing —“+“ dialing consideration (3 points) Configure CUCM to deliver globalised dialing pattern for SiteB IP ohones. Use“debug isdn q931” output to verify number type information for calling and called number sent by PSTN.Refer to below example,1) Make inbound call to SiteB IP Phone 2 3033002 from SiteB PSTN phone 5252222.2) On SiteB IP phone 2, it displays 7 digit calling number 5252222 along with calling name as“SiteB PSTN”. Do not answer this call.3) Press directories button to go to missed call menu. After selecting missed calls menuThis call should display globalized calling number +19725252222.4) Select this call from list and click dial button to call this number. This should select SiteB gateway for call routing.5) Once call is connected, it should show “To 5252222” on SiteB IP phone 2 display and “From 3033002” on PSTNphone display.6) If SiteB gateway is not available, call should be routed using HQ gateway.10-digit Calling number 972303xxxx should be sent out to PSTN along without calling name.6Codec Selection (2 points)Configure IP Phones and gateways in such as way that all calls within same site should use G711 codec.Also, all calls between the sites to remote IP phones and gateways should useG729 codec.7Media Resource Management7.1MOH (3 points)When SiteB and SiteC IP phones or PSTN users are put on hold, configure local routers to stream G71 1 multicastMOH from router flash. You can use “” file in router flash for this multicast requirement.7.2Call Park (3 points)Configure Call Park 2900-2902Make sure Call Park works on both CUCM's for failover.7.3Cisco Unified CallManager Express cBrage (2 points)Enable cBrage on CUCME,so that sitec phone 1 and phone 2 can barge into an active call on the share line.8QoSIt is not restricted to use auto-qos however there should not be any impact of the configuration generated by auto-qos on functionality of the lab. If there is any such impact, this section will not be marked.8.1Switch QoS (3 points)1> Map "COS 5" to DSCP value of EF2> On port fa1/0/13 which is connected to HQ Phone 1, guarantee 32k for incomingSCCP signlingtraffic.Excess traffic should be marked to DSCP 8 and thentransmitted By default,ip Phones mark SCCP signaling traffic to CS3.8.2Link fragmentation and interleaving (2 points)There is 384 k frame-relay PVC between HQ and Site B. Configure R1 and R2 to enable MLPP,link fragmentation and interleaving on this circuit.There is 768 k frame-relay PVC between HQ and SiteC. Configure R1 and R3 to enable MLPP,link fragmentation and interleaving on this circuit. fragment delay 10ms interface Virtual-Templatel9Voice Mail IntegrationYou should check MWI functionality for Cisco Unity connection as well as Cisco Unity Express. Make sure to clear MWI once you test the same in the lab. Also, make sure that voicemail pilot numbers for both Cisco unity Connection as well as Cisco unity express are reachable from PSTN.9.1Cisco Unity Connection Integration and Configuration (6 points)Cisco Unity Connection is pre-configured and integrated with CUCM with following configuration,Voicemail Pilot - 2220Voicemail ports - 2221-2224MWlon 1998MWI off- 1999AXL username — administratorAXL password - ccievoiceAdd AXL server then import hql and siteb1/2 to UnityCn (Username: HQ1 SiteB1 I SiteB2)Set default PIN to “246810” for these users.Test the voicemail and MWI functionality for configured users so that call will be forwarded to voicemail if user does not answer the call within 20 seconds9.2Cisco Unity Express Initial Configuration (2 points)9.3Cisco Unity Express and CUCME (2 points)Before proceeding to the cue-cucme integration first check to see if the install CUE license file is for CUCM or CUCME,If the license file is for CUCM you will need to update it to support CUCME integration.FTP server: cisco/cisco(Note Differente for capitalization)The following file are available:CU Exxxxxx.liceCU Exxxxxx.liceuse the following information for cue and cucme9.4Live Recording (5 points)Provision a Live record solution for the SiteCip phone so that initiators of conference calls could invoke a record session to record conversational as voice message into cue.use directory number 4250 as pilot number.10UCCX10.1I CD (5 points)UCCX is pre-configured and integrated with CUCM with below details:lCD Route Point:2400CTI Ports:2401 -2405JtapiUsername:jtapiJtapiPassword:ciscoRmCmUsername:rmRmCmPassword:ciscoUCCX Application UserName:uccxadminUCCX Application Password:ccievoiceUCCX Server UserName:administratorUCCX Server password:ccievoice10.2A dvance要求先听见一个队列宣告,然后宣告你前面还有X位.All other calls into the queue can be configure the cucm,uccx and passed call serviced by either again11: Cisco Unified Presence11.1C UCM presence using busy lamp field (BLF) (3 points)10.2 CUCME Presence (3 points)User the 3th button of SiteC Phone 2 to monitor line 1 user of phone 1.This button on SiteC phone2 should be lit solid Red LED when SiteC Phone 1 is off-hook or Do Not Direct (DND) mode.12: High AvailabilityON SITEB.1. SRST call routing - 2 pointsa. calls should work as normal and should display the following ani when calling the PSTN. The PSTN should also be able to call inbound911 =====> 10 digit displaylocal =====> 7 digit displayld =======> 10 digitinternational ======> +11 digit displayb.When in SRST ,SB Phone can dial HQ Phones using 4 digits ,assuming the telphone service provide support 4 digit.2. Advance SRST - 4 pointsa. while in SRST phones should appear exactly like when they are registered to CUCM except for the message "Your phones are in fallback" displayed at the bottom of the phonesb. both of the primary lines on each phone sbph1 and sbph2 should be able to make or recieve more than two callsc. when in SRST phone should still be able to utilize Cbarged. your are not allowed to have information for any ephones in the running configuratione.When in SRST, HQ and SiteC can dial SiteB Phone(3XXX)。