
银杏树的叶子是扇形的,颇像一个蝴 蝶结。 嫩绿的 叶子上 有一根 根的叶 茎,叶 子摸起 来软绵 绵的, 非常舒 服。在 初春的 时候, 银杏树 还是光 秃秃的 。冬天 的寒风 使它褪 去了黄 黄的叶 子。
银杏树的叶子是扇形的,颇像一个蝴 蝶结。 嫩绿的 叶子上 有一根 根的叶 茎,叶 子摸起 来软绵 绵的, 非常舒 服。在 初春的 时候, 银杏树 还是光 秃秃的 。冬天 的寒风 使它褪 去了黄 黄的叶 子。
((1 1))看W英atc语hi电ng影En和g听lish英m语ov歌ies曲a是nd学lis习ten英in语g t的o E好ng方lis法h (s2on)g多s a看re 、go多od听w几ays次to,le然arn后E猜ng测lis生h. 词 的 意 思
(2) See and listen several times,and guess the meaning (o1f)the与n外ew教w交or谈ds.也 是 一 个 好 方 法 ((12))To你h应ave该a以co问nv候ers或at问ion题w开ith始foreign teachers is also
银杏树的叶子是扇形的,颇像一个蝴 蝶结。 嫩绿的 叶子上 有一根 根的叶 茎,叶 子摸起 来软绵 绵的, 非常舒 服。在 初春的 时候, 银杏树 还是光 秃秃的 。冬天 的寒风 使它褪 去了黄 黄的叶 子。
(2) See and listen several times,and guess the meaning (o1f)the与n外ew教w交or谈ds.也 是 一 个 好 方 法 ((12))To你h应ave该a以co问nv候ers或at问ion题w开ith始foreign teachers is also

• 提示词:family, lots of housework, learn to do, help, parents, feel proud of
举例 审清主题
• 人称:第一人称 • 时态:一般现在时,一般将来时
(个别使用一般过去时也可。) • 主题:做家务 • 文体:记叙文
teacher at school ,and so do I. My favorite teacher, Miss Lu, is a 30year-old young lady of medium height, with big eyes and long straight hair. She wears glasses and often gets dressed in different styles of clothes. And a big smile can always be found on her round face.
举例 初写文章
Summer vacation is coming, I want to learn how to cook. I want to cook for them. I think they will feel proud of me.
• She wears glasses and often gets dressed in different styles of clothes.
大作文—复习策略 选题
人物故事 自己,家人,朋友,老师… 学习提高 学习的科目,遇到的困难和麻烦… 健康生活 疾病和卫生,食品健康… 计划愿望 暑假计划,学习计划…
大作文—复习策略 选题

Picture 4
1. I often help classmates with lessons. 2. I help old people cross the road on my way home. 3. I usually give my seat to people in need on a bus. 4. I sometimes help clean up the park.
a number of middle school students have their own Smartphones. Smartphones are really good for students. They make students keep in touch with their friends or family conveniently. And they help students get information more easily.However, students spend too much time on smartphones, they don't have time to communicate with their friends or family. And using smartphones too much may cause health problems. 结尾:In my opinion, students shouldn't use smartphones. Because it's bad for their health.
另外作文中书写不规范,卷面不整洁 也是要失分的(中考中有1—2分的卷 面整洁分,这两分不能丢!)。 解决方法:平时认真规范书写,少 用或不用胶带或修正液,尽量减少 涂改。

(2) You should start it with greetings or a question (1)每天在纸上写四到五个单词
a(1n)dWprlaitceefothuermorofnivtehwe owradlsl.Raedaadytohne pwioecrdeswohfepnaypoeur. see them,and try to use them in sentence.
影 、 听 英 语 歌 川流不息的人群热闹地挤在小小的骑廊下,或单独一人,或三三两两。有的低头私语,有的莞尔窃笑,没有大声的喧哗和吵闹,似乎谁都不愿破坏平和的气氛。放眼长长的一条街道,逛街的人都好象在做服装秀,尤其是那些披红戴绿穿着入时的少男少女,是中山路上最亮丽的风景。
(2) See and listen several times,and guess the meaning (o1f)the与n外ew教w交or谈ds.也 是 一 个 好 方 法 ((12))To你h应ave该a以co问nv候ers或at问ion题w开ith始foreign teachers is also
川流不息的人群热闹地挤在小小的骑 廊下, 或单独 一人, 或三三 两两。 有的低 头私语 ,有的 莞尔窃 笑,没 有大声 的喧哗 和吵闹 ,似乎 谁都不 愿破坏 平和的 气氛。 放眼长 长的一 条街道 ,逛街 的人都 好象在 做服装 秀,尤 其是那 些披红 戴绿穿 着入时 的少男 少女, 是中山 路上最 亮丽的 风景。
川流不息的人群热闹地挤在小小的骑 廊下, 或单独 一人, 或三三 两两。 有的低 头私语 ,有的 莞尔窃 笑,没 有大声 的喧哗 和吵闹 ,似乎 谁都不 愿破坏 平和的 气氛。 放眼长 长的一 条街道 ,逛街 的人都 好象在 做服装 秀,尤 其是那 些披红 戴绿穿 着入时 的少男 少女, 是中山 路上最 亮丽的 风景。

建议(至少3条) 1. 合理安排时间 2. 参加兴趣小组
3. ……
注意: 100词左右,广播的开头已给出,不计入总词数 参考词汇: make good use of, interest groups
social activities, do sports, net bar
Hello, everybody! It’s time again for our
3.HMoawkeevseenr,tehnocwes cwainthwtheemkeaykweobrdesttaebrouuste of our
susgpgaesrteiotnims. e?
And also
For example
There are many things we can do. we can plan
play computer g2a.m迷es恋网吧,上网打游戏 watch too much.T..V... refuse to do homework
2. List some keywords about opinions.
not good for our health and study do harm to focus on Pay more attention to
swomatechoftothoemmuwchatTchVtoo much TV, Wbheact’rsawzyorasbeo, uotthers students often go to the net bar anpdlaayrceocmrapzuytearbgoaumt peslaying computer games. 2.WMeadkoens’etnttheinnckeist’wsigthootdhefokretyhweoirrdstsuadbyoaunt dophienaioltnhs..

beginning linking words连词
key sentence
How glad he is! He can do many things of his own. He is going
to have a trip to Cuihua Mountain with his friend. He will also
Step Five
根据提纲,写出文章,注意 使用好词好句和连接词。
评价: 请对照下面这个表格评价同桌的作文。
A ( 13-15 分 ) :包含内容要点,语言基本无误,行文连 贯,表达清楚.
B ( 11-12 分 ) :基本包含内容要点,语言有少量错误, 行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚.
C ( 8-10分 ) :内容包含部分要点,语言虽有较多错误, 尚能达意.
D (6-7分 ) : 要点不明确,语言错误多,影响意思表 达.E (3-5 ) :只抄了提示词,错误百出,不知所 云.F ( 0-2分 ) :白卷或文不对题.
How to improve your writing
Step Four: Make an outline(提纲)
Title: _____________
Main part (正文):
Key sentence A: specific分
Key sentence B: specific分
can make him excited
pop music movies

Write your story about growth according to your story line.
__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
correctly. • I write my story in 3 parts.
1. Finish writing the composition. 2. Polish your writing according to the checklist.
中考英语专题复习课件 作文 (共18张PPT)

一· 写作步骤
1.先审题: 弄清题目要求,确定体裁,拟 写提纲; 2.圈要点: 仔细观察,将情景中给出的要 点逐条列出 3.定基调: 确定时态,人称,开头,结尾 4.写全文: 运用熟悉的句型表达,使用恰 当的过渡词进行加工整理,使文章 连贯而流畅。
二· 词和句子的表达
1· 词和词组的运用:
(1) 尽量使用简单句; (2)学会使用意译法,将语义表达出来即 可,切忌与汉语提示一一对应,否则会写出中 式英语; 例如:我非常喜欢英语。 误 I very like English. 正 I like English very much. (3)语态,时态要准确无误,主谓要一致,主 语的人称和数要和谓语一致; 例如:我们应当尊敬父母,帮助他们做家务。 Eg. We should respect our parents and help them do some housework.
使用课本上学过的,最有把握的词和词组, 不会表达的单词用同义词代替。 例如: “不知所措” --- don’t know what to do “偶像”---- favorite singer or player “风和日丽”---It’s fine./ It’s a nice day.
1.内容完整(80字左右)语句流畅, 无语法错误,书写规范,给9-10分 2.内容较完整,语句较流畅,基本无 语法错误,书写较规范,给6-8分 3.内容不完整,语句欠流畅,语法错 误较多,书写较规范,给3-5分 4.只写出个别要点,语法错误较多, 书写欠规范,给1-2分
成篇——衔接过渡, 润色成篇
——就日益严重的学生近视眼问题写一篇 议论文发表自己的观点。 首先, 可就学生近视眼问题的调查结果引 出话题, 并分析造成学生近视问题日益严 重的几条原因; 其次, 提出几条预防形成近 视眼的有效方法。最后, 明确自己对此问 题的观点 ——知道保护眼睛的重要性, 养成正确使 用眼睛的良好习惯。

English Day!
Let’s practice speaking and writing English!
Writing is as important as speaking!
Writing 书面表达
中考考点要求: 1. 根据中文提示,写一篇60-70字左右的英文表达。 2. 内容完整,用词准确,句子通顺、连贯、单词
B:老师对我说: “下周请准时到校!” The teacher said to me, “Please come to school on time next week.” The teacher told me to come to school on time next week.
A: Peter 出生于英国,去年来到中 国的一所中学教英语。
Peter was born Britain. Last year, he came to China. He taught English in a MiddleHe can’t walk as usual because of a traffic accident. He can’t walk as usual after a traffic accident.
One possible version: I’m a middle school student, and I am
interested in the computer. I turn on the computer as soon as I get home every day. Sometimes I play computer games, talk with my friends on the Internet or send e-mails to them. Though I like it very much, my parents stop me from doing that. They think I spend too much time on the computer. So I only play it for a short time after I finish my homework in the evening.

九年级英语中考专题作文复习课件Title: 9th Grade English Final Exam Review PresentationGood morning, everyone. Today, we will be going through a comprehensive review of the topics covered in the 9th grade English final exam. This presentation will help you understand the key concepts and skills needed to excel in the exam.1. Reading ComprehensionIn the reading comprehension section of the exam, you will be presented with passages to read and questions to answer. Make sure to read the passages carefully and pay attention to details. Look out for key information such as main ideas, supporting details, and author's purpose. Practice reading a variety of texts to improve your comprehension skills.2. VocabularyBuilding a strong vocabulary is essential for success in the English exam. Make use of flashcards, vocabulary lists, and word games to enhance your vocabulary skills. Learn new words and their meanings, synonyms, and antonyms. Practice using the words in sentences to improve your understanding and retention.3. GrammarGrammar is an important aspect of the English language, and you will be tested on various grammar rules in the exam. Review common grammar topics such as verb tenses,subject-verb agreement, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Practice identifying errors in sentences and correcting them. Pay attention to punctuation rules and sentence structure as well.4. WritingThe writing section of the exam will test your ability to express ideas clearly and coherently. Practice writing essays, narratives, descriptive passages, and argumentative pieces. Pay attention to organization, coherence, and clarity in your writing. Use transition words and phrases to connect ideas smoothly. Proofread your work for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.5. SpeakingIn the speaking section of the exam, you may be asked to present a speech, participate in group discussions, or answer questions orally. Practice speaking English regularly to improve your fluency and pronunciation. Work on your intonation, stress, and rhythm to sound more natural in English. Engage inconversations with classmates, teachers, and native speakers to build confidence in speaking.6. ListeningThe listening section of the exam will test your ability to understand spoken English. Practice listening to different types of audio recordings such as conversations, interviews, lectures, and news reports. Focus on key details, main ideas, and supporting information. Take notes while listening to aid in comprehension.In conclusion, this review presentation covers the essential topics and skills needed for success in the 9th grade English final exam. Make use of the tips and strategies provided to improve your performance and achieve your desired results. Remember to practice regularly, seek help from teachers or peers, and stay focused and motivated. Good luck with your exam preparation! Thank you for your attention.。

Bad sample(0-3分)
• Students healthy is important. Even though have a good hard. But haven't healthy is not good. • Have a good fit is very important.
I want to have a mountain bike There is no doubt that everyone dreams of having something. As for me, I want to have a mountain bike. The reasons can be as follows. First of all, a mountain bike can be very useful because riding it to school can save a lot of time. I needn’t worry about being late any more. Besides, it’s also helpful for me to take some exercise. I believe I will lead a healthier life. What’s more, when I go out with friends, it will be more convenient to ride a mountain bike than taking the bus.
3.转折关系 but, while 4.因果关系 for, so,

important to be confident about yourself. We Chinese are very friendly so you needn’t
be afraid of making any mistakes.
it’s better to speak slowly and clearly. In
02 真题回顾
04 创新化
第五档:(很好)(21~25分)完全完成规定任务,要点全面,或发挥新 意有亮点,语言基本无误,行文连贯,表达清楚。
第四档:(好)(16~20分)完成规定任务,涵盖基本要点,语言有少量 错误,行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚。
One of the most popular words is Dianzan.
Another example is Renxing.
The phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping.
If you describe somebody as a Tuhao, you mean that he is very rich.
●点赞(Dianzan):赞同、喜爱 ●任性(Renxing):随心所欲
注意:1. 词数80-100;

9. as adv.同样地conj.①当…时候 ② 因为;由于 ③按照 ④prep.作为
as…as与…一样 such as 例如 as soon as possible尽早 as for至于 as if=as though好像,似乎 as soon as一…就… as long as 只要 as far as (指程度,范围)尽…,就…
5. 只要你努力学习英语,你的成绩肯定会有提高。 As long as you study English hard ________________________________, your grade will be improved.
6.他说他后天一到美国就打电话给我。 He says he will call me as soon as he arrives in America ________________________________the day after tomorrow.
③ My neck hurts(=aches). ④He’s hurt in soul.
4.advise vt. 劝告,提意见;建议;通 知 vi.提意见,商量
advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 advise that… 建议… (1)To help us improve English rapidly, my teacher advised us to read English magazines every day. (2) I advised that he should do more exercise and eat less meat.
③This football match is live.
7.allow vt.& vi.①准许,允许:②允许 (进来) ③准予
中考英语复习专题 写作指导课(共17张PPT)

Structure of a good composition
1.Beginning (点题 尽量做到引人入胜) 2.Body(详写 行文连贯 语言丰富) 3.Ending(扣题 要升华 有亮点)
12-15分 包含所有要点,能围绕内容 要点适当发挥,内容具体、丰富; 应用了较丰富的语言结构和词汇, 用词准确、句子通顺、行文连贯、 表达清楚;没有或几乎没有语言错 误,具备较强的语言运用能力,达 到了预期的写作目的。
5.A: His dog was saved at last. He was very surprised. B: To his surprise, his dog was saved at last. 请思考上面这些句子运用的什么方法使句子 更生动?
1.结合语境,选择恰当的 词或短语 2.巧加修饰词,使句子更 加生动
中考英语复习专题 写作指导课
How to beautify the composition?
My Day off I had a bad day off. I studied for a math exam. I stayed up. So I slept late. I got up and went to school. But it was Sunday. That was too bad.
Compare two compositions. Which do you think is better? My Day off
How was my day off? It was terrible. I studied very hard for my math exam last week, so I slept late. Can you believe it? When I woke up, it was already 9 o’clock. I got up quickly and hurried to school without breakfast. But when I got to school, I found nobody was there. Suddenly I realized it was Sunday! You can’t imagine how embarrassed I was!

我是七年级一班的Wang Wei。作为一名优秀的 语言学习者,我想成为英语明星。。
I’m Wang Wei, a _____________ from Class One. ____ a good language _________, I want to be the English star.
我很喜欢英文电影和歌曲,并且在那上面付出了很多时 间。我不仅喜欢英语,还很擅长语言学习。我总是在考试中 取得很好的分数,并积极参加各种比赛,赢得了很多奖项。 这就是我想要成为英语小明星的原因。
English films and songs are just my ____ ___ _____ and I _____ a lot of time on them. Not only ___ ____ fond of English, but also I do a quite ____ _____ in learning the language. I always get good ______ in exams and _____ a lot of ________ when taking an active part in all _____ ____ competitions. That’s the _______ _____ I want to be the English star.
I always get good grades in exams. I take part in all kinds of competitions, and win a lot of awards. I always get good grades in exams and win a lot of awards when taking an active part in all kinds of competitions. I always get good marks in exams and win a lot of awards when actively participating in various
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she Alice is my best friend, he likes sports.
He has gone to Guilin yesterday. 主谓一致: is This pair of shoes are mine. The shoes are new. 习惯用法: with He helps me in my English.
• 1.句型、结构 --- 避免出现Chinglish 现象。
We all very like her.
We all like her very much.√
He by bike to school. He goes to school by bike. √
•避免方法: 多记短语和句型
2 注意语法项目
三档11 - 15分 基本完成试题规定的任务
——含有所有试题规定的主要内容。 —— 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。
对写作内容的理解。 —— 应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯。总体而言, 基本达到了预期的写作目的。 四档16-18分 完全完成了试题规定的任务 —— 含有所有内容,布局合理。 —— 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇知识。 ——体现较强的语法应用能力,语法结构和词汇方面基本没有错 误。 ——有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑 ——有亮笔之处。
He is too young to go to school. too—to-He isn’t old enough to go to school.enough-to do sth
looking forward to this.
(仿写1) 我正期望着收到你的来信。 I’m looking forward to hearing from you. (信尾使用) (仿写2)我正期望着你的答复。 I’m looking forward to your reply. (仿写3)我期望着暑假的到来。
1.I go to school on foot every day. I walk to school every day. 2. remember to turn off the lights, the TV and the fans . 3. turn off the tap, reuse water. 4. I make full use of paper. 5. Don’t use plastic bags.
I look forward to the summer holiday.
方法四:遇到难以表达的句子,可另辟 蹊径,化难为易,化繁为简。
1.我们应该守时 我们应该按时做每件事. We should do everything on time 2.我们不应该闯红灯(traffic lights) 当交通灯是红灯时,我们不应该过马路. We shouldn’t go across the road when the traffic lights are red.
审:认真审题, 找出文章要表达的中心及要求,确定人称和时态。
节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。Li Ming 是一个注重 “低碳”生活的中学生,假设你是他, 请以 “My Low-carbon Life” 为题,写一篇80-120词的短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。 要点:(1)每天步行上学; (2)离开教室时,关灯、电扇、电视等; (3)不用水时, 记得关水龙头,循环使用水; (4)充分使用纸张(5)不使用塑料袋。 参考词:on foot, turn off, tap(水龙头), reuse, make full use of, plastic bag 写作要求:(1) 内容包括所提供的信息及要点,可适当发挥,但 不要逐条翻译;(2) 不得透露考生姓名、学校等信息。 文章中心: 我叫李明(全部考生都叫李明),我的低碳生活
How can we write a good composition?
单词 短语,结构 文章 句子
句子在书面表达中起着举足轻重的作用,因此, 句子的训练成为写文章的必要手段之一。
方法一:用以前所记忆的短语和结构造句。 他总是鼓励我们努力学习。 He always encourages us to work hard. encourage sb to do sth 她的父母不允许她 晚上一个人出去。 Her parents don’t allow her to go out alone at night. allow sb to do sth 方法二:多记同义句和同义词。 他还没到上学的年龄。 He is so young that he can’t go to school. so—that-He is such a young boy that he can’t go to school. such-that-
是中考英语中的必考 题,占卷面总分的12%,分值 为18 分 。
一档1 - 5分 未完成试题规定的任务
—— 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。 —— 大量语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解 —— 缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。信息未能传达给读者。 二档6-10分 未恰当完成试题规定的任务 —— 遗漏或未描述清楚影响主要内容,写了一些无关内容。 —— 语法结构单调,词汇知识有限。 ——较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,有限了对写作内容的理解。 ——较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。信息未能清 楚的传达给读者。