

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U12

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U12

Keys to ExercisesUnit T welvePart Ⅰ Listening PracticeSection A Helping the EnvironmentTask 1Person 1: smogPerson 2: plasticPerson 3: CFCsPerson 4: carbon dioxide/water shortagePerson 5: toxic chemicalsPerson 6: deforestationTask 2Person 1: ride a bikePerson 2: use cloth bags when shoppingPerson 3: use a car without an air conditionerPerson 4: plant trees and use as little water as possiblePerson 5: avoid using chemical cleanersPerson 6: stop eating beefSection B Earth Day CelebrationTask 31. Plant trees.2. Learn more about the environment.3. Reduce, reuse and recycle all day long.4. Sing or listen to “Earth” songs.5. Teach others about the environment.6. Wear green or brown.7. Cook a special Earth Day meal.8. Ride your bike. 中国人民大学出版社Task 4Earth Day is a day of events and observances intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. Founded by United States Sena-tor Gaylord Nelson, this Earth Day is now observed on April 22 each year by more than 500 million people and several national governments in 175 countries.Every day is Earth Day. Anything to help our environment is a perfect thing to do on Earth Day and every day. Don’t restrict yourself to just one day a year; learn about how you can make a difference to environmental protection all the time. And put it into practice – every day!Section C Genetically Modified Food Task 5AdvantagesDisadvantages Crops could be made resistant to plant-killing chemicals.There could be new toxins in foods.Crops could be made resistant to bacteria, viruses, and insects.Diseases could spread across different species of plants.More nutritious food could be developed.The ecological balance could be disturbed.Plants could grow out of control. Section D Discussing the Environment Task 71. Issue being discussed:The positive advances in technology vs. the damage it does to the environment.2. Main points of each speaker:Stevens: M odern innovations in technology cause irreversible damage to the en-vironment.Technological advances can’t keep up with negative impact. Grant: T echnology can reverse environmental damage.Overpopulation can be limited by birth control.Pollution can be cut down by effective means of mass transit.中国人民大学出版社Keys to ExercisesKeys to ExercisesTask 8Stevens thinks that technological innovation cannot solve the problems of environmental damage caused by technology itself, while Grant thinks that despite the damage caused by technology, there are many positive implications of technological innovation for environmental improvement.Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension TestTalk One1. Reduce, reuse, recycle.2. To reduce impulse buying.3. B ecause they last long so they save you money and the environment in the long run.4. R ecycling means collecting, processing, marketing, and ultimately reusing materials that were once discarded.5. Glass, aluminum, steel, paper and cardboard, plastics.Talk T wo6. 85% and 70%.7. 50%.8. A system of megaparks (large national parks).9. To protect the forests and help the environment.10. P eople used to eat its eggs. Now they work in the tourist industry, including acting as guides to take tourists to see the turtles.中国人民大学出版社。



1.我不相信幸运这一类事情.我认为大多数时候事情发展地顺利或不顺利主要因为人们自己的行为.我相信大多数的情况下你可以通过努力工作,自我约束,坚持不懈,把个人的发展作为每天必考虑的事情等方面创造自己的幸运.2.许多的职业都包含其他人(的参与). 你可能具有超强的学术能力,然而缺少社交能力,即有能力倾听别人,对其他人(的反应)敏感,甚至游刃有余地给出或吸纳批评.3.如果你周边的环境经常让你意志消沉,也许你的确该改变一下了,可能不是改变你的位置,但至少是你的态度.如果你能学会很好地利用任何情况,你就能消除掉挡在你和你梦想之间的可怕的障碍.4.任何人在忙忙碌碌的时候都会犯错误.但是注意力不集中的人经常遇到麻烦不是因为他们太忙了,而是因为他们缺乏优先考虑的事情.这样,不仅浪费了他们的实践,也浪费了资源.5.如果你拒绝变化,你就是拒绝成功.学会灵活,否则就得学会习惯忍受失败.6.你的天分越大,你就有可能越倚赖于天分,甚至忽视日复一日完善它的工作.如果你有了这样消极的倾向,给自己定一个进步计划,这样你就能充分利用好上帝给你的天赋.2第二单元翻译1.老师、教授常被描述成生活在象牙塔中的理想主义者,他们脱离实际。



3.我们必须使每个学生开始明白:他/ 她在人类连绵不断的链条上只是其中的一环,这一环虽小,却至关重要。








《研究生英语听说教程(基础级第二版)》Units 1-12练习答案 Unit OnePart I Liste ning PracticeSection A Listening for Gist Task 1 1. air hostess 2. teacher 3. den tist4. shop assista nt 7. Disc Jockey10. taxi driver Task 2 1. airways, flight 5. tourist guide 8. traffic warde n2. homework 6. salesma n 9.waiter3. ope n up wide, fining chipped4. larger size, fit, stock5. buildi ng, desig ned6. buys, products7. record, radio8. yellow line, no-park ing9. menu, chef Section B Plans for Weekend Task 3 10. road, park 1.Pat 2.J ill 3. Mary 4.Sam 5.Ted 6.Ja ne Section C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 4 1.B2.C3.B4.C5.A6.BSection D Making Arrangements Task5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1 Task 6 1. bring: records 2. bring: san dwiches, fishi ng rod and drinks 3. bring: white wine 4. bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: bus stop meet: at the river meet: at Pat ' s house meet: in front of his housePart ID Listening Comprehension Test1.D2.C3.A4.B5.D6.C7.B8.A9.C 10.CPart I Liste ning PracticeSection A Guessing about the Situation and SpeakerTask 11. football match2. Law court 4. quiz show 7. car showroom 10. tour (of London) Task 21. football comme ntator 3. vicar /priest /mi nister 5. a nnouncer 7.car salesma n9. head master/pri ncipalSect ion B Look ing for a flatTask 31. About a flat.2. Joe is going to rent a flat.1. New Street in Kanden2. $75 including gas and electricity3. one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom ‘washing machine 4.Mrs. Gree n5.4 o ' clock this after noon 1. Lan dlord and tenant.2. The man is talk ing about the house rules.3. She has agreed. Task 61. Don' t allow a cat to go upstairs.2. no smok ing in a bedroom3. Don' t stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4. Close the window when you go out.5. Don 't put the kettle on the chest drawers. Thomas Street Un iversity Ave nueUnit Two3. church6. weather forecast 9. school5. airport 8. driv ing less on2. Judge/magistrate4.T.V prese nter6.forecaster 8.dirving instructor 10. tour guide-Taft RoadTask 81. Metcalf Street2. Thomas Street Metcalf Street3. Uni versity Avenue4. Taft RoadPart III Listening Comprehension Test1.C2.B3.C4.B5.B6.C7.B8.C9.B 10.DUnit Three Part I Liste ning PracticeSection A Listening for Specific InformationTask 11. weight; l3Pou nds2. a car; 6503. a cash-card; 89764. a fax; 593381; Code- 4408655. a bank account; 609177186. a foreig n-excha nge coun ter; 410,000 pesos(Excha nge rate; 4,100 to 1)7. weather; 83 F 8. Waterloo; 1815Task 21.On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2. Rusty ,expe nsive.3. Yes4. He' ll con tact him and talk about the new con tract.5. Probably in a bank.6. For a holiday7. B ecause Dave and Jane are there.8. Quiz.Section B Describing different PeopleTask 31. Sex: femaleAge: about 35 Height: about average Hair: long black 2. Sex: maleAge: an older man about seve ntyHeight: rather short, about five feet or five feet two Hair: Grey ,large mustache4. Sex: maleAge: about forty-fiveHeight: very tallHair: very long, darkOthers: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying“ Bruce Springs Is the Boss ”Task4 a4 b5 c2 d6 e3 f1Task 5 6 4 2 3 1 5 photos, coin, stool,dial, backgro un d, flashAsk: for the sales departme ntPart III Liste ning Comprehe nsion Test1. B 5.B 9.C2.D6.A10.C3.B7.B4.B8.D3. Sex: femaleAge: quite young, about thirtyHeight: really tallHair: blondOthers: carry ing red flowersSection C Taking a PhotoSectio n D Express Compa nyTask 61. Prepaid express bag service major cities $102. Same day service3. Express road serviceFor further details call: Tel: 33445656 Within the city $8Any tow n Depe nds on distanee andweightBuy a bag in adva nee.Call for a quick pick up.They will go to you.For larger packagesUnit Four Part I Liste ning PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 11. Garden3. Microwave ove n5. Clothes7. Art9. Tennis 2. Vendin g-mach ine4. Computer/Word-processor/Video Game 6. Hifi /Music system8. Co ncert10. HolidaysTask 21. lawn, flower beds , fence2. butt on, cold water, hot chocolate3. food, be cooked in no time, electricity4. switch, disc, program5. fit, tight, shrink, suit6. compact, speaker, cassette-player7. moder n, abstract, colors and forms8. sin ger, guitars, drum, records9. player, backha nd, score10. tan, beach, hotel ,campingSection B Telephoning about JobsTask 3 Diane—waitressGred—car salesma n Tracy ----- typist Joe—bus in essma nTask 3 A.4 B3 C.1 D.2Task 41. part-time, Saturday and Sun day, eight hours a day2. full-time, Tuesday through Sun day, from 5 to about 12. Pay is $3.35 an hour.3. work ing ni ghts; five or six days a week4. a weeke nd job; three eve nings a week, hours are five to mid ni ghtTask 4 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.FSection C A Same Job or a New JobTask 51. Liza new job2. Tom same job4. Kay new job5. Janice new job3. Brian new jobSection D Interview about a JobA1 Employment Agency 1. Full Name: Jessica Richards2. Address: 33 Lan dseer Road, Newtow n3. Date of Birth: Mach 19th, 19804. Educati on: Secon dary5. Exam in ati ons passed: En glish, chemistry, maths, Fren ch, physics, and biology6. In terests (hobbies & sports): play ing the pia no, in a jazz band, water-skii ng7. Experie nee? Previous posts: lab assista nt8. Post or positi on required: lab assista nt9. Any special requests: noPart III Liste ning Comprehe nsion Test1. C2.B3.B4.C5.D6.C7.A8. C9.A10.BUnit FivePart One Liste ning PracticeSection A Listening for Gist Task 11. a pair of trousers3. a n ewspaper and min ts/sweets 5. Drinks 7. a haircut9. a game of squash Task 21. in a clothes-shop 3. at a newsagent ' s5. at a pub7. at a hairdresser 2. a retur n ticket 4. ballet or theatre tickets 6. tickets for a coach trip 8. soup and fish 10. throat medici ne2. at the stati on 4. at a box-office6. in a tourist office /travel age ncy s /barber ' s 8. in a restaura nt10. at a chemist ' s /pharmacySection B ShoppingTask 3 gold pen $135 bracelet $545ring $1,259 watch $23.75 calculator $7.85 Task 41. watch2. ring3. pen4. braceletThey are too expe nsive for her.Section C Paying for the Things Task 51. personal check2. credit card3. personal check4. cash5. traveler Section D Andrew Cc s mplaint Task 6Equipme nt: electric fan No.: BE 42703 — 02 Color: blueFault: It doesn ' t work.Purchaser: An drew EmmettAddress: 5 Rain bow Terrace West Old Field Surrey Phone No.: 77480Part III Liste ning Comprehe nsion Test1.B2.C 5.D 6.D 9.C10.C3.B4.D 7.C8.C1.D2.B3.A4.C5.C6.B7.D8.B9.D 10.BUnit SevenPart I Liste ning PracticeSection A Telephone NumbersTask 1 (1) 342-6070305s checkSize: medium Made in /date: 1985⑵ 911-1144 216⑶ 623-4030 313⑷ 505-6653 504(5) 610-1214 617⑹ 632-1010 202⑺ 211-4579 212(8) 397-4231 602(9) 974-0012 215(10) 864-3079 206Task 2(1) 313⑵202⑶ 305 342-6070(4) student ' s numberSection B Telephone QuizTask 310, 9, 1, 4, 6,1. The nu mber you have dialed has bee n temporarily disc onn ected and is no Ion ger in service.2. Y ou can dial that direct.3. Please have her call me back at 654-9234.4. I have a collect call from Sue. Will you accept the charges?5. She isn ' t here right now Can I take a message?6. What number did you dial?7. This nu mber is un listed.8. I ' ll connect your call. Please hold.9. This is a record ing.10. There is no one here by that n ame.meet ing arran ged10:00 n extFridayTask71. Meet Stacey at school at 4:30. Stacey has told others. Bring volleyball and Staceys money2. Dinner with Tim on Thursday. Will meet at 7:00 in stead of 6:30. . Will pick you up here.3. Dr White. .Dental check-up. Thursday, 2 pm. Call if not convenient.4. Diane called. Ruth Lee needs a ride tomorrow. Can you take her? Call her 547 —68925. Car ready n ext Tuesday. Car n eeded a lot of work. Replaced battery but still work ing onstarter. Will cost around $350. You need new snow tires.Part III Liste ning Comprehe nsion TestTalk 11. so that their customers may call them long distance free of charge2. dial 0, and ask the operator for the 800-nu mber operator who can help you.3. sell products and services.4. charg ing high rates or en couragi ng un authorized callers to call.5. ask your local phone compa ny to block access to 900 nu mbers from your pho ne.Talk 21. Cell phone etiquette.2. In appropriate use of the cell phone is widespread.3. Ten feet.4. Because the cell phone can be distract ing or disruptive to others.5. It may in terfere with the sig nals or other sen sitive equipme nt.Unit EightTask 1Task 21. They can per the rabbits, sheep, and other animals.2. There are items from many parts of the world.3. They believe in taking care of the environment.4.It is both educational and interesting.5. Bats, owls and other animals.Section B Safari TourTask 31. You mustn 't get off the lan-drover without permission.2. You must all stay close to the guide.3. You all have to sign these insurance declarations.4. You mustn ' t disturb the animals.Task 41. land-rover, could be attacked2. company regulation, sign3. disturb, wild, tame, zoos4. 50 miles, 805. insect repellent, drinking water, rolls of 35mm film, packed lunchSection C The Afternoon 's TourTask 5The cathedral was built in 1241. It was designed by Hugo Derash, a French, so it an style. You can see part of the wall, a small statue beside a fountain. Itand a regular Tuesday market is held. There is a flower market every two weeks on Saturdays in Summer. The worn statue represents Venus, and the water comes from the springs in the hills and is very clear.Task 61. 1241 6. Venus, goddess of love2. Hugo Derash, France, brother 7. flower, two3. Norman 8. Tuesday4. wall 9. Springs in the hills5. modern 10. clearSection D Julie ' s VacationTask 71. urban holiday, camping2. Stanley Park, aquarium, Grouse mountain, museums galleries3. Ride over, deck, sat inside, read magazinesTask 81. It ' s cold and miserable.2. It ' s much an elegaciity with a lot of British in flue nee.3. A pin with a tiny totem pole on it. 's in s in themarkPart III Listening Comprehension Testl. A 2.C 3.D 4.B5.A6.B7.C8. A9.D 10.AListening Test One1.C 2A 3.D 4.C5.B6.B7.C8. D9.A 10.A 11.C 12.D13.C 14.D 15.B16. Three stages: marriage by capture; marriage by con tract or purchase; marriage based onmutual love.17. It symbolizes the period when the bridegroom hides his captured bride until her kinsmengrew tired of searchi ng for her.18. The “wed" was the money, horses, or cattle which the groom gave as security and as apledge to prove his purchase of the bride from her father.19. Blue was the color of purity love and fidelity.20. Bridesmaids remind us of the days when there had to be ten witnesses at the solemn marriage cerem ony.Listening Test Two1.B2.B3.D4.C5.A6.D7.C8.B9.A 10.C 11.B 12.D13.C 14.B 15.B16. primitive17. measure progress of students, show what they are lacking18. select ion and promoti on19. Test results lack validity and reliability; Teacher and stude nts work for high marks in steadof lear ning.20. Some Asian students with very high TOEFL marks turn out to be poor in their com muni cation skills in the U.S.Part I Listening PracticeSection A Stress and Your HealthTask 1Pers on 1.1 can ' t sleepPers on 2. I eat mostly sn ack foods.Pers on 3. I can ' t stop smok ing, drink more beer.Pers on 4. I can ' t eat.Task 21.fatigue2.li stless ness3. sleep ing problems4.loss of appetite or stomach disorders5. heart palpitationsSection B Student StressTask 31. pressure, pare nts, myself, academically, exactly, track record2. quarter system, begi nning, end, middle, screw up, messed up,well ordered, perfect3. eleve nth week, ten-week, half-week, exams4. cumulative, in corporate, differe nt problemsTask 41. quiet, nervous, distracted, around, music, C ' s2. library3. desk, room, straight, awake, comfortable4. ni ght, quietSection C Techniques for Managing Stress ⑴Task 51. What we can do with stress.2. Four poin ts:a. recog niti on of stress and welcome to it.b. Be tha nkful, an attitude of gratitude to life for life.c. to set my body in position to take whatever comes along and to utilize it properlyd. to maintain the hormonal system in a proper state of balanee3. Because a thankful attitude maintains the hormonal system in a proper state of balanee so that weare able to take whatever action is necessary in a con structive wayTask 61. to become aware of potentially stressful situations and avoid them2. to reduce our workload and orga nize the work in a better way3. to get the people rest and exercise4. to find a bala nee betwee n wok and playSection D Techniques for Managing Stress (2)Task 71. She can ' t lower her workload right now.2. Visualizati on or meditati on, more positive outlook, men tally pla nning your day' s activities in a lessstressful way.3. How to deal with the stress.4. A sport called crew to achieve physical and men tal bala nee.5. The emoti ons have a great deal to do with the disease and heali ng process.6. Dr. Norman Cousins laughed himself back to health.Task 81.T2.F3.F4.T5.F6.TPart III Listening Comprehension Test1.C2.B3.D4.A5.B6. B7.A8. A9.D 10.CPart I Liste ning PracticeSection A Personal HeroesTask 1Dr. Martin Luther King• won the Nobel Peace Prize* aga inst racism* was peacefulMother Teresa of Calcutta* helped poor people* won the Nobel Peace Prize« helped sick peopleNavajo Code4alkers« was peaceful« soldiers« are well-k nown by Native America n peopleTask 21. racism, discrim in ati on, peaceful, guts2. send, receive messages, la nguage, figured out3. poorest, Calcutta, In dia, feed, take care of, sickSection B AKIO MORITA (Mr. Sony)Task 31. in Nagoya, Japa n2. a rice drink called sake3. a very small radio4. walkma n5. because of the high quality6. in 19637. M r.SonyTask 41. 1 22. 1 23. 2 14. 2 1Section CTask 51. he used a $1,500 check to mark a page in a book. Then he lost the book!2. i n Ulm, Germa ny.3. Because when he was a child, he learned things very slowly and he didn ' t speakun til he was three years old.4. Whe n he was 12, Albert bega n readi ng math and scie nee books.5. In 1922, he received the Nobel Prize for physics.6. he died in 1955.Task 61.2 12. 1 23. 2 14. 1 2Section DTask 71. c2.e3.a4.b5.f6.dTask 81. Jane Goodall was born in London, England.2. she worked as a waitress and saved enough money for the boat trip to Kenya.3. She was 23 years old then.4. In Kenya, she met the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey5. In July 1960, Goodall began to study the chimpanzees.6. Goodall studied chimpanzees for over 40 years.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. B2.D3.A4. A5.A6.C7.D8. B9.B 10.DUnit ElevenPart I Listening PracticeSection A Premonitions of the Sinking Of the TitanicTask 11. take the form of dreams or visionsstrong feelings, ideas, or guesses that come into peoples minds for no apparent reason 2. In the early morning of April 15, 1912Titanic struck an iceberg and sank1,50220 cases of premonitions3. FutilityFiction: Titan Fact: Titanic1898 April 15,1912sank after hitting an iceberg sank after hitting an iceberg unsinkable liner unsinkable linerlifeboats lifeboats1.a passenger on the doomed ship, over 20 years earlier2. nine people, in which a ship like the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank3. two clairvoyants4. several other people, something would go wrong5. would-be passengers, they canceled their tickets at the last minute Section B The Titanic and the Andrea DoriaTask 3Similarities:1. both ships were transatlantic ocean liners2. they were both luxury liners3. as each ship was sinking, there were acts of heroism and acts of villainy4. both of these ships were considered “ unsinkable ”Differences:Titanic1. on her maiden voyage across Atlantic2. struck an iceberg and sank3. not equipped with radar, only a lookout4. more than 1,500 people died, over 700 survivedAndrea Doria1. On her 101st transatlantic crossing2. Collided with another ship and sank3. Had radar to warn of the approach of another ship4. 60 people died, 1,650 were savedTask 41. I can infer it.2. I heard it.3. I can infer it.4. I cannot infer it.5. I heard it.6. I cannot infer it.Section C Senator Smith Questions a Survivor (1)Reason 1: we had far better save what few we had in my boat Reason 2: our boat would be swamped by the crowds that were there Reason 3: the whole crowd in my boat discouraged me to do that Reason 4: they said it was rather a mad idea Task 61,100 people, 700 people, 1,000 people, freezing, a few hundred yards, refused to return and try to save, in charge of, fled his lifeboat to another lifeboat, 60 more peopleSection D Senator Smith Questions a Survivor (2) Task 7(omitted) Task 81. Smith is a senator and Pitman is a survivor of the Titanic disaster, who is in charge of a lifeboat.2. Not clearly told, but we know there was room for 60 more people in the two boats.3. The whole crowd in Pitman's lifeboat.Part 皿 Listening Comprehension Test3. B4.A5. C 8. A 9.D 10.ASection A1.D 6.B2.C 7.BListening 3.C 8.CTest Three4.A 9.D5.DSection B10.C11.B12.A13.D14.D15.CSection C16. He was three weeks away from 113 years old. 17. He cared for farm animals in the mountains. 18. Drinking a glass of red wine every day.19. A government birth record, a church record and a statement by a close family member. 20. The ratio is two to one.1.C2.B 6.B 7.CListening Test FourSection A1. C2.C3.D4.B5.A6.D7.C8.B9.CSection B10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14. D 15. C Section C16. designer and maker17. the eye, the hand and the heart18. (at) the American Art Museum19. King of Rockers20. thousands of dollars。

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U8

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U8

14 Unit EightPart Ⅰ Listening PracticeSection A Safari ParkTask 1 Safari ParkTask 21. Pink.2. Children can pet the rabbits, sheep, and other animals.3. Items from many parts of the world.4. Over seventy African lions.5. It is both educational and interesting.6. Bats, owls and other animals.Section B Safari TourTask 31. You mustn’t get off the land-rover without permission.2. You must all stay close to the guide.3. You all have to sign these insurance declarations.4. You mustn’t disturb the animals.中国人民大学出版社Keys to Exercises1Keys to ExercisesTask 41. land-rover, could be attacked2. the reserved area3. company regulation, sign4. nature reserve, wild, tame, zoos, as quiet as possible, disturb5. 50 miles, 806. insect repellent, drinking water, a packed lunch, 35mm filmSection C The Afternoon’s TourTask 5The cathedral was built in 1241. It was designed by Hugo Derash, a French, so it’s in Norman style. You can see part of the wall, a small statue beside a fountain. It’s in the market place and a regular Tuesday market is held. There is a flower market every two weeks on Saturdays in Summer. The worn statue represents Venus, and the water comes from the springs in the hills and is very clear.Task 61. 1241, Great Walls2. France, brother3. Norman, appearance, details4. statue, modern5. market place6. Tuesday7. flower, Saturday, two8. worn, Venus, Goddess of Love9. springs in the hills10. crystalSection D Julie’s VacationTask 71. urban holiday, go camping2. Stanley Park, aquarium, up, museums, galleries 中国人民大学出版社Keys to Exercises3. ride, ferry, out, deck4. seasoned, magazinesTask 81. It’s cold and miserable.2. Busy.3. Because people say it is an elegant city with a lot of British influence.4. A pin with a tiny totem pole on it.Part ⅢListening Comprehension Test1. C2. C3. C4. C5. C6. D社版出学大民人国中。

研究生英语听说教程答案 (1)

研究生英语听说教程答案 (1)

U n i t O n ePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 1hostess assistant guide Jockey warden driverTask 2, flight up wide, filling, chipped size, fit, stock , designed , products , radio line,no-parking , chef , parkSection B Plans for WeekendTask 3Section C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 4Section D Making ArrangementsTask 5Task 61.bring: records meet: bus stop2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at theriver3.bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front ofhis housePart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: DCABD/CBACCUnit TwoPart I Listening PracticeSection A Guessing about the Situation and SpeakerTask 1Match Court Show Forecast Showroom Lesson (of London)Task 2Section B Looking for a FlatTask 3a flat. is going to rent flat. are friends or classmates. is a landlady.Task 41.34New Street in Kanden2.$75 including gas and electricitybedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine . Greeno’clock this afternoonSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 5ndlord and tenant.2.The man is talking about the house rules.3.She has agreed.Task 61.Don’t allow a cat to go upstairs.2.no smoking in a bedroom3.Don’t stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4.Close the window when you go out.5.Don’t put the kettle on the chest of drawers.Section D Apartments for RentTask 7Thomas Street University AvenueTaft Road Metcalf StreetTask 8Street AvenueStreet ROADPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: CBCBB/CBCBDUnit ThreePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for Specific InformationTask 11.weight; 13 pounds2.car; 6503. a cash-card; 89764. a fax; 593381; code 4408655.6. a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 peso (Exchange rate: 4,100 to 1)7.weather; 83 F8.Waterloo; 1815Task 21.On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2.Rusty, expensive.3.Yes.4.He’ll contact him and talk about the new contract.5.Probably in a bank.6.For a holiday.7.Because Dave and Jane are there.8.Quiz.Section B Describing Different PeopleTask 3: female : maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventy Height: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet twoHair: long black Hair: Grey, large mustache Others: glasses, yellow flower Others: white flower in jacket: female : maleAge: quite young, about thirty Age: about forty-fiveHeight: really tall Height: very tallHair: blond Hair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowers Others: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying“Bruce Springs is the Boss”Section C Taking a PhotoTask 4 a4 b5 c2 d6 e3 f1Task 56 4 2 3 1 5 photo, coin, stool, dial, background, flashSection D Apartments for RentTask 6express bag service Major cities 410 Buy a bag in advance.Call for a quick pick up. day service Within the city $8 They will go to you.road service Any town Depends on For larger packagesDistance and weightFor further details call:Ask: for the sales departmentPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: BDBBB/ABDCC。



【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】Unit OnePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 11.air hostess2.teacher3.dentist4.shop assistant5.tourist guide6.salesman7.Disc Jockey8.traffic warden9.waiter 10.taxi driver Task 21.airways, flight2.homework3.open up wide, filling, chippedrger size, fit, stock5.building, designed6.buys, products7.record, radio8.yellow line, no-parking9.menu, chef 10.road, parkSection B Plans for WeekendTask 31.Pat2.Jill3.Mary4.Sam5.Ted6.JaneSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 41.B2.C3.B4.C5.A6.BSection D Making ArrangementsTask 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1Task 61.bring: records meet: bus stop2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river3.bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of hishousePart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: DCABD/CBACCUnit TwoPart I Listening PracticeSection A Guessing about the Situation and SpeakerTask 11.Football Matchw Court3.Church4.Quiz Show5.Airport6.Weather Forecast7.Car Showroom8.Driving Lesson9.School 10.Tour (of London)Task 21.Football Commentator2.Judge/Magistrate3.Vicar/Priest/Minister4.T.V. Presenter5.Announcer6.Forecaster7.Car Salesman8.Driving Instructor9.Head Master/Principal 10.Tour GuideSection B Looking for a FlatTask 31.About a flat.2.Joe is going to rent flat.3.They are friends or classmates.4.She is a landlady.Task 41.34New Street in Kanden2.$75 including gas and electricity3.one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine4.Mrs. Green5.4 o’clock this afternoonSection C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 5ndlord and tenant.2.The man is talking about the house rules.3.She has agreed.Task 61.Don’t allow a cat to go upstairs.2.no smoking in a bedroom3.Don’t stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4.Close the window when you go out.5.Don’t put the kettle on the chest of drawers. Section D Apartments for RentTask 7Thomas Street University Avenue Taft Road Metcalf StreetTask 81.Metcalf Street 3.University Avenue2.Thomas Street 4.Taft ROADPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: CBCBB/CBCBDUnit ThreePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for Specific InformationTask 11.weight; 13 pounds2.2.a car; 6503.a cash-card; 89764.a fax; 593381; code 4408655.a bank account; 609177186.a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 peso (Exchange rate: 4,100 to1)7.weather; 83 F8.Waterloo; 1815Task 21.On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2.Rusty, expensive.3.Yes.4.He’ll contact him and talk about the new contract.5.Probably in a bank.6.For a holiday.7.Because Dave and Jane are there.8.Quiz.Section B Describing Different PeopleTask 31.Sex: female2.Sex: maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventy Height: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet twoHair: long black Hair: Grey, large mustacheOthers: glasses, yellow flower Others: white flower in jacket3.Sex: female4.Sex: maleAge: quite young, about thirty Age: about forty-fiveHeight: really tall Height: very tallHair: blond Hair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowers Others: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying“Bruce Springs is the Boss”Section C Taking a PhotoTask 4 a4 b5 c2 d6 e3 f1Task 56 4 2 3 1 5 photo, coin, stool, dial, background, flashSection D Apartments for RentTask 61.Prepaid express bag service Major cities 410 Buy a bag in advance.Call for a quick pick up.2.Same day service Within the city $8 They will go to you.3.Express road service Any town Depends on For larger packagesDistance and weightFor further details call:Tel: 33445656Ask: for the sales departmentPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: BDBBB/ABDCC。

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U13

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U13

Name John Steel Enrique Vargas OccupationComputer Consultant StudentType of PC used IBM PC Apple Macintosh Reasons for choice1) knows them well 1) easier to use2) e xchanges information with other users 2) G UI-click on icons / no typing in commands3) a l o t o f s o f t w a r e available3) windows easier to set upTask 2choose clone easier mouse standard iconscommandssetupusedtoSection B Portable ComputersTask 31. palmtop 2. notebook 3. clipboard 4. laptop 5. desktopUnit ThirteenPart Ⅰ Listening PracticeSection A Personal ComputingTask 1 Interview 1Interview 2Keys to ExercisesKeys to ExercisesSection C Computers in EducationTask 51. T2. F3. F4. T5. F6. FTask 61. T2. F (You should check that there is good applications software available.)3. F (There are not two factors but three factors, the third being the size of your budget.)4. T5. F (The ideal is one computer per student and all computers linked by a local area network.)6. F (free access = unlimited access)Section D Computer SecurityTask 71. The network system isn’t very secure.2. A modem.3. W hat people do with them, e.g. use their own name or a partner’s name, which makes life easy for a hacker.4. I t shows a constantly changing number. It is safe as long as you don’t leave the card lying around.5. Steve seems to know a lot.Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension TestTalk 11. B ecause his company changed the way the world perceived the computer and its role in society.2. 557 million.3. technology4. technology could be made available to everyone5. technology could be used to better people’s lives and as a tool for creativity.中国人民大学出版社Talk 26. It refers to the idea of marketing a product over the Internet.7. A website.8. it can save time and money 9. a broader market and lower overheads10. Cybershoppers.。



研究生英语听说教程答案 The latest revision on November 22, 2020U n i t O n ePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 11.air hostess2.teacher3.dentist4.shop assistant5.tourist guide6.salesman7.Disc Jockey8.traffic warden9.waiter 10.taxi driverTask 21.airways, flight2.homework3.open up wide, filling, chippedrger size, fit, stock5.building, designed6.buys, products7.record, radio8.yellow line, no-parking9.menu, chef 10.road, parkSection B Plans for WeekendTask 31.Pat2.Jill3.Mary4.Sam5.Ted6.JaneSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 41.B2.C3.B4.C5.A6.BSection D Making ArrangementsTask 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1Task 61.bring: records meet:bus stop2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinksmeet: at the river3.bring: white winemeet: at Pat’s house4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinksmeet: in front of his housePart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: DCABD/CBACCUnit TwoPart I Listening PracticeSection A Guessing about the Situation and SpeakerTask 11.Football Matchw Court3.Church4.Quiz Show5.Airport6.Weather Forecast7.Car Showroom8.Driving Lesson9.School10.Tour (of London)Task 2Section B Looking for a FlatTask 31.About a flat.2.Joe is going to rent flat.3.They are friends or classmates.4.She is a landlady.Task 41.34New Street in Kanden2.$75 including gas and electricity3.one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine4.Mrs. Green5.4 o’clock this afternoonSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 5ndlord and tenant.2.The man is talking about the house rules.3.She has agreed.Task 61.Don’t allow a cat to go upstairs.2.no smoking in a bedroom3.Don’t stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4.Close the window when you go out.5.Don’t put the kettle on the chest of drawers.Section D Apartments for RentTask 7Thomas Street University AvenueTaft Road Metcalf StreetTask 81.Metcalf Street 3.University Avenue2.Thomas Street 4.Taft ROADPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: CBCBB/CBCBDUnit ThreePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for Specific InformationTask 11.weight; 13 pounds2.2.a car; 6503.a cash-card; 89764.a fax; 593381; code 4408655.6.a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 peso (Exchange rate: 4,100 to1)7.weather; 83 F8.Waterloo; 1815Task 21.On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2.Rusty, expensive.3.Yes.4.He’ll contact him and talk about the new contract.5.Probably in a bank.6.For a holiday.7.Because Dave and Jane are there.8.Quiz.Section B Describing Different PeopleTask 31.Sex: female2.Sex: maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventyHeight: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet twoHair: long black Hair: Grey, large mustacheOthers: glasses, yellow flower Others: whiteflower in jacket3.Sex: female4.Sex: maleAge: quite young, about thirty Age: about forty-fiveHeight: really tall Height: very tallHair: blond Hair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowers Others: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying“Bruce Springs is the Boss”Section C Taking a PhotoTask 4 a4 b5 c2 d6 e3 f1Task 56 4 2 3 1 5 photo, coin, stool, dial, background, flashSection D Apartments for RentTask 61.Prepaid express bag service Major cities 410 Buy a bag in advance.Call for a quick pick up.2.Same day service Within the city $8 They will go to you.3.Express road service Any town Depends on For larger packagesDistance and weight For further details call:Ask: for the sales departmentPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: BDBBB/ABDCC。



Unit 1 Task 11. air hostess2. teacher3. dentist4. shop assistant5. tourist guide6. salesman7. Disc Jockey 8. traffic warden 9.waiter 10. taxi driverTask 21. airways, flight2. homework3. open up wide, filling, chipped4. larger size, fit, stock5. building, designed6. buys, products7. record, radio 8. yellow line, no-parking 9. menu, chef 10. road, parkTask 3 and Task 41. Meet Stacey at school at 4:30. Stacey has told Others. Bring volleyball and Stacey's money.2. Dinner with Tim on Thursday. Will meet at 7:00 instead of 6:30. Will pick you up here.3. Dr White. Dental check-up. Thursday, 2 pm. Call if not convenient.4. Diane called. Ruth Lee needs a ride tomorrow. Can you take her? Call her 547--68925. Car ready next Tuesday. Car needed a lot of work. Replaced battery but still working on starter. Will cost around $350. You need new snow tires.Task 5 1. Petty 2. Jenny 3.4Task 6 1. a hairdryer 2. ring 3. the end of May 4. shoe Task78 5 3 7 2 4 6 9 1Task 8 A. 6 B. 5 C.2 D. 3 E.4 F. 1Task 9Picture A: Yes, delicious, like to have some more. Picture B: Yes, good teacher.Picture C: Yes, great game. What a Play! Picture D: No, the service is so slow, expensive.Picture E: No, boring, terrible, bad. Picture F: No, awful, too crowded, too loud, terrible.Part 111 Listening Comprehension Test1. D2. C3. A4. B5. D6. C7. B8. A9. C 10. CUnit TwoTask 11. football match2. Law court3. church4. quiz show5. airport6. weather forecast7. car showroom 8. driving lesson 9. school 10. tour (of London)Task 21.football commentator2. Judge/magistrate3.vicar/priest/minister4.T.V. presenter5. announcer6.forecaster7.car salesman8.dirving instructor9.head master/principal 10.tour guideSection B Looking for a flatTask 3 1. About a flat. 2. Joe is going to rent a flat. 3. They are friends or classmates. 4. She is a landlady.Task 41.34 New Street in Kanden2. $75 including gas and electricity3. one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine4. Mrs. Green5.4 o'clock this afternoonTask 5 1. Landlord and tenant. 2. The man is talking about the house rules. 3. She has agreed.Task 61. Don't allow a cat to go upstairs.2. no smoking in a bedroom3. Don't stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4. Close the window when you go out.5. Don't put the kettle on the chest of drawers.Task 7 Thomas Street University Avenue Taft Road Metcalf StreetTask 8 1. Metcalf Street 2. Thomas Street 3. University Avenue 4. Taft RoadPart II Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. B3. C4. B5.86. C7. B8. C9. B 10. DUnit ThreeTask 11. weight; 13Pounds2. a car; 6503. a cash-card; 89764. a fax; 593381; Code- 4408655. a bank account; 609177186. a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 pesos(Exchange rate; 4,100 to 1)7. weather; 83 F 8. Waterloo; 1815Task 21. On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2. Rusty ,expensive.3.Yes.4. He'll contact him and talk about the new contract.5. Probably in a bank.6. For a holiday.7. Because Dave and Jane are there.8. Quiz.Task 3 1. Sex: female 2. Sex: maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventyHeight: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet twoHair: long black Hair: Grey ,large mustacheOthers: glasses, yellow flower Others: white flower in jacket3. Sex: female4. Sex: maleAge: quite young, about thirty Age: about forty-fiveHeight: really tall Height: very tallHair: blond Hair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowers Others: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying "Bruce Springs Is the Boss".Task4 a 4 b5 c2 d6 e3 flTask 5 6 4 2 3 I 5 photos, coin, stool, dial, background, flashTask 61. Prepaid express bag service major cities $10 Buy a bag in advance. Call for a quick pick up.2. Same day service Within the city $8 They will go to you.3. Express road service Any town Depends on For larger packagesdistance and weightFor further details call:Tel: 33445656Ask: for the sales departmentPart m Listening Comprehension Test1. B2. D3. B4. B5. B6. A7. B8. D9. C 10. CUnit FourTask 1 A. 4 B. 3 C. 1 D. 2Task 2 1. part-time, Saturday and Sunday, eight hours a day2. full-time, Tuesday through Sunday, from 5 to about 12. Pay is $3.35 an hour.3. working nights; five or six days a week4. a weekend job; three evenings a week, hours are five to midnightTask 3 Diane--waitress Tracy—typist Gred--car salesman Joe--businessmanTask4 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. FSection C A Same Job or a New JobTask 5 1. Liza new job 2. Tom same job 3. Brian new job 4. Kay new job 5. Janice new jobTask 6A1 Employment Agency1. Full Name: Jessica Richards2. Address: 33 Landseer Road, Newtown3. Date of Birth: Mach 19th, 19804. Education: Secondary5. Examinations passed: English, chemistry, maths, French, physics, and biology6. Interests (hobbies & sports): playing the piano, in a jazz band, water-skiing7. Experience? Previous posts: lab assistant8. Post or position required: lab assistant9. Any special requests: noPart Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. B3. B4. C5. D6. C7. A8. C9. A 10. BUnit FiveTask 11. a pair of trousers2. a return ticket3. a newspaper and mints/sweets4. ballet or theatre tickets5. Drinks6. tickets for a coach trip7. a haircut8. soup and fish9. a game of squash 10. throat medicineTask 21. in a clothes-shop2. at the station3. at a newsagent's4. at a box-office5. at a pub6. in a tourist office/travel agency7. at a hairdresser's/barber's8. in a restaurant9. at a sports club 10. at a chemist's/pharmacyTask 3gold pen $135 bracelet $545 ring $1,259 watch $23.75 calculator $7.85Task 4 1. watch 2. ring 3. pen 4. bracelet 5.They are too expensive for her.Task 5 1. personal check 2. credit card 3. personal check 4. cash 5.traveler's checkTask 6Equipment: electric fanNo.: BE 42703--02 Size: mediumColor: blue Made in/date: 1985Fault: It doesn't work.Purchaser: Andrew EmmettAddress: 5 Rainbow Terrace West Old Field SurreyPhone No.: 77480Part m Listening Comprehension Test1. B2. C3. B4. D5. D6. D7. C 9. C 12. C13. C14. A 15. CUnit SixTask 11. Garden2. Vending-machine3. Microwave oven4. Computer/Word-processor/Video Game5. Clothes6. Hifi/Music system7. Art8. Concert9. Tennis 10. HolidaysTask 21. lawn, flower beds, fence2. button, cold water, hot chocolate3. food, be cooked in no time, electricity4. switch, disc, program5. fit, tight, shrink, suit6. compact, speaker, cassette-player7. modern, abstract, colors and forms 8. singer, guitars, drum, records9. player, backhand, score 10. tan, beach, hotel ,campingTask 3 1. Pat 2. Jill 3. Mary 4. Sam 5. Ted 6. JaneTask 4 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. BTask 5 A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 1Task 61. bring: records meet: bus stop2. bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river3. bring: white wine meet: at Pat's house4. bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his housePart IH Listening Comprehension Test1. D2. B3. A4. C5. C6. B7. D8. B9. D 10. BUnit SevenTask 1Reason for Owning a car 1. allows a person to move around freely 2. a comfortable way to travel 3. safe at nightReasons against Owning a car 1. very expensive 2. cause worry and stressTask 21. check a bus schedule, a train2. warm, dry, cold, wet3. walk down, a stop, dark comer4. maintain, repair5. urban, park6. on the street, get stolen, something else Task 31.July 7th-10th, after 4 o'clock on Friday2. By 10 o'clock on the Monday2. 3. L 29.25 4. First 300 miles 5. 5 1/2 p per mileTask 4 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. FTask 51. in a car near New York2. the main part of New York is Manhattan which is an island3. at tunnels or bridges4. in a car with only one person5. park their cars outside the city and pick up public transportTask 6 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. TTask 71. A. 44,000 people B. drunk drivers C. stricter laws2. a 30-year-old, California A. 4 bottles of beer B. speeding C. ran through, crashed3. A. justified B. too harshly, he had not planned the accidentC. not the first time he had been arrested for drunk drivingD. he had his driver's license suspended for 6 months his license has been revoked for lifeTask 81. stricter laws have been passed2. you will be considered a murderer by law3. at the intersection4. five people5.77 years in prisonPart III Listening Comprehension Test1. A2. D3. A4. B5. C6. B7. D8. A9. D 10. AUnit EightTask 21. They can pet the rabbits, sheep, and other animals.2. There are items from many parts of the world.3. They believe in taking care of the environment.4. It is both educational and interesting.5. Bats, owls and other animals.Task 31. You mustn't get off the land-rover without permission.2. You must all stay close to the guide.3. You all have to sign these insurance declarations.4. You mustn't disturb the animals.Task 41. land-rover, could be attacked2. company regulation, sign3. disturb, wild, tame, zoos4.50 miles, 805. insect repellent, drinking water, rolls of 35mm film, packed lunchTask 5The cathedral was built in 1241. It was designed by Hugo Derash, a French, so it's in Norman style. You can see part of the wall, a small statue beside a fountain. It's in the market place and a regular Tuesday market is held. There is a flower market every two weeks on Saturdays in Summer. The worn statue represents Venus, and the water comes from the springs in the hills and is very clear.Task 61. 1241 6. Venus, goddess of love2. Hugo Derash, France, brother 7. flower, two3. Norman 8. Tuesday4. wall 9. Springs in the hills5. modern 10. clearTask 71. urban holiday, camping2. Stanley Park, aquarium, Grouse mountain, museums galleries3. Ride over, deck, sat inside, read magazinesTask 81. It's cold and miserable.2. It's much an elegant city with a lot of British influence.3. A pin with a tiny totem pole on it.Part m Listening Comprehension Test1. A2. C3. D4. B5. A6. B7. C8. A9. D 10. AUnit NineTask 1Person 1. I can't sleep Person 2. I eat mostly snack foods.Person 3. I can't stop smoking, drink more beer. Person 4. I can't eat.Task 21. fatigue2. listlessness3. sleeping problems4. loss of appetite or stomach disorder5. heart palpitationsTask 31. pressure, parents, myself, academically, exactly, track record2. quarter system, beginning, end, middle, screw up, messed up, well ordered, perfect3. eleventh week, ten-week, half-week, exams4. cumulative, incorporate, different problemsTask 41. quiet, nervous, distracted, around, music, C's2. library3. desk, room, straight, awake, comfortable4. night, quietTask 51. What we can do with stress.2. Four points: a. recognition of stress and welcome to it.b. Be thankful, an attitude of gratitude to life for life.c. to set my body in position to take whatever comes along and to utilize it properly.d. to maintain the hormonal system in a proper state of balance3. Because a thankful attitude maintains the hormonal system in a proper state of balance so that we are able totake whatever action is necessary in a constructive way.Task 61. to become aware of potentially stressful situations and avoid them2. to reduce our workload and organize the work in a better way3. to get the people rest and exercise4. to find a balance between wok and playTask 71. She can't lower her workload right now.2. Visualization or meditation, more positive outlook, mentally planning your day's activities in a less stressful way.3. How to deal with the stress.4. A sport called crew to achieve physical and mental balance.5. The emotions have a great deal to do with the disease and healing process.6. Dr. Norman Cousins laughed himself back to health.Task 8 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. TPart HI Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. B3. D4. A5. B6. B7. A8. A9. D 10. CUnit TenTask 1Dr. Martin Luther Kingl won the Nobel Peace Prizel against racisml was peacefulMother Teresa of Calcuttal helped poor peoplel won the Nobel Peace Prizel helped sick peopleNavajo Code-Talkersl was peacefull soldiersl are well-known by Native American peopleTask 21. racism, discrimination, peaceful, guts2. send, receive messages, language, figured out3. poorest, Calcutta, India, feed, take care of, sickSection B AKIO MORITA (Mr. Sony)Task 31. in Nagoya, Japan2. a rice drink called sake3. a very small radio4. walkman5. because of the high quality6. in 19637. Mr. SonyTask 41. I 22. I 23. 2 14. 2 1Task 51. he used a $1,500 check to mark a page in a book. Then he lost the book!2. in Ulm, Germany.3. Because when he was a child, he learned things very slowly and he didn't speak until he was three years old.4. When he was 12, Albert began reading math and science books.5. In 1922, he received the Nobel Prize for physics.6. he died in 1955. Task 6 1. 2 1 2. I 2 3. 2 1 4. I 2Task 7 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. f 6. dTask 81. Jane Goodall was born in London, England.2. she worked as a waitress and saved enough money for the boat trip to Kenya.3. She was 23 years old then.4. In Kenya, she met the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey.5. In July 1960, Goodall began to study the chimpanzees.6. Goodall studied chimpanzees for over 40 years.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. B2. D3. A4. A5. A6. C7.88. B9. B 10. DUnit ElevenTask 11. take the form of dreams or visions;strong feelings, ideas, or guesses that come into people's minds for no apparent reason2. In the early morning of April 15, 1912Titanic struck an iceberg and sank1,50220 cases of premonitions3. FutilityFiction: Titan Fact: Titanic1898 April 15,1912sank after hitting an iceberg sank after hitting an icebergunsinkable liner unsinkable linerlifeboats lifeboatsTask 21. a passenger on the doomed ship, over 20 years earlier2. nine people, in which a ship like the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank3. two clairvoyants4. several other people, something would go wrong5. would-be passengers, they canceled their tickets at the last minuteTask 3Similarities:1.both ships were transatlantic ocean liners2. they were both luxury liners3. as each ship was sinking, there were acts of heroism and acts of villainy4. both of these ships were considered "unsinkable"Differences:Titanic1. on her maiden voyage across Atlantic2. struck an iceberg and sank3. not equipped with radar, only a lookout4.60 people died, 1,650 were savedAndrea Doria1. On her 101st transatlantic crossing2. Collided with another ship and sank3. Had radar to warn of the approach of another ship4. more than 1,500 people died, over 700 surviveTask 41. I can infer it.2. I heard it.3. I can infer it.4. I cannot infer it.5. I heard it.6. I cannot infer it.Task 5Reason 1: we had far better save what few we had in my boatReason 2: our boat would be swamped by the crowds that were thereReason 3: the whole crowd in my boat discouraged me to do thatReason 4: they said it was rather a mad ideaTask 61,100 people, 700 people, 1,000 people, freezing, a few hundred yards, refused to return and try to save, in charge ot~ tied his lifeboat to another lifeboat, 60 more peopleTask 81. Smith is a senator and Pitman is a survivor of the Titanic disaster, who is in charge of a lifeboat.2. Not clearly told, but we know there was room for 60 more people in the two boats.3. The whole crowd in Pitman's lifeboat.Part BI Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. B3. B4. A5. C6. B7. C8. A9. D 10. AListening Test One1. C2. A3. D4. C5. B6. B7. C8. D9. A10. A11. C 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. B16. Three stages: marriage by capture; marriage by contract or purchase; marriage based on mutual love.17. It symbolizes the period when the bridegroom hides his captured bride until her kinsmen grew tired of searching for her.18. The "wed" was the money, horses, or cattle which the groom gave as security and as a pledge to prove his purchase of the bride from her father.19. Blue was the color of purity, love and fidelity.20. Bridesmaids remind us of the days when there had to be ten witnesses at the solemn marriage ceremony.Listening Test Two1. B2. B3. D4. C5. A6. D7. C8. B9. A 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. B16. primitive17. measure progress of students, show what they are lacking18. selection and promotion19. Test results lack validity and reliability; Teacher and students work for high marks instead of leaming.20. Some Asian students with very high TOEFL marks turn out to be poor in their communication skills in the U.S.Unit TwelveTask 1(1) 342-6070 305 (2) 911-1144 216 (3) 623-4030 313(4) 505-6653 504 (5) 610-1214 617 (6) 632-1010 202(7) 211-4579 212 (8) 397-4231 602 (9) 974-0012 215(10) 864-3079 206Task 2(1) 313 (2) 202 (3) 305 342-6070 (4) student's numberTask 310, 9, 1, 4, 6,2, 7, 8, 5, 3.Task 41. The number you have dialed has been temporarily disconnected and is no longer in service.2. You can dial that direct.3. Please have her call me back at 654-9234.4. I have a collect call from Sue. Will you accept the charges?5. She isn't here right now. Can I take a message?6. What number did you dial?7. This number is unlisted.8. I'll connect your call. Please hold.9. This is a recording.10. There is no one here by that name.┌──┬───────┬──────┬────────┬───────────┐││Name of │Name of ││││Call │││Reason for Call │Result of Call │││Person Called │Caller │││├──┼───────┼──────┼────────┼───────────┤│││││Edwards to call Bird │││Mr. Edwards │John Bird │IIIIIIIIIII │││││││back │├──┼───────┼──────┼────────┼───────────┤││││installation technician to go round ││2 │John Bird │Pete Edwards │││││││problems │in the afternoon │├──┼───────┼──────┼────────┼───────────┤│││││meeting arranged 10:00 ││3 │Susan Phillips │Gerald Smith │to fix a meeting │next Friday │Task 71. True2. True3. False4. False5. FalseTask 8(1) facial expressions (6)manners (11)45 seconds (16) mumble(2) gestures (7)the third ring (12)personality (17) tone of voice(3) appearances (8) pick up (13) warmth (18) minimum(4) what (9) identify (14) eagerness (19) hearing(5) how (10) put a customer (15)voice (20) command on holdTalk 11. so that their customers may call them long distance free of charge.2. dial 0, and ask the operator for the 800-number operator who can help you.3. sell products and services.4. charging high rates or encouraging unauthorized callers to call.5. ask your local phone company to block access to 900 numbers from your phone.Talk21. Cell phone etiquette.2. Inappropriate use of the cell phone is widespread.3. Ten feet,4. Because the cell phone can be distracting or disruptive to others.5. It may interfere with the signals or other sensitive equipment.Unit ThirteenTask IInterview I Interview 2Name John Steel Enrique VargasOccupation Computer Consultant StudentType of PC used IBM PC Apple MacintoshReasons for choice:1) knows them well 1) easier to use2) exchanges information with other users 2) GUI-click on icons / no typing in commands3) a lot of software available 3) windows easier to set upTask 2choose clone easier mouse standardicons commands set up used toTask 31. palmtop2. notebook3. clipboard4. laptop5. desktop┌─────┬──────┬─────────┬─────────┬───────┐││Power │Weight │Screen Size │Input Device │├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤│││between 15 and │about 10 inches │││Portable AC power │││key board ││││20 │diagonally ││├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤││rechargeable ││about 10 inches │││Laptop ││between 8 and 15 ││key board │││batteries ││diagonally ││├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤││batteries │as little as 4 │as small as 8 │││││││key board ││Notebook ││pounds │inches ││├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤││rechargeable │Tbetween 3 and 6 │similar to laptop │││Clipboard │batteries pounds │and notebook │pen or stylus │├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤││alkaline │││││Palmtop ││less than I pound │very small │keys │││batteries │││Task 5 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. FTask 61. T2. F (You should check that there is good applications software available.)3. F (not two factors but three factors, the third being the size of your budget)4. T5. F (The idem is one computer per student and all computers linked by a local area network.)6. F (free access = unlimited access)Task 71.The network system isn't very secure.2. A modem.3. What people do with them, e.g. use their own name or a partner's name; which makes life easy for a hacker.4. It shows a constantly changing number. It is safe as long as you don't leave the card lying around.5. Steve seems to know a lot.Talk11. Because his company changed the way the world perceived the computer and its role in society.2. 557 million.3. technology4. Technology could be made available to everyone.5. Technology could be used to better people's lives and as a tool for creativity.Talk21. It refers to the idea of marketing a product over the Internet.2. a website3. It can save time and money.4. a broader market and loweroverheads5. cybershoppersUnit FourteenTask 11. Event: Mid-week Lecture on American History Days: WednesdayTime: 7:00p.m. Price: FreePlace: Johnson Hall3. Event: Houston International Film FestivalDays: Monday to Sunday Time: 11:00a.m. - 10p.m.Price: $2.50 each Place: the Academy of Arts4. Event: Independence Day FireworksDays: Saturday, July 4 Time: 8:30p.m.Price: Free Place: City ParkTask 2 See the above.Task 4 The following statements are true: 2, 5, 7, 8, 10Task 5 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. BTask 7 Sentences 3 and 6 are not on the tape.Task 8thirteen, took time off, on several continentsdevelop his body and strength, learn interesting thingsby himself, encourage others to make a similar tripTalk11. conversational skills2. Language in Focus3. fluency4. the most useful expressions, structures and word combinations used in the workplace today5. eltradio@Talk21. To collect and preserve television and radio programs and to make them available to the public.2. 19763. artistic, cultural, and historical value4. by interpreting and analyzing radio and television programs5. New York/Manhattan, Los AngelesUnit FifteenTask 11. train service / British Rail2. washing powder / Blanco3. credit card / Spendcard4. shampoo / shine5.car / Puma6. chocolate, sweets / Frolic bar7. whisky / Glengunnich Malt 8. newspaper / Daily Herald 9. face cream / Petal 10. bank / MidwesternTask 21. traffic jams, driving conditions, speed limits, parking, faster, delay, destination2. stains, whiter than white, housewives3. card, services and discounts4. hair, conditioner5. engine, aerodynamic lines, boot, test drive6. nuts, raisins, coconut, biscuit, toffee, delicious, scrumptious7. spring water, Scottish barley, flavour, wooden barrels, taste, tonic, soda8. objective reporting, current issues, news, colour supplement9. looks, soft and gentle, skin, creamy and smooth, complexion10. invest, interest rates, bank charges, accounts, insurance, mortgages, pensionsTask 3Advertisement 1 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. BAdvertisement 2 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. CSentences 4 and 8 are not on the tape.Task 51. F2.T3.T4.F5.T6.F7. TTask 6Sentences 4 and 7 are not on the tape.Task 71. T2. F3. T4. F5. T6. F7. FTalk l1. commercials2. happiness, success, status, luxury, fashion, and beauty3. You can solve all human problems by buying things; modern things are good and traditional things are bad.4. Because it gives us useful information about different products.5. shopping cheers them up.Talk21. vanity2. shoddy antiques3. demonstrate her expertise4. reproduction furniture and paintings5. had an extensive knowledge of the antique businessUnit SixteenTask 1 and Task 2[6] cartoon [2 ] documentary [5 ] drama series [7 ] quiz show[3] sitcom (situation comedy) [1 ] soap opera [ 4 ] talk show┌─────┬─────────────────────────────────┐││Reasons for Success │├─────┼─────────────────────────────────┤│Talk show │Appealing host: Rosie is nice, seems very normal, and celebrities │││open up to her. │├─────┼─────────────────────────────────┤│Soap opera │Continuity: The same characters have been on the show for 40││years. The story lines are familiar. │├─────┼─────────────────────────────────┤│Sitcom │Up-to-date: The show is trendy, current, and reflects pop │││culture. The characters are appealing. │├─────┼─────────────────────────────────┤│Quiz show │Anyone can win: Anyone has the chance to win a lot of money. │││Viewers get caught up in the excitement. │Task 41. Talk show: Rosie Adams2. Soap opera: The World Spins3. Sitcom: Buddies4. Quiz show: Your TurnTask 61. Installing the v-chip is a form of censorship. (Attorney)2. Parents usually watch TV with their children. (Attorney)3. People are watching more television. (Parent)4. Parents can easily control what their kids watch on television by changing the channel. (Attorney)5. Choosing what you want to watch is an important personal freedom. (Attorney)Task 71. x2. x/3. x4.~/5. X6. x7. xTalk 11. The family was in financial trouble.2. She feared that the kids would have problems.3. They talked, listened to music, and read.4. from the daily paper, magazines, and radio.5.1) They have more time to participate in active entertainments. 2) They've developed other。



Postgraduate English Listening and Speaking (3rd Edition)Unit 2:Part 1Section A Sharing Good and Bad TimesConversation 1Man 1: I can’s believe it! I got an A on my science test!Man 2: Congratulations! That’s great!Man 1: Thanks. I’m so happy! I really worked hard for that A.Man 2: I know you did. You deserveit.Conversation 2Woman 1: I have the most wonderful news!Woman 2: What happened? Woman 1: My sister finally had a baby girl. It’s great, because she has three boys!Woman 2: How wonderful! Conversation 3Man 1 : You’ll never believe this! Man 2: What happened?Man 1: I won ten dollars in the school raffle! How about that!Man 2: Boy, are you lucky!Conversation 4Woman 1: I’m so upset.Woman 2: Wht’s wrong? You really look worried.Woman 1: My dog was hit by a car. Woman 2: That’s terrible! Is he okay?Woman 1: I don’t know. He’s at thevet’s.Woman 2: I hope he’ll be all right. Woman 1: Thank you. So do I.Conversation 5Man 1: I’m so worried. I haven’t heard from my family in three months.Man 2: How often do they usually write?Man 1: Oh, at least once a month. Either my mother or my father writes.Man 2: The mail is really slow sometimes. I’m sure you’ll hear from them soon.Man 1: I hope so.Man 2: You know the saying, “No news is good news.”If something were wrong, they’d havecontacted you.Man1: Maybe you’re right. Thanks, Adam.Section BConversation 1A: Hello?B: Hi, Laurie. This is Sue.A: Oh, hi! How are you?B: Fine, thanks. Listen, I’m afraid I can’t really talk right now. I’m on my way to an interview. I just wanted to ask if you and Jim can come to dinner next Friday night at our place. About 7:00?Conversation 2A: Hey, Yoshi. How ya doing,?B: Hi, Bod. OK, thanks. What’s new?A: Not much. I’ll be glad when final exams are over.B: Yeah. Me too. In fact, I’ve got one in about five minutes.A: Well, good luck. Say, why don’t we get together and go to a game or something some day, huh?B: Yeah. Sounds great. I’ll give you a call.Conversation 3W: Well, it’s been nice talking with you.M: Yeah. I’m glad we finally got a chance to meet. Let’s get together sometime.W: Yeah. Good idea.M: I’ll call you, OK?Conversation 4W: Well, it’s been nice talking with you.M: Yeah, I’m glad we finally got a chance to meet. Say, I know this is short notice, but if you’re not busytomorrow night, would you like to go to a movie?Section CIn general, it’s polite to say “Congratulations!” when a person has accomplished something. Examples of these kinds of occasions include graduation, job promotion, the birth of a child, and the purchase of a home. When congratulations are in order, it si sometimes also appropriate to give a gifr, especially when invited to a birthday, graduation, wedding, or anniversaryparty.An invitation may say RSVP on the bottom, an abbreviation that refers to a French expression meaning “respond, please”. If the invitation says, “RSVP regreats only,”respond by mail or by phone only if you cannot come.Equal attention must be given to good manners on sad occasions. If a coworker, classmate, or neighbor experiences a death in the family, it is appropriate to express sympathy. In doing so, the words Die or death should be avoided. It is best tosimply say, “ I was so sorry to hear about your loss.”It’s also customary to send a sympathy card, but if you don’t know the mourner’s religion, be sure to select a card without religious symbols. Most customs regarding mourning relate to the family’s religion and vary from one group to another, so don’t send flowers or food unless you know it’s appropriate.The simple wrods “I’m sorry”display good manners in a great many difficult social situations. “I’m sorry” has two main uses: (1)to express sympathy to someone who has had a bad experience; (2) to express regret for bothering someone or causing a problem. Other expressions of apology are “Excuse me” and “Pardon me”. Use one of these expressions when you are trying to get out of a crowded elevator or stopping a stranger to ask directions.Question 1: According to the talk, on what occasions is it especially appropriate to give a gift?Question 2:When you receive an invitation which says RSVP, what areyou expected to do?Question 3: Which of the following behaviors is appropriate for you when you hear your friend experiences a death?Exercise 2Question 1: What is appropriate to say when someone tells you a piece of good news?Question 2: What is appropriate to say to someone who has had a bad experience?Question 3: What is polite to say when you stop someone to ask for afavor?Part III Listening Comprehension Test1.M: Would you care for a biscuit?W: Not just at the moment, thank you. I’d rather have another piece of cake if I may.Q: What does the woman want now?2.W: How annoying! I can’tfigure out a solution to this problem. Can you help me?M:Well, I’m afraid I can’t atthe moment.Q: What does the man mean?3.W: What can I do for you,gentleman? Maybe you like this suit, because the color matches your skin and it is the latest fashion.M:Yes, it’s really a good suit and it’s of good color. But I just walk around and watch. Thank you just the same.Q: What did the man accept?4.W: Your garden is too dry, and itneeds water. Let me give you a hand to water the flower first.M: The garden is dry and I’m drier, would you fetch me some water please?Q: What did the man offer?5.M: The room istoo stuffy, let meturn on the ventilator for you and air the room.W:Yes, it’s too smoky here andI can hardly breathe.Q: If the woman accepts the man’s offer, what will the man do?6.M: What’s the matter?W: I have heard some strange engine noise when I’m driving 30 miles per hour.M: Why don’t you call the Car Talk program provided by the radio station? They can help you.Q: What is Car Talk about according to this conversation?7.W: The bus is so crowded,jammed like sardines. Oh, my God!M: But can I offer you my seat?I’m getting off here.Q: What do we learn form thisconversation?8.W: Let me get you some softdrinks, what would you like tohave, Coca-Cola or soda?M:It makes no difference actually, but I’d like to have the latter if you don’t mind.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?9.M: There will be a cold spelltomorrow. The news was toobad. It spoils all our holiday plan.W:Just cheer up! We might aswell do something to make it upby touring the downtown part.Q: What did the woman suggest?10.M: May I help you madam? Theskirt matches your blouse all right.And it’s surely better than themini one.W: But I tried it on a moment ago, and I didn’t like it very much.Q: What did the man suggest thewoman do?。



研究生英语听说教程答案集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]U n i t O n ePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 11.air hostess2.teacher3.dentist4.shop assistant5.tourist guide6.salesman7.Disc Jockey8.traffic warden9.waiter 10.taxi driverTask 21.airways, flight2.homework3.open up wide, filling, chippedrger size, fit, stock5.building, designed6.buys, products7.record, radio8.yellow line, no-parking9.menu, chef 10.road, parkSection B Plans for WeekendTask 31.Pat2.Jill3.Mary4.Sam5.Ted6.JaneSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 41.B2.C3.B4.C5.A6.BSection D Making ArrangementsTask 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1Task 61.bring: records meet:bus stop2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinksmeet: at the river3.bring: white winemeet: at Pat’s house4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinksmeet: in front of his housePart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: DCABD/CBACCUnit TwoPart I Listening PracticeSection A Guessing about the Situation and SpeakerTask 11.Football Matchw Court3.Church4.Quiz Show5.Airport6.Weather Forecast7.Car Showroom8.Driving Lesson9.School10.Tour (of London)Task 2Section B Looking for a FlatTask 31.About a flat.2.Joe is going to rent flat.3.They are friends or classmates.4.She is a landlady.Task 41.34New Street in Kanden2.$75 including gas and electricity3.one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine4.Mrs. Green5.4 o’clock this afternoonSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 5ndlord and tenant.2.The man is talking about the house rules.3.She has agreed.Task 61.Don’t allow a cat to go upstairs.2.no smoking in a bedroom3.Don’t stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4.Close the window when you go out.5.Don’t put the kettle on the chest of drawers.Section D Apartments for RentTask 7Thomas Street University AvenueTaft Road Metcalf StreetTask 81.Metcalf Street 3.University Avenue2.Thomas Street 4.Taft ROADPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: CBCBB/CBCBDUnit ThreePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for Specific InformationTask 11.weight; 13 pounds2.2.a car; 6503.a cash-card; 89764.a fax; 593381; code 4408655.6.a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 peso (Exchange rate: 4,100 to1)7.weather; 83 F8.Waterloo; 1815Task 21.On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2.Rusty, expensive.3.Yes.4.He’ll contact him and talk about the new contract.5.Probably in a bank.6.For a holiday.7.Because Dave and Jane are there.8.Quiz.Section B Describing Different PeopleTask 31.Sex: female2.Sex: maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventyHeight: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet twoHair: long black Hair: Grey, large mustacheOthers: glasses, yellow flower Others: whiteflower in jacket3.Sex: female4.Sex: maleAge: quite young, about thirty Age: about forty-fiveHeight: really tall Height: very tallHair: blond Hair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowers Others: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying“Bruce Springs is the Boss”Section C Taking a PhotoTask 4 a4 b5 c2 d6 e3 f1Task 56 4 2 3 1 5 photo, coin, stool, dial, background, flashSection D Apartments for RentTask 61.Prepaid express bag service Major cities 410 Buy a bag in advance.Call for a quick pick up.2.Same day service Within the city $8 They will go to you.3.Express road service Any town Depends on For larger packagesDistance and weight For further details call:Ask: for the sales departmentPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: BDBBB/ABDCC。

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U10

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U10

1Unit TenPart Ⅰ Listening PracticeSection A Tu YouyouTask 11. eradicating2. infectious3. herbal4. extracts, recipes5. catalogTask 21. Artemisinin.2. Because it has saved millions of lives across the globe.3. Lasker Award.4. Nobel Prize in Medicine.5. China’s Highest Science and Technology Award.Section B Mo YanTask 3Date of birth: February 17th, 1955Place of birth: Gaomi County, Shandong ProvinceFamily background: Farmer1966: He dropped out of school and worked as a farmer.1976: He joined the People’s Liberation Army.1981: His first short story, Falling Rain on a Spring Night, was published.中国人民大学出版社1984: H e was admitted to the People’s Liberation Army Arts College and studied literature.1985: His first novella, A Transparent Radish, was published.1986: His first novel, Red Sorghum Clan, was released.1991: He obtained a master’s degree in Literature from Beijing Normal University.2012: He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Task 41. access2. recognized, adapted3. advocates4. hallucinatory, folk tales, recipient5. carried off, obliteratedSection C Liu QiangdongTask 51. Coal shipping.2. Because his grandmother was illiterate.3. Sociology.4. Due to his ineffective management.5. CDs and CD burners.6. The outbreak of SARS.7. 15%.8. To support and develop educational programs in his alma mater.Task 61974: He was born in the countryside of Suqian, Jiangsu Province of China.1992: He was admitted to Renmin University of China.1996: He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology.1998: He started his own company named Jing Dong Multi-media.2003: His business took a downturn due to the outbreak of SARS.2004: He launched his first online retail website, and founded .2005: He closed off all brick-and-mortar stores.2014: became an enlisted company on NASDAQ.2017: He made a donation of 300 million yuan to Renmin University of China.中国人民大学出版社1Section D Donald TrumpTask 71. b2. e3. g4. f5. a6. d7. cTask 81. real estate, paternal2. renovated, towers, casinos, golf3. licensed, branding4. pageants5. $3.5 billion, 544th6. inauguration, 45th7. oldest, wealthiest, prior, popular vote8. populist, protectionist, nationalistPart Ⅲ Listening Comprehension Test Talk 11. A2. C3. ATalk 24. C5. A6. A中国人民大学出版社。



Unit OnePart I Listening Practice Section A Listening for GistTask 1 2. teacher 3.dentist 4.shop assistant 5.tourist guide 6.salesmanTask 29.menu, chef 10.road, parkSection B Plans for Weekend Task 31. Pat2.Jill3.Mary4.Sam5.Ted6.JaneSection C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 41. B2.C3.B4.C5.A6.BSection D Making Arrangements1.air hostess 7.Disc Jockey8.traffic warden9.waiter 10.taxi driver1. airways, flight2.homework3.open up wide, filling, chippedrger size, fit, stock5.building, designed6.buys, products7.record, radio8.yellow line, no-parkingTask 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1 Task 61. bring: records2. bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks Master/Principal 10.Tour Guide meet: bus stopmeet: at the river3. bring: white wine meet: at Pat 's house4. bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his housePart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: DCABD/CBACCUnit TwoPart I Listening PracticeSection A Guessing about the Situation and SpeakerTask 11.Football Matchw Court3.Church4.Quiz Show5.Airport6.Weather Forecast7.Car Showroom8.Driving Lesson9.School 10.Tour (of London)Task 21. Football Commentator2.Judge/Magistrate3. Vicar/Priest/Minister4.T.V. Presenter5.Announcer6.Forecaster7.Car Salesman8.Driving Instructor9.HeadSection B Looking for a FlatTask 32. Joe is going to rent flat.3. They are friends or classmates.Task 41.34 New Street in Kanden2. $75 including gas and electricity3.one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine4. Mrs. Green5.4 o 'clock this afternoonSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 51. Landlord and tenant.2. The man is talking about the house rules.3. She has agreed.Task 61.About a flat.4.She is a landlady.1. Don 't allow a cat to go upstairs.2. no smoking in a bedroom3. Don 't stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4. Close the window when you go out.5. Don 'tput the kettle on the chest of drawers.Section D Apartments for RentTask 7 Thomas Street University Avenue Taft RoadMetcalf StreetTask 82. Thomas StreetPart III Listening Comprehension Test 1-10: CBCBB/CBCBDUnit ThreePart I Listening Practice1.Metcalf Street3.University Avenue4.Taft ROADSection A Listening for Specific InformationTask 11. weight; 13 pounds2. 2.a car; 6503. a cash-card; 89764. a fax; 593381; code 4408655. a bank account; 609177186. a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 peso (Exchange rate: 4,100 to 1)7. weather; 83 F8. Waterloo; 1815Task 21. On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2. Rusty, expensive.3. Yes.4. He 'll contact him and talk about the new contract.5. Probably in a bank.6. For a holiday.7. Because Dave and Jane are there.8. Quiz.Section B Describing Different PeopleTask 31.Sex: female2.Sex: maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventyHeight: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet two Hair: long black Hair: Grey, large mustacheOthers: glasses, yellow flower Others: white flower in jacket3.Sex: female4.Sex: maleAge: quite young, about thirty Age: about forty-fiveHeight: really tall Height: very tallHair: blond Hair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowers Others: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying“Bruce Springs is the Boss ”Section C Taking a PhotoTask 4 a4 b5 c2 d6 e3 f1Task 56 4 2 3 1 5 photo, coin, stool, dial, background, flashSection D Apartments for RentTask 61.Prepaid express bag service Major cities 410 Buy a bag in advance.Call for a quick pick up.2.Same day service Within the city $8 They will go to you.3. Express road service Any town Depends on For larger packagesDistance and weightFor further details call:Tel: 33445656Ask: for the sales departmentPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: BDBBB/ABDCC谢谢观看!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考,如有雷同纯属意外。



Unit OnePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 11.air hostess2.teacher3.dentist4.shop assistant5.tourist guide6.salesman7.Disc Jockey8.traffic warden9.waiter 10.taxi driverTask 21.airways, flight2.homework3.open up wide, filling, chippedrger size, fit, stock5.building, designed6.buys, products7.record, radio8.yellow line, no-parking9.menu, chef 10.road, parkSection B Plans for WeekendTask 31.Pat2.Jill3.Mary4.Sam5.Ted6.JaneSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 41.B2.C3.B4.C5.A6.BSection D Making ArrangementsTask 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1Task 61.bring: records meet: bus stop2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river3.bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his housePart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: DCABD/CBACCUnit TwoPart I Listening PracticeSection A Guessing about the Situation and SpeakerTask 11.Football Matchw Court3.Church4.Quiz Show5.Airport6.Weather Forecast7.Car Showroom8.Driving Lesson9.School 10.Tour (of London)Task 21.Football Commentator2.Judge/Magistrate3.Vicar/Priest/Minister4.T.V. Presenter5.Announcer6.Forecaster7.Car Salesman8.Driving Instructor9.Head Master/Principal 10.Tour GuideSection B Looking for a FlatTask 31.About a flat.2.Joe is going to rent flat.3.They are friends or classmates.4.She is a landlady.Task 41.34New Street in Kanden2.$75 including gas and electricity3.one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine4.Mrs. Green5.4 o’clock this afternoonSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 5ndlord and tenant.2.The man is talking about the house rules.3.She has agreed.Task 61.Don’t allow a cat to go upstairs.2.no smoking in a bedroom3.Don’t stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4.Close the window when you go out.5.Don’t put the kettle on the chest of drawers.Section D Apartments for RentTask 7Thomas Street University AvenueTaft Road Metcalf StreetTask 81.Metcalf Street 3.University Avenue2.Thomas Street 4.Taft ROADPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: CBCBB/CBCBDUnit ThreePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for Specific InformationTask 11.weight; 13 pounds2. 2.a car; 6503. a cash-card; 89764. a fax; 593381; code 4408655. a bank account; 609177186. a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 peso (Exchange rate: 4,100 to 1)7.weather; 83 F8.Waterloo; 1815Task 21.On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2.Rusty, expensive.3.Yes.4.He’ll contact him and talk about the new contract.5.Probably in a bank.6.For a holiday.7.Because Dave and Jane are there.8.Quiz.Section B Describing Different PeopleTask 31.Sex: female2.Sex: maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventyHeight: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet twoHair: long black Hair: Grey, large mustacheOthers: glasses, yellow flower Others: white flower in jacket3.Sex: female4.Sex: maleAge: quite young, about thirty Age: about forty-fiveHeight: really tall Height: very tallHair: blond Hair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowers Others: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying“Bruce Springs is the Boss”Section C Taking a PhotoTask 4 a4 b5 c2 d6 e3 f1Task 56 4 2 3 1 5 photo, coin, stool, dial, background, flashSection D Apartments for RentTask 61.Prepaid express bag service Major cities 410 Buy a bag in advance.Call for a quick pick up.2.Same day service Within the city $8 They will go to you.3.Express road service Any town Depends on For larger packagesDistance and weightFor further details call:Tel: 33445656Ask: for the sales departmentPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: BDBBB/ABDCC欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U16

研究生英语听说教程(基础级 第四版)答案 U16

3Keys to ExercisesUnit SixteenPart Ⅰ Listening PracticeSection A Popular TV Shows (1)Task 1 & Task 26 cartoon 2 documentary 5 drama series 7 quiz show 3 sitcom (situation comedy) 1 soap opera 4 talk showSection B Popular TV Shows (2)Task 3Reasons for SuccessTalk showAppealing host: Rosie is nice, seems very normal, and celebrities open up to her.Soap operaContinuity: The same characters have been on the show for 40 years. The storylines are familiar.SitcomUp-to-date: The show is trendy, current, and reflects pop culture. The characters are appealing.Quiz show Anyone can win: Anyone has the chance to win a lot ofmoney. Viewers get caught up in the excitement.Task 41. Talk show: Rosie Adams2. Soap opera: The World Spins3. Sitcom: Buddies中国人民大学出版社34. Quiz show: Your TurnSection C Television Program Ratings Task 5TV RatingsWhat Does It Mean?TV-Ydirected to all children TV-Y7most appropriate for children age 7 and up TV-Y7-FVmore intense or more combative than other programming in the TV-Y7 category TV-Gfor general audiences, not necessarily a children’s show TV-PGparental guidance is recommended; may be unsuitable for younger children TV-14unsuitable for children under 14TV-MA intended to be viewed by adults; may be unsuitable for childrenunder 17Task 61. TV Parental Guidelines.2. R atings appear in the upper left corner of the screen during the first 15 seconds of each program and often after commercial breaks.3. News, sports, and unedited movies on premium cable channels.4. V-chip.Section D Toxic Television DisposalTask 71. ×2. √3. ×4. √5. ×6. ×7. ×Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension TestTalk 11. Because the family was in financial trouble.中国人民大学出版社Keys to ExercisesKeys to Exercises2. She feared that the kids would have problems.3. They talked, listened to music, and read.4. From the daily paper, magazines, and radio.5. 1) They have more time to participate in active entertainments.2) They’ve developed other interests.Talk 26. Face to face.7. The invention of printing press.8. t elegraph, telephone, fax machine, electronic mail, internet, home videotapes, communication satellite9. It can send messages through space in seconds.10. B ecause the purpose of most news shows is to entertain people rather than to inform them about the truth.中国人民大学出版社3。



研究生听说教程上答案研究生听说教程上答案【篇一:研究生英语听说教程(1-6单元)答案】5 outrageous shopping bills are a familiar1. suffer that nightmare2. genders3. unaffordable4. sufferers5. more than 1 in 20 adults6. expensive electronics7. such a high number of compulsive shoppers inthe general population8. make finding a cure a priority二单元、p20 tree-lighting ceremony1. location: rockefeller centre, new york2. time: right before the christmas season3. height of the tree: nearly 9 storeys4. audience: people from all around the country5. number of the lights on the tree: 300006. size of the star topper: nearly 10 feet in diameter7.material of the star topper: crystal8. source of the tree: a home in connecticut二单元、p29post-vacation depression includes1. sleeplessness2. loss of appetite3. irregular heartbeat4. feelings of despair5. tiredness6. stomachache7. trouble breathing8.anxiety9. nervousness10. space the month-long vacation out11. blow it all at once12. returning on a monday13. such blues are temporary14. don’t make important decisions15. a new period in life16. personal growth三单元、p34reporter: in vail, arizona, a new school1. in this case involves2. impact3单元、available4. resources5. what’s the point6. medium7. reasoning 8. normal9. from their perspective10. opposed to just the one angle四单元、p51beijing opera is largely seen as a dying art 1. devoted2. computer animator3. discipline4.heart-stopping5. explanation in english6. much-loved legend7. supernatural8. challenge9. that’s within the rules of the opera.10. wins good reviews from both western andchinese audience members11. expressing the more acceptable way12. but the popularity of beijing opera is fading fast四单元、p53i hear jill will make her presentation in class today 1. that can’t be true 2.for certain3. that’s impossible4. might be5. it’s likely that6. quite possibly7.i know that for sure 8. no wonder五单元、p67thank you very, very much. well, i just have1. challenge2.beat3. figure out4. definition5. recognize6. disability7. committed8. tolerate discrimination9. that is tearing down barriers, both inarchitecture and in attitude10. who are helping people with disabilitieslive independent lives六单元、p82 damage from acid rain is… earth and sky.1. widespread2. falling on3. exactly4. to reliably measure5. assume6. pollutants7. electrical utility plants8. react with9. to get showered10. with wind currents11. leach nutrients 12. combine with13.from fossil fuels14. dedicated to听对话listening to a conversation—单元、p3 1.a)she thinks internet addiction is as serious as drug and smoking adiction1.a she thinks internet addiction is as serious as drug and smoking addiction.2.b internet addicts include both children and adults.3.b some may get into trouble over money issues.4.d internet addiction needs to be taken seriously and treated properly.二单元、p20 1.a)tourism is a big and amazing business.1.b one can learn a lot about other people and customs through traveling.2.d to make a comparison so as to make his point clear.3.athey have some language problems and feel a bit afraid.三单元、p32 1.a)he thought it was a useful course.1.bhe thought one could simply practice writing by oneself.2.a a person’s thinking patterns are shown in his writing.3.dthe writer’s reading ability.4.dhow to put writing skills into practice.5.bhe will register for an essay-writing course.四单元、p49 1.a)he hoped he could write as well as his father.1.d he feared his handwriting would not impress his son.2.c children spend a lot of time on the computer.3.a to call on more people to focus on handwriting.4.b most people’s handwriting is worse than t heir parents.五单元、p65 1.a)finding a place to live in habitat for humanity.1.cgetting information about habitat for humanity.2.a it brought about a lot of changes in her life.3.b it’s a unique chance to perform a citizen s duty to help others.4.c to do one’s share for others is to make our world a better place to live.5.a because wilbur chose to ask her for the informationneeded.六单元、p81 1.a)getting closer to the animals in the zoo.1.bseeing a wild animal in the zoo.2.ctoday’s zoos a re good habitats for wild animals.3.dto prevent endangered animals from extinction.听短文—单元、p4 1.a)he feel s ashamed about his son’s incompetence.1.bhe feels the other boys are too competitive.2.dhe thinks dancing is a way to relax in ones spare time.3.a hobbies are supposed to bring pleasure to people.4.athe speaker simply wants to have a good time.二单元、无三单元、p34 1.a)she will be 100 years old on wednesday.1.dshe will celebrate her 95th birthday on wednesday.2.bshe is seeking a ba degree in religion.3.cshe completed some of her courses on the internet.4.bher son and others will hold a birthday party for her.5.anola ochs has set up a remarkable example as a lifetime learner.三单元、p431.a)because they were homeless children.1.c because they took part in a special hardship camp.2.bgrowing vegetables.3.amountains that are far away.4.dhardship camps can be an important part of an education for children.5.a they like the idea of organizing hardship camps and support it.四单元、p50 barbie 1.a)the old-fashioned design.1.dthe decreasing sales worldwide.2.atoys need to be magical and creative.3.bbecause burbie stands for an outdate image of women.4.abarbie dolls may disappear from the market.5.cthe barbie brand will expand to other entertainment fields.五单元、p66mike teeley… interview1.a)he was well mannered when talking with the speaker.1.bhe was able to share the speaker’s feelings.2.dto tell the speaker that he was always ready to offer help.3.cone act of kindness can bring warmlh to those in need.六单元、p81 1.a)they are becoming extinct.1.cthey are the threats to species.2.dit can show the importance of protecting the animals.3.bdoing community service reminds a citizen of their responsibility to protect animal.短对话 listening to short conversations一单元、p 12 1.a)he has only one hobby and no bad hobbies.1.bhe thinks he can learn skills from good hobbies.2.cstephen learns to be systematic from his hobby.3.d roys real interest in fishing is sitting alone and doing nothing.4.bthe farmer has held on to his hobby even though he met with great difficulties.5.dshe thinks every addiction is as bad as the other.二单元、 p27 1.a)husband and wife.1.ahusband and wife.2.da vacation is even more exhausting.3.dthe woman is packing for her bus tour.4.bthe bus was too worn out and uncomfortable.5.a3 hours or so.三单元、p41 1.a)he is taking an extance examination.1.d he is at a job interview.2.a he suggests the woman keep trying until she gets it right.3.b to receive assistance from the teacher.4.d he wants to keep learning all his life.5.c the man’s idea is not feasible at all.四单元、p58 1.a) the woman is unhappy about……1.a the woman is unhappy about too many advertisements on tv.2.c he is interested in the history of cities shown in pictures.3.d it is about personality evident in an individual’s gestures.4.athe man is a brazilian.5.ahe wants to make his body stronger.五单元、p74 1.a)she didn’t go to the party yesterday.1.a she didn’t go to the party yesterday.2.c the engine started as soon as they got on the plane.3.c jason can take the test on another day.4.c cheer up and you would be able to get a job soon.5.d he was criticized by the woman’ s mother all the way.六单元、p871.a)how to turn off taps properly.1.d how to protect water and trees in nature.2.c it is a good idea for people to make voluntary contributions.3.b louisiana tornado killed 50 people4.c he feels it necessary to use animals in medical researches.5.d the two speakers have different opinions about the biggest pollution problem.长对话一单元、p13 1.a)mark is a porker addict.1.d mark is addicted to online games.2.c ron is not a serious gaming addict.3.c gloria hopes mark can control himself playing games.4.a ron thinks gambling is more harmful than playing games.5.a some gaming addicts make friends when playing together.二单元、p28 1.a) there are a lot of restrictions on tourists.1.bthere is a large variety of animals there.【篇二:研究生英语听说教程答案基础级第三版】练习答案unit onepart i listening practicesection a listening for gisttask 1 1. air hostess 4. shop assistant 7. disc jockey 10. taxi driver task 2 1. airways, flight3. open up wide, fining chipped 5. building, designed 7. record, radio 9. menu, chef2. teacher 5. tourist guide 8. traffic warden3. dentist 6. salesman 9.waiter2. homework 4. larger size, fit, stock 6. buys, products 8. yellow line, no-parking 10. road, parksection b plans for weekendtask 31.pat2.jill3. mary4.sam5.ted6.jane section c discussing plans for the weekendtask 41.b2.c3.b4.c5.a6.bsection d making arrangements task5 a.2b.4c.3 d.1task 6 1. bring: records2. bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks3. bring: white wine4. bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinksmeet: bus stop meet: at the river meet: at pat’s house meet: in front of his housepart Ⅲ listening comprehension test 1.d5.d2.c3.a4.b9.c6.c 10.c7.b8.aunit twopart i listening practicesection a guessing about the situation and speakertask 1 1. football match 4. quiz show 7. car showroom 10. tour (of london)task 21.football commentator 3.vicar /priest /minister 5.announcer 7.car salesman 9.head master/principal2. law court 5. airport 8. driving lesson3. church 6. weather forecast 9. school2. judge/magistrate4.t.v presenter6.forecaster 8.dirving instructor 10. tour guide-section b looking for a flattask 31. about a flat.3. they are friends or classmates. 2. joe is going to rent a flat.4. she is a landladytask 41. 34 new street in kanden2. $75 including gas and electricity3. one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom washing machine4. mrs. green5. 4 o’clock this afternoon section c task 51. landlord and tenant.2. the man is talking about the house rules.3. she has agreed. task 61. don’t allow a cat to go upstairs.2. no smoking in a bedroom3. don’t stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4. close the window when you go out.5. don’t put the kettle on the chest of drawers. section d apartments for rent task 7,thomas streetuniversity avenuetaft roadtask 8 1. metcalf street 2. thomas streetmetcalf street3. university avenue4. taft roadpart iii listening comprehension test1.c2.b 6.c 10.d3.c 7.b4.b 8.c5.b 9.bunit threepart i listening practicesection a listening for specific informationtask 11. weight; l3pounds2. a car; 6503. a cash-card; 89764. a fax; 593381; code- 4408655. a bank account; 609177186. a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 pesos(exchange rate; 4,100 to 1)7. weather; 83 ftask 28. waterloo; 18151. on a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2. rusty ,expensive.3. yes4. he’ll contact him and talk about the new contract.5. probably in a bank.6. for a holiday7.because dave and jane are there. 8. quiz.section b describing different peopletask 31. sex: female2. sex: maleage: about 35 age: an older man about seventyheight: about average height: rather short, about five feet or five feet two hair: long blackhair: grey ,large mustache others: glasses, yellow flower3. sex: femaleothers: white flower in jacket 4. sex: maleage: quite young, about thirty height: really tall hair: blond others: carrying red flowers age: about forty-five height: very tall hair: very long, darkothers: no flower; wearing a t-shirt saying “bruce springs is the boss”.section c taking a phototask4 a4 b5 c2 d6 e3 f1task 5 6 4 2 3 1 5 photos, coin, stool , dial, background, flash section d express company task 61. prepaid express bag servicemajor cities $10 buy a bag in advance. call for a quick pick up.2. same day service3. express road servicewithin the city$8 any town depends ondistance and weightthey will go to you. for larger packagesfor further details call: tel: 33445656ask:for the sales departmentpart iii listening comprehension test1. b2.d 5.b 6.a 9.c 10.c3.b4.b 7.b 8.dunit fourpart i listening practicesection a listening for gisttask 11. garden2. vending-machine3. microwave oven4. computer/word-processor/video game5. clothes6. hifi /music system7. art8. concert9. tennis 10. holidaystask 21. lawn, flower beds , fence2. button, cold water, hot chocolate3. food, be cooked in no time, electricity4. switch, disc, program5. fit, tight, shrink, suit6. compact, speaker, cassette-player7. modern, abstract, colors and forms8. singer, guitars, drum, records9. player, backhand, score 10. tan, beach, hotel ,campingsection b telephoning about jobs task 3 diane—waitress tracy——typist gred—car salesman joe—businessman task 3 a.4 b3 c.1 d.2task 41. part-time, saturday and sunday, eight hours a day2. full-time, tuesday through sunday, from 5 to about 12. pay is $3.35 an hour. 3. working nights; five or six days a week4. a weekend job; three evenings a week, hours are five to midnightsection c a same job or a new job task 51. liza new job2. tom same job 4. kay new job5. janice new job3. brian new job【篇三:引进版研究生英语听说教程答案1-8(完整版)】>part one 1. false 2. false 3. false 4. false 5. false 6. false 7. false part two1. using what you already know (possible answers)programlevelplacement appointment application register test teachercounselor school forms gpa esl class catalog exercise 1 answers will varyexercise 2 possible answers: studying for a test; discussing homework, borrowing/comparing notes, etc.2. scanning for the main idea practice:main idea: the cafeteria is closed and the student is very hungry and needs to eat before class begins.key words: food machine, closed, pass out, stand, get something warm, canteen, stomach growl3. scanning for the important points1. a.2. a.3. b.4. inferencing (making intelligent guesses)1. true2. false3. true4. false5. true5. scanning for specific pieces of information6. using context clues1. a 4. b2. b 5. a3. b7. using structure and intonation clues using structure clues exercise 11. a 4. b2. b 5. b3. aexercise 21. a 4. a2. b 5. b3. bexercise 31. a 4. b2. b 5. a3. a 6. busing intonation clues1. sad2. angry3. happy4. confused5. sarcasticchpater 2part oneexercise 11. 5; richmond-daly city/colma, fremont-daly city, fremont-richmond, pittsburgh/baypoint-colma, dublin/pleasanton-daly city2. no. the fremont-richmond train does not go to san francisco.3. 3. 84. 2; richmond-daly city/colma, fremont-richmond5. 6. 7. 8. 9.3; dublin/pleasanton-daly city, fremont-daly city, fremont-richmond 1; pittsburgh/ bay point-colma a white line with black dots; 22no. transfer oakland city center/12th street to a fremont-richmond train.no. take fremont-richmond train to oakland city center and transfer to a pittsburgh/bay point-colma train.10. oakland city center-12th street, 19th street oakland, macarthur.part twoexercise 1b. getting directionsexercise 21. in a bart station2. it depends on where you go.3. to berkeley to visit denise?s sister.4. she looks at the bart map.5. yes. they can?t go directly from san francisco to berkeley after 8:04.6. she is happy to help them, but does not want further involvement. she is not interestedin meeting their nephew.7. the woman was happy to give the couple directions, but she didn?t want to get involvedin their lives.exercise 3general informationtrip scheduleexercise 41. a2. b3. b4. a5. a6. apart threeexercise 11. $2.10 2. $4.003. 19 minutes4. 25 minutes5. $3.00 (king stadium to kansas street); 74 minutes (king stadium to lincoln way). no.the king stadium to lincoln way trip is a shorter distance than the king stadium to kansas street trip. the higher fare for the shorter trip reflect the need to transfer, pay a toll, etc.exercise 21. grand central terminal2. schedule 23. schedule 14. answer depends on current time.5. spuyten duyvil, marble hill, university heights, morrisheights, 125th st., gct6. 7:537. between 1:20 a.m. and 6:20 a. m. 8. rush hourexercise 3 a1: $2.15 b1: answer depends on current time a2: $2.05 b2: 8 (including the last stop, gct) a3: 37 minutes b3: 12:07 a4: 28 minutes b4: 3 a5: $3.70 b5: 12:52exercise 3c1. 27 minutes2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.$1.65$1.80; 29 minutes $5.3062 minutes 12:40 p. m. 4:41 p. m. 6:52 a. m. 933 minutesthe 7:22 a. m. and 7:52 a. m. trains answer depends on current time.part fourexercise 11. yes/no2. yes/no3. information4. yes/no5. information6. yes/no7. information8. information9. information 10. yes/noexercise 21. b2. a3. a4. b5. a6. b7. b8. a9. b 10. bexercise 3 example: when does the next bus arrive?1. what time did the plane arrive?2. how often do you take the bus?3. did someone meet them at the airport?4. why didn?t she tell us she would be late?5. who will pay for the extra ticket?6. were you at the bus station yesterday?。



Unit OnePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 11.air hostess2.teacher3.dentist4.shop assistant5.tourist guide6.salesman7.Disc Jockey8.traffic warden9.waiter 10.taxi driverTask 21.airways, flight2.homework3.open up wide, filling, chippedrger size, fit, stock5.building, designed6.buys, products7.record, radio8.yellow line, no-parking9.menu, chef 10.road, parkSection B Plans for WeekendTask 31.Pat2.Jill3.Mary4.Sam5.Ted6.JaneSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 41.B2.C3.B4.C5.A6.BSection D Making ArrangementsTask 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1Task 61.bring: records meet: bus stop2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river3.bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his housePart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: DCABD/CBACCUnit TwoPart I Listening PracticeSection A Guessing about the Situation and SpeakerTask 11.Football Matchw Court3.Church4.Quiz Show5.Airport6.Weather Forecast7.Car Showroom8.Driving Lesson9.School 10.Tour (of London)Task 21.Football Commentator2.Judge/Magistrate3.Vicar/Priest/Minister4.T.V. Presenter5.Announcer6.Forecaster7.Car Salesman8.Driving Instructor9.Head Master/Principal 10.Tour GuideSection B Looking for a FlatTask 31.About a flat.2.Joe is going to rent flat.3.They are friends or classmates.4.She is a landlady.Task 41.34New Street in Kanden2.$75 including gas and electricity3.one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine4.Mrs. Green5.4 o’clock this afternoonSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 5ndlord and tenant.2.The man is talking about the house rules.3.She has agreed.Task 61.Don’t allow a cat to go upstairs.2.no smoking in a bedroom3.Don’t stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4.Close the window when you go out.5.Don’t put the kettle on the chest of drawers.Section D Apartments for RentTask 7Thomas Street University AvenueTaft Road Metcalf StreetTask 81.Metcalf Street 3.University Avenue2.Thomas Street 4.Taft ROADPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: CBCBB/CBCBDUnit ThreePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for Specific InformationTask 11.weight; 13 pounds2. 2.a car; 6503. a cash-card; 89764. a fax; 593381; code 4408655. a bank account; 609177186. a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 peso (Exchange rate: 4,100 to 1)7.weather; 83 F8.Waterloo; 1815Task 21.On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2.Rusty, expensive.3.Yes.4.He’ll contact him and talk about the new contract.5.Probably in a bank.6.For a holiday.7.Because Dave and Jane are there.8.Quiz.Section B Describing Different PeopleTask 31.Sex: female2.Sex: maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventyHeight: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet twoHair: long black Hair: Grey, large mustacheOthers: glasses, yellow flower Others: white flower in jacket3.Sex: female4.Sex: maleAge: quite young, about thirty Age: about forty-fiveHeight: really tall Height: very tallHair: blond Hair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowers Others: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying“Bruce Springs is the Boss”Section C Taking a PhotoTask 4 a4 b5 c2 d6 e3 f1Task 56 4 2 3 1 5 photo, coin, stool, dial, background, flashSection D Apartments for RentTask 61.Prepaid express bag service Major cities 410 Buy a bag in advance.Call for a quick pick up.2.Same day service Within the city $8 They will go to you.3.Express road service Any town Depends on For larger packagesDistance and weightFor further details call:Tel: 33445656Ask: for the sales departmentPart III Listening Comprehension Test1-10: BDBBB/ABDCC谢谢观看! 欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考,如有雷同纯属意外。

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Unit 1 Task 11. air hostess2. teacher3. dentist4. shop assistant5. tourist guide6. salesman7. Disc Jockey 8. traffic warden 9.waiter 10. taxi driverTask 21. airways, flight2. homework3. open up wide, filling, chipped4. larger size, fit, stock5. building, designed6. buys, products7. record, radio 8. yellow line, no-parking 9. menu, chef 10. road, parkTask 3 and Task 41. Meet Stacey at school at 4:30. Stacey has told Others. Bring volleyball and Stacey's money.2. Dinner with Tim on Thursday. Will meet at 7:00 instead of 6:30. Will pick you up here.3. Dr White. Dental check-up. Thursday, 2 pm. Call if not convenient.4. Diane called. Ruth Lee needs a ride tomorrow. Can you take her? Call her 547--68925. Car ready next Tuesday. Car needed a lot of work. Replaced battery but still working on starter. Will cost around $350. You need new snow tires.Task 5 1. Petty 2. Jenny 3.4Task 6 1. a hairdryer 2. ring 3. the end of May 4. shoe Task78 5 3 7 2 4 6 9 1Task 8 A. 6 B. 5 C.2 D. 3 E.4 F. 1Task 9Picture A: Yes, delicious, like to have some more. Picture B: Yes, good teacher.Picture C: Yes, great game. What a Play! Picture D: No, the service is so slow, expensive.Picture E: No, boring, terrible, bad. Picture F: No, awful, too crowded, too loud, terrible.Part 111 Listening Comprehension Test1. D2. C3. A4. B5. D6. C7. B8. A9. C 10. CUnit TwoTask 11. football match2. Law court3. church4. quiz show5. airport6. weather forecast7. car showroom 8. driving lesson 9. school 10. tour (of London)Task 21.football commentator2. Judge/magistrate3.vicar/priest/minister4.T.V. presenter5. announcer6.forecaster7.car salesman8.dirving instructor9.head master/principal 10.tour guideSection B Looking for a flatTask 3 1. About a flat. 2. Joe is going to rent a flat. 3. They are friends or classmates. 4. She is a landlady.Task 41.34 New Street in Kanden2. $75 including gas and electricity3. one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine4. Mrs. Green5.4 o'clock this afternoonTask 5 1. Landlord and tenant. 2. The man is talking about the house rules. 3. She has agreed.Task 61. Don't allow a cat to go upstairs.2. no smoking in a bedroom3. Don't stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4. Close the window when you go out.5. Don't put the kettle on the chest of drawers.Task 7 Thomas Street University Avenue Taft Road Metcalf StreetTask 8 1. Metcalf Street 2. Thomas Street 3. University Avenue 4. Taft RoadPart II Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. B3. C4. B5.86. C7. B8. C9. B 10. DUnit ThreeTask 11. weight; 13Pounds2. a car; 6503. a cash-card; 89764. a fax; 593381; Code- 4408655. a bank account; 609177186. a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 pesos(Exchange rate; 4,100 to 1)7. weather; 83 F 8. Waterloo; 1815Task 21. On a diet and doing a keep-fit class.2. Rusty ,expensive.3.Yes.4. He'll contact him and talk about the new contract.5. Probably in a bank.6. For a holiday.7. Because Dave and Jane are there.8. Quiz.Task 3 1. Sex: female 2. Sex: maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventyHeight: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet twoHair: long black Hair: Grey ,large mustacheOthers: glasses, yellow flower Others: white flower in jacket3. Sex: female4. Sex: maleAge: quite young, about thirty Age: about forty-fiveHeight: really tall Height: very tallHair: blond Hair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowers Others: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying "Bruce Springs Is the Boss".Task4 a 4 b5 c2 d6 e3 flTask 5 6 4 2 3 I 5 photos, coin, stool, dial, background, flashTask 61. Prepaid express bag service major cities $10 Buy a bag in advance. Call for a quick pick up.2. Same day service Within the city $8 They will go to you.3. Express road service Any town Depends on For larger packagesdistance and weightFor further details call:Tel: 33445656Ask: for the sales departmentPart m Listening Comprehension Test1. B2. D3. B4. B5. B6. A7. B8. D9. C 10. CUnit FourTask 1 A. 4 B. 3 C. 1 D. 2Task 2 1. part-time, Saturday and Sunday, eight hours a day2. full-time, Tuesday through Sunday, from 5 to about 12. Pay is $3.35 an hour.3. working nights; five or six days a week4. a weekend job; three evenings a week, hours are five to midnightTask 3 Diane--waitress Tracy—typist Gred--car salesman Joe--businessmanTask4 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. FSection C A Same Job or a New JobTask 5 1. Liza new job 2. Tom same job 3. Brian new job 4. Kay new job 5. Janice new jobTask 6A1 Employment Agency1. Full Name: Jessica Richards2. Address: 33 Landseer Road, Newtown3. Date of Birth: Mach 19th, 19804. Education: Secondary5. Examinations passed: English, chemistry, maths, French, physics, and biology6. Interests (hobbies & sports): playing the piano, in a jazz band, water-skiing7. Experience? Previous posts: lab assistant8. Post or position required: lab assistant9. Any special requests: noPart Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. B3. B4. C5. D6. C7. A8. C9. A 10. BUnit FiveTask 11. a pair of trousers2. a return ticket3. a newspaper and mints/sweets4. ballet or theatre tickets5. Drinks6. tickets for a coach trip7. a haircut8. soup and fish9. a game of squash 10. throat medicineTask 21. in a clothes-shop2. at the station3. at a newsagent's4. at a box-office5. at a pub6. in a tourist office/travel agency7. at a hairdresser's/barber's8. in a restaurant9. at a sports club 10. at a chemist's/pharmacyTask 3gold pen $135 bracelet $545 ring $1,259 watch $23.75 calculator $7.85Task 4 1. watch 2. ring 3. pen 4. bracelet 5.They are too expensive for her.Task 5 1. personal check 2. credit card 3. personal check 4. cash 5.traveler's checkTask 6Equipment: electric fanNo.: BE 42703--02 Size: mediumColor: blue Made in/date: 1985Fault: It doesn't work.Purchaser: Andrew EmmettAddress: 5 Rainbow Terrace West Old Field SurreyPhone No.: 77480Part m Listening Comprehension Test1. B2. C3. B4. D5. D6. D7. C 9. C 12. C13. C14. A 15. CUnit SixTask 11. Garden2. Vending-machine3. Microwave oven4. Computer/Word-processor/Video Game5. Clothes6. Hifi/Music system7. Art8. Concert9. Tennis 10. HolidaysTask 21. lawn, flower beds, fence2. button, cold water, hot chocolate3. food, be cooked in no time, electricity4. switch, disc, program5. fit, tight, shrink, suit6. compact, speaker, cassette-player7. modern, abstract, colors and forms 8. singer, guitars, drum, records9. player, backhand, score 10. tan, beach, hotel ,campingTask 3 1. Pat 2. Jill 3. Mary 4. Sam 5. Ted 6. JaneTask 4 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. BTask 5 A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 1Task 61. bring: records meet: bus stop2. bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river3. bring: white wine meet: at Pat's house4. bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his housePart IH Listening Comprehension Test1. D2. B3. A4. C5. C6. B7. D8. B9. D 10. BUnit SevenTask 1Reason for Owning a car 1. allows a person to move around freely 2. a comfortable way to travel 3. safe at nightReasons against Owning a car 1. very expensive 2. cause worry and stressTask 21. check a bus schedule, a train2. warm, dry, cold, wet3. walk down, a stop, dark comer4. maintain, repair5. urban, park6. on the street, get stolen, something else Task 31.July 7th-10th, after 4 o'clock on Friday2. By 10 o'clock on the Monday2. 3. L 29.25 4. First 300 miles 5. 5 1/2 p per mileTask 4 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. FTask 51. in a car near New York2. the main part of New York is Manhattan which is an island3. at tunnels or bridges4. in a car with only one person5. park their cars outside the city and pick up public transportTask 6 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. TTask 71. A. 44,000 people B. drunk drivers C. stricter laws2. a 30-year-old, California A. 4 bottles of beer B. speeding C. ran through, crashed3. A. justified B. too harshly, he had not planned the accidentC. not the first time he had been arrested for drunk drivingD. he had his driver's license suspended for 6 months his license has been revoked for lifeTask 81. stricter laws have been passed2. you will be considered a murderer by law3. at the intersection4. five people5.77 years in prisonPart III Listening Comprehension Test1. A2. D3. A4. B5. C6. B7. D8. A9. D 10. AUnit EightTask 21. They can pet the rabbits, sheep, and other animals.2. There are items from many parts of the world.3. They believe in taking care of the environment.4. It is both educational and interesting.5. Bats, owls and other animals.Task 31. You mustn't get off the land-rover without permission.2. You must all stay close to the guide.3. You all have to sign these insurance declarations.4. You mustn't disturb the animals.Task 41. land-rover, could be attacked2. company regulation, sign3. disturb, wild, tame, zoos4.50 miles, 805. insect repellent, drinking water, rolls of 35mm film, packed lunchTask 5The cathedral was built in 1241. It was designed by Hugo Derash, a French, so it's in Norman style. You can see part of the wall, a small statue beside a fountain. It's in the market place and a regular Tuesday market is held. There is a flower market every two weeks on Saturdays in Summer. The worn statue represents Venus, and the water comes from the springs in the hills and is very clear.Task 61. 1241 6. Venus, goddess of love2. Hugo Derash, France, brother 7. flower, two3. Norman 8. Tuesday4. wall 9. Springs in the hills5. modern 10. clearTask 71. urban holiday, camping2. Stanley Park, aquarium, Grouse mountain, museums galleries3. Ride over, deck, sat inside, read magazinesTask 81. It's cold and miserable.2. It's much an elegant city with a lot of British influence.3. A pin with a tiny totem pole on it.Part m Listening Comprehension Test1. A2. C3. D4. B5. A6. B7. C8. A9. D 10. AUnit NineTask 1Person 1. I can't sleep Person 2. I eat mostly snack foods.Person 3. I can't stop smoking, drink more beer. Person 4. I can't eat.Task 21. fatigue2. listlessness3. sleeping problems4. loss of appetite or stomach disorder5. heart palpitationsTask 31. pressure, parents, myself, academically, exactly, track record2. quarter system, beginning, end, middle, screw up, messed up, well ordered, perfect3. eleventh week, ten-week, half-week, exams4. cumulative, incorporate, different problemsTask 41. quiet, nervous, distracted, around, music, C's2. library3. desk, room, straight, awake, comfortable4. night, quietTask 51. What we can do with stress.2. Four points: a. recognition of stress and welcome to it.b. Be thankful, an attitude of gratitude to life for life.c. to set my body in position to take whatever comes along and to utilize it properly.d. to maintain the hormonal system in a proper state of balance3. Because a thankful attitude maintains the hormonal system in a proper state of balance so that we are able totake whatever action is necessary in a constructive way.Task 61. to become aware of potentially stressful situations and avoid them2. to reduce our workload and organize the work in a better way3. to get the people rest and exercise4. to find a balance between wok and playTask 71. She can't lower her workload right now.2. Visualization or meditation, more positive outlook, mentally planning your day's activities in a less stressful way.3. How to deal with the stress.4. A sport called crew to achieve physical and mental balance.5. The emotions have a great deal to do with the disease and healing process.6. Dr. Norman Cousins laughed himself back to health.Task 8 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. TPart HI Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. B3. D4. A5. B6. B7. A8. A9. D 10. CUnit TenTask 1Dr. Martin Luther Kingl won the Nobel Peace Prizel against racisml was peacefulMother Teresa of Calcuttal helped poor peoplel won the Nobel Peace Prizel helped sick peopleNavajo Code-Talkersl was peacefull soldiersl are well-known by Native American peopleTask 21. racism, discrimination, peaceful, guts2. send, receive messages, language, figured out3. poorest, Calcutta, India, feed, take care of, sickSection B AKIO MORITA (Mr. Sony)Task 31. in Nagoya, Japan2. a rice drink called sake3. a very small radio4. walkman5. because of the high quality6. in 19637. Mr. SonyTask 41. I 22. I 23. 2 14. 2 1Task 51. he used a $1,500 check to mark a page in a book. Then he lost the book!2. in Ulm, Germany.3. Because when he was a child, he learned things very slowly and he didn't speak until he was three years old.4. When he was 12, Albert began reading math and science books.5. In 1922, he received the Nobel Prize for physics.6. he died in 1955. Task 6 1. 2 1 2. I 2 3. 2 1 4. I 2Task 7 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. f 6. dTask 81. Jane Goodall was born in London, England.2. she worked as a waitress and saved enough money for the boat trip to Kenya.3. She was 23 years old then.4. In Kenya, she met the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey.5. In July 1960, Goodall began to study the chimpanzees.6. Goodall studied chimpanzees for over 40 years.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. B2. D3. A4. A5. A6. C7.88. B9. B 10. DUnit ElevenTask 11. take the form of dreams or visions;strong feelings, ideas, or guesses that come into people's minds for no apparent reason2. In the early morning of April 15, 1912Titanic struck an iceberg and sank1,50220 cases of premonitions3. FutilityFiction: Titan Fact: Titanic1898 April 15,1912sank after hitting an iceberg sank after hitting an icebergunsinkable liner unsinkable linerlifeboats lifeboatsTask 21. a passenger on the doomed ship, over 20 years earlier2. nine people, in which a ship like the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank3. two clairvoyants4. several other people, something would go wrong5. would-be passengers, they canceled their tickets at the last minuteTask 3Similarities:1.both ships were transatlantic ocean liners2. they were both luxury liners3. as each ship was sinking, there were acts of heroism and acts of villainy4. both of these ships were considered "unsinkable"Differences:Titanic1. on her maiden voyage across Atlantic2. struck an iceberg and sank3. not equipped with radar, only a lookout4.60 people died, 1,650 were savedAndrea Doria1. On her 101st transatlantic crossing2. Collided with another ship and sank3. Had radar to warn of the approach of another ship4. more than 1,500 people died, over 700 surviveTask 41. I can infer it.2. I heard it.3. I can infer it.4. I cannot infer it.5. I heard it.6. I cannot infer it.Task 5Reason 1: we had far better save what few we had in my boatReason 2: our boat would be swamped by the crowds that were thereReason 3: the whole crowd in my boat discouraged me to do thatReason 4: they said it was rather a mad ideaTask 61,100 people, 700 people, 1,000 people, freezing, a few hundred yards, refused to return and try to save, in charge ot~ tied his lifeboat to another lifeboat, 60 more peopleTask 81. Smith is a senator and Pitman is a survivor of the Titanic disaster, who is in charge of a lifeboat.2. Not clearly told, but we know there was room for 60 more people in the two boats.3. The whole crowd in Pitman's lifeboat.Part BI Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. B3. B4. A5. C6. B7. C8. A9. D 10. AListening Test One1. C2. A3. D4. C5. B6. B7. C8. D9. A10. A11. C 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. B16. Three stages: marriage by capture; marriage by contract or purchase; marriage based on mutual love.17. It symbolizes the period when the bridegroom hides his captured bride until her kinsmen grew tired of searching for her.18. The "wed" was the money, horses, or cattle which the groom gave as security and as a pledge to prove his purchase of the bride from her father.19. Blue was the color of purity, love and fidelity.20. Bridesmaids remind us of the days when there had to be ten witnesses at the solemn marriage ceremony.Listening Test Two1. B2. B3. D4. C5. A6. D7. C8. B9. A 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. B16. primitive17. measure progress of students, show what they are lacking18. selection and promotion19. Test results lack validity and reliability; Teacher and students work for high marks instead of leaming.20. Some Asian students with very high TOEFL marks turn out to be poor in their communication skills in the U.S.Unit TwelveTask 1(1) 342-6070 305 (2) 911-1144 216 (3) 623-4030 313(4) 505-6653 504 (5) 610-1214 617 (6) 632-1010 202(7) 211-4579 212 (8) 397-4231 602 (9) 974-0012 215(10) 864-3079 206Task 2(1) 313 (2) 202 (3) 305 342-6070 (4) student's numberTask 310, 9, 1, 4, 6,2, 7, 8, 5, 3.Task 41. The number you have dialed has been temporarily disconnected and is no longer in service.2. You can dial that direct.3. Please have her call me back at 654-9234.4. I have a collect call from Sue. Will you accept the charges?5. She isn't here right now. Can I take a message?6. What number did you dial?7. This number is unlisted.8. I'll connect your call. Please hold.9. This is a recording.10. There is no one here by that name.┌──┬───────┬──────┬────────┬───────────┐││Name of │Name of ││││Call │││Reason for Call │Result of Call │││Person Called │Caller │││├──┼───────┼──────┼────────┼───────────┤│││││Edwards to call Bird │││Mr. Edwards │John Bird │IIIIIIIIIII │││││││back │├──┼───────┼──────┼────────┼───────────┤││││installation technician to go round ││2 │John Bird │Pete Edwards │││││││problems │in the afternoon │├──┼───────┼──────┼────────┼───────────┤│││││meeting arranged 10:00 ││3 │Susan Phillips │Gerald Smith │to fix a meeting │next Friday │Task 71. True2. True3. False4. False5. FalseTask 8(1) facial expressions (6)manners (11)45 seconds (16) mumble(2) gestures (7)the third ring (12)personality (17) tone of voice(3) appearances (8) pick up (13) warmth (18) minimum(4) what (9) identify (14) eagerness (19) hearing(5) how (10) put a customer (15)voice (20) command on holdTalk 11. so that their customers may call them long distance free of charge.2. dial 0, and ask the operator for the 800-number operator who can help you.3. sell products and services.4. charging high rates or encouraging unauthorized callers to call.5. ask your local phone company to block access to 900 numbers from your phone.Talk21. Cell phone etiquette.2. Inappropriate use of the cell phone is widespread.3. Ten feet,4. Because the cell phone can be distracting or disruptive to others.5. It may interfere with the signals or other sensitive equipment.Unit ThirteenTask IInterview I Interview 2Name John Steel Enrique VargasOccupation Computer Consultant StudentType of PC used IBM PC Apple MacintoshReasons for choice:1) knows them well 1) easier to use2) exchanges information with other users 2) GUI-click on icons / no typing in commands3) a lot of software available 3) windows easier to set upTask 2choose clone easier mouse standardicons commands set up used toTask 31. palmtop2. notebook3. clipboard4. laptop5. desktop┌─────┬──────┬─────────┬─────────┬───────┐││Power │Weight │Screen Size │Input Device │├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤│││between 15 and │about 10 inches │││Portable AC power │││key board ││││20 │diagonally ││├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤││rechargeable ││about 10 inches │││Laptop ││between 8 and 15 ││key board │││batteries ││diagonally ││├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤││batteries │as little as 4 │as small as 8 │││││││key board ││Notebook ││pounds │inches ││├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤││rechargeable │Tbetween 3 and 6 │similar to laptop │││Clipboard │batteries pounds │and notebook │pen or stylus │├─────┼──────┼─────────┼─────────┼───────┤││alkaline │││││Palmtop ││less than I pound │very small │keys │││batteries │││Task 5 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. FTask 61. T2. F (You should check that there is good applications software available.)3. F (not two factors but three factors, the third being the size of your budget)4. T5. F (The idem is one computer per student and all computers linked by a local area network.)6. F (free access = unlimited access)Task 71.The network system isn't very secure.2. A modem.3. What people do with them, e.g. use their own name or a partner's name; which makes life easy for a hacker.4. It shows a constantly changing number. It is safe as long as you don't leave the card lying around.5. Steve seems to know a lot.Talk11. Because his company changed the way the world perceived the computer and its role in society.2. 557 million.3. technology4. Technology could be made available to everyone.5. Technology could be used to better people's lives and as a tool for creativity.Talk21. It refers to the idea of marketing a product over the Internet.2. a website3. It can save time and money.4. a broader market and loweroverheads5. cybershoppersUnit FourteenTask 11. Event: Mid-week Lecture on American History Days: WednesdayTime: 7:00p.m. Price: FreePlace: Johnson Hall3. Event: Houston International Film FestivalDays: Monday to Sunday Time: 11:00a.m. - 10p.m.Price: $2.50 each Place: the Academy of Arts4. Event: Independence Day FireworksDays: Saturday, July 4 Time: 8:30p.m.Price: Free Place: City ParkTask 2 See the above.Task 4 The following statements are true: 2, 5, 7, 8, 10Task 5 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. BTask 7 Sentences 3 and 6 are not on the tape.Task 8thirteen, took time off, on several continentsdevelop his body and strength, learn interesting thingsby himself, encourage others to make a similar tripTalk11. conversational skills2. Language in Focus3. fluency4. the most useful expressions, structures and word combinations used in the workplace today5. eltradio@Talk21. To collect and preserve television and radio programs and to make them available to the public.2. 19763. artistic, cultural, and historical value4. by interpreting and analyzing radio and television programs5. New York/Manhattan, Los AngelesUnit FifteenTask 11. train service / British Rail2. washing powder / Blanco3. credit card / Spendcard4. shampoo / shine5.car / Puma6. chocolate, sweets / Frolic bar7. whisky / Glengunnich Malt 8. newspaper / Daily Herald 9. face cream / Petal 10. bank / MidwesternTask 21. traffic jams, driving conditions, speed limits, parking, faster, delay, destination2. stains, whiter than white, housewives3. card, services and discounts4. hair, conditioner5. engine, aerodynamic lines, boot, test drive6. nuts, raisins, coconut, biscuit, toffee, delicious, scrumptious7. spring water, Scottish barley, flavour, wooden barrels, taste, tonic, soda8. objective reporting, current issues, news, colour supplement9. looks, soft and gentle, skin, creamy and smooth, complexion10. invest, interest rates, bank charges, accounts, insurance, mortgages, pensionsTask 3Advertisement 1 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. BAdvertisement 2 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. CSentences 4 and 8 are not on the tape.Task 51. F2.T3.T4.F5.T6.F7. TTask 6Sentences 4 and 7 are not on the tape.Task 71. T2. F3. T4. F5. T6. F7. FTalk l1. commercials2. happiness, success, status, luxury, fashion, and beauty3. You can solve all human problems by buying things; modern things are good and traditional things are bad.4. Because it gives us useful information about different products.5. shopping cheers them up.Talk21. vanity2. shoddy antiques3. demonstrate her expertise4. reproduction furniture and paintings5. had an extensive knowledge of the antique businessUnit SixteenTask 1 and Task 2[6] cartoon [2 ] documentary [5 ] drama series [7 ] quiz show[3] sitcom (situation comedy) [1 ] soap opera [ 4 ] talk show┌─────┬─────────────────────────────────┐││Reasons for Success │├─────┼─────────────────────────────────┤│Talk show │Appealing host: Rosie is nice, seems very normal, and celebrities │││open up to her. │├─────┼─────────────────────────────────┤│Soap opera │Continuity: The same characters have been on the show for 40││years. The story lines are familiar. │├─────┼─────────────────────────────────┤│Sitcom │Up-to-date: The show is trendy, current, and reflects pop │││culture. The characters are appealing. │├─────┼─────────────────────────────────┤│Quiz show │Anyone can win: Anyone has the chance to win a lot of money. │││Viewers get caught up in the excitement. │Task 41. Talk show: Rosie Adams2. Soap opera: The World Spins3. Sitcom: Buddies4. Quiz show: Your TurnTask 61. Installing the v-chip is a form of censorship. (Attorney)2. Parents usually watch TV with their children. (Attorney)3. People are watching more television. (Parent)4. Parents can easily control what their kids watch on television by changing the channel. (Attorney)5. Choosing what you want to watch is an important personal freedom. (Attorney)Task 71. x2. x/3. x4.~/5. X6. x7. xTalk 11. The family was in financial trouble.2. She feared that the kids would have problems.3. They talked, listened to music, and read.4. from the daily paper, magazines, and radio.5.1) They have more time to participate in active entertainments. 2) They've developed other。
