
2、常用的日常交际用语,如:Hello! How are you? I'm fine, thank you 等。
3、基础的词汇,如:apple, book, pen 等的认读和拼写。
2、动词 be(am/is/are)在不同人称中的用法。
3、英语数字 11 20 的准确发音和拼写。
五、课程内容(一)英语字母1、 26 个英文字母的发音元音字母:a, e, i, o, u 的发音特点。
辅音字母:b, c, d, f 等的发音规则。
2、字母的书写规范大写字母占上两格,如:A, B, C 。
小写字母的书写格式,如:a, b, c 占中格;g, p, q 占下两格等。
(二)日常用语1、问候语Hello! (你好!)Hi! (嗨!)Good morning! (早上好!)Good afternoon! (下午好!)Good evening! (晚上好!)2、自我介绍I'm 名字(我是)Nice to meet you (很高兴见到你。
)(三)词汇1、学习常见的名词学习用品:pen, pencil, ruler 等。
水果:apple, banana, orange 等。
动物:dog, cat, bird 等。
2、动词be 动词(am/is/are)的用法I am (我是)He/She/It is (他/她/它是)We/You/They are (我们/你/他们是)3、形容词描述颜色:red, blue, green 等。

七年级上册英语全册导学案(外研版)导学案一:Unit 1 My New Teachers课前导学•阅读课文标题和学习目标,猜测课文内容。
课堂导学Step 1:Warm-up•开始课堂,进行简单的热身活动,例如复习上节课的内容或进行日常英语问候。
Step 2:Vocabulary•引导学生一起回顾课文中出现的生词和短语,并进行齐读和拼读练习。
Step 3:Listening and speaking•听录音,让学生根据录音内容将老师的资料与相应的老师配对。
Step 4:Reading•学生分组朗读课文,模仿语音语调、语速和语气表达。
Step 5:Grammar•学生回顾一般现在时的用法,例如肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式。
导学案二:Unit 2 This is my sister课前导学•阅读课文标题和学习目标,猜测课文内容。
课堂导学Step 1:Warm-up•进行简单的热身活动,例如复习上节课的句型或进行词汇游戏。
Step 2:Vocabulary•回顾并巩固上节课学习的生词和短语。

二、教学目标1. 通过研究本教材,使学生能够熟练运用英语进行简单的交流;2. 培养学生的听力、口语、阅读和写作技能;3. 帮助学生扩大词汇量,并掌握基本的语法规则;4. 培养学生的研究兴趣和自主研究能力。
三、教学内容本教学导学案包含了七年级上册英语教材的全部内容,主要包括以下几个模块:1. Unit 1: Greetings and Introduction2. Unit 2: School Life3. Unit 3: Family4. Unit 4: Hobbies5. Unit 5: Food and Drinks6. Unit 6: At the Weekend7. Unit 7: Shopping8. Unit 8: Holidays四、教学方法为了达到预期的教学目标,我们将采用以下几种教学方法:1. 听力训练:通过听力练,提高学生对英语语音和语调的敏感度;2. 口语练:通过角色扮演、对话练等活动,提高学生的口语表达能力;3. 阅读理解:通过阅读文章、理解问题和回答问题的练,培养学生的阅读理解能力;4. 写作训练:通过写作练,提高学生的写作水平和表达能力;5. 词汇拓展:通过词汇练,帮助学生扩大词汇量。
六、教学资源为了支持教学的开展,我们将充分利用以下教学资源:1. 教科书:新人教版七年级上册英语教材;2. 多媒体设备:投影仪、电脑等;3. 教学软件和网站:提供课堂练和辅助教学资料;4. 研究资料和练册:辅助教材和练资料,帮助学生巩固所学知识。

1. 语言知识目标。
- 学生能够正确拼写、认读和运用本单元的重点单词(列出单词)。
- 掌握重点句型结构(写出句型),能够在不同情境下准确运用。
2. 语言技能目标。
- 听力:能听懂有关[具体话题]的简单对话和短文,获取关键信息。
- 口语:能够运用所学英语就[话题]进行简单的交流对话,语音、语调基本正确。
- 阅读:能读懂简单的英语短文,理解大意,并能找出关键细节。
- 写作:能够根据提示或范例,写出简单的关于[话题]的句子或短文。
3. 情感态度目标。
- 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增强自信心。
- 了解不同文化背景下的[与单元话题相关的文化内容],拓宽国际视野。
4. 文化意识目标。
- 知道[具体的文化差异或文化现象],尊重不同文化的差异。
1. 重点。
- 重点单词和短语的记忆与运用。
- 重点句型的理解和实际运用。
2. 难点。
- 某些语法知识(如[具体语法点])的理解和掌握。
- 在口语和写作中,能够准确、自然地运用所学知识进行表达。
1. 预习。
- 单词预习。
- 学生自主阅读课本,找出本单元的新单词,尝试根据音标拼读。
- 借助词典,了解单词的词性、词义和用法,并尝试记忆。
- 课文预习。
- 快速浏览课文,了解课文的大致内容,回答简单的问题,如:What's the main idea of the passage?- 找出不理解的单词、短语和句子,做好标记,以便在课堂上重点关注。
2. 课堂学习。
(1) 导入(Lead - in)- 通过展示图片、播放视频或讲述与本单元话题相关的小故事等方式,引起学生的兴趣,导入新课。
例如,如果本单元话题是“School life”,可以展示学校的不同场景图片,问学生:What can you see in the picture? How do you feel about your school life?(2) 单词学习(Word study)- 教师领读新单词,学生跟读,注意纠正发音。

2023年部编本七年级英语上册导学案(全)第一单元:认识学校课时一:你的学校及周围环境研究目标:- 了解学校的各个部分及其功能;- 描述学校周围的环境。
教学重点:- 学校各个部分的名称及功能;- 描述学校周围的环境。
教学难点:- 描述学校周围的环境。
研究内容:1. 学校部分的名称与功能- 教学楼:教师上课的地方。
- 图书馆:存放各种书籍,供学生阅读和借阅。
- 实验室:进行实验和科学研究的地方。
- 操场:供学生体育活动和放松的场所。
2. 描述学校周围的环境- 学校附近有公园、商店和餐馆。
- 学校周围有绿树和花草,给人一种舒适的感觉。
研究任务:1. 阅读课本第一单元相关内容。
2. 完成课后题。
3. 课下实地考察学校周围的环境,并用英语写一篇短文描述。
拓展练:1. 制作学校平面图,标注各个部分的名称和功能。
2. 绘制学校周围环境的图片,并用英语写出描述。
第二单元:日常交流课时一:问候和自我介绍研究目标:- 学会用英语进行问候和自我介绍;- 理解并回答简单的问候和自我介绍。
教学重点:- 问候和自我介绍用语的掌握;- 简单问候和自我介绍的理解和回答。
教学难点:- 理解并回答简单的问候和自我介绍。
研究内容:1. 问候用语- 早上好:Good morning!- 下午好:Good afternoon!- 晚上好:Good evening!2. 自我介绍用语- 我叫李明,我今年13岁。
:My name is Li Ming and I am 13 years old.- 我来自中国。
:I am from China.研究任务:1. 阅读课本第二单元相关内容。


1. 语言知识目标。
- 词汇:掌握七年级英语课本中的重点单词,包括单词的拼写、发音和词义。
例如,学习关于家庭成员(father, mother, brother, sister等)、日常用品(pen, book, bag等)、颜色(red, blue, green等)等方面的词汇。
- 语法:理解并能运用一般现在时的用法,包括be动词(am/is/are)的正确使用,以及实义动词的第三人称单数形式的变化规则(如like - likes, play - plays 等);掌握简单的句型结构,如This/That is...(这/那是……),I'm...(我是……)等。
2. 语言技能目标。
- 听:能听懂简单的课堂指令、简短的对话和描述性的短文,如关于个人信息、日常活动等内容的听力材料,抓住关键信息(如人物、事件、时间等)。
- 说:能够运用所学的单词和句型进行简单的日常交流,如介绍自己和他人、描述事物等;语音语调基本正确,发音清晰。
- 读:能够正确朗读课本中的课文和单词,读懂简单的英语短文,理解其主要内容,学会根据上下文猜测词义。
- 写:能正确书写单词、短语和简单的句子,如描写自己的家庭、介绍自己的爱好等;注意字母的大小写、标点符号的使用。
3. 情感态度目标。
- 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强学习英语的自信心。
- 引导学生了解不同的文化背景,培养跨文化交际意识。
1. 重点。
- 重点单词和短语的记忆与运用。
- 一般现在时的用法,尤其是be动词和实义动词第三人称单数形式的正确使用。
- 简单的英语对话和短文的理解与表达。
2. 难点。
- 实义动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则中不规则变化的记忆,如have - has。
- 一般现在时在不同语境中的正确运用,特别是在描述他人的习惯或经常发生的事情时。
- 英语中的文化差异对语言理解和运用的影响,如一些称呼、问候方式等。

导学案英语七年级英语七年级导学案一、单词拼写1. My friend is very tall, he is 1.8 m _________(高).2. The building is very beautiful and ____________(现代).3. Let’s go and ________(参观) the museum this weekend.4. Look at the sky! The sun is shining ___________(明亮).5. The students are all studying ________(努力) for the final exam.二、完成句子1. 我父母对我的功课要求很高。
My parents have ______ ______ ________ my schoolwork.2. 迈克是我们班最好的学生之一。
Mike is _______ _______ ______ in our class.3. 她每天晚上都花半小时看英语书。
She _______ _______ half an hour _______ English books every night.4. 昨天这个时间他正在看课外书。
He _______ reading extracurricular books _______ this time yesterday.5. 手机不能在学校里使用。
Mobile phones _______ _______ in the school.三、阅读理解Today is Sunday. But it is really a busy day for me. I get up early in the morning because I have to help my mother clean the house. After that, I make some breakfast for my family and then I do some washing.At about 10 o'clock, I go to the supermarket with my mother. We buy a lot of food and some clothes for me. In the afternoon, I have to finish my homework. Then I read a book for about an hour.In the evening, my aunt and uncle come to visit us. My mother cooks a wonderful dinner for us. We have a very good time.1. Why is today a busy day for the writer?__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________2. What does the writer do in the morning?__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________3. When does the writer go to the supermarket?__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________4. What does the writer do in the afternoon?__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________5. Who comes to visit us in the evening?__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________四、写作假如你是Li Ming,请你根据提示写一篇介绍你自己的短文。
Unit 4(第4课时 Section B 1a-2b)(导学案)-七年级英语上册(人教版)

1.What’s your class timetable today? Write down the subjects.1.Let’s look at others’ information on the message board.①Where is the text from?____________________________________________________________②What’s the topic of the text?____________________________________________________________③What can you see on the message board?____________________________________________________________2.What can you predict from their usernames?____________________________________________________________3.1b Read the message board about the students’ favourite subjects. Underline all the school subjects each student has.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.1c Read again and complete the table.5.Read again and answer the questions.① What subjects do Mike and Binbin both have?____________________________________________________________② How does Mike feel about music?____________________________________________________________③ What does Wu Binbin learn in his maths class?____________________________________________________________④Do you like music or maths? Why?____________________________________________________________6.Read again and complete the mind map.1.2a Discuss the following questions in groups and complete the mind map with your own2.2b Write a message using your information and post it on the board.3.Let’s thinkWhy do we have to learn so many subjects?What can you learn from different subjects ?____________________________________________________________一、用所给词的适当形式填空【参考答案】1.Watch the video and find out Sherry’s class timetable.2.Fill in Sherry’s class timetable1.What’s your class timetable today? Write down the subjects.1.Let’s look at others’ information on the message board.①Where is the text from?They are two posts(帖子)from the Internet.②What’s the topic of the text?Maybe they are about different subjects.③What can you see on the message board?There are two users.Mike Davis and Wu Binbin.2.What can you predict from their usernames?Maybe Mike’s favourite subject is music.Maybe Wu Binbin’s favourite subject is math.3.1b Read the message board about the students’ favourite subjects. Underline all the school subjects each student has.4.1c Read again and complete the table.5.Read again and answer the questions.① What subjects do Mike and Binbin both have?Maths,history,English,and IT.② How does Mike feel about music?Music always makes him happy.③ What does Wu Binbin learn in his maths class?He learns how to work out maths problems in class.④Do you like music or maths? Why?I (don’t) like music/maths because...6.Read again and complete the mind map.1.2a Discuss the following questions in groups and complete the mind map with your own。
2024年新版人教版七年级上册英语Unit 1(第2课时)(导学案)

1.Look at the pictures and review.Then try to read them loudly.1.Listen and repeat2.Let’s know more about our new friends_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1.Pronunciation:Help them find their friends_________________________________________________________________________________2.Listen and circle the sentences you hear.Then repeat them.3.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the contractions.4.2a Look and guess①Who are they in the photo?__________________________________________________________②Where are they ?__________________________________________________________③How do you think they feel ?__________________________________________________________ 5.2a Listen to the conversation and circle the words you hear.6.2b Read the conversation and answer the questions.①Who is Mr Smith ?A.Chen Jie’s class teacher.B. Chen Jie and Peter’s English teacher②What is Ms Gao’s first name ?A Hui B.Gao③Why did Peter make the mistake?______________________________________________________7.Read the conversation and complete the table with the information about Mr Smith and Peter.8.Listen again and pay attention to the pronunciation of who’s, I’m, he’s, and it’s. Then role-play the conversation.Complete the table with what you know about these students.Then introduce(介绍)them to your classmates.This is my new friend,__________(name).He/She’s in_____________(class).He/She’s from_____________(country).He/She’s _______________(age).His/Her class teacher is Mr/Ms_________.【参考答案】1.Listen and repeat略2.Let’s know more about our new friends1.Pronunciation:Help them find their friends2.Listen and circle the sentences you hear.Then repeat them.3.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the contractions.4.2a Look and guess①Who are they in the photo?They are a teacher and two students.Maybe they are classmates.②Where are they ?They are in the school.③How do you think they feel ?They look happy.5.2a Listen to the conversation and circle the words you hear.6.2b Read the conversation and answer the questions.①B ②A ③Because of cultural differences.(文化差异)7.Read the conversation and complete the table with the information about Mr Smith and Peter.8.Listen again and pay attention to the pronunciation of who’s, I’m, he’s, and it’s. Then role-play the conversation.一、请将下列单词按照其划线字母的读音归类。

初一英语导学案答案【篇一:人教版七年级上学期英语导学案(全套)】第1课时)section a 1a—1c主备人:审核人:督办领导:导学案使用时间:【学习目标】:1、熟悉掌握词汇name、clock 等2、学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学知识进行打招呼.3、能听懂听力对话并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际.【学习重点】:使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型.nice to meet you .――whats your name ?――my name is ......【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 熟悉掌握词汇时钟 _______ 我的 _______ 你的___________名字_______ 遇见 _________我name’s= i am =whats =__________喂嗨学习任务二: 学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学知识进行打招呼.1、教师自我介绍,引导学生介绍自己.a: hello , i am gina , whats your name ?b: my name is alan .2、小组竞赛, 两人一组,询问他人姓名,介绍自己.学习任务三: free talk (自由交谈)学习任务四: 能听懂听力对话并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际.二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )小组讨论我们所学的英语名字和汉语名字的区别, 如何用英语拼写 1你的名字?三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.) 1,、归纳你所学到的问候语.2、自己编写一个打招呼并询问姓名的小对话.四、知识拓展。
(教师寄语:it’s easier said than done.)(一)单项选择.1. _______your name ? my name is gina .a. whatb. whatsc. whod. which2. good morning , miss wang ! _____________!a. hellob.hic. nice to meet youd. good morning3. i _______sally , what______ your name ?a. am ,isb. is , amc. is , isd.am, am4. ______name is li lei . a. ib. i am c. my d. you5.— _______, whats your name ? — john green .a. hib. okc. sorryd. excuse me6. ――it isnt ______ watch .―― i left mine at home.a. myb. mec. id. you7. she is a student and b. herc. hers d.his8. this is a girl. her name is ___________.a.li xue ling c.li xue ling(二)尝试翻译下列句子.1. 见到你很高兴. _________________________________.2. 我叫王小雨. ____________________________________.3. 你叫什么名字? ____________________________________(三)根据情景补全对话.a: good afternoon !2b.li xue ling d.li xue lingb: ____________________!a; i ______lucy . _________your name ?b: my ______ is jim . nice to ______you !a: _______________________________.五、【教学评价】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_________________________________感到自己有待加强的是________________________________________六、【教后反思】unit 1 my name s gina.(第2课时)section a (2a—2c)主备人:审核人:督办领导:导学案使用时间:【学习目标】:1、熟练掌握本课时的单词. 2、学会询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名.3、能听懂有关谈论他人姓名的对话并进行自由交际.【学习重点】:询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名的句型.一、自主学习(教师寄语:knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 1.小组合作,理解并熟读下列短语,并写出汉语意思.my name ( ) your name ( ) his name ( )her name ( ) 他的_______和;又;而且_______她的_______问题;难题_______回答,答案_______看;望;看起来_______2.复习上节课的内容运用句型:whats your / his / her name?my / his / her name is .... 进行自由交际.学习任务二: 听听力完成2a,2b.学习任务三: 对话练习(pairwork)二、合作共建熟练的运用介绍他人与询问他人3三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)语法重难点 1.形容词性物主代词-----起形容词作用,在句中只能作定语,也就是说它后面必须跟一个名词。

人教版英语七年级上册1-3导学案(含答案)Starter Unit 1Good morning!1a—2e【自主预习·探新知】Ⅰ.根据教材第S1页完成句子,明确本课重点交际用语1.早上好,海伦!,Helen!2.嗨,鲍勃!,Bob!3.你好,弗兰克!,Frank!Ⅱ.根据教材第S2页按顺序补全所缺字母的大小写【合作探究·破疑难】【要点突破】1.Good morning!早上好!观察思考阅读下面的句子,体会问候语及其答语的特点—Good morning, Alice!早上好,艾丽斯!—Good morning, Cindy!早上好,辛迪!(教材第S1页)—Morning, Frank. 早上好,弗兰克。
—Morning, Mom. 早上好,妈妈。
—Good morning, Helen!早上好,海伦!—Hi, Bob!嗨,鲍勃!(教材第S1页)探究总结如何问候“早上好”(1)Good morning!是英语国家的人们在早上或上午见面时常用的比较正式的问候语。
(2)Good morning!的答语一般仍为“Good morning!”,在非正式场合,也可以用“Morning!”“Hi!”或“Hello!”等问候语来回答。
对点训练—Good morning, Frank!(完成对话,词数不限)—,Eric!2.Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克!观察思考阅读下面的句子,体会句中画线部分的用法—Hello, Eric!你好,埃里克!—Good morning, Dale! 早上好,戴尔!(教材第S1页)—Hi/Hello, Cindy! 嗨/你好,辛迪!—Hi/Hello, Grace! 嗨/你好,格雷丝!探究总结Hi/Hello的用法(1)Hi!/Hello!是用于非正式场合的打招呼或问候用语。

Unit 1 - Hello!
- 导学案内容:研究问候语和介绍自己的基本信息。
- 目标:掌握问候语和介绍自己的句子结构。
- 重点词汇:hello, hi, my name is, nice to meet you。
Unit 2 - My Family
- 导学案内容:研究描述家庭成员及其职业。
- 目标:学会用英语描述家庭成员和职业。
- 重点词汇:family, father, mother, brother, sister, doctor, teacher, student。
Unit 3 - School Life
- 导学案内容:研究学校生活的词汇和句型。
- 目标:了解学校生活的基本词汇和句型。
- 重点词汇:school, classroom, desk, chair, teacher, student, class。
> 注意:本文档内容仅供参考,请以教材为准。

七年级上册英语全册导学案(外研版)module 1 nice to meet youunit 1 the first english lesson课型:听说课[学习目标]1.掌握重点单词:meet first english lesson class student miss twelve year thirteen too from close open match write practise2.能够正确使用i’m from…[课前预习]读熟单词并能理解意思match:meet 课student 学生lesson 遇见twelve 从……来thirteen 也too 十三from 十二write 匹配practise 写match 练习[课堂活动]step 1检查1)listen and check how many people speak.1 □2 □3 □2)look at the picture . which words can you use to describe the picture?chinese class father friend mother school student teach erstep 2 listening1)listen and check the true sentences.1.miss li is a teacher. □2.lingling is from beijing . □3. daming and lingling are friends. □4. daming and lingling are english. □5. wang hui is twelve years old. □2) listen and fill in the blanks.miss li: hello.my name’s miss li. i’m a teacher and i’m chinese. i’m ____ wuhan.what’s your name? where are you from?lingling: my name’s lingling. i’m from beijing. i’m _____ yea rs old and i’m chinese. this is daming. he’s my friend. we’re students.daming: hello. my name’s daming. i’m a _______and i’m twelve years old. i’m from beijing. lingling is my friend. what’s your name?wang hui: my name’s wang hui. i’m ______years old. i’m from shanghai and i’m a student. i’m chinese. i’m in class one.。

Unit 2 My SchoolLearning Goals1.掌握学校相关的英语词汇,如school, classroom, library等。
Pre-reading在开始学习本单元之前,我们可以通过以下问题来引导学生思考和集体讨论:1.你喜欢学校吗?为什么?2.你最喜欢的教室是哪个?为什么?3.你喜欢在图书馆里看书吗?为什么?While-readingTask 1: Vocabulary在学习本单元课文之前,让我们先来学习一些与学校相关的英语词汇。
请在学生们的教材中找到以下词汇,并用自己的语言解释其意思:•school: 学校•classroom: 教室•library: 图书馆•playground: 操场•teacher: 老师•student: 学生•desk: 课桌•chair: 椅子•bookshelf: 书架•computer: 电脑Task 2: Reading Comprehension请阅读课文并完成以下问题:1.课文主要讲了什么内容?2.Amy 喜欢学校吗?为什么?3.Ben 喜欢学校的哪个地方?为什么?4.Amy 喜欢不喜欢看书?为什么?5.Ben 和 Amy 都喜欢上什么课?为什么?Task 3: Grammar - Be Verb本单元的语法重点是be动词的用法。
例如:I am a student.(我是一个学生。
)They are in the classroom.(他们在教室里。
)•be动词有三种形式:am, is, are。

初一导学案英语一、单词拼写1. My friend likes to play basketball. He is very s________.2. The weather is very hot today. Don't forget to bring your s_______.3. Tom does his homework every day. He is a very d________ student.4. Please turn off the lights when you leave the room. Don't w________ electricity.5. The teacher wrote the a________ on the blackboard for the students to copy.二、选择题1. ---How often do you play basketball, Mike?---________.A. Once in a whileB. Every dayC. Every week2. My father is a doctor. He ________ in the hospital every day.A. workB. worksC. is working3. There are many books on the shelf. We can ________ any book we like.A. takeB. takesC. taking4. The sun ________ in the east.A. riseB. roseC. rises5. ---What's your favorite sport, John?---I like ________.A. play footballB. playing footballC. to play football三、完成句子1. My mother ________ (在厨房做饭) when I got home yesterday.2. There are some ________ (兔子) in the garden every morning.3. Alice ________ (通常看电视) after dinner.4. Sam ________ (正在打电话) to his friend now.5. Don't be late for school. ________ (否则你会迟到).四、阅读理解My name is Lily. I am a student. I like English lessons very much because I like English songs. I listen to English songs every day. I think it's interesting. My father is a doctor. He is very busy every day. My mother is a teacher. She works hard. They are very tired but happy.1. What is Lily's favorite subject?A. ChineseB. MathC. English2. What does Lily's father do?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. Driver3. Why is Lily's mother tired but happy?A. Because she has a lot of work to do.B. Because she doesn't like her job.C. Because she has a happy family.五、书面表达请用英语写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍你的家人。

1. 语言知识目标。
- 掌握重点单词和短语,如:name, nice, to meet you, too, his, her等。
- 学会运用简单的句型进行自我介绍和问候他人,如:My name's... Nice to meet you. How are you? I'm fine, thank you.2. 语言技能目标。
- 能听懂关于自我介绍和简单问候的对话。
- 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读课文,并进行角色扮演。
- 能够根据实际情况写出简单的自我介绍句子。
3. 情感态度目标。
- 通过与同学的互动交流,培养友好交往的意识。
1. 重点单词。
- name [neɪm] n. 名字;名称。
- 例句:What's your name? 你的名字是什么?- nice [naɪs] adj. 令人愉快的;宜人的。
- 例句:Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
- to [tuː] 常用于动词原形前,表示该动词为不定式。
- meet [miːt] v. 遇见;相逢。
- 注意:meet的过去式是met。
- too [tuː] adv. 也;又;太。
- 例句:Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。
- his [hɪz] pron. 他的。
- 例句:His name is Tom. 他的名字是汤姆。
- her [hɜː(r)] pron. 她的。
- 例句:Her book is very interesting. 她的书很有趣。
2. 重点句型。
- 自我介绍。
- My name's...(= My name is...)我叫……- I'm...(= I am...)我是……- 问候他人。
- Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
- How are you? 你好吗?- I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。


A.It’s 4078854.
B.He is my friend Lucas.
C.It’s Green.
D.He is fine.
E. Yes. HELEN, Helen.
本课需要重点掌握的内容:学习“Nice to meet you”的打招呼的方式;学习询问对方名字和他人名字的方法;学习人称代词和形容词性物主代词;通过听简短的对话获取相关信息并跟读对话提升听说能力。
Hello, Alan.I'm Ms.Brown.
Nice to meet you.
What's his/ her name?
His / her name is...
3.—Who is the girl under the tree?
—She is _________________ classmate, Annie.
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外研版七年级英语上册导学案Module 1 Nice to meet youUnit 1 The first English lesson课型:听说课[学习目标]1.掌握重点单词:meet first English lesson class student Miss twelve year thirteen too from close open match write practise2.能够正确使用I’m from…[课前预习]读熟单词并能理解意思Match:meet 课student 学生lesson 遇见twelve 从……来thirteen 也too 十三from 十二write 匹配practise 写match 练习[课堂活动]Step 1检查1)Listen and check how many people speak.1 □2 □3 □2)Look at the picture . Which words can you use to describe the picture? Chinese class father friend mother school student teacher Step 2 Listening1)Listen and check the true sentences.1.Miss Li is a teach er. □2.Lingling is from Beijing . □3. Daming and Lingling are friends. □4. Daming and Lingling are English. □5. Wang Hui is twelve years old. □2)Listen and fill in the blanks.Miss Li: Hello.My name’s Miss Li. I’m a teacher and I’m Chinese. I’m ____ Wuhan.What’s your name? Where are you from?Lingling: My name’s Lingling. I’m from Beijing. I’m _____ years old and I’m Chinese. This is Daming. He’s my friend. We’re students. Daming: Hello. My name’s Daming. I’m a _______and I’m twelve years old.I’m from Beijing. Lingling is my friend. What’s your name?Wang Hui: My name’s Wang Hui. I’m ______years old. I’m from Shanghai and I’m a student. I’m Chinese. I’m in Class One.Miss li: Nice to_____ you, Wang Hui.Wang Hui: Nice to meet you, ______.Step 4 Speaking1、Work in pairs. Ask and answer.A: What’s your name? B: My name’s…A: Where are you from? B: I’m from…A: Nice to meet you,…B: Nice to meet you ,too.2、Introduce yourself to class. Using these ways.My Chinese name is Ni Shichun. My English name is Charlotte. I'm an English teacher.You can call me Miss /Ms Ni. I'm 39 years old. I'm from Beijing, China. I'm Chinese. I teach in Beijing No.80 Junior High School G.You're my students. We're good friends.Remember these language points:1)_My Chinese / English name is…2)_I'm a student. 3)_I'm …years old. 4)_I'm from…5)_I study in … Junior High School .6)_We're your students.7)_We're good friends, too.Step5 Vocabulary and pronunciation(Activity 6,7,8)1、Listening and repeat (Activity 6)1)Listen carefully 2)Repeat after the tape2、Listening and repeat (Activity 7)First,read alud; Then,repeat after the tape.总结s在单词末尾的读音。
__________________________________________________3、Match the words with the pictures (Activity 8)1)Match 2)Listen and act教后记/学后记:Exercises:(一)写单词:1.第一__________2.学生____________3.十二___________4.十三_________5.岁____________6.班级___________7.认识、遇见_________8.英语_____________9.课___________ (二)单项选择:1. -Nice to meet you. - .A Good morningB You are welcomC Nice to meet you, tooD Goodbye2.He from Beijing, I from Shanghai.A is,isB am, amC is, amD is, comes3. Please match the words the picture.A toB andC withD too4. –is Mary from? -She is from .A When, AmericanB Where, AmericaC What, FrenchD Where, French5. My sister is .A twelve year oldB twelve years oldC twelve-years old6. - is your father?- forty.A How old, HeB Where, He’sC How old, He’s(三)句型转换:1. Her name is Miss Li.(划线部分提问)_______ _______ ________ name?2. He is from Beijing.(同上)__________ ________ ________ from?3.We are twelve years old.(同上)_____ _______ _______ you?(四)将下列句子翻译成英语:1. 我叫玲玲,我十二岁了。
(五)根据实际情况回答下列问题:1.What’s your name?2. Where are you from?3. How old are you?(六)自我介绍:My name is_____________.I’m a__________. I’m __________ years old.I’m from ____________. I’m in Class ____________________.Module 1 Nice to meet youUnit 2 I’m from China and I’m Chinese.课型:读写课[学习目标]1.掌握重点单词:city, English, England, fourteen, eleven2.能够正确使用I’m from…and I’m…[课前预习] 读熟单词并能理解意思1. Match:city 十一English 十四England 英国的fourteen 英国eleven 城市2. 单项选择1)- are you? -I’m thirteen years old.A WhatB WhereC How oldD How2) Mike is from and he is .A Chinese, ChinaB America, AmericanC English, EnglandD China, China3. 用be动词的适当形式填空。
1)I 13 years old.2) He in Class One.3) How old you?4) They from America.5) My name Wang Ming.[课堂活动]Step 1 检查1、Introduce yourself to the class.My name is… I’m a… I’m…years old. I’m from…2、Work in pairs. Ask and answer.A: What’s your name? B: My name is…A: Where are you from? B: I’m from… I’m…A: How old are you? B: I’m …years old.Step 2 Reading1、Read the passage and answer the question:Who are they?2、Read the first passage. Check the true sentences.1 )Daming is in Class Two. □2 )Daming isn’t from Beijing. □3、Read the second passage. Check the true sentences.3)Lingling isn’t English. □4)Lingling and Daming aren’t good friends. □4、Read the second passage. Check the true sentences.5) Wang Hui is Chinese. □6 )Daming and Wang Hui are English. □5、Correct the false sentences in groups and write down the right sentences.1)____________________________________________2)____________________________________________3)____________________________________________Step 3 Say something about Daming, Lingling and Wang Hui.Using these ways.His/Her name is……He’s/She’s from……He’s/She’s ……He’s/She’s …… years old.Step 4 Writing1、Say something about your classmates in your groups.2、Write sentences about Jiang Li.3、Write sentences for you.4、Join your sentences with and.教后记/学后记:Exercises:(一).写单词:1.从…来_________2.打开____________3.关闭___________4.相称,匹配_________5.写_____________6.练习___________7.城市_________8.英国___________9.英国的_________ (二)句型转换:1. I am from Shanghai. ( 否定句)I _____ _____ from Shanghai.2. She is thirteen years old . ( 疑问句)______ ______ thirteen years old ?3. Is Daming in Class One ? ( 陈述句)_______ _______ _______ Class One.(三)用所给词的正确形式填空1. It’s cold outside. Don’t open the window. Please ________ (open的对应词) it.2. Jenny is a girl. ________ (she) family name is Green.3. _______(you) name is Lisa Barnes. What’s ________(he) name? Pleasetell ________(I)4.Lingling and I are from China. We are ________ (China) ________(student).(四)根据句意及首字母补全单词:1. I’m from E_________and I’m E________.2.Jim is fourteen y_____old.3. He is in C______ One.4.H____name is Tom. He is English.5.Lingling is from C________. She is a Chinese.6.We’re his students,he is our Chinese t___________.7.This is the _______(第一)lesson.8.________(匹配)the pictures with the words.9.He is a good ________(学生).10.We like English and often p________English .11.It’s very nice to _______________(遇见) you here.12. I am _______________(十二)years old when I go the Middle School.13. The old man can speak ________________(英语) well.14. I don’t know where he is _________(来自)。