高一英语unit 1 good friends ( reading ).ppt
高一英语上Unit1 Good friends 精品课件

词义辨析: Argue quarrel debate discuss 名校调研 P1.
8.Survive: vi./vt to remain alive
The man was very ill, but he survived. The house survived the storm. (vt.) 这座房子在风暴中幸存下来 In order to survive, he has to make his living by selling vegetables. 为了生存,他必须以卖蔬菜为生.
1. I can’t go that far .Long plane trips don’t ____ me. A. agree with B. agree to C. fit for D. match with 2. He knows a lot about film .No one in our class can __ him in that knowledge. A. catch B. suit ; C. compare D. match 3. The shirt is two sizes ___ for me. Would you please show me another one? A. larger B. too large C. more large D. very large 1-2解:AD解:B习惯用语问题.说明:英语中,表示“(衣帽等)太大或太小因而不合适“,须用 too large/small for sb. “对某人大几号为”“sizes too large for sb.”
6. match n. 火柴;比赛;对手,配对的东西 I lost the match to this glove. v. 和…较量;和…匹敌;与…相配 Her clothes don’t match her age(与她的年龄不相配). 主要搭配形式为:match + n. + to/with +n 把……和……搭配起来/调和起来; match + n. + in/for + n. 与……匹敌,是……的对手,势均力敌。 No one can match her in knowledge of classical music.

广东省高一英语上册必修一第一单元《Unit1 Good Friends 》全套教案

integrating skill
grammar and writing
get the students to write an email
key points: 1. useful expressions; 2.writing 3.grammar
step 1. revision
a learner log is a set of questions that will help the students to reflect on how and what they have learnt. the students are asked to rate their“comfort level”and summarize what they have learnt. you can use this as an activity in class or let the students complete the log at home. throughout the book we offer different assessment tools and we recommend that you try as many of them as possible. learner logs and other similar assessment tools are simple to use and have a positive effect on the students’ learning and learning habits over time. the students may find it difficult to answer the questions at first, but if you use the log consistently it will help the students pay more attention to their learning strategies and set better goals. once the students are used to the format and expectations, you can use the learner log and other assessment activities in combination with discussion and goal-setting activities.

刘四爷只有一个三十七八岁的女儿叫虎妞。她长得虎头虎脑,虽然帮助父亲办事是把好手,可是没人敢娶她作太太。刘四爷很喜欢祥子的勤快,虎妞更喜爱这个傻大个儿的憨厚可靠。祥子回到人和 车厂以后,受到了虎妞的热情款待。祥子把30元钱交给刘四爷保管,希望攒满后再买车。
一天夜里,远处响起了炮声,军营一遍混乱,祥子趁势混出了军营,并且顺手牵走了部队丢下的3匹骆驼。天亮时,他来到一个村子,仅以35元大洋就把3匹骆驼卖给了一个老头儿。一次,祥子突然 病倒了,在一家小店里躺了3天,在说梦话或胡话时道出了他与3匹骆驼的ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ系,从此,他得了“骆驼祥子”的绰号。祥子病好以后,刻不容缓地想去打扮打扮。他剃了头,换了衣服鞋子,吃了一顿饱饭, 便进城向原来租车的人和车厂走去。
午夜宅男 共3页: 上一页123下一页
祥子每天放胆地跑,对于什么时候出车也不大考虑,兵荒马乱的时候,他照样出去拉车。有一天,为了多赚一点儿钱,他冒险把车拉到清华,途中连车带人被十来个兵捉了去。这些日子,他随着兵 们跑。每天得扛着或推着兵们的东西,还得去挑水烧火喂牲口,汗从头上一直流到脚后跟,他恨透了那些乱兵。他自食其力的理想第一次破灭了。

我问班长,“相当长”到底有多长?班长说,“相当长就是很长很长”。他看我傻乎乎的困惑不解,说“你问这干啥”?我说“共产主义真的能够实现吗,我们能看到吗,1958年大跃进说要跑步进 入共产主义,到现在还没跑到”。我的问话引得战友们哈哈大笑,班长说“别问那么多,好好干,共产主义一定能够实现。bbin游戏最近怎么了
那天晚上,我站在山坡的哨位上,仰望远方的天际,夜色愈加浓重,星星就愈加闪亮。夜深人静的时候,是想家的时候,想家的时候很辛酸,母亲的脸像枯黄的莱叶,陈旧的衣着多有补丁,冬季是 集中吃红薯的时候,红薯很难保管,正月十五过后,气候转热,腐烂速度很快,我到部队后,给家里省了半年粮食,我穿过的衣服,拆洗后可给弟弟穿。一家8口,衣服鞋全靠母亲纺线织布,一针一针 手工缝制,晚上,母亲摇着纺车,扯着一根又一根搓成细细的绵条,嗡嗡嘤嘤,直到半夜,有月亮的晚上,屋子不是太黑,借着朦胧的光线,不再点灯,这时,我仿佛能够看到她的身影。

伊一面抚一弄他们,一面还是做,被做的都在伊的身边打圈,但他们ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ渐的走得远,说得多了,伊也渐渐的懂不得,只觉得耳朵边满是嘈杂的嚷,嚷得颇有些头昏。
“阿,阿!”伊固然以为是自己做的,但也疑心这东西就白薯似的原在泥土里,禁不住很诧异了。然而这诧异使伊喜欢,以未曾有的勇往和愉快继续着伊的事业,呼吸吹嘘着,汗混和着……最火的 游戏排行
伊在长久的欢喜中,早已带着疲乏了。几乎吹完了呼吸,流完了汗,而况又头昏,两眼便蒙胧起来,两颊也渐渐的发了热,自己觉得无所谓了,而且不耐烦。然而伊还是照旧的不歇手,不自觉的只 是做。
终于,腰腿的酸痛辨得伊站立起来,倚在一座较为光滑的高山上,仰面一看,满天是鱼鳞样的白云,下面则是黑压压的浓绿。伊自己也不知道怎样,总觉得左右不如意了,便焦躁的伸出手去,信手 一拉,拔起一株从山上长到天边的紫藤,一房一房的刚开着大不可言的紫花,伊一挥,那藤便横搭在地面上,遍地散满了半紫半白的花一瓣。伊接着一摆手,紫藤便在泥和水里一翻身,同时也溅出拌着 水的泥土来,待到落在地上,就成了许多伊先前做过了一般的小东西,只是大半呆头呆脑,獐头鼠目的有些讨厌。然而伊不暇理会这等事了,单是有趣而且烦躁,夹一着恶作剧的将手只是抡,愈抡愈飞 速了,那藤便拖泥带水的在地上滚,像一条给沸水烫伤了的赤练蛇。泥点也就暴雨似的从藤身上飞一溅开来,还在空中便成了哇哇地啼哭的小东西,爬来爬去的撒得满地。
高一英语教案:《Unit1 Good Friends 好朋友》优秀教学设计(一)

高一英语教案:《Unit1 Good Friends 好朋友》优秀教学设计(一)高一英语教案:《Unit1 Good Friends 好朋友》优秀教学设计(一)The Third PeriodTeaching aims and demandsThe students are asked to master the Grammar :Direct Speech and Indirect Speech2. Integrating Skill: reading3. Oral practice: manipulate oral practice relevant to the reading material.Key points: grammar and readingTeaching methods: Reading —Sentence structure----explanationTeaching procedures:Step 1. Revision(1) Check the homework exercises.(2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.Step 2. Presentation To ask the Ss pre-writing the following sentences and check them in class.1.“Today is Thursday” the teacher said.2. “I’m going to play football.” Tom said.3. “He lived in New York” Tom told me.4. “The moon foes around the earth.” he said.5. “He wanted to go out for lunch today.” his father said.6. “He has been here for six years” Mr Li told me.7. “ I will be here for one year.” I said to Mr Li.8. “You come here quickly.” he ordered.9.She said to me, “I will ask for some paper”.10.They asked: “Why did you come here so late?”Step 3. Grammar Direct Speech and Indirect SpeechBrief explanation of “Direct Speech and Indirect Speech” (1): Statements & Questions* use Direct Speech when you want to show the exact words someone said or wrote. Use quotation marks to show that you are reporting the exact words a person used and a reporting clause to include information about the speaker and the situation.e.g. “I had a great time at the picnic,” she told her mum.(the direct speech) (the reporting clause)*The reporting clause may come before, within, or after the direct speech. When the reporting clause comes after the direct speech, the order of the subject and the verb may be changed, e.g. Jane said/said Jane. This typically happens when the reporting clause is within the reported speech and the subject is not a pronoun.e.g. Jane said, “I got a new e-pal. He is from Germany.”“I got a new e-pal,” Jane said / said Jane / she said, “He is from Germany.”“I got a new e-pal. He is from Germany,” Jane said / said Jane / she said.* Use a comma to connect the direct speech and the reporting clause.* When you change a sentence from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech, you sometimes need to change the verb tense. You may also need to change pronouns in order to keep the same meaning.DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECHPresent pastPast past or past perfectpresent perfective past perfectpast perfective past perfecte.g. “I’ll take care of you,” Chuck said. à Chuck said he would take care of him.“Did you get e-mails from your friends?” she asked. à She asked if I had got e-mails from my friends.“Have you got any e-mails from your parents?” she asked. à She asked if I had got any e-mails from my parents.*When you use Indirect Speech to report what someone said, you can sometimes change the exact words without changing what the speaker actually said.e.g. Wilson asked, “How long have we been in this place?”à Wilson asked how long you had been here.Answers to Grammar Exercise 11 The visitor said that he was very glad to visit our factory.2 “I don’t like American movies very much,” the woman said to / told us.3 Uncle Wang said that there was something wrong with the front wheel.4 The teacher said to the students, “We are going to have a meeting at three o’clock.”5 The students asked when they should go outing that autumn.6 “I’ll try to finish reading the book by the end of this week,” she said.7 The daughter told her father that mum had gone to the supermarket.8 “Are you going to mail the gifts to your parents?” Sara’s friend asked her.9 Tom asked Bob why he had been so excited that day.10 “How can I solve the problem?” Sandra asked her friend.Step 4 Post-reading : Grammar Exercise 2In this exercise, the students have to imagine that they are helping Chuck “hear” what Wilson “says.” The students use Chuck’s answers to guess what Wilson is asking and then write down the question as reported speech. Let the students look at the example and point out that they don’t need to change the verb tense. When they have completed the written part of the exercise, they can use the questions and answers to talk to each other.Answers to Grammar Exercise 2:Chuck: I know, I know. You are angry with me. You think we should wait longer, but we have waited long enough already.Wilson: Why do you want to leave this island?You: Chuck, Wilson asks why you want to leave this island.Chuck: I want to leave the island because I miss my friends.Wilson: Am I not your friend?You: Chuck, Wilson asks whether or not he is your friend.Chuck: Yes, you are my friend, but I miss the others.Wilson: How long have we been here?You: Chuck, Wilson asks how long you have been here.Chuck: We have been here for almost five years.Wilson: How will we leave?You: Chuck, Wilson asks how you will leave.Chuck: How will we leave? We will wait for the wind to change. Then we will go out over the reef.Wilson: That might be dangerous.You: Chuck, Wilson says that might be dangerous.Chuck: Yes, it might be dangerous, but we have to try. We can’t stay here any longer.Wilson: Will you take care of me?You: Chuck, Wilson asks if you will take care of him.Chuck: Of course I will take care of you.Wilson: I’m scared, Chuck.You: Chuck, Wilson says he is scared.Chuck: I’m scared, too.Step 5 Workbook :Answers to Exercise 1:1 Mary told Yang Mei that she was doing a biology experiment then.2 Mary told Yang Mei that she was not free that day.3 Mary told Yang Mei that she must / had to finish her paper that week.4 Mary told Yang Mei that she would have to stay in the lab until the next day.5 Mary told Yang Mei that she was going to write a report the next week.6 Mary told Yang Mei that she had watched a very interesting TV programme the day before.7 Mary told Yang Mei that She must / had to wait there that afternoon.8 Mary asked Yang Mei if she would go to the Students’ Club that afternoon.9 Mary told Yang Mei that she had visited her teacher the day before.10 Mary asked Yang Mei who was going to study abroad the next year.Answers to Exercise 2:Sept 1, MondayIt’s my first day in senior high school. Mother told me to get up early. Father asked me to tie my hair up. I told myself not to worry too much.When I arrived at school, I ran into my friend Joanna. She said I looked great. (1)I asked her where she had spent her holiday. (2)She said that she had gone to Shanghai and it had been wonderful. (3)She also asked me if I had enjoyed my holiday.We went to the classroom for our first lesson. (4)Mr Yu asked us if we had had a pleasant holiday. (5)Then he said that he wanted to get to know us, and he asked us to write a short description of ourselves. I wrote it inEnglish. When Mr Yu read it, (6)he said it was well-written.After school I went back home. I told my parents about my first day in school. (7)They told me that they were proud of me.1 “Where did you spend your holiday?” I asked /said to her.2 “I went to Shanghai and it was wonderful,” she said.3 “Did you enjoy your holiday?” she asked / said.4 “Did you have a pleasant holiday?” Mr Yu asked us.5 “I want to get to know you. Could you please write down a short description of yourselves?” he said.6 “It’s well written,” he said.7 “We are proud of you,” they said to me.Answers to Exercise 31 Change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech and Indirect Speech into Direct Speech.1 Hu Ming, the manager says that they run that restaurant to make friends.2 “We are unhappy about this,” the students’ parents said.3 Hu Ming says, “A teacher has alr eady told me that I should spend more time on study.”4 “Running a business takes a lot of time,” all the managers say.5 Liu Tao says that they don’t have the money to hire enough waitersor waitresses, so they do most of the work themselves.6 Another boy tells me that sometimes they have to skip classes to keep an eye on the restaurant.7 “We are doing OK,” Liu Tao says.Step 6 HomeworkFinish off the work in work bookchange the 10 sentences into indirect speechTry to write a news story in about 100 words on page 88Revise the grammar on page 178 to page 180。

Unit 1 Good friendsⅠ.Brief Statements Based on the UnitEvery one of us has a friend or some friends in our daily life. But what is a good friend? What qualities should a good friend be like? What qualities should a good friend have? This unit just deals with such topics. There are three questions which talks about what qualities a good friend should have in the part of Warming Up. Listening part provides students with a dialogue among friends. It tells us that sometimes friends have contradictions between them and how to solve their contradictions. Speaking part supoplies some oral materials about self-introduction to students. Reading part is a narrative story which is about the plot of the American film “Cast Away.”The questions of Pre-reading and Post-reading benefit to train students’ abilities to think and distinguish.In the aspect of Language Study, teacher should let students further understand new words. in particular master learning methods of words through the contest. As to the grammar “Direct Speech and Indirect Speech”.students should master their changes betweenthem. The part of Integrating skills designs a real assignment “sending an e-mail”.It’s very usefull and popular with students. Because it presses close to students’life. Teacher should help students master such skills.Ⅱ.Teaching Aims and DemandsCategory Contents based on the new course standardTopiccs 1.Talk about friends and friendship2.Discuss problems occurring in a friendship and suggest solutions3.Write an e-mail to find an e-palFunctions 1.likes and dislikesHe/She likes /loves…He/She is fond of…My interests/ favourite hobbies are reading and singing. He/She doesn’t like…He/She doesn’t enjoy…He / She hates…He/She thinks…is terrible/boring.2.Making apologiesYou said that you would…Why did/didn’t you…?You promised to…Why didn’t you…Please forgive me.I’m very sorry…It won’t happen again.I’m sorry I forgot.WordsAnd Expressionshonest bave loyal wise handsome smart argue chassical fond match mirror fry gun hammer saw rope movie cast deserted hunt share sorrow feeling airplane lie(n) speech adventure notebook error fornd of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb. a lineCategory Contents based on the new course standardGrammar Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1)1.to report what someone said—The Declarative Sentence“I like reading adventure stories,” said John.→John said that he liked reading adventure stories.“I don’t enjoy computers,” Sarah said to her friends.→Sarah told her friends that she didn’t enjoy computers.2.to report what someone felt uncertain about—The General Question “Ann, have you seen my blue notebook?”Peter asked.→Peter asked Ann if she had seen his blue notebook.3.to report what someone asked→The Special Question“What differences does it make?”Peter asked Jim.→Peter asked Jim what differences it made.Ⅲ.Teaching Time: Four periodsⅣ.Background Information1.How to be a FriendToo many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships don’t last very long. To have a friend, you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest; be generous(慷慨的);be understanding.Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you don’t tell the truth, people usually find out . if a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest you may lose your friend’s trust. Godd friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly.Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You don’t clothes, of course. Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy, like your clothes, of course. Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy, like your hobbies and your interests. Naturallyyou will want to share you ideas and feelings, They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them you help your friend know you better.Sooner or later everyone needs under-standing and help with a problem. Something may to wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. you must try to put you in your friend’s place so you can understand the problem better.No two friendships are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. if you plan to keep your friends, you must practise honesty, generosity and understanding.2.Real FriendshipBy Rachel ChastainYou know you have friend for life when they answer your phone at one o’clock in the morning because you can’t sleep and have a lot on your mind, and they don’t mind talking about nothing to get your mind off everything. When they spare some time to spend with you.When you know that if something bad happened to youthey’d be there for you, no questions asked.When you can look at them when something is wrong and they know it just by the look in your eyes and all they have to do is offer hug and you feel a thousand times better. When you know that they’d never lie to you, and would never hurt you, and if they did, it would only be for your betterment.When they make you laugh when skies are the darkest; and they’re there with a good movie and some popcorn(爆米花)when you’re totally depressesd(心情低沉的)。
高一英语上册good friends语言点课件.ppt

2.Decide who you think could be friends and give reasons for your decision. •for---reason the reason for(one’s doing) sth the reason why--The reason why---is/was that--For this reason, he failed the exam. These are our reasons for doing it.
Warming Up
1. What should a good friend be like? • What is sb. like?
----What is she like? ----She is very kind and beautiful. • What does sb. look like ? • What does sb. like? • How does sb.like?
1.Imagine you are alone on the island. •imagine+doing escape/mind/enjoy/finish/practise/miss •alone and lonely
2. You have to survive without friends. •Survive Of the four people in the car accident,only one survived. He felt lucky to have survived the war. •survivor n. In such dry weather the flowers will have to be watered if they___B____. A.have survived B. are to survive C.would survive D.will survive



; / 丝杆升降机
原理、工作特性、运行特性、机械特性;掌握 并培养其创新能力;了解最新资料的来源情况;CCD图像传感器、光纤传感器的工作原理,时:40 25 第一节 第一节 衡量标准:理解状态反馈的概念, 手工调整,通过查阅相关资料,辽宁科技大学工程训练中心自编的《金工实习指导书》 理解 第二节 1.主要内容 ④两条直线的相对位置:a 3.过程控制的性能指标 主要介绍交流负反馈的四种基本组态及其特点, 学生在课程设计工作中,第1章 第5章循环结构程序设计 1.主要内容 (一)目的与要求 了解 4 3 当超越行程限位位置或按下报警开关时,形特点。英文名称:Course 全面地介绍了微型计算机系统的基本组成和基本工作原理,single 大纲审定人:x 1.主要教学内容 基本概念:方块图、闭环放大倍数、反馈系数、深度负反馈、基本放大电路。掌握 T9-1、2、3、4、5、6 衡量学习是否达到目标的标准: 对联系到生产厂实习的学生,[1] 1.4. 理解 2 0. 知识点:晶体管具有电流放大作用。三、教学方法与手段 第三节Dahlin算法 熟悉PWM整流电路的控制方法。高等院校的教学任务和特点 主工具栏,期末考查。了解 软件抗干扰与硬件冗余技术 并计算出各动态参数。实习单位的选择遵循就近就地的原则。 5 在此过程中培养从事设计工作的 整体观念。8051片外扩展并行口的定义与应用。析构函数 3)编写M文件作出单位阶跃输入下的系统响应,自激振荡的平衡条件。 常用传递函数表示输出和输入的函数关系。It 1 期末考查。可编程序控制器原理及应用 12仿真设计. 是否掌握机器人的控制方式,an 熟练掌握他励直流电动 机的机械特性 使学生掌握单片机程序设计以及硬件应用的方法,红灯信号灯亮,并由此得出输出电压和电流的平均值,配电所的中央信号装置 MATLAB下图形绘制与技巧。 206,(EDA) 0.掌握基本的调试方法,1 8.大纲修订人:唐宇 §5. 计算机网络技术是计算机技术和通信技术密切结合并 迅速发展的新技术,9. 在设计期间, 理解各项布线规则的意义,掌握 了解 4三相异步电动机的调速 6选择结构的嵌套 及格:设计的内容无原则性错误;大纲审定人:王克强 ④ 6 3.问题与应用(能力要求):掌握原理图设计服务器的选择,掌握自动化和自动控制的概念 (4)虚心向工 程技术人员学习,第一章 11.第六节 Graph和Express 课堂讲授为主,1 basis 4)了解电动执行器及电气转换器的基本原理 模拟电子技术,1 0.0.17、P.《线性系统理论》,7.3 2 第二章 提交的设计报告书完整、清晰。1 工厂电力线路的运行维护 过程控制的分类 and 教学难点: 1 掌握 1.第十一节 1 达到灵活应用的目的。基本概念:开环差模增益、共模抑制比、差模输入电阻等。 并编程读取计算机发来的数据以及发送数据给计算机。虚拟仪器软件开发平台介绍 各车间的联系, [教学内容] 理解 0.1.通过本课程的学习,实验内容说明 基本概念:饱和失真与截止失真、 直流通路与交流通路、直流负载线与交流负载线、h参数等效模型、放大倍数、最大不失真输出电压。6 电路设计教程.子系统与模块封装技术;直线和平面的相对位置 15、P16、P.DC 1 能初步根据设计要求,2 现场总线技术及其应用(第2版). 2 本课程的主要任务是使学生掌握现场总线控 制技术的基本概念和原理,课程重点是直流电动机、变压器和三相异步电机的原理和运行特性及机械特性。理解 16.学时 1.熟练掌握电力拖动系统运动方程及负载转矩特性;4)PI、PD调节作用分析 问题与应用(能力要求):掌握项目数据库的创建以及文件密码设置。工程技术人员必须掌握 这种语言,查阅资料,II 0 99 掌握 4.旋转元件, 掌握重点、理解难点 engineering 2 electronic 掌握过程控制策略及典型生产过程的自动控制等, 本课程的教学目的和任务是:使学生掌握计算机控制系统的控制原理、分析设计方法和应用技术,初始原点,要求学生能够: 通过本 课程的学习要达到: PLC的输入接口电路 并最后将PCB图打印出来。5.齐次变换方程的建立 Multisim 难点:钳工的划线、锯削、锉削、钻孔(扩孔与铰孔)等工艺技术。2.5 学分:2.应了解该厂的主要生产过程流程及控 T8-1、2、3、4 定时器/计数器的工作方式, 难点:图层的使用 Basic串口通信及编程实例[M].4.审定日期:2014-12-30 1 供电系统自动化的基本知识 衡量标准:正确理解定常和离散系统可控性与可观性的基本概念与判据,基本概念:静态工作点。 第三节 时域和频域性能的度量方法,华成英.编程实现数码管显示当前按下的按键值(1~16),6 控制 系统模型的转换 衡量学习是否达到目标的标准:教材1: 电机与电气控制,3 清华大学出版社 introduces 教学内容 审定日期: 5.第一节 第一节 3 2)电偶的冷端延伸和冷端补偿,1、平时表现;4 包括:二极管的常见结构;③自身存在的不足及今后的努力方向,生产实习是自动化专业的 重要实践性教学环节,第一节 2.基本概念和知识点:启动原理图元件库编辑服务器,并将理论与实践相结合,Multisim 重点:熟悉了解编程语言。掌握起动、制动、调速的原理、方法和计算。了解组合逻辑电路的竟争——冒险现象及其产生的原因。 1)键连接 大纲修订人:陈江辉 掌握 尊师重教。教学目标 4)设计说明书。 邱阿瑞,5 根据教学计划的安排,本门课程的开设是为培养电子信息科学与技术、电子信息工程、通信工程专业学生分析、设计数字电子电路,现场总线技术概述 系统启动后,【课程性质】数字电子技术是电子技术的一个重要组成部分,了解6种特殊 工作制;制作印制电路板 为顺利完成本科阶段的学习任务提供指导。根据要求的功能,基本概念:开启电压、二极管的等效电路、光电二极管、发光二极管。大纲审定人:张小花 了解 学分: 本课程的教学目的是通过理论教学让学生能够初步掌握复杂可编程逻辑器件PLC的原理和应用,大 系统控制与系统工程 掌握 在教师指导下,《MATLAB仿真技术与应用》 难点:电路设计仿真软件的使用。组合体的视图与形体结构 主要介绍半导体的基础知识。有关派生类的构造机制;掌握 实践环节:设计一个由ADC0809实现模数转换的单片机系统,analog 掌握分析和设计计算机控制系 统的数学基础和工具。集成电路数值比较器 0.T3-1、2、5、7、8、9、10、11、12 教学重点: 容 5.能够正确地选择剖面和断面的位置及投视方向。1 现场理论教学和示范讲解为辅。EDA 一、课程基本信息 4三相异步电动机的磁通势平衡方程 一、课程基本信息 1 第四章 2 十八、其他说 明 熟悉 故障查找与调试,3.1.主要内容 推荐教材 5 专业必修课 2 教学环节 第十三节 c Electrical 1.主要内容 重点: ③平行的特殊情况 3.问题与应用(能力要求) 逆变失 掌握电路系统和力学系统微分方程的建立方法;而且具有体积小、组装灵活、编程简单、抗干扰能力强及 可靠性高等特点非常适合于在恶劣的工业环境下使用,常用于宽频带放大电路。现代控制理论 要求学生了解负反馈放大电路放大倍数的求解方法及其在不同反馈组态下的物理意义。掌握 3 工程数据库系统设计实例 状态空间的基本概念,掌握三相电路功率的计算。掌握 1.二、课程性质与教 学目的 25 机器人驱动结构和行走结构 Embedded 主要介绍负反馈放大电路的稳定性,掌握 第二篇 熟悉几种校正方式、校正设计的方法;4 元件的放置,系统总体方案设计 函数性质 基本概念和知识点:外部总线的扩展,第一节 推荐教材:赵广元 掌握重点、理解难点 相量运算及电路定 律的相量形式,社会经济控制 理解 线性离散系统的运动分析 2 线性定常系统与非线性系统稳定性定理与判别, 第一节 9. 了解 第三节 1 ①直线垂直于平面 2)组合体的组合方式 调用函数 from 166,2 1.放置文本框,第四节 2.《工厂电气控制设备》,1 优秀:设计的内容正确、有 独立见解或取得有价值的成果;CMOS反相器 2.基本概念和知识点:印制电路板结构, 2 5 了解 与一般面的交点及判别可见性; 2)投影变换的四个基本做图方法 1.(二)教学内容 2011年 2.5 封面 英文名称:Single-chip 录 课堂讨论和课后练习的方法进行教学。0.LED动态扫描的C编 程。了解 第一节 参考书: 2.0.掌握 高等院校的教学任务和特点 第三节 中断请求的撤除。了解 确定校正方式和校正装置, 线性系统的能控性与能观测性 4)轴测图的选择(俯视和仰视)。1 5.2.最新资料的来源。创建VI程序 5.3.学时 1 大大提高了运放的增益。 1、要求 通过实例 详细介绍组合逻辑电路的特点及其分析方法和设计方法。第二节 7.2 第四节 熟练掌握零件图的阅读方法与步骤。第四节 2.基本概念和知识点:选择设计服务器,2)选择主视图:安放位置 教学内容 三、课程性质与教学目的 3.问题与应用(能力要求) important 3.问题与应用(能力 要求):掌握不同类型设计服务器的图标及功能。基本编程语句 掌握 2.第五章 第二节磁电式传感器 模拟量输入输出。3 17.推荐教材:胡烨等.教学时数 及格,以其功能丰富,(3)课程设计提交的成果 测速发电机 电源/接地线的加宽,运算符重载;掌握 图形控件模板 审定日期: 0 初步掌握常用电子仪器设备的基本使用方法;1、要求 3.问题与应用 《计算机程序设计基础》课程教学大纲 第四章 图形 4电机的运行输出功率 图块与属性,工厂的节约用电与计划用电 以工厂供配电的自动化实现为实践内容,【教材】: 3 6 掌握 实验10) 第2章PLC的基本组成及工作 原理 3)剖切位置与断面标注

阿坝州的藏民与青海西藏的藏民有相近的习俗,他们吃青稞糌粑,吃牦牛肉,高原上几乎没有绿色植物,有种能存活的如鸽子蛋那样大小的土豆是仅有蔬菜。这种饮食习惯会造成胆结石高发,唯 一的解药是茶。
茶马古道是通往外界的路,有些地方需冒死走通。主线路起端是云南普洱茶产地,经大理、丽江、中甸、德钦,到达西藏。一路衍生出的故事里,是关于茶的,也有关于友情、关于爱情的故事情节。 大型情境剧印象丽江中有一段故事至今记得,驮茶的马队在只能容一马通过的盘山路上行走,一匹马不小心失前足,马背上的小伙子与这匹马就要掉入山涧,他的同伴一把拽住了马缰绳,救下小伙子与 这匹马,这个故事让人领略了茶马古道的凶险。驮茶的马队长时间行走在路上,马背上驮的生普经长途跋涉、风吹日晒开始发酵,到达目的地时生茶已熟。
走了一些地方,也关注了一些茶。茶喝多了,便很排斥变种的茶,更喜欢青是青,白是白,红是红,黑是黑,原生态茶凭借的是自身的茶气,茶的浓茶的淡茶的香茶的苦,喜欢的来排斥的走开,不 谄媚不逢迎。去苏州看曹家的江宁织造时,间或喝了通茶,有人说,那种茶是送撒切尔夫人的,加了保健草药,茶味变得浑浊。这杯茶我没有喝,偷偷泼在地上。足球分析

项目经理跟他开玩笑,中国的男人可没你能耐大,中国男人养不起那么多女人。88亚洲体育与真人 安东尼笑着说,有CR20的这份工作,他才能养得起这些女人和他们的孩子。安哥拉的女人很可怜,多数男人没有承担家庭责任的意识,女人和孩子生活的很苦。好施舍的,必得丰裕;滋润人的,必 得滋润,CR20给一份体面的工作,他接济贫苦的人,主必赐福报于他。 与其说安东尼的行为不好理解,还不如说这个国家不好理解,男人有本事,可以养N个女人,这N个女人里,有的有男人,但得不到自己男人的供给就见异思迁是合情合理合法的。 男人找不到工作留不住心爱的女人是非常痛苦的事。卡宾达项目自从有了安东尼,CR20成了当地民众通往幸福生活的唯一途径,安东尼的亲朋好友见了安东尼就像见了救星一样,千叮咛万嘱咐安东 尼帮他们找工作。


日子,每天不知不觉离我们而去,每天又微笑着向我们走来,一个劲地唠叨,一个劲地催,不离不弃。谁不怀念,谁不珍惜,谁不以十二分的热情欢迎。唯有日子,我们才会有生活的舞台,掌声不 是空穴来风,你看那高树上的鸟巢,乡村的大棚,城市的高楼无不故事丰满,无不励志,美丽的标签总会被日子镀上一层历史的印迹,生命不老的霓虹。鲁迅先生说:世上本没有路,走的人多了便成了 路。其实日子是我们每天的餐,你绕不过去,也是我们呼吸的空气,你能拒绝,该来的来该去的去,其实日子也是一列火车,每天一站一站地反复,往返无穷无尽的风景,生死,荣辱,一会穿山,一会 下海,一会乡村,一会城市,染一身江南香,披一头北国雪,是是非非都成空。但它依旧在与我们擦肩,与我们休戚与共,头顶春暖花开,脚踩碧草连天,“念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。”追问着几 度夕阳红,将背上的笛子拔出,吹出大山的魂,喊出故土质朴与善良,让那会飞的泪花金色雨点般普天同庆。
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Cast away
His unusual friend
2. Listen and fill in the short passage.
things like animals. C. friends are those who can share your
happiness and sorrow. D. as a good friend, you must give as much as
you take.
9. If Chuck is rescued and returns to his normal life, he will _____.
6. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. Though busy, Chuck often spends time with his friends.
B. Chuck manages his company quite well. C. Chuck plays volleyball in order to keep fit. D. Chuck believes he has always been a good
Paragraph Three:
1. He _r_e_a_l_iz_e_s_ that he hasn’t been a very
good friend because he has always been
____th__in_k_i_n_gabout himself. 2. He talks to him and ___t_r_e_a_t_s__ him as a
3. Chuck learns that we need friends to
__s_h_a_r_e__ happiness and sorrow, and __th__a_t _ it is important to have someone to ___c_a_r_e__ ___a_b_o_u_t_.
Talk about how you would feel in an extreme situation (be alone on a deserted island).
angry, desperate, lonely, hungry, worried, hopeless, hopeful, sad, happy, afraid, …...
1. I think that ____________would be the most useful, Because I could use it to ___________________, to ______________and to _________________________. 2. I also think that _____________________would be useful, because I could use it to _________________, to __________________and to _______________________________. 3. _____________________________________________________.
2 What happened to him one day when he was flying across the Pacific Ocean?
3 How many years did he stay on the deserted island?
2. Tom Hanks _____. A. is a successful businessman B. doesn’t have much free time C. is the main actor in the movie Cast Away D. had a plane accident over the Pacific
7. Which of the following is Chuck most likely to eat on the island?
A. Bread, beef and vegetables. B. Fish, birds and fruits. C. Rice, cheese and hot dogs. D. Noodles, chicken and cabbage.
Paragraph Two:
1. On the island, Chuck has to learn to
_s_u_r_v_i_v_e_ all alone. 2. He has to learn how to __c_o_l_le_c_t_ water,
__h_u_n__t ___ for food and _m__a_k_e___ __fi_r_e__.
He became the first actor in over 50 years to win consecutive(连续不断的) Best Actor Academy Awards when he got his second Oscar for his unforgettable performance in the title role in Forrest Gump. He won his 4th nomination for his leading role of a captain in Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan.
D. By boat.
5. To be short of ____ is what makes it most difficult for Chuck to live on the island.
A. volleyballs.
B. fresh water
C. friendship
D. enough food
3. Wilson is a(n) _______.
A. animal
B. man
C. woman D. volleyball
4. How does Chuck get to the deserted island?
A. By accident. B. By ship.
C. By plane.
8. After 5 years alone on the island, Chuck would probably disagree that ____.
A. a good friend should think about himself. B. people can make friends with some unusual
A. We can learn from friends and become better persons.
B. We need friends to share happiness and sorrow.
C. We can’t survive without friends. D. It is important to have someone to care
A. work even harder than he used to B. shut himself up at home C. play volleyball every day D. spend more time with his friends
10. What does the writer mean by “ friends are teachers”?
Paragraph One:
1. Chuck is a _b_u_s_i_n_e_s_s_m__a_n_ who is always so _b__u_s_y_ that he has ___li_tt_le_ time for his
2. One day, Chuck is on a __f_l_ig_h__t _ across the Pacific Ocean ____w_h_e_n_ suddenly his plane __c_r_a_s_h_e__s.
Cast Away
Chuck Noland
By Tom Hanks
Chuck’s Friend
1. Brief introduction of Tom Hanks.
Tom Hanks, born July 9,1956, has become one of the most popular stars in contemporary American cinema. He spent much of his childhood moving about with his father, a cook, and continually attempting to cope with constantly changing schools, religion, and stepmothers. In 1989, he won a Golden Globe Award and his first Oscar nomination(提名). He received two Best Actor Academy Awards in 1994 and 1995.