马盖论文 (29)




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[ 中图分类号 ] F127 8
从 林牧为主, 多种经营 到 围封转移 , 内蒙古 牧区政策已经历了 30 年的变迁。显然 , 准确地描述 出 30 年的演变轨迹, 科学地总结其中的规律, 并按照 政策科学的要求 , 提出未来内蒙古牧区政策的走向是 十分必要和有意义的。 一、 内蒙古牧区政策的演变 内蒙古牧区政策的演变大致可以分为两个路径: 一是牧区产业政策的演变, 二是牧区产权制度的演 变。 (一 )牧区产业政策的演变 1 . 林牧为主, 多种经营 。十一届三中全会之 后不久, 针对在 文化大革命 时期提出的牧区也要 以粮为纲 、 牧区也要实现 粮食自给 、 滥垦草原的 实际 , 内蒙古党委及时提出了 以牧为主, 农牧林结 合, 因地制宜, 各有侧重, 多种经营, 全面发展 的方 针。到 1981年 , 党中央集中内蒙古人民的智慧, 在 28 号文件中, 将内蒙古的经济建设方针确定为 林牧为 主, 多种经营 八字方针。 2 . 念草木经, 兴畜牧业 。张曙光同志 ( 时任自 治区党委书记 ) 在 1986 年 9 月 8 日自治直属机关 处级以上党员干部会议上的讲话中指出: !念草木 经, 兴畜牧业 ∀ , 真正把 ! 林牧为主, 多种经营 ∀ 的方针 落到实处, 有利于减少以至解决农牧矛盾, 从而巩固 和加强民族团结。 # 1986 年 12 月 3 日 , 在内蒙古党 委全委扩大会议上, 讨论通过了 ∃关于 念草木经, 兴



文章编号:1000-8934(2007)01-0054-05人本主义技术批判的困境与超越———马克思《1844年手稿》与马尔库塞《单向度的人》之比较研究邓 联 合(北京大学哲学系,北京 100871) 摘要:人本主义技术批判的理论基点是某种抽象的理想人性,由于它把技术和人性对立起来,并因此对技术采取片面的否定态度,以致于在不可遏止的技术进步之势面前,人本主义的技术批判论者往往对人性和社会发展的前景感到悲观。



关键词:人本主义技术批判;马克思;马尔库塞中图分类号:N031 文献标识码:A收稿日期:2006-09-09作者简介:邓联合(1969—),江苏徐州人,副教授,北京大学哲学系博士生,中国矿业大学文法学院硕士生导师,主要研究方向为中国哲学和技术哲学。


















成语中的“塞翁失马,焉知非福”及英文中的“like a coin !”(像个硬币,暗指什么事情都有它的两面性)都是这个意思。




② 史志宏 : 《20 世纪三四十年代华北平原农村的土地 分配及其变化 ———以河北省清苑县 4 村为例》, 《中 国经济史研究》2002 年第 3 期 。
③ 章有义 : 《本世纪二三十年代我国地权分配的再估 计》,《中国社会经济史研究》1988 年第 2 期 。
④ 郭德宏 : 《旧中国土地占有状况及发展趋势》, 《中 国社会科学》1989 年第 4 期 。
λϖ 乌廷玉 : 《旧中国黄河流域各省的租佃关系》, 《近 代史研究》1987 年第 2 期 ; 《旧中国苏浙皖三省的 租佃关系》,《历史研究》1987 年第 6 期 ; 《解放前 东北三省的租佃关系》, 《社会科学战线》1989 年 第2 期 ; 《近代山西省的租佃关系》, 《晋刊》1991 年第 3 期 。
一 土地关系
土地是农民繁衍生息的第一要素 , 是乡村社会经 济的基础 , 也是近代中国革命的中心问题 , 因此历来 受到学界的关注 。但从学术意义上的解释 , 直至 80 年代末才开始有重大突破 。
私有土地允许买卖 , 是中国土地制度的一大特 色 。以往相当一部分学者认为 , 近代中国农村广泛存 在亲族或邻居的 “优先购买权”, 所以土地买卖是不 自由的 , 由此证明封建宗法关系的继续存在 。史建云 通过对近代华北土地买卖的研究提出不同意见 , 认为 这一地区的土地买卖在法律和习惯上都不受 “优先购 买权”的限制 , 有比较自由的土地市场 ③。李三谋对 民国前中期土地贸易的研究也表明 , 土地买卖中的封 建宗法关系被取消 ④。实际上 , 在清代前期 , 宗法关 系在土地买卖中就已经松弛 ⑤。19 世纪 40 年代以后 , 不过是在此基础上的崩溃罢了 。
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关键字:中层管理者;激励机制;激励设计ABSTRACTWith the continuous development of society, motivation plays a more and more important role in the enterprise.The middle-level managers in the enterprise organizational structure in the middle position, with the bridge in the middle of decision-making layer and execution layer, is the important central system of enterprise, management will determine whether the enterprise sustainable development, they have unique personalities and different contents of demand, to effectively motivate middle managers, mobilize their enthusiasm, is very important for the survival and development of enterprises. Therefore, research on the incentive to improve middle managers has not only theoretical value practical value.Based on comprehensive literature, discusses the character, middle managers demand characteristics, combined with the investigation of the concentrator of Liaoning saddle, analyzed the reason of predicament of middle managers incentive and poor incentive effect, and puts forward some improvement on the incentive mechanism of middle-level managers effective suggestions.Key words:Middle managers ;Incentive mechanism;Incentive design目录第一章理论概述 (1)1.1激励机制的概念及其构成要素 (1)1.2 员工的界定及其特征分析 (2)1.3 国内外对中层管理人员关于激励机制的研究现状 (5)第二章鞍辽选矿厂中层管理人员的激励现状 (8)2.1 鞍辽选矿厂简介 (8)2.2 鞍辽选矿厂内中层管理人员的构成及其需求分析 (8)2.3 鞍辽选矿厂的激励现状 (11)第三章中层管理者激励机制存在的问题及原因 (13)3.1 问卷调查并结果分析 (13)3.2激励机制存在的问题及其原因 (17)第四章鞍辽选矿厂中层管理者激励机制设计 (20)4.1 激励机制设计原则 (20)4.2 激励机制设计总体思路 (21)4.3 物质激励 (21)4.4 精神激励 (24)总结 (29)参考文献 (30)致谢 (32)附录 (33)第一章理论概述1.1 激励机制的概念及其构成要素1.1.1激励机制的概念激励机制,顾名思义,就是通过满足人们的需求、鼓励人们的行为,激发员工积极性和创造性的手段,使人们能够尽自己最大的努力完成组织所交代的各项任务,从而实现组织的最终目标[1]。





















Sichuan Building MaterialsVol.41,No.2April ,2015第41卷第2期2015年4月国际工程因所在国法律改变引起的索赔案例分析以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi 公路为例刘长有,刘㊀平(中国海外工程有限责任公司,北京㊀100048)作者简介:刘长有(1982-),男,河北承德人,硕士,工程师,研究方向:公路施工与管理;刘平(1981-),女,河北沧州人,硕士,工程师,研究方向:公路施工技术㊂㊀㊀摘㊀要:本文以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi 公路为研究对象,运用FIDIC 对变更与调整条款,探讨解决因法律改变引起的索赔的方法,以期维护承包商的合法权益,进而对国际工程施工企业有所帮助㊂㊀㊀关键词:FIDIC ;法律改变;国际工程㊀㊀中图分类号:F284/TU723.3文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-4011(2015)02-0273-02DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1672-4011.2015.02.132Case Analysis of Overseas Engineering ClaimCaused by the State Legal Alterations Mendi Highway Project in Southern Highlands Province ,Papua New GuineaLIU Changyou ,LIU Ping(China Overseas Engineering Group Co.,Ltd ,Beijing 100048,China )Abstract :this article takes Mendi Highway Project in Southern Highlands Province,Papua New Guinea as the study object,researches on the ways of solving claims caused by legal alterations through Variations and Adjustments clause of FIDIC,to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of contrac-tors,and benefit the construction enterprises of overseas engi-neering.Key words :fidic;legal alterations;overseas engineering0㊀前㊀言国际工程承包实施过程中,由于项目工程周期一般较长,极易存在由于项目所在国法律变化给项目成本和工期带来的风险㊂这些新的㊁修正的法律㊁法令和新出台的政策,承包商在合同签订前是无法预见到[1]㊂那么如何应对由于法律㊁法令变化所带来的风险,也是专家㊁学者和施工企业关注的焦点㊂1㊀项目背景Mendi 公路项目是某海外公司在巴布亚新几内亚承揽的最大公路项目,项目合同工期30个月,全长49.6km,沿线道路曲折,线路两侧植被茂密㊂项目位于巴新南高地省,雨季和旱季已不明显,全年多雨且雨量较大,历史最大日降雨量在300mm 左右㊂全线软基点多,业主又不想有过多变更,在现有的预算内施工,由于线路较长,施工难度较大,因此全线施工过程中,项目组科学制定了施工组织程序,增加了工作面,增加了人员投入,人员成本压力较大㊂2014年,巴新国家政府对现行工资法律进行调整,加剧了项目组的成本压力,项目组经过分析,采用FIDIC 中变更与调整条款同监理和业主进行了协商,得到了监理和业主的初步认可㊂2㊀因法律改变的调整承包商编制投标报价的依据之一就是工程所在国的各项法律[2],如果这些法律发生变动,其工程费用当然会受到影响㊂FIDIC 中13.7款中明确写到 于基准日期后工程所在国法律有所改变或对此类法律的司法或政府解释有改变,影响承包商履行合同义务的,合同价格应考虑上述改变导致的任何费用增减进行调整 [3-4]㊂施工合同签定于2011年9月,但值得注意的是,FIDIC 这个条款并没有给出具体的计算方式,给合同索赔过程中监理和承包商之间留下了争议隐患㊂本文仅以法律变化中国家最低工资标准为例,来探讨对承包商的影响,并提出索赔的模式㊂3㊀巴新法律对当地最低工资进行了调整2014年,巴新政府通过决议,将全国最低工资标准从原来的2.29基纳调整到3.2基纳,增幅达39.7%㊂这个决定,对全体国民无疑是福音,但却给企业带来了成本压力,特别是施工企业㊂以该项目为例,目前该项目每个月人员工资总共200万人民币,由于标准调整,调整后每个月额外增加支付工人的工资㊂4㊀最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔模式由于所在国法律变化给承包商费用造成影响,根据这些影响程度对价格甚至工期做出调整是公平合理的,FIDIC 中虽然明确指出由于所在国法律变更,导致承包商费用增加,业主方要承担责任,但是,并没有给出具体的计算方法㊂本文依据FIDIC13.7条款,结合巴新国家和项目组,探讨出一个较为公平合理的计算方法和计算模式,具体如下:N:假定合同总额为NM:平均每个月合同额㊀N /30=MA:调整前一个双周所有工人工资总和=A B:调整后一个双周所有工人工资总和=B C:调整前后月份工资平均值(A +B)/2=C D:平均增加工资额度C -A =DE:平均每个月工资增加比率E =D /M也就是说,由于最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔额为:每个月计量总额ˑE,即为索赔金额㊂表1最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔模式案例分析1合同总额N2平均每个月合同额M 3调整前一个双周所有工人工资总A 4调整后一个双周所有工人工资总和B 5调整前后月份工资平均值C 6平均增加工资额度D7平均每个月工资增加比率E 8最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔每个月计量总额ˑE㊃372㊃Sichuan Building MaterialsVol.41,No.2April ,2015第41卷第2期2015年4月通过计算该项目平均每个月工资增加比率=1.14%,以当月产值1200万人民币计算,当月索赔金额1200ˑ1.14%=16.8万人民币㊂承包商充分搜集工资发放证据,并积极同业主监理沟通,得到了他们的初步理解,有望尽快解决㊂5㊀结㊀论本文以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi 公路为研究对象,运用FIDIC 对变更与调整条款,探讨解决因法律改变引起的索赔的方法,以期维护承包商的合法权益,进而在巴布亚新几内亚的中资施工企业有所帮助,主要有以下几个方面的结论:1)承包商,特别是国际工程承包商必需深入了解所在国国情,对国家法律㊁合同条款要深入了解;2)充分搜集证据,用数据说话,严格按照合同索赔程序做事;3)充分同业主㊁监理沟通,建立良好的互信关系,争取对方的理解和支持㊂[ID:001778]参考文献:[1]㊀夏志宏.国际工程承包风险与规避[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2004.[2]㊀张水波.FIDIC 新版合同条件导读与解析[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2003.[3]㊀Conditons of contract for Consturction[Z].FIDIC,1999.[4]㊀中国工程咨询协会.FIDIC 施工合同条件[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2002.ʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏ(上接第268页)为了避免目前这种状况,根据江苏省城乡规划设计研究院刘一雷对结构设计中常用图表的补充意见,结合笔者在株洲市炎帝广场商业文化街等工程建设中的体会,现就如何合理使用ϕ6.5规格的Ⅰ级钢筋,作以下三点建议:1)钢筋混凝土结构的一些梁㊁板㊁柱配筋图例中的各类附加钢筋,凡标注ϕ6@200或ȡϕ6@200(不小于ϕ6@200)的钢筋,均可用ϕ6.5@225或ȡϕ6.5@225(不小于ϕ6.5@225)代换㊂2)GB50011-2010‘工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范“条文中 沿墙高每50cm 配置2ϕ6钢筋连接 ,可进行如下代换: 沿墙高每60cm 配置2ϕ6.5钢筋连接㊂3)每米板宽各种间距下的钢筋截面积(cm 2)参考表如下(可供钢筋代用时选择)㊂表1每米板宽各种间距下的钢筋截面积(cm 2)参考表mm 直径d 钢筋间距707580859010012012514015016018020022022525028030032064.043.773.543.333.142.832.362.262.021.891.771.571.411.㊀推广新技术,大力采用中强度冷轧带肋钢筋5.1㊀对钢筋冷加工处理提高屈服强度,节约钢材将钢材在常温下进行冷拉㊁冷拔或冷轧,使之产生塑性变形,从而提高屈服强度,这个过程称为 冷加工强化处理 [5]㊂工地或预制构件厂常利用这一原理对钢筋或低碳钢盘条按一定规范进行冷拉或冷拔加工,以提高屈服强度㊁节约钢材㊂5.2㊀合理采用中强度冷轧带肋钢筋冷轧带肋钢筋属冶金部 八五 期间发展的120个钢材品种之一,已通过国家标准审查,它具有与混凝土粘结锚固能力强㊁施工工序简单㊁节省钢材等优点[4]㊂据四川省建筑科学研究院的研究结果表明:①若预应力C25混凝土构件采用冷轧带肋钢筋,其钢筋强度比冷拔丝高15%~23%,同时可节约钢材15%左右,节约水泥40~50kg /m 3;②在非预应力构件㊁现浇楼面㊁路面㊁机场跑道等施工中,冷轧带肋钢筋代替Ⅰ级钢筋使用可节约钢材30%~40%㊂5.3㊀中强度冷轧带肋钢筋在工程中的实际应用在非预应力构件㊁现浇楼面㊁路面等钢筋混凝土结构中,冷轧带肋钢筋的代换原则为:将直径规格为5㊁6㊁8㊁10mm 的冷轧带肋钢筋以等同延长米方式,分别代替规格为ϕ6.5㊁ϕ8㊁ϕ10㊁ϕ12的Ⅰ级钢筋(钢筋间距两者保持不变),且省略两端弯钩的制作㊂株洲市汽贸大厦工程共9层,底下2层为框架结构,上面7层为砖混结构㊂经建设单位㊁监理单位㊁施工单位和设计单位有关专家共同进行技术核定,将原设计中楼面板的Ⅰ级钢筋用冷轧带肋钢筋代换;另外,新疆生产建设兵团农四师七十六团农用飞机场的跑道施工也是通过技术核定单的形式,按上述方法代换使用;总建筑面积25万多m 2的新疆叶城县金果小区商住楼工程的楼面板钢筋也是按此方法设计施工的㊂通过若干以上类似工程实践证明:合理采用中强度冷轧带肋钢筋,不仅结构安全可靠,而且经济效益和社会效益十分可观㊂笔者曾先后参与了上述工程的施工管理工作,并随同施工代表就代换后的工程质量和使用功能进行多次回访调查,据业主方反映,多年无任何质量问题,满足正常使用功能㊂6㊀结㊀语总之,钢材是建筑工程的三大主材之一,在工程中一定要强化管理,合理利用钢材,注意点滴节约,积少成多,为施工企业创造良好的施工效益,从而更好地支援其他工程建设㊂[ID:001844]参考文献:[1]㊀上官子昌.钢筋工程施工技术与禁忌[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2013.[2]㊀肖玉峰.钢筋下料计算与施工[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2013.[3]㊀吴成材.钢筋连接技术手册[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014.[4]㊀俞宾辉.建筑钢筋工程施工手册(新规范)[M].济南:山东科学技术出版社,2004.[5]㊀吴志红.建筑施工技术[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2010.㊃472㊃国际工程因所在国法律改变引起的索赔案例分析--以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi公路为例作者:刘长有, 刘平, LIU Changyou, LIU Ping作者单位:中国海外工程有限责任公司,北京,100048刊名:四川建材英文刊名:Sichuan Building Materials年,卷(期):2015(2)引用本文格式:刘长有.刘平.LIU Changyou.LIU Ping国际工程因所在国法律改变引起的索赔案例分析--以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi公路为例[期刊论文]-四川建材 2015(2)。



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对于普通克里格法,其一般公式为 z( x0 )
i =1
xi )
z( xi ) ( i = 1,2,3,…,n) 为 n 个样本点的观测值,z( x0 ) 为待定
点值,λi 为权重。 2. 2 植被盖度的计算
利用基于 NDVI 的像元二分模型估算植被盖度。像元二 分模型假设遥感传感器观测到的一个像元信息 s 是由植被 sv 和裸地 ss 2 部分组成[11],则有: s = sv + ss 。根据像元二分模型 原理,一个像元的 NDVI 值也可以分为植被覆盖和裸地 2 部 分。因此,计算植被盖度的公式也可表示为:
针对 3 类不同地貌的试验区域,选择不同植被退化区域 或者开始出现退化迹象区域为中心,沿着经度、纬度方向布 点,4 个方向分别布置点,每个试验样地的东西设 50 个样方 点,南北方向设 100 个样方点,每个样地共设 150 个样方点, 布点间距为 50 m,3 个试验样地合计 450 个样方,每 1 个样方 的面积定为 1 m × 1 m = 1 m2 。利用 GPS 定位对每个样方进 行连续 3 年的测量,总共获得 1 350 个数据。通过 GPS 定位, 对每 个 样 方 进 行 连 续 3 年 测 量,测 出 其 植 被 盖 度,借 助
会科学出版社,2010: 269 - 272.
江苏农业科学 2015 年第 43 卷第 2 期
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标志之一,也是土壤、水文等要素的解译标志。快速、有效地 获取植被盖度的宏观状况,对于维护生态环境的稳定性有非 常重要的作用,植被盖度是衡量地表植被状况最重要的指标, 是区域生态系统环境变化的重要指标。因此,获取植被盖度 及其变化信息,对于揭示地表空间变化规律,探讨变化的驱动 因子,分析评价区域生态环境具有重要现实意义。





这就意味着人们是通过认识和改造自然的行为中介来揭示自然界的整体性质和一般规律,来处理人与自然之间的关系的. 恩格斯的《自然辩证法》(Dialectics of Nature)所开创的研究领域。






















请在以上相应方框内打“√”乃、芰作者签名: 日期:’年月日导师签名: 日期:护年月日‖毛千中国美术学院一艺术人文学院一马雯一《博尔盖塞家族艺术收藏史研究》目录摘要绪论?第一章博尔盖塞的三重冕一从锡耶纳到罗马?二教皇和他的枢机侄子?第二章早期艺术收藏的建立: 年年一一博尔盖塞别墅的建造二围绕在红衣主教身边的学者和艺术家三家族别墅中的艺术收藏?家族收藏的流传与变迁: 世纪之后的博尔盖塞收藏第三章一博尔盖塞别墅的新古典主义改造?二博尔盖塞之殇:年与拿破仑的交易三从私人收藏到现代公共美术馆的转型:博尔盖塞美术馆的建立?第四章从博尔盖塞收藏看近代“”含义的衍变?中国美术学院一艺术人文学院一马雯一《博尔盖塞家族艺术收藏史研究》结论后记附录.博尔盖塞家族谱系罗马.希皮奥内博尔盖塞时期外墙古物示意图.年外墙所拆古物中件可确定位置古物示意图及目录.年所交易的件古物目录...今博尔盖塞美术馆馆藏目录参考文献中国美术学院一艺术人文学院一马雯一《博尔盖塞家族艺术收藏史研究》摘要意大利博尔盖塞家族作为欧洲四大艺术收藏家族之一,其家族收藏始建于世纪初,并在、世纪时以其惊人的古物收藏而享有盛誉。












The Property Puzzle by Amnon Lehavi __ 产权之迷

The Property Puzzle by Amnon Lehavi __ 产权之迷

The Property PuzzleA MNON L EHAVI*This Article constructs a political and institutional model of property,offering an innovative approach for addressing some of property’s most puzzling features,includ-ing the in rem/in personam quandary and the public/private interface in property.The central thesis of this Article is that regardless of our preferred substantive justifica-tions for property,“dramatic”decisions about the definition,allocation,or enforce-ment of property,such as the full-scale nonconsensual transfer of title and possession in land from one person to another,should be chiefly made by explicit and publicly reasoned resolutions of governmental entities entrusted with the power and duty of collective decisionmaking—chiefly legislative and administrative bodies—supervised in turn by the institution of judicial review.T ABLE OF C ONTENTSI NTRODUCTION (1988)I.T HE C ONSTRUCTION OF P ROPERTY (1993)A.PROPERTY AS A POLITICAL INSTITUTION (1993)B.THE VALUES OF PROPERTY (1997)II.T HE P UBLIC/P RIVATE I NTERPLAY IN P ROPERTY (2000)A.THE UNIQUE COMPLEX OF PROPERTY (2000)B.PUBLIC/PRIVATE OSMOSIS IN INTERMEDIATE PROPERTY CONFLICTS.20071.Close-Knit Relations (2007)2.Low-and Medium-Level Disputes (2010)III.T AKING C OLLECTIVE D ECISIONS ON THE P RIMARY(R E)DESIGN OF P ROPERTY (2012)A.NOTE ON THE BROAD SPECTRUM OF LEGITIMATE PUBLIC ACTIONS..2012B.(RE)DESIGNING THE CORE OF PROPERTY THROUGH COLLECTIVEINSTITUTIONS (2014)PARING INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITIES (2021)*Senior Lecturer and Director of Real Estate Studies,Radzyner School of Law,Interdisciplinary Center (IDC)Herzliya.J.S.D.,LL.M.,Y ale Law School;LL.B.,B.A.,Tel Aviv University.©2008,Amnon Lehavi. For helpful comments and suggestions,I thank Hanoch Dagan,Alon Harel,Larissa Katz,David Lametti, Daphna Lewinsohn-Zamir,James Penner,David Schorr,Katrina Wyman,and the participants of the property workshop at the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy.1987D .THE PROPERTIES OF JUDICIAL REVIEW ....................2022E .NOTE ON PROPERTY AND OTHER FIELDS OF PRIVATE LAW . (2025)IV.C ONCLUDING P ROPERTY ’S P LACE IN THE P UBLIC /P RIVATE D ISCOURSE ..................................2026I NTRODUCTIONA puzzling dissonance seems to characterize the scope and nature of property rights.Consider on the one hand a Wisconsin Supreme Court case,Jacque v.Steenberg Homes,Inc.,1swiftly canonized in recent property textbooks as a vivid illustration of the powerful exclusionary right a landowner has against an intentional trespasser.2Lois and Harvey Jacque,an elderly couple,owned 170acres near Wilke’s Lake in the town of Schleswig.Streenberg Homes,Inc.,which sells mobile homes,sought to deliver a home to a neighbor of the Jacques.Streenberg concluded that the easiest route for delivery was across the Jacques’land,as the only alternative was a private road covered in up to seven feet of snow and containing a sharp curve,making that option much riskier and more complicated.After the Jacques staunchly refused numerous offers by Streenberg for a paid permit,the company unilaterally decided to cut a path through the Jacques’field and hauled the home across it into the neighbor’s lot.3While the jury awarded the Jacques $1in nominal damages and $100,000in punitive damages,the circuit court set aside the jury’s award of $100,000,and the court of appeals affirmed.4The Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed and reinstated the punitive damages award,reasoning that “[p]rivate landowners should feel confident that wrongdoers who trespass upon their land will be appropriately punished.”5Contrast this ruling with the United States Supreme Court’s Kelo v.City of New London decision.6In Kelo ,the Court validated the use of eminent domain for purposes of economic development as meeting the Fifth Amendment’s “public use”requirement.7It held this way even though the case seemed like a clear-cut instance of “condemn and transfer,”namely,the use of the eminent domain power to make way for private,for-profit redevelopment.Kelo sparked fierce,wall-to-wall public and academic criticism 8and resulted in legal back-1.Jacque v.Steenberg Homes,Inc.,563N.W.2d 154(Wis.1997).2.See,e.g.,J ESSE D UKEMINIER ET AL .,P ROPERTY 87–88(6th ed.2006);T HOMAS W.M ERRILL &H ENRY E.S MITH ,P ROPERTY P RINCIPLES AND P OLICIES 1–9(2007)(starting off the casebook).3.Jacque ,563N.W.2d at 156–57.4.Jacque v.Steenberg Homes,Inc.,548N.W.2d 80,85(Wis.Ct.App.1996).5.Jacque ,563N.W.2d at 209.6.Kelo v.City of New London,545U.S.469(2005).7.Id.at 490;see U.S.C ONST .amend.V ,cl.4(“[N]or shall private property be taken for public use,without just compensation.”).8.For a survey of the academic criticism,see Abraham Bell &Gideon Parchomovsky,The Uselessness of Public Use ,106C OLUM .L.R EV .1412,1423–26(2006).For an example of a lobbying1988[V ol.96:1987T HE G EORGETOWN L AW J OURNALlash in many states in the form of new legislation increasing restrictions on the use of eminent domain for private economic development 9and in judicial rulings interpreting state legal limits on the use of eminent domain more stringently than Kelo ’s reading of the federal Constitution.10Nevertheless,the state of eminent domain law is far from settled.The bottom line,in many jurisdictions,including the federal one,is that a landowner may be unwillingly stripped of title and possession of his land to facilitate such projects upon payment of “fair market value.”Yet,such legal compensation fails to compen-sate owners for the subjective values they place on their properties or for any “dignitary harm”resulting from violating their sense of autonomy.11A critic of such apparent discord between Jacque and Kelo in the final balancing of the parties’respective interests may hardly be convinced by the formalistic stance that current doctrine does allow for such differentiation,or that one case belongs to private law whereas the other is located in public law (takings)jurisprudence.After all,if in essence,landowners such as the Jacques are compensated 100,000times their practically non-existent nominal damages for a one-time intrusion of their property,how is it possible that other landowners would be fully and permanently dispossessed of their subjectively cherished properties for “objective”land value,mainly to benefit other private parties who had set eyes on their assets?If property law in its entirety is flawed or incoherent,shouldn’t it be changed rather than simply adhered to?Let us take our query one step further.A growing number of scholars,mostly associated with the economic analysis of law,have been advocating a system-atic switch to a protection of property rights through liability rules—which may require a party to transfer an asset for an externally determined payment—instead of property rules,which require the consent of both parties.12In his book Optional Law ,Ian Ayres thus spins a sophisticated legal web of liability group campaign against Kelo ,see D ANA B ERLINER ,O PENING THE F LOODGATES :E MINENT D OMAIN A BUSE IN THE P OST -K ELO W ORLD (2006),available at /pdf/publications/floodgates-report.pdf (blaming the decision for spurring eminent-domain abuse in favor of politically powerful entrepreneurs at the expense of simple-rank landowners).9.See Patricia Salkin,Eminent Domain Legislation Post Kelo :A State of the States ,36E NVTL .L.R EP .10864(2006);C ASTLE C OAL .,50S TATE R EPORT C ARD :T RACKING E MINENT D OMAIN R EFORM L EGISLATION S INCE K ELO ,available at /pdf/publications/report_card/50_State_Report.pdf.10.See,e.g.,City of Norwood v.Horney,853N.E.2d 1115,1123(Ohio 2006);Bd.of County Comm’rs of Muskogee County v.Lowery,136P.3d 639,647(Okla.2006).11.See Lee Anne Fennell,Taking Eminent Domain Apart ,2004M ICH .S T .L.R EV .957,962–67(2004);Nicole Stelle Garnett,The Neglected Political Economy of Eminent Domain ,105M ICH .L.R EV .101,106–10(2006).To give a fair account in the Kelo matter,Susette Kelo and a few other landowners (who were the last to holdout following the Supreme Court’s judgment)settled for amounts greatly exceeding the properties’formal assessed values.See Amnon Lehavi &Amir N.Licht,Eminent Domain,Inc.,107C OLUM .L.R EV .1704,1708–09(2007).12.This basic taxonomy is derived from Guido Calabresi &A.Douglas Melamed,Property Rules,Liability Rules,and Inalienability:One View of the Cathedral ,85H ARV .L.R EV .1089,1106–11(1972).For a list of works supporting the superiority of liability rules,see Henry E.Smith,Property and Property Rules ,79N.Y .U.L.R EV .1719,1721n.5(2004)(criticizing this broad tendency).2008]1989T HE P ROPERTY P UZZLErules or “options”that could be universally employed and would avoid the charges of incoherence which,as demonstrated above,can be leveled at the current property regime.13Under this and similar schemes,a court,which has limited knowledge about the parties’private information but would be armed with sophisticated legal mechanisms to harness such information,could ensure that disputes over entitlements in assets are settled in a manner that is both efficient and just.14Although the focus of such writers on courts as problem-solvers and on private parties as the typical protagonists of such disputes could be attributed to an incidental evolutional growth of this literature from the particular examples (chiefly the polluter-polluttee standoff—set forth in the foundational writings of Ronald Coase 15and of Guido Calabresi and Douglas Melamed 16),I believe that this tendency reflects an implicit yet persistent normative viewpoint that decisions about the allocation of entitlements,includ-ing a drastic upset of preexisting property rights,should largely be the province of the judicial resolution of private wrestling.This inclination toward the private realm may be supported by another prevalent academic school,that of public choice theory,which suspiciously views governmental decisionmaking as a twisted “market”in which the inter-ests of the politically powerful parties prevail,often at the expense of overall social welfare.17Applying this notion to governmental intervention with private property,several authors have argued that since governments respond primarily to a political cost-benefit calculus rather than to a welfare or financial one,governmental decisions about property should often not be trusted,and current legal mechanisms,such as the “just compensation”requirement,are insufficient to discipline and constrain socially undesirable public actions.18Since courts tend to fare better than legislatures and regulators under such theories,19our critic may eventually come to the conclusion that a differentia-tion within property law may be normatively desirable but should work in quite the opposite way from the current legal regime.In other words,those who believe in the need for flexibility in the allocation and reallocation of property based on criteria such as economic efficiency (for example,through the applica-13.I AN A YRES ,O PTIONAL L AW :T HE S TRUCTURE OF L EGAL E NTITLEMENTS 1–38(2005).14.For the information-harnessing effect of liability rules,see Louis Kaplow &Steven Shavell,Property Rules Versus Liability Rules:An Economic Analysis ,109H ARV .L.R EV .713,724–28(1996);A YRES ,supra note 13,at 103–04,184–85.15.Ronald H.Coase,The Problem of Social Cost ,3J.L.&E CON .1,1–2(1960).16.Calabresi &Melamed,supra note 12,at 1115–24.17.For an efficient overview of this theory,see Steven P.Croley,Theories of Regulation:Incorporat-ing the Administrative Process ,98C OLUM .L.R EV .1,34–41(1998).18.See,e.g.,Daniel A.Farber,Public Choice and Just Compensation ,9C ONST .C OMMENT .279,289–90(1992);Daryl J.Levinson,Making Governments Pay:Markets,Politics,and the Allocation of Constitutional Costs ,67U.C HI .L.R EV .345,348–51(2000).19.This view has led authors to advocate for increasing judicial intervention in political and administrative decisionmaking.For a critical review of this literature,see Einer R.Elhauge,Does Interest Group Theory Justify More Intrusive Judicial Review?,101Y ALE L.J.31,44–48,66–87(1991)(arguing that adjudication is similarly prone to problems stated by public choice theory).1990[V ol.96:1987T HE G EORGETOWN L AW J OURNALtion of sophisticated liability rules),yet also tend to suspect governments as being politically captured entities prone to corruption,may justify,for example,the nonconsensual transfer of private properties in run-down New London to allow for the upscale Fort Trumbull development project that was the subject of Kelo .20But they would rather have this outcome achieved by a reframing of the private law of property,one which is very different from its rigid manifestation in Jacque .Thus,the nonconsensual transfer of property among private parties in the case of a socially inefficient negotiation deadlock in the matter should be facilitated,in appropriate cases,by the more straightforward and trustworthy realm of private-law jurisprudence.If uniformity in property law cannot be maintained,let us at least have a differentiation that is benign.Although such an approach may sound appealing,I will argue in this Article that it is unfounded and misconceived,as is the aspiration to have a universal law of property that equally applies to all realms of human activity,private and public alike.The current differentiation within property law is not a result of an intellectual or doctrinal disconnect.Rather,property law may be portrayed as a conscious jigsaw puzzle that includes an intricate division of labor between the public-decisionmaking realm—that is,legislative,regulatory,or other governmen-tal decisions about property accompanied by judicial review—and the private-decisionmaking realm,namely the consensual or adjudicative resolution of private disputes over such resources.This conception of property law can also be justified theoretically.My central argument in this Article is thus as follows:Generally speaking,“dramatic”decisions about the giving or taking of property,including,for that matter,full-scale nonconsensual transfer of title and possession of a certain asset from person A to person B,should chiefly be made by explicit and publicly reasoned resolutions of governmental entities entrusted with the power and duty of collective decisionmaking,mainly legislative and administrative bodies,super-vised in turn by the institution of judicial review.Thus,while we should definitely weigh carefully whether the City of New London’s decision to take the properties of Susette Kelo and her counterparts and transfer them to private developers was legally valid or should have been abolished through judicial review,it was at least initially taken in the appropriate forum—the public realm—notwithstanding all that forum’s inherent flaws and deficiencies.Let me make clear at the outset that I do not argue that the boundaries in property law between the public and private realms are clear-cut and hermetic.Nor is this Article simply a reiteration or reformulation of the familiar argument that private law in general is built around a consolidated idea of corrective justice,and that other principles,such as distributive justice or equity,should only be expressed in public law or in public programs of taxes and transfer20.Kelo v.City of New London,545U.S.469,472–75(2005).2008]1991T HE P ROPERTY P UZZLEpayments.21Rather,my argument is restricted to property law,and in being so restricted,it seeks both to describe and defend an uneasy yet generally sustain-able framework,embedded in moral,political,and institutional considerations.This construction supports the essentiality of recognizing the differences be-tween the private and public realms and of realizing the ways in which these two spheres are sophisticatedly intertwined to create the jigsaw puzzle known as the institution of property.In support of my thesis,I seek in this Article to question three prevailing—even if at times implicit—assumptions that seem to guide much of the literature on property law:first ,that governmental interventions with property are categori-cally more legitimate when they seek to redistribute preexisting property entitle-ments “downwards,”namely from the better-off to the less well-off;second ,that judicial review of legislative,regulatory,or other governmental decisions about property entrusts the reviewing court with substantially weaker powers than the court would have in adjudication of private disputes;third ,that the normative viability of the above-stated differential construction of property law necessarily hinges upon the feasibility of creating a comprehensive and unam-biguous divide between private law and public law in general.The Article proceeds as follows:Part I identifies property as a politically based institution,in which different normative considerations must coexist in the process of constructing property,occasionally pointing at similar directions and in other instances—probably not less often—working at cross-purposes.It thus shows the continuous challenge that property law faces in giving those different values and goals a proper place both in general rulemaking and in decisions about specific resources,without ending up in a state of doctrinal chaos or paradox.Part II presents the intricate relationships between the public and private realms in property law.It shows that in certain close-knit or intimate social and economic settings,property law may be based on either one of the decisionmak-ing and reasoning systems typifying each realm.This may also be the case when the clash between the rival interests need not necessarily end in a “knock-out”in favor of one party,such as when a low-or medium-level environmental conflict may be similarly resolved by either governmental regula-tion or private nuisance adjudication.There are,however,certain drastic sce-narios in which conflicting interests can simply not be compromised,so that one of the protagonists must completely yield its preexisting entitlements to facili-tate the obtainment of another party’s goals in a manner that may be considered to undermine the core structure of the property regime.It is in this kind of scenario that questions about the proper institutions to make such choices,and21.For a general characterization of private law as founded on the idea of corrective justice,see E RNEST J.W EINRIB ,T HE I DEA OF P RIVATE L AW 56–83,204–31(1995).For a discussion of the “separa-tion”argument,see,for example,Louis Kaplow &Steven Shavell,Why the Legal System is Less Efficient than the Income Tax in Redistributing Income ,23J.L EGAL .S TUD .667,667–698(1994).1992[V ol.96:1987T HE G EORGETOWN L AW J OURNALthe kind of reasoning on which they have to rely,arise in their most acute fashion.Part III makes the case for the normative superiority of the public realm in dealing with such “dramatic”property conflicts through collective-decisionmak-ing institutions,mainly legislative and administrative bodies,supervised by judicial review.Relying on moral,political,and comparative institutional argu-ments,this Part emphasizes the unique traits of property law that allow for such an intelligible assembly of the pieces of the property puzzle,independently from the broader and often-futile debate about whether public law and private law form authentic,distinctive spheres or are practically meaningless labels.Part IV concludes briefly about property’s place in the public-private discourse.I.T HE C ONSTRUCTION OF P ROPERTYA .PROPERTY AS A POLITICAL INSTITUTIONI start my analysis by portraying property—that is,the formal regimes setting out the ways in which society allocates,governs,and protects entitlements and obligations in resources and human relationships around them—as a political institution.This definition is not merely a depiction of legal reality;more notably,it reflects a normative stance.By the term “political,”I refer to three main characteristics of the institution of property.First ,property regimes,and property rights that emanate from them,are at their bases the result of conscious decisions by the State’s authorized entities to designate resources as subjects of property and to create a certain set of entitlements and obligations in them.22This position therefore rejects moral or other philosophical views of natural rights,23which have become most associ-ated in the property context with Lockean perceptions of the right to property as founded on pre-governmental justifications for individual appropriation of re-sources.24Importantly,whereas the idea that property is a pure creature of law has a long pedigree in Anglo-American thought,25this concept does not necessar-ily lend itself to any specific legal theory,including,for that matter,rigorous22.See J.E.P ENNER ,T HE I DEA OF P ROPERTY IN L AW 202–203(1997).23.The term “natural law”is obviously an intricate one that has evolved in numerous forms but that,at its core,is based on the assertion that legal principles are founded on objective moral principles that are derived from the nature of the universe and can be discovered by reason.See M.D.A.F REEMAN ,L LOYD ’S I NTRODUCTION TO J URISPRUDENCE 90–96(7th ed.2002).24.For a leading analysis of John Locke’s theory of property,see J EREMY W ALDRON ,T HE R IGHT TO P RIVATE P ROPERTY 137–252(1988).I deliberately use the term “Lockean”rather than simply referring to Locke because of the unique way in which “Lockean”viewpoints of counter-government,strong rights to private property have developed and intensified in legal and popular thought in the Anglo-American world,often bearing only scant resemblance to Locke’s own ideas.See,e.g.,Lior Zemer,The Making of a New Copyright Lockean ,29H ARV .J.L.&P UB .P OL ’Y 891,892–95(2006)(alleging scholarly misinterpretation of Locke in the copyright arena).25.Recall Bentham’s statement that “property and law are born together,and die together.Before laws were made there was no property;take away laws,and property ceases.”J EREMY B ENTHAM ,T HEORY OF L EGISLATION 113(C.K.Ogden ed.,Routledge &Kegan Paul Ltd.1931)(1802).2008]1993T HE P ROPERTY P UZZLEformalism.The fact that society creates property does not in any way mean that property is void of ideas about ethics,justice,morality,or any other values and goals.It rather indicates that any deontological or consequentialist consider-ations that stand at the basis of the property regime pass through the prism of society’s decisionmaking institutions and are not (and should not be)imposed on the legal regime as a given through “scientific”extra-societal reason.Second ,in creating the fundamental principles of property law—as in other legal fields—the State is not acting as simply a vessel that facilitates private coordination.The governmental action in establishing the institution of property is qualitatively and materially different from private voluntary cooperation.Beyond the resolution of straightforward collective-action problems and other types of market failures,which necessitate centralized decisionmaking,the authority of the State to enact rules and to exercise its monopolistic powers of enforcement and coercion substantially exceeds private agency.This applies not only to the direct State/citizen vertical relationship,but also to the basic tenets of property relationships among different individuals.26This facet of the political nature of property therefore undermines strong contractual theories of state action and property law in particular.The virtue of property law does not hinge upon tracking down an explicit or implicit private consensus for establishing property rights,as a narrow reading of the various social contract theories might indicate.27This also points to the insufficiency of accounts such as Harold Demsetz’s famous depiction of the evolution of private property among Native Americans 28—that is,about the evolution of property as a rationally evident,largely grassroots process that follows from economic,technological,or institutional changes.Whereas property enforcement can be portrayed as “organized consent,”29the analysis of property law cannot stop there.Formal institutions play a significant independent role in establishing,protecting,and changing property regimes not only as a practical matter,30but26.See Arthur Ripstein,Private Order and Public Justice:Kant and Rawls ,92V A .L.R EV .1391,1411–15(2006).27.Beyond classic “social contract”theories such as those of Thomas Hobbes,John Locke,and Jean-Jacques Rousseau,several contemporary theories of the State focus on its role as an efficient third party enforcer of private agreements.See,e.g.,Y ORAM B ARZEL ,A T HEORY OF THE S TATE :E CONOMIC R IGHTS ,L EGAL R IGHTS ,AND THE S COPE OF THE S TATE 13–58(2002).For another contemporary contrac-tual theory of property,albeit one embedded in political analysis,see G ARY D.L IBECAP ,C ONTRACTING FOR P ROPERTY R IGHTS 4(1989).28.Harold Demsetz,Toward a Theory of Property Rights ,57A M .E CON .R EV .(P APERS &P ROC .)347,351–53(1967).For later developments of Demsetz’s principal insights,see,for example,Terry L.Anderson &Peter J.Hill,The Evolution of Property Rights ,in P ROPERTY R IGHTS :C OOPERATION ,C ONFLICT ,AND L AW 118,118–19(Terry L.Anderson &Fred S.McChesney eds.,2003).29.See Benito Arrun ˜ada,Property Enforcement as Organized Consent ,19J.L.E CON .&O RG .401(2003)(justifying governmental monopoly in land recording and registration activities as facilitating private contracts and protecting third parties).30.See Katrina Miriam Wyman,From Fur to Fish:Reconsidering the Evolution of Private Prop-erty ,80N.Y .U.L.R EV .117,127–52(2005)(analyzing the intricate ways in which political institutions operate and make decisions about the establishment or hindrance of new property regimes);see also I TAI S ENED ,T HE P OLITICAL I NSTITUTION OF P RIVATE P ROPERTY 1(1997).1994[V ol.96:1987T HE G EORGETOWN L AW J OURNALalso as part of an essential,normatively desirable function of the State.Third ,because the State is not just any other institution for private coordina-tion but one that plays a constitutive role in establishing the basis of property regimes,it must rely on a different kind of reasoning in its decisionmaking.Thus,even legal norms that apply regularly to property relationships among individuals must rely at their core on “public”reasoning.What does “public”reasoning mean in this context?The answer has been highly diverse in philosophical and legal discourse.Immanuel Kant,for ex-ample,focused on establishing a system of private rights consistent with a “united general will”and dedicated to ensuring basic equal independence of mutually free persons.31Thus,under a Kantian view,public reasoning and decisionmaking are necessary to guarantee that all persons in society will enjoy their essential freedoms together;this,in turn,serves as a basis for establishing a division of responsibility between society and the individual.32This is al-though such “publicness”focuses more on the process of a collective taking of responsibility rather than on any specific substantive outcome.The idea of public reason is most commonly associated in contemporary thought with the writings of John Rawls.Rawls portrays public reason as the common reason of the collective body when exercising its political and coercive power in enacting or amending generally applicable laws.33Public reason is framed to apply solely to society’s basic institutions and consists of premises and modes of deliberation that are widely accepted or are at least available to all citizens.34Focusing his attention on society’s decisions about “constitutional essentials”(comprised of the general structure of government and the political process and of several basic individual rights and liberties),35Rawls thus depicts the process and the materially different reasoning mode of public forums,including courts,as opposed to personal and other nonpublic delibera-tions.36In this context,it is significant to observe the shift in Rawls’s theory of justice from the famous two substantive moral principles of justice in A Theory of Justice 37to the political conception of justice in Political Liberalism .38Rawls’s political conception accepts the fact of society’s “reasonable pluralism”about31.Kant further argues that all citizens are entitled to demand that others treat them in accordance with the laws of natural freedom and equality,even if some are unable or ineligible to actively participate in public decisionmaking by voting,thus being “passive”members of society.See I MMANUEL K ANT ,T HE M ETAPHYSICS OF M ORALS 91–92(Mary Gergor ed.&trans.,Cambridge Univ.Press 1996)(1797).32.See Ripstein,supra note 26,at 1394,1406–15.33.J OHN R AWLS ,P OLITICAL L IBERALISM 213–14(rev.ed.1996).For a concise analysis of Rawlsian public reason,see Lawrence B.Solum,Public Legal Reason ,92V A .L.R EV .1449,1467–79(2006).34.P OLITICAL L IBERALISM ,supra note 33,at 223–27.35.Id.at 227–30.36.Id.at 215–16.Rawls even depicts the court as the “institutional exemplar”of public reason in a constitutional regime with judicial review.Id.at 231–40.37.For these two principles,which would have been allegedly accepted by all society members in the “original position,”see J OHN R AWLS ,A T HEORY OF J USTICE 10–15(rev.ed.1999).2008]1995T HE P ROPERTY P UZZLE。


Engels is one of the founders of Marxism.He held a very important position in the development of Marxism.It’S impossible to thoroughly understand that how Marxism has cflme into being,if you don’t know the development of Engels’idea in its early time.The development of Engel’S idea has a complicated changing process which has three periods_——Bremen,Berlin and Manchester periods.In Bremen,Engels abandoned the old relief and became revolutionary democrat who was against Feudal autocratic system.In Berlin,during his military service period,he opposed Scheclling’S Enlightenment philosophy and defended Hegelian’S dialectic,then he parted with young Hegelian group and turned to Feuerbach’S materialism.In Manchester period,Engel thoroughly transferred from revolutionary democratism to communism and from idealism to materialism.


在上举吐蕃木棺板画的例子当中 ,由于 马上均骑乘有人 ,所以对马鞍和马鞯部分的 情况不甚清楚 。值得庆幸的是 ,在二号棺板 画的一个画面上 ,在帐篷外面席地而坐开怀 痛饮的人群身后有三匹站立着的马 ,从中能
图六 二号棺板画 A 板上所绘的骑马武士图 ·80 (总 1040) ·
图七 一号棺板画的 B 板所绘的围猎武士 (局部)
·78 (总 1038) ·
此外 ,青海都兰热水墓地的三号墓还出 有 3 件骑马武士木俑 , 以 99D RN M 3 ∶110 的骑马武士俑保存相对较好 (图四) 。此件俑 残高 6. 2 、残长 6. 6 厘米 。武士双手执缰 ,身 上用墨线绘出鱼鳞状铠甲 , 坐骑一马 , 有辔 头 、缰绳 、马鞍 、马镫等马具 , 辔头可见四条 纵横向的皮带 , 马的胸前有一条皮带 , 即文 献所记载的“攀胸”。缰绳持于武士手中 ,马 鞍可见鞍和鞯两部分 , 鞍鞯上有墨绘的装 饰 ,马鞍的特点为前桥高 、后桥低 。马的后臀 部墨绘一条皮带 , 应为文献记载所称的“马
在伊朗萨珊王朝的艺术品上 ,可以观察 到公元 5~6 世纪伊朗高原马具的形态 。如 美国大都市博物馆收藏的 1 件伊朗出土的 萨珊王朝银盘上有帝王狩猎的场面 ,其坐骑 上可见到辔头和呈横向的攀胸 、 带 , 皮带 上面缀饰有杏叶一类的饰件 (图一四) 。大都 会博物馆内收藏的另一件出自巴基斯坦的
青海都兰热水墓地一号墓出有彩绘木 板 4 件 , 其中 1 件木板 (99D RN M 1 ∶23) 上 残存彩绘的立马形象 ,从中可以窥见吐蕃人 对所乘马匹鞍具的描绘 。木板上残存马的颈 部 、腹部 、两条前腿 、前蹄和一条后腿 , 可看 到马颈上系有辔带和铃铛 ,身披填充砖红色 彩的鞍鞯 , 马蹄饰黑彩 [5 ]。同样因为该木板 彩绘过于残破 ,无法展开更多的讨论 。
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