Fast 3D simulation of transient electromagnetic by model reduction in the frequency domain using Kry




Numerical Calculation and Analysis of 3D Transient Temperature Field in Tractive PMSM for Elavator
Jiang Shanlin Abstract Zou Jibin Zhang Hongliang Harbin 150001 China) ( Harbin Institute of Technology According to the special structure of tractive PMSM for elavator, in this paper the
江善林 等
电梯曳引 PMSM 三维暂态温度场的数值计算与分析
各部件的 温 度较高,对 于采用外 转 子结构的 电 机, 定子散热较差,因而要求设计者对电机的温度分 布有全面的了解。现代电机温度场的数值计算主 要集中在大中型异步电机和发电机及相关散热系 数的讨论 上 [3-5] ,而对 曳 引电机类 永 磁电机温 升 问 题的考虑普遍重视不够,实际上,发热问题对任 何电机来说都是一个重要的问题,它直接关系到 电机的使用寿命和运行的可靠性。因此,本文针 对电梯曳引外转子永磁同步电机的特点,建立了 电机三维暂态温度场计算模型并进行了数值计 算,计算结果与实测结果相符,为曳引类永磁电 机的温度场计算提供了参考依据。
率高、过载能力强和运行平稳等性能要求。交流永 磁同步电机( PMSM )具有功率密度高、转矩纹波 小、转速平稳、动态响应快、过载能力强、低噪声、 高效节能等优点已成为当今电梯行业的新宠。 PMSM 易于做成多磁极结构、低速运行,因此在额
收稿日期 2006-12-07 改稿日期 2007-02-07
第 22 卷第 10 期



机 的磁通 、 磁链 、 电感 、 转矩和铁耗等参数的计算 提出了解决方法 , 通过与样 机实验结果相 比较 , 证明 了所用方法 的
正确性 , 得到的结论对软磁复合材料的应用及爪 极式 电机 的设计 与分析都具有一定参考价值。
关键词 : 三维有 限元 ; 极式永磁 电机 ; 爪 软磁 复合材料 ; 参数计算 中图分 类号 : M3 5 T 5 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :04— 0 8 20 )7—00 0 10 7 1 (0 7 0 0 4— 4
天、 飞轮 蓄能 、 电动工 具 、 心压缩 机 、 汽轮 发 电机 离 微 等许多 领域 , 速从 2 0~ 0 0 / i , 且应 转 00 2 00 0 rm n 并 用 领域 仍在不 断扩 大 。
1电机 结构
三相爪极 式永磁 电机 的定 子 由三个相 同结构 的
部 件彼 此错 开 10 电角ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้度 而组 成 , 2。 每个 部 件 由两 个
相 同的带有爪 极 的法 兰盘 组 成 , 图 1所 示 。两 个 如
软 磁 复合 材料 采 用粉 末 冶金 技 术制 造 , 由表 面
绝缘 的金属粉 末颗 粒 组成 , 以一 步压 制 成 具 有复 可
图 1 爪 极 式 永 磁 电机 单 部 件不 意 图
法兰 盘相对 放 置 , 极 相 互 交 错 , 沿 圆 周 间 隔 分 爪 并 布, 每一部 件 的爪 极总 数与 电机极 数相 同 , 法兰 在两 析常 用 的有 等值 磁路 法 和 等效 二 维 磁场 法 , 这
moo s,oai n o e l s de s e tr r tto a c r o s mo lwa mply d i h s pa r l o e n t i pe .Th p ooy e nd ts e u t we e ic s e fn l h e e r ttp a et r s ls r ds u s d i al y.T meho n e utp e e t d i hi a e r eult h ppi ain o t d a d rs l r s n e n t s p p rwe e us f o te a lc to fSMC tra s mae l . i Ke r y wo ds: D EA ; lw — p l e a e tmo o S C tra ; r me es c c lto 3 F ca o e p r n n tr; M m mae l paa tr a u ain i l


























Z a gL u n L o n u h n  ̄ a u y Da
Zh n z o e t o rCo l g e g h u El c i P we l e c e

要: 针对永 磁直线同步 电动机 的矢量控制系统,
1 永磁 直线同步 电动机 数学模 型
永磁 直线同步电动机数学模 型的建 立是计 算机 仿真 的前提 。 推导过 程 中, 如下假 设 在 做
直 接 驱 动 的 永 磁 直 线 同步 电 动 机 ,由于 其
B 粘滞摩擦系数; 一 负载阻力;

省掉了中间的传动环 节, 消除了机械传动链 的影 响; 又因其采用高性能永磁体 , 具有电磁推力强
电磁推力; 永磁体有效磁链 ;
。 () 3
度高 、 损耗低 、 电气 时间常数小 、 响应时间快 等
() 1 忽略铁心饱和; () 2 不计涡流和磁滞效应;
Ab t a t F r e ma e t g e n a y c —o o s s r e : o p r n n a ma n t i e r n h r n u l s
moo(M L M ) etrc nrl y tm, e r a iig trP S v co o t s o s e sl g nzn o
p r mee u z o to S e dc n r l r S mu ai n a a tr z y c n r l p e o to l i l t f e o
M d /tB + fKf vd+ v F = i a
() 1
( 2)
Kf 一
式 中:M一 电动机的动子质量;
() 3 动子上没有阻尼绕组 , 永磁体也没有阻



Re e r h o pe d S ns re sVe t r Co t o fI uci n s a c fS e e o ls co n r lo nd to
M o o s d o o e f r n e A d ptv y t m t r Ba e n M d lRe e e c a i e S s e
l I r e t i n fI 0 i n ato X
0 引 言
近年 来 , 由于构 建简 洁 、 高效 和高 可靠性 交 流
法根据不同的策略 , 以选择电机的不同物理量 可 如 电磁转 矩 、 子磁 链 、 转 定子 反 电动 势等 作为 系统 状态 广义 误差 来估 算转 速 IJ 4。本 文基 于模 型参
( 兰州理工大学 电气工程与信息工程学院, 甘肃 兰州 7 0 5 ) 3 0 0
摘 要: 针对异步 电动机矢量控制 中对定子电阻和转子时问常数等参数 的依赖性 , 设计 了一 种基 于模 型
参考 自适应律 ( AS 的参数辨识器。该辨识器 同时还可 以观测定 子磁链 及转 子速度 , 以此为基 础 , MR ) 并 利用 MA L B Sm l k 建了以定子磁场定 向的无速度传感器矢量控制 系统 。仿 真结果表明 : T A / i ui 构 n 该方 法实时辨识 电 机参数的变化 , 高了控制 系统 的准确性和鲁棒性 。 提
T c n l y a zo 3 0 0, h a eh oo ,L nh u7 0 5 C i ) g n
Ab ta t s r c :Fo h e n e c he sao e it c n o o i o sa ti he v co o to fi du to rt e d pe d n e on t tt rr ssan e a d r t rtme c n tn n t e trc n r lo n ci n m oo ,a pa a t re tma o a e RAS s sg d. Th tmao lo c P b e'e t t tr fu nd s e . t r r mee si tr b s d M Wa de ine e esi tr as a ,o s l he sao x a pe d v l Ac o d n o t e e p r mee s,a s e d s n ore s sao ux o ena in v c o o to y t m s c n tu t d. Re c r i g t h s a a tr p e e s l s t tr f r tto e t rc n r ls se wa o sr c e l i -

三维建模与电磁场仿真新工具3D Workbench的介绍及使用方法图文详解

三维建模与电磁场仿真新工具3D Workbench的介绍及使用方法图文详解

三维建模与电磁场仿真新工具3D Workbench的介绍及使用方法图文详解™2018版本中,介绍了全新的三维建模与电磁场仿真工具——3D Workbench。

它具有当前市场上主流3D CAD 产品的用户界面(GUI),采用了经业界多年验证的Powe® 3D-EM仿真引擎(Engine)与多样且高效的网格划分(Mesh)选项。



较当前市场上依赖第三方数据与模型转换的的其他三维电磁场仿真工具而言,3D Workbench 可提供效率更高、出错率更低的解决方案,大幅缩短设计-仿真周期的同时降低设计失误风险。

庞诚来为大家详细解说该工具的四大功能:3D Workbench的建模界面与模型导入、网格化分选项、参数扫描仿真与分析,以及全功能脚本命令(Tcl)录制与回放,并向大家图示展示3D Workbench的基本工作流程。

3D Workbench工具特点友好的建模界面与模型导入便利3D Workbench 具备当前主流的3D CAD工具的建模界面。



丰富的网格划分(Mesh)选项3D Workbench提供了Sigma Mesh 与D Mesh 两大类网格划分算法,采用四面体网格单元对求解区域内所设定的电磁场问题进行求解。

在初始网格划定并求解后,3D Workbench会根据预先设定的收敛标准,对不符合误差设定的区域做网格精炼,最终获得符合收敛标准的仿真结果。

3D Workbench更可以根据不同设计需求,选择不同的算法:需要对模型求解区域作整体快速粗略估计,选择Sigma Mesh算法或D Mesh算法中的‘Coarse’子选项需要对模型求解区域内的信号网络做精细分析,选择Sigma Mesh算法或D Mesh算法中的‘Local Map’子选项,并根据信号线尺度、求解波长等参量对‘信号线最大网格长度(Signal net max edge length)’做适当设置。



永磁同步电机调速系统的建模与仿真引言永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,PMSM)作为一种具有高效能和高功率密度的电机,广泛应用于工业和交通领域。
















永磁同步电机调速系统的建模过程1. 确定电机参数在建立调速系统的模型之前,首先需要确定永磁同步电机的参数。



电力专业常用英语词汇网易电力专业英语词汇(较全)1)元件设备三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor并联电容器:shunt capacitor电抗器:Reactor母线:Busbar输电线:TransmissionLine发电厂:power plant断路器:Breaker刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator分接头:tap电动机:motor2)状态参数有功:active power无功:reactive power电流:current容量:capacity电压:voltage档位:tap position有功损耗:reactive loss无功损耗:active loss空载损耗:no-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load current阻抗:impedance正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载: active load PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current定子:stator功角:power-angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并列的:apposable高压: high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage电力系统 power system发电机 generator励磁 excitation励磁器 excitor电压 voltage电流 current母线 bus变压器 transformer升压变压器 step-up transformer高压侧 high side输电系统 power transmission system输电线 transmission line固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定 stability电压稳定 voltage stability功角稳定 angle stability暂态稳定 transient stability电厂 power plant能量输送 power transfer交流 AC装机容量 installed capacity电网 power system落点 drop point开关站 switch station双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站 transformer substation补偿度 degree of compensation高抗 high voltage shunt reactor无功补偿 reactive power compensation故障 fault调节 regulation裕度 magin三相故障 three phase fault故障切除时间 fault clearing time极限切除时间 critical clearing time切机 generator triping高顶值 high limited value强行励磁 reinforced excitation线路补偿器 LDC(line drop compensation)机端 generator terminal静态 static (state)动态 dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统 one machine - infinity bus system 机端电压控制 AVR功角 power angle有功(功率) active power无功(功率) reactive power功率因数 power factor无功电流 reactive current下降特性 droop characteristics斜率 slope额定 rating变比 ratio参考值 reference value电压互感器 PT分接头 tap下降率 droop rate仿真分析 simulation analysis传递函数 transfer function框图 block diagram受端 receive-side裕度 margin同步 synchronization失去同步 loss of synchronization阻尼 damping摇摆 swing保护断路器 circuit breaker电阻:resistance电抗:reactance阻抗:impedance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance导纳:admittance电感:inductance电容: capacitanceAGC Automatic Generation Control自动发电控制AMR Automatic Message Recording 自动抄表ASS Automatic Synchronized System 自动准同期装置ATS Automatic Transform System 厂用电源快速切换装置AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动电压调节器BCS Burner Control System 燃烧器控制系统BMS Burner Management System 燃烧器管理系统CCS Coordinated Control System 协调控制系统CRMS Control Room Management System 控制室管理系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管DAS Data Acquisition System 数据采集与处理系统DCS Distributed Control System 分散控制系统DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制(系统)DEH Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control 数字电液(调节系统)DPU Distributed Processing Unit 分布式处理单元EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统ETS Emergency Trip System 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统EWS Engineering Working Station 工程师工作站FA Feeder Automation 馈线自动化FCS Field bus Control System 现场总线控制系统FSS Fuel Safety System 燃料安全系统FSSS Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System 炉膛安全监控系统GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统HCS Hierarchical Control System 分级控制系统LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCP Local Control Panel 就地控制柜MCC Motor Control Center (电动机)马达控制中心MCS Modulating Control System 模拟量控制系统MEH Micro Electro Hydraulic Control System 给水泵汽轮机电液控制系统MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统NCS Net Control System 网络监控系统OIS Operator Interface Station 操作员接口站OMS Outage Management System 停电管理系统PID Proportion Integration Differentiation 比例积分微分PIO Process inputOutput 过程输入输出(通道)PLC Programmable Logical Controller 可编程逻辑控制器PSS Power System Stabilizator 电力系统稳定器SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 数据采集与监控系统SCC Supervisory Computer Control 监督控制系统SCS Sequence Control System 顺序(程序)控制系统SIS Supervisory Information System 监控信息系统TDCS(TDC)Total Direct Digital Control 集散控制系统TSI Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 汽轮机监测仪表UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断供电专业英语(电力词汇)标准的机组数据显示 (Standard Measurement And Display Data)负载电流百分比显示 Percentage of Current load(%)单相/三相电压 Voltage by One/Three Phase (Volt.)每相电流 Current by Phase (AMP)千伏安 Apparent Power (KVA)中线电流 Neutral Current (N Amp)功率因数 Power Factor (PF)频率 Frequency(HZ)千瓦 Active Power (KW)千阀 Reactive Power (KVAr)最高/低电压及电流 Max/Min. Current and Voltage输出千瓦/兆瓦小时 Output kWh/MWh运行转速 Running RPM机组运行正常 Normal Running超速故障停机 Overspeed Shutdowns低油压故障停机 Low Oil Pressure Shutdowns高水温故障停机 High Coolant Temperature Shutdowns起动失败停机 Fail to Start Shutdowns冷却水温度表 Coolant Temperature Gauge机油油压表 Oil Pressure Gauge电瓶电压表 Battery Voltage Meter机组运行小时表 Genset Running Hour Meter怠速-快速运行选择键 Idle Run – Normal Run Selector Switch运行-停机-摇控启动选择键 Local Run-Stop-Remote Starting Selector Switch其它故障显示及输入 Other Common Fault Alarm Display and电力行波词汇行波travelling wave模糊神经网络fuzzy-neural network神经网络neural network模糊控制fuzzy control研究方向 research direction副教授associate professor电力系统the electrical power system大容量发电机组large capacity generating set输电距离electricity transmission超高压输电线super voltage transmission power line 投运commissioning行波保护Traveling wave protection自适应控制方法adaptive control process动作速度speed of action行波信号travelling wave signal测量信号measurement signal暂态分量transient state component非线性系统nonlinear system高精度high accuracy自学习功能self-learning function抗干扰能力anti-jamming capability自适应系统adaptive system行波继电器travelling wave relay输电线路故障transmission line malfunction仿真simulation算法algorithm电位electric potential短路故障short trouble子系统subsystem大小相等,方向相反equal and opposite in direction 电压源voltage source故障点trouble spot等效于equivalent暂态行波transient state travelling wave偏移量side-play mount电压electric voltage附加系统add-ons system波形waveform工频power frequency延迟变换delayed transformation延迟时间delay time减法运算subtraction相减运算additive operation求和器summator模糊规则fuzzy rule参数值parameter values可靠动作action message等值波阻抗equivalent value wave impedance附加网络additional network修改的modified反传算法backpropagation algorithm隶属函数membership function模糊规则fuzzy rule模糊推理fuzzy reasoning模糊推理矩阵fuzzy reasoning matrix样本集合 sample set给定的given采样周期sampling period三角形隶属度函数Triangle-shape grade of membership function负荷状态load conditions区内故障troubles inside the sample space门槛值threshold level采样频率sampling frequency全面地all sidedly样本空间sample space误动作malfunction保护特性protection feature仿真数据simulation data灵敏性sensitivity小波变换wavelet transformation神经元neuron谐波电流harmonic current电力系统自动化power system automation继电保护relaying protection中国电力 China Power学报 journal初探primary exploration电机学 electrical machinery自动控制理论 automatic control theory电磁场 electromagnetic field电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves微机原理 principle of microcomputer电工学 electrotechnics principle of circuit s电力系统稳态分析 steady-state analysis o f power system电力系统暂态分析 transient-state analysi s of power system电力系统继电保护原理 principle of electrica l system's relay protection电力系统元件保护原理 protection principl e of power system 's element电力系统内部过电压 past voltage within po wer system模拟电子技术基础 basis of analogue electr onic technique数字电子技术 digital electrical technique 电路原理实验lab. of principle of circuits电气工程讲座 lectures on electrical powe r production电力电子基础basic fundamentals of powe r electronics高电压工程high voltage engineering电子专题实践topics on experimental proje ct of electronics电气工程概论introduction to electrical eng ineering电子电机集成系统electronic machine syste m电力传动与控制electrical drive and contro l电力电子电路Power Electronic Circuit电力电子电器Power Electronic Equipment电力电子器件Power Electronic Devices电力电子学Power Electronics电力工程Electrical Power Engineering电力生产技术Technology of Electrical Power Generation电力生产优化管理Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation电力拖动基础Fundamentals for Electrical Towage电力拖动控制系统Electrical Towage Control Systems电力系统Power Systems电力系统电源最优化规划Optimal Planning of Power Source in a PowerSystem电力系统短路Power System Shortcuts电力系统分析Power System Analysis电力系统规划Power System Planning电力系统过电压Hyper-Voltage of Power Systems电力系统继电保护原理Power System Relay Protection电力系统经济分析Economical Analysis of Power Systems电力系统经济运行Economical Operation of Power Systems电力系统可靠性Power System Reliability电力系统可靠性分析Power System Reliability Analysis电力系统无功补偿及应用Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems &Applicati电力系统谐波Harmonious Waves in Power Systems电力系统优化技术Optimal Technology of Power Systems电力系统优化设计Optimal Designing of Power Systems电力系统远动Operation of Electric Systems电力系统远动技术Operation Technique of Electric Systems电力系统运行Operation of Electric Systems电力系统自动化Automation of Electric Systems电力系统自动装置Power System Automation Equipment电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术基础Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology电磁感应定律law of electromagnetic induction励磁 excitation 励磁器 magnetizing ex citer励磁器 exciter 恒定励磁器constant excit er励磁器激振器exciter励磁电流:magnetizing current 强行励磁reinforced excitation励磁调节器excitation regulator无功伏安volt-ampere reactive无功伏安时volt-ampere-hour reactive稳态控制homeostatic control; stable co ntrol a steady-state control水电厂hydroelectric station落点 drop point 调节 regulation调节器conditioner 励磁调节器exc itation regulator调速器regulator, governor ;speed re gulator ;(正规)speed governor高抗 high voltage shunt reactor并列的: apposite; paratactic 同步 sy nchronization系统解列system splitting( trip)失去同步loss of synchronization分接头:tap 裕度 margin 档位:tap p osition故障 fault 三相故障 three phase fault 切机 generator triping故障切除时间fault clearing time高顶值 high limited value静态 static (state) 动态 dynamic (sta te) 暂态transient机端电压控制 avr电动机:motor有功负载: active load/pload 无功负载:r eactive load电压互感器pt (potential /voltage transformer )参考值 reference value 单机无穷大系统one machine - infinity bus system仿真分析 simulation analysis 下降率 dr oop rate传递函数 transfer function 框图 bloc k diagram受端 receive-side 同步 synchronizatio n保护断路器 circuit breaker阻尼 damping无刷直流电机:brusless dc motor永磁直流电动机permanent-magnet direct current motor机端 generator terminal永磁同步电机:permanent-magnet synchr onism motor异步电机:asynchronous motor三绕组变压器:three-column transformer t hrclntransthree winding transforme r双绕组变压器:double-column transforme r dblclmntranstwo-circuit transformer; two -winding transformer固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor co mpensation双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the s ame tower单机无穷大系统 one machine - infinity bu s system偿度 degree of compensation电磁场失去同步electromagnetic fields los s of synchronization装机容量 installed capacity无功补偿 reactive power compensation故障切除时间 fault clearing time极限切除时间 critical clearing time强行励磁 reinforced excitation并联电容器:shunt capacitor下降特性 droop characteristics线路补偿器 ldc(line drop compensatio n) 《。













二、永磁同步电机及其控制系统概述永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, PMSM)是一种高性能的电动机,其设计基于同步电机的原理,并采用永磁体作为其磁场源,从而省去了传统电机中的励磁绕组和相应的励磁电流。
















下部和上部(悬浮一部分)磁性连接; 根据下部的运动没有任何机械接触这意味着磁悬浮部分可以自由移动。









因此,为了减少执行时间,以提高基于三维混合精度的数值模拟FE -BE方法,我们修改了开发的计算机程序采用边界元的快速多极子方法(FMM)。

我们进行了所设计的磁悬浮模型[4] 的升力和侧向力特性实验来确认开发的计算机程序的有效性。



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搬持电棚 一_0 年 .2 一 1 … . … 2 第 :期 : -1 :o : :.
三维 直 线 感应 电动机 牵 引 力计o a l t ma n t ed mo e f h n a d cin moo . h rc in w so ti e y c c lt g t et r e d — i n i n l er e o g e i f l d l e l e r n u t tr T eta t a b an d b a u ai h e - i ci ot i i o o l n h
型。通过计算 三维 电磁 场量来 得到电机牵引力 , 计算结果与实验测试结果进行 了比较 。
关键词 : 直线感应 电动机 ; 分层理论 ; 傅里 叶谐波法 ; 三维电磁场 ; 引力 牵 中图分类号 : M3 94 T 5 . 文 献标识码 : A 文章编 号 :04 7 1 ( 00 1 — 04 0 1 0 — 08 2 1 )2 02 — 3
me tme h d, i h e —dme so a i i l me t meh d t k s ln i o c ry o t B s d o h w -d me so a n t o whl t r e i n i n l f t ee n to a e o g t e ne me t a r u . a e n t e t o i n i n l mu t l y rte r t e F u e amo i t o su e y e p n i g l r r r u r n e o st u l h r e l - a e h o y. o r rh r n c meh d wa s d b x a d n i h i  ̄e a p ma c re ti p r d o b i t e t e l i y n i d h



1.微观交通仿真中的驾驶员模型 [J], 李勇;何伟;苏虎
2.基于遗传算法的混合动力汽车前向仿真驾驶员模型参数优化 [J], 胡斐;赵治国
3.驾驶员模型在制动到零仿真中的应用 [J], 刘涛;郭孔辉
4.一种交通虚拟仿真中的驾驶员情绪感染模型 [J], 刘婷婷; 刘箴; 陆涛; 刘翠娟; 柴艳杰
5.交通微观仿真中的驾驶员视觉感知模型 [J], 杨建国;肖永剑;王兆安



基于滑模变结构的表面式永磁同步电机速度与位置控制一、本文概述本文旨在探讨基于滑模变结构的表面式永磁同步电机(Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, SPMSM)速度与位置控制的研究。






二、滑模变结构控制理论基础滑模变结构控制(Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control,简称SMVSC)是一种非线性控制方法,具有对系统参数摄动和外部干扰不敏感的特性,因此在电机控制领域得到了广泛应用。


对于表面式永磁同步电机(Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,简称SPMSM)的速度与位置控制,滑模变结构控制能够有效地处理系统中的不确定性和非线性因素,提高系统的鲁棒性。































































一、超导磁体的场景建模1.1 超导磁体的基本原理超导磁体是利用超导材料的零电阻和完全抗磁性的特性来产生强磁场的设备。



1.2 场景建模的重要性场景建模是超导磁体设计的关键步骤之一。



1.3 场景建模的方法场景建模的方法包括数值模拟和实验测试。




二、超导磁体的优化设计方法2.1 优化设计的目标超导磁体的优化设计旨在提高磁场强度、稳定性和效率,降低能耗和成本。


2.2 优化设计的方法优化设计的方法包括参数优化、拓扑优化和材料优化。




2.3 优化设计的工具优化设计的工具包括有限元分析、遗传算法、神经网络等。




三、超导磁体场景建模与优化设计方法的应用3.1 医学成像领域超导磁体在医学成像领域有广泛应用,如核磁共振成像。



2011年1月电工技术学报Vol.26 No. 1 第26卷第1期TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Jan. 2011基于三维磁场仿真分析的含永磁继电器等效磁路模型的建立梁慧敏由佳欣叶雪荣翟国富(哈尔滨工业大学军用电器研究所哈尔滨 150001)摘要具有非线性B-H特性曲线永磁体的等效是影响含永磁继电器等效磁路计算准确度的重要因素之一。




关键词:永磁继电器等效磁路可靠性中图分类号:TM581.3Construction of Equivalent Magnetic Circuit forPermanent Magnet Relay Based on 3-D Magnetic Field AnalysisLiang Huimin You Jiaxin Ye Xuerong Zhai Guofu(Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China)Abstract Equivalent nonlinear B-H characteristic permanent magnet (PM) is an important factor of accurate equivalent model calculation. Equivalent subsection PM based on 3-D magnetic field simulation is established, and equivalent magnetic potentials of each subsection are calculated.Equivalent magnetic circuit model of PM relay magnetic system is established to calculate attractive force characteristics of relay. The accuracy is proved by comparing the result calculated by using 3-D magnetic field simulation result and measuring result. This method reduces the calculation results error of attractive force to 10%. Such research can become a valid way for attractive force calculation of relay.Keywords:Permanent magnet, relay, equivalent magnetic circuit, reliability1引言在电子元器件中,电磁继电器一般被认为是一种最不可靠的电子元件,但是电磁继电器尤其是含永磁继电器在控制电路中有独特的电气、物理特性,具有转换深度高、可多路同步切换、输入输出比大、抗干扰能力强等一系列固体电子器件不能替代的优点,因此广泛应用于国防及民用自动控制系统中完成信号传递、执行控制、系统配电、电路隔离、电压或负载转换等功能,其可靠性直接影响整机系统的可靠性。






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Fast3D simulation of transient electromagneticfields by model reduction in the frequency domain using Krylov subspace projectionRalph-Uwe Börner1,Oliver G.Ernst2,and Klaus Spitzer1Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg,Freiberg,Germany1Institute of Geophysics,2Institute of Numerical Analysis and Optimization1SummaryWe present an efficient numerical method for the simulation of transient electromagneticfields resulting from magnetic and electric dipole sources in three dimensions.The method we propose is based on the Fourier synthesis of frequency domain solutions at a sufficient number of discrete frequencies obtained using afinite element(FE)approximation of the damped vector wave equation,which results after Fourier transforming Maxwell’s equations in time.We assume the solution to be required only at a few points in the computational domain,whose number is small relative to the number of FE degrees of freedom.The mapping which assigns to each frequency the FE ap-proximation at the points of interest is a vector-valued rational function known as the transfer function. Its evaluation is approximated using Krylov subspace projection,a standard model reduction technique. Computationally,this requires the FE discretization at one reference frequency and the generation of a sufficiently large Krylov subspace associated with the reference frequency.Once a basis of this subspace is available,a sufficiently accurate rational approximation of the transfer function can be evaluated at the remaining frequencies at negligible cost.These partial frequency domain solutions are then synthesized to the time evolution at the points of interest using a fast Hankel transform.To test the algorithm,responses have been calculated for a three-layered earth and compared with results obtained analytically.We observe a maximum deviation of less than2percent in the case of transient EM modelling.We emphasize the usability of our approach by an example of a controlled-source marine electromagnetic application.Afirst implementation of our new numerical algorithm already gives very good results using much less computational time compared with time stepping methods and comparable times and somewhatimproved accuracy compared with the Spectral Lanczos Decomposition Method(SLDM). Keywords:Transient electromagnetic modelling,Krylov projection methods2IntroductionThe transient electromagnetic(TEM)method has become one of the standard applications in geo-electromagnetism and is now widely used,e.g.,for exploration of groundwater and mineral resources. The numerical computation of transient electromagneticfields is of particular interest in applied geo-physics.First introduced by Yee(1966),thefinite difference time domain(FDTD)technique has been widely used to simulate the transientfields in2D and3D engineering applications by time stepping (Taflove,1995).In geophysics,first attempts to numerically simulate transients were made by Goldman and Stoyer(1983)for axially-symmetric conductivity structures using implicit time-stepping.Wang and Hohmann(1993)have developed an explicit FDTD method in3D based on Du Fort-Frankel time-stepping.Generally,explicit time stepping algorithms require small time steps to guarantee numerical stability. For the simulation of late-time responses their computational cost must therefore be regarded as very high.Several attempts have been made to reduce the numerical effort,e.g.,by a special treatment of the air-earth interface to circumvent excessively small time steps due to the extremely low conductivity of the air layer(Oristaglio&Hohmann,1984;Wang&Hohmann,1993).For FDTD methods,it thus seems that acceptable computing times can only be achieved by paralleliza-tion using computer clusters(Commer&Newman,2004).An alternative approach was introduced by Druskin and Knizhnerman(1988)and has since been known as the Spectral Lanczos Decomposition Method(SLDM).This method uses a3Dfinite difference(FD) approximation of Maxwell’s equations,which are cast into a system of ordinary differential equations. The solution of the latter is formulated as a multiplication of a matrix exponential and a vector of initial values.Numerical evidence indicates that the convergence of the SLDM depends mainly on the conduc-tivity contrasts within the model.To improve convergence,the FD grids have to be refined near jumps of electrical conductivity within the discretized region.However,the FD tensor product grids further increase the number of unknowns even in regions where densely sampled solutions are not of particular interest, greater depths.We note,however,that the time-stepping technique that is inherent to SLDM can be combined with otherspatial discretizations.Everett and Edwards(1993)have published afinite element(FE)discretization for the solution of a2.5-D problem with subsequent Laplace transform of the response of electric dipoles located on the seafloor.A FE solution of geo-electromagnetic problems for2D sources using isoparametric quadratic elements has been introduced by Mitsuhata(2000)with respect to frequency domain modelling of dipole sources over undulating surfaces.The approach of modelling in the frequency domain with subsequent transformation into the time domain was proposed by Newman et al.(1986),who used a3D integral equation method to provide the responses for typically20to40frequencies,which are transformed into the time domain using a digitalfiltering technique(Anderson,1979).However,the time domain results displayed deviations from reference solutions at late times due to the limited accuracy of the3D responses.Sugeng et al.(1993)have computed the step response solutions for31frequencies over a range between 1and1000kHz using isoparametricfinite elements.The authors report small deviations in the late time response.Jin et al.(1999)have developed a frequency-domain and time-domain FE solution using SLDM for a small bandwidth of frequencies and very short times,respectively.This paper introduces a method based on a FE discretization in the frequency domain.We avoid the heavy computational expense associated with solving a full3D problem for each of many frequencies by a model reduction approach.The point of departure is that the transients,which are synthesized from the frequency domain solutions,are required only at a small number of receiver locations.The synthesis of the transients at these locations therefore requires only frequency domain solutions at these points. After discretization in space,the frequency domain solution values at the receiver points are rational functions of ing the model reduction technique of Krylov subspace projection(cf.(An-toulas,2005))it is possible to approximate this function,known as the transfer function in linear systems theory,by rational functions of lower putationally,the discretized frequency-domain problem for a suitably chosen reference frequency is projected onto a Krylov subspace of low dimension,yield-ing the desired approximation of the transfer function in terms of quantities generated in the Arnoldi process,which is used to construct an orthonormal basis of the Krylov subspace.This approximation, the evaluation of which incurs only negligible cost,is then used for all the other frequencies needed for the synthesis.While more difficult model reduction problems such as those arising in semiconduc-tor device simulation require repeating this process at several reference frequencies across the spectralbandwidth of interest,our experience has shown the time evolution of the electromagneticfields after a current shut-off to be a very benign problem for which one reference frequency suffices.After obtaining frequency-domain approximations at the receiver locations for all required frequencies in this way,the associated transients are synthesized using a fast Hankel transform(cf.(Newman et al.,1986)).The re-sulting algorithm thus has as its main expense the FE solution at the reference frequency and the Arnoldi process to construct the Krylov space.Since each Arnoldi step requires the solution of a linear system with the coefficient matrix associated with the reference frequency problem,we generate a sparse LU factorization of this matrix,which we found feasible for problem sizes of up to around250,000using the PARDISO software of Schenk and Gärtner(2004).For much larger problems the linear systems can instead be solved iteratively.Our computational experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can, as an example,compute transients at several receiver locations based on a discretization with100,000 degrees of freedom in roughly5minutes wall clock time on current desktop hardware.We note that solutions to such multiple-frequency partial-field problems have been published by Wagner et al.(2003)in the context of an acousticfluid-structure interaction problem.Without loss of generality,we restrict our2D and3D numerical experiments to a simple1D conductivity structure.For such conductivity models,analytical solutions are readily available.We complete the model studies with a problem set arising from marine controlled source electromagnetic applications as described by Edwards(2005).3Theoretical backgroundThe behaviour of the transient electromagneticfields after a source current shut-off is described by an initial boundary value problem for Maxwell’s equations in quasi-static approximation∇×h−σe=j e,(1a)∂t b+∇×e=0,(1b)∇·b=0,(1c) where we denote by e(r,t)the electricfield,h(r,t)the magneticfield,b(r,t)=µh(r,t)the magnetic flux density,µ(r)is the magnetic permeability,and j e(r,t)external source current density,respectively. The spatial variable r is restricted to a computational domainΩ⊂R3bounded by an artificial boundary Γ,along which appropriate boundary conditions on the tangential components of thefields are imposed,whereas t∈R.The forcing results from a known stationary transmitter source with a driving current which is shut off at time t=0,and hence of the formj e(r,t)=q(r)H(−t)(2)with the vectorfield q denoting the spatial current pattern and H the Heaviside step function.The Earth’s electrical conductivity is denoted by the parameterσ(r).We assume negligible coupling between displacement currents and induced magneticfields,which is valid at late times after current shut-off. After eliminating b from(1)we obtain the second order partial differential equation∇×(µ−1∇×e)+∂tσe=−∂t j e inΩ(3a) for the electricfield,which we complete with the perfect conductor boundary conditionn×e=0onΓ,(3b)at the outer walls of the model.It should be noted that by doing so,the electricfields at the boundaryΓno longer depend on time t.Switching to the frequency domain,we introduce the Fourier transform paire(t)=12π∞−∞E(ω)eiωtdω=:(F−1E)(t),(4)E(ω)=∞−∞e(t)e−iωtdt=(F e)(ω),(5)ωdenoting angular frequency.The representation(4)can be interpreted as a synthesis of the electricfield e(t)from weighted time-harmonic electric partial waves E(ω),whereas(5)determines the frequency content of the time-dependent electricfield e.We thus obtain the transformed version∇×(µ−1∇×E)+iωσE=q inΩ,(6a) n×E=0onΓ,(6b) of(3a)and(3b)provided that solutions exist for all frequenciesω∈R.In(6a)we have used the fact that,for the time-dependence e iωtdifferentiation with respect to the time variable t becomes multiplicationwith iωin the transformed equations as well as the formal identity F(H(−t))=−1/(iω),which recflects the fact that the step response due to a current shut-off in a transmitter source is related to an impulsive source by a time derivative∂t H(t)=δ(t),whereδdenotes the Dirac impulse,and F(δ)≡1.For a given number of discrete frequencies,the Fourier representation(4)of the solution e of(3)can be utilized to construct an approximate solution in the time domain by a Fourier synthesis.Causality of the field in the time domain allows for a representation of the solution in terms of a sine or cosine transform of the real or imaginary part of E,resp.(Newman et al.,1986):e(t)=2π∞Re(E)sinωtωdω=2π∞Im(E)cosωtωdω.(7)In practice,the infinite range of integration is restricted to afinite range and the resulting integrals are evaluated by a Fast Hankel Transform(Johansen&Sorensen,1979).For the problems addressed here, solutions for80to150frequencies distributed over a broad spectral bandwidth with f∈[10−2,109]Hz are required to maintain the desired accuracy.4Finite element discretization in spaceFor the solution of boundary value problems in geophysics,especially for geo-electromagnetic applica-tions,finite difference methods have mainly been utilized due to their low implementation effort.How-ever,finite element methods offer many ing triangular or tetrahedral elements to mesh a computational domain allows for greaterflexibility in the parametrization of conductivity structures without the need for staircasing at curved boundaries,such as arise with terrain or sea-floor topography. In addition,there is a mature FE convergence theory for electromagnetic applications(Monk,2003). Finally,FE methods are much more suitable for adaptive mesh refinement,adding yet further to their efficiency.For the construction of a FE approximation,wefirst express the boundary value problem(6)in varia-tional or weak form(Monk,2003).The weak form requires the equality of both sides of(6a)in the inner product sense only.The L2(Ω)inner product of two complex vectorfields u and v is defined as(u,v)=Ωu·¯v dV(8) with¯v denoting the complex conjugate of v.Taking the inner product of(6a)with the smooth vector fieldϕ—called the test function—and integrating overΩ,we obtain after an integration by partsΩ(µ−1∇×E)·(∇ׯϕ)+iωσE·¯ϕdV−Γ(nׯϕ)·(µ−1∇×E)dA=Ωq·¯ϕdV.(9)OnΓ,the perfect conductor boundary condition(6b)gives no information about(µ−1∇×E),so we eliminate this integral by choosingϕsuch that n×ϕ=0onΓ.Introducing the solution spaceE:={v∈H(curl;Ω):n×v=0onΓ},in terms of the Sobolev space H(curl;Ω)={v∈L2(Ω)3:∇×v∈L2(Ω)3},the weak form of the boundary value problemfinally readsFind E∈E such thatΩ(µ−1∇×E)·∇ׯv+iωσE·¯vdV=Ωq·¯v dV for all v∈E.(10)Due to the homogeneous boundary condition(6b)the trial and test functions can be chosen from the same space E.To construct a FE solution of the boundary value problem(6)the domainΩis partitioned into simple ge-ometrical subdomains,e.g.triangles for two-dimensional or tetrahedra for three-dimensional problems, such thatΩ=N ee=1Ωe.(11)The infinite-dimensional function space E is approximated by afinite dimensional function space E h⊂E of elementwise polynomial functions satisfying the homogeneous boundary condition(6b).The approximate electricfield E h≈E is defined as the solution of the discrete variational problem obtained by replacing E by E h in(10)(cf.Monk(2003)).To obtain the matrix form of(10),we express E h as a linear combination of basis functions{ϕi}N i=1of E h,i.e.E(r)=Ni=1E iϕi(r).(12)Testing against all functions in E h is equivalent to testing against all basis functionsϕj,j=1,...,N. Taking the j-th basis function as the test function and inserting(12)into(10)yields the j-th row of a linear system of equations(K+iωM)u=f(13)for the unknown coefficients E i=[u]i,i=1,...,N,where[K]j,i=Ω(µ−1∇×ϕi)·∇ׯϕj dV,(14) [M]j,i=Ωσϕϕi·¯ϕj dV,(15)[f]j=Ωq·¯ϕj dV.(16) The matrices K and M,known as stiffness and mass matrix,respectively,infinite element parlance,are large and sparse and,sinceµandσare real-valued quantities in the problem under consideration,consist of real entries.For a given source vector f determined by the right-hand side of(6a),the solution vector u∈C N yields the approximation E h of the electricfield E we wish to determine.5Model reductionOur goal is the efficient computation of thefinite element approximation E h in a subset of the compu-tational domainΩ.To this end,wefix a subset of p N components of the solution vetor u to be computed.These correspond to p coefficients in thefinite element basis expansion(12),and thus,in the lowest-order Nédélec spaces we have employed,directly to components of the approximate electric field E h in the direction of selected edges of the mesh.We introduce the discrete extension operator E∈R N×p defined as[E i,j]=1,if the j-th coefficient to be computed has global index i, 0,otherwise.Multiplication of a coefficient vector v∈C N with respect to thefinite element basis by E then extracts the p desired components,yielding the reduced vector E v∈C p containing thefield values at the points of interest.For the solution u,this reduced vector,as a function of frequency,thus takes the formt=t(ω)=E (K+iωM)−1f∈C p.(17)The vector-valued function t(ω)in equation(17)assigns,for each frequencyω,the output values of interest to the source(input)data represented by the right-hand-side vector f.Computing t(ω)for a given number of frequenciesωj∈[ωmin,ωmax],j=1,...,N f,by solving N f full systems and then extracting the p desired components from each is computationally expensive,if not prohibitive,for large N.This situation is similar to that of linear systems theory,where the function t is known as a transfer function and the objective is to approximate t based on a model with significantly fewer degrees of freedom than N,hence the term model reduction.To employ model reduction techniques,we proceed byfixing a reference frequencyω0and rewriting (17)ast=t(s)=E [A0−s M]−1f,A0:=K+iω0M,(18)where we have also introduced the(purely imaginary)shift parameter s=s(ω):=i(ω0−ω).Setting further L:=E∈R N×p,r:=A−10f∈C N,and A:=A−10M∈C N×N,the transfer function becomest(s)=L (I−s A)−1r.(19)The transfer function is a rational function of s(and hence ofω),and a large class of model reduction methods consist offinding lower order rational approximations to t(s).The method we shall propose constructs a Padé-type approximation with respect to the expansion pointω0,i.e.,s=0.The standard approach(Gragg&Lindquist,1983;Freund,2003;Antoulas,2005)for computing such approximations in a numerically stable way is by Krylov subspace projection.For simplicity,we shall consider an orthogonal projection onto a Krylov space based on Arnoldi’s method.Given a matrix C and a nonzero initial vector x,the Arnoldi process successively generates orthonormal basis vectors of the nested sequenceK m(C,x):=span{x,Cx,...,C m−1x},m=1,2,...of Krylov spaces generated by C and x,which are subspaces of dimension m up until m reaches a unique index L,called the grade of C with respect to x,after which these spaces become stationary.In particular, choosing C=A and x=r,m steps of the Arnoldi process result in the Arnoldi decompositionAV m=V m H m+ηm+1,m v m+1e,r=βv1,(20)min which the columns of V m∈C N×m form an orthonormal basis of K m(A,r),H m∈C m×m is an unreduced upper Hessenberg matrix,v m+1is a unit vector orthogonal to K m(A,r)and e m denotes the m-th unit coordinate vector in C m.In particular,we have the relation H m=V m AV ing the orthonormal basis V m,we may project the vector r as well as the columns of L in(19)orthogonally ontoK m(A.r)and replace the matrix I−s A by its compression V m(I−s A)V m onto K m(A,r),yielding the approximate transfer functiont m(s):=(Vm L) [Vm(I−s A)V m]−1(Vmr)=Lm(I m−s H m)−1βe1,where we have set L m:=V m L and used the properties of the quantities in(20)stated above.Given the task of evaluating the transfer function(17)for N f frequenciesωj∈[ωmin,ωmax],our model reduction approach now proceeds as detailed in Algorithm1.Algorithm1:Model reduction for TEM in the frequency domain.Select a reference frequencyω0Set A0:=K+iω0M,A:=A−10M and r:=A−10fPerform m steps of the Arnoldi process yielding decomposition(20)for j=1,2,...,N f doSet sj:=ω−ωjEvaluate approximate transfer function t m(s j)Note that computations with large system matrices and vectors with the full number N of degrees of freedom are required only in the Arnoldi process,after which the loop across the target frequencies takes place in a subspace of much smaller dimension m N.As a consequence,the work required in the latter is almost negligible in comparison.The most expensive step of the Arnoldi process is the matrix-vector multiplication with the matrix A0.Currently,we compute an LU factorization of A0in a preprocessing step and use the factors to compute the product with two triangular solves.We note that current Krylov subspace-based model reduction techniques employ more refined subspace generation techniques,in particular block algorithms to take into account all columns of L in the sub-space generation as well as two-sided Lanczos(Feldmann&Freund,1994)and Arnoldi(Antoulas,2005) methods to increase the approximation order of the transfer function.We intend to evaluate these refine-ments for the present TEM application in future work.However,we have been able to obtain surprisingly good results usung this very basic method.A further enhancement is replacing the LU factorization of A0with an inner iteration once the former is no longer feasible due to memory constraints.6Numerical examplesTo validate of our approach we consider as a model problem a vertical magnetic dipole over a layered halfspace.The reason for this choice is twofold:First,an analytical solution is available for direct comparison with the numerical approximation.Second,the huge conductivity contrast due to including the air layer in the computational domain presents a severe challenge for realistic simulations.Besides comparison with the analytical solution we also check our solution against one obtained by the Spectral Lanczos Decomposition Method.The FE discretization was carried out using the Electromagnetics Module of the COMSOL Multiphysics package,where we have used second order Lagrange elements on triangles in the2D calculations and second-order Nédélec elements on tetrahedra for3D.The sparse LU decomposition required in our algorithm as well as the triangular solves based on this decomposition are performed using the PARDISO software of Schenk and Gärtner(2004,2006).Our own code is written in MATLAB,from where the appropriate COMSOL and PARDISO components are called.All computations were carried out on a 3.0GHz Intel Xeon5160with16GB RAM running Suse Linux10.1.6.1The2D axisymmetric caseWe begin our numerical experiments with a2D axisymmetric study in order to demonstrate the interplay of the three main discretization parameters:mesh resolution,size of the computational domain and the dimension of the Krylov subspace used for the frequency sweep.The FE discretization contains two sources of error:one arising from the usual dependence of the error on the mesh width,i.e.,resolution, the other arising from imposing a non-exact boundary condition at the non-symmetry boundaries.As we are modelling a diffusion process,the error due to the boundary condition decreases rapidly with the size of the computational domain.An efficient discretization should balance these two types of error, i.e.,the domain size and mesh width should be chosen such that these two errors are of comparable magnitude.The third relevant parameter,the dimension of the Krylov space,determines the size of the reduced model,and should be large enough to provide a sufficiently good approximation of the transfer function so that the time-domain solution is sufficiently accurate.We consider thefields of a vertical magnetic dipole over an axially-symmetric conductivity structure. The dipole is aligned with the z-axis of a cylindrical coordinate system and is approximated by afinite circular coil with a radius of5m.Due to the symmetry of the problem,we may restrict the computationaldomain to the r−z-plane of the coordinate system thus resulting in a purely2D problem.The conductivity structure we consider consists of a30m thick30Ω·m layer at a depth of100m embedded in a uniform halfspace of100Ω·m(cf.Fig.1).For the FE discretization,second-order(node based)Lagrange elements were used to compute the tangential component of the electricfield in the frequency domain.The reference frequency was1000Hz.For the analytical reference solution we employ the quasistatic approximation of Ward and Hohmann(1988),from which we obtain the time-domain solution via a Hankel transform.Note that the quasistatic approximation deteriorates at high frequencies.The numerical results obtained by the Arnoldi model reduction method are compared with the analytical1D model results.To demonstrate the influence of the computational domain size and the number of triangles involved, we choose different geometries.Three horizontal model sizes of±600(model1),±1200(model2), and±2400meters(model3)are considered.Fig.2shows the discretized conductivity region for these three domain sizes.The small elements in the vicinity of the transmitter coil result from three successive adaptive mesh refinement steps of COMSOL’s default a posteriori error estimator,in which the mesh refinement is performed by remeshing.The FE spaces based on these three meshes contained11,227 (model1),7,850(model2)and29,358(model3)degrees of freedom,respectively.Furthermore,by specifying the maximum number of new triangles generated in each adaptive cycle,we introduce a rough upper bound of thefinal mesh resolution.The resulting transfer functions and transient electricfields on the air-earth interface at100meters dis-tance from the dipole location are depicted in Fig.3.For a Krylov subspace of dimension m=60we observe a substantial error in the high frequencies,which is significantly reduced in the case m=200. However,this error does not affect the transientfield at the corresponding short times(cf.Fig.3,right), where the agreement with the analytical solution is equally good in all cases.The reason for this is that, when the Hankel transform is carried out to synthesize the transientfield,the high-frequency values of the transfer function are damped in such a way that these errors have little effect on the solution.We have not plotted relative errors here,since high frequencies are near the limits of validity of the analytical reference solution.We observe a strong dependence of the synthesized late time solution on the distance of the outer bound-ary,where the perfect conductor boundary condition is imposed,enforcing a vanishing tangential com-ponent of the electricfield there.Since,for each frequency,we are solving a damped wave equation in which damping increases with frequency(atfixed conductivity),the solutions at higher frequenciesdecay faster towards the outer boundary.Therefore,the effect of error due to the inexact boundary con-dition is greatest at the lowest frequency.In the time domain,this is observed at late times,when all but the low frequency components have decayed.The non-exact boundary condition leads to consistency errors in the corresponding low frequency re-sponse for which the problem is originally formulated in terms of the matrix A0.Adjusting the outer boundaries improves the solution significantly.On the other hand,by restricting the total number of tri-angles within the discretized region,a coarser mesh in regions where steep changes in the solutions occur must be expected.To counteract this tendency,more Arnoldi iterations steps are necessary to obtain a satisfactory approximation of the high frequency part of the solution.On the left hand side in Fig.4,we display the relative error in the transient electricfield at a distance of 100m from the source.For model1the errore an(t)−e m(t)·100%e an(t)with e an(t)denoting the analytical solution and e m(t)the solution after m Arnoldi steps,is dominated at late times by the effect of the boundary condition,and increasing the Krylov subspace dimension from m=60to m=200does not result in an improvement.For models2and3,by contrast,a considerable improvement can be observed for the larger Krylov subspace,particularly for late times in the2400m case.The convergence with increasing m,measured in terms of the relative error||e an(t)−e m(t)||/||e an||,where||·||denotes the Euclidean norm of the transient at the receiver point for31discrete time values spaced logarithmically in[10−6,10−3],indicates that thefiner mesh resolution in the case of model1needs substantially fewer Arnoldi iterations than the larger models2and3.Finally,the computing time is dominated by the Arnoldi process.Once the Arnoldi basis of the Krylov space has been computed,the sweep over the frequencies adds only negligible puting time for the sparse LU decomposition can also be neglected,which is typical for2D problems.6.2The full3D caseFor the numerical experiments in3D we use vector(Nédélec)finite elements with quadratic basis func-tions.The FE approximation of the electricfield is therefore associated with the edges of the tetrahedral elements.The vertical magnetic transmitter dipole source is approximated by a square loop of10m edge length located in the plane defined by z=0.The electric currentflowing inside the loop is associated with edge currents attributed to the edges of those tetrahedral elements which coincide with the loop。
