昆明理工大学 2010 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A 卷)
考试科目名称 :地质学基础
试题适用招生专业 :070902 地球化学、070904 构造地质学、081801 矿产普查与勘探、 081802 地球探测与信息技术、081803 地质工程、081820 旅游地质与地质遗迹、081821
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矿产资源经济、430118 地质工程 "#$%&' () i0U1p2q3Q45T6H7I8`9a@rAs9IBtChDEF2 3GHIHPQRSTUVWXYHI`abSTcdIeafgh yuvvv wHHxIIyyywzcddde{I|fe}gh~bHiIjklSmTnckYd{oIH|edpaqrh sdtkYubbdvwkUHpIXxhh
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B.gQ1 ( z1
p1 1V12 p V2 ) gQ2 ( z2 2 2 2 ) g 2 g g 2g
8.吸入式水泵安装的确定主要是以( A.允许真空值 B.允许流速
9.在并联管道上,因为流量不同,所以虽然各单位重量流体( )相同,但通过各管的水流所损失机械能总量却不相同。 A.表面张力 D.水头损失 10.当水流条件一定时,随着液体动力粘性系数的加大,紊流附加切应力就( A.加大 B.减小 C.不变 )。 D.不定 )。 B.粘滞力 C.测压管水头线
A.层流为恒定流,紊流为非恒定流,且层流断面流速分比比紊流均匀 B.层流为恒定流,紊流为非恒定流,且紊流断面流速分布较层流均匀 C.层流和紊流均为恒定流,但流速分布不同 D.层流和紊流均为非恒定流,但流速分布不同 12.设有一恒定汇流,如图所示, Q3 Q1 Q2 , 根据总流伯努力方程式,则有(
u x u y u z 0 只适用于恒定流。 x y z
二、填空题(每空2分,共20分) 1.流体力学中常用的三大力学模型为( )。 2.( )流动中全加速度等于零。
3. 紊动阻力相似要求沿程阻力系数的比尺 4.牛顿内摩擦定律适用条件是(
p m
应等于( )。
g (Q1 Q 2 )( z 3
p 3 3V32 ) gQ1 hw1 3 gQ 2 hw2 3 g 2g
C.上述两式均不成立,都有错误 D.上述两式均成立。
2009年云南昆明理工大学普通物理考研真题A卷一、名词解释(每小题10分,合计40分)1.热力学第一定律2.机械能守恒定律3.牛顿运动定律4.楞次定律二、填空题(每空2分,合计30分)1.发生干涉的两列波必须满足的三个条件是,, 和。
6.一质点沿半径为R=0.5m的圆周运动,运动学方程为θ=3+2t2(SI),则质点t时刻的切向加速度大小为a t=______ m/s2;法向加速度的大小为a n=______m/s2;总的加速度大小为a=_____ m/s2。
三、计算题(每小题10分,合计80分)1.A 和B 为两个正交放置的圆形线圈,其圆心相重合。
A 线圈半径R A =0.2m ,N A =10匝,通有电流I A =10A ;B 线圈半径R B =0.1m ,N B =20匝,通有电流I B =5A 。
2.一平面简谐波沿x 轴正向传播,其振幅为A ,频率为ν,波速为u 。
设t = 0时刻的波形曲线如图所示。
求(1).x = 0处质点振动方程;(2).该波的表达式。
3.在双缝干涉实验中,用波长λ=546.1nm 的单色光照射,屏幕距双缝的距离d ’=300 mm ,测得中央明纹两侧的两个第五级明纹的间距为12.2mm ,求两缝间的距离d 。
昆明理工大学2010年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷)考试科目代码:802 考试科目名称:地质学基础试题适用招生专业:070902地球化学、070904构造地质学、081801矿产普查与勘探、081802地球探测与信息技术、081803地质工程、081820旅游地质与地质遗迹、081821矿产资源经济、430118地质工程考生答题须知5.所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。
昆明理工大学2011年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷)考试科目代码:802 考试科目名称:地质学基础试题适用招生专业:070902 地球化学、070904 构造地质学、081801 矿产普查与勘探、081802 地球探测与信息技术、081803 地质工程、081820 旅游地质与地质遗迹、081821 矿产资源经济、085217 地质工程考生答题须知9.所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。
一、名词解释(每小题10分,合计40分)1.热力学第一定律2.机械能守恒定律3.牛顿运动定律4.楞次定律二、填空题(每空2分,合计30分)1.发生干涉的两列波必须满足的三个条件是, , 和。
6.一质点沿半径为R=0.5m的圆周运动,运动学方程为θ=3+2t2(SI),则质点t时刻的切向加速度大小为a t=______m/s2;法向加速度的大小为a n=______m/s2;总的加速度大小为a=_____ m/s2。
A线圈半径R A=0.2m,N A=10匝,通有电流I A=10A;B线圈半径R B=0.1m,N B=20匝,通有电流I B=5A。
昆明理工大学2009年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷)考试科目代码:801 考试科目名称:数据结构试题适用招生专业:地图学与地理信息系统考生答题须知1 所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。
2 评卷时不评阅本试题册,答题如有做在本试题册上而影响成绩的,后果由考生自己负责。
3 答题时一律使用蓝、黑色墨水笔或圆珠笔作答(画图可用铅笔),用其它笔答题不给分。
4 答题时不准使用涂改液等具有明显标记的涂改用品。
一、单项选择题 (在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在答题纸上。
每小题 3 分,共 45 分 )1.下面几个符号串编码集合中,不是前缀编码的是()。
A. {0,10,110,111}B. {11,10,001,101,0001}C. {00,010,0110,1000}D. {b,c,aa,ac,aba,abb,abc}2. 在长度为n的顺序表中删除第i个元素(1≤i≤n)时,元素移动的次数为( )A. n-i+1B. iC. i+1D. n-i3. 若不带头结点的单链表的头指针为head,则该链表为空的判定条件是( )A. head= =NULLB. head->next= =NULLC. head!=NULLD. head->next= =head4. 引起循环队列队头位置发生变化的操作是( )A. 出队B. 入队C. 取队头元素D. 取队尾元素5.若进栈序列为1,2,3,4,5,6,且进栈和出栈可以穿插进行,则不可能出现的出栈序列是( )A. 2,4,3,1,5,6B. 3,2,4,1,6,5C. 4,3,2,1,5,6D. 2,3,5,1,6,46. 字符串通常采用的两种存储方式是( )A. 散列存储和索引存储B. 索引存储和链式存储C. 顺序存储和链式存储D. 散列存储和顺序存储7.设主串长为n,模式串长为m(m≤n),则在匹配失败情况下,朴素匹配算法进行的无效位移次数为( )A. mB. n-m第 1 页共 12 页。
2009年云南昆明理工大学环境生态学考研真题A卷一、名词解释(每小题4分,共64分)1. 环境荷尔蒙2.生态风险评估3.生态工程4. 绝对致死剂量5. toxicant6.fragile ecosystem7.anthropogenic disturbance8. biomass9. 食物网源点10.优势种11.二级肉食动物12. 演替顶极13. species richness14.frequency15.instantaneous rate16. ecosystem management二、请运用环境生态学的相关原理解释以下现象(8小题,共86分)1.生态学家在对某个海湾的藻类进行调查时发现,在浅水处生长了很多绿藻,稍深处则有很多褐藻,再深一些的水中则生长了很多红藻。
(10分)3.通过对全世界高等植物种类分布情况进行分析后发现,我国有高等植物3万多种,巴西有4万多种,俄罗斯和东欧地区有1 万多种。
() 3.加减平衡力系公理一般不适用于一个变形体。
( )12.梁的挠曲线近似微分方程式为EI y”=M(x)。
( )13.有正应力作用的方向上,必有线应变,没有正应力作用的方向上,必无线应变( ) 14.受扭圆轴在横截面上和包含轴的纵向截面上均无正应力。
( )15.立柱承受纵向压力作用,横截面上肯定只有压应力。
( )16.单元体上同时存在正应力和切应力时,切应力互等定理不成立。
( )18.临界压力是压杆丧失稳定平衡时的最小压力值。
昆明理工大学研究生试卷(EDA技术)(2009~2010下学期)学院:信自学院专业:电路与系统08级考核方法:考查、开卷学号:姓名:1、EDA2、VHDL3、IP4、FPGA5、SoC6、JTAG二、选择题(20分,每个2分)1、大规模可编程器件主要有FPGA、CPLD两类,下列对CPLD结构与工作原理的描述中,正确的是:_______A. FPGA是基于查找表结构的可编程逻辑器件B. CPLD即是现场可编程逻辑器件的英文简称C. CPLD是从FPGA的结构扩展而来D. 在Altera公司生产的器件中,EPM7128SLC84-15系列属FPGA结构2、大规模可编程器件主要有FPGA、CPLD两类,下列对FPGA结构与工作原理的描述中,正确的是________。
A. FPGA全称为复杂可编程逻辑器件;B. FPGA是基于乘积项结构的可编程逻辑器件;C.基于SRAM的FPGA器件,在每次上电后必须进行一次配置;D.在Altera公司生产的器件中,MAX7000系列属FPGA结构3、IP核在EDA技术和开发中具有十分重要的地位,IP分软IP、固IP、硬IP;下列所描述的IP核中,对于软IP的正确描述为:__________A.提供用VHDL等硬件描述语言描述的功能块,但不涉及实现该功能块的具体电路B.提供设计的最总产品——模型库C.以可执行文件的形式提交用户,完成了综合的功能块D.都不是4、在VHDL语言中,下列对进程(PROCESS)语句的语句结构及语法规则的描述中,不正确的是:_______A.PROCESS为一无限循环语句B.敏感信号发生更新时启动进程,执行完成后,等待下一次进程启动C.当前进程中声明的变量不可用于其他进程D.进程由说明语句部分、并行语句部分和敏感信号参数表三部分组成5、下列4个VHDL标识符中正确的是:_______A.10#128#B.16#E#E1C.74HC124D.X_166、关于VHDL中的数字,请找出以下数字中最大的一个:__________。
第 1 页共 3 页。
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昆明理工大学2008年秋季入学博士生招生考试试题考试科目代码:1111 考试科目名称:英语试题适用招生专业:全校考生答题须知5.所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。
=================================================================================================== ======Part I Listening Comprehension (10 points)特别说明:听力理解题的Directions 以印在试题册上的为准。
Directions: In this part you will hear 20 statements. Each statement will be spoken only once. At the end of the statement you will be given 20 seconds to answer each of the questions. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.The questions are printed out for youNow please listen:1.The speaker is talking to a ________.A.doctorB. pharmacistC. mechanicD. waiter2.What is the speaker’s attitude ?A.He couldn’t agree any more.B. He agrees completely.C. He agrees partially.D. He couldn’t stand it any more.3.How much did Mr. Dawson pay for the sweater?A. $30B. $13C. $80D. $184.What does staying healthy mean today?A. You should often go to a doctor.B. Going to a doctor regularly helps.C. Keep fit and strong all the time.D. You should never go to a doctor.5.Where is the speaker ?A. In a bank.B. In a restaurant.C. In an office.D. In a shop.6.The speaker regretted having ___________.A. missed the gameB. gone to the gameC. won the gameD. missed the bet7.What does the speaker think about teachers?A.Teachers get much satisfaction from work.B.Teachers get little satisfaction from work..C.Few teachers are satisfied with their work.D.Few teachers feel satisfied with their salary.8.The speaker is comparing two _________.A. research projectsB. political declarationsC. kinds of candiesD. political events9.What does the speaker mean?A. John was unhappy with his dormitory.B. John’s dormitory wasn’t full.C. John didn’t meet me at the door.D. There wasn’t any vacant room.10.What does the statement imply?A. We are sorry that we both failed.B. Mary is envious of Jane’s success.C. We are amazed by the fact.D. Jane is envious of Mary’s success.11.The speaker thinks that ___________.A. writing is his favorite courseB.he prefers other courses to compositionC.one particular course is better than writingD. he doesn’t like any course, least of writing12.What does the speaker imply?A. He didn’t finish the exercises yesterday.B. The exercises were handed in yesterday.C. He knew the exercises should be handed in today.D. He doesn’t need to hand in the exercises today.13.The speaker was _________ minutes late.A. 50B. 15C. 30D. 1014.What does the statement mean?A. The speaker didn’t attend the exam.B. The speaker didn’t do the spelling.C. The speaker was good at spelling.D. The speaker ignored his spelling.15.According to the statement, the house is _________.A. badly builtB. noisy insideC. very dirtyD. in disorder16.The weather last weekend was ___________.A. warm and dryB. cold and wetC. cool and crispD. sunny and lovely17.Joe went to court because he was a __________.A. law breakerB. trainee lawyerC. friend of the judgeD. traffic policeman18.Where did the speaker think they were supposed to meet?A. On the platform.B. On the train.C. Near the stairs.D. At the information desk.19.What is being described?A. Telephone.B. Telegraph.C. Microfilm.D. Microscope.20.How long was the coach delayed?A. Three hours and forty-five minutes.B. Five and a half hours.C. Two hours and forty-five minutes.D. Eight hours and fifteen minutes.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions: In this section, there are forty incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.21.In some countries preschool education in nursery schools or kindergartens________ the first grade.A.leadsB. precedesC. forwardsD. advances22.That tragedy distressed me so much that I used to keep indoors and go out only ________ necessity.A.within reach ofB. for fear ofC. by means ofD. in case of23.Haven’t I told you I don’t want you keeping ________ with those awful riding-about bicycle boys?panyB. acquaintanceC. friendsD. place24.This platform would collapse if all of us ________ on it.A.standB. stoodC. would standD. had stood25.It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash.Virtually all financial ________ will be conducted by computer.A.transactionsB. transmissionsC. transitionsD. transformations26.The purpose of a ________ is to cut down imports in order to protect domestic industry and workersfrom foreign competition.A.taxB. tollC. feeD. tariff27.We can rely on William to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always______.A.inexplicableB. healthyC. soundD. straight28.The director was critical ________ the way we were doing the work.A.atB. inC. ofD. with29.He came back later, ________ which time they had left.A.afterB. byC. fromD. foring extremely different decorating schemes in adjoining rooms may result in ________ and lack ofunity in style.A.conflictB. confrontationC. disturbanceD. disharmony31.He promised me a letter, he ought to ________ it days ago.A.have writtenB. writeC. had writtenD. be writing32.The rules stated that anyone who had held office for three years was not ______ for reelection.A.admirableB. eligibleC. reliableD. capable33.Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take, they are all similarin their ________ aspects.A.potentialB. socialC. essentialD. partial34.Negro slavery, many claimed, was good for all ________.A.concernedB. is concernedC. to concernD. that concerns35.We think ________ possible for them to fulfil their task in a few weeks..A.itB. thatC. whatD. this36.________ China is mobilized to go all out to build the country into a powerful, modern, socialistcountry.A.WholeB. The wholeC. The whole ofD. The all of37.________, we shall go out for a picnic on MondayA.Weather permitsB. Weather permittedC. Weather permittingD. With weather topermit38.Prof. Ward hardly ever went to ________ the theatre.A.neither the cinema norB. either the cinema norC. neither the cinema orD. either thecinema or39.Your advice would be ________ valuable to him, who is at present at his wit’s end..A.exceedinglyB. excessivelyC. extensivelyD. exclusively40.The monopoly-capitalist group ______ many smaller enterprises last year.A.integratedB. mergedC. combinedD. collected41.This watch is ________ to all the other watches on the market.A.superiorB. advantageousC. superD. beneficial42.Scholars maintain that social development can easily ________ language changes.A.bring upB. bring aboutC. bring outD. bring forward43.They are a firm of good repute and have large financial ________.A.reservesB. savingsC. storagesD. resources44.The bus moved slowly in the thick fog. We arrived at our ________ almost two hours later.A. designationB. destinyC. destinationD. dignity45.The government is trying to do something to ________ better understanding between the twpcountries.A.raiseB. promoteC. heightenD. increase46.Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, ________ the color of his skin.A.with the exception ofB. in the light ofC. by virtue ofD. regardless of47.That sound doesn’t ________ in his language, so it’s difficult for him to pronounce it.A.happenB. occurC. haveD. take place48.My students found the book ________; it provided them with an abundance of information on thesubject.A.enlighteningB. confusingC. distractingD. amusing49.I _______ you that the goods will be delivered next week.A.insistB. confirmC. assureD. ensure50.In many countries tobacco and medicine are government ________.A.controlB. monopolyC. businessD. belongings51.In this factory the machines are not regulated ________ but are jointly controlled by a centralcomputer system..A. independentlyB. individuallyC. irrespectivelyD. irregularly52.They lost their way in the forest, and ________ made matters worse was that night began to fall.A. itB. thatC. whichD. what53.The last half of the nineteenth century _________ the steady improvement in the means of travel.A. toldB. declaredC. viewedD. witnessed54.At first Jackie prayed, frozen in fear, but gradually his terror ________ curiosity.A. put up withB. lived up toC. gave way toD. did away with55.In most countries, the metric system has been ________ for all measurement..A. admittedB. adaptedC. appliedD. adopted56.One of the important properties of a scientific theory is its ability to________ further research andfurther thinking about a particular topic.A. inventB. stimulateC. renovateD. advocate57.There is a general ________ that pouring old wine into the same bottles is the wrong way to go.A. consensusB. censusC. censorshipD. conscience58.You are just the same ________you were the day when I first met you.A. thatB. asC. likeD. so59.Jack never dreams of _______ for him to be sent abroad to study very soon.A. being a chanceB. there being a chanceC. there to be a chanceD. there be a chance60.Criticism without suggesting areas of improvement is not ________ and should be avoided ifpossible.A. constructiveB. productiveC. descriptiveD. relative Part III Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions:Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Write the appropriate letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage 1Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:Psychiatrists who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset in child rearing ——older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with their children. But raising kids takes money and energy. Many older parents find themselves balancing their limited financial resources, declining energy and failing health against the growing demands of an active child. Dying and leaving young children is probably the older people’s biggest, and often unspoken, fear. Having late-life children, says an economics professor, often means parents, particularly fathers, “end up retiring much later.” For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream.Henry Metcalf, a 54-year-old journalist, knows it takes money to raise kids. But he’s also worried that his energy will give out first. Sure, he can still ride bikes with his athletic fifth grader, but he’s learned that young at heart doesn’t mean young. Lately he’s been taking afternoon naps to keep up his energy. “My body is aging,” says Metcalf, “You can’t get away from that.”Often, older parents hear the ticking of another kind of biological clock. Therapists who work with middle-aged and aged parents say fears about aging are nothing to laugh at. “They worry they’ll be mistaken for grandparents, or that they’ll need help getting up out of those little chairs in nursery school,”says Joann Galst, a New York psychologist. But at the core of those little fears there is often a much bigger one: “that they won’t be alive enough to support and protect their child,” she says.Many late-life parents, though, say their children came at just the right time. After marrying late and undergoing years of fertility treatment, Marilyn Nolen and her husband, Randy, had twins. “We both wanted children,” says Marilyn, who was 55 when she gave birth. The twins have given the couple what they desired for years, “a sense of family.”Kids of older dads are often smarter, happier and more sociable because their fathers are more involved in their lives. “The dads are older, more mature,” says Dr. Silber, “and more ready to focus on parenting.”61. Why do psychiatrists regard maturity as an asset in child rearing?A. Older parents can better balance their resources against children’s demands.B. Older parents are usually more experienced in bringing up their children.C. Older parents are often better prepared financially.D. Older parents can take better care of their children.62. What does the author mean by saying “For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream” (Line 6-7, Para. 1)?A. They have to go on working beyond their retirement age.B. They can’t get full pension unless they work some extra years.C. They can’t obtain the retirement benefits they have dreamed of.D. They are reluctant to retire when they reach their retiring age.63. The author gives the example of Henry Melcalf to show that ______.A. many people are young in spirit despite their advanced ageB. taking afternoon naps is a good way to maintain energyC. older parents tend to be concerned about their aging bodiesD. older parents should exercise more to keep up with their athletic children64. What’s the biggest fear of older parents according to New York psychologist Joann Galst?A. Being laughed at by other people.B. Slowing down of their paces of life.C. Being mistaken for grandparents.D. Approaching of death.65. What do we learn abut Marilyn and Randy Nolen?A. They thought they were examples of successful fertility treatment.B. Not until they had the twins did they feel they had formed a family.C. They believed that children born of older parents would be smarter.D. Not until they reached middle age did they think of having children.Passage 2Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:Americans usually consider themselves a friendly people. Their friendships, however, tend to be shorter and more casual than friendships among people from other cultures. It is not uncommon for Americans to have only one close friend during their lifetime, and consider other “friends”to be just social acquaintances. This attitude probably has something to do with American mobility and the fact that Americans do not like to be dependent on other people. They tend to be “ompartmentahze(划分)friendships, having “friends at work”, “friends on the softball team”, “family friends”, etc.Because the United States is a highly active society, full of movement and change, people always seem to be on the go. In this highly changed atmosphere, Americans can sometimes seem brusque(无理的)or impatient. They want to get to know you as quickly as possible and then move on to something else. Sometimes, early on, they will ask you questions that you may feel very personal. No insult is intended; the questions usually grow out of their genuine interest or curiosity, and their impatience to get to the heart of the matter. And the same goes for you. If you do not understand certain American behavior or you want to know more about them, do not hesitate to ask them questions about themselves. Americans are usually eager to explain all about their country or anything “American” in which you may be interested. So much so in fact that you may become tired of listening. It doesn’t matter because Americans tend to be uncomfortable with silence during a conversation. They would rather talk about the weather or the latest sports scores, for example, than deal with silence.On the other hand, don’t expect Americans to be knowledgeable about international geography or world affairs, unless those subjects directly involve the United States. Because the United States is not surrounded by many other nations, some Americans tend to ignore the rest of the world.66. The general topic of the passage is ________.A. American cultureB. American societyC. Americans’ activitiesD. Americans’ personality67. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. Americans do not like to depend on other people.B. Friendships among Americans tend to be casual.C. Americans know a lot about international affairs.D. Americans always seem to be on the go.68. The phrase “highly changed” (Paragraph 2) most probably means ________.A. extremely freeB. highly responsibleC. very cheerfulD. full of mobility and change69. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.A. Americans want to participate in all kinds of activitiesB. Americans’ character is affected by their social and geographical environmentC. Americans do not know how to deal with silenceD. Curiosity is characteristic of Americans70. According to the passage, Americans tend to ignore the rest of the world because _______.A. they are not interested in other countriesB. they are too proud of themselvesC. their country does not have many neighboring nationsD. they are too busy to learn about other countriesPassage 3Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:The year 1400 opened with more peacefulness than usual in England. Only a few months before Richard II, weak, wicked, and treacherous, had been deposed, and Henry IV declared king in his stead. But it was only a seeming peacefulness, lasting for but a little while; for though King Henry proved himself a just and a merciful man, as justice and mercy went with the men of iron of those days——and though he did not care to shed blood needlessly, there were many noble families who had been benefited by King Richard during his reign, and who had lost somewhat of their power and prestige from the coming in of the new king.Among these were a number of great lords who had been degraded from their former titles and estates, from which degradation免职King Richard had lifted them. They planned to fall upon King Henry and his followers and to massacre them during a great tournament which was being held at Oxford. And they might have succeeded had not one of their own members betrayed them. But Henry did not appear at the lists; whereupon, knowing that he had been lodging at Windsor with only a few attendants, the conspirators marched there against him. In the meantime, the king had been warned of the plot, so that instead of finding him in the royal castle, they discovered through their scouts that he had hurried to London, and that he was marching against them at the head of a considerable army. So nothing was left but fight. One and another, they were all caught and some killed. Those few who found friends faithful and bold enough to afford them shelter dragged those friends down in their own ruin.71. What does the author seem to think of King Henry ?A. He was the best king England had ever had.B. He was a better ruler than King Richard.C. He was unfair and cowardly.D. He was just as evil as King Richard.72. How did King Henry find out about the plot ?A. His scouts discovered it.B. He saw the conspirators coming.C. One of the conspirators told him.D. He found a copy of the cons pirators’ plan.73. Why did the nobles wish to kill King Henry?A. Henry had taken away power given to them by King Richard.B. Henry was weak, treacherous, and wicked.C. Henry had needlessly killed members of their families.D. Henry had killed King Richard.74. It can be inferred that Richard II’s reign was ________.A. peacefulB. corruptC. democraticD. illegal75. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.A. prove that Richard II was a bad kingB. explain the customs of fifteenth-century EnglandC. describe some typical English kingsD. discuss the conspiracy against Henry IVPassage 4Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage:The full influence of mechanization began shortly after 1850, when a variety of machines came rapidly into use. The introduction of these machines frequently created rebellions by workers who were fearful that the machines would rob them of their work. Patrick Bell, in Scotland, and Cyrus McCormick, in United States, produced threshing machines打谷机. Ingenious improvements were made in plows to compensate for different soil types. Stream power came into use in 1860s on large farms. Hay rakes, hay-loaders, and various special harvesting machines were produced. Milking machines appeared. The internal-combustion engine run by gasoline became the chief power source for the farm.In time, the number of certain farm machines that came into use skyrocketed and changed the nature of farming. Between 1940 and 1960, for example, 12 million horses and mules gave way to 5 million tractors. Tractors offer many features that are attractive to farmers. There are, for example, numerous attachments: cultivators that can penetrate the soil to varying depths, rotary hoes that chop weeds; spray devices that can spray pesticides杀虫剂in lands 100 feet across, and many others.A piece of equipment has now been invented or adapted for virtually every laborious hand or animal operation on the farm. In the United States, for example, cotton, tobacco, hay, and grain are planted, treated for pests and diseased, fertilized, cultivated and harvested by machine. Large devices shake fruit and nut from trees, grain and blend feed, and dry grain and hay. Equipment is now available to put just the right amount of fertilizer in just the right place, to spray an exact row width, and to count out, space, and plant just the right number of seeds for a row.Mechanization is not used in agriculture in many parts of Latin America, Africa. Agriculture innovation is accepted fastest where agriculture is already profitable and progressive. Some mechanization has reached the level of plantation agriculture in parts of the tropics, but even today much of that land is laboriously worked by people leading draft animals pulling primitive plows.The problems of mechanization in some areas are not only cultural in nature. For examples, tropical soils and crops differ markedly from those in temperate areas that the machines are designed for, so adaptations have to be made. But the greatest obstacle to mechanization is the fear in underdeveloped countries that the workers who are displaced by machines would not find work elsewhere. Introducing mechanization into such areas requires careful planning.76. Which of the following best summarize the main idea of the first paragraph?A. The introduction of machines into agricultural work created rebellions by the workers.B. The use of internal-combustion engine run by gasoline became the chief power for the farm working.C. The mechanization of agricultural work gradually robbed many farmers of their work.D. Steam power began to be used in farming machines in the 1860s to yield production.77. In some areas of Latin America,A. mechanization is not yet used in agriculture.B. mechanization is accepted fastest.C. a lot of farm work is still done in the traditional way.D. primitive plows are no longer in use.78. By saying that “the problems of mechanizing some areas are not only cultural in nature”, the author meansA. mechanization is not yet introduced in some areas for reasons other than culture.B. human and animal labor in some areas are less expensive.C. different kinds of tools are used in different cultures.D. culture is the only factor that obstacles the introduction of mechanization.79. Which of the following statements about farmer’s attitude to mechanization is true?A. Farmers are all very happy to work with farming machines.B. Nearly all the farm works can be done by the machines, so many farmers go to work in cities.C. farm works become easy for the workers, so they love mechanization.D. Farm works don’t need many workers, so they are anxious about their own job opportunities.80. According to the passage, we can infer thatA. mechanization can be introduced to all areas for economic growth.B. human and animal labor in most areas are required.C. mechanization should be considered carefully in some countries.D. different kinds of mechanized farming tools are used in different cultures.Part IV Translation ( 20 points )Directions:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translations should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET.Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community. (81) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. (82) Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, they may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers. They may alter the structure of education; they may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds. (83) Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communication, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above. At the same time, the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place at a vastly accelerated speed compared with the past. For example, (84) in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned. (85) Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport. As a result of all these factors, governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting them into effect.Part V Writing (10 points)Directions: Present a written argument based on the following topic.Some people believe that government spends too much money on space research while thereare still a lot of problems on the earth. Do you agree or disagree?。