



1.3.1 内点、开集 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.3.2 极限点、闭集 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.2.3 内积空间 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 度量空间中的点集 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.2.1 线性空间 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.2 赋范线性空间 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.6.1 标准正交系 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 1.6.2 正交系的完备性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 1.6.3 线性无关向量系的正交化 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 1.6.4 可分Hilbert空间的模型 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 1.7 稠密性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 1.7.1 稠密性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 1.7.2 可分空间 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 1.8 紧性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 1.8.1 相对列紧集 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 1.8.2 完全有界集 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 1.8.3 Arzel`a-Ascoli定理 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 1.8.4 列紧集 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 1.8.5 紧集上的连续映照 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 1.9 习题 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70


T是X的线性子空间DT 到 Y中的线性算子. 如果存在M 0,使得对于任意的 x DT 都有
Tx M x ,
则称 T是 DT Y 中的有界线性算子.
当 DT X时,称 T 是 X Y 中的有界线性算子.
第二章 泛函分析
第二节 赋范线性空间及Banach空间
2.2 赋范线性空间及Banach空间
第二章 泛函分析
1. 赋范线性空间的定义
定义1 设 X 是复(或实)的线性空间,
如果对于 X 中的每个 x ,对应于一个实数 x ,
且满足 (1) x 0,x 0 x 0;
(2) x x , R 或 C;
(非负性) (齐次性)
第二章 泛函分析
第二节 赋范线性空间及Banach空间
定理5 ƁX Y 按通常的线性运算及算子范数
构成一个赋范线性空间. 证Ax sup Ax
x 1
x 1
x 1
(3)A B sup A Bx sup Ax Bx
x D, x 0
第二章 泛函分析
第二节 赋范线性空间及Banach空间
定理3 设 X ,Y 是两个赋范线性空间, T : X Y 的线性算子,则T连续的充要条件是 T有界.
证明 必要性 若T连续但无界
xn X,xn 0n 1,2, 使 Txn n xn

定理2 设 X ,Y 是两个赋范线性空间,T是定义在 X 的子空间D上而值域含在 Y 中的线性算子,则 T 是有界的充要条件是 T将D中任一有界集映成 Y 中有界集.
证明 必要性

泛函分析(科) 教学大纲

泛函分析(科)   教学大纲

泛函分析(科)一、课程说明课程编号:130911Z10课程名称(中/英文):泛函分析(科)/Functional Analysis课程类别:专业核心课学时/学分:88/5.5先修课程:数学分析、高等代数、实变函数适用专业:数学科学班教材、教学参考书:《泛函分析》江泽坚孙善利,高等教育出版社,2005;《泛函分析讲义》(上册)张恭庆林源渠,北京大学出版社,1995.二、课程设置的目的意义泛函分析是研究拓扑线性空间到拓扑线性空间满足各种代数和拓扑条件的映射的分支学科。
















赋范线性空间是一个向量空间V,其中定义了一个范数函数∥·∥:V→R,满足以下条件:1.非负性:对于任意的x∈V,有∥x∥≥0,且当且仅当x=0时,∥x∥=0;2. 齐次性:对于任意的x∈V和实数a,有∥ax∥=,a,∥x∥;3.三角不等式:对于任意的x,y∈V,有∥x+y∥≤∥x∥+∥y∥。







此外,度量空间和赋范线性空间都是完备的,即满足序列的Cauchy 性质的序列都收敛于空间中的一些点。



泛函分析教学大纲一、泛函分析课程说明(一) 课程代码 08130013(二) 课程英文名称:Functional Analysis(三) 开课对象: 数学与应用数学专业本科生(四) 课程性质:泛函分析是数学学科的一门基础理论课程。



前期课程:《数学分析》《高等代数》《实变函数》(五) 教学目的通过泛函分析的教学,使学生了解和掌握赋泛线性空间,有界线性算子,Hilbert空间,Banach空间的基本概念和基本理论,培养学生理论思维能力,为进一步学习数学的有关学科打下扎实的理论基础(六) 教学内容本课程主要包括度量空间和赋范线性空间,有界线性算子和连续线性泛函,内积空间和Hilbert空间,Banach空间中的基本定理,线性算子的谱等几个部分。



(七) 学时、学分数及学时数具体分配教学时数:72学时学分数: 4 学分教学时数具体分配(八) 教学方式以教师讲解为主的课堂教学方式(九) 考核方式和成绩记载说明考核方式为考试。




二、讲授大纲与各章的基本要求第一章度量空间和赋范线性空间教学要点:1 泛函分析研究的对象是定义在度量空间之间的映射2 度量空间X的子集Y在X中稠密的充分必要条件是Y的闭包等于X3 有理点集是可数稠密集4 任何度量空间X,都存在完备的度量空间教学时数:12学时教学内容第一节度量空间第二节度量空间的极限,稠密集,可分空间第三节连续影射第四节柯西点列和完备度量空间第五节度量空间的完备化第六节压缩映射原理及其应用第七节线性空间第八节赋范线性空间和Banach空间考核要求:第一节度量空间(识记)第二节度量空间的极限,稠密集,可分空间(领会与应用)第三节连续影射(领会与应用)第四节柯西点列和完备度量空间(领会与应用)第五节度量空间的完备化(领会)第六节压缩映射原理及其应用(领会与应用)第七节线性空间(领会与应用)第八节赋范线性空间和Banach空间(领会与应用)第二章有界线性算子和连续线性泛函教学要点:1 掌握赋范线性空间的有界线性映射的概念2 掌握赋范线性空间X到赋范线性空间Y上的线性映射的全体也是一个赋范线性空间3 掌握线性同构的概念教学时数:16学时教学内容第一节有界线性算子和连续线性泛函第二节有界线性算子空间和共轭空间第三节广义函数考核要求:第一节有界线性算子和连续线性泛函(识记、领会、应用)第二节有界线性算子空间和共轭空间(识记、领会、应用)第三节广义函数(领会)第三章内积空间和Hilbert空间教学要点:1 掌握内积与西尔百特空间中的范数之间的关系2 每个Hilbert空间X都有完全规范正交系3 Hilbert空间X可分的充要条件是X存在一个可数的完全规范正交系教学时数:20学时教学内容:第一节内积空间的基本概念第二节投影定理第三节 Hilbert空间中的规范正交系第四节 Hilbert空间上的连续线性泛函第五节自伴算子,酉算子和正常算子考核要求:第一节内积空间的基本概念(识记,领会,应用)第二节投影定理(领会,应用)第三节 Hilbert空间中的规范正交系(领会,应用)第四节 Hilbert空间上的连续线性泛函(领会,应用)第五节自伴算子,酉算子和正常算子(识记,领会,应用)第四章Banach空间中的基本定理教学要点:1理解Banach空间三大基本定理(1)泛函延拓定理(2)一致有界定理(3)逆算子定理2 掌握弱收敛和强收敛的概念3 理解Baie纲定理教学时数:16学时教学内容第一节泛函延拓定理第二节 C[a,b]的共轭空间第三节共轭算子第四节纲定理和一致有界定理第五节强收敛,弱收敛和一致收敛第六节逆算子定理第七节闭图象定理考核要求:第一节泛函延拓定理(领会,应用)第二节 C[a,b]的共轭空间(领会,应用)第三节共轭算子(识记,领会,应用)第四节纲定理和一致有界定理(领会,应用)第五节强收敛,弱收敛和一致收敛(识记,领会,应用)第六节逆算子定理(领会,应用)第七节闭图象定理(领会,应用)第五章线性算子的谱教学要点:1 理解赋范线性空间上的有界线性算子T的谱是有限维线性空间中线性变换的特征值的推广2 赋范线性空间上的有界线性算子T的谱是复平面上的非空有界闭集3 用全连续算自谱分解理论,可解一类具有对称核的积分算子的积分方程教学时数:8学时教学内容第一节谱的概念第二节有界线性算子谱的基本性质第三节紧集和全连续算子第四节自伴全连续算子的谱论第五节具对称核的积分方程考核要求:第一节谱的概念(识记,领会)第二节有界线性算子谱的基本性质(领会,应用)第三节紧集和全连续算子(领会,应用)第四节自伴全连续算子的谱论(领会,应用)第五节具对称核的积分方程(领会,应用)三、推荐教材和参考书目《实变函数与泛函分析》,程其襄等,第二版,高等教育出版社《泛函分析基础》,刘培德,第一版,武汉大学出版社《泛函分析讲义》,张恭庆,第一版,北京大学出版社《实变函数论与泛函分析》,夏道行等,人民教育出版社《实变函数论与泛函分析概要》,王声望, 第二版,高等教育出版社《实变函数论》,江泽坚,吴智泉,第二版,人民教育出版社Introduction to Functioal Analysis,A.B.Tayor,New york Functional Analysis.Walter Rudin,New York:Mcgraw-Hill Book Com。




















二、教材主教材:《泛函分析导论》(第三版)- Walter Rudin辅助教材:《实变函数与泛函分析》- 杨维明、李荣华三、教学目标1. 了解泛函空间的基本概念和性质,如:范数、完备性、可分性等。

2. 掌握泛函分析中的重要定理和结论,如:泛函的极值问题、开映射定理、闭图像定理等。

3. 理解并应用泛函分析在数学及其他学科中的实际应用,如:泊松方程、最小二乘法等。

4. 培养学生的抽象思维和数学推理能力,培养学生对数学问题的分析和解决能力。

四、教学内容及安排1. 范数空间- 定义和基本性质- 例子:赋范空间、Banach空间、Hilbert空间等 2. 泛函空间- 定义和基本性质- 例子:连续函数空间、L^p空间、Sobolev空间等 3. 算子理论- 线性算子和有界算子- 特征值和特征向量- 正规算子和紧算子4. 泛函分析中的重要定理- Hahn-Banach定理及其几何意义- 开映射定理和闭图像定理- 范数空间上的Riesz表示定理5. 实际应用- 泊松方程及其解的存在性和唯一性- 最小二乘法及其在数据拟合中的应用五、教学方法1. 理论讲授:通过讲解、演示和示例分析,系统介绍各个概念、定理和方法。

2. 习题训练:针对不同内容和难度的习题,培养学生的问题解决能力和思维灵活性。

3. 实例分析:引入相关的实际问题和案例,让学生将抽象的概念和理论与实际问题联系起来,提高应用能力。


- 范数空间和泛函空间:6学时- 算子理论:6学时- 泛函分析中的重要定理:8学时- 实际应用:8学时- 综合练习和讨论:12学时- 期末复习和考试:8学时七、教学评价1. 平时成绩:包括课堂表现、作业完成情况和小测验成绩等。



泛函分析讲义张恭庆答案【篇一:《泛函分析》课程标准】>英文名称:functional analysis课程编号:407012010 适用专业:数学与应用数学学分数:4一、课程性质泛函分析属于数学一级科下的基础数学二级学科,在数学与应用数学专业培养方案中学科专业教育平台中专业方向课程系列的一门限选课程。













泛函分析第2章 度量空间与赋范线性空间

泛函分析第2章 度量空间与赋范线性空间

第2章 度量空间与赋范线性空间度量空间在泛函分析中是最基本的概念。

事实上,它是n 维欧几里得空间n R 的推广,它为统一处理分析学各分支的重要问题提供了一个共同的基础。



2.1 度量空间的基本概念2.1.1 距离(度量)空间的概念在微积分中,我们研究了定义在实数空间R 上的函数,在研究函数的分析性质,如连续性,可微性及可积性中,我们利用了R 上现有的距离函数d ,即对y x y x d R y x -=∈),(,,。

度量是上述距离的一般化:用抽象集合X 代替实数集,并在X 上引入距离函数,满足距离函数所具备的几条基本性质。

【定义2.1】 设X 是一个非空集合,),(••ρ:[)∞→⨯,0X X 是一个定义在直积X X ⨯上的二元函数,如果满足如下性质:(1) 非负性 y x y x y x X y x =⇔=≥∈0,(,0),(,,ρρ;(2) 对称性 ),(),(,,x y y x X y x ρρ=∈(3) 三角不等式 ),(),(),(,,,y z z x y x X z y x ρρρ+≤∈;则称),(y x ρ是X 中两个元素x 与y 的距离(或度量)。

此时,称X 按),(••ρ成为一个度量空间(或距离空间),记为),(ρX 。

注:X 中的非空子集A ,按照X 中的距离),(••ρ显然也构成一个度量空间,称为X 的子空间。

当不致引起混淆时,),(ρX 可简记为X ,并且常称X 中的元素为点。

例2.1 离散的距离空间设X 是任意非空集合,对X 中任意两点,,x y X ∈令1 (,)0 x y x y x y ρ≠⎧=⎨=⎩显然,这样定义的),(••ρ满足距离的全部条件,我们称(,)X ρ是离散的距离空间。


它只能区分X 中任意两个元素是否相同,不能区分元素间的远近程度。



第三章 赋范空间3.1. 范数的概念“线性空间”强调元素之间的运算关系,“度量空间”则强调元素之间的距离关系,两者的共性在于:只研究元素之间的关系,不研究元素本身的属性。


那么,究竟需要了解函数的什么属性呢?3.1.1. 向量的长度为了回答上述问题,我们需要从最简单的函数空间——欧氏空间——中寻找灵感。




图3.1.1. 三维欧氏空间中向量的大小和方向矩阵论知识告诉我们:可以为欧氏空间中的向量赋予各种各样的长度,并且可以根据问题需要来选择最合适的向量长度。

实际上,可以在数域F 上的n 维欧式空间n F 上定义向量12(,,,)n x x x x 的如下三种长度(称为“范数”):● 2-范数(也称为欧氏范数):2x =● 1-范数:11n k k x x ==∑;● ∞-范数:1max k k nx x ∞≤≤=。

图3.1.2. 三种向量范数对应的“单位圆” 图3.1.3. “单位圆”集合的艺术形式下一节将谈到:就分析性质而言,这三种向量范数没有任何区别。




3.1.2. 范数的定义我们希望将向量范数的概念推广到(以函数空间为原型的)无限维线性空间的场合。


4.重点掌握开(闭)集、平均收敛、度量收敛、完备化定理、(C[a,b], L_p)中紧性判定法。
(英文)Functional Analysis




在金融数学中,泛函分析用于描 述和解析金融市场的动态行为, 如期权定价和风险评估。
在计量经济学中,泛函分析用于 建立经济数据的统计模型,如时 间序列分析和回归分析。
在微观经济学中,泛函分析用于 描述和解析市场供需关系和个体 行为,如消费者选择和生产者行 为。
线性空间中线性无关的元素个数称为该空间的 维数,而线性无关的元素组称为该空间的基。
将一个线性空间的元素映 射到另一个线性空间的元 素,且满足线性映射的运 算性质。
03 范数的性质包括非负性、正齐次性、三角不等式 等。
向量的模是向量范数的特例,即当范 数定义为向量与零向量之间的距离时 ,模即为该距离。
向量的模和范数具有相同的性质,如 非负性、正齐次性和三角不等式等。
向量范数总是非负的,即对于任意向量x,有||x|| ≥ 0。
收敛序列是稳定的,即对于任意给定的$varepsilon > 0$,存 在一个正整数$N$,使得当$n, m > N$时,有$|a_n - a_m| <
可以通过比较序列的各项大小、利用极限的性质或者通过 级数收敛的判定定理来判断序列的收敛性。






一、Hilbert空间1. 定义Hilbert空间是一个完备的内积空间,即一个定义了内积的线性空间,并且对于其中的任意柯西序列,都存在一个极限,使得这个空间也是一个完备的度量空间。

2. 性质Hilbert空间具有以下性质:(1)正交性:对于Hilbert空间中的任意两个非零向量x和y,如果它们的内积为0,则称它们正交。



3. 应用Hilbert空间在物理学和工程学中有着广泛的应用。


二、Banach空间1. 定义Banach空间是一个完备的赋范线性空间,即一个定义了范数的线性空间,并且对于其中的任意柯西序列,都存在一个极限,使得这个空间也是一个完备的度量空间。

2. 性质Banach空间具有以下性质:(1)范数性质:对于Banach空间中的任意向量x,有范数\|x\|>=0,且当且仅当x=0时取等号;对于任意实数α,则有 \|αx\|=|α|\|x\|;对于任意两个向量x和y,则有 \|x+y\|\leq \|x\|+\|y\|。


3. 应用Banach空间在数学分析和函数分析中有着重要的应用。






一、 度量空间和赋范线性空间(一)度量空间度量空间在泛函分析中是最基本的概念,它是n 维欧氏空间nR (有限维空间)的推 广,所以学好它有助于后面知识的学习和理解。

1.度量定义:设X 是一个集合,若对于X 中任意两个元素x ,y,都有唯一确定的实数d(x,y)与之对应,而且这一对应关系满足下列条件:1°d(x,y)≥0 ,d(x,y)=0 ⇔ x=y (非负性)2°d(x,y)= d(y,x) (对称性)3°对∀z ,都有d(x,y)≤d(x,z)+d(z,y) (三点不等式)则称d(x,y)是x 、y 之间的度量或距离(matric 或distance ),称为(X,d)度量空间或距离空间(metric space )。

(这个定义是证明度量空间常用的方法)注意:⑴ 定义在X 中任意两个元素x ,y 确定的实数d(x,y),只要满足1°、2°、3°都称为度量。

这里“度量”这个名称已由现实生活中的意义引申到一般情况,它用来描述X 中两个事物接近的程度,而条件1°、2°、3°被认为是作为一个度量所必须满足的最本质的性质。

⑵ 度量空间中由集合X 和度量函数d 所组成,在同一个集合X 上若有两个不同的度量函数1d 和2d ,则我们认为(X, 1d )和(X, 2d )是两个不同的度量空间。

⑶ 集合X 不一定是数集,也不一定是代数结构。

为直观起见,今后称度量空间(X,d)中的元素为“点” ,例如若x X ∈,则称为“X 中的点” 。

⑷ 在称呼度量空间(X,d)时可以省略度量函数d ,而称“度量空间X ” 。



泛函分析讲义第五章Banach代数1代数准备知识2 Banach代数2.1 Banach代数的定义2.2 Banach代数的极大理想与Gelfand表示3例与应用4 c’代数5 Hilbert空间上的正常算子5.1 Hilbert空间上正常算子的连续算符演算5.2正常算子的谱族与谱分解定理5.3正常算子的谱集6在奇异积分算子中的应用第六章无界算子1 闭算子2 cayley变换与自伴算子的谱分解2.1 cayley变换2.2自伴算子的谱分解3无界正常算子的谱分解3.1 B0rel可测函数的算子表示3.2无界正常算子的谱分解?4 自伴扩张4.1 闭对称算子的亏指数与自伴扩张4.2 自伴扩张的判定准则5自伴算子的扰动5.1稠定算子的扰动5.2自伴算子的扰动5.3 自伴算子的谱集在扰动下的变化?6无界算子序列的收敛性6.1预解算子意义下的收敛性6.2图意义下的收敛性第七章算子半群1无穷小生成元1.1无穷小生成元的定义和性质1.2 Hme—Yosida定理2无穷小生成元的例子3单参数酉群和Stone定理3.1单参数酉群的表示——stone定理3.2 stone定理的应用1.B0chner定理2.Schr6dinger方程的解3.遍历(ergodic)定理3.3 Trotter乘积公式4 Markov过程4.1 Markov转移函数4.2扩散过程转移函数5散射理论5.1波算子5.2广义波算子6发展方程第八章无穷维空间上的测度论1 C[O,T]空间上的wiener测度1.1 C[O,T]空间上wiener 测度和wiener积分1.2 Donsker泛函和Donske卜Lions定理1.3 Feynman—Kac公式2 Hilbert空间上的测度2.1 Hilbert—Schmidt算子和迹算子2.2 Hilbert空间上的测度2.3 Hilbert空间的特征泛函3 Hilbert空间上的Gauss测度3.1 Gauss测度的特征泛函3.2 Hilbert空间上非退化Gauss测度的等价性清词丽句必为邻2015-09-21 04:05 | 豆瓣:烟波浩渺1980杜甫的《戏为六绝句》(其五)不薄今人爱古人,清词丽句必为邻。



《泛函分析》教学大纲课程编号:10140032英文名称:Functional Analysis学分:3学时:总学时48学时,其中理论48学时,实践0学时先修课程:数学分析、实变函数、高等代数、解析几何课程类别:专业课程(选修1)授课对象:数学与应用数学(师范)专业学生教学单位:数理信息学院修读学期:第6学期一、课程描述和预期目标本课程为专业选修课程,它运用代数,几何手段处理问题的新观点和新方法把具体的分析问题抽象到一种更加纯粹的代数拓扑结构的形式中进行研究. 本课程总学时共48学时,其中理论课48学时,在教与学的教学活动中,本课程坚持理念“以学生发展为中心,学生学习结果(课程教学目标)为导向,并持续改进(教学反思)学生的学习效果”。

本课程主要包含可使学生了解和掌握度量空间、赋范线性空间、Hilbert空间和Banach 空间中有界线性算子与连续线性泛函的基本概念、基本理论及其应用,培养学生抽象思维、逻辑思维、分析和解决问题的能力,为进一步学习数学的有关学科打下扎实的理论基础。


【学生学习结果1】: 通过课堂讲授、课堂讨论、课后作业、课堂报告、查阅文献资料等教学活动,学生学会泛函分析(度量空间和赋范线性空间、有界线性算子和连续线性泛函、内积空间和希尔伯特(Hilbert)空间、巴拿赫(Banach)空间中的基本定理)的基础知识和理论,初步熟悉和掌握必要的泛函分析基础(基本概念,系统的泛函分析理论和抽象的严格的泛函分析方法),为学生进一步学习现代数学打下必要的基础,培养学生抽象思维能力、逻辑推理、分析问题和解决问题的能力,提高学生对知识的理解和应用能力。




《泛函分析》教学大纲一、课程基本信息1、课程代码:MA3082、课程名称(中文):泛函分析课程名称(英文):Functional Analysis3、学时/学分:72学时/4学分4、先修课程:数学分析,高等代数,空间解析几何,微分方程及实变函数。

5、面向对象:数学系本科生6、开课院系:理学院数学系7、推荐教学参考书(按作者姓名拼音排序):●程其襄,张奠宙等:实变函数与泛函分析基础, 高等教育出版社,2004●郭大均等:实变函数与泛函分析,山东大学出版社,1986● F.黎茨,B.塞克福尔维-纳吉著,庄万等译:《泛函分析讲义》第一卷,第二卷,科学出版社,1981.●Л.A.刘斯铁尔尼克,B.N.索波列夫著,杨从仁译:《泛函分析概要》,科学出版社,1964.●W. Rudin, Functional Analysis. Second edition. International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1991.●夏道行,吴卓人,严邵宗,舒五昌编著:《实变函数与泛函分析概要》下册,高等教育出版社,1984●K. Yosida, Functional Analysis. Reprint of the sixth (1980) edition. Classics in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995.●张恭庆,林源渠编著:《泛函分析讲义》上册,北京大学出版社,1990.●郑维行,王声望:《实变函数与泛函分析概要》下册,高等教育出版社,1992(第二版)二、课程的性质和任务本课程是数学系本科生必修的基础课程,该课程集中了作为现代数学基础的重要的基本思想方法。





Functional AnalysisDepartment of Mathematics, School of science,Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, P.R.China, 710055 Abstract: Functional analysis is an emerging discipline ,has a long history, as well as an important subject of analysis. The development of the functional analysis could divided into three stages.This paper introduce its origin, history of development and application.And introduces some domestic functional analysis of the main characters.Keywords : Functional analysis ;Origin ;History of development; Application.AMS:O47LXX1.The origin of functional analysisFunctional analysis is a new discipline, was officially listed in Germany "abstract mathematics" in 1932. The word "functional analysis" first appeared in the book a course of functional analysis which was published by levy (P. Levy, 1886-1971) in1922. It is a subject of analysis, but is different with the traditional discipline of analysis, the latter emphasizes the calculus, but the former emphasizes the concept. Also they have different objects, the latter focuses on the nature of the individual function (class), while the former focuses on the function space and its collection of operators, especially, its structure of topology, algebraic and sequence. But it's hard to say that it has a unified object and goal.Functional analysis can be roughly divided into four areas: the first is the theory of function space, which from Hilbert spaces and Banach spaces to the theory of general linear topological spaces. The second is the analysis of the function spaces, this is the first part of the development, namely so-called functional calculus. The third is a mapping between function spaces and the theory of operator, it is the most mature of development that the theory of linear operators in a Hilbert space. The fourth is the algebraic structures of operators (or function) set, such as Banach algebras, Von Neumann algebras, -*C algebras and the theory of operator semi-group.The origin of Functional analysis can be traced back to the generation of variational method in the 18th century. Just like calculus study the extremum of functions , variational methods research function sets (space) - extremum of functional. And the direct impetus to functional analysis was the research ofintegral equation which was rised in the late 19th century. It leaded to the birth of linear functional analysis.2. The development history of functional analysisFunctional analysis of the development can be divided into three periods.(1)The first stage is the founding period, roughly from 1880 s to 1880 s. Starting with some Italian mathematician introducing functional calculus, especially when they introduced the original functional as well as the concept of linear operator. Later, the French mathematician developed functional calculus, this is reflected in Ada horse (J.H adamard) for the first time in 1897 international conference on mathematicians report. In order to study the partial differential equations and considering all the continuous functions on]1,0[of closed interval, found that these functions constitute an infinite dimensional linear space, and in 1903, defines the space function, namely functional. This is only a specific result.French mathematician Frey break using the concept of set theory to unify the results of the predecessors' become an abstract theory, he put what they have in common and be classified into: The function or curve as a collection or point in space, as an abstract set.Some columns can also promote the the concept of limit, have limit the set of concept called distance space, this is afterwards the buds of topological space.Set real function value can be defined in real Numbers, i.e. functional. With the concept of limit, can define functional continuity.Functional algebraic operation can be done, also can analyze calculus, such as differential. Thus became truly functional analysis.In 1906, he is still in the abstract space introduced the notion of "distance", is the nature of the Euclidean space distance, the space has more rich structure.About Fred rest at the same time, for the integral equation by Hilbert systems research. He is on the basis of predecessors, integral equation with infinite variable without deep understanding to the similarity between the system of linear equations, a solution of integral equation associated with the convergence condition of infinitely variable yuan. This way, he actually got the theory of Hilbert space. Specific abstractions of Hilbert space theory is one of his students shmi (E.S chmidt, 1876-1959). Heintroduced real and complex concept of Hilbert space geometry, the function as a square integrable sequence space (2l space).In 1907, the Hungarian mathematician riess (F.Riesz, 1880-1956) and others introduction oflebesgue square integrable space (2L space), found that the nature and the same 2l space, two months later, a German mathematician fisher (E.F ischer, 1875-1959) and riess (M.Riesz, 1886-1969) proved that homogeneous 2l space and 2L space, is just the same kind of abstract two kinds of concrete performance of Hilbert space. It also reflects the significance of research abstract space. Riesz - fisher theorem is also more clear integral theory and the close link between functional abstract space.1910 riess modeled on the 2L space research p L space (∞<≤p 1) is the only product function of p all of space, and then study p l space, they are not Hilbert space but Banach space(S.Banach, 1892-1945). He found that the continuous linear functional on p L all constitute a dualspace q L and 111=+qp , the partial differential equation is studied in the aspects of space is necessary tool.(2)The second stage functional analysis formally developed into a discipline. Between 1920 and 1922, Austrian mathematician Hahn (1879-1934), H.H ahn, sea lai (E.H elly, 1884-1943), the wiener (N.W iener, 1894-1964) and Banach to definition and research of normal space, the sea also so-called Hahn - Banach theorems are obtained. For the most outstanding contribution to the functional analysis is a banach. He further promote the Hilbert space as Banach space, using axiom to score, to form the theory of the system. In 1932 he published "the theory of linear operator," unified the functional analysis of many achievements, becoming the first classics for functional analysis.Functional analysis theory is not only complete at this moment, and in the application on the analysis of the classical plays an important role, especially is polish mathematician XiaoDeEr (J.S chauder, 1899-1940) and the French mathematician leary (J.L eray, 1906 -) of the fixed point theory is an important tool of modern theories of partial differential equations. The solution of differentialequations as a Banach space to its own mapping fixed point, it is concluded that the basic theorem, this is the starting point of modern nonlinear functional analysis.Von Neumann to elder brother Ding Gen university in 1926, it was the golden age of elder brother Ding Gen physics and mathematics. The generation of quantum mechanics and abstract algebra and functional analysis of the development so that people thought. The Von Neumann Hilbert space axiomatization, and the mathematical foundation of quantum mechanics based on functional analysis. Although Von Neumann axiom source can be from wiener, outside and Banach seen in the work, but the work of Von Neumann more system, especially his spectral theory about Hermitian operator.In the late of 1930 s, polish mathematician Ma Zuer (S.M 'azur, 1905-1981) with the Soviet union mathematician Gail Vander (Ц М. Г е л ь ф а н д, 1913 -) development Banach algebra theory, and through the abstract method is easy to prove that in the classical analysis theorem. It shows the power of the functional analysis method, also demonstrates the functional analysis of the value of independent existence.(3)The third stage is the mature stage of the functional analysis. From the 40 s functional analysis by leaps and bounds in the various aspects of development. The first important thing is Schwartz (L.S chwartz - 1915) systematically developed the theory of generalized function, it has become an important and indispensable tool in mathematics. It is the predecessor of the Dirac (conviction yourself irac, 1902-1984) introduced the delta function in quantum mechanics.After the second world war, the rapid development of functional analysis.Between 1920 and 1940, the development of locally convex vector space theory of technology in 1945, mainly through sand (1911 -) R.S chatten, pass the Luo Dengdi grams (1927 -) al-qeada rothendieck, introducing the theory of topology of the tensor product and complete. In the process of the development of the theory, lattice Luo Dengdi grams of the introduction of a new kind of topology convex space one nuclear space, it is in many ways than Banach space close to the finite dimensional space, and has many excellent properties, making it in many branch of functional analysis and probability theory proved to be very useful.Banach times of two old problem is well until 1973 f floor (P.E nflo) negative out: he created a separable Banach space, in which there is no base (Banach sense), He also created a separable Banach space example of compact operator, it is not a finite rank operator (about on a compact set of uniform convergence topology) limit.Between 1900 and 1930 by Hilbert, Kahneman (tc arleman, 1892-1949) and Von Neumann spectrum theory of the development of Hilbert space of operator with Gail van and its school in 1941,founding the Banach algebra theory and greatly simplified and promotion. However, this theory is the most interesting part of the still is the study of the Von Neumann algebras. Von Neumann algebra research begins to get some earlier, it locally compact groups and Hilbert space of unitary representation theory has a very closely linked. After Von Neumann's pioneering article, these algebraic classification does not make much progress, especially a mysterious "Ⅲ" type factor. By 1967, not homogeneous factor only know three Ⅲ type. Since then, things began to develop quickly, within a few years many mathematicians discovered a new type Ⅲ factor, until 1972, reaching its development into the general classification theory, the classification theory is built on rich farmland Mori (1924 -) thoughts and Kang resistance (A.C onnes, 1947 -) on the basis of the definition of new invariants, Kang resistant invariant led him to solve the algebraic theory of Von Neumann many unsolved problems.3.The direction of functional analysis of celebritiesCeng Yuanrong, the word Gui Dong, Sichuan Nanxi. In 1903 October, the Han nationality, independents. Professor Ceng Yuanrong is a veteran of the China's functional analysis, is also the first Chinese scholars engaged in functional analysis. In the early 30's of this century, there are many important contributions of Professor Ceng Yuanrong. From 1932 onwards, he introduced a dimension without restriction, linear space, complex field or four element body, the inner product -- El Mitter defined in the (Hermite) symmetric bilinear function.Close Zhao straight, mathematician. Born in February 13, 1919 in Tianjin city, Guangdong Hainan County of origin. Dedicated to the study of functional analysis, especially in nonlinear functional analysis, neutron transport theory and other fields was an important achievement. He was also one of the pioneering Chinese modern control theory research. As long as Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of mathematics and mathematics Chinese leadership. In 50, the beginning of nonlinear functional analysis for approximate calculation method of the research work, he seize the opportunity, promote the research in this field and made important achievements. Guan Zhaozhi on the monotone operator theory development of the pioneering work. Monotone theory, including monotone operator, accretive operator, nonlinear semigroups and nonlinear evolution equations of the theory, it has become an important branch in nonlinear functional analysis.Chen Wenyuan was born in Hunan in August 1931, Changsha, Chen Wenyuan is one of the research work of nonlinear China engaged in portland. After 1955, the evaluation will be off the Stalin prize and the Kantorovich prize winner Nobel work on approximate method introduced to China, Chen Wenyuan was the first to respond to one of them, and take this as an opportunity, carry out research on the nonlinear integral equation. Achieved good results. Close the evaluation of his work is to encourage and support, and his article to the Soviet Union to introduce and exchange. He wrote a book "" nonlinear functional analysis, the book is China in the first book in the field of nonlinear functional analysis, in 1988 won the national excellent teaching award, the first national outstanding book award. This book and later Zhang Gongqing compiled the "critical point theory and Its Applications", edited by Guo Dadiao "nonlinear functional analysis", provides an important reference book based on research and analysis, analysis of China's nonlinear functional differential equations and other fields to cultivate students.In addition, there are many mathematicians in the field of functional analysis made great achievements.4. Application of functional analysisOn the one hand, Functional analysis extract their research objects and some research methods, and formed its own many branches by the others material provided. On the other hand, it promote strongly the development of other subjects. Functional analysis play an important role in differential equation, probability theory, function theory, the theory of optimum , cybernetics, computational mathematics and quantum physis etc. Its view and methods already seep into the engineering technical disciplines, become one of the basis of analyzing the modern.Reference[1] John B Conway. A Course in Functional Analysis[M]. Beijing: Springer-Verlag, 1990.。

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Normed Vector Spaces
• given any x, y ∈ X and λ ∈ F, there are well-defined elements x + y and λx of X , • X is an Abelian group with respect to the operation + of addition, • the identities λ(x + y ) = λx + λy, (λµ)x = λ(µx), are satisfied for all x, y ∈ X and λ, µ ∈ F. (λ + µ)x = λx + µx, 1x = x
|zj + wj |2
j =1

j =1
|zj |2
j =1
|wj |2
≤ z
+ w
for all natural numbers n, by the Triangle Inequality in Cn . Taking limits as n → +∞, we deduce that z + w 2 ≤ z 2 + w 2 , as required.) If x1 , x2 , . . . , xm are elements of a normed vector space X then
1 2 ∞
= {(z1 , z2 , z3 , . . .) ∈ C∞ : |z1 | + |z2 | + |z3 | + · · · converges}, = {(z1 , z2 , z3 , . . .) ∈ C∞ : |z1 |2 + |z2 |2 + |z3 |2 + · · · converges}, = {(z1 sequence |z1 |, |z2 |, |z3 |, . . . is bounded}.
where C∞ denotes the set of all sequences (z1 , z2 , z3 , . . .) of complex numbers. Then 1 , 2 and ∞ are infinite-dimensional normed vector spaces, with norms . 1 , . 2 and . ∞ respectively, where
Example Let . 1 , . by
and .

be the real-valued functions on Cn defined
j =1
|zj |,
1 2
z z
j =1
|zj |2

= max(|z1 |, |z2 |, . . . , |zn |),
for each z ∈ Cn , where z = (z1 , z2 , . . . , zn ). Then . 1 , . 2 and . ∞ are norms on Cn . In particular, if we regard Cn as a 2n-dimensional real vector space naturally isomorphic to R2n (via the isomorphism (z1 , z2 , . . . , zn ) → (x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , . . . , xn , yn ), where xj and yj are the real and imaginary parts of zj for j = 1, 2, . . . , n) then . 2 represents the Euclidean norm on this space. The inequality z + w 2 ≤ z 2 + w 2 satisfied for all z, w ∈ Cn is therefore just the standard Triangle Inequality for the Euclidean norm. Example The space Rn is also an n-dimensional real normed vector space with respect to the norms . 1 , . 2 and . ∞ defined above. Note that . 2 is the standard Euclidean norm on Rn . Example Let
A set X is a vector space over some field F if
Elements of the field F are referred to as scalars. We consider here only real vector spaces and complex vector spaces : these are vector spaces over the fields of real numbers and complex numbers respectively. Definition A norm . on a real or complex vector space X is a function, associating to each element x of X a corresponding real number x , such that the following conditions are satisfied:— (i) x ≥ 0 for all x ∈ X , (ii) x + y ≤ x + y for all x, y ∈ X , (iii) λx = |λ| x for all x ∈ X and for all scalars λ, (iv) x = 0 if and only if x = 0. A normed vector space (X, . ) consists of a a real or complex vector space X , together with a norm . on X . Note that any normed complex vector space can also be regarded as a normed real vector space. Example The field R is a one-dimensional normed vector space over itself: the norm |t| of t ∈ R is the absolute value of t. Example The field C is a one-dimensional normed vector space over itself: the norm |z | of z ∈ C is the modulus of z . The field C is also a twodimensional normed vector space over R. 2
m m
xk ≤
k=1 k=1
xk ,
where . denotes the norm on X . (This can be verified by induction on m, using the inequality x + y ≤ x + y .) A norm . on a vector space X induces a corresponding distance function on X : the distance d(x, y ) between elements x and y of X is defined by d(x, y ) = x − y . This distance function satisfies the metric space axioms. Thus any vector space with a given norm can be regarded as a metric space. A norm on a vector space X therefore generates a topology on X : a subset U of X is an open set if and only if, given any point u of U , there exists some δ > 0 such that {x ∈ X : x − u < δ } ⊂ U. The function x → x is a continuous function from X to R, since x − y = (x − y ) + y − y ≤ ( x − y + y ) − y = x − y , and y − x ≤ x − y , and therefore | x − y | ≤ x − y . The Cartesian product X1 × X2 ×· · ·× Xn of vector spaces X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn can itself be regarded as a vector space: if (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) and (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) are points of X1 × X2 × · · · × Xn , and if λ is any scalar, then (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) + (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) = (x1 + y1 , x2 + y2 , . . . , xn + yn ), λ(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = (λx1 , λx2 , . . . , λxn ). Lemma 9.1 Let X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn be normed vector spaces, and let . the norm on X1 × X2 × · · · × Xn defined by (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )