book report——《David Copperfield》




《大卫科波菲尔》简介大卫·科波菲尔(David Copperfield)是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯于19世纪60年代创作的一部长篇小说。

























Charles John Huffam Dickens
David Copperfield
• 大卫·科波菲尔尚未来到人间,父亲就已去世,他在 母亲克拉拉及女仆的照管下长大。不久,母亲改嫁, 继父和他的姐姐摩德斯东凶狠贪婪,把大卫看作累赘, 婚前就把大卫送到乳母的哥哥佩葛蒂家里。佩葛蒂是 个正直善良的渔民,住在亚摩斯海边一座用破船改成 的小屋里,与收养的一对孤儿(他妹妹的女儿艾米莉 和他弟弟的儿子海姆)相依为命,大卫和他们一起过 着清苦和睦的生活。 大卫回家后,继父常常责打他,并且剥夺了他母 亲对他的关怀和爱抚。母亲去世后,后父立即把不足 10岁的大卫送去当洗刷酒瓶的童工,让他过着不能温 饱的生活。他历尽艰辛,最后找到了姨婆贝西小姐。
(2)佩葛蒂是一个了不起的女人。童年的大卫在她的照顾和陪伴中幸福快乐的成长 ,成年后的大卫仍得到她无微不至的关怀。佩葛蒂对大卫母子俩忠心耿耿,既是仆人又 是亲人,在大卫被继父打得遍体鳞伤之后,锁在房里,母亲不敢去看他,只有佩葛蒂顺 着锁眼去安慰他。无论在哪里,她总是把大卫照顾地很好,她的家永远有大卫的位置。 她对大卫的爱是那么真挚、淳朴,她心地善良,她所有善良淳朴的人,她也很能干,家 务井井有条
David Copperfield

《大卫·科波菲尔》有一种独特的艺术魅力。它不以 曲折生动的故事结构取胜,只是如实地、融和着浓厚的抒




《大卫科波菲尔》赏析大卫科波菲尔(David Copperfield)是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的一部长篇小说,被广泛认为是他的代表作之一。


1. 主题探讨《大卫科波菲尔》通过讲述主人公大卫的成长经历,展现了人生的喜怒哀乐、辉煌和挫折。



2. 人物刻画小说中塑造了众多个性鲜明的人物形象,他们不仅在剧情中扮演着重要角色,同时也代表着不同的社会阶层和人格特征。



3. 情节结构《大卫科波菲尔》的情节结构丰满而精彩,通过描绘大卫从孤儿院到成年期的经历,展现了他在成长过程中所经历的各种变故和挑战。



4. 文学风格狄更斯以其独特的文学风格而闻名,同样也体现在《大卫科波菲尔》中。





























10、下列人物性格 分析有误的一项是()(吉晗) A、大卫:刻苦上进,热爱生活。 B、艾格尼斯:美丽善良,可爱贤淑。 C、斯蒂福思:能够为他人着想,大方,温暖
11、下列关于情节描述错误的是() (吉晗) A、姨婆的“无论在什么时候,决不可卑鄙自私,决不可弄虚作 假,决不可残酷无情”成了大卫的座右铭。 B、密考伯先生揭发了希普照的三大罪行:搅乱韦克菲先笺事务、 伪造签字、欺骗讹问他诈韦克菲先生。 C、狄克先生将安妮与表兄捷克 私情告诉了斯 特朗博士。
下列人物出自名著《大卫· 科波菲尔》,请任选其中一位, 对人物形象作简要的分析。 1、贝西姨婆 2、米考伯先生 3、希普 4、安妮斯 5、默德斯通先生 6、佩葛蒂先生 7、斯蒂福斯 8、朵拉 9、爱米莉 10、密考伯
精彩复述 1、麦尔先生被解雇(黄剑) 2、密考伯精神(黄剑) 3、汉姆之死(陈畅) 4、希普事败(陶聃) 5、说一个小说善最终占胜恶的情节 6、说一个令你难忘的故事情节
14 密考伯要大卫记住的教训是,“ ”但密考伯那种“ 的典型,也被称作“ ”。 ”的性格成为文学中
13、下列是对名著《大卫· 科波菲尔》作者、思想内容和艺术成 就的说明,找出错误的一项( ) A、这部小说是是19世纪法国批判现实主义大师狄更斯的一部具 有强烈的自传色彩的小说。 B、文章通过主人公大卫一生的悲欢离合,多层次地揭示了当时 社会的真实面貌,突出地表现了金钱对婚姻、家庭和社会的腐 蚀作用。 C、小说在艺术上的魅力,不在于它有曲折生动的结构,或者跌 宕起伏的情节,而在于它有一种现实的生活气息和抒情的叙事 风格。 D、小细节刻划十分生动传神,环境描写也很有功力,尤其是雅 茅斯那场海上风暴,写得气势磅礴,生动逼真,令人有身临其 境之感。


























A Book Report on David Copperfield

A Book Report on David Copperfield

A Book Report on David CopperfieldI just finished reading David Copperfield last Sunday. It’s indeed a long story and profound story. As a grown man, David Copperfield tells a story of his youth. His father died before he was born. When he is a young boy, he lives happily with his mother and his nurse, Peggotty. Unfortunately, his mother’s marriage with the violent Mr. Murdstone puts his happy childhood to an end. David is treated cruelly by the Mr. Murdstones. Later, David attends school at Salem House. When David’s mother dies, and he returns home, where the Mr. Murdstones neglect him. He is asked to work at Mr. Murdstone’s wine-battling business and moves in with Micawber, who mismanages his finances. Then David decides to turn to Miss Betsey Trotwood, his father’s sister and his only living relative, for help after Mr. Micawber leaves London to escape his creditors. Miss Betsey sends David to school. And it is in this school he and Agnes become best friends. After David’s graduation, Miss Betsey persuades him to pursue a career as a proctor. So he apprentices himself at the London firm of Spenlow and Jorkins. There, David meets Spenlow’s daughter, Dora, and quickly falls in love with her and they get married soon. Through some twists and turns, Dora falls ill and dies. David leaves the country to travel abroad. When he returns, he and Agnes, who has loved him for a long time, get married and have several children. David pursues his writing career with increasing commercial success.The story portrays me a man who suffers a lot during when he was a little boy. David was abused by Mr. Murdstone and he has a very difficult time in the factory. He is pathetic for he was deprived of the care of his natural parents and suffers at the hand of his so-called guardian.In this novel, I’m deeply impressed with the sentence ‘I wonder what they thought of me!’Specifically, the adult David thinks back on how the boy near the public house must have perceived him, a young boy eating his bread alone. From my perspective, David makes such remarks for he finds himself pathetic as a small boy with noting to eat, nowhere to go and no one to care for him. He just feels sympathy for himself as a young man, abused boy and he thinks it is cruel for him to face with such sort of sorrow. On the other hand, this remarks also indicates how David has learned from the experiences of his life. From the novel, I hold the view that it is the death of the people around him that plays a critical role in the development of his characteristic. The death of Ham causes David to abandon his selfishness, while the death of Steerforth leads David to discard his frivolity. What’s more, Dora’s death kills David ‘s romantic delusions about love. Although he is naive and simple in the most part of the novel, it is certain that he has the ability to learn lessonsabout character from his friends and developed significantly through the death of his friends.I really appreciate David’s hard work for he gradually grows up and become mature through the struggles against the setbacks in his life. And I like Agnes as well. Though she plays a relatively minor role in the novel until it s end, she ultimately plays a crucial role in David’s life. She’s always patient, kind and it is she who teaches David to control his own emotions.I feel sympathetic for David’s miserable childhood and then realize how lucky am I to have a joyful childhood. However, he is successful at the end of the story while I’m still on the way of the pursuit of my dream. What is of great importance is that in the course of reading, I ponder deeply over myself. This novel is, I think, a typical inspirational story—a man, living a life filled with sorrow and sadness, finally finds his loved one, owns a successful career and lives a happy life from then on. Sometimes I feel this sort of story a little bit idealistic, but it indeed encourages me and I always need this type of story to remind me of my dream when I feel tired and want to give up in the half way of pursuit. David’s achievement makes me believe that hard work does pay off.In fact, I’m completely a pessimist and I think the reason why David succeeds in the end is that he is positive. Therefore, I used to ask myself the question: how can I achieve with such a bad characteristic. David suffers a lot and I think I’m suffering too. Actually, I do meet some problems in this semester for I can’t find the sense of being in the classroom as if I’m doing some ritual formula everyday with out any passion. I think that’s not the life I am willing to live. I have to force myself to learn the subjects I don’t like at all while I just want to spend the whole morning sitting quietly in the library and read some books I’m really fond of; I have to force myself to get up early in the morning to do some listening practice while I just want to stay in my bed; I have to force myself to pretend to be confident while I even can’t hold the shake in my voice when I speak in front of my classmates. I think I’m coward, who keep blaming for the difficulties in life with the excuse of the defect in my own characteristic. I used to complain when I gain nothing from a long-time hard work and even be ashamed for my endeavor because I think it’s a very description of the saying ‘the slow need to start early’, which means I am slow; I used to be afraid of waiting the dream’ coming true, considering that it’s a torment for me; I used to hate the fact that I’m alway not brave enough to face up with the failure.I have to say that the novel just brings me a spring and I get something positive. I get the point that life is not made up of straight victories, is made up of mistakes, zigzags, stumbling, picking yourself up, dusting off the dirt, treating the blues and walking again. It’s certain that I still have to force myself to do something I really feel sick of, but the attitude is everything. I recognize that if Itreat them as a affliction , it will torment me, while if not, I may enjoy them. Though I’m a pessimist and I’m sure I will be a pessimist for a long time, I’ll challenge myself with might and main to think positively and act positively. And I do believe that one day I’ll stand in front of the public confidently to deliver a speech and be successful as I expected. It’s not a vow, instead, it’s a desire from my heart which I never had before. After all, I can’t change the world but I can change myself. Turning the setbacks in life into valuable experiences can obviously benefit me a lot, I believe.Note: Charles Dickens. David Copperfield. Beijing:China Translation & Publishing Corporation,2011.。

David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔读后感英语范文字

David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔读后感英语范文字

David Copperfield: An English Book Review IntroductionDavid Copperfield is a classic novel written by Charles Dickens. Published in 1850, it is considered one of Dickens’ most renowned works. Set in 19th-century England, the story follows the life of the protagonist, David Copperfield, from his childhood to adulthood. This fictional autobiography provides readers with a glimpse into the social and economic realities of Victorian England, while also exploring important themes such as love, loss, and personal growth.SummaryThe novel begins with David Copperfie ld’s birth and early years. We witness his idyllic childhood with his loving mother, Clara, and their loyal servant, Peggotty. However, his peaceful life takes a dramatic turn when his mother remarries cruel and abusive Mr. Murdstone. David is sent away to a harsh boarding school, Salem House, where he endures harsh treatment from his headmaster, Mr. Creakle.As David grows older, he becomes familiar with a variety of characters who shape his life. From his eccentric Aunt Betsey Trotwood to the kind-hearted and loyal Micawber family, each encounter adds depth to the story. We also witness David’s romance with two significant women in his life, the innocent Dora Spenlow and the strong-willed Agnes Wickfield.Throughout the novel, David faces numerous challenges and setbacks. He experiences the loss of loved ones, financial troubles, and personal disappointments. However, it is through these trials that David learns important life lessons and discovers his own resilience. He overcomes adversity and gradually transforms into a mature and self-assured individual.AnalysisDavid Copperfield offers a vivid depiction of 19th-century England and its social issues. Dickens expertly portrays the stark contrast between the upper and lower classes, highlighting the injustices prevalent in society. The novel exposes the harsh conditions of the poor and the deplorable treatment of children, particularly through David’s experiences at Salem House.One of the novel’s central themes is the power of perseverance and personal growth. David faces numerous challenges, but he never loses hope. Through hard work and determination, he eventually achieves success and fulfillment. This serves as an inspiring reminder to readers that even in the face of adversity, one can overcome obstacles and achieve personal growth.Another theme explored in David Copperfield is the importance of relationships and human connections. David’s relationships with various characters shape his life trajectory. From the unconditional love of Peggotty to the invaluable support of the Micawber family, these relationships provide David with strength and guidance. The novel emphasizes the impact that positive and nurturing relationships can have on an individual’s development.ConclusionDavid Copperfield is a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its engrossing storyline and memorable characters. Through the journey of David Copperfield, we are transported to 19th-century England and given a glimpse into the social and economic landscape of the era.Charles Dickens successfully weaves together themes of love, loss, personal growth, and perseverance. Through David’s experiences, the novel becomes a reflection of the human condition and the universal struggles we all face in life.After reading David Copperfield, one cannot help but be moved by the resilience and determination of the protagonist. It serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a brighter future.。





















大卫科波菲尔读书报告1000字英文回答:I recently read the book "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens for a book report. This classic novel tells the story of a young boy named David Copperfield and his journey from childhood to adulthood. As I delved into the pages of this book, I was captivated by the vivid characters and intricate plot.One of the things that stood out to me was the character development in the novel. For example, the protagonist David Copperfield goes through many trials and tribulations, which shape him into a resilient and compassionate individual. His relationships with other characters, such as his cruel stepfather Mr. Murdstone and his loyal friend Mr. Micawber, also play a significant role in his growth throughout the story.Another aspect of the book that I found compelling wasthe social commentary woven throughout the narrative. Dickens masterfully portrays the injustices of Victorian society, highlighting issues such as poverty, class inequality, and child labor. Through the experiences of the characters, the author sheds light on these societal problems and calls for change.Overall, "David Copperfield" is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today. Its themes of love, loss, and resilience are universal and relatable. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a compelling and thought-provoking read.中文回答:最近我读了查尔斯·狄更斯的《大卫·科波菲尔》这本书,准备写一份读书报告。



Never be cruel--the book report of < David Copperfield>“Never,” said Miss Betsey Trotwood, “be mean in anything; never be false; never be cruel.”This is what <David Copperfield>has told me.<David Copperfield>, written by Charles Dickens, is about the whole life of David, a posthumous child, is born soon after the death of his father. The heroine, David’s childhood is full of hardships and disappointment under the control of Mr. Murdstone. Thanks to his aunt Miss Betsey Trotwood, he restarts his life. He met Dora, Agnes, Tommy Traddle, Mr. Cawber, and Steerforth……and experienced one story and another story with them and finally he achieves love and happy life.At the outset of my reading this book, I just felt boring because of the pedestrian plots. But after finishing it, I was deeply moved by the kindness of these ordinary people: David, Miss Betsey, Clara Peggotty, Dora, and Agnes. It is the characteristics of each ordinary person that still keep in my mind. They are like my old friends, bringing me feeling of warmth. That friendship, family affection and love decrypted in this book and that kind of innocence and selflessness, stirs my heart deeply. “of all my books,” wrote Dickens, “I like this the best.” The story is told in the first person. In writing the novel, Dickens threw into in deep feelings and much of his own experience in his younger days. Dickens has made good use of his own life experience to expose the social evils of the day, as themiseries of child-labor, the tyranny in schools, the debtor’s prison, as well as the cruelty, the immorality and the treachery that prevalent in the English bourgeois world. So the novel is not merely a personal record, but a broad of the society of author’s day. From Mr. and Mrs. Murdstone, I saw the greed and violence of human nature, the lack of humanity and the lost of ethics under the trend of pursuing the material interest in English capitalist society. “Again, the dreaded Sunday comes around, and I file into the old pew first, like a guarded captive brought to a condemned service. Again, Miss Murdstone, in a black velvet gown, that looks as if it had been made out of a pall, follows close upon me……again, I catch rare glimpses of my mother, moving her lips timidly between the two, with one of them muttering at each ear like low thunder.”“but he did not listen to me. In my bedroom, he held mu arms and started hitting me with the stick. I managed to get hold of his hand, and bit deep into it. He cried out angrily, and began to hit me as hard as I could. ……and I was lying, sore and bleeding on the floor.” through these words, I was shocked by the violence of Mr. and Mrs. Murdstone, and also, the cowardice of David’s mother in spite of her kindness. In my heart, I was sympathized with David’ s childhood.It seems to me that the crueler the background is, the kinder David, Agnes, Miss Betsey and other characters are. Contrary to the cruelty and indifference of the society and negative characters, the warmth of MissBetsey impressed me a lot. In spite of her stern appearance and frequent crossness, she is kind to people who needed her help. From that She trusts David and drives away Mr and MRS Murstone, I saw that regardless of the secular vision, she dares to speak what she hates and dares to act what she thinks right. Under her outward indifference, there is her soft heart and goodness. What she teaches David is that never to be mean in anything; never be false; never be cruel, and also she herself, follows the formula throughout her whole life. The characterization of Betsey is genuine; she is not an absolutely perfect one, although she is an able woman, she is outward indifferent --“she came walking up to the door with a fell rigidity of figure and composure of countenance that could have belonged to nobody else”. And it is her multiple personalities that makes this character more genuine and highlight her inner goodness.Dickens poured into his painstaking effort in the shape of David. Not only David’s experiencing of hardships and adversities during his childhood, such as being beaten by his stepfather, being laughing at by his teachers, but also his indomitable struggling against his fate after growth show a process of an ordinary person’s fighting against the capitalist society and the violence of human nature. Fortunately, It is because his goodness and positive attitude toward life that he gains the warmth and happiness after suffering. The indifference of his family and the violence of this society don’t make David cruel too, on thecontrary, he suffers these bad memory, buries them in his heart, and transforms them into a strong power and positive attitude toward life. He still embraces love and kindness so he trusts Steerforth, helps Micawber and married Agnes. He works hard and supports his own life, and has a happy ending.To a certain degree, David is Dickens. In my eyes, Dickens is kind-hearted. He holds the ethic value that good is rewarded and evil is punished. This novel shows not only his complaint about the capitalistic society but also his soft heart and hope to humanity. This is a warm novel, because all the negative characters are punished and the ending is happy. The moral sentiments of the ordinary people are beyond those powerful capitalists. Despite these ordinary people like Peggotty and David, don’t have a good education and are poor, but they cherishes an earthy heart and kindness is the most important and valuable thing in the world.It is a real warm novel that moves me deeply. Whenever the life feels unbearable , things will get better it is poured effect into it. Never be cruel ,and we should always have a light heart to face any negative things in the world and be generous and kind .Always cherish love and hope.。



英语专业学生必看的英语书籍推荐英语专业学生必看的英语书籍英语专业学生必看的英语书1、《David Copperfield》《大卫科波菲尔》作者:查尔斯狄更斯简介:《大卫科波菲尔》又译名“块肉余生录”(“块肉”即孤儿),是19世纪英国批判现实主义作家查尔斯狄更斯的一部重要作品,写于1848—1850年。







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• 《大卫·科波菲尔》简介 • 人物分析 • 主题与象征 • 艺术手法与风格 • 作品的影响与评价
查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens, 1812-1870)是英国维多利亚时代最 著名的文学家之一,以其独特的幽默 风格和对社会问题的深刻洞察而闻名。
除了大卫·科波菲尔,小说中还有许多其他鲜活的人物形象。他们各具特色,对大卫的 性格形成和成长历程产生了深远的影响。例如,大卫的母亲和继父对大卫的性格塑造起 到了关键的作用,而贝西姨婆则在大卫的成长过程中给予了重要的指导和支持。这些人
他出生于一个中产阶级家庭,早年曾 在鞋油厂工作,后来成为全职作家。 他的作品包括《双城记》、《雾都孤 儿》和《远大前程》等。
《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield)是查尔斯·狄更斯的 一部半自传体小说,创作于1850 年左右。
当时的社会背景是维多利亚时代 的英国,经济繁荣但贫富差距悬 殊,狄更斯通过这部小说揭示了 社会的不公和道德沦丧。
狄更斯运用梦境和幻觉的手法,展现人物的潜意 识,使心理描写更加丰富多样。
狄更斯通过细腻的情感描写,使读者更加深入地 理解人物的情感世界和心路历程。



《大卫科波菲尔》优秀读后感500字(10篇)《大卫科波菲尔》优秀读后感500字1《大卫·科波菲尔》〔David Copperfield〕是英国小说家查尔斯·狄更斯的第八部长篇小说,小说采纳第一人称叙事,述说了仆人公大卫·科波菲尔从幼年至中年的生活历程,以“我”的诞生为源,将伴侣的真诚与阴暗、感情的稚嫩与冲动、婚姻的甜蜜与琐碎、家人的冲突与和谐汇聚成一条溪流,在命运的河床上缓缓流淌,最终融入宽容壮丽的大海。












《大卫科波菲尔》好段摘抄大卫科波菲尔(David Copperfield)是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)创作的一部长篇小说。



1. "有时候,我觉得自己仿佛是一个在茫茫人海中迷失的孩子,不知道前方的道路是通向希望还是绝境。


"2. "在我孤独的童年时光里,最初的梦想就是拥有一双可以触摸星星的手。



"3. "爱是一道无形的纽带,能将陌生的心灵紧紧相连。



"4. "成长是一场永无止境的冒险,我们时而遭遇风暴,时而追逐彩虹。




"5. "人生就像一部精心编织的故事,每一个角色和情节都有其存在的意义。







2024年《大卫科波菲尔》读书心得范文《大卫科波菲尔》(David Copperfield)是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯于1850年出版的一部长篇小说。





























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Book Report
——《David Copperfield》David Copperfield is the first novel I have ever read in English. Although it is difficult to know every word in this book, I really understand a woman——Peggotty.
David Copperfield was written by Dickens and it is a full-length novel. This story told from the view of the first person and there was a lot of experience of Dickens in this book. I do not know whether there was a woman like Peggotty in Dickens’childhood, she made a deep impression on me and really moved me when I first read this story.
Peggotty was David’s housekeeper. She helped David’ mother do housework before Murdstone, David’s stepfather, and his sister came to their home. She got her duck in a row and was faithful to David’s family. She looked for David after he was born and cared him as he was her child. In order that David was not hurt by the marriage of his mother and Murdstone, she took David to her brother’s home before the got married. When Clara, his mother, was in control of Murdstone, and had limited chance to look for him, Peggotty took her place to care for him when David was hit by Murdstone. Before David went to school, Peggotty arrange some money to give him, though she was short of it. She told David a lot
of encouraged words and wished him to be fine. Even when David grew up, she cared for him all the time.
Peggotty’s kind-heart really touched me. In Dichens’story, there are many compare between kind-hearted person and wicked person. Both kinds of person had an effect on David’s childhood. He saw the difference between people and knew that money was the root of crime: Murdstone married David’s mother just for money, and Emily eloped with Stifuz before her wedding is also for money. Many facts made David knew well of the society and distinguish people from each other.
With the educating of Peggotty, David became a writer with the sense of justice. He hated Xipo because of his sham. As we all know touch pitch and you will be defiled. David successful life was affected by Peggotty. She was David’s best teacher.
While Stifuz fell into the sea, Xipo was arrested, Peggotty lived a happy life with David’s family.
From this novel, I got that chickens come home to roost. God is fair and he will record with good if you do good to others, such as Peggotty. In this society, we all have our own things to deal with, and never think of others. We struggle for ourselves and even not find our friends need our help. Though you success at last, you will find that there is only you. Nobody will share your happiness. In my
opinion, it is the biggest failure. On the contrary, if we all think of others and do what we can do to help them, we will get happiness and peace of mind like Peggotty.。
