2级能效 挂壁机 苏宁专供 规格参数
挂壁机苏宁专供规格参数系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列HP(匹数) 1HP 1HP 1HP 1HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP型号室内机FTXS225NCSXFTXS225NCSSFTXS225NCSRFTXS225NCSWFTZS235NCSXFTZS235NCSSFTZS235NCSRFTZS235NCSW室外机RXS225NCSRXS225NCSRXS225NCSRXS225NCSRZS235NCSRZS235NCSRZS235NCSRZS235NCS遥控器ARC466A4 ARC466A4 ARC466A4 ARC466A4 ARC466A4 ARC466A4 ARC466A4 ARC466A4适用面积*1 制冷/制热㎡10~16/8~1510~16/8~1510~16/8~1510~16/8~1514~19/10~1714~19/10~1714~19/10~1714~19/10~17电源单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz制冷量(min-max) kW2.5(1.3~3.2)2.5(1.3~3.2)2.5(1.3~3.2)2.5(1.3~3.2)3.5(1.25~4.0)3.5(1.25~4.0)3.5(1.25~4.0)3.5(1.25~4.0)制热量(min-max) kW3.4(1.3~4.8)3.4(1.3~4.8)3.4(1.3~4.8)3.4(1.3~4.8)4.2(1.4~5.6)4.2(1.4~5.6)4.2(1.4~5.6)4.2(1.4~5.6)APF(全年能源消耗效率)*2 W·h/(W·h)4.26 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14尺寸(H×W×D) 室内机㎜283×868×21283×868×21283×868×21283×868×21283×868×21283×868×21283×868×21283×868×21室外机㎜550×658×275550×658×275550×658×275550×658×275550×765×305550×765×305550×765×305550×765×305重量室内机/室外机kg 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/35 9/35 9/35 9/35 *1 适用面积会因房间所在地区、结构、朝向等实际情况有所不同*2 APF依据国家能效标准GB21455-2013的测试方法得出系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列HP(匹数) 1HP 1HP 1HP 1HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP型号室内机FTXS225KCSS5FTXS225KCSX5FTXS225KCSR5FTXS225KCSW5FTXS235KCSS5FTXS235KCSX5FTXS235KCSR5FTXS235KCSW5FTZS235KCSS5FTZS235KCSX5FTZS235KCSR5FTZS235KCSW5室外机RXS225KCS5RXS225KCS5RXS225KCS5RXS225KCS5RXS235KCS5RXS235KCS5RXS235KCS5RXS235KCS5RZS235KCS5RZS235KCS5RZS235KCS5RZS235KCS5 遥控器ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4ARC466A4适用面积*1 制冷/制热㎡10~16/8~1510~16/8~1510~16/8~1510~16/8~1514~19/10~1714~19/10~1714~19/10~1714~19/10~1714~20/10~1814~20/10~1814~20/10~1814~20/10~18电源单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz制冷量(min-max) kW2.5(1.3~3.2)2.5(1.3~3.2)2.5(1.3~3.2)2.5(1.3~3.2)3.5(1.3~3.8)3.5(1.3~3.8)3.5(1.3~3.8)3.5(1.3~3.8)3.5(1.4~4.0)3.5(1.4~4.0)3.5(1.4~4.0)3.5(1.4~4.0)制热量(min-max) kW3.4(1.3~4.4)3.4(1.3~4.4)3.4(1.3~4.4)3.4(1.3~4.4)4.2(1.3~5.0)4.2(1.3~5.0)4.2(1.3~5.0)4.2(1.3~5.0)4.2(1.4~5.5)4.2(1.4~5.5)4.2(1.4~5.5)4.2(1.4~5.5)SEER(制冷季节能效比)*25.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 SEER(制冷季节能效比)*34.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83 尺寸(H×W 室内机㎜283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210×D)室外机㎜550×658×275 550×658×275550×658×275550×658×275550×658×275550×658×275550×658×275550×658×275550×765×285550×765×285550×765×285550×765×285重量室内机/室外机kg9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/34 9/34 9/34 9/34*1 适用面积会因房间所在地区、结构、朝向等实际情况有所不同*2 SEER值依据国家生产标准GB7725-2004的测试方法得出*3 SEER值依据国家能效标准GB21455-2008的测试方法得出系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列苏宁集团专供系列HP(匹数) 1HP 1HP 1HP 1HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP 1.5HP型号室内机FTXS225KCSSFTXS225KCSXFTXS225KCSRFTXS225KCSWFTXS235KCSSFTXS235KCSXFTXS235KCSRFTXS235KCSWFTZS235KCSSFTZS235KCSXFTZS235KCSRFTZS235KCSW 室外机RXS225KCSRXS225KCSRXS225KCSRXS225KCSRXS235KCSRXS235KCSRXS235KCSRXS235KCSRZS235KCSRZS235KCSRZS235KCSRZS235KCS 遥控器ARC46ARC46ARC46ARC46ARC46ARC46ARC46ARC46ARC46ARC46ARC46ARC466A4 6A4 6A4 6A4 6A4 6A4 6A4 6A4 6A4 6A4 6A4 6A4适用面积*1制冷/制热㎡10~16/8~1510~16/8~1510~16/8~1510~16/8~1514~19/10~1714~19/10~1714~19/10~1714~19/10~1714~20/10~1814~20/10~1814~20/10~1814~20/10~18 电源单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz单相220V50Hz制冷量(min-max)kW2.5(1.3~3.2)2.5(1.3~3.2)2.5(1.3~3.2)2.5(1.3~3.2)3.5(1.3~3.8)3.5(1.3~3.8)3.5(1.3~3.8)3.5(1.3~3.8)3.5(1.4~4.0)3.5(1.4~4.0)3.5(1.4~4.0)3.5(1.4~4.0)制热量(min-max)kW3.4(1.3~4.4)3.4(1.3~4.4)3.4(1.3~4.4)3.4(1.3~4.4)4.2(1.3~5.0)4.2(1.3~5.0)4.2(1.3~5.0)4.2(1.3~5.0)4.2(1.4~5.5)4.2(1.4~5.5)4.2(1.4~5.5)4.2(1.4~5.5)SEER(季节能效比)*25.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63SEER(季节能效比)*34.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83尺寸(H×W ×D) 室内机㎜283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210283×868×210 室外机㎜550×65550×65550×65550×65550×65550×65550×65550×65550×76550×76550×76550×768×275 8×275 8×275 8×275 8×275 8×275 8×275 8×275 5×285 5×285 5×285 5×285重量室内机/室外机kg9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/31 9/34 9/34 9/34 9/34*1 适用面积会因房间所在地区、结构、朝向等实际情况有所不同*2 SEER值依据国家生产标准GB7725-2004的测试方法得出*3 SEER值依据国家能效标准GB21455-2008的测试方法得出。
JDSU MTS-2000 OTDR 中文 产品资料
光话机 光功率计
显微镜 PON 光功率计
智能 OTDR 光功率计
故障定位仪 专业 OTDR 光源
MTS-2000 所采用的应用模块也可用于 MTS-4000。这两款产品可互操作。
通过无缝数据工作流程提高工作效率 MTS-2000 集成了各种通信功能,实现了远程控制、数据和设置上传/下载以及报告发送。本机 有一个高速 1G 以太网端口、三个 USB 端口以及选配的 WiFi 和蓝牙网络连接。
输出,25 瓦
电气安全:符合 EN60950
175×138×80 毫米
寸(高 x 宽 (6.9×5.4×3.2 英寸)
x 深)
0.864 千克(1.89 磅)
带电池和 1.21 千克(2.67 磅)
储பைடு நூலகம்温度:-20~+60℃
(2)在校准波长下(除 1650nm 外) (3)-45dBm,从 800 到 1250nm
激光等级 2 级,依照 EN60825-1 和
FDA21 CFR 1040.10 标
动态范围 连接器类型
32dB(典型) SC、FC 和 UPP (含 3 个适配器)
(3) 开机指示灯
(14) 耳机插孔
(4) 文件菜单
(15) 交流/直流输入
(5) 设置菜单
(16) (从)微型 USB 端口
(6) 启动/停止
JESD22标准定义及意义详细如下JESD22-A101orJESD22-A110.3. A101稳态温湿度偏置寿命JESD22-A101-BPublished:Apr-1997STEADY-STATETEMPERATUREHUMIDITYBIASLIFETEST: Thisstandardestablishesadefinedmethodandconditionsf orperformingatemperaturehumiditylifetestwithbiasapplied.Thetestisusedtoevaluatethereliabilityofnonhermeticpackagedsolidstatedevicesinhumidenvironments.Itemployshightem peratureandhumidityconditionstoacceleratethepenetrati onofmoisturethroughexternalprotectivematerialoralongi nterfacesbetweentheexternalprotectivecoatingandcondu ctorsorotherfeatureswhichpassthroughit.Thisrevisionen hancestheabilitytoperformthistestonadevicewhichcanno tbebiasedtoachieveverylowpowerdissipation.JESD22-A101-B发布:1997 年8 月稳态温湿度偏置寿命试验本标准建立了一个定义的方法,用于进行一个施加偏置电压的温湿度寿命试验。
1.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的概述
2.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的主要功能
3.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的技术参数
4.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的安装与使用
5.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的优势与应用范围
1.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的概述
JD-2 智能电动机保护器是一款集保护、控制、监测于一体的电动机保护设备,适用于对各种电动机进行保护和控制。
2.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的主要功能
JD-2 智能电动机保护器的主要功能包括:过载保护、短路保护、漏电保护、过热保护、断相保护等。
3.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的技术参数
JD-2 智能电动机保护器的技术参数包括:工作电压、工作电流、保护电流、保护时间等。
4.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的安装与使用
JD-2 智能电动机保护器的安装非常简便,只需将其接入电动机的电源电路即可。
5.JD-2 智能电动机保护器的优势与应用范围
JD-2 智能电动机保护器具有高可靠性、高灵敏度、操作简便等优势,广泛应用于各种工业设备的电动机保护和控制,如风机、水泵、压缩机等。
【壳牌润滑油系列】液压油 Shell Tellus Oil ST46/Shell Tellus ST46/Shell... Shell Tellus ST32/Shell Tellus ST32/Shell Tel... Shell Tellus Oil ST22/Shell Tellus ST22/Shell... AEROSHELL FLUID 41/Shell AEROSHELL FLUID 41 航... AEROSHELL FLUID 31/Shell AEROSHELL FLUID 31 航... Shell Tellus Oil ST68/Shell Tellus ST68/Shell... Shell Tellus S2 MA10/22/46 Aero Shell Fluid 4/Aero Shell Fluid 41 SHELL TELLUS 32 STX 壳牌得力士 32 STX Shell Irus Fluids DU46/DU68 Shell Tellus TX15/TX32/TX46/TX68 Shell Tellus S2 M-壳牌得力士液压油 Shell Tellus S3 M 液压油-原名:得力士 S 液压油 Shell Tellus S2 V 液压油-原名:壳牌得力士 T 液压 油... Shell Tellus S4 VX 液压油-原名:得力士 Arctic 液... Shell Tellus S4 ME -原名:壳牌得力士 EE 液压油 Shell Naturelle HF-E-壳牌液压油(Shell) Shell Hydraulic S1 M-原名:得力士抗磨经济型液压... 壳牌得力士 DO 系列液压油(Shell Tellus DO) 壳牌得力士 TD 液压油(Shell Tellus TD) 壳牌工业润滑油大全 壳牌润滑油(SHELL)-壳牌液压油齿轮油 Shell Tegula V 32/Shell Tegula V32 Shell Omala S2 G 壳牌可耐压 S2 G 齿轮油 Shell Omala S1 W 齿轮油-原名:威华达 J 齿轮油 Shell Omala S4 Wheel 合成齿轮油-原名:壳牌 Hyper... Shell Omala S3 GP 齿轮油-原名:壳牌可耐压 SW Shell Omala S4 WE 合成齿轮油-壳牌大威纳 S 齿轮油... Shell Omala F 齿轮油-壳牌齿轮油 Shell Omala S4 GX 合成齿轮油-原名:可耐压 HD 润滑... 壳牌润滑油(SHELL)-壳牌齿轮油 壳牌可耐压 S1 W460 680 齿轮油(Shell Omala S1 W)... 壳牌可耐压 S4 GX 合成齿轮油(Shell Omala S4 GX) 壳牌大威纳 SA150 合成齿轮油轴承循环油 Shell Tetra 2 SP/Shell Tetra 5 SP/Shell Tetra... Shell Omala S2 G 齿轮油-原名:壳牌可耐压润滑油 Shell Morlina S4 B 循环油-原名:壳牌可耐压 RL Shell Paper Machine Oil S3 M 造纸机油-原名:壳牌... Shell Paper Machine Oil S2 造纸机油-原名:壳牌德... Shell Morlina S2 BL 循环油- 原名:万利得 5、10 Shell Morlina S1 B 循环油-原名:威达利 M 壳牌润滑油(Shell)-壳牌循环油 壳牌大威纳 W 系列润滑油 壳牌大威纳 S 系列润滑油 壳牌轴承和循环油系列 轴承和循环系统 壳牌万利得 S2 BL5 10 Shell Morlina S2 BL5 10 壳牌冲洗油 壳牌德力美润滑油 壳牌德力美 S 润滑油 壳牌万利得 S2 B150 220 320 Shell Morlina S2 B1... 壳牌威达利润滑油 壳牌威达利 M 润滑油机床导轨油 Shell Tonna S2 M 壳牌通拿 S2 M-原名:壳牌通拿 T Shell Tonna S3 M 壳牌通拿 S3 M-原名:壳牌通拿 S 壳牌通拿 Shell Tonna S2 M 导轨油 壳牌通拿 Shell TonnaS3 M 导轨油(新名称:通拿 S2...涡轮机油 Shell Turbo GT32 Shell Turbo J 壳牌多宝 J 系列涡轮机油 壳牌润滑油(SHELL)-壳牌涡轮机油 壳牌多宝 Shell Turbo GT 涡轮机油 壳牌多宝(Turbo)CC 涡轮机油 壳牌多宝(Turbo)T 涡轮机油 壳牌多宝 T 润滑油冷冻压缩机油 Shell Refrigeration Oil S4 FR-V 32 SHELL Clavus AB32/46/68/100 壳牌奇伟士 AB 冷冻 机... Shell Clavus Oil R100 奇伟士 R100 冷冻机油 Shell Refrigeration Oil S4 FR-V 68 Shell Refrigeration Oil S4 FR-V 100 Shell Refrigeration Oil S4 FR-F Shell Clavus Oil R32 奇伟士 R32 冷冻机油 Shell Clavus Oil R46 奇伟士 R46 冷冻机油 Shell Clavus Oil R68 奇伟士 R68 冷冻机油 Shell Refrigeration Oil S4 FR-V-原名:壳牌奇伟... 壳牌奇伟士 S4 FR-F 68 Shell Refrigeration oil ... 壳牌奇伟士 S4 FR-V 68 Shell Refrigeration oil ... 壳牌(冷冻压缩机油)奇伟士 SD 22-12 壳牌润滑油(SHELL)-壳牌冷冻机油 壳牌奇伟士润滑油 壳牌奇伟士 G 润滑油真空泵油 Shell Vacuum Pump S1 R-壳牌真空泵油 壳牌润滑油(Shell)-壳牌真空泵油 壳牌高级真空泵油 8A 和 l5A船舶及柴油机 Shell Gadinia 40 Shell Gadinia 30 壳牌佳力雅 3...油 Shell Argina T30、T40 壳牌爱力能 T30/T40 船舶油... Shell Alexia 50 壳牌爱力士 50 船舶油 Shell Argina XL40 壳牌爱力能 XL Shell Gadinia 40 壳牌佳力雅 40 Shell Gadinia AL30/40 壳牌佳力雅 AL30/40 船舶油 Shell Caprinus XR 壳牌 CAPRINUSÒ XR 内燃机油 Mobilgard HSD 美孚佳特 HSD 高速船舶发动机油 Shell Gadinia 30 Shell Gadinia30 壳牌佳力雅 30.... Shell Argina S30、S40 壳牌爱力能 S30/S40 壳牌爱力士 S4 Shell Alexia S4 船舶油 Mobilgard HSD 美孚佳特 HSD 船用高速发动机油 Shell Alexia S4 壳牌爱力士 S4 船用机油/曲轴箱油/... Shell Strombus MP 船尾油 Shell Alexia S4 壳牌爱力士 S4 船用机油/曲轴箱油/... 壳牌润滑油(Shell)-柴油发动机油 壳牌劲霸柴油发电机油 壳牌迈施力(Mysella)MA 壳牌迈施力(Mysella)LA 壳牌迈施力(Mysella)XL 壳牌 CAPRINUS XR 内燃机油低噪音润滑脂壳牌佳度 S5 V25Q 润滑脂(原名:爱万利 HVQ) 壳牌佳度 S2 V100Q 润滑脂(原名:爱万利 RLQ)/CP-...电气绝缘油 Shell Trans Oil B/Shell Trans B Shell Trans Oil A/Shell Trans A 壳牌大雅纳(Diala)S3 ZX-IG 壳牌大雅纳(Diala)S2 ZU-I 壳牌大雅纳(Diala)S3 ZX-I针织机油 壳牌速洁针织机油 壳牌速洁高级针织机油白矿油 Shell Ondina 934 Shell Ondina 937 Shell Ondina 927 Shell Ondina 917 Shell Ondina 913 壳牌利斯来润滑油 壳牌安定来润滑油防火液压油 壳牌爱乐施 DR 46 防火液压液油空气压缩机油 Shell Corena S4 R32,R46,R68 Shell Corena S4 P 壳牌确能立 S4 P-原名:壳牌确 能... Shell Corena S2 P 壳牌确能力 S2 P-原名:壳牌确能... Shell Corena S3 R 壳牌确能立 S4 R-原名:壳牌确能... Shell Corena S3 RJ 壳牌确能立 S3 RJ-原名:壳牌... Shell Corena S2 R 壳牌确能立 S2 R-原名:壳牌确... Shell Corena S3 R 壳牌确能立 S3 R-原名:壳牌确... Shell Gas Compressor Oil S4 PV-原名:壳牌莫雷... 壳牌润滑油(SHELL)-壳牌空压机油钻岩多机能油 Mobil Almo 500 Series-美孚爱慕 500 系列 Shell Air Tool Oil S2 A 气动工具油-原名:壳牌多... 壳牌多机能 S2 A100 shell Air Tool oil S2 A100气体发动机油 壳牌 0480 润滑油 壳牌迈施力 MA 润滑油 壳牌迈施力 LA 润滑油 壳牌迈施力润滑油机床主轴油 壳牌润滑油(Shell)-壳牌机床主轴油 壳牌万利得润滑油润滑脂 Shell Gadus S Gadus S3 V 220C 2 Shell Gadus S Gadus S3 V 220C 1 Shell Malleus HDX/Shell Gadus S3 Wirerope T Shell Gadus S4 V45AC 00/Shell Gadus S4 V45AC ... Shell Gadus S2 Thread Compound Shell Gadus S1 Low Speed Coupling Grease Shell Gadus S Gadus S3 V 220C 3 Shell Gadus S2 OG 50/Shell Gadus S2 OG50 Shell Gadus S2 OG 40/Shell Gadus S2 OG40 Shell Gadus S3 High Speed Coupling Grease Shell Gadus S2 A320 2 Shell Gadus S5 V100 2 Shell Gadus S2 OG 50 Shell Gadus S3 T220 2 Shell Gadus S2 OG 40 Shell Gadus S2 V220AD 壳牌 佳度 S2 V220AD 润滑脂... Shell Gadus Rail S2 Traction Motor Bearing 佳度... Shell Gadus S5 V25Q 壳牌佳度 S5 V25Q 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S2 V100Q 壳牌佳度 S2 V100Q 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S5 V460 壳牌佳度 S5 V460 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S4 V2600AD 壳牌佳度 S4 V2600AD 润滑脂... Shell Gadus S4 V2600AD 壳牌佳度 S4 V2600AD 润滑脂... Shell Gadus S2 V220 壳牌佳度 S2 V220 润滑脂( Shell Gadus S2 V100 壳牌佳度 S2 V100 润滑脂 Shell GadusRail S4 High Speed EUFR 佳度高速铁... Shell GadusRail S3 EU 壳牌佳度铁路用脂 S3 EU Shell GadusRail S3 AAR 壳牌佳度铁路用脂 S3 AAR ... Shell Valiant R2 壳牌 Valiant R2 润滑脂 Shell GadusRail S3 Speed EUFR 壳牌佳度高速铁路... 壳牌爱万利 WR 润滑脂 Shell Alvania WR Grease 壳牌爱万利 RA 润滑脂 Shell Alvania RA Grease 壳牌爱万利 S 润滑脂 Shell Alvania S Grease S 系列... 壳牌润滑油(SHELL)-壳牌润滑脂 工业润滑脂 壳牌爱万利 HD2 润滑脂耐高温润滑脂 Shell Gadus S5 V220 2/壳牌佳度 S5 V220 2 Shell Gadus S2 OGH 00 Shell Gadus S2 OGH 0/Shell Gadus S2 OGH0 Shell Gadus S2 V145KP/Shell Retinax Grease EP... Shell Gadus S2 V20XKD/Shell Alvania Grease EP... Shell Gadus S3 High Speed/Shell Albida Grease... Shell Gadus S5 U100KD/Shell Darina XL 102 Mol... SHELL GADUS S5 V42P 2.5/Shell Nerita HV Shell Rhodina Grease BBZ Shell Gadus S5 V142W 00/Shell Gadus S5 V142W0... Shell Gadus S5 T460 壳牌佳度 S5 T460 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S3 V460 壳牌佳度 S3 V460 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S3 V460XD 壳牌佳度 S3 V460XD Shell Gadus S5 V100 壳牌佳度 S5 V100 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S3 V460D 壳牌佳度 S3 V460D 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S3 V220C 壳牌佳度 S3 V220C 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S2 U460L 壳牌佳度 S2 U460L 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S3 T460 壳牌佳度 S3 T460 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S2 High Speed Coupling 佳度 S2 高速... Shell Gadus S2 A320 壳牌佳度 S2 A320 润滑脂 Shell Rhodina BBZ 壳牌 Rhodina BBZ 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S5 U130D 壳牌佳度 S5 U130D 润滑脂 壳牌爱比达 HD2 润滑脂 壳牌佳度 S2 高速齿接手润滑脂(原名:爱万利 CG 润滑脂... 壳牌爱比达 EP2 润滑脂 壳牌大灵雅 R2 润滑脂 壳牌佳度 S5 U130D 润滑脂(原名:马力士 ET 润滑脂)... 壳牌施达纳 HDS 润滑脂 壳牌施达纳 RL 润滑脂 壳牌佳度 S5 V100 润滑脂(原名:爱比达 EMS 润滑脂)...开式齿轮油 Shell Gadus S2 OG Clear Oil20000/Shell Gadus ... Shell Gadus S1 OG100/Shell Gadus S1 OG 100 Shell Gadus S1 OG 150/Shell Gadus S1 OG150 Shell Gadus S1 OG 1600/Shell Gadus S1 OG1600 Shell Gadus S1 OG 200/Shell Gadus S1 OG200 Gadus S4 OG Clear Oil 20000/Shell Gadus S4 OG... Shell Gadus S5 V142W 壳牌佳度 S5 V142W 润滑脂 Shell Malleus OGM Medium 马力士 OGM Medium 润滑 脂... Shell Malleus OGM Heavy 壳牌马力士 OGM Heavy Shell Gadus S3 OG 壳牌佳度 S3 OG-原名:马力士 OG... 壳牌佳度 S5 V142W 润滑脂(原名:壳牌大威纳 GL 00润... 壳牌爱万利 GL 00 润滑脂 Shell Gadus S2 OGH 壳牌佳度 S2 OGH-原名:马力士 O... 壳牌润滑油(Shell)-壳牌马力士 GL 开式齿轮润滑剂车用齿轮油系 Shell Spirax ST80W-140/Shell Spirax ST 80W-14...列 Shell Spirax G90/Shell Spirax G140 Shell Spirax EW/Shell Spirax EW 75W-90 Shell Spirax S1 G 90 Shell Spirax S1 G 140 Shell Spirax S2 G 140 Shell Spirax S3 G 80W-90 Shell Spirax S6 GME 50 Shell Spirax S5 CFD M 60 壳牌施倍力 S3 TLV (shell Spirax S3 TLV ) 壳牌施倍力(Spirax)S2 G 壳牌施倍力(Spirax)S2 A 壳牌施倍力(Spirax)S6 ATF ZM 壳牌施倍力(Spirax)S6 AXME 导热油系列 Shell Heat Transfer S2 壳牌导热油 S2-原名:热美亚... 壳牌热传导油 S2 Shell heat transfer fluid S2轧制油系列 Mobil Somentor A Series 埃索速明达 A 系列 金...壳牌(SHELL)航 空润滑油脂 SHELLSOL A100 壳牌涡轮机油 500 /壳牌涡轮机油 560 SHELL AeroShell Grease S.7108 SHELL AEROSHELL Grease 5、6、7、14、17、22、3...SHELL 壳牌润滑油产品总汇 1SHELL 壳牌润滑油产品总汇壳牌航空润滑 AEROSHELL SSF AND LGF/起落架液壓油 Hydraulic F...油 AEROSHELL GREASE 5 AEROSHELL FLUID 41/AEROSHELL FLUID41 AEROSHELL FLUID 31 AEROSHELL CALIBRATING FLUID 2 AEROSHELL FLUID 12/AEROSHELL FLUID12 AEROSHELL FLUID 5L-A AEROSHELL FLUID 3壳牌航空润滑 AEROSHELL GREASE 33MS脂 AEROSHELL GREASE 33 AEROSHELL GREASE 22 AEROSHELL GREASE 16 AEROSHELL GREASE 14 AEROSHELL GREASE 7 AEROSHELL GREASE 6 AEROSHELL GREASE 5壳牌航空涡轮 AEROSHELL TURBINE OIL560/AEROSHELL TURBINE 56...机油 AEROSHELL TURBINE OIL 390/AEROSHELL TURBINE 3... AEROSHELL TURBINE OIL 2/AEROSHELL TURBINE 2。
JEDEC JESD220-2 UFS存储卡标准
STANDARDUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) Card ExtensionVersion 1.0JESD220-2MARCH 2016JEDEC SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATIONNOTICEJEDEC standards and publications contain material that has been prepared, reviewed, and approved through the JEDEC Board of Directors level and subsequently reviewed and approved by the JEDEClegal counsel.JEDEC standards and publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminatingmisunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for use by those other than JEDEC members, whether the standard is to be used eitherdomestically or internationally.JEDEC standards and publications are adopted without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve patents or articles, materials, or processes. By such action JEDEC does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the JEDEC standards orpublications.The information included in JEDEC standards and publications represents a sound approach to product specification and application, principally from the solid state device manufacturer viewpoint. Within the JEDEC organization there are procedures whereby a JEDEC standard or publication may be further processed and ultimately become an ANSI standard. No claims to be in conformance with this standardmay be made unless all requirements stated inthe standard are met.Special Legal Disclaimer: JEDEC has received information that certain patents or patent applications may be essential to this standard. However, as of the publication date of this standard, no statements regarding an assurance to license such patents or patent applications have been provided. JEDEC does not make any determination as to the validity or relevancy of such patents or patent applications. Anyone making use of the standard assumes all liability resulting from such use. JEDEC and its members disclaim any representation or warranty, express or implied, relating to the standard and its use. Inquiries, comments, and suggestions relative to the content of this JEDEC standard or publication should be addressed to JEDEC at the address below, or refer to under Standards and Documentsfor alternative contact information.Published by©JEDEC Solid State Technology Association 20163103 North 10th StreetSuite 240 SouthArlington, VA 22201-2107This document may be downloaded free of charge; however JEDEC retains the copyright on this material.By downloading this file the individual agrees not to charge for or resell the resulting material.PRICE: Contact JEDECPrinted in the U.S.A.All rights reservedPLEASE!DON’T VIOLATETHELAW!This document is copyrighted by JEDEC and may not bereproduced without permission.For information, contact:JEDEC Solid State Technology Association3103 North 10th StreetSuite 240 SouthArlington, VA 22201-2107or refer to under Standards-Documents/Copyright Information.JEDEC Standard No. 220-2 UNIVERSAL FLASH STORAGE (UFS) CARD EXTENSION, VERSION 1.0ContentsPage Foreword i Introduction i 1Scope 1 2Normative Reference 1 3Terms, and definitions 1 3.1Acronyms 1 3.2Terms and definitions 2 3.3Keywords 2 3.4Abbreviations 3 3.5Conventions 3 4Introduction 4 4.1Overview 4 4.2Functional Features 4 5UFS Card System Architecture 5 5.1Overview 5 5.2UFS Card Signals 5 6UFS Card Design 6 7Feature comParison of embedded UFS and UFS card 9 8UFS Card initialization 10 8.1Initialization Sequence 11 9Power Consumption 12 Annex A (informative) Host Guideline for UFS Card Detection 13 FiguresFigure 5.1 — UFS Card Block Diagram 5 Figure 6.1 — UFS Card Top View 6 Figure 6.2 — UFS Card Bottom View 7 Figure 6.3 — UFS Card Side View 8 Figure 8.1 — UFS Card Initialization 10 Figure 8.2 — UFS Card Initialization Sequence 11 TablesTable 5.1 — Signal Name and Definitions 5 Table 7.1 — Comparison of embedded UFS and UFS Card 9JEDEC Standard No. 220-2UNIVERSAL FLASH STORAGE (UFS) CARD EXTENSION, VERSION 1.0ForewordThis standard has been prepared by JEDEC. The purpose of this standard is to define a UFS card specification. This document will be extension of the UFS Standard, JESD220.IntroductionThe UFS device (embedded/removable) is a universal data storage and communication media. It is designed to cover a wide area of applications as smart phones, cameras, organizers, PDAs, digital recorders, MP3 players, internet tablets, electronic toys, etc.JEDEC Standard No. 220-2Page 1 UNIVERSAL FLASH STORAGE (UFS) CARD EXTENSION, VERSION 1.0 (From JEDEC Board Ballot JCB-16-12, formulated under the cognizance of the JC-64.1 Subcommittee on Electrical Specifications and Command Protocols (Item 133.69).)1ScopeThis standard specifies the characteristics of the UFS card electrical interface and the memory device. This document defines the added/modified features in UFS card compared to embedded UFS device. For other common features JESD220, UFS, Version 2.0, will be referenced.2Normative ReferenceThe following normative documents contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents listed. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.[MIPI-M-PHY], MIPI Alliance Specification for M-PHY SM Specification, Version 3.0[MIPI-UniPro], MIPI Alliance Specification for Unified Protocol (UniPro SM), Version 1.6[MIPI-DDB], MIPI Alliance Specification for Device Descriptor Block (DDB), Version[SAM], SCSI Architecture Model – 5 (SAM–5), Revision 05, 19 May 2010[SPC], T10 Specification: SCSI Primary Commands – 4 (SPC-4), Revision 27, 11 October 2010 [SBC], T10 Specification: SCSI Block Commands – 3 (SBC–3), Revision 24, 05 August 2010 [UFS], JEDEC JESD220B, Universal Flash Storage (UFS), Version 2.0[UFS], JEDEC JEP95, MO-320, UFS Card Form Factor3Terms, and definitionsFor the purpose of this standard, the terms and definitions given in the documents included in section 2“Normative Reference” and the following apply.3.1JEDEC Standard No. 220-2Page 23 Terms, and definitions (cont’d)3.2Terms and definitionsByte: An 8‐bit data value with most significant bit labeled as bit 7 and least significant bit as bit 0. Device: An addressable device on the UFS bus usually a target that contains at least one LUNHost: An addressable device on the UFS bus which is usually the main CPU that hosts the UFS bus3.3KeywordsSeveral keywords are used to differentiate levels of requirements and options, as follow:Can: A keyword used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal (can equals is able to).Expected: A keyword used to describe the behavior of the hardware or software in the design models assumed by this standard. Other hardware and software design models may also be implemented. Ignored: A keyword that describes bits, bytes, quadlets, or fields whose values are not checked by the recipient.Mandatory: A keyword that indicates items required to be implemented as defined by this standard. May: A keyword that indicates a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard (may equals is permitted).Must: The use of the word must is deprecated and shall not be used when stating mandatory requirements; must is used only to describe unavoidable situations.Optional: A keyword that describes features which are not required to be implemented by this standard. However, if any optional feature defined by the standard is implemented, it shall be implemented as defined by the standard.Reserved: A keyword used to describe objects—bits, bytes, and fields—or the code values assigned to these objects in cases where either the object or the code value is set aside for future standardization. Usage and interpretation may be specified by future extensions to this or other standards. A reserved object shall be zeroed or, upon development of a future standard, set to a value specified by such a standard. The recipient of a reserved object shall not check its value. The recipient of a defined object shall check its value and reject reserved code values.Shall: A keyword that indicates a mandatory requirement strictly to be followed in order to conform to the standard and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required to). Designers are required to implement all such mandatory requirements to assure interoperability with other products conforming to this standard.Should: A keyword used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required; or that (in the negative form) a certain course of action is deprecated but not prohibited (should equals is recommended that).Will: The use of the word will is deprecated and shall not be used when stating mandatory requirements; will is only used in statements of fact.JEDEC Standard No. 220-2Page 3 3 Terms, and definitions (cont’d)3.4Abbreviationsetc. - And so forth (Latin: et cetera)e.g. - For example (Latin: exempli gratia)i.e. - That is (Latin: id est)3.5ConventionsUFS specification follows some conventions used in SCSI documents since it adopts several SCSI standards.A binary number is represented in this standard by any sequence of digits consisting of only the Western-Arabic numerals 0 and 1 immediately followed by a lower-case b (e.g., 0101b). Spaces may be included in binary number representations to increase readability or delineate field boundaries (e.g., 0 0101 1010b).A hexadecimal number is represented in this standard by any sequence of digits consisting of only the Western-Arabic numerals 0 through 9 and/or the upper-case English letters A through F immediately followed by a lower-case h (e.g., FA23h). Spaces may be included in hexadecimal number representations to increase readability or delineate field boundaries (e.g.,B FD8C FA23h).A decimal number is represented in this standard by any sequence of digits consisting of only the Western-Arabic numerals 0 through 9 not immediately followed by a lower-case b or lower-case h (e.g.,25).A range of numeric values is represented in this standard in the form "a to z", where a is the first value included in the range, all values between a and z are included in the range, and z is the last value included in the range (e.g., the representation "0h to 3h" includes the values 0h, 1h, 2h, and 3h).When the value of the bit or field is not relevant, x or xx appears in place of a specific value.The first letter of the name of a Flag is a lower-case f (e.g., fMyFlag).The first letter of the name of a parameter included a Descriptor or the first letter of the name of an Attribute is:∙ a lower-case b if the parameter or the Attribute size is one byte (e.g., bMyParameter),∙ a lower-case w if the parameter or the Attribute size is two bytes (e.g., wMyParameter),∙ a lower-case d if the parameter or the Attribute size is four bytes (e.g., dMyParameter),∙ a lower-case q if the parameter or the Attribute size is eight bytes (e.g., qMyParameter).JEDEC Standard No. 220-2Page 44Introduction4.1OverviewThe JESD220 standard already defined some features for UFS card (removable). The UFS card uses same protocol as embedded UFS device, but it has few card specific requirements like power consumption.4.2Functional FeaturesUFS card functional features are similar to UFS embedded device. These include:∙Support for MIPI M-PHY PWM-Gear1. HS-Gear2 (optional) and HS-Gear3∙Supports Multiple partitions (LUNs) with partition Management∙Supports Multiple User Data Partition with Enhanced User Data Area options∙Reliable write operation∙Background operations∙Secure operations, Purge and Erase to enhance data security∙Write Protection options, including Permanent and Power-On Write Protection∙Task management operations∙Power management operations5UFS Card System Architecture5.1OverviewThe UFS card will use same protocol as embedded UFS device. There will not be any change in the overall system architecture of removable UFS card compared to embedded card.5.2UFS Card SignalsFigure 5.1 shows the conceptual drawing of UFS card.C/DFigure 5.1 — UFS Card Block Diagram6 UFS Card DesignThe UFS card will follow the shark design and a simplified pictorial representation is shown in Figure 6.1. Refer to JEP95, MO-320, for more detailed mechanical dimensions of Figure 6.1, Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3.Figure 6.1 — UFS Card Top View6 UFS Card Design (cont’d)Figure 6.2 — UFS Card Bottom ViewPin 16 UFS Card Design (cont’d)Figure 6.3 — UFS Card Side View7Feature comparison of embedded UFS and UFS cardThe embedded UFS and UFS card follow the same protocol. But they will be used in different environment, the use cases will differ. So the UFS card shall have differences in supporting few features compared to embedded UFS. Table 7.1 shows the difference between embedded UFS and UFS card.The UFS card is supposed to be lite version of embedded UFS. So support for unnecessary gears shall be removed and UFS card shall supports only PWM-Gear1, HS-Gear2 (optional), and HS-Gear3. Similarly the UFS card shall support up to 1 lane compared to embedded UFS supports 2 lanes.VCCQ : The VCCQ pin is removed from UFS card to reduce the pin count. The UFS card vendors can use embed LDO to get the lower voltage which is aligned to their low voltage core from 3.3 V or 1.8 V source. Also as a power supply, 3.3 V and 1.8 V are mandatory considering the NAND controller, I/O logic. But 1.2 V can be generated wisely from 3.3 V or 1.8 V. So VCCQ pin (1.2 V) is not supported in UFS card.HW Reset : In case of embedded UFS the chip cannot be detached from the system PCB, so the HW reset pin is required.But in UFS card, card removal is possible, therefore the HW reset pin can be avoided. The minimizing of UFS card pin count can reduce the development and testing cost.Attributes : In embedded UFS the bRefClkFreq, bMaxNumOfRTT, and bMaxDataInSize, bMaxDataOutSize, bOutOfOrderDataEn and bActiveICCLevel attribute values are persistent. As the embedded UFS chip can’t be removed from the host, making these attributes value as persistent avoids re-initialization of these attributes. But in case of UFS card, it can be inserted in to different host which may want to use different values for these parameters. So in UFS card these attributes value shall reset to default value after every reset.8 UFS Card initializationThe UFS cad initialization follows same sequence as of eUFS. But as this is a removable device,VCC(3.3 V) and VCCQ2(1.8 V) may be provided after the UFS card is fully inserted into the card slot. The C/D pin may be used to support card insertion detection (refer to Annex A).Figure 8.1 — UFS Card InitializationCard Insertion UFS Link Start -up Process WaitNot Inserted Supply VCCQ2(1.8 V), VCC(3.3 V) Detect Card insertion in VoltageInserted8.1Initialization SequenceOnce the reset is done, the host will set the attributes to make the card compatible with the particular host.Figure 8.2 — UFS Card Initialization SequenceThe UFS card initialization is same as of embedded UFS, except the bRefClkFreq, bMaxNumOfRTT, bMaxDataInSize, bMaxDataOutSize,bOutOfOrderDataEn and bActiveICClevel attributes value will be set by the host. In embedded UFS these attributes will retain the value after the reset. But since the UFS card can be inserted into different host, these attribute values will be reset to their default value. The host has to set appropriate value before changing the mode to high speed mode.9Power ConsumptionThe UFS card shall be able to work in any host. Therefore power level which any UFS card can work shall be defined for host to provide required amount of power. So considering the removable card industry, the 1.6 watt would be needed for power consumption of the UFS card . The UFS card shall consume maximum 300 mA from VCC(3.3 V) and maximum 300 mA from VCCQ2(1.8 V).Annex A (informative) Host Guideline for UFS Card DetectionThe card detection (C/D) pin may be utilized to detect card insertion, by adding pull-up resistor to the C/D pin in the host-side C/D pin. When the UFS card is not inserted, host-side C/D pin shows non-zero voltage value. When the UFS card is inserted, host-side C/D pin shows zero voltage value because C/D pin of device is tied to ground.Figure A.1 — Host guideline for UFS Card DetectionUFS Card UFS HostStandard Improvement Form JEDECThe purpose of this form is to provide the Technical Committees of JEDEC with input from the industry regarding usage of the subject standard. Individuals or companies are invited to submit comments to JEDEC. All comments will be collected and dispersed to the appropriate committee(s).If you can provide input, please complete this form and return to:JEDECAttn: Publications Department3103 North 10th StreetSuite 240 SouthArlington, VA 22201-2107Fax: 703.907.7583Requirement, clause numberTest method number Clause numberUnclear Too RigidIn ErrorOther2. Recommendations for correction:3. Other suggestions for document improvement:Submitted byName: Phone: Company: E-mail: Address:City/State/Zip: Date:。
Panasonic D2SW-P系列陨落小型封闭基本开关说明书
㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Sealed Basic Switch with Simplified Construction, Mounting Compatible with SS and D2SW Series.●Rubber packing construction keeps dust off and offers temporary waterproofing protection (IEC IP67).●Switch rating of 2 A at 250 VAC possible with a single-leaf movable spring. Models for micro loads are also available.●Solder, quick-connect terminals (#110), PCB terminals, and molded lead wires are available. ●UL, CSA, VDE safety standard approved models are available upon request.RoHS CompliantModel Number Legend(Contact your dealer for detailed delivery date.)D2SW-P @@@@1. Ratings2 : 250 VAC 2 A 01 : 30 VDC 0.1 A2. ActuatorNone : Pin plunger L1 : Hinge leverL2 : Hinge roller lever L3 : Simulated roller lever3. Contact form None : SPDT-2 : SPST-NC (Molded lead wire models only) -3 : SPST-NO (Molded lead wire models only)4. TerminalsH : Solder terminalsD : Self-clinching PCB terminals T : Quick-connect terminals (#110)M : Molded lead wires1 2 3 4 Separator (Sold Separately), Terminal Connector (Sold Separately)Refer to "Micro Switch Common Accessories "D2SW-P Sealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Contact FormContact Specifications*Please refer to "●Using Micro Loads" in "Precautions" for moreinformation on the minimum applicable load.RatingsNote.The above rating values apply under the following test conditions.(1) Ambient temperature: 20±2°C(2) Ambient humidity: 65±5%(3) Operating frequency: 20 operations/minApproved Safety StandardsThe items shown in the "List of Models" are not standard approved models.Consult your OMRON sales representative for specific models with standard approvals.UL (UL1054/CSA C22.2 No.55) VDE (EN61058-1)Testing conditions: 5E4 (50,000 operations) T55 (0°C to 55°C) CharacteristicsNote.The data given above are initial values.*1.The dielectric strength shown in the table indicates values for models with a Separator.*2.The values are at Free Position and Total Travel Position values for pin plunger, and Total Travel Position value for lever. Close or open circuit of contact is 1 ms max.*3.For testing conditions, consult your OMRON sales representative.●SPDT●SPST-NC (Molded lead wire modelsonly)●SPST-NO (Molded lead wiremodels only)COM NO NC(Black)(Blue)(Red)COM NC(Black)(Red)COM NO(Black)(Blue)The color in parenthesesindicates the color of thelead wire.Item Model D2SW-P2 models D2SW-P01 modelsContactSpecification RivetCrossbarMaterial SilverGoldalloyGap (Standard value) 0.5 mmMinimum applicable load(reference value)*160 mA at 5 VDC 1 mA at 5 VDCModel Rated voltage Resistive loadD2SW-P2 models250 VAC2 A30 VDCD2SW-P01 models125 VAC0.1 A30 VDCRated voltage Model D2SW-P2 D2SW-P01125 VAC250 VAC-2 A0.1 A-30 VDC 2 A 0.1 ARated voltage Model D2SW-P2 D2SW-P01125 VAC250 VAC-2 A0.1 A-30 VDC 2 A 0.1 AItem Model D2SW-P2 models D2SW-P01 modelsPermissible operating speed 0.1 mm to 500 mm/s (for pin plunger models)Permissible operatingfrequencyMechanical 120operations/min Electrical 30operations/min Insulation resistance 100 mΩ min. (500 VDC with insulation tester)Contact resistance(initial value)Terminal models 50 mΩ max. 100 mΩ max.Molded lead wire models 100 mΩ max. 150 mΩ max.Dielectric strength *1Between terminals of thesame polarity1,000 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 min 600 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 minBetween current-carryingmetal parts and ground1,500 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 minBetween each terminalsand non-current-carryingmetal parts1,500 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 minVibration resistance *2 Malfunction 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitudeShock resistanceDestruction1,000 m/s2 {approx. 100G} max.Malfunction *2 300 m/s2 {approx. 30G} max.Durability *3Mechanical 1,000,000 operations min. (60 operations/min)Electrical 50,000 operations min. (20 operations/min) 200,000 operations min. (20 operations/min)Degree of protectionTerminal models IEC IP67 (excluding the terminals on terminal models)Molded lead wire models IEC IP67Degree of protection against electric shock Class IProof tracking index (PTI) 250Ambient operating temperature -20°C to +70°C (at ambient humidity of 60% max.) (with no icing or condensation)Ambient operating humidity 85% max. (for +5 to +35°C)Weight Approx. 2 g (for pin plunger models with terminals)D2SW-PSealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Terminals and Shapes (Unit: mm)●Solder terminals●Quick-connect terminals (#110)●PCB terminals <PCB Mounting Dimensions (Reference)>●Molded lead wiresMounting Holes(Unit: mm)±0.1±0.1±0.11.5 dia.D2SW-P Sealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Dimensions (Unit: mm) / Operating CharacteristicsThe illustrations and drawings are for solder terminal models.Refer to "Terminals and Shapes" of previous page for details on models with quick-connect terminals (#110) or PCB terminals or molded lead wires.The @ in the model number is for the contact form code or the terminal code. See the "List of Models" for available combinations of models.Note 1.Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions.Note 2.The operating characteristics are for operation in the A direction ().±0.12.35+-0.05+-0.05+-0.05●Hinge Lever ModelsD2SW-P2L1@@D2SW-P01L@@ModelOperating characteristicsD2SW-P2L1@@D2SW-P01L1@@Operating ForceReleasing ForceOFRFMax.Min.0.6 N {61 gf}0.05 N {5 gf}OvertravelMovement DifferentialOTMDMin.Max.0.8 mm0.8 mmFree PositionOperating PositionFPOPMax. 13.6mm8.8±0.8 mm●Pin Plunger ModelsD2SW-P2@@D2SW-P01@@ModelOperating characteristicsD2SW-P2@@D2SW-P01@@Operating ForceReleasing ForceOFRFMax.Min.1.8 N {184 gf}0.2 N {20 gf}PretravelOvertravelMovement DifferentialPTOTMDMax.Min.Max.0.6 mm0.4 mm0.15 mmOperating Position OP 8.4±0.3mm●Hinge Roller Lever ModelsD2SW-P2L2@@D2SW-P01L2@@ModelOperating characteristicsD2SW-P2L2@@D2SW-P01L2@@Operating ForceReleasing ForceOFRFMax.Min.0.6 N {61 gf}0.05 N {5 gf}OvertravelMovement DifferentialOTMDMin.Max.0.8 mm0.8 mmFree PositionOperating PositionFPOPMax.19.3 mm14.5±0.8 mm●Simulated Roller Lever ModelsD2SW-P2L3@@D2SW-P01L3@@ModelOperating characteristicsD2SW-P2L3@@D2SW-P01L3@@Operating ForceReleasing ForceOFRFMax.Min.0.6 N {61 gf}0.05 N {5 gf}OvertravelMovement DifferentialOTMDMin.Max.0.8 mm0.8 mmFree PositionOperating PositionFPOPMax. 15.5mm10.7±0.8 mmD2SW-PSealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Precautions★ Please refer to "Basic Switches Common Precautions" for correct use.●Degree of Protection•Do not use this product in water.Although this models satisfy the test conditions for thestandard given below, this test is to check the ingress of water into the switch enclosure after submerging the Switch in water for a given time. Satisfying this test condition does not mean that the Switch can be used in water.JIS C0920:Degrees of protection provided by enclosures of electrical apparatus (IP Code) IEC 60529:Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) Degree of protection: IP67(check water intrusion after immersion for 30 min submerged 1 m underwater)•Do not operate the Switch when it is exposed to water spray, or when water drops adhere to the Switch surface, or during sudden temperature changes, otherwise water may intrude into the interior of the Switch due to a suction effect. •Prevent the Switch from coming into contact with oil and chemicals.Otherwise, damage to or deterioration of Switch materials may result.•Do not use the Switch in areas where it is exposed to silicon adhesives, oil, or grease, otherwise faulty contact may result due to the generation of silicon oxide.•The environment-resistant performance of the switch differs depending on operating loads, ambient atmospheres, and installation conditions, etc. Please perform an operating test of the switch in advance under actual usage conditions.●Soldering•Connecting to Solder TerminalsWhen soldering the lead wire to the terminal, first insert the lead wire conductor through the terminal hole and then conduct soldering.Complete the soldering at the iron tip temperature between 350 to 400°C within 3 seconds, and do not apply any external force for 1 minute after soldering. Soldering at a excessively high temperature or soldering for more than 3 s may deteriorate the characteristics of the Switch. •Connecting to Quick-connect TerminalsWire the quick-connect terminals (#110) with receptacles. Insert the terminals straight into the receptacles. Applying excessive external force laterally may cause deformation of terminals and may damage the housings.•Connecting to PCB terminalsWhen using automatic soldering baths, we recommend soldering at 260±5°C within 5 seconds. Make sure that the liquid surface of the solder does not flow over the edge of the board.When soldering terminals manually, complete the soldering at the iron tip temperature between 350 to 400°C within 3seconds, and do not apply any external force for 1 minute after soldering. When applying solder, keep the solder away from the case of the Switch and do not allow solder or flux to flow into the case.●Side-actuated (Cam/Dog) Operation •When using a cam or dog to operate the Switch, factors such as the operating speed, operating frequency, push-button indentation, and material and shape of the cam or dog will affect the durability of the Switch. Confirm performancespecifications under actual operation conditions before using the Switch in applications.●Mounting•Turn OFF the power supply before mounting or removing the Switch, wiring, or performing maintenance or inspection. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or burning. •Use M2.3 mounting screws with plane washers or spring washers to securely mount the Switch.Tighten the screws to a torque of 0.23 to 0.26 N·m {2.3 to 2.7kgf·cm}. Exceeding the specified torque may result in deterioration of the sealing or damage.●Operating Body•Use an operating body with low frictional resistance and of a shape that will not interfere with the sealing rubber, otherwise the plunger may be damaged or the sealing may deteriorate. With the pin plunger models, set the Switch so that the plunger can be pushed in from directly above. Since the plunger is covered with a rubber cap, applying a force from lateral directions may cause damage to the plunger or reduction in the sealing capability. Since the plunger is covered with a rubber cap, applying a force from lateral directions may cause damage to the plunger or reduction in the sealing capability.●Handling•Do not handle the Switch in a way that may cause damage to the sealing rubber.•When handling the Switch, ensure that uneven pressure or, as shown in the following diagram, pressure in a direction other than the operating direction is not applied to the Actuator, otherwise the Actuator or Switch may be damaged, or durability may be decreased.●Wiring Molded Lead Wire Models•When wiring molded lead wire models, ensure that there is no force applied on the wire or that there are no sharp bends near the parts where the wire is drawn out.Otherwise, damage to the Switch or deterioration in the sealing may result.CautionsCorrect UseD2SW-P Sealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼●Using Micro Loads•Using a model for ordinary loads to open or close the contactof a micro load circuit may result in faulty contact. Use modelsthat operate in the following range. However, even when usingmicro load models within the following operating range, ifinrush current occurs when the contact is opened or closed, itmay increase the contact wear and so decrease durability.Therefore, insert a contact protection circuit where necessary.The N-level reference value applies for the minimumapplicable load.This value indicates the malfunction referencelevel for the reliability level of 60% (λ60). (JIS C5003)The equation λ60=0.5×10-6/operations indicates that theestimated malfunction rate is less than operationswith a reliability level of 60%.12,000,000Current (mA)Voltage(V)•Application examples provided in this document are for reference only. In actual applications, confirm equipment functions and safety before using the product.• Consult your OMRON representative before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems or equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used improperly. Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product provide a margin of safety for the system or equipment, and be sure to provide the system or equipment with double safety mechanisms.OMRON CorporationELECTRONIC AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS COMPANY Contact: /ecb Cat. No. B109-E1-040812(0207)(O)Note: Do not use this document to operate the Unit.。
H2S 使用指导说明书
H2S使用指导文档版本软件版本修订说明修订时间V1.0首次发行20170616V1.12019.7.15目录1产品外观 (4)1.1按键及接口介绍 (4)1.2挂墙安装方法 (6)2话机设置 (7)2.1获取IP地址 (7)2.2查询IP地址 (7)2.3如何登陆话机后台网页 (7)2.4网络设置 (7)2.5SIP设置 (8)2.6LED指示灯状态 (9)3基本操作 (10)3.1打电话 (10)3.2接电话 (10)3.3保留通话 (10)3.4重拨 (10)4高级操作 (11)4.1通话转接 (11)4.2语音留言 (11)5常见问题 (12)1产品外观1.1按键及接口介绍A:来电、留言指示灯遇来电振铃时闪烁,如果电话交换系统支持留言功能(MWI)且有留言时,留言灯亮B:保留按键按此按键可将通话进行保留操作C:释放键结束正在进行的通话(挂机后再次摘机)D:转接将通话转接给另一号码E:重拨键重拨您最后一次拨出的电话F:音量加按此按键可增加音量G:音量减按此按键可减少音量H:使用指示灯I:电源指示灯J:网线槽K:WAN口L:耳机口M:手柄曲线槽N:挂墙螺丝孔O:DC电源口(不使用DC电源时,请将配带的PVC片贴于此位置,防止灰尘或杂物进入。
参照以下尺寸安装话机10.7cm螺丝孔螺丝孔墙壁嵌入式接线盒尺寸8.5cm*8.5cm5.8cm 13.2cm2话机设置2.1获取IP地址默认的网络设置为DHCP,网络接通后话机将会自动的从DHCP服务器(路由)获取IP地址。
s22型8000kva油浸式变压器硅钢片参数1. 概述8000kva油浸式变压器是工业和民用电力输变电系统中常用的重要设备,而硅钢片是变压器的核心部件之一。
本文将对S22型8000kva 油浸式变压器的硅钢片参数进行详细介绍,以便读者更好地了解这一重要设备的结构和性能。
2. S22型8000kva油浸式变压器简介S22型8000kva油浸式变压器是一种大容量变压器,适用于大型发电厂、变电站及工矿企业的配电系统中。
3. 硅钢片在S22型8000kva油浸式变压器中的作用硅钢片是变压器铁芯的主要材料,其主要作用是降低铁芯的磁滞损耗和涡流损耗,提高变压器的能效。
4. S22型8000kva油浸式变压器硅钢片参数在选择S22型8000kva油浸式变压器时,需要了解其硅钢片参数,以便对其性能有一个清晰的了解。
主要包括以下几个方面:- 硅钢片的厚度:一般情况下,硅钢片的厚度与变压器的额定容量成正比,8000kva的变压器需要较厚的硅钢片来承载较大的电压。
- 硅钢片的磁导率:磁导率是硅钢片的重要参数之一,直接影响着变压器的能效。
- 硅钢片的损耗:硅钢片的损耗是指在其工作过程中产生的磁滞损耗和涡流损耗,这直接影响着变压器的能效和温升情况。
5. 结论通过以上对S22型8000kva油浸式变压器硅钢片参数的介绍,读者可以更清晰地了解这一重要设备的结构和性能特点。
6. 硅钢片的材质在S22型8000kva油浸式变压器中,硅钢片通常采用高品质的硅钢材料。
富士通BS2000 OSD SQ210商业主机数据手册说明书
DatasheetFujitsu BS2000/OSDSQ210 business serverThe powerful mainframefor the entry- and medium performance rangeShort description Array The combination of proven BS2000/OSD functionality with high-end Intel® Xeon® MP processors results in thenew Business Server SQ210, an ideal server to run BS2000/OSD applications economically.The new server generation SQ210 extends the application range of SQ servers through a intensely increasedmonoprocessor performance and an enlarged overall performance range of up to 1750 RPF.OSD Extended Configuration OSD/XC is the BS2000/OSD operating system package for Business Servers in theSQ server line. The Business Servers SQ210 are supported by BS2000 OSD/XC V9.0 which consists of theoperating system BS2000/OSD-BC V9.0 and several system-related software products.VM2000 version V10.0 supports multiple BS2000 guest systems at the SQ210 Server Unit. The SQ210 basesoftware also enables the optional use of Linux and Windows Server® guest systems parallel to BS2000/OSD.Besides these guest systems on the Server Unit, SQ210 also incorporates additional optional Application Unitsto run Linux and WIndows applications native or under VMware vSphere.In order to further increase the availability of SQ210 servers a high-availability configuration with two SQ serversand/or two ETERNUS DX disk storage systems can be set up. Hardware and software components for couplingredundant SQ servers enable the simple and fast relocation of guest systems with the applications they arerunning to a second server. The mutual monitoring of the SQ210 Business Server during operation enablesautomatic restart of monitored guest systems and applications on the backup system if a server fails.Furthermore, it is possible to switch to a mirrored storage system without a lengthy interruption of theapplication if an ETERNUS DX disk storage system fails.The relocation of guest systems and applications can also be performed as a Live Migration (LM). This meansthe relocation of guest systems (BS2000, Linux, Windows) with the applications they are running from one SQ210 server (SU or AU) to a second server during ongoing operation. The user can continue to use the applications during relocation (without a lengthy interruption). Live Migration is supported on SQ210 for guest systems on the server unit and for VMware guest systems on Application Units. A native, running BS2000 system without a VM2000 can also be relocated to a second SQ210 via LM.The browser-based user interface of the SQ Manager is used for the administration of the whole SQ210 Business Server including the control of the high-availability and live-migration functionality. It provides both SQ specific functions and the use of established administration GUIs for guest systems and Application Units.Sixteen models are configured as complete HW/SW packages with all components required to support comfortable and efficient BS2000 operation.In addition to hard disks connected directly to the SQ210 via SAS RAID controller, and a very compact tape cartridge unit for automated backup,, SCALAR i6000) are supported with SQ210.Features and benefits1) The installed physical memory has the double capacity. The second half is used for memory mirroring and isn’t incorporated in these figures.2) Around 70% of memory is available for BS2000 and Linux-/Windows guest systems . Remaining memory is used by SQ210 firmware.Some BS2000 memory is used to accelerate BS2000 applications with the Just in Time translator JIT.Main Memory16 GB to 512 GB, mounted on 4 to 8 memory boardsbuilt of 4 GB-, 8 GB- or 16 GB-DDR3 dimms.Advanced ECC, Memory MirrorDisks, drives and others■4 integrated RAID SAS 2,5’’ system disks with 450 GB each, mirroredin pairs, hot plug■LTO-4 drive■DVD-RW writer■8 hot plug fans (redundant)■4 hot plug power supplies (redundant)Interfaces and onboard controllersI/O Slots *)■4x PCI-Express 2.0 x8,■3x PCI-Express 2.0 x4, (2x ½ length, 1x ¾ length)■1x PCI-Express 2.0 x16■2x PCI-Express x4 (2x half height)■*) One slot is used for the controller of the internal LTO-4 drive Basic server dataManagement and Remote Service Console (MARS)■Intel® Xeon® E5-2620 processor, 6 cores■2x 4 GB main memory (mirrored)■2 integrated RAID SAS 2,5’’ system disks with 300 GB each, mirrored, hot plug■DVD RW writer■6 hot plug fans (redundant)■2 redundant power supplies with 450 W each■Interfaces and controllersSQ210 system rack■19’’ rack with 42 U height and 1050 mm depth,9 U used for components of the SQ210 basic configuration■Alternatively, a basic network (BNET) or an extended network (ENET) for the internal, redundant connection of the SQ210 components.BNET: 2 LAN switches unmanaged (1 Gbit/s, 16 ports)ENET: 2 LAN switches managed (1 Gbit/s, 48 ports);ENET is required for private network connections (PNET) within an SQ server and between two SQ servers, which are required for HA and LM. ENET also enables the configuration of faster, more secure and more redundant network connections for exchanging application data between the SU and AUs of the SQ server.■Keyboard/Video/Mouse switch, analogous, 8 ports■ISDN modem for teleservice (optional),alternative: remote service with AIS Connect■Rack consoleFold-out 17’’ TFT-Monitor,Resolution up to 1280x1024 (SXGA), 32 Bit color depth, Keyboard US/English, TouchpadOptional SQ210 Components(see separate data sheets)■Storage subsystem ETERNUS JX40 (SAS RAID)■Magnetic tape changer ETERNUS LT40 (1 – 2 drives,LTO4/SAS, LTO4/Fibre Channel or LTO5/Fibre Channel)■Online UPS (APC) 5 or 10 KVA with external runtime extensions SQ210 Application Unit (optional)High-End X86-Server■Intel® 7500-chip set■2 - 4 Intel® Xeon® processors of E7 series with 6 to 10 cores■8 – 1024 GB registered DDR3 dimms, ECC,optional Memory-Mirror ■DVD-RW drive■Integrated Remote Management Controller iRMC S2■8 fans, redundant■4 power supplies, redundant■10 PCI express Slots■8 2,5“ Slots for disk drives (SSD, SATA or SAS)■1 5,25“ Slot for back-up drives■Operating system SUSE SLES 11, Windows Server 2008 or 2012, different guests with Vmware vSphereV5.0 or V5.1.Other OS on request, e.g. RHEL, MS Hyper-V or Citrix XenServerSQ210 SAN Integration Package (optional)■Two SAN Switches Brocade 300 with SFPs andFibre Channel cables, connecting the Server Unit and all Application Units with the switches■Installation into SQ210-Rack■Configuration using Gateway-Modus■StorMan software to display and configure external disk systems connected with SQ210Technical data of the switches: see data sheet of Brocade 300.SQ210 High Availability and Live Migration (optional)■Configurable switchover from guest systems of the server unit (except for BS2000-Monitor-VM) and the Application Unit to a replacement system - automatically if a server fails or manually, e.g. for maintenance or load transfer.Relocation of a native operated OSD/XC system to a second SQ server is also possible.■Depending on the configuration, an application restart is performed by the user using automatic start-up scripts, or manually.■Automatic switchover to a mirror system is also offered in case the primary storage system fails. If both system components fail, a common storage and server switchover can be started manually.■Live Migration for interrupt-free maintenance/updating for hardware and firmware or in order to adapt the load to the resources of two servers in ongoing operation.■Administration of the HA / LM function (inclusion / removal of guest systems in HA monitoring, HA/LM implementation, information functions) takes place in the SQ Manager.■Prerequisites for HA: Two SQ200 or SQ210 servers with an extended internal ENET network and with the same peripherals as well as the software package HAPS,where necessary VM2000 V10.0 for the BS2000 guest systems of the server unit,where necessary VMware Vspere V5.0 or V5.1 for the guest systems of the Application Unit.■If only one SQ210 server is available, BS2000 systems and applications can be switched to a second storage system using ENET and the software HAPST.■Live Migration has the same requirements as HA, but always requires two SQ210 Business Servers.BS2000, cannot be used under OSD/XC V4.1 and VM2000 V9.5.Installation dataBusiness Server SQ210SQ210 System Cabinet 1)Width (transport width) 700 (800) mmDepth (transport depth) 1050 (1200) mmHeight (transport height) 2003 (2150) mmMaintenance area front: 900 mmrear: 800 mmside (left/right): 800 mm each sideWeight 2)as of ca. 250 kg (depending on system configuration)Rated voltage 230 VOptional power connections two 1-phase connections with blue CEE plug 16A orone 3-phase connection CEE 3x16A orone 1-phase connection CEE 16A and one 1-phase permanentconnection 32 A (for UPS)Additional connections may be required for extension components in theSQ rack.Power cable length Power cable, 4 m longFrequency 50/60 HzPower consumption, max. 2)1350 – 1700 VA (load-dependent)Heat generation, max. 2)4900 – 6200 kJ/h (load-dependent)Operating temperature 10°C to 35 °CStandards Safety: GS, EN 60950-1, EN 60529 - IP20Compliance: CE class A, FCC class ACB, RoHS, WEEE1)Data on optional SQ210 extensions and additional storage components which can be integrated in the SQ210 cabinet are available indifferent data sheets2)These data include SQ210-160F with all components of the basic configuration(Server unit, MARS, rack console, console switch, LAN switch)Application UnitWeight Up to 46 kg, depending on the configurationRated voltage 230 VOptional power connections two 1-phase connections with blue CEE plug 16A orone 3-phase connection CEE 3x16A orone 1-phase connection CEE 16A and one 1-phase permanentconnection 32 A (for UPS)Frequency 50/60 HzPower consumption, max. 1790 WHeat generation, max. 6444 kJ/hOperating temperature 10°C to 35 °CStandards GSCE Class AIn addition to Fujitsu BS2000/OSD, Fujitsu provides a range of platform solutions. They combine reliable Fujitsu products with the best in services, know-how and worldwide partnerships.Dynamic InfrastructuresWith the Fujitsu Dynamic Infrastructures approach, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of IT products, solutions and services, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions,Managed Infrastructure and Infrastructure as a Service. How much you benefit from Fujitsu technologies and services depends on the level of cooperation you choose. This takes IT flexibility and efficiency to the next level.Computing products/global/services/computing/ ■ PRIMERGY: Industrial standard server ■ SPARC Enterprise: UNIX server■ PRIMEQUEST: Mission-critical IA server ■ ETERNUS: Storage system ■ BS2000/OSD mainframesSoftware/software/■ Interstage: Application infrastructure software■Systemwalker: System management softwareLearn more about Fujitsu BS2000/OSD SQ210 business server, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, or visit our website./fts/products/computi ng/servers/bs2000/business/sq210/index.ht mlFujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues ofenvironmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:/global/about/environ ment/© Copyright 2012 Fujitsu Technolgy Solutions GmbHFujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries.Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.Technical data subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.More informationE-mail: ***********************.com Website: /bs2000 2013-07-10 EM EN。
石家庄开发区高达科技 JDS-1000WD JDS-2000WD 电声警报器 说明书
JDS-1000WD电声警报器JDS-2000WD使用说明书石家庄开发区高达科技开发有限公司目录1.JDS系列电声警报器产品简介: (2)2.功能特点 (2)3.警报器的安装与使用 (2)3.1.警报器的安装 (2)3.2.警报器的使用 (3)4.警报器前面板按键功能及操作 (4)4.1.电源开关、键盘锁、监听、警报、语音及充电按键的使用 (4)4.2.液晶各功能菜单的操作 (5)5.警报器的输入输出接口 (7)5.1.卧式机型 (7)5.2.壁挂机型 (7)6.技术指标 (8)6.1.JDS-1000WD型技术指标 (8)6.2.JDS-2000WD型技术指标 (9)1.JDS系列电声警报器产品简介:JDS-系列电声警报器分为1000W和2000W两种类型,型号分别为JDS-1000WD和JDS-2000WD。
1.前言說明 (1)2.目錄 (1)3.緊急處理方法 (2)4.安全注意事項 (2)5.各部名稱說明 (3)5.功能特點 (4)6.按鍵操作說明 (4)7.製作豆漿的使用方法 (5)8.製作豆沙類的使用方法 (6)9.製作白粥或花粥的使用方法 (7)8.製作米糊類的使用方法 (8)8.製作高湯或燉湯的使用方法 (9)9.攪拌類的使用方法 (10)10.清洗行程的使用方法 (11)10.清潔保養 (12)11.簡易故障排除 (13)12.規格 (14)1在使用本機之前,應仔細閱讀下列事項及使用說明,閱後並請妥為收存,以備將來參考:1.當發生異常或有燒焦味時,應立即拔除電源插頭,若在異常狀態下繼續使用,易造成火災之發生。
3.機器使用時,加好料後加水需在上下水位線之間,水位過低會造成燒焦, 的可能。
产品说明书:X XS 22 工业洗浴机
507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual2 / 43Drawing nr. 508019B - 25-Oct-04frame1 X01101000022 Completeframe1 501587 Completelabel2 PRI551000087 Earthgutter3 PRI407000109 Cable4 PRI250000005 Blind rivet 2,6x65 309084000410 BoltM4x10M6x126 309084100612 BoltM8x147 PRI203000019 Bolt8 PRI407000109 Cablegutter49 311127000004 Washer10 311902100004 Washer4,311 X01131100012 Front panel assembly12 X01133500011 Soap hopper cover assembly, (Full Control version)12 X01233500011 Soap hopper cover assembly (Card version)13 X01131001511 Rear cover (elect. heating and without heating)13 X01131001411 Rear cover (steam heating)14 X01131001613 Soap hopper cover lid15 102260 Emergency stop, (Full Control version)15 PRI401020022 Switching off unit16 102259 Emergency stop push button, (Full Control version)17 PRI505000058 Protecting rubber Étiquette avec logo exportation Europe Schild Logo Export Europa Placa con logotipo exportación Europa20 101805 Label logo, export Europe Étiquette avec logo exportation USA Schild Logo Export USA Placa con logotipo exportación EEUU20 548200100010 Label logo, export USA"Centralstop"21 548011028014 Label22 309500240618 Bolt M6x188,423 311125000008 Washer824 311127000008 WasherM8x2025 309933000820 Bolt26 X01131300014 Front panel supportpanel27 X01131100312 Frontsheet28 X01131100414 Antivibration29 X01131100614 Cover30 230200007514 Electrical label (electr. heating)33 X01133500112 Soap hopper cover plate35 235133500524 Rear relay holder36 PRI346000030 Magnetic switch 1032W, (Full Control version)36 PRI346000032 Magnetic switch, (Card Control version)rubber37 PRI505000058 Protectingrubber38 PRI709000013 Protectingrubber38 PRI709000013 ProtectingM3x1239 309963000312 BoltM4x1040 309963000410 BoltM443 310934000004 Nut4,345 311679824104 Washer346 311679800003 Washer51 345000032132 Plug52 Label warning (according language version)M653 311679824006 Washer54 311125240006 Washer6507 438 Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 3 /43507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual4 / 43Drawing nr. 508020A - 25-Apr-041 X01131500013 Right - front complete side panel2 X01132100013 Left - front complete side panel3 X01132500012 Back left complete side panel4 X01133100012 Back right complete side panel5 X01131002014 Clamp for rear cover6 PRI505000058 Protecting rubber - profile UM8x207 309933000820 BoltM6x128 309933000612 Bolt8,49 311125000008 Washer6,410 311125000006 Washer811 311127000008 Washer612 311127000006 Washer13 X01131500113 Right - front side panel14 PRI611000023 SRV - pindevice15 PRI610030007 Locking16 PRI610002 007 Lockinghookrubber17 PRI505000058 Protecting18 100179 Antivibration sheet I.19 100179 Antivibration sheet II.20 310934000005 NutM55,321 311125000055 Washer522 311127000005 Washer23 X01132100113 Front left side panel24 X01132500111 Side panel back left side panel25 PRI611000018 Acceptor for SVR-pin26 100179 Antivibration sheet-left I.27 100179 Antivibration sheet-left II.passage28 273121015002 Cable29 PRI250000009 Blind rivet 3,2x7,930 X01133100111 Back right side panelrubber31 PRI505000058 ProtectingM632 PRI250002011 Insertnutnut33 PRI610006007 Smallnut34 PRI610005007 Big35 PRI522000012 Washer36 345900032132 Universalplug507 438 Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 5 / 43507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual6 / 43Drawing nr. 508021A - 25-Apr-04tub1 515147 Complete2 X01127000014 Front shield fastening ring3 X01100010914 Washer4 273238006076 Hopper tube soap hose5 230100006514 Fastening ring coverII.6 235300007015 Bolt7 230100005215 Tub front adjusting bolt8 273239001886 Front shield seal9 503839 Temperature sensor (Full Control version, Card Control version)10 PRI614000047 Adapter, (Full Control version, Card Control version)12 PRI342000032 Heating element 6000W - 220V13 PRI342001016 Heating element blindM6x6014 309933000660 BoltM5x3015 309966240530 Bolt16 PRI228000006 Self-locking nut M5M617 310934000006 NutM1218 310934000012 Nut19 PRI247000003 Ornamental washer for M5620 311127000006 Washer1221 311127000012 Washer6,422 311125000006 Washerclamp24 PRI240000021 Hose25 X01134100012 Complete control box supportM8x2026 309159324820 Bolt8,427 311125000008 Washer28 235131002423 Clamp for spray rinse hoseM6x1829 309500240618 Bolt32 X01108100013 Complete front of washing machine3/4"33 319428324805 Plugboard34 X01105002524 CarryingM8x3035 309933240830 Bolt36 309933240815 Bolt M8x1537 310985000008 Self-locking nut M839 311125200008 Washer M8 (copper)40 311125000008 Washer M8 - zincing steel41 X01128000014 Wires protection tubeM4x1242 309084240412 BoltM443 310934000004 Nut444 311127000004 Washer4,345 311125000004 Washer48 S01100010014 Label "heatwarning" - bigwasher49 631613605100 Plastic507 438 Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 7 / 43507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual8 / 43Drawing nr. 508022A - 29-Sep-041 518479 Drum2 501525 Bolt3 503576 Washer4 503575 NutM14507 438 Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 9 / 43507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual10 / 43door 1 X01107000011 Completering2 223107000513 Door3 X01107100012 Holder4 X01107200113 Hinge5 X01107001323 Glassseal6 273112994945 Door7 PRI610000082 Plate of hingelever 9 PRI610001082 DoorlockM0710******* Doorlock handle, (export USA)10 PRI610000085 Doorlock handle shining510604 Doorlock handle black with logo, (export USA)510605 Doorlock handle black without logoaxle11 PRI610000089 HandleM6x2012 PRI212000032 Bolt13 310985000006 Self-locking nut M6spring14 PRI611000045 Handle15 PRI247010013 Safety washer 2,4616 311125240006 WasherM4x617 309084000406 Bolt19 311127000006 WasherM6x1220 309931240618 BoltM6x1821 309933240618 Bolt22 223107000814 Washernut23 PRI185001180 Holderpiece24 PRI523000014 Insertion25 223107000614 BoltM10M4x626 309553000406 Bolt27 507735 Door shower support28 507745 Fitting adapter for hose II.29 506503 Elbow connection 3/4"30 507737 Doorshower adapter fitting Iinsert 31 235108104414 Shower33 273111038046 "O" ring 46x38shower34 PRI425000068 Door35 PRI551001244 Label "spin direction"36 X01100011114 Hingewasher 37 PRI505007055 Shower hose 3/4"M8x2038 309159324820 Bolt39 311127240008 Washer M8washer 40 X01100010313 Distance641 311127240006 Washer42 548011072014 Label Warning heat43 X01107004715 NutSpare-parts manual12 / 431 X01108300013 Doorlock2 PRI610000132 Ground plate lockspring3 223116000214 Lockplate4 PRI610055077 Decoupling5 PRI610054077 Decouplingplatehousing6 X01108000512 Lock7 X01108000814 Housingwasher8 PRI611000050 Spring locking partcover 10 X01108200013 Completelockcoil11 PRI610000087 Locking12 PRI610000134 Locking part handle13 PRI610000090 Spindle for lock φ4x4514 PRI610000091 Tube lock φ6x23,515 PRI610034077 Microswitch16 PRI610011077 Microswitch17 PRI610012077 Coil18 PRI610012077 Coil19 PRI611000048 Spring locking partspring20 PRI611000047 Leafpassage21 PRI501000069 Cable22 PRI230000007 WasherM3x623 PRI212000001 BoltM4x824 309084000408 BoltM3x1625 PRI211000007 BoltM3x626 PRI211000001 BoltM3x1427 PRI202002067 Bolt28 PRI242000013 Retaining ring 10M5x2029 PRI242000013 Bolt430 311125240004 WasherM4x631 309933240406 Bolt32 X01108000614 Bolt633 311127240006 Washerswivel35 PRI350000056 CableM537 311125240005 WasherM6x1238 309933240612 BoltM4x839 309084100408 BoltM640 311125240006 Washer41 PRI350001056 Nutlabel42 PRI551000001 Earth443 311679824004 Washertape44 248000012003 DampingM4x1245 309084100412 BoltSpare-parts manual14 / 431 X01105000112 Bearinghouse2 X01105002614 Adapter3 PRI543000010 Grease hose adapter M10x14 PRI543000009 Cap nut M12x1,55 325000000260 Feltring6 325000022215 Bearing7 325000000315 Bushingtype8 325000010130 Ring9 X01105000613 Bearning house lidcase10 PRI158000039 Joint11 PRI530000023 Axial joint ringring12 PRI530000030 Shaft13 501534 Sealflange 18 PRI216000078 Bolt M18x70 DIN912pulley19 X01105002412 Belt20 PRI608000081 Bushing18x1021 X01105002934 Washer22 X01105002814 Washer23 309933001630 BoltM16x30M6x20 24 309933240620 BoltM625 310934240006 Nut626 311125200006 Washer627 311125000006 WasherM8x25 28 309933000825 Bolt829 311127000008 Washer30 X01105100016 Complete flangeSpare-parts manual16 / 431 X01100010414 Washmotor adjusting plate I.2 X01100010514 Spinmotor adjusting plate II.pulley3 X01100011513 Washmotor4 X01100011714 Spinmotor pulley - 50HzX01100011624 Spinmotor pulley - 60Hz5 PRI325001079 Washmotor - 50HzPRI325000075 Washmotor - 60Hz6 PRI325001080 Spinmotor - 50HzPRI325000076 Spinmotor - 60Hz7 PRI607000100 Motor V- belt8 PRI607000065 DrumV-beltM6x109 309913000610 BoltM8x2510 309933000825 Bolt11 311127000008 Washer88,412 311125000008 WasherM10x12013 309933001120 BoltM1014 310934000010 Nut10,515 311127000010 Washer1016 311125000010 WasherM10x3017 309933001030 Bolt18 X01100011014 Motor terminal board holderswivel19 PRI350000056 CableM6x1620 309084000616 Bolt621 311127000006 Washer6,422 311125000004 Washer23 PRI350001056 Nutshield24 S01100008414 MotorM1025 311902100010 WasherSpare-parts manual18 / 43board2 501571 Motor3 501589 Cover of frequency invertor4 501557 Pulley5 100450 Filter 1-ph 230V5 100451 Filter 3-ph 400V6 338400100032 Motor 3kW, 230-400V, 50Hz7 101825 Frequency inverter 3-ph 400V7 101823 Frequency inverter 1-ph 230V7 102424 Frequency inverter fan7 516076 Communication cable Câble de communication Kommunikationskabel Cable de comunicación8 PRI607000065 V-belt9 309913000610 BoltM6x10M5x1010 309084000510 Bolt511 311125000005 WasherM512 311127000005 WasherM10x12013 309933001120 BoltM1014 310934000010 Nut15 311125000010 Washer101016 311127000010 WasherM10x3017 309933001030 Boltsocket18 F0510******* CableM4x1020 309084000410 Bolt421 311127000004 Washer24 309084240510 BoltM5x101025 311902900010 WasherM526 311127000005 Washer27 311125000005 Washer528 100925 Brake resistor 240V28 100946 Brake resistor 400VSpare-parts manual20 / 43Drawing nr. 508027A - 25-Apr-041 515155 Soap hopper assembly2 PRI610010012 Soap hopper lock - complete3 X01110001413 Cover4 X01111100013 Complete soaphopper doorinsert5 X01111200013 Door10x20x1130mm6 273442021020 Seal7 S01100008914 Label of soap hopperswitch8 PRI346000031 MagneticM4x89 309933240408 Bolt410 311125240004 WasherM411 310934240004 Nut12 PRI229000004 Locking nut M614 X01111000013 Complete soaphopper door - complete4,316 311679824004 Washer18 PRI155001061 Soap hopper lever19 235110001614 Injector20 235110001715 Nut26 PRI609000003 Doorhinge27 223110002122 Soap dosing hopper28 PRI227001008 Ornamental nut M6lever29 235110500124 SecureM630 PRI609000002 Bolt31 PRI609000001 Shaft1232 311127000012 WasherM1233 PRI226000015 Nut34 PRI231002003 Washer6,4M635 PRI228000001 Nut36 120102302325 SpringM4x839 309933240408 BoltM8x2545 309933000825 BoltI.47 X01100010214 HolderM848 310934800008 Nut849 311127000008 Washer8,450 311125000008 Washer51 S01100008114 Label Warning"Heatwarning"52 S01100007214 LabelSpare-parts manual22 / 431 X01216000021 Card programmer control box assemblybox2 X021*******3 Completecover3 X01216200014 Complete5 PRI185000189 Level switch holder6 PRI121001003 Hingerubber7 PRI505000058 Protecting8 PRI610000007 Lockhook9 PRI610002007 Locking10 311902100004 Retaining ring 3,211 F01216500414 Buzzerholder12 PRI345034026 Buzzer 220V AC13 223245000825 Pin of programmerplate14 X01216002023 Faciaswitch15 PRI340000074 Level16 PRI343009028 Card programmer K24 220-50/60Hz17 506500 Thermostat18 102259 Emergency stop push button19 102260 Switch20 PRI348012097 Pilot light, (green)21 345020122499 Pilot light, (white)22 X022******** Terminal board holder24 PRI540001003 CapilarrySwivel25 PRI350000056 Cable26 PRI501000069 Cable Passage 8x227 PRI501000070 Cable Passage 5,5x228 309933240815 BoltM8x15M829 PRI226000009 Nut830 PRI231000021 Washer831 311125240008 WasherM6x1032 309933000610 Bolt633 311127000006 Washer634 311125000006 WasherM635 310934000006 Nut36 309500240408 BoltM4x837 PRI250000014 Blind rivet 3,2x7,938 PRI551001099 Label39 PRI551001248 Label"Centralstop"label40 PRI551000001 Earth41 PRI522000012 Washer42 PRI610006007 Smallnutnut43 PRI610005007 Big44 345000926647 Terminal board 15-poles45 345000926682 Terminal board 6-poles46 345000927231 Terminal board 9-polesM4x1247 PRI211000022 BoltM448 PRI226000003 Nut49 PRI231000002 Washer4,354 Label Warning according language versionM356 PRI226000001 Nut357 PRI245000001 Washer58 Label Warning according language version65 PRI343015028 Program card K24/50HzPRI343016028 Program card K24/60Hz67 X01119002414 Terminal board holder 1.68 PRI350001056 Nutbutton 71 345020123709 Pushcover 72 PRI543000003 Button"Flash"73 230200007514 Label507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 26 / 43Drawing nr. 508028B - 13-Feb-05box1 501576 Microprocesorkeyboard2 PRI185000228 Z-profil3 X01216200014 Cover box complete7 503151 Label48 311679824004 WasherM4x89 309798524408 Bolt11 501580 Holder of terminal boardM3x812 309084000308 BoltM414 311679824004 WasherM4x816 309500240408 Boltswitch17 PRI348000113 Change-overM8x1518 309933240815 Bolt19 310934240008 NutM820 PRI343000212 Power board PWR21 100521 Keyboard MCB40-Full Control version22 100986 Microcontroller board MCB 40-Full Control version24 310934000004 NutM4strap25 PRI505000058 Deckle27 345000926647 Terminal board 15 poles28 345000927231 Terminal board 9 poles31 PRI551000001 Earthing index plate32 548000121014 Label of change-over switch33 235314001215 Pin8,434 311125000008 Washer35 307732029003 Retaining ring 3.236 101040 BoltM4x1237 309084000412 Bolt40 337230802050 VentilatorM441 310934000004 Nut4.344 311125000004 Washergrate45 321848114140 Air847 311127000008 Washerpassage49 273121008002 Cablepassage50 273121005052 CableM456 311679800004 Washer61 Card of program62 101041 Knurled thumb screws with collar M3x3070 PRI551000087 Label "Service warning"grate71 321848303060 Air72 501581 Holder of terminal board73 PRI610000007 Locknut74 PRI610005007 Big75 PRI522000012 Washernut76 PRI610006007 Small77 PRI610002007 Pawl79 102270 Microchip, (Full Control version)82 X022******** Ventcover"Flash"83 230200007514 LabelM584 311125000005 Washer85 310934000005 NutM5Warning86 PRI551002233 Label507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 28 / 43Drawing nr. 508037A - 08-Jan-04 1 501582 Board of microprocessorboard2 235119400824 Reinfortcementend4 346000209101 Terminal5 F021******** Earthingclamp6 101643 TransformerM4x167 309084000416 Bolt9 514038 Contactordisconnector10 358251601312 Fuse358251503220 Roller fuse insert type 25A/500V 1AC358251503160 Roller fuse insert type 16A/500V 3AC11 514042 Heating contactor, 380-415VPRI345002019 Heating contactor, 208-240V12 358251503240 Roller fuse insert type 32A, 380-415V358251503220 Fuse 25A/500V, 208-240Vend13 346000209101 Terminal14 PRI401001020 Fuse sleeve smallPRI401003020 Fuse sleeve big1A/500V16 345805163032 Fuse2,5A/250V345805363032 Fuse1APRI401023021 Fuse3,2x7,919 313250032079 Rivetchannel20 366610025375 CableM4x1221 309084000412 Bolt22 PRI326002004 Holder of rectifier423 311125240004 WasherM6x1226 309084100612 Bolt427 311679824004 Washer628 311679824006 Washer429 311125240004 WasherM6x1232 309084000616 BoltM633 310934000006 NutM4x1234 309084100412 Bolt635 311125240006 WasherM636 311127000006 WasherM637 310934000006 Nut38 309084000416 BoltM4x16439 311679800004 WasherM440 310934000004 Nut41 309084000322 BoltM3x22washer42 235119001724 Microswitchnut43 235119001815 Microswitch44 235119300415 Adjustmentweight45 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch46 PRI610028077 Microswitch47 PRI610012077 RectifierM5x1650 309933000516 Bolt52 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch53 X01119301114 Washer of balance switch555 311125000005 Washer56 310934000005 NutM5M558 310985000005 Nut507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 30 / 43Drawing nr. 508029A - 08-Jan-04 Full Control versionboard1 X01119400412 Microprocessorcube2 F021******** Earth3 PRI609003102 Programmerholdersupport4 235119400824 Board5 514039 Contactor514042 Contactor6 514030 Overload relay, 4-6A,3x380V/50Hz514092 Overload relay, 9-13A,3x220V/60Hz7 514031 Overload relay, 5,5-8A,3x380V/50Hz514032 Overload relay, 7-10A,3x220V/60Hz8 514051 Blocking of contactors9 PRI401013021 Circuit breaker 25Aboard10 100607 Additional14 PRI610120077 Rectifierlabel18 PRI551000001 Earth19 313250032079 Blind rivet 3,2x7,921 PRI211000022 BoltM4x12423 311902100004 Washergutter25 366610025375 Cable27 309084100412 BoltM4x12428 311679824004 Washer429 311125240004 Washer30 309084100612 BoltM6x12631 311679824006 Washer632 311125240006 Washerholder33 PRI326002004 RectifierM4x1234 309084000412 Bolt635 311125000006 WasherM636 311127000006 WasherM637 310934000006 NutM4x1638 309084000416 Bolt439 311679800004 WasherM440 310934000004 NutM3x2241 309084000322 Bolt42 235119001724 Microswitchwashernut43 235119001815 Microswitchweight44 235119300415 Adjustment45 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch46 PRI610028077 MicroswitchM5x1647 309933000516 BoltM548 310934000005 Nut549 311125000005 WasherM552 310985000005 Nut53 X01119301114 Washer of balance switch55 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 32 / 43Drawing nr. 508031A - 09-Jan-04 1 X021******** Boardsupport2 X01216300214 Boardholder3 PRI185000062 Relayholder4 PRI609003102 Programmercube5 F021******** Earthboard7 PRI343000211 Additionalrelay8 PRI343000057 Reverse9 514039 Contactor12 PRI401013021 Circuit breaker 25A13 PRI345006045 Additional part of contactor14 PRI345002045 Additional part of contactor15 514030 Overcurrent relay, 4-6A (Europe export)514092 Overcurrent relay, 9-13A (USA export)16 514031 Overcurrent relay, 5,5-8A (Europe export)514032 Overcurrent relay, 7-10A (USA export)17 514051 Blocking of contactors3.2x7.919 313250032079 Rivetgutter20 366610025375 CableM4x1221 PRI211000022 Bolt423 311902100004 WasherM4x1226 309084100412 Bolt427 311125240004 Washer428 311679824004 Washer429 311125240004 WasherM4x1030 309084000410 Boltlabel32 PRI551000001 EarthM6x1233 309084100612 Bolt634 311125240006 Washer635 311679824006 Washer636 311127000006 WasherM637 310934000006 NutM4x1638 309084000416 Bolt439 311679800004 WasherM440 310934000004 NutM3x2241 309084000322 Boltwasher42 235119001724 Microswitchnut43 235119001815 Microswitchweight44 235119300415 Adjustment45 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch46 PRI610028077 Microswitch47 PRI610120077 Rectifier48 PRI326002004 Holder of rectifierM5x1650 30993300516 Bolt52 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch53 X01119301114 Washer of balance switch555 311125000005 Washer56 310934000005 NutM5M558 310985000005 Nut507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 34 / 431 X01140000020 Complete electrical box2 X01140100021 Water configuration box3 X01140200014 Electrical box cover4 PRI121001003 Hingeadapter5 230131300715 Connection6 PRI231000 062 Washer7 PRI426004027 Connection10 PRI426001107 T piece 3/4"holder15 PRI401001020 Fuse16 PRI404000098 Main switch-32A (steam heat., without heating)PRI404000099 Main switch- 63A (electrical heating)swivel17 PRI350000056 Cable2A18 PRI401000021 Fuse19 309084100610 BoltM6x10M622 311679824006 Washer23 X01100010914 WasherM14x1,524 310936000014 Nut25 PRI345002019 Contactor, (electrical heating 230V)514042 Contactor, (electrical heating 400V)M10x126 562541300103 Connection27 562541300401 Cap nut M12x1,528 283351220111 Grease hose φ6x1x33029 283351220111 Grease hose φ6x1x55030 PRI540001019 Bolt (component of transformer)label 31 ProductionM632 310985000006 Nut33 311902100006 Washer6M6x3034 309933000630 Boltsupport36 X01140200314 Lid3,2x637 313250032006 Rivet39 PRI522000012 Washer40 PRI505000058 Rubber seal L=2370mm41 PRI505000058 Rubber seal L=71mm42 PRI505000058 Rubber seal L=165mmnut44 PRI610005007 Bignut46 PRI610006007 Small52 PRI551002233 Label "Warning", (west languages)52 509608 Label "Warning", (east languages)53 S01100009914 Label "Service warning"53 PRI551000087 Label "Service warning" (export)label55 PRI551000001 Earthlabel57 S01100008814 Lubbricating58 PRI610000007 Lockhook59 PRI610002007 Locking4,360 311902100004 WasherM4x1263 309084100412 Bolt464 311127000004 Washer65 519035 Label "Warning, under current", (west languages)65 509610 Label "Warning, under current", (east languages)4,366 311125000004 Washerhose 69 X01100011313 Air-wentingclamp70 PRI240000017 Hose71 PRI505000064 Universalplug72 PRI614000025 Plug 3/4" (version with two waters)73 101643 Transformator79 425111211043 Lubricating nipple KM10x181 PRI350001056 Nut82 X021******** Plughook83 PRI551016250 Stick84 PRI610000078 Supportgutter85 PRI407000109 Cableholder86 PRI401003020 Fuse87 PRI350000057 CableSwivel88 345805463032 Fuse 4A 6,3x3289 PRI350001047 Nutdevice90 PRI404000095 Operating91 PRI350015007 Pumps terminal board 6-poles92 S01100007514 Label "U, V, W, PE"93 S01100010414 Label of terminal board"Outletwarning"95 PRI551000047 Label96 270200007514 Label"Flash"98 358251601312 Fuse disconnecter III (electr. heating)99 358251503240 Roller fuse insert type, 380-415V, el. heating358251503220 Roller fuse insert type, 208-240V100 548011148014 Label101 548011149014 Labelaerator 102 100704 Anti-siphon103 PRI426001217 Pipe nipple 3/4"3/4"104 PRI426002072 Elbow105 PRI350010044 Terminal board 4 polesM3x14106 309798500314 Bolt507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 38 / 43Drawing nr. 508033 - 17-Dec-00 1 X01140300012 Inlet valve support assembly (version with2 waters)X01140400012 Inlet valve support assembly (version with3 waters)support2 X01140300112 Inletvalvetube3 PRI426003217 Extension4 X01140300414 Valve support I.5 PRI340040056 1-way valve 3/4"6 PRI340400056 4-way valve 3/4"101345 3-way valve 3/4"3/4"7 PRI426001107 T-piece8 PRI426001217 Connection3/4"3/4"9 PRI426002072 Elbow10 309084000410 BoltM4x10M6x1211 309933000612 Bolt412 311127000004 Washer613 311127000006 Washer6,414 311125000006 WasherM615 310934000006 NutM6x1616 309933000616 Bolt3/4"19 PRI426001217 Connection20 101344 2-way valve 3/4"21 PRI231000062 Washerfilter22 223111200016 Complete23 X01140400514 Extension tube II.24 PRI614000093 Adapter (export USA)hose25 PRI505000055 InletM426 310934000004 Nut627 311902100006 Washerhose28 PRI540000014 Inlethose29 PRI540001019 Inlethose30 PRI540001019 Inlethose31 PRI540001019 Inlet32 PRI540001019 Inlethosehose33 PRI540001019 Inlethose34 PRI540000014 Inlethose35 PRI540000014 Inlet38 PRI240000003 Hose clipclip39 PRI240000002 Hose40 PRI551000090 Label "Cold hard water"41 PRI551000092 Label "Hot water"42 PRI551000091 Label "Cold soft water"hose56 PRI540000014 Inlet507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 40 / 43Drawing nr. 508034 - 21-Aug-00injector1 230107000015 Steam2 F021******** Connection3 X01100010613 Tube3/4"x304 319413104563 Connection9 514162 Steam valve ¾" with coil Soupape à vapeur ¾" avec bobine Dampfventil ¾" mit Spule Válvula de vapor de ¾" con bobina9 514166 Steam valve ¾", without coil, valid for export USA Soupape à vapeur ¾"“ sans bobine, valable uniquement pour les USA Dampfventil ¾" ohne Spule, gültig nur für USA Válvula de vapor de ¾" sin bobina, válido sólo para EEUU9 514167 Coil, valid for export USA Bobine, valable uniquement pour les USA Spule, gültig nur für USA Bobina, válido sólo para EEUU10 405054057006 Condensation filter 3/4"M611 310934000006 Nut612 310125000006 Washer6,413 311127000006 Washer17 PRI614000016 Nutcone18 PRI614000017 Fastening19 230100001715 Holder21 PRI426006217 Tube22 X01100010714 Steam valve supportM8x2523 309933000825 Bolt824 311127000008 Washer8,425 311125000008 Washer"Steam"26 S01100010114 Labelhose27 273020001010 Steam28 F021******** Connection。
海尔 HY-GS2002F 双杆立式挂烫机 使用说明书
拧紧注水孔螺帽或请专业 人员维修 避免蒸汽软管折叠或请专 业人员维修
整机漏水 水箱变形
排水阀旋钮或排污口旋钮未拧紧 整机工作或移动时倾斜角度过大 排水口旋钮或排污口旋钮或内部 管道损坏
请将排水阀旋钮或排污口旋钮拧紧 整机工作或移动时避免倾角过大 请专业人员检查维修
本产品工作期间,使用 者不得离开 。 当使用器具时要注意防止 由于蒸汽喷溅的危险。 在充液和清洗时,应将电
请勿向水箱内注入热水, 以免导致水箱变形。
机体 底盖 水箱底盖 手柄喷头 挂架
锅炉 伸缩杆
① 如图1,将伸缩杆粗端直接插入机体伸缩杆插座内,伸缩杆下压到位。
② 如图2,松开伸缩杆调节扣,把3节伸缩杆拉伸调节至适当高度,然后锁紧伸 缩杆调节扣。
HY-GS2002 HY-GS2002A HY-GS2002F
1 2 3 6 9 10 11 12
智 12
全铝加热器,导热快,蒸汽持续更均匀。 不锈面板,顺滑,不伤衣物。 大容量水箱,满足长时间熨烫需求。 侧边底部双排水设计,除垢方便、快捷。 双重防干烧设计,全面保护更安心。 简易挂钩,方便快捷,坚固耐用。 双杆固定,牢靠稳定,体验更好。 平烫竖烫两用,熨衣方便不费力。
注意:为避免由热断路器的误复位 产生的危险,器具不能通过外部开 关装置供电,例如定时器或者连接 到由通用部件定时进行通、断的电 路。
台 台
673 673
50.00 30.00
33,650.00 20,190.00
络摄 像枪
3、 主视频图像:1920×1080@60fps,辅视频图像: 4096×1800@30fps,其中主 视频图像分辨力不小于 1100 线。 4、 主视频支持 37 倍光学变焦。 5、 支持最低照度可达彩色 0.001Lux,黑白 0.0001Lux。 6、 支持区域遮盖功能,支持最多 24 块多边形区域,支持多种颜色可设置。 7、 支持水平手控速度不小于 480°/S,云台定位精度为±0.1° 8、 垂直手控速度不小于 240°/S 9、 水平旋转范围为 360°连续旋转,垂直旋转范围为-20°~90° 10、 支持 7 路报警输入接口,2 路报警输出接口,支持 1 路音频输入和输出 接口。 11、 支持 300 个预置位, 支持 18 条巡航扫描, 支持 7 条以上的模式路径设置, 支持预置点视频冻结功能。 12、 具备本地存储功能,支持 SD 卡热插拔,最大支持 128GB。 13、 支持采用 H.264、MJPEG、MPEG-4 视频编码标准,H.264 编码支持 Baseline/Main/High Profile,音频编码支持 G.711ulaw/G.711alaw/G.726/PCM/AAC 14、 支持码流平滑设置 15、 支持三码流同时输出, 主码流支持输出 1920×1080@60fps 主视频图像和 4096×1800@30fps 辅视频图像;第三码流支持输出 1920×1080@60fps 主视 频图像和 1280×560@30fps 辅视频图像 16、 支持 GB28181 协议。 17、 支持区域入侵、越界入侵、徘徊、物品遗留、物品移除、音频异常、人 脸检测、人员聚集、快速移动、进入区域、离开区域,并联动报警。 18、 在自动跟踪模式下,每分钟可对最多 60 个跟踪目标进行抓拍 19、 产品支持自动跟踪、手动跟踪、混合跟踪功能,在辅视频图像中跟踪目 标的灵敏度及时间可设 20、 跟踪联动响应时间应小于 0.5 秒。 21、 当辅视频图像中无移动目标时间达到预设时间后样机可自动转到预设守 望位置
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TOSHIBA Diode Silicon Epitaxial Schottky Barrier TypeJDH2S02FSUHF Band Mixer• Suitable for reducing set size through the use of a two-pin smallpackage supporting high-density mountingAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol Rating UnitMaximum (peak) reverse voltageV R10 VForward current I F 10 mA Junction temperature T j 125 °C Storage temperature rangeT stg−55~125 °CNote: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of hightemperature/current/voltage and the significant change in temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings.Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook (“Handling Precautions”/Derating Concept and Methods) and individualreliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc).Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitForward voltage V F I F = 1 mA ⎯ 0.24 ⎯ V Forward current I F V F = 0.5 V 2 ⎯⎯ mAReverse currentI RV R = 0.5 V⎯⎯ 25 μACapacitance C TV R = 0.2 V, f = 1 MHz⎯ 0.3 ⎯ pFNote: Signal level when capacitance is measured: Vsig = 20 mVrmsMarkingCautionThis device is sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Operators should wear antistatic clothing, and containers and other objects that come into direct contact with the product should be made of antistatic materials.Unit: mmWeight: 0.0006 g (typ.)IF-VF1.E-061.E-051.E-041.E-031.E-021.E-011.E+ F (A )IR-VR1.E-071.E-061.E-051.E-041.E-031.E-021.E-011.E+00246810121416VR(V)I R (A )CT-VR0.110.511.522.533.54VR(V)C T (p F )RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE20070701-EN GENERAL •The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.•TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.• The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.).These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in his document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.•The products described in this document shall not be used or embedded to any downstream products of which manufacture, use and/or sale are prohibited under any applicable laws and regulations.• The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other rights of TOSHIBA or the third parties.• Please contact your sales representative for product-by-product details in this document regarding RoHS compatibility. Please use these products in this document in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances. Toshiba assumes no liability for damage or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.。