大英4 期末口语考试话题

期末口语考试话题听说教程每单元Part B—Speaking Tasks—Pair Work—A. Reflections on the text.Unit 1 Friendship;Unit 2 Dealing with cultural differencesUnit 5 MemoryUnit 6 WealthUnit 7 Anti-smokingUnit 8 AgingUnit 10 AddictionUnit 11 Home-schoolingUnit 12 Opinion PollsUnit 16 Crime and Punishment1 Friendship;D: See, we have just learned about the friendship in the unit 1. So, do you have many bosom friends?S: Of course I do. There are lots of intimate friends around me .Life without friends is like life on a desert island .D: You are so correct. Our friends are very important to us , just as the saying goes , “ If you tell your joy to your friend ,your joy will double .And if you pour your sorrow to your friend , your sorrow will be reduced by half .”We need to treasure our friends .S: Exactly, we need friends to share our experiences, our joy and sorrows. In the difficulties, our friends are usually the ones we turn to, for advice, for comfort and for courage. It’s unimaginable how one could live without friends.D: Yeah, ture friendship is really important. It is a plant of slow growth, which is based on warmth, trust and shared experience.S: By the way, do you know how to keep our friendship alive ?D: Remember important days in your friends’ live is can nurture friendship.S: What’s more, we can’t win a friend with gifts only.D: Yeah, to tell you the truth, I think truthfulness and tenderness are the two elements that keep friendship alive. We need to trust each other and to be of tenderness .S: You are right. Truthfulness and tenderness are of great value .I hope we both can keep them in our minds .2 Dealing with cultural differencesW: I was in bad mood today , It is upsetting to find that I unintentionally offended an American student . How ashamed I was .F: Oh , I’m sorry to hear that . You should have learned how to deal with cultural differences. It’s very important.W:I know… But have you known anything about cultural differences ?F: Let me tell you . Different cultures have their own rules of behavior. People from different cultural backgrounds may have very different beliefs, religions, customs and habits. Ignorance of cultural differences often causes misunderstanding, offense, or embarrassment in cross-cultural communication.W: I see , Do you mean that to avoid misunderstanding or giving unnecessary offense we must develop a cross-cultural perspective?F:Yes , We must remember that all cultures are equal, Having a respect for other cultures and learning about their basic characteristics are effective ways to promote international communication.W: I get it . People from different countries speak different languages , keep different value systems ,and have different ways of looking at things ,and we must respect them . right ?F: Right !3 MemoryF: I have a bad memory recently . I have been upset by it . Should I go to see a doctor? .W: I’m sorry to hear that . but you don’t need to turn to a doctor for help . There must be some methods to help you improve your memory . Don’t worry about it .F: Thank you for comforting me . Could you tell me how to improve my memory ?W:It’s my pleasure . You know, There are three major types of memory: sensory memory, which is the recording of information through our sensory system; short-term memory or working memory, which is temporary storing of information, and long-term memory, which refers to the storing of information for a longer period of time.F:And so ?W: So you can try to keep a diary ,recite what you have learned , and think back on things several times before you go to bed .F: Do you mean that for improving memory , it requires attention, repetition and associated ideas?W: Exactly,and you must also allow the brain to have enough sleep and rest.F:Oh , I understand . Thanks for informing me of these .4 WealthW: F, you know, Wealth is usually associated with affluence, prosperity, and comfort, and to a lesser degree, with honor, respect and admiration. And I think the amount of money represents wealth best. Do you think so ?F: I’m afraid I can’t agree with the view you just expressed . Many of us think life would become easier and freer if we had more money , but in my mind , though money is crucial to people’s lives , it can’t represent how wealthy people are . There are other things , such as love, friendship and good health , that decide whether you are wealthy . not only the money .W: Well, but many a time , lack of money is the obstacle that prevents people from pursuing their cherished goals in life .Modern life is built around money .F: No one can deny that what you think is reasonable , but you need to know ,money isn't everything ,and it can be lost . People have all the money in the world, he is wealthy in material ; people own love, friendship and good health and so on may be the most wealthy guy .W: Okay, we both show different views on wealth , and maybe you are right , but I insist on mine .F: Of course, It all depends on you .5 Anti-smokingF: Stop ! Do not smoke in front of me . you know I hate breathing in cigarette smoke !W: Oh I’m so sorry , I didn't do it on purpose .F: You must have been a smoker for a long time , don’t you realize cigarette’s harmful influence on your health ?W: I’m aware of the fatal results of smoking , but I can’t quit it , I have tried many times , but I failed.F: Oh god ! You must do something to steer clear of smoking . The harmfulness of smoking to health is increasingly being recognized. Research has shown that smoke from the average cigarette contains around 4,000 chemicals, at least 43 of which cause cancer.W: Is smoking so serious ? IF: Of course ! So I’m strongly against smoking . Smoking not only does harms to yourself, but also to nonsmokers .Secondhand smoke is also a cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers . W: I see . I also class smoking as my enemy ,By the way , I never smoke in public areas , because some anti-smoking people and groups may punish me . I will try my best to quit it . F: It needs time , but I really hope that you can make it .6 AgingF: One of my father’s friends got serious lung cancer, and he has been in hospital for a long time, The doctor said that he would gone within four months . It’s horrible.W: I’m sorry about that bad news . But don’t be sad, aging comes to everyone after they rea ch a certain age .and aging occurs in all living things. With advancing age major changes take place in the human body, such as the decline of hearing and vision, the inflexibility of blood vessels and so on. So , just face it with optimism .F;But I’m still scared . Do you think that science medicine can save one’s life and make him live longer ?W: It can do this on most occasions .but I think one wants to run in front of age , he must form healthy habits in life , such as exercise regularly, stay way of smoking , have a balanced diet and so on .Human life is too precious for us to terminate it .F: En , we can’t prevent aging from coming to us , but we can stop it from coming so fast . W: Yes , and a correct attitude toward aging is not to surrender in the face of time .7 AddictionW: I just learned from the TV that there are a large number of drug addiction people around us , especially young people , and the number is getting larger . It’s very scaring, do you think so ? F: Yes , I agree with you . Drug abuse is a serious social problem in the world today. Drugs that are commonly abused refer to heroin and cocaine.W: Why so many people , especially young people , take drugs ?F: Oh , some people take drugs to temporarily forget their problems , reduce stress, while some young people may try drugs out of curiosity , to make them look cool and so on .When they find themselves are addictive to drugs , a majority of them can’t get rid of them .W;And the TV said that use of these drugs often leads to chemical addiction, which in turn leads to serious health disorders, even death. Drug abuse often leads to crime.F: Yes, drug addiction threatens not only the lives of individual children and their families, but also the future of the country . The government should take effective measures to reduce the extent of the problem.8 Home schoolingW: have you heard of the home schooling?F: YES Home schooling is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in a formal setting of public or private school. Is it right? W: Right. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community So what do you think of the home schooling?F: I think it's really a stange way to learn.I can't understand why somebody would chose this way to teach their children.Can you tell me the benefit of home-schooling.W: Home schooling yields positive academic, social, emotional, and spiritual benefits for any family that is willing and prepared to give it a chance. There is also the benefit of reducing your childs exposure to peer pressure regarding drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity.F: Then as a matter of fact, there are several disadvantages and you need to find out if they outweigh the advantages in your particular situation.W: y ou mean children lack of connection with others?F: sure. The major disadvantage of home schooling seems to be the lack of socialization that it offers to the child. It certainly is true that the child will have less interaction with their peers than those who attend public school on a regular basis.One more disadvantage of home schooling is the cost. It can cost hundreds of dollars per year, just for you to be able to teach your child at home.W: child c In a word,every kind of education patterns has its advantage and disadvantage,so parents should choose the style that suits for your children on the basis of your family condtion.We believe every an be successful.9 Opinion PollsF: Do you know the thing that's always struck me as odd about opinion polls?W: What's that?F: The percentages. Like recently there was a survey about what people thought about traffic, and petrol prices, and public car parks. In some car parks it now costs something like 5 pounds to park a car for half an hour.W: Yeah, but I don't see what you're getting at.F: What I mean is the percentages in the results. So there might be 70% of people who complained about high petrol prices, and 60% who want to see the traffic reduced, and 65% who think car park charges are too high. Does that mean that there are 35% who actually think the charges are OK and would even be prepared to pay more, and another 30% who think petrol prices are OK? I mean that's absurd. I don't know anyone who doesn't think they're too high.W: Well, actually I think we should pay more.F: Come on, you're joking.W: I believe this opinion polls have reflect public opinions. it depends to a large extent on a scientific selection of the sample, good design of the questions. The polls give accurate datas and reliable information. It can express someone’s views.So you should try to change your mind and accept the truth.F: Well, anyway, I still can't believe that 30% of those people who said car park charges were OK.W:Well, maybe that's where you are wrong. Just think aboutthis more taxes should be charged on petrol, to discourage people from using cars, and a kind o f graded charging system for car parks depending on how far they are from the city center.And you'll realize that perhaps it's not so stupid as it sounds.10 Crime and PunishmentW: dear, my mobile phone was stolen yesterday! I was so upset.F:I am sorry to hear about that. But where have you been yesterday?W: mangrove forest, with my teachers and classmates.F: you should be careful when you go out to play. You know, the crime rate is rising rapidly. So me are crimes against property, and some are crimes against persons .Some involve both prope rty and people.!W:I know. I just don’t understand why they steal others’ possession without guilt. I do hope the y will have a strong punishmentF:I think Poverty is the mother of crime. Besides, the gap between the rich and the poor, poor education, and the lack of moral power are also related to the crimes.W: as well as the lack of effective enforcement of laws!F:you are right . as for the punishment. There should never be suspicion of capital punishment . Murderers whose motive is money should not get off lightly. Criminals must be made to see t he consequences of their crimes. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" is the very basis of jus tice.W:yes and Those who are lenient to criminals are unkind to innocent people.。

大学生英语四级考试口语试题大学生英语四级考试口语精选试题Never underestimate your power to change yourself!以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的大学生英语四级考试口语精选试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗? or Do you work well under stress or pressure?你能承受工作上的压力吗?A:Yes,I think so.The trait is needed in my currentor previous position and I know I can handle it well.这种特点就是我目前先前工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。
Q:What is your strongest traits?你个性上最大的特点是什么?A:Helpfulness and caring.乐于助人和关心他人。
Adaptability and sense of humor.适应能力和幽默感。
Cheerfulness and friendliness.乐观和友爱。
Q: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?A:pause a few seconds 稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。
They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的.人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。
A:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。

Accumulate common expressions
学习并积累常用的英语表达方式,包括日,注意积累词汇和句型,提 高口语表达能力。
尝试与英语母语人士交流,了解其常用表达方式和习惯用法 。
Listen and speak more
自我介绍是口试中常见的题型,主要考察学生的自我表达和 组织语言的能力。
在自我介绍环节,考生需要简洁明了地介绍自己的基本情况 ,包括姓名、年龄、兴趣爱好等。同时,考生还需要展示自 己的语言组织能力和语音语调的掌握。
Short passage reading aloud
在口语考试中,保持自信是非常重要的。考生应相信自己能够清晰、准确地表达自己的观点,不受紧张情绪的影 响。
通过充分准备,考生可以增强自信。熟悉考试主题,了解常见问题,并提前准备答案,有助于考生在考试中更加 自信地应对。
Pay attention to pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm
The exam typically consists of a face-to-face interview with an examiner, where candidates are asked to demonstrate their language skills in a variety of situations and tasks.
01 introduction
Introduction to Oral Exam
The oral exam is a crucial part of the College English Test (CET), which assesses candidates' English proficiency level.

Book 4Topic One Men and women’s prejudices (综合第一单元)Section One Each of the students will be asked one question on the topic “Men and women’s prejudices and roles”.1. What’s the division of labor like in your family?2. Many people hold the view that men are different from women in many ways. What’s your opinion about it?3. How to be a good father?4. Some people say women are born to be homemakers. Do you agree or disagree? Why?5. Do you think a “househusband” is an easy job?6. In business world, there are more male top managers than female ones. How would you explain this phenomenon?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: Topic for Group DiscussionIn today’s China, the boundary between the traditional social roles played by men and those played by women is becoming increasingly blurred. Please identify some driving factors behind this dramatic change.Topic Two Culture (综合教程第二单元)Questions1.What do you think is culture?2.Have you ever been to a place with a culture that is different fromyours? Can you tell any cultural differences between people?3.If you are invited by an American friend for a dinner party, whatetiquette should you observe?4.Some people write articles to generalize cultural differences. Whatdo you think of these generalizations? Do they do more good than harm or vice versa for you to learn about that culture?5.Do you think that Chinese culture is superior to other cultures inthe world?6.How might cultural awareness or cultural blindness promote or affectyour communication?Discussion TopicToday, many people are keen on Western style of life, they prefer Western food, they wear western-style modern clothing, they like celebrating Western festivals and feel Spring Festival boring…… Some people are worried that we are losing our identity, it is urgent for us to adhere to our traditional culture; while some others think it is normal as culture is constantly undergoing change. What is your opinion?Topic Three Career Planning(21世纪第一单元)Questions1.What do you think is the best (worst) job in the world?2.Have you had any planning about your future career? Say somethingabout it.3.Do you believe in the job-hunting websites like or? Why or why not?4.The more people change their jobs, the more clearly they know whatthey really want to do. Is that true? Why or why not?5.Would you like to take a job you like but low paid or one you don’t like but well paid?6. Now both at home and abroad, some retirees would like to go back to work. What do you think of the phenomenon?Discussion TopicWhat factors will you consider when you choose a job?Topic Four Interpersonal relationship(21世纪第3单元) Questions1.Do you have any good ideas of making a good first impression on others?2.Have you ever met any people who are difficult to get along with instudy or life? How do you deal with the problem?3.What do you think are the key elements of friendship?4.What is your understanding of the old saying—“A friend in need isa friend indeed. ”?5.How do you get along with your roommates?6.How do you face the problem of “generation gap” between you andyour parents?Discussion TopicFriends play an important role in our daily life. Work in group to talk about how to build lifelong friendship.Topic five Emotional intelligence(EI) (21世纪第五单元)Questions1. What do you know about Emotional Intelligence? Talk briefly about it.2. What are important elements of emotional intelligence or EQ?3. How can you raise your emotional intelligence or EQ?4. Why do some deal with stress better?5. What does likeability mean? Please explain why Bill Clinton is likeable.6. Please introduce some effective ways to reduce stresses in your study. Discussion TopicWhich do you think is more important to one’s success, EQ or IQ?TOPIC Six Language and EconomyQuestions1.Do you think English is very important to you? In what way?2.How popular is English?3.In what ways will English help you surf on the Internet, or can youtell us the importance of English on the Internet?4.Now more and more foreign people start to learn Chinese. Why isChinese learning getting popular these days? Can you think of the possible reasons?5.Which language may be used as the lingua franca in the 21st century,English or Chinese? Why?6.Do you think English major graduates have better chances to securecareers in English--speaking countries?Discussion TopicIs it necessary for everyone to speak English?TOPIC Seven Psychological HealthQuestions1.What kind of person do you think is a healthy person?2.What is depression? Do you know anyone who suffers from depression?How does he(she) suffer?3.What advice would you give to someone who feels depressed?4.What usually causes you to be stressful as a student?5.Do you think sports do much good to one’s psychological health?6.Are psychological problems inherited or acquired? Do you think thosewho have “blue genes” can live a happy life?Discussion TopicPsychological problems are common among college students. For example, some of them have great trouble concentrating on study, some of them don’t feel much like eating and thus lose much weight, some feel irritated and often have fights with their friends, while others suffer more bouts of depression and alienation.Please discuss the causes of these problems and see whether you can find some solutions to them.Topic Eight Job Hunting (21世纪unit 13)Questions1. Where do people usually go to search for job information?2. What are the dangers of online job hunting? How do you do a safe job search?3. Where would you like to work? In a big or small city?4. What mistakes do people often make on their resumes?5. What basic things do you need to consider, when you begin to hunt fora job?6. What makes it difficult to find jobs for college graduates?Discussion TopicHow can you prepare for a successful job interview?Topic Nine Disasters (21世纪 unit 10)Questions1.What natural disasters do you know?2.Can you name any man-made disasters?3.What can people do to avoid damages or dangers when an earthquakestrikes?4.In your opinion, what can we do to help people in thedisaster-stricken area?5.What should we do to prevent man-made accidents or disasters?6.Have you ever experienced or heard about a disaster? Please describeit.Discussion TopicCan man do much in the face of natural disasters?Topic Ten Interviewing (21世纪 Unit 14)Questions1. What kind of job would you like to take after graduation?2. If you were to hunt jobs, how would you search for job vacancies? On the internet or in newspapers or somewhere? Give your reasons and explain.3. Have you been to an interview for a part-time job or something? If yes, tell us your story. If no, tell us a story of others you have heard.4. What should be considered when you take a job interview?5. Could you tell us something about dress tips for job hunters?6. What do you do after your interview?(Or say something aboutPost-interview strategy.)Discussion TopicHow to ace a job interview (How to make a job interview successful)?。

全国英语等级考试四级口语的对话全国英语等级考试四级口语的对话精选1、In time to come, have to forsake the familiar paper currency.in time to come: in the coming/near future 在不久的将来get/be familiar with sh 熟悉be familiar to sb 为……熟知E.g. He likes plants very much, so he is familiar with many flowers.他喜欢植物,所以知道很多种花.This is a flower familiar to many of us.这是我们都很熟悉的一种花.forsake: give up, abandon 放弃,遗弃E.g. He forsook his bad habits with the help of his friend.在朋友的帮助下,他改掉了坏习惯.2. Resulting in the Internet itself becoming the world’s largest emerging market.result in: bring about, have a result 致使、导致result from: happen as a result of, be caused by 起因于,因..引起E.g. The disagreement resulted in the war between the two nations.两国家之间的`分歧导致了战争.(The war resulted from the disagreement between the two nations.)3. make profits =in the red 盈利make losses= in the black亏损E.g. This industry will make profit from a long-term perspective/in the long run.长远来讲,这个产业是会盈利.This company is making losses now, but it will make profits from a long perspective.这家公司目前虽然亏损,但长远看来它是会赢利的.4.to date: so far, until now 到目前为止E.g. This company is making profits to date.这家公司目前为止一直赢利.5. freelancer n.自由职业者 freelance v. 做自由职业E.g. He has great interest in working as a freelancer.他对做个自由职业人很感兴趣.6. Superiority .1).be/feel superior to 比……好2).be/feel inferior to 不如……E.g. He always feels superior to other guys in his class.他总是自以为比班里其他的男孩子都强.7. Exemplify v.E.g. His theory was exemplified in the financial crisis.他的理论在这场金融危机中得到了证实.8.optic adj.视觉的the optic nerve视觉神经optics n.光学 (和maths, physics一样,表示学科时,和单数动词连用)E.g. Thanks to the help of my brother, the problems that I had in optics have been solved.多亏哥哥帮忙, 我在光学中遇到的问题都解决了9.dizzying adj.极快的E.g. The 21st century witnesses the dizzying development of the electronic industries.电子产业在二十一世纪得到了迅猛的发展.10. Consultation n. 请教, 咨询, 商议E.g. The doctors held a consultation to decide whether anoperation was necessary.医生们商议了一下看是否有必要做手术.【全国英语等级考试四级口语的对话精选】。

第一场:理想工作Generally, everyone has his or her ideal jobs. Some people has the detailed aim such as a teacher, a doctor, or a lawyer, and others may have not decided a certain career, instead of which, they want a job with challenges or creativity. In my opinion, having an ideal job means having the inspiration and incentives, and my ideal job should be with following traits. First, it must ensure me to learn something new. Since learning new things is the mission of my whole life, and it will make the everyday job not so tedious. Second, it should give me some challenges, and in other words, it should not be too easy for me. Because the difficulties and frustrations in work will make me improve my skills in many aspects. Third, the working atmosphere should be harmonious, in which I can make friends with my colleagues. Since most people are busy working nowadays, and the companies may become the appropriate place where we can meet new friends. Also, to obtain the ideal job, I should study and work hard in my daily life, and the aspiration will be realized someday.第二场:难忘的一天Well, when talking about the memorable day, my first thought was a birthday party held last December.It was a sunny and cozy day. I was invited to a birthday party held by my American friend Andy in a beautiful part in Beijing.It was totally different from our Chinese gatherings since itwas in traditional western style. At the party, all of us wore great costumes and enjoyed various kinds of western food, which impressed me most was the tasty turkey cooked by Andy's wife. We danced together with the music and wished Andy all the best in his life. We shared different stories happened in China and other countries when eating the birthday cake. It was awesome.I'd like to say that was the most impressive party I've taken part in. Besides the delicate food, I also made new friends from different countries and learned a variety of cultural traditions from them. It was like a new world opened to me. In addition, I think this was an excellent opportunity for me to know other foreign languages besides English. If I can get other chances like this party, I really like to join again.第三场:民间艺术展览Personally, I am very fond of folk art. Sometimes, I go to the folk art exhibition as long as I have free time. As art made my life more colorful and interesting, I had always been addicted into art lessons and art exhibitions when I was a child. During that period, the art lessons and art gallery also developed my aesthetic.I draw pictures in my spare time and painting is one of my hobbies. Now, I usually spend my whole weekends on art gallery drawing pictures. Drawing brings me a sense of achievement. It's always exciting and entertaining to roam in the world of art. Moreover, folk art give me inspiration in drawing and I usually combine the element of folk art into my painting. Therefore, I am very interested in Chinese folk art.From my viewpoint, I'm partial to the Chinese folk art of ocean. For the reason that ocean always makes me feel broad-minded and peaceful. Besides, it's our traditional treasures. So I maintain that we should promote our traditional treasures to thepublic, especially the young.So, it is high time that some actions should be taken. On the one hand, it's advisable that the departments concerned should introduce and enforce some corresponding laws and regulations to protect our folk art, including hold folk art exhibition to the public, and promote the beauty of folk art to the social media. On the other hand, we are supposed to take advantage of the folk art exhibition to enlighten the public cultivating the habit of visiting art gallery and developing the awareness about maintaining and protecting our unique folk art. Folk art is one of the traditional treasures throughout history. It's our duty to protect and maintain our folk art.第四场:干净环境的重要性Let me see. Surely there's no doubt that lean environment is crucial. Everyone needs to live in a clean environment and I am no exception.The benefits are manifold. For instances, it is good for your health if we live in a clean environment, since we can breath fresh air and drink clean water. Clean environment provides us with opportunities to enjoy beautiful views of green mountains and clear rivers in which fishes swim freely.It also allows us to have good mood every day when working or studying. Just imagine, if we drive on the road after a day's tedious work, suddenly we run onto a road with litter everywhere and unpleasant smell from the river beside the road, what will we feel and what will we do? We are likely to feel grumpy and anxious.It is hard to imagine how awful and terrible our life would be if we can't live in a clean environment, so I'd like to suggest that we do all our best to protect our environment for our physicaland psychological health. It is our responsibility to protect where we live and set examples to the next generations so as to maintain our clean environments forever.第五场:音乐的作用Music can be classified into many different types, like Classical music, pop music, Blues, Rock & Roll Jazz, Orchestral music, etc. Different kinds of music can bring various kinds of emotion to people. For most people, music brings relaxation and happiness to our life. After a whole day of hard work, I'd like to lose myself into some kind of light music to relax both physically and mentally. When you're down, a joyful sound can sweep your bad emotion away. When you listen to their rhythm and style, you will feel your heart be touched and shaked in a blue mood. Then, you will be enlightened and cheer up soon. We can get power and courage from those inspiring lyrics to deal with challenges in our life. When you're lonely, music can be peaceful and comfortable, because it comes from within where no one can invade your private dreams.第六场:学习中遇到的困难Well, to be honest, everyone will encounter at least several difficulties in study. Personally, the most difficulty thing about study is to understand grammar. What's more, I believe that's the top difficulty among most of people who learn English as their second language. Due to the differences between two languages, most Chinese people can't fully understand the basic structure and rules about English, as well as the differences in thinking patterns and expression. When they do some translation, they just translate the sentence in word-to-word order without making their sentences logical. As a result, we can't communicate with foreigners and understand each other.So, even though we don't have any exams about grammar any more, we still need to learn some grammar. So understand what our shortage is and how to face it is important. Take myself as an example, well, first of all, I bought some books about grammar and start to learn by myself. But I still couldn't fully understand some of them. Therefore, I took part in a grammar class. In that class, I made friend with some of classmates. We often practice English together. Beside, I often talk to them, share my difficulties with them, so that sometimes they can help me to get out of the difficulties. Now, I have built up basic structure about English grammar system. I think I have overcome that difficulty.All in all, We will meet many kinds of difficulties in our study, if we give up quickly, then we will never address that problem. The best strategy to overcome the difficulties in study is to work harder on it. You can learn by yourself or with your friend. To find out what you couldn't understand and then practice.第七场:上大学的目的Um, well, I suppose going to college is one of the most important steps in our whole life.There are many benefits we can obtain from our college education. From the beginning, we can learn endless knowledge from learned professors in colleges. Besides those knowledgable teachers, there are also libraries where we can find what we want to read and learn. Above all, we can learn and improve ourselves most efficiently in colleges since there are great achievements of our predecessors accumulated in colleges, from which we don't need to experience the difficult research process again, just learn from our predecessors.Personally, it's my target to go to an excellent university sincethis experience not only helps me be an educated person, but also the most convenient way that allows me to find a favored job.Some may say we can also be educated and find a good job without going to universities. But please remember that learning in colleges is the most efficient way for us to achieve our goals.In short, the college is like an ocean of knowledge from which we can absorb useful nutrient freely.第八场:大学最喜欢的专业For the favorite subject in college, I guess I like the language course French best.I've learned this romantic language since I was a freshman in the classes of Miss Isabelle.Among numerous languages in the world, French is the one that I am curious to learn. Actually no matter when I am available at home or after class, I will open my French documents. Luckily, now I can speak French fluently and can communicate with native speakers without any difficulties. I feel a sense of great achievements. During the process of learning, I also encountered many difficulties. It's very tough to start learning a new language, especially the pronunciation part. As we all know, the way of French pronunciation is very different from English, let alone Chinese, so I always turned to Miss Isabelle and she always helped me address my problems in time. I'm very grateful to her.You may wonder why I like this subject most, or why I chose French rather than other languages. I guess this may be the result of my talent in languages, not other subject like the difficult math. Beside, I consider language a medium of communication. If I know the language, I don't need to rely on the translator or interpreter and I can get the first hand information. Additionally,I plan to travel to the romantic nation France to experience the French style romance when I finish my degree. Last but not least, I consider French is helpful for me to find a job after graduation.口语相关的互动讨论讨论话题:邀请同学参加聚会A: Hi, Lisa, long time no see. How is everything going?B: Not bad. And you?A: I couldn't feel better. Do you have any plan for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday?B: Not yet. Are there any good ideas?A: I'm thinking about a classmate reunion. You know, we have been busy taking classes or staying at library for a few month after winter holiday. It's time to go out to relax.B: I agree with you. Sometimes the academic pressure makes me fell anxious. But do you have specific plan about this union? For example, to go climbing, to visit some scenic spots, or just to dine out ?A: Of course. Since the time for holiday is limited, we can first dine out together, and then play "Trueman Room Escape", which is an exciting game. Finally we can go to KTV. So would you like to go with me?B: It sounds great. I'd love to. Did you invite anyone else?A: Yes. I also invited all of my classmates. But some of them have planed to go home. It's a great pity.B: Never mind. There must be another chance next holiday.A: You're right! Anyway, thank you for joining us!B: It's my pleasure.讨论话题:卖旧电脑A: Hey, Damon! I have seen your advertisement on the call-board, saying that your computer is on sale.B: Hey, Cathy! Since I have found a new-type computer, which is to my taste in all aspects, I want to sell my old one and buy the new.A: I'm looking for an inexpensive computer because my old one doesn't work but I have spent a lot money traveling these months. Then, How long have you used your old computer?B: I have used it for just one year. I bought it last year.A: And how much is it?B: I intended to sell it on 2,000 yuan, but you can buy it on a discount of 10%. How about 1,800 yuan?A: How about 1,500 yuan, and I can help you buy your favorite keyboard from America.B: Then, it's OK. I will provide home delivery service.A: Thank you!讨论话题:举办培训课A: Hey, Damon! Have you known that we will cooperate to hold a training course on computer skills?B: Hey, Cathy! I have heard that from Professor Wang, and do you have any ideas?A: OK, since it will be held in next month, we have enough time to prepare. I propose to take it in the auditorium, and I can apply for it.B: It's a good idea, and I think we can invite Processor Zhang to be the instructor since he is popular among students and good at using computer. I think he would like to join us.A: Yes, Professor Zhang is very amiable. Then, we need to publicize the course early.B: I agree. We can start now actually. I will put the notice on the Wechat official account of Students' Union.A: And I will design and print some posters and paste themaround the campus.B: OK, I think we will have a happy and successful cooperation.。

新视野⼤学英语4⼝语考试对话1.the Tail of FameA: Good morning.B: Morning.A: Congratulations on your winning in the Speech Contest last night. It must be cool to earn a place somewhere.B: Well, thank you. But it’s not l ike that.A: Uh?B: To be honest, I don’t think being popular or admired is awesome. A: Why? Does it mean you don’t care about fame?B: Kind of. Seeking fame is always a tiring thing, which is just like a dog chasing his own tail, and it’s more like a self-destruction.A: That sounds reasonable..B: Yeah, Apparently, many celebrities who have earned their fames may finally get trapped in the so-called glory.A: Oh, got it. That’s true. When he becomes the focus of the public, one has to struggle to remain or protect his popularity. Then it’s easy to lose himself, for to entertain the audience sometimes must follow their tastes.B: Exactly. That’s my point.A: Okay, so here is a choice for you. Reputation or yourself?B: Well, definitely, just do myself.A: Wow, cool, I’ll follow you.2. Longing for a new welfare systemRoles: 2 welfare clientsR1: Oh, gosh. What’s wrong with my wheelchair, I just can’t move it. R2: Let me see, it seems that you’ve lost a screw. Maybe we need call the caseworker.R1: Well, forget about it.R2: Why? They should care for us.R1: Of course it is. But it turns out that they just work for their organization, not for us.R2: Yeah, I still remember Suzanne’s last visit to my house. She was just like a detective, for she looked into every corner in search of something unreported and asked me to explain every penny.R1: That’s common thing.R2: Under this welfare system, we have to lie.R1: Yeah, it’s just that, if we don’t lie to these caseworkers ,we’ll struggle on the edge of life forever.R2: Definitely. So I do expect a new welfare system, a real one.R1: Couldn’t agree with you more.And I hope that new one can care for our disabled people by action not by voice.3. the telecommunication revolutionA: Wow, your new phone looks gorgeous.B: Thank you. It’s the newly developed I-phone 5s.A: Uh, new high technology.B: Yeah, today the telecommunication technology updates in a minute.A: As I know, the telecommunication revolution began in the 1990s, and it has brought about big changes in our society.B: Yes, now we’re in the information age, and we’re enjoying the benefits brought by telecommunication technologies every day. You see, now I can use cell phone, QQ, web-chat and twitter to contact with my friends.A: Me too. So we have to admit that, telecommunication technologies are offering us various media to communicate and socialize with each other.B: That’s true. Also it has become a key drive to the international trade and business.A: It’s hard to imagine what it looked like without the marvelous telecommunication revolution.B: Then we would have to wait for a long queue to give a call and we would also have to wait for our foreign clients to answer our inquiry by a letter in a week or even longer.A: That sounds awful.B: Yeah, better on the information superhighway.4. Choose to Be Alone on PurposeA: Hi, I’ve heard that you had a fight with your roommate T om. Are u Ok?B: Fine, thank u. He really annoyed me by making some noise during my sleeping.A: Oh, it’s really not that good.B: U know, I’m sensitive to any noise while I am sleepi ng.A: Yeah, I can imagine. But maybe there is a better to solve it. Fighting will never be a wise choice to build a good relationship. B: I know. Sometimes I just want to be alone and don’t be interrupted.A: Of course, sometimes we need to make a room for ourselves after living together with others for a long time.A: Yeah.B: But no one can stay alone forever. We need others to fulfill our lives, like communication and cooperation can never be achieved by oneself.A: Sounds reasonable.B: So, I have to say, interpersonal relationship do play an important role in our daily life. It’s wise to have a good balance between solitude and group working.A: What u’ve said really teaches me a lot. Thank u.B: It’s my pleasure.A: Maybe I should apologize to Tom for my rudeness.B: Wow, good choice.5. Bribery and Business EthicsA: Now, suppose u’re a businessman, and u‘re negotiating a contract with your clients.B: Uh, okay.A: What’s more, you’re desperate to reach this deal. Now your counterpart gives u a hint that, the contract will be pleasantly reached if u offer some extra payments, then what will u do?B: Wow, it’s hard to decide yet.A: Yeah, it’s really a test for both your business and your ethics. B: Well, I may finally follow my client’s suggestion.A: Uh, now I can declare u ‘ve been a briber.B: Ha, but I have no choice.A: Yeah, it has been a common situation nowadays.B: Absolutely, anything connected with money can be the source of bribery. Of course business can’t be an exception.A: Yeah, that’s why so much bribery is hidden behind business. But I think business ethics like honesty and integrity should overpower the evil of bribery.B: That’s the thing. But only few businessmen can resist the temptation from huge profits.A: That’s the truth. T hen what if those greedy merchants hang up with the authorities?B: That’s horrible. The combination of money and power can be as destructive as the nuclear power.A: Exactly, so I think there should be an official law to regulate business activities to avoid bribery.B: Good idea.6. How to Cultivate EQA: I know your IQ is amazing, how about your EQ?B: Well, actually, I don’t know what’s EQ?A: Wow, now I can guess your EQ is on the contrary of your IQ. B: Don’t be that, tell me.A: Okay, EQ is the abbr eviation of Emotional Intelligence, and it’s a capacity for recognizing our own and others’ feelings, for-B: Wait, just sounds so abstract, can u give me a concrete example?A: Of course, let’s say, when you come to a new environment, how long it will take u to adapt to your new life there?B: Maybe one year.A: Wow, that’s really a long time. Apparently, your EQ need improve. U know a person with a high EQ can adapt to a new atmosphere in a short time.B: Oh, I guess so. Well, then how can I cultivate EQ?A: You’ve made a wise choice, for I do know something about it. Okay, listen carefully.B: OkayA: First, rising your consciousness, that is to think as mush as possible.B: Then?A: Make full use of your imagery and always try to dream with passion about what u want to achieve and then learn to integrate the perspective of others, that is to learn from others.B: Got it, I’ll try my best.A: Well, good luck.。

Unit 1 Nine to fivePart I Retelling the passagePart II Discussion:Please have a group discussion on the following topic.AR1:1. Why do many graduates fail to find a job? How do they perceive the problem? Do you agree / disagree with them? What other factors do you think also contribute to their temporary unemployment?Leader: Let,s talk about the first question.Why do many graduates fail to find a job?A:Because they are not used to the new life that thoroughly different from the sheltered school env ironment.They haven,t been well prepared.B:They are in aimless days and spend the summer “hiding”.C:For example,my major is about running a company,but we have few chance to approach it.As a result,we have only study theory but no experience.D:Becau se their expection to the job is so high that they don,t want to do these jobs like pub server.E:Because they had just left the university with no work experience. But the big companies don't want a novice.他们才刚刚离开大学,没什么工作经验。

大学四级英语口语考试范文1.大学四级英语口语考试范文篇一A recent survey, carried out by a Beijing-based information compa ny, has shown that two thirds of the Chinese college students today fa vor the idea of saving money for later use, whereas quite many others deem it much better to use tomorrow’s money toda y.Personally, I side with the former. Firstly, saving money can reli eve one’s anxiety in case of accidents, disease or other mishaps. As we all know, when one faces such tragedies as fir damage or fatal dise ase, one would need a large amount of money to survive such difficulti es. Secondly, saving money can give one a sense of fulfillment. Since most people work hard every day, they will be quiet happy and satisfied with his “achievement” when they find they have accumulated a large deposit in the bank. Thirdly, saving money allows one to give a help ing hand to others. With money available at the moment, one can offer badly needed help to those in temporary difficulty, say, those who are suffering from flood, famine, a car accident, or things like that. Yet taking a loan from a bank is often too costly. Thus, the timely help w ill be rewarded with gratitude.A dependable friendship will eventually be fostered. To sum up, sa ving money does have many advantages. Indeed, it is an important aspec t of the Chin ese conception of virtue. Therefore, let’s start saving money from today on.2.大学四级英语口语考试范文篇二Frustration is unavoidable in life. Faced with frustration, some p eople are defeated while others conquer it and succeed. In the long hi story of human beings, many people have set a good example for us.Strong-minded person cannot be defeated by frustration. It is frus tration that will breed success. Zhang Haidi is a case in point. Disab led as she is, she obtained the master degree in Philosophy and acquir ed four foreign languages. As far as we know, Edison had made experime nts for eight thousand times on more than seven thousand kinds of mate rials before the electric light was invented. As the old saying goes, our greatest glory consists not in falling, but in rising every time w e fall.All in all, when the unexpected frustration comes, we must set up the courage to conquer it. Furthermore, we should learn from our failu res so that we steer ourselves through failures next time and embark o n the road to success.3.大学四级英语口语考试范文篇三In recent years, to get a certificate Why does this craze appear?To begin with, it is the employment pressure that forces college s tudents to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of coll eges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificat es at hand, maybe. Furthermore, diploma and certificates are still vit al standards by which a good many employers measure a person’s abilit y. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students com pel themselves to run from one exam to another.From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s abili ty. Being crazy in getting certificates blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not ge tting a certificate of no practical value.4.大学四级英语口语考试范文篇四In recent years, there are people in expanding numbers who have pa rticipated in the test for civil servants. Millions of students choose civil servant as their most ideal occupation after graduation. And amo ng them, the high-educated, like masters and doctors, take quite a lar ge percentage. The craze in civil servant test has attracted widesprea d attention.The following fundamental causes can account for this kind of craz e. First and foremost, nowadays college students face great employment pressure. Civil servant, as one of the most stable professions in toda y’s China, becomes their preferable choice. Moreover, recently, the w elfare and salary of civil servants have been improved greatly, which undoubtedly attracts many people. Last but not least, the high social position of civil servants is a crucial factor drawing many people to take part in the civil servant test.In my opinion, this craze in civil servant test will continue in t he following years. However, from the long run, it does not do good to the development of our nation. If most high quality talents gather inthe government departments, it might lead to a waste of resources. Acc ordingly, both the individuals and the government should have a more o bjective recognition of the civil servant test craze.5.大学四级英语口语考试范文篇五Years of reform and opening up to the outside world have witnessed an increasing popularity of telephones in China. Telephones have enter ed ordinary households as a daily necessity. In many public places tel ephone service is available. More people are equipped with cellular ph ones and beepers.Telephones reach out to users for their advantages, Dial-and talk operation makes common folks have access to them. Compared with letter writing, telegraphy and other means of communications , making phone c all is easy and interactive. In case of emergency, urgent message can be sent out immediately.Telephones are indispensable to communication between people. As a clear path of communications, making phone calls connects people when they are apart. Telephone lines not only convey information but also g lue all relationships. With this convenient tool of modern communicati on, people may be out of sight, but never out of mind.。
新标准大学英语 综合教程4 口语考试Summary(精简版)

SummarizingUnit 1Passage1:(不考)Passage2: “If you ask me”There is an economic graduate who gets a job in a pub for a year .She has financial problems and feels lonely. She tells her troubles to Tony, a regular customer of the pub, who talks to some friends and gets her a loan to set up a business. With this help she has and her own company. The situation, however, is reversed (颠倒); Tony is disabled after an accident. She pays back Tony’s help, and Tony thinks that investing in people gives the best return you can ever hope for.Unit 2Passage1: “Danger! Books may change your life”Reading is a life-changing activity. It aids us to get out of confusion in a material world and to discover the real meaning of the life. Simply put, books are supremely influential in the way we live.Homerun book might be the answer for the book that everyone should read. It describes the first reading experience. Everyone is looking for their own homerun books. And what is yours?Passage2: “They were alive and they spoke to me”Henry Miller depicts the struggle he made to obtain books when he was young, and then introduces the reason that makes a book live. In his eyes, books are one of the few things men cherished deeply, but if you lend it to others, it makes friends for you. He continues to suggest that the vast majority of books repeat what others say, so read as little as possible.Unit 3Passage1: Fifty years of fashion”Between 1960 and 2010, fashion styles have ranged widely, there are two constant factors: the ubiquitous jeans and the rise and fall of hemlines.Jeans soon became popular among young people after being invented .Hemlines were related to the economy. Whenever the economic outlook is unsettled, both men and women tend to wear more conservative clothes. And as the economy situation changed, time saw a number of different styles.Passage2: “Eco-jewellery: sea glass”Sea glass is popular among the jewellery collectors for several reasons. First, the creation of sea glass is a form of recycling. Second, with human recycling rather than hurling it into the sea, sea glass becomes rarer than diamonds. Third, its eco-credentials lend sea glass further appeal.However, with the decline of sea glass in supply, there has arisen problem of reviving old habits of dumping glass into the sea. Gina Cowen, a sea glass jeweler, refuses to condone it and she even rejects the idea of polishing new glass to make it look old.Unit4Passage1: “The credit card trap”Today, we are caught in the credit crunch because banks set traps which appeal to our vanity and greed and sometimes to our basic need for survival.The banks target people who are prone to impulse-buying, and potentially bad credit risks. Then the banks charge them more interest and earn more money.So, take a large pair of scissors and cut credit cards into small pieces. Then the banks have no potential to tempt money away from you.Passage2: “The key to wedded bliss? Money matters”What’s the key to wedded bliss? Money matters. Marriage at its co re is a financial union. sTo become more compatible, couples need follow these guidelines: talking and sharing goals; running a home like a business, being supportive of careers; enjoying, but within reason; Using a mediator while having strong yet divergent opinions. Maintaining some financial independence, spending time and money together as a kind of investment in marriage.Unit5Passage1: “Sex differences in English gossip rules”Researchers have found that men gossip as much as women. However, men don’t admit they gossip.The reason why female gossip actually sounds like gossip is that there seem to be three principal factors involved. First, Women adopt a tone which is always highly animated while men gossip in the same flat. Second, women are interested in details. Third, women pay more attention to the feedback than menPassage2: “Marked: women in the workplace”Women constantly have to make choices about dress and appearance, and even the way they sign their names, which lead people to make judgments about them.A woman who takes her husband’s surname announces to the world that she is married and also that she is traditional and may be less herself.However, men do not have to make the same choices.Unit6Passage1: “Winston Churchill”Winston Churc hill was born in 1874 into one of Britain’s grandest families. He was bullied when he was young. His dream was to be a general, so he got into the RMAS. Then he became a soldier and a hero in Boer war. He through his leadership and example to encourage Britons to win the war.In 1945, when Britain won the war, Churchill lost the general election. But we will always remember that he saved Britain.Passage2:(不考)。

一、自我介绍(Self-Introduction)1. Hello everyone, my name is [Your Name]. It's a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself.(大家好,我叫【你的名字】。
)2. I am a [Your Major] major from [Your University]. I have been studying English for [Number of Years].(我是【你的专业】专业的学生,来自【你的大学】。
)二、个人经历(Personal Experience)1. I have had a variety of experiences that have shaped me into who I am today.(我有各种各样的经历,这些经历塑造了现在的我。
)2. One of the most memorable experiences in my life was...(我生命中最难忘的经历之一是...)3. Through these experiences, I have learned valuable lessons, such asthe importance of perseverance and the power of teamwork.(通过这些经历,我学到了宝贵的经验,比如坚持的重要性和团队合作的力量。
)三、家乡介绍(Introduction of Hometown)1. My hometown is [Hometown], which is located in [Province/Country].(我的家乡是【家乡名称】,位于【省份/国家】。

英语四级考试口语对话模拟(开场)A: Hi, my name is Alice. What's your name?B: Hi Alice, I'm John. Nice to meet you!A: Nice to meet you too, John. As you know, the English oral test is an important part of the English CET-4 exam. Since we are preparing for the exam, how about we practice some dialogues together?B: That sounds like a great idea, Alice! Let's get started!(打招呼)A: Good morning! How can I help you?B: Good morning! I would like to inquire about the English course.A: Sure, we offer various English courses catering to different levels and needs. Can you tell me a bit more about what you're looking for?B: I'm preparing for the CET-4 exam, so I need a course that focuses on improving my speaking and listening skills.A: That's great! We have a specific course designed for CET-4 preparation, which includes mock speaking tests and listening practice. It will definitely help you improve your skills and boost your confidence.B: That sounds perfect! Can you tell me more about the schedule and the course duration?A: The course lasts for three months, with classes twice a week. Each class is two hours long, and we have both morning and evening time slots available. You can choose the one that suits you best.B: That's convenient. How much does the course cost?A: The total cost for the course is 3000 yuan, including all study materials and resources.B: That sounds reasonable. Can I have a trial class before I make a decision?A: Of course! You can attend a trial class and see if it meets your expectations. If you're happy with it, you can proceed with the registration.(结尾)A: Thank you for your interest in our English course. Is there anything else I can assist you with?B: No, that's all for now. I will definitely consider attending the trial class. Thanks for your help!A: You're welcome, John. I look forward to seeing you in the trial class. Have a great day!B: You too, Alice. Goodbye!A: Goodbye!(总结)以上是一段关于询问英语课程的对话模拟。

to wait patiently for the protesters to move 耐心地等待示威队伍离去to protest against something 抗议to be afraid of getting a ticket 害怕得到交通罚款单to advertise cheap food 推销廉价食物to window-shop 逛商品陈列橱to wait impatiently for the late bus 焦急地等着迟迟不来的公车to have a shoeshine 给...擦皮鞋to hurry home to his wife 赶回家去见娇妻to blissfully kiss 满怀幸福地接吻to watch the lovers 注视着情侣们to ruin a brand-new car 毁坏了新车to rush to the scene of the accident 赶往意外事故的现场to watch the accident 观察意外事故的现场to work overtime 加班to be angry at stupid drivers 为笨手笨脚的司机们生气to go to his favorite bar after work 下班后到经常光顾的酒吧去to read only the good news 只看好消息to push the wrong button 按错了按钮to cross the street 横穿马路to walk on a beautiful day 在晴朗的日子出去散步Great White Way 不夜城I don't think he'll remember a thing tomorrow morning. 我认为,到明天清晨,他会忘得一干二净。
A bear growls. 熊在吼叫。
to shower 洗澡to trumpet 咆哮to neigh, to whinny 嘶叫to roar 吠叫to howl, to snarl 远吠to bell (鹿)鸣叫to hiss (蛇)咻咻地叫to squeal, to squeak 尖叫to chirr...chirrup...chirr 唧唧地叫to crow: cheep-cheep, peep-peep 鸣叫声:吱吱,啾啾ma-a ma-a 呒呒meow, mew-mew 咪咪to hibernate 冬眠to hide in a hole 藏身穴中to cast off the shell 蜕皮to carry game to the nest 把猎获物搬到巢里The eagle glides gracefully. 老鹰优雅地在空中滑翔。

U12.Do you think that man has been destroying nature? Could you give some examples?people have been living on the earth for thousands of years. Human activity influences the earth. some people believe that the earth is being harmed by human activity. others feel that human activity makes the earth a better place to live. in my opinion, the earth isbeing damaged by human activity. there are manystatementssupporting my opinion.human activity has damaged natural environment and almost exhausted natural resources. modern industry needs more and more resources, including minerals, fuels and water. so we confront of the serious problems such as the lack of fuels and water. ecological balance isdamaged because factories occupy many placeswhere animals andplants live. more and more buildings areconstructed and forestsbecome less and less. if we cannotrecognize these problems andsolve them soon, we would finally losethe environment suitable for our living.an other serious problem is the green-house effect. Human activity decreases forests and increases the usage of fuels so that the gas of carbon dioxide is output more and more and there are not enough plants to absorb it. the green-house effect is moreobviousand more sensible these years. due to the effect, icebergsin thesouth polar and north polar melt and the sea level becomeshigherthan before. i am worried about the cities nearby the sea andhopescientists find an effective method to eliminate thegreen-houseeffect.although we have advanced machines and our life seems more comfortable than before, we have less chances to approach natures and less spaces to act. the cities become bigger and if we want to have a picnic with our friends, we have to drive a long distance to find a natural place. in fact, the spaces of humanactivity arebeing damaged by the skyscrapers and factories.from the above statements, we can conclude that humanactivitybrings the earth many damages. fortunately people haverecognizedthe point and i believe that the earth will become abetter placeto live with our ceaseless efforts.U2What do you think is the key to the happiness?If you look around at the men and women whom you can call happy, you will see that they all have certain things in common. The most important of these things is an activity which at most gradually builds up something that you are glad to see coming into existence. Women who take an instinctive pleasure in their children can get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family.Artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way if their own work seems good to them. But there are many humbler forms of the same kind of pleasure. Many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experience all the joys of having created beauty.The whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion,been treated too solemnly. It had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory of life or a religion. Perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy by a bad theory may need a better theory to help them to recovery, just as you may need a tonic when you have been ill. But when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory. It is the simple things that really matter. If aman delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be. If, on the other hand, he fin ds his wife fateful, his children’s noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night sighs for the light of day, then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimen —a different diet, or more exercise, or what not. Man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieve it. Unhappy businessmen, I am convinced,would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.U4What do you think work can provide?I think that different work can provide different things to people.Some people prefer to work with people. Working with people usually makes one feel interesting and efficient. At the same time, it can give people power and competition and provides rivalry which can be a very effective motive in improving one's ability. In addition, people can get better ideas by way of consultation and conference with other people.On the other hand, other people like jobs which mainly involve with objects or machine. They probably think that working with objects or machine will provide more peace and quiet. Under such peaceful conditions, one can do more practical work, improve one's skill and make technical renovations.Of these two ways of working, I prefer working with people. First of all, I like working with people because of companionship. Second, although there are competition and rivalry, we can learn something from other people even if we don't like them.U5What qualities do you think successful people possess?No matter how diverse their goals or crafts, the super-achievers shared many of the same habits. How can you follow in their footsteps? These are the 10 qualities that will set you apart.Dedication To A VisionEvery great success starts with inspiration, but not every inspiration leads to success. The most common thing we found was these people’s devotion to the day-to-day struggle. Glossy magazine success stories often don’t show the dark moments, the daily grind or flagging energy that super-achievers endure to realize their goals. However, that dedication is essential to their success.Intelligent PersistenceOne thing successful people know: Dedication and blind persistence are two very different things. You can work hard but not smart. When something’s not working, you’ve got to tweak it. Some people just keep banging their heads against the wall. Instead of doggedly using the same ineffective tactics, super-achievers pivot and try to tackle the problem from a different angle.Constantly EvolvingSuccessful people maintain success by consistently learning and adapting to the environment around them. Tennis champion Martina Navratilova realized this when her game suddenly started sliding. She decided to transform her training routine and diet, and soon was back on track to become an all-star athlete.Practicing PatienceInaction, or stillness, can sometimes be just as useful as action. The importance of patience was a primary theme among the super-achievers–whether it’s strategically waiting for the best time to make a move or continuing to pursue a larger vision without receiving immediate rewards. Jill Tarter, a director of the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), has been searching for life on other planets for the last 50 years without any guarantee of success.Pursuing HappinessSuccess fuels happiness, and happiness in turn fuels greater success. Jennings, “the winningest game-show champion in history,”said once he became a contestant on a game show, it filled his entire life with passion. That happiness helped him win, and winning ended up giving him the confidence he needed to pursue a career he loved: writing. Seeking happiness in your life and work turns out to be a win-win.。

U1AR1:1.What problems did the graduates face in finding a jobafter university in the text? How did they solve the problems?What other factors do you think contribute to their temporary unemployment?In those financially testing times,the graduates had no idea what to do next and how to find a job,additionally,they would stay at home rather than working in the bar or super market.In my opinion,students in college pay little attention to finding jobs,they may have no idea about what kind of job is suitable for them,where they can find a satisfing job,or what to do is appropriate during the interview.2.According to the expert, what should parents do toaddress the problem? Do you have any other suggestions? They must balance being positive and understanding with not making life too comfortable for their offspring.For example,being there and by all means use the contacts they had but not giving advice,paying for career consultationsbut not being to pushy.What’s more,men are often better at helping boys than women.For me,I think parents should be support with their son or daughter set up their own business.AR2:1.What have you learned from the story “If you askme”? What would you do to plan your life investment after graduating from university?There is an impressive sentence in the article:you only need one or two breaks in your life to succeed,the fact that the rest is hard work doesn’t matter,it’s still worth it.What’s more,I have learned the magic of the trust.2.What are the opportunities that young people shoulddevelop to meet challenges in starting up their business?As a student of chemistry speciality,I think I can seize opportunities to conduct experiments in laboratory, communicate with teachers and pay more attention to the news about the development of academic.What’s more,like every student in school,I should work hard to layfoundation for the requirement of knowledge.In any case,knowledge reserve is the base of starting up business.U2AR1:1.“Danger!Books may change your life.” In what way doyou think books would define your life?First,I agree with the writer that the books can liberate us from the real world we come from ,books allow us to enjoy and celebrate the different lives,opinions,customs and so on in safety.Additionally,I can go through some special circumstance which may never happen in my life,then I can imagine what I will do to deal with such problem,and compare it with the character's behavior.2.Does the Internet impact a lot the way we read? Does thatstill hold the power of reading? Please explain with your own ideas.As far as I’m concerned,the Internet does impact the waywe read.One the one hand,more and more people have the opportunity to show there talent to others through the internet and the readers’ choices are more diversified,on the other hand,readers may waste more time distinguish weather the book deserve reading.AR2:1.What makes a book live according to the author? How wouldyou do to make your books (the books you have written, plan to write or the books you have read) live?A book lives through the passionate recommendation of one reader to another.I haven’t written a book and I don’t have the plan to write a book.As to the books I have read,I would find it out and read it again every now and then.Additionally,like the authors idea,I would recommend it to my friends.2.Do you have any book(s) that you cherish? Name one ortwo of them and tell us the reasons for which you cherish it (them)?In the books I have read,I cherish the gone with the wind most.Not only did it arouse my interest in the history ofAmerican Civil War,but also I appreciate the character of Scarlett.She is beautiful,brave and confidence,she is not the most excellent one,whereas she is always dazzling.The woman who can be similar as Scarlett is rare in these day,let alone those times.U3AR1:1.What are the two constant factors in the fifty-year history of fashion? What kind of influences do they have on fashion trend?The ubiquitous jeans and the rise and fall of hemlines for women’s skirts and dresses.Blue denim jeans remained popular in the US as work clothes until the 1950s,but then become associated with youth,new ideas,rebellion and individuality.Now,we may not take notice of these meaning,but almost everyone around us has at least a pair of jeans,and there are also denim skirt,shirt,hat and so on.2.Can you name some of the fashion movements in the year 1960 to 2010? Please give a clear description of each.AR2:1.Is sea glass more ecological than diamond and gold? Do you think it cherishes the same charm and value? Please explain.In my opinion,sea glass is more ecological than diamond and gold.One the one hand,sea glass isn’t like other jewelry which can be exploit in some exact place and with the technology,it can only be found in the most original way on the vast beach.But also today’s responsible attitude to glass’s disposal,revolving around recycling which signals the end of the sea-glass era.When a thing is rare it becomes precious.2.People wear jewellery for its beauty. What is the appeal of the sea glass to jewellery designers and collectors? There is always a story behind sea glass.When jewellerydesigners and collectors look at the sea glass,they can imagine what object it might have been,where it travelled and how old it is.What’s more,different people who have different experience may see different stories in the same piece.This may make the sea glass mysterious and charming.U4AR1:1.Do you think college students should apply for credit cards? Please elaborate on your comment.In my opinion,I don’t think college students need a credit cards.In the one hand,most students get their living expenses from their parents,which means that they don’t need get into debt,on the other hand,having a credit card may let them be more prone to impulse-buying and lead to a bad financial habit.What’s more,installment is more and more convenience and popular,students can buy things they like in this way.So the credit cards seem to be useless.2.Is credit card a blessing or a curse for people? Giveyour reasons to support your opinion.In my opinion,it is a bit of exaggerated to consider the credit as a blessing or a curse.I think it is not essential for people to have a credit card.For some people who need something emergent however without enough money,credit card can be useful.While most people will not determinate to buy things which are beyond their economic capability.Taking this into account,credit card may make people be prone to impulse-buying and it can be awful.AR2:1.Do you agree to the author’s idea that“how the couplemanage money”is a huge factor in maintaining or breaking up the relationships? Why or why not?2.What are some of the guidelines for a successfulmarriage? Please explain in detail and possibly give some examples.U5AR11.What are the differences between male and female gossip?2. How are men and women different with respect to the three rules: the tone rule, the detail rule and the feedback rule?AR21. Could you list some gender problems women are faced within the workplace? What would be the solutions to them?2. Do you think English language is sexist? Pleaseillustrate it with the examples given in the passage: word endings like ess and ette, titles in application forms, married women’s surnames, etc.U6AR1:1.It is said that if Britain had to be summed up in oneperson, it was Churchill. In what way do you think Churchill significantly contribute to the victory of Great Britain?As he said,he offered his blood,toil,tears and sweat.Additionally,his great leadership play a significant role.He was an instinctive,daring leader.He struggled to keep up with his limitless capacity for hard work and he was also an inspiration.What’s more,he is a man who try toachieve his aim at all cost.He wasn’t good-looking or clever,he was sickly,with a lisp and a stammer at school.However long and hard the road was,he become the greatest of Britons.2. What are the qualities which make someone an important historical figure?As far as I am concerned,it is the sense of responsibility.In the social life,we are all aware of the important of taking responsibility.It seems to be a simple word.Whereas taking responsibility means you should try your best to accomplish every work satisfying,in another word,you should be patient,serious,diligent,strong-minded or even have other virtue.What’s more,not only does it means finishing things you need to do perfect,but also it need the sense of initiative.。

1.friend and friendshipY:I want to buy a birthday gift for my friend. Are u free now?How would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon?P:Of course ,I am glad to accompany u for I haven’t been out for a long time. Can I ask how much u plan to spend on it if it is not offensive?Y:About 200 Yuans,I think.P:Wow,u are so generous, the friend must be very important to you.Am I right?Y:Not really,actually all friends are very important to me.P:so How do you understand friend?Y: When in trouble, we need friends to offer us encouragement and help. With succe ss achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. Friends are who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.How do you understand friendship? P:Friendship is an in-depth, relaxed relationship!Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship. Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma's for the week-end. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling was "I'm home. I can relax now." That's what a friendship should be.How do you make friend with others?Y:First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes. Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don’t agree someone, please discuss with him.Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. How do you keep friendship?P:Iusually keep in touch with my friends by using Internet. We send postcards and emails to each other on festivals, birthdays and other special occasions. It's very convenient. Sometimes I call my friends by cell phones and telephones to make up plans for holidays or traveling. Thanks to modern technology,I can reach to my friends more easily and frequently no matter where they are.What is the most impressive experience with your friend?Y:Last summer,I2. MannersP:Mary, yesterday I met a small child who was so polite that I come to realize that children should be taught manners when they are young.Y:Eh,that is right.Actually,Both of my parents taught me different values throughout my life, and I can never thank them enough for all the gifts they have given me.P:Just let us talk about it.what manners your parents taught you when you were a child?Y:My parents were and continue to be huge influences on the man I have become today.I learned through my mother’s wisdom to always look at things through the other person’s perspective, think about how my actions would affect others.My father taught me the value of working for everything that I wanted, not to just accept freely gifts, but earn them. What about you?P:My Dad taught me that I can do almost everything if I really decide to do it. He always believes in my capabilities which helped me to come up with the effort to do big and overwhelming projects. From my Mom I got that relationships are the most important thing, if it’s with family or friends.Acutally there are some changes in manners in China.do u know?Y:of course,Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest. This tradition has a history of more than 2000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except in the Spring Festival. And shaking hands is more popular and appropriate on some formal occasions. But at present Chinese youngsters tend to simply nod as a greeting.P:that is right,we chinese used to be modest. But now it has changed. Now you have to show off .I find that so many people fail to realize their potential and take advantage of the opportunities that come knocking at their doors because they are too modest.Y:This is such a pity.Although that's so easy to say it's really difficult to do.In some cases,one person should show off his or her talent,To let more people know about you,then you will be a success man.3.HppinessY:Hello,how is everything?P:Not too bad.Y:It sounds something not so good happened to u.P:Actually,I am quite busy preparing for exams.Sometimes I just want to find a reason for all I have done.Y:Tell me your dreams,please.P:I just want to be happy all the timeY:But what does happiness mean to you?P: I think happiness is that you can accept yourself and life the way it is. I´m just learning to do that, trying think always positive and enjoy little things like childrens laugh or pretty day .This still don´t mean that i have gave up my dreams. You can dream nice things, but still should be happy what you allready have. How do you pursue your happiness?Y: Celebrate Life And TODAY is always the best time to do so. Many of us either lived by the memories of the past or by our dreams of tomorrow that we tend to neglect what we have now. We fail to live the life that we have at present. Celebrate Life means to live in the most certain day of our life, that is, TODAY.what is your opinion?P:Sometimes we get too consumed by our anxieties that we tend to live a life of negativity. Instead of listing and appreciating all the things we are grateful for, we just named all the things we are ungrateful of. Thoughts can create both happiness and unhappiness. And to help you think happiness, start by listing down the things you are grateful and thankful for.What can you do to help those unhappy people?Y:Not all, but most of the time, if you want to know who you are, you don’t need to look far, you just have to look at your environment, the people and place that surrounds you. So if you want to create a change in your unhappy life, you can do so by creating a happy environment, a place that will make you smile. And most importantly, surround yourself with positive people.4.HeroesP:do you know Martin Luther king or winston Churchill?Y:of course,they are so famous for their achievements.why do you ask this?P:eh,I just watched a program on TV yesterday.it talked something about them who are regarded as heroes by people.Y:so,what do you understand heroes?P:they have had a profound impact on our past and should comtinue to do so in the future. these men are all the people cited by my mother and father as their heroes when they were growing up.Sadly,the youth of today are not so sure about their idols. What is your opinion?Y:As far as I am concerned,history itself is meaningless without heroes.you can tell the values of a society by the people they choose to follow.therefore,heroes are all good role models for our youth to follow. What qualities do u think should a hero have?P:they must be kind, determined,cautious,clever.the most important one is bravery. Do you think it is important for a nation or a person to have heroes?Y:of course yes.actually,our lack of modern heroes would also lead us to believeThat we no longer need heroes.this is exactly wrong.not only do we need heroes to guide us and give us unity.but also we need them to help us to become great.if we are to succeed,we need those who are successful to lead the path to greatness.P:eh,I agree with you.we need heroes all the time.from now on,I think I should find someone I truly admire.Each of us can take steps toward reinstating the glory and pride that the heroes of the past have brought to the people.5.Business strategies、Y:hi,I am informed you have bought a new phone.can I have a look?P:of course,here you are.Y:wow,it looks so fantastic.by the way,is it the latest one?P:yeah,it just has been selled recently.Y:I promise the company must earn quite a lot at this time.P:it seems we now cannot leave these products from some big companys such as Apple, DreamWorks, and Samsung.what factors do you think make such companies?Y:I think company image is so significant that it may kill your competitors or kill yourself.The same thing happen in today‘s economy.if two companies make the same product,only one survives.therefore,I think it is smarter to be unique.what is your opinion?P:what I think the most important is the quality of products.just like you said, if two companies make the same product,perhaps one of them will reduce costs to earn profits.However,they don’t know this w ill contribute to their failure.Y:that is right,efficient management is also necessary to run business well.It means more time a nd costs can be saved.what’s more,staff training does have a big impact on the qualities of staff.the good training actually means the staff are qualified.P:eh,there are so many factors making such big companies.I think they do not run their business to earn profits.they earn profits to run their business.therefore,their business has meaning and purpose———a reason to be here.Topic 6: Trip ExperienceA:Hi, Rose…How are you,my old friend? I haven’t seen you since you moved away.B:Wow,come in. I'm fine.thank you,Mary. It is really long time no see.And how abou you? How is everything going?A: Everything is OK. Yeah,I missed you a lot.B:Wow,I'm so excited . thanks for visiting me!I missed you so much too.I still remember the last time we saw each other.A: Yeah,we had a trip together. And we went to Beijing. right?B:Yes.it’s really an impressive experience and we really enjoyed ourselves. We two go there by plane, and we stay there for a whole week.A:Yeah.The scenery there was so beautiful though the air was not good. The smog is serious in winter in Beijing.B:So it was.We went to so many places.My favorite place is the great wall.It’s so spectacular.A:Oh,we stood on the highest wall and both felt so proud and excited.B:I also remmenber that the transportation is very convenient as the subway lead to almost everywhere. But the taxi price is a little expensive.A:Umhh…And do you remmenber something about the hotel we stayed ? It’s decorated specially and the old host couple are friendly and warm-hearted.B:Sure I do. It’s a siheyuan.There is a fixed party on Friday.We danced and sang together and the couple served us a lot of the local special food.we felt so happy. A: And The food there was really delicious. I like the local special food so-called kaoya best.B:yeah.What a wonderful and unforgettable trip experience! I really want to go back to that days.A:You got it ,and maybe we could have a trip together once again.B:I cant agree with you more!Topic 7: Feeling TiredA:Oh ,Rose…you look so sleepy.B:Yeah, i have worked hardrecently.And I did extra work almost every day. So as you see, I felt so tired.A:Umhh… Fortunately,tomorrow is Friday,the weekend is coming,so you could have enough time to rest.B:Oh no.you are wrong.My boss has asked me to take some visitors from the overseas branch office to the city tomorrow.A:Terrible,can’t you ask them to visit by themselives,and you can have a relax this weekend.B: Oh,I have tried. I said that I have been feeling tired recently and had been looking forward to a rest this weekend but in vain.A: That sounds too bad.So what are you going to do this weekend?B: They say they want to spend the day shopping and sightseeing.So I have no choice but to do these things with th em.I’m feel so angry you know?A:Right.Maybe you could try to relax yourself when you are enjoying the delicious food and visiting ,such as seeing the beautiful sencenry in our campus and eating something you like.B:Actually,I don’t like shopping and sightseeing at all.It’s so boring.And there will be so many people anywhere.I just want to take a rest.A:I can imagine ,I’m so sorry to hear that.So now you’d better have dinner ter ,take a shower,and have a good sleep.B:Yeah,exactly.that ‘s what I can do now .thank you.A:Bye.Topic 8: Feeling FuriousB:Mary,I’m very sorry to tell you that I have to leave now.A:Rose.Are you kidding?B:Oh no. My grandmotheris going to see me.And she has arrived at the airport .I have to pick up her right now.A:Terrible!Haven’t you seen that there is still a lot of work needing to be done.If you leave ,how can I finish it alone!B:Uhmm.But she has already waited for me for an hour and it goes darker and darker.She must be very hungry.A:That sounds too bad.can’t you ask another person to pick up her?B:Actually,I have thought this way but unluckily in vain.So I hope you can fogive me.A:But we are giving a presentation tomorrow morning.The time is not enough.I think maybe actually you do not care for our presentation at all.Otherwise ,this problem won’t occur now!You are supposed to make a good plan for your grandmother’s visit,you should n’t let this happen.B:No,no,no.I worked hard all the time .I just have never thought that we will have to spend so much time to finish our presentation.Maybe we have a poor preparation.You think me so ,which makes me so sad.A:uhmm…I’m sorry. I’m just too worried about our presentation.The work has made me feel tired and tense.Wait,maybe I can ask my good friend to pick up her and take her to dinner.B:yeah…that would be ok. Then I can help you to finish the rest work.A: Ok, I have a try.Topic 9: Watching a Soccer MatchA:What a exciting soccer march!I feel so content!B:So it was,I think Roy Chanter and Andy Malta played very well.And Malta is the best player on my favorite soccer team.A:Why do you love him mostB:Well, I think He scored the most goals this year. Nobody can compare with him. What about you?A:uhmm…actually ,Ithink Chanter is the best player on the team.He is very intelligent as he knows exactly what the other team is doing.So he conduct very well and play the most important role in the team.B:But obvious,Malta is the strongest and the fastest!These are important for a soccer players ,right?A:Sure.ButI think the skill and strategy is also essencial. Chanter could control the march well and the other players rely on him.In my heart, he is the best!B:uhmm…maybe you are right, Malta has a powerful kick,which makes him look so cool and great.you see,Everytime the ball get close to him , I will fell so excited,stand up and believe that they will win .A:Yeah,he did play well.Okay,May the most important thing doesn’t lie in a man but a team.Their unity and cooperation contributes to their success.B:Bingo!I cant agree with you more.Yeah,we all have our own favorite soccer player in our heart for our own reasons.The truth is that they both are strong and great!I wish I can see another march with you again.A:Me too.Topic 10: Headlines in the NewspaperA: Hey!Rose.did you hear the latest news about the mh370?B:You mean that disappeared plane?A:yeah,it took place yesterday. A plane carrying 239 people lost contact ,including 160 chinese.B:yes. I heart it on TV. And I do feel so sad.A:So am i.And up till now,there isn’t any news about the plane,which makes the public worried a lot.B:Really?That sounds too bad. I even can imagine how sad their family are.A:Yeah.There are several saying about the reason why the plane get uncontacted.Some people see it as a unexpected accident.some say that it must be a terrorist attack that is planed for a long time and so on.But no one has known the true reason.B: This morning,Ialso heart about a amazing and interesting saying through weibo. The mh370 go through to the other world like the TV series.Maybe the author just want comfort their family.A:uhmm…Many countries has started to search for the plane.And the people all over the world arepraying forlost people and waiting for their coming back.B:yeah…we all hope a good end to the plane.。

大学英语四级口语考试练习题参考答案Part 1: Introduction and GreetingInterviewer: Hello, welcome to the CSE Oral English Test. Can you please introduce yourself briefly?Candidate: Hello, thank you for having me. My name is Emily, and I am currently a sophomore majoring in International Business.Interviewer: Great! Let's get started with the first question. How did you become interested in learning English?Part 2: Personal ExperienceCandidate: Well, I have always been passionate about languages and different cultures. In middle school, I had the opportunity to participate in a Chinese-English exchange program. That experience ignited my interest in learning English as I interacted with English-speaking students. Since then, I have been dedicated to improving my English skills.Part 3: Language Learning MethodsInterviewer: That's impressive. What methods or strategies do you think are effective for learning English?Candidate: Personally, I believe that having a diverse range of learning approaches is crucial. Firstly, attending English classes and practicing with qualified teachers plays a vital role in grammar and vocabulary acquisition. Additionally, using online resources, such as English language apps, provides a convenient way to enhance listening and speaking skills. Furthermore, immersing oneself in English-speaking environments throughwatching English movies, reading English novels, and even engaging in language exchange programs can significantly accelerate language learning.Part 4: Challenges in English LearningInterviewer: Learning a new language can be challenging. Can you share some of the difficulties you have encountered in your English learning journey?Candidate: Absolutely. One of the main challenges I faced was overcoming the fear of making mistakes. Initially, I was hesitant to speak English in front of others due to the fear of sounding unintelligent or mispronouncing words. However, I realized that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and is essential for improvement. Moreover, mastering English grammar proved to be quite challenging, as it differs greatly from my native language. However, consistent practice and seeking help from teachers and classmates helped me overcome these difficulties.Part 5: Future Language GoalsInterviewer: It's inspiring to hear about your dedication to learning English. What are your language goals for the future?Candidate: Thank you. In the future, I aim to achieve fluency in English, both in written and spoken forms. I plan to take advanced English courses to further enhance my language skills. Additionally, I hope to study abroad in an English-speaking country to immerse myself fully in the language and culture. Ultimately, I want to use my English proficiency to contribute to my future career in international business.Part 6: ConclusionInterviewer: Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us today. We wish you all the best in your English learning journey and future endeavors.Candidate: Thank you for the opportunity to discuss my language learning journey. I appreciate your time and guidance.。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的大学英语四级口语考试常见口语大全,希望能给大家带来帮助!part 1祝福恭喜!Congratulations! *用于对个人表示祝贺,如实现了什么目标获得什么胜利时。
I passed my driving test! (我驾照考试通过了。
)Congratulations! (恭喜!恭喜!)恭喜你的订婚。
Congratulations on your engagement. *用Congratulations on your engagement表示“祝贺……”的场合。
I'm engaged. (我订婚了!)Congratulations on your engagement. (恭喜你订婚!)恭喜你们喜结良缘。
Congratulations on your marriage.Congratulations on your marriage. (恭喜你们喜结良缘。
)Thank you. (谢谢!)恭喜生子。
Congratulations on the birth of your child.It's a boy. (是个男孩。
)Congratulations on the birth of your child. (恭喜生子。
)恭喜你考上大学!Congratulations on entering...Congratulations on entering...College. (恭喜你考上……大学。
) Thank you. (谢谢!)恭喜高升!Congratulations on your promotion!I got promoted! (我晋升了!)Congratulations on your promotion! (恭喜高升!)祝贺你康复!Congratulations on your complete recovery.Congratulations on your complete recovery. (祝贺你康复!)Thank you for your support. (谢谢您一直鼓励我。

四级英语口语个人陈述Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,My name is [your name] and I would like to give a brief introduction about myself. I am [age] years old and I come from [city, country]. Currently, I am a student at [university/school] majoring in [major].During my free time, I enjoy [hobbies/activities]. One of my favorite hobbies is reading. I find it very relaxing and it also helps me increase my knowledge on different subjects. I also enjoy playing sports, particularly basketball and swimming. These activities not only keep me physically fit but also help me to improve my teamwork and communication skills.In terms of my academic achievements, I have always been a diligent student. I have been consistently achieving good grades throughout my studies. I believe in the importance of hard work and perseverance when it comes to achieving success.As for my future plans, I aspire to pursue a career in [career field].I am very passionate about [career field] and I am determined to excel in it. I am currently seeking internships and relevant experiences to gain practical knowledge and skills in this field.In conclusion, I am a motivated and dedicated individual who is committed to achieving my goals. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and I am confident that with hard work and determination, I will be able to succeed.Thank you for listening and I am happy to answer any questions you may have.。

四级口语模版四级口语模板一、自我介绍1. 表示个人身份和名字- Hello everyone, my name is [Your Name].- 大家好,我的名字是[你的名字]。
2. 介绍年龄和出生地- I'm [Age] years old and I was born in [Place of Birth].- 我今年[年龄]岁,出生在[出生地]。
3. 提到自己的学校和专业- I'm currently studying at [Name of University/College] and my major is [Your Major].- 我目前在[大学/学院名称]就读,我的专业是[你的专业]。
4. 说明自己学英语的时间和动力- I have been learning English for [Number of Years] and I am motivated by my passion for languages and my desire to communicate with people from different cultures.- 我学习英语已经有[学习年限]了,我的动力来自对语言的热爱以及与来自不同文化背景的人交流的愿望。
二、个人喜好1. 提到自己喜欢的活动或爱好- In my free time, I enjoy [Activity/Hobby]. It helps me relax and brings me joy.- 在空闲时间,我喜欢[活动/爱好]。
2. 解释为什么喜欢这个活动或爱好- I like [Activity/Hobby] because it allows me to [Reason/Result].- 我喜欢[活动/爱好]是因为它可以让我[原因/结果]。
3. 邀请他人一起参与- It would be great if we could [Activity/Hobby] together sometime.- 如果我们能有机会一起[活动/爱好]就太棒了。
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Unit 1 Nine to fiveAR1:1.1)Why do many graduates fail to find a job?a)Many students left university this summer and most in thesefinancially testing times have no idea what to do next.b)They are in aimless days and spend the summer “hiding”.c)They don’t li ke bar work.d) A lot of parents get too soft.e)They have no experience or master’s degree.2)How do they perceive the problem?a)They get turned down of a low salary job but they want peoplewith experience or master’s degree.b)There is a big queue in the university careers service but theystraight back out and don’t have a try.c)They become rebels without a cause,aware that they need to get ajob,but not sure how.d)They don’t want to be back at the same stage as those friends whodidin’t go to the university at al l.3)Do you agree / disagree with them?4)What other factors do you think also contribute to theirtemporary unemployment?a)They have no experience and high degrees.b)They don’t have contacts or they can not use those appropriately.c)They don’t realize that unco nspicuous job is a great networking.d)There are more outstanding people.e)They reach for what is beyond their grasp.2.1)According to the expert, what should parents do to address theproblem?a)They must balance being positive ad understanding with notmaking life too comfortable for their offspring.b)By all means use contacts.c)Put limits on how much money you give them and carry on life asnormal.d)Treat sympathetically after a job setback for a few days or evenweeks.e)After recovering the son or daughter needs to be nudged firmlyback into the saddle.2)Which advice do you agree/disagree with?3)Do you have any other good suggestions?….AR2:1.1)Did the girl have any ambition in life before graduation?Y es.She would like to go on to get her master’s.2)Why did she have to give it up and bow herself toward theinevitable?Because her family couldn’t afford to support her any more.3)What did she find in the big wide world beyond her shelteredcampus life?/ Did she find anything challenging in life after graduation?a)Investing in people gives the best return you can even hopefor.b)It provides a chance to meet other people and develop apersonal network.c)There are some really nice people out there.d)Spending money when you don't have any is dead easy.e)Trust is precious.2.1)What have you learned from the author and the girl?a)Trust is precious.b)Investing in people gives the best return you can even hope for.c)We should be independent.d)We should be dropout but face with the reality.e)We have to bow ourselves towards the inevitable sometimes.2)Would she become as successful without Tony?No.Unit 2 A good readAR1:1.In the passage “Danger! Books may change your life”, theauthor claims: “From the bedtime story read by a parent to their child all the way through to the sitting room lined with books in our adult homes, books define our lives.”What do you understand by “books define our lives”? Do you agree or disagree?①I agree with this view.We have no idea about everying whenwe came to this world as a baby,so we need to grow by reading different books.We can acquire all kinds of knowledge from books we read,gradually,the books may define our lives.②I agree with the writer’s opinion too.Take anexample,when you are reading a story where the hero of the history is confronting a tricky problem and ended this trouble with a solution you can not image.In the future,if you have an encount with a similar problem,you will solve it in the same way.That is called the books define your live.③I am in favour of the writer’s view.Now let’s think abouta question:”why should we go to school to accepteducation?”I think it is because that we are educated toread many books that are good for our health in school ,in this way can we become a better person.So books can define our lives.④I disagree with what the writer said.Because I think thatreading books are not the most powerful way which can influence us.parents ’educates,the teacher’s instruction and people around us can immediately impress on us than books,so I don’t think books can define our lives.⑤I disagree with this view too.As far as I’mconcernded,although we started to read books at an early age,we have our own principle to life.Reading more books can’t mean that books define our lives,but means that we have more ideas to solve problems than those who don’t read books.2.Is the Internet changing the way we read and write?①Yes,it is.Since we have our own computer,we can create workson the Internet instead of writing something down to the paper.It is absolutely convenient and fast than before.As of me,I am enjoying reading or writing on the internet.②When it comes to reading on the Internet,it is very popular amongthe youth.Just take the e-book with me and I can read all kinds of novels or magazines.On the contrary,if there is no internet,we have tobring heavy books to achieve the same purpose.③In the past,if we wanted to read a book which we may failure to buyit,the only way we can do was to go to the library to ask for a limited possession.And at some circumstance,we have to return it although we can’t finish reading it.But since the era of internet has come up,this problems has been solved.④It is widely acknowledged that the internet is changing the way weread and write.During the internal age,we can read and write no matter when and where,as a consequence,we can grasp our fleeting and precious inspiration as much as possible.Under this condition,we can improve our efficiency of work.What a pleasant progress!⑤It’s true that the internet is changing the way we read andwrite,but I think it also has disadvantages except for advantages.Some lawless people take an advantage of the popularity of the network to spread bad information,damaging people’s physical and mental health and development.It’s essential to use the internet correctly.1.In th e passage “They were alive and they spoke to me.”Why does the author suggest resisting your impulses and not opening a book as soon as you get it?①Because the author think that we should read as little as possiblenot as much as possible.What is important in reading is quantitybut what we are thinking.So the book you got it just now may be not necessary to be read.②In many times we read a book just because of our innercuriosity and impulse.After finishing reading it,we will find that it is boring and form of wasting time.However,if we can manage to resist our impulse before opening it,we can avoid these troubles.③The most difficult thing in life is to learn to do only what isstrictly advantageous to one’s welfare,strictly vita.Reading more books failure to prove that you get more.Think over carefully whether the book is essential to me before reading it.If you say”yes”,open and enjoy it;if you say”no”,just discard it.④Inevitably,the vast majority of books overlap one another.Fewindeed are those which give the impression of originality,either in style or in content.Rare are the unique books ---less than 50,perhaps,out of the whole storehouse of literature.So if you read some useless books without thinking over carefully,you will find it hard to make a progress.⑤The reason why the author suggests resisting your impulses andnot opening a book as soon as you get it is that some books we choose may be not our “true friends”.Unfortunately,most people can’t make a judgment.Think yourself might have written in the book and then make a decision whether you need to read it or not.2.What are the most original books you know? Whatmakes them unique?① Martial arts novels(武侠小说)written by JinYong.The richimagination of JinYong impress me a lot.Every character in his novel is vivid,leading me to a new exciting world.I enjoy reading his books very much.②Aesop's Fables(伊索寓言) is my favorite book and Ithink it is unique.Many fables in this book can teach me how to behave and how to be a wise person.I believe that this book is a precious wealth of human.③How the Steel was Tempered(钢铁是怎样炼成的)is anoriginal book in my opinion.It introduces the hero’s experience and great revolutionary spirit to me and I admire him very much.His story encourage me to confront difficulties bravely and to believe in myself at any time.It has shaped me a lot.④I think “The spirit of psychology”(精神心理学)writtenby Dr.Danny is a particularly unique book worth to read.This is a book full of wisdom of life.The writer made many good analysis on social spiricual crisis due to the imbalance of material life and spiritual life.So it’s a good choice to relieve the tension for the modern people.I don’t regret to read this book.⑤A series of Harry Potter are my favorite books.Thewizarding world in the book made me diresable.I can’t image that people can fly in the sky by riding a broom!It’s almost amazing!Reading these books can broaden my horizon and enrich my childhood.What’s more,the friendship between Harry and his friends also made me trust that there are still having pure love in the world.I do regret if I don’t read this book any more!Unit 3 Fashion statementsAR1:1.What are the two constant factors in relation to fashion between 1960 and 2010? What kind of influences do they have on fashion? A:I think one of the constant factors in relation to fashion is leopard(豹纹),because it is the symbol of cool style or sweet.jeans is also a constant factor,and there are a large amout of people have a passion for jeans because of its convenience.B:I agree with A’s opinion,leopard is a constant factor and it is one of my favorite styles.in my view,leopard is on behalf of the temperament of nobleness.And another factor is monochrome(黑白)。